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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC The Behaviour of Steel in Building Fires Konicek, L. This publication could be one of several versions: author’s original, accepted manuscript or the publisher’s version. / La version de cette publication peut être l’une des suivantes : la version prépublication de l’auteur, la version acceptée du manuscrit ou la version de l’éditeur. Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur: Bibliography, 30, p. 42, 1973-08-01 NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC: Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. L’accès à ce site Web et l’utilisation de son contenu sont assujettis aux conditions présentées dans le site LISEZ CES CONDITIONS ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT D’UTILISER CE SITE WEB. Contact us / Contactez nous: &. *- ,C - 11 -4 I( abutment lalcove r alignment brick lbuilding r bulkhead bungalow r caisson r causeway lattic lbatten lbay lbearing lbevel .'board lceiling lcellar gyps r deck r ard ldesi n ldimenson he ing r door parapet ,'-.Pa uLL'LT cement lceramlc lchimney lclay lconcrete heat ldormer ldovetailing ldowel ldwelling learth leave lefflorescence eight hou g insula lath llintel llouver r lumber r masanry lmeter lmodular lma ure lmortar lmou #30 lbond lbrace rB.$; fOGonR A PaUHe construction lcourse r deca TN m -C L l b grout e ~l e c i gB eerf P7 r apartment r arch r area r ashlar partition reinforced r reveal inter ljam lkna laminated ground ng lmu1Ion lnails lo r i e n t a t i w palnt lpanel r pediment r pier r pigment lpitch r plan lplaster r plumbing r plywood lprefabricated r quoins r rafter r roof r sand lsheathing lspecification lstress lvermiculite lwallboard lweathering lwindow lwire lwood THE BEHAVIOOR OF STEEL IN BUILDING FIRES I An Annotated Bibliography Compiled by L. KONICEK Steel Industries Fellow, Division of Building Research (Second holder of an industrial fellow ship e stablished by The Steel Induetry of Canada at the National qesearch C ouncil) I PART I MATERIAL PROPERTIES PART ff FIELE RESISTANCE PART III FIRE EXPERIENCE Revised August, 1973 (Entries in the April 1965 edition of this Bibliography by W. We Stanzak are included in this edition) DIVISION OF BUILDING RESEARCH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OTTAWA, CANADA Copies of articleslisted in this Bibliography may be obtained, in general, through the photocopyingservice of the National Science Library of Canada. The cost of copies prepared by the Xerox method is $0.10 per sheet with a minimum charge of $1.00. Microfilms (35mm) ore also available on request; the rote for this service is $0.1 5 for 10 exposures or fraction thereof with a minimum charge of $1.00. Requests for copies of articles should be addressed to the lnterlibrory Loan and Photocopying Servlce, National Science Library, National Research Council of Conada, Ottawa, Canada, K I A 052. Requesters ore asked not to submit payment with orders; invoices will be sent at regular intervals. Remittances in the form o f cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Receiver General of Canada credit National Research Council. I f preferred, a deposit account may be arranged, by submission of a cheque or money order / ,- PREFACE This edition of Bibliography No. 30 lists references about fire protection of steel constructions published until 1973. The references were obtained by reviewing technical journals and the references cited in relevant papers. The entries in the April 1965 edition of this Bibliography compiled by W.W. Stanzak a r e included. The material has been arranged by subject into three parts: I. Material Properties 11. F i r e Resistance F i r e Experience . Most of the entries include a brief summary., Others, whose title explain the subject sufficiently o r which were not available for review, a r e merely listed. F i r e resistance ratings a r e not included in this bibliography, Performance ratings can be found in such publications a s Supplement No. 2 to the National Building Code of Canada, National Board of F i r e Underwriters Listings, and the Building Materials List of Underwriter s y Laboratories, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to thank W. W. Stanzak, the f i r st holder of the Steel Industries Fellowship, for all his help and valuable comments. PART I - MATERIAL PROPERTIES The publications presented in this section contain information leading to an understanding of the deflection and collapse of steel structures at elevated temperatures, In addition, some references on behaviour of fire protective materials a r e listed. PART II - FIRE RESISTANCE Most of the available publications dealing with fire and steel a r e included in this part, They summarize present knowledge of fire protection of steel elements of structures, and practical application of that knowledge. They also indicate the course of future research activities. PART III - FLRE EXPERlENCE This part presents some analysis of fire development, analysis of fires in steel buildings and results of several full-~scale tests. (ii) THE BEHAVIOUR OF STEEL IN BUILDING FIRES C PART I - MATERIAL PROPERTIES ELASTIZIT~T UND FESTIGKEIT VON SPEZIAL S T ~ H L E NBEI HOHEN TEMPERATUREN (Elasticity and Strength of Special Steels a t Elevated Temperatures). G. Welter, Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet d e s Ingenieurwesens, Nr. 230, Verein deutscher Ingenieure , Berlin, 1921. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND DEFORMATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL AND CAST IRON SHAPES AT TEMPERATURES U P TO 950°C (1742°F). S.H. Ingberg and P.D. Sale. P r o c . , American Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 26, 1926, p. 33. The author presents the results of almost 100 compression t e s t s c a r r i e d out on structural steel I beams, channels and angles. A hollow round cast-iron shape was also investigated. The paper i s a useful part of the literature in that i t attempts t o throw light on the structural performance of building m a t e r i a l s under f i r e test. COMPRESSION TESTS OF STRUCTURAL STEEL AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES. P.D. Sale. National Bureau of Standards, Journal of Research, Vol. 13, R P 741, Washington, Nov. 1934. PROPERTIES OF METALS AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES. G. V. Smith. Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering Series. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. This book deals, in general, with plastic deformation, creep, and fracture of metals. The work i s particularly notable for its extensive bibliography comprising 488 references . THE ROLE OF ANELASTICITY IN CREEP, TENSION AND RELAXATION BEHAVIOUR. J. D. Lubahn. Trans. , Am. Soc. Metals, Vol. 45, 1953, p. 787-838. THE STRENGTH OF CARBON STEELS FOR ELEVATED TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS. R. F. M i l l e r , P r o c . , American Society f o r Testing and M a t e r i a l s , Vol. 54, 1954, p. 964. VERM.1CULITE AS FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL. L.A. Ashton. Civil Engineering (London), Vol. 50, No. 586, April 1955, p. 403-405. ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES O F CARBON STEELS. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 180, 1955. 63p. C R E E P OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS. McGraw-Hill, 1959. I. Finnie and W. R. Heller. COMPRESSION AND BUCKLING CHARACTERISTICS OF ANNEALED AND AGED INCONEL 718 NICKEL-CHROMIUM ALLOY AT TEMPERATURES UP TO 1400°F. J. Dubuc and G. Welter. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 303, 1961. Buckling t e s t s a t room and elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s w e r e c a r r i e d out on columns in a special fixture developed at Ecole Polytechnique (Montreal), using pin-ended supports. Experimental buckling s t r e s s e s a r e compared with those calculated by E u l e r ' s formula using the tangent modulus determined f r o m the experimental compression s t r e s s - s t r a i n diagrams. KRIECHFESTIGKEIT METALLISCHER WERKSTOFFE ( C r e e p Strength of Metallic M a t e r i a l s ) . F. K. G. Odgvist and J. Hult. Verlag Springer, Berlin, 1962. This book d e a l s with the following subjects: mathematical physical theory; s t r e s s and deformation during creep; rods, f r a m e s , plates, sheets; s t r e s s relaxation; t h e r m a l s t r e s s e s ; and stability problems during creep. A large n m b e r of bibliographical r e f e r e n c e s a r e included. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ASBESTOS. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 132, Art. 1, p. 1-766. Editor H, E . Whipple, December 31, 1965. THE BEHAVIOUR O F STRUCTURAL STEEL IN FIRE. Journal, 1966, No. 73, p. 379-85. F.P.A. Critical temperature and corresponding strength and rigidity a r e introduced f o r mild steel. Brief descriptions of t e s t s which were c a r r i e d out t o get m o r e p r e c i s e t e m p e r a t u r e s attained by s t e e l in f i r e s of different intensity a r e given. Results of f i r e t e s t s and furnace t e s t s a r e reported. ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TENSILE CREEP AND RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS CARBON STEELS, Tr\T "HIGH TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES O F STEELS. J. Glen, R. F. Johnson, M. J. May, D. Sweetman. Proceedings of the joint conference organized by the British Iron and Steel R e s e a r c h Association and the Iron and Steel Institute, Eastbourne, 1966, p. 159. " A COMPREHENSIVE CREEP MODEL. T. Z. Harmathy, Trans. , A.S.M.E., Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 89, S e r i e s D., No. 3, Sept. 1967, p. 496-502. Based on Dornls c r e e p theory, a comprehensive c r e e p model has been developed that i s applicable t o the calculation p r o c e s s a t steadily increasing t e m p e r a t u r e s and slowly varying load. BEHAVIOUR OF STRUCTURAL STEEL IN FIRE. Ministry of Technology and F i r e Officest Committee. Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization. Symposium No. 2. P r o c . , Symposium held a t the F i r e R e s e a r c h Station, Borehamwood, Herts. , January 1967. London, 1968. H e r Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 135,60s Od. BEHAVIOUR OF STRUCTURAL STEEL IN FIRE. 0. P i e r m a r i n i . Ministry of Technology and F i r e Offices1 Committee. Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization. Symposium No. 2. Bekraviour of Structural Steel in F i r e . P a p e r 11, p. 124-126. London, 1968. H.M. Stationery Office. 135 p, 60s Od. E F F E C T OF CARBON CONTENT ON THE REDUCTION OF YIELD POINT OF STEEL AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. K. Takano, F i r e Prevention Society of Japan, s i x monthly conference, May 20 and 21, 1969, p. 9-11. PREDICTION OF CREEP EQUATION OF STATE FROM ISOTHERMAL TESTS. D. Knight. D.H. Skinner, M. G. May. Melbourne Re s e a r c h Laboratories, Clayton, Vic. , Australia, 1969. The Broken Hill P r o p r i e t a r y Company Limited, Australia. BAULICHER BRANDSCHUTZ -BAUSTOFFE-SOUNDERBAUTEILE. H. Seekamp, H. Bub. Sonderheft zur Zeitschrift Bau. E r i c k Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1970. "Creep" of prestressing steel and elevated temperature properties of structural steels a r e presented. Also, f i r e spread a t exterior wall (floor to floor) i s discussed. ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE TENSILE AND CREEP PROPERTIES OF SOME STRUCTURAL AND PRESTRESSING STEELS. T. Z. Harmathy, W. W. Stanzak. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 186. The tensile and creep characteristics of two structural steels (ASTM A36 and CSA G-40.12) and/or prestressing steel (ASTM A421) have been investigated. ON THERMAL STRESSES IN BEAMS. B.A. Boley. Cornell University, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Technical Report No. 5, New York, May 1971, 21 p. MEASUREMENT O F THE DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURAL STEEL. S. J. Wiersma, S. B. Martin. Annual report, U. S. Stanford Research Institute. Menlo P a r k , California, August 1971, 49 p. and appendixe s . TENSILE DATA ON FOUR STRUCTURAL STEELS. A.G. Stevens, R. C. Cornish, D. H. Skinner. Melbourne Research Laboratories, Clayton, Vic., The Broken Hill P r o p r i e t a r y Company Limited, Australia. November, 1971. This report presents, in detail, the results of tensile testing a t controlled strain r a t e s and at temperature range. PART 11 - FIRE RESISTANCE THE FIREPROOFING OF STEEL BUILDINGS. J . K. Freitag. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1899. FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE PROTECTION. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1912. 3. K. Freitag. This work is now mainly of historical value, but detailed descriptions of the performance in m a j o r f i r e s of some "fireprooft*buildings a r e of interest. Also, many of the principles of f i r e protection set forth a r e unchanged with time, and still applicable. FIRE TESTS OF BUILDING COLUMNS. S.H. Ingberg, H.K. Griffin, W. C. Robinson, R. E. Wilson. U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Technologic P a p e r s of the Bureau of Standards, No. 184, 1921. This test s e r i e s involves an extensive inve stigation into building columns. The t e s t s on steel columns, in particular, a r e notable for the: (1) large number of steel shapes and sections (2) unprotected and partially protected columns tested (3) variety of protection covering materials investigated. Full details of f i r e t e s t data and supplementary test results a r e included. F i r e tests were carried out in accordance with the now standard requirements of ASTM E l 19, although the standard had not yet been developed a t the time. REPORT OF A FIRE ENDURANCE TEST MADE UPON A STEEL I JOIST FLOOR. University of Columbia, Dept. of Civil Engineering, May 1932. A f i r e test on a floor supported by long-span steel joists ( 2 0 f t ) was carried out in a wood fired t e s t chamber. The results report a f i r e exposure of 101.32 per cent in a test period of over 2 1/2 hours. FEUERSICHERHEIT VON STAHLSKELETTBAUTEN, ( F i r e Safety of Steel Skeleton Structures). E. P e stalozzi. Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Nr. 27, 1938. MASCO FIREPROOF SPECZFICATION PLASTER. Munn and Steele Inc. , New York, 1946. This paper includes a report of a f i r e test conducted a t New York when g i r d e r s , columns and floor joists were all incorporated in a single t e s t assembly. The steel f r a m e was not loaded, and only the temperature of the steel columns and g i r d e r s was recorded. The floor on the joists, however, was subjected to a live load. LA PROTECTION DES CONSTRUCTIONS METALLIQUES CONTRE LE FEU, (The Protection of Metallic Structures Against F i r e ) . A.N. Balbchersky. Ossature Mgtallique, 1948, No. 4, p. 190. FEUERSICHERHEIT VON STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures). E. Pestalozzi. Zweite Internationale Tagung d e r Stahlberatungs stellen, London, 1948. DIE FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLBAUTEN, ( F i r e Safety of Steel Buildings). F. ~ G h l e r . Stahlbau, Bericht Nr. 6, 1948. FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, I. Teil, ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures). E. Geilinger and C. F. Kollbrunner. Mitteilungen d e r Technische Kommis sion de s Verbandes Schweizerischer ~ r z c k e n b a u - u n dStahlhochbau Unternehmungen, Nr. 3, Verlag Leernann, ~ G r i c h ,1950. The authors develop their subject in a fundamental manner. F i r e load, classification of buildings according t o hazard, the performance of steel in f i r e , economic aspects of f i r e , and insurance a r e considered. DIE FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, (The F i r e Safety of Steel Structures). E. Geilinger. Bauzeitung, Nr. 49, Dec. 1950. Schweizerische This article presents a brief treatment of the subject m a t t e r contained in FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, I. Teil. FIRE TESTS OF STEEL COLUMNS PROTECTED WITH SILICEOUS AGGREGATE CONCRETE. N. D. Mitchell. U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Building Materials and Structures Report, BMS 124, Washington, 1951. F o u r f i r e t e s t s a r e reported but the aggregates do not represent normal concrete aggregates. HOW TO FIREPROOF A LIGHT STEEL FRAME-AND KEEP IT LIGHT. Architectural Forum, Vol. 96, Feb. 1952, p. 140. Protection against f i r e of light steel f r a m e s i s discussed, including economic aspects due to dead load. Contemporary methods of column and ceiling protection a r e shown. FIRE TESTS OF STEEL COLUMNS ENCASED WITH GYPSUM LATH AND PLASTER. N. D. Mitchell and J . V. Ryan. U. S. Department of Commerce , National Bureau of Standards, Building Mate r i a l s and Structures Report BMS 135, Washington, April 1953. The report comprises 16 f i r e t e s t s , 14 of which were c a r r i e d out in accordance with the then relatively new alternate method of t e s t , f i r s t appearing in ASTM E l 19-47. FIRE TESTS OF COLUMNS PROTECTED WITH GYPSUM. N.D. Mitchell. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Research Paper RP563, Journal of Research, Vol. 10, Washington, June 1953. This booklet contains the results of 6 f i r e t e s t s on steel columns protected by gypsum block masonry. INVESTIGATION ON BUILDING FIRES; PART V: FIVE TESTS ON STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. L.A. Ashton and N. Darcy. National Building Studies, Re s e a r c h P a p e r No. 12, Her Majesty1s Stationery Office, London, 1953. This book contains f i r e test results f o r brick walls, solid partitions, reinforced concrete walls, hollow partitions, filler joist floors, reinforced concrete floors, hollow clay tile floors, timber floors, protected steel columns, reinforced concrete columns and protected steel beams. FIRE ENDURANCE OF OPEN-WEB STEEL JOIST FLOORS WITH CONCRETE SLABS AND GYPSUM CEILINGS. U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Building Materials and Structures Report BMS 141, Washington, August 1954. This i s a report on 18 f i r e t e s t s of steel joist supported assemblies. Various plaster thicknesses and supporting means were investigated. EXPLORATORY FIRE ENDURANCE TEST ON STEEL FLOOR UNITS PROTECTED WITH VERMICULITE ACOUSTICAL PLASTIC. Vermiculite Institute, Chicago, M a r c h 1956. A small-scale f i r e test on a panel 3 f t by 3 1/2 f t i s described in detail. Temperatures measured a t various locations in the c r o s s -section of the specimen a r e plotted, t o show the temperature distribution in a floor of this type. AN ANALYSIS OF THE FIRE RESISTANCE OF STEEL FLOOR CONSTRUCTIONS PROTECTED ON THEIR UNDERSIDE BY DIRECTLY APPLIED VERMICULITE ACOUSTICAL PLASTIC. Vermiculite Institute, Chicago, 1956. FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, 11 Teil ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures). E. Geilinger and W. Geilinger. Verlag Schweizer Stahlbauverband, ~ g r i c h ,1956. This booklet contains the results of small-scale t e s t s on insulating protective materials for steel. The furnace had an opening of 1 square m e t e r and was oil fired. A hose s t r e a m , generally not used in small-scale testing, was applied t o each sample after test. STUDIES OF TYPE 301 STAINLESS STEEL COLUMNS. J. Dubuc, V. N. Krivobok and G. Welter. