
Roosevelt High School, Sioux Falls, SD
(605) 362-2860
Volume 21, Edition 5
December 2012
Communicating Globally
By Dr. Pam Homan, Superintendent
You don’t have to go far to realize the
world - though expansive when
measured in miles - is actually quite
small. We can thank ever-evolving
technologies for that. With a few clicks of a button,
families, business partners, and total strangers can be
globally connected in seconds.
While the power to connect is important, it is the power
to communicate that is crucial in our changing world.
That reality is not lost upon the Sioux Falls School
District where, because we believe in civic and social
responsibility, we have found a way for students to learn
Mandarin Chinese from a native speaker without ever
leaving their classroom. That’s right. Sioux Falls
students from Lincoln, Roosevelt and Washington High
Schools are currently receiving direct, real-time
instruction from a teacher in China via video, voice,
chat, virtual whiteboards and other social networking
tools. Sioux Falls is the only school district is the Upper
Midwest offering students this unique opportunity.
Why would students need to learn Mandarin Chinese
you might be thinking? China is a world leader in
today’s economy. The country is one of the United
States’ largest trading partners. Mandarin is spoken by
more than 1.3 billion people worldwide. The difficultto-learn, but extremely beneficial, language is mainly
spoken in China, Taiwan and Singapore, but is also
spoken in Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Brunei,
Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, the
UK, Mauritius and, of course, the United States.
While a good portion of the world already recognizes
that being fluent in multiple languages is a necessity,
Americans have been slow to adopt this way of thinking.
It always amazes me when children come to us from
other parts of the world to escape war and political
unrest; they can speak four, five, and sometimes six
different languages – even though they’ve never
attended school in their own country.
The world is, indeed, a small and competitive place. We
are proud to offer Sioux Falls Public School students the
world languages of French, German, Lakota, Latin,
American Sign Language, Spanish, and Mandarin
Chinese because it just makes good global sense.
The month of December will bring
to a close the first semester at
Roosevelt High School. It is one of
the most important academic times
for us as we bring the first semester
classes to a close. As we near the
end of the semester it is very
important for all of us to find the inner fortitude to
finish strong and do our best until the very end of
the semester. Semester Tests will be held on from
7:30 to 12:30 on Wednesday December, 19 and
Thursday December 20th. Please help our students
have the best chance at success by encouraging
them to finish strong and taking care of themselves
physically by eating right and getting proper sleep
during this demanding month.
The end of the Semester is also a time to
look back at all the incredible things that have
happened so far this year. I want to extend
congratulations to both the Girls Soccer and
Volleyball Teams for winning their respective state
tournaments. We are very proud of their efforts.
We have also had several successful performances
in the fine arts and are looking forward to the
exciting events that are coming up next semester.
The spirit of RHS is alive and well and I am very
proud of the students who have filled the stands this
year and look forward to working with all members
of this community to develop our school spirit even
As always we are thankful for all the
community and parental support that we receive in
all aspects of the school and look forward to
strengthening those relationships for the good of our
students. As the winter activities begin please
consider taking the time to support our students by
attending one of the many activities that will be
taking place at Roosevelt High School, and
remember that it is the culmination of a lot of hard
work in the classroom as well. We are focused and
dedicated to highly effective instruction on a daily
basis and use our test scores as one measure of that.
Please help us achieve our goals by encouraging
your student to do their very best as they prepare for
exams! There are many exciting things going on at
RHS and I am privileged to be able to work with the
incredibly talented students and staff every day.
Tim Hazlett, RHS Principal
Main office
Activity Office
Music Dept.
Special Ed
Student Store
Parents: When sending notes with your student for absences,
be sure to date and sign all correspondence.
Students: Please bring your notes for appointments to the
attendance office first thing in the morning and pick up your
attendance slips to leave class.
Collaboration Friday 8:25am Start Time
Dec 7
Mar 1
Dec 14
Mar 8
Mar 15
Jan 4
Mar 22
Jan 11
Jan 18
Apr 5
Jan 25
Apr 12
Apr 19
Feb 1
Apr 26
Feb 8
Feb 22
May 3
May 10
Yearbook News:
A 2013 Legacy yearbook would
make a great holiday gift for
your son or daughter. Buy it
now, through the month of
December, for $60. Place your order at There are several
packages with add-ons available. But hurry!
Prices go up on January 1st.
The RHS Choral Department is excited to have
three students representing Roosevelt in the
American Choral Director’s Association’s National
Honor Choir in Dallas, TX this coming March.
These students were selected from a rather
competitive pool of students who audition from all
around the nation. Additionally, three more students
were selected to represent Roosevelt in South
Dakota’s Junior Honor Choir. These students
competed with students from all around the state
and will travel to Rapid City in January to
participate. Congratulations to all! Finally, the RHS
Choral Department will present its Winter
Concert on December 17th at 7pm in the
auditorium. We hope to see everyone there!
Senior Picture News:
Has your senior turned in his/her senior picture for
the yearbook? The deadline for submissions is Dec.
19. Electronic submission (either as a jpeg or tiff
attachment) are preferred. Please email to A confirmation email
confirming its receipt will be sent to you within 72
hours. Or a hard copy photo may be turned in to
Mrs. Monahan in room A133.
Senior pics must meet the following specs:
High resolution (minimum 300 dpi)
Head and shoulders shot
Vertical (portrait). Note: horizontal (landscape)
shots will be cropped.
- DUE: December 19, 2012.
Any senior who needs a picture taken for the
yearbook can schedule a photo shoot with a
Photojournalism student. Contact Mrs. Monahan
in A133 to schedule an appointment.
School Store News
The store has lots of great items in the school store that
are perfect for Christmas gifts! Sweatshirts, sweatpants,
duffle bags, T-shirts, stadium chairs etc. If you don't
know what to get your child consider giving them a GIFT
CARD. You can put any amount on it and they can use
it to purchase anything in the store, either clothing or
daily snacks. We do take credit and debit card
payments as long as the total is over $5. By buying a
gift card you save the store credit card fees and allow
your child to purchase as little as they need.
The store is open before school from about 7:30 to 8 am
and again from 11 am to 1:30 then after school from 3 3:30.
7th from 4 - 7 pm and Sat. Dec. 8th 9am - noon. Stop
in and get some Christmas shopping done then stay and
cheer the Basketball teams on!
