ONE MILLION cash awarded man whose assets seized by IRS


ONE MILLION cash awarded man whose assets seized by IRS
Membership Subscription
The Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Issue #246 Special Edition
ONE MILLION cash awarded man
whose assets seized by IRS
etroit, Mich.*—A Wayne
County man who lost
nearly $50,000 to the
IRS over a disputed tax liability
says that, remarkably, he’s
r e l i e v ed a n d h ap p y .
Relieved because a long,
and financially
draining battle
is over, and
happy because
he’s net-ted
“somewhere around
a cool million” in cash
from his loss. The money
came from an organization
whose members are pledged
to reimburse him for such
Mr. Mann (legal name
withheld*) hardly envisioned
such an ending at the time his
troubles began two years ago,
when the IRS issued him an
unlawful tax bill. From the
beginning, he says, he tried to
show the IRS, then the courts,
where the IRS was wrong. But
after the agency began levying his
pay heavily, he says, they came
for his boat and car.
“Like a lot of other people who
try to fight with the IRS, my wife
and kids were scared, and I
wanted to give up … ”
“I was devastated.
Like a lot
of other
who try to fight
with the IRS, my wife
and kids were scared,
and I wanted to give
up on life.”
“I didn't know if this
joined a few
was going to
be able to keep the
IRS off my back. They did do
everything they could for me
using the legal process.” In the
end, however, “no matter what
the written laws say ... the legal
system is stacked against the
average citizen and in favor of
the IRS, definitely.” He doesn’t
think he’s alone in his thinking:
“I know a lot of people who kind
of understand that the IRS
doesn’t obey the laws like they
should — they just don’t know
what to do about it.”
Mr. Mann says those people
could learn from the “educational
association” which helped him
stand up to the IRS and
understand his rights under the
Constitution and the law — the
Save-A-Patriot Fellowship.
Over the past six months, as a
claimant member of Save-APatriot Fellowship, Mr. Mann
received about one million in
cash from other fellowship
members across the country. The
money is the result of a program
called the “Victory Express,” an
“insurance-like” program
managed from the association's
headquarters in Westminster,
As a member's assistance
program, the Victory Express
compensates members when they
have been wrongly charged by
the IRS or a state taxing agency.
If loss of property or
incarceration ensues, other
members come to their aid.
(Continued on page 2)
*This “press release” is a fictional depiction only. It shows what could actually occur once the Save-A-Patriot
Fellowship reaches its goal of 100,000 members.
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Cash donated to educational radio
(Continued from page 1)
Unlike traditional insurance,
which compensates claimants for
actual, calculated value, the
Fellowship's plan is intended to
restore claimant members above
and beyond their loss, so as to
encourage other citizens not to be
fearful in asserting their rights.
“The members came through
for me … far beyond what I
imagined,” Mr. Mann says. “I'm
glad I was able to make a stand
on principle, and stood up for my
rights, rather than just cave in to
government demands.”
“We've been around since
1984, and people have now begun
to see the value of our First
“The key to our success is
that we are a fellowship, and
that our members pledge their
mutual help to one another…
Amendment association”, says
John Kotmair, Save-A-Patriot
F el l o wship's founder and
“That’s why we’re continuing
to grow, and have become a
media and political grass-roots
force. The key to our success is
that we are a fellowship, and that
our members pledge their mutual
help to one another, and truly
support each other.”
As for Mr. Mann, he plans to
put some of his cash to a “good
cause.” He’s returning a large
portion of the funds to Save-APatriot to support their growing
radio network, which seeks to
educate Americans about their
rights and how to combat the
current encroachment of
the federal government
into all areas of
individuals’ lives.
“press release” above is a fictional depiction only. It shows what could
actually occur once the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship reaches its goal of 100,000 members.
Currently, members who do suffer loss in civil or criminal actions are compensated up to a
maximum $150,000 for loss of property, regardless of the claim size. That award figure will
continue to rise as more citizens join the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship!
