Summer 2016 Independent


Summer 2016 Independent
Newsletter & Annual Report
Summer 2O16
Alternatives, Inc.
support services
to individuals with
special needs
to enable them
to reach their
highest level of
independence and
integration in the
Linda Leparulo, Board Chair
Susan Anczarki
James Borrelli
Deidra Britt
Maria Fidelibus
Helen Grunwald
Marie Hughes
Randall Lainer
Morris Malmstrom
Patricia McMurtry
Kenneth Meyers
Janine Morris
Linda Olson
Richard Sample
Mohan Tummalapalli
Joseph Westlein
Nancy Good
Alternatives, Inc.
The Independent is a publication of Alternatives, Inc.
6OO First Ave. • Raritan, NJ O8869
phone (9O8) 685-1444 • fax (9O8) 685-266O
Anita Feiner:
Alternatives, Inc. is a 5O1 ©(3) organization, If you or someone that you know needs
assistance utilizing our services please call (9O8) 685-1444 or email us at info@ Alternatives, Inc. will make reasonable accommodations to
address the needs of those seeking information or services.
NJACP Presents
Stars Award
to Denise Hoggard
Everyone faces obstacles in their lives. Some face more
challenging setbacks than others; how we choose to overcome
the obstacles life throws at us shows our true character.
Denise Hoggard of our Highland Park program faces her
challenges like a true “STAR.” That’s why she was nominated by
Alternatives, Inc. for the Annual “Community STARS” Award.
Human services agencies from throughout the state, came
together to celebrate at the Community Stars Award Dinner
on May 17th. This annual event is hosted by The New Jersey
Association of Community Providers, a professional association
that promotes a greater quality of life for people with
developmental disabilities. Several hundred people gathered
to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of these
inspiring individuals who meet life’s challenges with grace,
dignity and determination.
Denise beamed as she accepted this award because it was
recognition of just how far she has come in her life. She was
born in 1964 in New York and was raised by her grandmother.
Denise later came to Alternatives and lived in a program in
Edison. She was soon ready for greater independence and
moved to her new program where she is an active member
of the community. These were big steps for Denise, when she
first came to Alternatives she was frightened and shy and had
to overcome many obstacles.
With the help of Alternatives she quickly adapted to her new
environment; and her charming and friendly personality,
as well as her great communication skills and desire for
Denise Hoggard & Nancy Good, President, Alternatives, Inc.
improvement became evident. She made friends easily and
soon met her husband, Wayne. After 19 years together, Denise
recently lost her husband. Although she misses him deeply she
is becoming more active with agency events and is working
with staff on her exercise plan and habits for healthy eating.
She enjoys walking every day, watching television, cutting
coupons and attending community events. Denise is a huge
Philadelphia Eagles fan and loves to watch every game.
“Alternatives is fortunate to have the opportunity to work with
and support Denise in maintaining her independence and
living her life to the fullest,” said Nancy Good, Alternatives, Inc.
President. “She is an extraordinary individual and so deserving
of the 2O16 Community Stars Award,” said Good.
Vera Grebenchenko can usually be found
at Alternatives events behind the lens of a
camera. She takes great pleasure in asking
other clients or staff to smile for the camera
& she usually captures the essence of the
event very well. Her dream to share her
talent outside of Alternatives came true
recently when she was asked to serve as a
photographer for a Girl Scout event.
Years ago, Vera volunteered with Boy Scouts
and at Camp Bernie. She remembered this
as a happy time and a time that gave her
purpose. She spoke of this time often and
expressed her desire to volunteer with the
Scouts again. Vera was able to realize this
dream again because an Alternatives staff
member, Camille Singleton and The Girl Scout
Council of Eastern PA put their heads together
to find an opportunity to satisfy Vera’s desire to
volunteer and fill the needs of the Council.