Performances are Dec. 6, 7, and 8 at 7:00 pm with
an additional 2:00 pm matinee on the 8th,in the
RHS Auditorium.
The RHS Theatre Department is thrilled to present
an exciting new children’s show that will have
audiences dancing in their seats and singing through
the theatre doors, Pippi Longstocking’s Yo-Ho-Ho
a Pirate’s Christmas! Prepare for an adventure like
no other as you join the infamous Pippi
Longstocking on her latest adventure to the North
Pole where our boisterous heroine crosses paths
with singing pirates and dancing elves, pitting the
naughty Black-eyed Johnny against Santa himself!
Lessons in kindness win out as the pirates, along
with the audience, learn that being nice is nicer than
not being nice. Yet, Santa’s sick reindeer (i.e.
“Comet is burning up, Blitzen is bloated, and Cupid
hasn’t eaten or slept in days, it’s as though he were
in love…”) and their inability to pull his sleigh
threaten Christmas joy more than do the pirates.
But never fear, Pippi and her elf friends Holly and
Ivy Christmas won’t let all the good little boys and
girls be disappointed. If only the children can get
the adults to listen to their plan…
Students performing in the play are: Daisy Haiar,
Anna Latza, Aaron Musser, Ti Nguyen, Daniel
Otamendi, Taylor Weber, Jett Ptacek, Josh
Newcomb, Elliot Douma, Miranda Miller, Kyra
Wagner, Emma Arends, Kaylie Cavanaugh, Adam
Kost, Benjamin Hanzen, Kitty Beiber, Jacob
Lemme, Kolby VanderWoude, Jordan Otta,
Dorothy Swanson, Preston Needles, Jade
Thompson, Madeline Smith, Kyle Siemers, Jessica
MacDonald, Keneesha Bartscher, Kyla Snaza,
Jessalyn Holsing, Cortney Donahue, Helean
Barwari, Destiny Southern, Mikayla Wollan, Kat
Tebben, Jocelyn Doan, Hailee Domagalski, Josh
Reitsma, and Josh High.
Student technicians are: Elani Minor, Katrina
Sjolvold, Zach Waltman, Chelsea Bertelson, Sierra
Fisher, Miranda Barton, Jordan Maxfield, Chelsey
Tate, Katelyn Clement, Rachel Rich, Kassie Moe,
Beatriz Fortuna, Nick Cavanaugh, Matthew Arends,
Sophia Johnson, Jade Heilman and Jacky Pham.
At each performance, audience members will be given
the opportunity to register for fabulous prizes in the
Drama Club’s “Pippi Prize Giveaway!” Winners of
each prize package will be drawn at intermission of the
Dec. 8th 7:00 pm performance.
RHS Boys Basketball
Had an all-time high attendance for our Fall Offensive
Improvement Camp/Clinic in October. A total of 77 boys
and girls participated in at least 2 of the 3 days! What a
great turnout and love seeing all the potential rough
riders in the gym working on their game!
Boys' Basketball try-outs start on November 26th at
5:30am! Our first games are less than two weeks from
the first day of practice which is December 7th and 8th
vs. Rapid City Stevens and then Central.
Can follow the program and teams through out the year
by getting on our web-site: or follow us Twitter,
RHS Semester Tests
Wednesday & Thursday
December 19th & 20th
7:30am to 12:30pm
Sp o nso red b y: Stud ent Co unc il a nd Na tio na l Ho no r So c iety
November 26th-29th
Christma s Closet
Do yo u ha ve c lothes, g a m es, c o a ts, o r g lo ves tha t a re in g o od sha p e b ut you no lo ng er use?
Bring them to yo ur AD Ro o m. The item s w ill b e c o llec ted a nd d o na ted to Ro osevelt fa m ilies
in need , the Clo set, a nd Ba nq uet.
Decemember 3rd-6th
Dolls, Dogs, a nd Dolla rs
Our c o mm unity is a lw a ys in need o f new to ys fo r Child ren’ s Inn a nd the Sa nfo rd Child ren’ s
Ho sp ita l. As w ell, the Sio ux Fa lls Hum a ne So c iety is lo o king fo r g ifts o f m o ney o r fo o d fo r the
a nim a ls they ta ke in. AD Roo m s w ill c o llec t toys, p et fo od , a nd c a sh d o na tio ns thro ug ho ut
the w eek.
December 10th-13th
Wishing Well
During the la st w eek o f g iving , Stud ent Co unc il a nd Na tio na l Ho no r So c iety m emb ers w ill b e
g o ing to a ll AD Ro o m a nd a sking ea c h stud ent to w rite a letter to Sa nta . These letters w ill b e
d elivered o n Dec . 14th to Ma c y’ s w here Ma ke -A-Wish o f So uth Da ko ta w ill rec eive $2 fo r
ea c h letter turned in. Our g o a l is to ra ise $4000, a ll b y w riting a letter!
Counseling Office Information
Roosevelt High School is committed to helping
our students be successful. With the joint
effort between the student, parent/guardian
and our school programs we feel we can
obtain this goal. In addition, we feel there is a
direct connection between a student’s
attendance and their grades. Some of the
options that students, as well as their parents
can utilize are:
Homework Help allows students to
obtain help after school in A227. This is
an open door program so students can
come and go as they please and attend
on a regular basis to do their
homework or attend days when they
need specific help. The program runs
Monday through Thursday from 3:05 to
4:30 pm (except holidays or early
Parents may access Infinite Campus,
which is a tool that allows
parent(s)/guardian(s) to access their
student’s grades, assignments, and
attendance on-line. In addition, it allows
parents to e-mail their student’s
teachers directly. The web address for
this tool is . Simply go
to the address and click on “Infinite
Campus” under the quick links on the
right hand side. In order to access this
informational tool, parents need to
know their student’s ID number as well
as know their password. If you need
assistance please call the counseling
office at: 362-2868.
School counselors have access to
several materials regarding resources to
succeed academically. These include,
but are not limited to: study skills, test
skills, and organizational skills. This is just
one area where counselors may assist
your child. If you need assistance
please contact your counselor by calling
362-2868 to visit over the phone or
make an appointment to come in.
Counselors are assigned based on last
Pb-Sm & ELL
Mr. Matzke
Mrs. Biggar
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Heavlin
College Athletics
NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse
Students planning to enroll in college and
participate as freshmen in Division I, II or III athletics
must be certified by the NCAA Initial Eligibility
see . You may also contact
them at: 1-877-262-1492.