To enable people to join easily and contribute to this worthy cause, an Associate
Membership is available for just $99 Federal Reserve Notes (“cash”)!
(“cash”) To join at the
Associate Membership level and climb on board the Victory Express, please fill out and mail
the membership application within this issue.
Before Save-A-Patriot is able to send out a press release announcing such an award
amount, we expect to have 50,000 members and to reach significant media presence in radio.
Our goal is to educate the general public through radio — an effective media tool ,
not only to grow the Fellowship, but to provide American citizens with the story they aren't
currently being told, and begin to reeducate them about their true legal heritage and culture as
Can you imagine the press coverage Save-A-Patriot Fellowship will gain when such a story
is released to media? “Patriot” may well become a household word, and citizens will surely
begin to ponder their current tumultuous relationship with the IRS as well as other
government agencies!
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Issue Number 246
Issue Number 246
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
By John B. Kotmair, Jr.
he United States is the most
powerful military entity in the
world second to none. It cannot be taken from without, as
Abraham Lincoln observed over a century and a half ago. But he correctly predicted
that it could fall from within, from an insidious
piecemeal attack over a long period of time. I have
fight off this internal attack for
the past forty
years, and in doing so have gained
knowledge and
how to best
combat it.
An attack on education
This attack was brilliantly begun by
taking over the higher institutions of
learning, and by influencing elementary education through the establishment of the federal Department of
Education in 1979.
The concentration of federal power
was started by the Lincoln administration, and the Constitutional loyalists have
constantly given ground ever since. Like the
American Revolution, the advance of this internal
revolution was initiated and financed by wealthy
and influential individuals. But unlike the American
Revolution, their purpose was not individual freedom, but the establishment of international socialism for their own financial gain and political power.
From the time of the Lincoln administration the
institutions of higher education have been turning
out one-world socialist “evangelicals” chafing at the
bit to change American political institutions established by the Founding Fathers into their utopian
one-world dream. They gained positions of influence in every major educational, political, and media organization, and slowly the American dream
turned into the socialist state of which Karl Marx
dreamt and wrote. Today, the average American
even believes the socialist system he lives in is the
“free state” given to us by the Founders.
Payroll taxes and “fair share”
Under the guise of helping the war effort in
World War II, Americans were convinced to submit
to a payroll tax. Of course, this solved the problem
of collecting the social security tax from the individual worker himself, and helped the conspiracy to
put the government into debt to the Federal Reserve bankers.
Needless to say,
got used to the
payroll tax, it
was continued
after the war.
From the beginning
WWII, Americans were bombarded with slogans
them that “paying their fair share” was
a patriotic duty. Actually, that “fair
share” helped tremendously to pillage
America by way of the Marshall Plan.
Through that plan, Americans were
insidiously convinced that as the
“world leader” they had the responsibility to support all the world’s nations
at their own expense.
Judicial outlaws
As Americans keep evolving into this socialist
state, the social security number has become the
national identification number, and is now routinely demanded for government and marketplace
intercourse. Because Americans believe such demands are based on the law — even though they are
not — the federal government is allowed to operate
outside of the law with ease. This is exacerbated by
law schools teaching students that the opinions of
judges are the law, that they ought to cite court
opinions instead of the written law in their legal
briefs, that judges are the only arbiters of the law,
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
(Continued on page 4)
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Today, the average
American even
believes the
socialist system he
lives in is the ‘free
state’ given to us
length of time are well aware. It is impossible for
any one individual to stand against this tyranny,
and maintain the Constitutional constriction on
government. There is only one logical answer: citizens have to band together in order to stand against
such tyranny. Yet the history of the last halfcentury has proven that third-party efforts, political
committees and associations have not been very effective. While they have raised some awareness regarding the problem, they lack the structure to fight
off the government onslaught of expansion and
(Continued from page 3)
and that juries try only the facts. With the use of
this belief in dictum, (mere opinion expressed by
judges), the laws passed by Congress and signed by
the President have been and continue to be unlawfully replaced by the thoughts, words and political
beliefs of judges.