Vera was asked to serve as the photographer
for the Council’s Girls Only Triathlon – a
perfect opportunity to combine Vera’s love of
photography, love of the outdoors and working
with Scouts. Camille, who is also volunteering
for Girl Scouts and Vera happily completed
an application, underwent a background
check and was interviewed by the Council as
required of all Girl Scout volunteers. They both
enjoyed spending time with the Girl Scouts in
This is a true demonstration of the wonderful
things that can transpire when we use our
creativity to assist clients as well as a snapshot
of the dedication of our staff.
Batter Up!
A group of seven Bridges To Employment’s transition students
from Manville High School hit a grand slam at the Somerset
Patriots Baseball Stadium, this Spring without even picking up
a bat!
The students worked together as a team to prepare lunches
and served them to large groups of schools during camp
day at the stadium. They had the opportunity to work with
CenterPlate; a food service hospitality provider at the stadium
as employees for a day. Through this experience students
were able to build job skills and gain confidence so they are
better prepared for post-secondary experiences. Bridges has
partnered with CenterPlate in this manner for the past 6 years.
The members of Alternatives’ AIM Day Program also attended
the game that day. They enjoyed hot dogs, soft pretzels, a fun
day at the ballpark and even got the meet Sparky the Mascot!
is the Best
A hearty belly laugh can lower
blood pressure. Laughter
exercises the lungs, pumps
more oxygen into the
bloodstream and activates
endorphins that make people
feel good. We were born with
the ability to laugh and smiling
yet adults are lucky to muster
up a few daily chuckles while
children laugh or smile more
than 4OO times a day. Kids
shouldn’t be having all the fun!
Alternatives took this advice
to heart and held its annual
Employee Appreciation Day
at the Stress Factory in New
Brunswick. Each year, the
agency comes together to
recognize staff achievement
and show gratitude for their
efforts. This year, more than
15O employees gathered for
an afternoon of camaraderie,
team building, good times and
hearty gafaws.
5 Years
3O Years
Melba Johnson
Eileen Graner
Karola Terlaje
15 Years
Alice Mitchell
This event was also the
Agency’s opportunity to
recognize staff for their years
of service with Alternatives.
We are very fortunate to
have these very dedicated
individuals with us.
Jessica Palmer
1O Years
Caroline Calegari
Dara Reagan
Catherine Bertie
Lawanna Kendricks
Wesley White
Carla Nash
Pierre Farrales
Nicole Kurdyla
Jenelle McLeod
Agata Ciesla
Joyce Neslusan
Joshua Ochieng
Veronica Flood
Jenn Tirino
Deidre Vetesy
John Romeo
Tinika Croutch
Annual Dignity Run
Aternatives, Inc. is bringing back the Dignity Run and it will be
BIGGER and BETTER than the last!
This escorted motorcycle ride will take place on October 16th. It
will begin and end at the Bridgewater Eagle Riders Club and is
Sponsored by Double Crossed Riding Club
The cost is $2O per person for riders, passengers and nonriders who are welcomed to join us at the Eagles for a picnic in
a shady grove following the ride. Your donation includes food,
beverages, music and door prizes.
There are a number of sponsorship opportunities available at
several levels and each provides fantastic benefits. For more
information please contact Anita Feiner at 9O8-685-1444 or
2O16 Dignity Gala
As promised, the Fiesta was FANTASTICO! The March 12th
event filled the Bridgewater Manor and raised nearly $1OO,OOO
to support our clients with special needs. This was an
enormously successful event in every way and we owe it all to
the hundreds of supporters who made it happen.
The evening’s honoree were Ethicon and Investors Bank.
Ethicon who was recognized for a 3O-year relationship with
Alternatives where they generously funded the Community
Outreach Program and Employment Services with
contributions of nearly half a million dollars. Investors Bank
was honored because their tradition of outstanding service to
our community and leadership to non-profits led to providing
Alternatives with the final contribution needed to break ground
on a new group home in Franklin.
Next year will
mark our 3Oth
gala and plans are
already underway
for a new theme,
new venue and
other surprises.
Be sure to hold
Saturday, April
1, 2O17 and look
for information
throughout year.
We would love
to have your
involvement in
planning for the
gala. Please call
Anita Feiner at
9O8-685-1444 to
learn more.
Highlights of the night included the premier of our new agency
video, the spectacular performance from Evolution Dance
Group and picking the winner for a cash raffle totaling more
than $18,OOO.
Surely, the gala is a great time, but the reason behind it is the
real sensation. There is a direct connection between the gifts
given to this event and the Alternatives’ clients who benefit
through housing, services, employment or support - right in
our own community.
Program Expansion
One of the goals in Alternatives’ Strategic Plan is to expand
and strengthen services in areas of expertise. Alternatives
has always been very successful in introducing smart
growth and carefully planned expansion. Recent events that
have transpired in the state and the country have further
encouraged the agency’s growth.
There are nearly 8,OOO individuals with Intellectual Disabilities/
Developmental Disabilities on the state’s “Waiting List” who
are living at home with family members, but waiting for
placement in community residences or for in-home services.
Additionally, there are approximately 1,6OO individuals with
developmental and physical disabilities living in the state’s
seven developmental centers who are also awaiting placement
in the community.
Alternatives’ response took shape several years ago when the
Agency sought to open several group homes to accommodate
the state’s most vulnerable individuals. The Agency now
operates in Ocean County and either operates or is in the
process of opening group homes in Brick, Jackson and
Manchester. A home in Alexandria Township in Hunterdon
County is nearly ready for occupancy. Alternatives opened
a fourth group home in Warren County and the agency is
preparing to open four new group homes in Somerset County,
two of which will be brand new construction.
It is a tremendous undertaking to find a suitable home, piece
together funding, make required renovations, hire staff, match
with appropriate clients, furnish, receive all the necessary
approvals and finally…open a group home. It is also an essential
undertaking that Alternatives assumes with great enthusiasm!
Sharon Clark, Executive Director, CJHRC; Kimberly Cowart, Director, Somerset County Department of Human services; Peter Palmer, Somerset County
Freeholder, Christina DeMetro, Alternatives Director of Services, Fresia Skoczypec, Alternatives VP of Services
Many Thanks to all those who
supported Alternatives, Inc.
with financial contributions during Fiscal
Year 2O15 (7/1/2O14 to 6/3O/2O15)
Acorn Financial Services Glenn & Susan Adelman Affinity Federal Credit Union Michael Alessi Roger Amonica Chris Anczarki Robert & Susan Anczarki Scott Anczarki Anonymous
Glenn Antico Joseph & Kristen Antico AT&T Employee Giving Canpaign AXA Financia Advisors Brett & Lieselotte Bacho Leah Barron Hon. Raymond H. Bateman Joseph & Nancy Beebe Jeffrey & Stacey Beer Judith Bellina Ruth Bellocchio Cathy Bendall Al & Dolores Berlin Margie & David Berlin Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Eileen Bernhard Bonnie & David Bernstein Alyse Betso Glori Bine-Callagy Blades, Crout & Proulx LLC John Blauvelt Patricia & Jerome Blevin Bodhi By Anthony Monetti Thomas & Nancy Bohen Paul & Anne Bolton Bryan Botsch Branchburg Sports Complex Patricia & James Brenn Rose & Michael Brinker Deidra Britt Broadview Networks Rene & Slyvia Brochu John & Eileen Bufe Ashley Buhl Thomas & Valerie Bulzacchelli Brian & Shannon Bumgarner Gail & Walter Burgess Kirscha Burgess Nick Bush Paul Butler Jorge & Patti Caballero Kenneth & Betty Cabarle Sharon Callahan Dr. Arthur Scott Campbell John & Gayle Canary Paolo & Sandra Capocci Sal & Katherine Cardali Nancy & Ronald Carr Marie & Frank Cella Charles & Patricia Cerami 10
