2010 Fall Newsletter - Ravenswood Family Health Center


2010 Fall Newsletter - Ravenswood Family Health Center
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Committed to providing the
of primary health care services
Margaret Taylor, former Director of
San Mateo County Health Services
Sherri Sager, Chief Government
Relations Officer at Lucile Packard
Children’s Hospital
Rose Jacobs Gibson, SMC Board of
Dr. Cecil Reeves, 1st Chair of
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Dr. David Druker, former CEO and
President of Palo Alto Medical
Maya Altman, CEO, Health Plan of
San Mateo
Emmett Carson, Ph.D, CEO, Silicon
Valley Community Foundation
Pat Bresee, former Commissioner,
SMC Superior Court
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."— Margaret Mead
Dear Friends:
Luisa Buada
Chief Executive Officer
argaret Mead was right.
Looking back on Ravenswood
Family Health Center’s nine
year history, there are certain people
whose avowed commitment to improving
access to health care has changed the
lives of thousands of underserved and
uninsured people in south San Mateo
County. Our clinic owes its existence and
continuance to these individuals and the
organizations they represent.
It was the initiative of Margaret Taylor,
the former Director of San Mateo County
Health Services, who together with Sherri
Sager, Chief Government Relations Officer
at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital,
San Mateo County Supervisor, Rose
Jacobs Gibson, and Dr. Cecil Reeves along
with East Palo Alto community leaders
that brought the clinic to life in 2001.
In 2004, Dr. David Druker, former CEO
and President of the Palo Alto Medical
Foundation stepped up to reinforce and
strengthen our organization with funding
from the Foundation and Medical Group to
improve data and quality assurance. It is
with sincere regret that we acknowledge
Dr. Druker’s passing this Spring after a
three-year battle with cancer.
RFHC has steadily grown in volume
and financial capacity through our
partnerships with key organizations
including the Health Plan of San Mateo
led by Maya Altman and the Silicon Valley
Community Foundation led by Emmett
Carson, Ph.D. Most recently, it has been
the leadership of Pat Bresee, former
Commissioner, SMC Superior Court and
now chair of our newly formed Advisory
Council that has introduced RFHC to a
broad cross section of influential new
supporters to help us accomplish our $19
million dollar capital campaign goal.
For the long haul, it’s the steady,
consistent day-in-and-day-out
commitment that counts. RFHC is
fortunate to have on board a committed,
talented and capable internal leadership
team including our very active and
involved Board of Directors. Another one
of our invaluable supporters, our founding
Board member, Charlesetta Fishman,
passed away suddenly this fall. (See a
tribute to her on page 2.) We dedicate
this publication of our newsletter to these
special individuals living and with us still
in spirit and to the many of you, unnamed
here whose essential contributions year
after year insure the continued work of
RFHC. In closing, we share with you our
hope for peace and blessings of health
this coming year.
Luisa Buada, RN, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
Where Healthy Living Takes Flight
Ravenswood Family Health Center
What we do
Ravenswood Family Health
Center’s mission is to improve
Provide integrated,
coordinated primary
health care to lowincome and uninsured
residents of southeast
San Mateo County
the health status of the
community we serve by providing
high quality, culturally competent
primary and preventive health
care to people of all ages
regardless of ability to pay­­­­­­
— Mission Statement
Board of Directors
Melieni Talakai, Chair
Julio Garcia, Vice Chair
Manuel Arteaga, Treasurer
Marcelline Combs, Secretary
Joseph Lopez, Parliamentarian
Vernal Bailey
Senseria Conley
Carlota Flores
Jonathan Lindeke
Gordon Russell
Rev. Elisapeta M. Savusa
Raymond Mills, Ex Officio
Sherri Sager, Ex Officio
Integrative Holistic Health Care
t’s one of East Palo
Alto’s best kept secrets. Every Saturday
morning from 35 to 50
people come to a weekly
acupuncture clinic offered
to patients of Ravenswood
Family Health Center and
community residents by
Herban Health, a nonprofit
based in East Palo Alto.