Every student seeking to compete in NAIA sports
for the first-time beginning in 2011 must register at
College Planning
Any senior planning on
applying to any
college or university for next year should be
in the process of filling out applications now.
Application deadlines vary from one school to the
next. A good rule of thumb is to have all materials
sent off by December 1st. This includes:
College application
Application fee
Official transcript
ACT and/or SAT test scores
Required letters of recommendations
and/or essays
It is best to send as much of this information
together as possible. If you are applying to a
highly selective university (Harvard, Stanford, Duke,
etc.) you may need a much more detailed letter of
recommendation from your counselor or teacher.
In that case, please notify that person ASAP of your
intentions and expect a 7 to 10 day wait period for
your letter to be finished. Keep in mind you don’t
have to wait to apply.
Most colleges and
universities have their applications on line so don’t
delay, download them now and start filling them
out. Each university has their own deadline. It is
always good to find out your schools deadline so
you don’t miss out. If you have any questions
regarding any portion of the college application
process, please contact your counselor.
Financial Aid
If you desire any financial assistance to attend any
post-secondary school you should be filling out
the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student
Aid) as soon as you can after January 1st. The
is: . It is recommended
you fill out the application on line to help with a
much faster and easier process.
To do this you must get a PIN first by going to:
. If you require the paper application you can
obtain them from the counselors’ office. It is best
to have your taxes completed ASAP because some
financial aid is on a first come first served basis.
You do not need to file your taxes to fill out the
FAFSA but critical numbers off your tax return are
necessary to complete the FAFSA.
You may also contact Great Lakes higher
Education Guaranty Corporation out of Madison
WI at anytime. They are the financial aid experts
and it is a free service to students and parents.
Their phone number is 1-866-464-7855 and their
website is .
New scholarship opportunities are always coming
in to the Roosevelt counseling office. Please watch
our website at: To the
Students dropdown and click on Scholarships. Or
stop in the counselors’ office regularly to catch
new ones as they come in. Some excellent
sources to find scholarships are:
1. Through the RHS counseling office.
2. Register through on-line sources, such as .
3. Contact the schools you are looking
Beware of scholarship scams and companies that
charge for financial aid help. Some companies will
give you legitimate help but charge you for
information and assistance that you can get for
free. You should never have to give our your
social security number, bank account number,
credit card number, etc. If they ask for this type of
personal/financial information it should be a red
The Counseling Office is proud to announce the
launch of our new website at:
We have updated the information and have
added a number of new features for students and
parents. You can still get the most up-to-date
scholarship information, as well as links for South
Dakota post-secondary opportunities, parent
resources, and more.
The Counseling Office has also joined Twitter!
Follow us @SFRCounseling. This is a great way for
parents and students to stay connected with all
the happenings at Roosevelt!
Scholarship Bulletin #3
Washington Crossing Foundation --- History Buff?
Enjoy Politics? Government or Military Service in Your
Future? Scholarships are awarded yearly. $1000 to
$5000 www. Deadline: Jan. 15, 2013.
The Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship for
minority students. Apply online at between Nov. 1 – Feb. 15,
RHS Senior parents:
Plans are underway for the senior class
party. It will be held on May 19th from 9:30
pm - 5 am and is always a source of great fun,
food and entertainment for the seniors.
If your child has not filled out a registration
form they can pick one up at the school store
and return it to Mrs. Johnson at the store with
payment ($20)
Student Council Elections
Applications to run for the RHS Student Council will be
available starting on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. Students
interested in promoting school pride, serving the RHS
community, and building leadership skills should
apply! Students can pick up an application from Mrs.
Jensen in A207, or from any of the current student
council members. The deadline to turn in completed
applications is Thursday, January 24.
If you haven't been able to attend a meeting
yet the next one is on Monday, Dec.10th at
6:30 in the RHS library. We still need help on
several committees as well as for concession
help through the winter activities.
Elections will be held during reading period on the
following days:
Contact Michelle Hutchmeier to sign up for
some shifts or let her know if you can
Wednesday, Jan. 30-Sophomores
You should be getting emails about the party
plans and meetings. If you are NOT please
contact Gene Beaner at
to get on the email list so you don't miss any
important information.
Winter Formal
We will be putting together a senior video. We
are asking you to email a limit of 2 photos of
your child (one current, the other can be
younger) to Michelle.
We hope to see you at the December meeting.
Give them the experience of
Tuesday, Jan. 29-Juniors
Thursday, Jan. 31-Freshmen
Saturday, January 26, 2013
RHS Commons
8-11 PM
Tickets will go on sale for $10 on Tuesday, Jan. 22,
All RHS students are invited. Students may bring a nonRHS guest as long as the guest is registered with Mr.
Hansen in Student Services before Friday, Jan. 25.
ACT Preparation Course &
Driver Education
Sign up @ or 367-7999
Student Reflection on Bullying
Joe Foss
In the United States of America, bullying is a very common thing. People get bullied through cell phones, computers, at
school, out in public, anywhere. Even adults get bullied, bullying is bullying. Most people don’t realize that shoulder
bumping on purpose or calling someone stupid, retarded, ugly or even glaring at someone is a type of bullying. It is a
crime to bully someone and it can be taken to court. Some kids commit suicide over being bullied. The suicide rate in
the United States is very high and most of it from becoming depressed over something like bullying.
It hurts and it leaves a hole in people. Some people grow up with being bullied. It affects their lives at home, school,
work, out in public and can also affect their social lives. It damages peoples’ mental, physical and emotional health.
Some become violent and take out what’s happening to them on other people. Some eat a lot more causing weight
gain, some people don’t associate with family or friends anymore because they are being bullied. Bullying affects a
person’s everyday life and most of the time the one that is doing the bullying, doesn’t even realize how much it affects,
hurts and damages the victim. Bullying is a serious thing and it’s nothing to ever consider trying.
Hello RHS Parents and Students!
The holidays are a special time each year when we can give the greatest gift that no one can buy… time.
