Another big surprise for Spearfish
Another big surprise for Spearfish
• ST. PATTY’S DAY PARADE KICKS OFF TONIGHT AT 5 P.M. IN DEADWOOD Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Vol. 134 50 cents #232 Another big surprise for Spearfish ■ Food pantry receives $45K grant from Vucurevich Foundation !" #$%$ &'C) Blac% Hills Pioneer SPEAR&IS()*)O,)-./).0 123456,7)6-8)9:;<===)7.3><)-52 S/2310685)&..?)P3,-1@)538 12426A2?)3,.-521)B67)8C1/1682 *)3,.-521)9:;<===)?.,3-6.,D E1238C121).0)-52)0..?)/3,-1@< F311@)G26218<)3//>62?)0.1)-52 9:;<===)713,-)-51.C75)-52)J.5, ED)IC4C12A645)&.C,?3-6.,)82AJ 213>)K22L8)37.)5./6,7)-.)3>238-)72-)3)/.1-6.,).0)-52 M.,2@D)BC-<)-.)2A21@.,2O8)8C1J /1682<)-52)IC4C12A645 &.C,?3-6.,)2P422?2?)568 2P/24-3-6.,8)B@)713,-6,7)-52 2,-612)3M.C,-)-.)-52)0..? /3,-1@D) QG2)53A2)56-).C1)7.3><R G26218)836?D)QG53-)3)K.,?210C> ,.-3-6.,)3,?)-16BC-2)-.)-52)4.MJ MC,6-@D)O,)B253>0).0)-52)0..? /3,-1@)B.31?).0)?6124-.18<)K2 312)A21@)/>2382?DR E52)713,-)M.,2@)K6>>)7. -.K31?)M.12)2SC6/M2,-<)4.,J 8-1C4-6.,)3,?)0..?)0.1)-52)0..? /3,-1@)6,)6-8),2K)>.43-6.,)3-)-52 S/2310685)R24)C2,-21D)A>> 38/24-8).0)-52),2K)0..?)/3,-1@ K6>>)M22-)ADA 12SC612M2,-8D QG2)53A2)53?)8.)MC45)8C/J /.1-)01.M)-52)46-@<R)G26218 836?D)QG2)4.C>?,O-)53A2)?.,2)6K6-5.C-)-52)8C//.1-)01.M)-52 M3@.1)3,?)46-@)4.C,46>)M2MJ B218DR C.,8-1C4-6.,)68)4C112,->@ C,?21K3@)3,?)K6>>)B2)/1.A6?2? B@)>.43>)4.,-134-.18D A6,8K.1-5JB2,,6,7 C.,8-1C4-6.,)I,4D<)538)B273, -52)/1.4288)3,?)G26218)836? -53-)J6M)B2,,6,7)?.,3-2? 9V<===)K.1-5).0)K.1L)30-21)4C-J -6,7)-52)5.>2)6,)-52)K3>>)0.1)-52 ,2K)?..1)8/2460643>>@)0.1)-52 0..?)/3,-1@D) QA-)-52)B.--.M).0)-52)B6>>)6836?<)O?.,3-6.,<)?.),.-)/3@ B6>>O<R)G26218)836?D)QE53-)WC885.K8)-52)8C//.1-)K2OA2)53?)6, -52)/1.W24-)8.)031D)G2)53A2)53? X==)/2142,-)8C//.1-)3,?)K6-5J .C-)6-)K2)K.C>?,O-)B2),231 K5212)K2)312),.KDR O-521)>.43>)4.,-134-.18)K.1LJ 6,7).,)-52)/1.W24-)312)G.>00O8 P>CMB6,7)3,?)(23-6,7)3,? A,?12)A721).0)A?A3,42? BC6>?218)K5.)68)4C112,->@)53,7J 6,7)-52)?..1D QIOM)A21@)/1.C?)-.)B2)3)/31.0)-52)Y0..?)/3,-1@)/1.W24-Z<R 836?)S/2310685)[3@.1)J211@ Volunteer Jerry Hargis and treasurer of the Spearfish Food Pantry Larry Weiers sort, weigh and separate items at the current location of the food pantry in the previous RamVac establishment. The food pantry received a $45,000 grant from the John T. Vucurevich Foundation. Pioneer photo by Mark Watson See FOOD PANTRY — Page 35 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 'For the good of the community’ ■ Belle mayor requests advice on public safety, forms committee !" )*$+)*% ,-%#C)*. Blac% Hills Pioneer BEFFE)&O\RC(E)*)A0-21 -K.)@2318).0)?684C886.,8)K6-5 3123)1286?2,-8<)[3@.1)D3A2 S45,26?21)K38)3B>2)-.)72-)-52 B>2886,7).0)-52)B2>>2)&.C1452 C6-@)C.C,46>)6,)12731?8)-.)0.1MJ 6,7)3)/CB>64)8302-@)4.MM6--22D) QI-O8)0.1)-52)7..?).0)-52)4.MJ See PUBLIC SAFETY — Page 3 Mayor fires BF police corporal !" )*$+)*% ,-%#C)*. Blac% Hills Pioneer Brandon Flanagan of Flanagan's Irish Pub in Spearfish is ready to celebrate his favorite holiday — St. Patrick's Day. “It's the best holiday in the world,” he said. The pub, located on Seventh Street, is going to be packed with the “luck o' the Irish” today. Flanagan said he opens at 10 a.m. and more than 40 pounds of corned beef and cabbage will be ready by lunch for area residents to enjoy. After three years in business, he said it's always nice to be able to celebrate with good friends. Pioneer photo by Heather Murschel 2MB2``>6,7)9a]<V^=D_:)01.M)-52)B2>>2 &.C1452)C53MB21).0)C.MM2142)01.M JC,2)^==V)-.)AC7C8-)^==bD)&.C1-5 BEFFE)&O\RC(E)*)B2>>2 C614C6-)C.C1-)JC?72 &.C1452)[3@.1)D3A2 G3112,)cD)J.5,8.,)82,J S45,26?21)3,,.C,42? -2,42?)521)-.)2675-)@2318 -.?3@)-53-)B2>>2)&.C1452 6M/168.,M2,-<)K6-5)86P P.>642)C/>D)JC8-6, @2318)8C8/2,?2?D)S52)K6>> S52>>53MM21)68),.)>.,721 B2)2>676B>2)0.1)/31.>2)6,)86P 2M/>.@2?)K6-5)-52)46-@D M.,-58D QA8)M3@.1)6-)68)M@ JC8-6,)S52>>53MM21<)aX< ./6,6.,)-53-)-52)6,-2128-8).0 M3?2)3)8-3-2M2,-)?C16,7 -52)46-@)?2M3,?)@.C1 521)82,-2,46,7)52316,7 12M.A3>)38)3)/.>642).006421 83@6,7)52)53?),.)6,A.>A2J 0.1)-52)46-@).0)B2>>2 M2,-)6,)568)K602O8)416M6,3> &.C1452)20024-6A2)[3145 34-6A6-@D Justin X]<R)S45,26?21)836?)6,)3 G52,)38L2?)3B.C-)-52 8-3-2M2,-)12731?6,7 Shellhammer 1238.,8)B256,?)-52)-21M6J S52>>53MM21O8)3B1C/-)-21J ,3-6.,<)S45,26?21)SC.-2?)SDCF bJX:J M6,3-6.,D) Xa<)K5645)8-3-28<)3,@)M3@.1)538)-52 (68)K602<)E134@)FD)S52>>53MM21< 3C-5.16-@)-.)12M.A2)3,)3//.6,-2?).006J ^_<)K38)1242,->@)82,-2,42?)-.)/168., 463>)38)52)?22M8),2428831@)-.)/1.M.-2 0.1)M683//1./163-6.,).0)/1./21-@)52>? -52)6,-2128-8).0)-52)MC,646/3>6-@D 6,)-1C8-D)S52)K38)0.C,?)7C6>-@).0 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Free store craft fair raises $771 The Easter Bunny made quite a crafty stop in Lead Saturday, handing out Easter toys and posing for pictures at the Free Store Spring Craft Fair fundraiser at the Rod & Gun Club in Lead. At left, Hailey Pollreisz, 2, was one lucky recipient of Easter Bunny goodies and her mom supported the Historic Deadwood Lead Arts Council fundraiser by having the duo's picture taken together. (Below) Lead residents browse through the many craft booths at the Free Store Spring Craft Fair. The event helped raise $771 for the Twin Cities Area Clothing Center. Pioneer photos by Jaci Conrad Pearson and Wendy Pitlick ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE EDITORIAL/OPINION HOMES LUCKY CHARMS COMICS TV SCHEDULES LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS MOVIE LISTING WEATHER ! Buy local — save area businesses 2&3 4 5 6 8-10 11-13 14&15 16 17-26 27-29 30-33 31 34 !"a$% '(""s P(+neer /0112 1051651799 (s :u<"(shed da("y e@$e:A 1undays and h+"(days /2eB CearDs Eay, Ghr(sAHas Eay, Than%sg(K(ng, La<+r Eay, MeH+r(a" Eay and 0nde:enden$e Eay9, N+r a Ha(" su<s$r(:A(+n raAe +N O1P0Q00 :er year (n $+unAy +n"y <y 1eaA+n Pu<"(sh(ng G+Q, 0n$Q, R1P 1eaA+n G(r$"e, 1:earN(sh, 1E P778RQ Per(+d($a" :+sAage :a(d aA 1:earN(sh, 1E P778RQ PT1TMU1TVWX 1end address $hanges A+ !"a$% '(""s P(+neer, PT !+@ 7, 1:earN(sh, 1E P778RQ ■ Center of the Nation Business Association joins ‘Project 350’ to promote town !C 'VUT'VW MYW1G'VL Bl#c% '(ll) *(o,eer B"LL" FOURCH" + It's about supporting local businesses and that's what makes Project 3E50 so attractive to Belle Fourche. “It's about the trickle down effect,” said Stacey Raisanen, President of the Center of the Nation Business Association. “If you take the time, Belle Fourche businesses offer almost everything you could ever need. That's why we joined. I really think that this is a great way to be proactive and help our local economy flourish.” Project 3E50 is a national movement that proposes all community members spend S50 in three local businesses each month in order to promote growth during the this economic recession. The business association's members read about the promotion in February and voted to unanimously become a part of it. "ssentially, its purpose is to promote shopping at local businesses, because if area residents don't support them T they'll go out of business. Cinda Baxter, founder of Project 3E50, said that all she's asking is that area residents stop by their favorite business- es, say hello and pick up a little something in the meantime. “Your contributions is what keeps those businesses around,” Baxter said. “If just half the employed U.S. population spent S50 each month in an independently owned businesses, their purchases would generate more that S42.6 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if only 75 percent of the population did that.” Baxter continued by saying that it not only helps the national economy, this movement is about increasing funds for municipalities. “For every S100 spent in independently owned stores, S68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll and other expenditures. If you spent that in a national chain, only S43 would stay in town,” said Baxter. During their next meeting, the Center of the Nation Business Association members will make decisions in regards to signage to promote the movement. “I'd like to see us purchase a few yard signs that we can display and some other signs that area businesses can display,” she said. Raisanen said she's excited to be a part of this project. “Here's to some big things for all the little people out there,” she said of the project's motto. See PROJECT 350 — Page 35 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Knology customers to enjoy faster Internet Page 3 Heritage Center receives renovations B" SARA KOCH Black Hills Pioneer 6Qhis free upgrade puts e9isting and new Unology 7nternet customers at the highest level of speed, security and performance,( POVQHJVP H7IIS ^ Vesidents and busiGalermo said. 6Our customers will now see ness owners in the ?lacA Hills area are now Meb pages open in the blinA of an eye, and able to enLoy 7nternet through Unology faster music and movie downloads that are faster than ever due to a free upgrade than ever. DOES7S 3.0 to the DOES7S 3.0 system. brings broadband to the ne9t DOES7S 3.0 aData Over Eable level. Qhis is the latest e9amService 7nterface Specificationb ple of Unology bringing was officially launched on March leading edge technology to 16 after appro9imately three the ?lacA Hills.( months of worA and organi>aGalermo said that accordtion. ing to an article in ]SN 6Me are very e9cited that after Qoday about 33 percent of all of the months of preparation, the nation either does not planning and changing out elechave a computer in their tronics by our staff that we are home or are still using dialup and running,( said Unology's up connection for their Oice Gresident of MarAeting Tony Palermo, 7nternet. He estimates that of Qony Galermo. 67t's been a great Knology Vice President of Marketing that 33 percent, about half success and all of the upgrades probably maAe up those who have been completed. 7t's been are still using dial-up. nothing more than phenomenal.( 6Me are already hearing reports and getting Nccording to a release issued by Unology, all of this good feedbacA from customers,( the company is also introducing an Jconomy Galermo said. 6Qhis also helps with innova7nternet service that is 20 times faster than tions of developers with new inventions that dial-up. Qhe combination of high-speed are sometimes contingent upon faster speeds 7nternet and Jconomy 7nternet service gives and bandwidths. Nnother thing athe faster con?lacA Hills residential and business customers “Our customers will now see Web pages open in the blink of an eye, and music and movie downloads that are faster than ever.” the 7nternet speed that fits their needs and budget. See KNOLOGY — Page 7 Repairs and resurfacing of the concrete floor in the Bruce Miller Theatre are underway at the High Plains Western Heritage Center in Spearfish. The labor and materials have been donated by contractor Tom Quinn. Quinn, who is also a member of the Spearfish City Council, has served as an ex-officio director representing the city of Spearfish at the Heritage Center since 2006. Courtesy photo PUBLIC SAFETY Continued from Page 1 munity,( he said Monday at the writing e9actly what this comregular council meeting. 67t's mittee is doing.( an e9cellent opporHe e9plained that tunity to begin to the council has put a get input for the citlot of time and energy i>ens of ?elle into organi>ing a sys@ourche. 7 thinA it's tem to appoint mema great idea and 7 bers of the committees appreciate having in May and wondered this discussion.( why the mayor was 7t was obvious doing this right now. that the mayor had Eouncilwoman caught several counIinda McJlwain Dave cil members off echoed his sentiments. guard as several 67 Anow this is Schneider reported they had important to you not seen nor heard David and 7 thinA it's of this committee. Schneider a good idea K but 7 Lust feel reassured the council that this that we should really taAe a would only be an ad hoc comlooA at this and set it up right. mittee and its members would Me should maAe it something only act as advisors to the that worAs for everyone K and mayor concerning public safety that way we can be sure it can issues. be successful.( 67t's essential to call on the Nrea businessman Oern ?ills e9pertise of the community and said the idea surfaced a couple the professional emergency of years ago during a Eenter of officials,( he said. the Pation ?usiness Eouncilman David Gummel Nssociation meeting. He said he felt uncomfortable e9plained that area business maAing a decision right now owners would often discuss because no bylaws or guidecertain issues in regards to lines have been formed. public safety at their meetings. 67 liAe the idea, but 7 didn't 67t's a mayor's ad hoc comeven Anow that this committee mittee,( ?ills said. 6Qhey are had been set up yet,( said asAing the blessing of the Gummel. 67'd liAe to see in mayor to present them to the council so they feel as if their who is also a member of the commitment is legitimate.( city's police committee, said He continued she thinAs it's by saying that the an e9cellent committee is simidea. ply an advisory 6Qhis is a committee. chance for peo67t has little ple of this comauthority. 7t's an munity to get advisory committogether and tee, not an discuss some authoritative things that need committee. Me to be done that want to meet on a are not done regular basis and under the austalA about things pices of the that we thinA city council. should be consid7'm for it K 7 ered by the counthinA it's great cil,( ?ills said. and it's a good Dave Schneider, Belle Fourche Mayor 67t's for the comopportunity for mon good and for everyone the safety of involved to ?elle @ourche. So, in my mind e9press their concerns.( it's a low level of authority, but Nfter much discussion, the a high level of service.( council voted unanimously to Schneider echoed his sentiapprove the mayor's appointments and said area business ments. owners brought this to him two Qhe chair of the Mayor's years ago and he's been worANdvisory Eommittee on Gublic ing to put it together since Safety is ElarA Sowers, a local then. businessman. 67 really believe that we are Sowers said his main puracting in the best interest of the pose will be to evaluate certain community here,( Schneider safety issues and maAe recomsaid. 6 mendations to the city council Eouncilwoman @rancis Hays, in regards to any solutions. “It’s an excellent opportunity to begin to get input for the citizens of Belle Fourche. I think it’s a great idea and I appreciate having this discussion.” 6Me are not trying to grab for your power. Me're not trying to be rude. Me are Lust trying to be citi>ens and you should allow for that,( he said. Sowers has scheduled the first meeting of the Mayor's Ndvisory Eommittee on Gublic Safety at 4 p.m. on @riday at the Nmerican Mest SteaAhouse. Other committee members include Tared Oetter, Nl Shaw, Uatie Sats>inger, Gaul Howard and Uaty UoAesh. Gublic safety officials include ?elle @ourche Golice Ehief Vob Hansen, ?utte Eounty Sheriff @red Iamphere, ?elle @ourche Oolunteer @ire Department @ire Ehief MarA Hespe, ?utte Eounty Nmbulance Director Tanie Stevens and ?elle @ourche Gublic MorAs Director DirA Hoffman. 67t's a good cross section of ?elle @ourche willing to help out,( Sowers said. 7n other news, the city approved to accept the TNW Wrant from the Department of Tustice in the amount of X11,275 for the ?elle @ourche Golice Department. ]nder the guidelines of the grant, the department has the approval to purchase upgraded tasers and new laser speed radars. Page 4 BLACK HILLS PIONEER OBITUARIES Visit us at: Jim D. Seward “I believe in an all-wise and allloving God, named by whatever name, and that the individual’s highest fulfillmet, greatest happiness and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with His will.” -John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Scott J. Odenbach Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Ruth Miller, 59 Velma Pratt, 76 Ruth Miller, 5-, of Spearfish passed away on 8uesday, March 1;, <=1= at her home. @rrangements are pending with BidlerCDsburg Buneral Chapels and Crematory Service in Spearfish. Helma Iratt, 7;, of Spearfish passed away on 8uesday, March 1;, <=1= Dorsett Regional Senior Care in Spearfish. @rrangements are pending with BidlerCDsburg Buneral Chapels and Crematory Service in Spearfish. Catchin’ a watercolor wave 1230 N. Ave., Ste. 8 • Spearfish, SD • 605-642-2622 • For students at last weekend's Adams Museum Learning Lunch, drawing a "surfer dude" with artist Mark Zimmerman. He had them immersed in this most appropriate watercolor lesson. Draw, lunch, trace, paint was how the drill went, as each emulated Zimmerman's prototype prominently displayed at the front of the class. Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson Whitewood newspapers sponsored by these fine community-minded businesses..... Friday, March 19th at The Hub’s Pub Live Music by Third Lift Providing Drink Specials wood products for the local and surrounding areas. starting at 9pm 1001 Meade Street 605-269-2323 !ews &ip) Call Wendy at +4-.-7+1 BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Around the State Hearing held in case of Ellsworth airman !"P$% '$() *"P+ , " s.okes2an 5or 7lls9or:; "ir =orce Base sa@s i: 9ill Ae aAoB: ano:;er 9eek Ae5ore a Cecision is 2aCe on 9;e:;er an air2an 5acinD coBr:E2arE :ial in an o55EAase s;oo:inD also 9ill 5ace aCCi:ional c;arDesF (9en:@E:9oE@earEolC GinicBs Han:ana is accBseC o5 s;oo:inD a 5elE lo9 air2an a: a !a.iC 'i:@ las: He.:e2Aer anC 5aces an ".ril IJ coBr:E2ar:ial ;earinDF (ec;F HD:F H:eKen Lilson sa@s an inKes:iDa:inD o55icer is Ce:er2ininD i5 :;e DoKern2en: 9ill aCC ne9 anC Bnrela:eC c;arDesM inclBCinD aDDraKa:E eC seNBal assaBl: anC 5orciAle soCo2@F " ;earinD si2ilar :o a ciKilian DranC OBr@ 9as ;elC PonCa@M 9i:; :;e 2iliE :ar@ anC :;e Ce5ense callinD 9i:nesses anC .resen:inD eKiCenceF ABilC i:s XYJ Aillion re5iner@F PaBrs:aC is c;allenDinD incB2Aen: Pil: Ts:aCF (;e s:a:e ;as Dran:eC H@.erion an air ZBali:@ .er2i:F (;e Cecision is AeinD c;allenDeC in coBr:F Bond change denied for SD rape suspect !"P$% '$() *"P+ , " OBCDe in !a.iC 'i:@ ;as re5BseC :o release 5ro2 ;oBse arres: a 2an accBseC o5 Aea:inD anC ra.inD a 9o2an las: "BDBs:F LillarC !enKille ;as .leaCeC no: DBil:@ :o one coBn: o5 seconCECeDree ra.e anC al:erna:e coBn:s o5 si2.le assaBl: anC in:en:ionall@ caBsinD AoCiE l@ ;ar2F His :rial is sc;eCBleC :o AeDin ".ril YUF He coBlC 5ace B. :o [J @ears in .rison i5 conKic:eCF Teen pleads to retaliation charge Supreme Court to meet at Law School G7!P$QQ$RS *"P+ , (;e HoB:; %ako:a HB.re2e 'oBr: 9ill ;ear arDBE 2en:s CBrinD a session a: :;e TniKersi:@ o5 HoB:; %ako:a Hc;ool o5 Qa9 :;is 2on:;F (;e OBs:ices 9ill consiCer :;ree a..eals eac; Ca@ CBrinD a :;reeECa@ session Parc; IIEIUF (;e coBr: 9ill issBe o.inions in :;e cases la:erF (;e HB.re2e 'oBr: :@.icall@ ;ears arDB2en:s in Pierre AB: occasionall@ Does on :;e roaC :o DiKe .eo.le elseE 9;ere a c;ance :o oAserKe :;e .roE ceeCinDsF Oil refinery opponent plans commission run 7QV PR$S( *"P+ , Rne o5 :;e 2os: Kocal cri:ics o5 :;e .ro.oseC H@.erion oil re5iner@ in soB:;eas:ern HoB:; %ako:a sa@s ;e is rBnninD 5or a sea: on :;e Tnion 'oBn:@ 'o22issionF (;e co22ission s.o: %oBD PaBrs:aC is seekinD 9oBlC re.resen: :;e area 9;ere H@.erion 9an:s :o !"P$% '$() *"P+ , " Pine !iCDe :eenaDer .leaCeC DBil:@ :o re:alE ia:inD aDains: :;e Kic:i2 in ano:;er cri2inal caseF 7iD;:eenE@earEolC "leNis 7NenCine coBlC De: B. :o IJ @ears in .rison 9;en s;e\s sen:enceC in Pa@F =eCeral coBr: CocB2en:s saiC 7NenCine :;rea:eneC anC assaBl:eC a .erson 9;o ;aC accBseC a rela:iKe o5 seNBal aABseF SD governor to donate guitar G7!P$QQ$RS *"P+ , ]oKF Pike !oBnCs 9ill .resen: a co22e2ora:iKe DBi:ar siDneC A@ seKeral celeAra:eC rock s:ars :o :;e Sa:ional PBsic PBseB2F (;e $Aane^ elec:ric DBi:ar is siDneC A@ H:eKe Piller o5 :;e H:eKe Piller BanC_ Pike QoKe anC BrBce `o;ns:on o5 :;e Beac; Bo@s_ anC H:B 'ook anC %oBD 'li55orC , oriDinal 2e2Aers o5 'reCence 'lear9a:er !eKiKalF (;e DBiE :ar 9as siDneC a: :;e HoB:; %ako:a Gie:na2 Lar Pe2orial CeCica:ion conE cer:s in IJJaM anC is .ar: o5 :;e DoKerE nor\s .ersonal collec:ionF Bring in coupon and receive $ 1O OFF Any Service Kim Hines 146 W. Illinois • Spearfish, SD owner/stylist Hours: M-F 9-5, Sat. & Evenings by appointment Page 5 !hitewood newspapers sponsored by this fine community-minded businesses..... Muck Boots Tack Classic for Men & Women • Waterproof • Mid Style • Stirrup Friendly 88 $ 95 Compared at 114 $ 00 Carhartt Boot $ 14999 189 Compared at $ Ariat Carolina Boot Barnyard Lace 8” lace-up boot • Waterproof • Protective Toe & Heel Caps • Height - 5” Women’s Men’s 64 $ 69 99 $ Compared at 99 $ 100 made by Red Wing • Steel Toe • Waterproof 00 $ Compared at $ 12999 $ 163 00 Rocky Boots 13299 189 $ Compared at $ George Strait • Waterproof • 11” Pull On • Stirrup Friendly • Steel Toe • Waterproof 11399 Justin Boot Compared at $16800 • Waterproof • Steel Toe 00 00 A&J CLOTHING HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm Sat - 8:00am-4:00pm Family Owned & Operated Since 1968 A&J SUPPLY HOURS: Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm Sat - 8:00am-4:00pm 605-269-2434 • 1-800-564-0224 1020 Laurel Street • Whitewood, SD 57793 Opinion Page 6 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Creating online, public accountability for government EDI$OR'( NO$E+ S-.(/i.e 2ee3 i( 4 .4tio.47 i.iti4ti8e to ope. 4 :i47o;-e 4<o-t t/e import4.?e o@ ope. ; 4.: @ree:om o@ i.@orm4tio.B $/e B74?3 Di77( Pio.eer Fi77 <e re?o;.iGi.; t/e .4tio.47 mo8eme.t <H p-<7i(/i.; .4tio.477H (H.:i?4te: ?o7-m.( i.@ormi.; t/e p-<7i? o. 