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 196, 1957. The authors report on a study of the behaviour in compression of type 301 austenitic stainless steel structural elements. The beneficial effects of heat treatment a t relatively low temperatures on the s t r e s s - s t r a i n relationship is revealed. STAHLSTGTZEN BRANDVERSUCHE MIT IN ENGLAND, ( F i r e Tests of Steel Columns in England). P. BouC. Fortschritte und Forschungen im Bauwesen, Reihe D, Heft 27, Baulicher Feuerschutz, 1957. CONCRETE FILLED STANCHIONS. P. BouC. No. 9, Sept. 1957, p. 351. Acier -Stahl-Steel, The structural design and f i r e -resistance of concrete filled columns a r e examined. Results of 13 f i r e t e s t s on tubular specimens, some unfilled, others filled, and several filled and with an outer protective mantle, a r e tabulated. Tests were carried out in accordance with German Specification DIN 4102, except that the t e s t s were continued until structural failure occurred (rather than the 350°C specified maximum average steel temperature). It was shown that steam buildup in closed cross-sections m a y cause premature structural failure in the f i r e test. FIRE -RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION IN MODERN STEEL-FRAMED BUILDINGS. American Institute of Steel Construction, New York, Sept. 1959. Modern materials, floor assemblies, column protections and membrane protections a r e mentioned. Tables for f i r e resistance ratings of protected columns, beams, girders, t r u s s e s , floor assemblies and roof systems a r e provided. A f i r e in a department store having plaster membrane protection for structural m e m b e r s i s examined. A description of f i r e protection to the steel f r a m e of some modern buildings is also included. DER F E U E R S C ~ U T Z IM STAHLHOCHBAU, INSBESONDERE VON STAHLSTUTZEN, ( F i r e Protection in Steel High-Rise Buildings, Particularly of Steel Columns). Berichte de s Deut scheyl Ausschusses fr: Stahlbau, Heft 21. Stahlbau-Verlag, Koln, 1959. STEEL BUILDINGS AND FIRE PROTECTION IN EUROPE. C. F. Kollbrunner. Proc. , American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Structural Division, Vol. 85, No. ST9, Nov. 1959, p . 125-149. A general picture of steel frame construction in Europe i s presented. The author examines f i r e loads and the corresponding structural f i r e resistance required. Some non-standard f i r e t e s t s a r e briefly described, on both interior and exterior columns. The author concludes that carefully designed steel structures may be unprotected with a f i r e load of up t o 25 kg/m2(5. 12 lb/ft2). FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN, 111 Teil: FEUERVERSUCHE MIT BELASTETEN STAHLRAHMEN ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures, P a r t LII: F i r e T e s t s with Loaded Steel F r a m e s ) . C. F. Kollbrunner. Verlag Schweizer Stahlbauverband, ~ G r i c h ,1959. Three f i r e t e s t s on loaded welded steel f r a m e s a r e recorded. One frame was unprotected, the other lightly protected (concrete fill in the section profiles). The f i r e load in the wood fired t e s t chamber was varied f r o m approximately 5 to 10 lb. p e r sq. f t . LIGHTWEIGHT FIRE PROTECTION AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. A. R. Mackay. The Structural Engineer, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1, Jan. 1960, p. 20. The paper suggests that use of massive dense concrete encasements for the f i r e protection of structural steel i s outdated and uneconomical. The application of lightweight f i r e protection in the form of vermiculite/gypsum plaster i s discussed and i t s economics a r e examined. Several general recommendations a r e introduced for the guidance of structural engineers and designers. BEWERTUNG DES FEUERSCHUTZES DER STAHLKONSTRUKTIONEN NACH DEM PUNKTSYSTEM, (Determination of F i r e Resistance in Steel Structures by the Point System). C F. Kollbrunner and P. B o d . Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Vol. 78, No, 9, M a r c h 1960. . A proposed point system f o r calculating the degree of protection required by structural steel in a building i s described. The point number i s determined primarily by the f i r e load, but many other factors affecting f i r e hazard to a building a r e accounted for. The method determines, depending on the number of points accumulated, whether steelwork should be unprotected, lightly protected, o r massively protected. Three hours i s the maximum f i r e resistance requirement provided for. BERECHNUNG DER FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKPNSTRUKTIONEN IM HOCHBAU UND IHRE PRAKTISCHE DURCHFUHRUNG, (Calculation of F i r e Safety in High-Rise Steel Structures and i t s Practical Application). C. F. Kollbrunner and P. B o d . Verlag Schweiaer Stahlbauverband, ~ G r i c h ,1960. The purpose of this paper is to serve a s a basis of discussion with European building officials. A method of evaluating the protection (if any) required by structural s t e e l m e m b e r s if described. Tables of thickness of protective cover required to give the calculated f i r e resistance a r e included. (This publication has also been issued in English and French). FEUER UND STAHL, ( F i r e and Steel). W. Geilinger. Mitteilungen d e r Teknische Kommission, Heft 21, Verlag Schweizer Stahlbauverband, ~ G r i c h ,July 1960. SPONSORED FIRE-RESISTANCE TESTS ON STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. Joint F i r e Research Organization, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960. This publication briefly gives t e s t results for the following constructions: 1. load -bearing walls (including some steel columns a s a p a r t of the wall); 2. non-loadbearing walls (including sheet steel walls); 3. simply supported floors with attached ceilings; 4, restrained floors with attached ceilings; 5. floors with suspended ceilings; 6. protected steel columns. FIREPROOFING STEEL HISTORY AND DESIGN METHODS IN THE U. S. A. K. R. Woods and F.A. Thulin. Acier-Stahl-Steel, No. 12, Dec. 1960, p. 513. The w r i t e r s present a brief history of the ASTME-119 standard f i r e test. Some examples of f i r e resistance ratings for beams and joists a r e given. The formula for predicting f i r e resistance ratings, outlined in Building Materials and Structure s Report No. 92 of the NationalBureau of Standards have been extended by the authors. SULLA RESISTENZA DEI PILASTRI DI ACCLAIO ALLE ELEVATE TEMPERATURE, (On the Resistance of Steel Columns t o Elevated Temperature). Salvatore Cuomo. L'ingenere , N. 5, Rome, 1960. This report contains a theoretical study of steel columns based on the mechanical properties of steel at elevated temperatures and on the Euler and modified Euler equation. SU ALUME PROVE AL FUORO DI STRUTTURE DI ACCIAIO VERIAMENTE PROTETTE, ( T e s t s on the behaviour in f i r e of steel structures with various types of insulation). Salvatore Cuomo. Antincendio e protezione civile, N. 23 and 24, Nov. and Dec. 1960, Rome. PROTECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL AGAINST FIRE. G.I. Bird. Joint F i r e Research Organization F i r e Note No. 2, London, 1961. The protection of steel columns and beams, a s well a s protection of structural steel by suspended ceilings i s briefly discussed. PROTECTION OF STEEL IN BUILDINGS - SOME PRESENT TRENDS. Joint F i r e Re s e a r c h Organization, International Council f o r Building Re s e a r c h Studie s and Documentation. Working party on f i r e research, 61/32 (U. K. ) 1961. This short paper on protection o r lack of protection t o steel in buildings mentions modern light f o r m s of encasements for beams and columns, a s well as continuous ceiling (membrane) protection. FIRE PROTECTION IN STEEL FRAMED BUILDINGS. 0. Piermarini. C. I. B. Working P a r t y on F i r e Research. 61/51 (I). 11 p. This paper presents an opinion which differs somewhat f r o m American practice. A %irtual f i r e load", rather than the actual f i r e load, i s advocated. "Virtual f i r e load" i s evaluated by a point system not described here. FIRE PROTECTION THROUGH MODERN BUILDING CODES. Iron and Steel Institute, New York, 1961. American FIRE TEST OF A STEEL COLUMN OF 8-INCH "H" SECTION, PROTECTED WITH 4-INCH SOLID HAYDITE BLOCKS. T. Z. Harmathy and J. A. C. Blanchard, National Research Council, Division of Building Research, F i r e Study No. 6, F e b r u a r y 1962, (NRC 6668). FEUERSICHERHEIT DER STAHLKO,TSTRUKTIONEN, IV Teil: FEUERSCHUTZ VON STALSTUTZEN, ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures, P a r t IV: F i r e Protection of Steel Columns). W. Geilinger m d S. Bryl. Verlag Schweizer Stahlbauverband, ~ G r i c h ,1962. This booklet contains the results of t e s t s c a r r i e d out by the authors f r o m 1957 to 1959. The relationship between f i r e load, f i r e development, and f i r e duration is s e t down. A theoretical method of calculating the f i r e resistance of steel columns engulfed in flames on a l l sides i s proposed, and i t s practical application i s illustrated. FIRE TESTS WITH EXTERIOR COLUMNS. Stahlbau, Berlin, May 1963. W. Bongard. Der This paper comprises a s e r i e s of f i r e t e s t s on unprotected and partially protected exterior columns. These t e s t s constitute an inf orrnative s e r i e s but the number of variables inve stigated by only a few experiments was rather large. The columns were not loaded during the tests. (Copies of this article in English a r e available f r o m the American Iron and Steel Institute. ) THE THEORETICAL CALCULATION OF TEMPERATURE RISE OF THERMALLY PROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS EXPOSED TO FIRE. Seiichi Fujii. Building Research Institute, Japan. Occasional Report No. 10, June 1963. MODERN FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURAL STEELWORK. British Constructional Steel Association, Pub. No. F P E , 1963. Various types of protection for beams and columns a r e illustrated, and their f i r e resistant classifications listed. Membrane protection systems f o r floor beams a r e also included. The protective materials a r e of a proprietary nature. FIRE RESISTANCE OF ENCASED STEEL STANCHIONS. H. L. Malhotra and R. F. Stevens. P r o c . , Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 27, Jan. 1964, p. 77. This paper describes f i r e t e s t s on columns designed a s cornbination columns in accordance with British Standard BS 449 (1959). An intereGstingcomparison with the results of e a r l i e r f i r e t e s t s on concrete encased columns i s thus provided. Covers ranging from 1 to 3 in. of stone aggregate concrete were investigated. FIRE ENDURANCE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS. G. W. Shorter. National Research Council, Division of Building Research, Canadian Building Digest No. 53, Ottawa, May 1964. TEN RULES OF FIRE RESISTANCE RATING. T.Z. Harmathy. National Research Council, Division of Building Research, Building Research Note No. 46, Ottawa, July 1964. Ten fundamental rules of f i r e endurance rating a r e presented and explained in this note. Several examples of their application in practice a r e a l s o provided. The paper i s a useful contribution t o the literature particularly in that it indicates means for correctly assessing the effect of changes f r o m tested assemblies. ERMITTLUNG DES