SALSA stands for Serve and Learn Student Association and our mission is to connect high school students
with volunteering. We would love for you to come and check out our group at any time during the school year
and learn about the many ways you can give your time right here in our community. Our upcoming meetings
Tuesday, December 4th @ 3:15p.m. in room A116 & A117
Tuesday, January 8th @ 3:15p.m. in room A116 & A117
As a SALSA group, we’ll be serving at the following events in the near future (Students must sign up for these
at the SALSA meeting in December):
Date: Saturday, December 8th
Time: SALSA will be there from 11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Location: Edison Middle School, 2101 S West Avenue
“Project Warm Up,” was started with one student’s compassion (a SALSA member) for those less fortunate
and has exploded into a project that delivers over 1,000 blankets each year to children identified as homeless
through the Sioux Falls School District. Come and make a tie-blanket with us and spread the warmth of the
Date: Saturday, December 15th
Time: 10:00am – 8:00pm
Location: Empire Mall – Macy’s Wing
No one should have to pay to be safe… this is the philosophy of Children’s Inn, our local domestic violence
shelter. But those services aren’t free to provide, and that is where their biggest fundraiser of the year comes
in… gift wrapping at the Mall. Through this program last year holiday shoppers donated $35,000 to help
provide services to victims – both adults and children. We hope you will come and join us for this festive and
fun event to benefit this special population!
Join the
GOLD CARD CLUB - Attend local Sioux Falls School District school athletic events at a price of
$1.00 per event. Gold cards are available at no charge to residents 60 years or older.
Gold Card holders are also invited to attend special events throughout the school year at different school
buildings/facilities. Join us for a variety of special speakers or fine arts performances. Brunch, lunch, or dessert and
coffee are featured at these events. There is a minimal charge for each Gold Card Event. Please stop at the Instructional
Planning Center at 201 W. 38th Street for an application for a Gold Card or for more information and start using yours
Remember your Gold Card is free and is good for life!
School Related Cancellations and Postponements
It is important to be prepared for the winter storms and extreme cold that every South Dakota winter brings.
Please read the following information so you are aware of the procedures for school related cancellations and
We rely on experts from the weather service and city/county officials when we make decisions on school
cancellations, late starts or early dismissals.
Cancelling School/Late Start
When a severe storm hits the area, or is forecast, we start contacting local officials as early as 3:00 a.m. We
communicate with our Operational Services Department, the Weather Bureau, the City Street Department, Sioux Falls
Transit, and our transportation contractors. It is our goal to decide whether or not to cancel school by 5 a.m. to allow
time for parking lots and sidewalks to be cleared, food services to prepare meals and the bus company to begin
operations. In the event that school needs to be cancelled or delayed, families will be alerted via a Connect 5 phone
call. These calls will generally be sent between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. to accommodate families whose
children are picked up by busses at 6:45 a.m. Announcements are also made on KLRN-TV (Cable Channel 20) and
over the local radio and television stations.
Because the public schools have a limited rural area, it is often possible for Sioux Falls to have school when
nearby towns may not.
Early Dismissal
Storms occasionally move in during the day, making it necessary to assess whether or not to dismiss school early.
We choose early dismissal only under the most extreme circumstances. In most cases, it is safer for students to
remain at school due to the need for transportation and proper supervision. In the rare instances when schools are
dismissed early, families will receive a Connect 5 phone call and the information will appear on the District’s website
at Announcements are also made on KLRN-TV and over the local radio and television stations.
Notifications refer to dismissal “one hour early” or “two hours early” because of the number of different building
schedules. In addition to noting the early dismissal, announcements about evening activities are normally
It is very important that every family has a plan for early dismissal. Be sure your student knows where to go in
