The Sacred Heartbeat - Sacred Heart Church
The Sacred Heartbeat - Sacred Heart Church
The Sacred APRIL 30, 2016 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MAY 15, 2016 Heartbeat Sacred Heart PENTECOST SUNDAY Parish Page Two May 15, 2016 SHARINGS FROM THE PASTOR The Feast of Pentecost does a number of things for our liturgical year. Obviously the first thing is that it commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus who had been hiding in the upper room as they waited to see whether or not the authorities that put Jesus to death would be coming after them. With the coming of the Holy Spirit their fears were allayed and they became imbued with the evangelical spirit that would ultimately change the world as it had been formed by the Roman Empire. The movement of the disciples into the world to preach the Good News, that is to say, to evangelize, also marks the beginning of the Christian movement. The eleventh chapter in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles tells us that it was at Antioch that the disciples were first called “Christians.” While this term was probably intended as an insult to begin with, it was adopted by the disciples as a fitting description of their identity. Although the early Christians thought that they were preparing the world to receive the Lord back for the final judgment in a very short time, the delay of the second coming forced the movement to begin to structure itself as a more permanent entity. This led to the sense of Church being a confederation of individual communities of believers that were united by “one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all.” Because the most prevalent structure around was the Roman empire, this hierarchical model of organization was adopted by these communities as their structure developed into the institution we have come to know as the Catholic Church. It would add on the adjective Roman when there was need to distinguish the western and eastern parts of the church. Sadly, this distinction would become a permanent separation later on and this division (along with many others) is still with us today. A part of the explanation for this division of the unity of the Church has to do with the way human beings tend to create bureaucracies out of their institutions. It all too often happens that bureaucracies become more intent on keeping themselves going in familiar patterns rather than to emphasize the purpose for which they were founded to begin with. This has led the Church into some unfortunate situations even though there are also some very inspiring and glorious times in the Church’s history as well. Since Pentecost brings to mind the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church, we might take a moment to observe that it is one thing to have the gifts of the Spirit within our tradition. It is another thing to discern where, when and how these gifts are to be used for the evangelical mission of the Church. The very human element that each of us brings to the Church can be positive or it can be negative. Our history shows us both, in ample examples. This Pentecost also brings us the challenge to be the membership of the Church today that actively and prayerfully seeks to discern just where, when and how we are to apply these gifts of the Holy Spirit to our church and our world. In the Archdiocese of Chicago, we are engaged in a process to do just that. We have talked before about the call of Archbishop Cupich to renew the Church of Chicago. Elsewhere in this issue of The Sacred Heart Beat you will find some thoughts on ways of applying the Jubilee of Mercy to this renewal effort. I hope everyone will take the time to prayerfully reflect on this reflection and take steps to implement it in your daily life as well as in the life of the parish and the church at large. And since Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the Church: Happy Birthday everyone! Father Pat Page Three Pentecost Sunday May 15, 2016 [I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. — 1 Corinthians 12:13a A PRAYER TO THE SPIRIT Spirit of Jesus, poured out in flames of fire upon your disciples on the day of Pentecost, we pray to you: Set afire the hearts of your faithful so that they will announce in all the languages of the world the wonders of the salvation of God. —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSP, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p.182 In grateful acknowledgement of his years of service, you are invited to the Retirement Celebration of Rev. Patrick M. Tucker Sunday May 22, 2016 Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 12:00 PM