Of course, with the Executive branch and the
Senate occupied by federal socialists, the judges being appointed are of the same political persuasion.
Thus we have courts protecting government agents
who misapply the law and step beyond the scope of
their authority, especially in tax cases.
Aiding and abetting wrongdoers
When a citizen tries to civilly adjudicate a
wrongfully assessed tax, the courts routinely cover
up for government agents by granting the government’s motion to dismiss or motion for summary
judgment, as the case may be. In this way, they
deny the citizen’s right to have a jury determination.
Judges routinely prevent defendants in criminal
tax trials from introducing relevant evidence; they
also routinely instruct the jury wrongfully on the
application of the tax laws and the defendant’s
rights under the law.
Not only do the courts aid and abet wrongdoers
in government, they keep defense lawyers in private practice under their thumb by the threat of
sanctions, the loss of their license, or by taking
away their right to practice in the court. Wherefore,
getting any redress from government today is a theory, not a reality.
There is a long train of documented history of
this abuse, which those who have been in the constitutional revivalist movement (to force those in
government back under the Constitution) for any
The only solution, therefore, is for citizens to
morally and financially support one another, and to
educate others by means of a Fellowship. And as
the Fellowship grows, political pressure will eventually force politicians and courts to observe and
respect the written law.
Coming to this realization, I created and organized the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship on February 28,
1984, and it has been operating successfully ever
since. Its goal can be found on page three, its operation is laid out in the application and
program agreement.
If you are concerned about the advancing police state, want to be in charge
of your individual existence, and master
of your own property, then we invite
you to use the enclosed application
and join with other Fellowship
members to force our government back under its Constitutional constraints!
There is only one
logical answer:
citizens have to band
together in order to
stand against such
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Issue Number 246
Issue Number 246
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Statement of Purpose for the Save - A - Patriot Fellowship
The SAP Fellowship is a 1st amendment association dedicated to seeing
that IRS and other government personnel obey the law. Our association recognizes the necessity of taxation (raising of
revenues) but we also recognize that this
necessity has provisions in the law, and
that the government, in meeting its exigencies, may not extend its activities beyond the law.
The Fellowship actively promotes
the study of the law and the assertion of
one’s rights in accordance with the law. It
does not “protest” or “object” to any tax,
income or otherwise, and is NOT a “tax
protest” organization. However, Fellowship members believe that many Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) employees routinely misapply and illegally enforce the
provisions of the law and that the public
must find a way to hold them within the
law. To that end the Fellowship educates
the public, shows in its publications what
the law actually says, and attempts to
clarify the limitations of various tax laws
as was intended by Congress. The Fellowship does not advocate or condone
unlawful resistance, protest, or other like
However, as law abiding citizens we
will not tolerate illegal threats, intimidation or acts of violence by government
employees who exceed their authority
under the law. The Fellowship has researched and developed legal defenses
to help prevent this and to protect our
Liberty and Property.
The Fellowship believes that this has
become necessary because too many
government bureaucrats have been relying on unlawful and un-American tactics
such as fear and intimidation to keep the
public “in line” in order to perpetuate their
own private agendas. They have and
continue to use the news media to plant
stories suggesting that resistance is useless and reprisal is swift and financially
painful. These “reminders” and a lifetime
of conditioning make it difficult for most
people to assert their rights. However,
SAP Fellowship members have joined
together to help remove the risk by
pledging to assist one another!
To our knowledge, there is no insurance company willing to buck the system
and insure Patriots against criminal acts
of government agencies or their employees. Creating and operating a conven-
tional insurance company
would have been impossible.
The bureaucrats would have
insisted on our submission to
the dictates of the Insurance
Commission. In no time at all,
we would have been expending funds fighting legal actions
just trying to survive. It would
have also been necessary to protect
such funds from the searching eyes of
the IRS and other government agencies.
