Feb 16, 2016 - Wayne County
Feb 16, 2016 - Wayne County
WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY N OR TH C AR OL I N A Phone: (9 19) 731-1435 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: George A. Wood, Wayne County Manager DATE: February 8, 20 16 SUBJECT: Board of Commissioners Meeting - February 16, 2016 Fax (919) 731-1446 ~'~ The Appointment Committee will meet at 7:30a.m. in Room 458 in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. At 8:00 a.m., the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will meet for a briefing session and other matters in the Commissioners Meeting Room on the fourth floor of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, located at 224 E. Walnut Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The formal Wayne County Board of Commissioners meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA FEBRUARY 16, 2016- 9:00A.M. NOTE: ALL PERSONS WITH CELLULAR TELEPHONES ARE REQUESTED TO TURN THEM OFF CALL TO ORDER - Vice-Chairman William H. Pate INVOCATION -Commissioner John M. Bell PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- Commissioner John M. Bell APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February I , 2016 and February 2, 2016 Pg 1-22 DISCUSSION/ADJUSTMENT OF AGENDA SPECIAL RECOGNITION I . Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Myra Jones with the Department of Social Services 2. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Audrey N. Williams with the Health Department 3. Presentation of Employee Service Pins APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE Pg 23-31 9:15A.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Time limit of two minutes for non-agenda topics and four minutes for agenda topics All individuals who speak to the Board of Commissioners are asked to conduct themselves in a resp ectful and courteous manner. The speaker must be recognized by the Chairman as having the exclusive right to be heard If a speaker intends to have handout materials for the Commissioners, those materials must be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, not the individual Commissioners. Signs will not be allowed. The public comment period is a time for citizen input and comment on matters on the agenda to be acted on by the Board of Commissioners. Speakers are encouraged to discuss only items over which the Board of Commissioners has some control. UNFINISHED BUSINESS l1o minulesll. Motion to Approve Study and Design Contract with Stewart-Coo er-Newell for E-9 11 Center Pg 32-34 On Jamta1y 19, 2016 the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Manager to negotiate a contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects to study possible design options for an £-911 Center. The item ofbusiness was tabled on Februmy 2, 2016. ~ minule~ C ONSENT AGENDA I. Application for 20 16 Present Use Value 2. Budget Amendments Pg 35-37 Pg 38-43 NEW BUSINESS !10 rninulesll . Presentation on Senior Games and Health Fair and Open House Pg 44-45 I I OMinule~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS l1s minulesl BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' COMMITTEE REPORTS AND COMMENTS CLOSED SESSION l3o minu1e~ WORK SESSION- Proposed Wayne County Zoning Map Amendments Pg 46-51 The Board of Commissioners will hold a work session prior to the March I, 2016 public hearing on proposed Wayne County Zoning Map amendments. The proposed amendments consist ofhighway and interchange zoning for US Highway 70 West, new US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass (NC 44), Interstate 795 and US Highway 11 7 South. ADJOURNMENT Denotes - Action Requested NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, February I, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at Lane Tree Conference Center, 2317 Salem Church Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: Joe Daughtery, Chairman; William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, Ill and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: None. Members of the Wayne County legislative delegation of the North Carolina General Assembly present: Senator Louis M. Pate; Representative John R. B6ll, IV; Representative Larry M. Bell and Representative Jimmy Dixon. Welcome Chairman Joe Daughtery welcomed everyone to the meeting. Invocation Commissioner John M. Bell gave the invocation. Discussion of Legislative Issues and Concerns The Board of Commissioners and Wayne County legislators discussed the following legislative issues and concerns: Restricted Use of 911 Funds The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners has the following goal: Justice and Public Safety-1: Seek legislation for greater flexibility in county governments' use of 911 funds and protect current funding strearos. Chairman Joe Daughtery stated the county is restricted in its use of the 911 funds. With an increase in call volume, Wayne County needs 911 funds now for its communication center expansion. The 911 fees can be used for certain equipment within the communications center, but cannot be used to cover salaries or the communications center itself. The county needs flexibility in being able to spend the 911 funds. Wayne County has taken steps for a new E-911 Center, which was mandated by the State of North Carolina. The county plans to remodel an existing facility or construct a new facility for the E-911 Center. The state will not allow Wayne County to use 911 funds for the remodeling and/or construction of a new E-911 Center. The county will not be allowed to use 911 funds for equipment costs for outgoing calls. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the 911 Board mandates how governments can spend 911 funds. Wayne County has started the process for a new E-911 Center. Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated the restrictions on the use of the 911 funds are a moving target. He reviewed the history of the surcharge on land line and wireless customers and the approved use ofthe 911 funds. He also reviewed the makeup of the 911 Board. He requested the makeup of the 911 Board be studied. The objectives of the 911 Board need to be redefined. The 911 Board needs to look outside the box. Wayne County cannot compete for grants from the 911 Board based on regionalism because its radio system is not compatible with neighboring counties. A renovated or new E-911 Center will be an additional cost to the county. I Chairman Joe Daughtery stated the 911 fees collected were originally appropriated to the county in which they were collected for use. All counties need 911 funds. The allowed usage of the 911 funds is too restrictive by the 911 Board. The 911 Board has too many telecommunications representatives. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the current E-911 Center is too small. The county's backup center is too close to the E-911 Center with both centers on the same power grid and telephone exchange. Wayne County is working to meet the June 30,2016 mandated deadline by having an E-911 Center location study performed. Chairman Joe Daughtery stated members of the Board of Commissioners and staff toured the 911 Center in Brunswick County. Brunswick County received a grant from the 911 Board for construction of a 911 Center. Wayne County's grant application was not approved. Therefore, Wayne County will have to use local funds to renovate/build an E-911 Center. He requested the 911 Board be fair in its distribution of funds. County Manager George A. Wood stated while other states allow 911 funds to be used for operating and capital expenses, North Carolina allows the funds to be used for equipment receiving incoming calls only. Therefore, property taxes fund the operating and capital costs of 911 Centers in North Carolina. Representative Jimmy Dixon stated 911 Centers should be user financed. We cannot continue to use property taxes to fund 911 Centers. Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated 80% of the calls to the Wayne County E-911 Center are non-emergency and 20% of the calls are for advanced life support. Subdivision Road Improvements for Inclusion in the State Maintenance System Chairman Joe Daughtery stated Wayne County is experiencing problems with local roads in subdivisions being built to North Carolina Department of Transportation standards when the subdivisions are constructed and not being accepted in the State Maintenance System at a later date because North Carolina Department of Transportation standards are not met. The subdivision developer continues to sell the lots after development. Over a period of time driveway tiles, mailboxes and entrance columns are not built or placed according to North Carolina Department of Transportation standards. After the subdivision lots are sold, a petition is submitted to North Carolina Department of Transportation to take over the maintenance of the subdivision streets. The North Carolina Department of Transportation will not take over the maintenance of the subdivision streets because the roads do not meet the standards. The problem could be eliminated if the North Carolina Department of Transportation approved the streets on the front end and took over the maintenance of the streets at that time. Wayne County is aggressively working with subdivision property owners to have the streets repaired to the standards of the North Carolina Department of Transportation according to Article 9 of Chapter 153A ofthe North Carolina General Statutes utilizing the street assessment process. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo expressed concern about getting the existing subdivision streets improved to North Carolina Department of Transportation standards in order for North Carolina Department of Transportation to take over maintenance of the streets. The second concern is what can be done to prevent the issue from happening in the future. He questioned who has the power to enforce county ordinances. House Bill271 SECTION 2.(b) G.S. 153A357 was amended by adding a new subsection to read: "(f) No county may withhold issuing a building permit or certificate of occupancy that otherwise would be eligible to be issued under this section to compel, with respect to another property or parcel, completion of work for a separate pennit or compliance with land use regulations under this Article unless otherwise authorized by law or unless the county reasonably detennines the existence of a public safety issue directly related to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy." Subdivision developers should apply to the North Carolina Department of Transportation on the front end for streets to be included in the State Maintenance System. The subdivision developer should be responsible for the maintenance of streets until the North Carolina Department of Transportation takes over the maintenance of the subdivision streets. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated the majority of the street maintenance problems are in his district. The county needs to be able to enforce its ordinances. There is an issue with structures in the street right of way. The North Carolina Department of Transportation District Engineer has worked with the county. Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie stated he was initially concerned his district might be left behind in getting improvements for subdivision streets. After hearing the conversation, the streets in his district have traditional mailboxes, which comply with North Carolina Department of Transportation standards. He commended the North Carolina Department of Transportation for being very cooperative in working with the county on the street maintenance issues. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated Wayne County has an ordinance in place for mobile home parks. The county has a good working relationship with the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The Board of Commissioners discussed the North Carolina Department of Transportation administrative rules about highway obstructions interfering with highway maintenance. County Manager George A Wood stated the county has a good working relationship with North Carolina Department of Transportation. The problem is the North Carolina Department of Transportation statewide policy for taking over streets. Municipalities have streets with the right of way dedicated to the municipality. Municipalities require the developer to put up a one year warranty and performance bond. The North Carolina Department of Transportation takes over municipal streets on the front end, even if no houses are built on the street. Municipalities do not have the lag time counties have for streets to be included in the State Maintenance System. Senator Louis M. Pate stated school buses will not travel on streets in some mobile home parks. Chairman Joe Daughtery stated the problem of subdivision streets being included in the State Maintenance System can be resolved going forward. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the North Carolina Department of Transportation needs to change its time line in accepting streets in the State Maintenance System. Ridding encroachments in the right of way is costly. Representative Jimmy Dixon stated the first corrective action has taken place by the legislature. Funds are no longer transferred out of the Highway Trust Fund for other uses. Street maintenance can be increased with the extra funds generated for the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The acceptance of street differences between municipalities and counties will not be corrected overnight. Commissioner John M. Bell stated if the street is built initially to North Carolina Department of Transportation standards, the street should be included in the State Maintenance System. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated deteriorating subdivision streets have caused property values to decrease. School buses must transport students safely on well-maintained streets. Most property owners in the subdivisions with streets not in the State Maintenance System do not understand they are responsible for the street maintenance. 3 Economic Development in Eastern North Carolina Chairman Joe Daughtery stated economic development is hurting in eastern North Carolina. Eastern North Carolina cannot complete with the metropolitan areas of the state in getting jobs. The eastern counties have worked hard to improve road infrastructure, but this is not enough to bring new jobs. The legislators were requested to offer additional economic development incentives for the eastern distressed area of the state. Senator Louis M. Pate stated eastern North Carolina had several chances for economic development, such as the CSX hub. Eastern North Carolina needs to build on the available opportunities, such as the ports at Wilmington and Morehead City and the railroads. Representative Jolm R. Bell, IV stated the state does have a great divide between urban and rural areas. The legislature worked on restructuring the sales tax by not hurting the urban areas while trying to help the rural areas grow. The major issue is eastern North Carolina needs an educated, qualified workforce. Schools need to be updated. Steps have been taken, such as the Career Readiness Certificates, but the problem of how to educate a rural community and workforce remains. Young people are moving to urban areas for jobs, which creates a loss of a qualified workforce in the rural areas. The State of North Carolina is in the top tier of spending for education. Local goverrunents need to raise their supplements. Representative Jimmy Dixon stated citizens make school choices, such as citizens in Wayne County moving out of the Goldsboro High School district. There is a choice being made to send children to the best place to get an education. Stagnation is caused when some are not able to get out of their current situation. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated one-third of the pilots at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base live in Johnston County because of the school system in Wayne County. Officials at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base are aware of the situation and are working on it. Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie stated Wayne County has the same course of study and educational opportunities as Johnston County. He was upset Goldsboro High School was always blamed as the problem. There are other reasons people are not moving to Wayne County. Economic development has a lot to do with our standard of living on the entire population. Wayne County has too many unemployed and/or underemployed. He favored a community based apprenticeship program to take young men off the streets. Representative John R. Bell, IV stated the Connect NC Bond contains funding for good economic development tools that Wayne County can take advantage of, such as the Advanced Manufacturing Center. The bond includes funding for a new Plant Sciences Research Complex to help agriculture. Grant opportunities are available to small communities with serious infrastructure needs. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated we need to work together for economic development. It is the responsibility of the county to bring industry to the county. Wayne County needs increased revenue for economic development. Wayne Community College is training people in the machinist program and the graduates are going to other counties for the jobs. Wayne County needs jobs. The Board of Commissioners is ultimately responsible for the industries coming to the county. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated human capital is the reason companies locate in a specific location. We need to help young men locked out of the workforce. Often, people without skills commit crimes. Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated parents and guardians need to encourage education. Commissioner John M. Bell stated the legislature needs to make changes to help convicted felons find jobs. The legislature does not need to pass the responsibilities of roads to the counties. Representative Jimmy Dixon stated the previous reference to Goldsboro High School was not intended to be negative. The legislature has issues including raising the minimum wage, expansion of Medicaid and decreasing employment time. Senator Louis M. Pate stated a trained workforce is needed. Recently, an industry in Wayne County could not find mid-skilled workers in Wayne County and the surrounding counties. Mid-level training is needed. Education is the key. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated the industry in Wayne County needed 100 certified welders in less than two weeks. Wayne Community College has opened classes for training certified welders. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the Wayne Community College Board of Trustees went on record in support of the CoiUlect NC Bond Act. Comments County Manager George A. Wood stated the meeting offered great discussion between the Board of Commissioners and legislators. The discussion needs to take place more often. Chairman Joe Daughtery stated the meeting was a good venue to exchange ideas. Commissioner Jolm M. Bell stated the Board of Commissioners had a good working relationship with its legislative delegation. He appreciated the response by the legislators to the concerns shared by the Board of Commissioners. Representative Larry M. Bell stated state mandates are a problem. He wanted to listen to the people at the local level to determine their needs. He encouraged the Board of Commissioners to continue to meet with its legislators. The Board of Commissioners should determine its legislative introductions prior to the North Carolina General Assembly convening for the next long session. Representative Jimmy Dixon stated the county's goal of financial stability should start with attention to kindergarten through the 121h grade. He was pleased with the demeanor of the working relationship the legislators have with the Board of Conunissioners. Senator Louis M. Pate stated the legislators and Board of Commissioners each have issues they are struggling with now. The ports are critical to economic development. An education subcommittee was formed to make recommendations on how Smart Start and prekindergarten programs can be better integrated into the kindergarten through 12th grade curriculwn. The legislators are examining the statewide financing of early child iilllovations so every child is ready for kindergarten. Representative Jolm R. Bell, IV stated he appreciated the opportunity to meet with the Board of Commissioners. He has a travel and tourism certificates to present to the Board of Commissioners and another certificate to present to Sheriff Larry M. Pierce. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Wayne County legislative delegation expressed their desire to meet more often. Adjournment There being no further business, Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m. 5 NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 9:00a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: Joe Daughtery, Chairman; William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, Ill aod E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: None. Work Session During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an advertised work session to discuss the items of business on the agenda. Call to Order Chairmao Joe Daughtery called the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to order. Invocation Wayne County Sheriffs Office Chaplain Freddie Pierce gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Minutes Upon motion of Vice-Chairman William H. Pate, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the regular session of the Board of Commissioners on Jaouary 19, 2016. Discussion/Adjustment of Agenda Chairmao Joe Daughtery adjusted the agenda by adding A Preliminary Resolution for Caoterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne County, North Carolina; by tabling Study aod Design Contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects for ao E-911 Center until February 16, 2016 under New Business; by adding corrected budget amendment #285 to the Consent Agenda under Allocation of North Carolina's Eastern Region Funds to the Town of Fremont for Norwayne Lift Station Repair under the Consent Agenda; and by adding Construction Manager at Risk Recommendation for Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, Possible Refinaocing of the Debt on the Two New Middle Schools, Wayne Executive Jetport Consulting Engineering Services Recommendation, and North Carolina Association of County Commissioners February Video Update to New Business. Special Recognition- Linda Hood Overton Retirement Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns recognized Linda Hood Overton for her 17 years of dedicated service in the Office of Emergency Services with a certificate of appreciation. Appointment Community Child Fatality Prevention Team Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Tasha Hunter to the Community Child Fatality Prevention Team. The term ofTasha Hunter will expire on March 11,2019. Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously appointed Shenita Wilder Billups to the Community Child Fatality Prevention Team. The term ofShenita Wilder Billups will expire on February I, 2019. Appointment- Wayne Countv Animal Control Advisory Committee Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Eddie Pitzer and Susan Getchell Dodson to the Wayne County Animal Control Advisory Committee. The terms of Eddie Pitzer and Susan Getchell Dodson will expire on March II, 2019. Public Comments Tom Drew stated he was concerned about forums, lack of responsibilities of seeking to be on the agenda, public bulletin board and definition of a sign. Award Bid for Lease of Farmland at ParkEast The following bids were received for the lease of 61.78-acres of farmland at ParkEast, Gateway Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The deed reference numbers are 01309-0859, 0103-0331,01309-0867 and 0139-0867. • Russell Waters- $181.50 per acre • Carlton Alphin· $177.50 per acre • Luther Potter- $125.00 per acre Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously awarded a one year and 11-month lease of 61. 78-acres of farmland at ParkEast to Russel! Waters in the amount of$181.50 per acre for a total annual lease of$11,213.07. Consent Agenda Upon motion of Commissioner William H. Pate, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the following items under the consent agenda: 1. Applications for 2015 Present Use Value a. Phil and Judy Edmundson- Parcel!D #3633925967 b. Edna Faye Cruse Williams- Parcel!D #3545409898 2. Declared May 7, 2016 and October 1, 2016 as Amnesty Days at the Wayne County landfill 3. Appointment of Gretchen Reed as Chairman of the Wayne County Tourism Development Authority 4. Reallocation of $50,000 in North Carolina's Eastern Region funds to the Town of Fremont, un-allocate $20,000 of North Carolina's Eastern Region funds to the Town of Pikeville and allocate $20,000 of the Town of Pikeville's unallocated North Carolina's Eastern Region funds to the Town of Fremont for repair of the Norwayne sewer pump station; and approved and authorized budget amendment #285. 5. Budget Amendments a. School Resource Officers - #251 b. Health-Healthy Communities · #265 c. Solid Waste · #266 d. Library - #267 e. Health-Maternal Health · #269 f. Jail - #276 g. Jail- #277 h. Jail - #279 i. Facility Services - #281 7 Authorize County Manager and County Attorney to Negotiate a Contract with T.A. Loving Company to Serve as Construction Manager at Risk for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Project County Manager George A. Wood stated the Board of Commissioners selected the construction manager at risk delivery method for the construction of the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Five general contracting firms responded to the requests for qualifications. A working group selected three finalists to interview- Daniels and Daniels Construction Company, Inc.; Danis Construction Company and T.A. Loving Company. After the interviews, the working group selected T.A. Loving Company to recommend to the Board of Commissioners as the construction manager at risk for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously selected T.A. Loving Company as construction manager at risk for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center project and authorized the County Manager and County Attorney to negotiate a contract with T. A. Loving Company. Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie requested minority contractors be encouraged to bid on the construction of the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Public Hearing- Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions At 9:34a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions, which was adopted on January 5, 2016. The County received valid petitions from the Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivision property owners for the County to repair the subdivision streets to standards acceptable to the North Carolina Department of Transportation so the streets can be taken into the North Carolina Secondary Highway System. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has agreed to the specifics of the project. The proposed project area includes 123 residential lots fronting on the subdivision streets of East April Lane, Abbey Place, Adler Lane, Chancery Drive, Coventry Drive, Helms Court, Helms Drive, Hyde Park Drive, Lane Tree Drive and Londonderry Drive. A map of the project area is attached hereto as Attachment A. All expenses incurred by the County to repair the streets and relating to the project as set out in Article 9 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes will be assessed against the benefitting property owners as special assessments, as per the statute. Via an email dated January 14, 2015, Keith and Nina Jackson, 303 East April Lane, Goldsboro, North Carolina, supported the Preliminary Assessment Resolution I 00%. They thanked the Board of Commissioners for working together to help the property owners resolve the dire situation with their neighborhood street conditions. Via an email dated January 15,2016, Joe and Jan Haas, 105 Helms Court, Goldsboro, North Carolina supported the Preliminary Assessment Resolution. The assessment is a fair and equitable way to resolve the issue to get the streets repaired so they can be taken into the North Carolina Secondary Highway System. Via an email dated February 1, 2016, Steve and Terrie Walton, 200 Hyde Park Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina, requested the Board of Commissioners support the road improvement assessments in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions. Via an email dated February 2, 2016, Daniel E. Fisher, 202 Hyde Park Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina, requested the Board of Commissioners support the street assessments in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions in order for the property values to be maintained. Via an email dated February 2, 2016, Scott and Tammie Glascoe, 113 East April Lane, Goldsboro, North Carolina, requested the Board of Commissioners support the road improvement process for Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions. Steven Cole, l 02 Helms Court, Goldsboro, North Carolina, thanked the Board of Commissioners for getting the street assessment project to this point. He supported the project moving forward. The property owners are prepared to have the street improvements made to get the streets to the standards of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Ray Urban, 303 E. April Lane, Goldsboro, North Carolina, spoke in favor of the street assessment for the improvements to the subdivision streets. He thanked the Board of Commissioners and staff for their professional assistance. The property owners are reconciled to remove the driveway abutments. Rufus Williams, 208 Chancery Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina, thanked the Board of Commissioners for allowing the street assessment project to move forward. The street conditions are declining and are an eyesore. Waheed Akhtar, M.D., 100 Helms Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina, spoke in favor of the Preliminary Assessment Resolution, which is the best option for the property owners to repair the subdivision streets. Angela Hinton, 3495 Salem Church Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, stated she supported the efforts of the property owners in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions trying to get their subdivision streets repaired. She thanked them for their assistance to get the remainder of the subdivision streets repaired. Mitch lvey, 103 Adler Lane, Goldsboro, North Carolina, thanked the Board of Commissioners for moving the street assessment project forward. At 9:39 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing. A Preliminary Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creed Subdivisions. Wayne County, North Carolina Upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized A Preliminary Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne County, North Carolina, attached hereto as Attachment B. County Manager George A. Wood reviewed the next steps in the street assessment for Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions according to the North Carolina General Statutes and the resolutions adopted by the Board of Commissioners. A public hearing will be held on March l, 2016 at 9:30a.m. for the property owners in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions to detennine if they want to remain, be added or deleted from the street assessment petition after they have received the estimated cost from the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the street improvements. Vice-Chainnan William H. Pate requested the letter sent to the property owner(s) in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions include instructions on how to keep their name(s) on the street assessment petition or to delete their name(s) from the street assessment petition. At 9:52a.m., Chainnan Joe Daughtery recessed the regularly scheduled meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners Wayne Countv Board of Adjustment At 9:53a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery convened the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment. At 10:15 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the meeting ofthe Wayne County Board of Adjustment. Reconvene At 10:16 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery reconvened the regularly scheduled meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. Presentation of Wayne County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Period Ending June 30, 2015 Paul Nunn with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. stated the County of Wayne received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal lear ended June 30, 2014 from the Government Finance Officers Association. This is the 19 year the Wayne County Finance Office has received the award. Paul Nunn with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. stated the Independent Auditors' Report shows an munodified opinion on its 2014-2015 financial statements, which is the highest level of assurance Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. can issue that the statements are free and clear of error and fairly represent the results of the county. The responsibilities ofNunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. are to give the Board of Conunissioners an opinion, audit evidence to support the opinion and supplementary and other information in order to help the Board of Commissioners interpret the information. Management discussion and analysis includes financial highlights, overview of the financial statements, comparative figures, budgetary factors, and economic factors and next year's budgets. Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. reviewed the financial highlights of the 2014-2015 audit. The assets of Wayne County exceeded its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources at the close of the fiscal year by $161,111,714 (net position) this year. The total amount of liabilities, deferred inflows of resources and fund balances was $55,968,015 for the fiscal year. The statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances had an ending fund balance of$52,126,417 in the General Fund. The General Fund balance less the restricted funds, conunitted funds, assigned funds and working fund balance policy totaled a remaining fund balance of$17,127,638. Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. reviewed the percentages of revenues and expenditures by function in the primary governmental activities- general government, public safety, transportation, human services, culture and recreation, education, interest on long-term debt, environmental protection and economic and physical development. She also reviewed the expenditures and revenues by function in the business-type activities- solid waste disposal fund, emergency medical services fund, sewer fund and airport fund. Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A reviewed the following revenues for governmental activities for fiscal year 2014-2015: • Property taxes 52.87% • Hurnanservices 19.31% • Local option sales tax 17.5 2% • General government 2. 78% • Public safety 1.87% • Economic & physical dev. 0.77% • Leased vehicle tax 0.34% 0.08% • Investment earnings 0.03% • Environmental protection • Miscellaneous 0.11% 10 • Transportation • Education • Culture and recreation 0.25% 4.00% 0.06% Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. reviewed the following expenses by function for governmental activities for fiscal year 2014-2015: • Human services 31.00% • Education 25.46% • Public safety 22.45% General government 12.82% • Culture and recreation 2.42% • • Economic & physical dev. 2.30% 0.80% • Environmental protection 2.35% • Interest on long-term debt 0.40% • Transportation Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. reviewed the assets, liabilities, net assets, primary government functions/programs and business-type functions/programs for fiscal year 2014-2015. Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. reviewed the following for the fiscal year ended June 30,2015: • Compliance reports o Internal controls o Federal programs o State programs • Communication to those charged with governance o No significant change in accounting policies o Accounting estimates were made o No significant difficulties in performing audit o Corrected and uncorrected misstatements o No disagreements with management o Management representations • Communication of no material weaknesses o Other recommendations Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. reviewed the following accomplishments for the fiscal year ended June 30,2015: • Steele Memorial Library opened in July 2014 • Construction of two new middle schools and major renovations to five other schools • Construction began on the new detention center • Major upgrades to the public safety radio system • Progress on the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center • Health Department began serving elementary schools with a new mobile dental lab Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P .A. stated Wayne County had a clean audit. Over the past three years, the county had a 1% decrease in spending. Paul Nunn with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. stated the county's debts are low and the reserves are high. The staff has successfully managed the county's resources. Wayne County has a good tax base. The new jail, road infrastructure and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base are positives for Wayne County. The average income is probably a disparity. Danna Layne with Nunn, Brashear & Uzzell, P.A. stated the county's average income makes the county poor. Economic development in the county would turn the income numbers around. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated the economic reports often exclude federal and/or military employment data. II Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated he was concerned the county is only spending 2.3% for economic development. Wayne County is training people for jobs in other counties because it does not have the jobs in Wayne County. Chairman Joe Daughtery emphasized the following key points concerning the Wayne County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Period Ending June 30,2015: • Over the past three years, the Board of Commissioners has reduced the core spending of county govenunent by 1%. While costs have risen 3-4% annually, the Board of Commissioners has actually reduced the cost of govenunent. • While total debt has increased, the increase is almost totally linked to the borrowing for two new middle schools. The interlocal agreement between the Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners has the repayment limited to an average of $750,000 per year from property taxes with the remainder coming from lottery funds and sales tax earmarked for school capital needs. • Property tax rates have been reduced in Wayne County. Among the eleven surrounding counties, Wayne County has the 2nd lowest tax rate among the nine counties with populations between I 00,000-150,000. • The Board of Commissioners, under the direction and consultation of County Manager George A. Wood, has committed to reallocate reserve funds from savings receiving a return of less than .5% to capital projects, which will improve the quality oflife for Wayne County citizens. This has been accomplished, while maintaining a strong fund balance. He further emphasized the long hours and commitment the county management team has made in advising the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners outlined a very aggressive list of objectives that were long overdue, but have been extremely expensive to fund. County Manager George A. Wood needs and deserves the heartfelt appreciation for thinking outside the box to bring the best approach to find the necessary financing. The Board of Commissioners expressed its thanks to County Manager George A. Wood with a standing ovation for a job well done. Approval of Wayne County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Period Ending on June 30,2015 Upon motion of Commissioner Jolm M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously accepted the Wayne County, North Carolina Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30,2015. Authorize Negotiation on the Refinancing of Debt on the Two New Middle Schools County Manager George A. Wood stated on July 14,2014 the county entered into an Installment Financing Agreement with SunTrust Bank to finance the construction of Spring Creek Middle School and Grantham Middle School. The amount financed was $38,452,000 at an annual interest rate of 3.55% for 20 years. The county's financial consultants, Davenport & Company, recommended a possible refinancing of this debt at a lower interest rate. The recent bond market would allow the county to refinance over a 19-year period at an All-in True Interest Cost of2. 739%. The refinancing would not change the number of years the debt was financed, but would save the county $2,945,896, after deducting the bond issuance costs and the bond underwriter's discount. The refinancing would average about $155,000 in annual savings over the 19 years. County Manager George A. Wood stressed the favorable market conditions can change positively or negatively during the approximate 75-days process. The county's agreement with all professionals working on the refinancing project (Davenport & Company, bond counsel and bond underwriter) would be they would not be paid unless the county actually closes on this transaction. This would be a negotiated issuance of Limited Obligation Bonds. The county would need to get a bond rating from at least Moody's Investor Services and possibly from Standard and Poor's. It is estimated the county would be in the range of an AA- rating. /2-.J The following two strategies are proposed to accomplish the savings. 1. Davenport & Company will contact SunTrust to inform them the county is contemplating a refinancing to pay off the county's loan. SunTrust would be asked if the bank is interested in voluntarily agreeing to lower its interest rate to the then prevailing market rate. 2. If SunTrust does not want to do so, Davenport & Company would proceed with the 19-year term, negotiate the sale of new Limited Obligation Bonds that would be used to repay SunTrust and thereby having a lower interest rate on the new debt. County Manager George A Wood stated the county needs to capture the favorable market rates as soon as possible. The refinancing would significantly reduce the need for additional funding for the proposed E-911 Center. Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously authorized the County Manager and his staff to negotiate the refinancing of the debt on Grantham Middle School and Spring Creek Middle School. Authorize the Negotiation of a Consulting Engineering Contract at the Wayne Executive Jetport with WK Dickson The Federal Aviation Administration and the North Carolina Department of Aviation require all airports receiving federal and state grants for airport improvements to issue a request for qualifications every five years for a consulting engineer. A panel reviewed the responses to the request for qualifications and made a recommendation to the Wayne Executive Jetport Advisory Committee. The Wayne Executive Jetport Advisory Committee concurred with the recommendation of the panel to use WK Dickson as the consulting engineer. Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously authorized the County Manager and his staff to negotiate a contract with WK Dickson as consulting engineer at the Wayne Executive Jetport. North Carolina Association of County Commissioners February Video Update The Board of Commissioners viewed the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners February video update. Closed Session At 11 :06 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness and conditions of employment of an employee. At 11:42 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in regular session. County Manager's Comments County Manager George A. Wood reviewed a draft agenda for the Board of Commissioners retreat on February 9, 2016. He will be sending the Board of Commissioners the goals for calendar year 2015 and the carryover goals for 2016 to review prior to the retreat. County Manager George A. Wood stated Information Technology Director Stephen Cross submitted his resignation and will work through February. The position will be advertised on the appropriate School of Government listserv, as well as the normal county job postings. He will select a panel to interview candidates for the position. He met with the Information Technology staff to review projects. County Manager George A. Wood will serve as interim Information Technology Director until the position is filled. 