Your Resume
Your Resume
Resume Sucks probably Your V 76% of resumes are discarded for an unprofessional email address 32% of resumes copy a large amount of wording from job postings On average, recruiters only spend 5 to 7 seconds reviewing a resume 58% of resumes have typos 35% of resumes don’t include a list of skills 58% of hiring managers said they’ve caught a lie on a resume Talent-management software weeds out up to 50% of applications before anyone ever looks at a resume Fix your resume with help from April 30, 2015 - 9 a.m.–5 p.m. PRSA Professional Development Center New York, N.Y. How to pitch yourself to an employer without striking out sd=9%2f11%2f2013&siteid=cbpr&sc_cmp1=cb_pr780_&id=pr780&ed=12%2f31%2f2013