EINFLUSSES DER QUERSCHNITTSGR~SSEVON UMMANTELTEN AUF DAS ERGEBNIS VON BRANDVERSPJCHEN (Determining the Effect of C r o s s -Section Size on the Results of F i r e T e s t s of Encased Steel Beams). T. Kristen and H. J. Wierig. Baulicher Brandschutz, Berlin, 1964. Verlag Wilhelm E r n s t und Sohn, Berlin. STAHLTRXGERN Five f i r e t e s t s on loaded beams of various cross-sections a r e described. It was concluded that both the beam profile and weight affect the results of f i r e t e s t s , but further work would be required before quantitative information could be developed. FIRE ENDURANCE OF PROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS AND BEAMS. M. Galbreath and W, Stanzak. National Research Council, Division of Building Research, Technical P a p e r No. 194, Ottawa, May 1965, (NRC 8379). This paper brings together the results of f i r e endurance t e s t s . UNPROTECTED STEEL SUPPORTS. Firemen, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1966, p. 11. The article warns of the possible collapse of the tank supporting steel columns under intense fire. FIRE RESISTANCE AND STEEL FRAMED BUILDINGS. H. L. Malhotra. Building Materials, April 1966, p. 69 -72. The article introduces the time requirements f o r f i r e resistance of buildings with different height and use. The technical properties of steel at high temperatures a r e discussed. Seine methods of application of light m a t e r i a l s as a f i r e protection of steel structural elements a r e described. E F F E C T OF STRUCTURAL RESTRAINT ON THE FIRE RESISTANCE OF PROTECTED STEEL BEAM FLOOR AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES. R. Bletzacher. (Sponsored by American Iron and Steel Institute). U . S. Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station. F i n a l Report EES 246/266. Columbus, Ohio, 1966, pp. 130. FIRE TESTS ON WIDE-FLANGE STEEL BEAMS PROTECTED WITH GYPSUM -SANDED PLASTER. W. W. Stanzak. National Research Council, Division of Building Research, F i r e Study No. 16, Ottawa, June 1967. This r e p o r t d e s c r i b e s a s e r i e s of t h r e e f i r e t e s t s on wide-flange s t e e l beams protected with gypsum-sanded plaster. - WATER-FILLED TUBULAR STEEL COLUMNS FIRE PROTECTION WITHOUT COATING. L. G. Seigel, Civil Engineering, 1967 37(9) 65-7. FIRE RESISTANCE O F STEEL DECK FLOOR ASSEMBLIES. H. Shaub, S. L. H. Ingberg, U. S. Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards. Building Science S e r i e s 11, Washington, Dec. 1967, pp. 22. FIRE TEST ON A WIDE-FLANGE STEEL BEAM PROTECTED WITH A ONE-INCH GYPSUM-SANDED PLASTER SUSPENDED CEILING MEMBRANE. W. W. Stanzak. National Re s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research, F i r e Study No. 19, Ottawa, December 1967. T h i s r e p o r t d e s c r i b e s a f i r e t e s t on a wide-flange steel beam and floor section protected by a suspended ceiling membrane of gypsum-sanded plaster. FIRE PROTECTION OF STRUCTURAL HOLLOW SECTIONS BY FILLING WITH WATER. A r e p o r t to Stewards and Lloyds Ltd. appendixes. W. S. Atkins & P a r t n e r s , Epsom, 1967. Printed. 27 p. + FIRE AND THE PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES. L.A. Ashton, Structural Engineer, Vol. 46, No. 1, Jan. 1968, p. 5-12. This paper h a s been prepared a s a f a i r l y detailed review of f i r e protection of s t r u c t u r e s . Most attention is given t o f i r e r e s i s t a n c e , the f a c t o r s affecting t h i s property of s t r u c t u r e s , and the data derived f r o m t e s t s f o r m a n y f o r m s of construction. DER SCHUTZ VON STAHLBAUTEILEN GEGEN FEUER. J . Stanke. ~ r a n d v e r h E t z u nund ~ ~ r a n d b e k - ~ f u n ~Nr. 2, 1968. (In German). Protection of s t e e l building elements against f i r e . RESEARCH ON THE FIRE RESISTANCE OF STEEL BEAMS. H. Saito. Japan, Ministry of Construction. Building R e s e a r c h Institute. R e s e a r c h P a p e r 31, M a r c h 1968, pp. 24. BRANDVERSUCHE AN UMMANTELTEN STAHLTR~GERN. C. Me y e r Ottens. D e r Stahlbau, 37 Jahrg., Heft 6, Juni 1968, p. 4. - Description and r e s u l t s of f i r e t e s t s of protected s t e e l beams. THE CIRCULATION O F WATER THROUGH STRUCTURES. Acier-Stahl-Steel, No. 10, October 1968, p. 448-50. J. Reverdy. The a r t i c l e d e s c r i b e s the construction of a high-rise building in F r a n c e . Water -filled tubular columns a r e linked together a t the top and bottom and s e r v e a s a communicating vessel. At a n outbreak of f i r e , the m e t a l temperature does not r e a c h a dangerous level. CONVENTION EUROPEEN DES ASSOCLATIONE DE LA CONSTRUGTIONE METALLIQUE. Subcommittee 3.1. , Locarno 1968, p. 16. (In French). This is a r e s e a r c h r e p o r t on the f i r e resistance of m e t a l construction, in 1967-68. FEUERWIDERS~ANDSFXHIGKEIT VON WASSERGEK~HLTEN STAHLSTUTZEN. H. Ehm, W. Bongard. D e r Stahlbau, 37(1968), H.G., p. 161-64 (In German). An a r t i c l e discussing the f i r e r e s i s t a n c e of water-cooled s t e e l columns. BRANDSCHUTZ IM STAHLBAU, TEIL 1, C. Meyer-Ottens. Stahlbau-Verlags G rn b H, ~ g l n ,1968 (In German). - P a r t 1 is concerned with f i r e protection of underfloor framework. BRANDSCHUTZ IM STAHLBAU, TEIL 2. C. Meyer-Ottens. Stahlbau - Verlags G m b H, Kgln, 1968 (In German). - P a r t 2 is concerned with f i r e protection of s t e e l columns and beams. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS ON TEMPERATURES REACHED BY STEEL IN BUILDINGS. E.G. Butcher, G.K. Bedford, P. J. Terdell. Symposium No. 2. , Behaviour of Structural Steel in F i r e , P a p e r No. 1, H.M. Stationery Office, London 1968. FIRE RESISTANCE OF STEEL DECK FLOOR ASSEMBLIES. H. Shaub, S.H. Ingberg. p. 78-97Ministry of Technology and F i r e Office s t Committee. Joint F i r e Re s e a r c h Organization. Symposium No. 2. Behaviour of Structural Steel in F i r e . P a p e r 7. London, 1968. H e r Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 135 60s Od. FIRE TESTS ON PROTECTED STEEL GIRDERS. C. Meyer-Ottens, p. 118-22. Ministry of Technology and F i r e Offices1 Committee. Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization. Symposium No. 2. Behaviour of Structural Steel in F i r e . P a p e r 10. London, 1968. H e r Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 135,60s Od. BRANNBESKY TTELSE AV STALKONSTRUKSJONER. F. ~ b ~ r n a r k Bygg, 1969, 17(10), p. 184-186 (In Swedish). The a r t i c l e is concerned with f i r e protection of steel s t r u c t u r e s , classification of m a t e r i a l s and recommends m a t e r i a l s suitable f o r protection of s t e e l elements. STEEL PROPERTIES FOR FIRE RESISTANCE. R. Groenhaut, D. C. Knight, D. H. Skinner. Melbourne R e s e a r c h Laboratories, Clayton, Vic. The Broken Hill P r o p r i e t a r y Co. Ltd. , Australia, May 1969. FIRE RESISTANCE O F PROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS. Protection Review, May 1969, p. 236. Fire This technical information sheet i l l u s t r a t e s various f o r m s of protected steel columns and beams which have been given a f i r e r e s i s t a n c e grading. DESIGN OF LIQUID -FILLED STRUCTURAL MEMBERS FOR FIRE RESISTANCE. L. G. Seigel, Acier -Stahl-Steel, No. 6, June 1969, p. 262-66. This paper presents the design procedure that was used t o establish the f i r e resistance for the liquid-filled exterior USS Cor -Ten high-strength low alloy steel columns of the United States Steel Office Building being constructed in Pittsburgh, Pa. , USA. FIRE TESTS ON A WATER-COOLED STEEL COLUMN. (In German) E. Knublauch, Stahlbau, 1969, 38 (6) 182-4. - SHEET STEEL AS A PROTECTIVE MEMBRANE FOR STEEL BEAMS AND COLUMNS. W. W. Stanzak, National Research Council, Division of Building Research, F i r e Study No. 23, Mov. 1969. (NRC 10865). A protective membrane separates the member t o be protected from the f i r e , without coming into direct thermal contact with the member. This report describes the results of f i r e t e s t s on a steel beam and two columns. BRANDVERSUCHE AN EINER WASSERGEK~LTEN S T A H L S T ~ T Z E N . E. Knublauch, Der Stahlbau 38 (1969), H. C., p. 182-184. The article describes f i r e testing of water -filled steel columns. KVALIFICERAD BRANDTEKNISK DIMENSIONERING AV S T A L B ~ R V E R K (Qualified Fire-Protection Design of Steel Structures). I? S.E. Magnusson, 0. Petterson. Byggmastaren, Vol. 48, 1969, No. 9, p. 23-31. (In Swedish). The article deals with specification of f i r e load and determination of time -tempe rature curve. Some simplifying methods for calculation of f i r e performance by relation of time-temperature curve field t o load-bearing capacity of structure for each point in time during a f i r e a r e presented. WATER-FILLED STEEL COLUMNS FOR FIRE PROTECTION. L. W. P o r t , J , J. Keough, R. W. Woollett. Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers Australia, 1969, p. 162-4. Water a s a coolant is used f o r a t e m p e r a t u r e reduction of s t e e l columns. THE CALCULATION O F THE FIRE RESISTANCE O F STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS. Schweizerische Zentralstelle f g r Stahlbau, Zurich, 1969. 42 p. Translated by W. W. Starrzak, (Issued a s NRC Tech. Translation No. 1425). The problems of f i r e protection of s t e e l construction have been placed on a scientific b a s i s and the required f i r e r e s i s t a n c e laid down. The calculation method presented herein p e r m i t s prediction of f i r e resistance. It m a y be noted that the assumptions and r e sult s w e r e thoroughly checked through evaluation of f i r e tests. BEREGNING AV KONSTRUKSJONERS B R A N N P ~ K J E N N ~ G , OPPVARMING OG ISOLASJON. J. Thrane. Bygg, 1969, 17(10), p. 176-83 (In Swedish). WASSERK~HLUNG VON STAHLST~TZENIM FEUER. E. Knublauch, ~ r a n d v e r h ; t u n ~und Brandbekampfung, No. 1, 1970. (In German). Water cooling of s t e e l columns in f i r e . - SOME DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS. FIRE ENDURANCE Engineering Digest, April 1970. (NRC 1 1465). W. W. Stanzak, The basic a i m of designing f o r f i r e endurance is t o i n c r e a s e the stability of construction and t o d e c r e a s e the deformation which m a y develop in individual components when exposed t o fire . A METHOD OF CALCULATING THE FIRE RESISTANCE DURATION O F STEEL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. (In German). R. Rudolphi, E. Knublauch. F o r t s c h r . B e r . VDI-Z, 1970, 5(10), 41 -90. SHEET STEEL AS A FIRE PROTECTIVE MEMBRANE. Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Case Histories No. 16, p, 8, June 1970. A sheet s t e e l functioning a s a f i r e protective membrane i s a new concept of f i r e protection. Three f i r e t e s t s a r e reported - one on a beam and two on columns. F i r e resistance c l a s s ification t i m e s ranged f r o m 314 hr. t o 2 h r . The work was c a r r i e d out under the Steel Industries Fellowship P r o g r a m . DESIGNING FOR FIRE SAFETY WITH EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL. L.G. Seigel. F i r e Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, Nov. 1970. Two methods of protecting exposed s t r u c t u r a l steel f r o m f i r e within a building a r e described. They are: liquid filled tubular m e m b e r s and flame shields. The t e s t data on which the designs a r e based is reviewed t o provide experimental support. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND FZRE PERFORMANCE. W. W. Stanzak, National Research Council, Division of Building Research, Building Research Note.No. 73, Ottawa, Feb. 1971, 6 P* FIRE ENGINEERING DIMENSIONING OF INSULATED STEEL STRUCTURES HAVING LOAD-BEARING OR SEPARATING FUNCTIONS. S.E. Magnusson, 0. Pettersson. (Vag och vottonbyggaren, 1969 (4) 197-213). I r o n and Steel Institute. BISI 8641. London, Feb. 1971. - EVALUATION OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF STEELS IN FIRE. D. C. Knight. BHP technical bulletin, Vol. 15, No. 2, November 197 1. Author d i s c u s s e s human safety, f i r e ratings, basic f a c t o r s of f i r e severity and fuels. Other p a r t s of the article deal with behaviour of steel under f i r e conditions and economy of f i r e protection. II-17 BRANDSCHUTZ VON S T A H L S T ~ T Z E NDURCH WASSERK~HLUNG. Der Bauingenieur, 46 (1971), Heft 5. (In German). Describes an on-site f i r e t e s t on a water-filled column in Dus seldorf. The temperature i n the f i r e compartment reached 1000°C i n 90 minutes, but the t e m p e r a t u r e on the steel column never exceeded 180°C. CALCULATION OF THE FIRE RESISTANCE LIMIT VALUE TO BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF FIRE LOADING IN RELATION TO THE STRUCTURES OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. K. Kovacs. Hungary, Epitosugyi Monosegellenorzo Intezet. (EMT) Budapest, 1971, 14 p. DESIGN OF FIRE-RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES WITH STEEL JOINTS. B.M. Cohn. Arlington, Va. (1971). 42 p. (Steel J o i s t Institute, Technical Digest No. 4). Jointly by Gage-Babcock and Associates, Inc. OPTIMUM FIRE RESISTANCE O F STRUCTURES. T. T. Lie. National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Re s e a r c h , Technical P a p e r No. 356, Ottawa, J a n u a r y 1972. (NRC 12249). COLUMN COVERS: A PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF SHEET STEEL AS A PROTECTIVE MEMBRANE. W. W. Stanzak. National Re s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Re s e a r c h , F i r e Study 27, Feb. 1972, 26 p. (NRC 12483). This is a description of two f i r e t e s t s on s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l columns protected by standard gypsum wallboard held i n place with sheet s t e e l column covers. A NUMERICAL PROCEDURE T O CALCULATE THE TEMPERATURE OF PROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS EXPOSED TO FIRE. T.T. L i e , T. Z. Harmathy, National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research. F i r e Study No. 28, Ottawa, M a r . 1972. (NRC 12535). FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN FOR STEEL STRUCTURES. H. Saito. Japan, Ministry of Construction, Building R e s e a r c h Institute R e s e a r c h P a p e r No. 53, Tokyo, May 1972, pp. 36. DESIGN OF FIRE COVER ON S T E E L STRUCTURE. T. Wakamatsu. Japan, Ministry of Construction, Building R e s e a r c h Institute R e s e a r c h P a p e r No. 54, Tokyo, M a y 1972, pp. 36. TESTING AND ASSESSMENT OF THE FIRE BEHAVIOUR OF STEEL STANCHIONS. J . Stanke, ( P r o g r e s s Reports of VDI Journal, S e r i e s 5, No. 10, Oct. 1970). Department of the Environment. Building Research Station. Library Translation No. 307, Borehamwood, July 1972. Typescript 32 p. A METHOD OF CALCULATING THE FIRE RESISTANCE DURATION OF STEEL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. R. Rudolphi, E. Knublauch. ( P r o g r e s s Reports of VDI Journal, Series 5, No. 10, Oct. 1. Department of the Environment. Building Research Establishment. F i r e Research Station. Library Translation No. 305. Borehamwood, July 1972. Typescript 32 p. and figs. EXTREME VALUE THEORY AND FIRE RESISTANCE. G. Ramachandran, Department of the Environment and F i r e Officesa Committee. Joint F i r e Research Organization. F i r e Research Note 943 Borehamwood, August 1972. FIRE AND BUILDINGS. London, 1972. T. T. Lie, Applied Science Publishers Ltd. , This book deals with various aspects of protection of buildings against spread of f i r e and collapse. Descriptions a r e given on the development process of f i r e and the estimation of the expected temperature and duration of f i r e s in buildings. Particular emphasis is placed on preventing the spread of f i r e by compartmentation of a building with f i r e -resisting constructions. Attention i s a l s o paid t o economic aspects of fire. SWITZERLAND. BRAND-VERH~JTTUNGSDIENT GEWERBE. G.E. Blatt, /42/2372, 22 p. (in German). , F ~ INDUSTRIE R UND Zurich, 1972. Printed, FIRE TESTS ON PROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS WITH DIFFERENT CROSS -SECTIONS. W. W. Stanzak, T. T. Lie. National Re s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research, F i r e Study 30, Ottawa, Feb. 1973. (NRC 13072) Seven f i r e t e s t s were conducted to provide experimental data showing how column f i r e endurance varies with the size and shape of the steel cross-section. All columns were protected with the same thickness of insulating material. The results a r e plotted to show how generalized f i r e endurance ratings can be developed f o r a particular protective material. HOW STEEL FITS IN WHEN FIRE PROTECTION I$ A MAJOR WORRY. W. W, Stanzak. Board of Trade Journal, March 1973. Toronto. FIRE RESISTANCE OF UNPROTECTED STEEL COLUMNS. W. W. Stanzak, T. T. Lie. ASCE, Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 99, No. ST5, May, 1973. p. 837-852The w r i t e r s have investigated the f i r e resistance of unprotected steel columns by methods of numerical calculation and by full-scale f i r e t e s t s in their laboratory, with a view t o developing simple expressions f o r calcula3;ing the f i r e resistance of these building elements . PART 111 - FIRE EXPERIENCE TESTS O F SEVERITY O F BUILDING FIRES. S. H. Ingberg N. F. P. A. Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 1, July 1928, p. 43. Experiments in two f i r e - r e s i s t i v e t e s t buildings with a c t u a l office and r e c o r d r o o m furnishings a r e described, resulting i n the proposal of a n e m p i r i c a l method f o r determining equivalent f i r e s e v e r i t y with r e s p e c t to the standard f u r n a c e test. FIRE TEST O F BRICK JOISTED BUILDINGS. N. F. P. A. Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 1, July 1928, p. 62. DAS GROSSFEUER IN DEM STAHLSKELETTBAU DES WARENHAUSES "ARAWIN PRAG (The G r e a t F i r e i n the Steel Skeleton Construction of the Warehouse "AraH i n Prague). E. Melan. Bauingenieur, Heft 27, 193 1. FIRE IN BUILDINGS. E. L. B i r d and S. J. Docking. Black Ltd., London, 1949. A.and C. A rational tr ealment of the subject of f i r e and f i r e protection i n building construction is presented. Such a s p e c t s as combustibility, f i r e load, f i r e growth, behaviour of m a t e r i a l s in f i r e , and f i r e in s t e e l f r a m e d buildings a r e considered. F I R E GRADING O F BUILDINGS. Part I. G e n e r a l P r i n c i p l e s and S t r u c t u r a l Precautions P o s t War Building Studies London, 1946. No. 20, H.M.S.O., . SIZE AND BORDER CONDITIONS O F TEST SPECIMEN IN THEIR RELATION TO RESULTS O F FIRE TESTS. S.H. Ingberg. American Society f o r Testing Materials, 1949 Reprint, ASTM 93. S TAHLBAU UND FEUERPOLIZEI. (Steel Building and F i r e Officials) E. Geilinger Mitteilungen d e r Technische Komrnission d e s Verbandes Schweizerischer Bruckenbau und Stahlhochbau Unternehmungen, Heft 8, E r s t e Schweiz e r i s c h e Stahlbautagung, Ziirich 1953, Verlag Leeman, Ziirich, Dec. 1953. . . - FIRE BEHAVIOUR I N ROOMS. K. Kawagoe. Building R e s e a r c h Institute, Minis t r y of Construction, Japan, 1958. The author r e v e a l s a n extensive study of the behaviour of f i r e i n rooms, including many m o d e l tests. Experimental f i r e s in various constructions a r e described; two of t h e s e w e r e in a lightweight s t e e l construction. FEUERSICHERHEIT IM S TAHLHOCHBAU. in High-Rise Steel Buildings). ( F i r e Safety C. F. Kollbrunner. Beilage ((Technik)), Nr. 1316 und 1317 d e r Neue ZGrcher Zeitung 29 A p r i l 1959. PROPOSED CRITERIA FOR DEFINING LOAD FAILURE O F BEAMS, FLOORS AND ROOF CONSTRUCTIONS J.V. Ryan and A. F. Robertson. DURING F I R E TEST. National Bureau of Standards, Journal of Research, 63C, p. 121, J u l y 1959. Deflection and r a t e of deflection a r e proposed as f a i l u r e criteria. GBER VERSUCHE UND ERFAHRUNGEN DIE FEUERSICHERHEIT VON STAHLHOCHBAUTEN. ( T e s t s and Experience on the F i r e Safety of High-Rise S t e e l Buildings). C. F. Kollbrunner. Inzenyr s k e Stavby s Vlozkou Mechanizace, 9, Prague, 5 September 1959. FEUERSICHERHEIT IM S TAHLHOCHBAU ( F i r e Safety i n High-Rise S t e e l Buildings). M. Gretener. Beilage ((Technik)), Nr. 3016 d e r Neue Ziircher Zeitung, Oct. 1959. MUSS DER MODERNE STAHLHOCHBAU DAS FEUER FURCHTEN? (Need Present-Day High Steel Buildings b e Afraid of F i r e ? ) C. F. Kollbrunner. Stahlbaubericht Nr. Schweizer Stahlbauverband, Dec. 1959. 24, (A similar a r t i c l e h a s been published in English ( s e e next item). NEED PRESENT-DAY HIGH STEEL BUILDINGS BE AFRAID O F FIRE? C. F. Kollbrunner. 