Student Mobility - Université Laval
Student Mobility - Université Laval
Bureau international passag ssage g knowledge knowled dge acq dge acquire cquire irr pas mo opportusssage g o nrichment acquire trace enrichment passa learning n training gacqu hm o passage opportunitypassag lea ri knowledge k l dg vers acquire mobility enrichmentexperie d universal ge pas pas kn mobility experience en acquire traininge acquire kn knowledge universal trace bridg know knowledge ea enrichmentlearning ni brid ccquire training experience yopportu trace g knowledge acquire cquire quire sssage learning nrichment o acquire trace enrichment passa learning n trainingacqu hm learn ningenrichment bility bility learning enrrich ichment ich c men ch trace rac en owledge l d e acquire trac enrichment enric rrichmen richm ic chme ppassaage gelear obility bility passage llearn n ning ingtrain g ichm hm ment training mo obility obility biliit enrichm bilit owleedge d ppassage e oppo oopportunity p oortunity pportunity tunity llea learning arning nii g brridge riidge idge train idg id 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nive i ersa ersal rsal rs rsa sal a traini bridge dge g punive assag as geknowl owlledge d e t e passag trace tra experienceuniverse universe passage opportunity know e mobility richment trace w passage g universe trace o nive acquire q opportunity enrichmentexperience trace acquire idge mobility knowledge kno rrience en training acquire univ re passage i knowledge expe e ex xperie ience n opppp nce pportunit pportunity portunity p ortunity rtunity unityy know kno knowledg owledge g e enrichment h universal un iversal ersal rsa tra trace trac a bridge g enrichment learning en nrichment richment ichment mentlea llearning a i training arning arni experie experience xper p ience e en experie experience p rie ience acquiire acq acqu reex enrichment eenr c e tu universal un univ v opportunity oppor rtunity u enrichme unity mobility ilityy universal univ ersa rsa know passage sage ge unive ac cquire qu ppass opportunity ty unive universe know mobility passagelearning arning The World Leaves Its Mark on Education Student Mobility A DISTINCTIVE SEAL Here is a lively, bustling place brimming with ideas. Projects of all kinds are being worked up and carried out: a study session in Norway, an internship in sustainable development in Panama, skills and knowledge transfer with Indian health professionals, an architecture project in Vietnam, and so on. Life in this animated, cosmopolitan place is governed by the rhythm of departures and arrivals. Literally and figuratively, throngs of students are going places. Where is it all happening? In Québec City, at Université Laval, Canada’s international mobility leader. // 3 A CAPITAL WITH VERVE Founded in 1608, Québec City is the cradle of French North America and the oldest fortified port city on the continent. For these reasons, UNESCO designated it a World Heritage jewel. A French-speaking city boasting European charm, with hints of Amerindian, French and British influences, Québec City takes on new colours with each passing season. In summer as in winter, it offers a singularly attractive combination of cultural dynamism and natural beauty, thanks to the mighty St. Lawrence River and numerous major parks all located nearby. A city at the confluence of history and power, Québec ranks among the world’s 20 most visited destinations in terms of safety and quality of life. // 4 // 5 VALUE-ADDED IN THE FORM OF MOBILITY The first French-language university in North America, Université Laval is at the forefront of study abroad. Here, mobility takes numerous forms and embraces all programs of study at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. // Close to 1000 students pursue study abroad every year // The campus plays host to some 4000 foreign students hailing from 110 countries // 13% of graduates have received a scholarship for student mobility abroad “Wonderful brilliance may be gained for human judgment by getting to know men.” Montaigne (Essays, 1595) // 6 As a force for change on the local, national and international scenes, Université Laval also stands out as a leading-edge university in terms of research and creativity. // Research in Canada: Université Laval ranks 7th among Canada’s major research universities // Researchers: more than 1300 internationally known professor-researchers // Research chairs and associations: 222 Recognized across Canada for the scope of its international agreements, Université Laval has developed ties with more than 500 renowned partners in all four corners of the globe. The Bureau international, the hub of all these movements The Bureau international is responsible for promoting and providing logistical support for mobility projects. It manages all the agreements signed with partner countries. It offers consulting services to university program units and professors interested in establishing international partnerships. It also provides guidance and support to students in laying all the administrative, intercultural and logistical groundwork prior to departing for study abroad. “This experience has made an indelible imprint on my life. I have acquired knowledge that is considerably more diversified than that which I would have acquired had I not participated in this exchange program.” Catherine Latulippe, law student, Canada Exchange In addition to overseeing student mobility programs, the Bureau international supports Université Laval in the development of its international relations. One of the Bureau’s particular fields of interest is international cooperation; to this end, it provides services related to networking, funding search and professional consulting. // 7 Our campus “Knowledge! Is there anything better than a mobility program to put us to the test and to aid us in emerging from it richer and more mature?” Samia Bouaicha, student in International Studies and Modern Languages, International Profile program, Australia Université Laval international mobility agreements // 8 “Going abroad is also a way of departing from the family, becoming an adult – a bit like a rite of passage.” Élise Bégin, anthropology student, International