Patients sit with eyes
closed and fine thread-like
needles in their ears. It’s
the relaxation stage of the
group session. A quiet calm
Advisory Council
pervades the room like a
low-lying mist over a pond.
Patricia Bresee, Chair
The tranquility is part of the
Maya Altman
art of healing associated
Greg Avis
with this ancient practice.
But there is also a scientific
Caretha Coleman
method behind it drawn
Chris Dawes
from the thousand year old
Greg Gallo
cumulative experience of
Traditional Chinese MediRose Jacobs Gibson
cine (TCM).
Dr. Ross Jaffe
Herban Health was
Dr. Phil Lee
founded to make free, lowcost holistic healthcare
Dr. Richard Levy
available in a group setting
John A. Sobrato
to those who cannot afford the significant cost of
Dr. Frederick St. Goar
private care or lack health
Jane Williams
insurance. The organization is a colhe Federal Office of Management and Budget
lective of licensed
has ranked health centers one of the ten most
practitioners all of
effective federal programs. By focusing on
whom volunteer
prevention, Community health centers save substantial
their time.
dollars in avoided emergency room visits, medical
treatment and hospitalization.
Donations 5%
Federal Grants 24%
Grants 4%
Public Health
Insurance 49%
Foundations 18%
Dental Clinic
Operations 5%
Medical Clinic
Operations 16%
Management & General 12%
Salaries &
Benefits 68%
Ravenswood Family Health Center
On any
given Saturday, there are
usually two or
three practitioners doing
the intake for
new patients
and tending to
the returning
patients. 67%
return from 3
to 5 times for
treatment. Candy is one of the
regulars. “I’ve
been coming
Herban Health co-founder
Dyanne Ladine LAc, JD, MBA, MS
for over a year,”
she says. A paHealth Association when
tient of RFHC,
it selected two abstracts
she came for a medical
submitted by Herban Health
appointment on a Saturday
co-founder Dyanne Ladine
and happened upon the
acupuncture clinic. She was LAc, JD, MBA, MS. On
November 8th, Dyanne pretold that it was free. At the
sented two poster sessions
time she had been having
chronic migraine headaches at the 138th Annual Meeting in Colorado about the
and was only getting 3 or
efficacy of Herban Health’s
4 hours of sleep a night.
model of providing free
Acupuncture proved to be
holistic healthcare to lowvery effective. “It helps me
income residents, including
to relax and now I sleep so
the homeless and those
much better. I go to bed at
in recovery. Ravenswood
10 and sleep until 5 in the
Family Health Center is one
of four community organizaThe value of acupunctions that Herban Health
ture in an integrative approach to western medicine collaborates with to offer the
acupuncture clinic.
was acknowledged this
Concerning its collaboyear by the American Public
In Memorium: Charlesetta Fishman
he Board of Directors and
the staff of Ravenswood
Family Health Center regret
the sudden passing of our founding
board member Charlesetta Fishman following a stroke. Charlesetta
served on our Board for nine years,
since its very first session on January 25,2000. She brought an understanding of the city of East Palo
Alto where she had resided for over
40 years and played an immensely
valuable strategic role in raising
awareness and support for RFHC.
Charelsetta was a charming
woman, humorous, gracious and
elegant. She cultivated an exten-
Founding Board Member, Charlesetta
Fishman, June 5, 1933- Sept. 30, 2010
Primary Medical Care
Rising to the Challenge
ration with Herban Health,
RFHC’s CEO commented,
“It’s in the DNA of community health centers to be sensitive to the diverse health
care beliefs and practices.
Healing and recovery encompass more than traditional medical treatments,
involving a view of the
whole person. We welcome
Herban Health’s partnership with us. Many of our
patients seek complementary therapies that support
body, mind and spirit such
as those offered by Herban
Dyanne Ladine emphasizes the supportive role
Herban Health plays. “We
think of what we’re doing as
a complement to western
medicine and we encourage
people to follow their doctor’s directives and never
advise them to discontinue
their medications.”
