March 2015


March 2015
Redondo Beach Business & Community News
beach business
March 2015
Volume XIIll
Number 03
In This Issue
• Strong Local Economy
02Chamber Board
Nominates 2015-2016 Leaders
04City Council Approves Leadership
Redondo 2014 Project
• Networking Opportunities
& Member Promotions
07Chamber Highlights Member Business
• Promoting the Community
06Chamber Now Accepting Nominations for the Man & Woman of the Year
06Student Business Leader For Day
• Representing the Interest of
Business with Government
02Chamber Focuses on the Importance
of the Los Angeles Air Force Base
03Unfair Competition
03Local Elected Official Stands
Up for Small Business
BeachLink is the Chamber’s
Members Only Business
Networking site! Make sure
you create and regularly
update your business profile
for others to see!
Chamber Adopts 2015 Strategic Initiatives
Every year, the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Government Relations Council passes annual Strategic Initiatives. These are the legislative
and policy issues that the GRC members have identified as the most pressing issues facing the local business community, and these are the issues
that the chamber will work on proactively for their members.
1. Revitalization of Commercial Corridors
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will support efforts to improve our commercial corridors and promote building a strong local economy. We will help with the revitalization of our waterfront by supporting the
efforts of CenterCal to update and improve the Pier. The Chamber backs
the efforts of Measure B to rezone the AES property to a mixed use property
and the decommissioning of the power plant. The Chamber will also work
to champion efforts that will lead to responsible developments to the Galleria, Riviera Village, and Artesia Corridor that help enhance and beautify our
commercial retain hubs in the city. We will advocate for the overhaul of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to improve land use development projects in Redondo Beach.
2. Aerospace
The Redondo Beach Chamber will work to support legislation that ensure
keeping aerospace jobs in the South Bay. We will continue to be a champion for the Los Angeles Air Force Base and fight to keep the base of the
Base Relocation and Closure (BRAC) list. The Chamber will fight to make
sure the spending cuts through sequestration do not have negative impacts
on our local aerospace companies such as Northrop Grumman that work to
fulfill national defense contracts.
3. Support Local Small Business
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will work with city hall to ensure that Redondo Beach has the friendliest business climate possible. We
will advocate for public policies that help small business thrive, grow and
flourish, and will actively oppose public policies that is overly burdensome
Continued on pg. 8 ”STRATEGIC INITIATIVES”
__By Michael G. Jackson
Chair of the Board
Chamber Focuses on the
Importance of the
Los Angeles Air Force Base
The importance of the Los Angeles Air Force Base
(LAAFB) to the South Bay economy is raised each
time the Pentagon and Congress determine it’s
time to cut back on defense spending for one reason or another. Today, with the automatic spending cuts authorized through sequestration coupled
with a new focus on reducing “wasteful spending”.
The South Bay, once again, needs to prepare for
another potential round of base closures.
The importance of the Los Angeles Air Force
Base goes far beyond its value to the region’s economy. The role that the base plays in today’s national
defense with intelligence gathering worldwide is
second to none. It’s a critical infrastructure asset
that needs to remain in El Segundo.
The LAAFB’s other critical asset is its brain-trust
of almost 5,900 military, civilian and contractor
workers. Most of these employees went to Southern California universities and live in the South
Bay. Moving the base anywhere outside of its
current location would most certainly jeopardize
the institutional memory that has built up over
the years since most current employees would
simply not want to leave their South Bay community. There are numerous examples of aerospace firms relocating facilities outside California
only to find a small fraction of their employees
wanting to follow the move. If this would happen
by the LAAFB moving, it could cripple its critical
Finally, any effort to move the LAAFB would
impact the existing base of prime contractors
such as Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Raytheon,
Honeywell, and others such as the Aerospace
Corporation that has a longstanding physical
connection to the base and the national defense
programs they support.
If the time comes to mobilize in support of the
LAAFB, the Redondo Beach Chamber will be
there as always in partnership with the South Bay
Association of Chambers of Commerce (SBACC).