Profile program, France // 9 PROGRAMS BEARING A DISTINCT STAMP International Profile The International Profile program is a genuine springboard enabling students enrolled in one of Université Laval’s programs of study to complete a portion of their schooling abroad. This period of study is financed and officially recognized for diploma purposes by Université Laval under a reciprocity agreement it holds with partners in several countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Africa. This diverse yet solid network makes f o r particularly dynamic exchanges. What is to be gained by a diploma bearing the “International Profile” stamp? For one, a mass of new knowledge. But also, and above all, openness to the realities of today’s world, contacts in international networks, linguistic and intercultural skills, and greater professional autonomy. The International Profile program means an enriched curriculum for anyone who aspires to work in a global context. In short, it stands for guaranteed valueadded. // 10 “Right now, I’m acquiring learning experiences that cannot be had in the classroom […]. I’m getting to know myself better as an individual. I’m learning to integrate myself into a different educational system. I’m learning to do things on my own. In short, I’m getting an education in life. I’m looking forward to assessing the progress I’ve made once I get back home.” Julie Grenon Morin, literature student, journal entry, International Profile program, France // Scholarship recipients since 2000: more than 3100 // Financial assistance provided to students since 2000: more than $16,660,000 // Partnerships: 350 agreements in more than 40 countries // Programs involved: 77 specialized, integrated bachelor’s programs; 15 master’s programs // Faculties involved: all “Participating in the International Profile program has enabled me to gain, tangibly, an international perspective on the finance sector along with proficiency in English – both essential components of my training. In addition, the processes of discovering a new culture and adapting to a new environment have made for a particularly rewarding year for me in London.” Frédéric Roy, business administration graduate, International Profile program, London // 11 “Nothing but great memories! All those encounters, exchanges, periods of adaptation… In addition to expanding our grasp of biology, our field of study, our stay on Réunion and Madagascar was an opportunity for us to find the confidence necessary to launch the production of our first film, Asiemut, which won 35 awards around the world. In the pursuit of our literary and movie-making adventures, our approach remains the same: learning about others in order to gain greater understanding of oneself. We believe that it is indispensable in today’s world to be attentive to global realities and challenges, in addition to being open to other ways of accomplishing things.” Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier, biology graduates, International Profile program, Réunion International and Intercultural Semester At Université Laval, student mobility is a reality that is also experienced elsewhere than in the universities of the industrialized nations. In a nut shell, that is what the International and Intercultural Semester program proposes: in an emerging country, students perform a work term or internship that is credited to and integrated into their university course of study. The entire program approach is founded on solid partnerships, with work terms occurring in safe environments, offering curricular relevance along with quality supervision and hosting framework. And the benefits of this kind of collaboration? Partners have an opportunity to pass on their knowledge to program participants while also seeing to the supervision and evaluation of these students. So doing, they meet students’ needs for practical and intercultural training. As for internship participants, they discover the diversity, richness and complexity of today’s global realities. In this program, North-South cooperation takes on a different hue, growing out of a new form of dialogue based on the sharing of experiences and the respect for differences. // 14 “I discovered a strength of character that I didn’t think I had in me and that I now use every day. Although you don’t necessarily realize it as soon as the program is over, it’s a formative experience – one that changes you for life.” Sarah Drolet, nursing student, International and Intercultural Semester program, India // Agreements with partners: 55 agreements in 34 countries, including Senegal, Mali, Ghana, Ecuador, Brazil, China and India // Scholarship recipients since 2001: more than 450 students // Financial assistance provided to students since 2001: more than $998,000 “Our students are confronted with very different health situations, thus prompting them to reflect on their role and commitment as nurses. They come home thoroughly transformed, and more fully engaged in everything that influences health.” Ginette Lazure, Professor, Faculty of nursing, International and Intercultural Semester // 15 // 16 “The main thing is to familiarize oneself with other models and to broaden one’s horizons, professionally and personally. You have to disregard your apprehensions and prejudices. You have to ignore your fears and demonstrate audacity, temerity and courage. The reward for all these efforts is, of course, the richness of the encounters and learning experiences thanks to which we come back home more mature and fulfilled”. Marie-Andrée Leclerc, pharmacy student, International and Intercultural Semester program, Mali // 17 Other programs CREPUQ (Conference of Rectors and Principals of Québec Universities) Thanks to these exchange programs, students can undertake a period of study in any one of CREPUQ’s 500 partner institutions located in 22 countries. Canada Exchange Under this mobility program, students have the opportunity to complete a portion of their schooling elsewhere in Canada. For example, interested law students can study common law in one of Ontario’s universities. Internship outside of Québec Whether it is a work term, a laboratory research internship, or