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Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 • OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Deadwood, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2010, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 7 KNOLOGY C"#$%#&'()*+",)P./')0 ne#tion' )i** +e*, )it+ i- e#onomi# de0e*o,1 ment2 3f )e referen#e 6a#8 to t+e o*d mode* of *o#ation, *o#ation, *o#ation, mo-t #om,anie)ere *o#ation1oriented and mo0ed t+eir ma:or te#+no*ogy #enter- around t+e #ountry to 6igger te#+no*ogi#a* #itie- >?o) 3 t+in8 it@- going to mo0e from *o#ation, *o#ation, *o#ation to te#+1 no*ogy, te#+no*ogy, te#+no*ogy2 A+i- -+ou*d -,ur -ome e#onomi# de0e*o,ment, )+i#+ i- 8ey to t+i- area2B A+e C*a#8 Di**- *aun#+ of t+e ,rogram i- t+e -e#ond mar8et u, and running of t+e ,ro,o-ed 122 A+e area i- t+e fir-t in Sout+ Ha8ota to re#ei0e t+e u,grade after it )a- introdu#ed out of -tate on*y a fe) )ee8- ago2 It+er mar8et- -et to re#ei0e t+e u,grade in#*ude #itie- a** o0er t+e #ountry, )it+ t+e neJt in t+e SiouJ Ka**- area2 L** of t+e u,grade- -+ou*d 6e ,erformed o0er t+e neJt 12 mont+-2 MHICS3S 320 #an dramati#a**y add to t+e en:oyment *e0e* for re-identia* #u-tomer- and im,ro0e ,rodu#ti0ity for our 6u-ine-- #u-tomert+an8- to t+i- -u,er fa-t and re*ia6*e u,grade 6y Qno*ogy,B Pa*ermo -aid2 MLnd our S#onomy 3nternet i- an eJ#e**ent o,tion for #u-tomer)+o need more -,eed t+an dia*1u, de*i0er-2B Qno*ogy re-identia* and 6u-ine-- 3nternet #u-1 tomer- )i** 6e a6*e to eJ,erien#e greater ,ro1 du#ti0ity t+an8- to in#rea-ed 6and)idt+ -,eedof u, to T0 Uega6yte- ,er -e#ond on t+e do)n1 -tream and u, to T Uega6yte- ,er -e#ond u,-tream for 6u-ine-- #u-tomer- and 2T Uega6yte- ,er -e#ond do)n-tream and T U6,u,-tream for re-identia* #u-tomer-2 Ldditiona* feature- in#*ude -e#urity en+an#ement-, -u#+ a- -u,,ort for 12V 6it Ld0an#ed Sn#ry,tion Se#urity WLSS', a- )e** a- 3P0X, t+e ne) 3nternet Proto#o* addre--ing met+od -een in many of today@- a,,*i#ation-2 MY+en )e #ame out +ere t+ree year- ago, )e -,o8e to t+e #ommunitie- and made a #ommit1 ment to 8ee, t+e Za,id City area on t+e *eading edge of te#+no*ogy,B Pa*ermo -aid2 MYe +a0e *i0ed u, to t+at2 L,,roJimate*y e0ery eig+t or nine mont+- )e +a0e ne) te#+no*ogy and )e ,*an to -tay on t+at ,at+ in t+e future2 3t i- a good mar8et for u- )it+ good demogra,+i#+ere2 Cu-tomer- )i** #ontinue to en:oy t+at -u#1 #e--2B Qno*ogy, 3n#2, +ead[uartered in Ye-t Point, \a2, i- a *eading ,ro0ider of intera#ti0e #ommu1 ni#ation- and entertainment -er0i#e-2 Qno*ogy -er0e- re-identia* and 6u-ine-- #u-tomer- )it+ one of t+e mo-t te#+no*ogi#a**y ad0an#ed 6road1 6and net)or8- in t+e #ountry2 3nno0ati0e offering- in#*ude more t+an 200 #+anne*- of digita* #a6*e te*e0i-ion, *o#a* and *ong di-tan#e digita* te*e,+one -er1 0i#e a##e-- t+at ena6*e#on-umer- to [ui#8*y do)n*oad 0ideo, audio and gra,+i# fi*e- u-ing Featuring: Antiques, Collectables, Guns, Household, T-Shirts and More!! a #a6*e modem2 Kor STURGIS CITY AUDITORIUM • 1017 MAIN STREET, STURGIS, SD more information, Lionel. John Deere, Ford, Christmas, Halloween; silver plate flatware FIREARMS/ACCESSORIES: Charles Daley O/U shotgun, 12 Ga, 30” barrel, Silver Tulip pattern; Tonka metal toy trucks; Cuckoo clock; Seiko manadjustable butt plate #S202647;Tri-Star 12 ga 3 1/2” mag, semi auto, 28” barrel, screw ,*ea-e 0i-it )))28no*1 tel clock; small collector plates; Wash pitcher/bowl with candle holderin chokes #13078; Remington Model 760 Pump Rifle, .243 w/scope #6945655; ogy2#om or )))2#on1 mirror stand; Horse hair couch; Horse hair chair; 5 drawer dresser; 4 Winchester Model 70 Varmint, .243, 24” drawer dresser w/mirror; Vintage gas heavy barrel, #763851; ne#t)it+8no*ogy2#om2 Vintage Microscope heater; Wooden Brass spittoon-small; Galena AMT Automag II pis- ! u o y k n Tha to everyone who had a booth and everyone who attended the 24th Annual Spearfish Optimist Sponsored by: LARGE AUCTION MARCH 20TH • 9:30 AM marked John Cuff, Cast iron fry pans; Pitcher-bowl set; tol, 22mag, stainless steel, 6” barrel Fleet Street, London, 1744 Vintage padded folding chair; Blanket w/case, #CDA01394; Winchester model 12, 12 ga shotvery interesting/unusual rack; Porcelain ware; Small wooden table; gun w/solid mat rib; .25 cal appears complete. Wooden writing desk; Wooden 50”office semi auto pistol; Woodstream desk; Bottle capper; shoe lathe; corn hard gun case; sheller; tools; tinker toys; 6 gal Redwing crock nice condition; large group of marbles; Several Trophy Whitetail mounts; Elk bottles: insulators; steel wheels; wooden Coca-Cola crate; Simplex mangle; four drawantlers, Trophy Mule deer antlers from local collection. Trophy 6x7 Bull Elk from the Black Hills. Has been covered er secretary; several collectable clocks Lionel. John Deere, Ford, Christmas, and protected, beautiful!! Halloween; silver plate flatware Silver Tulip pattern; Tonka metal toy trucks; Cuckoo BOOKS: Large selection of price guide books-new-some out of print; Several hunclock; Seiko mantel clock; small collector plates; dred books-most hard cover-some very old, large group of Auction Business items from Ray Heupel: Large PA system with horns/drivkids books. 2009 to present Qtr Horse Journals; 2009 to presers; clerking box; clerking supplies; micro phone stand; sign. ent Paint Horse Journals; HOUSEHOLD: Several hundred books- some new, some old, some good, COLLECTOR COINS: 1-3pack proof Jefferson nickels; 1some not so good: 4 bar stools: Harvest Maid dehumidifier; ice 4 Pack Ike Dollars; 1-1990 proof set; 1-3pack silver choice cream freezer; large group of assorted toys, games, Schwinn starter Kennedy halves; 1-3pack MS67 graded State Quarters; bike; large beer can collection; cake pans; large group of cups; 1963 Ben Franklin Half dollar; 2000 Platinum Edition homemade quilting frame; several bookcases assorted sizes; lawn Quarters; 1891 Morgan silver dollar; 1881 Morgan dolchairs; porcelain ware; coolers; handicapped commode; roasters; lar; 1978 Proof Kennedy Half; 1906 Silver Quarter fireworks; fireplace tools; lamps; piano bench; life jackets; hand pull golf w/Story; 1 sheet cart; night stands; 18” snow blower; large kettles; smoker; file cabinet; Several Hundred 1.00 uncirculated large GE refrigerator; lighted china hutch; camera tripod; vintage wood“Sturgis”T-Shirts various s h e e t / c u r r e n c y ; en night stand; Grey Goose lighted bar display; Gibson heavy duty sizes & colors - new! 1977 States Proof upright freezer; kitchen glassware; large assortment of jewelry; kitchen set; Misc wheat, table with leaves; large group of fabric some quilting;Tupperware; several steels and Indian pennies; 1968 Mexican 25 Pecos coin; dozen VCR tapes some new in box; assorted holiday decorations; melliPresidents collection '68 halves; 1-2 pc Indian cent w/uncirculated stamp; tus oxygen concentrator; linens; cake decoUncirculated $2.00 bill w/first day issue stamp; rating items; bunk beds; ANTIQUES-COLLECTABLES: McCoy cookie jars; Royal Haeger vase; Maddox TOOLS-TACK- HOUSEHOLD: American Adult sadplanter; Telephone desk; Burlington Railroad oiling can marked “Handlan, St. dle-good condition; misc horse tack-halters-head stallsLouis,USA” 4 1/2 x29 1/2”; Printers Type tray 32” x 16 3/4”; lead ropes- stirrups etc; Beef/dairy show halters; Brem Antique floor lamps; Several collectors dolls; Wooden rocking Lamb milk pails; Full set of electric numbers branding set; horse; Leather horse collar; Several pieces of older harness; L & H Electric Branding set full of letters new never used; Dbl tree; Brass Spittoon; Old oil/gas cans; Large collection of Set of sheep paint numbers brands; Box of chain; large Avon-Asst bottles; Nickel Silver serving set-22”serving tray, group of oil, lubes, spray , lawn & garden; jack stands; axes; picks; shovels; spades; punch bowl, 12 cups, ladle; Juartman “Flat Out” Wagner power painter; hand deck sprayer: several air pumps; extension ladder; framed print; Mark Anderson #114/200 “Closing Electric Weed eater; Gas powered HD weed wacker on wheels; Small chest freezMoments” framed print; Large asst of SD license er; Large Garbage cans; Large Brinkman S/S BBQ Grill; Several Propane tanks; plates; Several matched sets from WY 50-60's; Side boards for flat bed trailer; Swivel chair; Large wooden shelf; Decorative wildlife Wash pitcher/bowl with candle holder-mirror rugs 27x47, 60x72, 27x72; Harvest maid food dehydrator; Romco Broiler/rotisserie; stand; Horse hair couch; Horse hair; 5 drawer TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash or good check. Sales Tax will be collected on all dresser; 4 drawer dresser w/mirror;Vintage gas items, Drivers license or positive ID required for buyers number. All descriptions heater; Wooden Brass spittoon-small; Cast iron believed accurate, although not guaranteed. All property is sold “AS IS” Without fry pans; Pitcher-bowl set; Vintage padded folding chair; Blanket rack; warranty of any kind. No property removed with out payment in full. Must be 21 to Porcelain ware; Small wooden table; Wooden writing desk; Wooden purchase any firearm, or ammunition, some firearms may require registration. Not 50”office desk; Bottle capper; shoe lathe; corn sheller; tools; tinker toys; 6 gal Redwing responsible for accidents or theft, Auction Co. and Sellers not responsible for printcrock nice condition; large group of marbles; bottles: insulators; steel wheels; wooden ing errors. We will have many more items for this auction, check back for more Coca-Cola crate; Simplex mangle; four drawer secretary; several collectable clocks information. Lunch will be available. NO BUYERS PREMIUM. Keep updated @ or NOTE: We have a group of furniture coming that will not make this sale bill check www.sdauctions for updates OWNERS: Estate of Aileen Kinder-Mellisa Price, Personal Rep. Cordavee Heupel, Bob Davis and Guest Consignors UNITED COUNTRY BLACK HILLS REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. Auction Managed & Conducted by: & Bob Bertolotto - Owner/Auctioneer office 605-720-2021 1064 Main Street, Sturgis, SD 57785 “No one knows Our Country like we do.” ® Homes Page 8 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 RIGGS CONSTRUCTION Experienced - References Available! Call us for an estimate 605.578.1146 !© Did gain It A NEW LISTINGS LET IT SNOW Others will handle all exterior maintenance while you enjoy all the amenities that go with this 2 bedroom, 2 bath, end unit in Barefoot Condominiums at Terry Peak. You will love great views, open floor plan and large bedrooms as well as the close proximity to Terry Peak! Call now - at $199,000 it’s too nice to last. Lead • $199,000 • MLS 31006 Right at Home: 'Chef-worthy' tools catch on You don't have to be a kitchen snob to want appliances and tools that bona fide chefs would be happy to use. In fact, the trend is toward commercial =uality and style in housewares and appliances. While the merits of varying brands are debated in Web forums like Cooks Illustrated, no one disputes that having the right gear eases preparation and makes precise, satisfactory results more likely. My husband once gave me an industrial-strength hand miBer, and I loved it. Potatoes, turnips, even dough succumbed to its powerful little motor in mere minutes. When it finally died Dust before Thanksgiving one year, he replaced it with a regular version. Even the children, tasked with whipping cream, noticed its shortcomings. We'd driven the high-performance model, and there was no going back. These days, Americans are staying in, cooking and entertaining more. Food channels run 24 hours. And retailers and manufacturers are offering many new products that straddle professional and home kitchens: things like multifunction cooktops and ovens, and thoughtfully designed gadgets. Kitchenaid, one of the first to offer a commercial grade stand miBer, has launched the Commercial Series appliance line, which includes a cooktop with dual flames for searing or simmering, an easy-clean chrome griddle, and a Nsteam-assistN oven. Serious cooks would appreciate that last feature - it eliminates the need to spritO, baste, even use a bain-marie. If none of those terms are familiar, you See CHEF — Page 10 This image product released by Digitas, shows Kitchenaid's Dual Fuel range with two burner levels for searing and simmering. AP photo SHOPPING FOR INSURANCE? Offering personalized service to find the insurance that suits YOUR NEEDS! NEW LISTING Home/Farm • Personal Property Rental/Umbrella • Auto/SR-2 Filing Motorcycle • Boat/RV/ATV Call for a FREE quote today! VIEW LOTS WITH PANORAMAS Beautiful 2.5 acre lot with fantastic views of Spearfish Valley, Spearfish Mountain and Western Centennial Valley. This is a prime mountain top lot with an improved gravel road. Spearfish • $59,900 • MLS 31020 BLACK HILLS INSURANCE SERVICES 1140 N. Main, Spearfish • 605-642-5873 Donna Golliher Agent Rick Ellerton Agent YOUR TAX CREDIT AWAITS YOU! 3 - 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, maintenance free steel siding fenced yard. Sprinkler system, new carpet, tile throughout, egress window downstairs could be extra bedroom or den area. Call Sandy Donahue for your tour at 605-645-7860. MLS 31050 • $183,900 717 Harding Street, Spearfish “LOCATION FEELS LIKE VACATION” Why be cramped, when for the price of an ordinary home you can own this 11 room beauty in the sought after Peck’s subdivision in Deadwood? You’ll love the outdoor spaces and 2 car garage, but you’ll have to see the interior - as words won’t do it justice. Call now if you want a solution to the space problem at an affordable $259,000. Sandy Shelby Kristi Donahue Nygaard Jewett Pattie Parrett Jessica Dutter Scott Ewing Deadwood • $259,000 • MLS 31025 605-642-2525 140 W. Jackson Blvd. • Spearfish, SD 57783 745 N. Ames, Spearfish • 605-717-0002 ©2010. An independently owned & operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affilitates, Inc. is a registered service mark of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Equal Housing Opportunity. Wednesday, March 17, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 9 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 10 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Homes CHEF Continued from -age 8 probably don+t need one. /ut for fre2uent bread ba3ers, roasting aficionados and dessert ma3ers, the feature+s a welcome addition. This year, Jenn-Air introduced a new wall oven designed with the help of professional chefs. /illed as Athe industry+s most powerful convection system,A it features an interactive Aculinary centerA B basically an onboard computer. The user-friendly control panel provides detailed visuals and interactive guidance. As for smaller tools, many culinary eCperts li3e a good pair of shears for various 3itchen tas3s. Specialty shears for seafood and poultry are available. A food mill turns coo3ed soup ingredients, baby food and boiled potatoes into smooth heaven. And a microplane is the grater of choiceE Filliams Sonoma carries a boC version that+s highly rated. Rollo McDonald, a Janadian culinary arts teacher for KL years and a longtime foodie, recommends Arectangular stainless steel pans. Most chefs agree that a set of these is invaluable. Mou can coo3, freeze and reheat in them, they+re durable, and they stac3 and store more efficiently than round pans.A A high 2uality chef+s 3nife is li3e an artist+s paintbrush. Japanese ma3ers Olobal and Sun, and American ma3er Mac all have super sharp, wellbalanced tools used by celebrity and pro chefsE PictorinoC and Fusthof are also well-3nown. Test the heft and grip of your 3nife in the store before you buy. Mou don+t want something too heavy or large. Restaurateur and chef Raymond /lanc once dismissed microwave coo3ery as Aan act of hate.A Pros generally aren+t big fans, though some li3e the microwave for reheating small 2uantities, drying herbs or melting chocolate. Homeowners, however, love them. Fhat was a gimmic3y fringe appliance KL years ago is now a central player in the home 3itchen, surveys consistently show. Jhoose a model that+s substantial enough to hold a large glass pan. As for dishwashers, go for big, energy-efficient and 2uiet. Sr, if you really want to wor3 li3e a pro, ta3e your lead from Trench chef Jac2ues Pepin. Snce, when as3ed who did the dishes in his house, he answered, AU have no ideaVA NEED A GARAGE? 2-STALL GARAGE COMPLETELY BUILT WITH CONCRETE FLOOR This image product released by Williams-Sonoma, shows the OXO Food Mill which has three discs for fine, medium and coarse grain milling. AP Photo 11,240 $ We Build Serving Year Around ! the Black Hills area since 1987, GARAGES ARE ALL THAT WE BUILD. CALL 391-5484 OR VISIT WWW.AMERICANGARAGES.COM RIGGS CONSTRUCTION Experienced - References Available! Call us for an estimate 605.578.1146 This image product released by Digitas shows a Jenn-Air's wall oven. Jenn-Air's new wall ovens feature a culinary center with touch screen image-enabled guidance for over 50 different food options. AP Photo BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 11 Grandma’s & Grandpa’s LUCKY CHARMS >ai1#yn 7, La2) 2, ')e#Py 7 .rand0aren123 Ai+ 6 Ji+ =:KK, 4ead .rea1 .rand+:1)er23 Zdna '1r:ng, '0earKi2) 6 Z21)er =:KK, @a0id Li1y Grandparents: Pat & Annie Roberts !e?:n '()u+a()er L:nn:r 6 Grynna =:KK !y#an '()u+a()er !ge 10 !ge % .rand0aren123 4ee5nn 6 7ayne Paananen9 !:nnie 6 !eanna '()u+a()er, Gi## 6 Ge11y A(Far#ing9 .rea1 .rand0aren123 @ay 6 !e#:re2 Ae1Bger .rand0aren123 4ee5nn 6 7ayne Paananen9 !:nnie 6 !eanna '()u+a()er, 'andy =an2en9 >e?in =an2en9 .rea1 .and0aren123 @ay 6 !e#:re2 Ae1Bger9 F#:ren(e Aaynard >e+0er 7)i1:n 5riana Pa#a+ara 5#eM Pa#a+ara !ge & !ge 7 !ge 3 >adden 7 1R2, >ing21:n S 1R2 +:2T, >a2)1:n U 1R2 .rand0aren123 ')ar:n 6 J:)n Jare+ .rea1 .randKa1)er3 Le(i# Je#2:n .rand0aren123 ')ar:n 6 J:)n Jare+ .rea1 .randKa1)er3 Le(i# Je#2:n 4:?e, .ra+a 6 .ra+0a L:##een 6 4arry Pier(e, !eadI::d, .ai# Pu##en 6 4arry @u1), '0earKi2), .rea1 .randad Ji++ie L#arE, 4ead 4:?e, JaJa 6 PaPa 7)i1:n .. Ja+e2 6 .. 7)i1:n Vur 4u(Ey L)ar+2W >ai1#yn 9, !y#an Y, Grennen Y +:n1)2 5Pigai# 6 Z++a 4ea)y Grandparents: Don & Judy Byrum, Sturgis, Mike & Amy Meade, Lead Great Grandma: Marjorie Pendo, Sturgis Grandparents: Ray & Cheryl Leahy, Spearfish !ge)* 2 year) 5#a2Ea 5nn @yan 6 >ay#ee .ra(e >ei2()+an .rand0aren123 7ayne 6 Fa# @yan9 .rea1 .rand+:1)er23 Ge11y @yan 6 Judy 7::dI:r1) BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 12 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Grandma’s & Grandpa’s LUCKY CHARMS Chloe Q, Anna 10, Elizabeth 13 Parents: Troy & Becky Robinson, Sioux Falls Grandparents: Bill & Pat Robinson, Spearfish; Fred & Sue Aderhold, Sioux Falls; Great Grandparents: Loretta Wermers, Kermit Edwards, Spearfish Jagger Carsten !/ #on&'( Grandparents: Ray Osloond, Jr.; Deb Rawlins; Suz Trentz; Randy & Carletta Carsten; Great Grandparents: Wanda Hoffman; Stretch & Mary Ellen Osloond; Cene Carsten, The Late Chuck & Ruth Bauer Preston Blake Grisham 4ge 2 Grandparents6 Dennis ( Reba Knuckles, Spearfish Jett Carsten 0 #on&'( Grandparents: Ray Osloond, Jr.; Deb Rawlins; Suz Trentz; Randy & Carletta Carsten; Great Grandparents: Wanda Hoffman; Stretch & Mary Ellen Osloond; Cene Carsten, The Late Chuck & Ruth Bauer Lauren Collins 4ge9 6 Grandparents6 Monica Albrecht, Belle Fourche, Ron Moscato, Belle Fourche, Howie ( Laurie Albrecht, Lead< Elaine Collins, Jackson, Tenn< Great Grandparents6 Ethel Lackey, Spearfish< Herbert “Shorty” Albrecht, Sturgis Ashton Covell 5, Tristen Covell 11, Carson Skavang 3 mos., Riley Skavang 4 Carson ( Riley Skavang Grandparents: The Late Gene Helmberger, Spearfish, Diane Helmberger, Spearfish, Harold Covell, Spearfish Grandparents6 Brandon ( Becky Covell, Spearfish< Bob Skavang, Laurie Adkins, Sturgis, Marc ( Shannon Morgan, Spearfish, Shon Kunkel, Spearfish ! #on&'( 5 yea-( Cade Osloond Bristol Ann Larson Mason Wells Grandparents6 Ray Osloond, Jr.< Deb Rawlins< Suz Trentz< Suzanne ( Robert Dennis< Great Grandparents6 Wanda Hoffman< Stretch ( Mary Ellen Osloond< Millie ( Jimmy Craddick< Great Great Grandparents6 Sylvia ( Keith McCall Daughter of Nick ( Heather Larson, Sioux Falls< Granddaughter of Bob ( Arla Larson, Jeff and Marge Flesner and Deb Simbeck, all of Spearfish Great Grandparents6 Jane Carlstrom, Erma Larson, Duane ( Betty Flesner and Marie Thornton 4ge ! 19 #on&'( Grandparents6 Tom ( Jean Osborn KyleeJo ( Jared Symonds Darin Dominick Aeillo Andrew Tully Ewickl 3 #on&'( 2 #on&'( 4ge( 6 172 8 11 172 Parents6 Capt. Christopher ( Lauren Aeillo, IraX ( Smithsburg, MD< Great Grandma Ii Ewickl, Spearfish Parents6 Laura ( Derrick Ewickl, Lawrence, KS Great Grandma Ii Ewickl Spearfish Grandparents6 Doug ( Betty Symonds< Larry ( Barb Deibert. Great Grandparents6 John ( Bonnie Deibert, Gordon ( Dollie Gillespie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 13 Grandma’s & Grandpa’s LUCKY CHARMS Dichael DePaPlante 5lsie <baguidi 1edQro <baguidi 9 *+nths A00en T+:n, Penn. Age < Tirana, A0>ania Age 5 Tirana, A0>ania Grandparents: James DeLaPlante & the Late Annette DeLaPlante, Buffalo, NY, Gene & Yvonne Ficek, Spearfish Grandparents: Christophe & Francois Gbaguidi, Cotonou, Banin W. Africa & Gene & Yvonne Ficek, Spearfish Grandparents: Christophe & Francois Gbaguidi, Cotonou, Banin W. Africa & Gene & Yvonne Ficek, Spearfish 5 *+nths Age 2 Grandparents: Marc & Barb Niemi, Spearfish; Dale & Syd Hayford, Spearfish Grandparents: Marc & Barb Niemi, Spearfish; Dale & Syd Hayford, Spearfish Erenton Daycee Cecelia Doe Dason Dichael 1outhern @aMmyn 6 @aden Ount 1hantayl Lalton 6 Biley Ount 6 *+nths +0d Grandparents: Sharon & Bart Bartling and Gary & Dorothy Hunt Great Grandma Carol Mullen; Grandparents: Ron & Betty Hvezdo; Grandparents: LaWana & Mike Mullen; Grandma Deb Blair & Terry; Grandparents: Gary & Dorothy Hunt Age < 1/2 Age 2 1/2 Grandparents: Randy and Kathy Mundorf Spearfish Granddaughter of Lonnie & Jeanne Moe Spearfish Iwen Eheodore 6 Jidan Patrick 7inley 5 years, 9 *+s. 2 years Parents0 Kictor 6 (aren 7inley <randparents0 @oan 6 5d 7inley4 Bonda Lhitt Grandson of Lonnie & Jeanne Moe, Spearfish (enadi <race Oayford JleSis Oope Oayford Carrigan 1haye 7inley Canon Dichael 7inley-Bogers Ey Byan 1eptka Caitlin (ay Covell Age 12 1/2 Age 9 Age 2 Parents0 1cott Bogers 6 Deghan 7inley <randparents0 @oan 6 5d 7inley Parents0 1cott Bogers 6 Deghan 7inley4 <randparents0 @oan 6 5d 7inley4 Eheo 6 Don Bogers4 Dorothy Berry 6 Pauline Bogers Parents0 7red 6 5rin 1eptka <randparents0 Aelva Bivers4 @oan 6 5d 7inley4 Barb DacDonald Age % 1/2 Parents0 1hawn Covell4 5rin 6 7red 1eptka. <randparents0 Deb 6 Bill Covell4 @oan 6 5d 7inley4 Aelva Bivers4 Dick 6 Dona Einker4 Barb DacDonald Page 14 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 !y J%& 'a)%s !y Jerry :4,66 7 R%4= >%r=&an !y Lynn J,hns6,n !y 5r6 7 Ch%9 :ans,& !y +,! Tha)es !y +ud 2ra4e Man rusty on rules of dating after 30 years off the 4arket '?5R 5++@A B a& neCDy s%ngDe aF6er a G0Iyear &arI r%ageJ K,uDd y,u 9Dease eL9Da%n 6, &e 6he 9r,6,4,D regard%ng %n6%&a4yM 5F6er h,C &any da6es %s %6 a99r,9r%a6e 6, engage %n %n6%&a4yM 5nd aF6erCard, sh,uDd 6he &an 4aDD 6he C,&an ,r 6he C,&an 4aDD 6he &anM O,C D,ng sh,uDd ,ne Ca%6 !eF,re 4aDD%ngM BP& aFra%d %F B 4aDD 6,, s,,n BPDD a99ear needy, and %F B Ca%6 6,, D,ng 6, 4aDD BPDD a99ear 6, !e a 9DayerJ Q T?RT5TBS? TOU BR T5UP5 '?5R T?RT5TBS? TOUA Khen an %nd%)%duaD has rea4hed &%ddDe age, 6ha6 9ers,n %s 4,ns%dered &a6ure en,ugh 6, =n,C Chen he W,r sheX %s 4,&F,r6a!De en,ugh C%6h an,6her 9ers,n 6, engage %n Y%n6%&a4yJZ R, 6%&e D%&%6 %s engra)ed %n s6,neJ 5s 6, Ch, sh,uDd 4aDD Ch,& F%rs6 6, ,FFer 4,ngra6uI Da6%,ns ,n a F%ne 9erF,rI &an4e, 6here %s n, reas,n 6, s6and ,n 4ere&,nyJ ?)ery,ne D%=es a 4,&9D%I &en6, and a 9r,&96, YThan= y,u F,r a C,nderFuD 6%&e[ %6 Cas grea6,Z %s n,6 4,ns%dered needy Q %6Ps g,,d &annersJ '?5R 5++@A B re4en6Dy eL9er%en4ed an aC=Card s%6uI a6%,nJ B re4,nne46ed C%6h an ,Dd Fr%end B hadnP6 seen %n a!,u6 F,ur yearsJ The Das6 6%&e B saC her she Cas 9regnan6J B as=ed a!,u6 her !a!y, and she %nF,r&ed &e 6ha6 he had d%ed a FeC &,n6hs aF6er h%s !