Armenia to keep its nuclear power
Armenia to keep its nuclear power
CC starts hearings on election violations p. 4 The Arzumanian case may be brought to European Court p. 4 Finca to expand crediting Sun Microsystems enters Armenia p. 9 p. 10 Noah’s Ark First disc of Anush Aleksanian’s songs released p. 11 #22 (677) 4 June 2007 Weekly Newspaper HIGHLIGHTS Published Since 1993 Price: 1000 drams HIGHLIGHT And again they will say “no” By David Petrosyan Keep in touch with your beloved ones and benefit from SMS roaming in more than 100 countries. Armenia to keep its nuclear power During the meeting of the nuclaer safety body Robert Kocharian said Armenia will seek building a new NPP See on this page Regular meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev will take place at the end of the first decade of June, at the unofficial summit of heads of CIS states in Saint Petersburg. Mediators from OSCE Minsk Group as usual make statements that this regular meeting can be successful and at last long-awaited breakthrough will happen in the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Meanwhile, we, like the prevailing majority of experts from both Armenian and Azerbaijani side, do not share this optimism. Indeed, we see no special reasons for signing some compromise document by Armenian President Robert Kocharian, as one of the most important elements of this package-stage-by-stage document is withdrawal (they even use the term “redislocation”) of the Armenian subdivisions from the part of regions of “security zone” under the jurisdiction of non-recognized Nagorno Karabakh Republic. We are not sure that within nine months before expiration of the continued on page 2 Armenia confirms its ambitions to preserve the nuclear energy capacity By Susanna Tonoyan On May 30 the Armenian president Robert Kocharian received Chairman of the Atomic Energy Security Council (AESC) under the RA President Adolf Birkhofer (Germany). According to a press release, the interlocutors discussed problems related to Armenia’s energy system. Particularly, they exchanged ideas about the work done after the previous sitting of the AESC under the RA president, furher operation of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant and construction of a new nuclear power plant. After their meeting the 9th regular sitting of the Council took place in the government session house. In his opening speech, the Armenian President Robert Kocharian noted that over the past two years the Armenian economy had continued to develop in a sustainable way and a two-digit economic growth had been registered. In his words, by their estimates, this growth will continue in the next five years. The President said that in the past two years, a number of reforms had been implemented in the higher educational system, as well as the judicial and social spheres. He said that serious programs had been implemented in the energy sector too. Particularly, the construction of the first section of IranArmenia gas pipeline was completed and construction of the second section was launched, the modernization of nine 220 kilowatt-capacity substations finished, and the program of small hydropower plants was underway. According to R. Kocharian, the program on construction of a new nuclear power plant in Armenia was justified from the economic view0point and from the viewpoint of energy security. In the next two months the RA ministry of energy would submit to the government the program on taking the operating nuclear power out of service. Besides, another program on radioactive waste disposal would be submitted this year. The President said that Armenia together with Rosenergaatom intended to carry out work in southern regions of Armenia soon with the aim of confirming the existence of uranicontinued on page 9 Politicians discuss the staff of the future government By Nare Gevorgian and Rita Karapetian Last week the Armenian politicians spoke about the possible staff of the future government as well as once more expressed their discontent about the results of the parliamentary elections. Below are the most interesting fragments. Aram Karapetian, Chairman of the Nor Zhamanakner (New Times) Party estimated that all political forces with the exception of the Republican Party of Armenia, were discontent with the results of May 12 elections. Declaring this at the May 30 meeting with journalists, A. Karapetian added that it was a different matter who of those discontent litigate the elections results at the Constitutional Court. According to the information of NZP Chairman, the Constitutional Court would examine jointly the applications submitted separately by NZP, Hanrapetutiun, Orinats Yerkir parties and Impeachment bloc. As A. Karapetian affirmed, in case of fair examination of the case the elections results would be invalidated. A. Karapetian added that NZP demanded opening packages of documents of 687 polling stations for studying contradictions in data of commissions’ protocols. He also promised to publicly show a sample of forged passport on the threshold of presidential elections. To recap, as the Impeachment representative affirmed, during the elections the authorities had organized