Inside IUSM-FW - IU School of Medicine - Fort Wayne


Inside IUSM-FW - IU School of Medicine - Fort Wayne
Greetings from
our Director
New Staff
Simulation Added to IUSM-FW
Skills Lab Assists
with Physical
Exam and Basic
Clinical Skills
Docs vs. Suits
Game Highlights
Student Spotlight: Heather
Inside IUSM-FW
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IUSM-FW Students Help Others
IUSM-FW students recognize the
need to help others both locally and
globally. This year they have already
participated in various activities to
help make a difference.
Amy donated her hair to Locks of
Love, a non-profit organization that
provides hair pieces to children that
suffer long-term hair loss from medical
Community Harvest Food
In September a group of students
continued the tradition of participating in Fort-4-Fitness to raise money
for Healthier Moms and Babies.
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
This Halloween the students participated in a food drive at Canterbury
Green Apartments. Ishan Gohil, MS-II
organized this event.
A few days before Halloween Ishan
distributed fliers to the tenants of
Amy Truong, MS-III, organized a
Canterbury Green Apartments. The
shave-off event for St. Baldrick’s
MS-I and MS-II students went door to
Foundation at Lutheran Cancer Cendoor and collected non-perishable and
ter on Sept. 30, 2012. Amy, along
personal hygiene items during Trick-or
with 7 other IUSM-FW students
-Treating hours. Students donated 795
raised money and had their heads
pounds of food and necessities to the
shaved for the Foundation.
Community Harvest Food Bank.
The Saint Baldrick’s Foundation
Operation Christmas Child
awards grants for childhood cancer
research. The organization has
This Fall Kristen Frane, MS-II, heard
raised over $146 million for reabout Operation Christmas Child on
search since 2000 and over 240,000 the radio. The world-wide event
volunteers have had their heads
focuses on making needy children
happy during the holiday season.
Kristen and classmate Krystin
Thomas organized a collection for
the program. Both the MS-I and
MS-II classes collected gift items
for boys and girls. The items were
sorted and placed in shoe boxes.
The organization distributes the
boxes to needy children all over
the world.
The students will continue to help
in our community through volunteer efforts at Matthew 25, Erin’s
House for grieving children and the
Salvation Army bell ringing during
the holiday season.
Krystin Thomas and Kristen Frane
pack items for Operation Christmas
MS-II students prepare to collect food
for the Community Harvest Food Bank
on Halloween.
Pictured are IUSM-FW student participants at the St. Baldrick’s Shave-off.
Row 1 Kelvin Hodges, Amy Truong, Seth Ball. Row 2 Riley Dubois, Nathan
McAninck, Aaron Scott, Michael Maurer and Arjun Theertham.
Greetings from our Director
Dear Alumni and Friends of Indiana University School of Medicine-Fort Wayne:
As we approach the holiday season I would like to wish you a Happy Holiday and thank you for your contributions to Indiana University School of Medicine-Fort Wayne. The holidays are a time to reflect on the blessings we have, and IUSM-FW is fortunate to be in the Fort Wayne community.
Our campus has over 375 clinical faculty members who participate in the education of our students. The lectures and clinical experiences the clinical faculty provide are essential to the education of our students.
Over the last three years our campus has raised over $200,000 through our Docs vs. Suits softball game fundraiser. Through sponsorships at the game we have been able to enhance our curriculum by adding ultrasonography to our anatomy course, implementing simulation exercises and providing scholarship opportunities
to students.
Enrollment at our Fort Wayne campus has increased over the last three years and will continue to increase in
2013. Our community provides excellent opportunities in the education of medical students outside of the
curriculum – from basic science and clinical research to service learning at the many local non-profit organizations.
I wish you a joyous holiday season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Fen-Lei Chang, MD, PhD
Associate Dean and Director
New Staff at IUSM-FW
Indiana University School of
Medicine-Fort Wayne is
pleased to welcome new staff
members to our administration
Sharon Roberts joined IUSMFW in September as the Clerkship Coordinator for the MS III
and MS IV students. Sharon
brings her experience in clinical
offices and exceptional organizational skills to the position.
In November Joanne Summers
became the Administrative Assistant for our Fort Wayne campus.
Joanne has previous experience at
IPFW and is a great addition to
our staff.
Simulation Exercises Added for MS-II Students
simulation exercises during the first semester of this academic year.
The first session was an overview of the
Laerdal SimMan 3G simulator from head to
toe including normal and abnormal breath,
bowel and heart sounds, pupil dilation, and
carotid, radial, femoral, and pedal pulses.
Simulation is a great educational tool
to prepare students for clinical training. It allows students to experience
different medical scenarios without the
threat of harming a patient, as the
simulator responds to interventions
the same way a patient would.
The second session allowed students to
engage in the treatment of an asthmatic
23-year-old man with difficulty breathing.
Students played the roles of the friend that
brought the patient to the facility, nurse,
respiratory therapist, medical student and
chief resident, while two others observed
the scenario. After the exercise the group
had a debriefing where they discussed the
outcome of our “patient”.
Dr. Joe Kosnik, our Clinical Director
of the Simulation Curriculum, along
with Simulation Tech, Haley Moon,
have engaged the MS-II students in two
Students feel that simulation is a great tool
for the transition to clinical education.
During the scenarios they use the skills and
knowledge they have acquired during medi-
cal school and are able to recognize how the clinical course could have played out differently. The
feedback during the debriefing is extremely beneficial.
The students are looking forward to additional
simulation opportunities in the Spring Semester.