13 County Manager George A. Wood reported the staff has begun working on the 20162017 County of Wayne budget. County Manager George A. Wood stated he had the Duke Energy Corrective Action Plan, Part 2 for the H. F. Lee Energy Complex, which was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Envirorunental Quality. Cotmty Manager George A. Wood stated the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners would hold district meetings throughout the state. The closest meeting to Wayne County will be in Wallace, North Carolina on April20, 2016 at 5:30p.m. Board of Commissioners Committee Reports and Comments Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated the recent meeting with the Wayne County legislative delegation was very productive. Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie stated he attended his first Wayne County Board of Social Services and Goldsboro~ Wayne Transportation Authority meetings. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated the Wayne CoW1ty Tourism Development Authority is working on its bylaws and budget. He wished County Manager George A. Wood, Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns and County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker a happy birthday. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. thanked the Board of Commissioners for its work to have favorable report from the auditors. He was very proud of the accomplishments of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner John M. Bell stated the new Eastpointe CEO will be publicly announced soon. Chairman Joe Daughtery wished County Manager George A. Wood, Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns and County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker a happy birthday. Board of Commissioners' Information The Board of Commissioners received the Wayne County Health Department annual report for 2014. The Board of Commissioners was advised of the following persormel changes: I. 4-H Name of Employee- Tricia Sullivan Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $25.00 per hour 2. 4-H Name of Employee- Kayla Botelho Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $25.00 per hour 3. 4-H Name of Employee- Nichol Brice Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Bus Driver, Part-time Salary- $12.00 per hour 4. 4-H Name of Employee- Michele Cotton Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $25.00 per hour 5. 4-H Name of Employee- Cherie R. Flanagan Date of Employment- December 14, 2015 Classification- 4-H After School Assistant, Part-time 6. Salary- $8.00 per hour Health Name of Employee- Mozelle Floresa Hampton Date of Employment- December 10, 2015 Classification- Dental Assistant II, Temporary 7. Salary- $20.00 per hour 4-H Name of Employee- Donnetta Hopper Date of Employment- January II, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Bus Driver, Part-time Salary- $12.00 per hour 8. 4-H Name of Employee- Tikia James Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Assistant, Part-time 9. Salary- $8.00 per hour 4-H Name of Employee -Stephanie Lane Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $25.00 per hour 10. Health Name of Employee- Cynthia Ann Maezes Date of Employment- December 8, 2015 Classification- Dental Assistant 11, Temporary Salary - $22.00 per hour II. Inspections Name of Employee- Stephen Douglas Hall Date of Employment-January II, 2016 Classification- Building Code Inspector I, Full-time Salary- $36,500 per year 12. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee- Robert A. Gurkins Date of Employment- December 29, 2015 Classification- Emergency Medical Teclmician-Basic, Regular Part-time Salary- $11.92 per hour 13. Library Name of Employee- Kimberly B. Connors Date of Employment- January II, 2016 Classification- Librarian Assistant II, Temporary, Part-time Salary- $10.97 per hour 14. Social Services Name of Employee- Kimberly Young Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- Social Worker II, Full-time Salary- $33,726 per year 1S. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee- Kassidy P. Pyles Date of Employment- December 29, 2015 Classification- Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, Full-time Salary- $30,590.40 per year 16. Health Name of Employee- Pamela Lynette White Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- Medical Laboratory Technician I (work against Medical Laboratory Technician II x 12 months), Full-time Salary- $29,134 per year 15 17. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee- Joshua I. Bowyer Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate, Full-time Salary- $30,590,40 per year 18. Social Services Name of Employee- Natachia Edwards Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- Social Worker II (work against Social Worker III), Full-time Salary - $3 3, 726 per year 19. 4-H Name of Employee- Teresa Morgan Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $15.00 per hour 20. 4-H Name of Employee- Sheila Price Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $15.00 per hour 21. Sheriff Name of Employee- Robert Cecil Radford Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- Deputy Sheriff/Courts, Part-time Salary- $15.00 per hour 22. 4-H Name of Employee- Valerie Steward Date of Employment- January II, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Tutor, Part-time Salary- $25.00 per hour 23. 4-H Name of Employee- Monatina Wells Date of Employment- January 4, 2016 Classification- 4-H After School Assistant, Part-time Salary- $9.00 per hour 24. Health Name of Employee- Kathryn Suzanne Schneider Date of Employment- December 7, 2015 Classification- Dental Assistant II, Temporary Salary- $20.00 per hour 25. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee- Travis A. Sauls Date of Employment- December 29, 2015 Classification- Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular Part-time Salary - $11.92 per hour 26. Central Services Name of Employee- Nakesha Bowden Date of Employment- January II, 2016 Classification- Administrative Assistant, Full-time Salary- $28,500 per year Adjournment There being no further business, Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the meeting at II :57 a.m. Ma taR. Wilson, Clerk to the Board Wayne County Board of Commissioners 17 Attachment B Page I NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY RESOLUTION #2016-_1: A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION FOR CANTERBURY VILLAGE AND NORTH CREEK SUBDIVISIONS, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, certain streets in Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions have not been accepted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation into the NC Secondary Highway System for ownership and maintenance; and WHEREAS, Article 9 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes sets out a process whereby property owners can petition the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to repair such roads to a standard acceptable to the NCDOT, so that they can be taken into the NC Secondary Highway System; and WHEREAS, all expenses by Wayne County to repair said streets will he assessed against the benefitting property owners as special assessments, per the above statute; and WHEREAS, Wayne County planning staff previously had prepared the necessary petition, and the County Attorney had approved its form to assure the statutory requirements were met; and WHEREAS, residents of the two subdivisions previously had presented a completed petition to the Board of Commissioners; and on December 1, 2015 the County Manager had reported that the CountY Clerk to the Board had certified the petition met the criteria set out in NCGS 153A-205, and was therefore a valid petition; and WHEREAS, members of the County Board and staff have worked with NCDOT on the specifics of this project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has conducted the public hearing as required by the preliminary assessment resolution; and WHEREAS, as part of its process the Board of Commissioners has approved a second public hearing once all the costs have been estimated, and such estimates should be completed within a week; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to move forward with this process to have the streets repaired to NCDOT standards; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby declares its intent to undertake this project. Section 2. The general description of the nature and location of the project is as follows: The proposed project area encompassed by this preliminary assessment resolution includes 123 residential lots fronting on the subdivision streets of East April Lane, Abbey Place, Adler Lane, Chancery Drive, 10 Attachment B Page 2 Coventry Drive, Helms Court, Helms Drive, Hyde Park Drive, Lane Tree Drive and Londonderry Drive. These streets consist of 2.40 lineal miles and were recorded as public rights of way on plats in the Office of the Wayne County Register of Deeds. The plats and lots listed are; Canterbury Village, Section I recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 32F, Canterbury Village Section I Revision recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 41D, Canterbury Village Section 2 recorded in Plat Cabinet M, Slide 19, North Creek Section I recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 32E, North Creek Section 2 recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 38D, North Creek Section 3 recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 50, North Creek Section 4 recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 8J, North Creek Section 5 recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 620, individual lot identified as parcel id number 2691691227 and recorded in Deed Book 1545, Page 738 and individual lot identified as parcel id number 2691690024 recorded in Deed Book 2945, Page 426. The streets in the proposed project area are connected to the North Carolina Secondary Roads system by Chancery Drive to Salem Church Road (NCSR 1300) and East April Lane to Perkins Road (NCSR 1319). The affected lots and the streets they abut are further shown on the attached map entitled "PROJECT AREA", prepared by the Planning Director/GIS Coordinator, which is incorporated herein this resolution by reference. Section 3. The proposed basis for making assessments shall be the number of buildable lots abutting any of the streets within the project area at an equal rate per buildable lot. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners intends to specially assess to cover one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the work, as determined under NCGS 153A-193. Section 5. The Board of Commissioners intends that none of the special assessments for this project will be held in abeyance. Section 6. Payment of assessments may be made fully within thirty (30) days after the day that notice of confirmation of the assessment roll is published; or in the alternative, any portion of an assessment not paid within the 30-day period shall be paid in ten (I 0) equal annual installments. The first installment with interest is due on the date when property taxes are due, and one installment with interest is due on the same date in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full. The interest rate for installment payments shall be five percent (5%) per annum on any outstanding balance. Section 7. The Board of Commissioners hereby adopts an Order setting March I, 2016 at 9:30am in the Board of Commissioners' Meeting Room, 4'h Floor of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, NC 27530 as the date, time and location for the second public hearing on all matters covered by the preliminary assessment resolution. At said meeting, the final assessment resolution may be adopted by the Board of Commissioners following the public hearing, at which the specific special assessment figures will be discussed. Section 8. The Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to provide the notices of this preliminary resolution as required in NCGS 153A-191. Section 9. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of February, 2016. Attachment B Page 3 Attest: REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN: TUESDAY JAN262016 07:54 PAGE 1 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 117.5809.491 117.5809.311 622.4371.260 622.4371.261 110.4330.261 110.4330.299 622.4370.127 622.4370.211 622.4370.239 622.4371.261 622.4371.351 225.4325.127 225.4325.321 110.4325.127 110.4325.395 ACCOUNT NAME DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAVEL, MEALS & LODGING OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES-NON CAP FURN & EQUIP OFFICE SUP - NON CAPITAL FURN & EQ SECURITY SUPPLIES SALARIES & WAGES - LONGEVITY PAY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES OTHER MEDICAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES-NON CAP FURN & EQUIP MAINT & REPAIRS - B&G SALARIES & WAGES - LONGEVITY PAY TELEPHONE SALARIES & WAGES - LONGEVITY PAY TRAINING TYPE BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA DESCRIPTION 4H 4H WAYNENET WAYNENET EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS WAYNENET WAYNENET 911 911 911 911 DATE 1000.00-01/26/16 1000.00 01/26/16 222.00-01/26/16 222.00 01/26/16 1.00 01/26/16 1. 00-01/26/16 613.00 01/26/16 1500.00 01/26/16 2113.00-01/26/16 390.00 01/26/16 390.00-01/26/16 225.00 01/26/16 225.00-01/26/16 775.00 01/26/16 775.00-01/26/16 TOTAL DEBITS 4,726.00 TOTAL CREDITS: 4,726.00- NET ADJUSTMENTS: 9-> AMOUNT 0.00 TRANS # 35200056385 35200056386 35200056387 35200056388 35200056389 35200056390 35200056391 35200056392 35200056393 35200056394 35200056395 35200056396 35200056397 35200056398 35200056399 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN: TUESDAY FEB092016 11:22 PAGE 1 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 110.4920.690.034 110.4920.690.032 110.4920.690.043 llO. 4318.121 110.4318.180 ll0.4318.181 110.4318.182 110.4318.182.001 110.4318.182.002 110.4318.183 ll0.4318.186 110.4318.212 110.3431.360.021 131.5153.121.999 131.5153.190 131.5153.261 131.3515.330.049 624.7420.440.002 624.7420.510 110.6110.311 110.3611.840 131.5163.193 131.5163.239 131.5163.393 131.3515.330.006 110.4311.231.001 . (\} 110.4311.212 .:7-' 110.4311.190 ).) 110.4311.395 110.4311.693.001 110.4311.693.003 110.4260.351 110.4260.351.010 110.3492.890.011 ACCOUNT NAME TYPE BA EASTERN REGION LOAN TO PIKEVILLE BA EASTERN REGION LOAN TO FREMONT BA EASTN REGION LN-UNALLOCATED BA SALARIES AND WAGES BA SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA SOCIAL SECURITY - MEDICARE BA REITREMENT CONTRIBUTION BA 401 K RETIREMENT 401 K RETIREMENT - 5% LAW ENF BA BA HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNIFORMS BA WCPS - CENTRAL OFFICE SRO BA BA SALARIES & WAGES-MERIT/BASELINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BA OFFICE SUPPLIES-NON-CAP FURN. & EQUIP BA BA HEALTHY COMMUNITIES DEMOLITION CONTRACT - MOBILE HOMES BA BA CAPITAL OUTLAY - EQUIPMENT BA TRAVEL, MEALS, & LODGING LIBRARY DONATIONS BA PROF SERVICES - MEDICAL BA OTHER MEDICAL SUPPLIES BA BA TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES MATERNAL HEALTH PROGRAM BA SPECIAL PROGRAM MATERIAL-INMATE WRK CREWBA UNIFORMS BA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BA BA TRAINING SHARED EXP-CENTRAL PRISON BA SA OUTSOURCING INMATES MAIN & REP - BLDGS & GRDS MAIN & REP - B&G - WAYNE MFG CTR WCDA - PHASE I WAYNE MFG CENTER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE LIBRARY LIBRARY HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL 20000.00-02/09/16 70000.00 02/09/16 50000.00-02/09/16 33000.00 02/09/16 2046.00 02/09/16 479.00 02/09/16 2360.00 02/09/16 660.00 02/09/16 1650.00 02/09/16 7260.00 02/09/16 480.00 02/09/16 7108.00 02/09/16 55043.00-02/09/16 4160.00 02/09/16 5000.00-02/09/16 5000.00 02/09/16 4160.00-02/09/16 15168.00-02/09/16 15168.00 02/09/16 274.78 02/09/16 274.78-02/09/16 4107.00-02/09/16 4000.00-02/09/16 4000.00-02/09/16 12107.00 02/09/16 10000.00-02/09/16 10000.00 02/09/16 10530.00 02/09/16 10530.00-02/09/16 150000.00 02/09/16 150000.00-02/09/16 25937.00-02/09/16 123937.00 02/09/16 98000.00-02/09/16 BA FACILITIES BA FACILITIES BA FACILITIES TOTAL DEBITS TOTAL CREDITS: NET ADJUSTMENTS: DATE 456,219.78 456,219.78- -------- 0.00 TRANS # 35200056694 35200056695 35200056696 35200056697 35200056698 35200056699 35200056700 35200056701 35200056702 35200056703 35200056704 35200056705 35200056706 35200056707 35200056708 35200056709 35200056710 35200056711 35200056712 35200056713 35200056714 35200056715 35200056716 35200056717 35200056718 35200056719 35200056720 35200056721 35200056722 35200056723 35200056724 35200056725 35200056726 35200056727 APPOINTMENTS Fremont Board of Adjustment Term of appointment: 3-year term Dr. Calvin S. Fuller 5/01/01-4/30/14 Andy Ballance 5/01/01-4/30/14 J.W. Sherrill 01117/06-01116/15 Mal R. Reid, Jr. 10/19/99-10/18/16 Application received from: Yasmin Lopez, !57 Peacock Street, Fremont, NC Wayne Countv Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Term of appointment: !-year term (appointment), 3-year term (reappointment) Sarah Fairchild 09/20/11-09/19/15 does not wish to be reappointed Rev. James E. Williams 11106/00-02/04/16 Rose Coker Sutton 02/19/02-02/04116 Carolyn L. Pittman 02/21106-02/20/16 Fran Kasey 05/16/00-05/15/16 Mary Lou Park 04/06/99-04/05/16 Joyce O'Handley 08/21/12-08/20/16 Beverly L. Decker 12/18/12-12/17/16 Application received from: Aldea LaParr, !50 B Whitley Church Road, Princeton, NC Bernice A. Simmons, 210 Rollingwood Drive, Dudley, NC Mary Melissa N. Watkins, 620 Country Day Rd., Goldsboro, NC Terri Lynne Valme, 610 W. Chestnut St., Goldsboro, NC Eastern Carolina Council, General Membership Board Term of appointment: !-year term Private sector appointment is requested (business owner or partner) Wayne County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Term of appointment: !-year term (appointment), 3-year term (reappointment) Doris Benton Smith 5/5/09-5/4116 resigned HazelL. Best 10/21/08-03/11116 Dorothy Athenia J. Owens 06/06/00-03/11116 Bessie I. Scott 05/21196-03/11/16 Clarence Smith 08/07/01-03/11116 Community Child Fatality Prevention Team Term of appointment: 3-year term Barbara Lewis Shelton 01116/07-01115/16 Catherine L. Venable 04/06/10-04/05/16 Application received from: Viola Ryals Figueroa, 508 Colonial Terrace Drive, Goldsboro, NC January Dillard, 1910 Nahunta Rd., Pikeville, NC Lawanda Lomax, 502 Shelley Dr., Goldsboro, NC Phillip Jackson Sexton, III, I 09 Acreview Dr., Goldsboro, NC Dorothy M. Allsbrook, I 003 S. Best St., Goldsboro, NC Carlton Lynn Greeno, 106 Jill Ct., Dudley, NC Kaye Howell, P.O. Box 549, Pikeville, NC Wayne County Firemen's Relief Fund, Board of Trustees Term of appointment: 2-year term Richard Lewis 0110 I /07-12/31/16 Application received from: Christopher Shane Kilpatrick, 580 McArthur Pond Rd., Mt. Olive, NC Kaye Howell, PO Box 549, Pikeville, NC Danny Tillman, 233 Sleepy Hollow Road, Fremont, NC Wayne County Animal Control Advisory Committee Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Dr. George R. Silver 11/16110-11/15/16 Fremont Planning Board Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Gerald B. Balance 04/20110-04/19116 Steven B. Hooks 04/20/10-04/19/16 Steven T. Evans 04/20/10-04119/16 Pikeville Planning Board Term of appointment: 3-year term James E. Holden 04/02/13-04/01/16 Wayne County Planning Board Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Brent Hood 04/16113-04/15/16 Chris Cox 04/02113-04/01/16 Mike Aycock 09/05/07-09/04/16 Julian R. Aycock 02/05/13-10/05116 Application received from: Viola Ryals Figueroa, 508 Colonial Terrace Drive, Goldsboro, NC Wayne County Agricultural Advisory Board Term of appointment: 3-year term Ronald Parks 05/03/05-05/02/16 David Harrell Overman 05/03/05-05/02/16 Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority Term of appointment: 1-year term Brent Woodrow Heath 07/01/14-06/30/16 Edward E. Cromartie 01/05/16-06/30/16 E. Ray Mayo 01/05/16-06/30/16 Wayne Community College, Board of Trustees Term of appointment: 4-year term, staggered David Earl Jackson 05/06/14-06/30/16 Wayne County ABC Board Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Ervin Watts 01/22/13-06/30/16 Milas Kelly 05/15113-06/30/16 Wayne County Board of Social Services Term of appointment: 3-year term, can only serve two terms other than Commissioners Deborah Bass Artis 07/01/10-06/30/16 Wayne County Council On Aging Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Rosalind Berk 10/01/13-06/18/16 Anne Burnette 06/19/07-06/18/16 Melvin R. Horner 11/02/10-11/01/16 Wayne County Public Library, Board of Advisors Term of appointment: 3-year term John L. Pippin, Jr. 07/02/13-06/30/16 Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Committee Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Julian R. Aycock 07/01/14-06/30/16 Lemuel D. Uzzell 07/01114-06/30/16 Charles McClenny 07/01/14-06/30/16 Ronald Parks 07/01/14-06/30/16 Eddie Pitzer 07/01/14-06/30/16 Wayne County Board of Health Term of appointment: 3-year term, staggered Dr. Anthony Woo let 02/05114-12/31/16 (optometrist position) Dr. Osbone Wilder 10/21/08-12/31116 (veterinarian position) Kim L. Larson 01/01/08-12/31/16 (nursing position) Application received from: Reverend Elton R. Brewington, 1512 Scotty Drive, Goldsboro, NC Bryan Moore, Jr., 700 A National Drive, Goldsboro, NC Wayne County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Term of appointment: 2-year term after initial appointment Allison Pridgen 03/01105-12/31116 Jeff Stewart 08/16/11-12/31116 Sheriff Larry Pierce 02/14/14-12/31116 Matthew Delbridge 01101115-12/31116 Jennifer Short 12/18/12-12/31116 Suzanne Lewis 02/05/13-12/31/16 Stephen Potter 03/01111-12/31/16 Tommy Burns 01101/15-12/31116 Marlene Hubbell 07/16/14-12/31116 Daniel Weeks 11/19/13-12/31116 John M. Bell 01/16/01-12/31116 Marsha Mitchell-Hamilton 02/03/09-12/31/16 David Brantley 02/03/09-12/31116 Brandi Nicole Matthews 10/05/10-12/31116 Evelyn Coley 02/02/99-12/31116 Felicia Lucas 08/16/11-12/31116 Sidney R. Hill 03/01111-12/31116 H. Leroy Lewis 02/02/99-12/31116 Shelly Willis 03/03/15-12/31116 Joseph E. Setzer, Jr. 05/03111-12/31/16 Wayne Executive Jetport Advisory Committee Term of appointment: 3-year term after initial appointments Chadwick Coker 09/18/12-12/31/16 Paul King 09/18/12-12/31116 Application received from: Reverend Elton R. Brewington, 1512 Scotty Drive, Goldsboro, NC Wayne Health Corporation, Board of Directors Term of appointment: 3-year term C. Munroe Best 01/01113-12/31/16 Ray McDonald, Jr. 01/01108-12/31/16 Terry 0. Jordan, Sr. 03/25/14-12/31116 Application received from: Elizabeth Brewington, 1512 Scotty Drive, Goldsboro, NC Leah Williams, 216 Water Cir, Goldsboro, NC Mark Corbett, 349 Corbett Rd., Goldsboro, NC Wayne County Tourism Development Authority Term of appointment: 3-year term Ashlin Glatther (business collecting occupancy