FA14 10389KB Jan 12 2015 10:55:19 AM
FA14 10389KB Jan 12 2015 10:55:19 AM
h1 l/s ~ 1, l/ .s6L{,, !It.- . Little, Bright & Guees Survey rart of Seo. 14 1 Falls Twp., Hooking County, Ohio JI., I Being a pLrt of Lot 1, Section 14, Tl4N1 Rl7.Y, Falla Township, Hooking County and State of Ohio, and more particularl y dosorlbe4 as tollow11 BP-ginning at the iron pin marking the north weat oorner or ·.vuson Avenue in South Logan Addition, aleo a part ot said Lot 1, and o.n tl• west line of said South Logan Addi ti on, said 1ron pin be lng South 68 degrees - 36 minute a Neet 2291.46 feet trom the north eaat comer of 1a1d Section 14 s thenoe with the said we at line ot ·South Logan, South 25 degrees - 3&1 111nutes 'rYeet 51.06- feet to an iron pin '0'6rk1ng the Muth west comer of eaid ·711eon Avenue J thenoe Eouth 17 degrees - 11 m.lm.ites ·.Yest 200.01 feet to an iron p1nJ thence South a degrees .. 33a minutes Heat 66.76 feet to an iron pins ·the no e South l degree .. 44 minutes East 127 .80 feet to an iron pinJ ·therioe South 9 degrees .. 62 minutes Eo.at 191.86 feet to an iron pinJ South 16 degrees - 2olf minutes East 128.0l feet to an iron pinJ thence South 24 degrees • 69 minutes East $8.09 feet to an iron plnJ thenco lea.,,ri.ng eaid west line of south Logan, South 87 degrees - 06 minuteet :vost 391.76 toot to an iron pinJ thonoe North 36 degrees ... :soi ltdnutee Nest 225.09 feet to nn iron pinJ thence llorth 14 degrees • 41 minutes ·.'{eat 478.22 feet to an iron plnJ thenoe North 77 degrees • 3~ minutes Fait 218.13 feat to 0n iron plnJ thenoe Horth 8 degrees - 37 minutes Fa et 2 96 .19 feet to an iron pin J thoooe South 87. degrttee ... 33~ minutes East 115.49 feet to ~1n iron pinJ~ t~noe South· 89 degrees .. 43·~ minute& Eaat 259.14 feet to an iron pin on the ea.id :rest line ot South Loga.n1 theooe with said ·;·'feet line ot South Y..oge.n, south l degree ... 54 minutes ·.'feet 134.78 feet to the plo.oe of beginning. containing 9.e846 ''.ore1. Fc1 ll.s I'/ 'I~ fJt>'I As- . Hugh Lit tl~ Residue of 9.o66 Tract rall• Section 1~ Being a part ot the lfortheaat quarter ot Seotlon 1~, ralla Tovubip, Tl4?f, ~l7W, Hoc1d.ng Count7 an4 ·State ot Ohio, and be lng the reaidual and lying at the eaet •n4 ot a trtot of 9.()66 Aoree.once O'.'IM~·bY the Orantor h8l"eln, a1 401.oribed in Volume 78., Pap 133, U:ooktng Count7 Deed Record, the 1aid. na14ual, nov being conw:re4,· being turtbes- cteior1be4 a1 tollova 1 Besinning 1" the center ot the 1tate rod. h<* Logan to MoArthUJIJ thence South ·16~ ~ .l~t.e:·v,,et 31.,3 test to an ·1:ron p11\J ,tlierice oontiiluiq v1th 1a14 bea'i'iq South i()• • " ' Veit 16.5' teet ·toJ~ta 1.roa pin, 1a14 iron pin b4ttng on the wet line ot the South Logan Addition to ~m·c1t7 ot LoganJ thence v1th the ••14.V.et li~ 1 ot.ti.·aou'"1·Ldaan Ad4ltion, tee•·': tc» an· irou. »!to thence oontinutns vith South ·16• .. 411. • We at the angle in thlt 1at4 Wit Urse ot thct South !,opn A4c11t1on, South 1t.3• • 30 • laat ,i._.96 teet to a~ :lron pinJ thence conttnuS:na vith the aqle in the w.lt line ot the South Logan Addition, South 3• • 01' Veit 87., te•t to a pin, 1.a14 pin .nov. blins the northtut .corm,- of the Billoreet Allotllent and bear1 ·acuth. ,,.,. . • 07' · Weet al72 ~80 teat .tJtom the uo)-tbea1t ool1Mr" ot . 1aid. ect•tion llJYi'tbct'na. le-.111q ·:t~ G$14 ,."9tt line ot tbe ~outh t.og&'ll' i•'. ~n Ad41tion and rutlning on vhat ·19, 'bpv tbe 'north line of 1aic1 Billcreet Allot• ment, .?forth 87'> • 32• Veet 2'9.1,. t••t to an 1~on pin1 ·tbencw Hol'th. a,r . a2 • Veat 29 .60 te•t to an 1J'Qn pin 1et tor tbe nonbel.lt co'l'Dlt~ pt Sumlllit Driw in •atd Hillon'et MlotmntJ 'thence cont1nu1q vith ••14 bearing lfonh a,• • 22' West 40.19 feet to .an iron pin 1et tor the . norihveat co~r ot ea14 SURrait DriwaJ ·thence continuing lfitb 1a14 bearing us,., . Korth~·,• aa• W••t 4,.70 teet to an 1J-Onpin at the nonm.t•t co11M1* ot 1a14 Billore1t AllotmntJ thence o<>:o~1nu1ng v1tb ••14 beaitlns·North "to 'an 8'• •. aa t Ve.et 139 .29 teet ii'on pin bean lorth io• • 1'' We et '~. 7 teet, and aonu..nt,. a 28 1nob Bl.4ok Oak a. 6 tnoh Poplar bean 8<)uth 6' • • 30 • laat 216. 7 toe\; eat4 •~on pin itOn~nt bl4Pa the •o~t.heaat corMr ot tha ,..Ji6a aowa tract conMJf'4 b7 Orantor herein _t9 lteQr7 and Wilu Br1napr an<l reeorde4"t.. Volum 931· .raa. ,So, 'f!ooldq Cc;>unt7 Deed BecordJ· thence ot the •-.a~ lim .·of,,,aa14 ~:46~· aovo traot iorth ,. • '2' la1t a8o.93 teet to an iron pin, aif·8 inob.Blaok oak b•are Uo~h 32• - 30' Veit ' ' · ' test and an 18 inch Beech beut tfonh 19• • ,o,• laet 28.7' teetJ thence continuing on 1a14 bearing lforih , ... '2' lut 1,0.68 feet to a. point in tbt centel' ot 1aid··1tatA roa4J th&noe on the a.nter line ot aaict etato road the tollo¥in{f oou.r1e1 to the place .ot, bta1nn1ng, South 86• ..· oa~·--et 66.11 teet 1 South ao• • 59' B4&t 3',.T7 t•et 6nct South 64 • • ~,' ICUt 198 .89 teet to place of ~81nn1ne, , cont41n1ng 4.6~ Aoret, more or leta. · •)le •\ia • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • <( *** • • • • • • ·~ • o•..qo.c:-o.•oooo•·o~~'°••oo~'°o•oo~oooo~••• ~ o·~~-~·oooo•No~~·•ooo~~·oo'-O~ON~•· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. ... . . .. . C:- • C00'.0- • 0 0 0 0 . • -..::tCDNO • • O O t - 0 0 • 00\00~\0- • • ~·o~~~·ooooo•cocoo.~••ooo~o•oo\O~~~'°·• ..... • .............. U'\•ON~-N~U\OOO•~°'°'-••OOO-ON\O~N-N\0-..::t••• ~·..qmroN N• NOOO • l!\--.::t • • '°~ ~·ooc:-°'o••oo -~O••OO • ~U'\ • • U'\U\ -• • • • • • • oo~m N~ ••• oo- • •• -0 N • • • • • • • • • • fl/llS . Cha'IJ • Linn trom pt. ~uinuel Sohaal tot 1, Seo. 14, Falla 'l'Wp. Being a part ot Lot 1, Section 14, Palls Tovnahi p, 'l'14l'f, :Rl,...(W, Hooking County and S-tate ot Ohio, d.nd further describe d .Beginrdng at o.n iron pin, a as follow: ~3 degrees F,aat 22. 8 f 20 minutes ~ io• Red Oak hear1J South aot, aaid iron pin bears North 31'. d.agrees ... l' seconds W~st 816.79 feet from tho Southeast corner ot said Bec·tion 14, vhich eo1-ner is nov wArked b1 an i:ron pin from which a Twin Wbl"te Oak, 18" diamete r, bean South ' diegrw& ... 30 minutes !aet 9., teetJ thence Horth '7 degre98 .. 03 minutes West lf)l.26 feet to a stakeJ thence Korth 38 degreoa • 13 minut..ee Vea·t 3'8.8o teat to a sta.mJ thence North 10 degrMe - 28 minutes Vest 1o8.9' feet to a atakeJ thenc8 tfor-th 44 degreee "' 49 minutea West 444.89 teat to a. stakeJ thence lfl>rlh 2 degreee • ~1 minutes Eaat 136.'° teet to a atako; North 9 degrees .. 'h minutes Weat ii.1.21 toet to a ate.ke; thence North ' degreee 29 minutds Bast 192.79 teot to an iron pinJ thence North 78 de..- gfilee • >.7 11inuto1 Ba.at 349,19 teet to an il"tln pinJ thence South 27 degreea .- 36 minutes East 1198.81 feet to an iron pinJ tbao.ce continu ing rith the aaid bearing South 27 degree• .. 36 minutes Xaet 27.,7 feet to the center line of the Count7 !084J thenc. vith the eaid center line ot tho road the two followln g cour1ea1 South lt.3 4•P"M• .. 3Jt. ainutee We.t 66.21 teot, and. South 24 do8J'Mfl • ~" ainute• Veet &J.oo :te•'bJ thence lea'riq 1&14 oente• line, South .\.7 d.egreee • 22 mnutea Weat 178.78 feet to the place ot begtnnt na, containi ng 13.891' Aorea. IL/- (71/:l-~ ~ /l f (j) ,. 1t/1'8 A~ . ~~~ Ef1. C!arle s Zeigler from Envanuel Schaal rt. Seo. 13-14 1 Falls Townehip, Hooking County, Ohio Being a i:art ot Lot 1 1 in Sootion 13, and a tart ot Lot 1, in Seotion 14, Falla Todnohip, U4ll, Hl7W, Hooking County, and State ot Ohio, and more pirtioula rly deaor1bed aa followa s S.g1nn1ng at ishe iron pin set at the Southwest oornu r of sat d Seotl on 13 J thence 8.ou,th 03 d•greea - 68 minutes Eaat 166.46 feet to a point in tl~ county roads therice with the center or oald r~d tho tollC11rlng seven ooursetu Notth 3.8 degree• ...37 minutes l'teat aa.oo feet, !fort.}) M degrees .. "' minut,ea w·eat 109.23 teet, North 46 dognt• .- 33 mln~~ee \Yeet 20\),61 teet, Mcl'tb ~4 d•t'*••• ... &O ntlnutea '•Yest 122 t16 teet, lforth 12 degreee • &9 llinut•1 7feet 160.48 /eet 1 North 35 degi-eea • .19 m~wtea l'fest 14'4 •79 feet, North 9 degre•• • 18 ltllnute1 ___1[eat 194.97 teetJ theme leo.vlog eald road, South_ 41 degr••• .. 22 'ainutea ifeet 1'18.78 feet to an iron pin, a 10 inoh Rtt4' Oak bears south ~ degree1 East 22.s feetJ tbnloe oont1ttu1ng with aa1d bearing South ~1 degrees • 22 111inutea ttoat 331.86 feet to an 'tree pin set in the center ot the township roadJ a fl~·sprouted 20 inch Beeoh bears South 81 degr••• - 30 Minutes Eaet 16.6 teet. and a 14 inch Elm bears South 44 .degrees • 16 minutes East 12.a teet1 thenoo with th.It oenter ot aaid tdlr'nehlp road the following .four ooursea a South 51 degrees .. 31 minutes East 99.06 feet, South 48 degrees - 24 ~inutea Eaat 336.60 teet, Soutb 69 degreee - 19 minutes East 109.16 toet, Sou·th 44 dagroea • 61 tdliutee Eaat 112.61 feetJ thauoe leaving eaid rc&d Soutb 84 degrees • 16 mi.nu-tee East 211.86 teet to the place of beginning , containin g 5111416 Aorea, ot wb1oh o.26 Aoree 1 Hos in Seot1011 13, Donated, June 1982, by ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT, P.E., P.t: COUNTY ENGINEER 1949 - 196L; Appoted • Mathematically : HodUrl Cllllllr £n&joser's office Date BJ . I . Fc:rlls / t/ Sa.n1 Pratt from Emanuel Schaal Pt. Lot l, Section lie., Falla Twp. Being a put ot Lot l, deotion 14, R17W, lalla Tovn• ot Ohio, and further desoribed ehi:P.r Hocking County and State ao :follove c Beginning Tl~lf, f, ~ '11t>~A£~ iron pin vhioh boars North 22 de- t\'~ M grees • Orf minut.ae ... 4' tMConde We at 2167. 38 :teet from tha Southeast comer of said 8e4'tion 1i., vb1oh aorner 11 aiow 118l'ked 18" diameter, beua by an lr()n pin trOPA 'tltlioh a Twin White Oak, South ' degree• • 30 idnutoe r.aet 9., teet1 thence greati1 • 33 11inute1 Be.o·t 2'(9. '° teGt ·to an iron lorth rr da- pin1 thence South U ,bJgrees - 39 minutes laat 468.26 teet to a iron ·puJ thence South 28 degrees • 01 minutes !a.Qt 3Jt.7.12 feet to an iron phlJ ·thence south 70 degrees ... '4-7 Minute• ...., 368.,9 feet to tbl cente:r line of the County Roa4J thence 'With the eaid. wo oente3t line qt the road the to.Uovtng ccure•• • South 38 degl'ff9 • ~ ninutea Weot 79.• 03 tut and. South '2 de~a 21 ainute1 Veet 32'. 99 tee·t J thence 166.Ying aa14 center Um Worth 27 de«Nff • 36 minute1 Veat 27.,7 teet to an iron p:lnJ thence continuing v!th ddd beai-ing lorth 27 degrees • 36 minute• Vest 1198.81 toot to the plaeo ot bog1mdng, contain.1Dg Acre•. ,.,662 Donated, June 1982, by ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT p E p · COUNTY ENGINEER 1949. - .196~ . :t • • • CD 0 '.0 '-0 • • \ .....J ~ CD \Ji \Jl • • ~ ~ (.::) CJ ::.) ~) • • 0 • • 0 '0 \TI 0 '-0 \J1 • • ·~~~f'\JO\~~NO~OOO• • • • • • • • • • .., • • • • ~ • • • • , \SI \.J·.I CD -..) 0 \Jl ~ -..) GJ N \. ·~ :V O C\ \J'I \A -~ \)1 r~ (..)\ • • • • • • • • • C) 0 0 0 O C> 0 0 • • • • • • • • ":.) .-_) () -<1 0 C) O'J ....... u C) C) 0\ ....... ':) :~ c) • \() (~ ~ • 1 ~-l • o~ • a, °' (_) :) • • a o • .... . ~ •• ~ • _. Vl VJ °' • '-0 vJ Vl '-'J \J1 VJ ....... 1\.) • f'\) • \.JJ l'\.1 I\) •~'-O\J1f\)•000~~~00~f\)~•~O~~~ • • • •• • •,. • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ • • '-0 P. \,N 0 en • • a_) • CD VJ 'D \;J '-0 ·-.J • ~ .. • • • 00 <.:.) ....... 0 0 0 G 0 • • • • 0 C> C G ('_) C) • • C:) • C) • ).-~ • • • • ........ \J1 ·....J l=-' ·O -0 ~ \.N C) CO \.r.I f\) ,,, 0\ Cj • • • \) • <" • . .... • \JI CJ -.) 0 C) 0 C) 0 • • • () 0 C) C) 0 0 C1 0 • " • ·• r -rt;A.. i ct !I~ (Jq4 111 ACRE TRACT JIOR CYN-A-MAR HO'tEL/MOTEL~' "~ GEMl'NT a.coo PLAT O:&, <J •otJ /Ir; . Situa ted in Falla Towns hip, Hoeki ng Count y, Ohio!;-be-ing_p of Logan and part o! Sectio n 14, Township 14, Range 17. I& '-- 1 11 ::'.) c ' f' a LL ~ ·Cl i-: + . . ,.... ci (i ~ ():) --.: ::z ()) IJJ <l'. ... ,...... Tax maps Deed descr iption s PreTio ua aurye~s Exist ing monumentation Exist ing publie road ~~lfl ' \n C'\ tt - \..!) ~\lf) ' ~ r<)~ l)Q ~ ::; ~ :S- r<t ;._I :=. - t> rl ~ -:t ~ UJ~ w - 200' REFERENCES: 1/1 -c:>a O< = • Point • 5/8u iron with ID cap 6650 .round o Iron pin in coner ete o 5/8" iron pin with 1/4" plaat ie ID eap set - a ......J ult) ~,,. rj-. LEGEND: ~ :t ~ I ~ V) ~ Q I . 'f ~ ' If'- . ·ally in the City SCALE: UJ f<} ~ I.'\ a '-o l!l co I) U) ~ RE1ERENCE BEARING: I) < \.\ z I (kl ~ ~. \J' Cente rline o! U.S. Route 33 as South 86 degre es 09 minut es 38 second s West. ~ c:: ~ .. -t.. ~'~. 8 rn :r g t ~· ~ ~ (<l -···-···- ('(1 f! fY)~· th' ~ C'i v, . I I1 "~ ~ ~ CEN TRJ\ L OIL FIEL D S UPPL'f CO. 1~0 e.ooo c '-0 v1 . I ~~--SEC.11.J SEC.. 15 2 \I J ~ 6~ ,, !:} . tc ~ I ':l- - 327 \ ACRE TDTA[ ~toC---N 57° 5J'35' 'E - 73.'62 ' ~· D< C\b~ ~ \ r...... &-, .. ~-- Sl"03; 0D''E - 5/2.2 7' I I N 8t/(}00"'11" E - BD.O&' S" 6 '1" lf 5' D 7'"[;_ - q 3. /1 1 N 8(; 0 D<J' 3'6'' £ - bD .51' Approved • Mathematically 1" Hocking County Engineer's office By ~EN Date -Ylf:fi; '¥- l: f., tc,.,.-..~,.·,,... ~..v< FJ,A .. .,,"j hflfPJ~I .. I hereby certif y that an actua l aurvey vaa made under my super vision ot - premi ses shown hereon on the 10th day ot Mareh, 1989 and that the plat the is a corre ct repre senta tion of the premi ses as descr ibed by said surve y. Res~sfl!~344 .Surve y by: I M ('(l ~ \,() NORT H N c,, /f" Larry P. Gerst ner - Engin eering and Surve ying 119 West Main St., Logan , Ohio 43138 385-42 60 SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF 8.000 ACRE TRACT FOR CYN-A-MAR HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGEMENT Situated in Falls Township,· Hocking County, Ohio; being partially in the City of Logan and part of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17; and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at an_ iron pin in concrete at the point of curve centerline station 278+80.17 ::U.S. Route 33, from which the West line of Section 14 by centerline intersection bears South 86 degrees 09 minutes 38 seconds West at a distance of 4196.45 feet; thence with the centerline of U.S. Route 33 South 86 degrees 09 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 201.72 feet to a point on the corporation line of the City of Logan; thence leaving the centerline of U.S. Route 33 and with said corporation line North 3 degrees 52 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 154.18 to a point and being the point of Beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence leaving said corporation line and into the City of Logan, North 82 degrees 10 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 625.14 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with ID cap 6650 found; thence South 82 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 365.65 feet to a 5/8 iron pin set; thence North 78 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds .. West a distance of 1189. 96 feet to a ·damaged 5/8 11 iron pin found and becoming the corporation line of the City of Logan at a distance of 986.52 feet; thence with said ·corporation line and with a curve to the right having a radius of 2915 feet, a tangent of 269.43 feet, and a chord bearing of North 72 degrees 50 minutes 47 seconds West at a distance of 536.57 feet to a 5/8 iron pin set; thence leaving the City of Logan South 1 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 512.27 feet to a 5/8 iron pin set; thence North 86 degrees 09 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 60.51 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with ID cap 6650 found; thence South 69 degrees- 45 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 9~.11 feet to a 5/8 iron pin set; thence North 84 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 80.06 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 57 degrees 51 minutes 35 seconds East a distance of 73.82 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with ID cap 6650 found; thence North 82 degrees 10 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 400.12 feet to the point of beginning containing 8.000 acres more or less, with 1.969 acres being in the City of Logan, and subject to any public and private easements of record. The above 8.000 acre survey is intended to describe part of a 29.6488 acre tract as deeded to Central Oil Field Supply Company, deed reference This survey was Volume 198, Page 327, Hocking County Recorder's Office. based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, and·' an existing public road. Tl}E},:.·~~.eference bearing for this survey is the center! ine of U.S. Route 33 a:~f South 86 degrees 09 minutes 38 seconds Wes·t. Al 1 iron pins set by this .,~survey ani capped by a 1-1/4 plastic identification cap. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, dri. · March 10, 1989. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Approved • Mathematically ~ HoW.Og County Engineer's offke Date rt~e<J By ~m f Nu~, Gi~ pt..t.,~·J ~-·wo., --~-~~~-------- H~·I Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 385-4260 119 West Main Street, Logan, Ohio 43138 """":';"'""lf"~"--""'>-""'"·r:~· •• -~ .,..• ,,.7··~·- ~.{ --\- ~" ~-:t- ~·..... I l Approwed - Matherrratita11J Hocking County Engineer's offi ce - BJ D at e. _- Donated, June 1 L·. ALBERT W. SEABRtG.:~ COUNTY ENG1NEER · .,, ·• . ~...,. -·. ; ' ,-- . Vaet part Hugh Little 9 Ac. Traot rall• 14 Being the wet part ot the 9.()66 Aore traot ovns4 b7 tbs Oranteea, :1 sit~te in the ll'orlblaat quarter ot Section l~, l'all.e '1'0V111bip, Tl.41f, Bl'1V 1 Hooking Count7 and State ot Ohio, and more particularly deaoribed u, tol· love 1 Beginning at the iron pin eet in the 8outhwst oornsr of said 9 .o66 Aore traot from vhich the Northeast con:M!r ot said Section 14, bears Korth 43• .. 16' Eae·t 2782. ~ feet; thence No~th 7• - o6' !aat 397. 95 feet to a point in tbe center line of the State lliglnra.yJ thence on the 1aid center . · line of the State ltighvq, Ko~h 88G .. 36• Eaat 261.36 teetJ thence con• tinuing on laid center line South 86• • o8• Eaet 199.69 fMt to a point,J th8nce leaving aaid State H1ghvay South ,. - 52' Veat l,0.68 teet to an iron pin, an 8 indh Blaok 08.k bean ?forth 32• .. 30' W'sat 3'·'0 teet, and an 18 inoh Beech beara North i9• .. '0' Bast 28.7' taet; thence continuing vith said bearing South ,. - '2• Vest 280.93 feet to an iron pin, a 28 inoh Black Oak bears North 10° • l'' Weat 54.70 teat and a 6 inoh Poplar bdar• South 65• - 30' Baat 2~.70 fetttJ an4, the N'ortbwat corner ot 11111· crea·t Allotmnt bears South a,• .. 22' Ea.at 139.29 t•etJ thence Iforth ~· • ,.._, Vest 46''( .43 te&t' to Approved • Mathematically Hocking County Engineer's office ay__ -.Date____ too place of beginning, containing 4.462 Acree. ~ 11.s Jt;;f-/ .. S<'C. I 'f O, 01G /k,, PLAT OF A 0.076 ACRE TRACT FOR JEFFREY AND GERI CUPP Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot Township 14, Range 17. of Section 14, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL/ TRANSFER Not to be used as separate building site or transferred as an independent parcel in the fut'ure without Planning Commission and/or Health Department approval N89'56'03"E 30 00' Southwest corner of Section 14 ? w_ ['..I<} L() 0 : co f'-o. L() ..- 0 0 ..- ....,1-_ _ s_EC____,TION 1 - - - - - - /1 1403.38' 14 0 SECTION 23 _) !._ " 0 ,z N90'00'00"E- 2015.99' TOTAL Point of Beginning I 612.61' ___,! ' () 3000' Jackie & Paulo Chornbers OR 1 6 1 -- 21 4 ""'"'"""" .•••·······"~ E. Qf:''"'"······... •• ,( f>.. 0 ',{, •• ..··.•· f'-..)"-" ..···················· ···... .l'J.:0 ••• -=-.... ,./ LARRY "\ \ p. \. \ i IJ { GERSTNER ~ I i JJ \ s~~.4.11 \o\ ~· 10 ! : LEGEND ./ ~ ~ ~ \?.c:-. • Point o 5/8"x 30" iron pin with 1-1/4" plastic ID cap stamped LPG-6344 previously set 5/8"x 30" iron pin with 1-1/4" plastic ID cap stamped LPG-6344 set @ 1" iron pin found ® 5/8 11 Approved r.:1atnernatically Hocking County Engineer's Office S90"00'00"W f • Jeffrey & Geri Cupp OR164-670 /1-----r.._ Scott Creek Enterprises, LLC OR314-926 0.076 Acres iron pin found _.(..Q/ J?J x \.....-~(.)~.! ~ . .._~<!.!S"ir£ef5:·< .4>.~ ........... ~ ~-... ·'Orv ,,~\t '"',.~,,1~-4'3,. !\ . I ., .. QJ-l ·s;~J • . \,.>; -~·11••''•' ~:.II': :.o: &.J ~ .,._.. REFERENCES: Tax maps Deed descriptions Previous surveys Existing monumentation 0 50 100 SCALE: 1" = 1 oo' REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of Section 14 as North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East. based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. Bearings are CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my supervision of the premises shown hereon on the 15th day of September, 2004 and that the plat is a t repres,Anjation of the premises as described by said survey. I d~ Surveyor No. 6344 Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 (740) 385-4260 SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF A 0.076 ACRE TRACT FOR JEFFREY AND GERI CUPP Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17; and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at a point at the Southwest corner of Section 14; thence with the South line of Section 14 North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 2015.99 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, passing a 5/8" iron pin found at a distance of 1403.38 feet, and being the point of Beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence leaving the South line of Section 14 North 0 degrees 01 minute 57 seconds West a distance of 110.03 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet to a l" iron pin found; thence South 0 degrees 01 minute 57 seconds East a distance of 110.06 feet to a 5/8" iron pin previously set on the South line of Section 14; thence with the South line of Section 14 South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.076 acres more or less, and subject to any public or private easements of record. The above 0.076 acre survey is intended to describe part of the 118. 729 acre surveyed tract as deeded to Scott Creek Enterprises, LLC, deed reference Volume OR3 l 4, Page 926, Hocking County Recorder's Office. This survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, and existing monumentation. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Section 14 as North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey or previously set are 5/8" by 30" and are capped by a 1-114" plastic identification cap stamped LPG-6344. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on September 15, 2004. Approved . Matnematically Hocking County Engineer's Ottice BY ~DATE q: . . ~o-o'f CONDITIONAL APPROVAL/ TRANSFER Not to be used as separate building site or transferred as an independent parcel in the future without Planning Commission and/or ........... tte'alt.fi,,P,e partment approvaJ ····"" ::\ 12. 0 r-= ,, .. .-·c;\. ~ .................0 lY/''•...