
montessori school
primary school
middle school
secondary school
senior secondary school
Through this brochure we aim to enlighten you on our vision and ideology, familiarize you with our working culture, the teaching
methodologies being used, the kind of environment that has been setup for the students, our plans for the future and how all these factors
combined together will eventually reveal our role as educators, in achieving the ultimate objective of nation building. For more information
about us and an up–date on our development, we suggest you also to visit our group website www.ryaninternational.org
Ryan International Group of Institutions
The difference is
Our vision is to be a premier global educational
institution which develops the human resource for
our dynamic and expanding community, the state,
the nation, the region and the world at large.
Through our Motto, Excellence in Education, Our
institutions will cultivate all round development that
shall foster academics, understanding, brilliance,
spiritual well–being, physical development, psychological
strengths, resourcefulness and creative skills, social
responsibility and concern for one’s environment.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
The difference is
The Ryan International Group of Institutions
blend high value deliveries with modern learning
tools to ensure that each of the institution
has a safe, healthy, positively energizing,
intellectually challenging, learning and enjoyable
environment, committed to engage students
in active, collaborative and technology based
learning methodologies, to develop formative and
summative assessments of students learning.
It is our mission to facilitate:
The development of global citizens – individuals
with self-confidence who are able to contribute to
community life, build tolerance & accountability and
able to deal with emotional and spiritual quotients.
A student with knowledge, attitude, skills, social
and moral values personality development, physical
and psycho-social capabilities, which are effectively
achieved through professional coaching in sports,
creative and personality enhancement activities.
The delivery of curriculum by incorporating activities
based on the Multiple Intelligences theory of Howard
Gardner, professor at Harvard University that leads
to literacy, inquiry, creativity, and critical thinking.
The difference is
The Ryan International Group has widespread interest
in the sphere of quality education with a commitment to
excellence, providing opportunities to enable young people
to be best positioned, consequent to their education in
these institutions. The Schools have been established
and are being administered by various Societies/Trusts,
which has been formed by members of the Christian
community with the primary aim of establishing schools
of international standards resulting in promotion of quality
education and values throughout the country. All schools
therefore are minority schools enjoying constitutional
rights under Article 30 of the communities of India. The
schools are open to children of all Communities.
Our group started its first school in Mumbai way back in
1976. The group has since been establishing new standards
in education, which are now being appreciated by students,
parents and educators worldwide. After a span of 32
years, we have grown into one of India’s leading group of
institutions providing quality education to approximately
200,000 students, facilitated by dedicated educators who are
trained to channelize their energy and resources towards
child centered qualitative learning. We have also ventured
into International boundaries by establishing friendship
Ryan International Group of Institutions
institutions all across the globe. Our future plans will offer
Higher education courses such as Engineering, Medicine
and Management and this shall enable us to start our own
university offering different streams of study disciplines
and vocations. Ryan International School is featured as one
of India’s Most Respected Schools and the leading chain of
Schools providing quality education in India (North, West and
South) as per the Education World - C fore Survey 2008.
The group owes its success to the Almighty God, the
dedicated Management team developed by the Founder
Chairman Dr. Augustine F. Pinto, ably supported by the
Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto. Today, the Group
Management has evolved into a cohesive and well – knit
network of academicians, researchers and professionals.
Our institutions were amongst the first to introduce
comprehensive education on environmental conservation,
personality development and computer education, which have
now been accepted by various state and private educational
boards. Our concepts of “No examination & usage of
assessment”, “No Home Work” and the “grading assessment
pattern” have gained acceptance in India and abroad.
Dr . Augustine F. Pinto
Founder Chairman
Ryan I nternational G roup of I nstitutions
Sheriff of Mumbai – 20 0 0
““A nation will be known by its people
and the people will be known by their
education and their culture”
The 21st Century holds a promise for a
bigger, better and brighter future. The
scope for growth is tremendous. All this
can be attributed to the technological
awakening witnessed world over.