Sacred Heart Church The church wakes up to an amazing message this morning. Look around and see who has been called. Listen to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is Lord. You’ll find no race of people left out; you’ll find no language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We call Pentecost Sunday the “birthday of the church.” In many ways, the church is still being born. Only when we all know the peace Jesus offered in today’s Gospel will we really know the fullness of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all of us have been given to drink of the one Spirit.” When we look around us in the church we should see everyone. But we don’t. Not yet. What is holding us back from fully embracing the one Body of Christ? When will we see our differences as manifestations of the same Holy Spirit? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Pentecost Sunday Monday: Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. John I Friday: St. Bernardine of Siena Saturday: St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions Blessed Virgin Mary Armed Forces Day TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17. Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 14:15-16, 23b-26. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Page Four Friday, May 8, 2016 On Friday, May 6th, at 7:00P.M. Forty Six students received the SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION at Sacred Heart Parish. The Most Reverend Francis J. Kane conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation during a Eucharistic Liturgy. We rejoice with those confirmed, and promise them our prayers, along with best wishes for a Spirit-filled life. Philip Anglin Zuzanna Aleksandra Dawid Baldyga Katie Beltz Brian Boleaga Olivia Bukowski Leanjo Cabusas Emily Ciezobka Anna Danko Nico Dimundo Daniel Gacek Wiktoria Gabrysiak Anna Gasiorek Artur Granat Bradley Jaunich Alec Jovanovic Damian Kiernia Emily Kleffman Patrick Kupiec Julia Lesnicki Caroline Lepak Stephanie Lepak Karolina Mlynarczyk Marcel Mlynarczyk Samantha Morgan Carlos Padilla Megan Pasderetz Tyler Pesce Isabella Rabianski Lauren Riskus Theodore Ristucci Liam Sidor Miecio Smith Robert Stanek Gabriela Stefaniak Katherine Stotts Kaylie Swiat Iris Thornberry Joshua VanderVeen Diana Vargas Andrew Villalobos Joshua Williams Zachary Wisnicki Patricia Wrobel Dominika Zdziebko Jan Zmuda Jubilee Year of Mercy ~ Solemnity of Pentecost Announcing the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis challenged us to proclaim God’s mercy “to everyone without exception . . . again and again, with new enthusiasm and renewed pastoral action” (Misericordiae Vultus, 12). Pentecost proclaims that the door locked for fifty days is thrown open at last. No longer closed in on itself, the community speaks to crowds from different backgrounds, distant lands, exotic languages. Everyone hears their native language. The Spirit does not restore Babel’s uniformity, but forges unity-in-diversity of language, race, nationality—embracing all without exception. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pentecost’s Spirit summons us afresh from mediocrity and isolation to share God’s mercy with the world. “This is our mission!” Francis exclaims. We are “given the gift of the ‘tongue’ of the Gospel and the ‘fire’ of the Holy Spirit, so that while we proclaim Jesus risen, living and present in our midst, we may warm . . . the heart of the peoples, drawing near to Him, the way, the truth, and the life” (Regina Coeli address, Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. Page Five ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO Renew My Church 835 N. Rush Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Jubilee of Mercy Pentecost: May 14-15 An Invitation to join Archbishop Cupich in renewing the Archdiocese of Chicago As Pope Francis recently remarked, we are living not only in an era of change but a change of era. This is a time to dream big. That is why we have launched Renew My Church, a pastoral planning process designed to bring those dreams to life and to strengthen the vitality of our parishes for generations to come. Just as the Holy Spirit filled the disciples at the first Pentecost and sent them on mission, the Holy Spirit is with us today, calling us to a new Pentecost to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ in a fresh way to the world. This work belongs to every parish and every Catholic across the Archdiocese. On this Pentecost day, Archbishop Cupich is inviting us to join him in making real this dream of vibrant parishes that live out the Gospel and share the love of Christ in