Dr. Kosnik assists a group of students with a simula on scenario. Skills Labs Assist with Physical Exam and Clinical Skills
The second‐year medical stu‐
dents prepare all year for two events at the end of second se‐
mester– Step 1 board exam and their OSCE (Objec ve Structured Clinical Exam). While the Step 1 board exam requires students to study independently, the OSCE is something that students must prac ce with others and receive feedback. Dr. Jeffrey Wi , Director of Clini‐
cal Educa on, ICM‐II, organized a skills lab with the assistance of residents at the Fort Wayne Medical Educa on Program and third– and fourth‐year medical students. Jason Tanner, MD, Ryan Singer‐
man, DO, Daniel Miller, MD, Su‐
san Turner, MD, Amber Hetrick, MS‐III, Jessie Rice, MS‐III, and Kevin Wi , MS‐IV, demonstrated basic clinical skills and proper procedures for physical exams of the head and neck, musculo‐
skeletal, abdominal, heart and lung, neurological systems and vital signs. The MS‐II students found this lab to be extremely informa ve and helpful as they prepare to go to preceptor offices for the Introduc on to Clinical Medicine‐II course and prepare for the OSCE. Kevin Wi , MS‐IV, instructs students about heart and lung exams. 3
Docs Win Supports IUSM-FW Student Scholarships and
Program Development
The students at IUSM-FW were the
real winners. The Docs vs. Suits game
raised over $75,000 to be used for
student scholarships and program development at our Fort Wayne campus.
The third-annual Docs vs. Suits game
was held on Friday, August 17th at
Parkview Field.
The weather was great for the Friday
evening game. Many fans came out to
cheer on their favorite Docs and Suits
players and listen to the band perform.
The Doc players were prepared as
they really wanted the win. The last
two encounters ended in Suits victories. The Docs followed their coach’s
(Tom Banas) direction and it paid off.
They shut out the Suits 5-0.
Scholarship opportunities for medical
students are more essential than ever.
According to Indiana University School
of Medicine Student Financial Services,
the average student loan debt for IUSM
graduates is $170,000. Often these
loans begin to accrue interest while the
students are enrolled in medical school
and monthly loan payments are approaching $2,000 per month.
Scholarship opportunities will attract
more students to our Fort Wayne
campus where they will have opportunities to learn from and work with our
medical community. These students
may return to our community after
residency, as studies have shown that
the location of a physician’s medical
education often influences where he/
she will practice.
The curriculum for medical education
must continually be updated to ensure that students are prepared for
their medical careers. The program
development contributions allow for
innovative curricular enhancement
without the dependence on budget
The 2013 game will take place on
Sunday, August 18th at Parkview
Field. Please contact Gina Bailey at
(260) 481-6731 or
if you are interested in participating
in the game as a sponsor or player.
Brillhart, MS-IV,
spent two
months in
Kenyafor an
elective course in
Student Spotlight: Heather Brillhart
“So what was Ken‐
ya like?” is the most fre‐
quent ques on offered by my family, friends, and col‐
leagues. It has only been a month since I returned from my two‐month stay in the bustling city of Eldoret, Kenya. I have been asked this ques on by excited voices and curious eyes at least thirty mes, and s ll my mind races with a mi‐
rage of images and words: exci ng, stressful, exo c, ring, mind‐opening. Let me see if I can break down this loaded ques on into more manageable pieces. “So why did you go to Kenya?” I have a pas‐
sion for global health and obstetrics and gynecology. I went to serve as a fourth‐
year medical student on the obstetrics and gynecol‐
ogy wards of the Riley Mother Baby Hospital and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and to learn from my Kenyan colleagues and pa ents. “What was the most exci ng part of work‐
ing in Kenya?” For twenty‐
three days, our hospital NEWSLETTER
staff was on strike. At one point, the a endings, resi‐
dents, nurses, and pharma‐
cists were striking simulta‐
neously. During this me, our team consisted of two American third‐year OB/
Gyn residents, a Dutch mid‐
wife, three Kenyan nurses, two nurse prac oners, and a fourth‐year medical student (me) to run the labor and delivery, antepar‐
tum, and postpartum wards. Yes it was exci ng but also harrowing. It was a good day when we did not lose a mother or a baby. “As a student, were you permi ed to do more than in the States?” Absolutely! Essen ally, I had to func on as a first or second‐year resident. I wrote and signed medica‐
on orders. I gave verbal orders. I first‐assisted with several cesarean sec ons and assisted with neonatal resuscita on. But don’t worry, I was s ll adequately supervised. “What kind of pa‐
thology did you see?” Eve‐
ryday was filled with tre‐
mendous pathology. Here are only a few examples: fistulas that resulted from obstructed labor, fecal in‐
con nence from unre‐
paired lacera ons, female circumcision, stage 4 cervi‐
cal cancer in a 20 year‐old, double ectopic pregnan‐
cies, malaria, and HIV. “What did you do for fun?” I went on many weekend and day trips to see the country! The trips are also a fantas c way to get to know your col‐
leagues including faculty, residents, and other stu‐
dents from various disci‐
plines such as internal med‐
icine, pediatrics, family prac ce, and OB/Gyn. My two favorite trips were the safari to the Maasai Mara in Kenya and white water ra ing the Nile River in Uganda. “Did this trip im‐
pact you in some way?” Definitely. The strike helped me discover that IU has prepared me well for the hard work and stresses of residency. Furthermore, I made lifelong friends from Kenya, America, Canada, and the Netherlands. “Would you go back?” Absolutely. It was truly an honor to learn from my pa ents and col‐
leagues. “How can I go to Kenya?” Just check out the IUSM website or you can contact our fearless leader Ron Pe grew at rpe I would also love to answer any ques ons at Stu‐
dents and residents can complete elec ves in Kenya in internal medicine, pedi‐
atrics, or obstetrics and gynecology while faculty from any discipline can con‐
tribute to the IU‐Kenya partnership. VOLUME
2101 E. Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone: 260-481-6730
Fax: 260-481-6408
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