~··· ... / ...........-·LARRY·····...\ {~ -u \/ GEP. ._., I Nt: R \ JJ \ S-6344 \\ !:.:.. - \ 9' \"$)<:- \j ('.<:) / / O ~ ~\ \~~·...~._(}IS Tc~~./ ~l.I / ··.. "& .............. '\0 ..·· ·•••.•, IQ NA L Sv ....···· '''''t•flr1,, 't H~ !: \~ J a: i J<;; I \J.? r;';I• "• ,_,,-."'" Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 740-385-4260 F//?-l-~ , ,_, 11" A----. Wiiiiam R. Show & Associates, Inc. Cons ultin g Engi neers & Surv eyors 63 WEST MAIN ST. LOGAN .OHIO 43138 PHONE WILLIA M R. SHAW. P.E .. P.S. 614. 385·4 349 5c.11'JG A PA R.r 01= f Rf\GTIOJJAL Lor If j/J. I. 1-11\·~; F.-17·\N> FAJ-L.S YoVJ1-JoHI~ JHOC..Kl)jG Sec~no ~ '"· C..ou10rp) 0~10 !. D.v? I'*' AC. e,. C>€~\O~H40\I~~ /S'7· l.$ SCAL.£ () I II :J 100 ..SO' I 100' •= 11 1so' 1 .IR.OO JY.)l.T tOo' ~(C../4 lU:. £3 - ·- F'60~P •:::.·'=Ya'' J:'e..o#.l P1f.J St,T Wll'"'H P1-Asr1<... ro. C.A P, • = Pon..rr ea£R.€.OCe.~: 6 }.)o/ : nE..AeJk>b..S C.ouM Y fAX MAP j PR~VIOtJ~ 0££D SooK. IS1 PA"- Z-S' ~O~ TU£ [)€e0 8oo1<. 181 PAG.€. 11 0€60 8ooK 1$3 PA~ 151 ~'J/Ov~ M<G'l~Yj OJ: AIMol..lE.S D~Q.\\JE.P F~M.. eiui'J l'r' A~~ A~ CltSTER.MJAJAllO#J 01! O.UU~ ~e'-t.6~0 Ptl lr PRePA~t.o r-~oM AJJ Ac.ruA<5uR.V£'f' ft'\A Ot; J"U.<lc ~7n4 l<}Q-'t 4<~P~ 13Y'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .... , . . . . . , . . . _ . ......, .,.... . . . . to... _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ._ _ . . _ . . ._ __ . Being a part of a 5. 5662 acre tract last transferre d to Barbara Bensonhav er as recorded in Deed Book 157 at page 25, Hocking County Recorder' s Office, said tract being a part of Fractiona l Lot 1 in Section 14, Tl4N, Rl7W, Falls Township, Hocking County, State of Ohio, and being more particula rly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerlin e of County Road 13, from which the southeast corner of Section 14, Tl4N, Rl7W, bears South 2 degrees 52' 32" West a distance of 1184.09 feet; Thence with the c~nterl ine· of said road the fol lowing two courses: (1) South 37-degree s 04' 12" West a distance of 56.28 feet to a point, and (2) South 50 degrees 56' 53" West a distance of 139.82 feet to a point; Thence leaving the centerlin e of said road, North 40 degrees 53' 26" West, passin9 a 5/8" iron pin .__ with I .D. cap set at 28.85 feet, going a tolul distance of 182.62 feet to a 5/8" iron bi~ with I.D. ca~ set; Thence North 10 degrees 51' 55" East a distance of 81.49 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set; Thence South 70 degrees 58' 21" East, passing a l" iron bolt found at 241.89 feet, going a total distance of 260.95 feet to the place of beginning , containing 0.6716 acres, more or less, subject to the right of way of County Road 13 and all easements of record. The bearings used in the above descriptio n were derived from a previous survey' and are for the determina tion of angles only. The above descriptio n was prepared from a survey made on June 27, 1984, ~y William R. Shaw, Ohio Hegistered Surveyor No. 6650. APPROVED LOGAN-HOCKING cou~~"f·,t DEPT. H(.!l.LTH 355 1- ~------- ... - ---·-_..._... Fct //5 l.l/ Z-IS-'t't ~' · NE f!!-_ J) -·-.,. Mllr ~"/ I ·1· t' !. I :), Donated, June 1982, by ALBERT W. SliABRfGHT, P.E., P.~ COUNTY ENGINEER 1949 ~ 190 DELBERT DAVIS .. to HOWARD SEVITS Pt. SW~ Being a purt of the NE\ Sec. 14, Falls Twp. Southwest quarter ot the Northeast quarter of Section 14, If"alls Township, Tl4N, Hl7W, Hocking County and State of Ohio, and furtha:t described as beginning at the iron pin marking the northwest corner of the Hillcrest Allotment , said iron pin bears North 26 degrees - corner of said 04 111inutes West 2967 .46 feet S~"Ction from the southeast 14; thence South 9 degrees - 42 minutes West 295.19 feet to an iron pin, an 18" Poplar tree bears North 57 degrees - 30 minutes Wost 17 feet; thence South 78 degrees - 38 minutes West 218.13 :feet to an iron pin and passing thepin at the northwest corner of Lot 12 in said Hillcrest Allotment at 213.13 feet; thence ~~~5 f- (5ef? fit?ck-) South 13 degrees - 36 minutes~ 125.14 feet to a point, an iron pin bears South 66 degrees - 22 minutes East 4 inches; thence North 86 Oak degrees - 23 minutes \vest 135.61 feet to an iron pin, a 16" White tree bears South 60 degrees East 9.7 feet, and a 14 11 White Oak tree bears North 20 degrees East 5.7 feet; thence North 6 degrees 54 minutes West 225.84 feet to an iron pin, a 30" twin Black Oak tree bears North .32 degrees - 15 minutes East 8.2 feet, and a 10" Beech tree bears South 33 degrees West 4.8 feet; thence North 23 degrees "" 55 minutes East 264.34 feet to an iron pin, a twin Elm, each 14", bears South 20 degrees .. 45 minutes West 32.6 .feet, and a twin Ash tree, 20" and 14", bears South 64 degrees - 30 minutes West 32.9 feet; thence South 86 degrees - 10 minutes East 150.22 feet to an iron pin; thence South 86 degrees .... 24 minutes East 139.85 feet to the place of beginning'? containin g 2. 8549 Acres, more or less. Donated, June 1982, by ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT, P.[:. 0 COUNTY ENGINEER 1949 . ·; ~: r- 45?4• -~86 4 9' 1 ) • 9 5 ~,., 7 l ()<.:" • • 4 • .. • • • t./)9o9EJ57 /._ :' 9 :) • 9 ~ 9 6•00'10 51+•CQOO '} • c 0 0 C) • (+ A, 2~5•S4~JO • r; • Q 1J (j (l 125•14C:u I • • 6 -/~ - ..... (....., .) . .' ,_, • • ~ • • , • • • • .. • :j .'J 0 " & • • • • • ~ , 58·~~61? • c c 0 () • 7 • ') a .. .. ..... . • • • ;J • • ~ :;r)~J1:1 ••••••••••• J .J J 1'1 () 0•0143 It • • • :;, t'"' • • • • 3 30 • • a•3429 )') • 2)•1+256 •~9')J 49 ?d56 0 , 23··~)C'.JO 1"'1 121•6311 l • 1 • • • • •• ,_) • C C~ C) C 494 • 4r·::i2•t5'2!tO • • • ~ 6 ~ 7 • 2'7•1'317 475 / 12 1 ~ 6 l ( ~ (-\ • • 11 '2)·!~?.-Jb ~ ~ 7Q 0 • II 2 • • • 500t) •JOJO 5 () J c a 'I n (J 0 0•0142 • 0 • 0 10 5 • (', ...... • • ('\·'.J~OC l: ii •••• t A 56•0000 26•0000 2•2371 I~ 0 • 0 1 7 '1 r554. ·32oc 'J9•CJ08D ".J)•Ul)'~r :21+-~5d•4227 J•dG':l'T 2 , '3 5 4 8 ')3•S6l?Ff:",'-· n , ',) • • • • $ • • • • • • • • • • • .. . . . . . . . . .... .,,f'•····· ~ .. • 1 1 PLAI' O:B' A 5.90 AC1{.E T1~C r AND A 687.44 FEET LONG BY 20 .B 0Vr WIDEr1'Ll-.S It/ SHAHED EASEMENT OF INGRESS AND EGltESS FOR HAY AND SUSAN ~ENJHS Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of the South half of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17. 5.<lO#t ~fl ~ t\JORT\..\ . SCALE: - '1 " l I 1 100' <v~,s ')~~~,~ .........././~..0 '~..~ ..~~"~ ... . ~ /..,,. .. ! <?I l).RRY P. \ ,-, ~ 111 t\ ~· \ '\ .~ i ~~\". <z :~ ~ ;'f. OF 0 a..~~~ . • •• ••• I GERSTNER <\.....~v 'V ~~~ '~"' ~'\)'\) _J ~ ~.''\;"'':c; 5 .~ •• ~, •• Nl..~' lS')IJ'\N l.\1,\1-' S-1!.SC\'. "\·46~ I NS'()' 3'\' lQ 'W 1 f5::::> ~ ~~ / ~~Nl_l\.2.S'~C'.l"\N .;>( l\3''2..~'40'' ~ I ~~l~ W N Y fl St,:L"' LEGEND: :7 • Point / o I /'/ - (;/ / ' lJ'll'n'HQ"W i 1ur V1 ~l~.YS' ¥-- N5!\"3'VW'tJ ~F ~IO' ~/' C..E.ITT'C.\<l\W~ / W\\}£ i(,'{ bi,1,1.\\.\' lf}\.J~ 5~~\\tD r c /;/ ~\o\Sl:.' l..\l1l-f'V IJJ < , ),C\~ ~C.R~S - ~ ti; .s:: -~ '?'~ R\OH\R\l \:\N\J \\t.lt..N ?\\ \(.~ ~ //~ ;;a ~ "" ~ ~/:; N'-B'l.'i' ~D'' \J\I tJ\)t;J~t.NT ~F \~1.)~~s~ ~ s ..,., cs:: w r'"\ Nl.\l)0 ~0''1{}''W T~nL ~ OY \]'.J~ 5/8" iron pin found o '1/4" OD iron pipe found • 5/8" iron pin with 1 Jl 11 plastic ID cap set • PK nail set 0 Point in a concrete slab ~\G~~ O~'(.. ~ch"\_;-pr~~ ~ o" HEFERENCES: b Tax maps Deed descriptions Previous surveys Existing monumentatio n Existing public road .~pµroved - Matl'lemi.ilica111' H:1 ~king County Engineer's offio R~FERBNCE BEARING: B1fTC/)JJatc:t~£--<tj The South line of Section 14 as North 86 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West. I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my supervision of the premises shown hereon on the 24th day of April, 1994 and that the plat is a correct representatio n of the premises as described by.said survey. 344 Survey by: V1 c:7 ~ w "-- ~ ~ ~ ::s: IJ- •''V' ~NI) EGRESS 8j ~ r- '-)') !l :G ~ V1 ~->\ .• :-//I S-6344 ~~: '.? r--.J ••••~a, s1.;:.• •• 4,) a ~ ~ ~\..;;I t: ;:: o .;.v •••o•• ••• '1 ,.,{.'• ..\,,\) (j I? v (=. -·~~~ ·~:..~v...,..,,..·::;::;;;,::;·• ~- ~ vi tJ.. ~~ J 100 & 56 0 r rn I. Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 385-4260 119 West Main St., Logan, Ohio 43138 SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF A 5.90 ACRE TRACT FOR RAY AND SUSAN DENNIS Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of the South half of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17: and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8" iron pin found on the East side of a 25.0097 acre survey dated April 24, 1951 by registered surveyor no. 753 from which by said survey the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 14 bears South 26 degrees 29 minutes 03 seconds West at a distance of 1343.77 feet; thence North 73 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 431.08 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 24 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 47.12 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 43 degrees 28,minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 58. 59 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 361. 56 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 87 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 84.82 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set on the East right of way of State Route 93 and passing a PK nail set in the center of a private driveway at a distance of 16.81 feet; thence with the East right of way of State Route 93 North 18 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 225.21 feet to a point in a concrete slab and passing a PK nail set in the center of a private blacktop driveway at a distance of 185.08 feet; thence continuing with the East right of way of State Route 93 North 0 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds W.est a distance of 63.64 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; , thence leaving the East right of way of State Route 93 South 79 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 244.12 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence South 78 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 152.32 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence South 71 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 61. 95 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence South 53 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 123.21 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence South 33 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 291. 28 feet to a 1-1/4" iron pipe found; thence South 33 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 367.36 feet to the point of beginning containing 5.90 acres more or less, subject to the public easement of State Route 93 and any private easements of record. The above 5.90 acre survey is intended to describe part of the 25.0097 acre surveyed tract as deeded to Richard and Helen Price, deed reference Volume 91, Page 466, Hocking County Recorder's Office. This survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, and an existing public road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Section 14 as North 86 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West. All iron pfns set by this survey are capped by a 1-1/4" plastic identification cap. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstne_~a....Qhio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on April 24, 1994. ;'._.~~ .. . '•.'o . .\' ~ ..........o~ ,,.~ ApPMett- Mab,61'1cdicaliv Hockins CoW3fJ Eo&tneer's offic~ B1/'J t:.12rew tJ,-~"1('1 a. ~I o ••• ~ \ ~l ~ ! GERSTNER : fl 1l arry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying ~« \ .., S-6344 ~<;>: fl .v•• r: 119 Wes t Main Street, Logan, Ohio 43138 385-426 ,, •.v ;·.~c 131 ~~···~ ..~:· '::~ ..\,) u ..... ·····•· Survey by: 0 ,,:S-' ·~:.. I/ 'J ~ ~ .;,Y ... ~ . ~ -. - ~ ::::=~ CENTERLINE SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF A 687.44 FEET LONG BY 20 FOOT WIDE SHARED EASEMENT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR RAY. AND SUSAN DENNIS Situated in Falls Township, Hooking County, Ohio; being part of the South half of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17; being a centerline survey descriptio n of a 687.44 feet long by 20 foot wide easement of ingress and egress over an existing blacktop driveway; and being more particula rly described as follows: Commencin g for reference at a 5/8'' iron pin found on the East side of a 25.0097 acre survey dated April 24, 1951 by registered surveyor no. 753 from which by said survey the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 14 bears South .26 degrees 29 minutes 03 seconds West at a distance of 1343.77 feet; thence North 73 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 444.35 feet to a PK nail set in the center of a private blacktop driveway, passing a 5/8" iron pin set at a distance of 431.08 feet, and being the point of Beginning of the easement to be described and continuing with the center of a blacktop driveway the following bearings and distances; thence North 24 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 36.72 feet to a PK nail set; thence North 43 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 56.29 feet to a PK nail set; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 374.45 feet to a PK nail set; thence North 40 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 47.47 feet to a PK nail set; thence North 32 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 155.20 feet to PK nail set; thence North 44 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds We.st a distance of 17.31 feet to a PK nail set on the East right of way of State Route 93 and being the end of a 687.44 feet long by 20 foot wide easement of ingress and egress, subject to the public easement of State Route 93 and any other private easements of record. The above 687.44 foot long by 20 foot wide easement of ingress and egress is intended to describe part of the 25.0097 acre surveyed tract as deeded to Richard and Helen Price, deed reference Volume 91, Page 466, Hooking County Recorder' s Office. This survey was based upon informatio n obtained from tax maps, deed descriptio ns, previous surveys, existing monumenta tion, and an existing public road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Section 14 as North 86 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West. All iron pins set by this survey are capped by a 1-1/4" plastic identif ioation cap. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on April 24, 1994. M~ .. MaUtera1~ticalt1 Hocking Co .£Jl&ine~__offica By_ . atc~-1:.£-1'/ ~>~~~../ D~ I) Survey by: Larry ~. Gerstner - Engineerin g 119 West Main Street, Logan, Ohio Re:s1DU £. Enr1N u ? A 2 ·R . T ··-··~ /\ / 3 3 °- t E 'L 0. & FLor<c l 'f C £ zc;4-. 3 L o , I .: 1 7 :S e c /J4N S"c!J W 3 12 .. ; 63 ' Hoc1~1N< /IC~S- ~ 5c11~ - r 1 0 /Y 14 : R l '1 v V rRL. iJ C o u N rY 1 C ) J - f/ O -L -. -.. ~ s 1 B 0 - /J 3 /f ."' '3 3~t . .5 7 1 .- ·· 'oS 1 0 ~~ 4 6 '.!!.· 2 4 < 1 .1 r 0 /, f. ~A--L--- -- N ~ 2. " .. o q 'w ? 1. a . r ' llf-:L---1'1 IA " -4 2 .. '1 tv ' -.z .. Dona ALBERT W ted, June 1 9 8 2 , b y COUNTY E. SliABRIGHT, P.E., NGINEER 1 949 - 1 -· ·I V 4?"~ .s -o ,8 1 ' S o ·w i. o<f,'I l. .. ' P.~ 96, APPROVED ·J. HO·:t<INQ..CO 61-/, 3 'Ji U N TY £N.GINEE DAl~ R' av "' 1 /- 7 7 ~-~- --- 1 ~.Yldw : :"/ tJ't.1r.·'1 ·.J.( J·;~ce~{ ;Joe"'t';·v·s) 1.i. ct.i·uo~ .-;·~:.r;td ~.i~ ioB Jff '\>! ;; \!t.i:c· ~~~t Tl4WJ'ti1;:; ~~:.;;,.:~llts:tt=l0ri~~.;~' 4:e.:=. :~ ~~ ·11;. :1 Begtlmftsg::·t1t a1p 61f l ba ·the .t&89t ~~h~ ing from Log an to NoArthurJ sn.id beg inn 1 ot ·-:va.y,ilme: *t1 '\h• :IM-ter•~·;: · JOi O?i1~w1 poin4tlfbtting~'lonh=·6·4.,,....t'-· t from. the s • 32 min utes Wast 333.71 tee Fas t 48,.70 fee t and Nor th 84 degre~ nce Yit h the ea.id Sou thw eat qua rter , Sec thm 14J the Bou thea et eor ner of said eas t rig ht o'f ve.y cou rses t Jfor th 13 deg ree s line the foll ovi .ng fou r lon g cho rd t, deg rees - 35 minutes Veat 249.15 tee 07 min utes Ea.et 8o9.10 fee t, North 1 334.57 Nor th 16 deg rees - 06 min utes West leav ing Ka.et 63.64 fee t to a pos tJ then ce fea t1 76 deg re.s .. 32 min utes Eaa t 244 .12 deg reea Eas t 152 .32 fee t; the nce Sou th 68 123 .21 Sou th 'l deg rees - 10 Jllinutee Eas t a fee t and lol' th 2 deg ree s - 25 llin ute said ea.a t rig ht of va.y lin e, Sou th then ce Sou th 75 deg ree s .. 37 mtn utee - 42 min utes Xae t 61.95 f'&e tJ the nce fee tJ the nce Sou th 31 deg rees - o8 62 deg ree • pin , e. 14" Twi n Ash beu .re Nor th min ut.u Ea.e t 291 .28 t'ee t to an iron 1 23 deg ree • te Oak 30 ' d18J'.Qeter bea rs Sou th Wes t 28. , fee t and a Tri ppl e llhi 367 .36 tee t Sou th 30 deg ree s .. 31 DlinuteCJ Fas t 4.5 lllin utes Eas t 17. 8 tee tJ the nce fee t, th 84 deg Nes - 1' min utes Buut 16 to an iron pin , a 16" llm bea rs Jfor and a £:. ssin g ute u We3t 43. 7 foo t; then ce cro 42" Elm bea re Sou th ,._, deg nes .. 15 lilin deg ree s s Eao t 71.8 5 tee tJ the nce Sou th 12 run , Sou th 69 deg rees • 32 Dl.inute 45 deg ree • .. 13 min ute s Ee.at 209.92 05 minutes F.set 50.fr( f'eetJ then oe South t 76 tee t to Sou th 28 deg ree s - 42 min utes Wes fee tJ the nce rec~couinf.; oui u run ree s • 42 ing vit h oai d bea ring Sou th 28 deg e. 30" White O&kJ the nce con tinu kor y beu • Sou th 15 deg ree s tff t to an iron pin , a. Tvi n llio min utes West 517.68 e ka t r bea rs Sou th 68 deg ree s .. 30 ldn ute Bas t 22. 4 t'ee t, and a H1okol"7 clu ste to an iron ~~ 32 ain~s.W.8\:.itk>l·.&S.t•et 17- 3 tee tJ the ce lol' th·. ai. d.eane~: ite deg rees 'Esat 1.8 tee t, and a 10" Wh pin , a 10" Bla ok Oak bea rs Sou th 16 ;.": _.-,;(.~' ,:, ~· . )':~~. ='~ [. L.r~ .l·'. I..-~ . . .. u ... ~--·. .~. .tb· _,.-1 )s.,'. a ..OQqinuii ainut••~Eoa1dll":tie•iJ.~1illeao .ir., \.. ..... . , •• / Oak bee.:r• .. hn b , r , .. i5 (ec ftee , ... 30 1 . aa1 4 ~ina:-;lo~h! ~-'88nes ....,. ?:"· .··: aa Jrlnu"•a ,we at.1 7.7 8 t••i .:to ~.pi.,. .. ot" . Donated, .J4nE:). 1. ee2, by .... ALBERTW. SEABRIGHT, P.E., P.S '.~DU\lTV E~.G!NE[;R 1 OL;.r .........., 517 •68 0 ·il 587 8•2 87 9 • • 84• 000 • • • • • • • 83• 742 078 •28 7 E R ~ 0 :~ • • • • • • * • -1c ~ 82• lOl • 500 0•0 00 • 2 • 000 ~ ~ 500 0•0 00 ·tc .... .. ... • ••••••••••• A 0·,0 00 861 •86 0 • • • 1~916•258 • • 454 •08 1 2/J.8 •602 491 6•2 ?8 587 8•28 '7 4• • • • :3 •••••• ••••••••••• • • • • • 0 • 857 •94 0 • 499 8•3 64 502 0•'3 47 • • A 84•G OO ~ 32• 000 ¥ 0•0 00 * .. . ..... • 17• 780 ~ ~ 17 • 6 9 9 500 0•0 53 500 2•6 47 . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... ~ ~ 500 0•0 00 ?00 0•0 00 0•0 ?8 2. 6 4 7 • • • • • • • 109 1db b•3 66 :I.... . io--2_ '• .. '.,, -ni;. .. J.J/P.?J if 25• 066 P/2, ~ r. • • J ... • •," /) u1 -l. pt;./ t (II ,.r1od ~ ~ I , , '""' .• • .. * . ~ af!7~ ~ldt:erv ( 0 ' . /! • • ·"--·-· r ~ £}._~~i(t A/ 7°-35rUJ /!;_(,,co-£/~_/YJ~JL -~ .; /~4·000 t~502•660 ........... &UQCLQ 4MtX(i ~zz;u1iefJ.~'2} ~ 88• 000 1 2 ., 9 8 8 2. 6 4 8 21/Clc • • A --·--• ---- 6 O:~ (1\_Dlv • 0•0 00 1• • • • ~ • ~ 1• 693 ....-.. ... '-.. s E ' ·I J'.JI 6~. "j -} f Dr. 6. H. Erbaugh swt- $Jc • 14, Fnllu Fro• Emanuel Schaal ?t . SE·~ Being a part of the Soutbau t quarter of the Southwest qua:rler , Stotion 1~, '.Valla Tovnahip, Tl~H, and t'nrth':'lr tleacribe d ao follmm: Rl7W, lI~ktng Rag~.nning ,.1t County 8.1'14 Stat. of Ohio, thl 1.r·1m µin aat rl.t tM no:tthta at eorner ot the 0.1731 acM tract ot land <Wl'l.ed b7 the grantee h8n1n, IBid tract of 14M being recorded in Volu:m9 91. Piitge 6Jt.6, Hooking County Rueorda1 •'s Mfic•l, an1.d iron piu bJ.~r:J North ~· .. ~2' t•hst ft.66.23 f11et and North 16° .. 03' Edt 61.03 fMt trora the Soutblu t corner otaa14 Southea et quarter of the 8outhve 1t quarter: thence tor the traot ot land bEtrein aon~yect Hor.th 13• ·· l'' l'.aat ,0.,3 t'•.>at to a.n trt"m pin; tmnoo Nc..'rth ___ ~~· • 4o• Veat 1'°.23 ffft to an iron pin; thence South ,. - 22' Weat 110.o6 t04t to a etBke 1et on the south line ot said S.otion 1~~ feet to an iron pin mrldng the southwe st oormr ot aia14 0 . 1731 acre traot I ot land; thence vith the ~•t line of said 0.1731 acre tre.ct or land North ,. • 2~' E~1et 6o . OO faei; to an iron pin; tmnce vi.,~h the no:rth line ot" 1 said 0.1731 acre tract of la.nd South 84• .. 42 Ka.at to the place ot be· I ·~ >L . . 3) / ginning , containi ng 0.18'1 acres. .>.---~-·-··-··c)~.:-··. -. -H«"'P.;tleonuiA cu~i;i;sl,2 ci'.: ybbloi,cq • w1i~sw9i1csu.\ I Donated, June 1 9T8 2r; 0 ;-1 ABRIGH ' .E., ,ALBERT WE. NSGEIN EER 9 4 9 HY~ · ! COUNTY. 1 I UV . ApllllWed Mth ematical/y . t•.:.. a "" ". "' - rA tri eets offic£'. ,, . "".""'" En.-n .. .. • Bt.. -- D a te -- -- f;;ls 7w~~ s "c. <!!/! .2 3 --/ PLAT OF A 6.463 ACRE TRACT FOR SCOTT CREEK ENTER PRISES 6, '/~ :> Ac. Situate d in Falls Towns hip, Hockin g County , Ohio; being part of Fractio nal Lot 1 of Sectio n 14, and part of the Northw est quarte r of Sectio ~oN{, 1 ~~LOApfIA~Q~tyiP 14, Range 17. TRANSFER Not to be used as separa te buildin g site or transferr~d as an Independent • Point parcel In the future without ....,."~~·.. . f oun d 0 5/8 " .iron pin Planning Commission and/or '.~· Health Department approval • 5/8"x 30" iron pin with 1-1/4 " 0 1 ~zdoi;;R· ,i .. plastic ID. cap stamp ed LPG-6 344 SCALE: I:; set Center of Scott Creek 1 " 200' . ' :.J~' 6 5/8"x 30" iron pin with 1-1/4 " . 'Pf' pf lastdic ID ~.9..e ~.!_~mped MPB LEGEND , .-----------" ::ti· oo ~· = ... oun '(. ........ ~ ........., ••··•·•"" "-.:\ €. 0 ,-. o~ ... . .~.... Shawn & Erica . . . . .··· Cj."r ..····· ................. ..., /0 ··,,., { // LARRY \ •..\ Krasno sky i ! P. \ , OR269 -964 I \J \ \ :JJ \ GERSTNER \Q\.I( '\ -:. \ ••• 8·6344 J er: ~ N85' 23 '02' 'E 42.44 ; O l 1 r-./~f <v"'"' ~ : ~ ""·~..<;!ISTC.~... / ~0 ../ ~ .... i'-<:;- · ·. . .,~~1o;j·~ ~·~" s\J~ ......·' ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:, ... ... ~,'. .. ·· S42'09'0 7"E 33.14' N8'08 '29''W -----.. . 