word and deed. It will take a steady faith – a faith that is imaginative, that trusts that Christ is leading us and empowering us to make bold decisions that will shape the Church for generations to come. At the heart of this process is the demand to read the signs of the times and discern where Christ is calling us to fulfill his mission. There are challenges: decreasing Mass attendance; treasured church buildings in need of repair, declining numbers of priests, religious, deacons, and lay ministers, as many move towards retirement. Addressing this situation will require prayer, humility, hard work, creativity, tough choices, and new sacrifices. It is true that by the time this consultative process is complete, we will mourn together the loss of some parishes. But that will not be the final word. By having the boldness to leave behind familiar ways of doing things, we can seize the moment as one not simply of loss, but rather of renewal. Renewal comes from placing Christ at the center of the community and accompanying each other on this journey toward missionary discipleship. Rooted in Christ and strengthened by sacramental grace and the bonds of fellowship, the Church in Chicago will grow joyfully and fruitfully in response to Christ’s call to “Renew My Church.” Therefore, Renew My Church will have at its core a strong focus on mission. The goal will be to ensure that local parishes have the support they need to strengthen their faith communities and live out our missionary call in ever more vibrant ways. Why is this process called Renew My Church? As St. Francis of Assisi was praying in the Church of San Damiano, he heard Christ speak to him: “Go, repair my Church.” Eventually St. Francis realized that Christ was calling him to renew the Church - not only as a physical structure, but as the whole people of God. The dying and rising of Christ continue to take place in every age in the dying and rising of the Church. We must take up the mission of proclaiming Christ as a Church whose community is united and whose focus is on the renewal that comes through the Resurrection. What will happen next? When will my parish be affected? All parishes across the archdiocese will be part of “groupings” for pastoral planning. Within a grouping, parishes will come together to gather information and evaluate options for the pastoral needs of the local area. They will all have a say. Admittedly, the end result of this planning will differ according to the mission priorities, needs, and realities of the Church in that area. The goal is to have a vibrant Catholic presence that reflects responsible stewardship of our collective resources: the gifts of lay people, deacons, religious, and lay ecclesial ministers, our priest personnel, finances, and buildings. For some groupings, the results will include changes to parish configurations, including potentially fewer parishes. For other groupings, parish configurations may not change, but parishes will be expected to plan for enhanced collaboration with one another, and to identify how they may further support parishes in other areas of the archdiocese. We will begin this fall with a “pilot” program involving a small number of groupings and anticipate we will refine the Renew My Church grouping planning process based on learnings from these pilots. Subsequent groupings will then enter into a focused planning effort over the course of the next two to three years. Who will make decisions? Representatives from each parish will form a Grouping Planning Committee to gather information and evaluate options for the pastoral needs of the local area. The Grouping Planning Committee will make preliminary recommendations to an Archdiocesan Planning Commission comprised of leaders who represent the diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences of Church that mark the Archdiocese. The Archdiocesan Planning Commission will review the recommendations. If the preliminary recommendations are accepted, they will be forwarded to Archbishop Cupich for consultation with the Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council. After consulting with the Presbyteral Council, Archbishop Cupich will make the final decisions. What is expected of me as a Catholic in the Archdiocese of Chicago? Remain hopeful and open to ways to share, contribute, and collaborate throughout the process of Renew My Church. Archbishop Cupich has invited us to pray for wisdom, discernment, and courage as we begin pastoral planning through Renew My Church. Please use the prayer card available at your parish beginning on Pentecost to pray at home with your families, at parish meetings, and in