There was only one totally logical
answer: a FELLOWSHIP that gives the
Patriot insurance-like protection, hence
to Save-A-Patriot!
How Does It Work?
Simply put, Fellowship members
pledge to reimburse other members for
losses of cash or property incurred by
illegal confiscations. This is done by
spreading the reimbursement costs to all
members. For example, suppose that
after a valiant and stubborn struggle
through the phases of the legal maze, a
member were to lose his vehicle to an
illegal seizure. Let’s value the vehicle at
9,000 Federal Reserve Notes (commonly
called “dollars”). If there are 10,000
members participating in the Fellowship,
SAP would verify the loss and apportion
the liability at a rate of .90 cents per
member. PRESTO! Mr. or Ms. Member
Patriot suffers NO loss and his friends’
fear of possible IRS retaliation is gone!
Real-life examples such as this have
convinced “closet” Patriots to join the
SAP Fellowship in droves! Welcome to
the Constitutional Revivalist Movement!
The surest and safest protection of
funds is to keep them in the hands of the
members. The only money to be sent to
SAP Headquarters is the annual 99
FRNs membership participation fee. This
is tendered in FRNs (cash) or a totally
blank Postal Money Order (cash can be
sent by certified mail). SAP maintains no
bank account, so checks or money orders made out to “SAP” can’t be endorsed and cashed. The membership fee
is used for the administrative needs of
SAP — staff, rent, phone, printing, postage, etc. After verification by Headquarters of losses to a claimant member, an
apportionment is sent out to the member-
ship; you send payments DIRECTLY to the claimant (or
their beneficiary)! SAP
merely verifies that all
members have met their
assessment obligations by
a simple procedure.
Payment For Incarceration.
There are still occurrences
when a Patriot is criminally tried,
convicted and jailed. This is the most difficult financial burden to individually
shoulder. Therefore, it is the stated policy
of the Fellowship to assess for the beneficiary of each incarcerated Patriot
25,000 FRNs per calendar year, during
the period of actual incarceration. To the
best of our knowledge, there have never
been more than 30 Patriots in jail after
conviction at any one time. At this rate,
and assuming that all were covered SAP
Fellowship members, this protection
would cost 10,000 members 75 FRNs for
all those jailed. If there are 80,000 members participating, it would only be 9.38
FRNs each for all 30 beneficiaries!
The figure of “80,000” is in line with
a 1984 federal estimate of the number of
participants within the so-called Tax Patriot segment of the Constitutional Revivalist Movement. Using this figure as our
goal for total Fellowship participation, we
could increase the incarceration payoff
amount to 100,000 FRNs each per calendar year and it would only cost each
member 37.50 FRNs to support the 30
jailed members! With this kind of hardcash protection, Americans will not only
lose their fear of the IRS, but will almost
be standing in line to go to jail!!! Even
IRS agents could not resist such an offer!
In other words, remove the financial
threat to the average American individual
citizen, and the IRS’s house of cards will
collapse! —
Reasonable Action Newsletter
The RA is the Fellowship’s tool of
Education. It is available only to Fellowship members by paid subscription, at 35
FRNs for six (6) issues. (Check back
pages of this issue for a subscription
coupon.) You are holding in your hands
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
(Continued on page 11)
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
An Attainable
How can the voice of liberty
be heard across the land?
Talk radio, that’s how.
n October 28, 1998,
with the support of
some Fellowship members,
Liberty Works Radio Network was born, broadcasting
24 hours a day, seven days a
week. The radio effort lasted
until June 2001, and came
very close to fulfilling the
hopes and dreams of patriotic Americans all over this
Union of States, patriots who
want to see the far left’s
stranglehold on the news and
entertainment media broken.
But the hope of Liberty
Works Radio Network is yet
alive. If patriotic Americans
will support it, it can once
more speak and inform
Americans of their precious
rights, the limitations of the
constitution, and the seditious acts of government officials. This information is desperately needed if Americans
are ever to understand the
danger they are in, and the
way to once again enjoy the
benefits of liberty.