Herban Health also offers a variety of holistic
health classes on topics
including diabetes, digestive
problems, stress reduction,
insomnia, children's health,
exercise, stopping smoking, losing weight, and high
blood pressure. For more
information, please visit
sive network of friendships from all
walks of life. She loved her friends
and they responded in kind by
coming to the support of the organization that she so passionately
supported. She was a catalyst and
left an enduring legacy in the many
friends who have become faithful
supporters of RFHC .
In her memory, RFHC has set up
a Friends of Charlesetta Fishman
Fund. For information about making
a gift in her honor, contact:
Aaron Lones, Development Director at (650)617-7828 or
ut of 231 applicant organizations, Ravenswood Family
Health Center was one of only
6 community health centers in the nation
to be awarded a major 3-year grant by
HRSA’s Bureau of Health Professions
to expand chronic disease prevention
and management services through the
use of paraprofessional community
Health Navigators. RFHC will receive
$1,177,881 over three years to implement this work.
In such a competitive process, several
factors were in our favor. In our multiethnic services area half of the residents
live at or below 200% of the federal
poverty level and poverty correlates with
higher rates of chronic disease.
Ravenswood Has a Strong Track Record.
“We have a solid foundation to build on,”
says Belinda Hernandez, Director of
Health Education, Prevention and Behavioral Health Programs. “We spent the
past three years developing the framework and the curriculum for our Chronic
Disease Prevention Program. But with
2,351 chronic disease patients in 2009
and only 4 Health Navigators on staff,
the Chronic Disease Team was outnumbered 500 to 1. Since many of our
patients deal with multiple stress factors
• Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
• Adult Medicine
• Prenatal Care
• Screenings & Immunizations
• Women’s Health
• Referrals to Specialty Care
Integrated Behavioral
Health Services
• Crisis intervention
• Short-term Counseling
Cooking Demonstration
in addition to their chronic disease, they
need intensive case management in addition to education. With this grant we
will add 6 new Health Navigators and an
RN educator over three years.”
According to RFHC’s Chronic Disease
Manager Will Cerrato, “RFHC is one of
the only community health centers in the
country that has a trained Health Navigator team solely dedicated to provide
outreach, prevention and patient-centered chronic disease management services.” RFHC offers a full complement
of chronic disease support services for
patients from one-on-one education
and case management to group work-
shops, cooking demos, Stanford Chronic
Disease Self-Management designed
training of patients who become peer
Convincing patients of the risks is just
the start of changing life-long patterns.
As Duke University study on changing
habits found-- “Many of our repeated
behaviors are cued by everyday environments, even though people think they’re
making choices all the time.” This is
where the seasoned skill of a good
coach comes in to play. With this grant,
RFHC will introduce a health coaching
module developed at UCSF into the
training of its team of Health Navigators.
Area-wide chronic disease rates (based on San Mateo County-wide averages) for the 11,411 adults below
200% FPL are all higher than comparable county-wide rates for the general population, including rates
for diabetes (13.8% versus 8.2%), hypertension (32.3% versus 26.1%), heart disease (6.1% versus 5.2%),
asthma (11.1% versus 9.7%) and overweight/obesity (63.3% versus 56.7%).
Center for Health
• Chronic Disease Management
• Health Education
• Health Coverage Enrollment
Ravenswood Family
• Pediatric & Adult Dental
• Preventive care
Ravenswood Family Health
Center - Main Clinic
Tel: (650) 330-7400
1798A Bay Road,
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
1805 Bay Road, East Palo Alto
Getting Chronic Disease patients to fully
grasp what their health risks are is the first
Ravenswood Family Dentistry
challenge. Patients pay attention when they
1807 Bay Rd., East Palo Alto
(650) 289-7700
hear that:
• Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases
of blindness among adults aged 20–74 years.
Belle Haven Clinic
Tel: (650) 321-0980
100 Terminal Avenue,
Menlo Park, CA 94025
• Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44% of new cases
• More than 60% of non-traumatic lower-
Mobile Clinic
limb amputations occur in people with
• Oral Health Education
Center for Health Promotion
Chronic Disease Fitness Training
night. No yogurt, no cottage cheese,
no white bread. And I switched over
to vegetables and meats. I got to the
point of writing down everything I ate
and so I’m able to go back and see
what I’ve been doing. I exercise a lot. I
ride my bike instead of driving. I even
take it on the train to San Francisco
and ride all around the city.”