Carl & Janeene Chrisbacher Cynthia Kay Christy-Langenfeld Timothy & Amy Ciarletta Carmelia Cirillo Lisa & Alvaro Cirne Donna & Cory Clinger Coffee Distributing Corp. Daniel & Karen Cokewood George & Jean Collins Jim Collins Debra & Joseph Colombo Erica Condon Douglas Cook Robert & Suzanne Cormie Gisele Coviello Charles Cox, Jr. Jason & Kelley Dameo Randy & Stephen Davis Ellen & Walter Dec Lawrence DeCosimo Carmen & Diane DeLoria Lawrence & Sandra DeRogatis Joseph DeTommaso Jorge & Ingrid Diaz Barbara Dolan Lynne & Edward Donovan Kenneth & Kathleen Drake John & Erin Drake, Jr. Thomas & Donna Drewes Dean Durling Elite Catering Service Daniel Engelhardt Christopher & Susan Erd Fred & Anita Feiner Andrea & Timothy Feldmann David & Ginger Ferraez Brendan & Michelle Flynn Susan Foley Timothy & Lori Ann Foley Rick & Kris Fortune Fox Hollow Properties James & Nancy Frankowski Edel & William Freitag Fulton Bank of New Jersey Marc & Marie Gale Gallagher Bollinger Frank & Cecilia Gargano Jim & Jill Gibson Marie & Daniel Gibson Emma & Robert Gilbert Gillen & Johnson, P.A. Victor & Lisa Giranda Nancy Good & Michael Frost
Goldberg Realty Howard & Judith Good Adolphe & Anna May Greybek Michael & Dorothy Grom Helen & Richard Grunwald John Grunwald Sam & Dell Guynes Beverly & Thomas Hacker Hagen, Streif, Newton & Oshiro Ronald & Mary Haikes George & Barbara Harms Eric & Caryl Harris Stephen & Kathy Harris Rodney & Susan Harrison, Jr. Eric Hausman Jessie & Charles Havens Gary & Paula Hazard Jeffrey Hazard Richard & Christina Hazard Walter & Jacqueline Hazard James Hecht Stephen Hehl Tracy & Maria Hendler Robert & Ann Herberg Brian & Maribeth Hess Diana & Thomas Hickey Lina Hiering Paul & Dorothy Hilf Mrs. Elaine Hodgson Helen Hoens Walden & Janice Holl Leslie & Helga Hopkins Jean Horton Madeline & Robert Howard Kathleen Howell Fred & Robin Howlett Marie Hughes Investors Bank Lee & RoseMarie Iskowitz Rose Marie Jepsen Matthew Jerkovich JML Landscaping Bart & Amy Johnson Melba Johnson William F. Jones, D.M.D. Bruce Kafer Madeline & Mary Ann Kafer Judith & Reuben Kagan Steve & Dorothy Kalucki KBZ Communications Thomas Keating Michael & Margaret Kelker Kevin & Cathy Kelly Kitchen Magic Kathryn Knecht Marilyn & John Koller Evelyn & Werner Kruck John & Marilyn Kulpa Ellen & Randall Lainer Thomas & Jane LaMarca, Jr. Patricia & Frank Lamberta Michael & Erin Latchford Peter Laub, Jr. William & Ann Leeds, Jr. Chester & Eileen Leoszewski Barbara Leparulo Bruce Mickelson & Linda Leparulo Louis Leparulo Laura Lieb Joan Lind Patricia Lindberg Jeanne Locke Michele Loftus Long Elegant Legs Theresa Lopatosky Janet & David Lowell Peter & Dina Luther John Maita, II Dawn Malavenda Morris & Linda Malmstrom Paige Mangan Susan & Dennis Manning Thomas Maresca Scott & Phobe Marioni Marion Massari Robert & Christine Massey Brian McHugh Thomas & Gail McInerney Morgan & Jan McLachlan Patricia & Gerald McMurtry Alice & Kevin McNamara Meadowbrook Village Christina & Robert Mecca Iris