Summer 2014 - BIA-MA


Summer 2014 - BIA-MA
a newsletter by
New Release: Chicken Soup for the Soul
The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA) is proud to
announce that stories written by five of our staff members, as well as
several Massachusetts residents affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI),
were selected for inclusion in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul (CSS)
book released into bookstores nationwide on June 24th. This new book is
entitled Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries: 101 Stories of Hope,
Healing and Hard Work.
Our Executive Director Nicole Godaire beamed with pride when presented
with this new book. “I am proud of my staff, having the courage to tell
their stories to the world. I believe this book will become a valuable
resource for families dealing with recovery from traumatic brain injury.”
inside this issue
Meet the BIA-MA Staff
Authors of the New
Chicken Soup for the
Soul book...........3
33rd Annual Brain
Injury Conference
2014 BIA-MA Annual
Golf Classic......15
Chicken Soup for the Soul was named by USA Today in 2007 as “one of
the five most memorable books in the last quarter-century” and after 21
years of publishing, have sold over 100 million books in the United States
and Canada alone. You now have the opportunity to bump that number past
100 million books by purchasing your copy of Recovering from Traumatic
Brain Injuries: 101 Stories of Hope, Healing and Hard Work directly from
the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts. We are selling the book for
$12.50 (this is lower than the retail price and includes the cost of shipping
and handling) and proceeds from the sale of each book will help support
our mission: to create a better future for brain injury survivors and their
families through brain injury prevention, education, advocacy and support.
To order online, visit If you are unable to order online,
please contact our offices and speak to Sandra Madden, she can be reached
at (508) 475-0032 or toll-free (in state) at (800) 242-0030.
When you receive your book, look for BIA-MA colleagues’ stories on
pages 64, 86, 177, 310, and 361. Stories written by other Massachusetts
residents affected by TBI appear on pages 15, 80, 128, 195, 212 and 307.
Check out our BIA-MA Staff Authors and what they have to say about this
exciting opportunity on page 3.
For more information about the BIA-MA, call 1-800-242-0030 or visit
executive message
On Monday June 23rd, we awoke to sunny
skies, temperatures in the 80’s and no threat
of rain. Since this was the day of the
Annual BIA-MA golf outing a weather
forecast like this is a really good thing. The
Annual Golf Classic, our major fundraiser,
has been held at The Haven Country Club
in Boylston, MA for the past two years.
As Chair of this event, the Annual Golf
Classic represents months of work behind
the scenes of recruiting sponsors, gathering
auction items, enticing golfers to come and
play, coordinating schedules, food, timing
and all of the activities that make a successful
outing. It was truly a team effort between the staff and the golf
committee getting all of this accomplished.
My history with BIA-MA has been lifelong. It really started on a back
road in Vermont when the van carrying the daughter of my mother’s
best friend overturned. That moment sparked what we see today.
Three women, all with similar stories, decided that brain injuries were
underserved and misunderstood. This grassroots effort later became a
national organization dedicated to providing resources and guidance
for those with traumatic brain injuries. It has truly been an inspiration
to see this grow into the operation it is today. As a current board
member, I look forward to seeing the organization develop and become
the preeminent authority on brain injury education and prevention.
There are so many good stories to be told about survival, perseverance,
and hope.
As CEO of Insurance Marketing Agencies (IMA), brain injuries and
related traumas are not unusual in my line of work. We see them in
auto accidents, workers’ injuries and disability claims. I have been
lucky to have the support of many of the carriers IMA represents
including Arbella Insurance Company, Hanover Insurance Company
and Philadelphia Insurance. I have also recruited many of my friends
to come play in the Annual Golf Classic and learn more about BIAMA. It’s great, I invite them to play golf and then I get to show them
firsthand an organization that I’m deeply passionate about. It’s a good
The keynote speaker at the Annual Golf Classic, Ryan Farrell, said it
best in her speech when she quoted the late Maya Angelou, “Surviving
is important. Thriving is elegant.” Come be elegant with us next year
at the BIA-MA golf outing. I will be there.
Are you interested in receiving e-communications from
BIA-MA? If so, go to to sign up today.
BIA-MA Board of Directors
Teresa Hayes, MSW, LICSW
Kenneth Kolpan, Esq.
Immediate Past President
David Dwork, Esq.
Harold Wilkinson, MD, PhD
David “Chip” Bradley, Jr.
Survivor Council, Co-Chair
Executive Committee Member
Matthew M. Martino, CFA
Executive Committee Member
Helen Brown Bryant, Esq.
John C. Byler
Survivor and Author
Robert C. Cantu, MD, MA, FACM
Neurosurgeon & Co-Founder,
Sports Legacy Institute
Evan B. Gray
Family Member
Laura Herman
Insurance Marketing Agencies (IMA)
Susan Zellmann-Rohrer
RBM Technologies
Lisa Saba, CBIS
Marilyn Price Spivack
Founder of BIAA and Family Member
Executive Director
Nicole Godaire
To advertise, please contact
Kelly Ethier at
or 508-475-0032, ext. 18.
BIA-MA does not support, endorse or recommend any
method, treatment or program for persons with brain
injury. We only aim to inform you. No endorsement is
intended or implied.
survivor stories
Chicken Soup for the Soul; Meet the BIA-MA Staff Authors
Kelly Buttiglieri,
Program Coordinator, Ambassador Program
“A few years after my accident, I ran into my
neurologist on a plane, we were both going to
St. Lucia for a vacation. I felt such pride and
satisfaction in telling her I had graduated law
school and was practicing law. I wanted her to
know she should encourage patients to take
small steps to accomplish their former, preTBI goals. She initially discouraged me from
pursuing mine.”