An unparalleled
opportunity lies
before us.
Not having experienced military conflict on American soil in
their lifetime, 20th century
Americans developed a false
sense of security and surrendered
their self-reliance to the federal
government as the solution to the
engineered financial depression
of 1929. This reliance on federal
government increased during
and after World War II, and has
become almost total over the past
five decades.
It is only now -- with the loss
of jobs due to the exportation of
American companies, the senseless loss of American lives and
money around the world, and the
slide of the “dollar” (actually the
Federal Reserve Note, a private
bank note) against the EURO and
other fiat currencies -- that a
sizeable number of Americans
are starting to ask questions.
And because those questions
are ones the Patriot community is
positioned to answer, the federal
one-world socialists have given
the IRS (their Gestapo) marching
orders to shut down every source
of information that can truly answer the questions of concerned
Americans. The goal of this tactic
is obvious: if answers to
their questions are not
Americans can be
easily led down the
path to a despotic
world government.
is uniquely
poised to grasp
the opportunity
at hand.
The IRS tried to shut down
the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship in
1993. They raided SAPF offices
and the home of John B. Kotmair, Jr., the founder and fiduciary. Nevertheless, they failed to
prevail in court. With such a setback, they are unlikely to perform another raid.
Today, the IRS is shutting
down Patriot organizations by alleging violations of section 6700
of the Internal Revenue Code,
which deals with the operation of
illegal tax shelters. Unlike their
handling of other Patriot organizations, however, the IRS merely
wrote to the fiduciary, asking for
a meeting to determine if the Fellowship is in violation of that
code section. The meeting was
held on July 23, 2003 (audiotape available from SAPF), and it
appears they failed again to prevail in their attack.
Because of the perverted enforcement of section 6700, the
Fellowship will likely be one of a
very few Patriot organizations
surviving this IRS onslaught.
That gives the Fellowship the vi(Continued on page 7)
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Issue Number 246
Issue Number 246
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
(Continued from page 6)
tal responsibility of educating the
American public to the dangers
they face.
Lessons learned: a
brief history of the
radio effort.
Realizing that our Liberties
cannot be secured without binding men’s mischief with the
chains of the Constitution, and
that this “chaining” can only be
obtained through educating the
American public, Kotmair saw
the need to have a presence in
mass media. Considering the cost
such presence entails, Save-APatriot’s only feasibly affordable
media outlet was talk radio.
So Liberty Works Radio Network was born in 1998. After
broadcasting from Westminster,
Md. for two years and eight
months, the network was forced
to close at just the time it was
poised to expand.
Since those who do not learn
from history are condemned to
repeat it, relating the details of
this failure may serve to demonstrate that — in this case — repeating history will not be disastrous, but rather epochal.
Although loyal Patriots invested funds for the effort, Liberty Works fell short of the target
start-up amount by 320,000
FRNs (“dollars”). Still, a man
who had been in radio for forty
years and had started a previously successful radio network
assured Liberty Works that the
sum raised was enough to get the
job done.
Early on, it was apparent that
would incorporate and give
the “patriot” a
controlling interest. If Liberty Works had
allowed this to
unique voice
quickly been
As the money
down to just
Veteran broadcaster Andrew “Ace” Earp at the LWRN mike.
a major obstacle lay in obtaining one payroll, Kot- mair prayed
affiliates to carry Liberty Works on his way to work that God
programming. The lack of outlets would send the funds needed “if
to sell commercials began to it be His Will for us to continue
drain the seed money, and talk- with this effort.” At two o’clock
show hosts began complaining the afternoon of the same day, he
that no one was listening and re- received a call from Gordon Philsponding, which is of course the lips, then the National Represenlife-blood of the talk radio for- tative of the Fellowship. Phillips
had a man on the line who
To remedy these problems, wanted to help with the radio efLiberty Works began leasing ra- fort.