India as a country is being recognized
throughout the globe as a major human
resource center. Since half of India’s
population is younger than 25, it gives
the country a potential edge as a young
population—however whether India can
benefit from its young population will depend
on economic development and equitable
social development. Education will play an
important role to a better economy. This will
propel India to emerge as a world economic
superpower by year 2020.
This can only be realized by imparting quality education specially
focused on development of “KASSM” (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Social
and Moral Values). Ryanites are “Kings and Queens in the Making”.
Our institutions provide a learning environment that is adaptable and
flexible, facilitating potential changes in the higher education pattern.
The learning environment is also used as a strategic tool to power and
excel. This is done with an objective to support the new learning paradigm
that provides learning for students in a manner most suited to them.
Train up a child in the way he should grow, And even when
he is old he shall not depart from it. Proverb 22:6
The challenge lies in utilizing the changing learning patterns with
changes in methods of instructions coupled with technological
advancements, to create an educational experience that
will influence the all round development of students and
uphold our commitment towards nation building.
God Bless.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
The difference is
The difference is
Ryan International Group of Institutions
Madam Grace Pinto
Managing Director
Ryan International Group of Institutions
“At Ryan we understand the requirement of the present
generation and re–dedicate ourselves to equip the
students with the basic attitudes, core values and
instincts, in addition to a relevant curriculum”.
have the best of everything. Education now is being
customized to suit their requirements, using several
technological tools that will facilitate a deeper
understanding of a child’s learning outcomes.
There is an ever-growing paradigm shift in the
delivery of curriculum that was available earlier
and the present educational scenario. Back then,
students were keen to pursue higher education but,
they lacked proper guidance and opportunities. Many
factors were involved in deciding whether a student
will successfully complete his / her education. But,
the general psyche of students then, was of survival.
Our Motto is Excellence in Education and All
Round Development of our children. This is
diligently pursued by providing a positive learning
environment in which resources are channelized to
achieve the maximum development of the physical,
intellectual, social and spiritual aspects of our
children’s personality, to effectively contribute to the
well-being of the society. We aim to instill in them a
shared perception of life which will draw them closer
to their peers elsewhere, thus promoting a peaceful
and harmonious environment where everyone can
co–exist irrespective of caste, creed and culture.
In the present day, education has become so
simple, yet complex, backed by proper guidance
and opportunities. However, the difference that is
most evident is the technological advancement that
has swept across the nation. Students now have
hardly known a time without CD’s, DVD’s, email,
social networking sites and internet. Along with
these changes the student expectation level has
also changed from mere survival to thriving with
excellence. Today’s generation is blessed as they
We pray that the Almighty God would bless our
children with good health, wisdom, knowledge,
understanding and success in whatever they do.
Happy learning and welcome to the
Ryan International Family.
The difference is
The need of the hour is knowledge with the requisite skill, the
right attitude integrated with the right social, ethical and moral
CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
ICSE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations)
SSC & HSC (Secondary and Higher School Certificate)
IGCSE, A & O Level (Cambridge International Examinations)
Our commitment towards Quality Education is of prime
importance. Education has undergone a tremendous change
with the passage of time. An unidirectional teaching method is
being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group
workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group
facilitator, nurturing students without the phobia of
examinations and homework. At this juncture our institutes
use various teaching aids and teaching methods which enable
understanding capability in concepts with relevant practicality/
application. New strategies and ideas are frequently
exchanged between teachers to improve the performance of
the students and also plan for the current and future sessions.
Recently, 11 of our institutions have been awarded the
“International Centre Status” by the Cambridge International
Examinations, United Kingdom. Plans are afoot to establish
schools offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the
British Columbia (Canada) curriculum.
The Ryan International Group works in association with several
institutions worldwide in focused areas such as teacherexchange and development programmes. The use of
technological tools in the delivery of the curriculum is stepping
up as our defining strength.
The group has a five-pronged approach (KASSM) for the overall
development of our students’ viz.Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Social Values, Moral Values
We offer value added National and International Quality
Education. Our curriculum leads to nationally and
internationally recognized qualifications.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
In order to improve and increase the overall performance of the faculty
we organize and participate in a variety of workshops, seminars,
conferences and team building exercises. These workshops play a vital
role in upgrading the knowledge base and the latest trends in education.