Barbara Webster,
Support Group Leader Liaison
“It takes a long time to heal and
rehabilitate from a brain injury,
typically continuing long after
your insurance coverage has
ended. It is the hardest work I
have ever done but it led me to
the most fulfilling work I have
ever done, working with other
survivors. My mission is to let
other survivors know they are
not alone in their struggles and
to encourage them to think about
“How” they can do something
instead of “I can’t”. It is a
journey, not a destination.
Never give up hope.”
Suzanne D.K. Doswell,
Western Regional Manager
“This book is the quintessential book for
Sandra Madden,
those who want to step into the world of
brain injury and is now a primary resource
“Keeping a positive outlook has been key
in the BIA-MA Western Regional office
(for me) to not succumb to the frustrating
library. It is easy to read, full of dynamic
and painful consequences of TBI. Many
personal stories and exactly what we have
amazing and inspirational people have
needed as we attempt to explain brain
come into my life since my accidents and I
injury to the medical world and general
public. Some readers will shed a few tears keep focus on this, the comfort and joy of
these relationships.”
as they realize the life altering significance
of TBI and others may finally be able to
address their patient and client needs with
a clearer sense of this silent epidemic from
the voices of those who know.”
Helen Stewart,
Western Region I & R
Outreach Coordinator
“I am so very grateful to be a
part of this book. After reading
most of the stories, I truly believe
that this is the most powerful
textbook about brain injury
ever written. It has so many
different voices in chorus. The
harmony blends survivors,
family members, caregivers and
professionals into one song. It
is not merely academic jargon,
but relates the experience and
impact of brain injury through
the heart. It bridges the gap
between words and experience.
I do not believe that one can
read these stories and not gain
a deeper understanding of
traumatic brain injury and have
more compassion toward the
people who live with it, in any
capacity, on a daily basis.”
southeast region events
BIA-MA at the Hyannis Art Shanties
A stroll down the sidewalk at the Ocean Street docks
in Hyannis brings you to Art Shanty #4, location of
CapeCodCAN!’s Art is for Everyone exhibit in June.
Artwork from BIA-MA’s Southeastern Region’s Touring
Art Exhibit was among the creations of over 100 students
who represented ten groups across Cape Cod. Using
various media, Anne Hitch, our art therapist, helped our
survivors create about 40 pieces for the exhibit. Pieces
that were decorated included bird houses and watering
cans, stained glass, tile, watercolors, and acrylics.
BIA-MA’s artists represented were Thomas Fay, Cory
Levine, Theresa Sweeney, Jeff Tavares, Tracy Tarvers,
Elizabeth Trull, Kevin Korab, and Linda Aylmer. Each
artist sold at least one piece, making BIA-MA’s group the
leader in sales. Fantastic job to all of the talented artists
and to our wonderfully creative and nurturing instructor,
Anne Hitch.
In Memoriam
BIA-MA Southeastern Region support group
members perform in Waiting for Oscar
“Waiting for Oscar” was presented by CapeCodCAN!,
live in the main performance space at the Cotuit Center for the Arts on Cape Cod. The Hollywood Musical
Revue took us to Mayfield where the promise of an
OSCAR Night turned the small town upside down as
performers from ten organizations on the Cape prepared for the big event. Who will win the OSCAR?
On a beautiful weekend in May, members of BIAMA’s Brilliant Buzzards, New Bedford, Cotuit, and
Hyannis support groups, along with a few professional
musicians, rocked the theater with music from the
Irish Party in Third Class from “Titanic”.
Drummers included Linda Aylmer on the Rebana
frame drum, Jeff Tavares on the cajon, Tracy Tarvers
and Karen Dash with maracas, Barbara Brown and
Arnie Carr on claves, Vicki Carr on tambourine, Nathan Carr with maracas, and Sandy Topalian and Greg
Zagloba on the congas.
Professional drummer Sam Holmstock, one of the
founders of Entrain, on the bodhran (Irish drum); Amy
Mildred Allen
December 6, 1908
June 28, 2014
Larkin on the fiddle; Matt Almquist on the guitar; and
BIA-MA’s own Jeff Garrison on the keyboard.
Christina Lucci sang “My Heart Will Go On” to an
appreciative audience.
A huge thank you to all performers, CapeCodCAN!,
and the Cotuit Center for the Arts, provider of the
venue for this show and host of our monthly support
group. All three performances and the dress rehearsal
were sold out. Get your tickets early next year!
western region events
A Fond Farewell to the Western Region’s Suzanne D.K. Doswell
“We’ll make it work!”
Suzanne D. K. Doswell has always
been a “make it happen” kind of
person . That simple statement tells
a lot about the woman Suzanne is…..
“We’ll” reflects her strong ability to create a team, a community.
No matter what she has done, from the creation of the Western
Regional office many years ago, to a warm and caring support
group for survivors and family members, Suzanne has quietly
woven the structure but has allowed others to learn and practice
new skills and shine! Suzanne’s creative mind and positive,
inclusive energy have been the hallmark of the Western Region.
She has set the bar very high, but has taught her staff well. As she
ventures forth to horizons in a warmer climate, she will be missed
by everyone she leaves behind. But, as Suzanne would say….
“We’ll make it work!”
“Suzanne has been more than a member of the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts, she is our family. Her efforts
on behalf of BIA-MA throughout the Western Region of our state have been immense. Her personality cannot be
replaced and the legacy she leaves in our Pittsfield office is significant.”
~ Arlene Korab, Former Executive Director, BIA-MA
“Suzanne and I grew up together with BIA-MA, first on the board of directors and subsequently partners as regional
managers. Creating and managing a regional office is difficult; Suzanne did so with dedication and grace. Her
fortunate clients and colleagues enjoyed the benefit of her wisdom, kindness, expertise, and her ability to present any
situation in a positive light. I will miss our collaboration but I do know her new telephone number.”