%r6hJ :he 4DearDy F,und 6he &e&I ,ry sad, !u6 a6 6he sa&e 6%&e had &,)ed ,nJ B d%dnP6 Can6 6, F,r4e her 6, reIeL9er%en4e 6he e)en6 !y as=%ng her Cha6 ha9I 9ened, !u6 %6 see&ed rude 6, a!ru96Dy 4hange 6he su!\e46 6, s,&e &%n,r &a66er aF6er su4h s,!er%ng neCsJ Kha6 %s 6he 9,D%6e 6h%ng 6, say Chen s,&e,ne 6eDDs y,u a!,u6 a 6ragedy, !u6 D,ng aF6er %6 ha99enedM Q KOR': ]5BL U?, P?>BR, BLLJ '?5R KOR':A The 4,rre46 Cay 6, handDe %6 C,uDd ha)e !een 6, say, YBP& s, s,rry F,r y,ur D,ss,Z and De6 y,ur Fr%end de4%de Che6her 6, d%s4uss %6 Fur6her ,r 4hange 6he su!\e46J Bn ,6her C,rds, De6 her 6a=e 6he DeadJ '?5R 5++@A Khen B Cas &arr%ed B had an aFFa%r C%6h a &arr%ed &anJ Ke had a 4h%Dd 6,ge6her, and B d%),r4ed &y hus!andJ Khen 6he aFFa%r ended, 4h%Dd su99,r6 Cas ne)er &en6%,ned, and F,r 6he Das6 n%ne years B ha)e ra%sed &y daugh6er !y &yseDFJ B a& re4en6Dy &arr%ed 6, a C,nderFuD &an Ch, 6a=es 4are ,F !,6h ,F us )ery CeDDJ Uy daugh6er has ne)er as=ed any6h%ng a!,u6 her Fa6her, !u6 B =n,C d,Cn 6he r,ad shePDD Can6 6, =n,C Cha6 ha99enedJ B d,nP6 =n,C Chen B sh,uDd 6aD= 6, her a!,u6 6h%s, and %F B sh,uDd 6a=e any DegaD s6e9s 6, 4Da%& 4h%Dd su99,r6J Par6 ,F &e FeeDs 6ha6 B sh,uDd g, F,r %6[ 9ar6 ,F &e %s say%ng B sh,uDd \us6 De6 %6 g,J @,ur 6h,ugh6s, 9DeaseM Q 5U+BS5L?RT BR PL5RO, T?_5: '?5R 5U+BS5L?RTA The 6%&e 6, 6eDD y,ur daugh6er 6he de6a%Ds %s Chen she s6ar6s as=I %ng y,u `ues6%,nsJ Khe6her y,u sh,uDd see= re6r,a46%)e 4h%Dd su99,r6 %s s,&e6h%ng y,u sh,uDd d%s4uss C%6h an a66,rI neyJ Kh%De %6 &%gh6 resuD6 %n a n%4e 4hun= ,F 4hange 6ha6 4,uDd !e 9u6 6,Card y,ur daugh6erPs 4,DDege edu4a6%,n, %6 4,uDd aDs, resuD6 %n 6he !%,I D,g%4aD Fa6herPs ha)%ng a44ess 6, 6he g%rDJ 5nd Fran=Dy, a &an Ch, n,6 ,nDy 4hea6s ,n h%s C%Fe !u6 sh%r=s h%s F%nan4%aD res9,ns%!%D%6y 6, h%s daugh6er s6r%=es &e as Dess 6han a 9,s%I 6%)e r,De &,deDJ TO U@ BRB:O R?5'?R:A Oa)e a \,y,us :6J Pa6r%4=Ps 'ay, !u6 %F y,uPre dr%n=%ng, d,nP6 dr%)eJ 5nd %F y,uPre dr%I )%ng, d,nP6 dr%n=J 'ear 5!!y %s Cr%66en !y 5!%ga%D San +uren, aDs, =n,Cn as Jeanne Ph%DD%9s, and Cas F,unded !y her &,6her, PauD%ne Ph%DD%9sJ Kr%6e 'ear 5!!y a6 CCCJ'ear5!!yJ4,& ,r PJOJ +,L a9cc0, L,s 5ngeDes, C5 900a9J 2,,d ad)%4e F,r e)ery,ne Q 6eens 6, sen%,rs Q %s %n YThe 5nger %n 5DD ,F ds and O,C 6, 'eaD K%6h B6JZ T, ,rder, send a !us%nessIs%ee, seDFI addressed en)eD,9e, 9Dus 4he4= ,r &,ney ,rder F,r fa WdJ:J Funds ,nDyX 6,A 'ear 5!!y Q 5nger +,,=De6, PJOJ +,L ccg, U,un6 U,rr%s, BL a10icI0ccgJ WP,s6age %s %n4Duded %n 6he 9r%4eJX BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Alley Oop Arlo & Janis !y -a.e 01aue 2 Ja4, 'ende1 !y J*&&y J%7ns%n Herman Page 15 N>2RDE !y J*& Fnge1 2T you can) assuUe trouble Dn MLess%ns a) )7e Ga<=;ay P%*n),N R*47ae< Le.*ne ;1%)e, MKu44ess=u< >e%><e a1e .e1y <u4,y@ Jus) as, any =a*<u1e@N $7*s dea< *s an e47% %= R%ndayEs and $uesdayEs@ Rany de4<a1e1s ;%u<d ><ay *) %ne ;ay, g% d%;n, )7en s7a,e )7e*1 7eads@ K%&e ;%u<d 1ea<*^e )7ey 7ad &*sA ><ayed, !u) &%s) ;%u<d 4%&><a*n a!%u) !e*ng un<u4,y@ Q1e y%u =ee<*ng <u4,y %n K)@ Pa)1*4,Es -ayP NEA Crossword Puzzle Funky Winkerbean !y $%& 'a)*u, Astrograph !"ursday) +arc" -.) /0-0 $7e1e *s a g%%d 47an4e )7a) *n )7e yea1 a7ead, y%u ;*<< !e %==e1ed an %>>%1)un*)y )% 1un an %>e1a)*%n )7a) 7as e?4e<<en) >%)en)*a< =%1 g1%;)7@ 'e 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March 17, 2010 WEDNESDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel J’pardy! Scrubs Middle Family Cougar Ugly Betty News NightJimmy Kimmel Insider Storms ABC World News Now ’’ ’’ ’’ AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis & Kelly The View Dr. Phil ’’ Children News Inside General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC CyberBusiNewsHour SportsMax EyesSmiling ’’ Celtic Woman: Songs From Play Like a Girl ConConConConConConConConGED WorkMaya Feet Curious Sid Super DinoClifford Zoboo Caillou Word Martha Sesame Street Barney High School Basketball High School Basketball Becker Becker Home Videos Movie: ‘‘Road House’’ ’’ Home Videos Scrubs Scrubs S. Park S. Park Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid Becker Cosby RENO Paid SwagJ. Meyer Creflo CopeHome Videos 7th Heaven Matlock ’’ Heat of Night Heat of Night Midday News HillbilHillbilJeannie Jeannie Bewitch Bewitch Cheers Cheers Ray Ray NBC News Smarter Earl Mercy ’’ Law & Order Law & Order News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Late Night Overnight Radar ’’ Early Back Early Paid News INN ’’ BusiBusy- Today ’’ Paid ’’ Home ’’ Videos ’’ Judge ’’ Mathis ’’ Judge ’’ Judge People Seinfeld Total Ct Friends Paid Paid Paid Days of Extra Million. Lives Bonnie Rachael Ray Hunt Friends Ellen Seinfeld Show The Doctors Judy Judy The Six Two Human Target American Idol News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Fam Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News CBS News BasketChrisGary Criminal Minds CSI: NY ’’ News Letterman Late ’’ News Ent Access Up to the Minute ’’ ’’ News KELOLAND This Morning The Early Show ’’ Martha Stewart Price Is Right College Basketball ’’ ’’ College Basketball ’’ ’’ Law & Order MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Overhaulin’ Paid TeleTelePaid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Robison J. Meyer Paid Cash Cash Cash Cash Natures ’’ Natures ’’ I Was Bitten I Was Bitten Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild DIS FAM Sonny Sonny Wizards Wizards MonMonPhineas Deck Wizards MonThe Luck of the Irish Phineas Phineas MonWizards Deck Suite Raven Cory Kim P. Replace EmpeDragon Proud Recess MerLilo Lilo Phineas Movers Handy Mickey Agent Mickey Handy Movers Jungle ChugTigger EinThe Luck of the Irish Phineas Phineas Phineas 8 Rules 8 Rules 70s 70s Movie: ‘‘Independence Day’’ ’’ The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Paid Paid Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Paid Prince Life J. Meyer TriVita Sister Sister Sabrina Sabrina Ground700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls FullHse FullHse My Wife My Wife Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse What I What I Gilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E iCarly Jackson iCarly Sponge Malcolm Malcolm Chris Chris Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Family Family Sponge Sponge Sponge BackDora Dora Diego Go Max, UmiBand Dora Dora Ni Hao Sponge Sponge BarnPenguin Drake Brain Sponge Sponge Johnny 6TEEN Stoked Johnny Dude Destroy Star Hero King King Fam Fam Chicken Aqua Moral ObKing King Fam Fam Chicken Aqua Moral Home BakuChaotic Hero PokeYu Gi Hero Lazlo Johnny Johnny Garfield ChowChowCodenKrypto Tom & Jerry Hero PokeGarfield Garfield CodenCodenChowChow- Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Movie: ‘‘Waiting to Exhale’’ ’’ Will Frasier Medium ’’ Medium ’’ Paid Clean Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Thin Paid BalancBalancReba Reba Reba Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Housewives Desperate Housewives Cooking Minute Challenge Ultimate Recipe B. Flay Flay Dinner Imposs. Good Unwrap B. Flay Flay Dinner Imposs. Good Unwrap Ultimate Recipe Paula’s Party Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Thin Paid Paid Food Emeril Live EnterQuick Cooking Italian Minute ConLee Boy Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian ConHome The First 48 Criminal Minds Dog Dog Bounty Hunter Bounty Billy Billy Billy Dog Dog Bounty Hunter Bounty Billy Billy Billy Paid Paid Celeb Paid Paid Paid Crime 360 The Sopranos CSI: Miami Cold Case The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The Sopranos CSI: Miami Cold Case The First 48 HIST TNT Monster ’’ Monster ’’ Monster ’’ Monster ’’ Ax Men ’’ Modern Marvels Monster ’’ Monster ’’ Ax Men ’’ Modern Marvels Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid The Most Holy Grail in America ’’ Underworld Underworld Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Holy Grail in America ’’ Underworld Underworld Law & Order Bones ’’ Bones ’’ Movie: ‘‘Twister’’ ’’ Leverage Leverage CSI: NY ’’ Leverage Cold Case NUMB3RS NUMB3RS Angel ’’ Angel ’’ Charmed Charmed Supernatural ER ’’ Las Vegas Las Vegas Cold Case Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order SPIKE USA CSI Cri Scene UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC UFC 111 Players BlueUFC UFC CSI ’’ Mysteries Videos ’’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid CSI: NY ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI: NY ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ CSI ’’ NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ NCIS ’’ Movie: ‘‘Casino Royale’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Veronica Guerin’’ Law & Order Paid Paid Monk ’’ Monk ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Ladykillers’’ Movie: ‘‘Casino Royale’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order TVL TBS FSN AllFamAll/Fam. Sanford Sanford Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith First Love First Love RoRoRoRoCosby Cosby Cosby 3’s Co. 3’s Co. 3’s Co. MASH MASH Paid Paid Paid Comfort Paid Thin Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan’s Heroes Hogan Hogan Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Bewitch Bewitch Friends Office Seinfeld Seinfeld Browns Browns Browns Browns Payne Payne Lopez Tonight Name Name Sex & Sex & Lopez Tonight Movie: ‘‘Small Soldiers’’ Married Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedFresh Fresh Fresh Payne Just Home Home Jim Yes Yes Ray Ray Payne Jim Ray King King Friends ATP Tennis UEFA Champions League Soccer Top of Rockies ATP Tennis ’’ ’’ Final Final Final M1 Fighting Top 50 ’’ Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Final Final Top of Mount Paid Paid Paid Paid Fish InEnglish Premier League Soccer MLB Baseball ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter ’’ NBA NBA Basketball: Spurs at Magic NBA Basketball ’’ ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball ’’ SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Scoreboard ’’ SpCtr InterBasketCollege Basketball ’’ College Basketball ’’ SportsCenter Live SportsNation NASNBA Basketball ’’ SportsCenter Live B’ball Mike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ Best of 1st & 10 Lines B’ball SportsNation NASB’ball BarrettJackson NASHub Rac. NASDangerDrives Pass Pass Pass Hub Rac. NASDangerDrives Pass Pass Australian V8 Supercars Paid Paid Paid Paid Monster Jam Rac. NASDangerDrives Pass Pass Paid Paid Continental Tire Sports Motorcycle NASCAR Classics ’’ ’’ Choir Saints Daily Mass EWTN Live Saints Rosary LivingMass Faith Military Daily Mass EWTN Live Signs Octavia Knock BeneCatholic AposCatholic Comp Euchar. One Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass ’’ EWTN Live EWTN Catholic Holy Daily Mass ’’ Feasts Journey Home Mercy Rosary Faith Hi Lucy Truth Jesus THURSDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel J’pardy! FlashForward ’’ ’’ Private Practice News NightJimmy Kimmel Insider Storms ABC World News Now ’’ ’’ ’’ AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis & Kelly The View Dr. Phil ’’ Children News Inside General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC CyberBusiNewsHour High School Basketball High School Basketball DenverWildlife Concert World Sharks InnovaEco Kids Space Space Space Kids GED WorkMaya Feet Curious Sid Super DinoClifford Zoboo Caillou Word Martha Sesame Street Barney HS Basketball ’’ High School Basketball Fetch Becker Becker Home Videos WWE Stars Home Videos WGN News Scrubs Scrubs WWE Stars Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid S. Park S. Park RENO Paid SwagJ. Meyer Creflo CopeHome Videos 7th Heaven Matlock ’’ Heat of Night Heat of Night Midday News HillbilHillbilJeannie Jeannie Bewitch Bewitch Cheers Cheers Ray Ray NBC News Smarter Earl ComParks Office 30 Rock Marriage News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Late Night Overnight Radar ’’ Early Back Early Paid News INN ’’ BusiBusy- Today ’’ Paid ’’ Home ’’ Videos ’’ Judge ’’ Mathis ’’ Judge ’’ Judge People Seinfeld Paid Ct Friends Paid Paid Paid Days of Extra Million. Lives Bonnie Rachael Ray Hunt Friends Ellen Seinfeld Show The Doctors Judy Judy The Six Two Bones ’’ Fringe ’’ News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Fam Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News CBS College Basketball ’’ ’’ College Basketball ’’ ’’ News Letterman Late ’’ Ent Up to the Minute ’’ ’’ News KELOLAND This Morning The Early Show ’’ Martha Stewart Price Is Right College Basketball ’’ ’’ College Basketball ’’ ’’ Law & Order Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Overhaulin’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Clean Robison J. Meyer Paid Cash Cash Cash Cash Howe & Howe Howe & Howe Howe & Howe Howe & Howe Howe & Howe Howe & Howe Howe & Howe DIS FAM Sonny Sonny Wizards Wizards MonMonPhineas Deck Wizards MonMovie: ‘‘Ice Princess’’ Phineas MonWizards Deck Suite Raven Cory Kim Replace EmpeDragon Proud Recess MerLilo Lilo Phineas Movers Handy Mickey Oso Mickey Handy Movers Jungle ChugTigger EinMovie: ‘‘Ice Princess’’ MonMon- 8 Rules 8 Rules 70s 70s Harry PotterPrisoner of Azkaban The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Thin Paid Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Paid Prince Life J. Meyer Paid Sister Sister Sabrina Sabrina Ground700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls FullHse FullHse My Wife My Wife Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse What I What I Gilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E iCarly Big iCarly Sponge Malcolm Malcolm Chris Chris Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Family Family Sponge Sponge Sponge UmiDora Dora Diego Go Max, UmiBand Dora Dora Ni Hao Sponge Sponge OddParPenguin Drake Brain Sponge Sponge Johnny 6TEEN Stoked Johnny ChowAdvent. Total 6TEEN King King Fam Fam Chicken Aqua Moral ObKing King Fam Fam Chicken Aqua Moral Home BakuChaotic Hero PokeYu Gi Hero Lazlo Johnny Johnny Garfield ChowChowCodenKrypto Tom & Jerry Hero PokeGarfield Garfield CodenCodenChowChow- Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Project Runway Project Runway Models Project Runway Models Project Runway Models Paid Paid Clean Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid BalancBalancReba Reba Reba Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Desperate Desperate Housewives Cooking Minute Challenge Iron Chef Iron Chef Ace of Cakes Good Unwrap Iron Chef Ace of Cakes Good Unwrap Iron Chef Party Good Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Viva Emeril Emeril EnterQuick Cooking Italian Minute ConLee Flay Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian C’tessa Home The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ManManManManThe First 48 The First 48 ManManManManPaid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Crime 360 The Sopranos CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds The Sopranos CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami HIST TNT Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Food Tech Amer. Pickers Food Tech Modern Marvels Food Tech Amer. Pickers Food Tech Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SaveHistory Prehistoric Monsters Clash of the Cavemen Gangland Gangland Prehistoric Monsters Clash of the Cavemen Law & Order NBA Basketball: Magic at Heat NBA Basketball ’’ ’’ Inside the NBA CSI: NY ’’ Leverage Cold Case NUMB3RS NUMB3RS Angel ’’ Angel ’’ Charmed Charmed Supernatural ER ’’ Las Vegas Las Vegas Cold Case Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order SPIKE USA CSI NCIS TVL AllFamAllFamNCIS CSI Sanford ’’ Sanford ’’ CSI House Home ’’ ’’ Home Movie: House Ray ‘‘Preda’’ Ray tor’’ House Ray ’’ ’’ Ray ’’ Burn Ray Players Notice Ray Players House RoPlayers ’’ RoCSI Movie: Ro’’ ‘‘The RoMyster- PresFirst ies Love tige’’ Disor’’ Cosby derly ’’ 3’s Co. Paid Law & 3’s Co. Paid 3’s Co. Order Paid MASH Paid Paid MASH Paid Paid Paid Monk Paid ’’ Comfort Paid Paid Monk Paid ’’ Paid Paid Paid Monk Paid ’’ Paid CSI: NY Monk Beaver ’’ ’’ GunsCSI Movie: moke ’’ ‘‘Match- BonCSI anza stick ’’ Men’’ ’’ CSI ’’ Bon’’ Movie: anza CSI Bon‘‘No ’’ Country anza CSI: NY for Old Bon’’ Men’’ anza CSI Law & Bon’’ Order anza CSI Law & Bon’’ Order anza CSI Law & Bewitch ’’ Order Bewitch ’’ ’’ TBS FSN Friends Office Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: ‘‘Legally Blonde’’ ’’ Fam Fam Lopez Tonight Name Name Sex & Sex & Lopez Tonight Movie: ‘‘Legally Blonde’’ ’’ Married Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedFresh Fresh Fresh Payne Just Home Home Jim Yes Yes Ray Ray Payne Jim Ray King King Friends Baseball Town Birding College Hockey ’’ ’’ ’’ ATP Tennis ’’ ’’ ATP Tennis: BNP Paribas Open: Quarterfinals ’’ Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Final Final Top of Mount Paid Paid Paid Paid Top of Rockies ShowBig 12 ATP Tennis ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SpCtr SportsCenter Live SportsNation Poker Europe Poker Europe SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Scoreboard SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Scoreboard ’’ SpCtr Lines BasketCollege Basketball ’’ StrongStrongStrongStrongStrongest Man Scoreboard NBA NASSportsNation Scoreboard SportsCenter Scoreboard Mike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ ESPN First Take ’’ Best of 1st & 10 Lines B’ball SportsNation Lines B’ball Race in 60 NASHub Fast Track Bullrun ’’ Bullrun ’’ Pass Hub Fast Track Bullrun ’’ Bullrun ’’ Gearz Hot Rod Motor Garage Paid Paid Paid Paid Monster Jam Fast Track Bullrun ’’ Truck U Motor Paid Comfort NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing ’’ NASCAR Racing NASCAR Lenten Daily Mass ’’ Life on Rock Parable Rosary Catholic Web of Faith Dana Daily Mass ’’ Life on Rock Shrine Saints Catholic Lenten Parish Quest Dana Euchar. Choices Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass Life on Rock ClasAll-Girl MeditaHoly Daily Mass Abundant ChesStations Mercy Rosary StoryDivine Truth Leader- Legals Page 17 See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2"*R R$0-# #" E!"1 JJJ ...and be informed of the function of your government are embodied in public notices in that self government charges all citiiens to be informed. This newspaper urges every citiien to read and study these notices. `e strongly advise those citiiens seeking further information, to eVercise their right of access to public records and public meetings. D&.DL$!& ("R L&0.L .DK&R#$S$!0 Op to two legalsiied typewritten pages, the deadline is 2 p.m. FOOR days in advance of publication date. Iore than two legal-siied typewritten pages will require up to S$j days for publication. ORDINANCES 53 !"#$C& "( )*+L$C -&.R$!0 +&("R& L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0 C"55$SS$"! "RD$!.!C& .5&!D5&!# 7 19-93 !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! that a public hearing will be conducted by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Commission to consider adoption of A! ORD$!A!C& AI&!D$!ORD$!A!C& 08-1 T)& 2006 $!T&R!AT$O!AL +O$LD$!- COD& A!D AI&!DI&!TS A!D ADD$T$O!S T)&R&TO. Summary of Change to the followingQ Section 2. That R 2 of Ordinance 08-01 be amended to read as followsQ Section 2. Amendments, Additions and deletions to the 2006 $nternational +uilding Code The change from using the +uilding .aluation Data Table per the $nternational Code Council in order to determine the StructureTs value to a fiVed per square foot table determined by the County Commission. A complete copy of this Amendment shall be available at the Office of Blanning and Coning and Lawrence County AuditorTs Office. !OT$C& $S FORT)&R -$.&! that said amendment will be heard by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning +oard in the CommissionerTs Ieeting Room Lawrence County Courthouse, 90 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota on the 1st day of April, 2010 at 1Q30 p.m., to hear and consider such amendment. Any person interested in the approval or re\ection of such ordinance may appear and be heard or file with the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Administrator a written statement of approval or disapproval. Dated at Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota this 5th Day of Iarch, 2010 Amber A. .ogt, Director Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^20.34. 777= 5arch 17 !"#$C& "( )*+L$C -&.R$!0 +&("R& L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0 C"55$SS$"! "RD$!.!C& .5&!D5&!# 7 19-92 !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! that a public hearing will be conducted by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Commission to consider adoption of the FOLLO`$!- S&CT$O!aSb or R&-OLAT$O!aSb AS &STA+L$S)&D +, T)& LA`R&!C& COO!T, CO!$!- ORD$!A!C&, ORD$!A!C& !OI+&R O!&, +& AI&!D&D, $! BART, AS FOLLO`SQ Summary of change to C)ABT&R 6- District RegulationsQ ART$CL& 14 - `)$T&`OOD SOB&RFO!D S$T& D$STR$CT Current ordinance will be deleted and replaced with more detail of the background, responsibilities of the County, responsibility of the property owners, site plan review, updated map and reference to the `hitewood Superfund Site +uilding Bermit handbook. Also, putting new Ordinance in the correct format. A complete copy of this Amendment shall be available at the Office of Blanning and Coning and Lawrence County AuditorTs Office. !OT$C& $S FORT)&R -$.&! that said amendment will be heard by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning +oard in the CommissionerTs Ieeting Room Lawrence County Courthouse, 90 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota on the 1st day of April, 2010 at 1Q30 p.m., to hear and consider such amendment. Any person interested in the approval or re\ection of such ordinance may appear and be heard or file with the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Administrator a written statement of approval or disapproval. Dated at Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota this 5th Day of Iarch, 2010 Amber A. .ogt, Director Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^21.25. 777C 5arch 17 !"#$C& "( )*+L$C -&.R$!0 +&("R& L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0 C"55$SS$"! "RD$!.!C& .5&!D5&!# 7 19-91 !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! that a public hearing will be conducted by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Commission to consider adoption of the FOLLO`$!