Imparting education is not a mundane process that is
restricted solely to the use of chalk and blackboard. At Ryan,
teachers are not programmed to simply pass on knowledge
and facts to the students. Our teachers teach them to logically
think and reason, ask questions, discover, develop, encourage
logical reasoning and independent problem solving skills in
the students and foster a care and concern for fellow beings,
to execute every task entrusted to them with efficiency,
responsibility and dedication.
To ensure sound teaching practices, selected candidates are
professionally screened before recruitment. The basic 5
qualities that we seek and aim to develop in a teacher are:
‘Vision, Passion, Integrity, Connectivity and Intelligence’.
Guided by the Need for Change
The Human Resource department of the group aims to inculcate a close
focus on human resource development and a learning culture within the
group / organization into each individual. This shall also ensure that
every single institution under the aegis of the group will function in a
thoroughly professional and systematic manner. The H. R. Department
functions on Quality Recruitment, Learning and Development,
Performance Management, Reward Management and Employee
More than 150 teachers from the Ryan International Group have
successfully completed an online course on Multiple Intelligences
offered by WIDE World developed at the Harvard Graduate School of
Education, the USA, out of which few of the successful teachers were
nominated for the coach development programme for coaching WIDE
World courses.
Experiential learning is used as a powerful tool for human development
and these learning practices were the first to be implemented in Ryan
International Group for Principals, Potential Leaders, Teachers,
Students and Parents in India.
The difference is
All Round De velopment
We have a multitude of institutions which we call schools, but
the real schools where the real lessons of life are learnt at, are
the “homes”. Seminars for parents are consistently held to help
them cope with child and adolescence related issues.
Open House
At the open house, parents are made aware of the strengths and shortcomings
of their children with positive suggestions on how to improve the academic
and overall performance. They are also informed about perceived talents
of their children and advised on the methods of cultivating them further.
To familiarize the parents with their child’s achievements, an exhibition
of projects undertaken by students on various themes is also held.
Development Programmes
A Central Cell coordinates Teachers Development Programs
at the national level. This actualizes our philosophy of making
educational curriculum effective, relevant and enjoyable.
Vocational Guidance & Counseling
Education prepares the citizens of tomorrow. Our future citizens must take up
careers for which they have an altitude along with the attitude. Trained student
counselors using aptitude tests and a series of other tests, help our children
in the process of selecting their appropriate careers / vocations taking into
consideration their academic performance, interests and aspirations.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
Personal and Social Education
Various resourceful Professionals from the Industry conduct
workshops for students to broaden the concepts of careers
thereby helping our students to develop a realistic assessment
of available and emerging vocational alternatives. Recently, the
Ryan International Group conducted the Aviation and Leadership
programme in Canada for Ryan students in the age group of 12 to
15 year olds. This was done on an experimental basis for students
to “live the experience of a career’’, for which they were issued
a ‘’co-pilot’’ license for flying recreational flights in Canada.
Several well-renowned International Universities located
world-wide visit our students to guide them on the
available opportunities for continuing education. Many
of these universities have confirmed arrangements to
facilitate admissions and scholarship for our students.
Teen Camps
The Teen Camps are an annual event and an occasion that
the Ryan Institutions look forward to. It unfolds the vision
of the Founder Chairman Dr. Augustine Pinto to bring
about spiritual enhancement. The deep involvement of
Madam Grace Pinto is reflected in her heartfelt interaction
with the students. Reflection, introspection, value
education through fun, events and creative activities.
Defined Objectives
Special Programs
T.O.M.: The Odyssey of Mind program
promotes creative thinking and teamwork
by challenging student teams to solve both
long term and spontaneous problems.
The team coaches are a mixture of
teacher and parent volunteers.
S.T.A.R.S.: Students Taking A Right Stand
program supplements guidance skills with
peer mediation discussion groups, and
special community centered projects.