25.02' N76'27' 13"E ---_., 97.72' .... N ' viz a'>~ t::: ~ Southw est corner of Section 1 4 Point of Beginn ing [ SECTION 14 ~ N90'00' 00"E- 711.34' - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - SECTION 23 N57'01 '59"E 34.34' Center of _: 0 3.542 Acres in Section 1 4 -r- - Damaged N8'26'51"W~?., -.l~ 24.01' ~ ~. -.l ~ o. -.l. REFERENCES: -d. Tax maps Deed descri ptions Previou s s u rv e y s Existin g monum entatio n Existin g public road U.S. 33 Highwa y plans Scott Creek Enterp rises, LLC OR314 -926 6.463 Acres Total 2.921 Acres Section 23 Dennis & Dione Krasno sky S42'31 '20"W 44.65' 198-4 45 REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of Section 14 as North 90 degree s 00 minute s 00 second s East. based upon an a~sumed meridi an and are to denote angles only. Bearin gs are CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my superv1 s1on of the premis es shown hereon on the 9th day of Novem ber, 2004 and that the plat is a correc t repres entatio n of the : premis es as descri bed by said survey . Survey by: Larry P. Gerstn er - Engine ering and Survey ing 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 (740) 385-4 260 SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF A 6.463 ACRE TRACT FOR SCOTT CREEK ENTERPRISES Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, and part of the Northwest quarter of Section 23, both of Township 14, Range 17; and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at a point at the Southwest comer of Section 14; thence with the South line of Section 14 North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 711.34 feet to a point and being the point of Beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence leaving the South line of Section 14 North 8 degrees 26 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of236.21 feet to a point in a stream and passing a 5/8" iron pin with 1-1/4" plastic ID cap stamped MPB found at a distance of 226.21 feet; thence with a stream the following five bearings and distances: 1) North 81 degrees 18 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 229.19 feet to a point; 2) North 85 degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 42.44 feet to a point; 3) North 76 degrees 27 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 97.72 feet to a point; 4) North 57degrees01 minute 59 seconds East a distance of 34.34 feet to a point; 5) North 11 degrees 41 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 134.13 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 8 degrees 08 minutes 29 seconds West a distance of 25.02 feet to a point in the center of Scott Creek; thence with the center of Scott Creek the following ten bearings and distances: 1) North 89 degrees 22 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 106.42 feet to a point; 2) South 42 degrees 09 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 33.14 feet to a point; 3) South 3 degrees 54 minutes 35 seconds East a distance of 93.54 feet to a point; 4) South 10 degrees 03 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 103.32 feet to a point; 5) South 29 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 92.94 feet to a point; 6) South 6 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 176.96 feet to a point and passing into Section 23 at a distance of 171.65 feet; 7) South 16 degrees 14 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 187.81 feet to a point; 8) South 82 degrees 42 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 162.25 feet to point; 9) South 42 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 44.65 feet to a point; 10) South 0 degrees 00 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 133.29 feet to a point; thence leaving the center of Scott Creek South 79 degrees 18 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 154.16 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found and passing a 5/8" iron pin set at a distance of 47.74 feet; thence North 31 degrees 33 minutes 11 secopds West a distance of 117.16 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence North 20 degrees 37 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 114.70 feet to a 5/8 iron pin found; thence North 11 degrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 173.70 feet to a damaged 5/8" iron pin found; thence North 8 degrees 26 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 24.01 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.463 acres more or less, with 3.542 acres more or less being in Section 14 and 2.921 acres more or less being in Section 23, and subject to any public or private easements of record. The above 6.463 acre survey is intended to describe part of the 43 .2688 acre surveyed tract as deeded to Scott Creek Enterprises, LLC, deed reference Volume OR3 l 4, Page 926, Hocking County Recorder's Office. This survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions,. previous surveys, existing monumentation, U.S. 33 Highway plans, and an existing road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Section 14 as North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey <1\e 5/8" by 30" and are capped by a 1-1/4" plastic identification cap stamped LPG-6344. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on November 9' 2004,\\'""'"H•hi,, .........····~~ E. 0 f: ~· ....... , ''• CONDITIONAL APPROVAL/ . . . . 0" .............................~l'o 11 I f . . .. .... LARRY ........ . . ~. ! P. \ \ ~ -u f GEF:STNER \ ~ : -.-"\ 1 s.r:., ''4 .: er .:· : ,.;.) " ..11...'-: ; 0 ; (2" ~'<>isr~/5;;~/: '\ ,· ·, \... "'. \ ., '·:) ..._.. Approved • Mathematic all/ Hocking County Engineer s Ottlc(;j BY Crv1 1 TRANSFER Not to be used as separate building site or transferred as an independent parcel ·1n the future without Planning Commission and/or Health Department approval Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying o1 East Secon d Street, Su1te . A , Logan, Oh'10 4313 8 740 - 385- 4260 L.iAlc I 1-1?-ott (~/3 'lWp- S<G /t1 /rf, PLAT OF A 18.167 ACRE TRACT FOR SCOTT CREEK ENTERPRISES /~-;Ac Situated in Falls Township , Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fraction al Lot 1 of Section 14, and part of the Northwe st quarter of Section 23, both of Township 14, Range 17. LEGEND REFERENCES: Tax maps Deed descripti ons Previous surveys Existing monume ntation Existing public road Existing U.S. 33 Highway plans • Point o 5/8" iron pin found • 5/8"x 30" iron pin with 1-1/4" plastic ID cap stamped LPG-634 4 set .115 Acres in Section 14 0 1 00 S7'57'04"E 95 69' TOTAL 200 SCALE: 1 H = 200 ! 14 23 Dennis & Diane Krasnosky Southwe st corner of Section 1 4 198-445 Dennis & Diane Krasnosky 198-445 /~~;. ~. O~ . ~~···. . . I l··"· co ........................... io · · .. // f -u / E : JJ ~ !, -, y:."' GEF-.~:,! 1\Jf.:R S-0344 0"1, \~ LARRY ......... \i a: \ ~ / : O :: \ \ '"''"\.?>......<\ <;,,'>. . . . (t l G1sr'2Y.: ..... ~ l ··~.. '~)' ('\ ..............:: .. ·" \ ,<{' ..... ··>.·.., 1.J/() '\. f\ I '3 V ,.••' .......... ·~! 1' : ,-, Scott Creek Enterpris es. LLC OR314- 926 18.167 Acres Toto! 18.052 Acres in Section 23 ~ .... ~ .... ,, .....-" Center of Scott Creek Ralph & Doris Cord le OR161-58 8 Dennis & Deborah McCune 198-441 & 217-711 Levi Cordle OR 225-610, OR138-58 2 & OR36-415 704.05' N89'31'15 "W- 787.63' TOTAL S89' 3 1'1 5 ''E 80 Joseph & Kathleen Thatcher oo· Approved • Mathematfcally Hocking County Engineer's ·omca BY CN DATE :<-~-o~ I OR72-135 REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of Section 14 as North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East. based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. Bearings are CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my supervis ion of the premises shown hereon on the 9th day of Decembe r, 2004 and that the plat is a correct represen tation of the premises as describe d by said survey. y Survey by: /j_ fi...-d-.. ~slJr%e~ Larry P. Gerstner - Engineer ing and Surveyin g 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 (740) 385-426 0 6344 SURV EY DESC RIPTI ON OF A 18.167 ACRE TRAC T FOR SCOT T CREE K ENTE RPRI SES Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractio nal Lot 1 of Section 14, and part of the Northwest quarter of Section 23, both of Township 14, Range 17; and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at a point at the Southwest comer of Section 14; thence with the South line of Section 14 North 90 degrees 00 minutes ,00 seconds East a distanc e of 536.84 feet to a point and being the point of Beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence leaving the South line of Section 14 North 50 degrees 23 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 92.80 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence North 87 degrees 10 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 43. 74 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence South 7 degrees 57 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 95.69 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found and passing into Section 23 at a distance of 61. 91 feet; thence South 11 degrees 54 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 178.20 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence South 20 degrees 39 minute 12 seconds East a distance of 123. 17 feet to a damaged 5/8" iron pin found; thence South 31 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 128.56 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence South 25 degrees 46 minutes 01 second East a distance of 104.15 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence South 53 degrees 06 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 51.24 feet to a point in the center of Scott Creek; thence with the center of Scott Creek the following five bearings and distanc es: 1) South 16 degrees 39 minutes 37 seconds West a distance of277 .29 feet to a point; 2) South 17 degrees 29 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 169.00 feet to a point; 3) South 31 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 186.39 feet to a point; 4) South 70 degrees 51 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 194.83 feet to a point; 5) South 26 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 130.25 feet to a point from which a 5/8" iron pin found bears South 89 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds East; thence leaving the center of Scott Creek North 89 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 787 .63 feet to a 5/8 '' iron pin set and passing a 5/8" iron,, pin set at a distance of 83 .58 feet; thence North 15 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 450.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 3 degrees 19 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 333.50 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found: thence North 22 degrees 24 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 245.30 feet to a damaged 5/8" iron pin found; thence North 30 degrees 07 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 131.52 feet to a 5/8" iron pin found; thence North 41 degrees 22 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 119.27 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; thence North 50 degrees 23 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 190.16 feet to the point of beginning, containing 18. 16 7 acres more or less, with .115 acres more or less being in Section 14 and 18.052 acres more or less being in Section 23, and subject to any public or private easements of record. The above 18. 167 acre survey is intended to describe part of the 43.268 8 acre surveyed tract as deeded to Scott Creek Enterprises, LLC, deed reference Volume OR3 l 4, Page 926, Hocking County Recorder's Office. This survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, U. S. 33 Highway plans, and an existing road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Section 14 as North 90 degree s 00 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey are 5/8" by 30" and are capped by a 1-1 /4" plastic identification cap stamped LPG-6344. The above described property \VUS surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on December 9, 2004. .' Approved . Mathematically Hocking county Engineer's Ott\ce BY CN DATE .:< ... g-os Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 740-385-4260 r~ ti) PLAT OF A 0.2512 ACRE TRACT, A 0.178 ACRE EASEMENT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS, Scc. ;1( AND A 10 FOOT WIDEFoB: ~~~At~ ~~iT p~~?c12E~6~~~~E SANITARY EASEMENT O, 2:sU At= ea .5 enf'.-.1 .: o , 1-1 "J Ile. Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17. S82°26'16 "\./ 78.09' N86 ° 43' 49"\./ 16 ·94 ' N49°53'0 5"\./ J 0 25 15.79' 50 SCALE: 1,, == 50' CL 10 foot wide sanitary easement 0.2512 acres Evangelo & Pamela Cardaras OR194-67 8 Joseph & Mary Gribbin OR161-61 8 CL County Road 13 (Nickel Plate Road) Appr?ved - Mathematically Hocking County Engineer's Office Southeast corner of Section 14 of Falls Township LEGEND • Point e 5/8'' iron pin with 1-1/4" plastic ID cap stamped SVE-8127 set © 1-1/4" iron pipe found REFERENCES: Tax maps Deed descriptio ns Previous surveys Existing monumen tation Existing public road REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of Lot 1 of the Carl Mock Subdivisio n as North 76 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my superv1s1on of the premises shown hereon on the 14th day of March , 2003 and that the plat is a correct representa tion of the premises as described by said survey. Registered Surveyor No. 8127 Survey by: SVE Surveying - S. Vince Evans P.S. 8127 37381 Davis Chapel Road, Logan, Ohio 43138 Phone (740) 380-3884 FAX (7 40) 380-0134 SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF A 0.2512 ACRE TRACT FOR DONALD AND PATRICIA ROBERS Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17, and being more particularly described as follows: Being part of a 5.56 acre tract as described in deed book Volume 214, Page 368 to Donald and Patricia Robers. Commencing at a 1-1/4" iron pipe found at the Southeast corner of Section 14; thence North 16 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of953.40 feet to a Point in the centerline of County Road 13, (Nickel Plate Road), and being the point of Beginning of the tract of1and to be described: Thence leaving the centerline of said County Road 13, North 28 degrees 46 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 131.09 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set and passing a 5/8t! iron pin set at a distance of 27.57 feet; Thence North 51 degrees 58 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 64.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set; Thence South 4 7 degrees 22 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 129.62 feet to a Point in the centerline of said County Road 13, and passing a 5/8" iron pin set at a distance of 112.16 feet; Thence with the centerline of said County Road 13, South 51 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 106.13 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.2512 acres more or less, and subject to the public easement of said County Road 13 and any other public or private easements of record. The above 0.2512 acre survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, an existing public road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Lot 1 of the Carl Mock Subdivision as North 76 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey are 5/8" X 30" and are capped by a 1-114" plastic identification cap stamped "SVE - 8127". The above described property was surveyed by S. Vince Evans, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 8127, on March 14, 2003. 5, (~1A ~;;,~ S. Vince Evans, P. S. 8127 Survey by: SVE Surveying S. Vince Evans, P. S. 8127 37381 Davis Chapel Road Logan, Ohio 43138 Phone (740) 380-3884 FAX ( 7 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 0 13 4 Approved • Mathematically Hocking County Ergineer's Oti\ce SURVE Y DESCR 1PTION OF A 10 .FOOT WIDE BY 110.82 FOOT LONG CENTE RLINE SANIT ARY EASEM ENT FOR DONAL D AND PATR1 CIA ROBER S Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17, and being more particularly described as follows: Being part of a 5.56 acre tract as described in deed book Volume 214, Page 368 to Donald and Patricia Robers. Conunencing at a 1-114" iron pipe found at the Southeast corner of Section 14; thence North 16 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 953.40 feet to a Point in the centerline of County Road 13, (Nickel Plate Road); Thence with the centerline of said County Road 13, North 51 degrees I 0 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 178.36 feet to a Point, and being the point of Beginning of the 10 foot wide centerlin e sanitary easement to be described: Thence leaving the centerline of said County Road 13, North 49 degrees 53 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 15. 79 feet to a Point; Thence North 86 degrees 43 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 16. 94 feet to a Point; Thence South 82 degrees 26 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 78.09 feet to a Point and being the end of the 10 foot wide centerline sanitary easement, subject to the public easement of said County Road 13 and any other public or private easements of record. The above easement survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descript ions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, an existing public road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Lot 1 of the Carl Mock Subdivision as North 76 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey are 5/8" X 30" and are capped by a 1-114" plastic identification cap stamped "SVE-8 127". The above described property was surveyed by S. Vince Evans, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 8127, on March 14, 2003. ,,- I 5 ( ~-~ . ·"' ~~vi/> S. Vince Evans, P. S. 8127 Survey by: SVE Surveying S. Vince Evans, 37381 Davis Logan, Ohio Phone (740) FAX (740) P. S. 8127 Chape l Road 43138 380-38 84 380-01 34 .Appruvec - 'viatr1::;1r1at1ca11,1 , Hockinu CuL111tv E11q1neer s Office SURVEY DESCRI PTION OF A 0.178 ACRE EASEME NT OF INGRES S AND EGRESS FOR DONALD AND PATRIC IA ROBERS Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of Fractional Lot 1 of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17, and being more particularly described as follows: Being part ofa 5.56 acre tract as described in deed book Volume 214, Page 368 to Donald and Patricia Robers. Commencing at a 1-114" iron pipe found at the Southeast corner of Section 14; thence North 16 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of953.40 feet to a Point in the centerline of County Road 13, (Nickel Plate Road); Thence with the centerline of said County Road 13, North 51 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 106.13 feet to a Point, and being the point of Beginnin g of the easement of ingress and egress to be described: Thence leaving the centerline of said County Road 13, North 4 7 degrees 22 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of 129.62 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, passing a 5/8" iron pin set at a distance of 17.46 teet; Thence North 51 degrees 58 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 60.81 feet to a Point; Thence South 4 7 degrees 22 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 128. 77 feet to a Point in the centerline of said County Road 13; Thence with the centerline of said County Road 13, South 51 degrees I 0 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 60.67 feet to the point of begiruling and containing 0.178 acres, more or less, subject to the public easement of said County Road 13 and any other public or private easements of record. The above 0.178 acre easement survey was based upon infonnation obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, existing monumentation, an existing public road. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Lot I of the Carl Mock Subdivision as North 76 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey are 5/8" X 30" and are capped by a 1-1/4" plastic identification cap stamped "SVE - 8127". The above described property was surveyed by S. Vince Evans, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 8127, on March 14, 2003. 5':. 0~/~ c;.,/~,?/~ S. Vince Evans, P. S. 8127 Survey by: SVE Surveying S. Vince Evans, 37381 Davis Logan, Ohio Phone (740) FAX (740) P. S. 8127 Chapel Road 43138 380-388 4 380-013 4 Approved - Mathematically Hocking County Engineer's Office BY lq 7 • DATE l/ .. 2-J.--0) ~.. ,, '> I • PLAT OF A 0.04 7 ACRE TRACT FOR STEVE GOOD ()'f 'I 7,,..,,, • Situated in Fa 11 s Township, Hoc king County, Ohio; being pa rt of the East ha If of Section Township 14, Range 17. ~ REFERENCES: Tax maps Deed descriptions P rev i o u s s u rv e ys Existing subdivision Existing monumenta tion 1 4, Southwest corner of Lot 11 7 (now Lot 1518) of the South Logan Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 36 ,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Logan City Corporation line ~West right of way Wolhonding Street Q) :J c Q) > <t O'> .~ u c 0 E 0 $ N84'42'38"W 50.84' I IO\r'.C - cniu;:1:alica1iy , :ockrng County Engineer's Office LEGEND o 5/8" iron pin found 11 11 iron pin with 1-1/4 5/8"x 30 plastic ID cap stamped LPG-6344 set 0 1" square bolt found 9.0N~lllONAL APPROVAL/ © 1" iron pin found • mANSFeR Not to be used as sspetratl! building site or 40 0 transhmGd as an Independent ~arcel in the future without 1 SCALE: 40' :::: 11 Planning Commission and/or Health DQpattment approval REFERENCE BEARING: The South line of Lot 117 of the South Logan Subdivision as South 80 degrees 36 minutes 33 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles, only. CERTIFICATIO N: I hereby certify that an actual survey was made under my supervision of the premises shown hereon on the 23rd day of April, 2000 and that the plat is a correct representati on of the premises as described by said survey. ~.f;/d;:- ~~yorNo. Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineering and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 (7 40) 385-4260 6344 SURVEY DESCRIPTI ON OF A 0.047 ACRE TRACT FOR STEVE GOOD Situated in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio; being part of the East half of Section 14, Township 14, Range 17; and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at a 5/8" iron pin found at the Southwest corner of Lot 117 (now Lot number 1518) of the South Logan Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 36, Hocking County Recorder's Office; thence leaving said Lot 117 and with the West right of way of Walhonding Avenue and the Logan City Corporation line South 3 degrees 13 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 356.43 feet to a damaged l" iron pin found and being the point of Beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence continuing with the West right of way of Walhonding Avenue and leaving the Logan City Corporation line South 5 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 80.