a mass voting with 400 thousand forged passports. “The opposition’s participation in the president’s elections with a joint candidate is the authorities’ bait”, said Aram Karapetian. In his words, there is neither such a necessity nor such a possibility at present: “what meaning do the discussions about a joint candidate have if Chairman of the Azgayin Miabanutiun (National Unity) party Artashes Geghamian stated just from the beginning about his participation in the president’s elections?” According to forecast of the Nor Zhamanakner head, the president’s elections would be held by two stages, by the way, the opposing candidate entered the second stage who would be supported by other opposing forces, would naturally become a joint candidate. Instead of discussing problems of the opposition, in A. Karapetian’s words, it would be correct that the authorities think about having their own joint candidate and care if the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia) party would support candidature of RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsian. A. Karapetian reminded that he addressed to the Prosecutor’s Office for the aspersion published about him in the Hayots Ashkharh (Armenian World) newspaper. In one of its articles the newspaper continued on page 4 4 June #677 2007 2 BRIEF NEWS D uring the May 29 meeting of the RA Defence Minister Mikael Harutyunian and the Italian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Armenia Massimo Lavezzo Cassinelli, the necesitty for expanding the bilateral cooperation in the military sphere was underlined. According to a press release submitted to NT by spokesman for the RA Defence Ministry, the interlocutors addressed the issue of reforms being impelemented in the armed forces and in the country as a whole within the framework of the Individual Partnership Action Plan. The minister also attached importance to the role that Italy’s Institute for National Strategic Studies plays in bilateral relations and introduced MajorGeneral Hayk Kotanjian, director of the similar Armenian institute to the Italian ambassador, proposing that cooperation should start between the above mentioned institutions of the two countries. A rmenia and Cameroon signed a joint memorandum on establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. The document was signed on May 28 by Ambassadors of Armenia and Cameroon Armen Smbatian and Andre Ngongang Ouandji at the RA Embassy to the RF. As Noyan Tapan was informed by the Press and Information Department of the RA Foreign Ministry, after the ceremony of signing the document the sides attached importance to future development of bilateral relations, especially in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres. A rmenia was elected a member of the UN Commission for Social Development for the period of 2008-2012 at the May 24 session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York, NT was informed from the RA MFA press service. The UN Commission for Social Development was set up in 1966 by ECOSOC and aims to provide advice to this UN body on social issues of interest to member states. A working cycle of political and summary sessions has been worked out, which covers problems of poverty reduction, job creation, improvement of socio-economic conditions of elderly and disabled people and other socio-economic problems. Armenia’s membership of this commission will allow the country to take a more active part in discussions of the above mentioned problems. The regular 46th sitting of the UN Commission for Social Development will be held in New York on February 6-15, 2008, and will be dedicated to issues of full employment and dignified work. A t the May 31 working sitting RA Constitutional court decided to accept for examination all of three applications litigating RA National Assembly elections by majoritarian system. As Noyan Tapan was informed from CC Press Service, examination of application of candidate for deputy mandate from electoral district N 11, Heghine Bisharian will start on June 16, applications of Hovhannes Margarian from electoral district N 33 and Mushegh Saghatelian from electoral district N 36 will be examined on June 20 and 25, respectively. And again they will say “no” from page 1 term of his powers President R. Kocharian will agree to sign such a document, to put it mildly, unpopular in Armenia. Actions of OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, as well as countries of G8 (Great Eight) who again called the negotiating parties for signing a compromise document are rather dictated by quite a different logic connected with continuing to keep the Process under control. On the whole, the document made by OSCE Minsk Group Cochairs causes anxiety and criticism by many experts. Thus, in the opinion of renowned Russian diplomat V. Kazimirov, indeed the mediators have prepared only general outlines of settlement. He draws a special attention to the fact that the document made has no proper accent on stability of peaceful process and guarantee of non-resumption of operations. Whereas, in V. Kazimirov’s opinion, absolute refusal of conflicting parties to use force, make any attempts to resume