K.E.E.P.: Kids Exploring Environment
Protection Program.
R.E.A.C.H. : Reading and Enrichment Activities
for Children at Home. Education at our schools
is a combination of participation and interaction
which makes learning meaningful and enjoyable.
Home assignments are not a carry-over of class
work but oriented towards honing individual
talents. This includes suggested books for reading,
physical & sports development, general knowledge,
civic responsibilities, talent cultivation etc.
• Exchange Programme with International School of Ballet in Munich
• 9th World Children’s Theatre Festival, Lingen, EMS/Germany
• Performance at Indian Embassy, Berlin, Germany
At MUN of the International School of Hague
Presidential Classroom, Washington DC 2001 – 2008
51st MUN of the Far West, San Francisco
20th Renses Festival de Theatre en Herbe,
27th Children’s Theatre festival, Monistrol, France
At 5th FEITAT, Tangier, Morocco
Educational Tour, Madrid
“Train and play” football camp at Ac Milan Club
in Italy
8th Iberian Model United Nation, Lisbon
Travelled to 60 Countries
Gothia Cup, Sweden
Indo – Polish Cultural Committee, Krakow,
45th International Children’s Festival, Sibnek,
Interactive session with
Ambassador Shri Balkrishna Shetty
The Honorable President of Mauritius with the
winning team of Ryanites of the ICQCC Convention
La Luna Youth Arts Festival, Townsville,
Attended various Educational & Cultural Exchange Programmes
Educational Tour in Brussels
Summer Leadership Camp at
British Columbia, Canada
The difference is
Global Boundaries
The present cyber age is making the world smaller
day by day. In the realm of education, we can no
longer remain complacent or confined to the
territorial limits of cities, states or nations.
Cross fertilization of ideas and teaching methods
are relevant to education, so that our future citizens
can face the challenges of an international interface.
Foreign customs, cultures, languages etc, need
to be understood, respected and appreciated.
Developing adjustment capabilities in the
environmental evolution become crucial for success.
The Ryan International Group provides multiple
options for learning foreign languages and
cultures while retaining core values.
Ryan International Group have become ideal
institutions with professional expertise and vast
experience in the management of education,
essential to meet the growing and challenging
needs of preparing the future citizens of tomorrow.
Structured exchange programmes involving
both students and teachers, at the national and
international levels are a part of the learning
process. The value addition is personally mentored
by our Founder Chairman and feasible ideas
are implemented by group coordinators.
Ryan International Group has successfully partnered
with the U.K. schools through the UK India Education
and Research Initiative (UKIERI) which aims to
substantially improve educational links between
India and UK. UKIERI was announced by the Prime
Minister Tony Blair during his visit to India in
September 2005, and launched by him in April 2006.
Its progress has been welcomed by both the Prime
Ministers during their meeting in October 2006. By
strengthening institution to institution collaboration
and promoting stronger links to industry and related
communities, this initiative will lead ultimately
to India and the UK being each other’s preferred
partner. The clusters of the Ryan International Group
are the only Private cluster of schools in the western
region of India to find acceptance under this initiative.
26 schools of the Ryan International Group have
also qualified for participating in the International
School Award initiative of the British Council.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
• Indo – Russian Friendship Exchange Program
• 10th World Festival of Children’s Theatre, Moscow
• 27th NHK Japan Prize International Children’s Festival, Tokyo
• 7th Asia Pacific Festival of Children’s Theatre, Toyama, Japan
• World Festival of Performing Arts, 2008, Toyama
• At HUM Journey to Peace – India to Pakistan
• Rafi – Peer World festival of Performing Arts
Exchange Program at Garden International
School, Kuala Lumpur
Exchange Program at the New International
School of Thailand, Bangkok
ICQCC Convention of Quality Forum
National Convention
Youth Cultural Exchange program, Bali
The difference is
Education for All - Education for Life - E xcellence in Education
Our commitment to meaningful Education is of
prime importance. We provide quality education to
children in our schools irrespective of caste,
colour, creed, race or religion. Real education is
what ultimately remains, even after one has
completed schooling. The initial years lay a strong
foundation in developing in the child a love for
learning and create conditions for him to pursue a
positive approach in life.