“The man was introduced to
dio stations with options to buy.
This gave the network instant lis- me as J. W. Zadar,” Kotmair says.
teners, solving the host problem, “Mr. Zadar asked how much we
but not the problem of commer- needed; I replied ‘three hundred.’
cial sales. Because the only sta- He said, ‘that’s no problem.’ I retions the network could afford plied, ‘that is three hundred thouwere those with such low ratings sand.’
“To my surprise, he replied,
they couldn’t be sold, Liberty
Works was gambling that the ‘that’s right.’ He asked where the
programming would become money should be wired, and I
popular enough, fast enough, to gave him the address … the next
sell commercial spots to keep it day I received word that the
money had been transferred and
the radio effort was saved.”
Zadar eventually donated an
additional million FRNs and
The lease payments drained would have continued to contribthe seed money even faster, and ute, except that the Securities and
the network began to look for ad- Exchange Commission and the
ditional funding. At that time, IRS raided him and froze all his
every wealthy “patriot” the net- funds — eighty-five million FRNs.
work approached was willing to
lend funds if Liberty Works
(Continued on page 8)
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
time, the network’s leased sta- balance due so the network would
tions had gained an audience and own nine stations outright, leavNO CASE, BUT
Liberty Works was ready to sell ing 750,000 FRNs for operating
commercial time.
capital and a sales force to sell
The loan was to pay off the
(Continued on page 9)
“Zadar forwarded the government’s affidavit of probable cause
in support of the court’s warrant,”
Kotmair says. “It was evident that
from John Baptist Kotmair, Jr., founder
the affidavit didn’t contain any
probable cause of a crime being
and fiduciary of Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
committed, but revealed instead a
government fishing expedition.
Let me share with you the most important thing about the
Some months later, when I was
radio effort you are reading about in these pages, the part that
called to testify before a federal
makes this message to you so vitally important …
grand jury in Seattle, I posed to
This network attracted listeners! We had listeners calling in
the U.S. Attorney the lack of proband declaring that our programming was changing the way
able cause and he stated, ‘We
they viewed political events. The picketing of the station in
have to stop them before anyone
gets hurt.’ Unbelievable.
Reno when we were forced off-air shows the impact the net“Until I read the affidavit I
work was beginning to make.
was under the impression that the
Although it’s distressing that the effort was under-funded
money given for the radio effort
that the network did not receive the loans it was granted,
was Zadar’s personal funds,” KotLiberty
Works obtained, through its efforts, the knowledge of
mair says. The affidavit revealed
how to grow a radio network.
that many individuals were pooling their money, trusting Zadar to
Now all that is needed is proper start-up funding, and acinvest it for them. Nevertheless, it
quiring that funding is not as hard as it appears.
contained no evidence Zadar was
That’s because there are millions of Americans active in
violating their trust with frauduone way or another fighting the unwanted, and in many cases,
lent acts. The U.S. Attorney, howunconstitutional changes ongoing within state and federal govever, convinced a jury that Zadar
ernments. Nevertheless, their efforts are fragmented; many
and others were guilty of some
work mainly on one problem, such as gun control, pro-life isnonexistent “crime,” and they
sues, the misapplication of tax laws and so on. Financial rewere given long prison terms.
sources are wasted on petitions for redress, letters to legisla(The individuals the U.S. Attorney
contended he acted to protect aptors, court suits and other similar activities.
parently lost all their money when
I have participated in and witnessed the failures of these
the judge appointed a trustee to
single-cause activities for 40 years. I have also witnessed
care for it.)
many attempts to form coalitions to exercise political influence,
but they have all failed, due in part to the individuality of the
American Patriot.