That time may just be now. ■
Beach Business | March 2015
Chamber Board Nominees Committed to
Representing the Interests of Business
Each year the Chamber of Commerce adds new leadership who bring
new ideas to the Chamber Board of Directors. The Chamber bylaws
require a nominating committee to present a slate of board of director
candidates to the membership each March. As a member you have
the opportunity to petition members in an effort to place any member
in nomination as stated below. The Chamber nominating committee
is proud to nominate the following candidates to serve on the 2015 /
2016 Chamber Board of Directors for a three-year term.
Mickey Marrifino
Laurie Glover
Silverado Senior
UCLA Health
Joe Ahn
Heidi Butzine
Sandy Mills
Kaiser Rep
Requirements for nominations from the membership at large
Additional names of member candidates for director candidacy may
be placed in nomination by petition bearing the genuine signatures of
at least ten percent (10%) of the qualified members of the Chamber.
Such petition shall be filed with the Nominating Committee within ten
(10) days after notice has been given of the Nominating Committee’s
choices. The Nominating Committee has final determination on the validity of petitions. ■
For more information, contact Marna Smeltzer, President / CEO
at or (310) 376-6911 x 21.
What Is Unfair Competition in a
Business Setting?
President MESSAGE
By Marna Smeltzer 
President & CEO
Local Elected Leadership
Stands Up For Business
Unfair competition is an illegal practice where a business attempts
to gain unfair competitive advantage by committing false, fraudulent,
deceitful, and/or unethical actions. Unfair competition in a business
setting is usually grounds for a tort action that could be brought by a
plaintiff that has suffered economic injury or harm to their business or
organization as a result of the unjust and deceptive business practice
of the defendant.
1) What Is Unfair? An unfair business practice is a conduct that is
meant to deceit or tricks other consumers or competitors that gives
the defendant an illegal and unfair advantage.
2) What Is Unlawful? An unlawful business practice is any conduct
that violates any law, statute, or regulation that is provided under
the Business and Professional Code Sections. The unlawful violation
can be under a federal regulation or a local city ordinance.
3) What Is Fraudulent? Fraudulent conduct is any act or conduct
that involves misrepresentation of fact or any deceitful conduct that
causes actual reliance by another which results in damages.
If a court determines that a business is committing activity that involves unfair competition, it will prohibit that conduct and may award
money damages to the plaintiff for the harm incurred.
Antitrust and unfair competition law is a very complex area of the
law. An experienced business lawyer can help guide you through the
legal process and make sure all of your rights are protected. An experience business attorney can also assist you to prevent you from
engaging in any unlawful business practices that would be unlawful
under the unfair competition laws. ■
Authored by Kourosh Akhbari, LegalMatch Legal
WriterBottom of Form
Be sure to add the “Proud Member” logo to your website! Search
engines look for frequency of specific information when determining how
high to list a site when a search is made. This means, the more members
use the logo, the higher those businesses will appear after a search!
For sometime now, members of the Redondo
Beach business community who have supported critical revitalization efforts to our waterfront
have found themselves dealing with harassment
and bullying from the opposition to those efforts.
Recently, locally owned and operated “Catalina
Coffee Company” was cyber bullied by members
of this opposition, due to their strong support of
Measure B.
After lending their name to a mailer sent to
residents supporting Measure B, Catalina Coffee
saw a barrage of negative posts and ratings on
the business review website “YELP!” by members of the group “Building a Better Redondo”
more commonly known as BBR. BBR has lead the
efforts to stop any type of revitalization efforts in
Redondo Beach for quite some time. Their efforts
have helped to motivate and unite the residents
that support progress in our city.
Following the outright cyber-bullying of Catalina
Coffee, city leaders stood up to these tactics. Mayor Steve Aspel organized a rally at Catalina Coffee
encouraging people to show up and buy a cup of
coffee. The response was tremendous. Dozens of
community members showed up to support the
local merchant and to protest the cyber-bullying
of our local businesses and neighbors.