case no one is at home. Talk to your student about his/her safety during winter weather emergencies.
Be safe this winter
The school system offers these suggestions concerning cold weather and
emergency situations:
1. Listen for a Connect 5 phone call regarding school closings, late starts, or early dismissals. Check the District’s
website at for updated information. Announcements will also be made on KLRN-TV and local
radio and television stations. (Please avoid calling schools or the Instructional Planning Center. Phone lines are
needed for emergency communications.)
2. Make sure students are properly dressed for predicted weather conditions so they are prepared for walking or
waiting for a bus in the cold or for being delayed on a bus in a weather-related situation.
3. Students should not arrive at school until the scheduled time for outdoor staff supervision or the breakfast program
4. Have a plan of action as to where your student will go if school is dismissed early.
5. School officials will use their best judgment about school closings, late starts, or early dismissals, but please
remember that a parent has the right to keep children home or to pick them up from school early if they feel
weather conditions require this action.
Roosevelt High School 2013
1st Quarter 3.0-3.499 Merit Roll
Adams, Chase
Amdahl, Candace
Anderson, Tomeka
Bakpo, Nenubari
Baumgartner, Jaiden
Bird, Shona
Borstad, Gavin
BovillBonacker, Sydney
Boyd, Dylan
Brandt, Naomi
Carey, Adrian
Castillo, Erich
Chavira, Francisco
Christensen, Alonzo
Christopherson, Zaccheaus
Cooper, Ethan
Currey, Taylor
Dertien, Jade
DeVries, Connar
DonisPerez, Anthony
Ducheneaux, Haley
Fajardo, Stephanie
Falk, Tiffany
Felcher, Abigail
Fenning, James
Fleming, Seth
Ford, Ethan
Ford, Kayla
Glover, Shelby
Green, Charles
Gustafson, Gabriel
Hadzimujic, Hana
Haefs, Denerick
Hanson, Marshall
Hanson, Triston
Hart, Tessa
Howard, Gabriel
Hrdlicka, Dillion
Jeffcoat, Caitlin
Jimenez, Nancy
Kleinhans, Baylee
Kreutzmann, Travis
Krueger, Darock
Larson, Brianna
Ledeboer, Kyle
Lemme, Jacob
Lokonobei, Otillik
Lukomski, Malia
Lund, Sarah
Martin, Samantha
Martinez, Shayleigh
McClendon, Dominick
McCormick, Robert
Meyer, Nathan
Michelson, Kory
Miller, Alicia
Moshofsky, Kristina
Munkel, Alysen
Negrete IV, Joseph
Nelson, Blake
Nolz, Ashley
Stults, Tevin
Subedi, Rajeep
Taylor, Jesse
Wagner, Kyra
Waskow, Timothy
Weber, Andrew
Weeks, Erika
Weiler, Jasmine
Wertish, Ryan
Wesman, Jacob
Willis, Shaun
Wise, Austin
Wolfe, Richard
Worden, Jasmine
Yassin, Gemechu
Zimmerman, Noah
Total - 96
Nowka, Dylan
Kolb, David
Olson, Sadie
Olson, Sawyer
Ordonez-Saucedo, Naida
Kopitski, Christopher
Kortan, Brock
Kovacs, Adam
Andersen, Hannah
Barbour, Zakiya
Behm, Abigail
Boyd, Jalen
Boyer, Alexis
Brown, Ebony
Burns, Justin
Carlascio, Grant
Chamness, Matthew
Charlson, Cley
Coe, Timothy
Cole, Seth
Combs, Alexandria
Couillard, Matthew
Criddle, Kelley
Dahl, Aren
DeBoer, Zachery
Echols, Sheridan
EdquistCarroll, Devin
Ehrman, Michael
Ewing, Austin
Farr, Hunter
Fendrich, Nicholas
Fisher, Sierra
Gabriel, Imrann
Garvin, Damion
Groseth, Brooke
Grove, Marisa
Hall, JadynRose
Hanson, Blaise
Harkema, Cierra
Harms, Jane
Heaton, Kyle
Heinricy, Alyssa
Heiser, Elizabeth
Henderson, Tanner
Hofer, Tyler
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Riley
Johnson, Taneil
Kittelson, Micah
Knecht, Dylan
Munson, Blake
Murillo Jr, Alfredo
Naber, Taylor
Nelson, Owen
Neuharth, Dain
Neuman, Derick
Newcomb, Joshua
Niehoff, Kirsten
Numanovic, Ahmedin
Pearson, Bethany
Peiper, Jasmine
Peterson, Luke
Pickner, Nicolette
Quartier, Samantha
Rames, Taylor
Reh, Dah
Reitsma, Joshua
Reynoso, Juan
Roberts, Darci
Rogers, Mason
Rose, Luisa
Samis, Taylor
Schartz, Meghan
Schiefelbein, Colin
Sides, Keisha
Slaba, Tyler
Snaza, Kyla
Stake, Miriam
Stamato, Catherine
Stengel, Kyle
Thompson, Allison
Thompson, Dylan
Townsend, Trey
Tufte, Faith
Urtusuastegui, Jesus
Versteeg, Tayte
Wesley, Gemini
Whaley, Damon
Whitten, Dakota
Win, Mary
Wise, Mariah
Yount, Joy
Zimmel, Jacob
Total - 104
Ahlers, Justin
Anderson, Shelby K
Anderson, Shelby R
Arambasic, Milana
Beaver, Justice
Bitterman, Jordan
Bolte, Tabitha
Calderilla Herrera, Kevin
Casanova, Tyler
Deitschman, Brandon
DeJong, Krista
Dettler, Hunter
Deutsch, Taylor
Diaz, Luis
Docken, Thomas
Dominguez Farfan, Maria
Doty, Elizabeth
Ewert, Rachel
Famestad, Miranda
Johnson, Stacy
Kirkwold, Joshua
Kirschenman, Adrianne
Lang, Derick
Lee, Orrenzo
Lunic, Dragana
Machacek, Taylor
Maggett, Robert
Marron, Miranda
Martinez, Julian
McKenzie, Logan
Meh, Boe
Middlen, Alexander
Milan, Cody
Miller, Courtney