tax) OliO 1/16-12/31/16 Scott Stevens (Goldsboro City Manager) 01/01116-12/31/16 Chuck Allen (Goldsboro City Mayor) 01/01/16-12/31116 William L. Jackson (agricultural production) 01/19/16-12/31/16 Application received from: Delois Jones, 107 Sawgrass Place, Goldsboro, NC Thomas M. Potter, 600 Lancaster Road, Pikeville, NC Marcia Wilson From: Sent: To: Subject: Marcia.Wilson@waynegov.com Saturday, January 30, 2016 10:53 PM Marcia Wilson New response for survey 'APPUCATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEES' GENERAL RESPONSE INFORMATION Response Start Time: 1/30/2016 10:36:36 PM Response End Time: 1/30/2016 10:53:01 PM IP Address: Completed Survey: Yes Respondent: Anonymous SURVEY RESPONSES SCORE: 0 I. Please choose the committee of your choice and then enter your personal information in the spaces provided. Thank-you for your willingness to serve Wayne County. Wayne County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee 2. Name Aldea LaParr 3. Address (street address, city and zipcode) !SOB Whitley Church Rd., Princeton, NC 27569 4. Phone number 3152226277 5. Email address aldea303@gmail.com 6. I am a Wayne County resident Yes 7. Occupation Self-Employed 8. Age (Optional) 53 9. Business/Employer Dee's Desktop I 0. Position at place of employment Owner/Webmaster II. Educational Background Graduate of SUNY at Oswego 12. Please list experience (Business, Civic and any skills) NYS Lewis County Community Services Board - I/DD sub committee Service Coordinator for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Board Member for Parent to Parent ofNYS Council Member for NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (Governor Appointment) Board Member for Northern Regional Center for Independent Living 13. Please list other Boards, Committees or Commissions Presently Serving on and the Expiration Date of your serviCe. none 14. References (List three people not related to you) Christina Scanlon- 315-777-5535 Dawn Myers- 315-777-7113 Kelly Balash- 315-376-7667 15. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) I just moved from NY State to Princeton and would like to be involved in my community. Marcia Wilson noreply@civicplus.com Wednesday, February 10, 2016 3:55 PM Marcia Wilson Online Form Submittal: Application for Appointment to Committees From: Sent: To: Subject: Application for Appointment to Committees Committee & Advisory Board Application Please choose the committee of your choice and then enter your personal information in the spaces provided. Thank-you for your willingness to serve Wayne County. Goldsboro Planning Commission - Doll!l no-1- IiI.! e... Name Tasha Shanel Hunter Email Address tashahunter30@yahoo.com Address 407 Wingspread Dr. City Goldsboro State NC Zip Code 27530 Phone Number 9194405152 I am a Wayne County Resident Yes Occupation Air Force Patient Safety Manager Age (Optional) 36 Business I Employer USAF Contractor Position at Place of Employment Patient Safety Manager Educational Background Masters Degree in Public Administration, also pursuing Masters in Social Work-- graduation May 2017 Jn §'olc:k>kl:>ro 1=1J Please List Experience (Business, Civic and Any Skills) 10 years active duty military, currently a military spouse and employee, 3 yrs experience working for the Department of Health and Human Services/Caswell Developmental Center, resident of Wayne County for the past 14 yrs, interested in the Goldsboro community and any plans to make it better for all residents. Please list other Boards, Committees or Commissions Presently Serving on and the Expiration Date of your service. Child Fatality Committee References (List three people not related to you) Dr. Brian Glodt 919-722-0928, Andy and Sonya Wingate 919689-9291, Ellen Halliday 919-722-1576 Additional Information (Optional) Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 2 31 WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY NOR TH CARO LINA To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners Phone: (919) 731-1435 From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~ Fax (91 9) 731 -1 446 Date: February 10, 2016 Subject: Terms ofNegotiated Contract with Stewart, Cooper, and Newell for the 911 Center You recently authorized the County Attorney and I to negotiate a contract with Stewart, Cooper, and Newell Architects for a study of five possible options, and then the design of a 911 Center on the selected site. Three of the options would be renovations with additions, and two of the them would be new construction. I have negotiated the terms with SCN as follows: 1. The study component will be $18,300, plus reimbursable costs estimated at 982.84. This is a very reasonable fee for evaluating five potential sites. 2. If the selected project option is a renovation/addition the design fee will be 9.5% of the actual construction cost. 3. If the selected project option is new construction, the design fee will be 8.25% of the actual construction cost. 4. We have discussed the finer points as well, but have not completed the typing of the contract by the architect. This included some of the points Borden always wants in these contracts, such as no binding arbitration, and that we own the work product for the purposes of construction. The language should be very similar to what we have on the HH Architecture Contract on the WRACC. I recommend that in the interest of time that you approve entering into a contract with SCN with these terms, subject to the final language being approved by the County Attorney and the County Manager. That way we won't lose another two weeks on this project. Please call me if you have any questions on this matter. 3d.J THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 15 fEB - 3 1016 Stewart ·Cooper ·Newell February 1, 2016 Wayne County 224 E. Wainut Street, Roorn 466 PO Box 227 (27533) Gc·ldsboro, NC 27530 Attn: Re: Mr. George Wood , County Manager Proposal for Architectural Services Dear Mr. Wood, Mr. Stewart and 1 enjoyed talking with you last week to discuss the continuation of the process l':;r the prt:-pie:mrnng tor th·.::: ne\;·,t C;:;~; ~·:ty ~~: Cai i Geilter. We appreciate the time spent , and the opportunity to discuss the county's needs , along with the trust placed in Stewart-Cooper-Newell to assist you and the County. Per our discussion and your request, we are providing this proposal for architectural services as follows: .P.L9..9I£.i.!Jlmffigl_Program Validation and Site Analysis ~ • • Review the currenl program as provided to the design team from the Oecen"Jber 20·14 study and update for current county needs. Review 5 sites owned by the county for possible use for the new 911 Ca!l Center to mciude su i ~ability of existing structures , renovations and additions to existino structures or new construction. Provide pros and cons for each option: along with associated costs, to the cou nty for meeting the current and long term space and functional needs of the call center at each site The scope will include 3 trips to Wayne County for meetings with staff to ascertain needs , review program of spaces , existing faci lities, options and cost. We propose to provide the above services for a fee of $18,300, plus any reimbursable costs . Please see the attached breakdown of costs , per you request. Also , as we discussed, after the programrnin~ and site study portion of the project is complete and the county elects to move forward with the project, StewartCooper-Newell will provide standard architectural services for 8.25 to 9.5% (to be negotiated dependent upon the fina l complexity of the project) of the final construction costs plus reimbursable cost~. Again, we appreciate your tirne and look forward to serving Wayne County architecture needs assessment master planning interiors consulting James C. Stewart, AlA I Kenneth C. Newell, AlA I James R. Stumbo, AlA 719 East Second Avenue • Gastonia, NC 28054 P: 704.865.63 11 F: 704.865.0046 1.800.671.0621 www.scn-architects.com 3,3 Wayne County 911 Programming and Site Study Fee Analysis 1 Programming Session (2 persons) Travel Meeting Site Visits 2 3 4 7x2 2x2 4x2 Verify/Create Final Program of Spaces Initial Site Sketches I Thoughts (5 Sites) Review program and Site Sketches with owner Travel 5 Meeting Finalize Program 6 7 Finalize Site Sketches Cost Estimate for Each Site 8 9 10 Pros/Cons for Each Site Review with Owner (TeleConference) Final Revisions 7 3 26 4 20 10 2 10 10 10 2 8 11 Presentation of Final Results Travel Meeting lotal Hours 7 2 Principal Hourly Rate 9 111 165 $18,315 Estimated Reimbursable Costs Travel Meals Mark-Up Total per Trip Total# ofT rips Total Estimated Reimbursable Costs 472 0.54 3@10 255 30 285 1.15 $327.61 3 $982.84 MEMORANDUM TO: George A. Wood, County Manager FROM: Alan Lumpkin, Tax Administrator DATE: February 8, 2016 RE: Application for Present Use Value Enclosed is a letter from Ammie Dean Thornton, parcel 2545304868 requesting approval for a late application for present use value. A full copy of the application is not enclosed since it contains income information. This property would have qualified for present use value for 2016 had a timely application been filed. The Board has the authority to approve late applications under G.S. 105-277.4.(al). AV-5 Application for Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry Present-Use Value Assessment Web 3-13 (G.S. 105-277.2 through G.S. 105-277.7) wc. y,, coun t yo f Full Name ofOwner(s) !ilfh tr\~ e- .Detv\. Mailing Address of Owner~ ~ ' nQ(. .-kn..... 188 4r6eiY J.J, 'II Tax y ear NC ~~thtL tJ~e/( T 4 MIL ioV\....._ JM • ( - bt.Je. J .:z 8 3 (.o$ ft/, c. A),CWork Telephone Number Ext. ' Zip Coda '• State (11'f. l ; City Home Telephone Number '<j Cell Phone Number 117-[p8f~~?3'1 - lnstry&tiQDS Application Deadline: This application must be filed during the regular listing period, or within 30 days of a notice of a change in valuation, or within 60 days of a transfer of the land. Where to Submit Application: Submit this application to the coUnty tax assessor where this property is located. County tax assessor addresses and telephone numbers can be found online at: www.dornc.com/downloads/Countylist.pdf. DO NOT submit this application to the North Carolina Department of Revenue. - Office Use Only: - This application is for: (check all that apply) AGRICULTURE fincludes Aquaculture) HORTICULTURE FORESTRY Enter the Parcel Identification Number, acreage breakdown, and acreage total for each tax parcel included in this application: PARCEL ID J.. S'<t s ") 0 L/BC '(, OPEN LAND in Production I '-1. '7 o OPEN lAND not in Production WOOD lAND WASTE lAND 9512 CRP LAND HOME SITE OTHER (Describe in Comments) TOTAL ACRES :n_C2. Comments: . Yes No : . Does the applicant own property in other counties that is also in present-use value and is within 50 miles of this property? If YES, list the county or counties and parcel identification number(s): County: ParceiiD: County: · ParceiiD: - IMPORTANT! AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE applications with LESS than 20 acres of woodland generally need to complete PARTS 1, 21 and 4. AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE applications with MORE than 20 acres of woodland generally need to complete PARTS 1, 2, 3, and 4. FORESTRY applications need to complete PARTS 1, 3, and 4. ADDITIONALLY, applications for CONTINUED USE of existing present-use value classification need to complete PART 5. Please contact the Tax Assessor's office if you have questions about which parts should be completed. 