In addition to the strong support of our mayor, Redondo Beach’s new Assemblymember David Hadley wrote a very strong letter defending
Catalina Coffee. In the letter, Hadley stated “If Jim
Light does not want to enjoy Catalina Coffee, that
is his business. But that does not give anybody a
right to misuse powerful digital media platforms
to seek to punish one’s political opponents.”
Everyone is entitled to their opinions when it
comes to politics, however a difference of opinions does not mean that we cannot all act in a civilized manner. This isn’t the first polarizing issue
in Redondo Beach, and this certainly will not be
the last. Hopefully, moving forward all sides can
agree to a certain level of civility and decorum
when addressing the issues that face Redondo
Beach. ■
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau | |
Leadership Redondo Class of 2014 project moving forward!
Photo credit Joanne Galin
Parsons Project for Kids approved by City Council
On February 17th, Redondo Beach City Council unanimously approved the proposed concept, location and budget for
the Leadership Redondo Class of 2014 project, The Parsons
Project for Kids. The Class Project will honor the late John
Parsons by updating the children’s areas in both the Main
Library and North Branch of the Redondo Beach Public Library to create a warm, comfortable and inviting place for
children to explore and enjoy the magical world of reading.
“It’s an incredible project and something the members of your class
can be proud of, and do within budget,” said Mayor Steve Aspel.
The project will include painted murals to grace the walls
of each location, wake up our children’s imagination and lead
them into a world of fantasy, a prominent display honoring
the late John Parsons, re-upholstering chairs in the Children’s
section at the Main Branch, purchasing rugs, educational toys
and comfortable seating to “soften” children’s reading areas
for both locations, and the purchase of computers pre-loaded
with educational programs for children bringing our libraries
into the digital age.
John was a pillar of our community as a founder of Leadership Redondo Beach, supporter of public arts and Library Foundation member, Rotarian, two-term Councilman, Air Force Base
advocate, wonderful husband and inspiring father. “I get a little
teary eyed, he’s a great man,” said Mayor Aspel. “That’ll be a
good thing… but you’re going to need a bigger wall.”
The Leadership Class of 2014 is currently seeking donations
to help raise funds needed to complete the project. Contributions towards the community project are tax deductible as
allowed by law. ■
More information can be found online at or you may
email the class at
Chamber Leaders Attend LAEDC Conference
The New Marketplace, a Customizable Experience
There is a lot to be learned from the
practices of modern business innovators, and the growth of the ‘share-economy’. Several of us attended the recent
Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) meeting, where two presenters, Air BnB and
Lyft, are in the forefront of this new era.
While these new, social companies may
seem like challengers to the established marketplace, their
work to engage their customer base illuminates a unique, new
trend in consumer demand, the boutique experience.
In the past twenty years, a large share of the American economic growth has been through chains and big-box stores;
shaped on a single strategy, to create a product or ambiance
that can then be recreated in new locations. The focus was
to generate a repeatable experience to customers, losing regional differences or global customs (i.e. a TGI Fridays in Lon
don is just like a TGI Fridays in LA).
However, consumer demand is changing in response to
this business plan.
Beach Business | March 2015
The new marketplace, coming out of the digital age, is driven by customizable experiences. Consumers want experiences
that reinforce their lifestyle and work into the way they have
chosen to interact with the world. To restate this a different way,
think about your own social media and online presence. Much
of your online world is the result of choices you have made to
access messages and interactions that are most engaging to
you. On a larger scale, the new market place works in the same
way. We are rapidly moving to a world where everyone curates
the lifestyle they lead and want their interactions to reinforce
those choices. New companies working in the digital sphere
were the first to take advantage of this movement.
That is not to say that only tech-forward and hip companies
can tap into this market.
From mom-and-pop stores to brand managers, companies
looking to engage clients should be asking themselves what
they can offer that gives a personalized feel to the experience
and how they can stay in line with their standards while appealing to a base that wants less of a division between proprietor and client. ■
Tip of the Month from Your Health
__ By Harry Munns
& Wellness Committee
What do you know about
We congratulate the cast and crew of the award winning
movie Still Alice. The movie has raised awareness about early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in a poignant way.
Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems
with memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging,
Here are the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s.
Early detection matters.
• Memory changes that disrupt daily life
• Challenges in planning or solving problems • Difficulty completing familiar tasks
• Confusion with time or place
• Trouble understanding visual images or
spatial relationships
• New problems with words in speaking or writing
• Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace
• Decreased or poor judgment
• Withdrawal from work or social activities
• Changes in mood and personality
Anyone who is experiencing these symptoms should
see a doctor. ■
For more information, you can visit the Alzheimer’s
Association’s website:
That’s a word that fits the government agency vocabulary the way
“confluence” fits meteorology. We’re
in compliance when we comply and
that usually has something to do with
regulations. And no one does regulation better than government agencies.
One of the services many IT firms provide is stated simply, compliance. The nature of your business determines
the type of compliance that’s required. Most businesses
have some sort of compliance requirement. Many have
more than one.
We recently did a security analysis for a medical practice. If you aren’t in the medical field, consider yourself
lucky. They need to comply with the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
HIPAA compliance is a maze of locked doors and hidden
passageways with very few clues about how to reach the
end, assuming there is an end, which there really isn’t. Fortunately, there’s a handy 45 page guide to the federal government’s requirements on privacy and security. Good luck
finding the answers you need in that hypnotic publication.
Many business owners assume someone else in their
field of vision is taking care of compliance. Maybe your
Internet or phone company handles security for the services they provide. Maybe your credit card processor
handles compliance issues for your card transactions.
And…maybe not. If you accept credit cards, it’s a near
certainty you need to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), commonly referred to as PCI compliance.
In some rare and wonderful instances, an industry does
such a good job regulating and policing itself, the government just lets them do it without interference. That seems
to be the case with PCI compliance. A non-government organization called PCI Security Standards Council (https:// sets and administers standards that apply to merchant credit card security.
Non-government does not equate to non-complicated
although their web site is pretty easy to navigate. It won’t
take much time on their site to determine whether your
business needs PCI compliance. Merchant classifications
differ based on the types of credit cards accepted and
whether the business is ecommerce or brick and mortar.
Most small businesses fall into the Level 4 category.
As a Level 4 merchant you are probably required to
perform an annual self-assessed questionnaire and quarterly scans of any public network that enables credit card
Perhaps the one single piece of PCI compliance advice
that’s most useful to small businesses is to avoid storing
credit card numbers on any of your computers or servContinued on pg. 8 ”COMPLIANCE”
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau | |
Chamber Now Accepting Nominations for Man & Woman of the Year Awards
Nominations Due April 10th
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau is having their Annual Installation & Awards Banquet in June where we honor a deserving Man and
Woman who have made contributions to the Redondo Beach community.
There are so many amazing individuals in our community and I am sure you know
them! The Chamber invites you to submit nominations for both the “Man and
Woman of the Year” Awards which will be presented at the Chamber’s annual banquet. The criteria selection is described below.
A Man or Woman that has done an outstanding job in the following areas:
• Contributing to community welfare and betterment;
• Evidence of long-lasting contributions to community welfare;
• Participation in all‑around community activities and civic enterprises;
• Evidence of personal and business progress;
• Collaboration with individuals and civic organizations
Man of Year Award 2014
Ernie Odell
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce invites you to nominate deserving
citizens worthy of this distinguished award.
We ask that you take a moment to think of volunteers who you know that meet
the criteria listed above.
Using the criteria listed above please submit Nominations to Marna Smeltzer
at or fax to 310-374-7373.
Woman of Year Award 2014
Judith Opdahl
Redondo Chamber Student Business Leader Program
The Redondo Beach Chamber in partnership with
the City of Redondo Beach will host a Student Business Leader for a Day Program on March 31, 2015. The
Chamber invites Redondo Union High School seniors to
The Purpose of the program is to enlighten students
with the idea that entrepreneurship is an attainable goal.