Emphasis is laid on the cultivation of all the three
dimensions of the mind, body and spirit. Due
attention is provided for the development of oral
and written expression. Children are enabled to
develop self – learning skills during classroom
teaching, instead of relying largely on external
coaching. Individual attention is provided to
children for complete development of their
potential. Whereas, slow learners or children with
learning difficulties are closely monitored and
appropriate measures are undertaken to achieve
maximum learning at individual pace.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
Montessori and Primary Section
A new approach has been successfully initiated at the Pre–Primary & Primary sections,
as follows:
Pre–Primary: Learning is informal and done through the play–way method using specially
designed aids. This develops psycho–cognitive skills (Learning by doing) under well trained
and caring teachers. The emphasis is to make written work more creative with focus on the
physical, mental and emotional and social growth of children to make them self – reliant.
This also develops their cognitive and conative skills. Alphabets numbers are taught using
phonetics, songs in an enjoyable environment using interactive & multimedia techniques.
Children are taken on field trips, which helps in better expression.
Primary: Teaching is customized to the needs of the students by involving them in the
learning process and maintaining their interest. Dramatization, Role Play, Experimentation
and projects are some of the methods used to motivate learning skills in the students.
Activity Club: Various clubs on nature, sports, science, literary activities and fine arts are
formed, which lay the strong foundation for all round development of students.
Home Activity: Simple independent activities for the child which can be accomplished
without any intervention by parents. The results are encouraging with children taking greater
interest in their studies and lesser absentees. They are more confident and their hidden
talents are discovered. Burden of homework & exams is reduced.
To develop imaginative, creative and team work skills
The contribution of recreation in an individual’s life cannot be
underestimated. Recreation actually re–creates and re–
activates both physical and mental health. For school-going
children, it not only leads to better academic performance, but
also helps in personality enhancement, which is so important
in today’s competitive world. One becomes a useful contributor
to social development.
Intergenerational Bonding
Through recreational activities children:
Our contribution toward bridging this gap has been
by promoting inter-generational bonding between
generations by organizing Parents Day, Grandparents
Day etc. On the designated days, all parents and
grandparents are invited to the school, their efforts are
appreciated and they are felicitated. Many inter-active
and relation building activities are also conducted. Our
students are frequent visitors to old age homes where
they lovingly mingle, genuinely care and establish a
close bonding with the residing senior citizens. We
also conduct “Mother-Daughter’ health and hygiene
programmes for the benefit of the society at large.
Our activities were applauded by the representatives
of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Government of India and Help Age India.
Express their ideas, hopes, moods, problems &
personalities to others.
Relieve pressures caused by mounting tensions of modern
academic life.
Recreation thus becomes a lifelong asset in improving
attitudes towards life. The casual interest blossoms into
fascination as the child learns more about the subject of
interest and devotes an increasing time to it.
There are no formal examinations up to class V. Evaluation is
based on project work. The group believes in assessing
students through class-room performance and simple
strategic testing at short intervals. From class V onwards,
performance and improvement in performance is recognized
and rewarded.
All Round Development
With the increasing number of nuclear families,
the opportunities for grandparents to interact
with their married children and grandchildren
have been reduced. As Dr. Augustine Pinto states
“A family besides being close by heart, mind
and spirit, needs to be also close by age”.
Tolerance / problem solving skills / understanding
INMUN is an excellent learning experience for
the student delegates who attend it.
Indian Model United Nations Conference attended
• 7th, 8th & 9th Colombo Model United Nations, Sri Lanka
• 51st Model United Nations of the Far West San Francisco, USA
• 8th Iberian Model United Nations, Portugal
• 53rd National Model United Nations, New York USA
The difference is
MUN Sessions attended at:
• New International School of Thailand, Bangkok
• Garden International School, Malaysia
• The International School of The Hague, Holland
Our students recently interacted with Dr. Shashi Tharoor,
the former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
and the official candidate of India for the succession to
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2006 and gained
a tremendous learning experience doing so.