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, from which a 1" square bolt found bears South 5 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds West at a distance of 267 .99 feet; thence leaving the West right of way of Walhonding Avenue North 84 degrees 42 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 50.84 feet to a 5/8" iron pin set, from which a 11' iron pin found bears South 37 degrees 43 minutes 25 seconds West at a distance of 266.15 feet on the Logan City Corporation line; thence with the Logan City Corporation line North 37 degrees 43 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 94. 79 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.04 7 acres more or less and subject to any public or private easements of record. The above 0.047 acre survey is intended to describe part of the .74 acre tract as deeded to Keith Douglas and Theresa Ann Walker, deed reference Volume 213, Page 832, Hocking County Recorder's Office. This survey was based upon information obtained from tax maps, deed descriptions, previous surveys, an existing subdivision, and existing monumentation. The reference bearing for this survey is the South line of Lot 117 of the South Logan Subdivision as South 80 degrees 36 minutes 33 seconds East. Bearings are based upon an assumed meridian and are to denote angles only. All iron pins set by this survey are 5/8" by 30" and are capped by a 1-1/4" plastic identification cap stamped LPG-6344. The above described property was surveyed by Larry P. Gerstner, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6344, on April 23, 2000. \,,~,,~, t 1 ~' ~u ~'' '•~ ,,.,, ...... r:: ~\ ~ 0 ,,.••"' f f r::: I ··-••• O.i1 '•••••, .•' '\ r~ ... .... ..... .. ' l ;, l' 0 ..... ···· ···...... 0 ./ LARRY / ··· ···... \. P. ; -o [ GERSTNER : -n \ \ \ \ I er: i TRANSFER Not to be used as sep~rate ··b.uilding site or transfwred as an Independent parcel In the future without Planning C"ommission and/or Health Department approval S-6344 i O : \ ..0 \ ,.(\ r-. / ~ f ~ ~ \)"~ t"~V/ /1. / \ ~ ··· ..~'G1s1e.'?--~···· ~'(,/ l ···... '\s"l ('; ·· ................... , \~ ..... , U/ 0 NA L ~...>'~ .....••~ ···.,,, I I' t I I I~ '~ t •'I ": ' . ~ :, • • ,q 11 t ' ' i \ \ \ 't \ \ \ '\ Survey by: Larry P. Gerstner - Engineerin g and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, Logan, Ohio 43138 385-4260 PLAT 0~ A 0.047 ACRE TRACT FOR STEVE GOOD Situo+~d in roils Township, Hocking Counfy, Ohio; being port of the Eo'SI holf Town:.;n'p 14, Rong11 1l, ·)f Sec1ion 14, 1 ~- So.Jti-:v.est filERENCES: corne· ::f 1_eot 11 7 (new Ld i 518~ of +.n~ Tax mops Deed descriptions Previous su rvtys Existing subdivision S·:> ..1th Logori Sub-:l<v<s:ori as recorded :r P!::Jt 1 ~ Existing n1onumentoiio11 8, Soo~ Pa~a JS .,.,"'" <1' ") I if~ ~~' "I ~ V'> !--..---------- C. C1}J r C,::; Cc:oc;)::;rot er ,:'le ' Poir'lt of Beginn'.ng We5t ~- c;; 1· : o• wcy We hor;d1ng St:ee•. "' ::l c Q; ;i > <{ "' ? ;.... 13 N a <:: 0 .s:; 0 ~ I ../:. 1 ·~eu. ~r(IJt1J1n.Jt,(.ai.'t •!OC• 1 ~0 Cour1 1y Eri~i1eer's Olflce '4¥~:1:I~t;;.1 f-=-··-~<l'...t',.__,_ 0 • 5/6" iron pin found 5/8" x 30" iror pin with 1- 1/4" plost:c ID cap stamped ~PG-6344 r) set ® 1" square bolt fou."'ld @ 1" iron pin found ~ OONDIT10NAL APPROVAL/ tRAN8~8~ Net to bi us~ a.s ,,_~u•t• 01.1llalng sitt or tranafttttd u an lndtptndoot parcel i1' tMe lull..irt without / ( 20 0 SSA'_E: ,11 ~llt\l'ling C0mml&tfon .oo/Of =- 40' 40 - APPROVED ---~ LOGAN-HOCKING COUNTY HEALTH DEPT l"lHlth C~p&Mmw ~O'Yi.I Th~ Scuth line of Lot 1'7 of the Soi..th Logor. Subdlvlsfon as Soutn 80 degree! .:6 r~int.;tes .3~ East. Searings ar9 cosed upor"I on ossumad meridian <:lid ore tc de-note a1~gle$ ori y. ~econds ~ERilF'1CATION: I h~reby cer~lfy tl'-ot on octuol surv~y wos made ~nder My supervision of •he p:e'"l".ises ~1"011•1"1 hereon .:)n the 23rd day of April, 2000 or:d thot !he plot is c correct r~presertn'ior of the ~rern:se:s cs describ-.d by Si.ltd survey. eg s .. rvey by: t re, Lor.-y P. Gerstner - Eng(near!r.g and Surveying 9 East Second Street, Suite A, 1.ogon, Ohio 431 38 (740) 385-4260 / Date ~S'-·-~..!,.-_:00 ::::...::;;.-..J,..:f:... &.;;;..;m~-- ~ O(l, l!>-:t C .( A,_; t.T ) 1'71.&.-?.15'" - - _0 Bu• 36' £. S'lt.1;f' = - - - __- .... - .s ~Tf> Moa«-f C><A1'1.t> 10.; ·I'll:?> ACl<.ES 101q.L $E.C:TION /'Joe>-n<. E, 1:.1\'>r OF ' l'-i I / 6.f57S-7 se.c..rre>'J 1"'>=//q.'J.187 //) .. 25. 07 'I 'I =- \ OiA L B. 'i 7Cf 8 3tf,2B9D Ac.RE.~ ,s~c.rro-'{ lN 1'1 I / 13 43.2le8f) I I Rc..R~~ 11". SccrroN L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \o'fA• fie.RE.::. So"\Tf\ 5£.C.IIDN 1'1 ' f WE-Sf OF ~P.,1:.vAT<!. \'.<,o o.t> 0, 10'-l l -51<-c.rro"; 23, 18.0?D 3 18.17'1!/ ftC.R~~ i- - - lLJ t: J J "'"'Ll''t'< ' <, l::>oRt~ 0 ''>'le: !RON """ 0\ J b • = lROf..t f't.1"-l :;ot.A~D CoRt>t..E. \~'1-1'13 ' UJ< I ul .J t·· i:t\ON •' ~O!t-<\' \'r~c c~~ -~r tO"-NI> 1. f<t 1" ~t.i.1>~ /\< 1-\ol< \> ~ppnued • Mathernatrcally Hoc\<J~g CcJnty Aud:tOf\ OlflCe Tl\1. 81 ~D1te_'l_~~S-.S'Y Mf>ir.r:>~ \>o."-J tO« ~ \'J<.C\R.1'.AJ (,.'.;, Sv.1<.,Je8 '> Wl;.\<.E. \:::iE.l<t:J<.b 'i°f<ON\ f\ PR<tvit)uS s"~VC.~ f:IN.~ l'IR<.. '"~ \f'<'E. w~.:n:?.MtiJA•..Io"{ Qi;: A1'!6-t..t.S. bN1-'( \01..~1 MPN4 /-IA.P.rmAH \J~~\:'P..Q~~ f~vrA F\ Sv-.R01!'-i td~ 17Z-36i:( 1--------r-"9........._,..,._,,....................,_......,........,...._,............... /3EIK& revisions s he et ........ __,~-------- rt rART OF T\-\E ........ ~-- rY\P.~E 9-\1 ~. q-JC\ -'3'1 ..........- - - -.................- -.......,__,.,............,....,.,........,.,........,........__.....,..____________ ____________ Si:.c.rroA/ l'-t l AMt:. ~ARI OF \1-\F. N0Rr1.i.wr:.sr QuARtER Or- Sec..1toN 23) \-IY-N, ~-17-W 1 fALLS T6wl4~\.\I~, \-\OC.K'\'..l'JC.- Col.\Nl""Y 1 S1~r-e. Or- 0\-\:c.o ~...------ seymou r-shaw & assoc., inc. consulting engineers & surveyors (614) - 385 - 4349 Loi=-t job drawn .. w~S, date • 63 west main ~'(. R./Lv ---------~-- Sou_ru.J~~r QuAR\Eft ()i: 01'-\ log an, ohio 43138 Wiiiiam R. Shaw & Associates, Inc. Consultin g Engineer s & Surveyor s WILLIAM R. SHAW. P.E .. P.S. PHONE 614 • 385·4349 63WESTMA IN ST. LOGAN, OHIO 43138 Descrip tion of Survey for Don Davis Being a part of the tract of land last transfer red to Jean and Robert Harden as recorded in Deed Book 143 at page 68, Hocking County Recorde r's Office, said tract being a pa.rt of the southwe st quarter of Section 14 and part of the northwe st quarter of Section 23, T14N, R17W, ~alls Township, Hocking County, State of Ohio, and being more particu larly describe d as follows• Beginnin g at a point on the section line between Section 14 and Section 23, from which the northwe st corner of Section 23, T14N, R1?W, bears North 86° 38' West a distance of ,541.12 feet; Thence leaving the north line of said section , North .53° 19' 38" East a 11 distance of 85 ,81 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with I.D. cap set r 11 Thence East a distance of l}3,74 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with I.D. cap sets 11 Thence South 5° 14' 0.5 East a distance of 58.43 feet to a point on the south line of Section 14; Thence with the south line of said section , a.nd a.ccross a private drive, South 86° 38' East a distance of 50,57 feet to a point; Thence leaving the section line a·nd with a. line which lies 25 feet east of an. existing private drive, North 5° 14' 05" West, passing a. 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set a.t 222.d4- feet, going a total distance of 2J2,d4- feet to the centerli ne of an existing ditchs Thence with the centerli ne of said ditch, the followin g ~ 11ve coursess ( 1) North 84tY ·34' 17 0 El.st a distance of 229 .19 feet to a point, (2) North 88° 38' 35" East a distance of 42,44 feet to a point, (3) North '19° L}2' 46" Ea.st a distance of 97. 72 feet to a point, said point being referenc ed by a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set which bears South 47° 06' 26" Ea.st a distance of 6.oo feet, (4) North 60° 17' 32" Ea.st a distance of )4.34 feet to a point, and (.5) North 11~ 0 5?' 07" EB.st a distance of 131~ .13 feet to a point in the center ... (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) line of Scott Creek, Thence with the centerli ne of Scott Creek, the followin g six courses : North 4° J2' 56" West a. distance of 35.22 feet to a point, North 41° 51' 37" West a distance of 110.84 feet to a. point, said point being referenc ed by a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set which bears North J8o lt9' 24" East a distance of 24, 79 feet, North oo )1' 16" Ea.st a distance of ..91 •51 feet to a point, North 76° 25' 06" East a distance of 50.?0 feet to a point, North l}8° 20' 57" Th.st a. distance of 326.91 feet to a point, and (6) North 660 46' 4)" Th.st a distance of 117,96 feet to a point; (continu ed) Description of Survey for Don Davis, (continued) 'Thence leaving the centerline of Scott Creek, North 77° 59' 57" Bast a distance of 22 .19 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set on the west line of a 242.J82 acre tract recorded in Deed Book 176 at page J15r Thence with ·the west line of said tract, South 3° 56' 30" West a distance of 950.~ feet to a 5/8 11 iron pin with I.D. cap set at the southwest corner of said tract on the north line of Section 2Jr Thence with the north line of said section, South 860 38' East, passing an iron pip~ found at )86,70 feet, going a total distance of 487,55 feet to a point at the northwest corner of a 1.19 acre tract recorded in Deed Book 105 at page 178 s · Thence with the south line of said 1.19 acre tract, South 43° J7' 40" East a distance of 2.52 ,00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set on the west right of way line of State Route 93; Thence with the said west right of way line, South 41} 0 56• 54" West a distance of 572 ,55 feet to a 5/8" iron piz:. with I.D. cap set r ThC!nce leaving the said right of way line, and with a line which lies 25 feet west and north of an existing private drive, the following six courses a ( 1 )_South 660 J8' O'~" West a distance of 91.96 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with 11 r.n. cap set, (2) South 430 42' J6" West a distance of 96.07 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with r.n. cap set, (J) South 75° 37' 38" West a distance of 67.01 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with r.n. cap set, ( 4) North 830 41~' l.J.O" West a distanc11 of J86 .97 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I .D, cap set, (5) North 65° 5'?' 38" West a distance of 50,79 feet to a 5/8 iron pin with 11 I.D. cap set, and ( 6) North 260 26' lµ~" West a distance of 73, 31 f aet to a. 5/8" iron pin wt th I.D. cap sets Thence North 14° 10' 04" fust a distance of 93,25 feet to a 5/8" iron pin . with I.D, ca.p set: Thence North l~o 15' )4" West a distance of 170 .12 feet to a .5/8" iron pin '.'.<11th I.D. cap set; Thence South 820 26' 01" West a distance of t60,98 feet to a point 25 feet east of an existing private drive; {et+rrhence with a line which lies 2.5A east of the existing private drive. the following four courses a (1) North 28° 29' 11~ 11 West a distance of 117.19 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with r •.o. cap set, (2) Nor·th 170 32' 27" West a distance of 111~.77 feet to a. 5/8" iron pin with ·, I,D, cap set, (J) North So 50' 02" West a. distance of 172.87 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set, and (4) North 5° 14' 05" West a distance of 29,r# feet to a point on the north line of section 2Jr (continued) ~AG.'- 2. oF 3 Descri ption of Survey for Don Davis (contin ued) '!'hence with the north line of said section and af!cros s the said private drive, North 86° 38' West a distanc e of 50,57 feet to a point r lee-t a Thence with a line 2)Awes t of a private drive, the followi ng four courses ( 1) South 5° Vt-• 05" East a distanc e of )8 .17 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set, (2) South 8° 50• 02" East a distanc e of 178,2.5 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D, cap set, (3) South 1"1° 32 • 27" fill.st a distanc e of 123,JO feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I,D, cap set, and ( lt-) South 28° 29 • 14" Fast a distanc e of 128,53 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I,D, cap set J pin Thence South 22° 40' 52" Fast a distanc e of 104,15 feet to a 5/8" iron with I.D. cap sets in the Thence South 50° 00' 10" East a distanc e of 51.21~ feat to a point center line of Scott Greek, said point being referen ced by an iron pin found which bears South 31° 54' 4)" fill.st a distanc e of 96,98 feet; Thence with the center line of said creek, the follow ing five courses a (1) South 19° 45' 53" West a distanc e of 277,29 feet to a point, (2) South 200 36• 02" West a. distanc e of 169,00 feet (3) South )4° 22' 50" West a. distanc e of 186,39 feet (4) South 6'1° 44' .53" Th.st a distanc e of 194,83 feet (5) South 29° 38' CJ.~" West a distanc e of 1)0,49 feet to a. point, to a point, to a point, and to a point on the north line point being of a 44. 76 a.ere tra<?t recorde d in Deed Book 172 a. t page 362, said 25' 24" rast a distanc e ri::;fer«~nced by an iron ·pi:n found which bears South 86° of 80,00 feet I - z4u Thence with the north line of said l~~.?6 acre tract, North 86° 2.5' a+.. the West a distanc e of 787,56 fe13t to a. 5/8'' iron pin with I,D. cap set page 6J4' s southe ast corner of a. 0,57 .acre tract recorde d in Deed Book 162 at Thence with the east l:lne of said 0.5? acre tract, North 18° 54' L}5" El.st· the northe ast a distanc e of 1}50,00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap s€< at corner of sa.id tract; Thence North 6° 25' 18" East a. distanc e 'Of··3;-3.50 feet to a .5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap setr 'fhence North 25° 26' .53" rast a distanc e of 24.5 ,28 feet to a 5/8° iron pin with I.D. cap set; pin Thence North 33° 14' '-"2" Eh.st a. distanc e of 131.59 feet to a 5/8" iron with I,D, cap set; iron pin Thence North 1}4° 18' 24" J1lst a distanc e of 119.19 feet to a 5/B" with I.D. cap sets of Thence North 53° 19.' 38" B.hst a. distanc e of 19?.15 feet to the place in Section beginn ing, contain ing 8. q 778 acres in Section ill, and 34 ,2B90 acres nts of 23, for a total of 4).2688 acres, more or less, subjec t to all easeme record . The bearing s used in the above descrip tion were derived from a. previou s survey and are for the determ ination of angles only. 19, The above descrip tion was prepare d from a survey made on Septem ber 17 & 6650. 198l~. by William R. Shaw, Ohio Registe red Survey or No, l-1/II E ~'Is-. Po$f 10 . 5"4 /'b:J f / r+ . I 14 /,P C(C er §O I?.. I/ l,~_) ,Po:>f ~ ~ Z-J 124 <: ~ ;P ..S G(rv'ff{/7d .C:. f a nd.5ovfh Lmes ~ 1Y£1/, 5ec 23. Ser 3 ;i?::in PIM and markedl..ines · lfh Snee/ fence Po. T.5, 7 /P c .5ec ..;!') ~ II') I t<\ ,I'\' ""' ...... ~ 8 0 Clc er ' ~N N c-; J ~ ~ •'';f ~ / 1.P 23 5ch~rnaflc Sketch .Sc.alt: .1'9fJpro)(. I""' /000' Ec1r/ Clberre!d Prcy;e1he.s .5ec/4-2JFal/5 Twp. Dec.27, / <?IAS .-.. · - --+ OURVE:Y £/?6r&5ourH L!H£5 - w~ N£ 1~ 3 EC23 ;:;c;LL5 TwP., !locK//'fG COUHTY0!-110 ror EllRL £LBL"RFf'LD S .:::o/e I;£ ZOO' /:y/1.Jf5ea/:Jrlj/JfliJ~d/7 0/;10(}~c18.Z'l, jtft:,5 Donated, June 1982, by ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT, P.E., P.[ COUNTY ENGINEER 1949 · 196t ."" "' " "'' '" "' NOTE S: ih., O•'·J•ino ~l'sl •!" ' <O ond t'''.' su•11c-v or e based Oil th" F-'•<Jb'-·!'- Wov 11\0r\Ull1"fl t S f<)Und o t ')0 '"•'( l<'I( <l l ·._ t c1 , h ,"i) ' - ·, t;;- C)ll•I '. i i) f,~,, t J,, il 2 ) ~. I '' c> t S t '1 /62\ ... 7;• n •, "'' 1··,,,,,1 <"H1 f•nil10•1d l/ol\io t ;on Mui #1.'')/\t 1 v - '1 2 ,~::; b•·rJ••ng S6 '3. !'l"L und l r•~ for th<' ·J ·~ 1nr1n : r1ol ion 0f 011 qlcs only. Th,. C" "'lC:rete 1Ti.)n11n1<"nt::. -..;e1 b) thr: ra ilioad have b•'Cri hrok"n o fl l•on1 ' ;· to 2 4" ))elo w \h" ourrai:" nf t ~,., ~r r) •.1 r' c1 1he t>Cl S""S r01nn1ning c 1•' ·,, J•JO<:I conJ!i,1'1 <Ind o•ri f :r·1 1/y ~et. l•oL I 1 ;.:; •ns••!e tt-.1• r1tv of Lrqan CClrpcJrot ion li•r>i t c; lr•).-1 ? ,5 , , 1' ·id, tl ,r: ('i tv ,,1 I n<Jn" C0 r f)f)rot ., ,n lo n1it c; ~ <( I I ,,~· I ~ "~ .~ - I Mos t Southerly corner the Culv••r' Vorhees & Gallagher Addit ion t o t he City n f Logan as re cord ed in Vi llo<je Pin ! Book 2, Priae 1 19 [_(1\ 835 ol ,' 1'.r & _,, !. / [ Jl ".J(; --- ~--------- IA['l lf . /",f·;1 K -- 1 • •' ' .' '.:> •• , , ,,00,o"~~ ~<,Qc I I I I ~~0<- · S 57 5· 4 7'57 't. ! 1.0 7 " Oer'T'li Really, Inc. 1"ifi-258 ' (Yl'i'" ING RUii A ;( /,,, \ ·- ' V> V> 119 I ' z I '? - Mos t Westerly corner l >1 8.35 of t he Culver l/orhe..:·s &. Corlo gh".!r /\di1itio11 to the Cily of logun us re corded jrr v:11aoe Plot Book 2. Pag~ I ,, ~ "Jou~ 1 P INT Of BEGIN NING TRACT 1 SR4·55·57 '"E G: I ,:;1,. I I of l Cn.jJfl I "k2-.',.., SEE INSET ABOVE R/\ 1.R0/\0 --' M/\ltl I it g.so· DETAIL: ~ 1 11"~/\f' K I I 1 6Q -2 d. 169 -::io ' ~I - I Bcl~ i l ln So rTluf'I I (· ,, S69 · lg. Oo··£:, \ DETAIL S65"23'Q A"[ 8.01' ....... 'STA / '[ _) S7()"30 '1B .E 2615 ·+-82 . 1 <i - 5Fi .27" 24' l T r>--~ S69 · ,, <'JJ3 ··I I c. I I I I I I I & 0. Railr oad Com pan y 64-4 25 RffERENC[O SY A - - SE~R I NG N7 1"3 6'1 l "w r..T 0 .15" . I ST/\. ?617+ 48 .70 0 0 Nss·Qg·oa ··E I .,; N & 7.56" I I \ ...._ SO ' RT I I 'a· 1" IRON PI N FOUND I I 4. AT 0 llf ..' ' ' IJ R[FERENCfO SY A 1 •• IRO N PIN FOUNO B(ARING N5 1" T2' 27 ''w \ ---\~ \ 'I \ '·· ii ........ ---...\..' -- _/ ( \ P[FER[NC[D 8Y A I .. IRON PIP[ FOUND B[APJNG sae·59"45 -W ~· Al 0.3 4 ' '<: :g ' 59·09"".B" W 72 .59' TOTAi ·~----- ST A . ~I • l() ) ., 262 0-"· 7fi .GB ",O ' LT f.1._ ' \~City of Loga n ._ ._ ro rp oralil'"ln li ne - 1- I I \ j . 2621)+8 1.']7 2A' LT I I I I I ' .._ I I I I I TR ACT 2 I .. ~ _ 4 .71 1 ACR ES I I z _) ,,z ) S l'A 2G73• ·. ... I ' , •·,r,· ' .!1.1 ' 0 l. > I (J I 1 r I ) - JI I I I' ) 1. ( .r l • I I I I I I I f· ,, !?: (J' 0 .o I.' ~ .L io ~·) /\/81·oa·a<·"WI I 44 J .4R " T01Aj_ ' \ ') '.u 189.Jj" ' f' James & Anth on y Kilborq.-•r ,., 'I I . 21 ? - Fi4R 'I ' .. , ,_, -J. Ir LEGEND '' ' 5 15 " :r·<; t' ;.i:• ',.. + " ' :11> "5F..' M(JUh' ,:: A' : ·,,j(. 1; 1 "',:,ti, Ill '-' '!-' I I HIJ<E13Y Cl::kllFY ] il_AI THIS 1 L/ol 'NI\':) PPEPARE.D fR OM /\N ACTU/\L f"IELO SURVE Y OF 111[ 11 1\f Ml",ES llJ _,;_J_. _ t _OF 1 9'~ AND r ,QQM EllSTING PUBLIC PECORDS AND THAT SAID P:pT C1)RRECl LY :jH<)WS 11'![ LIMlfS or THE Pl\RCEL JO BE t.ONVEY(D. THI S CE.I, Tt~IC/\ill)N W/\S MA!' E BY ME ON THIS . l/. . ·1 ' . / :.....:::: .!:.!_~--'- _ __;,,::::'~>"''-''''"L______ GEORG( F" S[YMfJI !R OHl(l Ph'l)f.[·JSltl N/\I '".t)RV[(IJF' NO. 6()<1 4 ~:f._ _01\Y OF f.:::. ' -~'~....'- ___ . lg I/ " O Bro ken COUNTY TAX MAPS O t" iron pipe found DELOS AS NOTED PREVIOUS SURVEYS ,-::i l" iron pin f ound ffi Ir on pin foun rl in br0 i.: e., conc re te rr1onun1en t 0 l\xl e f ound • Point RCT EREN f.E'$~ l• r-on cr~t•c I rn <'n,;rnen t l·J1 111 d ~ z 0 in > w 50 " ':oc ole ' I EXHIBIT "A" TRACT 1 of C. & 0. Railroad Being a part of the tract of land that is now or formerly in the name er's Office, said Company as recorded in Deed Book 64 at page 425, Hocking County Record 4N, R17W, Hocking tract being situated in the City of Logan, Section 14, Falls Township, Tl County, State of Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: the grantor's north line Beginning at a 518" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set on of the Culver Vorhees from which a 1" iron pin found on the most southerly comer of Lot 835 Plat Book 2 at page 119 bears & Gallagher Addition to the City of Logan as recorded in Village North 39 degrees 26 minutes 01 second West a distance of 52.44 feet; Thence along the grantor's northerly line the following six courses: axle found; South 84 degrees 55 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.50 feet to an 1. feet to broken South 03 degrees 57 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 66.67 2. 66 degrees 59 concrete monument found from which a 1" iron pipe found bears North minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 0.20 feet; concrete South 65 degrees 23 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 8.01 feet to a broken 3. s 37 minute 20 monument found from which a 1" iron pipe found bears North 68 degrees seconds West a distance of 0.29 feet; to a broken South 70 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 56.27 feet 4. degrees 12 57 North concrete monument found from which a 1" iron pin found bears minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 0.18 feet; to a broken South 69 degrees 23 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 134.18 feet 5. 