As a peer educator, he says, there
are two things he want s to know about
a fellow patient in the group. “First of
• Domestic Violence Counseling
• Emergency dental services
all, I want them to tell me that they
want to live and then we talk about
how important it is to set long range
goals. Having a long-term goal helps
a lot.”
He has one that inspires him. “I want
to live to see my 2 year old grandson
graduate from high school”
Peer Educator: William Loveless
• Psychiatric Consult
• Oral surgery
Total diabetes prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed cases) is projected to increase from 14% in 2010 to 21%
of the US adult population by 2050. Source: Population Health Metrics 2010
Social Service Referral
• Parenting Support
• Restorative & Periodontal care
Patient Success with Peer Educators
eer Educators come up from
within the ranks of our patients,
says RFHC's Chronic Disease
Manager, Will Cerrato. “William Loveless, a diabetic for 12 years, has become a role model and a peer educator for patients.”
“I found out I had diabetes 12 years
ago,” says William. “I was literally going blind. An optometrist said you need
to be checked out. My blood sugar was
500 and should have been between
With a pre-existing condition and
two kids, insurance was prohibitive
so when he needed medical care he
came to RFHC.
Natural Team Leader
He’s a man with a “can-do” attitude
that inspires people to get up and get
going. He has the discipline and the
momentum of a man training for a
“I’ve been trained as a peer educator and the first thing you have to do
is practice what you preach. I’ve had
to learn to control my diet. It’s hard.”
He has his own methods. “No white at
• Pediatric & Adult
Source: American Diabetes Association
Various sites in the school district and
where homeless congregate
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Thank you for the generosity of all our contributors­­
Stanford Hospital & Clinics
Summa Peto Foundation
Susan G Komen for the
HRSA Bureau of
Cure Foundation
Primary Care
California Department of Sutter Health
The Brin Foundation
Healthcare Services
Office of Minority Health The David & Lucile Packard
San Mateo County
The Mervyn L. Brenner
Behavioral Health
Foundation, Inc
San Mateo County
Tides Foundation
Department of Housing
San Mateo County - Family -Community Clinics
Health Services
Tipping Point Community
San Mateo County To Celebrate Life Breast
Health System
Wachovia Wells Fargo
Baxter International
Henry J Kaiser Family
Blue Shield California
Bohannon Foundation
Natembea Foundation
CA Wellness Foundation
Leaders 5000+
California Bank & Trust
Almanac Holiday Fund
California Dental
Anonymous (2 Donors)
Association Foundation
Patricia Bresee
California Healthcare
Jeffrey & Julie Brody
Elizabeth Dixon
California Wellness
Gregory & Penny Gallo
Richard & Maureen Hamner
Connie & Bob Lurie
Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable
Foundation, Inc
Donald & Rachel Valentine Trusts
Randall & Julie Merk
Joe Rubin
Flora Family Foundation
Gordon Russell
Gannett Foundation
Mary Smith - In Honor of
Kaiser Permanente
Rodney Smith
Community Benefits
Geoff & Colleen Tate
Northern CA
Jim Warren
Kaiser Permanente
Champions $1,000+
Community Benefits Anonymous (3 Donors)
San Mateo Area
James Bassett & Lily
Latino Community
Denis & Eileen Baylor
Laurel Foundation
Leslie Family Foundation Bohannon Foundation
Lucile Packard Children's John & Mary Anne Brock
Bruce Cabral & Kim Harney
Lucile Packard Foundation California Bank & Trust
Robert Carlson & Stacey
for Children's Health
Microsoft Corporation
Charles Schwab & Co.