other community groups. We will continue to recite this prayer during Mass periodically across the Archdiocese. Page Six When will we know the results of the survey? Thank you to the more than 30,000 Catholics who responded to the recent online survey, and the thousands who mailed in a response via paper copy. Archdiocesan staff is in process of inputting paper responses. Initial results will be shared this summer. A final word This will be hard work. But, what in life worth doing does not involve hard work? The immigrants who built our churches, schools, hospitals and charitable agencies were not daunted by the prospect of hard work. Neither should we be daunted, as we begin this new springtime for the Church, this new Pentecost, this change of era. Jubileusz Miłosierdzia Zesłanie Ducha Świétego: 14-15 maja Zaproszenie do uczestnictwa wraz z Arcybiskupem Cupichem w odnowieniu Archidiecezji Chicago Papież Franciszek niedawno zauważył, że żyjemy nie tyle w epoce przemian, ale w czasie zmiany epok. Jest to dobry moment do podejmowania wielkich marzeń. Właśnie z tego powodu zainaugurowaliśmy Odnów mój Kościół. Jest to proces duszpasterskiego planowania, stworzony dla urzeczywistnienia marzeń, a także po to, by umocnić żywotność naszych parafii dla nastających po nas pokoleń. Podobnie jak Duch Święty napełnił apostołów w dzień Pięćdziesiątnicy i posłał ich, by pełnili misję, tak samo i dziś Duch Święty jest z nami, wzywa nas do nowej Pięćdziesiątnicy, abyśmy w orzeźwiający sposób nieśli światu Dobrą Nowinę o Jezusie Chrystusie. To dzieło przynależy wszystkim parafiom i wszystkim katolikom w całej archidiecezji. Podczas tegorocznej Pięćdziesiątnicy Arcybiskup Cupich zaprasza nas, abyśmy wraz z nim urzeczywistniali marzenia o witalnych parafiach żyjących Ewangelią i abyśmy w słowie i w działaniu przekazywali innym miłość Chrystusa. Wypełnianie tego dzieła będzie wymagało silnej i trwałej wiary – wiary pełnej wyobraźni, wiary ufającej w to, że Chrystus prowadzi nas i daje nam siłę do podejmowania odważnych decyzji kształtujących Kościół dla przyszłych pokoleń. W sercu tego procesu znajduje się żądanie odczytywania znaków czasu i rozeznawania miejsc, w których Chrystus wzywa nas, abyśmy pełnili Jego misję. Stoimy przed różnymi wyzwaniami: malejąca liczba osób uczestniczących w niedzielnej Mszy św., wartościowe budynki kościelne wymagające remontów, malejąca liczba księży, powołań zakonnych, malejąca liczba diakonów i duszpasterzy świeckich, przejście w niedługim czasie wielu duszpasterzy na emeryturę. Rozwiązanie tej sytuacji będzie potrzebowało modlitwy, pokory, ciężkiej pracy, twórczego podejścia, podejmowania trudnych decyzji i składania nowych ofiar. Prawdą jest, że kiedy ten proces konsultacyjny zostanie ukończony, wspólnie pogrążeni będziemy żałobą po utracie niektórych parafii. Jednak to nie będzie ostatnie słowo. Mając odwagę na porzucenie znanych nam dotąd sposobów działania, możemy spoglądać na ten czas nie, jako po prostu na czas strat, co raczej przyjmować go, jako czas odnowy. Odnowa przychodzi wraz z umieszczeniem Chrystusa w centrum wspólnoty i towarzyszenia jeden drugiemu na drodze pełnienia misji apostolskiej. Zakorzeniony w Chrystusie, umocniony łaską sakramentalną i więzią wspólnoty, Kościół w Chicago będzie wzrastał w radości i będzie przynosił owoce w odpowiedzi na wezwanie Chrystusa „Odnów mój Kościół”. Dlatego właśnie kręgosłupem „Odnów mój Kościół” będzie zdecydowana koncentracja na misji Kościoła. Dołożymy wielu starań i włożymy wiele wysiłku w to, aby zapewnić wsparcie lokalnym parafiom. Będzie ono im potrzebne do umacniania wiary wspólnotowej i wcielania w życie wezwania do życia misyjnego w najbardziej żywotny z możliwych dotąd sposób. Dlaczego ten proces nazywa się Odnów mój Kościół? Kiedy św. Franciszek modlił się w kościele św. Damiana usłyszał mówiącego do niego Chrystusa: „Idź i odbuduj mój Kościół”. Po jakimś czasie Franciszek zrozumiał, że Chrystus wzywał go do odnowy Kościoła - nie jedynie, jako fizycznej konstrukcji, ale całości, jako Ludu Bożego. Umieranie i zmartwychwstawanie Chrystusa wciąż odbywają się w każdym wieku w umierającym i zmartwychwstającym Kościele. Musimy podjąć misję proklamowania Chrystusa, jako Kościół stanowiący zjednoczoną wspólnotę i skoncentrowany na odnowie, która przychodzi przez Zmartwychwstanie. Co dalej się wydarzy? Kiedy będzie to dotyczyło mojej parafii? Wszystkie parafie w Archidiecezji będą częścią “grupowania” w celu dokonania planów duszpasterskich. Wraz z grupowaniem, parafie spotkają się, aby zebrać informacje i dokonać ewaluacji różnych opcji odpowiadania na potrzeby duszpasterskie danego obszaru. Wszystkie parafie będą miały