71 degrees 36 concrete monument found from which a 1" iron pin found bears North minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 0.33 feet, and; to a broken South 73 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 88.03 feet 6. referenced by concrete monument found on a corner to the granter, said monument being s West a a 1" iron pipe found which bears South 88 degrees 59 minutes 45 second distance of 0.34 feet; s 58 seconds West a Thence continuing along a line to the granter, South 09 degrees 09 minute ent on a corner to the distance of 46.06 feet to an iron pin found in a broken concrete monum 76.68; granter, said iron pin being 50.0 feet left of centerline railroad Station 2620+ s: Thence with a new line through the grantor's land the following two course 5/8" X 30" iron pin a to feet South 09 degrees 09 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 26.53 station 2620+81.97, with a plastic identification cap set at 24.0 feet left of railroad centerline and; 11 a 5/8" X 30 iron pin to feet 499.82 of e distanc a West s second 00 s minute 19 s degree 69 North 2615+82.15; with a plastic identification cap set at 24.0 feet left of railroad centerline station Thence along a line to the granter the following three courses: a railroad spike North 20 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 111.14 feet to 1. set; a railroad spike South 75 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 11.07 feet to 2. set, and; to the place of South 70 degrees 32 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 121.24 feet 3. of record. begiMing, containing 0.965 acre, more or less, and subject to all easements "Seymour All 5/8" X 30 iron pins with plastic identification caps set are stamped 11 & Associates". monuments found The bearings used in the above described tract were based on the right-of-way on Railroad shown as at 50.0 feet left of station 2620+76.68 and 50.0 left of station 2623+ 72.7 East and are for the Valuation Map #VSAHV-42 as bearing South 69 degrees 19 minutes detennination of angles only. [Continued on page 2] Page 1of2 EXHIBIT "A" The above described tracts were surveyed by George F. Seymour, Ohio Professional Surveyor No. 6044, in November of 1997. TRACT2 Being a part of the tract of land that is now or formerly in the name of C. & 0. Railroad Company as recorded in Deed Book 64 at page 425, Hocking County Recorder's Office, said tract being situated in Section 14, Falls Township, T14N, Rl 7W, Hocking County, State of Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set on a line to the grantor and the City of Logan Corporation line, said iron pin being 50.0 right of railroad centerline station 2610+63.87, said iron pin bears South 78 degrees 02 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 555.31 feet from a 1" iron pin found on the most westerly corner of Lot 835 of the Culver Vorhees & Gallagher Addition to the City of Logan as recorded in Village Plat Book 2 at page 119; Thence with a new line through the grantor's land along said corporation line, South 69 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 679.83 feet to a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set 50.0 feet right of railroad centerline station 2617+48.70, a corner to the grantor and on a corner to a tract in the name of Jarries and Anthony Kilbarger as recorded in Deed Book 212 at page 648; Thence along a line to the grantor and the Kilbarger tract the following four courses: 1. South 02 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 125.00 feet to a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set; 2. North 81 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 258.00 feet to a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set; 3. South 08 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 180.31 feet to a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set, and; 4. North 81 degrees 08 minutes 02 seconds West, passing through a 5/8" X 30" iron pin with a plastic identification cap set at 189.33 feet, going a total distance of 443.48 feet to a point in the Hocking river, said point being a corner to the grantor and the northwest comer of the Kilbarger Tract; Thence along a line to the grantor and within the Hocking River, North 05 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 141.41 feet to a point; Thence leaving the Hocking River and continuing along a line to the grantor the following two courses: 1. North 88 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 67.56 feet to a 5/8" X 30 11 iron pin with a plastic identification cap set, and; 2. North 01 degree 56 minute 00 seconds East a distance of 293.87 feet to the place of beginning, containing 4. 711 acres, more or less, and subject to all easements of record. All 5/8" X 30" iron pins with plastic identification caps set are stamped "Seymour & Associates". The bearings used in the above described tract were based on the right-of-way monuments found at 50.0 feet left of station 2620+ 76.68 and 50.0 left of station 2623+ 72. 7 as shown on Railroad Valuation Map #V5AHV-42 as bearing South 69 degrees 19 minutes East and are for the determination of angles only. The above described tracts were surveyed by George F. Seymour, Ohio Professional Surveyor No. 6044, in November of 1997. Page 2 of 2 [I b 0 0 NW ~ Sec 14 rallstwr·: CQd Clam5-kl /(),54t?c. 5CC.TIOIY 14 '1'9~.f7'#''40Z.?' -""• ---~c.. ~£CTIO/'I Z~ 40,V. " Ftl11s · tlf IC AR S H N ER. RAY COPY. Log Cabin Lo,. N.11, ·t S99t10D 14, Jalll Twp. ··~~··~····~·*•••••••**•••*•••~··•*•+• Hookln3 Coun,7, S~a~e ot Ohio. Beglnn1J18 a~ th• M.w. oorne r ot the N.B. t n 23, N. 89u57 1 W. Sectio n 23, Fall• Twp.; thence with the North line ot said Seotio 'h•noe N. 402.9 1t. to the East line ot the Right ot Way tor the Stata Highway; 09-57 'Wo 494 rt.; 006 1t. tar-.he :r; thanoa pa~allel thence N.6-26'K. 816.7 Ft.; with the aatd :gs.at lilie N.0-03 1. thenoe N.23-5 l'W. 328.32 pin the plaoe ot beginn ing tor the trao\ harein oonvey9d, S~4w di&Aoter bears 88'"°~• 9.7 Ft •• a a41d \ron pin b81ng in th9 Right ot way tor the said Sta'e Highway; th~noe w1ih th~ rt. Whi~• Wes~ Oak to an iron a~(iaohea) line ot said Weai line th~ said N.a2-oow. N.BZ-00 W. 20.0 681.17 1t. to an iron p1n 1 an iron pin tor Floyd Mounts land beara Ft. ott, alao Ft. and a standa rd Highway marke r, lnaori bed Sta. 33...00 Sao. A -i-30 b•ar• N.22--00 w. 3~&.o rt.; 'henoe s.OS-1 6' con\1nu1ng with th• aald bearin g ot s.68-l &t Oreek; w. ,theno1 with th• oenter ot aald Scott• w. 26D.?6 rt. fv--.- to aa iron; th•Aoe rt. 'to ~he oente r ot Scott• Ol'eek, s.ets-36' 1. 309.73 rt.; 3G.O rt.; 'h•noe contin uing with the aald oeat•r ot Soott1 Oteek s.3f•6 0 1. 28•·•3 aor••• thenoe M.68·00' I• ,,,o ''• to the place ot beginn ing, oonta1Dine 1.983 Donated, June 1982, by ~ ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT, P.E., ~e'":J • COUNTY ENGINEER 1949 . _1_ A .,.'· 3 7 • C 8 CJ GC 1 ·'l: IJ•C:}'.1C~O ': ? G • 0 C CJ ') l , f.. ~ • • c • u r·), . l ,\ (' I) • • • I t.i • 4 .,) • • CJ • 5171+ •35723 4 • • .. • • • A • • 284··~3000 ••••••••••• 2 2 4 • 6 4 ?. 3 3 • 5?•00 000 :3~f. d b 0 0 ci- ': ..-~t- '.7.:.' 1- . . ,· . :.. 174•9 372;? 255•56 21+0 I+ 3 4 2 • 6 1 5 3 0 : ~~ :>.O ,~. 0 0 0 0 0 (· 3 ·a 9 ~- '1 3 o o o • ••••••••••• 1+7/~(+•334)5 1 ... ., • ., • 5 ci • 0 c c c c l6•Q~·'fJCC C•0CJD C'0 3 c u , 7 s r, 'J (~ -~e:;;.- •7 ~ . .. .. "' it , --.--- r /at fl,t >J?o th • '{fee Piaf)~ i!I • ) • c c (: '._} (' •• 0 • E 1s 52 J • 69 ,~; ? c L) 0 S524b •801L S , 9 5 7 c~ 2 • • ~ • • ~ • • • - e • r l 8 (, 7 • c-: 1 [. 9 c • .. • • • A ' :.tc• * * • 5000• 40526 • • 5 () 0 () • 0 0 0 0 0 5000• 00000 0•405 26 0•513 46 0•000 42 • • • • • • • A 51•00 000 43•00 000 0•797 77 0•6?4 12 1?22• 93000 852!~8·39843 • • • if • • • 1•957 03 • •• •• • • • ••• • ••••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • 2328•21191~ ~ • • • t :t * 157•7 8996 2 5 5 • 1? 15 7 ~ ¥ - --- --·- 0•000 00 .................... h ~ 58•00 000 1 6 • 0 'J 0 0 0 4999• 4365? • • - » ••••••••••• • ~ • • ~ 2?5•5 6240 ~ ~ • • ~~00•00000 . .. 1 • .. • , * 174•9 8722 481+2 •61?30 4 7 4 I+ • 3 3 4 9 5 1• • • • • • ..... ) 79 6 5COO• GD1+9 ; • A • • • •• •••• •• , • • 174•4 5987 1+667. 62807 4999• 39736 • D J ('; 'l () . .. . . . . . . • 0•000 00 1?1+•4 5967 4 6 6 7 • ~ ? '3 () 7 1:+ ) r; ') • e ? 7 ? 6 4 • • • It • • 25s ' -~ 50•00 000 2 2 4 • 6 42? ? rJ • 37•00 000 'IL 1 • • 43•57 76A 4442• 98?73 • • FRRC. 7/0N~i )...or C.NU. f c"1 Hll.. moc.1t. 1'1~ - IC.I /-14-N ) f<-)7 -WI F1-t us /WP 1 'flJ I, s~c TION 14) )/oc.i!.1AIG Cou~rtt 1 () 1-H 0. Nore . \3cf1.e1 NGS 0 ..0 F'JZ!;M. DC~/llcD 'P i2£Ii I C'.11.J ~ SI) e \Ie )" fl N D l'I ec Foe. THE- Dt:T DLJ'Yl,tJtrr101'.} o F A N6{.l.~ o~u. Y. I '':- IOC> 0 I 100 _ 0 - __. lE. .__.G~N_..;:;D __ 5/e," J:£C>N ?11-l e O· E )C. 1:,T1...SG. :i;{d)tJ .LD CAP ~E:T PtN ~T b. - srAlf<; A) - ~f Z." '~t.1 SY Ai.&P'r ~l::.llefi'J<;H'l) f\IF'tL l S') e REF J!:..E.lic.G Coui-ny TAY.. I e>eo t>U'il~ Tl+ ll P<.A r !> v.~.c..5. -pc:;co roPo mA P5> ~oo"- re.1 PAGc 19 Oc'FD Boo"- to4- ?Ac.t. I '?>O Dt:.ct> eoe,,~ t>trD BoolL 144 ~c 1s 1 ''-' PAbt Z.5 N41° 3'f ' o4-"W - 38 .t."I ' ~ aB·s ,. ,?.. w 1os. ~1 · ~Jtl£P.'r' t Lt 1119 ff.H~ rtr mu..,oy I,., i;; \~ s E. <!£1~ .SE ymovR -SHAW c.~ we!>'T J._oG-AtJ , o fYll41"' 1-Ho f .4!>S oc. IA-TC:~ Lfo.JC.. . s re~e-r 4 '3 t~e '-14 · 38S· 4~4'1 l ~e;t: 14 t-14-N I 12·1?-W F~ 7'.oJf" Seymour-Shaw S Associates, Inc. Consultin g Engineers & Surveyors WILLIAM R. SHAW, P.E .. P.S. GEORGE F. 5EY.MOUR . P.S. PHONE 615 WALHOND ING AVE'.. 614'::1~ 385-4349 LOGAN. OHIO 43138 Pescri ption of Survey for Harry Mundy Being a part of the 13.89 acre tract as transfe~red to Harry Munday as recorde d in Deed Book 181 at page 19, Hocking County Record er's Office said tract being situate d in Fractio nal Lot 1, Section 14, Tl4N, Rl 7W, Palls 'l,ownsh ip, Hockin 9 County , State of Ohio, and mote partic ularly describ ed as follows 1 Beginn ing at a point in the center of County ·Road 13 on the southe ast line of said 13.89 acre tract from which the southe ast corner of Section 14 bears South 20° 30' 08° East a distanc e of 8 90. 14 feet J rhence leaving the center of said road and with a ~ew line following an existin o fence line the followi ng seven course si. (l)Sout h 88° 51' 13 .. West, passing through a 5/8" iron pin with a 2° aluminu m identi ficatio n cap set at 19.05 feet, going a total distanc e of 108. 37 feet to a 5/8_" iron pin with a 2" aluminu m .identi ficatio n cap set, (2)Nor th 41° 29' 27 .. West a distanc e of 126.19 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2" aluminu m identif ication cap set, (3)Nor th 43° 45' 44" West a distanc e of 250.33 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2" aluminu m identi ficatio n cap set, ( 4 )North 4 7° 39 • 04" West; a,,_g.~stance of 38. 69 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2° aluminu m identi ficatio n cap set, (5)Nor th 39° 53' 31 .. West a distanc e of 268.22 feet to a post found, (6)Nor th 40° 29' 09" West a distanc e of 308.88 feet to a post found, ( 7 )North 40° 41 • 32" West, passing ,.throug h a' 5/8 .. iron pin with a 2 11 ,- . .. aluminu m identi ficatio n cap set at 126.~3 feet, going a total distance of 11?.04 f,eet t,.o-·ap oint on· the wester ly line of the 13.89 acre tract; 'l'hence follo~~nH the _wester ly line as surveye d by Albert Seabri qht, North 9° ' ·5.z.• 51° West a distanc e of 75.41 feet to a stake; r'hence continu ing w1th~·~faid line, North 5° 30' ogu East a dis~2 '. tance of 192.79 feet to an iron pin found at the northw est corner of said 13. 89 acre tractJ · · l'hence· w-f'th ~he (lOrt.h line of said 13,89 acre tract, North 78° 48' 09" East a distanc e of 349.19 feet .to an iron pin found on the northe ast corner of said rl3.89 acre traotj Phence with the ea~t lin~_o~·said 13~89 acre tract, south 27° 34• 51" East,. passing ·t,hroug h an . iron pin found at 1198. 81 feet, going a total distan ce of 1226.38 feet to a point in.the center of cou~ty ~-<~~.'""'-.... '\.,,, "ft{ . (cofl.tinue<JJ Seymour-Shaw S Associates, Inc. C'onsu lting Engin eers & Surve yors WILLIA M R. SHAW, P.E .. P.S. PHONE GEORG E F. SEYMO UR. P.S. 614. 395.4 349 ~escription 615 WALHO ND!NG AVE. LOGAN . OHIO 43130 of surv ey for Harr y Munday (con tinu ed) i1hen ce with t.he cent er of sai0 road , Sout h 43° 35' 09" West a dist ance of 66.2 1 feet to a nail~set; ·rhen ce cont inui ng with the cent er of said road , Sout h 24° 36' 08" West a dist ance of 12. 96 feet to the plac e of begi nnin g, cont aininq 10.2 654 acre s, more or less , subj ect to the righ t of way of Coun ty Road 13. ~·he bear inqs used in the abov e desc ribe d trac t were take n from a prev ious surv ey and are for the dete rmin atio n of angl es anly • ...,he abov e 0esc riber l trac t was surv eyed by Ceor ge F. Seym our, 1 Ohio Pegi stere d Surv eyor No. 6044 , Augu st 26, 1981 . \!i~?E~p}~----------- 13 E. I N<":> P. T-)4-N R-)1-W I 11 PA12T ai::- Fr<.A<:..T10Nfn.... J..cr I St::.c::.T10~ JI l4 } FALLS JowNSHIP I J-lock.11<J6 CovtJTSJ, OHIO. N0Tf. 8Qlt?JA16S fUU. C>C£>11/t:C Fr2om P2'.v 1ou~ svR11e ~ /lf'JO /'': ICO I SCALE: so 0 'S/e,~ H~N 0 • 541• 3't ·c ~ ··e ~ eo'f' /CO f'l/'4 ~ VJ/?." 1:.0 C.AP • t:::1'.1:.T1tJC· ,rRDIJ P1,J 0 - l"'o~T 6 · ~TAtt.'° ( .$~T • • f"O/~ d - A.>u.. £ 6Y RL.&n $e7'18~Glfr\ r Nl\11.. (.~"'\ REff'.l?CNC§ :> Cou..nv 1A.,. ~l.A,.~ 1eeo r~,. P~ r~ v.~.6.S. Tof'o mtws Dt:C:C BooK. 1e1 • PllGcS 19 I ti.f•~ ccl11!y thA! an .;;~-U-it ~-.,.,., ti>~ P'''"·ls~ ..,~ l!l/.J..(j-,Y...~ - - · , 8' IUP""r lt:n ·I wn r- "<19 ur ~u "') '"'" "" ., ~-'._ d•y at \ \ SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS WAIVED PENDING HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL BY .SE DAT~ r-14, R·n ·---/ ~t:.'1'Moue-sH (.~ W (r.lf••J .(..06AN, OMlO f • ~T• w # Rs~oc 4!>1~8 Lt.JC.. C.O~ .S£C.. FFlt..L!> TUJP 14 ~ . ' .. • \ , ' ' ' .~ t ; • ' ,,. ~:. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors .1 Gl£0AG«, f', 6EYMa°UA. P.6. • f<,HONI! 61 !5 WALHONDIN G AVE. 614. 39!5·434G LOGAN. OHIO 43130 . \. ~ Pescrip tion ot survey for Harry Mundy Being a part of the 13.89 acre tract as transfer ed to Harry Mundy ao recorded in Deed BooJt 181 at paqe 19, Hock.in9 County Recorde r's Off ice said tract being ai t uat ed in Fraction al Lot 1, , <'sectio n 1'4, ·rl4N, Rl 7W, i... alls 1'ownshi p, Hocking County, State of Ohio, I,,.,.~,~:'.~ ' · :·_.i·and·moro particu larly doacribe d as followrn . . . ~. : .,,''·'. ;,'.: Beginnin g at an i.ron pin axle·,. found: ,.on.lthe most ·souther ly corner .: . . " : acre tract from which the southea st corner of Section 14, 13.89 the ·::·.:· ·"-ot ' • ,r ' ·-·>)~ ·'1"t4rt~ .·R17w1 bears South 34° 19' 06" East a distance of 816.79 feetJ ' . ! > ,,., .· ' . ., ' ' ; ': . . ' ' ' 1'\·.·, .. \~:: . , .: ,.:<;~ . ~ ./ ' :Jl'hence tollowin g the westerly line as surveyed by Albert , ·,, ' . ,."·~.·.: ~eab.rlght ..... th1i'. tallowin g six courses 1 · (i)t{orth 57° · ·01 • 51° West a· distance of 171.26 feet to a stake, ;~·~,}°:' :.(2)Nor~h··:J8° ·11 • 51" West a distqnc e of 358 .eo feet to a uta!(e, 26' 51•• Weat a distance '. . of 100.95 feet to a stake, .>10°., . ·:. . ·."(3)North :<::: . . ,, . . ., e of 444.89 feet to a stake, ,:· .:: · · (4)N~rth '440 .• 41 1 s1•• Weat a· distanc . •l'. • . ' ·.:to a AJtalte, Eaat a d!atanco of 136~ BO:t:.;1Jt l ~)North.~; .42J' ~9:: Weqt a distance of 65.uO ·.Leet to a po1nt1 1~," . (fi)No~t~ ~ .. "5~ ; •:· 1'h.ence leav ng ·s1u.d wester.\ y line and with a ne\I line followin g ,J . ,.: G..~dtiting ~e'nce the. fol.lowin g seven courses 1 ~.' · · :<'.'(l)So uth 40° 41• 32" Baat,:.1p taasing .through a 5/8" iron pin with a 2 .. ' _\ ' ' '.· .,.· :; a·n · . · aluriin~ ".idant.i ficntion cap oet at 5, 21 feet, going a total d.iotance · · ot · t32 ~ 04 · fefJt to a post t' found 1 •' . " t ,. • ' \ .1·i<'' ' . (2)South . 40Q 29• 09" Euat a distance of 308.08 feet to a post. found, ·.(3)Squt h· 39° 53' St•• Eailt a distance of' 268,22 feet to a 5/8" iron '. pin',.14it h a· 2·!·''. a~uminUm identif J.cation. cap set' (4)~out.h:~4"/9,39,·: 04•• ~ast a diotance of 38.69 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2" alwninum identifi cation cap set, (5)South 43° 45• 44" East a distance of 250.33 feet· to a 5/8° iron I p.in uith a 2° aluminum identifi cation cap set, (6)South 41° 29' 27" East a distanc e of 126.19 feet to pin ~ith a 2" aluminum identifi cation cap set, and ("'/)North 86° 51' 13° East, passing through a 5/8 iron alum,in um.iden tificatio n cap set at 89.32 feet, going a ot 108.Jl feet to a point in the center of County Road a 5/B" iron pin with a 2" total distance 13J . ~rhence uith the center of said road, South 24° 36' 08 .. West a distanc e of 42.04 feet to .a nail aetJ 'T'hea1ce leaving the center of aaid. road, South 47° 23' 09" West a distance of 178.70 feet to the place of beginnin g, containi ng 3.628 acres, more or less, subject to the right of way of County Road 13. 1•he bearings used in the above describe d tract were taken from a previou s survey and are for.the determi nation of angles only • 11 . l'he above describe d Ohio Registe red Surveyo r ~·M1~1 ~!~~~::~l!!L Seyrnour-Shaw S Associates, Inc. Cons ultin g Engi neers & Surv eyors WILLI AM R. SHAW . P.E .. P.S. GEOR GE F. SEYMOUr~. P.S. PHON E 614 - 385-4 3"l9 615 WALH ONOI NG AVE. LOGA N. OHIO 4313 8 Des crip tion of Sur vey for Har ry Mundy Boin~J a par t of the 13.8 9 acre trac t as tran sfer ed to Har ry Murtdy as rc~corded in Dee d Book 181 at pag e 19, Hoc king Cou nty Rec ord er's Off ice said trac t bein g situ ate d in Fra ctio nal Lot 1, Sec tion 1,1, n4N , Rl 7W, Fal ls Tow nshi p, Hoc kinq Cou nty, Sta te of Ohi o, and mor e par ticu larl y des crib ed as foll ows : Beg inni ng at an iron pin axle -fou nd _on1 the mos t sou the rly cor ner ot the 13.0 9 acre trac t from whi ch the sou thea st cor ner of Sec tion 14, Pl4N , Rl7W, bea rs sou th 34° 19' 06" Bas t a dist anc e ~f 816 .79 fee t; rrhe nce foll owi ng the wes terl y line as surv eye d by Alb ert Sea brig ht the foll owi ng six cou rses : (l)N ort: h r570 01' 51" Wes t a 'dis tan ce of 171 .26 fee t to a stak e, (2)N orth 38° 11. 51" Wes t a dist qnc e Of 358 .80 fee t to a stak e, ( 3 )No rth 10° 26' 51" Wes t a dist ane e Of 108 .95 fee t to a stak e, (4)N (nth 4'1° 47' 51° West a dist anc e of 444 .89 fee t to a stak e, (5}No·r· th ~:. 42····· 09·. ,·.·.· ..Eas. t a dist anc e of (6)N orth 'J .· 52~ 51" We¥t a dist anc ~so: :to a.. a po1 ~st!:ak~, of 'f36 i)5.u 0 ;t:e .1.eeet·t to .. '!''he nce le.a ving said wes terl y e line and with a new line nt1 foll owi ng a~ exl atin g fenc e the foll owi ng seve n cou rses s (1 )Sot .tth . 10° 41' 32° Eas t,n.p assi ng thro ugh a 5/8 " iron .Pin wit h a 2" alum inum ide ntif ica tion cap set at 5.21 fee t, goin g a tota l dist anc e " of 132 - O.:l feet to a post~ foun d, (2)S outh 40° 29' 09° Eas t a dist anc e of 308 .88 fee t to a pos t foun d, ·. ('.)) Sou th J9° 53' 51 ° Eaa t a dist anc e of 268 . 22 fee t to a 5/8" iron pin wit h d 2" alum inum ide ntif ica tion c9p set; (4')t lout h 47° 39' 04° Eas t a dist anc e of 38.6 9 fee t to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2° alum inum ide ntif ica tion cap set , (5)S ou.t h 4'3° 45' 44" f~ast a dist anc e of 250 .33 feeb to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2° alum inum ide ntif ica tion cap set , (6)S outh 41° 29' 27" Eas t a dist anc e of 126 .19 fee t to a 5/8" iron pin with a 2" alum inum ide ntif ica tion cap set , and (?)N orth 88° 51' 13" Eas t, pas sing thro ugh a 5/8 ° iron pin with a 2" alum inum ide ntif icu t.io n cap set at 89,3 2 fee t, goin g a tota l dist anc e of 108 .37 fee t to ~ poi nt in the cen ter of Cou nty Road 131 'Phe nce with the ctin ter of said road , Sou th 24° 36 • 08" Wes t a dist anc e of 42.0 4 tee t to a· nai l set; The nce leav inu thq cen ter of said road , Sou th 47° 23' 09" Wes t a dist anc e of 178 .78 fee t to the plac e of beg inni ng, con tain ing 3.62 8 acr es, mor e or les s, eubjec~ to the righ t of way of Cou nty Roa d 13. 'I'he bea ring s used in the abo ve des crib ed trac t wer e take n from a prev ious surv ey and are tor the dete rmi nati on of ang les onl y. l'he abov e des crit ed trac t was surv eye d by Geo rge F. Sey mou r, Ohi o Reg iste red Sur vey or No. 604 4, Aug ust 26, 198 1. Approved· Mathematicalf'f •·11.~jj~ty-E~~:~;tq~t,L l ~~ 5~ ~t D~ 1 ·~ 9~""':::" "'.3;'~ . ~.;:b ~ ::> ~ ,.;.. ...,,. ..........~ to , ;:>.-.. ""Q.., ~- ~ : <,.-, ')-- ~ ~ .....,,,,- -- - - - ---------------· - -- - --- - -· ·-·------ DESCRIPTION OF 7.0243 AC. TRACT FOR MR DENNIS KRASNOSKY Being a pan of the tract of land described in Vol. 198, Pg. 445, Hocking Co. Deed Records, situated in the SW 114 of Sec. 14, Falls Twp., T-14N, R-17W, Hocking Co., Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning, for reference, at a point on the south line of Sec. 14, said point being referenced by the SW comer of said section which bears N 86 degrees 38' 00" W a distance of 1403 .J 8 ft .; Thence N 3 degrees 45' 22" Ea distance of 949.62 ft. to a point in Scott's Creek; Thence with part of the easterly boundary of the tract of which this survey is a part the following two (2) courses: 1) N 87 degrees 34' 30" W, passing an iron pin set at 75.71 ft., going a total distance of380.88 ft. to an iron pipe found; 2) N 19 degrees 36' 20" W a distance of287.80 ft. to a point, said point being the principal place of beginning for the tract herein described and being referenced by an iron pin set which bears N 59 degrees 14' 16" Ea distance of6.27 ft.; Thence leaving said easterly boundary and with new lines the following two (2) courses: I) S 59 degrees 14' 16" W a distance of 134.60 ft . to an iron pin set; 2) S 17 degrees JO' 37" W, passing an iron pin set at 262.09 ft., going a total distance of280.22 ft . to a point in the center ofa private roadway; Thence with the center of said roadway the following thirteen ( 13) courses: I) N I 5 degrees 00' 03" W a distance of 41 .56 ft. to a point; 2) N 21 degrees 07' 25" W a distance of68 .99 ft. to a point; 3) N 12 degrees 41 ' 20" W a distance of I04. 44 ft. to a point; 4) N 0 degrees 50' 24" Ea distance of 57.92 ft. to a point; 5) N 4 degrees 59' 21 " W a distance of 55.03 ft. to a point; 6) N 25 degrees 36' 52" W a distance of95 .64 ft . to a point; 7) N 40 degrees 51' 13" W a distance of 68.63 ft . to a point; 8) N 49 degrees 41 ' 49" W a distance of 56.89 ft. to a point; 9) N 64 degrees 24' 42" W a distance of 135.58 ft. to a point; 10) N 53 degrees 54' 02" W a distance of 54.53 ft. to a point; I I) N 34 degrees 14 ' 16" W a distance of72.20 ft. to a point; 12) N 27 degrees 34' 11 " W a distance of98.03 ft. to a point; 13) N 41 degrees 51' 47" W a distance of 90.3 9 ft. to a point; Thence, leaving said roadway, N 54 degrees 53' 42" E, passing an iron pin set at going a total distance of526.53 ft . to a point on the easterly boundary of the ., ft 5.93 present parent tract, said point being referenced by an iron pin set which bears N 54 degrees 53' 42" Ea distance of7.23 ft.; Thence, with said easterly boundary line, S 19 degrees 36' 20" Ea distance of 811.95 ft . to the principal place of beginning, containing 7.0243 acres, more or less, and being subject to all valid easements. Cited bearings are based on the bearing system of the 43.2688 Ac. tract described in O.R. Vol. 69, Pg. 437 . All iron pins described as being set are 5/8" X 30" with an attached plastic identification cap. The above description is the result of an actual survey made by Michael P. Berry, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6803 , on January I8, 2002. Approvell • Matn~1 11aw:a11y Hocking County Eny111eer ' 9 Otfl~u BY ..f~/J__ DAl ~ ~.1-.J.Z-:1162--- ... DESCRIPTION OF 7.6922 AC. TRACT FOR MR. D ENN IS KllASNOSKY Being a part of the tract of land described in Vol. 198, Pg. 445, Hocking Co. Deed Records, situated in the SW 1/4 of Sec. 14, Falls Twp .. T-14N, R- I 7W, Hocking Co., Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning, for reference, at a poi nt on the south line of Sec 14. said point being referenced by the SW comer of said section which bears 86 degrees 38 ' 00" W a distance of 709.79 ft.; Thence, N 5 degrees 14 ' 05" W. passing an iron pin set at 222 04 ft .. going a total distance of 232 04 ft . to a point in the center of a small run, said point being the principal place beginning for the tract herein described: Thence S 84 degrees 34' IT' W a distance of 25 00 ft to a point in a private roadway; Thence with the center of said roadway the fol lowi ng nine (9) courses: I) N 18 degrees 48 ' 41 " W a distance of 113.78 ft. to a point : 2) N 12 degrees 22' 12" Ea distance of 138.49 ft. to a point; 3) N 22 degrees 40' 58" Ea distance of 56.56 ft . to a point: 4) N 39 degrees 36' 08" Ea distance of62 . 