field work gathering data for a master’s or doctoral thesis, all such projects can become a reality through this program for students who wish to go on an internship outside of Québec. Internship in Québec’s Great North Designed for students at all three university levels, this mobility program serves to finance internships lasting a minimum of eight weeks in Québec’s Great North. A major eligibility criterion is that the projected experiences include an intercultural dimension. // 18 Washington Center This 15-week program is an outstanding opportunity to acquire credited training in the American capital. Featuring a workplace internship, a 45-hour-long course, training sessions, conferences and more, it provides a full menu for anyone keen to enrich his or her knowledge of the United States and the American political system. At Université Laval Université Laval is home to other initiatives or projects that promote student mobility – including, most notably, “Without Borders” groups, Amnesty International, commercial missions, model United Nations, etc. “These experiences develop in our students greater openness, maturity and autonomy in addition to enhancing the integration of their discipline-related knowledge in terms of professional know-how and conduct. Furthermore, as a result of observing professional practice in a setting where the reference points are different, they are prompted to develop a much greater capacity for adaptation.” Ann Payne, Professor, Department of nutrition, Internship in Québec’s Great North program “This work term included both a theoretical and a practical component concerning the challenges of sustainable development in emerging nations. As a result, students are able to see, in concrete terms, how sustainable development is implemented in a country like Panama.” Koassi D’Almeida, supervisor of sustainable development internships in Panama, Internship outside of Québec program “During this stay, several of the certitudes I had as a young researcher were shaken up. Instead of being a source of shame, the words ‘I don’t know’ should, instead, instil feelings of pride. I came home with fewer answers and more questions, but also with a greater commitment to human rights, which are not incompatible with local customs. Quite justifiably, Rwandans aspire to respect for their traditions along with democracy for the greatest number.” Annie Laliberté, anthropology student, Internship outside of Québec program, peace journalism, Rwanda // 19 “Our Western vision is not universal and, with a view to personal improvement, we must learn how to deal with the uncertainties and changes that crop up in life.” Gabrielle Duharte-Lacroix, business administration student, Managers Without Borders A THRIVING COMMUNITY The setting Located in the heart of Québec City, the Université Laval campus covers an area of 1.8 km2 and is home to upwards of 40 buildings surrounded by numerous green spaces, including: a library containing 5 million documents, 4 student residences having 2400 rooms total, and one of the largest university sports centres in Canada. Boasting more than 200 student associations and hundreds of cultural, scientific and sports activities, the UL campus makes for a highly dynamic environment. Hosting of foreign students When it comes to hosting foreign students at Université Laval, nothing is left to chance. The Bureau d’accueil et d’animation (International Student Services Office) offers newcomers from abroad a hundred and one services to facilitate their integration, including: free shuttle service between Québec City’s Jean Lesage International Airport and the campus, a welc o ming party, an orientation services room, language exchange encounters, a city tour and more. // 22 Manuamador Photo campus hiver Among the myriad activities, the twinning program stands out as being particularly effective. Upon arriving, each foreign student is paired up with a Université Laval student who is fully familiar with the campus and Québec City. Quite clearly, this sponsoring approach actively facilitates adaptation to the university community and Québec society. “Upon arriving in Québec in January, the first thing that hit me was the cold. In Sydney, Australia, where I come from, 10 degrees is considered freezing cold. But it is only now that I truly understand the meaning of this word! I have learnt a lot, both academically and culturally: the Refus Global, maple syrup on snow, and different cultural expressions. University Laval has given me a unique learning expérience, where I have not only improved my French but also become better acquianted with the Quebecois culture.” Rebecca Lam, Australian student, french second language program “I received a scholarship exempting me from the additional tuition fees charged to foreign students. I became actively involved in a student association. I was offered a contract as a teaching assistant. It all happened so quickly – and it all turned out so well! By joining forces with student associations, you discover common causes, regardless of colour or origin.” Saran Sow, Guinean student – MBA program; Vice-President for Rights, Université Laval graduate student association “Cultural diversity is one of Université Laval’s strengths. At the student residence kitchen, I rub elbows with Germans, Moroccans, Frenchmen and -women… It’s an impressive sight, all these individuals of different nationalities gathered together on a Frenchspeaking campus – especially when French is not always their mother tongue.” Juan Sebastian Suazo Lopez, Chilean student, agricultural economics // 23 A PRESTIGIOUS SIGNATURE Université Laval, a world-class university in Québec City Bureau international de l’Université Laval Université Laval, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6, CANADA // Telephone: 418-656-3994 // Fax: 418-656-2531 // This booklet was created by Maelström créatif. 30% “The words ‘university’ and ‘universe’ have a common Latin root – universum, meaning the whole world. This relationship implies an openness toward others and to difference. Here is where universal minds are formed.” Marc Desgagné, Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Université Laval