możliwość wyrażania swoich opinii. Oczywiście, końcowy rezultat tego planowania będzie zróżnicowany i uzależniony od priorytetów misji, potrzeb i realnej sytuacji Kościoła w konkretnej okolicy. Naszym celem jest, aby katolickie wartości uobecniane były w odpowiedzialnym zarządzaniu naszymi zasobami: darem osób świeckich, diakonów, zakonników i zakonnic, świeckich duszpasterzy kościelnych, naszych księży, personelu zajmującego się finansami i personelu odpowiedzialnego za opiekę nad budynkami. Dla niektórych grup uzyskanie wyników planowania będzie oznaczało zmianę konfiguracji parafii, co potencjalnie może tam oznaczać zmniejszenie liczby parafii. Dla innych grup konfiguracja parafii może nie ulec zmianie, jednak będziemy oczekiwać, że parafie będą planowały znaczącą współpracę pomiędzy sobą i będą szukały sposobów umożliwiających wspieranie w przyszłości innych parafii w różnych częściach archidiecezji. Jesienią bieżącego roku rozpoczniemy realizację programu pilotażowego, w którym będzie uczestniczyła mała grupa parafii. Spodziewamy się, że nauka wyciągnięta z realizacji programu pilotażowego pozwoli nam na ulepszenie procesu grupowego planowania programu Odnów mój Kościół. Następnie, grupy przejdą do realizacji skoncentrowanego planowania trwającej przez kolejne dwa lub trzy lata. Page Seven Kto będzie podejmował decyzje? Reprezentanci ze wszystkich parafii utworzą Komisję Grupowego Planowania, której zadaniem będzie zgromadzenie informacji i dokonanie oceny różnych opcji odpowiadających na duszpasterskie potrzeby danej okolicy. Komisja Grupowego Planowania dokona wstępnych rekomendacji, które zostaną przekazane Archidiecezjalnej Komisji ds. Planowania składającej się z liderów reprezentujących zróżnicowane środowiska, mających różnorodne umiejętności i doświadczenia Kościoła w naszej archidiecezji. Archidiecezjalna Komisja ds. Planowania rozpatrzy rekomendacje. Jeśli rekomendacje wstępne zostaną przyjęte, będą one przekazane do Arcybiskupa Cupicha, aby skonsultował je z Archidiecezjalną Komisją Kapłańską. Po konsultacjach z Archidiecezjalną Komisją Kapłańską Arcybiskup Cupich podejmie ostateczne decyzje. Czego oczekuje się ode mnie, jako wierzącego Archidiecezji Chicago? Trwania w nadziei i bycia otwartym na różnorodne sposoby dzielenia się dobrami, uczestniczenia i współpracy w procesie Odnów mój Kościół. Arcybiskup Cupich zaprasza nas, abyśmy rozpoczynając planowanie w ramach programu Odnów mój Kościół modlili się o mądrość, umiejętność rozeznawania i o odwagę. Prosimy, abyście korzystali z kart modlitewnych dostępnych w Waszej parafii od dnia Zesłania Ducha Świętego i odmawiali wydrukowaną tam modlitwę z Waszymi rodzinami w Waszych domach, podczas spotkań parafialnych i podczas innych spotkań wspólnotowych i spotkań grup. Modlitwę tę będziemy odmawiali w całej archidiecezji przy różnych okazjach. Kiedy będziemy znali rezultaty ankiety? Dziękujemy ponad 30,000 wiernym, którzy odpowiedzieli na niedawną ankietę w formie elektronicznej i tysiącom, którzy przesłali swoje odpowiedzi pocztą w formie drukowanej. Pracownicy Archidiecezji są w trakcie przygotowywania odpowiedzi. Pierwsze rezultaty zostaną przekazane tego lata. Ostateczne słowo Czeka nas ciężka praca. Jednak, czyż wszystko, co ma w życiu jakąś wartość nie wymaga poważnego wysiłku? Imigranci, którzy budowali nasze kościoły, szkoły, szpitale i instytucje charytatywne nie byli zniechęceni perspektywą ciężkiej pracy. Podobnie także i my nie powinniśmy obawiać się wysiłku rozpoczynając nową wiosnę Kościoła, nową Pięćdziesiątnicę, zmianę epoki. Once again we are helping the women and infants of the Women’s Center by providing a little extra for God’s little ones. All we ask is for your pocket change. Baby bottles will be available in the narthex THIS weekend, May 7 & 8th, for your families to collect spare change. Bottles should be returned on Father’s Day Weekend June 18 & 19. THE DATE FOR THE WHITE ELEPHANT SALE IS: SATURDAY and SUNDAY~ JUNE 4 & 5, 2016 ~ from 8am to 6pm We will be accepting donations of clean useable items starting May 16, up until June 1, from 12-8pm. Please no furniture, clothes, shoes or TV’s. We will be in the narthex the weekend of May 14 & 15, after all Masses, for Volunteer sign up. For any and all questions or to volunteer please call Kathi Arena at 708-701-1406. Page Eight We acknowledge the women in our lives who are or have been our mothers. We also celebrate those wives, grandmothers, godmothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, and friends who have been like mothers to us. We pray for them this Mother’s Day, as we remember the love, kindness, and nurturing these women — young and old, living