Murphree, Alana
Murray, Malinda
Mustafic, Murat
Nack, Kayla
Nelson, Trevor
Newberg, Skylar
Nicholson, Jacob
Parlet, Hunter
Pesce, Darion
Rehder, Angel
Rens, Lexy
Roberts, Bismark
Roberts, Cassandra
Roberts, Kaylee
Ross, Rebekah
Schmidt, Brennan
Schneider, Zachary
Severson, Kristin
Sistanich, Ashley
SittingBear, Cecelia
Smajlovic, Lejla
Spicer, Jason
Stafford, Nathan
Sullivan, Kendra
Sundvold, Mason
Swanstrom, Sara
Swier, Kathryn
Tague, Reannae
Tian, Yifei
Tor, Ogyedh
Turay, Theresa
VanderWoude, Mackenzie
Warkenthien, Ty
Weber, Taylor
Whitten, Maklia
Williams, Menzie
Williams, Phyllis
Williams, Selena
Woltjer, Logan
Yousef, Rashad
Ysbrand, Jaydon
Total - 90
Albousafi, Mariam
Almaguer, Anthony
Cole, Kendra
Cooper, Brett
Crager, Kylee
Dauphanais, Taylin
Defries, Alex
Degraw, Dacotah
Dhimal, Dhaka
Dorsey, Hunter
Edberg, Caleb
Elkins, Madison
Ellis, Devann
Engelbrecht, Logan
Ferguson, Whitney
Franco, Joshua
Franey, Ocean
Gies, Alexa
Gildemaster, Brandon
Greer, Amanda
Grove, Connor
Hehn, Bryceton
Hofer, Haley
Hrdlicka, Heather
Husic, Elvis
Jepson, Chance
Johnson, Austin
Kimball, Paige
King, Landon
Kjonegaard, Brady
Knecht, Taylor
Kohler, Elizabeth
Kolda, Elizabeth
Lane, Kiara
Larson, Kaelyn
Leak, Cody
Leyva Dominguez, Jorge
Lint, Brittnee
Mackintosh, Donald
Mears, Brielle
Munn, Dylan
Nelson, Bailey
Nelson, Jordan
Nguyen, John
Nguyen, Tirana
Oleson, Ryan
Olsen, Sydnei
Palmer, Zoie
Pankonin, Kylee
Parmley, Jakob
Parsai, Bal
Pederson, Sonja
Peters, Joseph
Peterson, Dana
Peterson, Spencer
Reh, Shay
Ruiter, Miranda
Sannizzaro, Kayla
Schartz, Samantha
Schieffer, Dylan
Schnider, Nicholas
Sjogren, Chantelle
Smajic, Belmir
Anderson, Eric
Smith, Logan
Arends, Emma
Bagley, John
Bartscher, Shelbi
Stefani, Chicago
Stienblock, Cole
Sundal, Chase
OrtegaGarzaro, Axel
Krogman-Glirbas, Kyla
Pettibone, Sheldon
Riley, Tianna
Robinson, Haley
Rogers, Debra
Salvador, Melanie
Sanchez, Alex
Satre, Corrina
Schiebout, Benjamin
Sheikh, Nafis
Smith, Cameron
Soria, Kiera
Sprang, Andrew
Stromseth, Mark
Stuchl, Taylor
Krueger, Arelle
Lete, Cameron
Luong, Kim
Matson, Samuel
Maxfield, Jordan
McGraw, Collin
Meyer, Brady
MeyerIrvin, Bree
Mittendorf, Shelbie
Molstad, Jayden
Momotic, Bryan
Moody, Kevin
Mueller, Megan
Muilenburg, Sean
Fucs, Danielle
Gannon, Benjamin
Gray, Shatia
Haugwitz, Isabell
Herbert, Cory
Hetland, Bailee
High, Marcus
Hlebichuk, Isaac
Hoff, Keaton
Ivanov, Kristina
Iverson, Isaac
Jensen, Kellee
Johns, Anissa
Johnson, Sophia
Bauer, Brian
Tuttle, Sydney
Baumgartner, Brooke
Bechtel, Erin
Begic, Rasim
Behrends, Jeremy
Biron, Diannah
Bowman, Tanner
Bradley, Nikia
Bunker, Jenna
Burmeister, Anna
Buss, Derek
Cabral, Jessica
Christensen, Parker
Christians, Christopher
Christie, Zachary
Valesano, Conner
Varns, Michael
Veire, Molly
Ward, Erin
Warren, Hayley
Weier, Meggan
Westover, Matthew
Wheagar, Gifty
White, Kristin
Whiteside, Reed
Wiese, Jada
Woitte, Alexis
Yaqoub-Mohammad, Rihan
Total - 100
Honor Roll
Acosta, Luisa
Adam, Anna
Alfred, Kaylie
Arango Gomez, Irene
Armstrong, Daniel
Babic, Sara
Baier, Ryan
Bajramovic, Azur
Barwari, Helean
Becirovic, Ibro
Behm, Ethan
Rich, Rachel
Rolling, Evan
Ruddy, Katrina
Ruiter, Jessica
Runge, Nicolas
Rust, Katherine
Savianok, Maksim
Schnetzer, Jessica
Segich, Cassidy
Shane, Jacob
Sharif, Omar
Dhimal, Binod
DuBois, Robert
Elsasser, Paige
Elyea, Brodie
Erickson, Sara
Espino, Ricardo
Evans, Sydney
Fajardo, Jonathan
Ferguson, Dillon
Friese, Kiley
Fryer, Whitney
Schwartz, Marissa
Shepersky, Seth
Shim, Drew
Shogren, Kasey
Simons, Scott
Sjovold, Katrine
Soliman, Emaan
Sommervold, Braden
Stanford, Christopher
Stark, Preston
Tarr, Joshua
Kaup, Megan
Kidd, Skyler
Klueber, Austin
Kost, Adam
Kovacs, Lili
Kuhnert, Kory
Kunz, Lauren
Larson, Jordyn
Leasure, Taylor
Letcher, Dylan
Lewallen, Stephanie
Gabel, Joshua
Temple, Erinn
Li, Yanlin
Solberg, Kaitlyn
Spicer, Jamie
St John, Jordan
Staples, Nathan
Stevens, Jaylen
Stoel, Sylva
Suarez, David
Lohr, Jade
Luke, Alexander
Marohl, Madison
Mashek, Spencer
Meza, Zulema
Miller, Erica
Moos, Jamie
Mosser, Trae
Mriden, Pierce
Musil, Riley
Musser, Aaron
Nelson, Lukas
Nguyen, Amanda
Novak, Joshua
Nygaard, Justine
Olsen, Tanner
Ostlund, Trevor
Otta, Jordan
Behm, Jocelyn
Smith, Parker
Biggerstaff, Jason
Bjordal, Aubrey
Boanca, Nicholas
Boyd, Trevor
Brandenburg, Morgan
Capell, Andee
Cavanaugh, Nicholas
Gefre, Lexi
Griggs, Christa
Groenhagen, Brandon
Guericke, Tasia
Haffield, Justin
Hakinson, Katelyn
Hanlon, Kory
Lien, Bailey
Lindamood, Jacob
Lynch, Mikaela
Mansfield, Ian
Mauss, Amanda
Meh, Lee
Mettler, Brianna
Cherednik, Ekaterina
Sudenga, Taylor
Parke, Morgan
Hansen, Devan
Clement, Katelyn
Covert, Caroline
Dally, Patrick
Donahue, Cortney