~ Sandy Topalian, Manager, Southeastern Region, BIA-MA
“Suzanne is the type of person that will help guide anyone lost in the world of brain injury. She did that for me when I
was discovering what it meant to have a brain injury. Even when I was working for a different agency we discussed the
need for overview training on brain injury at the agency I was working for. That was at least 6 years ago. Since then, we
have had a continued conversation about the importance of education, prevention and advocacy for brain injury.”
~ Scott Doane, Administrative Assistant, Western Region, BIA-MA
brain games
Answers for Sudoku on Page 7
Vinfen provides a comprehensive array
of services to children, youth and adults
with psychiatric, developmental and
behavioral disabilities.
Vinfen • 950 Cambridge Street • Cambridge, MA (617) 441-1800
survivor tips
Wearing a helmet reduces the risk
of brain injury by 88 percent.
Massachusetts law requires anyone age
16 or under to wear a helmet while riding
a bike, scooter, skate board or while
in-line skating.
Straps should meet in a “V” under each ear.
Chin straps should be snug and comfortable
under chin: one finger-width between strap
and chin.
Wear helmet low on forehead no more than
one to two finger-widths above eyebrows.
Helmet should not move side to side or back
and forth.
Be sure that you wear a helmet designed for
your sport and check to make sure that it fits
Damaged helmets should be replaced. Check
your helmet for cracks or dents.
Answers for Sudoku
Brain Injury Programs
Together, we provide affordable, accessible housing
with individualized supports so that survivors of brain
injury can achieve their highest level of independence
in the community. Each of our residences provides a
barrier-free, homelike atmosphere with individualized
supports provided in accordance with residents’ needs
and preferences.
Private-pay units now available
For more information, visit:
Rebuilding Lives After Brain Injury
Community-based programs tailored to the needs
of each individual across a continuum of care.
Neurorehabilitation Supported Living Host Home
Transitional Living Day Treatment
advocacy alert
Update : Funding for the Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP)
this winter
and spring
advocating for
an increase in
the state budget
for funding to
implement a number of key recommendations in the
2011 Brain Injury Commission Report. Funding for
the Statewide Head Injury Program (SHIP) under the
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
comes under Budget Line Item 4120-6000. This
line item has been level funded for the last six years.
There are over 3,800 individuals on the waitlist for
services from SHIP.
For fiscal year 2015, Governor Deval Patrick did
increase the funding for SHIP to $15,697,826. This
increase in funding is NOT for services but for a much
needed salary rate reform under Chapter 257.
Both the House of Representatives’ and Senates’
version of the budget were $15,659,292, a decrease
of $38,534. BIA-MA advocated increasing the Line
Item by $2 million dollars for day programs and
transportation. The amendments did not pass either
branch. The Conference Committee’s resolution
followed the House and Senate’s versions of
BIA-MA met with all Senate offices, sixty House
offices and delivered our Advocacy Package to the
remaining House offices. We shared many stories
from the #BrainInjuryAffects Campaign during these
meetings. The legislative offices were all very moved
to learn of the needs of their constituents. During
the next legislative session, the Advocacy team will
continue to distribute #BrainInjuryAffects stories
with legislative representatives. You can learn more
on how to become involved at
Senator Harriette Chandler (D-Worcester) sponsored
an amendment to the Senate version of the budget to
permit MRC to establish a pilot program for a multiservice center in Worcester County. This Center did
not require additional funding through the budget.
Unfortunately, the Conference Committee did not
include language in the compromise version of the
budget for the pilot program.
House and Senate members voted on and passed
the $36.5 billion fiscal 2015 budget filed by the
Conference Committee. The Governor is allowed
ten days to review the budget before announcing any
vetoes or amendments. Fiscal year 2015 began on
July 1st.
Update: Primary Seat Belt Bill
On June 26, 2014, the Senate Public Safety Committee voted 9-6 against
advancing a bill that would
have made not wearing a
seat belt a primary offense.
The bill also would have
prohibited police from
searching or inspecting a
motor vehicle, driver or
passenger based solely on a
seat belt violation. In addition, the bill would have
established a registry within the Registry of Motor
Vehicles to collect data of motor vehicle stops that
includes information on ethnicity or race of a driver.
Under current law, police can only ticket a driver for
not wearing a seat belt if they are pulled over for another offense.
Supporters of the measure contend a primary seat belt
law would increase belt usage rates and reduce injuries
and deaths. Opponents of this bill object to it based
on concerns about racial profiling and privacy considerations. Police do not object to collecting data to
determine racial profiling, but are concerned the data
collection will be an arbitrary system that leads to
advocacy alert
(continued Update: Primary Seat Belt Bill)
departments being unfairly accused of racially
profiling motorists.
A spokeswoman for AAA Southern New England,
which has pushed for legislation for nearly a decade,
commented “AAA would like to thank the incredible
array of stakeholders, including the BIA-MA, who
make up the BEST Coalition (Belts Ensure a Safer
Tomorrow) and have worked tirelessly to support
the primary seat belt bill. It’s always disappointing when, once again, we fail to seize this incredible
opportunity to save lives and prevent hundreds of
injuries each year. But we’re not giving up. AAA
and the BEST Coalition will be back next session,
stronger than ever.”
Primary seat belt laws exist in thirty three states
including Connecticut and Rhode Island. Massachusetts seat belt usage ranks among the lowest in the
nation at 73 percent. The national rate is 86 percent,
according to AAA. Wearing a seat belt cuts the risk
of dying in a crash by 45 percent.