and deceased — have brought to our lives. Katherine Debre Angela Di Aporto Helen Fedor Helen Hickey Gloria Hildreth Billie Baloun Emily Czanja Anna Debre Eva Debre Lee Kirwan Mary Ellen Kirwan Cecilia Netschneider Nancy Puder Mary Rizzo Louise Thometz Eileen Van Loon Katherine Zajac A C C W WOMAN OF THE YEAR All ladies of the parish, family, friends and neighbors are welcome to join us this Sunday for our celebration of this year’s: Woman of the Year MARGE HOENIG Please join us for a delicious breakfast as we honor Marge, who has been active at Sacred Heart Parish and ACCW since 1975. She will be recognized for all her hard work, dedication and accomplishments What a wonderful time for mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, nieces, neighbors and friends to celebrate together. The morning will begin with Mass at 9:00AM followed by breakfast in the Moscow Center. Members of the Holy Name Society will meet on Monday, May 16th, starting with Mass at 7 PM, then followed by a short general meeting in the Moscow Center. Our guest speaker, Bob Walsh, a retired Safety Director of the Cook County Sheriff’s Dept., will enlighten us on Safety Awareness. This presentation is open to all men of the parish, their friends or neighbors. After the meeting we invite you to join us for fellowship, beverages and refreshments. Reminder: Officers meet at 6:30pm on Monday. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The Sacred Heart Fun Club will have their regular meeting this Wednesday, May 18th, at 12:00 Noon in the Moscow Center. Join other Seniors for friendship, refreshments, and Bingo. REMINDER: The Fun club will have their annual Mother’s /Father’s Day luncheon, with entertainment, on Thursday, May 26th at the Garden Chalet. Tickets will be sold at the May 18th meeting. Tickets are $1.00 luncheon is open to members only. We will start with a prayer service at 7:00 p.m. and a May crowning by our woman of the year, Marge Hoenig. Then after a short business meeting, we will escape to places we have only seen on news casts. We hope to see you there, in the Ministry Center at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Everyone is invited to join us on this adventure! Please join Fr. Pat for a Bible Study session this Thursday, May 19, at 7:00 PM, in the Ministry Center (St. Boniface Rm.). Yes, this is no mistake. Your special guy may want to attend the May ACCW meeting with you to hear Laura and Charles Wells tell us all about their recent trip to Viet Nam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma) and other exotic places – complete with photos. Page Nine Summer Music Series 2016 Dates Please mark your calendars for the 2016 Summer Music Series, which is right around the corner! Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00 P.M. (Moscow Center) – Sacred Heart: The Story of Us (Pops Show – Featuring the Sacred Heart Players) Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:00 P.M. (Church) – Saxophone Recital – Featuring Joshua Rodriguez Sunday, July 10th at 4:00 P.M. (Church) – “Eternal Light and Rest”: Choral Meditations on Eternal Life and the Resurrection – Featuring Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, Op. 48 with the Sacred Heart Cantori Wednesday, July 27th at 7:00 P.M. (Church) – Voice Recital – Featuring soprano, Michelle Gliottoni Rodriguez Sunday, August 21st at 4:00 P.M. (Ministry Center Gym) – A Celebration of Legends, Pops, and Heroes (Pops Show – Featuring the Sacred Heart Players) Thank you to our Sacred Heart parishioners and friends who have supported most generously our Summer Music Series in the sharing of their time, talent, and resources. A free will offering benefits the Sacred Heart Music Department. May the peace and joy of the Risen Christ be with you always! James Grzadzinski, Music Director What’s cooking at Sacred Heart? First of all we apologize. We know everyone expected to have a new Sacred Heart Cookbook by now and happily trying out new recipes. However, the committee felt there weren’t enough recipes to fill this book. We only had 270+; we were hoping to have 500+. We wanted this cookbook to be your favorite “what’s for dinner? reference book! So we are asking if you can submit more recipes. We would especially like to receive more main dish recipes. Sacred Heart is well known for its “sweet tooth” as evidenced by the many dessert/candy recipes we received. Don’t get me wrong, we all enjoy something sweet — but after we have our main course, right? There will be additional recipe forms in the Ministry Center office. After you’ve filled them out please return them to the Ministry Center to the attention