Dowling, Kyle
Dula, Tyler
Dunagan, Tia
Durfee, Nathan
Ellefson, Macey
Engelson, Tiffany
Tarr, David
Thorin, Matthew
Truong, Kenny
Versteeg, Dayne
Walls, Zachrey
Wartner, Bailey
Weihe, Connor
Westergaard, Isaac
Wieczorek, Ashlyn
Winklepleck, Wyatt
Wold, Caleb
Wollan, Mikayla
Wright, Madison
Yasgar, Kyle
Zamora, Brandy
Zigmond, Michael
Zimmerman, Bailey
Total - 121
Ratliff, Da'kayla
Reh, Hsaw
Rickert, Anne
Rome, Paige
Sachek, Mariya
Schmidt, Grant
Sitter, Carson
Southern, Destiny
Stoel, Lincoln
Subedi, Kumari
Hanson, Blake
Harriger, Samuel
Hartung, Carleen
Hatcher, Nicole
Hein, Kiana
Helgeson, Carter
Herbert, Luke
Herman, Amanda
Idris, Mose
Johnson, Ryan
Thompson, Jade
Thorns, Britney
Valencia, Nathaly
Voges, Keisha
Weaver, Constance
Weihe, Kaila
Yasgar, Ricki
Zentgraf, Alexander
Zephier, Kira
Total - 125
Sudenga, Karleigh
Swanson, Dorothy
Swedlund, Siana
Tabbert, Nels
Tate, Chelsey
Taylor, Jacob
Tebben, Hunter
Thiner, Natasha
Thompson, Katie
Thompson, Olivia
Tran, Cecelia
Tripp, Garrett
Tuttle, Hope
Tuttle, Jourdan
Erickson, McKenzie
Ettorre, Steven
Forey, Marin
Gagnon, Mason
Gildemaster, Max
Gillespie, Emily
Goehring, Joshua
Griffith, Grace
Grove, Madison
Gudiseva, Neal
Hambrick, Taylor
Haradon, Noah
Haraldson, Justin
Harder, Cole
Meyer, Derek
Ahlgren, Jakob
Ali, Mafuza
Amussen, David
Miller, Joshua
Miller, Miranda
Moberg, Ashley
Murray, Brooke
Nelson, Jacob
Nielson, Cody
Olson, Lauren
Olson, Ryker
Olson, Savannah
Otamendi, Daniel
Justesen, Hope
Arechigo, Kennedy
Otamendi, Michael
Kebede, Aster
Kebede, Betelhem
Ketcham, Alyssa
Kirby, Alyssa
Kluin, Jared
Kobayashi, Kae
Kooima, Colton
Krieger, Bryce
Larsen, Brenden
LaVallie, Courtney
Lee, Randy
Lembcke, Jack
Leyva, Dalia
Austin, Jacob
Bailey, Ashley
Ballieu, Spencer
Barwari, Shivon
Baumert, Jynessa
Beers, Jordan
Bierwagen, Elliot
Biggerstaff, Rachael
Bolon, Seth
Bouwman, Jaron
Bramley, Andrea
Bruhn, Courtney
Buchloh, Alexander
Oviatt, Russell
Pepper, Camille
Peterson, Seth
Plueger, Ryan
Potas, Chase
Powell, Megan
Randen, Kelsey
Rederth, Whitney
Robertson, Madeline
Robson, Morgan
Rubright, Jenice
Runge, Elizabeth
Rupp, Alexis
Harriger, Jonathan
Hausmann, Ashlee
Heberlee, Sydney
Hendricks, Mary
Hernandez, Cristal
Hlebichuk, Emily
Hodak, Ashlyn
Holcomb, Laurel
Horst, Mitchell
Huether, Brooke
Hughes, Brett
Hyde, Kenydie
Jackson, Ryu
Almaguer, Alicia
Benson, Ryan
Boehmer, Kyle
Brady, Nathan
Brenna, Ashlea
Buchannan, Mishayla
Bultena, Destiny
Bunger, Elizabeth
Burkhardt, Derrick
Burmeister, Kameron
Christensen, Nolan
Christion, Taryn
Cool, Christian
Tyler, Madison
Ulses, Tyler
Vetter, Alexis
Vinatieri, Christopher
Vosika, Tabitha
Wahl, Kirsten
Weber, Brooke
Wehde, Mariah
Wheaton, Kaitlyn
Wipf, Kelsi
Zia, Anttenh
Zimmer, Ashley
Total - 94
Jensen, Joseph
Denevan, Samuel
Negrete, Brianna
Jibben, Craig
Johnson, Cody
Johnson, Josie
Jones, Tara
Kirkwold, Matthew
Kneip, Morgan
Larosier, Vanessa
Lauvao, Terrence
LeeBurton, Lauren
Luke, Elizabeth
Lyons, Matthew
Machacek, Tanner
Martinez, Asia
Mishra, Tirtha
Moe, Kassandra
Moody, Michael
Moos, James
Nelson, Daimytryeh
Nilges, Audreanna
Nygaard, Jasmine
Pannell, Hannah
Paulson, Kailey
Pomrenke, Nicholas
Rangel, Benjamin
Determan, Zachary
DeVos, Morgan
DiPasquale, Katlyn
Dohn, Jessica
Douma, Elliot
Ertz, Emily
Foss, Corbey
Fromm, Troy
Gatluak, Kuong
Gordon, Kassidy
Green, Miriam
Greene, Darrian
Haage, Sierra
Hansen, Whitney
Horkey, Megan
IronHawk, Dante
Isaacson, Alexis
Jankowski, Madison
Johnson, Tyler
Kalia, Sahil
Klemisch, Adam
Larson, Tagyn
Leasure, Casey
Lembcke, Kathryn
Nelson, Taylor
Norlen, Caitlin
O'Brien, Devon
Olinger, Kyle
Oswald, Stephen
Phan, Cathy
Phan, Raphie
Pirlet, Macy
Plummer, Tiffany
Pomrenke, Jennifer
Porter, Spencer
Putzier, Catherine
Riddle, Shelby
Roberts, Carter
Robinson, Zoe
Running, Brodie
Running, Erin
Rye, Kymberli
Salib, Youstina
Satnan, Alexandra
Scheel, Matthew
Schmidt, Desirae
Schneider, Cierra
Schneider, Thomas
Adams, Carissa
Albertson, Christian
Ambrose, Cedrick
Amdahl, Tyler
Anderson, Joshua
Anderson, Morgan
Arndt, Christian
Beck, Tyler
Beers, Tanner
Bjordal, Seth
Bren, Taylor
Breuer, Kayli
Burtis, Abbey
Bushinger, Christina
Chov, Allen
Claus, Erica
Cool, William
Covert, Quentin
Cucak, Aljosa
Deaton, Drake
DeJong, Maggie
Lindgren, Jennifer
Lindgren, Tyler
Lindquist, Kory
Lores, Asia
Lounsbery, Jackson
Ludens, Levi
Lyons, Kyle
Medina, Myriam
Moe, Elizabeth
Moe, Peter
Morgan, Maranda
Mullinix, Chance
Munsinger, Connor
Chang, Kirstie
Christensen, Olivia
Claussen, Lyndsay
Clem, Alexander
Cole, Nathan
DeJong, Andrew
DeNeui, Benjamin
DeVries, Darian
Eich, Jeremy
Eichhorn, Brady
Ekeren, Zachary
Elkins, Austin
Even, Brooke