Matching Gifts
Connie & Bob Lurie
Microsoft Unlimited
Foundation, Inc
Michael & Leslie Crisp
Monterey Peninsula
Gideon Hausner Jewish
Day School
Palo Alto Medical
Foundation Parents Club Pat & Kathy Groves
of Palo Alto & Menlo Park Ellie & Rick Hamner
Donald Jaquess
Rigel Inc
San Francisco Foundation Kaiser Permanente
Community Benefits
Sand Hill Foundation
Sequoia Healthcare District Stephen F. La Due
Silicon Valley Community Donald & Sheila Leclaire
The Mervyn L. Brenner
Foundation, Inc
Stanford Cancer Center
Parents Club of
Palo Alto & Menlo Park
Shanti Perkins-Gayle &
Richard Gayle
Cecil Reeves
Jozef Ruck & Donna Ito
Skyles Runser, III & Hillary
Sherri Sager
Alexander Stepanov
Summa Peto Foundation
Mark & Katherine Valentine
Mimi Webb
Advocates $500$999
Rick Altinger
Walter B. & Anne D. Clark
Ed & Joyce Drake Family
Bill & Ann Duvall - In Honor
of Gordon Russell &
Tina McAdoo
Craig Falkenhagen
Frederick G. St. Goar, MD
Peter & Suzanne
Craig & Kari Hanson
Hillview Middle School
Student Body
Gretchen Hoover
Roland Hsu & Julia Noblitt
Natembea Foundation
Ramesh C. Patel
Robert Sawyer
Bobbie Wunsch
Pierluigi Zappacosta
Friends up to $499
Anonymous (13 Donors)
Anonymous - In Honor of
Dean Clark
6 to 9 Dental
J.M. Abel
Philip G. Abrahamson
Douglas & Kathleen
William Alfano
Maya Altman
Beth Alvarez
Suzanne Amato
Eric Anders Pedersen
Richard Anderson
David Arata
Greg McMillan & Catherine
Aries McMillan
Richard Bahr
Mark Balestra
Duane Bay & Barbara
Dennis & Eileen Bayor
In Honor of David La Scua
Enrico & Jane Bernasconi
Cameron & Tito Bianchi
Elizabeth Bilafer - In Honor
of Gordon Russell
Margaret Blackford
George Block
Beth Marie Bonora
Robert Bragg
Elizabeth Brown
Robert & Betty Brown
Ruth Mandel Brown
Robert & Lillian Burt
Mary Buysse
William Bernard Cane
Mary Ann Carmack
George & Mary Chadwick
Jeff & Dianne Child
Judith & David Conrad
Jane Creighton
Sonia Crommie In Honor of Betty Kaplan
Erika Cruz
Isabella Davis
Ann Dehovitz
James Dingler
Penelope Duckham
Victoria Emmons In Honor
of Luisa Buada
Eleanore Engelmore
Mary Engstrom
Mauricha Farrell
Frank & Jeanne Fischer
James & Maria Flaherty
David Flamm &
Margaret Stevenson
Deborah Ford-Scriba
Stuart Friedman &
Cynthia Krieger
Natalie Friend
Gannett Foundation
Lawrence Garcia
Kenneth Gibson
Robert Glaser
Yvette Green
Richard & Lynda Greene
Thomas & Joan Gregory
Maral Haddeland
Claudia Hall
Jon Hallam
David & Shirley Hammond
John Harbaugh
Paul & Jane Hart - In Honor
of Gordon Russell
Bob Henderson
Henry J Kaiser Family
Vincent Hentz &
Martha Norberg
Tish Hoehl
Nancy Hoffman
Jody & Joe Horowitz
Anne Houghteling
Intuit Foundation Donation
Matching Program
David Jevans
John & Phyllis Johnson - In
Honor of Dr. Duncan Green
Ron Johnson
Brad Joondeph &
Srija Srinivasan - In Honor
of Luisa Buada
Mark Justman
Karen Kavanagh
Beatrice Kavinoky
Todd & Julie Kaye
Edward Kent, Jr.