Starting a business may be hard but there are resources
available to assist and the Chamber is here to assist interested parties. The program was created to help young
entrepreneurs to develop, own and operate a business
in Redondo Beach.
Students who would like to participate in the program
must attend the luncheon and write a 500 word business plan to qualify and win a $500 scholarship. Eight
scholarships will be awarded from the Redondo Beach
Chamber, Southern California Gas Company and Training Education Management LLC for the best business
proposal ideas.
Swag bags will be given to all students who participate in
the luncheon. If you would like to donate any items for the
swag bags, please e-mail or contact Mara Santos at santos@ or by calling 310.376.6911 ext: 24 ■
Beach Business | March 2015
Last year’s
scholarship award
winners Hope
Ibarra and Robert
Tran, on stage
with EDC member
Don Ford and
RUHS Principal
Dr. Wesley.
Mayor Steve
Aspell addresses
Redondo students
at last year’s
Business Leader
Luncheon at
City Hall.
Business Spotlight of the Month
Savoir Faire
Dr. Lisa Santora, BCHD
Chief Medical Officer
The outbreak of measles earlier this year at Disneyland has
people talking. Unfortunately, a
lot of the talk is misinformed and
sensationalized. Measles, like all
vaccine-preventable diseases, is
a serious illness that can cause
significant harm. Many of us have never experienced
measles and, therefore, underestimate the risk of not
vaccinating a child.
Our world is flat, especially when it comes to disease.
The current measles outbreak actually started in the Philippines two years ago, before traveling to the U.S. When
people infected with contagious diseases travel (remember, you can be infected and asymptomatic) and come
into contact with non-vaccinated or under-vaccinated
individuals, we are all put at risk. Vaccines aren’t 100%
effective, so we also depend on proper hygiene, herd
immunity and herd effect to reduce the transmission of
contagious diseases.
Luckily, we have near record low levels of vaccine-preventable childhood diseases in the United States – a true
testament to the success of modern vaccines. But viruses
and bacteria still manage to circulate in our country or
lurk just a plane ride away. During the past decade, we
have also seen a concerning increase in personal belief
exemptions from vaccines among school-aged children
in the beach cities. And we’re now experiencing the
consequences – outbreaks of serious, vaccine-preventable childhood diseases.
On the same day as the U.S. measles outbreak, the
Kaiser Permanent Vaccine Research Center published
findings from its 12-year study on the measles, mumps,
and rubella vaccine (MMR), and the findings confirmed its
overall safety. What’s more, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that we cannot take high
immunization coverage levels for granted. To continue
to protect America’s children and adults, we must obtain
maximum immunization coverage in all populations.
Beach Cities Health District has partnered with Kaiser
Permanente, Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers and Torrance Memorial to increase awareness about the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations,
and to urge parents to vaccinate their children against
preventable diseases like measles. Parents can learn more about the benefits and safety
of vaccinations by visiting ■
Savoir Faire Language Institute offers language programs
to children and adults, starting with a 100% dual immersion
The preschool prepares the little ones to go to Kindergarten in the language of their choice including English, Spanish,
French or Chinese. Fully licensed it offers all the benefits of
traditional pre-school programs in a 100% immersion environment. In addition to a focus on language, the program also
address socialization, how to function in the kindergarten environment, small and large motor skills, as well as other subjects that open the mind to learning such as math, science
projects and problem solving. The pre-school offers before
and after school care.
Savoir Faire also offers classes for older kids and adults from
beginner to advanced. All classes are taught by native speakers of the target language being taught, and all instructors are
also University graduates with at least BA in mostly Education
and Bilingual Education. The Director is very proud of what
she calls her “amazing team of educators”, explaining they
share their enthusiasm for their native language and culture
and bring that passion to the program.
Finally the new location which is located near the Redondo
Beach pier in the retail spaces in the upper parking structure.
The new location architecture, bright natural lighting, and spacious rooms are all very conducive to learning. It is a bonus
that they are also walking distance to the park and the beach.