School Parliament
Developing Global leaders
Indian Model United Nations (INMUN)
An INMUN conference is a simulation of the real United Nations
where each school represents a foreign country and each student is
a delegate. The success of hosting the 1st to 8th session of INMUN
at New Delhi led to it becoming an annual feature on our academic
calendar. The 8th Session of INMUN was attended by the various
South Asian Countries and 600 students from 100 schools in India.
The main objective of the INMUN is to make the youth aware of
the vital role played by the United Nations in the promotion of
peace, prevention of conflicts and human development projects.
INMUN is an experience to help students understand
international challenges, contribute to its effective solution,
to attempt to usher in a new world order, to focus attention on
the preservation of the environment and of human rights.
INMUN gives the students an opportunity to develop critical thinking
and to know the current state of the world, and also of future
possibilities and solutions. As delegates of their countries, the
students present themselves as active and responsible citizens
of the local and global community. INMUN develops students on
diplomatic skills, right wording, negotiations and international affairs.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
School Parliament is democratically elected and is made up
of a President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Speaker and
Minister for different portfolios such as Information Technology,
Education etc... All the council of ministers co-operate with
the Prime Minister to create a lively atmosphere. This form of
pupil participation in the school management has been very
critical in developing and building leadership skills amongst the
students. The student council meets frequently to discuss and
debate on topics like creation of favorable school environment
and other relevant social issues. To ensure that the parliament
execute their responsibilities with integrity, a council of student
opposition members is being elected in all our schools.
Future World Leaders Summit (Presidential
Classroom – The United States of America)
The Future World Leaders Summit is an annual meet that
brings together student leaders from around the world to
explore international relations, diplomacy and the changing
world economy. The program is held in the month of July
each year wherein participants having a keen interest in
international relations, from the world over gather under one
roof. Our students are one of the largest Indian student groups
who have been representing India since the last 5 years.
The students are bifurcated into separate delegations based
on the participating countries and regions of the world.
Students from different countries assume roles as
delegates of various countries. Delegation selects
representatives for Working Groups to tackle the
issues that are in the international news. Working
Groups develop Communiqué position papers based on
these international issues to present during the Final
Summit Meeting. Students receive a firsthand lesson in
diplomacy, multilateral negotiation and compromise.
International Convention on Students
Quality Control Circle [ICSQCC]
As educational institutions we are steadfast in
our commitment to impart quality education and
are always exploring possibilities to ensure that
every child understands the need and adopts
quality as a way of life. With this perspective,
we initiated our students to the International
Convention on Students Quality Control Circle.
Ryanites had taken part in this convention at Mauritius.
Our presentation impressed the members of the jury and
also made other participating delegates sit up and take
notice. The Ryan Banner was hoisted high when they were
awarded the ‘Best Students Quality Circle in the World’ by
the Prime Minister of Mauritius. ICSQCC was then adopted
within the group on a much wider scale with majority
of the schools from the group participating in these
conventions every year and bagging maximum laurels.
Doors to Diplomacy Award
The Ryan International Group regularly participates in
the ‘Doors to Diplomacy’ international competition that
is supported annually by the U.S. Department of State,
in collaboration with the ‘Global School Net Foundation’.
This project aims to encourage middle school and high
school students around the world with a platform to
undertake projects that educate about the importance
of international affairs and diplomacy, involving active
use of internet and internet technology. Though it was
the groups’ maiden attempt in 2005, they were bestowed
with the Platinum Award for their inspiring project to
counter ‘Terrorism’. The winning team members were
flown over to Washington as guest of the U.S. State
Department and were felicitated at the White House.
Since then, our schools have won good recognition in
the competition and also in the Cyber Fair competition
organized by the Global School Net Foundation.
One of the India’s First & Largest Model UN
The difference is
International CHILDREN ’s
In the present scenario, education has come to be complex interplay of multiple
factors and is abuzz with ceaseless activities. It is a perfect place for students to
express their talents in an unfettered manner, to their optimal degree of performance.