- S&CT$O!aSb or R&-OLAT$O!aSb AS &STA+L$S)&D +, T)& LA`R&!C& COO!T, CO!$!- ORD$!A!C&, ORD$!A!C& !OI+&R O!&, +& AI&!D&D, $! BART, AS FOLLO`SQ Summary of change to Chapter 10 - Additional use Regulations of the Lawrence County Coning OrdinanceQ ART$CL& 12Cemeteries- Additional regulations for cemeteries regarding platting, access, disclosure and fencing. Summary of change to Chapter 13 - +uilding Bermits of the Lawrence County Coning OrdinanceQ ART$CL& 1-+O$LD$!- B&RI$T R&cO$R&I&!TS- Additional regulations for building permits regarding summary of when they are required, when it is needed, and approach permits. ART$CL& 2- +O$LD$!- B&RI$T ABBL$CAT$O! - Additional regulations for site plans. Summary of change to Chapter 21 - Fees of the Lawrence County Coning OrdinanceQ Section 1.2 $nitial +uilding Bermit valuation data will change to a fiVed per square foot cost instead of being based off the $nternational Code Council building valuation data table. Section 1.3 Renewal of a +uilding Bermit requirements will be spelled out more clearly. A complete copy of this Amendment shall be available at the Office of Blanning and Coning and Lawrence County AuditorTs Office. !OT$C& $S FORT)&R -$.&! that said amendment will be heard by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning +oard in the CommissionerTs Ieeting Room Lawrence County Courthouse, 90 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota on the 1st day of April, 2010 at 1Q30 p.m., to hear and consider such amendment. Any person interested in the approval or re\ection of such ordinance may appear and be heard or file with the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Administrator a written statement of approval or disapproval. Dated at Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota this 5th Day of Iarch, 2010 Amber A. .ogt, Director Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^27.58. 77=9 5arch 17 Administrative Official for a Conditional Ose Bermit under the Lawrence County Coning Ordinance, Chapter 19, to allow an AI&!DI&!T to original COB e303Q !AI&Q COL&, DA.$D + LOCAT$O! OF BROB&RT,Q )`, 385 COL&TS CA+$!S L&-AL D&SCR$BT$O!Q LOT 17 OF )&S 137, Section 18, T4!, R4&, +.).I, Lawrence Co., SD. BR&S&!T CO!$!D$STR$CTQ BF !otice is further given that said application will be heard by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Commission in the Commissioners Room of the Courthouse AnneV +uilding, 90 Sherman St, Deadwood, SD on the 1st day of April, 2010 at 1Q30 p.m. At which time and place any person interested may appear and show cause, if there be any, why such special eVception should or should not be granted. Dated at Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota this 4th day of Iarch, 2010 Amber A. .ogt, Director Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^16.27. 77=1 5arch 17 !"#$C& "( )*+L$C -&.R$!0 +&("R& #-& L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0 C"55$SS$"!, "(($C& "( L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0, D&.D1""D, S"*#D.E"#. 57732 C"47 2C9 PLANNING & ZONING 55 !"#$C& "( )*+L$C -&.R$!0 +&("R& #-& L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0 +".RD, "(($C& "( L.1R&!C& C"*!#2 )L.!!$!0 .!D 4"!$!0, D&.D1""D, S"*#D.E"#. 57732 C*)7 999393-19 !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! that the following person has applied to the Lawrence County !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! that the following person has applied to the Lawrence County Administrative Official for a Change of Coning under the Lawrence County Coning Ordinance, Chapter 17Q !AI&Q )A,&!-A, &R$f A g IOLL, C A B B L $ C A ! T Q )A,&!-A, CAL LOCAT$O! OF BROB&RT,Q `&ST OF SB&ARF$S) L&-AL D&SCR$BT$O!Q &1h2!&1h4!`1h4, &1h2S&1h4!`1h4, Section 12, T6!, R1&, +.).I, Lawrence Co., SD. BR&S&!T CO!$!D$STR$CTQ A-1 - -&!- &RAL A-R$COLTOR& D$STR$CT BROBOS&D CO!$!D$STR$CTQ A-2 - R&S$D&!T$AL A-R$COLTOR& D$STR$CT !otice is further given that said application will be heard by the Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Commission in the Commissioners Room of the Courthouse AnneV +uilding, 90 Sherman St, Deadwood, SD on the 1st day of April, 2010 at 1Q30 p.m. At which time and place any person interested may appear and show cause, if there be any, why such special eVception should or should not be granted. Dated at Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota this 5th day of Iarch, 2010 Amber A. .ogt, Director Lawrence County Blanning and Coning Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^18.08. 7777 5arch 17 PUBLIC NOTICES 56 !"#$C& "( D&.DL$!& ("R ($L$!0 !"5$!.#$!0 )&#$#$"!S )R$5.R2 &L&C#$"! The deadline for filing nominating petitions is Iarch 30, 2010, at 5Q00 p.m. $f a petition is mailed by registered mail by Iarch 30, 2010, at 5Q00 p.m. it shall be considered filed. !OI$!AT$!- B&T$T$O!S FOR T)& OFF$C&S OFQ County Commissioners a3b 4 year term County Auditor 4 year term County Register of Deeds 4 year term County Sheriff 4 year term Delegates to Republican Barty State ConventionQ 3 at-large Delegates from each county and each precinct committeeman and committeewoman. aCounty chairman, vice chairman, state committee members are also delegatesb. Delegates to Democratic Barty State ConventionQ 3 at-large Delegates from each county. shall be filed in the office of the county auditor located in the county courthouse during regular business hours. !OI$!AT$!- B&T$T$O!S FOR T)& OFF$C&S OFQ O.S. Senator 6 year term O.S. Representative 2 year term -overnor 4 year term District 31 Legislators a1 Senate, 2 )ouseb 2 year term shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, State Capitol +uilding, Bierre, SD 57501, between the hours of 8Q00 a.m. and 5Q00 p.m. CO!!$& ATf$!SO!, Lawrence County Auditor Bublished twice at the total approVimate cost of ^30.93. 7794 5arch 19, 17 !"#$C& The +oard of Supervisors of St. Onge Township will hold a regular meeting on Iarch 30, 2010 at 7 oTclock B.I. at St. Onge Community +uilding to handle any business proper to come before the +oard when so convened. Dated this the 24th day of February, 2010. Sue Smith Clerk Bublished once at the total approVimate cost of ^4.97. 7755 5arch 17 !"#$C& "( 5&&#$!0 C"*!#2 &H*.L$4.#$"! +".RD !OT$C& $S )&R&+, -$.&! That the +oard of County Commissioners, sitting as a County +oard of &qualiiation of Lawrence County, South Dakota will be meeting in the CommissionersT Room in the Administrative AnneV +uilding, 90 Sherman Street, Deadwood, South Dakota for the purpose of reviewing, correcting and equaliiing the assessment of said County for the year 2010. The County +oard will be meeting between April 13th and April 27th, 2010. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, are required to submit written notice to the County Auditor no later than April 6, 2010. cuestions may be directed to Lawrence County Auditor 578-1941. Dated this 1st day of Iarch, 2010. CO!!$& ATf$!SO!, Lawrence County Auditor Bublished twice at the total approVimate cost of ^19.53. SDCL 10-11-25 7769 5arch 19, 17 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 18 NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION City of Lead Lead-Deadwood Sanitary District Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1 City of Whitewood Voter registration for the City of Lead, the LeadDead5ood Sanitary District, the LeadDead5ood School District 40-1 and the City of White5ood Election to >e held on April 13, 2010, 5ill close on March 29, 2010E Failure to register >y this date 5ill cause forfeiture of voting rights for this electionE If you are in dou>t a>out 5hether you are registered, check the Voter InforKation Portal at 555EsdsosEgov or call the La5rence County Auditor’s office at N605Q 578-1941E Registration Kay >e coKpleted during regular >usiness hours at the county auditor’s office, Kunicipal finance office, secretary of state’s office and those locations 5hich provide driver’s licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, Kilitary recruitKent, and assis- tance to the disa>led as provided >y the DepartKent of HuKan ServicesE You Kay contact the county auditor to reYuest a Kail-in registration forK or access a Kailin forK at 555EsdsosEgov or a county provided 5e> site 5ith a link to a voter registration forKE Voters 5ith disa>ilities Kay contact the county auditor for inforKation and special assistance in voter registration, a>sentee voting, or polling place accessi>ilityE Mike Stahl, City AdKinistrator City of Lead Patricia AsKussen, District Clerk Lead-Dead5ood Sanitary District Margie Rantapaa, Business Manager Lead-Dead5ood School District [40-1 Cory Heckenlai>le, Finance Officer City of White5ood SDCL] 5]02]04]04E Pu>lished t5ice at the total approxiKate cost of _18E31E #763 March 10, 17 • Chinatown Café, Deadwood - Two entrees - Value $40 - $30 • James Photography, Spearfish -Portrait certificates – Value $100 - $50 • Gradinaru’s Haus of Kaffee, Lead - Value $20 - $14 • Posy Palace Florist, Belle Fourche - Value $25 - $18 • Maddison’s Styling Salon, Spearfish - Partial Foil with Tarren Pochop - Value $48 - $30 • Maddison’s Styling Salon, Spearfish - Reconditioning Service with Pat Colleran - Value $25 - $15 • Maddison’s Styling Salon, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD OF MINERALS AND ENVIRONMENT NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NO. 2-2010 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF LUFF EaPLORATION COMPANY TO AMEND THE APPLICABLE ORDERS FOR THE BUFFALO FIELD TO INCLUDE THE SW 1b4 OF SECTION 2 AND THE W 1b2 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, HARDING COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, WITHIN THE FIELDe TO ESTABLISH A 960-ACRE SPACING UNIT CONSISTING OF THE LANDS TOGETHER WITH THE SE 1b4 OF SECTION 3 AND THE E 1b2 OF SECTION 10, ALSO IN TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, HARDING COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, AND ALLOW THE DRILLING OF UP TO THREE HORIfON- • Ranek’s Gym, Spearfish 6 Months single fitness membership - Value $200 - $100 • Midnight Star - Jakes or Diamond Lil’s, Deadwood - Value $100 - $70 • Unique Boutique, Sturgis - Value $20 - $10 • A Step Ahead Foot Care, Spearfish - Value $20 - $10 • Golden Hills, Lead – one night stay in premium room - Value $99 - $55 • Bay Leaf Café, Spearfish - Value $20 - $14 • Recreational Springs, Lead - Spearfish - Set of Acrylic Nails One day snowmobile rental with Kayla McCarty - Value $140 - $70 - Value $50 - $35 • Pump House Coffee & Deli, Deadwood - Value $25 - $15 • Shankar Jewelry, Deadwood - Value $25 - $18 • Curves, Spearfish - 2 month memberships - Value $99 - $50 • Recreational Springs, Lead Restaurant - Value $25 - $14 • Taco John’s, Deadwood - Value $20 - $14 • Taco John’s, Spearfish - Value $25 - $18 TAL WELLS, EACH WITH ONE OR MORE LATERALS IN THE RED RIVER gBh fONE AT ANY LOCATION NOT CLOSER THAN 500 FEET TO THE BOUNDARY OF THE SPACING UNITe TO AUTHORIfE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR THE HORIfONTAL WELLSe AND FOR OTHER RELIEF THE BOARD DEEMS APPROPRIATEE Notice is here>y given to Luff Exploration CoKpany, Denver, Colorado, hereinafter gLuff,h and to all interested persons that the Board of Minerals and EnvironKent, hereinafter g>oard,h 5ill hold a contested case hearing on Thursday, April 15, 2010, at 11]00 aEKE CDT at the Matthe5 EnvironKental Education and Training Center, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501, for the purpose of hearing the follo5ing caseE Application is Kade >y Luff for an order to aKend all applica>le orders for the Buffalo Field to include the SWb 1b4 of Section 2 and the W 1b2 of Section 11, To5nship 22 North, Range 4 East, Harding • The Butcher Shop, Spearfish - Value $20 - $14 • Millstone Family Restaurant, Spearfish - Value $20 - $14 • Spearfish Canyon Outpost, Spearfish - Value $25 - $15 • Sturgis Photo and Gifts, Sturgis - Value $100 - $50 • Good As Gold Gifts and Antiques, Lead - Value $25 - $13 • PaPa Murphy’s, Spearfish - Value $20 - $14 • Recreation Station, Spearfish - Value $25 - $13 • Black Hills Portraits, Spearfish - Value $50 - $25 • Quality Inn, overnight stay in poolside room, Rapid City - Value $100 - $50 • Arnolds Classic Diner, Rapid City - Value $20 - $14 • Boston’s Restaurant, Rapid City - Value $25 - $18 • Subway, Spearfish - Value $20 - $15 County, South Dakota, 5ithin the fielde to esta>lish a 960-acre spacing unit consisting of the lands together 5ith the SE 1b4 of Section 3 and the E 1b2 of Section 10, also in To5nship 22 North, Range 4 East, Harding County, South Dakota, and allo5 the drilling of up to three horiiontal 5ells, each 5ith one or Kore laterals in the Red River gBh ione at any location not closer than 500 feet to the >oundary of the spacing unite to authoriie the issuance of a perKit for the horiiontal 5ellse and for other relief the >oard deeKs appropriateE Luff alleges as follo5s] 1E Luff represents the o5ners of interests in the oil and gas leasehold estate underlying all or portions of the SW 1b4 of Section 2, the SE 1b4 of Section 3, the E 1b2 of Section 10 and the W 1b2 of Section 11, all in To5nship 22 North, Range 4 East of the Black Hills Meridian, Harding County, South DakotaE 2E The SE 1b4 of Section 3 and the E 1b2 of Section 10 are included 5ithin the Buffalo FieldE To Luff’s kno5ledge, Sections 2 and 11 are not currently 5ithin any field 5hich has >een esta>lished >y the >oardE In Luff’s opinion, the Red River gBh ione is likely to >e productive in Sections 2 and 11 froK the saKe coKKon source of supply, 5hich is spaced in and producing froK the Buffalo FieldE 3E Spacing for the Red River pool in the Buffalo Field 5as originally esta>lished on the >asis of one 5ell per 160 acres >y Order NoE 1E In Order NoE 8, spacing for portions of the field 5as changed to one 5ell per 320 acres and 320-acre spacing 5as also esta>lished in Order NosE 2-78, 1-79, and other ordersE In Order NosE 4-95 and 8-95, 640-acre spacing 5as esta>lished for purposes of drilling horiiontal 5ells in the Red River gBh ioneE 4E There are no producing 5ells 5ithin Sections 2, 3, 10 or 11E Luff desires to drill up to three horiiontal 5ells 5ithin a 960-acre area consisting of the SW 1b4 of Section 2, the SE 1b4 of Section 3, the E 1b2 of Section 10, and the W 1b2 of Section 11E In Luff’s opinion, esta>lishing a 960-acre spacing unit and allo5ing up to three horiiontal 5ells to >e drilled, each 5ith one or Kore laterals, 5ill allo5 laterals to >e drilled in an orderly pattern and at locations that 5ill KaxiKiie production froK the lands and perhaps ultiKately facilitate the iKpleKentation of a secondary recovery prograKE 5E Luff respectfully reYuests the >oard aKend its prior orders to include the SW 1b4 of Section 2 and the W 1b2 of Section 11 5ithin the Buffalo Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Field, to create a 960-acre spacing unit for the Buffalo Field consisting of the SW 1b4 of Section 2, SE 1b4 of Section 3, E 1b2 of Section 10 and the W 1b2 of Section 11, all in To5nship 22 North, Range 4 East, Harding County, South Dakota, and allo5 up to three horiiontal 5ells, each 5ith one or Kore laterals, to >e drilled in the Red River gBh pool at any location not closer than 500 feet to the >oundary of the spacing unitE 6E In Luff’s opinion, expanding the field, forKing the reYuested spacing unit and drilling the 5ells descri>ed a>ove 5ill optiKiie priKary recovery, prevent 5aste, avoid the drilling of unnecessary 5ells and protect correlative rightsE 7E The spacing unit reYuested to >e created is not sKaller than the KaxiKuK area that can >e efficiently and econoKically drained >y the proposed 5ells, and the siie, shape and location 5ill result in the efficient and econoKic developKent of the pool as a 5holeE The >oard has jurisdiction and legal authority to issue orders for the developKent of the oil and gas resources of the state pursuant to South Dakota Codified La5s NSDCLQ Chapter 45-9 and Chapter 1-26 and further pursuant to AdKinistrative Rules of South Dakota NARSDQ 74]09 and 74]10E The hearing is an adversary proceeding and any party has the right to >e represented >y a la5yerE These and other due process rights 5ill >e forfeited if they are not exercised at the hearingE The >oard Kay approve, conditionally approve, or deny the applicationE The >oard’s decision 5ill >e >ased upon the evidence received at the hearingE The >oard’s decision Kay >e appealed to the Circuit Court and the State SupreKe Court as provided >y la5E If the aKount in controversy exceeds t5o thousand five hundred dollars or if a property right Kay >e terKinated, any party to the contested case Kay reYuire the agency to use the Office of Hearing ExaKiners >y giving notice of the reYuest to the agency no later than ten days after service of a notice of hearing issued pursuant to SDCL 1-26-17E Any person 5ho 5ishes to intervene in this proceeding as a party Kust file a petition to intervene pursuant to ARSD 74]09]01]04 on or >efore April 7, 2010E Notice is further given to individuals 5ith disa>ilities that this hearing is >eing held in a physically accessi>le placeE Please notify the DepartKent of EnvironKent and Natural Resources at least 48 hours >efore the pu>lic hearing if you have a disa>ility for 5hich special arrangeKents Kust >e Kade at the hearing >y calling the telephone nuK>er listed >elo5E Additional inforKation a>out this petition is availa>le froK Fred VE Steece, Oil and Gas Supervisor, DepartKent of EnvironKent and Natural Resources, 2050 West Main Street, Suite [1, Rapid City, SD 57702, telephone 605E394E2229E Dated] Fe>ruary 10, 2010 -s- Steven ME Pirner Secretary Pu>lished t5ice at the total approxiKate cost of _135E92E #786 March 10, 17 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD OF MINERALS AND ENVIRONMENT NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NO. 4-2010 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF LUFF EaPLORATION COMPANY TO AMEND THE APPLICABLE ORDERS FOR THE EAST HARDING SPRINGS FIELD TO ESTABLISH A 960-ACRE SPACING UNIT CONSISTING OF THE S 1b2 OF SECTION 27 AND ALL OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, HARDING COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, AND ALLOW THE DRILLING OF UP TO THREE HORIfONTAL WELLS WITH ONE OR MORE LATERALS IN THE RED RIVER gBh fONE AT ANY LOCATION NOT CLOSER THAN 500 FEET TO THE BOUNDARY OF THE SPACING UNITe TO AUTHORIfE THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR SUCH HORIfONTAL WELLSe AND FOR OTHER RELIEF THE BOARD DEEMS APPROPRIATEE Notice is here>y given to Luff Exploration CoKpany, Denver, Colorado, hereinafter gLuff,h and to all interested persons that the Board of Minerals and EnvironKent, hereinafter g>oard,h 5ill hold a contested case hearing on Thursday, April 15, 2010, at 11]00 aEKE CDT at the Matthe5 EnvironKental Education and Training Center, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501, for the purpose of hearing the follo5ing caseE Luff states and alleges as follo5s] 1E Luff represents the o5ners of interests in the oil and gas leasehold estate underlying all or portions of the S 1b2 of Section 27 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 !"#T% '(") P+% 1an# a%% o' Se*tion -./ Townshi4 5- 6orth/ Ran9e : East/ <ar#in9 =o>nt?/ So>th @aAotaB 5B In Or#er 6oB EFGG/ the Hoar# estaH%ishe# -5IF a*re s4a*in9 'or the East <ar#in9 S4rin9s Fie%#B In Or#er 6oB -FGGa/ the Hoar# eKten#e# the Ho>n#aries o' the East <ar#in9 S4rin9s Fie%# to in*%>#e a%% o' Se*tions 5G an# -./ as we%% as other %an#sB A%tho>9h the Hoar# estaH%ishe# M.IFa*re s4a*in9 'or horiNonta% we%%s in 4ortions o' the East <ar#in9 S4rin9s Fie%# in Or#er 6oB EMFOG/ Se*tions 5G an# -. *>rrent%? remain on -5IF a*re s4a*in9B -B Q>'' inten#s to #eRe%o4 the Re# RiRer STU None >n#er%?in9 the %an#s H? #ri%%in9 >4 to three horF iNonta% we%%sB In or#er to %o*ate the horiNonta% we%%s at their o4tima% %o*ations/ Q>'' He%ieRes the '%eKiHi%it? a''or#e# H? a OMIFa*re s4a*in9 >nit with >4 to three we%%s is ne*essar?B .B Q>'' res4e*t'>%%? reV>ests the Hoar# to amen# its 4rior or#ers to estaH%ish a OMIFa*re s4a*F in9 >nit an# to a%%ow >4 to three horiNonta% we%%s with one or more %atera%s to He #ri%%e# in the Re# RiRer STU None at an? %o*ation not *%oser than :II 'eet to the Ho>n#ar? o' the s4a*F in9 >nitB :B In Q>''Ws o4inion/ amen#in9 the 'ie%# Ho>n#F aries/ 'ormin9 the reV>estF e# s4a*in9 >nit an# #ri%%in9 the we%%s #es*riHe# aHoRe wi%% o4timiNe 4rimar? re*oRer?/ 4reRent waste/ aRoi# the #ri%%in9 o' >nne*F essar? we%%s/ an# 4rote*t *orre%atiRe ri9htsB MB The s4a*in9 >nit reV>este# to He *reate# is not sma%%er than the maKiF m>m area that *an He e''iF *ient%? an# e*onomi*a%%? #raine# H? the 4ro4ose# we%%s/ an# the siNe/ sha4e an# %o*ation wi%% res>%t in the e''i*ient an# e*onomi* #eRe%o4ment o' the 4oo% as a who%eB The Hoar# has X>ris#i*F tion an# %e9a% a>thorit? to iss>e or#ers 'or the #eRe%F o4ment o' the oi% an# 9as reso>r*es o' the state 4>rF s>ant to So>th @aAota =o#i'ie# Qaws YS@=QZ =ha4ter .:FO an# =ha4ter EF5M an# '>rther 4>rs>ant to A#ministratiRe R>%es o' So>th @aAota YARS@Z G.:IO an# G.:EIB The hearF in9 is an a#Rersar? 4roF *ee#in9 an# an? 4art? has the ri9ht to He re4resente# H? a %aw?erB These an# other #>e 4ro*ess ri9hts wi%% He 'or'eite# i' the? are not eKer*ise# at the hearF in9B The Hoar# ma? a44roRe/ *on#itiona%%? a44roRe/ or #en? the a44%iF *ationB The Hoar#Ws #e*iF sion wi%% He Hase# >4on the eRi#en*e re*eiRe# at the hearin9B The Hoar#Ws #e*iF sion ma? He a44ea%e# to the =ir*>it =o>rt an# the State S>4reme =o>rt as 4roRi#e# H? %awB I' the amo>nt in *ontroF Rers? eK*ee#s two tho>san# BLACK HILLS PIONEER Sub$%ribe t+ t,e -.a%0 1i..$ 2i+neer 4-4diti+n7 Page 19 Classifieds Page 20 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 CONT. FROM PG. 19 !i#e &undred d+,,ar. +r i! a pr+perty ri2&t 3ay be ter3inated, any party t+ t&e 7+nte.ted 7a.e 3ay re8uire t&e a2en7y t+ u.e t&e 9!!i7e +! :earin2 ;<a3iner. by 2i#in2 n+ti7e +! t&e re8ue.t t+ t&e a2en7y n+ ,ater t&an ten day. a!ter .er#i7e +! a n+ti7e +! &earin2 i..ued pur.uant t+ SDC@ 1-26-17. Fny per.+n G&+ Gi.&e. t+ inter#ene in t&i. pr+7eedin2 a. a party 3u.t !i,e a petiti+n t+ inter#ene pur.uant t+ FRSD 74J09J01J04 +n +r be!+re Fpri, 7, 2010. N+ti7e i. !urt&er 2i#en t+ indi#idua,. Git& di.abi,itie. t&at t&i. &earin2 i. bein2 &e,d in a p&y.i7a,,y a77e..ib,e p,a7e. N,ea.e n+ti!y t&e Depart3ent +! ;n#ir+n3ent and Natura, Re.+ur7e. at ,ea.t 48 &+ur. be!+re t&e pub,i7 &earin2 i! y+u &a#e a di.abi,ity !