To Donate to BIA-MA, use #35330 on your Pledge Card
33rd Annual Brain Injury Conference - March 27, 2014
Our very special thanks to all 650 attendees at this year’s Annual Brain Injury Conference! Once again we were
hosted by the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts and the event was a wonderful
success! We are especially grateful to BIA-MA’s corporate partners, sponsors and exhibitors for funding over
twenty educational workshops, and for making dozens of low-cost scholarships available for survivors of brain
injury who would otherwise not be able to participate. We were truly delighted to see so many familiar faces
again this year!
Here are just a few of the topics:
• Building Community for Brain Injury Survivors
• Sleep Disorders Following a TBI
• Yoga for Caregivers; Health & Wellness Benefits of Yoga
• Music Therapy
• Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Additional workshops provided education for many clinical professionals in psychology, nursing, occupational
and physical therapy, case management, social work and counseling. We were privileged to hear Dr. Joseph
Giacino, Director of Rehabilitation Neuropsychology at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network speak about
diagnoses and effective treatments for individuals with severe acquired brain injury in his Keynote Address.
Throughout the day, attendees learned about current research, innovations, programs and services in the field of
brain injury, and also had opportunities to reconnect with colleagues or make new friends.
Thank You to our Sponsors and Exhibitors
Corporate Partners
Advocates, Inc.
Ivy Street School
Spaulding Rehabilitation Network
Breakfast Sponsor
Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital
Program Sponsor
May Center School for Brain Injury and Related Disorders
Adult Family Care at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Adult Foster Care of the North Shore
Brain Injury & Statewide Specialized Community Services
Braintree & New England Rehabilitation Hospitals
Brockton Area Multi-Services, Inc.
Boston Neuropsychological Services
Caregiver Homes
Charm Medical Supply
CityPsych Wellness, Inc.
COGx Individualized Cognitive Remediation Therapy
Community Rehab Care, Inc.
Cotting School
Disability Law Center, Inc.
Easter Seals Massachusetts
Eliot Community Human Services
Homecare Alliance of Massachusetts
Lakeview NeuroRehabilitation Center, Inc.
Lash & Associates Publishing / Training, Inc.
MRC MassMATCH Program
Massachusetts State 911 Department
MRC’s Home Modification Loan Program
NeuroAdvancE, Inc.
Nizhoni Health Systems
Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network
One Care
Perkins Library
Plymouth Rehabilitation and Health Care Center
Robin Hill Farm, Inc.
ServiceNet Enrichment Center
Seven Hills Foundation
SLI Brain Injury Wellness Center
The Bridge of Central Massachusetts
Veteran Homestead, Inc.
Save the Date
34th Annual Conference - March 26, 2015
our sincere thanks
Corporate Partners
Spaulding Rehabilitation
Advocates, Inc.
MAB Community Services
Ivy Street School
In Honor Of
Katie Atchue
Bruce & Joan Atchue
In Memory Of
Matthew Corley
Elizabeth Barker
Mary Cooley
Joan Garrity
Anne Gilmore
Janna Lang
Maureen Meade
Janet Paley
David Smith
Julia Ubbenga
John & Jan DeWitt
Timothy Felter
Leyt Foster
Jane Geaslen
Nancy Gergely
William Johnson
Sandra Licciardo
Shirley Marshall
Suzanne McKinney
Grace Murray
Pamela Oliveira
Kathleen Pastore
Frank & Dorothy Serwon
The Plymouth Rock
James Quinn
Sarah W. Rollins Charitable
Philip and Lesley Silberstein
Lois Travaglione
John Weaver
Judy Weiss
John Zakian
3rd Party Fundraisers
Charles Villee
Grafton News Holdings LLC
Goulston & Storrs
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Lowell High School National
Honor Society
North Reading
National Honor Society
Annual Appeal
Peter & Deborah Briancesco
Andrew Abraham
Frederic Clifford
Elizabeth Alexander
Pete & Bobby Demers
Marsha Alperin
Susan & Daniel Faria
Matthew Anderson
Ellen Fleming
Barbara Andruchow
Paul Giunta, Sr.
Joan Antonio
Cheryl Hanington
Arroyo Family
Joseph Ebert
Victoria Hubby
Tiffany Bachli
Mulcare Pipeline Solutions, Inc.
Louise Huntoon
Cynthia Bailey
Celeste Hurley
Jane Baldwin
Robert Garfinkle
Richard Johnston
Catherine Bayliss
Karen Whitman
Louis Kafka
Jill Beardsley
Lisa Kaye
James Beeler
Matthew Gillespie
Daphna Kipman
Elliot Beresen
Andrew Gillespie
Marguerite MacDonald
Richard Berg
Carolyn Miller
Rosalie Berquist
David Marcotte
Mimi Mirel
Rita Bestick
Deborah Bennett-Munn
Tina Petricca
Bishop, Worters & Giargiari
Angela Ferrario
Nancy Schmidt
Anne Marie Forrest
Jo & Maxwell Solet
Stacia Bissell
Barbara Mucciardi
Carrol Stephens
Bogardus Family
Yvonne Tylinski
Diane Stoler
Bolden Family
John & Suzanne Ward
Bond Family
Shawn O’Malley
David Bradley
Laura Bruno
Individual Donations
Sean Brann
JoAnn Connell
Marsha Alperin
Gail Breeze
Elizabeth Eisold
Jennifer Bond
Joan Bregy
Barbara Gilligan
Sean Brann
Laura Broding
Suzanne Himebaugh
Mary Doolan
Stephen Butera
Robert Macaulay
Mary Jane Dunion
John Byler
William Pepin
Robert Eklof
Audra Cabey
Suzanne Schuck
Paul Giunta, Jr.