If you are interested in finding out more about Savoir Faire
Language Institute and the Pre-school Program, the school
will be holding an Open House (11 am to 1 pm) on March 14.
Interested families can also make an appointment to come for
a tour a class by calling (310) 379-1086. For more information
you can visit ■
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau | |
Harmony Yoga
901A N. Pacific Coast Hwy., #100, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 379-6905 |
209 W. Torrance Blvd., #A, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 775-7169 |
Harmony Yoga Celebrated the heritage of 100 years of the family’s
businesses in Redondo Beach, with a ribbon cutting. Pictured here
for the celebration from left to right are Pino Barile, Natalie Pringle,
and Dalia Viera, Harmony Yoga; Najla Barile, Owner, Harmony Yoga;
Dinah Alcon, & Tina Brutsch, Harmony Yoga; Michael Jackson, RBCC
Chairman of the Board; Tracy Cogan, Manager, Harmony Yoga; Robert Levy, Maria Frias, South Bay One Stop Business and Career Center; Lily Jauregui, Harmony Yoga Manager; Joanne Galin, Mixagogo
Inc.; Vera Herilhy, Hermosa Beach Fish Shop; Shane Carvajal, Keren
Shane, Cheryl Kahnamoui, RBCC&VB, and Ian Coury.
Nutri-Fusion celebrates the Grand Opening of their new store
with a Ribbon Cutting ceremony!
Pictured here are Michael Jackson, RBCC Chair of the Board,
Scott Watters and Wendy Reinke, owners of Nutri-Fusion, surrounded by friends and clients of Nutri-Fusion and the Redondo
Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau.
“STRATEGIC INITIATIVES ” continued from pg. 1
and onerous on the small business owners of Redondo Beach.
The Chamber will work to introduce public policy that promotes tourism, which helps support many of our local small
4. Transit, Transportation and Goods Movement
The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce will continue to support policies that attract investment to improve
the transportation infrastructure and movement of goods
throughout our region. We will continue to advocate
for improvements to public transit to and from Redondo
Beach. We will champion the modernization of LAX, and
infrastructure improvements to the port complexes in the
San Pedro Bay. ■
Beach Business | March 2015
“COMPLIANCE” continued from pg. 5
ers. If you do, you will have to meet a higher standard of
data security. At very least, you will need to encrypt data
going into and out of all computers and servers on your
network. That can get complicated.
In most cases, government and non-government agencies that want you to come into some form of compliance
will let you know. Be warned. Just like the law, ignorance
of requirements is not a defense if you fail to meet compliance regulations.
You should contact government agencies that regulate your type of business, your credit card processor
and your insurance company to get a clear picture of
any compliance issues you may face. The consequences
for non-compliance can be severe. Compliance is a real
world example of an ounce of prevention being worth
many pounds of cure. ■
Harry Munns owns Beach Cities Computers & Video.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the
author and are not in any way to be taken as the official
position of the Chamber.
Your Complete Community Resource
and Business Guide
SEA what’s new inside!
2015 - 2016
We are now putting together the 2015 – 2016
Redondo Beach The Guide. As a member of the
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors
Bureau, you have a unique opportunity to advertise
your business through our annual guide. This program
was set up exclusively for members as a way to
offer them a chance to advertise and reach 65,000
residents and businesses in Redondo Beach.
Be sure to add the “Proud Member” logo to your website! Search engines
look for frequency of specific information when determining how high to list a
site when a search is made. This means, the more members use the logo, the
higher those businesses will appear after a search!
Submit NEWS...
We would like to hear from you.
How to JOIN:
If you would like to learn more about how your business can benefit from
membership in the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau,
please contact our member representative below. You can also fill out a member
application online at if you are ready to join now.
