Sphynx Level $6,000 Himalayan Level $3,000 Persian Level $1,500


Sphynx Level $6,000 Himalayan Level $3,000 Persian Level $1,500
Saturday, October 10, 2015 • Grand Wayne Convention Center • Fort Wayne, IN
Sponsorship Levels
Sphynx Level $6,000
(only one available)
• Logo and mention in television advertising (Value:
• Logo on CatWalk website, including logo and link to
your company’s website (Value: $2,500)
• Mention in radio advertising (Value: $6,000)
• Ability to showcase your products inside the event area
• Mention in press releases
• Sponsor-provided signage displayed in venue
• Live announcements at the event
• Logo on event program
• Sponsor name on two tables
• 16 CatWalk event tickets
Himalayan Level $3,000
• Logo and mention in television advertising (Value:
• Mention in radio advertising (Value: $6,000)
• Mention in press releases
• Sponsor-provided signage displayed in venue
• Logo on CatWalk website, including logo and link to
your company’s web site (Value: $2,500)
• Logo on event program
• Sponsor name on one table
• 8 CatWalk event tickets
Persian Level $1,500
• Logo on CatWalk website, including logo and link to
your company’s web site (Value: $2,500)
• Sponsor-provided signage displayed in venue
• Listing on event program
• Sponsor name on one table
• 8 CatWalk event tickets
Siamese Level $1,000
• Listing on event program
• Sponsor name on one table
• 8 CatWalk event tickets
• Listing on CatWalk website and link to your company’s
website (Value: $2,500)
• Listing on event program
• Listing on CatWalk website
Other sponsorship opportunities can be customized to fit
your budget. Sponsorships are available on a first come,
first served basis. Please contact us for sponsorship and
ticket opportunities.
Visit www.ACSPCAcatwalk.org for more info.
Allen County SPCA • At Hanna & Pettit • 4914 S. Hanna Street • Fort Wayne, IN 46806 • phone 260-744-0454 • fax 260-456-5184 • www.acspca.org
Saturday, October 10, 2015 • Grand Wayne Convention Center • Fort Wayne, IN
2015 Sponsor Form
Application is hereby made by the undersigned for participation and/or sponsorship at the 2015 Allen
County SPCA CatWalk to be held at the Grand Wayne Convention Center located at 120 West Jefferson
Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana on October 10, 2015. The undersigned PARTICIPANT/SPONSOR certifies that
the printed matter on this Participant/Sponsor Form and included in the contest rules constitutes the
entire agreement between the ALLEN COUNTY SPCA and PARTICIPANT/SPONSOR and shall constitute
a binding contract when this instrument is signed.
Company Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Name___________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Description (advertising purposes) _________________________________________________________________
Business Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip ______________________
Email __________________________________________ Website ________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________ Fax _______________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different from above) _____________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip ______________________
Authorized Signature: __________________________________________________ Date _____________________________
Please check all that apply:
Auction Item
Sphynx Level $6,000
(description) __________________
Date Rec’d _____________________
Himalayan Level $3,000 ______________________________________
_ _____________________________________
Persian Level $1,500
Amount Paid ___________________
Siamese Level $1,000
(item value) ______________________________
Date Rec’d _____________________
Kitten Level $250
Other Amount _________________________
Approved and accepted by
Allen County SPCA
Form of Pymt___________________
Visit www.ACSPCAcatwalk.org for more information.
Please return this form to:
Attn: Kelli by faxing or mailing to the address below or email kelli@acspca.org.
Sponsors return this form along with required payment either credit card form or check made payable to Allen County SPCA.
Allen County SPCA • At Hanna & Pettit • 4914 S. Hanna Street • Fort Wayne, IN 46806 • phone 260-744-0454 • fax 260-456-5184 • www.acspca.org
Saturday, October 10, 2015 • Grand Wayne Convention Center • Fort Wayne, IN
Credit Card Payment Authorization
Company Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name as Appearing on Card ______________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address of Cardholder Account ______________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number _____________________________________________________________________________________
Card Type (check one)  MasterCard  Visa  American Express
Amount to charge ___________________
Card Number_________________________________________________________ Security Code (3-digit) ______________
Expiration Date _______________ Signature of Cardholder _____________________________________________________
Please return this form to:
Attn: Kelli by faxing or mailing to the address below or email kelli@acspca.org.
Allen County SPCA • At Hanna & Pettit • 4914 S. Hanna Street • Fort Wayne, IN 46806 • phone 260-744-0454 • fax 260-456-5184 • www.acspca.org