18 ft. to a point; 5) N 42 degrees 03' 12" Ea distance of 80.62 ft. to a point; 6) N 3 I degrees 03' 16" Ea distance of 61.25 ft . to a point; 7) N 7 degrees 33' 59" Ea distance of63 .96 fl . to a point ; 8) N 8 degrees 38' 30" W a distance of53 .78 ft to a point. 9) N 15 degrees 00' 03" W a distance of 58 .83 ft. to a point, Thence leaving said roadway and with new lines the followi ng two (2) courses: I) N 17 degrees IO' 37" E, passing an iron pin set at 18. 13 ft ., going a total di stance of 280.22 ft . to an iron pin set; 2) N 59 degrees 14' 16" E a distance of 134.60 11 . to a poi nt. said point being referenced by an iron pin set which bears N 59 degrees 14' 16" Ea distance of 6.27 fl.: Thence with part of the easterly boundary of the present parent tract the following two (2) courses: I) S 19 degrees 36' 20" Ea distance of 287.80 ft . to an iron pipe found , 2) S 87 degrees 34' 30" E, passing an iron pin set at 305 .17 ft .. going a total distance of380.88 ft . to a point in Scott's Creek, Thence with the approximate centerline of said Scott 's Creek and along the westerly boundary of the tract described in O.R. Vol. 69. Pg. 437, the following seven (7) courses· I) S 77 degrees 16' 57'' W a distance of 19.24 ft . to a point : 2) S 66 degrees 46' 43" W a distance of 117.96 ft . to a point; 3) S 48 degrees 20' 57" W a distance of 326.9 1 ft. to a poi nt; 4) S 76 degrees 25' 06" W a distance of 50.70 ft . to a point, 5) S 0 degrees 31' 16" E a distance of 9 1.51 ft . to a point: 6) S 41 degrees 51' 37" Ea distance of 11 0.84 fl. to a point; 7) S 4 degrees 32' 56" Ea distance of35.22 11. to a point; Thence continuing with said westerly boundary of O.R. Vol. 69. Pg. 437, and along the centerline of a small run the followi ng five (5) courses: I) S 14 degrees 57' 07' W a distance of 134 13 ft . to a point: 2) S 60 degrees 17' 32" W a distance of 34.34 fl. to a point: 3) S 79 degrees 42' 46" W a distance of 97 .72 ft to a point, 4) S 88 degrees 38' 35" W a distance of 42.44 fl. to a point; 5) S 84 degrees 34' 17" W a distance of 229. 19 fl. to the principal place of beginning, containing 7.6922 acres, more or less, and being subject to all valid easements. Cited bearings are based on the beari ng system of the 43 .2688 Ac. tract described in 0 .R. Vol. 69, Pg. 437. All iron pins described as being set are 5/8" X 30" with an attached plastic identification cap. The above description is the result of an actual survey made by Michael P Berry, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6803. on January 18. 2002 . Apomvell • Mat1.;.rn;it1r;.u11 HocklnQ County E:ng1ne~ r';, li'1" •· ~~~ Michael P Berry ~ DESCRIPTION OF 30.0 FT. WIDE EASEMENT Being a non-exclusive 30.0 ft. wide easement for the purpo se of ingress and egress across part ofa tract of land described in Vol. 198, Pg. 445 , situated in the SW 1/4 of Sec. 14, Falls Twp., T-14N, R-17W, Hocking Co ., Ohio. The centerline of said easement is described as follows: Beginning, for reference, at a point in Scott's Creek, said point being referenced by the SW corner of Sec. 14 which bears S 3 degrees 45 ' 22" W a distance of949.62 ft . and N 86 degrees 38' 00" W a distance of 1403 .38 ft .; Thence with the center of said Scott's Creek the follow ing five (5) courses: 1) S 77 degrees 16' 57" W a distance of 19.04 ft . to a point; 2) S 66 degrees 46' 43" W a distance of 117.96 ft. to a point; 3) S 48 degrees 20' 57'' W a distance of 326.9 1 ft. to a point; 4) S 76 degrees 25' 06" W a distance of 50. 70 ft . to a point; 5) S 0 degrees 31 ' 16" W a distance of 91 .51 ft . to a point, said point being the principal place of beginning for the easement centerline described herein; Thence with said easement centerline the following three (3) courses: 1) N 69 degrees 30' 38" W a distance of 131.59 ft. to a point; 2) N 89 degrees 29 ' 58" W a distance of 103 .25 ft . to a point; 3) S 83 degrees 48 ' 45" W a distance of 98 .94 ft . to a point of termination in the center of a private roadway; The above description is the result of an actual survey made by Michael P. Berry, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 6803 , on January 18, 2002. l. ~// . ._0' ;~ Michael P. Berry DESCR fPTION OF 60.0 FT. WIDE EASEM ENT Being a non-exclusive 60.0 ft . wide easement for the purpose of ingress and egress across part ofa tract ofland described in Vol. 198, Pg. 445, situated in the SW 1/4 of Sec. 14, Falls Twp., T-14N, R-17W, Hocking Co., Ohio. The centerline of said easement is described as fo llows: Beginning at a point in the approximate center of a private roadway , said point being referenced by the SW corner of Sec. 14 which bears S 74 degrees 14' 09" W a distance of 688.40 ft .; Thence with the center of said roadway the following twenty-one (21) courses: 1) N 18 degrees 48' 41 " W a distance of 113 .78 ft. to a point; 2) N 12 degrees 22' 12" Ea distance of 138.49 ft. to a point; 3) N 22 degrees 40' 58" Ea distance of 56. 56 ft . to a point; 4) N 39 degrees 36' 08" Ea distance of 62. 18 ft . to a point; 5) N 42 degrees 03 ' 12" Ea distance of 80.62 ft. to a point; 6) N 3 1 degrees 03 ' 16" E a distance of 61 .25 ft . to a point; 7) N 7 degrees 33 ' 59" Ea distance of 63 .96 ft . to a point; 8) N 8 degrees 38' 30" W a distance of 53 .78 ft . to a point; 9) N 15 degrees 00' 03" W a distance of 100.39 ft . to a point; 10) N 21 degrees 07' 25" W a distance of 68 .99 ft. to a point; 11 ) N 12 degrees 41' 20" W a distance of 104.44 ft. to a point; 12) N 0 degrees 50' 24" Ea distance of 57.92 ft. to a point; 13) N 4 degrees 59' 21 " W a distance of 55.03 ft. to a point; 14) N 25 degrees 36' 52" W a distance of 95 .64 ft. to a point; 15) N 40 degrees 51 ' 13" W a distance of 68.63 ft . to a point; 16) N 49 degrees 41 ' 49" W a distance of 56.89 ft . to a point; 17) N 64 degrees 24' 42" W a distance of 135 .58 ft . to a point; 18) N 53 degrees 54' 02" W a distance of 54.53 ft . to a point; 19) N 34 degrees 14' 16" W a distance of 72.20 ft . to a point; 20) N 27 degrees 34' 11" W a distance of98.03 ft . to a point; 21) N 41degre es51 ' 47" W a distance of90.39 ft . to a point of termination . The above description is the result of an actual survey made by Michael P. Berry, Ohio Registered Surveyor No . 6803 , on January 18, 2002. •WPIOVet. • 1\11 ;n .:1.,i\;!l11, <!l1) Hocking County Ell [;HlBt!r's 011 11·1 ·-f-1-·_l_ V UY OATf: . .J::~ -O'L -- ~ /~ ,_ _)\?. c: '\ Michael P. Berry ~ :2. ~ oi:: A FA.J. 1 . "O . ~ -;;;;:> . ~ ' "":\1.A..,J>. -~£.. Yt:> : .A..o.<¢ 8 '~~ ~.:::;:,.._':!'-~~ ;""'vt.\. 6 "+...!/A C...>l:=- -~~ . JA. - - ~ c::r=-- """'" ,_ ~'r-l f4. o~ ~s..,. ~ 1 ~ t~-<....i . ?.-\~W , M•ue;.AC~~c.. G.O. / Qt-:..~ ' . N...:;'I..:!:• ¢.:1::·~ ' ' kr+i'--.">~ t~ ' -../9J-. ' . :s ,t:::, ~~ ......~ . ~t-... ~ ~"""~l":l:> A t>-?""'~~ ~~A'I.. ~~ 0""'"· ~-..:..:'!.:.. ~-..J_,;:::./ _,.....~ CJ~, ' C5 • Z, ~ • c;:"J "'-'~ I"~""'~ U ~~' -,/._J/_, (.;:.,. I 7.,1:,.~ • _A °!; ( •;..-;- () c::: e • Q. i 09.. 'i). Cc>~ 1'4.\' ~. ~ " ~;:;;- C>'-~ ~. <. ~ 1.;i .J ~c..""'-·,: ~ ~::!..> .,, ;:-...i ~) .. ~--:::-:::=:::l ' l . ..... l..,X) ) .x.-...~ ~~~) ~t ~ - ~ - .:::r!'·~ '? ~~ (..i:::t">) DE SC RIP TIO N OF 2.3644 AC. EA SE ME NT Being a non-exclusive easement for the purpose of ingress and egr ess across pan of the tract of land described in Vol. 198, Pg. 445. Hocking Co Dee d Records, situated in SW 1/4 of Sec. 14, T-14N, R-17W , and in part of the NW 1/4 of Sec . 23, Falls Tw p, T-14 N, R-17W, Hocking Co., Oh io, and being more particularly des crib ed as follows: Beginning at a point at the interse ction of the east line of the 18 070 described in O.R. Vol. 69, Pg. 43 3 Ac. tract 7, with the south line of Sec. 14. said point being referenced by the SW corner of said section which bears N 86 deg rees 38' 00" W a distance of 659. 22 ft.~ Thence, with said east line and an extension thereof. N 5 degrees 14 · OS" W a distance of 224.31 ft. to a point~ Thence, with a new line, N 84 deg rees 34 · 17" Ea distance of 50 00 ft to a point. Thence with the westerly bounda ries of the 8 8757 Ac and 16 218 7 Ac tracts described in O.R. Vol. 69, Pg. 437 , the following thirteen (13) cou rses 1) S 5 degrees 14' 05" E, passing an iron pin set at 10 00 A and pas sing into Sec 23, a total distance of261.08 ft. to an iron pin found. 2) S 8 degrees 50' 02" E a distan ce of 172 8 7 ft to an iron pin fou nd. 3) S 17 degrees 32' 27" Ea dis tance of 114 77 ft to an iron pin found. 4) S 28 degrees 29' 14" Ea dist ance of 117 19 ft to an iron pin found. 5) N 82 degrees 26' 01" Ea dis tance of 160 98 ft to an iron pin found. 6) S 4 degrees 15' 34" Ea distanc e of 170 12 ft to an iron pin fou nd, 7) S 14 degrees 1O' 04" W a dis tance of 93 25 ft to an iron pin found. 8) S 26 degrees 26' 44" Ea distance of 7J 3 l ft. to an iron pin found. 9) S 65 degrees 57' 38" Ea dis tance of 50 79 ft to an iron pin fou nd. 10) S 83 degrees 44' 40" E a dis tance ofl 86 97 ft. to an iron pin fou nd. 11) N 75 degrees 37' 38" Ea dis tance of6 7 01 ft to an iron pin fou nd. 12) N 43 degrees 42' 36" Ea dis tance of 96 09 ft to an iron pin fou nd. 13) N 66 degrees 38' 04" Ea dis tance of91 96 ft to an iron pin fou nd, Thence with the westerly right-of -way of St Rt 93, S 44 degrees 56 · 54" W a distance of 228.34 ft. to a point~ Thence leaving St. Rt. 93 and wit h the northerly boundary of the 8 4961 Ac tract described in O.R. Vol. 161, Pg. 588 , the following four (4) courses 1) N 8S degrees 36' 43" W a dis tance of 291. 87 ft to an iron pin found, 2) N 84 degrees 08' 13" W a dis tance of l 66 19 ft to an iron pin fou nd. 3) N 63 degrees 27' 15" W a dist ance of 69 .3 7 ft. to an iron pin fou nd. 4) N 31 degrees 54 'A°?J" W a distance of 209 13 ft to a point in the center of Scott's Creek~ Thence with the easterly bounda ry of the 18 0703 Ac tract describ ed in 0 R Vol 69, Pg. 437, the following six (6) courses 1) N 50 degrees 00' 1O" W a dist ance of 51 24 ft to an iron pin set. 2) N 22 degrees 40' 52" W a dis tance of I04 15 ft to an iron pin set. 3) N 28 degrees 29' 14" W a dis tance of 128 53 ft to an iron pin set. 4) N 17 degrees 32' 27'' W a dis tance of 123 30 ft to an iron pin set, 5) N 8 degrees SO' 02" W a distan ce of 178 25 ft to an iron pin set, 6) NS degrees 14' OS" W a distan ce of 38. 17 ft to the place of beg inning, containing 2. 1025 acres in Sec. 23 and 0.2619 acre in Sec. 14. makin g a total of 2 3644 acres, more or less. Cited bearings are based on a pre vious survey and are for the determ angles only. ination of AJI iron pins described as being set are 5/8" X 30" with an attached identification cap. plastic The above description is the resu lt of an actual survey made by Mic hael P Berry, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 680 3, on January 18, 2002 Apprcwe0 • M;1tr(:m:~1:c :·') Hocking County f.n~1nP.or'~ 0~~ 1U BY;!~...._,,, DATE .l::::JJ.:.O rl.J ,-..~.-..r ,.. ,7 2--- ~ / _____ \_ __ Michael P Berry #6803 JI· .• ' ·'.;, - =--· .:·?·~ .. -r- • f l f ~f\P.,T F\ D'i' \L\ 1 \- \ '-\ -!'-\ St.c.TrD"i 'f f\ LL':, \Ow HS\-\ I~ , C "!..' ~ O" lo 1>-1>.v Cov_"-''Y, STATiO Or- 0 l-'>'.LO , PAR, i • P,-\7 LJ, r, \-\ 0 (. \-\ I A) " "'a"' 0 G- \ \ ' ' \ \ \ '' a " \ \,' 7 / \/ ' '' .c / ' ~ d: '-' -' I I _J I f2.AT<.-R".>\f) I I '-/ ?_ . ; H M"f' ~ ~ E-~fl.~ 01'.' - •• •,._ •> ••• c ·-D .."' e ' .. .. GI ~ - o \-'REVI-01.) <;, LI , 0 \00 .. • •• ~ u~ ' " " "t I \ " -=. ~. f?o...,.it: $ ~ \-l.:ti::..1-1 ......11'1'{ ?t....-...v"> \-\oc - 33-"t',?I, 7,5& C.rO- Q..._•1.Ru'I~ Pi.....-..vc; • •• ,_' \\\E. -,." ..,.., ~ D D> 0 • <:.:L : ' ' II I ,., 0 • I I •j - .c "'I .• / I Go ·0 ..c ~ / C. f 0 -."' ~ \ \ : ,;~·: ,''-':" ~t _.......·- D'C_ , NG J .... i?>t11Rr..v6--s WSfZ_f ~iRl'..JE.D Pls!>U..MTUC.-11~€,_ N B&o"' 0'7' 15" C' . Cl_ 01~ Ll . S. Ro1...1Tt 33 lu ~1-;. ' i...' ~· -' I 1. \..\t<'.Re.&'"< C.~r2rI F 'i' I v C1-1rCAC.-O Tira..1: Or: Ar1-1cµs Aert..JCo.< A.A.ID J1RMCO r.A,)c, T1-(Ail Ti+rs PL..t\T WA s PRtPtiR.tD Fr7uM AAJ Ac.11.-1r'I~ Su.rci.>~'r' IYIAf::JE. O"' -s'A.Jv..P>.R~ 2e+1o 1N'2v.. 3l'rJ 1'15U ) ~"'l:::i CoRfi.E-C.T - RtPRtst.U\i> \T'to..0 Q;:: SA~~'::-. f!:,y Is A !)') 1~ SuRIJt=Y D - - Approved - Mathem1!ically /l(]C~(;qunty Audi tor's Office By D.ate .2-&·14> I• I, 9<1>e~ Ac , :r,._)SJ~ E <to a.:,' ~,. . srA 2•i;:;'i°5:' !2S.oo ·~r . 1 ' I ~-~- 2?3,_.,o ' I .--- - La2S". ! Y .s ' 1o:J..S: ;iu,· 400. \'l. 81" 10' Ll '"r - -, '" , C< \() 0 + - 0 j " I - + ·-- s ~ at." 1- - - - +- - - - - - +- - - ' • - +- -- I I /- N \ 8& 0 09 /04:Z.U2. ' \ ~. f '! 1 ~A..;r s \'11..o:i-';1:;,- ·- R.o" ---1"-~l "2- -"'L' -~33 --- -------- •c • ·; ·~ ... .!!. Wiiiiam R. Shaw & Associates, Inc. Consu lting Engine ers WILLIAM R. SHAW. P.E.. P.S. & Survey ors PHONE 614 . 385·434 9 63 WEST MAIN ST. LOGAN.O HIO 43138 Desc ripti on of Surv ey for Armc o Inc. to the Bein g a part of the trac t of land trans ferre d at page 542, 95 Book Deed in Nati onal Supp ly Comp any as recor ded part of a being t trac said Hock ing Coun ty Reco rder' s Off ice, part , n, Loga of City ship, Town s Sect ion 14, T14N , R17W, Fall part icul arly Hock ing Coun ty, Stat e of Ohio , and being more desc ribed as follo ws: conc rete at Begi nning for refer ence at an iron pin set in U.S. Rout e 33 of 1 the poin t of curv e cent erlin e stati on 278+ 80.17 line of Sect ion west the and e erlin cent said the inter sect ion of 4196 .45 feet; 14 bear s Sout h 86° 09' 38" West a dista nce of 38" West a Then ce with the said cent erlin e, Sout h 86° 09' on line of the orati corp the on t dista nce of 201.7 2 feet to a poin City of Loga n; and with the Then ce leav ing the cent erlin e of said highw ay 154.1 8 feet of nce dista a East 38" corp orati on line , Nort h 3° 52' e 33, said Rout U.S. of line way of to a poin t on the north , righ t t here in trac the for ning begin of e poin t being the prin cipa l plac desc ribed ; wing five Then ce with the said righ t of way line the follo cours oss ·~ of 400.1 2 feet to a 5/8" iron (1) S<?"L}.P.o.!3A?.o 10' 44" West a dista nce stati on 273~00, p1n~set 125.0 0 feet left of cent erlin e feet to a 5/8" iron (2) Sout h 57° 51 • 35" West a dista nce of 73.82 cent erlin e stati on of pin with I.D. cap set at 90.00 feet left 272.J- 35, feet to a 5/9" iron (3) Sout h 84° 00' 47" West a dista nce of 80.06 cent erlin e stati on of left feet , : . pin·L wlth. I.O., cap set at 87.00 271+ 55, feet to a 5/8" iron (4) Nort h 69° 45' 07" West a dista nce of 93.11of cent erlin e stati on left, t 01fee 125~0 pin with I.D. cap set at 270 r70, and pin with I.D. cap (5) Sout h 86° 09' 38" West , passi ng·_· a 5/8'\ .iron of 1261 .82 feet to set at 1032 .34 feet, going a ~otal disia nce t recor ded in a poin t on the east line of a 34.51 1 acre trac Deed Book. 182 at page 038; trac t and the Then ce with the east line of said 34.51 1 acre r, the Rive ing cent erlin e of the prev ious loca tion of the Hock follo wing four cour ses: 4 feet to a poin t, (1) Nort h 27° 15' 34" West a dista nce of 242.9 feet to a poin t, 8 246.1 of (2) Nort h 37° 00' 34" West a dista nce 2 feet to a poin t, and (3) Nort h 11° 45' 34" West a dista nce of 163.0 feet to a poin t 3 163.3 of nce (4) Nort h 12° 14' 36" East a dista Railr oad land Ohio and e apeak on the south line of the Ches 425; page at 64 recor ded in Deed Book iron pin with rrhen ce Sout h 77° 56' 38" East , pass ing a 5/8" of 527.8 8 feet nce I.D. cap set at 338.5 5 feet, goin g a tota l dista set; cap I.D. with to a 5/8" iron pin 1 feet to a 'rhen ce Nort h 11° 42' 22" East a dista nce of 180.3 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set; (con tinue d) ") '"' Wiiiiam f\. Shaw & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors WILLIAM R. SHAW. P.E .. P.S. PHONE 614. 385·4349 63 WEST MAIN ST. LOGAN, OHIO 43138 Description of Survey for Armco Inc. (continued) Thence South 78° 17' 38" East a distance of 258.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I. D. cap set; Thence North 5° 49' 22" East a distance of 125.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set at a point 50.00 feet right of centerline station 2617+48.7 of the main tract of the c. & o. Railroad; ·rhence parallel and 50.00 feet right of the main tract of said railroad, the following three coursess (1) South 66° 07' 38" East a distance of 614.43 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set 50.00 feet right of the point of curve centerline station 2623~63.l3j (2) with :a curve to the left having a Delta angle of 12Q, a radius of 2915 feet, a length of curve of 610.49 feet, and a chord which bears South 72° 07'-38" East a distance of 609.39 feet, to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set 50.00 feet right of the point of tangent centerline station 2629T63.14, and (3) South 78° 07' 38" East, passing a point on the corporation line at 203.44 feet, going a total distance of 1189.96 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set 50.00 feet right of centerline station 2641+53.tO, said iron pin also being on the north line of the right\ Of way of u.s. Route 33; Thence leaving the right of way of said railroad and with the right of way of u.s. Route 33, the following two coursesa (1) North 82° 09' 47" West a distance of 365.65 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set 220.00 feet left of centerline station 283+00, and (2) South 82° 10' 44" West a distance of 625.14 feet to a point on the corporation line; Th~nce leaving the north right of way line of u.s. Route 33, and with the corporation line, South 3° 52' 38" West, passing centerline station 276+78.45 at 154.18 feet, going a total distance of 234. 91 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I. D. cap set on the south right of way line of U.S. Route 33, 80.00 feet right of centerline station 276+67.61; Thence continuing with the corporation line, South 3° 52' 38" West, passing a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set at 84.02 feet, going a total distance of 177.11 feet to a point in the Hocking River; 'rhence North 84° 03' 56" West a distance of 1033.85 feet to a 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set on the south right of way line of u.s. Route 33, 80.00 feet right of centerline station 266~24.98; ·rhence with the south right of way line, North 86° 09 • 38 ° East a distance of 1042.62 feet to a previously described 5/8" iron pin with I.D. cap set on the corporation line; (continued) ..3 William R. Shaw & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors PHONE WILLIAM R. SHAW. P.E.. P.S. 614. 385·4349 63 WEST MAIN ST. LOGAN. OHIO 43138 Descriptio n of Survey for Armco Inc. (continued ) Thence North 3° 52' 38" East a distance of 234.91 feet to the principal place of beginning , containin g 29.6469 acres north of U.S. Route 33, of which 1.9688 acres is within the corporatio n boundarie s of the City of Logan, and 2.1004 acres south of u.s. Route 33, said tract containing a total of 31.7473 acres, more or less, subject to all legal easements of record. The bearings used were derived assuming the centerlin e of U.S. Route 33 to be North 86° 09' 38" East, and are to be used for the determina tion of angles only. The above descriptio n was prepared from a survey made on January 28th thru 31st, 1986, by William R. Shaw, Ohio Professio nal Surveyor No. 6650. Approved • Mathematically Hoc~~~unty Auditor's Office B1 ~-_JJate P.· g ..i'1- --···--··--·1-- I ·-·- --··-··--· - ··-.- ·-- . .. II I _/ _I S84 " 4'1 'E ' r.. /20?. "4 ,.. ' • I I \ 'f.otza<'.'. v.,,1?1(;.r1 I'I I. •' •" ' • I i a•-Jll 6 1 ,, .·' ~ .,, '.l,a.1 ;,/ " (? 3' I 1" -I I ; I N 4 2 •- .:iJ ' 1;- 1 91. ;.3 I 1.P I I \ I ;.? D Cle FL oREtYCE 5 c,tf/1R L / ,<encT 2 &4-. 3 ?? ,qc;:: o s. J?c:s1 a uc. E nRNU EL ~Ec-r1 u1Y 14 ?.4-R TLor / -- ; i -r - 14- /'/ : R 17 vV I CouAl rY )-/-oc1 c.1NG II CJ ri lQ I''" I 2. .::iLJ ' .\ . -rc·,.._,,;---r.c=~~ PRFJTT 05."3 "(,(,, 'L q~ 421 ' • A'l · ,,.1 I ,I' - - , _ - fl!>-.'3" -Ll ? 'vV 1 2J . l. L 0011?15 ~ 1" - 3.a'f,J'I ' 4£0 1 • 1 I , 1 8.S'J~ 82/ 31'- .S 9 "· ') . /./~ L -:i_ I '' .!;.d [,: I 41. 2. t ' 1.P. 13. e q1 J- ; N/'I Vol qo/4_?. 7 .:s :z."'-..::;1'.,v 1;; t, . So ' . .:f 4-4 ° ·,.,,J 'i' 1 £ A .4 4 , O'i ' .• 0 / ,f: <~-......__ - N ? 2. 0 "'- L- .- /11 PR 1c£ a q ·w ? 1. e.r' J.;J." -.&:>..' •"' so.a ?' 2 J--;t>al'J7 4.... 11/4,, ""2---- :f " 0 " - 2. e 'E 1ae. 9J"'. t ../ I --- --- --- - - - - - " t' ,.~ ' • ,? 'Jl.IJ ~ - wn•I" aal /g;,,.,~dJ A Doi ?Id, June 1982, by LBERTW. lliMIRIGHT p E p , " " ' .-196COUNTYBlll 1 R1949 /le Tfl/9C/ APPROVED - J(,lf, 377 He J<IN"-COUNTV ENGINITR~.:> OffiCE' !JAT ~- t/-77 i'f · ;:;:::;-:- BY ONLY / Po,t;- - - -, ',_ - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - /'"-- 11'. i • . .:147'! 22 'w .7.JI. t.r' .C#'9S. ZE!tfL {R S.74/8 .fS/"..3/~ 9'/.o.J 9o/J97 .. I ELac 'r l='EL.o . • I l ..... --- --. • ...____~_~--~----· ' ,....... • .. 9o. s4 /, -- ·-- --- --· --- -. --- --. --- -, • ! --- ----t- --...: ....--..~-- ·--"·- _. 7· ---·-:-".""- -·-----·· ··-··· -·-···-'·•'-- - - - - - -.·--·-;___-.• 1..~ "_,...___;. ·-····-········ -·- . . _ .,,. ____ _ . -.......... -..,... ~-' , i r- I $..: ~ 1DfANUBL SCltAAL rulSIDU.11 TRACT Pt. tot 1, St1et1on 14, Falls '1\.1). p I A. .,_ , ... i5' ,:, '"~......... '.Being a part of Lot 1, Section 14, Ja.11• Tovnabip, Tl1'lf, Rl7W,, Hocking County and State of Ohio, and being the rea14ue ot lm&nuel and :Vloronce Schaal tr&ot of land a.e recorded in Vol. -a1 --· 1 Pa8'1 ' , Hooking County Deed PJ.tcord, and more particu larly de1oribe d. follows1 Beginning at a point in the. 1nterae ct1on.o t the tcnmahip road and.the · south line of said Seotion 14, the 1outhea 1t corner of aaid Section l~ bean South 86• ... 16' Eaat 203.24 feet; thtnee on tht ea14 South line of Section 14, North 86° .. 16' Weat 1914.lt.3 feet to the 1outhaa 1t ool1ler of the Jacob and Earl Elbarftt ld tract ot land a.a recorded in Vol. 6,, Page 321, said Deed Racord; thence on the •aat line of the Blbetsld land North 2° - 48• last 496.90 feet to an iron pin marking the aouthea 1t co~r ot Biohard aud Heln Price tract of land as recorded in Vol. 91, Pa~ 4.66, ea.id l'8ed Becord; thenc'f on the Price propert7 Una ten oouree1 a.1 :follove c tforch 26~ .. v)' Kast 593.68 feet and paeeing a blazed vhite oak troe at '17.68 feet; North 47• .. 'O' Vest a09,92 feat; North 14° • 1~2' Vest ,0.87 feetJ North 72• • 09' West 71.8' feet to an iron pin; North 33• .. o8 • Weit 367 .36 feet to an iron a91.28 f~et; North ,3• • North 71° • 19' Weat 61.9' teetJ No~th 78• • 14• Weit l,2.3a teetJ Korth pinJ North 33• • 4'' ~eat ~7' Veet 123.21 feet; 79• • 09' West 2k4.12 feet to a tence poet cornet- on the eaat right ot vay of State Route l7'J1 thence, leaving the 1a14 Price tract ot land, Horth 33• - '8' Weet 312.63 feet to an iron pin monUMnt on the ve1t P./v line ot said Ste.te Route m and marking the ea.et moat corner ot the L1o74 and Carol Donated, June 1982 b ALBERT W. SliABRfGHT ' y COUNTY ENGINEER • P.E., P.S 1949. 