of Cookbook Committee. Please submit by August 31 as we hope to have the cookbook available for sale at our Vendor Show in September and the Craft Show in October. Any questions please call Theresa McCasland at 708.598.2710. This year the Lovin’ Links will be celebrating their 33rd Anniversary Mass and Reception. This event is open to all married couples of the parish. So circle the date on your calendar SATURDAY ~ JUNE 18TH, 2016 ~ Beginning with Mass at 6:30 PM in the Sacred Heart Day Chapel followed by a wine and cake reception in the Moscow Center. CIRCLE THE DATE! JUNE 18 Musical entertainment by the “Dyed in the Wool” singers/musicians. There will be No Dinner and No Charge for the reception but a free will offering to help defray costs will be most appreciated. Any questions call Bob or Mary at 708.598.7311. Page Ten Sacred Heart Religious Education Sacred Heart Parish offers Religious Education classes for children in grades 1 through 8. Catechesis in each grade level is based upon a progressive doctrinal context. The scope and sequence of the curriculum is as follows: 1st—God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 2nd—Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist 3rd—Formation of the Church 4th—The Ten Commandments 5th—The Seven Sacraments 6th—Old Testament 7th—New Testament 8th—Preparation for Confirmation Our classes meet by grade level beginning the week of September 14, 2016. The schedule is as follows: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades Wednesday 4:30-6:00 P.M. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grades Wednesday 6:30-8:00 P.M. To accommodate the needs and schedules of some families we also offer a summer alternative to our religious education year. This two-week summer intensive program for grades 3 through 7 will be held from 8:45 A.M—12 Noon., from June 16-30. Tuition rates for 2016-2017 are as follows: by May 31 June 1 and after One child—$245 One child—$295 Two children—$390 Two children—$440 Three or more—$510 Three or more—$560 Additional Fees for Books & Supplies For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 708-974-3900 Page Eleven AROUND THE COMMUNITY May is Mental Health Month Since 1949, Mental Health America and its affiliates has reached millions of people through the media, local events, and screenings. This year’s theme is Life with a Mental Illness and encourages individuals to share what life with mental illness feels like for them by tagging social media posts with #mentalillnessfeelslike. Posts will be collected and displayed at Some people think that only those diagnosed with mental illness need to pay attention to their mental health. But the truth is that your emotions, thoughts, and attitudes affect your energy, productivity, and overall health. Good mental health strengthens your ability to cope with everyday situations and with serious crises and challenges. Good mental health is essential to creating the life that you want. Just as you brush your teeth, you can take steps to promote your mental health. Visit to learn more about mental health, including information and resources regarding specific mental illnesses. Women at Risk (WAR) International: Party with a Purpose Learn about domestic and global human trafficking and the risks facing women today. Create a community of protection and empathy for trafficked women and children. Shop for beautiful jewelry and other hand– made gifts crafted by trafficking survivors. Restore women and children to lives of dignity and worth. Where?: Our Lady of the Woods Parish 10731 W 131st St., Orland Park, IL. When?: Wednesday, May 18th 7 PM - 9 PM Every $300 in sales supports one month of expenses for a woman living in a safe house. ST. LAURENCE H. S. ALUMNI GOLF OUTING St. Laurence High School Alumni Association will sponsor its 27th Annual STL Golf Outing—Friday, May 27th At the beautiful Broken Arrow Golf Club in the southwest suburb of Lockport, IL. Registration is at 12 Noon /shotgun start begins at 1:00P. Cost is $150. per person. The cost includes golf, cart, food and refreshments on the course, a delicious dinner, and open bar. Please call Ed Kozak Class of 1979, at 708.458.6900, Ex. 244, for reservations, sponsorship opportunities, or information. GAELIC PARK IRISH FESTIVAL 6119 West 147th Street, Oak Forest Sponsoring an indoor/outdoor Irish Festival Memorial Day Weekend ~ May 27 thru May 30 Admission price includes 2 indoor & 4 outdoor covered stages, covered seating areas presenting continuous entertainment, unlimited free carnival rides, Irish step dancing competition. Irish import stores & food & refreshments available for purchase. For info call 708. 