+r G&i7& .pe7ia, arran2e3ent. 3u.t be 3ade at t&e &earin2 by 7a,,in2 t&e te,ep&+ne nu3ber ,i.ted be,+G. Fdditi+na, in!+r3ati+n ab+ut t&i. petiti+n i. a#ai,ab,e !r+3 Pred Q. Stee7e, 9i, and Ra. Super#i.+r, Depart3ent +! ;n#ir+n3ent and Natura, Re.+ur7e., 2050 We.t Main Street, Suite #1, Rapid City, SD 57702, te,ep&+ne 605.394.2229. DatedJ Pebruary 12, 2010 -.- Ste#en M. Nirner Se7retary Nub,i.&ed tGi7e at t&e t+ta, appr+<i3ate 7+.t +! X96.85. .787 March 10, 17 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD OF MINERALS AND ENVIRONMENT NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NO. 5-2010 YN Z:; MFZZ;R 9P Z:; N;ZYZY9N 9P @[PP ;\N@9RFZY9N C9MNFN] Z9 FM;ND Z:; FNN@YCF^@; 9RD;RSP9R Z:; S9[Z: M;DYCYN; N9@; :Y@@S PY;@D 9R Z:; ZF^@; M9[NZFYN PY;@D Z9 YNC@[D; Z:; ; 1_2 9P S;CZY9N 25, Z9WNS:YN 23 N9RZ:, RFNR; 3 ;FSZ, FND Z:; NW 1_4 9P S;CZY9N 30, Z9WNS:YN 23 N9RZ:, RFNR; 4 ;FSZ, :FRDYNR C9[NZ], S9[Z: DF`9ZFa Z9 ;SZF^- @YS: F 480-FCR; SNFCYNR [NYZ C9NSYSZYNR 9P Z:; ; 1_2 9P S;CZY9N 25 FND NW 1_4 9P S;CZY9N 30 FND F@@9W Z:; DRY@@YNR 9P F :9RYb9NZF@ W;@@ WYZ: 9N; 9R M9R; @FZ;RF@S YN Z:; R;D RYQ;R c^d b9N; FZ FN] @9CFZY9N N9Z C@9S;R Z:FN 500 P;;Z Z9 Z:; ^9[NDFR] 9P Z:; SNFCYNR [NYZa Z9 F[Z:9RYb; Z:; YSS[FNC; 9P F N;RMYZ P9R S[C: :9RYb9NZF@ W;@@a FND P9R 9Z:;R R;@Y;P Z:; ^9FRD D;;MS FNNR9NRYFZ;. N+ti7e i. &ereby 2i#en t+ @u!! ;<p,+rati+n C+3pany, Den#er, C+,+rad+, &ereina!ter c@u!!,d and t+ a,, intere.ted per.+n. t&at t&e ^+ard +! Minera,. and ;n#ir+n3ent, &ereina!ter cb+ard,d Gi,, &+,d a 7+nte.ted 7a.e &earin2 +n Z&, Fpri, 15, 2010, at 11J00 a.3. CDZ at t&e Matt&eG ;n#ir+n3enta, ;du7ati+n and Zrainin2 Center, 523 ;a.t Capit+, F#enue, Nierre, SD 57501, !+r t&e purp+.e +! &earin2 t&e !+,,+Gin2 7a.e. @u!! .tate. and a,,e2e. a. !+,,+G.J 1. @u!! repre.ent. t&e +Gner. +! intere.t. in t&e +i, and 2a. ,ea.e&+,d e.tate under,yin2 a,, +r p+rti+n. +! t&e ; 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 25, Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 3 ;a.t, and t&e NW 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30, Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 4 ;a.t, a,, in :ardin2 C+unty, S+ut& Dae+ta. 2. Yt appear. t&at at +ne ti3e, a,, +r p+rti+n. +! Se7ti+n 30 3ay &a#e been in7,uded Git&in t&e S+ut& Medi7ine N+,e :i,,. Pie,d. Yn 9rder N+. 13-85, t&e b+ard p++,ed t&e SW 1_4 S; 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30, a p+rti+n +! t&e .pa7in2 unit !+r t&e pr+du7in2 Ge,,, G&i7& @u!! under.tand. t+ be t&e S 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 30. Yn 9rder N+. 14-97, t&e !indin2 i. 3ade t&at t&e app,i7ant in t&e 7a.e +ri2ina,,y 3+#ed t+,i.& 640-a7re .pa7in2 !+r &+rif+nta, de#e,+p3ent +! t&e Red Ri#er c^d f+ne but t&e app,i7ant Git&dreG t&e re8ue.t !+r Se7ti+n 30. 9rder N+. 14-97 rede!ined t&e b+undarie. +! t&e !ie,d t+ in7,ude Se7ti+n. 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 and 35 in Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 4 ;a.t. 3. Yn 9rder N+. 13-97, t&e Zab,e M+untain Pie,d Ga. e<panded t+ in7,ude a,, +! Se7ti+n 25, Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 3 ;a.t. Yn @u!!g. +pini+n, t&e Red Ri#er c^d p++, under,yin2 t&e ; 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 25 and t&e NW 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30 i. a,, part +! t&e .a3e 7+33+n .+ur7e +! .upp,y, G&i7& i. .pa7ed in and pr+du7in2 !r+3 b+t& t&e S+ut& Medi7ine N+,e :i,,. Pie,d and t&e Zab,e M+untain Pie,d. 4. Yn 9rder N+. 13-97, t&e b+ard,i.&ed 640a7re .pa7in2 !+r Se7ti+n 25 and in 9rder N+. 14-97, t&e b+ard,i.&ed 640a7re .pa7in2 !+r &+rif+nta, Red Ri#er c^d Ge,,. in Se7ti+n. 29, 32, 34 and 35. @u!! de.ire. t+ dri,, a &+rif+nta, Ge,, Git& tG+ +r 3+re ,atera,. +n a .pa7in2 unit 7+n.i.tin2 +! t&e ; 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 25 and t&e NW 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30. Z&i. .pa7in2 unit Gi,, a,,+G t&e Ge,, t+ be dri,,ed at t&e +pti3u3 ,+7ati+n and t&e ,atera,. t+ be dri,,ed in t&e +pti3a, +rientati+n, and Gi,, a,.+ a,,+G a Ge,, t+ be dri,,ed t&at Gi,, !a7i,itate .e7+ndary re7+#ery +perati+n.. 5. F #erti7a, Ge,, &a. been dri,,ed t+ and 7urrent,y pr+du7e. !r+3 t&e Red Ri#er p++, in t&e S; 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30. Z&e +perat+r +! t&at Ge,, &a. +bhe7ted t+ in7,udin2 t&e S 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 30 in a .pa7in2 unit !+r .u7& a &+rif+nta, Ge,,. 6. @u!! re.pe7t!u,,y re8ue.t. t&at t&e b+ard a3end it. pri+r +rder. t+ in7,ude t&e ; 1_2 +! Se7ti+n 25, Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 3 ;a.t, and t&e NW 1_4 +! Se7ti+n 30, Z+Gn.&ip 23 N+rt&, Ran2e 4 ;a.t, Git&in eit&er t&e S+ut& Medi7ine N+,e :i,,. Pie,d +r t&e Zab,e M+untain Pie,d, t+,i.& a 480-a7re .pa7in2 unit !+r eit&er +! t&e !ie,d. and t+ a,,+G a &+rif+nta, Ge,,, Git& +ne +r 3+re ,atera,., t+ be dri,,ed in t&e Red Ri#er c^d p++, at any ,+7ati+n n+t 7, t&an 500 !eet t+ t&e b+undary +! t&e .pa7in2 unit. 7. Yn @u!!g. +pini+n, a3endin2 t&e !ie,d b+undarie., !+r3in2 t&e re8ue.ted .pa7in2 unit and dri,,in2 t&e Ge,, de.7ribed ab+#e Gi,, +pti3ife pri3ary re7+#ery, pre#ent Ga.te, a#+id t&e dri,,in2 +! unne7e..ary Ge,,., and pr+te7t 7+rre,ati#e ri2&t.. 8. Z&e .pa7in2 unit re8ue.ted t+ be 7reated i. n+t .3a,,er t&an t&e 3a<i3u3 area t&at 7an be e!!i7ient,y and e7+n+3i7a,,y drained by t&e pr+p+.ed Ge,,., and t&e .ife, .&ape and ,+7ati+n Gi,, re.u,t in t&e e!!i7ient and e7+n+3i7 de#e,+p3ent +! t&e p++, a. a G&+,e. Z&e b+ard &a. huri.di7ti+n and ,e2a, aut&+rity t+ i..ue +rder. !+r t&e de#e,+p3ent +! t&e +i, and 2a. re.+ur7e. +! t&e .tate pur- .uant t+ S+ut& Dae+ta C+di!ied @aG. (SDC@) C&apter 45-9 and C&apter 1-26 and !urt&er pur.uant t+ Fd3ini.trati#e Ru,e. +! S+ut& Dae+ta (FRSD) 74J09 and 74J10. Z&e &earin2 i. an ad#er.ary pr+7eedin2 and any party &a. t&e ri2&t t+ be repre.ented by a ,aGyer. Z&e.e and +t&er due pr+7e.. ri2&t. Gi,, be !+r!eited i! t&ey are n+t e<er7i.ed at t&e &earin2. Z&e b+ard 3ay appr+#e, 7+nditi+na,,y appr+#e, +r deny t&e app,i7ati+n. Z&e b+ardg. de7i.i+n Gi,, be ba.ed up+n t&e e#iden7e re7ei#ed at t&e &earin2. Z&e b+ardg. de7i.i+n 3ay be appea,ed t+ t&e Cir7uit C+urt and t&e State Supre3e C+urt a. pr+#ided by ,aG. Y! t&e a3+unt in 7+ntr+#er.y e<7eed. tG+ t&+u.and !i#e &undred d+,,ar. +r i! a pr+perty ri2&t 3ay be ter3inated, any party t+ t&e 7+nte.ted 7a.e 3ay re8uire t&e a2en7y t+ u.e t&e 9!!i7e +! :earin2 ;<a3iner. by 2i#in2 n+ti7e +! t&e re8ue.t t+ t&e a2en7y n+ ,ater t&an ten day. a!ter .er#i7e +! a n+ti7e +! &earin2 i..ued pur.uant t+ SDC@ 1-26-17. Fny per.+n G&+ Gi.&e. t+ inter#ene in t&i. pr+7eedin2 a. a party 3u.t !i,e a petiti+n t+ inter#ene pur.uant t+ FRSD 74J09J01J04 +n +r be!+re Fpri, 7, 2010. N+ti7e i. !urt&er 2i#en t+ indi#idua,. Git& di.abi,itie. t&at t&i. &earin2 i. bein2 &e,d in a p&y.i7a,,y a77e..ib,e p,a7e. N,ea.e n+ti!y t&e Depart3ent +! ;n#ir+n3ent and Natura, Re.+ur7e. at ,ea.t 48 &+ur. be!+re t&e pub,i7 &earin2 i! y+u &a#e a di.abi,ity !+r G&i7& .pe7ia, arran2e3ent. 3u.t be 3ade at t&e &earin2 by 7a,,in2 t&e te,ep&+ne nu3ber ,i.ted be,+G. Fdditi+na, in!+r3ati+n ab+ut t&i. petiti+n i. a#ai,ab,e !r+3 Pred Q. Stee7e, 9i, and Ra. Super#i.+r, Depart3ent +! ;n#ir+n3ent and Natura, Re.+ur7e., 2050 We.t Main Street, Suite #1, Rapid City, SD 57702, te,ep&+ne 605.394.2229. DatedJ Pebruary 12, 2010 -.- Ste#en M. Nirner Se7retary Nub,i.&ed tGi7e at t&e t+ta, appr+<i3ate 7+.t +! X122.90. .788 March 10, 17 SUMMONS SZFZ; 9P S9[Z: DF`9ZF SS. C9[NZ] 9P 58 @FWR;NC; YN CYRC[YZ C9[RZ P9[RZ: J[DYCYF@ CYRC[YZ Ci#. #09-1009 J9]C; C. ^9WMFN N,ainti!!, #.. Z:;R;SF F. :[C`, @FWR;NC; C9[NZ], a p+,iti7a, .ubdi#i.i+n +! t&e State +! S+ut& Dae+ta and a,, per.+n unen+Gn G&+ &a#e +r 7,ai3 t+ &a#e any intere.t +r e.tate in +r 7,ai3 t+ +r ,ien +r en7u3bran7e up+n t&e pre3i.e. de.7ribed in t&e C+3p,aint, De!endant.. S[MM9NS Z:; SZFZ; 9P S9[Z: DF`9ZF Z9 Z:; F^9Q;-NFM;D D;P;NDFNZS, RR;;ZYNRSJ ]+u are &ereby .u33+ned and re8uired t+ an.Ger t&e C+3p,aint +! t&e N,ainti!!, G&i7& Ga. !i,ed in t&e +!!i7e +! t&e C,ere +! t&i. C+urt at DeadG++d, S+ut& Dae+ta, in @aGren7e C+unty, +n t&e 12t& day +! Fu2u.t, 2009, and G&i7& pray. !+r a hud23ent 8uietin2 t&e tit,e t+ and t&e deter3inati+n +! a,, ad#er.e 7,ai3. a2ain.t t&e pre3i.e. de.7ribed in t&e C+3p,aint, .ituated in .aid C+unty, S+ut& Dae+ta, t+GitJ @+t 42 e<7ept t&e Ge.t 10 !eet and .+ut&Ge.t 14 !eet in ^,+7e 76 +! t&e City +! DeadG++d, @aGren7e C+unty, S+ut& Dae+taa and t+ .er#e a 7+py +! y+ur Fn.Ger t+ .aid C+3p,aint +n t&e under.i2ned at &i. +!!i7e at 68 S&er3an Street, Suite 303, N.9. ^+< 583, DeadG++d, S+ut& Dae+ta 57732, Git&in t&irty (30) day. a!ter t&e 7+3p,eted .er#i7e +! t&e Su33+n. up+n y+u, e<7,u.i#e +! t&e date +! .u7& .er#i7e, and i! y+u !ai, t+ an.Ger .aid C+3p,aint Git&in t&at ti3e, t&e N,ainti!!. Gi,, app,y t+ t&e C+urt !+r t&e re,ie! de3anded in t&e C+3p,aint. Dated t&i. 12t& day +! Fu2u.t, 2009. -.- Ste#en M. C&ri.ten.en Ftt+rney !+r N,ainti!! N.9. ^+< 583 DeadG++d, SD 57732 605-578-1953 NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM N9ZYC; YS :;R;^] RYQ;N t&at n+ per.+na, 7,ai3 i. bein2 3ade a2ain.t any +! t&e De!endant. h+ined &erein. Z&e purp+.e +! t&i. a7ti+n i. t+ 82uiet tit,e t+ t&e rea, pr+perty de.7ribed &erein in t&e N,ainti!!.. Dated t&i. 12t& day +! Fu2u.t, 2009. -.- Ste#en M. C&ri.ten.en Ftt+rney !+r N,ainti!! N.9. ^+< 583 DeadG++d, SD 57732 605-578-1953 .806 March 17, 24, 31, April 7 102 PERSONALS !"#EST'( *+,SE Se/0al *ssa0lt 5678o0: (:isis <i=e> +0tte?<a@:e=Ae?8a:Bi=C (o0=tiesD EFG7H5I7FJE6 o: SKea:LisM SMelte:D EFG7E657HN5G o: O7NFF7 JJJ75I6NP !eaB@ooB ?<eaB SMelte:D St0:Cis SMelte:D EFG7I6H7FFGF o: O7NFF7HGG7N6I5 *ll (alls (o=LiBe=tialP 103 COMMUNITY EVENTS E"ual Housing Opportunity *ll :eal estate aBYe:tisi=C i= tMe Fai: 8o0si=C *At maSes it illeCal to aBYe:tise ^a=W K:eLe:e=Ae> limitatio= o: Bis7 A:imi=atio= baseB o= :aAe> Aolo:> :eliCio=> se/> Ma=Bi7 AaK> Lamilial stat0s> o: =atio=al o:iCi=> o: a= i=te=7 tio=> to maSe a=W s0AM K:eL7 e:e=Ae> limitatio= o: BisA:im7 i=atio=P_ Familial stat0s i=Al0Bes AMilB:e= 0=Be: tMe aCe oL ON liYi=C @itM Ka:e=ts o: leCal A0stoBia=sf K:eC7 =a=t @ome= a=B KeoKle seA0:i=C A0stoBW oL AMilB:e= 0=Be: ONP TMis =e@sKaKe: @ill =ot S=o@i=ClW aAAeKt a=W aBYe:tisi=C Lo: :eal estate @MiAM is i= Yiolatio= oL tMe la@P "0: :eaBe:s a:e Me:ebW i=Lo:meB tMat all B@elli=Cs aBYe:tiseB i= tMis =e@sKa7 Ke: a:e aYailable o= a= eg0al oKKo:t0=itW basisP To AomKlai= oL BisA:imi=atio=> Aall 8,! toll7L:ee at O hNFFi EEJ7JHHHP TMe toll7L:ee tele7 KMo=e =0mbe: Lo: tMe Mea:7 i=C imKai:eB is O hNFFi J5H7 J5HGP GENERAL ADVERTISING POLIC= The Black Hills Pioneer makes eEery effort to aEoid errorsH HoweEer, in handling hundreds of ads, occasionally errors do occurH We ask that you read your ad carefully on the first day of publication and phone us immediately if there is an errorH We can only be responsible for a single dayNs incorrect adH We reserEe the right to reEise, edit, reclassify or reOect any classified ad for publicationH !'NE R'T8 T8E +0=So +eMi=Be:s o= #a:AM 5JtM L:om 67NKPmP at Ue:Si=s FamilW Xesta0:a=t loAat7 eB at 5IFO East (olo:aBo +lYBP i= SKea:LisMP OFZ oL sales B0:i=C tMat time Ke:ioB @ill be=eLit XelaW Lo: <iLe a=B tMe *me:iAa= (a=Ae: SoAietWP 105 LOST & FOUND <"ST 7 <*X\E #*<E (*T> tiCe: st:iKeB @itM @Mite Ka@s a=B m0]]le> tiCe: sKot bW =ose> ^=ameB +ooCe:_> :e@a:B> EFG7IJF7GF5IP 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES *,T"#"+'<E T,NE7 ,US `OJJP H !*aS * REEbP 'N(<,!ESP SU*XbU<,\S> F,E< 'NJE(T"X (<E*N'N\> <*+"X *N! ("#7 U<ETE dE8'(<E (8E(b "dEXP (*<< #"+'<E TE(8 *,T" XEU*'X F"X *FF"X!*+<E dE8'7 (<E XEU*'X EFG7E6O7 5E66P I5 (,TT'N\ #'NE X"*!> <E*! S! (,ST"# +,'<T R'N7 !"RS> IFZ ta/ A:eBit +0W LiYe @i=Bo@s Cet o=e L:ee i= #a:AM SiBi=C> Ue:Lo:ma=Ae Ri=Bo@s - E/te:io:s O7 NFF7NF67ENNN !Ed*S8*N 'N78"#E (omK0te: XeKai:P 's Wo0: AomK0te: :0==i=C slo@e Xeaso=able :ates> se:YiAe @itMi= 5G miles oL SKea:LisM EFG7H557 GIGG Schmidt Construction 30# Years Experience in • Basements • Foundations • DriEeways • Patios • Sidewalks Licensed & Insured 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OLD WEST HEATING, INC. Of Lead. Natural/LP Gas E<uipment Repair. Furnaces, Water Heaters, -Cook Stoves., Etc. For Fast Service Call Greg At 605-580-0123 Or 605717-1779. RECYCLE YOUR APPLIANCES. Pickup all non-refrigerated appliances, mowers, grills, bikes, siding, all things metal $20 MINIMUM CHARGE. Call Yoe 605-722-1807 201 SCHOOLS & TRAINING BLACK HILLS E\UESTRIAN Center First-Time Horseman Clinic, March 20th, 10-2, Trail Clinic, March 27th, Yumping Clinic, March 28th. Call for more information. Lessons, Training, Boarding Alwa]s available. 605-641-3251 SEEKING A LEARNING coach/teacher/collEge student for our teenage son. Son has a great personalit], loves golf and is eager to learn through a one on one approach. Build on math, algebra, stud] skills and reading comprehension. Flexible schedule. Educational funds available, fee based on commitment and sincere interest in the development of his academic success. 605-6420558 205 CHILD CARE SERVICES CHILD CARE openings, 6 months and up, state certified, meals, Black Hawk area. 605-7185924. 208 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVAL/ SNOW Moving with Bobcat. call Mike a 605-642-7860 or 605645-7760 400 SEASONAL HELP THE CITY OF Lead is taking applications for seasonal summer emplo]ment. Several positions are available. For further information stop in at Lead Cit] Hall or call 584-1401. Application closing is April 9, 2010 401 PART-TIME PART-TIME CASHIERS, sales floor help and assembler needed. Please appl] in person at the Mercantile 2535 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish EOE. Page 21 401 PART-TIME Restaurant Manager 402 FULL-TIME CARING INDIVIDUAL needed to help provide tutoring 20 hours a week at the Lead/Deadwood Career and Technical Campus in Nemo, SD. Must have a teaching certificate and able to lift 50 pounds. Starting wage based on experience. For application please send a resume and cover letter to Bonnie Fuller, PO Box 110 Nemo, SD 57759. An] <uestions please call Mrs. Fuller at 605-5782371 extension 1142631 EOE Join our team! AVON MANAGER LOOKING for motivated peopleBlack Hills area with good attitude and desire to make mone]. Will train. Flexible schedule. f605g 644-7110, ext 3. NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for part-time retail salespersonbBackground in color, design, and decorating helpfulb Not mandator]bWill train. Could work into full-time position. Base or commission. Some weekends. Appl] online at KARLSONLINE.COM, go to cCareers”. No phone calls. RECEPTIONIST-par t time at bus] law office. Answer 5 line phone, light office duties. Send resume to The Law Offices, Attn. HR, P.O. Box 583, Deadwood, SD 57732. No phone calls please. Closing date March 26, 2010. 402 FULL-TIME 2010 START THE NEW YEAR with a new career! Real Estate Pre-Licensing classes f116 hoursg begin April 5, 2010 in Spearfish. DakotaWest has one of the highest pass rates in the state.You owe ]ourself the best education. A part of the course is available on CD. VA \ualified. Call DakotaWest for information package. 1-605717-2501 ENHANCE YOUR CAREER! Dana Dental Arts is seeking a warm, caring, team-oriented individual to assist Doctors. Work in a friendl] environment that has a commitment to excellence. CDA preferred but will train. Full time position offers paid holida]s, vacation, medical-dental benefits, CE and retirement plan. Please send resume toh Dental Assistant, 1306 Main St., Spearfish, SD 57783. If you are a self motivated individual looking for a long term career in the hospitality industry with benefits and a great working environment we have an opening for you. Must have at least 2 years of restaurant/kitchen management with experience in scheduling, hiring, training staff, monthly inventory, maintaining food and labor costs. Benefits: one week paid vacation, full health insurance after 90 days, monthly bonus plan and anniversary bonuses. BOOKKEEPERh FT position at a small construction office. Candidate must be detail-oriented and work independentl]. Experience with \uickbooks preferred. Email resume to rogersconstruction2arus Please e-mail resume to: or call Linda at 605-584-3435 to schedule an interview. No drop in interviews will be accepted. Turndown Service Deadwood’s Mineral Palace Hotel & Gaming is seeking applications for Turndown Service We participate in Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person at 601 Main Street in Deadwood HOTEL & GAMING DEADWOOD, SD A U T O M O T I V E MECHANIC. Weire Searching for a Responsible, Motivated Individual who enjo]s people and is committed to provide the best in Customer Service. Campbellis has a Full Time position Available in a Great Atmosphere for an Auto Mechanic. Experience and knowledge of Auto Repairs, Brakes, Tires are re<uired. Experience with Alignment Rack helpful! Monda] through Frida]. Must be able to work nights & weekends. Appl] in Person to R]anh CAMPBELLiS 2425 Lalelle Sturgis, SD 57785 605-347-6352. Applications will be accepted for the next 2 weeks. For assistance with accessibilit] contact R]an. E<ual Opportunit] Emplo]er EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Needed in the Lead-Deadwood Area, Full-time. Call 605-6411930. SHEEPHERDER with 3 months of experience. Immediate Openings Available. Attends sheep graling on range or pasture. Herdis sheep using trained dogs. Guards flock from predators and from eating poisonous plants. Ma] examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medication and insecticides. Ma] assist in lambing, docking and shearing. Ma] perform other ranch duties incidental to goat/sheep production. Large flocks with single/pair herder. Free food, housing, tools, supplies and e<uipment provided. Ma] be on call 24 hours per da], 7 da]s per week. Maximum of 11 months emplo]ment. Emplo]ment for ! of workda]s guaranteed.Workers compensation provided. Transportation to job and subsistence provided. Return transportation provided at end of emplo]ment contract. A reference is re<uired. Emplo]ment is available in several Western States includingh NV, An, CA, OR, ID, WA, CO, UT, MT, SD, WY, Minimum salar] varies according to States. From $750.00 to $1350.00. Please contacth an] Emplo]ment Center or 811 East 10th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57103 Ph o f605g 367-5300 Yob Order oSD1472171 Join Our Winning Team! Property Manager Sat. Day Shift; Sun., Mon., Tues. Evenings Hourly wage based on experience Must have SD Gaming License - Key License preferred Competitive Benefit Package: Free On-Site Parking; Employee Meal Discounts; In-House Employee Incentive Program; Health, Dental & Vision Insurance after 90 days; 401(k) - with company contribution - after 6 months; Paid Vacation after 1 year of employment. Apply in person or send resume to: Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort 304 Cliff St., Deadwood, SD 57732 (605) 578-1294 TAKING APPLICATIONS for Blackjack Dealers and Securit] Personnel. Must possess support license. appl] at Midnight Star, Deadwood, SD For approximately 45 minutes of your day, why not earn some extra income? OPEN ROUTES IN LEAD ➜ Route 308 - Addie, McClellan, Spark & Stone Sts. ➜ Route 313 - Galena, Grand, Gwinn, Yulius, Mc\uillan, Paul, Spark & Stone Sts. ➜ Route 314 - Addie, Columbus, Grand, Highland, Ma], McClellan, Richmond & Upper Addie. OPEN ROUTES IN DEADWOOD ➜ Route 202 - Sherman Street ➜ Route 206 - Main, Central Cit], Golden Gate, Hidden Gulch, Sawpit, Hw]. 14A ➜ Route 207 - Crescent, Dunlap, McKinle], Rodeo, Sampson, Spring, Spruce Gulch ➜ Route 211 - Green, Grilll] Gulch, Mile High, US Hw]. 385, Voight OPEN ROUTES IN SPEARFISH ➜ Route 114 - E. Michigan, Lincoln, Kansas, State, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Streets OPEN MOTOR ROUTES ➜ Route 224 - Bobtail Gulch, Maitland, US Hw]. 14A ➜ Route 225 - US Hw]. 385, Grilll] Gulch, Strawberr] Hill, Nemo Road, Brownsville. ➜ Route 325 - South Main, Terr] Peak, Deer Mt. Rd., Spearfish Can]on, Hanna Rd., Rochford Rd. PROSPECTOR ONLY ROUTES ➜ Route 306 - Bleeker, Gold, High, Hill, McClellan, Mill, Siever and Wall Streets ➜ Route 310 - Barcla], Can]on, Grove, High, Hill, Mill, Milliken, Saw]er, and Summit Streets ➜ Route 311 - Alert, Galena, Yulius, Main, and Stone Streets ➜ STURGIS - McNenn], Pine, Spruce, Tilford Streets IF INTERESTED IN A ROUTE CALL CHARITY AT 642-2761 PIONEER BLACK HILLS # AN 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 7 South Main, Lead, 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 22 402 FULL-TIME S""#$%& ())L$+(, -$.%S for a +hi5d +are +en9er .pera9ions Direc9or> -he %or9hern ?i55s (55iance for +hi5dren, a 5oca5 ABCDcEDFE orGani, Ha9ion, is 5ooIinG for an .pera9ions Direc9or for a new chi5d care cen9er 9o Ke 5oca9ed in Deadwood, SDL -he Direc9or wi55 Ke responsiK5e for adMinis, 9erinG 9he +en9er, hirinG, 9raininG and sNperOisinG s9aff, direc9inG hiGh PNa5i, 9Q chi5d deOe5opMen9 pro, GraMMinG, ensNrinG coMp5iance wi9h 5icensinG s9andards, Main9aininG enro55Men9, ManaGinG a KNdGe9, co55ec9inG fees, and o9her dN9iesL -he sNccessfN5 candida9e wi55 haOe s9ronG adMinis9ra, 9iOe, sQs9eMic and coM, MNnica9ion sIi55s, eRperi, ence or 9raininG worIinG wi9h chi5dren and 5ow, incoMe faMi5ies and a faMi5iari9Q wi9h hNMan serOices proGraMsL ( Sache5orTs DeGree in a re5a9ed fie5d is preferredL -he posi9ion rePNires an aKi5i9Q and wi55inGness 9o 9raOe5, possession of a persona5 Oehic5e wi9h cNr, ren9 5iaKi5i9Q insNrance and a Oa5id driOers 5icense and 9he aKi5i9Q 9o 5if9 Np 9o AB5KsL +andida9es MNs9 Ke wi55, inG 9o sNKMi9 9o a criMina5 KacIGroNnd checI and +en9ra5 UeGis9rQ for chi5d aKNse and neG5ec9L -his posi9ion repor9s 9o %or9hern ?i55s (55iance Vor +hi5dren D%?(V+E Soard of Direc9orsL -he %?(V+ is an ePNa5 oppor9Nni9Q eMp5oQerL )5ease inc5Nde 5e99er of in9eres9, resNMe, and 9hree 5e99ers of referenceL Sa5arQ ranGe is W XYB,BBB 9o XAB,BBB p5Ns sinG5e insNranceL $nPNires MaQ Ke direc9ed 9o> DrL Dan LeiIOo5d, FZB SL [ain S9L, Lead, SD A\\AY ]"S D"S$&%"U ](%-"DL $f QoN Inow QoNr waQ aroNnd ?-[L and )?), haOe a f5air for desiGn and can 9hinI oN9side 9he KoR, we haOe a ^oK for QoNL )5ease send 5e99er, resNMe and 5inIs 9o QoNr worI 9o> hNn9inG9on_inIKar, re5OideoLcoML ]e are a new Media coMpanQ doinG eRci9inG 9hinGs and seeI 9a5en9ed new 9eaM MeMKerL Senefi9sL Sa5arQ neGo9iaK5eL 402 FULL-TIME -$% L$``$" +(S$%. has an openinG for a &U(a",b(UD VL..U Sc)"Ua$S.UL -his fN55, 9iMe posi9ion is responsi, K5e for a55 casino opera, 9ions dNrinG 9heir Y,CB hoNr shif9s [on,-hNrL (pp5ican9 MNs9 haOe a #eQ &aMinG LicenseL ]aGe neGo9iaK5e D.", XYBB Mon9h5Q KonNs po9en9ia5, CBBd paid sin, G5e ra9e insNrance, Oaca, 9ion, SiMp5e $U( pro, GraM and paid Mea5sL S9op KQ and coMp5e9e an app5ica9ion a9 AAA [ain, DeadwoodL UesNMes MaQ Ke eMai5ed 9o dawn_9in5iHHieLcoM 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS S"(c-$VcL CeZBTs &o5d 9one Sofa se9L XFfA, c5eanL SoN9hwes9 9aK5e se9, g chairs wi9h 5eaf DoK5onGEL +oNn9rQ ?N9ch G5ass doorsL .5d .aI $ce SoR, and a5o9 of in9eres9inG i9eMs and hoNseho5d GoodsL .ff eRi9 ZF, Kehind ]hi9ewood VaMi5Q Ues9aNran9L DsaMe KNi5d, inGE Wednesday, March 17, 2010 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES 509 SPORTING/ EXERCISE ITEMS 517 WANTED TO BUY - MISC S(a(U$(% +?