Michael Kilgroe &
Patricia Burbank
Ralph King
Susan Klinck
Peter & Ann Knopf
Nurith Kurn
Carl & Doris Landman
Nelee Langmuir
Robert & Wendie Lash
Kenneth & Anne Lawler
Mark C. Lawrence
Hewlett & Elizabeth Lee
Philip Lee
Linda Maki - In Honor of
Gilda Loew
Myldred Mann
Rosa Waltzer Mass
Bettina Pederson McAdoo In Honor of Gordon Russell
Drew McCalley &
Marilyn Green
Elizabeth McDougall
Douglas Menke
Jean Merwin
Microsoft Coporation
Matching Gifts
Mid-Peninsula Animal
Hospital, Inc
Edward & Sumaya Miner
Marshall Mohr
Monterey Peninsula
Alida Mary Moore
John Moragne &
Kimberly M. Young
Hal Moreno
Arthur Morris
Francis & Claire Murphy In Honor of Gordon Russell
Nikoo & Mehdi Namazian
E. Kirk Neely & Holly Myers
Alexander & Alexandra
Keri Nicholas
James Nicholas
Dawn Nidy
Lucille Nilmeyer
Stephanie Nisbet
Elizabeth O'hare
David Oakes &
Sheila Botein
Mirza Ivett Ochoa
Anna Ostrom
Leo & Charlene Ott
Jean Parmelee
G. Lyndall Parsons
Miles M. Pedersen In Honor
of Gordon Russell
Richard Peers &
Allison Butler
Present Value Fund
Gail Prickett
Jan Reed
Richard Simpson &
Ann Reisenauer
Jeannette Remmel
Joseph Schertler &
Laura Reynolds
Barbara Riper
Ron & Judith Romines
Timothy & Perryn Rowland
Peter Rudd
Carol Russo
Paul Sallaberry
Gary Sanders
Omowale Satterwhite
Martin Schiffenbauer
Thomas Schwartzburg
Martin & Barbara Seaney
John Shannon - In Honor of
Tina McAdoo
Barry E. Sharrow
Jerry & Joyce Shefren
Shahla Sheikholeslam &
Jerry Schoening
Fred & Julia Shepardson
Alice Shikina
Bernard A. & Edith Shoor
Sue Singer
David & Barbara Slone
Stephen & Jill Smith
Marion Softky
Samuel Sparck
William & Dana Starling
Laura Stern
Ricard & Jeanne Tatum
Margaret Taylor
Richard Thesing
Lewis & Patricia Thomas
In Honor of Gordon Russell
Frederick Thompson
Adrienne Tissier
Mastick Tom
Miriama Verebasaga
James Vertin
Arnold Vezzani
John & Barbara Walecka
Frank J. & Marianne J.
Watanabe Dental
Terri Watters
Roger & Trish Way
Peter Webb
Yisrael Welcher
Fred Wiener
Suzanne Williams
Deborah Wright
Patricia Yeung
Lynne Young
Leslie & Marilyn Zatz
Joseph & Denise Ziony
Jorge del Calvo &
Geraldine Ongkeko
Go Green with Us
We Need Your Help
We welcome your donation of cash, stock, or gifts in kind.
Advisory Councilmember
Jane Williams Wins
2010 Schwab IMPACT
Leadership Award
t its annual IMPACT 2010 conference
on October 28th, Schwab awarded Jane
Williams, co-founder, president and CEO
of Palo Alto, CA-based Sand Hill Global Advisors
its prestigious Leadership Award, recognizing her
as a long-time champion for improving financial
literacy through the organization’s independent,
holistic wealth management services. Today,
Sand Hill manages assets for entrepreneurs,
individuals and families in transition, as well as
foundations and endowments.
As part of the IMPACT Awards program, the
Leadership Award winner receives a $25,000
donation from Schwab to the charity of his/her
choice. On behalf of Jane Williams and Sand Hill
Global Advisors, Schwab made a $25,000 donation to Ravenswood Family Health Center in East
Palo Alto.
On behalf of our Board and Staff, our congratulations and thanks to Jane Williams for designating her award to Ravenswood Family Health
Center and for hosting a community informational
event, our Garden Soiree in September in the
Sand Hill Global Advisors courtyard.
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Ravenswood Family Health Center is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency
Ravenswood Family Health Center
Please mail to:
Ravenswood Family Health Center
1798A Bay Road
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Tel. (650) 617-7830
Fax (650) 321-1156
• Email lhassett@ravenswoodfhc.org
with your email address and be sure
to include your name
• Visit our website to join our mailing
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Visit us at www.ravenswoodfhc.org
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