196< Mount tract of lal\4 aa record•d in Vol. 77, Page 232, ae.id Deed Record, ea.id Mount traot ot land, containing 3.89'8 Acree, being oompletel.7 encompaased b7 tblt land herein conw)'ltd, 11 4txprs••l.7 exempted from this conveyance by the folloving eleven couraea 1 North i9• • 03' Vast feet; South 6,• a point in Creek tm ~ oa• Weet 16., te•t; South 39• • 39' Veit 184.13 teet to South ~2• tbttnce •,•ith th9 said cent•r ot Scott C~ek; cen"t$r of Scott fou~ COtme81 '29 .10 • 'a' Welt 1,8.~a teet; South a~• • '7' West 2o4.68 flietJ South ,1• .. 19' lket 133.28 fl'!etJ and South 6• • 18' Ke.et 93.lf.6 teat; thence leaving aaid oi-eek, ?forth ,a• .. 37' kit 87.0 feetJ South 60° .. 31' Bait 93.99 toets to the Norih •14e ot a lam, 20 feet in vidthJ thence on the north line of th& lane, Korth 61• • 13' kit 262.00 feet to the place of beginning for the aatdMount emaption: tbtnce on the aaid~at R/w ltm of 19° .. 03' East 20 the State Route te~t ;~1~ :~:- 17' and 01•01eing tm aa14 laM, South iron pin, marking the north moat corner ot the •. /85 . 82 Donald and Istha Prints t:t'llot of land a• recordad in Vol~~ said Deed Record, 1aid Printz tract of le.nd, containing 1.9'23 Acrea, being aompletaly enoompaesed by thft land herein oonve,-e4, 18 expre111)' ftxempted from thie conveyance by tlut folloving five courae• 1 on the South line of the aaid lane South 61• - 13' Wast 300.76 feet to the center ot the aaid Scott CreekJ thence in the center ot taid Scott Cre•k fe9t aud South ~i.,· .. '3' t~ coureeaa South lfut 284.43 teetJ tbtnce lforth 10• • ,a• • 39' hat 309.13 '1' la.et feet to an iron pin aet in the said Weit R/w 11ntt ot the State :Route •n.oo h'; thence on ·tbe said W'eet P./'l 11m ,. !forth i9• • 03' Weit '81~77 teet to the place of beginning tor the nid ~ints exemptionJ thellC4t retracing 1 tt" 2_0.0 • .if••t identicall.7 to the aa14 iron pin on tvo coureea heretofore called a North 19• • 03 .... rreo D15TANCE om1 s~s .svl?l!t=YcR<:> 11FF1D/1v 1 r /JrrAC.NtO monunMnt of the eaid Mounts traot of le.nd and South 33° - '8' Eaat 312.63 feet to the fence poet corner of the 1aid Price tract of land on the 1aid E!a1t right of way line of Bta~ RouU, #7SJ: thence on ·the 1a14 eaat right of vay line of State Route #7' five couraea u 63.64 feet, South 18° - South tollov11 o• . . 12' ICaat Ea1t 334.,7 fe$t, South 10° - ~6· iaat 249.1' ~3' feet, South 10° ~ 30- Vest 809.10 faet, at\4 South 1~ 0 - 13' Weit ~9~ fe8t to the South lim of said &lotion 14; tbenco oroa11ng the eai4 State Route 11', South 09• .. 10' West 40.9""3 teet to an iron pin marldng tht aouthea•t oorMr of the Spurgeon Mttzler, Jr. tre.ot of land e.a raoorded in Vol. 89, Page 343, said Deed 'Mcord.1; thence on the east line of the ••id. iiltsler tract of land, North 13• • 48• last 60.83 teet to an iron pin markitlil' the aoutheaat corner of the a. E. and Glad.ya lrbaugh traot of land e.1 reflordad in Vol. 93, Page 166, said lhed Record; thence on tbt eut line ~rbaugh on ot ea.id tract of land ?forth 10° .. '9' lfaat 'O ,,3 feet to an iron pinJ thence th,,, noi-~h lbl8 of asid E~br.ugh tract of land North 86" • 5'' Veat 150 .. ?.1 teet to an iron pin; then~ on the waat line of laid llrbaugh traot of land and continuing on to the aaid South liM ot said s-Jction 14, South 3• - o4• W'er1t llO.o6 f'eetJ thance on the aaid South line or Section 14, North 86° - 38• West 642.61 faet to an iron pin U'king the 1outMaet corner of Willia. and Lota Loomis traot of land in Section 14, at recorded. in Vol. 61, Page 1,1, said DJed Record; thence on the eaet line of ••id tooaie tract of land, North 3° .. '6' - 30" Ee.at 9'0.3~ f'f!ttt to an iron 11in; t'1.ence on the north line ot said Loomi1 traot of land North 87° .. 23' Wftat 380.88 fs~t to al\ iron pin marking the eoutheaet corner in said Section lr of a Mcond traot ot land of the said William and Lota Loomi1 aa recorded. in Vol. 82, Page 31.a ot 1ald. ~e4 Record; thence on tm ea.et 11na of aaid actoond tract or land ot Looat18 the threa follo\ring coura'3S I North i9• .. 24 • • 30" Weat 1836.92 f'eet to an iron pin; North ~2° - 31' Eaat 191.23 feet to & be~oh tl"8e; and North 26• - '7' W!lat 321.48 feet to a white elm tre9 J thence of tbt North lint of eaid second traot of' land o'f Loomia, North Q6• - 01' lleat 246.88 feet·to the wet Una of ·;aid Sect:lQtf,. l!J.; ' t'Mnce on tbl 8&14 ~•t line .tlf . .&a.otton t4,..Jforth 1•.... ~!,. ..• 30'' East 796.9~ teet to a atam; tmn:ce SQ·Llth 86• • f~et; ·" .i· la.'' - 30~· Eaat th.9nco North 3° ... 26.• Eaat ,,28 f\tr9tJ th8nce South SJt.• •· feet; thence Sout:i 2• .. ~O' Weit 2' :test to tm ~· 26la.6.6' matt 1207 .94 center line ot tbt said State Routa #7') 1 said canter lim marking the norih limit of tht Je111tt. Lit~JA tract· of land. ae recorded in Vol. 73, PalJJ 1,1, Mid :D!ed. Recor<IJ thence on tM aa14:. centar line a.nd tittle lime, North ar . . 18' Weat 26, .8o te~t and South 87• • 2'' Vast 261. 36 feet; tmnca lee.ving aa14 c•nter lir• but continuing vith linee of the 1aicl Littl.e tract of landJ Sr.)uth , .... ' ' ' Wea\j97 .9' fe.,t to an iron ! pin; tl»nce South 86• .. lo• East 111.18 vith said bearing South 86• .. te~t to an.iron pin; thenc.s continuing 10' Ee.at 496.70 feet to an iron pin marking the north wet corner ot the Hillcrest Allotment and reoorded in the nam of Hugh B. tittla, ~t al., Vol. 76, Page '36, ea.id :Dead P.9oord; thence with lines of the said Hilloreat Allotment Scuth 9° -.42' Weat 29,.19 feat to an iron pin; thanc8 South 78° • 38 1 Weat 218.13 feet to an iron pin; thence South 13• - 36• Eaat ~78.22 f9et to an 1~on pin; thence South 3,• - 2'' ~at 22,.09 feet to an iron pin marking the \Met mo1t cormr of a second Hiller.et trft<'t ot land and re- corded in tbe llAIM, ot !Gt11Mth 'Bright, •t al., Vol. 139, Pap 239, nid Deed !ecoiad~ tbanca vith tha line of the said second Hillcreat tract ot: lan4, South .,a• 36• - Ea.at '93.71 feet to an iron pin marking a aormr c0taon with the Samuel and Ollis P:ra.tt tract ot land, Vol. 90, Page 428, eaid Deed Record, and Cla:renc& R. Linn, VoL 90, Page 427, aatd Doed R"cordJ tmnctt v1th linaa of th!t s~id Litnl truct of land, South 78° - 47' Weat 349.19 faat to an iron pin; thence South '.5° .. 29' Veat 192.79 f'aet; thence South 9° • ""'iEast 141.21 feet; thence South 21) - 41 1 Wait 136.,0 faetJ thence South 44° • 49• last 444.89 fa~; toonce South 10• - 28• Eaet lo8.~ fee't; thence South 3e 3,8.80 faetJ Charles tm~ce w. Zeigar South ,7• 0 o·p Es.at 171.26 feet to an iron <» tract of land, Vol. 90 1 Pa~ ""· 13 • _i!;~.,t pin on th.a 397, said Died Record·J thanca vith Hnea of tM aaid Zaigl8r tract of land South 47° - 22• Weat 331.68 feet to an iron pin in the said center of tbe tovnahip road: thence vith lin;:,a ot , ,,}L::. . thfl ea.id 1e1gl.er tract and tM said center lim ot the tovnahi:r roM: Soutli·.,;t• .. 31' ~aet 99.°' feat; 60uth 46• - ~'-~' Rast 33,,.69 feetJ South ,9• .. 19' En.et 109 .li;5 feet: and South 44 ~ • '3rf' Eaat 123 .8 :f'eet ·to tha place of beginning, containing, at't9r enmption of the said Mount• a?¥i Prints traot1t, 264.jTI AoN1, more or lass. Subject to all public highvays and certain public utilitiaa. Approved • MatlttmatiallJ Hodiaa r..t, Encina's office By, Donated, June 1982 -\LBERT W. Sl!ABRIGHt , by ,,QLJNTY ENGINEER 10~~.e., P.s. U'9CJ• 1984 Data.___ AFFIDAVIT OF SURVEYOR 175 - L/76 Re: Lands presently owned by DELBERT P. DAVIS, FRIEDA BELLE DAVIS, BOBBIE DEAN DAVIS and JANET S. DAVIS, being localed in Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio, and being a part of Lot No. 1 of Section 14, Township 14N, Range 17W. Deed Reference: Volume 104, Page 130, Records of Deeds, Hocking County, Ohio. STATE OF OHIO SS. HOCK ING COUNTY ALBERT W. SEABRIGHT, being first duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and says he is a registered surveyor in the State of Ohio, having been registered as Surveyor No. 753. Affiant further says he surveyed a tract of land containing 264.377 acres more or less, and prepared a metes and bounds description therefor, which description was first utilized in a deed from EMANUEL D. SCHAAL, et al., to EDDIE CARSTENS and EARLENE_ CARSTENS dated June 12, 1951, and recorded in Volume 95, Page 16, Records of Deeds, Hocking County, Ohio Affiant further says that it has come to his attention that the original metes and bounds description for the aforesaid tract and deed contained an omission of the distance of a bearing therein and that said omission was carried through successive instruments recorded in Volume 99, Page 555 and Volume 104, Page 130, Records of Deeds, Hocking County, Ohio, such deed references being the deeds of acquisition by which DELBERT P. DAVIS, FRIED'A" BELL DAVIS, BOBBIE DEAN DAVIS and JANET S. DAVIS, the present owners of subject lands acquired title thereto. Af fiant further says that the correct metes and bounds description for the land in question appears as follows, with the omission underlined, which metes and bounds description describes the same land as the aforesaid deeds, but corrects the omission heretofore referred to: which! ! i The following real estate situated in the County of Hocking, in the State of Ohio, and in the Tow~ship of Falls, and bounded and described as fallows: Being a part of Lot No. 1, Section 14, Falls Township, T14N, Rl7W, Hocking County, Ohio, and being the residue of the Karshner and Schaal tract of land as recorded in Vol. 60, Page 546, Hocking County Deed Record, and more particularly described as follows: NEAL DILLON Co .. L.PA. AT'tORNli.'Y AT LAW LOGAN. OHIQ - 1 - Beginn ing at a point in the interse ction of the townsh ip road and the south line of said Section 14, the Southe ast corner of said Section 14 bears South 86 degrees 16 minute s East 203.24 North 86 degree s 16 ~,!~~l. thence on said South line of Section 14, of the Jacob and corner ~ra'inutes{~~D 1914 .43 feet to the Southe ast Page 321, 65, Vol. in Earl Elberf eld tract of land as recorde d ld land, Elberfe the of · said Deed Record ; thence on the East line markin g pin iron an to North 2 degrees 48 minute s East 496.90 feet as land of tract the Southe ast corner of Richard and Helen Price the on recorde d in Vol. 91, Page 466, said Deed Record ; thence Price proper ty line ten courses as follows : North 26 degree s 05 minute s East 593.68 feet and passing a blazed white oak tree at .517.68 feet; North 47 degree s 50 minute s West 209.92 feet; North 14 degree s 42 minute s West 50.87 feet; North 72 degree s 09 minute s West 71.85 feet to an iron pin; North 33 degree s 08 minute s West 367.36 feet to an iron pin; North 33 degrees 45 minute s West 291.28 feet; North 53 degree s 47 minute s West 123.21 feet; North 71 degrees 19 minute s West 61.95 feet; North 78 degree s 14 minute s West 152.32 feet; North 79 degrees 09 minute s West 244.12 feet to a fence post corner on the East right of way of State Rt. 75; thence , leaving the said Price tract of land, North 33 degree s 58 minute s West 312.63 feet to an iron pin monument on the West right of way line of said State Route #75 and marking the East most corner of the Lloyd and Carol Mount tract of land as recorde d in Vol. 77, Page 232, said Deed Record , said Mount tract of land, contain ing 3.8958 Acres, being comple tely encomp assed by the land herein convey ed, is expres sly exempte d from this convey ance by the followi ng eleven course s: North 19 degrees 03 minute s West 529.70 feet; South 65 degree s 02 minute s West 16.5 feet; South 39 degree s 39 minute s West 184.13 feet to a point in the center of Scott Creek; thence with the said Center of Scott Creek four course s: South 42 degree s 52 minute s West 158.52 feet; South 24 degree s 57 minute s West 204.68 feet; South 51 degrees 19 minute s East 133.28 feet; and South 6 degree s 18 minute s East 93.46 feet; thence leaving said creek, North 58 degrees 37 minute s East 87.0 feet; South 60 degree s 37 .minute s East 93.99 feet to the North side of a lane 20 feet in width; thence on the North line of lane, North 61 degrees 13 minute s East 262.00 feet to the place of beginn ing for the said Mount exempt ion; thence on the said West right of way line of said State Route #75 and crossin g the said lane, South 19 degree s 03 minute s East 20 feet to an iron pin marking the North most corner of the Donald and Letha Printz tract of land as recorde d in Vol. 82, Page 185, of said Deed Record , said Printz tract of land contain ing 1.9523 Acres, being comple tely encompassed by the land herein convey ed, is expres sly exempte d from this convey ance by the followi ng five courses : On the South line of the said lane South 61 degrees 13 minute s West 300.76 feet to the center of the said Scott Creek; thence in the center of said Scott Creek two course s: South 52 degrees 39 minute s East 309.73 feet and South 34 degree s 53 minute s East 284.43 feet; thence North 70 degrees 57 minute s East 47 .00 feet to an iron pin set ·in the west right of way line of said State Route #75; thence on said West right of way line, North 19 degrees 03 minute s West 581.77 feet to the place of beginn ing for the said Printz except ion; thence retraci ng identic ally on two courses hereto fore called: nt North 19 degree s 03 minute s West 20.00 ft. to the said iron pin monume East s of the said Mounts tract of land and South 33 degree s 58 minute 312.63 feet to the fence post corner of the said Price tract of land on the said East right of way line of State Route #75; thence on the said East right of way line of Slate Route #75 five courses as follows : South 0 degree s 12 minute s East 63.64 feet, South 18 degree s 43 minute s East 334.57 feet, South 10 degree s 46 minute s East 249.15 feet, South 10 degrees 30 minute s West 809.10 feet and south 14 degree s 13 minute s West 494.0 feet to the South line of said Section 14; thence crossin g the said State Route #75, South 89 degrees 10 minute s West 40.93 feet to an iron pin markin g the Southe ast corner of the Spurgeo n Metzle r, Jr., tract of land as recorde d in Vol. 89, Page 343, said Deed Record s; thence on the l. NEAL DILLON Co .. LPA. ATTORNEY AT LAW LOGAN. OHIO - 2 - •• East line of the said Metzler tract of land North 13 degrees 48 minutes East 60.83 feet to an iron pin marking the Southeast corner of the S.E. Erbaugh and Gladys Erbaugh tract of land as recorded in Vol. 93, Page 166, said Deed Record; thence on the East line of said Erbaugh tract of land North 10 degrees S9 minutes East SO.S3 feet to an iron pin; thence on the North line of said Erbaugh tract of land North 86 degrees SS minutes West lS0.23 feet to an iron pin; thence on the West line of said Erbaugh tract of land and continuing on lo the south line of said Section 14, South 3 degrees 04 minutes West 110.06 feel; thence on the South line of said Section 14, North 86 degrees 38 minutes West 642.61 feet to an iron pin marking the Southeast corner of William and Leota Loomis tract of land in Section 14 as recorded in Vol. 61, Page lSl, said Deed Record; thence on the East line of said Loomis tract of land, North 3 degrees S6 minutes 30 seconds East 950.34 feet to an iron pin; thence on the North line of said Loomis tract of land, North 87 degrees 23 minutes West 380.88 feet to an iron pin marking the Southeast corner in said Section 14 of a second tract of land of the said William and Leota Loomis the three following courses: North 19 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West 1836.92 feet to an iron pin; North 42 degrees 31 minutes East 191.23 feet to a beech tree; and North 26 degrees S7 minutes West 321.48 feet to a white elm tree; thence on the North line of said second tract of land of Loomis, North 86 degrees 01 minutes West 246.88 feet to the West line of said Section 14; thence on said West line of said Section 14, North 3 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds East 796.94 feet to a stake; thence South 86 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East 2646.65 feet; thence North 3 degrees 26 minutes East 5.28 feet; thence South 84 degrees 42 m~~i!§.. t~ 1207.94 feet; thence South 2 degrees 40 minutes West~f~~t to'--~~ St.JR. c~ SC-I=. the center line of the said State Route #75, said center line ,_,/ marking the North limit of the Jesse Little tract of land as Pi/Jr~ £:£.SO, /5 73, P:i'ge@ said Deed Record; thence on the ....:_~dedlri~VOl. said center line and Little lines, North 87 degrees ~8 minutes West 265.80 feet and South 87 degrees 25 minutes West 261.36 feet; thence leaving said center line but continuing with lines of the said Little tract of land, South 5 degrees 55 minutes West 397.95 feet to an iron pin; thence South 86 degrees 10 minutes East 111.18 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing with said bearing South 86 degrees 10 minutes East 496.70 feet to an iron pin marking the Northwest corner of the Hillcrest Allotment and recorded in the name of Hugh B. Little, et al., Vol. 76, Page 536, said Deed Record; thence with the lines of the said Hillcrest Allotment, south 9 degrees 42 minutes West 295.19 feet to an iron pin; thence South 78 degrees 38 minutes West 218.13 feet to an iron pin; thence South 13 degrees 36 minutes East 478.22 feet to an iron pin; thence South 35 degrees 25 minutes East 225.09 feet to an iron pin marking the West most corner of a second Hillcrest tract of land and recorded in the name of Kenneth W. Bright, et .. ·. al., Vol. 89, Page 239, said Deed Record; thence with the line of the said second Hillcrest tract of land, South 36 degrees 58 minutes East 593.71 feet to an iron pin marking a corner common with the Samuel and Ollie Pratt tract of land, Vol. 90, Page 428, ;aid Deed Record, and Clarence R. Linn, Vol. 90, Page 427, said Deed Record; thence with the lines of the said Linn tract of land, South 78 degrees 47 minutes West 349.19 feet to an iron pin; thence South 5 degrees 29 minutes West 192.79 feet; thence South 9 degrees 54 minutes East 141.21 feet; thence South 2 degrees 41 minutes West 136.50 feet; thence South 44 degrees 49 minutes East 444.89 feet; thence South 10 degrees 28 minutes East 108.95 feet; thence South 38 degrees 13 minutes East 358.80 feet; thence South 57 degrees 03 minutes East 171.26 feet to an iron pin on the Charles W. Zeigler tract of land, Vol. 90, Page 397, said Deed Record; thence with the lines of the said Zeigler tract of land South 47 degrees 22 ~inutes West 331.68 feet to an iron pin in the center of the township road; thence with lines of the said Zeigler tract and the said center line of the township road, South 51 degrees 31 minutes East 99.05 feet; South 46 degrees 24 minutes East 335.69 feet; South 59 degrees 19 minutes East 109.15 feet; "EAL DILLON Co .. L.PA. ATTORNEY AT LAW LOGAN. OHIO - 3 - 8 feet to the plac e of and Sout h 44 degr ees 57 minu tes East 123. said Mounts and Prin tz of ns ptio begi nnin g, cont aini ng afte r exce ect to all vali d ease trac ts, 264. 377 Acre s, more or less . Subj if any, and lega l men ts, righ ts of way and leas es of reco rd, high way s. perc ent centu m Exce pting from this conv eyan ce seve nty- six as exce pted ises, prem (76%) of all oil and gas in and unde r said , and reco rd1926 6, mber in deed to Kars hner and Scha al, date d Nove Hock ing Coun ty, Ohio . of ed in Vol. 60, Page 546, Reco rd of Deeds prem ises here tofo re Furt her exce ptin g the follo wing desc ribe d conv eyed : ranty Deed date d 0.49 acre conv eyed to Carl L. Mock, by War Page 439, Reco rds of March 29, 1959 , reco rded in Volume 106, Deed s, Hock ing Coun ty, Ohio . ts and Ennna Holl 2.85 49 acre s conv eyed to Will iam H. Sevi 1965 , reco rded in Volume Sev its, by War ranty Deed date d June 23, 117, Page 150, said deed reco rds. by War ranty Deed 0.15 acre conv eyed to The Stat e of Ohio , 120, Page 052, said date d Octo ber 25, 1966 , reco rded in Volume deed reco rds. , by War ranty Deed 11.5 3 acre s conv eyed to The Stat e of Ohio Page 053, said 120, me date d Octo ber 25, 1966 , reco rded in Volu deed reco rds. conv eyed to Sout hern Ohio 4.59 acre s trac t and .291 781 acre trac t November, 1970 , reco rded Ente rpri ses, Inc. , by War ranty Deed date d in Volume 132, Page 398, said deed reco rds. l M. Mock, by 2.38 acre s conv eyed to Carl L. Mock and Ethe in Volume 144, Page War ranty Deed date d July 7, 1973 , reco rded 167, said deed reco rds. is made in com plian ce with Sect io Af fian t furt her says that this Affi davi t made for the purp ose of corr ecti ng 5301 .252 of the Ohio Revi sed Code and is inal mete s and boun ds desc ript ion for said omis sion whic h appe ared in the orig ide a corr ecte d desc ript ion of said land here tofo re desc ribe d in orde r to prov ; that the incl usio n of the omit ted land for futu re use in desc ribin g said land alte r the boun dari es of subj ect land dista nce of said call does not affe ct or ... rdete be clos ure of such trac t to but affo rds suff icie nt data to enab le the mined by com puto r. Furt her af fian t saye th ~- pres ence this SWORN to befo re me and subs crib ed in my Janu ary, 1980 , by Albe rt W. Seab righ t. NEAL DILLO N Co .. L.PA. ATTORN EY AT LAW LOGAN . OHIO - 4 - of To Recorder: Please record in the deed records and make marginal reference to the foregoing Affidavit of Surveyor on that certain Deed recorded in Volume 104, Page 130, Records of Deeds, Hocking County, Ohio. This instrumen t was prepared by NEAL DILLON CO., L.P.A., Attorneys at Law, Logan, Ohio. L NEAL DILLON CO .. L.PA. ATTORNltY AT LAW LOGAN. OHIO - 5 - •. . •, t • - - ,,.·,. ,..,_c.J ~..·..;..l 1:~ 41 . ,1 • - ------ -.-..-·- .. ,; '~ i.,."'.,. ,.. \' -.# ··• !!'I.IOI, h:., '!",, .··1,. ~ ,, ' . ' \·, WARRANTY DEED ----·--./7b-. 3/5 .·~KNOW ALL· MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that DELBERT P. DAVIS and FRIEDA BELLE !> ' DAVIS, husband and wife, said Frieda: Belle Davis also known aa, being one and ':·~' ,.