$%( for sa5eL )a99ern is hVoreOer SprinGi Se99inGs for Cg peop5e D$ 9hinIE p5Ns nNMeroNs serOinG piecesL +a55 gBA,\ZC, gfAg, 5eaOe MessaGeL kl"%S"% #"%%"Lk &Nn DoG & LarGe Sreed +oMpanion DoG -raininGL +a55 DgBAEgYC, BFCBL S.]VL"o Series \ -readMi55L )Nrchased new in ZBB\ for XCABBL csed OerQ 5i995eL ]i55 se55 for XeBBL ]"$D"U .5QMpic weiGh9 Kench, cNr5 Kar, s9raiGh9 Kar, weiGh9s, Ma9chinG weiGh9 racI, and o9her accessoriesL )Nrchased new in ZBB\ for XABBL ]i55 se55 for XZABL +a55 gBA,AAe,BZYYL L..#$%& V.U pc(L$-b, Nsed Me9a5 de9ec9or for coin hNn9, inG, KN9 o9her Modes oIL +a55> gBA,\ZZ, ZAFA or gBA,gYA, CeeeL ).]"U-"# ]"$&?Kench wjsPNa9 racIL FCA 5KsL of weiGh9s p5Ns MN5, 9ip5e KarsL XgBB or Kes9 offerL +a55 gBA,Age,CCBg 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED V.U S(L"> (PNa&5ass 9NKjshower sNrroNnd, one,piece, s9andard siHe, 5ef9,hand drain, new, s9i55 in pacIaGinGL XFBB .S. +a55 [arI gBA,gYC,BeFA 507 APPLIANCES V.U S(L"> csed ]ashers and DrQers wi9h warran9iesL De5Ts "Ri9 gF, SoR "5derL gBA, FeB,efCB 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES D$+#S.% S[(LL SU""D )c)S> borIie, [a59ese, DachshNnd, )api55on, Shih -HN )Nppies (#+L -wo bear ?ea59h &Naran9ee, paQMen9s, credi9 card oIaQL wwwLdicI, sonpNpsLcoM gBA,\f\, gfZC DeK DicIson Cf [.L b"LL.] LaK wi9h a99en9ion Ge99inG co55ar, XZBBL .S.L Z Qear o5d SNGar &5ider wi9h hNGe caGe, OerQ swee9, XCABL .S. Shannon gBA,ZCB, FZBZ V.U S(L"> [oOinG, MNs9 KreaI down sa59, wa9er aPNariNML VaKN5oNs cora5s, 5iOe sandjrocI, ePNipMen9, sNpp5iesL gBA,\ZZ, \ACA VU"" -. &..D ?oMe , e Qear o5d K5acI & whi9e SiaMese ca9, dec5awed, neN9ered, oIaQ wi9h doGs and Iids, gBA,eZB,BZfgL VU"" -. &..D ?oMe , UaGdo55 SiaMese [iR, feMa5e, dec5awed ad spaQed, gBA,\ZZ,FfgBL +L(SS$V$"DS ].U# V.U 516 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS V.U S(L"> )or9aK5e &enera9orL ABB wa99L Srand newL csed on5Q onceL )aid XeBBLBB asI, inG XAABLBBL +oMMercia5 refriGera9orL (ir cNr9ain reach,in coo5, erL %ew XCABBLBBL %eon Kar siGnsL XCABLBB eachL gBA,gYC, CZYfL Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector ](%-"D -. Scb> &a9e for chain 5inI fenceL %eeds 9o Ke YT wide & gT 9a55L +a55 gBA,\ZC,gfAg, 5eaOe MessaGeL (LV(LV( ?(b fjeBB5KL roNnd Ka5es and sMa55 sPNare Ka5esL .a9 haQjroNnd, ear cornL gBA,YAg,CYgB V.U S(L"> Scb Y 5arGe Ka5es of Frd cN99inG a5fa5, fa a9 XFBL each and Ge9 C freeL S9L .nGeL gBA,\C\, e\fg TRACTOR FOR SALE gBB Vord c9i5i9Q, Gas, Good rNKKer, XZYAB 605-347-4493 daQ9iMe Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces ZCBff cS ?wQL FfA Deadwood, SD A\\FZ Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY Li#en&ed(In&ured BIG CREW ON HAND FOR: q UoofinG q SidinG q +eMen9 q ?oMe SNi5dinG Jeff Storhaug ce55 605-641-3619 Spearfish This spot just opened up! Call 584-)303 or 64)-)761 Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR After hours call 722-8101 & E"I$ Re'()* $,e Benc,0'r2 C45 $ndependen9 [eMKer SroIer 722 Main Street Spearfish, SD Jan Goodsell 642-1950 Chriss& (lair Spearfish Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED F"# %&'() %*a,, -.uare 2a,e- 34 rea, g33d 73r-e 7ay9 :a,, e;ening-9 >05A>B2A B1E>, %Gear4i-79 "&H %H#&I, -*a,, -.uare 2a,e-, B0A50,2-9 eaJ79 K2900 Ger 2a,e9 L0MA>BLA95>> TRACTOR FOR SALE RnTernaTi3na, L50 ]Ti,iTy, gaViT7 ,3ader, 2 2uJWeT-, rear Tire J7ain-, E 4T rear 2,ade, eYJe,,enT ru22er, KL,9959 :a,, 605-347-4493 dayTi*e 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 200M O"PQ& #&P:OA (# B209 Fue, RnSeJTed9 :a*3, *anua, -7i4T9 HireUV7ee, WiT9 Xany eYTra-9 KB0009 L0MA>E9A E122 701 MOTORCYCLES 19ME O"PQ& Z' 10009 #ung33d9 K1>50 "["9 Oa;e 3T7er 2iWe-9 :a,, >05A>B5A1>25 Page 23 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 19E1 OQ F\(, %73;e,7ead, J3n;erTed T3 Vide g,ide9 (YTra GarT-9 (-TaTe %a,e, Ti*e T3 ,eT g39 K>5009 "["9 >05AE92AL>9L 1999 b&I&%&bR a]'A :&P Q#RFH(#, >,100 Xi,e-, (YTra-, K>,500 >05A920ALEML9 2005 `&X&O& Fe1, 2,ue, 1000JJ, 2500 *i, aZ:, in %T9 "nge9 KB9009 OX >05AM22A 0M01, Je,, >05A5>9A 02EL 200E `&X&O& aRP" 125 %:""H(#9 :,ean, '3V Xi,e-, E9 XPZggg K2,0009 :a,, >B1AE21E 199E :]%H"X []R'H 9>^ % X3T3r 5 -Gd, Z33d Xi,e-, FaT #ear Hire, H33 XuJ7 H3 'i-T Rn :u-T3* ParT-9 19E2 O&#'(` F\# #"&QA %H(#, Fre-7 [ui,T %73;e, [ig [3re %Tr3Wer, 5 -Gd, F3rVard :3nTr3,-, PeV #ear Hire &nd [aTTery K9,5009 19MM O&#'(` %P"#H%H(#, %TreTJ7 HanW, %Turgi- I7ee,, FVd :3nTr3,-, [3red KB,0009 >05A>B5AM00L :enTra, :iTy9 &,, PriJed Fir* &nd P3 Hrade-9 199E F\Q' Oar,ey Qa;id-3n Qyna '3V #ider, 2,aJW ViT7 -add,e 2ag-, -Jrea*ing eag,e GiGe-9 1L,500 *i,e&-Wing K9000 "["9 >05AM1MA>29E 1999 O&#'(` Q&aRQA %"P F\Q\9 [,aJW, >000 *i,e-, Ger4eJT J3ndiTi3n9 '3JaTed in %Gear4i-7 K90009 >05A>L9AL19B 2000 O&#'(` Q&aRQA %"P %P"#H%H(# EEL 7ugger9 >000 *i,e-9 (YJe,,enT J3ndiTi3n9 K>0009 >05A>B1A05BE 200L OQ Q`P& IRQ( Z'RQ(, 100 &nni;er-ary9 Pear, I7iTe, 1B50JJ, niJeA ,y aJJe--3riced, K12,0009 '3V *i,e-, a,Vaygaraged9 >05AM1MAEB>B 200B b&I&%&bR PRPJ& e\A10#, 1000JJ, green, Ga--enger -eaT J3;er a,-3, 3n,y 2,000 *i,e-9 P3V Su-T K>,9999 VVV9#(:%H&HR"P9neT 7TTG)UUVVV9reJ-TaTi3n9ne TU3r >05AM1MABAF]P 200B aR:H"#` bRPZPRP, :7ri- 'ee Qe-ign- 4airing, Ger43r*anJe eY7au-T, M,000 *i,e-, ,iWe neV KM900 >05A>B5AM2EB 2005 O"PQ& :#FB50#9 #ZL -u-A Gen-i3n9 I33d- ready9 :3*e- ViT7 gear and eYTra-9 :a,, 43r deTai,-9 KL,>00 L0EA>B1AMMLL 'ea;e Xe--age 2009 ]#[&P %P"#H` 50JJ X3Ged9 '3V Xi,e-, #un- ,iWe neV9 2 year VaranTy9 Paid K1200 neV, a-Wing KE00 "["9 M01A52MA10L5 200> O"PQ& :F# 509 Z33d J3ndiTi3n9 KE009 "["9 >05A>B2A02LE 200M O"PQ& %O&QA "I %GiriT M509 2,B00 *i,e-9 aanJeAOineGiGe- and Qyn3SeT WiT9 [,aJW, #ed F,a*e-9 IarranTy, %er;iJe Tran-4era2,e9 K>M00 >05A>B1ABLE5 702 SNOWMOBILES 199M %bRQ"" %]XXRH 5009 M>21 *i,e-9 #ung33d9 K1L009 200> &rTiJ :aT :r3--4ire >9 1291 *i,e-9 PeV J3;er9 KB5009 >05AE92A2L12 200M %P"#H%H(# \' '"I, ,e-- T7an 500 *i,e-, deTaJ7a2,e VindA -7ie,d, 7a;e 7ig7Vay 2ar-, neV -add,e2ag-, KM,B00, >05A>B1AB2EE9 2001 P"'&#R% 'R[(#A H` 500 #Xb ,i.uid, 1L>Y195 TraJW, in greaT -7aGe, L,B00 *i,e-, adu,T 3Vned, n3 da*A age, K2,250, >51AB91A 09L> 200M %]e]bR '%>509 PeV 2iWe ViT7 ,e-- T7an B00 *i,e-9 H3G 34 T7e ,ine aJJe--3rie-9 KL,M00 Fir*9 >05A5E0A 22MB F"# %&'() 200E `a*a7a P7acer XH\, X3unTain, ,3ng TaJW, 2^ Gadd,e-9 1E00 *i,e-9 '33W- and run- eYJe,,enT9 KB5009 >05AML9AL521 200M `&X&O& aA%H&# 1L00 *3T3rJyJ,ef 5000 *i,e-f eYJe,,enT J3ndiA Ti3nf KE500 "["9 inJ,ude- -ide 2ag- and 2 7e,*eT-9 >05AB90A09BB (X&R' `"]# :'&%%RA FR(Q% H" J,a--iA 4ied-h2Gi3neer9J3* 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 5HO IO((' :&XP(# H#&R'(# ORH:O KB009009 >05ALB2A25E> 2000 a"'b%I&Z(P JeTTa 43r -a,eg K5000 "["9 Z#(&H Z&% XR'(&Z(g 10B,000 Xi,e-, 9M0AB05A M>EM 706 MOTOR HOMES & RV’S 199M F"#Q 2Li9 HR"Z& *3T3r 73*e9 (YJe,,enT J3ndiTi3n9 K9,B99 "["9 >05A>B1A0EL0 750 AUTOS FOR SALE j01 PH :#]R%(# 'RXA RH(Q 12>,000 *i9 K5000 >05A210A19>L anyTi*e 19EE []R:b ('(:H#& 9M000 *i,e-9 #ungreaTg K15009 "[" %7ann3n >05A210AL202 19E9 :O#`%'(# :"PA a(#HR['(, V7iTe, B Jy,, auT3, Jrui-e, air, runGer4eJT,y, L1 XPZ 7ig7A Vay9 %T3red in IinTer9 K2,9009 >05AM1MA0025, Je,, >05ALBMA1BLM 199M F"#Q X]%H&PZ &uT3*aTiJ, &U:, Jrui-e, 11>b J,ean, 3ne 3Vner9 K2E009 k>05l>B1AB0ML Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector PIONEER Quality First & n #e*3de,ing %GeJia,i-T n Xa-3nry n :arGenTry n PainTing n QeJWn 'i;e-T3JW 3r Oay %7edn XeTa, [ui,ding- Lead-Deadwood & Whitewood Advertising Representative (605) 584-2303 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD 200L %]PFR#( :"]P( &uT3*aTiJ, Jrui-e, aUJ, re*3Te ,3JW-, -unr334, TinTed g,a--, >5,000 *i,e-9 Z33d Tire-, -7arG9 >05A >B2A51B> 200B Q"QZ( RPH#(A PRQ, e,eJTirJ Vind3V-U-eaT, TinTed Vind3V-, rear -G3i,er9 2EAL0 *Gg9 10Bb %7arG Jar9 &-Wing 2e,3V 233W h K>0009 >05A >B1A2>0B Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales 605-645-3444 605-642-2761 fax 605-642-9060 :a,, 642-2761 or 584-2303 Sharon Mason 2002 aI J(HH& Z'%, >Lb *i,e-, auT3, -un r334, neV 2raWe-, greaT 3n -n3V, B0m XPZ, Ve,, *ainTained, K9,5009 >05A5E0A000> Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 This Spot Just Opened Up... Now It’s Your Turn To Rent It! BLACK HILLS 2001 a"'b%I&Z(P [ug9 %i,;er, g33d J3nA diTi3n9 M0,000 *i,e-9 &-Wing KM,000, Vi,, TaWe K>,0009 >05ALBMA 0E21 3r >05A20>A 0551 — 35 %ears Experience — Free (-Ti*aTe-g 605-490-2458 PIONEER BLACK HILLS & Judy Nuber Rapid City Advertising Consultant (605) 341-0086 1719 W. Main, Ste. ?207 Rapid City, SD PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 Old School Barber Shop 2 00 $ 114 W. Hudson St. • Spearfish, SD 57783 • (605) 642-8603 Income Tax Preparation Financial Statements Business Plans QuickBooks® Bookkeeping E-Mail: Mark’s Barber & Style Shop 1. 38 Years of Service, Father & Son Owned 2. 2 Chairs, 3 Barbers, Quick & Efficient Service 3. Experts at Long & Short Cuts, Great with OFF Kids 4. Great Discounts on College, Military & Seniors 5. #1 Place for Hunting, Fishing, Sports, Local & Pro Info! 6. Major Supporters & Members of: BHSU Yellow Jacket Foundation, Spearfish High School, Spearfish Chamber of Commerce, NWTF, RMEF, NRA, Mark’s Annual Big Buck Contest • • • • • I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE a#e Total Lawn Care Maintenance !"#i%e)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL Fe n P3Ver #aWing n &eraTing LANDSCAPING n %3d 'aying n %eeding PeV 'aVnn &nd BA%TeG Hur4 P,u- P,an n Rn-Ta,, o Qe-ign %GrinW,er %y-Te*- (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD Do you have a new business that’s not listed in the phone book yet? ADVERTISE HERE!! :a,, 642-2761 or 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 24 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 2007 CHEV) COBALT LT, 4 Door, Automatic, Remote Starter, Power Windows, Cruise, CM Excellent Condition, 19.9k Miles. K9,200 OBO, 605-644-6001 2008 PONTIAC G6 30,000 miles, great condition. Onstar, xm radio capable 307-257-3185, ask for Scott 1976 FORD F-150, 4 wheel drive, good condition. good tires. V8, 4 speed transmission, K1,900, 605-490-3275. 2007 GMC 2500. Crew cab 4x4. Duramax with Allison transmission. 52,266 miles. Excellent shape. 605-892-2806 FOR SALE: c06 Chevy Impala. Excellent Condition. 69,000 miles. Power windows, and locks. Can take flex fuel. K9,400. 605-645-1970 1984 FORD F150, with new 5th wheel hitch. 1982 35b Wilderness 5th wheel, both need work. K4000 OBO. 605-8923693 NICE MAROON 4 door. 2000 OLDS Alero. Fully equip with sunroof. K5195. 605-578-2013 Deadwood. 1987 JEEP Wagoneer, low oil pressure, K650. 2000 Mercury Marquie, front end damage, good mechanically, K650. 605-580-0067 2008 CHEV) COLORADO, extended cab. 16k, black, air, power locks, windows, sunroof. Box liner. Tow package. Garaged. K19,995. 605787-5300 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE, 22,000 miles, 1 owner, factory warranty, K16,600. 605-920-2222. 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK. 47,000 miles. Moving Must sell. 605720-2201 2008 FORD FOCUS-SES 18,000 miles. Excellent conditionX Loaded, Sync, MP3Z6 disc CD changer, 4 cyl. 25-30 mpgX Asking K17,000. Cassie, 605641-0121, Aaron, 605641-0854 2008 MA]DA 3, 14,000 Miles Under Warranty Black, Moon Roof, Power Locks, Power Windows, CD Changer, Manual K15,000 OBO 605-641-4052 FOR SALE: 1993 Chevy CORSICA Good body, doesnbt run. Make offer. Call 605-580-0650. 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE c03 FORD RANGER, 4door cab, Edge pkg, v6 loaded, has body damage, 80,000 miles K8000. Call 1-406-7490725 or 1-406-9512509. 1946 eREBUILD TITLEf Willys Jeep, hard 1Z2 top, drive line rebuilt 4 years ago, body rough condition, K2,500.00 605-722-4067, 605-6399156. 1994 CHEV. 1Z2 ton 4x4. Regular Cab. 130,000 miles. Runs great. Recently rebuilt Automatic Transmission. K4150. 605-941-1964 2001 FORD RANGER 4x4 110,000 miles 4.0L 5 speed. Matching topper K5200 good condition 605-645-9541 2003 FORD F150. FC4, crew cab. 109,500 miles. Roll-up bed cover, good tires, clean truck. Asking 12,900 OBO Joe 605645-8959 2009 DODGE RAM 1500 4C4 Crewcab. Laramie Pkg Under 14,000K miles-Factory warrantyX At 212 North Main Spearfish K35,000 OBO 605-645-9694 FOR SALE: 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 2x4. Mileage 140,000. Great shape, runs great. K3,900. Very good tires. 605-717-2366 FOR SALE: 2005 FORD ECCURSION fully loaded. v-10, 4 inch lift, custom rims. Serious buyers, Carrie 605-641-1783 MUST SELL: 2008 GMC Canyon, 13,075 miles, may be seen on Bullock Hotel parking lot, 605-920-0268. Wednesday, March 17, 2010 753 SPORT 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE UTILITIES FOR SALE c98 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT, 87K Miles, AC, 5sp, Hardtop, Brand New B.F. Goodrich Tires, Good Looking, Great Running. K7500. 928925-0674 07 )UKON CL, SLT. Leather heated seats, 3rd row seating, DVD entertainment, remote start, 4wD, 5.3 8L, 605-920-0540. K26,500. 1992 JEEP WRANGLER, 58,000 Original Miles, 4x4, 4 Cylinder, 5 Speed, Newer Tires, Good Shape, K5,250 OBO, 307-643-2162, Beulah, Wymoning. 1999 CHEV) Suburban LS, 157K miles, 5.7L V8, towing, needs some work, runs good. 605559-0142. Well below book, K4500 OBO. 2002 LAND ROVER Freelander. 80k, 2.5L, v6, Auto, 21mpg, awd, trac control, abs, tilt, cruise, CD, heated seats. K6500 605-6416505 2004 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN, 1500 Sport Utility, power windowsZlocks, new tires, 3rd seat wZrear air, 115k miles. Very clean, K11,000 605580-2425 2006 H3 HUMMER, 4x4, Luxury Package. Heated Seats, Moon Roof, Low Miles, Upgraded Wheels, Nerf Boards, Warranty. K24,000. 605-341-4440 2007 JEEP LIBERT). White, pw, pb, pl, ps. New tires, hwy miles. Very clean. K12,250 OBO 605-645-1625 Residential & Commercial CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 578-3434 • 580-3434 * Retaining Walls * Grading * Sod & Seeding * Sprinkler Systems This spot just opened up! @ Sona &'Connell Belle Fourche, Spearfish Ad Representative +,-./ ,01213,4 54. Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES 2001 FREIGHT LINER FL70, Cat Motor, 6 Speed, 90,000 Miles, 22b Flatbed, Good Truck, 25,500 GVW, K13,500, 307-643-2162 in Beulah. CRANE TRUCK FORD F800, 189h wb, crane is a National Series 200 605-206-0289 4-BRIDGSTONE TIRES, Trunza EL400 H BL 245Z50R18 MiS. Price K175.00 each. Phone 342-2586 DEE ]EE BLACK Diamond plate pickupbed tool box. Like new fits Chevy Colorado. K400 OBO. Call 605722-7467 after 4:30p.m. COLOR MYSTIQUE Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! m Complete Interior Clean-Up m Shampoo with Scotch Guard available m Hand Wash i WaxingZBuffing m Rock Chip i Light Scratch Repair m Tar Removal m Steam Clean Engines Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 PIONEER FOR SALE: TRITON Snowmobile Trailer. 10ft Aluminum trailer with cap. Tongue, jack, spare tire, and sled treads. K2150.00 605722-5506 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 This spot just opened up! BLACK HILLS CONTRACTORSXX 2003 H i H enclosed trailer, 2- 3500j axles, ramp door, 7C12 with 27 cpm gas-powered air compressor. ALSO, have entire drywall setup for sale. Everything in excellent condition. Call for more information, 605-641-2850, Will sell as package or separate. 754 HEAVY TRUCKS Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Startz & Startz Landscaping 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE Pha e Electric Inc. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3150 4th Ave., Spearfish, SD (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 Specializing in Portraits with Personality To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 Tim Conrad Travis Conrad Rick Conrad 645-920-1214 605-920-1210 605-390-2832 Serving all of Western South Dakota RIVER RUN BUILDERS No Job Is ! Too Small JOHN FIT]GERALD Z OWNER R & D CONSTRUCTION TIMBERFRAMING AND LOG ASSEMBL) STRUCTURAL PANELS CUSTOM FRAMING !icense' in !ea'* +ea',oo' . /0ear2is3 ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 Concrete Sidewalks i Flatwork m New Construction Repair i Remodeling 605-645-7815 / FAX 605-717-8582 / BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 25 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT F"# S&'(, Super./ip Corte4 Performan.e Program for ;< gas and deisel @e/i.lesA B150A00 722-5506 1976 J((P CJ7, #ed, Yard RopA 6 .yl-&uto FR 4-w/eel wit/ buadratra.A Fres/ <otorA First B5900 taNes itc 605-642-2[44 days, 605-642-78[[ e@eningsOweeN-ends 1 g 2 T(D#""<, Furnis/ed and ]nfurnis/edA 'eadA Call 605-920-1457 'ea@e Name g P/one hA 2 T(D#""< &P&#R<(NR for rentA B400Omo plus utilities and depositA No pets, No smoNing, reiuiredA 'o.ated on t/e .orner of eing Street and ]ni@ersity Street in Spearfis/A For more information .all k605l920-1[[[ nig/ts and weeNendsA &RR#&CRKS( 1-2 Vedroom flats, .entral Deadwood, was/erO dryer pro@ided, low utilities, great @iews et., B500-B600 605-6410789 C'(&N 1 g 2 T(D#""< &P&#R<(NRS lo.ated in Spearfis/Ak1l 2 Tedroom is d/eel./air &..essiVleA &@ailaVle NowA #ent Tased "n Kn.omeA For <ore Knformation .all 605-645-89[[ (iual Yousing "pportunityA F"# S&'(J &'PKN( De.NA Kn.ludes 6 Dis. C/anger, 5 1O4 SpeaNers wit/ Rweeters, 2 &lpine S12 &mps, Toston a.ousti. 447Us and Toston a.ousti. SuVA B1000 "T"A Call 645-1849 and lea@e messageA 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 1955 F"#D F-100 PartsJ ;rill, Das/, Yood Yinges, (RCA 605-722-7515 Z197[\ <]SR&N; C"]P(A &ll refurVis/edA 2 owner .arA <ust see to appre.iateA Call 605-5590247 lea@e messageA 'ast of t/e ZClassi.s\A F"# S&'( "# R#&D(J ^66 P'_<"]RY F]#_ KKKA New [18 motor, all originalA Sery little rustA Kmma.ulate s/apeA 605645-2271 J((P '&#(D", 1986, 'ast of ddKK type, w/iteOgold, all a..essories, automati., all do.uments, 91,800 original miles, B10e, 605[47-6071 P#KC( #(D]C(DJ 197[ C"#S(RR( SRKN;#&_ [50, 4 speedA 197[ Cor@ette _ellow in .olorA R-RopsA B21,000A Call 605-642-2[44 days, 605642-78[[ e@eningsA 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 T(D#""< F]#NKSY(D Vasement Studio &ptA Close to TYS]A B400Omont/ f deposit, in.ludes utilitiesA No petsOsmoNingA 10[0 &mes, Spearfis/A 605-645-69[7 'ea@e messageA 1 T(D#""< C"<P'(R('_ furnis/ed main floor apartment in Spearfis/A Sery ni.e unit wit/ furniture, dis/was/er, mi.rowa@e g laundry fa.ilitiesA No smoNingOpetsA B525 plus lig/tsA Call 605722-0700A Summit View & Heritage Apartments in Belle Fourche • NEWLY REMODELED • 1 & 2 BEDROOM • SOME UTILITIES INCLUDED 1 T(D#""<, 525 dA eing Spearfis/A N" pets OsmoNing B[88O<ont/ Free <ini 'aptop wit/ signed leaseA C/arlie, 605-641- 0454 ’S MONTH LAST FREE REN1TYEAR LEASE WITH For further information call: 1 T(D#""<, 1 T&RY &partment, 'ead, Newly #emodeled, "ff-street ParNing, Pets NegotiaVle, &@ailaVle Kmmediately, B425 Plus ]tilities, B425 DepositA 605-641-19[0A 1-2-[ T(D#""< &PRSA Sisit "ur deVsiteJ Yelp]-#entAnet "r Call 605722-#(NRA 1 T(D#""<A No SmoNingOPetsA Kn Spearfis/A DepositA #eiuiredA &@ailaVle &pril 1stA 605642-4186 e@eningsA 2 TD D(']j( &PRA Tlo.N from ]ni@ersityA &@ailaVle immediatelyA No smoNingOpetsOpar tiesA (le.tri. onlyA 605-722[61[, 605-642-7464 723-8000 [ T(D#""< &partmentsA Deadwood DowntownA B510O<oA f (le.A ParNing Kn.ludedA No PetsOSmoNingA 605-578[807 [ T(D#""<O2 T&RY apartment, B688OmoA free <ini 'aptop wit/ signed lease, 525 dest eing, Spearfis/A No petsOsmoNingA C/arlie 605-6410454 C&N_"N (SR&R(S &partments in Spearfis/, now /as 2 Vedroom apartments a@ailaVleA Ni.ely lands.aped, play area, off street parNing, laundry fa.ilitiesA Some units newley remodeledA Call 605-6427400 for more informationA (iual Yousing "pportunityA &RR#&CRKS( 2 and [ Vedroom apartments and moVile /omes in .entral Spearfis/A 'ow utilitiesm was/erOdryerm B600 - 700 605-7227240A &RR#&CRKS(, e.onomi.-studio, 1,2,[,4,5 Vedroom apartments, /ouses, moVile /omes in Spearfis/, 'ead, DeadwoodA 605-7227240 T(''( F"]#CY(A totally remodeled 1 Vedroom apartmentA 'aundry roomA <ost utilities paid, depositA New energy effi.ient windowsA No petsA 605-641-4788 '(&D - Ni.e "ne Tedroom &partment rig/t off <ain Street B[50 per mont/A &@ailaVle immediatelyc No petsA Deposit and 6 mont/ lease reiuiredA Call ToV k605l 5800064A C'(&N NKC( 2 T(D#""< apartment in Spearfis/A B550OmoA No pets, dOD in fa.ilityA &@ailaVle nowA Call 6056[9-[097 '(&D - S<&'' &P&#R<(NR, "ff-street ParNing, "n-site 'aundry, &ll ]tilities PaidA Call 605-9201151A Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector John M. Tracy On-site Oil Change Services featuring Premium .ynthetic 2ils • Fire, Smoke & Water Damage Cleanup • Mold Inspection & Removal • Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning • Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE 24-Hour Emergency Service Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood 1015 'awren.e Street Telle Four./e, SD 57717 605-641-5194 K#"N #KD;( (SR&R(S /as openings for 2, [ and 4 Vedroom lu4ury apartmentsA Swimming pool, /ot tuV and fitness roomA Free satellite t@A No smoNing, pet .onsidered wit/ referen.esA 605-641-2068 Serving the Black Hills Since 1970 605-642-7939 Spearfish, SD Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 no/ntra.y197[ Rent Me! Rent Me! Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 PIONEER PIONEER BLACK HILLS A !anielle 'reen)*sloon- Advertising Representative ./012 /45)56/7 871 9ea:on ;ircle 9=ear>is?@ BLACK HILLS A 9?aron Bason Lead-Deadwood & Whitewood Advertising Representative ./012 1C4)5808 6 9oD:? Bain Eea-@ 9! Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups Call %aron Braun (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Lazy B Ent. since 2002 605-722-1807 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 26 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 813 VACATION RENTALS 903 HOMES FOR SALE LE#D - S())* +,-./0,#) #partment8 1-4 ;edrooms8 Skylights8 /ak Floors8 Large Fitchen8 H/D Jookups8 Patio8 )o Smoking8 )ot Pets8 M35P-MQPP Ronth. 6P5-QUU-4QPQ 1 #)D U ;ED0//R #partments8 3 and 4 bedroom houses in ;elle Fourche. -all 6P5U1P-341a D/H)./H) SPE#0F,SJe #pprogimately 15PP sVuare feet of commercial/retail space available on Rain Street. Large windows8 bathroom8 basement storage area. -all Jason at -entury U1 Spearfish 0ealty8 ,nc. 6P5-64U46PQ. ;L#-F J,LLS +#-#.,/) -#;,)S...