A continued effort to keep the
But as the old adage goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try,
network saw promise in October,
try again, and so I offer you another attempt, a “coalition” that’s
2001, when a banker in Atlanta,
workable. Because in this “coalition,” you continue to work inGa., approved the network’s busidependently on your particular cause, and promote the enlightness plan and granted a loan for
1.3 million FRNs, issued as a cer(Continued on page 9)
tified bank check. It seemed the
worst was over, because by this
(Continued from page 7)
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Issue Number 246
Issue Number 246
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
commercial time. Everything
looked good — until the deposited certified check did not realize any funds to cover checks
written on it.
This was puzzling, since a
bank’s certified check is good
when written. Yet the bank in
which the check was deposited
has never received any payment
enment of other just causes at the same time! How? Merely by
becoming an associate member of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship.
That’s right. You can put all your efforts into fighting abortion, or gun laws, and fight more effectively by joining the Fellowship. Once the associate membership reaches 20,000
members, we can start the radio network again, and all these
issues will be aired effectively 24 hours a day, seven days a
Of course, the goal of the Fellowship is to reach at least
100,000 associate members to assure the continuation and expansion of the radio network. The coalition would create a Patriot mass media outlet to compete with the socialist establishment media and educate the American public to the loss of
their freedoms and the advance of the one-world slave state.
Isn’t that exciting? Well, the good part is, it is also entirely
doable — if you will step up to help out!
Due to the fact that the Fellowship has prevailed against the
attack of the socialists in government, there is little risk to
members who help fund the radio network. Associate members’ identities will never be revealed; none of the membership
files are kept on Fellowship headquarter premises. When the
IRS raided the headquarters and the fiduciary’s home in 1993,
they were unable to obtain these files, which were kept safe
from their prying eyes. In this we thank God for giving us the
wisdom to stay one step ahead of the evildoers.
Whether you file tax returns or not, you can join Save-APatriot Fellowship and become a proud member of the “uncoalition coalition,” greatly increasing your efforts to right these
wrongs and preserve for future generations the Liberty for
which many Americans have shed their blood in the past, and
continue to give their lives today.
Please accept this as your personal invitation to join me in
this great and good endeavor. With your help, we can begin
anew to take back the media ... to educate Americans on the
true meaning of Constitutional government … and to assure that “God’s governmental plan
for man” is truly the legacy we
from the Grenadian bank of origin. “The check is somewhere in
limbo,” Kotmair says. “To this
day, we have not been able to get
a coherent statement about it
from anyone.
“Of course, all the radio stations we were leasing went into
default and we lost them. When
the smoke cleared, the network
had one station left. Ever since
then, we have been trying to raise
the money to put the network
back on the air.”
But as far as attracting listeners, Kotmair says, “the success of
the radio network is without
question.” When the network
went off the air, listeners called
and offered financial support.
Some even forwarded funds in
hopes that it could be revived.
In Reno, Nevada, listeners
even picketed the local station in
an effort to put Liberty Works
programming back on the air.
In all, Liberty Works demonstrated that if the network were
properly funded to the point of
commercial viability, it would
have been successful beyond expectations, Kotmair says. For example, at the time Liberty Works
took over the Reno station, it was
listed at the bottom of all the
competing stations; after broadcasting a little less than two
years, it was one of the top stations in town. By the time Liberty Works was forced to close,
its other stations, acquired later
than Reno, were beginning to show the same
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Roe v. Wade overturned
Judge impeached for ruling against free speech
Brady Bill struck down
‘War on Drugs’ repealed
IRS agent jailed for illegal actions ...
Government once again limited as the Founders intended.
Imagine the joy and sense of accomplishment we’ll feel when these headlines appear in
newspapers from sea to shining sea. The jubilation will make the Bicentennial seem like a
child’s birthday party.
Yes, it will be a glorious day — one we hope
to bring about within our lifetime. Still, there is
a group of folks who aren’t just hoping —
they’re actively working towards that goal.