Kathryn Canney
Janet Spenelli
Audrey Hatch
Carr Family
Kristina Stetson
Debra Kamen
Joanna Cartolaro
James Keating
Shirley Cassara
Martin Quigley
Kenneth Kolpan
Andrew Castiglioni
Advantage Payroll Systems
Robert Kudelka
Sandra Charton
Alma Berggren
Laverne Lovell
James Clark
Deborah Streeter
LouAnn Maffei
Frederic Clifford
Randa Mammarella
Jackie Compton
Paul Reilly
Michael Morin
Cooke Family
Karen Baptiste
Janine Osburn
Curtin Family
Regina Buchanan
Christine Perry
Amy David
Barbara Cutter
Sandra Pina
Davies Family
Carol Detora
Danna Delaney-Young
Demers Family
Michelle Demore-Taber
Karen Dmohowski
Donahue Family
Bill Donnelly
Mary Doolan
Carol Douglass
Tracy Dullea-Juliano
David Dwork
Ann Francine Dzialo
Ruth Early
Robert Eckert, Sr.
Robert Eklof
Nancy Engelhardt
Alicia Eno
Lisa Farrington
Thomas Finnerty
Pauline Fiorello
Ellen Fleming
Alicia Frigon
Eleanor Gamarsh
Fred Gamarsh
Janice Gardner
Gardner Family
Martha Gauvin
Cindi Gazda
Maria George
Christian Giovanucci
Mel Glenn
Mark Goldberg
Alan Goodman
Patricia Goodrich
Jacqueline Grady
Christine Griffin
Meredith Grinnell
Craig Gustafson
Hally Family
Lucille Hapenny
Hatch Family
Audrey Hatch
Hawes Family
Thomas Hawes
Marion Hawisher
Henneman Family
Patricia Hill
Ken Hoag
Debi Horvath
Hurley Family
Peggi Iebba
Anthony Inglese
Joyce Inglese
Cynthia Janik
Kathleen Jordan
Jennifer Josselyn
Lee Rachel Jurman
Joel Kaatrud
Debra Kamen
Penelope Kapolka
Keane Family
Kelly Family
Paul Kenney
Stephanie Killorin
Kirk Family
Lara Kopoyan
Robert Kudelka
Lang-Gunn Family
Nancy LaPlante
Robert LaPointe
Stacey LaPointe
Elizabeth Lauzon
Patricia Leelman
Jim Levesque
Leslie Lightfoot
Lipton Family
Heather Little-Andrade
Laura Lorenz
Nadine Lusardi
Lussier Family
Fe Luteria
Bridget Lynch
Stephen Machnik
Kelly Magee
Malone Family
Marquis Family
Elizabeth Mayer
Janet McBride-Roy
Carrie McEleney
Henry McGrath
Neal McGrath
Stephen McIntosh
Daniel McNamee
MaryEllen Meegan
Mela Family
Linda Melillo
Virginia Messmore
Kenneth Miller
Joseph Moisan
Ron Morganelli
Michael Morin
Daniel Moughan
David Nowell
O’Gorman Family
Peggie O’Neil-Mirabile
Geneva Orlando
Charles Ozug
Christopher Padre
Rosalie Padre
Gary Page
Wellingson Paiva
Lisa Patterson
Regina Pepin
Deborah Perkins
Christine Perry
Dawn Pettinelli
Sandra Pina
Ellen Piontek
Plumer Family
Pollman Family
Powers Family
James Quinn
William Radcliffe
Robert Rands
Matthew Rasanen
Joan Rauch
Cheryl Rawinski
Patricia Read
Jack Reed
John Reidy
John Richards
Penny Rickard
Tim Rico
Mary Roach
Helaine Rubin-Green
Allison Ruggles
Ruggles Family
Tim Ryan
Carl Schneider
Steven Schwartz
Serpa Family
Philip & Lesley Silberstein
Richard Silvia
Billye Simmers
Kenneth Singer
Patricia Slingluff
Adam Fertig
Juliane Soprano
Soroka Family
Janine Stasior
Amber Steele
Cathy Stern
Elaine Stiehl
Donna Stone
Stumm Family
Sullivan-O’Donnell Family
Swedburg, Cragan & Lundburg
Kristine Swedberg-Cragan
Joseph Terreault
Thurston Family
Melinda Torbin
Paul Travaglione
Carol Tripp-Tebo
Shane Turconi
Nancy Tyks
Elaine Vantassel
H. Clinton Vaughan
Valerie Veasey
Zoe Veasey
Sandra Villante
Waible Family
Ann Walsh
Connie Walsh
Kenneth Wayne
Rich Weisenflue
Marcia Weiss
Will Family
Lisa Williamson
Lauren Wilton
Jonathan Worcester
Zellmann-Rohrer Family
This list recognizes gifts as of
January 1 - March 31, 2014. We
make every effort to ensure the
donor listings are accurate. If we
have inadvertently made an error,
please contact Tania Fernandez
at tfernandez@ or
508-475-0032 x 29.
UPDATE: 26.2 for Mom !
Nearly one year ago, Annette Korhonen had a stroke, fell and
suffered a traumatic brain injury. As the one year anniversary of
her injury approaches, Annette continues to improve, however,
she has endured time in the ICU, multiple infections and numerous surgeries over the last eleven months.
With her family by her side every step of the way, her son, Jonathan, dedicated his 2014 Boston Marathon run in her honor. He
was in the midst of training for a marathon to qualify for Boston
when his mom suffered her stroke. He set a fundraising goal
of $50,000. Over 500 people came together to support Jonathan and his family and together they raised over $55,000! All
of the money raised will be divided between his mother’s long
- term care and the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts.