Redondo Beach Chamber of
Commerce & Visitors Bureau
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
310.376.6911 F: 310.374.7373
Creative Design & Layout:
STN Media Group
5334 Torrance Blvd. 3rd Floor
Torrance, CA 90503
P: 310.792.2230
Beach Business is published as a service
for the business community. Considerable
effort is made to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information published, but
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce
does not guarantee accuracy, nor does it
assume any liability for the use of any information published. Official opinions or positions of the Redondo Beach Chamber of
Commerce are only as voted by the Board
of Directors and the GRC and clearly referenced as such in any article appearing
in Beach Business. Subscriptions to Beach
Business may be made through the office of the Chamber at the rate of $25.00
per year. Any purchase of goods and/or
services by the Redondo Beach Chamber
and Visitors Bureau must be approved in
advance by the President/CEO. No member or vendor shall be considered an agent
of the Chamber or Visitors Bureau for any
purpose unless such ongoing relationship
is specifically created and defined by the
President/CEO and the Board of Directors.
Outstanding Achievement
 Nanci Goussak (ext. 128) |
First Place
Chambers with 500-999 members
Testimonial - “The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau has connected
me and my business to important customers in Redondo, including the Beach Cities Health
District and Laura Aranda (State Farm) among many others. Thank you!! The Redondo Beach
Chamber Rocks!!”
John Gran
Owner, Fish Window Cleaning
Honorable Mention
2005, 2006 & 2011
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau | |
Redondo Beach Chamber Grows Stronger
Welcome New MEMBERS
Beryl Capital
Mr. David Witkin
627 N. Juanita Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(917) 523‑6383
• Investment Management
Bonjoc, Inc.
Ms. Eunice Cho
2110 Artesia Blvd., #480
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(949) 929‑8883
• Golf ‑ Accessories &
Chick‑Fil‑A of South Bay
Mr. Cole Donahoo
18200 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90504
(310) 371‑7320
• Restaurants ‑ Quick Serv
Harmony Yoga
Ms. Tracy Cogan
901A N. Pacific Coast Hwy.,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 379‑6905
• Yoga
Jersey Mike’s Subs
Ms. Ashley Adams
561 N. Pacific Coast Highway
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 374‑4900
• Restaurants
Joan Irvine Consulting
Joan Irvine
318 Ave I, 245
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 383‑9895
• Wedding Services
The Law Offices of
Biesty, Garretty and
Ms. Reetha Garretty
5757 W. Century Blvd., #815
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 337‑7588
• Attorney at Law ‑ Risk
Management & Civil
• Litigation
Wendy Reinke
209 W. Torrance Blvd., #A
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 775‑7169
• Health & Wellness
Chamber Business Connections Thrive:
Meet New & Anniversary MEMBERS!
Welcome new members! Pictured here are: Hyelee Park, Hyelee
Design; David Witkin, Beryl Property Mgt; Margaret Otto, Realm
Workspace; Najla Barile and Tracy Cogan, Harmony Yoga; and
Joan Irvine, Joan Irvine Consulting. We’re pleased to have you as
Slider Stop
(Opening Soon)
Mr. Jason Rezaie
2315 Artesia Blvd., #1
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
• Restaurants ‑ City
Triathlon LAB, Inc.
Mr. Lloyd Taylor
1512 Aviation Blvd.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 374‑9100
• Bike Shops
Zippy Shell West LA
Mr. Dean Moss
12620 Yukon Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 613‑4490
• Storage ‑ Mobile
Happy Anniversary to the following members: Chandra Chaikin,
LS, LMFT; Michelle Paul, Critic’s Choice Catering & Events; Erin
McCoy, Michael Ude and Hugh Malay, Custom Video Productions;
Heidi Butzine,; Erica Swensen, Sal’s Plumbing;
Mark Applegate, Applegate Insurance Agency; Samantha Bossu,
Decora; John Williams, Peninsula Symphony Assn; Chris Frantz,
US Bank, and in front are John Gran, Fish Window Cleaning and
Matthew Mellier, Cook & Associates. We’re glad you’re all a part
of our Chamber Family! Member2Member DISCOUNT
 Discover more discounts at
(In the members only section)
abs: fab Pilates & Core Fitness
1820 S. Catalina Ave., #108 • Redondo Beach, CA 90277 • (310) 497-3497
DISCOUNT: All current Chamber Members will receive 10% off
their first package of sessions, plus one free small group Studio
Class (Pilates Mat, abs:Barre, Yoga and TRX). Chamber Members
will also receive 10% off clothing and accessory purchases.