Fitzler, Mikaela
Friese, Kassandra
Frye, Makayla
Fullerton, Connor
Gale, Rachel
Gerlach, Alexa
Gillespie, Patrick
Griebel, Erin
Groseth, Kallan
Gunn, Haleigh
Guzman, Pierre
Ha, Long
Hansen, Chelsie
Harbert, Jessy
Hauck, Nathan
Herr, Dexter
Holsing, Jessalyn
Isburg, Brittany
Jasper, Jade
Jastram, Clara
Jastram, Louisa
Johnson, McKayla
Kann, Mitchell
Karbo, Mitchell
Russell, Alexia
Scheel, Abigail
Schlag, Zachary
Schneider, Olivia
Schnell, Haley
Shattuck, Audrey
Slunecka, John
Smith, Emerald
Solberg, Mackenzie
Staebell, Alexander
Stepp, Maggie
Stoakes, Jessica
Sullivan, Kara
Sundheim, Kourtney
Susemihl, Jonathan
Thomas, Rachel
Thompson, Creighton
Tough, Hailey
Trapp, Erika
Tschetter, Taylor
Tulio, Sheldon
VanDerWolde, Nicole
VanDyk, Jessica
Walker, Mataya
Watkins, Emily
Welbig, Brandon
Wertish, Samantha
Wessel III, Douglas
West, Alexander
Wetering, Jordan
Whaley, Brittney
Wheaton, Kristen
Wilber, Lucas
Williams, Mitchell
Winklepleck, Hayley
Wood, Trevor
Zwahr, Bailey
Total - 136
4.0 Honor Roll
Ali, Saliya
Austin, Kenneth
Babcock, Austin
BaileyJanousek, Jacey
Baker, Cailey
Barr, Logan
Batt, Andrew
Beck, Jordan
Behm, Grace
Bonham, Alissa
Bratland, Meghan
Brenneman, Trevor
Brown, Cole
Buchloh, Thomas
Carman, Caitlyn
Chov, Angela
Nugteren, Kate
Pederson, Chanel
Perez, Hannah
Peters, Michaela
Pham, Jacky
Poberezhnik, Yanna
Poppens, McKayla
Powell, Sean
Roehrich, Allison
Ryan, Austin
Sachek, Anastasiya
Salonen, Gavin
Schmitt, Brennen
Schroedermeier, Cole
Schweitzer, Isaac
Selberg, Rylee
Geraets, Emily
Haertel, Hayley
Hanzen, Benjamin
Hess, Kyle
Hyser, Kirstan
Jensen, Kolton
Kolda, Kyle
Larsen, Payton
Mahowald, Anna
Mambo, Godeliva
McFadden, Stephen
McGee, Kristin
Miller, Daphney
Morris, Kahlen
Murphy III, Thomas
Richardson, Priscilla
Ptacek, Jett
Reski, Samuel
Schmidt, Trevor
Schroeder, Kyle
Schwartz, Kayla
Scott, Vanessa
Snell, Aubrey
Soliman, Mandee
Tuschen, Stephanie
Von Bergen, Jacob
Watkins, Noah
Yassin, Feromsa
Total - 38
Christopher, Emmanuel
Class, Marissa
Cockrum, Lauren
Corcoran, Brittany
Dickerson, Tiphani
Dohn, Phil
Duprey, Emma
FigueroaLopez, Deisy
Fischer, Jessica
Fischer, Josie
Fossell, Matthew
Fullerton, Riley
Geffre, Terren
Gilbertson, Hannah
Griesgraber, Kristina
Hackney, Logan
Hahne, Mariah
Hanisch, Caleb
Hankel, Brooke
Hecht, Michelle
Hetland, Taylor
Heyd, Cole
Hofer, Gabriel
Hoiberg, Maxwell
Hollingshead, Hannah
Hunjan, Mala
Johnson, Anna
Johnson, Jamie
Johnson, Nicole
Knobe, Sara
Kooima, Rylie
Koster, Madisen
Lamb, Bailey
Lerdal, Kristin
Leyda, Neil
Lima, Sophia
Loudenslager, Carsen
MacDonald, Jesseca
McCaulley, Brooklynn
McGregor, Makenzie
Mueller, Justin
Muller-Smit, Jade
Mushaney, Ayla
Shumaker, Abbigale
Siemers, Kyle
Smith, Madeline
Stjernholm, Emily
Stukel, Makiah
Summers, Jade
Sundvold, Molly
Teichmeier, Tristan
ThanpaengHer, Josephina
Thom, Rebecca
Thune, Jett
Torkelson, Lauren
VanDerWolde, Brooklyn
VanderWoude, Kolby
VanVoorst, Tyler
Ritzman, Alexis
Schlag, Ethan
Schmitt, Taylor
Schneider, Jason
Scott, Kolby
Semerad, Kelli
Susemihl, Rebecca
Taralson, Arianna
Temple, Noah
Wagner, Emily
Waltman, Zachary
Watkins, Grace
Wilka, Nevada
Total - 44
Vizecky, Meagin
Von Bergen, Cierra
Vortherms, Joshua
Waltjer, Madisyn
Wasko, Alexandria
Weems, Koressa
Weidenbach, Allison
Weidenbacher, Alex
Williams, Alyssa
Total - 100
Amussen, Adam
Austin, Chandlar
Boerema, Alexander
Cauble, Brita
Cheek, Tesla
Christie, Kamra
Coomes, Austin
Dalles, Mercedes
DeVos, Brooke
Dickerson, Rachel
Do, Anh
Doan, Jocelyn
Domagalski, Hailee
Flanagan, Kayla
Garcia, Alexander
Alfred, Samuel
Bailey, Michael
Beaner, Ashley
Bieber, Katherine
Bunkers, Kara
Calderone, Anthony
Carper, Benjamin
Cheeseman, Kyle
Comp, Tanner
Decker, Aaron
Dobberpuhl, Kenny
Feist, Ariel
Foss, Kaitlynn
Graber, Brady
Graves, Austin
Howard, Tyler
Almendinger, Courtney
Baumgart, Joshua
Becirovic, Ajla
Carlson, Andrew
Dick, Shayla
Gabrielson, Nicole
Gray, Molly
Heilman, Jade
Hogan, Hayley
Hoiberg, Zachary
Hora, Kirby
Jackson, Joshua
Johnson, Hannah
Justice, Abygail
Kreutzmann, Sydney
Latza, Anna
Martinez, Napoleon
Mead, Madison
Mielke, Ashley
Moon, Joshua
Moos, Valerie
Mriden, Paige
Nguyen, Xuyen
Nix, Alia
Njegic, Aleksandar
Nordquist, Riley
Huchtmeier, Nichole
Johnson, Katelyn
Johnson, Randi
Klein, Colin
Kortan, Brittany
Lahr, Elissa
Lang, Amy
Larsen, Jordan
Larsen, Kylea
Leat, Jessica
Morris, Matthew
Mosser, Kiesha
Muchow, Victoria
Nelson, Jason
Norgaard, Sarah
Otta, Jaelin
Reineke, Francis
Ryswyk, Corbin
Saathoff, Megan
Seigenthaler, Abby
Steffen, Zachary
Top, Dylan
Tuschen, Zachary
Wilson, Ashley
Wilson, Lanisha
Woertendyke, Andrew
Total - 42
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