-hoice locations in the )orthern Jills. #ll year availability. See properties at 6P5aUP-1U6a or 6P5-5Q[11[4 for reservations. email kodyl )EHL* 0ER/DELED8 3 bedroom8 1 1/U bath located at [1U S. 3Und St. in Spearfish for M1UQ8PPP. -all Jennifer at 645-1P64 for showing. F/0 LE#SEe 354P SV. ft. /ffice/0etail space with large windows and handicap restrooms. Egcellent location. -all 0od at 6P5-645-PU61cell or 6P5-64U-4U5Phome 902 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE /)E ;ED0//R apartment #+#,L#;LE )/H M4PP/month8 no pets8 no smoking8 deposit reVuired8 within walking distance of Rain Street and (niversity in Spearfish8 3PQ-3155QU3 1 ;ED0//R J/(SE for rent. M4PP/mo plus utilities and deposit. )o pets8 )o smoking8 references reVuired. Located on (niversity Street in Spearfish. For more information call _6P5`aUP-1333 nights and weekends. SPE#0F,SJ8 U ;ED0//R #partment8 close to everythingZ M65P /;/. -all 0ory 6P55[4-1[PP U ;0 1 ;# home. Large deck8 wood floors8 washer/dryer. )o smoking8 good credit8 1U month lease. Ridwest Property Ranagement 6P5-6411PU6. S.(D,/ #P#0.RE).S in Spearfish. utilities paid. )o pets/no smoking. MU5P.-M3PP. per month. .he 0eal Estate 0ental -enter. 6P5-Q1Q5555 a1a F,)]8 SPE#0F,SJ. 1 ;08 nearest (niversity. )o smoking8 no pets. ]ood credit8 1U month lease. Ridwest Property Ranagement 6P5-6411PU6. 801 ROOMS FOR RENT F/0 0E).e 3 bedroom8 U bath modular with attached garage. )ear Sturgis and Hhitewood. M65P/mo. 6P5-34Q-64P[ F/0 0E). /0 LE#SE. UPP-4PP sVuare foot office space. #ll utilities paid. Jigh traffic area on -olorado ;lvd. )ewly remodeled. 6P5641-1U4[. J/(SE F/0 0E).e Sturgis8 3bdrm8 Uba8 w/d hook-ups8 garage. MQ5P.PP mo f util. #vailable #pril 1. 6P534Q-63P3 J,]JH#* F0/).#]E /ffice Space8 4P5 ]lendale Dr.8 Lead. [64 SV. Ft.8 M45P plus utilities 6P5-5[4-31aQ. ;ELL\S R/./0 L/D]E Heekly or monthly in Spearfish. 0efrigerator8 utilities8 cable8 internet included. Fitchenette available. )onsmoking rooms. )o pets. 6P564U-3[1U. ./)*\S R/.EL. -ompletely Furnished8 0eady to Rove in8 Fitchenettes. 0ent by Day8 Heek /r Ronth. -able8 -olor .+. -leaned Heekly. 0easonable 0ates. _6P5` U6a-U5P1 Hhitewood SD. 802 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT ,) S#)DS./)E8 3 bedroom w/master bathroom. (nfinished basement. U car garage. *ard b snow removal provided. For more information 6P5641-[P1a 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 634 P0/SPE-. ,) LE#D8 small U bedroom upper @ M3Q5/month plus gas b electricd U bedroom lower @ M4PP/month plus gas b electric. Security deposit reVuired8 no pets8 no inside smoking. 6P5aUP-1Ua1 or 6P5-5Q[1UaU. LE#D8 SR#LL 1 ;edroom8 1 ;ath8 Fully Furnished8 M45P # Ronth8 Plus (tilities8 Plus Deposit8 )o Pets8 -all 6P5-aUP-3a6U. )EHE0 3 ;ED0//R8 U bath Doublewide8 w/U car garage. MaPP/mo. plus deposit and utilities. 6P5-645-a1aa ),-E J/RE ,n Deadwood8 13U Hilliams Street8 3 bedroom8 U bath8 walk to Rain Street8 M[5P per month. -all 6P5-5[P3[53. ),-E8 -LE#) 3 ;D plus/U;# Spearfish. H/finished basement. )ew flooring b paint. Large yard8 ]arage. )/ PE.S MaPP/R/. 0EFE0E)-ES. 6P5-64UUUU4 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT R/().#,) SJ#D/HS ES.#.ES in Spearfish Jas Large Robile Jome Lots #vailable for 0ent. )o Dogs #llowed. _6P5`64U-4Q64. F/0 LE#SEe 5[P[ sV. ft. space set up for ]ym8 with handicap restrooms8 showers8 massage rooms8 and tanning rooms. -ould be office/retail space. Egcellent location. -all 0od at 6P5-645-PU61cell or 6P5-64U-4U5P-J P0ER,E0E SP#-ES for )ewer ;elle Plaza -all Q654. /FF,-E Lease in Fourche 6P5-QU3- 810 GARAGES & STORAGE jjS./0#]E (),.Sjj Q 1/Ug 1P8 1P g158 1PgU48 1Ug3P -oncrete Floors8 #ll #sphalt Driveways8 ]ood Snow 0emoval. ;est rates in Spearfish. 6P5-641-635P. jjS./0#]E (),.Sjj. -ompetitive 0ates8 UUg3P8 11g3P8 11gUP8 11g158 11g1P8 5g11. -all )orthview Storage at _6P5`64U-[1U6. 1PgU68 1PgU48 1Pg1U S./0#]E (),.S. -oncrete Floor. +alley Storage. _6P5`64U-3Q[U8 6P5-645-U[[P. 5gQ8 [g1P8 1Pg1P8 1PgU48 1Ug3P. -oncrete floors8 ;lack topped drive ways. Located behind Safeway- Stow #way Storage- 6P5-64UU[6a or 6P5-645-U15U. 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS L/HES. P0,-E S./0#]E (),.S. ,ncentivesZ He\ll move your items for youZ Ridwest Property Ranagement 6P5-6411PU6. .H/ .0#,LE0S for rent in ;eulah. 3 bedroom8 U bath. #/-8 w/d8 #vailable now. M445/month. 3PQ643-U161. DE).#L8 RED,-#L8 /0 PJ*S,-#L .herapy 0ental space available in ;elle Fourche call 6P5-QU3-Q654. HJ,.EH//D S./0#]E )EH (),.S. +arious sizes. Low prices. /utside parking available. 6P5-U6a-U1U3 1a[U D/(;LEH,DE 5 bedroom home8 stove8 dishwasher8 UUPP sf8 newly remodeled8 must be moved. MUP8PPP or best offer. -all 6P5-Q[Q6633. 1a[4 ;EL+EDE0E. 14g[P8 new carpet8 new roof. #ppliances included. #sking 1385PP. 6P5645-[PQa 1aaQ -J#RP,/) R/;,LE home 3 brm8 U ba8 U car carport8 lg shed in nice park in Spearfish. Perfect for college students or a new family M338PPP. 6P5-55a-P4a3 3;ED8 1;#.J Robile home in ;elle Fourche. Fenced yard8 pets with management approval. Ma8PPP. Shannon 6P5U1P-3UPU F/0 S#LEe 1a[a U6g66 Double wide log mobile home. 3 bedroom8 U bath. Log sided home with large covered porch. 0enovated inside8 fireplace with log accents. )ew carpet and tile flooring. Jouse must be moved. #pprog. sV.ft. 1aPPf M6P8PPP. 6P5641-1U4[ ,) SPE#0F,SJ8 ;* /H)E08 1aaa Shult 16g[P 3 bedroom8 U bath. Located 61a .riple L Loop. 5Q5-644-65a[ _cell` 903 HOMES FOR SALE U J/RES #. R-](,]#) 0anch #dd. U bedroom8 1 bath8 0anch Style Jome. Rain floor Laundry. -overed Porch8 back patio8 attached garage. /nly M13a8aPP. #lso8 a U bedroom8 1 bath Split Foyer Jome with /pen Floor Plan8 attached garage8 back deck8 M13a8aPP. -all -hris Pangburn at Jorgensen 0ealty. 6P5-645-aa[5 ;roker /wned F/0 S#LE ;y /wner8 )ewly 0emodeled 3 ;edroom8 U ;ath Jome. UP6 Jillcrest8 Spearfish. Large -orner Lot with bonus 1/U lot. M15[8PPP -alle 6P5-645-5a1P or 6P5-641-34P6 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE ),-E U.3 #-0E L/.S. #ll utilities to lot line. Located 1 mile South of ;elle Fourche. ,deal location. -ountry living in the city limits. /wner can build to suit. MU38[aP. -all 0yan at 6P5-641-P[PP S,)]LE F#R,L*8 Dupleg8 Rulti-family -ommercial lots8 5P #cre Jorse Property. Prices start at M3P8PP. Located in Spearfish b ;elle Fourche. -all -hris Pangburn 6P5-645-aa[5 or Joe Jorgensen 6P5645-PP4[. Jorgensen 0eality8 Spearfish. ;roker /wned. STATEWIDES .#F,)] SE#LED ;,DS for construction of 64\g5P\ steel building. Faulkton Fire Department. For specifications contact Shane Rachtemes8 6P5-46P4U1[8 6P5-5a[-66P3. ;ids opened #pril ath. F(LL-.,RE -L#SS , Hater and Hastewater /perator8 +olga8 SD. -ontact +olga office at 6P5-6UQ-a113 or Hages D/m8 E/E. F(LL-.,RE Ea11 D,SP#.-JE0 or U part-time Ea11 Dispatcher positions. #pplication reVuest to Robridge Police Department8 11P 1st #ve. E.8 Robridge8 SD8 5Q6P18 6P5-[455PPP. 0ES/0. /PP/0.(),.*e -JEF Position. Salary D/E8 housing provided. /ther positions available. H;SUa5P4 (S Jwy U1U8 ]ettysburg8 SD 5Q44U8 6P5-Q65-aQ65. STATEWIDES STATEWIDES .0#+EL8 .0#+EL8 .0#+ELZ M5PP Sign-on bonus. Seeking sharp guys and gals8 0ock-n0oll atmosphere8 blue kean environmentZ -all )ick [[[-[aP-UP55 today. ,F */( (SED type U Diabetes drug #vandia and suffered a stroke or heart attack8 you may be entitled to compensation. #ttorney -harles Johnson8 1-[PP-5355QUQ. H#LL S-J//L D,S.0,-. is taking applications for a F-1U -ounselor and a-1U #g .eacher. ,f interested8 please contact Superintendent Dennis 0ieckman or look on our web page #RE0,-#) .#n 0EL,EF. Settle ,0S back tages. Do you owe over M158PPPo ,f so...-all us nowZ Free consultation. For less than what you oweZ Stop wage garnishmentsZ 0emove bank levies8 tag levies b property seizuresZ Stop payment plans that get you nowhereZ Settle state and business payroll tag problems. Eliminate penalties8 interest charges b tag liensZ Settle ,0S back tages. )o obligation. -onfidential. -all #merican .ag 0elief8 [PP31Q-aQ1U. Free consultation. -0ED,. -#0D 0EL,EF. Free consultation. Save thousands of dollars. /ut of debt in monthsZ #void bankruptcyZ -redit -ard 0elief is not a high priced consolidation company or a -onsumer -redit -ounseling program. -all -redit -ard 0elief8 [66-4Q5-5a5a. Free consultation. J#* F/0 S#LEe #ll UPPa alfalfa/grass. ;ale range 1UQP-13U3p. Protein range to 1a.1. 0F+ to 13[. #ll baled w/)J baler-plastic twine. Hill load Doubles. 6P5-5U4-3UUP. 0#)-J F,)] P0/ hydrostatic riding lawn mower. 16.5 JP8 4Uq cut8 ;riggs and Stratton hydrostatic motor. #uto+8 new battery. ;ag and rake attachments included. Serviced annually MaPP.PP. 6P5-6aP-5Ua5. Located in Sioug Falls8 SD. L#)DR#0F S./)E8 L#0]E #uction near Jot Springs8 SD on Rarch U3rd. Jeavy eVuipment8 trucks8 trailers8 QPPf ton landscape stone b boulders. See on 6P5-6Q3-U6Ua. H,E)F -J#0/L#,S 41S. sale8 #pril U4th. Selling 1U5 bulls8 U5 open heifers. Performance tested8 EPDs8 bulls semen tested. -atalog and video 1[PP-[4[-435P or acwienk@rapiddatasystems.netd #D+E0.,SE ,) )EHSP#PE0S statewide for only M15P.PP. Put the South Dakota Statewide -lassifieds )etwork to work for you todayZ _U5 words for M15P. Each additional word M5.` -all this newspaper or [PP65[-36aQ for details. L#0]E -,.* L/. in Jerman8 R)8 with full basement and foundation. Paved driveway. Located on the edge of town with lots of mature trees. Full water8 sewer and electrical services. ;uild on egisting basement foundation and save the cost of a new basement. M68PPP.PP. 1-3UP-U[4-UU3P for more information. S/(.JE0) ;L#-F J,LLS land bargainZ 16P #cres near Pringle8 nice balance timber b meadow8 good access8 power8 well8 water. /nly M U6Q5/acre8 estate owned8 contract offeredZ See on 0on ;radeen8 ;roker8 -uster8 SD8 6P5-3[1-U6Ua. L//F,)] F/0 P#S.(0E for U5P yearling buffalo. Summer UP1P. -all Jim8 6P5-4aP-1Ua6. Let us spread the news about your new little one! Please include your name & phone number! BLACK HILLS PIONEER E-mail us at: Our Towns Page 27 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Spring rummage sale March 15-19 S"EAR&IS()*)+,-./)012,)2345)627)2348694:);948.)-74<3 71)51.874)71)7=4)>.-745)?47=15-37)@=2,;=)A127=)SB,-./ R2<<8/4)3894)52,-./)7=4)C44D)1E)?8,;=)FGH I74<3)<80)64 6,12/=7)58-90)E,1<)I)8H<H)71)G)BH<H)71)7=4);=2,;=)87)JKG)NH G7=)S7H:)SB48,E-3=H @1<4)8.5)3=1B)87)7=4),2<<8/4)3894)S872,580:)?8,;=)MN E,1<)J)8H<H)71)F)BH<H)8.5)=49B)32BB1,7)7=4)0127=)32<<4, <-33-1.)7,-B3)71)@=-;8/1)8.5)D4.P4,H)A99)B,1;4453)/1)71 0127=)<-33-1.3H)A12,)32BB1,7)-3)C49;1<4)8.5)8BB,4;-8745H @899)QKMRSKGT)8.5)83D)E1,)+,4.58)-E)012)=8P4)8.0)U2437-1.3H Red Hatters St. Patrick's Party March 17 S"EAR&IS( *)+8,490)+401.5)"-.D)R45)(8774,3)C-99 =195)8)S7H)"87,-;DV3)G8<4)"8,70)X45.43580:)?8,;=)FT)87 7=4)S4.-1,)@4.74,)-.)Y244.)(899H)T=4,4)C-99)64)3B4;-89 4.74,78-.<4.7H Relay for Life — St. Panties Day March 17 DEADX[[D)*)A \-./4,-4)A2;7-1.)C-7=)899)B,1;4453 71)64.4E-7)R4980)E1,)\-E4)C-99)64)=495)87)J)BH<H X45.43580:)?8,;=)FT)87)7=4)[95)S7094)S8911.)]FNH \1;89)<15493)C-99)37,27)7=4-,)372EE)71)/8,.4,)7=4)=-/=437 6-5)E1,)7=4-,)127E-7H))@1P4,);=8,/4)87)7=4)511,)C-99)/47)012 -.)1.)899)7=4)E2.H St. Patty's Day Bra Auction March 17 S"EAR&IS()*)T=4)+2.D1)+4=-.54,3)C-99)64)=195R -./)8)6,8)82;7-1.)64/-..-./)87)Q:SN)BH<H)X45.43580: ?8,;=)FT)87)7=4)S785-2<)SB1,73)G,-99:)TKK)?8-.)S7H: SB48,E-3=H)",1;4453)C-99)64.4E-7)7=4)A<4,-;8.)@8.;4, S1;-470H)E8;=)6,8)71)64)82;7-1.45)=83)644.);2371<-_45 60)91;89)-.5-P-52893)1,)/,12B3)8;;1,5-./)71)8)B8,7-;298, 7=4<4H)@1<4)48,90:)3780)9874)8.5);4946,874)S7H)"87,-;DV3 D80)C-7=)7=4)+2.D1)+4=-.54,3H ‘All About Hospice’ speaker March 18 NE?[))*)T=4)N4<1)@1<<2.-70)@=2,;=)-3)=137-./ `A99)A6127)(13B-;4a)87)T)BH<H)T=2,3580:)?8,;=)FJ)87 7=4);=2,;=)&4991C3=-B)(899H)A ,4B,434.787-P4)E,1< R8B-5)@-70)(13B-789V3)(13B-;4)1E)7=4)(-993)C-99)3B48D 86127)(13B-;4)@8,4)8.5)(1<4)(4897=)@8,4H)I.E1,<89 U2437-1.3)8.5)8.3C4,)7-<4)71)E1991CH)&1,)<1,4)-.E1,R <87-1.);899)GTJRITQGH Cookie dough Available S"EAR&IS()*)E-944.V3)@1913389);11D-4)512/=)-3 8P8-98694)60)1,54,-./)E,1<)7=4)SB48,E-3=)>.-745 ?47=15-37)A127=)1,)371BB-./)60)7=4);=2,;=)X45.43580: ?8,;=)MKH)",1;4453)/1)71)A127=)S2<<4,)?-33-1.)7,-B3 71)D4.P4,)8.5)@=-;8/1H)N-.4)E98P1,3)8,4)8P8-98694)-. 7=,44)B12.5)7263H))&1,)<1,4)-.E1,<87-1.);899)7=4 ;=2,;=)87)QKMRSKGTH Invasive Species Management meeting March 18 S"EAR&IS()*)T=4,4)C-99)64)8)\8C,4.;4)@12.70 I.P83-P4)SB4;-43)?8.8/4<4.7)+18,5)<447-./)87).11. T=2,3580:)?8,;=)FJ:)87)SGMN)@8;723)"98;4:)SB48,E-3=H)T=4 <447-./)-3)1B4.)71)7=4)B269-;H Lawrence County Dems to meet March 18 S"EAR&IS()*)A \8C,4.;4)@12.70)D4<1;,873)<1.7=90 <447-./)C-99)64)87)T)BH<H)1.)T=2,3580:)?8,;=)FJ)87)7=4)@458, (1234)-.)SB48,E-3=H))T=-3)C-99)64)8).1)=137)5-..4,)87)Q:SN)BH<H 8.5)8)<447-./)87)T)BH<H))E94;7-1.)1E)B,4R;1.P4.7-1.)8.5);1.R P4.7-1.)5494/8743H)&1,)U2437-1.3);899)b4P-.)87)GIFRMISF Senior Center serving supper March 18 \EAD)*)T=4)TC-.)@-70)S4.-1,)@-7-_4.3)@4.74,)-.P-743 4P4,01.4)71)7=4-,)<1.7=90)E2.5,8-34,)87)K)BH<H)1.)T=2,3580: ?8,;=)FJ)87)7=4);4.74,)1.)?8-.)S7,447)-.)\485H)T=40)C-99)64 34,P-./)B8.;8D43:)38238/4)8.5)3;,8<6945)4//3H)@1<4)4.c10 31<4)/115)E115)8.5)E4991C3=-BH Benefit for Coach Dschaak March 20 +E\\E)&[>R@(E)*)T=4,4)C-99)64)8)64.4E-7)E,1<)GRFN BH<H)S872,580:)?8,;=)MN)87)7=4)+4994)&12,;=4)@1<<2.-70 (899H)A99)B,1;4453)C-99)/1)71)=49B)7=4)D3;=88D)E8<-90)C-7= <45-;89)6-993)8.5)7,8P49-./)4dB4.343H)T=4,4)C-99)64)8);=-9E445:);83=)68,:)3-94.7)82;7-1.:)/8<43)E1,)7=4)D-53)8.5)9-P4 <23-;)60)S-d)?-94)R185 CASA parenting class March 20 S"EAR&IS()*)N(@ASA -3)=137-./)8)\-E4)SD-993)T,8-.-./ "8,4.7-./)@9833)E,1<)I)8H<)71)G)BH<H)S872,580:)?8,;=)MN)87 7=4)E837)E94<4.78,0)\-6,8,0)e7=-3)-3),43;=452945)E,1< D4;4<64,fH T=4)78,/47)825-4.;4)-3)B8,4.73:)E1374,)B8,4.73:)@ASA V192.744,3:)8.5)8.01.4)-.74,43745)-.)948,.-./)<1,4)86127),8-3R -./);=-95,4.H)T=4)/189)1E)7=4)B8,4.7R7,8-.-./)C1,D3=1B)-3)71 B,1P-54)B8,7-;-B8.73)C-7=:)8.)2.54,378.5-./)1E)=1C)8.5)C=0 7=4)\-E4SD-993)T,8-.-./)e\STf)B,1/,8<)C1,D3h)8.)-548)1E 8;7-P-7-43)7=87);8.)64)51.4)C-7=);=-95,4.)83)8.)4EE4;7-P4)C80 1E)/477-./)-.E1,<87-1.)8;,133h)7=4);1.7-.245)54P491B<4.7)8.5 ,4-.E1,;4<4.7)1E)71193)7=87);8.)64)2345)C-7=);=-95,4.)71),4-.R E1,;4);1<B474.;0)-.)3D-993)4334.7-89)71),452;4),-3D0)64=8P-1,3H T=4);9833)-3)E,44)8.5)8)9-/=7)92.;=)C-99)64)B,1P-545H)",4R,4/-3R 7,87-1.)-3),4U2-,45H)&1,)<1,4)-.E1,<87-1.);899)7=4)N1,7=4,. (-993)@ASA ",1/,8<)87)TMMRKGGJH Our Towns is for area events only. • Non-profit events - free listings • For-profit or business events - charge figured on a per day basis • Due to limited space, all events will run on a space available basis • Publication of events is at the final discretion of the editor Girl Scout Cookie time March 20 S"EAR&IS()*)T,11B)TMQNF)-.)SB48,E-3=)C-99)=8P4 8);11D-4)6117=)E,1<)FN)8H<H)71)S)BH<H)e1,)2.7-9)C4),2. 127f))S872,580:)?8,;=)MN)87)A9B-.4)@1EE44)@1<B8.0H S71B)60)71),4B94.-3=)012,);11D-4)32BB90)8.5)32BB1,7 G-,9)S;1273H Free tax preparation Through April 13 S"EAR&IS()*)T=4)7,8-.45)8.5);4,7-E-45)P192.744,3 1E)VITA eV192.744,)I.;1<4)T8d)A33-378.;4f)C-99)64 B,1P-5-./)E,44)78d)B,4B8,87-1.)34,P-;43)71)7=4)4954,90 8.5)91CR-.;1<4)B41B94H)) T=40)C-99)64)8P8-98694)S872,5803)E,1<)FN)8H<H)71)S BH<H)7=,12/=127)&46,28,0)8.5)-.71)AB,-9)87)7=4)B269-; 9-6,8,0)-.)SB48,E-3=)60)8BB1-.7<4.7)1.90H)T1)<8D4)8. 8BB1-.7<4.7:)B94834);899)7=4)9-6,8,0)87)QKMRFSSNH T=40)C-99)8931)64)8P8-98694)E,1<)KRT)BH<H)4P4,0 T243580)2.7-9)AB,-9)FS)e4d;4B7)E1,)?8,;=)If)87)+98;D (-993)S7874)>.-P4,3-70)-.)?4-4,)(899)R11<)MNT)E1, C89DR-.)1,)5,1B)1EE)8BB1-.7<4.73H)) A ;1B0)1E)9837)048,i3)78d),472,.:)8);1B0)1E)7=4-, 31;-89)34;2,-70);8,5:)8.5)899)B4,7-.4.7)78d)-.E1,<87-1. 8,4),4U2-,45H)) Good Shepherd Clinic open Monday evenings S"EAR&IS()*)D1)012)9-P4)-.)7=4)N1,7=4,.)(-993: .445)<45-;89)8774.7-1.)627)=8P4).1)=4897=)-.32,8.;4 8.5)51.V7)U289-E0)E1,)17=4,)<45-;89)833-378.;4)B,1R /,8<3j))T=4.);1<4)71)7=4)G115)S=4B=4,5)@9-.-;)91;87R 45)87)[2,)S8P-1,3)\27=4,8.)@=2,;=:)FNMN)S7874)S7H:)-. SB48,E-3=H))T=4)<-33-1.)1E)7=-3)X89D)I.)@9-.-;)-3)`71 B,1P-54)U289-70)<45-;89);8,4)E1,)B41B94)C-7=127)=4897= -.32,8.;4)8.5)71)78D4)7=4)9-/=7)1E)@=,-37)-.71)7=4);1<R <2.-70Ha) @9-.-;)=12,3)8,4)?1.580)4P4.-./3)e;91345)1. ?1.580)=19-5803f)E,1<)Q)71)I)BH<H))N1)8BB1-.7<4.73 8,4)8;;4B745)8.5)012)<237)<447)-.;1<4)49-/-6-9-70 /2-549-.43H BHSU opera performance moved up April 23 and 24 S"EAR&IS()*))T=4)1B4,8)`D-51)8.5)A4.483:a)B,4R P-12390)B98..45)71)64)B4,E1,<45)87)+98;D)(-993)S7874 >.-P4,3-70)1.)?8,;=)FI)8.5)MN)=83)644.)<1P45)71 AB,-9)MS)8.5)MKH)T=-3)3=1,7)1B4,8)60)(4.,0)"2,;499)-3 1.4)1E)7=4)E4C)E./9-3=)1B4,83)71)64);1<B1345)64E1,4 FINNH)T=4)C1,D:)68345)1.)G,44D);=8,8;74,3)52,-./)7=4 T,1c8.)X8,3:)-3)8)7,8/-;)91P4)371,0H)T=4)1B4,8)C-99)64 B4,E1,<45)87)T:SN)BH<H)-.)?4-4,)R4;-789)(899)87)+(S>H T=4)B269-;)-3)4.;12,8/45)71)8774.5H)A5<-33-1.)-3)60 51.87-1.)8.5)899)B,1;4453)C-99)71)32BB1,7)=4)k1=8..8 ?4-4,)[B4,8)T=4874,)I.37-7274)=495)48;=)32<<4,)1. ;8<B23H Check • All listings subject to grammar and style editing • Deadline: One week prior to event • E-mail to: • Call Jami at (605) 642-2761 for information “Community Events” in our Classified Ad Section for additional events! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 28 Air Purifiers are available for rent. $24.00 per day for 24 hours or $60 for 3 days with free delivery in the Black Hills area. In 24 hours our commercial grade air purifier is capable of killing 99.9% of all viruses, germs, molds and allergens on the surfaces of your home. What one of our customers said about our air purifiers... "The sewer backed up in our office building and the basement had raw sewage on the carpet. The smell hit you as you walked in the front door. The plumber was on his way but we had to do something about the odors. We plugged in your commercial purifier and within minutes, the smell was gone. We would have had to close up for the day if it had not been for the air purifier. Thanks for being there for us." Integrity Heating, Sturgis, SD. Not for sale in stores. Call toll free 1-877-424-9912 or PUZZLE FOR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 VA Black Hills Health Care System to host semi-annual PTSD retreat F"#T M&A(& * The Post Traumati6 Stress (isorder 9PTS(: ;lini6al Team 9P;T: at the >A ?la6@ Hills Health ;are System will host its semiDannual EomenFs #etreat April HIDHJK HL1L at the Fort Meade >A Medi6al ;enter. This program is intended for women Qeterans 9all eras: and 6ollaterals 9wiQesK domesti6 partD nersK mothersK adult daughtersK et6.: of male QetD erans traumatiRed by eTperien6es during their military serQi6e. The P;T program operates two annual retreats a year 9spring and fall: to help parti6ipants learn about the psy6hologi6alK physiD 6alK so6ial and spiritual issues of PTS( and relaD tionships The retreats proQide a uniUue opportunity for women to learn more about the effe6ts of warK as well as other types of trauma. The primary emphasis of the wee@end is to learn how to 6ope with the deQastating effe6ts PTS( 6an haQe on Qeterans and family memberFs liQes. The retreat program also en6ourages parti6ipants to eTamine problem areas in their liQes and help them ma@e healthy 6hanges and 6hoi6es. All meals and lodging are proQided at no 6ost to eligible parti6ipants. The retreat program is supported through the generous donations of the (isabled Ameri6an >eterans ;haritable TrustK as well as other QeteranFs serQi6e organiRations and interested groupsVindiQiduals that want to supD port this benefi6ial program. Those wishing to parti6ipate must preDregister by phoning 96LJ: XHLDX44Z or 1D[LLDX4ID1LXLK eTtension X44Z. Seating is limited and on a first 6omeK first serQed basis. Prior to registrationK a brief telephone s6reening is reUuired. Post Traumati6 Stress (isorder 9PTS(: is an emotional and psy6hologi6al response to trauma 9a painfulK sho6@ing eTperien6e:. PTS( 6an affe6t surQiQors of eQents su6h as warK Qiolent 6rimes 9atta6@sVrapes:K motor Qehi6le a66identsK natural disastersK 6hildhood abuse and witnessing a sui6ide or murder. ;ommon rea6tions to trauD mati6 eQents are\ sho6@K angerK disbeliefK 6onfuD sionK insomniaK so6ial withdrawalK intrusiQe thoughts and selfDblame. Sometimes PTS( surD fa6es months or eQen years after a traumati6 eQent. After traumaK many surQiQors feel their liQes haQe 6hanged. ]f the traumaDrelated symptoms listed below persist for more than one month after the eQent9s:K there is a possibility that an emotional disorder is present and surQiQors are highly en6ouraged to see@ medi6alVpsy6hiatri6 serQi6es. Students get chance to send art to Washington D.C. P]&##& * ;ompetition that puts the artD wor@ of South (a@ota students in the nationFs ;apitol is 6oming upK and the South (a@ota Arts ;oun6il is now a66epting entries. &a6h springK a nationwide high s6hool arts 6ompetition is sponsored by the members of the ^.S. House of #epresentatiQes. The ;ongressional Art ;ompetition is an opportuD nity to re6ogniRe and en6ourage the artisti6 talent in the nationK as well as in ea6h 6ongresD sional distri6t. The 6ontest is open to all high s6hool stuD dents. The firstDpla6e winning entry will be displayed in the ^nited States ;apitol ;ompleT for one year. The se6ondDpla6e winD ning entry will be displayed in #ep. Stephanie Herseth SandlinFs EashingtonK (.;.K offi6e. FirstDpla6e winners will be inQited to a 6onD gressional re6eption in EashingtonK (.;. ;ash awards are also giQen to the firstD and se6ondD pla6e winners by South (a@otans for the ArtsK a nonDprofitK nonDpartisan 6orporation whose primary purpose is to adQan6e the arts in South (a@ota. This yearK S(A; will only a66ept digital submissions. Students should send highDresoD lution _P&` images along with P(Fs of the student appli6ation forms to #ebe66a.dallaD . Submissions must be re6eiQed by J p.m.K FridayK April 16. Einners will be notified no later than April HI and will be responsible for shipping their artwor@ and appli6ation forms to the S(A; offi6e by April H6. For guidelines and entry form please Qisit http\ or For more informationK 6onta6t #ebe66a (alla`ranaK Assistant (ire6torK South (a@ota Arts ;oun6ilK at 1D[LLDZJHDI6HJ or Qia eDmail at Todd Stewart’s Birthday Saturday, March 20th Music 7:00pm-Midnight featuring Greg Flanagan Casino Bar SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS Main St., Central City 605-578-1824 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 29 Optimist Club makes three local donations The Lead-Deadwood Optimist Club contributed to three local student groups on March 1. Cory Percy, left, accepted a check for $150 from Deadwood Mayor Francis Toscana on behalf of the fifth-grade boys traveling basketball team. Courtesy photo • Vision Exams • Eye Disease Treatment • Emergency Eye Care • Specialty Contact Lenses • Huge Selection of Frames • Laser Surgery Consultation NORTHERN HILLS EYE CARE Professional L.L.C. With offices in Buffalo & Faith, SD - Call for dates! Dr. David J. Prosser Dr. Jason M. Hafner Optometrists 910 Harmon St., Sturgis • 347-2666 • 1-800-648-0760 ! n i a g It A © Did NEW LISTING Kari Engen Owner/Broker Associate ABR, CRS Move In Today! Built in 2004 - this home will fit your needs. Open floor plan, vaulted ceilings and all appliances are included. Nice, big backyard and oversized two stall garage. Spearfish • $157,500 • MLS 31065 140 W. Jackson Blvd • Spearfish, SD 57783 Call 605-641-0670 • (Above) Jennifer Gabriel, Kip Mau and Dan Leikvold are pictured as Mau accepts a check for $500 to go toward the Jr. Achievement Award. (Left) Ellen Larson was presented a check on behalf of the girls under 16 traveling basketball team. She is pictured with Francis Toscana. Courtesy photos Lo# %n Anyti+e- !!!"