Oct - 92833.org
Oct - 92833.org
The Net is a publication of Orangethorpe United Methodist Church Fullerton, CA he Ne Food Trucks October 2012 Food Trucks Saturday, October 13, 2012 11:00 AM—4:00PM Quilts, Jewelry, Wood, Baskets, Pottery, Clothes, Needle Work, Floral design, Etc. Food Trucks Food Trucks RENEWAL WEEKEND ~ October 18 - 19 - 20 Each night of worship during the Renewal Weekend is different, but the focus of our worship will be the same - to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and worthy of our praise and worship! You’ll want to be sure and be present every night during the Renewal Weekend! Come be refreshed, come and praise the living Christ, come and open your hearts and minds to what the Lord has in store just for you and for your church. Can you imagine walking away the first night saying, “I have never felt this way before and I want to go back for more.” See page 2 for the Renewal Schedule. Imagine OUMC Renewed! ABOUT OUR EVANGELIST Rev. Bill Johnson is a passionate preacher of the Gospel whose gifts for ministry include leadership, teaching, and prophetic insight. Through LIFT Renewal Ministries, a non-profit ministry established for the purpose of helping pastors and congregations deepen their experience of Jesus Christ, he serves local churches as an evangelist, advocate, and spiritual friend. Tran’s Mission World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed by several Christian denominations taking place on the first Sunday of every October, that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. The tradition originated in the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in 1933, was adopted throughout the US Presbyterian Church in 1936, and subsequently spread to other denominations. In 1940, the Federal Council of Churches (now the National Council of Churches), endorsed World Communion Sunday and began to promote it to Christian churches worldwide. World Communion Sunday is one of the six churchwide Special Sundays of The United Methodist Church. World Communion Sunday provides scholarships for U.S. racial- and ethnic-minority students and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels. World Communion Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday in October On World Communion Sunday, we celebrate global unity. We celebrate the blessing of diversity. Listen; this not a bitter pill to swallow, this is a source of joy and delight. How many of you enjoy French cuisine? How about Italian sauces? Do you like to eat Chinese? How about Mexican food? Doesn’t variety enrich us? Isn’t it better that there is variety? Yes of course. When everything is monochrome we do not call it beautiful; the beauty is in the bouquet. It is the variety of birds that makes watching them interesting. It is the diversity of fish that makes the aquarium a pleasure. It is not simply a matter of taking pleasure in diversity, it is that the truth is that underlying all of this diversity is unity. There is only one God; he has only one Son. His son has only one Body. The Body of Christ is not a dismembered corpse, but a living single body. There is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph. 4:4-6). There is not a body of Christ for blacks and one for whites; one for Mexicans and one for Caucasians; there is only One Body and we are all equally members of it. This was the lesson the apostle Paul was at pains to teach his ethnically mixed congregation in Corinth: 1Cor. 12:12-13 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Let us extend the banquet metaphor since Paul just brought up drinking: the wine in our glasses at the great banquet table will be the same wine: the wine of the Spirit. We will share that same wine with Croats and Serbs, Hungarians and Romanians, Hutus and Tootsies, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants, yes blacks, and yes, Mexicans of the illegal and the legal variety. So what are we to do in the mean time? Well, at minimum, we are to live in such a way now that there will not be any causes for awkward silences around that table. We are to live in such a way now that we do not THURSDAY 7:00 pm Worship and Preaching deny our differences any more than we deny that there are dozens of ways to prepare fish. Rather we celebrate FRIDAY 8:30 am “Mini-Retreat” for Church our differences as the variety that gives life joy. Staff and Ministry Providers The body of Christ is One. We Christians have One Lord, one faith, and one baptism. We have all been FRIDAY 7:00 pm Worship and Preaching sent on the same mission: to declare that Jesus Christ is SATURDAY 8:30 am “Mini-Retreat” for Church Lord. Jesus Christ is not our tribal god, but the Lord of Leadership Council all! There will be a day when “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. “ No SATURDAY 3:30 pm Bible Study—open to all nation can claim him; no social group owns him; he is not the mascot for any political party. SATURDAY 5:30 pm Fellowship Dinner Today, on World Communion Sunday, we gather around His table proclaiming, not an idea, not a SATURDAY 7:00 pm Worship and Preaching wish, but the truth: Jesus is Lord! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Renewal Weekend Schedule HOLYWEEN It’s time for Holyween fun again ! Help provide a safe, non scary environment for kids to have fun while they learn about the love of Jesus Christ. See Donna Daniels if you’d like to help or donate needed items. Sharyl Lewis and Janice Fowler met with Grace River members James Shin and Tawny Park to plan the renovation of all the bathrooms. This will be a big undertaking so we will need to get three bids. This is still in the planning stage. The preschool rooms have been painted and the carpet is being installed. Everything looks so fresh and new. The kids, parents and staff are so excited with their new rooms. The cell tower should be completed very soon. They are working on lighting and landscaping and then it will be all finished. Gail, our secretary for the last several years, is moving to Nebraska to be with her daughter. We will miss her but wish her all the good luck and God’s richest blessing in her new home. Fern McCollum very weak, urological problems. Louise Adlof misses her church family Joanne Reuteler COPD Pastor Sergio for travel mercies to Mexico and for his mother. Jan Oehrke continued recovery from pneumonia Gail Albright move to Nebraska Our Fall Renewal Event Our Fall Food Truck and Craft Fair Global Methodist Mission & Christians in Muslim countries The renewal, unity and growth of our church family GOD’S CHANGELESS WORDS Feelings come and feelings go, And feelings are deceiving; My warrant is the Word of God — Naught else is worth believing. Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token, There is One greater than my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word Till soul and body sever, For though all things shall pass away, His Word shall stand forever! ―Martin Luther The safety of our troops deployed around the world The leadership of our country October 2012 October 2012 October 2012 October 2012 October 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 2:45 PM Learning Center 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 9:00AM Food Dist. 2:45 PM Learning Center 5:45PM Hatha Yoga 11:30 AM Senior Moments 6:30 PM Stitchers Group 7:00 PM Renewal Meeting 7:00 PM Body, Mind & Spirit Class 6:00PM Praise Team Practice 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00AM Worship 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 2:45 PM Learning Center 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 5:45PM Hatha Yoga 6:30 PM Preschool Board 6:00PM Womanspace 7:00PM Parish Board Meeting 7:00 PM Body, Mind & Spirit Class 6:00PM Praise Team Practice 11:00AM Craft Fair & Food Truck 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9:00AM Worship 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 8:30 AM Mini Retreat 8:30 AM Mini Retreat 2:45 PM Learning Center 5:45PM Hatha Yoga 2:45 PM Learning Center 7:00PM 10:00AM Renewal Worship Senior Exercise 6:30PM OLC Board Mtg 7:00 PM Body, Mind & Spirit Class 7:30 PM Choir Practice 7:30 PM Choir Practice 9:00 AM Food Dist. 7:00 PM 3:30 PM Renewal Worship Bible Study 5:30 PM Renewal Dinner 7:00 PM Renewal Worship 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:00AM Worship 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 5:45PM Hatha Yoga 2:45 PM Learning Center 4:00PM Hot Meals 7:00PM Church Council 4:00PM Book Muse 6:00PM Praise Team Practice 7:00 PM Body, Mind & Spirit Class 28 29 30 31 9:00AM Worship 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 10:00AM Senior Exercise 2:45 PM Learning Center 5:45PM Hatha Yoga 2:45 PM Learning Center 6:45 PM Holyween 7:00 PM Body, Mind & Spirit Class 7:30 PM Choir Practice 27 Orangethorpe United Methodist Church 2351 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, CA 92833 Tel: 714 526-8317 E-mail: oumcoffice@megapathdsl.net We are a Christ-centered welcoming Community and we invite you to join us! OUMC Staff Rev. Tom Tran Senior Pastor 714.526-8317 OUMC Leadership We’re on the WEB http://www.oumc.net Rev. Sergio Camacho Assoc. Pastor, Latino Ministry 714.773.4950 Treasurer Val Moore Organist Vern Nelson Church Secretary Gail Albright Other Campus Programs Orangethorpe UM Preschool Where tuition is affordable. Where kids are safe and have fun. Where the staff is well qualified. Dianne Harper, Director 714.871.3176 Orangethorpe Learning Center Where elementary aged kids can come for free to get help with their homework Monday through Thursday Chuck Carey, Chairman 714.526.1833 Church Council Barbara Johnson & Jo Menely Finance Chair Jan Oehrke SPRC Chair Janice Fowler Lay Leader Sharyl Lewis Choir Leader Donna Daniels Worship Design/Flowers Wendy Lenaburg