Jonathan and his wife, Beth, chose BIA-MA in part from a previous professional interaction Jonathan’s wife had with BIA-MA’s
Information & Resources Department: “ The resources provided,
whether it was housing options or educational materials, were always helpful, concise, and concrete.”
As for Jonathan’s marathon finish? He came in 162nd out of a
staggering 31,926 finishers with a time of 2 hours, 34 minutes
and 23 seconds.
Donor List
Peg & Pete Aalto
Sayaka Abe
Nick & Katie Williams Alberti
Jonathan Aleshire
Scott, Brooke, & Jordan
Paul & Lee Bourgault Allain
Benjamin Anderson
Hoyt & Nancy Anderson
Phil & Sylvia Angelini
Stephanie Antononi
Melissa Antononi
Dick Ares
Eleanor Ares
Rich Armstrong
Kim Arsenault
Mae Atter
Jason Ayr
David & Sylvia Babineau
Griselda Bain
Joe & Lisa Bakaysa
Maria Barbato
Matthew & Nina Barden
Mark & Chris Barrieau
Edna Bartos
Richardson Morataya
Derek M. Beauregard
Monique Bellefleur
Alex & Emily Bender
The Bender Family
The Benson Family
Martha Berger
Ellen & Alan Bernard
Shawn Bernard
Rich & Sydney Bialobrzewski
Sharon Bikoundou
CPT Walter & Dr. Melani Biner
Stanley & Peg Biner
Jacquelyn Bissell
Richard & Stacia Bissell
James & Giesele Boone
Ross Boucher
Gerard & Cricket Boudreau
Vincent & Linda Boudreau
Bob & Annette Bourgeois
Brenda & Steven Bourgeois
Gerald & Linda Bourgeois
Rachel Boyle
Mike & Maryann Bracken
Courtney Breindel
Libby Brooks
Ellen Brooks
Richard & Judith Brooks
The Brooks Family
Sibyl Brownlee
Mary Grucan Buffone
Casey & Jen Burch
Russ Burgess
Jim & Elizabeth Burns
The Burns Family
Nancy Butterfield
Rachel Caine
Nancy Durkin Calkins
Kathleen Callahan
Marissa Kay Callahan
June Camber
Alice Campbell
Bubba & Memma Caron
Sarah Caron
Zoe Carter
Dave & Nancy Cavanaugh
Mike & Nicole Cavanaugh
Dick & Patti Cavanaugh
Grant Cerulo
Pete Maicher & Eleni Ceven
Flora & Rob Ceven
Jim & Nazie Champney
Stephanie Chapko
Ripp Charters
Paul Cherchia
Michelle Chipman
David Chisholm
Andrea Chivakos
Jamie Church
John & Jennifer Clark
Matthew Clark
Eugene Colburn
Patty Boudreau Connors
The Corbett Family
Bob & Sharon Cormier
Joan Cormier
Kenny & Jean Cormier
Michelle Cormier
Anne Corriveau
Christina Coviello
James & Elizabeth Covington
Molly Coyne
Jackie & William Coyne
Ken & Ruth Crafts
Cortni Crawley
Brian Cronin
Jonathan & Melissa Croteau
Leanne Curley
Lynne Curran
Dan Curran
David & Meg Curran
Martha Curran
Joe Czupryna
Kelly Ann D’Acry
Kate & Mike D’Anello
Charlie & Charline Daigle
Tanya Rodriguez & Pete Daly
Kristin Darling
Bill & Jeanne Dawe
Sophie DeGrace
Kimberly DelGizzo
Nancy Dell
Ellie DeLorie
Daryl DeLuca
Alek Dernalowicz
Alan Dernalowicz
Christina DeRosa
The Devereaux Family
Barbara Diamond
Cristina Diez-Arguelles
Robert & Elaine Dill
Charlene Dixon
Mike & Sharon Doiron
Pauline & Rene Doiron
Paul Doucette
Adam DoVale
Walter & Irene Dubzinski
Jacqui Duca
Mike Dulong
Dave & Robin Duncan
Sean Duncan
Alli Dunn
Matt Dunphy
Lindsey Durkin
Celeste Morrow-McLernan &
Ryan Durkin
Brad Durkin
Ben Egan
Enjoy Life Leadership Seminars
Carter & Alix Epstein
Craig Erickson
Neil & Dawn Erickson
Maria Cesca Falci
Piero Falci
David Falvey
Chris Fanos
Dr. James & Mary Lou Faust
Ben Feder
Judy & Joseph Fenzel
Nils Fischer
Paul & Sue Fischer
Elise Fisher
Brian Ford
Anthony Fors
Eleanor Fothergill
Joel Fox
Steve Frappier
Max & Louise Frei
Bernie Frenette
Kwesi Frimpong-Boateng
David & Maureen Gallagher
Paul & Judi Gallagher
Jeff Gallant
Sonny Gamble
Maria Jose Garmendia
Bruce & Anne Gaulzetti
Fred & Ruby Gauvin
UPDATE: 26.2 for Mom ! (cont)
Leonard & Irene Gauvin
Mike Howell
Romeo & Lily Gauvin
Karen Hoxie
Janice Gauvin
Andrea Hubbard
Don & Patsy Gauvin
Gladys Hunter
Roger & Silver Gauvin
Marcia & Tom Ikonen
Ricky & Patti Gauvin
International College Counselors
Scott & Sandy Gauvin
Brett & Genevieve Jackson
Mike Geoffroy
Heidi Jeldres
Matt & Caitlyn Clark Germain
Christine Johnson
Steve & Paula Giallongo
David Johnson
Rob, Chris, Eliza, & Luca
Rosemarie Johnson
The Johnson Family
Cindy & Mike Giallongo
Ray Jones
Judy Giles
Don & Pat Jones
Jared Hager & Kayte Giorgio
Joseph, Carolyn, & Sydney
Stacy Godnick
Steph Gonzalez
Joyce Karnes
Emily & Misha Goodman
The Karnes Family
Bill & Paula Goss
Lizzy Kazinskas
Scott Gosselin
John & Victoria Kazinskas
Carol & Ken Graves
Charles & Patricia Keenan
Patrick & Tina Griffin
Diane & Kevin Kelley
Nick Griffin
Melissa Riesgo & Tim Kelly
Kevin & Judy Griffin
Nancy Kelly
Greta, JoAnne, & Rachel Griggar
Mark Kenwood
Meghan Guarnotta
Mike Keough
Jen Guillemin
James & Stella Keresey
Gulliver Preparatory College &
Kathy Keyworth
Guidance Dept.