10 Beach Business | March 2015
Networking Tip
If you’re attending some kind of networking event, you don’t
have to put pressure on yourself to meet a lot of people. You
can go to an event and be there for 20 to 30 minutes and make
a great connection just by talking to one or two people. One
quality conversation is more beneficial than 20 superficial ones.
Thank you
Melaleuca, the Wellness Company
Hermosa Beach Fish Shop
Captain Kidd’s Fish Market
Total Wine & More
Dominique’s Kitchen
Shop LOCAL • Patronize These Renewing Members
Barden Electric Inc.
Barney’s Beanery
Beach Cities Child Development
Chandra Chaikin, MS, LMFT
Chicken Maison
Corner Bakery Cafe
Cornerstone Construction
Group, Inc
Custom Video Productions
Cynthia R. Pollock,
Eat at Joe’s
EF International Language Schools
Fish Window Cleaning
Frank Scotto Towing
Friends of Redondo Beach Arts
The Fun Factory
Heritage Pointe Senior Apartments
Isabella’s Cookie Company
Jimmy’s Bar & Grill
L. A. County Lifeguard Association
MA Center LA
Walter N. Marks, Inc.
Phuket Thai Restaurant
Providence Little Company of
Mary Medical Center Torrance
R10 Social House
Redmond Lock & Key
Redondo Beach Educational
Redondo Vacuum & Janitorial
Sal’s Plumbing & Rooter Inc.
South Bay Environmental
Services Center
South Bay Hearing &
Balance Center
Ultra Lux Salon & Lounge
Vista Sotheby’s International
Realty / Gina Blanck
West Basin Municipal
Water District
Dr. Peter Zamanigan,
DDS/General Dentistry
Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau | |
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
P: 310.376.6911 • F: 310.374.7373
2015 Calendar of EVENTS
 NOTES: Reservations for these events can be made online at or by calling 310.376.6911
Please cancel your reservations for events if you are unable to attend. No-shows will be invoiced.
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 24
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St.
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St
City Council Meeting
6:00 P.M.
Council Chambers
415 Diamond St.
Economic Development
Committee Meeting
4:00 p.m.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd
March 8
March 11
March 19
Annual Festival of The Kite
12:00 P. M.
Redondo Beach Pier
Executive Committee Meeting
8:00 A.M.
Chamber Office
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
State of the City
7:00 A.M.
Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach
& Marina Hotel
300 N. Harbor Dr
March 25
March 19
March 25
Ambassador Meeting
4:00 P. M.
Chamber Offices
119 W. Torrance Blvd., suite 2
The Mixer
5:30 P.M.
Barney’s Beanery
100 Fisherman’s Wharf
March 21
March 27
Easter Bunny Arrival
9:00 A.M.
South Bay Galleria
1815 Hawthorne Blvd
GRC Meeting
8:00 A.M.
1100 N. Harbor Dr
March 10
Redondo Pier Association
9:00 A.M.
Tony’s on The Pier
210 Fisherman’s Wharf
March 12
March 10
March 12
Ribbon Cutting
9:30 A.M.
Fit On Studios
531 N. Pacific Coast Hwy
Network Café
11:30 A.M.
Silvio’s Brazilian BBQ
20 Pier Ave
March 10
March 17
Tourism Committee Meeting
3:00 P.M.
Chamber Offices
119 W. Torrance Blvd., Suite 2
Riviera Village B.I.D.
8:30 A.M.
Hennessey’s Tavern
1712 S. Catalina Ave.
NRBBA Meeting
8:00 A.M.
North Redondo Library
2000 Artesia Blvd
Full Board Meeting
8:00 A.M.
Main Library
303 N. Pacific Coast Hwy