#$%&'())*"+', Sports Page 30 BELLE FOURCHE BHSU LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Diggers expect a strong year in boy's track BY KE%IN NORTON Blac% 'ill) *io,ee. The 2010 Lead-Deadwood track team members are: (Not in order) Adam Caldwell, Attila Csaszar, Devan Vogel, Jake Zoodsma, Joey Grone, Josh Moak, Levi Hunter, Michael Schumacher, Shelby-Wayne Williams, Trevor Edwards, Aaron Sternhagen, Jacob Wilczynski, JR Chyba, Justin James, Matt Thompson, Nate Hayward, Ryan Harrison, Taylor Miller, Tyler Myrup, Xavier Glover, Tony Frederickson, Jesse Pratt, Bodi Williams, Brandon Crotteau, Jordon Barthel, Josh Larson, Tucker Loeffen, Austin Corkins, Gabe Dirksen, Josh Oyen, Pat Brick, Sam Mollman, Seth Kuchenbecker, Thomas Enright, Tyler Stabnow, Drew Power, Giulia Banci, Mackenzi Rogers, Rachel Stagner, Amanda Patino, Jessi Sternhagen, Makayla Morrison, Kayla Lester, Morgan Straub, Shelby Stagner, and Genae Messner. Pioneer photo by Kevin Norton BHSU women hoopsters receive NAIA honors SIOUR CITS, Iowa & The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) has announced that IVV $ivision II women's basketball players have been named G0I0 $aktronics NAIA Scholar Athletes. Nominated by each institution's head coach, a student-athlete must maintain a minimum grade point average of W.5 on a Y.0 scale and have achieved junior academic status to qualify. Members of the Black hills State women's basketball team named G0I0 $aktronics NAIA Scholar Athletes are^ Seniors & Jenna Bolstad, Mandy Brumfield, and Brittany Fuhrman. Juniors & Katelynn Lamb, Janna Schriber, and Tiffany Thomas. Northern Hills Traveling Softball Skills Assessment Sessions Mar. 18 SP"ARFISH & There will be player evaluations for UIGcUIYcUI6 fastpitch softball players at V p.m. on Thursday, March Ie at the $onald ". Soung Center in Spearfish. Please come to the Soung Center Field House if you are interested in participating on a competitive traveling team. Bring a glove (batschelmets optional). See HAPPENINGS — Page 31 L"A$ & The Lead-$eadwood boy's track team should be hitting their stride this year, while the younger girl's team plans on building from the ground up. Not so many years ago, second-year head coach "ric "isenbraun went to Lead-$eadwood and ran in the gold and maroon colors along with assistant coaches Andy Van$eest and Chris Roberts. They all competed at the college-level and are returning with that experience to lead the track team again through the G0I0 season. Senior Shelby-Wayne Williams, who is competing on the track team for his fourth year, said he has noticed considerable changes during his career on the track team. LWe've all improved over the years,M said Williams. L"specially since we've gotten "ric as coach ... it's beneficial to have a coach who's competed and coached at the college level, and who is also willing to get out there and run with you.M "isenbraun coached middle-distance runners at $akota State, and is now starting his second year as head coach of the Lead-$eadwood track team. He expects improvement, especially from the boy's side, which will return all of their leading point-scorers. See DIGGERS — Page 32 BHSU softball game moved to Rapid City Black Hills State University pitcher Katie Wagner lets a pitch fly during a recent game in Arizona. The BHSU versus Dakota State softball doubleheader scheduled for Saturday in Spearfish has been moved to the Parkview Softball Complex in Rapid City due to field conditions at BHSU. Game times are 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Courtesy photo BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 31 Documentary exploring the history of girl’s basketball showing on TV HAPPENINGS !on$%nued ONLY 12 MINUTES FROM STURGIS Spearfish I-90 Exit 14 • 877-642-7731 3245 Colorado Blvd., Spearfish, SD For online shopping & schedule of events visit March 19th • 4pm-5:50pm Free Pizza SP#$%&'S( * +he Spear1ish 4egion and teener baseball teams will be holding registration 1or the upcoming season at @ p.m. tonightB in the Spear1ish (igh School commons. Lead-Deadwood spring soccer meeting March 18 4#$C * Please sign up now 1or the spring soccer season in 4eadD Ceadwood. %egistration 1orms can be picked up in the o11ices o1 all the 4eadD Ceadwood schools. Soccer is open to all students F years old and up. $ meeting will be held at @ p.m. on • Wal-Mart Super Center West North South East Take I-90 West from Sturgis to Exit 14 Spearfish Sturgis March 20th • 11am-3pm Chuckies Chili 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 Alice in Wonderland (PG) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:30 Sat & Sun 1:30, 4:00, 6:30 & 8:30 Sturgis Brown High School’s Carsey Barden, 4, was one of the top players in the state this season. South Dakota Public Broadcasting will be showing a documentary entitled “Play like a girl: A history of Baketball in South Dakota” during the month of March. Pioneer file photo story o1 how a womanhs place in the world has evolved. 'n the endB we disD cover that cPlay like a girlU $ history o1 Baketball in South Cakotad is a compliD *+o, Page 30 Spearfish Legion and teener baseball registration March 17 Colorado Blvd. Exit 14 Amoco • I-90 Exit 14 Integrity Ford • Outdoor Motor Sports I-90 [#%H'44'_a * $ documentary that ebplores the history o1 girls basD ketball in South CakotaB is now showD ing on South Cakota Public Broadcasting. cPlay like a girlU $ history o1 basketD ball in South Cakotad will be shown at @ p.m. on RednesdayB Harch I@ and at IM p.m. on SundayB Harch KI. +his SCPB specialB was produced in cooperation with sports historian Cave eempB and ebamines the evolution o1 high school girls basketball over the past century. Hemorable coaches and playersB and historic photos and 1ootage help tell the intriguing tale. +he one hour cPlay like a girld program will be narrated by Vara (etlandB aews Cirector 1or SCPB %adio. +he documentary 1eatures coaches and administratorsB past and present which includes 4aurie HelumB Bob RinterB Gary HunsenB ]udy ]asperB %uth %ehnB and f.V. Hiles. Players include Becky &lynn ]ensenB Becky (ammonB $my Hickelson BrechtB %enae SallSuistB ]o#lle Byre BensonB ]an HeileB 4a[erta PalmerB eatie CaileyB and 4isa Hueller (oward. Past videos include &red +ibbettsB %obin $nderson +hormodsgaardB and Su$nne Big Vrow. +he show takes us 1rom the early teams o1 the IgMMsB to the FMDyear ban on girls tournamentsB to todayhs top high school teams. Rehll discover that the story o1 girls basketball in South Cakota is also the +hursdayB Harch IJB at the 4ead $rmory. %egistration 1orms should be turned in be1ore the meeting. '1 not bring them to the meeting. &or more in1ormation call @KKD LMNM. ment and these competitors are skilledB athletic and tough. $ documentary on boys basketball is in the works 1or later this year. Stay Fit! Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:45 Sat & Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:45 & 8:45 Green Zone (R) Final Week Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 Sat & Sun 1:15, 3:45, 6:30 & 8:45 Avatar (PG13) Winner 3 Academy Awards Ends Thursday Mon – Fri 7:15 Cop Out (R) Ends Thursday Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:45 Sturgis Brown High School Winter Athletic Banquet March 22 S+O%G'S * +he +he Sturgis Brown high School Rinter $thletic BanSuet will be held at TUNM p.m. on HondayB Harch KKB in the #ast Gym at Sturgis Brown (igh School. +he SDVlub and the Sturgis Booster Vlub will be providing spaghettiB saladB bread and drink. +he 1ollowing activities will be recogniXedU girlYs basketballB boyYs basketballB wrestling and winter cheerleading. $thletes Z[arsity\][^ and parents are encouraged to attend. $thletes are asked to bring a dessert. She’s Out of My League (R) Hurt Locker (R) Ends Thursday Mon – Fri 7:30 Starts Friday Shutter Island (R) The Bounty Hunter (PG13) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (PG) Don’t Get Lazy This Winter! MOVIES MA0E GREAT GIFTS!!! Gi7t Cards A=ai>ab>e at the BoD O77ice B_` _&&'V# (_O%S H_aD&%' TUMM S$+DSOa IKUNM CALL 642-4212 _% ['S'+ _O% R#BS'+# WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 32 ! in a g A © t I d Di CallCall SueKari Cramer at at 645-2391 Engen 605-641-0670 A"#$R&'S'N*+ !d#e%&'('ng dead-'ne .o% &0e !"a$% 'i""s Pioneer '( 3 2343, &6o day( 2%'o% &o &0e day 'n 60'80 you 6'(0 you% ad#e%&'(e4en& &o a22ea%3 :e 8an a-(o a88e2& ad#e%&'('ng un&'9<00 a343 on Monday( .o% ou% ?ue(day ed'&'on3 !" $H"& '! &() *"+*,-+. !/e 1o34/ 5ako4a 5e8ar4:en4 o< !rans8or4a4ion "<<ice o< @ocal !rans8or4a4ionB /erein call 4/e "CnerB o< 4/e *i4D o< PierreB 1o34/ 5ako4a Cill receiFe sealeG HiGs <or 4/e cons4r3c4ion o< 4/e Prairie Hills !ransi4 B3s Jacili4D in 18ear<is/B 1o34/ 5ako4aK !/e *on4rac4 <or 4/e 8roLec4 Cill He <or a sinMle l3:8 s3: <iNeG <ee con4rac4 <or all CorkB Ci4/ 4/e Meneral con4rac4or as 4/e 8ri:e HiGGerK !/is 8roLec4 is HeinM <3nGeG HD 4/e JeGeral !ransi4 (G:inis4ra4ion sec4ion OPQR anG (:erican -einFes4:en4 anG -ecoFerD (c4 <3nGsK ( 8reSHiG :ee4inM Cill He /elG <or HiGGers a4 T.QQ 8: on &arc/ UPrGB UQTQ C/ic/ Cill incl3Ge a Fisi4 4o 4/e 8roLec4 si4eK !/e :ee4S inM loca4ion Cill He a4 H3Gson HallB UUU $es4 H3GsonB 18ear<is/B 1o34/ 5ako4aK (ll 1ealeG HiGs s/o3lG He GeliFereG 4o 155"! cVo P3Hlic $orks "<<ice &3nici8al 1erFices *en4re S UnG JloorB WUO Ji<4/ 14ree4B 18ear<is/B 15 OXXYPK (44en4ion. P3Hlic $orks (G:inis4ra4orB */erDl Zo/nsonK *learlD :arkeG [PH! HiG\ BiGs Cill He acce84eG no la4er 4/an T.QQ 8:B @ocal !i:e ]&K!K^ on 4/e Ts4 GaD o< (8rilB UQTQK !/e HiG o8eninM Cill He a4 T.PQ 8:B (8ril Ts4B UQTQB anG Cill He /elG a4 4/e P3Hlic $orks "<<ice &3nici8al 1erFices *en4re S UnG JloorB WUO Ji<4/ 14ree4B 18ear<is/B 15 a4 C/ic/ 4i:e anG 8lace all HiGs Cill He 83HliclD o8eneG anG reaGK J3ll res8onsiHili4D <or 4/e GeliFerD o< HiGsB incl3GinM :aileG HiGsB 8rior 4o 4/e GeaGline <or receiFinM HiGsB res4s Ci4/ 4/e HiGGerK !/e 1o34/ 5ako4a 5e8ar4:en4 o< !rans8or4a4ion Cill iss3e a +o4ice 4o ProceeG Ci4/in UQ GaDs a<4er HiG o8eninM anG 4/e *on4rac4or s/all HeMin Cork Ci4/in TQ GaDs o< 4/is +o4iceK ProLec4 5oc3:en4s. ProLec4 &an3alV*on4rac4 5oc3:en4s :aD He ins8ec4eG anGVor oH4aineG 38on re_3es4 HD in4eres4eG HiGGersK *on4rac4 Goc3:en4sB incl3GinM 8ro8osal HiG <or:sB GraCinMs anG 8roLec4 :an3alB can He reFieCeG anGVor oH4aineG a4 :3l4i8le 8lan /olGer loca4ions S lis4 or 8lan /olGer loca4ions Cill He 8roFiGeG 38on re_3es4 HD con4ac4inM. 1o34/ 5ako4a 5e8ar4:en4 o< !rans8or4a4ion ]155"!^ "<<ice o< @ocal !rans8or4a4ion ProMra:s XQQ ,as4 BroaGCaD (Fen3e PierreB 15 OXOQT (44n. Zason ,nMHrec/4 @ocal !rans8or4a4ion ProMra:s ]WQO^ XXPSPXW` ]WQO^ XXPS`YXQ JaN a8on re_3es4B a co:8le4e se4 o< Goc3:en4s Cill He 8roFiGeG <or a 5,P"1'! o< bUOQKQQB in c/eck <or:B 8aDaHle 4o *o8D *o3n4rDK Plans :aD also He FieCeG online a4 CCCKco8Dco3n4rDincKco: Plans anG s8ecs Cill He re43rneG 4o *o8D *o3n4rD 'ncK a4 HiGGercs eN8enseK Plans anG s8ecs neeG 4o He re43rneG Ci4/in PQ GaDs a<4er HiG o8eninM 4o receiFe 4/e bUOQKQQ Ge8osi4 HackK *o8D *o3n4rD 'ncK TQUW &ain 14ree4 -a8iG *i4DB 15 OXXQT P WQOKP`UKQ`UO JaN WQOKP`YKPQTQ CCCKco8Dco3n4rDincKco: P3Hlis/eG 4Cice a4 4/e 4o4al a88roNi:a4e cos4 o< bPWPKQQK Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Woods to return to golf at the Masters ",-* F$R*-S,N AP Golf Writer P!TM N!Z[\Z, ]-a3 ^ ?'ge% :ood( (a'd ?ue(day 0e 6'-- %e&u%n &o go-. neP& 4on&0 a& &0e Ma(&e%(, end'ng a .ou%D 4on&0 0'a&u( G%oug0& on Gy a (eP (8anda- &0a& (0a&&e%ed 0'( '4age a( &0e go-d (&anda%d 'n (2o%&(3 _?0e Ma(&e%( '( 60e%e A 6on 4y .'%(& 4aSo% and A #'e6 &0'( &ou%na4en& 6'&0 g%ea& %e(2e8&,_ :ood( (a'd 'n a (&a&e4en&3 _!.&e% a -ong and ne8e((a%y &'4e a6ay .%o4 &0e ga4e, A .ee- -'Ce AB4 %eady &o (&a%& 4y (ea(on a& !ugu(&a3_ ?0e Ma(&e%( Geg'n( !2%'- O3 ?0e !((o8'a&ed P%e(( .'%(& %e2o%&ed 0'( 2-an( &o %e&u%n a& !ugu(&a Ma&'ona- -a(& ?0u%(day3 :ood( 0a( no& 8o42e&ed ('n8e Mo#3 15 60en 0e 6on &0e !u(&%a-'an Ma(&e%( .o% 0'( O2nd #'8&o%y 6o%-d6'de3 ?6e-#e day( -a&e%, 0e 8%a(0ed 0'( 8a% 'n&o a &%ee ou&('de 0'( ]-o%'da 0o4e, (e&&'ng o.. (0o8C'ng %e#D e-a&'on( &0a& 0e 0ad Geen 80ea&D 'ng on 0'( 6'.e3 _?0e 4aSo% 80a42'on(0'2( 0a#e a-6ay( Geen a (2e8'a.o8u( 'n 4y 8a%ee% and, a( a 2%o.e(('ona-, A &0'nC !ugu(&a '( 60e%e A need &o Ge, e#en &0oug0 '&B( Geen a 60'-e ('n8e A -a(& 2-ayed,_ :ood( (a'd3 _A 0a#e unde%gone a-4o(& &6o 4on&0( o. 'n2a&'en& &0e%aD 2y and A a4 8on&'nu'ng 4y &%ea&4en&,_ 0e (a'd3 _!-&0oug0 AB4 %e&u%n'ng &o 8o42e&'&'on, A (&'-- 0a#e a -o& o. 6o%C &o do 'n 4y 2e%(ona- -'.e3_ ?0e%e 0ad Geen %e2o%&( 0e 6ou-d 2-ay &0e ?a#'(&o8C Ju2 eP0'G'&'on neP& 6eeC 'n Tiger Woods speaks to the media during a news conference at the 2009 Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. Woods announced Tuesday he will make his return to golf at this year’s Masters, which begins April 8. AP photo \%-ando, .o--o6ed Gy &0e !%no-d Pa-4e% An#'&a&'ona- a& [ay N'--, 60e%e 0e '( &0e de.end'ng 80a42'on and a ('PD &'4e 6'nne%3 _:0en A .'na--y go& 'n&o a 2o('&'on &o &0'nC aGou& 8o42e&D '&'#e go-. aga'n, '& Ge8a4e a22a%en& &o 4e &0a& &0e Ma(&e%( 6ou-d Ge &0e ea%-'e(& A 8ou-d 2-ay,_ :ood( (a'd3 ['--y Payne, 80a'%4an o. !ugu(&a Ma&'ona- Ro-. J-uG and &0e Ma(&e%( ?ou%na4en&, (a'd &0e 8-uG no& on-y (u22o%&D ed :ood(B de8'('on &o 4aCe 0'( %e&u%n &0e%e, Gu& _add'&'ona--y, 6e (u22o%& and en8ou%age 0'( (&a&ed 8o44'&4en& &o 8on&'nue &0e ('gn'.'8an& 6o%C %eKu'%ed &o %eGu'-d 0'( 2e%(ona- and 2%o.e(D ('ona- -'.e3_ !-%eady &0e 4aSo% 6'&0 &0e 0'g0e(& ?b %a&'ng(, &0'( Ma(&e%( 8ou-d Ge &0e G'gge(& ye&3 ?0e .'%(& &6o %ound( a%e &e-e#'(ed on FWPM, 6'&0 J[W W2o%&( on &0e 6eeCend3 _\G#'ou(-y, &0e %a&'ng( 6'-- DIGGERS C"#$%#&'())*+",)P./'))01 @ABd -'Ce &o (ee &0e4 2-a8e .'%(& o% (e8ond 'n &0e 8on.e%D en8e &0'( yea%,E F'(enG%aun (a'd3 @A&B( go'ng &o &aCe a %ea--y good day Ha& 8o42e&'&'onI, Gu& &0ey 0a#e '& 'n &0e43E !&0-e&e( &o -ooC ou& .o% on &0e GoyB( ('de 6'-- Ge !da4 Ja-d6e-- 'n 0u%d-e(3 Ja-d6e-Kua-'.'ed -a(& yea% .o% (&a&e 'n Go&0 8-a((e( o. 0u%d-e(, 110B( and 300B(3 !-(o, :'--'a4(, 60o 0a( ('gned a -e&&e% o. 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(no6 on &0e g%ound and 6e 6en& ou& %unn'ng,E 0e (a'd3 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Page 33 ESPN reporter's stalker gets 27-months in prison LINDA DEUTSCH AP #$ecia) +orres$o/de/t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rin 9-9 0%.3%.B% -.'%# B"##%33 1(%"'%' ;-$(3* 32% ("/8 Andrews $. 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Belle Fourche news sponsored by the following C"##$%# '%($)%#* +, *+-# .%/01"1%# 02+-(' "##$)% "3 *+-# "''#%00 4* 5677 1898 M+.'"* 32#+-;2 <#$'"*= ".' 4* >677 "898 ?"3-#'"* 9+#.@ $.;08 I, *+- '+ .+3 #%B%$)% *+-# .%/01"@ 1%# 4* 32%0% 3$9%0= 1(%"0% (%")% " 9%0@ 0";% "3888 645-1879 (Spearfish) or 645-1858 (LeadD Deadwood) Black Hills Vision Care SI3V0 9* 4+'* +. 32% I.3%#.%3=S 02% 0"$'8 SIV9 4%$.; 3#"-9"3$\%' %)%#* 0$.;(% '"* ,+# /2"3 2% '$'8 888 U2$0 /$(( .%)%# 4% +)%# ,+# 9%8S B"##%33= /2+ 2"0 -.3$( M"* ] 3+ 0-##%.'%#= /"0 +#'%#%' 3+ 2")% 0-1%#)$0%' 1#+4"3$+. ,+# 32#%% *%"#0 ",3%# 2$0 #%(%"0%= '-#$.; /2$B2 2% /$(( 4% 1#+2$4$3%' ,#+9 B+.3"B3$.; A.'#%/0= 2%# ,"9$(* +# ,#$%.'08 W% /$(( .+3 4% "((+/%' 3+ 03"* $. 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Factory Reps • Door Prizes Pre-Season Prices! FUN ON THE GO for kids! SEE A HUGE DISPLAY OF RV’s, Boats, ATV’s, Dirt Bikes & Street Bikes : "((%;%'(* 02+3 +, -.0-01%B3$.; .-'% /+9%. 32#+-;2 1%%12+(%08 A.'#%/0V "33+#.%*= M"#02"(( G#+009".= 2"0 0"$' 32%#% B+-(' 4% "0 9".* "0 " '+\%. +32%# /+9%. 32"3 B"##%33 3"1%'8 A 0%.3%.B$.; 9%9+ ,$(%' ("03 9+.32 $. ,%'%#"( B+-#3 0"*0 B"##%33 -1(+"'%' )$'%+0 +, a_ +32%# /+9%. 3+ ". +.($.% "BB+-.38 B"##%33 "(0+ "((%;%'(* B+.'-B3@ %' ]7 I.3%#.%3 4"BM;#+-.' B2%BM0 32"3 B". 1#+'-B% 4$#32@ '"*0 ".' 2+9% "''#%00%0= 32% '+B-9%.3 0"$'8 U2% ,$($.; '$' .+3 ."9% 32% +32%# "((%;%' )$B3$90 +# 0"* /2"3 $.,+#9"3$+. 2% +43"$.%' +# 2+/ 2% 9"* 2")% -0%' $38 K#+0%B-3+#0 B("$9 32"3 ]L )$'%+0 1#+)$'%' 4* N"$(*M+3$+.8B+9 02+/ B"##%33 S)$B3$9$\%' "11#+J$9"3%(* a_ +32%# /+9%. $. "(9+03 1#%B$0%(* 32% 0"9% /"* 32"3 2% )$B3$9$\%'S A.'#%/08 U2%* '$' .+3 $'%.3$,* 32% /+9%.8 A.'#%/0 3%03$,$%' $. 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U+9($.0+. 0"*0 B#%33 <")#% ;")% .+ $.'$B"3$+. /2%32%# 2% /+-(' #%3-#. ,+# ".+32%# 0%"0+. /2%. 32% 3/+ B2"33%' #%B%.3(* "4+-3 1("*$.; ,+# 32% M$..%0+3" b$M$.;08 U+9($.0+.= /2+ 0$;.%' " 3/+@ *%"# '%"( /$32 32% N%/ Y+#M J%30 +. ?-.'"*= 9%3 /$32 b$M$.;0 +,,$B$"(0 $. M$..%0+3" ("03 U2-#0'"* "4+-3 32% 1#+01%B3 +, R+$.$.; 32% 3%"98 W% 0"*0 U-%0'"* 32"3 2% "(0+ 2%"#' ,#+9 <")#%= /2+ '$'.V3 0"* 9-B28 <")#% 1("*%' 32% L77Q 0%"0+. /$32 32% J%30 ",3%# " 9%00* 01($3 /$32 32% G#%%. B"* K"BM%#08 W% 0$;.%' /$32 32% b$M$.;0 ("03 +,,@ 0%"0+. ".' 2%(1%' M$..%0+3" ;%3 /$32$. " ;"9% +, 32% ?-1%# B+/(8 Page 34 BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Widespread spring flooding forecast !"#$%&P( *+ SC(./$ !" Science )riter Brian Witthoeft, left to right, Joel Witthoeft and Neil Dyer prepare Brian's south Moorhead, Minn. home for flooding as the Red River rises on Monday. AP Photo !"#$%&'T)& +",- . !/th t2345load: o; :and=a>: 2oll/n> /nto 4/t/e: l/5e @a2>oA &BCB and Doo2headA D/nnBA the >oEe2nFent 4on;/2Fed 2e:/dent:G ;ea2: T3e:daHA ;o2e4a:t/n> FaIo2 ;lood/n> /n the D/dJe:t ;olloJ/n> a Jette2 than no2K Fal J/nte2B &o2th Ca5otaA D/nne:otaA #o3th Ca5ota and %oJa Je2e l/:ted a: the >2eate:t ;lood th2eatA and the &at/onal )4ean/4 and "tFo:Lhe2/4 "dF/n/:t2at/on :a/d La2t: o; the #o3th and Ma:t a2e al:o Fo2e :3:4eLK t/=le than 3:3al to h/>h Jate2B " J/nte2 /n;l3en4ed =H the Ml &/no LhenoFenon le;t la2>e a2ea: :o>>/e2 than 3:3alA &)"" :a/dB Th/: Hea2G: :noJLa45 toL: la:t Hea2G: /n FanH a2ea: J/th a: F34h a: NO /n4he: o; Jate2 2e:3lt/n> /n :oFe 2e>/on:B P!e a2e loo5/n> at Lotent/allH h/:K to2/4 ;lood/n>AP &)"" "dF/n/:t2ato2 Qane R3=4hen4o :a/d at a =2/e;/n>B P%tG: a te22/=le 4a:e o; deIa E3A =3t th/: t/Fe the ;lood/n> J/ll l/5elH =e Fo2e J/de:L2eadB ": the :L2/n> thaJ Felt: the :noJLa45A :at32ated and ;2oSen >2o3nd /n the D/dJe:t J/ll eTa4e2=ate the ;lood/n> o; the ;lat te22a/n and ;eed 2/:/n> 2/Ee2: and :t2eaF:AP R3=4hen4o :a/dB %n La2t/43la2A :he :a/dA ;lood/n> /: eTLe4ted alon> the Ua44oonA Ce: Do/ne:A QaFe: and Ued 2/Ee2: o; the &o2thB @a2>o :et a 2e4o2d la:t Hea2 and PJeGll l/5elH :ee :/F/la2 =3t Fo2e J/de:L2ead ;lood/n>P th/: Hea2A :a/d &at/onal !eathe2 #e2E/4e C/2e4to2 Qa45 $aHe:B The 4322ent :noJLa45 /: aFon> the toL NO :/n4e !o2ld !a2 %% J/th F34h o; /t 2eFa/n/n> on the >2o3nd =e4a3:e o; the 4old Jeathe2A $aHe: :a/dA :o 2/Ee2: /n the D/dJe:t a2e l/5elH to 2eFa/n a=oEe ;lood :ta>e ;o2 Jee5: o2 Fo2eB P%n the #o3th and Ma:tA Jhe2e an Ml &/noKd2/Een J/nte2 Ja: Ee2H Jet and Jh/teA :L2/n> ;lood/n> /: Fo2e o; a Lo::/=/l/tH than a 4e2ta/ntH and J/ll la2>elH =e deLendent 3Lon the :eEe2K /tH and d32at/on o; add/t/onal L2e4/LK /tat/on and hoJ ;a:t eT/:t/n> :noJ 4oEe2 Felt:AP $aHe: addedB Ml &/noA a Le2/od/4 Ja2F/n> o; the t2oL/4al ,a4/;/4 )4ean 4an a;;e4t Jeathe2 Jo2ldJ/deB %t /: eTLe4ted to 4ont/n3e at lea:t th2o3>h :L2/n>B LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010 PROJECT 350 !o#ti#&e( *ro, P./e 0 She said they will also consider doing some radio advertising in order to gain e4posure from some outlying areas. 9he Center of the ;ation Business Association is made up of more than >? businesses throughout town. “We're all over the place,” Faisanen said. “We're made up of businesses all over Belle Gourche.” 9he association is funded through membership dues and the city of Belle Gourche allocates HI,??? each year. “All city dollars given to us are being spent on advertising to promote business in Belle Gourche K all businesses, not just members K during construction,” said Fasianen. “Mroject 3O5? is to promote the residents of Belle Gourche.” She said Belle Gourche sees a lot of people from Broadus, Qont., Aladdin, Wyo., and Sundance, Wyo. come into town to do their shopping. “We have a variety of businesses that fill a variety of needs,” she said. FOOD PANTRY !o#ti#&e( *ro, P./e 1 The new location for the food pantry will be in the Spearfish Rec Center and will be completely handicapped accessible. New shelves for the food items will be provided to reduce the current fire hazard of the items being placed in cardboard boxes throughout the pantry. Pioneer photo by Mark Watson Rrambeck. “It's really something.” Spearfish City Councilman Uric Davis said, “9his proves the dedicated leadership on behalf of the Wfood pantryX board. WBoard membersX have created a nice vision for the food pantry.” Individual donations from the community made up the bulk of the established H>5,??? goal and e4ceeded that, making the total raised H>Y,ZY3.1?. “We are going to have one heck of a food pantry,” Weiers said. “9his proves the volunteer mission of the area. It's just a godsend. We have everything in line that we were hoping and praying for. 9hank you all.” Uleven church organi\ations and members make up the board of directors for the food pantry. Weiers said they are hoping to move into the new location before June 1. Governor signs spending bill for SD prison MIUFFU WAMX ^ 9he governor has signed a bill to spend H3.Y million in state and federal funds for a minimum security prison in Fapid City. 9he money would be used to renovate a building on a site the Corrections Department purchased a year ago. Officials say the new prison for up to >?? inmates would put the prisoners near their families and help them find work-release jobs to prepare for their eventual release. C"e$k '( )*t )n -"e We/ 0 0 01/"23oneer1$o6 Page 35 Page 36 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Wednesday, March 17, 2010