With this as the thrust, Annual International Children’s Festival of Performing
Arts is held at different venues in the country, the list as follow:
1st and 2nd National Children’s Theatre Festival, New Delhi
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th International children’s Festival of
Performing Arts, New Delhi
1st and 2nd International Children’s Festival of Performing Arts, Mumbai,
Ludhiana, Jaipur, Surat and Raipur.
1st International Children’s Festival of Performing Arts, Nagpur, Nashik,
Amritsar, Jabalpur, Aurangabad and Chandigarh.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
It is here that the vibrant and creative qualities of
the children can find scope for expression, thus
helping the students to charter new courses.
Thus, Theatre has become the medium of close
bonding between nations with entries from across
the countries spilling into workshop, seminars,
competitions and performance in the field of creative
arts. There are various dramatic clubs in our schools
and the emphasis is on activity based education.
Participated Countries
Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Iran, Malaysia, Nepal,
Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, South Africa ,
Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Thailand, United Kingdom, West Indies, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Venezuela
A Decade, 65 Countries, 75,000 Performers
Ryan International Group of Institutions
The difference is
For the overall development of a child’s personality and
skill, a healthy mind is required and a healthy mind can
only reside in a healthy body. This is the concept that
is followed by our institutions while initiating children
into sports. Every student is encouraged to run and jog
as this develops the basic foundation for any sport.
As an institution, our Vision for sports in the long term is to
provide thorough training to the young generation to ensure
maximum participation and substantial victory in the Olympic
Games to be held in the year 2020. It has been critical for us
to develop the lesser known sports viz., Football, Handball,
Badminton, Swimming, Volleyball, Skating, Baseball, Rugby,
Hockey etc., which is progressing well within our schools.
With this vision in mind, our Chairman – Dr. Augustine Pinto
had setup the “Ryan International Sport Club”, dedicated
to provide facilities for practicing games and sports for
students and adults in well organized centers manned by
experienced professional coaches. We believe that the key to
achieving excellence in sports lies in integrating sports and
physical education with the regular educational curriculum,
India’s Largest Sports Meet
making it a compulsory subject of learning up to the
secondary school level and incorporating it during
the assessment of students. Our students have won
in several International, National and State – level
sports competitions organized in India and abroad.
Our students had recently visited AC Milan, Italy for
a training session in football and we have organized
several Athletic meets and mini – marathon races
in different parts of India, since the last 9 years.
Participation in the Ryan Athletic Meet grew from 1600
participants from 48 schools, collages and clubs in
1998 to a record breaking 29,100 participants from 245
Institutions in 2001, placing Ryan International Sports
Club in the Limca Book of Records – edition 2003 for
organizing the Largest Track & Field events in India.
The group was also honoured by the Limca Book
of Records for organizing the biggest Shito –
Ryu Karate Demonstration in the World (year
2002) at Wright Town Stadium, Jabalpur.
The difference is
Through the Lens
Media and Mass Communication
The concept of “Education Through Lens” took firm roots when a broadcasting
channel was professionally setup in selected Ryan International schools in
Mumbai. The success of the project, soon found its way into the Limca Book
of Records for being the 1st group of schools in India to have its own state–
of–the-art in–house broadcasting station within the school premises.
Educating to empower, brought national and international
acclaim with films made by our students.
• “Chikki – Dream of a child”, India’s first film to be shot by 26 students certified by Limca
Book Records, was screened at the 27th NHK International JAPAN PRIZE Film Festival at
Tokyo and the Mumbai Premier was held at the TATA Theatre, and the Delhi Premier was
held at the India Habitat Centre.
• “Hakooba Bakooba – a friendly Alien”, had its premier at Ravindra Rang Manch, Jaipur.
• “Hum Honge Kamyab” had its premier at Gandhi Smiriti Auditorium, Surat.
• “Oh! No……” had its premier at Raipur at the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Auditorium.
• “I am a normal child” had its premier at the Innovative Multiplex, Bangalore.