Sheila King
Evren Gunduz
John Kiosses
Ferdi & Julie Gunduz
Fred Kleiner
Ally Haas
Jan & John Korhonen
The Haas Family
Matt & Heidi Korhonen
Kenneth Hadmack
Michael Korhonen
Janice Hall
Jill & Leif Kouvo
Jeannette Hallock
Ed & Kathryn Kozlowski
Monica Hammett
Paul & Debbie Kuzmeskas
Steve & Rosemary Hancock
Pat L’Heureaux
Thom Hannum
Ronald & Elaine Ladeau
Ashley Hanson
Ray & Linda LaFond
Ryan Harb
Mr. & Mrs. LaFontaine
Matthew Haringa
Julie LaFreniere
Deb & Rich Harlow
Ron & Roberta LaJoie
Dick & Carolyn Harlow
Emily Lake
Patrick & Erica Harlow
Kristin Landry
Julianne & Rick Harper
The Langlois Family
Rachel Harrington
Nick LaPete
Andrew Harris
Michelle LaPointe
Molly Hartshorn
Vera Larsen
Don & Fern Hatton
Kristen Learner
Barbara Hatzfeld
Samantha LeBlanc
Lisa Haubenstock
Renelle LeBlanc
Molly Hayes
Patricia LeBlanc
The Heglin Family
Ellen Lehane
Kylie Paige & Ed Hentnik
Donna Lehtinen
Gena Hentnik
Doug & Elizabeth Lepisto
Nick Herbold
Helen & Ed Lepkowski
Patrick Hernon
Michele Levasseur
Joshua & Jenna Hight
Yves & Jocelyn Levasseur
April Hodge
Mieca Levy
Jamie Hogan
Sara Libby
Scott Large & Lauren Horrigan Lawrence, Tim, & Jeff Liptrap
Mike & Anne Horrigan
Sara, Ben, & Finley Lockwood
Jeanne Horrigan
Kim Lord
George & Helen Howe
Mere & Dave Lord
George & Wendy Lovett
Bryan Lussier
Dan Lynch
Bernice MacDonald
Judy Mack
Dr. Tariq Malik
Elaine Mamby
Randa & Robert Mammarella
The Mammarella Family
Patricia Mancini
Ryan & Jen Mancini
Luciana Mandal
Paul & Yvonne Mann
The Marek Family
Christie & James Martin
Brady Mayer
Julia Mayhew
Pete & Kate McCarron
Tatyana Shalapyonok & Andy
Liam McCartney
Keith McCormick
John McEachern
The McGuire Family
Keith & Gentel McKenney
Pat & Maria McNally
Annette Melanson
John Melanson
Sam Mele
Meaghan Menice
Mary Metivier
Paul & Mary Ellen Miethner
Ian Berk & Emily Miethner
The Minasidis Family
Christine Mitchell
Patricia Mitro
Denise Mooney
Sue Moore
Duffy & Katherine Moran
Dan Moriarty
Kevin Morin
Jon Morse
Drew & Alex Mosco
Robert & Carole Mosco
Tania & Dan Moy
Chelsea Moylan
Catie Bender & Garrett
Karen Murphy
Kyle, Renee, & Taylor Murphy
Louise Murphy
Cindy Murray
Leo & Elaine Murray
Barbara & Brian Musselman
Ray Nadeau
Nicolai Naranjo
Thomas Nasiatka
The Neu Family
Emily Neuberger
Harriett Nichols
Philip & Ruth Nieman
Barbara Caroll Niemi
Steve & Carol Nolin
Paul Noone
Paul & Barbara Noone
Helen Nyman
Ken & Claudia O’Brien
Gabe Odess
Beverly Ogren
David Oja
Anthony Ortega
Amanda & David Osgood
Eric Paradis
Ashley Parent
Caitlin & Brian Pasquale
Drew Patriquin
Ken & Denise Pelletier
Linda Perry
Gail, Katherine, & Meghan
Liz & Simon Pfiffner
David Phillips
Cindi Piascik
Picante Mexican Grill, Inc.