1960. Building with Steel, Volume 1, No. 3, FIRE AND THE DESIGN O F BUILDINGS. J. H. McGuire, National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research, Canadian Building Digest No. 11, Ottawa, Nov. 1960. NORME DI SICUREZZA (Standard of Safety). P e r l a protezione contro il fuoco d e i fabbricati a s t r u t t u r a i n acciaio destinati a d uso civile. ( F o r protection against f i r e in buildings with s t e e l - f r a m e s t r u c t u r e f o r public use). Minis t e r o DelllInterno, Direzione Generale dei Servizi Antincendi. Rome 1961. F i r e h a z a r d s t o s t e e l buildings a r e evaluated by a point s y s t e m and a degree of protection appropriate to the hazard is specified i n tables. Although the hazard classification is decided largely by the f i r e load, a reduction coefficient determined by the point s y s t e m often reduces the hazard classification considerably below the value determined by use of the f i r e load concept alone. The standard is notable i n that it provides a calculation method f o r determining the d e g r e e of protection required f o r s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l in buildings. DER MODERNE STAHLOCHBAU UND DAS FEUER.. (Modern High-Rise Buildings and F i r e ) . C. F. Kollbrunner Osterreichische Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 15, 1961, p. 109 114. . - FIRE AND THE COMPARTMENTATION O F BUILDINGS. J. H. McGuire. National R e s e a r c h Council. Division of Building Research, Canadian Building Digest No. 33, Ottawa, Sept. 1962. THE BUILDING OFFICIALS' VIEWPOINTS O F FIRE TESTS. T. H. Carter. P r e s e n t e d a t the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society f o r Testing and Materials, 1 to 5 October, 1962, P a p e r No. 194. Both f l a m e s p r e a d and f i r e r e s i s t a n c e t e s t s a r e discussed i n this paper, with emphasis on E-119. It is suggested that such items a s stiffness, slenderness (of columns), beam width to depth ratios, etc, might b e considered a s c r i t e r i a used in evaluating f i r e - r e s i s t i v e assemblies. THE FIRE MARSHAL'S VIEWPOINT O F FIRE TESTS. R.E. Carlson. Presented a t the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society f o r Testing and Materials, 1 to 5 October 1962, P a p e r No. 195. F i r e t e s t methods and procedures, a s well a s the contents of t e s t r e p o r t s a r e critically appraised by the author. He suggests some methods or changes which might be considered to make f i r e testing a m o r e exact science. FLAME SPREAD. G. W. Shorter. National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research, Canadian Building Digest No. 45, Ottawa, Sept. 1963. MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION IN EUROPE. Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1963. The m a j o r portion of this book concerns analysis of recently erected European s t e e l buildings. One section is devoted to the new I P E section profiles, outlining their nature, and pointing out their advantages over the old I- sections. Of particular i n t e r e s t f o r the purpose of this bibliography is the section on llCalculation of Fireproofness in Multi-Storey Buildings" by C. F. Kollbrunner and P. B o d . This book m a y b e regarded as a v e r y useful contribution to the l i t e r a t u r e on the design of steel-f ramed buildings. FEU E T ACIER ( F i r e and Steel). D. Sfintesco. Paris, 1963. Publimental, In this brochure the author gives some particulars about means of extinguishing a fire, the f i r e load and the reduction coefficient, a s well a s protection of s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l members. FEUERSICHERHEIT VON S TAHLKONS TRUKTIONEN ( F i r e Safety of Steel Structures). C. F. Kollbrunner. Schweizerische Bauzeitung, No. 51, 17 Dec. 1964. The author points out r e c e n t p r o g r e s s in the field and discusses the c u r r e n t attitudes of building officials on unprotected and lightly protected s t e e l structures. 111 -5ON THE FIRE PROTECTIVE PROPERTIES O F ALUMINUM SASH. M. Hamada, Bulletin, F i r e Prevention Society of Japan, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1966, p. 21-25 (In Japanese with English summary). Wire glass windows with aluminum s a s h a r e used a s f i r e protective windows. The shape of a s a s h and i t s n e c e s s a r y thickness were designed a f t e r completing f i r e tests. BEHAVIOUR O F END RESTRAINED STEEL MEMBERS UNDER FIRE. H. Saito, Bulletin, F i r e Prevention Society of Japan. Vol. 15, No. 1, 1966, p. 7-20 (In Japanese with English summary). When s t r u c t u r a l m e m b e r s with generally fixed ends a r e exposed t o f i r e , the deformations a r e re,strained and inner s t r e s s appears. In this paper, the behaviour of this inner s t r e s s is discussed on simplified members. FIRE IN THE THIRTEENTH STOREY. 1966, p. 16-19. F i r e Journal, July Comments on f i r e in high-rise f i r e - r esistive building. Particular building was made of protected s t e e l framing, brick and stone curtain walls and reinforced concrete roof slab. The f i r e was spread upward via windows. THE TEMPERATURE ATTAINED BY STEEL IN BUILDING FIRES. E. G. Butcher, T. B. Chitti, L. A. Ashton. F i r e Technical Paper No. 15, London, H.M.S.O., 1966. A s e r i e s of t e s t s were made jointly with the British Iron and Steel Federation to provide information about the temperatures attained in building f i r e s involving various f i r e loads and degrees of ventilation. The range of f i r e loads was representative of hospital, domestic, and some office occupancies. Steel columns and beams of various sections w e r e included in f i r e tests. U.S. STEEL HEADQUARTERS, WORLD'S SECOND LARGEST OFFICE SPACE. J. G. Hotchkiss, Acier-Stahl-Steel, No. 9, 1967, p. 372-78. The a r t i c l e presents a technical description of a high-rise off ice building made of steel. Water -f illed exterior s t e e l columns protected f r o m freezing w e r e used. In c a s e of fire, a gravity circulation s y s t e m cools the s t e e l column. DEFLECTION AND FAILURE O F STEEL-SUPPORTED T. Z. Harmathy, FLOORS AND BEAMS IN FIRE. National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research. R e s e a r c h paper No. 345. Ottawa, December 1967. (NRC 9933) LOAD AND FIRE TEST DATA ON STUD-SUPPORTED FLOOR. N. S. P e a r c e , W. W. Stanaak, National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research. R e s e a r c h P a p e r No. 344, Ottawa. December 1967. (NRC 9932) ESTIMATION O F FIRE TEMPERATURE- TIME CURVE IN ROOMS. K. Kawagoe, Building R e s e a r c h Institute, R e s e a r c h P a p e r No. 29, Tokyo, 1967. This r e p o r t re-examines the b e s t balance equation and p r e s e n t s m o r e p r e c i s e calculations using a n electronic computer. FIRE SAFETY WITH S T E E L CONSTRUCTION. D.C. Beam, R. V. HGbert, Canadian Steel Industries Construction Council, 19 67. A manual on t h e u s e of s t e e l construction under the F i r e Safety Requirements of the National Building Code of Canada, 1965 edition, second printing. FULLY - DEVELOPED COMPARTMENT FIRES; TWO KINDS O F BEHAVIOUR. P. H. Thomas, A. J.M. Heselden, M. Law, J F R O Technical P a p e r No. 18, H e r Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 19 67. STRUCTURAL F I R E PROTECTION. J. A. Bono, Actual Specifying Engineering, 1967, p. 79-85. An introduction to f i r e protection engineering. Definition of basic t e r m s and application of basic r u l e s in s t r u c t u r a l engineering practice. THE MCCORMICK PLACE FIRE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS JANUARY 16, 1967. A m e r i c a n Iron and S t e e l Institute, New York, 1967. This is a presentation of available technical f a c t s about the the f i r e of McCormick P l a c e Exhibition Center in Chicago. It is based upon on-site inspections m a d e by the f i r e protection and s t r u c t u r a l engineers of t h e Engineering Division of American I r o n and Steel Institute. THE SEVERITY O F FIRES IN STEEL-FRAME BUILDINGS. L.G. Siegel, Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1967. A brief his tory of time-curve development. Comparison of ASTM E l 19 Standard F i r e - Temperature Curve to temperature in a n actual f i r e and to temperature attained in the t e s t f i r e s . Some experiments with steel-frame buildings indicate that both temperature and duration depend on the amount of combustible m a t e r i a l to burn. A mathematical statement of the b e s t balance f o r a f i r e in a building i s presented. FIRE IN HIGH BUILDINGS. M. Galbreath, National R e s e a r c h Council, Division of Building Research, Fire Study No. 2 1 Ottawa, April 1968. (NRC 10081) This is a study which was undertaken of r e p o r t s of f i r e s that have occurred since 1.950 in high-rise buildings. BLIND SPOTS IN BUILDING CODES. R.L. Journal, Vol. C2, No. 4, July 1968. Moulton, F i r e The subject of this a r t i c l e is the I1blind spotst1of building codes as: The life span of buildings, the r o l e of the f i r e department, unlimited a r e a s , maintenance, the 'If ir e limitst1fallacy, learning f r o m f i r e experience. FLAMEPROOFING COATINGS FOR FERROUS METALS. Kurt H e r b e r t s and Co. Vorm Otto Louis Herberts, German Patent No. 1, 245, 519, July 27, 1967, Chem. Abstr. 1968, 68 (2) 4017. Application of coatings as a f i r e protection of s t r u c t u r a l elements. E F F E C T O F DECK ON FAILURE TEMPERATURE O F STEEL BEAMS. W. W. Stanzak, T. Z. Harmathy, F i r e Technology, Vo1.4, No. 4, Nov. 1968, p. 265-70. (NRC 10523) I t is generally believed that the heat sink c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of decks have a significant effect on the temperature a t which s t r u c t u r a l failure of s t e e l beams occurs in fire. However, the r e s u l t s of a s e r i e s of f i r e t e s t s f a i l t o support this contention. 