• “Chhoti si Aasha” had its premier at PVR, Ludhiana
• Managed India’s first World kids International Film Festival 2007 for Children
• Managing the World’s first International AD Films Award contest (IAFA 2008) encouraging
children to make short yet effective AD films for students in categories such as Public
service advertisements and more.
• MH26/11 - Friendship has no religion. India’s first film based on Mumbai terror attacks
premiered at Cinemax Mumbai.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
The Ryan International Group have been instrumental in
encouraging the students to innovate on a web portal known as
“ICEPLEX” (www.iceplex.in), which is slowly growing rapidly in
members over a very short time. A full-fledged team of media
and social broadcasters have taken on the responsibility of
mentoring the students in their approach and step-ahead.
Skill Development
Ryan International Group recognizes that employability skills
should be imparted at the school level to prepare the younger
generation to face the challenges in life. Besides focusing on
knowledge creation and skill development, we recognize the need
to develop employability skills to mould the younger generation
effectively. We are also exploring the possibilities of establishing
an “Incubation center” in association with government agencies/
NGOs to enable the young generation to start a small-scale industry,
thereby connecting education to job creation opportunities.
Skill development Programmes on Media and Film-making
has led to one of India’s first educational portal (www.iceplex.
in) completely managed by school children, focusing on value
education at its core. This opportunity has been attracting several
Ryan alumni’s to join in and support this revolutionary venture.
India’s First Film made by Children
Let us make a
Community Service
We strongly focus and practice on activities that are aimed for the welfare of the society in general.
These exercises generate awareness amongst the students and help to build an attitude of selfless service.
Some of the activities include:1. Maintaining Local Cleanliness: Students are continuously trained to
adopt ‘Local Cleanliness’. We ensure that students actively adopt
this, irrespective whether they are within the school, at home, or in
any public place, for example., if they are in the classroom they have
to ensure that their class is completely litter free. They are not
supervised by anybody instead they are made to be responsible
2. Rehabilitation / Relief Work: We also instill in the students, values
like compassion, kindheartedness and generosity. In times of crisis
students pool in resources like discarded clothes, books,
newspapers, toys and other stuff, and distribute it to the needy.
3. Environmental Conservation: At a very young age itself students are
taught about the vital role plants play in our eco-system to help sustain
human life. To conserve environment, students form groups and
initiate corrective action which involve:Tree plantations and monitoring the growth of the plants.
Guests at all school functions are welcomed with a sapling, instead
of a bouquet.
Students form groups & visit shops, requesting shopkeepers and
people to refrain from using polythene bags.
Students meet the neighborhood community to spread the message
of environment awareness.
4. Radiant Learning Centers: The Radiant Learning centers have been
introduced to impart education to the under-served children of our
country. This is planned to be extended to all our schools pan-India,
with the dedicated support of our teachers, students and parents.
Ryan Foundation is a member of the Global Compact Society India, participating in the United Nations Global Compact Society programme
to exchange experiences, network and work together to promote sustainable growth besides encouraging good corporate citizenship.
Ryan International Group of Institutions
Admission Process
As a Parent, if you intend to develop your child through the right educational process and values, we would welcome
your initiative as an effective citizen of our country to join us in building our Nation’s most important student
resource. For enrolling your child to our institution, you are requested to contact our concerned School Principal.
If you are interested to strengthen our institution’s vision and mission, then please contact us at our
Department of Organisational Development by email to ryaninternational@ryanconnect.org.
N ation
West bengal
Ryan International
Group of Institutions
Sector C, Pocket 8, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070
Tel: 91-11-26899089, 26892822, 26121291
Fax: 91-11-26122714
Email: ryandelhiregion@gmail.com
Asha Nagar, Kandivili (E), Mumbai 400 101
Tel: 91-22-28548593, 28543094
Fax: 91-22-28546435
Email: xaviersgroup@gmail.com
Website: www.ryaninternational.org
Printed by M/s. AKSH CREATIVES Mob. 09313417677,09999555550