687.9323 or visit website: THIS WEEK SACRED HEART MONDAY, MAY 16 ~ 8:00A Wrap Packages for Service Members ~ 10:00A Chair Holy Yoga ~ 12::00P White Elephant Collection ~ 7:00P Holy Name ~ 7:00P Ministry of Consolation Training TUESDAY, MAY MAY 17 17 TUESDAY, ~ 12 Noon Special Events ~ 7:00P ACCW Mtg. ~ 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 ~ 10:00A Chair Holy Yoga ~ 12:00P White Elephant ~ 12:00 P Fun Club ~ 1:00P Pastoral Staff Meeting ~ 6:30P LOSS Program ~ 7:00P SH Chorale THURSDAY, MAY 19 ~ 12:00P White Elephant Collection ~ 7;00 Bible Study ~ 7:00P BINGO FRIDAY, MAY 20 ~ 12:00P White Elephant Collection ~ 7:00P DOOR TO HOPE (PC 5-6) SATURDAY, MAY 21 ~ 12:00P Set-Up For Fr. Tucker Retirement Celebration SUNDAY, MAY 22 ~ 12:00P Fr. Tucker Retirement Mass/Reception ~ 1:30P Baptisms P L E A S E, J O I N U S! Interested in helping? We will get-together to wrap packages for our service members on Monday, May 16 , in the Moscow Center Hall from 8:00 AM - 10:00 A.M. If you’d like to donate items, you can drop them off that morning. If you are not able to donate items but wish to help, we do accept monetary donations to help defray the cost of mailing packages. We are most grateful for any help. Checks can be made out to Twisted Sisters, cost of sending packages $12.50 per box. Thank you and God Bless! Dorothy Doornek & The Twisted Sisters Page Twelve SATURDAY, MAY 14 4:30 PM — MARIE VITALO BILL KIMMEY MICHAEL MOORE NATHAN RIVERA IRENE WAWRZYNIAK, BERNARD MCCARTHY ALICE KISALA, ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ SUNDAY, MAY 15 7:30AM — RICHARD DREW CHARLES BUSCH FAMILY 9:00AM — EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS MARY C. BOLAND, THOMAS GALLINA ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI 10:30PM — BOB BLIGH HABAS FAMILY FR. ROBERT HERNE MARY MC CARRON MAUREEN D. BLANKSHAW GEORGE MUNGONGO BERNARD P. ANICH, SR VALERIE TRANOWSKI DAVID & GERRI CODY CELEBRATING 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 12:00PM — HELENA LATEK, ZOFIE TRUCHAN STANISLAWA OKAS, ANIELA BARTYZOL MONDAY, MAY 16 (9:00AM) ROBERTA RUDOLPH CONCETTA MAZZULLA TUESDAY, MAY 17 (7:30AM) MICHAEL BEMBENEK RAY VELASQUEZ, BARBARA IWANIEC WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 (9:00AM) ALFREDO MARES THURSDAY, MAY 19 (7:30AM) ED CAVATO FRIDAY, MAY 20 (9:00AM) ROBERT OWEN SATURDAY, MAY 21 7:30 AM — POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY 4:30 PM — RUSS & ANGELINE MILLER LETA MILLER, ANN PALIAKAS EDWARD & LAVERINE SILEKIS ALICE KISALA, ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ SUNDAY, MAY 22 7:30AM — CHERYL & MARY WANTROBA 9:00AM — EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, THOMAS GALLINA KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI, ALICE TUMPANE 10:30PM — BOB BLIGH, FR. ROBERT HERNE GEORGE MUNGONGO, VIRGINA MANICH TONY FARINELLA, VALERIE TRANOWSKI MICHAEL CASTLE, BERNARD P. ANICH, SR. 12:00PM — INTENTION OF FR. PAT TUCKERI ANTONI, BRONISLAWA, & TADEUSZ BYKOWSKI SATURDAY, MAY 21 4:30PM—Al & Phil Anglin, Volunteer SUNDAY, MAY 22 7:30 AM — John Jukic, Ava McGuire, Volunteer 9:00AM — Halie Bala, Frankie Piatkiewicz, Dominika Klich 10:30AM — Alex Gmiterek, Jacqueline Perez, Volunteer 12:00PM — Matthew Biernack, Johann Cuta, Michael Szczerba (Alternate: Francesca Hammerstein) B A PT I S M A L P R E PA R AT I O N Tuesday, May 31, at 7:00 P.M. Parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the class first then call and make arrangements for Baptism. Class is held in the Moscow Center building. Please call 708.974.3336, Press 0, to register. Please pray for the following: Paul Mikula, Sr., Mary Busch, Darlene Kohn, Roberta Paulauskis, Laura Barajas, April Ponte, Elevera Werr, Franciszka & Stanislaw Kojs, Jeanne Sikora, Kris Tassone, Antoinette Paciora, George McCague & Son, Robert Burkey, Spencer Kolman, Cheryl Kolber, Loretta Lia, Kateri Garbauski, James Fernatt, Marcia Hobar, Vickie Jablecki, Diane Cervencik, Lillian Wrobel, Ethel Hivick, George Metoyer, Lorraine Bischoff, Dorothy March, Gayle Jones, James Fernatt, Emmitt & Marion Hays, Theresa Greeps, Keith Donofrio, Richard Pach, Denise & Rich Jandura, Christopher Connolly, Connie Jasik, Margaret Malanowski, Daisy Diaz, Kurt Klecan, Thomas Ready, Baby Jeremiah Adams, Baby Westyn D’Angelo, Jean De Fries, Carol McGovern, Nathan Rivera, Noel Bigyan, Josephine Capaccio, Daniel Calibraro, Brooke Rose Rezko, Linda Ptak Jimmy Szimakowski (Elvis) and Brian McQuery. REST IN PEACE Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: MARY KINSLEY NANCY MITCHELL KATHERINE A. SCANLON Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed.