MINISTRY Info - Burlington United Methodist Church


MINISTRY Info - Burlington United Methodist Church
 Signs of Life J A N U A R Y & F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 “The Burlington United Methodist Church is an inclusive Christian Community, dedicated to growth in Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, and service.” Saturday Service Sunday Service 4:00 PM Church School 9:00 AM Traditional Service 5:00 PM Nontraditional Service 10:15 AM Fellowship Time 10:30 AM Sunday School For All MINISTRY Info Burlington United Methodist Church 857 W. State Street Burlington, Wisconsin Hours: M,T,W,Th, 9-­‐1:00 PM 262-­‐763-­‐2288 CHURCH WEBSITE: EBENEZER INSOR, PASTOR 249 Evergreen Ct. Burlington, WI 53105 Cell: 414-­‐559-­‐9939 NANCY KILPIN, MUSIC DIRECTOR The Sand Dollar
There’s a pretty little legend that I would like to tell
Of the birth and death of Jesus found in this lowly shell.
If you examine closely, you’ll see that you find here
Four nail holes and a fifth hole, made by a Roman’s spear.
On one side the Easter lily, its center is the star
That appeared unto the shepherds and led them from
The Christmas poinsettia etched on the other side
Reminds us of his birthday, our happy Christmastide.
Now break the center open, and here you will release
The five white doves awaiting to spread good will and
This simple little symbol, Christ left for you and me
To help us spread his Gospel, through all eternity.
—Author unknown
SAVE THESE DATES! COOKS NIGHT OUT 5:30 PM January 15 th February 19 th LOVE INC SUPPERS January 8th February 12th 5:00 PM SEWING WITH MYRT
1:00-3:00 PM
in JANUARY and
MEN’S GROUP 9:00 AM January 24 th DINNER and a MOVIE January 11th February 15 th WOMEN’S GROUP 1:00 th
February 11 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Reflections and Resolution
A new year is on the horizon! That comes with hope and expectation for a year full of promise with excitement that our dreams and wishes would be fulfilled. But what are those dreams and wishes? A good way to find out about them is to have some personal reflections on the year that just ended. Similar to such a review is the self-­‐ assessment, which we often encounter in our workplace as part of our annual evaluation. In such assessment we are often given questions to answer about our own job performance for the year. In other ways like college students, you take tests to determine how you faring in school. Often times given the circumstance, personal reflections become a challenge as it brings out the real truth. Just like standing in front of a mirror, we are able to see ourselves as we are. No matter how our thoughts maybe, we become humbled by such personal reflections. Humility as we can see grounds us to face the realities of life. In those evaluations we are often asked about our strength, weakness, our plans for improvement and continuing education etc. It is out of these that we come up with resolutions hoping to be fulfilled. As we once again make these personal reflections to come up with resolutions, prayerfully consider doing one for your discipleship. How was your faith journey in 2014? There may have been some good news as well as struggles and challenges along the way. As we begin the New Year, we are encouraged by God's promise of newness in our lives. Unlike our work place evaluations which sometimes does not go too well, our divine evaluations are full of assurance as affirmed in the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden. Maybe in the past year there were some heavy laden we carried on our own to no avail. We can look forward to the New Year by committing our ways to the Lord as our prime resolution, that he may direct our path with prosperity in 2015. Pastor Ebenezer
2 2 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Feb. 1 -­‐ Gail Koss 7 -­‐ Cheri Jorstad, Doug Short 13 -­‐ Gary Jorstad 14 -­‐ Deborah Fell 15 -­‐ Terry Murphy, John Vogt 16 – Zeffiniah Jones 17 -­‐ Delores Martin 18 -­‐ Gene Scharfenorth 21 -­‐ Adam Robers, Kya Kafer 22 -­‐ Ben Burling 23 -­‐ Kara Leffelman, Emma Klaves 25 -­‐ Sarah Schopp 27 -­‐ Dorothy Sizer FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Feb. 17 -­‐ Phil and Joyce Dreis 19 -­‐ Gene and Geri Scharfenorth JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Jan. 1 -­‐ Lyle Foulke, Charles Schopp Sarah Shanebrook 4 -­‐ Debbie French 5 -­‐ Gladys Sheard, Leslie Sheard 8 -­‐ Joann Kennedy 9 -­‐ Ethel Ranker 10 -­‐ Cindy Hill 17 -­‐ Tom Jung 18 -­‐ Rick Koceja 19 -­‐ Mark Johnson, SueAnn Pheneger 20 -­‐ Mary Dean Sikes, Angelica Werth 21 -­‐ Vicki Leffelman 27 -­‐ Nancy Koceja 30 – Kim Gebel 31 -­‐ Kim Howe JANUARY A NNIVERSARIES (None at this time) Prayers And Concerns Mary Dean Sikes Marilou Hensen Steve Werth Gene Reese Charlotte Dyson Hazel Paepke Gene Rummel Kelly Sizer Alex Williams Ray Hahn Kenny Achuff Tamara Howe Sue Pheneger Karen Jacks Carole Phillips *We thank the Barels Family for the generous gift of the new candle lighters that were given in memory of their brother, Darwin Hall, who passed away on June 14th. Please keep this family in your prayers during this holiday season. *Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Fran Watts and Stan Blum. May they find comfort to know that love lasts forever and one day they’ll be together again with God’s Grace. *Please check with Pat Hahn for prison ministries. Letters are so appreciated to those who are not able to enjoy freedom. Call 763-­‐0894, (Pat Hahn), if you know others who would like letters in jail or prison. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Each weekend in the church bulletin we list prayer concerns. For urgent prayer concerns contact the pastor or Deanna Barels at 763-­‐9713. Hospitalized? Please let Pastor Insor know. None of the area hospitals contact churches when their parishioners are in the hospital. If you, or someone else form the congregation is in the hospital, please give Pastor Insor a call so that he may stop in to visit with you at the hospital. Would you like a home visit? Please give Pastor Insor a call and setup a time for a visit. 3 3 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Tuesday mornings at 10:00-­‐11:30 AM We will be studying the book, Invitation to the New Testament. Bring your own Bible or we will have Bibles for you to use. Adult Sunday school will meet every Sunday from 10:30-­‐11:30 AM. We will be studying the book of “GRACE”. Sunday services will be held at 9:00, with Saturday informal services being held at 5:00
p.m. Music practice for anyone who would like to help provide leadership for the 5:00 service,
should arrive at 4:30 for a short rehearsal. Everyone is welcome!!!
Adult Choir Notes:
The Adult Choir will sing on January 4, 15, and 25th, and on February 1, l5, and 22nd. The choir
will continue to rehearse on every Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. prior to the Sunday service. This
seems to be working well, especially with possible bad weather coming during the winter
At this time, I would like to thank all of the Choir members for their attendance and great support
in offering special music for Sunday morning services. You have been very faithful, and I greatly
appreciate this as it adds something special to each service when we provide this special music!
Anyone who enjoys singing is invited to join us as we are a very informal group and have a good
time as we prepare the music offerings!
Sunday School Music Time:
The Christmas Music Program provided by the children of the church was very well received by
all attending. Let's try to keep on singing together during the coming New Year. It is a great time
of fellowship for our youth. Please watch for future notes on Sunday school times and future
opportunities to perform. I will meet with the young people in Miss Jill's classroom for a short
time of music and fun immediately following the Sunday morning services. Hope to see all of you
We have just celebrated the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ with joyful music and thankfulness.
Let us continue to sing our songs with Joyful Praise to Him! Keep the spirit of Christmas in your
hearts and lives all thru out the coming New Year! What a wonderful way to praise Him with your
voices as we sing all of the wonderful music provided for us in our Church Hymnals! 'LET US
(Hebrews 4:16)
Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy New Year!
4 4 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Church Ministries LOVE INC. MEAL “SOUL FOOD” Sundays th
January 8 February 12th at 5:00 JANUARY 4th FEBRUARY 1st If you would like to contribute to the January 8th or February 12th meals, you will find the list on the podium in church or below. Please call the church office (262-­‐763-­‐2288) with any questions. List of Needed Groceries: *3 pounds of browned lean beef (no seasonings) *2 large bags of frozen corn or 2-­‐64oz. of canned corn *2 large jars of applesauce or fruit *Jell-­‐O *Cookies or bars *5 One Pound Boxes Noodles *5 Cans Cream of Celery Soup The first Sunday of every month has been designated as “Soul Food” Sunday. Please bring in a nonperishable food or laundry item to help the needy in our community. May this experience “feed your soul” as well as help others in our hometown. Sewing Mission
Theodosia is a small community in Missouri with big needs. Char and Don Zubrod took our load
of stuffed animals, baby blankets and tote bags on their last visit to a very appreciative group of
people. The local churches, school, and police department were all able to distribute what they
took. They will be returning later this winter and are willing to take down more items. It is time to
get busy so we can refill their vehicle. I will be at church every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00
– 3:00 p.m., in January and February to work on projects. Please come as often as you are
able. As usual, if these times don’t work for you, please contact me and I will gladly arrange a
time that is more convenient; Maybe a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for our youth? I would like
this to be a church wide opportunity to support others. All supplies are provided. If you can cut
fabric, measure, use an iron, sew with a machine or by hand, or put fiberfill into a toy, I can put
you to work.
e-mail me at
Stewardship Reminder Church committees will be compiling stewardship information for 2015 in January. You received 2 forms to be filled out regarding your intentions for 2015. One is salmon colored and the other is blue. If you did not yet turn in these forms, please send them to the church office as soon as possible so we have complete information regarding all of our church members. As the Body of Christ, each one of us is essential in maintaining a healthy, well-­‐
functioning church. Thank You. 5 5 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Church Activities There will NOT be a meeting in January. On February 11th at 1:00 we will be making valentines for the shut-­‐ins and will start our book study about women in the Bible. JANUARY 24th at 9:00
The United Methodist Men's Club will
hold an exploratory meeting on Saturday,
January 24th to determine how much
interest remains among our men to have
a 2015 schedule. This meeting will be
held at the Pine Street Cafe at 9:00 AM. If
you wish to see the Men's Club continue
Dave and Gary need to know. Contact
one of us if you are interested but cannot
make the breakfast. We will enjoy a good
breakfast and discuss possible future
Happy to Report… Another Successful Gift and Cookie Walk in 2014 With Dec. 6th proceeds, donations and the continued sales through Christmas, we have exceeded all expectations making this year our best year ever! So “THANK YOU” to all you fabulous bakers and helpers for your contributions and hard work. Also much gratitude goes out to our customers year after year. Thanks be to God for faithfully blessing us with the provisions and talents it takes. Once again it proves that when our church family, community, and the hand of God comes together “all things are possible.” Thank You All and God Bless! In May, we know we can visit Milwaukee's
Coast Guard station and probably get a
boat ride in addition to the tour. The
summer will see us returning for a trip to
Road America. A bug eye Sprite and a
Porsche are certain to have a seat
available for a passenger.
If you have additional ideas please bring
them to the breakfast. Dave and Gary are
both interested in seeing our club
continue, are you?
For additional information see Gary or
Dave or email: to
get on our e-mail list.