· \' ' \ . : ·, , • I the' sarna ·'per1ion as Freda B~ Davis, o~ Route 1., Box ~55, of the City of Logan, ,I I County ?f Hoc~ing and State of oh'io,' Gran~,cr3, in . considera tion of the sum of '· I, .,.., ' ( One dollar and other good and va.luable con·s iderat ions to them paid by BOBBIE '·:t .. DEA.N DAV,I_S and JANE:r s. DAVIS, of 1718 Ac review Drive, of the City of '·• : ' ~' . Ci-q.cinriati·,~ 'county of Ha~iiton,· a·nd State of Ohio, Grantees, the receipt where- of ' ' i~ . \ ,, '. hereby '., ackno~ledged~·do ', ' ' .,.,,,\ ' ~ ' I' : hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the ,;. said !'Jr:a:nt~ea':, BOBBIE DEAN DAVIS and .JANET S. DAVIS, their heirs and assigns for~ver, the ·following real e~tate situated in the County of Hocking, in the St.at~ of· Ohio, and in· the Township of Falls, and bounded and deacribed as follows: I ' ,, Being an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to the following described premia~s~ ' \ . ~ "" 3~ ing a part of Lot No. 1, Sect ion 14, Fa 11 s Township, Tl4N, R17W, Hocking County, Ohio,. and being the residu~ of the Karshner and Schaal tract of land as recorded in Vol. 6p, Page 546, Hocking County Deed Record,. and more·:. part iculady. d7scribed as follows: ' Beginning at a point in ~he: intersect ion of the township road and:the south line of aaia Section 14, the Southeast corner of said Section 14 bears South 86 degrees 16 minutes East 203.24 ·feet; thence on said South :line of Section 11•, North 86 degrees 16 ~inutea West 1914.43 feet tQ the Southeast corner of the Jacob and . Eari Elberfeld tract of l~rid as recorded in Vol. ·~aid Deed Record; thence o~ the East line of the · __ ., '."'NQrth 2 .degrees '•8 65, Page 321, Elberfeld land, minutes East 496. 90 feet to an iron pin marking"' of Richard and Helen Price tract of land as re.'c(>"rded' .h1 V~l. 91, . Page ~66, said Deed Record; thence on the tl~~ ~southeast corner Price property line ten co~rsea as~follows: North 26 dc~rces 05 minutes East 593.68 teet,·and passing a blazed white oak tree at:51 7 • 6 8. fee t ; North 47 deg~r e.e 9 5 0 min u t es Wes t 2 0 9 • 92 fee t ; Nor th i4 de~reea 42 minutea West 50.87 feet; North 72 degrees 09 minutes West }1.85 feet to an iron .'pin; North 33 degrees 08 minutes Wes.t 367.36'.fe_ et to an iron pin; .North 33 degrees 45 minutes West . "' 291°.28· feet; North ~3 dcgree~,,41 ... min~tes .west 123.21 feet;' North 71 degrees 19 minutes We3t 61 e'95:~ fe¢t; North 78 degrees 11+ minutes . ~es~ 152.32 fe~t; North 79 d~~roes 09 ~inutes West 244.12 feet to a· fence. post corner on the Easl:' right way of State Rt. 75; then~e, leaving the s4id Price tract of land, North 33 degree3 58 mi.nutoo WorJt 312.63 foot to an iron pin monumont on tha Woat right of. 'W·ay line of aaid State Route #75 and marking the East most corner of the Lloyd and Carbl Mount tract of land as recorded in ~01:-11, Page 232, a~id Deed Record, said Mount tract of land, containin g 3 .3958 Acre being comp ll~te ly encompa1:1s ed by the land he·reiri co.nveyed, is expressly exempted from this conveyanc e by the ~allowing eleven courses: North 19 degrees 03 minutea We~t 529.70 feet; South 65 degrees 02 minutes West 16.S feet; South 39 degrees . 39 minutes West 181.. 13 feet to a point in the center of Scott of a, . llLLON CO .. L.PM ' ;~(~~(~f~.'' OftNIN AT 1-'W )<JAN. OHro - 1 - Creek; thence with the said Center of ScotL Creek four courses: South 42 degrees 52 minules West 158.52 feel; South 24 dcgreea 57 minute~r West 204.68 feet; South 51 degrees 19 minutes East 133.28 feel; and South 6 degrees 18 minutes East 93.46 feet; thence leaving said creek, North 58 degrees 37 minutes Easl 87.0 feet; South 60 degrees 37 minutes East 93.99 feet to the North aide of a lane 20 feet in width; thence on the North line of lane, North 61 degrees 13 minutes East 262.00 feet lo the place of beginnin g for the said Mount exempti9 n; thence on the said West right of way line of said Stale Route #75 and crossing the said lane, South 19 degrees 03 minutes East 20 feel Lo an iron pin marking the North most corner of the Donald and Letha Printz tract of land aa recorded in Vol. 82, Page 185, of said Deed Record, said Printz tract of land containi ng 1.9523 Acres, being com~letely encompassed by the land herein conveye d, is express ly exempted from thia 6onveyan ce by the followin g five courses: On Lhe South line of the said lane South 61 degrees 13 minutes West 300.76 feet to the center of the aaid Scott Creek; thence in Lhe center of said Scott Creek two courses: South 52 degrees 39 minutes East 309.73 feet and South 34 degrees 53 minutes EaaL 284.43 feet; thence North 70 degrees 57 minutes East 47.00 feel Lo an iron pin set in the weal right of wt~y line of an id SL a Le Route /US; thence on said WcsL righL .of wny lino, North 19 degreca 03 minuLlrn Weal 581. 77 feeL Lo the place of bogin.nin g for Llrn snid Printz exceptio n; thence retracin g identica lly on two courses heretofo re called: North 19 degrees 03 minutes West 20.00 ft. to the said iron pin monument of the said Mounts tract of land and South 33 degrees 58 minutes East 312.63 feet lo the fence post corner of the said Price tract of land on the said East right of way line of State Route #75; thence on the said East right of way line of State Route #75 five courses as follows: South 0 degrees 12 minutes East 63.64 feet, South is degrees 43 minutes East 334.57 feet, South 10 degrees 46 minutes East 249.15 feet, South 10 degre~a 30 minutes Weat 809.10 feet and · south 14 degrees 13 minutes West 494.0 feet to the South line of said Section 14; thence ~rossing the said State Route #75, South 89 degrees 10 minutes West 40.93 feet to an iron pin marking the Southea st corner of the Spurgeon Metzler' , Jr., tract of land as recorded in Vol. 89, Page 343, said Deed Records ; thence on the East line of the said Metzler tract of land North 13 degrees 48 minutes East 60.83 feet to an iron pin marking the Southea st corner of the S.E. Erbaugh and Gladys Erbaugh tract of land as recorded in Vol. 93, Page 166, said Deed Record; thence on the East line of said Erbaugh tract of land North 10 degrees 59 minu~ tes East 50.53 feet to an iron pin; thence on the North line of said Erbaugh tract of land North 86 degrees 55 minutes West 150.23 feet to an iron pin; !thence on the West line of said Erbaugh tract of land and continui ng on to the south line of said Section 14, South 3 degrees 04 minutes West 110.06 feet; thence on the South line of said Section 14, North 86 degrees 38 minutes West 642.61 feet to an iron pin marking the Southea st corner of William and Leota Loomis tract of land in Section 14 as recorded in Vol. 61, Page 151, said Deed Record; thence on the East line of said Loomis tract of land, North 3 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds Eaat 950.34 feet to an iron pin; thence on the North line of said Loomis tract of land, North 87 degrees 23 minutes West 380.88 feet to an iron pin marking the Southea st corner in said Section 14 of a second. tract of land of the said William and Leota Loomis the three . followin g courses: North 19 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West 1836.92 feet to an·iron pin; North 42 degrees 31 minutes East 191.23. feet to a beech tree; and North' 26 degrees 57 minutes West 321.48 feet to a white elm tree; thence on the North line of said second tract of land of Loomis, North,86 degrees 01 minutes West said 2!~6.88 feet to the West line of sai~ Section ll~; thence on 30 minutes 58 degrees 3 North. 14, West line of said Section seconds East 796.94 feet to a stake; thence South 86 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East 2646.65 feet; thence North 3 degrees 26 minutes East 5.28 feet; thence South 8~ d~grees 42 minutes East~ 1207 .94 feet; thence South 2 degrees l~O minutes West@ feet ~o ~ •:"). ~ t.he center line of the said' State Route 175, said center line St.& .5/.,1\:ttt:: Y PL1+r 1 !JG.SC, · DILLON CO .• L..PA. rrORNllV AT LAW 1..0GAN. OHIO j / - 2 .... .316 .. ~:, . ., ,, ·, " • - ... ~ -·~ --·, ~ ...... ~-. """- ... ~'"' ..... ".' ·~· ·• ...................- '."" ·~---- ,'I",._.,.,_.... ~ ' _..,.~" ,.,_ .....-'-.;·. ,..,..,. .....- .• ~ ... - · ,_,,.... .... """' ......... -.- .......... _ .......... ..,..,.,... .....,..p.~·--..- - "!.....................~_.. •- ........... - la~d ~~sse as Little tract' of marking the North limip of Deed Record; thence on the in Vol. 73, said center line and Little lines, North 87 degrees 18 mirtutes West 265. 80 feet 'and Sou th 8 l degrees 2 5 minutes' West 26t'. 36 feet; thence leaving said center line but continuing with lines of the ·~~id Little tract of land, South ~ degrees 55 minutes West 397.95 feet to an iron pin; thence Sou~h 86 degrees 10 minutes East · ~ 11.18 feet to an iron pin;· thence continuing wi'th said bearing' Sduth 86 degrees 10 minut~s East 496.jQ feet to an iron pin marking the Northwest corner of the Hillcrest Allotment ahd recorded in the name of Hugl1 B. Litt le, et aL, Vol. 7-6,: Page 536, said Deed Record; thence wit~'the lines of the ·said Hillcrest Allotment, south 9 degrees 42 ¢inutes Wes~ 29S.19 feet t~ an iron pin; thence South 78 degrees 38 minutes West 218.13 feet to an iron pin; thence South 13 degrees 36 minutes East 478.22 feet' to an iron pin;· thence Souih,35 degrees 25 minutes ·East 225.09 feet to an iron pin marking the West ·most corner of a second Hill.crest tract of land and recorded in the name of Kenneth W. Bright, et · ~1., Vol. 89, Page 239, said Deed Record; thence with the line of •the said second Hillcrest tract of land, South 36 degrees 58 minutes.East 593 ...71 feet to an iron pin marking a corner common with the Samuel and Ollie Pratt.tract of land, Vol. 90, Page 428, said Deed Record, and Clarence R. Linn, Vol. 90, Page 427, said.Deed R~cord; thence with the lines .. o~ the said Linn tract of .land, so'uth 78 degrees /~7 minutes West 31.,9.19 feet to- an iron pin; ' .. thence South 5 degrees 29·~inutes West 192.79~·~eet; thence South 9 degrees' 51., minuteu East 141.21 feet; thence Sou.t~1. 2 degrees 41.· East 4~ minutes degrees minut~a West 136.50 feet; thence South 44 . . . . ;89 feet; thence South .)0 degrees 28 minute a Eaa t 108. 95 feet; thence South 38 degrees 13 minutes _Ea.st 358.80 feet; the,nce .. South 57 degrees 03 minutes East 171.26 fee~.to"an irort·pin on.~hi Charles, W. Zeigler tract of land, Vol. 90, Page 397, said Deed Record;· thence with the lines of the•aaid Zeigler tract of· land South 47 degrees 22 minutes West 331.68 feet to an iron pin in.the center of the township roa~; thence with lines of the said Zeigl~r tract and the said center line of the township road, South 51 degr~~~ 31 minutes E~at 99.0S feet; South 46 degrees 24 minutes East 335.69 feet; South 59 degrees 19 minutes East 109.l~ feet; and .So~th 44 degrees 57 minutes East 123.8 feet to the place of beginning, containing after exceptions o~ said Mounts and Printz tracts, 264.377 Acres, more or less. Subject to all val~d easements, ri'ght9 of way and lea,ses of record, if ariy,: and ;legal · ' · '·' ·. h ig_hwaya. Page~ ~aid ~ecotd~d . M•'• I., e ' .: !i ,~ • a f •I~ , • , ' , . Excepting from•thia conveyance seventy-six ·p~rcent centum J.76%) of all oil and gas. 'in.~· rtnd; under· said premis"ea, as excepted in, deed" to Karshner and Schaal, date d· November 6, 1926, 4nd recorded in Vo 1. 60, Page 5'•6, Re_cord' of lJ~ed~r of ,Hacking Coun~y, Oh i~- ~ • ..- 1 , l . ~;~ Further excepting the ·following· described ,premises heretofore · .tr · co~veyed ~ '' \, .- ·'·· 0~/~9 acre conveyed to Carl L. Mock:, by Warranty Deed·. dated March ,29. 195?. recorded i,\ Volumu 106, \>11gc '•39, RccordtJ of ". .· Dceda ;'···Hocking County• OhicJ, ,· 2 .851•9 acres conveyed to Willian\ H. Sevita and Emma Holl . ··sev~ta, by Warrantt. Deed dated June 23, 1965, recorded iQ Volume ' · · 117 ,. Page 150 • ea id deed. records. ' 1· .. • ' ~- .'.- 0. 15 acre conveyed to The State of 0~.io:- .by, W;~·~·~nty ·need daied October 25, 1966, re~orded in Volum~ 120, Page 052, said '. ,. deed records. "" ,.I••"'' 1.,,.' .. ..... I • l.- ';' I " , ,·, 11.53 acres conveyed to The State o·f Ohio,:;·by Warranty Deed dated October 25, 1966, te~orded in Volume 120, Page 053, sriid deed records. •• 'EA!.. OILLOt• co .. L.PA~ ATTOANIY AT LAW LOOAU. OHIO 4·. 59 acre a, more or. lea.:'J, tract conveyed to. Souf_h\l'"~~}-.q!\}<>~_.·' ,. ,.....,, ' ,.. ~ '•\ ': '·." ''-•. ',,, ', tnterpriacs, Inc., by Warranty Deed dated November, 1970, recorded in Volume 132,' Page 398, aaid deed records. · 2.38 acres conveyed to Carl L. Mock nnd Ethel M. Mock, bj Warranty Deed dated J~ly 7, 1973, recorded in Volume 144, Page 16 7, aa id deed record a.•· , I ' Reference: Volume 10/•, ·Page 130. ,, TO HAVr: AND '[0 HOLD oaid premises, with all the pdvilegea and appur- ' tenancea . , ~he.reunto ,belonging, to the . said Grantees, BOBB ti'! DEAN DAVIS at1d I JANET 1''''f• s. DAVIS, :'their heirs and aaaigna forever. DELB ER; ,.'p ," DAV . ..... ,::··~:,..7\ xl . ,.. , . ··-1..1 ~·.~ ~'RIE DA BELLE DAV IS , an'd ... And the said Grantora, for th ems e 1Ve a and their heir a·, do . .hereby. cov'en.:tnt with the said Grantees, BOBBIE DEAN DAVIS and .JANET s. DAVIS, their heir'~ and aaaigna, that they are lawfully aeL~ed of the premi- ses afo~esaid; that· ~he premises are free and clear from all encumbrances whatsoever, except said valid eaaementa, rights of way, leaaea, exceptions and reservations of r~cord, if any, and legal highwaya, and that they will I I foreve·r WARRANT AND DEFEND the aame, with the appurtenances, unto the said .Grante~s, BOBBIE DEAN DAVIS and JANET S. DAVIS, their heira and aaaigna .: a'gai'ns"t''lthe iaw':fu1 aaima of ai'i persons 'whomsoever' except those afore a aid. ' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the aaid Grantora, DELBERT P. DAVIS and FRlEDA BELLE DAVIS, husband and wife, each of whom hereby releases hi~ or her right of dower in the premiaea, have hereunto set their hands, this lat day of January, in.the year of our Lo~d, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty I "1980). , SIGNED AND ACKNOWLEDGED IN , ·:· '.' :~ .,'.. THE PRESENCE OP: ;,{l/!t--vJ (}? ~~d Delbert P. Davia STATE OF OHIO, HOCKING COU.NTY: SS. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 1st day of January, 1980, before me, the ·.·:,~subscriber,-- a ·Notary Public in and for said county, personally came the· above named, DELBERT P. DAVIS and FRIEDA BELLE .DAVIS, husband and wife, the Grantora in the foregoing Deed, and acknowledged the signing of the same to DILLON CO .. i..PA. ' I ' ~ • . lo ~ ' rTORNltY AT LAW !.•.:><JAN. OHIO ) I 318 I." -;___ _ ----- _____ ,--- .. _-, 0-, -- ,--------~---· -- I I Vacoled Comm. Joumal .Z Pags 20 I Scr,g. ._I ~s· Ss~ .f~t\'(0(;'"'1.tfl ->o· s.e Cor of Lot 91 of lite Spring Hill Addilkm lo West Logan colf'..o . '~~ lf',.p ~ POINT OF · BEGINNING j I I Iron pin fd bears SO1'58'00"W a dist. of 0.85' I ' I r ' r I I I I 1.114 Acres I f ~~ I City of Logan Oeed Vol. 182, Page 38 I -~ 0 1 1 50 25 Scale: 1" == 50• ,..., ~ ~ fl c~ ~~ I •i ~ I ~ ' ~ I ~ I REFERENCES: Tax Mops Prevlous Surveys Oeeds as Noted I ~ I 100 ' , ~~ I ~ I I I S88'09'00'W 67.56' l£C£NO • 5/8" lron pin set .JO" in length with a 1 5/16" plastic 10 cop lnscribed "CASSELL S-6.J78" \ 5/8 11 lron ,e_ln found with plastic 10 cop inscribed 'SEYMOVR &: ASSOC 11 \ I Point Hocking County Engineer's Office Dy:~ate: M..a..<LJ>.JQ.Y..2at! I I hereby certify that thls plat was prepared fro~ an actual field survey of the premises in :Je// r of 20 of and from existlng pub/le records and that sold plat correctly shows the limits of the parcel to be conveyed. Jomes and Anthony Kilborger Oeed Vol. 212, Poqe 648 N 0 TE: The bearlng system for this plat is based on evklence found on the South R/W line of the Indiana and Ohlo RR and bears S 69" 15' 55" E and is for the determinat/on of angles only. ,,,, .,.,,, 0F ~....•'" ... N01~0~<",. ,, 79.86' t t1P.PBQ.VEJ) MIJTHEMATICAUY \ I 5/8" lron pln found with plostlc 10 cop lnscribed "I.PO 6344" • Ll' This certillcotion was 11/ade by me on , 20 q:. Z/ tJ / day of :2&/}1 ~~/da.,efl l. Cassell :/lry Ohio Professional Surveyor No. FOR: Jomes Kilborger PLAT OF SURVEY ,, .. .. . , _. •. •• JERRY 1· ....•· av: Situated in the State of Ohio, L ·"' • of Township Hocking of County : • •.: Falls and belng a parcel of land of :.• • :.• CASS ELL •. : : undetermined ownership and located ..... . . S-6378 .··<:).... . in the Northwest Quarter of Sect/on ·- .. . ....""ill' \, 11 1 • t t I• f •a-:. •• ~ • ~"'·.~~ ··.~··· 's1\. • : \. -:a •• .,,,,: ~ t ,. . . . 1 t I I I 1 ,,,,, v ""',, ' 1 1111I.I11 l I ' ' ' • Sept. 21. 2009 PRoJ. No.: .......' 14, Township 14, Range 17. 6378 CASSELL & ASSOCIATES, LLC Jerry L. Cossell DATE: ~ 111 1 ~#1"', -~- !"'>: : '',,, "· Jomes and Anthony Kilborger Offlclol Rec. 112, Page 19 \ L0081009 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING .205.25 Buena Vista. Road Rockbrldge. Ohto 43149 (740) 969-0024 DESCRIPTION OF A 1.114 ACRE PARCEL. Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Hocking, Township of Falls and being a part of a parcel of land of undetermined ownership and located in Section 14, Township 14, Range 17 and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing for reference at a 5/8 inch iron pin found with a plastic identification cap inscribed 11 LPG 6344", said iron pin being the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 91 of the Spring Hill Addition to West Logan as recorded in Plat Cabinet 1, Page 9A, a property corner of a parcel of land conveyed to the City of Logan in Deed Volume 182, Page 38 and on the Northerly right of way line of Homer Street (County Road 1057); Thence N 20° 58' 01" E along the Easterly line of Lot No. 91 and a property line of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel a distance of 140.00 feet to a point (passing the Northeasterly corner of Lot 91 at 124.00 feet), said point being a property corner of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel and on the Southerly Right of Way line of the Indiana and Ohio Railroad; Thence S 69° 15' 55" E along the Southerly Right of Way line of the Indiana and Ohio Railroad and the Northerly property line of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel a distance of 370.21 feet to point (passing a 5/8 inch iron pin found with a plastic identification cap inscribed "LPG 6344" at 261.74 feet), said point being the Northeasterly property corner of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; Thence continuing S 69° 15' 55" E along the Southerly Right of Way line of the Indiana and Ohio Railroad a distance of 106.70 feet to a point, said point being the Northwesterly property corner of a parcel of land conveyed to James and Anthony Kilbarger in Official Record 112, Page 19; Thence along the Westerly property lines of the aforementioned Kilbarger parcel as conveyed in Official Record 112, Page 19 the following three (3) courses: 1) S 01° 56' 00" W a distance of 294.52 feet to an iron pin set (passing a 5/8 inch iron pin found with a plastic identification cap inscribed "SEYMOUR & ASSOC" at 0.65 feet); 2) S 88° 09' 00" W a distance of 67.56 feet a point; 3) S 05° 00' 00" W a distance of 141.41 feet to point, said point being the Southwesterly property corner of the aforementioned Kilbarger parcel as conveyed in Official Record 112, Page 19 and on the Northerly property line of a parcel of land conveyed to James and Anthony Kilbarger in Deed Volume 212, Page 648; Thence N 81° 08' 02" W along the Northerly property line of the aforementioned Kilbarger parcel as conveyed in Deed Volume 212, Page 648 a distance of 79.86 feet to a point, said point being the Northwesterly property corner of the aforementioned Kilbarger parcel as conveyed in Deed Volume 212, Page 648 and on the Easterly property line of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel; Thence N 08° 28' 01" E along the Northerly property line of the aforementioned City of Logan parcel a distance of 467.97 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.114 Acres, more or less, and subject to all legal easements and rights of way of record. All iron pins set are 5/8-inch iron pins 30" in length with a 1 5/16 inch plastic identification caps inscribed ucASSELL S-6378." The bearing system for this description is based on the Southerly Right of Way line of the Indiana and Ohio Railroad and bears S 69° 15' 55" E and is for the determination of angles only. This description was prepared on September 21, 2009 by Jerry L. Cassell, Ohio Professional Surveyor No. 6378 and is based on an actual field survey of the premises in September of 2009 and existing public records. 11£.f.ROVED MA1'11li.MATICALLf. · Hodd~ County Engineer's Office By:.Ml(:!._Date: M.JQ_D.QLY. 2~ Box 26 GEORG E F. SEYMOUR & ASSOCIATES Engineering, Surveying & Mapping Service 1013 West Hunter Street l..ogan, Ohio 43138 .3, Is 'I I 'I /A; f:.oooo To t11 Ste. l} c I} ( f( ~ 5 11.>- RE s I ~~ ~) ~ "' ~ <-0 v, t-0 M ' ~ \() V) /. 8 'IS<!.(._, .// / '' :: I 00' ' Ac RF. S ti\/ ,«~' S~< rl(:ir..> 1y '\' \~11llcoJ Hockf HG COUHTY S. E. C: K. ,..,r;_ R.. $'£<.'(I c ,.\J I t;i fNGINH'RS OHICE nµ,1n \1138 Tl'"//.;~ R /?IJ~ .JtJt"'S--1973 JfJl 8 '") ,. -~'·-, 1973 1~! f I \__/1 378 - ----------------~------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ----------------------~-----~------- ~ '~ I I I I K\e ru (,( (2'' 1 Nd /C'/ ! rf ~/r? /~~1 /:2 o'rrf(& (?))_,, ·/! ?tv. 1 > {)rv,, c ; Jr // f'"fr '!l!r f f/j' /1' ( r/, ,, 6 /!. 1 I /; • ; 1= /l l (: ' .1/r (J, ' ' ' // / j / ./,,a,,??,r::/~/ //i,,, ,r e-7 /_;, // rt ;le , "cf / . / 4 (/~ / /?/1,P - i I' t/_ ~~Jr/ /de~ /f'·/. ,,/~ f{/"/ a . ;..~ ) ; f. ·£?.( r?'./-;Y ,h,Pvvb ! r-/r~&·2cc/' (h~ . (_J p •• /? .( (' · ?///? ,--.f ,?/(;z/; r-( / -'/;. 'P/,- r). ~ e_.~J7, / / t a .. c.cd !Lz/ .b4<i',.v-c_ _/(. //r;j 'I I 1 380 -- --- --~---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~------------------------- ---- -- ----------~-------~--- ------~--- --------- -----~--~---------- t'I /,_z I I L 0 j I ~ ; . / I ; -t I , _. 1· / ' ,.. ,.! • • /. ' /-' \ I I' .• .. , f t :.. / , . .'J". / /: . ' (, / ' . ' Oen111; Mcwrly l .,,, .I :if. it: 11. '.:. \\. \'.): I 0 "·t,'t. (j'\ ~----: . \ \ ------. ----------- ----------- - p 1vv 1A r -d,., l 1, /;I •iIt, 'it I) f !J·e- ~ ~ ;f fl · rJ Ij !!•.r" City o \ '152 er : uJ ~ er: ('. ) z ~ u 0 r. c. & o. I I I \ . \ \ '·' ~} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' \B ff 0 9 '0 0 "[ 6 7.s6' \ I I I ~ t y;.-t {)\J ~. &~ f12r'} (l \ I \ I I I I I ~ I I 0 0 I I \ in 4 \ \ 0 0 \Rt>.C\ 2 ~-.7 --''---t>-,C-R-ES ~~ I \ z I \ \ \ :J .., rf. r. "J \ \ '> r >,-:-\_: 2 5 4 .1 5 ' \\ :.:::..::._'. 2__ -;~-:-:2----- N 8 1 '0 8 ,0 \ \ \ \ I "W - fOfAL nM~JT ;! 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Roi\rood 54-42 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N8B' o9 ' oo" 6 1 . 5 6 ' t. \ \ \'\ \ I t;; :)-- --- p( \ C'1ty o f Loqon 1s2-3 / \' \ --- V\\ \ _~\\ \ _ ' \ ' I I ~· .. -'K \ I }U 0 0 0 0 I I I I \\_ '\ f v/,-tw.... lD z f; 8 'f~·f o ;>t; ~ \ \ iRi\C 4.7 ~ ~ i 2 t-.CRES \ \ \ \ \ I , .. .. .. .. . __ __\_ ___ \ \ \ 254.15 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' N8 1•0 8 '0 2 "WW:- ;4;4:3;-;. 4 8 ,;:T:-:OTA --- L -_~_}"' 189.33 ' c