111 -8STALBYGGANDE OCH BRANDSKYDD L. Wallin, Brandforsvar No. 11, 1968 (In Swedish) The a r t i c l e is concerned with f i r e protection of s t e e l structures. Swedish f i r e protection code i s mentioned. Application of insulating m a t e r i a l s a s gypsum-boards, asbestos-board, and m i n e r a l wool, a s well a s sprinkler s y s t e m s and f i r e a l a r m systems, i s discussed. AIR SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS. N.B. FIRE PROTECTION Hutcheon, Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 40, No. 12, December 1968, p. 102. (NRC 10545) The safety of the occupants m u s t b e a s s u r e d within the building over a substantial period of time following the outbreak of a f i r e . The use of partitions and fire-walls i s discussed. Smoke and smoke spread a r e treated as separate problems. Several important c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of stack effect in buildings a r e identified in relation to the effect on smoke movement. FIRE AND CAR-PARK BUILDINGS. E. G. Butcher, G. J. Langdon- Thomas, J. K. Bedf ord, Minis t r y of Technology and F i r e Offices' Committee, Joint F i r e Research Organization, F i r e Note No. 10, London, H. M. S. O., 1968. The experimental work done under actual storage conditions confirms the f a c t that a n outbreak of fire, within a single parked car, i s unlikely to r e s u l t in uncontrollable f i r e spread in the c a r p a r k o r in serious damage to the s t r u c t u r e of the building. SOME ASPECTS WITH REGARD TO THE BEHAVIOUR AND THE CALCULATION O F STEEL STRUCTURES IN FIRE. J. Witteveen. Minis t r y of Technology and F i r e Offices' Committee. Joint F i r e Research Organization. Symposium No. 2. Behaviour of Structural Steel in F i r e . P a p e r 6. p. 66-75 London, 1968. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 135 p. III -9THE FIRE PROTECTION O F METAL STRUCTURES. G. Blanchard. Centre Technique Industria d e l a Construction Metallique, Office Technique pour llUtilisation d e 1' Ac i e r P a r i s 1968, p. 64. (In French). . An a r t i c l e dealing with f i r e protection of v e r y tall m e t a l structures. THE PROJECTION O F FLAMES FROM BURNING BUILDINGS. L. G. Siegel, F i r e Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1969, p. 43-51. The American Iron and Steel Institute sponsored a s e r i e s of t e s t s by the Underwriters1 Laboratories Inc., to obtain information about f l a m e s f r o m burning buildings that would be useful in estimating f i r e severity outside openings in burning buildings. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY FROM FIRE. L. A. Ashton, Build International, J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 1969. The paper p r e s e n t s a brief general discussion of f i r e safety Light casings f o r the protection of s t e e l construction a r e examined and vermiculite plaster in particular, is recommended. in building construction. FIRE TESTS IN THE STEINENSCHANZE CAR PARK, BASLE SWITZERLAND. Basle, City of, April 24, 1969. A s e r i e s of f i r e t e s t s on vehicles in a four-storey underground c a r park is described. Various f i r e detection and f i r e fighting devices w e r e investigated. S TRUC TURAL FIRE PROTECTION. 18, April 1969. London. H. L. Malhotra, Building, This a r t i c l e i s of particular interest t o architects. It shows the basic r u l e s of f i r e protection of s t r u c t u r e s and application of protective materials. STEEL TEMPERATURE UNDER VARYING AMBIENT HEATING. P. Groenhaut, D. C. Knight, D. H. Skinner. Melbourne R e s e a r c h Laboratories, Clayton, Vic. The Broken Hill P r o p r i e t a r y Company Limited, Australia, December, 1969. A method of predicting the temperature distribution inside an infinitely long rectangular unprotected s t e e l b a r placed in a varying temperature atmosphere h a s been developed. THIN- WALLED S T E E L STRUCTURES AND FIRE. H. L. Malhotra, Symposium on Thin-walled Structures: Their Design and U s e i n Building at University College of Swansea School of Engineering, 11 14th Sept. 1967, p. 437 -47. London, 1969. Crosby Lockwood and Sons, Ltd. - CHARTS FOR ESTIMATING THE EQUIVALENT FIRE DURATION ON THE STANDARD TEMPERATURE CURVE. K. Kawagoe, Japan R e s e a r c h Institute, BRI r e s e a r c h p a p e r No. 45. Tokyo, J a n u a r y 1970. 10 p. S T E E L CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE. S t e e l No. 1, 1970. D. Sfintesco, Acier -Stahl- This is a description of the f i r e testing i n experimental station at M a i z i k r e s -1es -Metz, France, which is sponsored by the European Convention of S t r u c t u r a l Steelwork. The f i r e c h a m b e r is a unique design to p e r m i t t e s t s on l a r g e r s t r u c t u r e s than is possible in other i n s tallations . A REVIEW O F THE FIRE RISK O F UNPROTECTED S T E E L FRAMED MULTI-STOREY BUILDINGS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PARKING GARAGES. D. E. Dobson, Construction in Southern Africa, Vol. 14, No. ll, February, 1970. SURVEY O F FIRE-LOADS IN MODERN OFFICE BUILDINGS SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS. R, Baldwin, M. Law, G. Allen, L. Griffith, Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization, F. R. Note 808, M a r c h 1970. FIRE AND S T E E L COMPONENTS. K. L. Malhotra, Building with Steel, No. 3, May, 1970. p. 18-20. The a r t i c l e d e s c r i b e s the behaviour of stee1 applications in buildings and i n p a r t i c u l a r decks, partitions and d o o r s under f i r e conditions Some insulating m a t e r i a l s a r e introduced and recommended. T h e r e is a l s o a discussion about partition joints and their function. . - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND FIRE. E. G. Butcher, G.M. E. Cook, Building with Steel, No. 3, May 1970, p. 6-10. In o r d e r to b e able to specify and design the f i r e protection needed, knowledge in the following fields i s required: (1) The f a c t o r s which control the severity of a fire. (2) The behaviour of s t r u c t u r a l elements in f i r e s . (3) The relation between the standard furnace t e s t and actual f i r e conditions. In the c o u r s e of this work, twenty-six f i r e t e s t s were c a r r i e d out in a specially constructed building and fire-load densities typical of buildings in the low fire-load c l a s s (residential, office, hotel, hospital and schools) w e r e used. The safe u s e of unprotected s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l and encased s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l i s discussed. FIRE LOAD, BURNING VELOCITY, ENERGY RELEASE AND OCCURRENCES IN FIRE. E. Knublauch. ( P r o g r e s s Reports of VDI Journal, S e r i e s 5, No. 10, October 1970). Department of the Environment. Building Research Establishment, F i r e Research Section. L i b r a r y Translation No. 306, Borehamwood, July, 1972. MODEL EXPERIMENT ON SMOKE TOWER, PART 2. Flow of Smoke and Air in the Anteroom in the Case of Upper Smoke Outlet and Lower Air Inlet Openings (In Japanese with English summary). T. Maeda, T. Terai, S. Yamaguchi, Bulletin, F i r e Prevention Society of Japan, Vol. 20, No. 1, August 1970. This i s a r e p o r t of an experimental study on the flow of smoke and a i r in the model anteroom in the c a s e of upper smoke outlet and lower a i r inlet openings, and the compaiison of this r e s u l t with the field experiment of similar openings. The disagreement between the model and the field experiments reported in p a r t I a r e discussed. FIRE LOAD, BURNING RATE, ENERGY RELEASE AND FIRE E. Knublauch, VDI-Z, 1970, 5(10), 5-40.(In German). SMOKE TESTS IN THE PRESSURIZED STAIRS AND LOBBIES IN A 26-STOREY O F F I C E BUILDING. T. K. Cottle, e t al. J o i n t Fire R e s e a r c h Organization, Fire R e s e a r c h Note No. 850, November 1970. F I R E AND CAR-PARK BUILDINGS. Note 841/1970. E. G. Butcher, F i r e R e s e a r c h This note d e a l s with d a t a t o o v e r c o m e objections to e a r l i e r conclusions that unprotected s t e e l m a y b e used in a n open car p a r k building. The w r i t e r d e s c r i b e s t h e conditions found i n 20 m u l t i - s t o r e y c a r p a r k s i n v a r i o u s p a r t s of England. F I R E LOAD, F I R E SEVERITY, AND F I R E ENDURANCE. A. F. Roberts on, D. G r a s s , Special Technical Publication 464, A m e r i c a n Society f o r Testing and*.&Ibterials, Philadelphia. 1970. P r e s e n t s a review of e a r l y NBS work by Ingberg. The influence of ventilation p a r a m e t e r s , c o m p a r t m e n t g e o m e t r y and f u e l a r r a n g e m e n t are discussed. Fire s e v e r i t y is admitted to b e well defined. Authors emphasized need f o r f u r t h e r r e s e a r c h . KRYPNACKING AV STALPERARE VID BRAND. S. Eggwertz, Bygmastaren, 1970, 49 (lo), p. 23-32 (In Swedish) The a r t i c l e is concerned with deformation of building s t e e l columns taking into account a c r e e p under f i r e conditions. MULTI-STOREY CAR PARKS. A COST COMPARISON: S T E E L VERSUS CONCRETE. D. V. Maskell, J o i n t Fire R e s e a r c h Organisation, F i r e R e s e a r c h Note 8341 197 0. The author c o n s i d e r s two c o n c r e t e and f i v e s t e e l c a r p a r k s . He concludes that the u s e of unprotected s t e e l f o r building m u l t i - s t o r e y c a r p a r k s l e a d s t o a saving c o m p a r e d t o r e inforced c o n c r e t e construction. RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN STRUCTURAL F I R E PROTECTION H. L. Malhotra. Building Technology FOR BUILDINGS. and Management, October 1970. A comprehensive g e n e r a l paper dealing with behaviour of f i r e s , prediction of f i r e severity, f i r e r e s i s t a n c e and developments i n building m a t e r i a l s . REPORT O F FIRE AT ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, N.Y., N.Y., AUGUST 5, 1970. R. W. Powers. New York Board of F i r e Underwriters, 85 John Street, New York, 1970. Detailed examination of the s t r u c t u r e occupancy and f i r e protection. STRUCTURAL S T E E L AND FIRE. E. G. Butcher, G. M. E. Cook, Conference on S t e e l i n Architecture. Nov. 24-26, 1969. R e s e a r c h a n d Development Session 1, P a p e r 4. B r i t i s h Constructional Steelwork As sociation, London, 1970. P r i n t e d p. 12. Discussion on behaviour of s t e e l s t r u c t u r a l elements under f i r e , and their protection. SOME STATISTICS O F DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS IN FIRES, R. Baldwin, G. Allen, Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization, F i r e R e s e a r c h Note 805/1970. An analysis based on d a t a f o r industrial and s t o r a g e buildings f r o m one f i r e brigade in the y e a r s 1965-68. S t r u c t u r a l damage b y heat t o walls, ceiling, roof o r floor is included in the analysis. It does not include damage by smoke and water. Analysis shows that probability of damage is about 14% and chance of f a i l u r e of a s t r u c t u r a l element is about half a percent. In about half the f i r e s the damage was r e s t r i c t e d to l e s s than 10 m2 and in t h r e e q u a r t e r s of them t o l e s s than 20 m2. SURVEY O F FIRE LOADS IN MODERN OFFICE BUILDINGS SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS. R. Baldwin, M. Law e t al. Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization. F i r e R e s e a r c h Note 808/1970. A p r e l i m i n a r y a n a l y s i s of two buildings with 93 r o o m s in all. - TEMPERATURE TIME CURVES O F COMPLETE PROCESS O F FIRE DEVELOPMENT. S. E. Magnusson, S. Thelanderson, Lund Ins titute of Technology, Division of S t r u c t u r a l Mechanics and Concrete Construction - Bulletin 16, Lund, Sweden 1970. TESTING AND EVALUATION O F THE FIRE BEHAVIOUR O F S T E E L COLUMNS. (In German) J. Stanke, F o r t s c h r . Ber. VDI-Z 5(10), 91-121. 1970. THE NEW UNITED STATES S T E E L BUILDING IN PITTSBURGH. (In German) H. H. Schneider, Stahlbau, 30, (I), 298-304. 1970. FIRE TESTS WITH CARS PARKED IN AN ENCLOSED CAR-PARK Zeitung BUILDING. H. Burgh Schweizerische Feuerwehr No. 1211970. - A s e r i e s of t e s t s c a r r i e d out in a building scheduled f o r demolition is described. F i r e s p r e a d between c a r s did not occur, nor did g a s tanks, which w e r e 213 full, explode. Gas t e m p e r a t u r e s in the vicinity of the burning vehicles w e r e not sufficiently high t o c a u s e s t r u c t u r a l damage. IF FIRE STRIKES THESE BUILDINGS; CONVECTION WILL SAVE THE FRAMES. Eng. News-Record, 184,(2), 19-2 1. 197 0. HORIZONTAL PROJECTIONS IN THE PREVENTION O F SPREAD O F FIRE FROM STOREY TO STOREY. A. W. Moulen. Australia Department of Works, Commonwealth Experimental Building Station. TR 52/75/397, Jan. 1971, Neostyled, 7p. and plates. DESIGN DATA, F I R E RESISTANCE, FIRE, SOUND, STRUCTURAL. Gypsum Association, 197 1-72 edition, Chicago, April 197 1, 100 p. STABILITY O F WATER COOLED COLUMNS. A. Gjelvik, Journal, Engineering Mechanic s Division, Pr oc A m e r i c a n Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 97, No, EM 4, August 197 1. . An analysis of a rectangular tubular column with a t e m p e r a t u r e gradient a c r o s s the wall is presented. It is shown that the buckling s t r e n g t h of tubular columns c a n b e significantly reduced by p a r t i a l yielding caused by ternperatur e gradient a c r o s s the wall of the column. FIRE BEHAVIOUR O F BUILDING MATERIALS (2.3). H. L. Malhotra, Build International, sept. / 0 c t . 1971. Safety requirements f o r buildings a r e concerned p r i m a r i l y with ensuring that occupants will not b e put i n danger when a f i r e occurs and the choice of m a t e r i a l s is a n important consideration. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s that influence their performance a r e non-combus tibility, ignitability, flammability, heat r e l e a s e and the evolution of smoke and toxic p r oduc ts . BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE FIRE SERVICE. F.L. Brannigan. N.F.P.A., Boston, Mass. 02110, November 197 1. FIRE PROTECTION THROUGH MODERN BUILDING CODES. 4th edition, U. S. A. American I r o n and Steel Institute, New York, 1971. THE PROJECTION O F FLAMES FROM BURNING BUILDINGS. P. H. Thomas, M. Law, Joint F i r e R e s e a r c h Organization, F i r e R e s e a r c h Note No. 921, January 1972. Data on f l a m e projection f r o m the openings of burning buildings obtained by Webster e t a1 and Seigel a r e compared with the data of Yokoi f o r the flow of heat g a s e s f r o m openings. A c ornrnon interpretation was sought. Seigel' s data apply to n a r r o w windows where the flame does not l i e against the wall above the window. Yokoil s correlations include wide windows where the f l a m e s l i e against the wall above the window. Although correlation exists, shortcomings of the treatment a r e pointed out. - FAILURE RATE ANALYSIS A NEW TOOL IN FIRE PROTECTION. B. M. Cohn. Adapted f r o m six presentations given a t a conference on f i r e protection held F e b r u a r y 16, 1972, New York City. (Sponsored by American I r o n and Steel Inst., i n cooperation with the E a s t e r n States Building Officials1 Federation and the New York Chapter of the Society of F i r e Protection Engineers). 111 -16HIGH-RISE FIRE PROTECTION - THE G$A APPROACH. A. F. Sampson. Adapted f r o m s i x presentations given a t a conference on f i r e protection held F e b r u a r y 16, 1972, New York City. (Sponsored by American I r o n and Steel Inst., in cooperation with the E a s t e r n States Building Officials' Federation and the New York Chapter of the Society of F i r e Protection Engineers) INNOVATIONS IN FIREPROOFING O F STRUCTURES. R. L, Tomasetti, Fire Protection of Buildings, adapted f r o m s i x presentations given a t a conference on f i r e protection, held F e b r u a r y 16, 1972, New York City. (Sponsored by American Iron and Steel Inst., in cooperation with the E a s t e r n States Building Officials' Federation and the New York Chapter of the Society of F i r e Protection Engineers) . - THE SAFE USE O F STEEL IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STEEL INDUSTRY FIRE RESEARCH. R.M. Wildt, adapted f r o m six presentations given a t a conference on f i r e protection held F e b r u a r y 16, 1972, New York City. (Sponsored by American Iron and Steel Inst., in cooperation with the E a s t e r n States Building Officials' Federation and the New York Chapter of the Society of F i r e Protection Engineers) THERMAL MEASUREMENTS ON UNPROTECTED S T E E L COLUMNS EXPOSED TO WOOD AND PETROL FIRES. A. 5. M. Heselden, C.R. Theobald, G.K. Bedford, F i r e R e s e a r c h Station, Building R e s e a r c h Establishment of the Department of the Environment. F i r e Prevention Science and Technology No. 2, 1972. The experiments described in this note w e r e c a r r i e d out to give information on the t e m p e r a t u r e likely to be attained by a n unprotected s t e e l column exposed t o a f i r e in the open or to a localized f i r e i n a compartment. A NEW LOOK AT COMPARTMENT FIRES, PART I AND PART II. T. Z. Harmathy. F i r e Technology, Vol. 8, No. 3 and No. 4, 1972. THE E F F E C T O F FIRE ON S T E E L STRUCTURES. D. C. Knight, Melbourne R e s e a r c h Laboratories, Clayton, Vic., The Broken Hill P r o p r i e t a r y Company Limited, Australia. May 1972. The intention of this paper is t o s u m m a r i z e the s t r u c t u r a l f i r e engineering r e s e a r c h which h a s been c a r r i e d out at M. R. L. over the p a s t four y e a r s . FULL-SCALE FIRE TEST O F S T E E L FRAME STRUCTURE, H. Saito PART I T. Itzuka PART 2 T. Ouchi PART 3 - Japan, F i r e R e s e a r c h Institute of Japan, P a p e r s presented at the meeting held on 16-17 May, 1972, pp. 52-61. - STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION AN ENGINEERING APPROACH W. W. Stanzak. P r e s e n t e d a t the Canadian S t r u c t u r a l Engineering Conference, M a r c h 1972. (DBR Technical P a p e r No. 377, NRC 12748) Canadian p r a c t i c e in s t r u c t u r a l f i r e protection is explained briefly and c r i t i c a l l y reviewed. Some m a j o r shortcomings a r e pointed out and d i s c u s s e d i n the light of r e c e n t r e s e a r c h and development i n the field. FULLY - DEVELOPED FIRES IN SINGLE COMPARTMENTS. P. H. Thomas, A. J. M. Heselden. Building R e s e a r c h Establishment, F i r e R e s e a r c h Station, F i r e R e s e a r c h Note No. 923. Borehamwood, 1972. AUTOMOBILE BURN-OUT TEST IN AN OPEN-AIR PARKING STRUCTURE. Gage-Babcock and Associates, Inc., R e p o r t No. 7328, January, 1973. A full s c a l e f i r e t e s t was conducted i n a modern, operating, m u l t i - s t o r e y open-air parking s t r u c t u r e i n o r d e r to study the effects of a n uncontrolled f i r e i n a n automobile on the integrity of the exposed s t e e l f r a m e . Maximum t e m p e r a t u r e s and deflection of the s t r u c t u r a l s t e e l remained f a r below c r i t i c a l levels during the e n t i r e t i m e of the test. It is concluded t h a t open-air parking s t r u c t u r e s r e p r e s e n t a n e x t r e m e l y low f i r e hazard. FIRE EXPERIENCE IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS. Australian F i r e Protection Association Monthly Bulletin No. 137, F e b r u a r y 1973. This is a review of a n experience with high-rise buildings, their f i r e protection and design, f r o m f i r e protection aspects. An application of sprinkler s y s t e m s i~ discussed. SUPER "GARAGES1' FOR JUMBO JETS REQUIRE SUPER FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS. Ch. F. Averrill, Fire Journal, Vol. 99, No. ST5, May 1973. The u s e of highly effective water -f oarn sprinkler s ys t e m s f o r f i r e protection of a special s t r u c t u r e is described. PROBLEMY S POZARNIMI DVERMI. V. Reichel, Pozemni Stavby, No. 5, 1973, Sntl Praha, Czechaslovakia. An a r t i c l e dealing with construction and properties of f i r e proof doors. System of testing is described and requirements of Czechoslovakian Staadards a r e compared t o requirements in other countries. AN ENGINEERING APPROACH TO STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION W. W. Stanzak Consulting Engineer, July 1973. A COST STUDY O F CONCRETE AND STEEL FRAMEWORKS D. V. Maskell, F i r e R e s e a r c h Note No. 905. Joint F i r e Res. Organization 1972. This note considers the c o s t of f i r e r e s i s t a n c e requirements f o r concrete and f o r s t e e l frameworks. Six categories of f i r e r e s i s t a n c e a r e used ranging f r o m n i l to four hours. Methods of protecting the columns w e r e taken f r o m the "deemed-tosatisfy"provisions of Regulation E6, of the Building Regulations. This note a l s o provides c o s t data f o r both s tee1 and concrete c olurnns . BRANDSCHUTZ IM STWLBAU. E. Ehrn, Baulicher Brandschutz, Ins titut fiir Bautechnik, 1973, p. 63. The a r t i c l e deals with behaviour of s t e e l elements, continuous beams and f r a m e s under the f i r e .