Ann Meek Meeker Sharkey Assoc. Kimberly & Mark Melchione Mercadien Group David & Doris Mesinoff Kenneth Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Milici Debbie Minniti Mobility Consulting & Contracting Michael & Marilyn Modak Lynn & Curt Monday Ms. Karen Monetti Robert & Mary Ann Moore Thomas & Barabra Moreland Ellen & Robert Morris Janine & John Morris Mindy Morris Joseph Muscatiello Mr. Henry Nagelberg Stephen & Judy Napoli Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation Aggie Niemiec Stanley & Danuta Niemiec NJ State Council Knights of Columbus NJM Insurance Group Novartis David Blue & Wilma Nurse Linda Olson Lynn Omslaer Optimum Health & Exercise Therapy Inc. Carl & Denise Ordway Rita & David Orlans Diana Oshea Kelly Owens Norman & Suzanne Ozazewski Donald & Addis Palardy Alice & Albert Panariello Panther Valley Pharmacy Mary Pawlick Stanley Pawlowicz Stacy & Tom Pennimpede Ted & Debby Pentz PeopleCare Center For Nonprofits Perfect Remedy Packaging, Inc. Anita Perrucci Kate Pierre Josepha Place Mike Place PNC Bank Maura Poiesz Muriel & Sidney Powlett Premier Electric Michael Price Robert & Tammy Quick QuickChek Corp. R.B. Landscaping Jennie Radice Raphael Sanders Goldberg Nikpour & Cohen Manju Rathnam Dara Reagan Elinor & James Redington Regent Atlantic Karen Rhinehardt Jamie & Janet Rick, Jr. Margaret Roarty Sajida Roberson Robert Wood Johnson Foundation John Rosario Norma Rossomando William & Eileen Rouse Marian Rozzelle Arlyn & Claire Rus Rev. Leonard Rusay Steven Russell Emily & Suniel Sabnani Sharie Sacco Richard & Gwyneth Sample John & Marilyn Sand Sapphire Marketing Kate Sarles Kenneth & Lisa Schapiro Charles & Karen Schindelar Courtney Schindelar Erma Scott-MacDonald William & Carol Sedlazek ShopRite of Hunterdon County Irene Sielski Diane & Salvatore Silvestri, Jr. George Sincox Craig Sjonell Fresia & Peter Skoczypec Franz & Dorothy Skok Raymond & Cathy Slinski Palmajean Sloane Margaret Soare Thomas Sokira SSP Architectural Group Starr, Gern, Davison & Rubin State Troopers NCO Association of NJ Dorothy Stevens Rachel & Randall Stitt Mr. Leroy Strand Streamline Aquatices Club William & Sonna Struye Judith Sullivan Lois Swartley Symco Geraldine Tarinelli Karola & Vincent Terlaje The Allergan Foundation The Jointure The New Jersey Podiatric Medical Society The Wharton Group Patricia Thomas Carol Tierney Frank & Nancy Tropiano Tucker Farnale & Associates Mohan Tummalapalli George & Beatrice Vassil Pat & Anna Vastano Michael & Ann Vernoia, Jr. Victor’s Air Conditioning Lisa & Manuel Vidal Video Corporation of America Peter & Patricia Vollmar Janet Wagner Stanley Waitikowich Janet & David Ward Bill & Debra Weber Wells Fargo Annamarie & Kenneth Wenk Donald & Janice Wenk Theresa & Neil Wertheim Barbara & Joseph Westlein John & Patricia Wilczynski David & Betsy Williams James & Maureen Wilson Richard & Patricia Windecker WithumSmith+Brown Lois Wozniak Matthew & Michelle Wright Les Wurtzel Edward & Carol Zabel
In addition to this list of donors, Alternatives also received many gifts in kind from a number of very generous supporters.
Thank you!
6OO First Avenue, Raritan, NJ O8869
phone: 9O8.685.1444
Search for Alternatives, Inc. - Raritan, NJ
Seeking motivated, organized, self-starters with
energy to spare and hearts of gold
to serve on Alternatives Committees and Board of Trustees
Sound like you?
Contact Nancy Good at
(908) 685-1444