Thanks to the “fabulous four” of Donna, Myrt, Lyann, and Judy that coordinated efforts of so many to make the Cookie Walk a success! 6 6 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Burlington United Methodist Church
Church Officers for 2015
Church Council:
Sally Stoflet
Ebenezer Insor
Co-Lay Leaders
Terri Woerpel, Don Zubrod
Recording Secretary
Lynn Gebel
Lay Member of Annual Conference
Ed Johnson
Alternate Lay Member
Terri Woerpel
Trustees Chair (elected by Trustees
Don Zubrod
Finance Committee Chair
Dick Ellingstad
Ed Johnson
Assistant Treasurer
Bill Campbell
Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair
Dave Woerpel
Worship & Spiritual Formation Chair
Maggie Insor
Education Chair
Melissa & Curry Caldwell
Missions & Social Concerns Chair
Pat Hahn
Small Groups and Open Circles
Molly Ellingstad
Nancy Kilpin
Committee on Nominations & Leadership Development:
2015: Karen Caliva, Jim Holland, Dick Vande Sande
2016:Ron Gebel, Gary Jorstad, Jane Henry
2017:Don Zubrod, Wendy Barnard, Janice Piper
Adult Ministries:
Ed & Barb Johnson, Pat Hahn, Nancy Kilpin, Cindy Roth,
Myrt Lovrine, Penny Werth, Donna Reeseman,
2015:Donna Reesman, Judy Vande Sande
2016: Leola Getka, Char Zubrod, Ellen Burling
2017: Blanch Molle, Deanna Barels, Gail Koss
Lay Leader: Terri Woerpel
Pastor: Ebenezer Insor
Worship & Spiritual Formation
Maggie Insor, Chair; Nancy Kilpin, Lyann Jung, Sue OttHolland, Penny Werth, Marge Albrecht, Ebenezer Insor
Dick Ellingstad, Liturgist coordinator
Deanna Barels, Prayer Team Coordinator
Gail Koss and Cindy Roth, Rise & Shine with Christ
Education & Nurture:
Melissa & Curry Caldwell, Chair, Jill Schaefer Pat Hahn,
Nancy Kilpin, Penny Werth, Pastor Ebenezer Insor
Judy Kerkhoff (Christmas Program),
Missions & Out Reach
Pat Hahn Chair; Barb Johnson, Molly Ellingstad, Ron &
Lynn Gebel, Penny Werth, Donna Reesman,
___________ (CROP Walk),
Staff-Parish Relations Committee:
2015:Janice Piper, Eric Burling, Judy Kerkhoff
2016:Lynn Gebel, Donna Reesman, Dave Woerpel – Chair
2017:Sandi Findlay, Mike Payne, Molly Ellingstad
ExOfficio: Ed Johnson
(Lay Member of Conference)
ExOfficio: Don Zubrod
(Lay Leader)
_____________ (Love, Inc. Supper),
Gail Koss (TLC Sunday Meal coordinator)
_________________ (Adopt A Highway)
Finance Committee:
Dick Ellingstad
Ebenezer Insor
Ed Johnson, Bill Campbell
Lay Member of Annual Conference
Ed Johnson
Church Council Chairperson
Sally Stoflet
Staff-Parish Relations Chairperson
Dave Woerpel
Volunteer Business Manager
Bob Albrecht
Lay Leaders:
Terri Woerpel, Don Zubrod
Financial Secretary
Lyann Jung
Counting Committee:
Marge Albrecht, Deanna Barels
Joann Kennedy, Dora Reese, Judy Vande Sande
Small Groups and Open Circles
Molly Ellingstad, Blood Pressure Screening
Judy Vande Sande, Cook’s Night Out (Pot-Luck)
Pat Hahn, Dinner and a Movie
Pat Hahn, Secret Sisters
Others Church Offices:
Communion Steward
Audit Committee
Church Historian
Caring Ministry
Newsletter Website
Scholarship Committee:
Eric Burling, Gail Koss, Dave Woerpel
Memorial Committee:
Leola Getka, Joann Kennedy, Gloria Oakwood
7 7 Lyann Jung
Doug Short
Leola Getka
Karen Caliva
Nancy Koceja
JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 8 8 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 9 9 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 10 10 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 11 11 January and February 2015 Coo k’s Nig ht Out
Jan uary 15 t h and
February 19th at
Cook’s Night Out will be Thursday,
January 15th and Thursday, February
19th. We will be eating at the church at
5:30 p.m. and everyone is invited. Table
service and beverages will be
Any questions contact
Judy Vande Sande at 763-6797.
Signs of Life
A NEWSLETTER FROM THE BURLINGTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 857 W. State Street Burliongton, Wisconsin 53105-­‐1776 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Remember your secret sister with your prayers, a card each month to let her know you are thinking about her, OR possibly a small gift on special occasions. The reveal will be on FEBRUARY 8th at 11:45 AM.