Jill Murtagh Pickener
Joe Piedrafite
Matt & Annie Pitney
Diane Poirier-Davidson
Jennifer Popham
Frank Prial
Paula Quatromoni
Jan Racicot
John & Maryann Rainville
Bob Ramsay
James Ramsdell
Carol Recicar
Greg Reed
Mark & Linda Reed
Jesse Regnier
Dianne & Thomas Regnier
Rodger Reiswig
Kayla Rhidenour
Barbara Riccards
Abby Riccards
Bob & Linda Rice
Casey Richard
Brian Robb & Kate Richey
Dale Robbins
Marcy Roberts
Alda Robichaud
Amy Robinson
Colleen Robinson
Sally Robinson
Nicole Rodriguez
Marcia & David Roger
Richard Rook
Glenice Rosignol
Kathy Rousseau
Dr. Pierre Rouzier
Peggy Rovins
Carla & John Roy
Leonette Roy
David & Susan Roy
Janet & Jim Rutkiewicz
Kathy Ryan
Peter Ryan
Sam Sacchetti
Jeremy Sale
Rachel Sanderoff
John & Denise Santucci
Jason Saretsky
Eric Tripodi
Lynn Saropoulos
Elaine Turcotte
Jarrett Saunders
John & Pat Urato
Erica Scharrer
Roberta Valday
Tanya & Erik Seppa
Ann Vale
Emily & Jeremy Setser
Shannon Lynch Vandervoordt
Derek & Lauren Sharron
Dany Vasquez
Butch & Linda Sharron
Paul Vautour
Jay & Heidi Sharron
Elisa Ventriglia
Jeffrey Shea
Lauren Vildostegui
Conor Sheridan
Luis & Monica Vildostegui
Emily Shilletto
Danielle Vildostegui
Ashley & Jonathan Shinay
Pat Vlachos
Elaine Shindle
Erin Vogel
Brian & Chong Silvia
Jeff Von Munkwitz-Smith
Matt Sloan
Adam Wagner
Jackie Sly
Priscilla Mavrikis Walker
Sharon Small
Meaghan Wall
Jessie Smith
Silifa Wallace
Nancy & Kimball Smith
Jim Walsh
Rachel Smith
Patrick Walsh
Vanessa Smith
Holly & Larry Walsh
Jill Smock
Patti & Rick Walsh
Julie Smock
Kelly A. Walter
Lisa Solovay
Tabitha Watson
Carissa Somma
The Watterson Family
Soulful Life Photography
Mathew Weissinger
Rita Souliere
Melany Weissinger
Ben Spencer
Liz Whitby
Cesar Spinola
Sarah & Christopher White
Margaret Squair
Dan & Diane Wilder
Liz Stack
David Willey
Vessy Stack
Jeff Williams
Beth Stagnone
Luke Henshaw & Nicole
Aaron Staluppi
Katie Stango
Anne Wing
Ryan Bregman & Lynne Starek
Marcella Wojdylak
Mike Andrews & Lauren Stocker Carla & Bob Wojtukiewicz
Wayne & Karen Stocker
Jeff Wong
Sarah & Matt Stuart
Sara Wood
Elissa Stuart
Kristina Wood
Kathleen & Jim Sullivan
Aaron & Laura Woodfin
Sean Sullivan
Jim & Kathy Wrynn
Joyce & Brian Swedberg
Annette & Ron Wyer
Kaileigh & Carly Sweeney
Dr. Xu
Lori Sweet
Ed & Barbara Yablonski
Chris Starzynski & Amy Sylvester Marcia & Henry Zacharewicz
Impi Sylvester
Allison Zarick
Gloria Tarpey
Kathy & Bob Zimmerman
Jeanne Couillard Tatro
Martin Zimmerman
Corey Tawcynski
Jon Zlotnik
Ellen & Ted Tawcynski
Janet & Randy Taylor
Dawn Tenney
Roxy Tenney
Crystal Therrien
Adam Thibault
Anne Thomas
Meredyth Thomas
Brian Tino
Terry & Raana Tivnan
Devon Tomasulo
Geena Tortorella
Karma Tousignant
Robert Tremblay
2014 Annual BIA-MA Golf Classic
On Monday, June 23, 2014, twenty-seven foursomes teed
off for the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIAMA) at The Haven Country Club, Boylston, MA. Golfers
were welcomed by Laura Herman, Golf Classic Chair and
CEO of Insurance Marketing Agencies. The players enjoyed
a challenging day on the parkland-style golf course and all
for a great cause. All of the money raised goes directly to
the BIA-MA mission of Support, Prevention, Education and
Golfers were treated to a post-golf awards dinner as well as
silent and live auctions featuring Bob Socci, “Voice of the
Patriots” with Sports Hub Network and special guest, New
England football guard, Logan Mankins. The highlight of
the evening was a survivor speaker presentation by Ryan
Farrell. Ryan suffered a TBI in April of 2010 during a
cheerleading competition in New York. Ryan had a tough
recovery and fought tirelessly during rehabilitation to regain
what she had lost because of her injury. We are proud to
say that Ryan’s dream of graduating college has come to
fruition; she graduated this past May with a Bachelors
Degree in Communications. Ryan made it clear to her
audience that having a brain injury would not deter her from
achieving all her dreams. Her spirit and passion are truly
infectious and she continues to be a volunteer at BIA-MA
and speaks about her story. Ryan wrapped up her speech
with thanking her family for all their love and support
throughout her journey.
BIA-MA would not be able to host such successful events
if it were not for the help and dedication of our sponsors;
Corporate Diamond Sponsor, Spaulding Rehabilitation
Network and our Platinum Golf Sponsor, ICD-Institutional
Cash Distributors, LLC.
We’re thrilled to kick off our 2014 New
Balance Falmouth Road Race Team!
BIA-MA is one of the 80 charities selected by the
Falmouth Road Race for its Numbers for Non-Profits
This year’s team is: Courtney Farrell, Brian Hayes,
Laura Sugermeyer, Dan Parkinson, and BJ Williams.
Each of our team members are connected to BIA-MA
and represent all four pillars of our mission: Support,
Prevention, Education and Advocacy.
Each team member has pledged to raise a minimum
of $1,000 by August 23rd. To learn more about each
of our runners, make a donation towards their
fundraising goals or learn more about the race,
please visit:
Upcoming Events
7th Annual BJ Williams Road Race
August 23, 2014, Wolfs Pond, Longmeadow, MA!
64 Miles for Brain Injury
Wolfs Pond, Longmeadow, MA
30 Lyman St., Suite 10
Westborough, MA 01581
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