02-04-2016 To: Wayne County Commissioners Dear Cop1missioners: I was not aware that I had tore-file a farm use application upon my mother's death. I assumed that it would transfer over to my name and the farm use would continue. Please accept this late application. Ammie Dean Thornton 31 County of Wayne Budget Amendment FEB U:.> 2016 #282 01/26/15 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Sheriff Larry Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number Description/Object of Expenditure 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.121 110.4310.180 110.4310.181 110.4310.182 110.4310.182.001 110.4310.183 110.4310.186 Concealed Weapons Salaries & Wages FICA Medicare Retirement 401K Hospitalization Workers Camp REVENUE 20,344.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Description/Object of Expenditure 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Increase Decrease 14,151.00 877.00 205.00 958.00 283.00 3,630.00 240.00 Increase Decrease To transfer salaries for Concealed Weapons position back to concealed weapons line item. Vacated position not being filled. ad Signature 1. Forward, recommendingedisapproval Endorsement ~. 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~ ~~~ County Manager ~I.P & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners County of Wayne Budget Amendments FEB 0 5 2016 February 4, 2016 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for Social Services be amended as follows: EXPENDlTURE Code Number 126.5304.329 126.5304.352 Description/Object of Expenditure Other Communications Maint & Repairs-Equipment REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Decrease $ Increase 10,491 .00 10,491.00 $ Increase Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: To cover the cost of additional wireless service and hotspots for additionaiiPAOS & Laptops recently placed in service. These items will be used by Social Workers and Social Work Supervisors for the use in the field. Cost is based on recommendation by IT using current service costs Part of the Northwoods project. Endorsement 1. Forward, recom mending _L:J ~isapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin ~~ \ Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. \ 2016 ~~ County Manager &'Budget Officer County of Wayne Budget Amendments FEB 0 5 2016 January 26, 2016 Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Wayne County Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.299.002 Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure Increase 4,705.00 2,250.00 $ $ Misc. Supplies-Concealed Weapons Permit Misc. Supplies-Fingerprtg . REVENUE Increase Code Number Source of Revenue 110.3431.410.001 110.3431.410.002 Concealed Weapons Fees Fingerprint Fees 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows : $ $ Decrease 4,705.00 2,250.00 To record receipt of revenues for Concealed Weapons & Fingerprint Fees. Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending ~isapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~. recommendin ~l_/)lisapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~\ 201,(0 ~~~ County Manager &"'Budget Officer ______________________ 2015 Chairman Board of Commissioner County of Wayne Budget Amendments FEB u J 2016 01/28/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Donna Phillips Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for _ _ _ _ ___::L;;.:ib:..:...ra::..:ry.L..-_ _ _ _ _ be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.6110.630.008 Description/Object of Expenditure SMART START REVENUE Code Number 110.3611 .330.002 LIBRARY SMART ST GRT-EVERY CH READY READ Decrease $ Source of Revenue $ Increase 44,050.00 Increase 44, 050.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: To appropriate Smart Start grant funds for the implementation of the Every Child Ready to Read early childhoold literacy initiative. Endorsement L""~~ 1. Forward, recommending~ sapproval ' Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. county Finace~ ~\ ~~~ 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioners County of Wayne Budget Amendments February 8, 2016 Date Memorandum From: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Via: Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for __W.:..:..:a:.<y.:.;nc:e_C:.o:.u::;n:.:.t:.<y..:S:::h:.:.e:::r:.:.iff:.:.c:'s:..O=ff.:.;ic:..:e=---be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.353 110.4310.540 Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease MAINT AND REPAIRS-VEHICLES CAPITAL OUTLAY-VEHICLES $20,000.00 Source of Revenue Increase REVENUE Code Number 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement 1. Forwarded, Increase $20,000.00 Decrease To replace wrecked vehicles that were a total loss. o.Z::::.. c.:/ disapproval ~ recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioners County of Wayne Budget Amendments 02/05/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Donna Phillips Wayne Cou nty Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment fo r Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for Library --------------~~---------- EXPENDITURE Code Number 11 0.6110.263 110.6110.260 Description/Object of Expenditure LIBRARY MATERIALS(BKS, PERIOD,EL DA Office Supplies REVENUE Code Number 11 0.3611 .330.001 Source of Revenue Li brary State Aid Grant be amended as fol lows: Decrease $ $ $ Increase 12,067 .00 Increase 10,000.00 2,067.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows : State Library correspondence stated that FY 2015/2016 State Aid to the Wayne County Public Library is increased from $152,935 to $165,002. $10,000 appropriated to Library Collection Materials. Leftover fu nding apprpriated to Office Supplies as a result of increased Steele Memorial printer toner and paper costs. Endorsement 1. Forward , recommending ~ i sapproval d -(0 2016 A\ili<flll ~ ~ Endorsement 1. Forwarded , recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. CountyFnanetfiCer ~~\ 2016 ~"'-·~ COU Manager & Bu'aget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY NOR T H CAROLINA MEMORANDUM Phone: (919) 731-1435 Fax (919) 731 -1446 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: George A. Wood, Wayne County Manager ~""-\ DATE: February 8, 20165 SUBJECT: Senior Games and Senior Health Fair and Open House Presentation Services on Aging Director Paula Edwards will update the Board of Commissioners on the Senior Health Fair and Open House at the Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center on Friday, March 4, 2016 from 10:30 a.m.- I :00 p.m. A flyer is attached for your reference. Wayne County Senior Games Ambassadors Jeannie Lovings and Terry Wright will update the Board of Commissioners on the upcoming Senior Games and encourage participation. Registration for the Senior Games is March 4, 20 16-April 1, 2016. The Senior Games are held in May. GAW/mrw Attachment Y-4THE GOOD LI FE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 COME JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL SENIOR GAMES HEALTH FAIR & OPEN HOUSE (2001 EAST ASH STREET) AGE 50+ FRIDAY, MARCH 4TH 10:30am-1:00pm 4." "'' V .·· · ·. . There will be Health Screenings and 30 Vendors with Information for Seniors will be at this Event. Senior Games Information & Registration Forms & A Free Bagged Lunch will be served. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION STASIA FIELDS @ 919-739-7485 or PAULA EDWARDS@ 919-705-1785 4-s MEMORANDUM To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners From: Chip Crumpler, Wayne County Planning Director Date: May 4, 2015 Re: Zoning Map Change- Map Amendment Z-15-06- Highway Corridor and Interchange Zoning Proposal This zoning map amendment for consideration consists of Highway and Interchange zoning proposal maps for West US 70 Highway, New US 70 Bypass(NC 44), 1-795 and South US 117 Highways. The project consists of both rezoning and the creation of new zoning areas. The maps were created generally utilizing a 300 foot buffer of the corridors up to the interchanges and then following existing property lines around the interchanges. The property was zoned Community Shopping (CS), Village (VI) or Residential Agricultural - 20 (RA-20). Property was generally zoned to make it conforming to its present use. Vacant land was zoned CS or VI. The purpose of such zoning shall be to promote the health, safety, morals, and the general welfare by regulating the height, number of stories, size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces, the density of population, the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, except farming to establish boundaries for said purposes and to provide penalties for violation of the zoning ordinance, and for other purposes. The proposed rezoning would support the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 2.6: SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE shall be recognized as a critical component of the local economy. County actions shall be consistent with preserving, protecting and promoting the mission of this pivotal major industry. Policy 2.11: Wayne County shall encourage a PUBLIC SERVICE AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT conducive to economic development, provided that environmental quality, public health and safety considerations are not compromised. Policy 2.12: Activities that bring new people and businesses to the county, including SPECIAL EVENTS, SPORTS TOURNAMENTS, ECO-TOURISM (E.G. NEUSE RIVER), HERITAGE TOURISM, AND CONVENTION ACTIVITIES shall be encouraged and supported. Policy 3.1: Wayne County shall be an active participant in recruiting new business development with the objective of providing higher paying jobs to area citizens, expanding the tax base and recapturing a larger percentage of retail sales. Recommendation: The Wayne County Planning Board recommends that the zoning map amendment be adopted. Next Step: A public hearing will be required. lj (o - - Proposed zoning change a-eas cs RA-20 __ VILLAGE County Zoning . ....., <all olher values> ZONE - AIRPORT cs HEAVY-INO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 VlLLAGE.OIST Property lines ; ••! citylimls CJ Extra Territorial Jurisdidion - Ralroad - New US 70 Bypass - - RON h East US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning Map 2 of 2 .... Property lines ' • ., Cityiml s Extra Terrloriai.Junsdiction c:J --+--+ Rairoad - - New US 70 Bypass - - Interstate - - US Routes - - NCRoutes --NCSR --RON +:- CF> ~ ~ West US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning IL.':D71 Property lines •>A UWJV&i . ~ ; : ! c~yimks 0 - Extra Terriorial Jurisdiction - New US 70 Bypass - - NCRoutes - - NCSR - - RON +=..£:> - VILLAGE County Zoning CJ <all olher values> ZONE - AIRP ORT cs HEAVY-I NO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 VILLAGE-OIST Property lines ;':! cKylmls CJ Extra Terrlonal Jurisdiction -+--+ Ralroad - - New US 70 Bypass - - Interstate - - US Routes - - NCRoutes - - NCSR - - RON - - Proposed zonirg change areas Proposed_Zone_Changes cs RA-20 cs HEAVY-I NO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 - RA30 - Vll lAGE-DIST Property lines ;' .•! ely lmh CJ Ex1ra Terrlonal Jurisdiction --+-----+ Ralroad - - New US 70 Bypass - - lnterstale - - US Routes - - NCRoutes - - NCSR 51