Freedom-loving individuals from all over
the country have joined together to promote
the restoration of the principles of Liberty and
limited government, as the Founders of our
great country established for us. They understand that there is strength in numbers, and
strength in knowledge. Not what passes for
knowledge in our public schools and universities today, but knowledge of our history and
culture; of our right to Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness; and of the insidious
ways modern tyrants encroach upon our
YOU CAN JOIN with these patriotic men
and women and be part of the solution rather
than part of the problem! There has never been
a more critical time to do it than RIGHT NOW!
If you care about the future of your children
and grandchildren, and want to help rein in
our “Big Brother” government, then the SaveA-Patriot Fellowship is looking for you. We are
an unincorporated First Amendment association, dedicated to confining the Internal Revenue Service and other government personnel
within the written law.
Please join with us to accomplish this task!
OUR COLLECTIVE VOICE will be, until the
sound of it will make would-be tyrants quake
in their boots.
We invite you to find out more about the
Fellowship, and hope you will see its potential
in fighting the usurpation by the government — the servants — of the sovereign powers
which rightfully belong to the us, the people —
the true masters.
Get started today! JOIN SAVE-A-PATRIOT FELLOWSHIP by sending us the
application found in this newsletter, or calling us at 410-857-4441.
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
Issue Number 246
Issue Number 246
Membership Newsletter of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
(Continued from page 5)
one of the most highly respected Patriot
publications in the country. It is the culmination of over twenty years of blood,
sweat and tears of thousands of named
and unnamed Americans. The articles
appearing on these pages represent the
state-of-the-art in legal understanding of
the United States system of income taxation. You will not find any groundless
“far-out” theories. You will find thoughtful,
provocative articles, discussions and
opinions that are grounded in fact and
logic. The editors strive to ensure the
accuracy of all the presented writings,
insisting that the authors give attributions
so the reader may verify the accuracy
himself. As a matter of principle, we recommend that as each article is read, a
copy of the Internal Revenue Code be
close at hand. Education is the key to
throwing off the (imaginary) chains of
IRS bondage!
Remember — an ignorant public
is the IRS’s best friend — an educated
citizen is the IRS’s worst nightmare!!
If no response is sent, then under
the law of presumption, any allegation contained therein is considered to be correct! Note: If you
have given Power of Attorney,
you will want to consult with
your caseworker before initiating
any correspondence of your own.
♦ The most comprehensive
EXPOSE of the federal
‘INCOME TAX’ scheme/
scam available anywhere.
and detailed explanations
make the subject come
Video set features
John B. Kotmair,
Jr., founder and
fiduciary of the
Send donation of 200 FRNS + 10 S&H
To: Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
P.O. Box 91, Westminster, MD 21158
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158
Do Not Reproduce In Any Fashion Without Permission
L a n d o f th e F re e ? …
O r L ib e rty B e tra y e d ?
John Baptist Kotmair, Jr., Patriot, Founder and
Fiduciary of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, reveals
the story behind the dwindling of Liberty in America.
The result of a thirty-nine year search to find the
truth behind the vanishing of individual freedoms,
Piercing the Illusion dispels many
misconceptions held by modern-day
Americans regarding the extent of federal
and state governmental powers, the nature
of the monetary system, social security
system, federal taxation, and much more.
A must-read for anyone who desires
to understand and fight for the legacy of
the Founders and the Framers of the
Constitution, Piercing the Illusion
contains 336 pages that simply expose
the nakedness of the federal
“emperor” of today.
Piercing the Illusion …
♦ that America is still the Land of the Free,
♦ that federal law is superior to State law,
♦ that courts apply the law as written,
♦ that citizens are required to have
Social Security numbers,
♦ that citizens are subject to an
“income” tax on their wages and other
domestic income,
♦ that federal and state governments
can control every phase of Americans’
♦ that citizens are bound by court
decisions that clearly oppose natural
Order from Save-A-Patriot for 46 FRNS (cash) (includes shipping)!
Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
Post Office Box 91
Westminster, MD 21158
First Class
First Class
Copyright at Common Law by Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, P.O. Box 91, Westminster MD 21158