operations should become the very first “unconditional condition.” And for the present, the Minsk Group Co-chairs and OSCE quite calmly react to: - i) militaristic and aggressive statements of conflicting parties, - ii) periodically recurring incidents on the contact-line of sides, - iii) raising of military budgets and arms race. We draw a special attention to the last point, which, by the way, is partly regulated within the framework of Agreement on Limitation of Conventional Armaments in Europe. At present Azerbaijan breaks this agreement, as it exceeds the quota established for it on a number of types of heavy armaments: tanks, armoured cars and artillery. Currently they speak about it not only in Yerevan, but also in NATO. While, Armenian diplomacy shows surprising passivity to Baku’s violating the conditions of the agreement, but in vain. As this agreement is one of the elements of ensuring regional security and security of Armenia itself. On the other hand, non-fulfilment of one of the most important international agreements by Azerbaijan casts doubt on its ability and willingness to fulfil other agreements, including the one on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict proposed by the mediators. On the other hand, the Co-chairs as if “forgot” that the Budapest summit of OSCE (December 5-6, 1994) charged them to hold negotiations among conflicting parties and not only between recognized states. As a result of this “oblivion” one of the conflict parties in fact has long been removed from the negotiations process, and a natural question emerges: how long the Minsk Group Co-chairs will be ignoring the decisions of Budapest summit of OSCE? The only agreement made among the conflicting parties: Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh under the aegis of OSCE officially came into force on February 6, 1995. The subject of the agreement is strengthening of cease-fire regime, the agreement determines the order of settlement of incidents on the contact-line. For this purpose the three parties exchanged reliable telephone numbers for direct contacts on the line of both political and military leadership. So, this only agreement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict made under the aegis of OSCE is not fulfilled. Servicemen die on the contactline of the sides and most of all these are young people. The official Baku refuses to fulfil this agreement, as the signature of Nagorno Karabakh is put there, which they do not recognize as a conflict party today (President Heydar Aliyev did not object to this at the Budapest summit). And this is in spite of the fact that, as Azerbaijani military expert Yashar Jafarli evaluates, 2800 Azerbaijani servicemen have died on the contact-line since the moment of signing the agreement On Cease-fire (May 12, 1994, Moscow). Servicemen die on the Armenian side, too. As early as in 2005 March Yerevan stated that it is ready to return to fulfilment of these commitments. In May 2006 Stepanakert appealed to Baku and Yerevan to do this. But, as it was mentioned above, the signed agreement is not fulfilled through the fault of Baku. The Co-chairs keep silence, as they have already made a “conces- Lebanon is not at war with Palestine, Lebanese Ambassador assures By Rita Karapetian Clashes of Lebanese army with Palestine assault detachments are not a war between Lebanon and Pelestine. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lebanon to Armenia Gabriel Geara stated this at the June 1 meeting with journalists. In Ambassador’s words, the army’s actions are aimed against the Fath al-Islam extremist grouping, which includes representatives of various countries. The latters secretly entered Lebanon and concentrated in Nahr al Barid Palestine camp. During May Fath al-Islam’s militants attacked positions of Lebanese army in Tripoli, as a result of which more then thirty Lebanese servicemen were killed. The organization is also responsible for a number of explosions in the country. In Gabriel Geara’s words, stating that the actions are aimed against Israel, the grouping indeed has the goal to damage country’s security and to undermine Lebanon. Mentioning that the grouping, in which Lebanese make 10%, does not receive any assistance inside the country, at the same time, he did not exclude that Fath al-Islam, which has financial resources and arms and ammunitions, is assisted from outside. As the Ambassador affirmed, the above mentioned clashes cannot be a basis for resumption of a civil war in the country. In Ambassador’s words, the authorities of Palestine and another groupings of that country condemned Fath al-Islam’s actions. The Arab League and the UN Security Council also made statements of the kind. Gabriel Geara said that the Lebanese government will continue assisting Palestine and the people of that country. He reminded that at present there are nearly 400 thousand Palestinians in 8 Palestine camps in Lebanon. Though these camps have autonomous status and the Lebanese army, according to the agreement, does not enter the camps, nevertheless, in Ambassador’s words, if the militants continue using the camps as a point of support, the army will have to break the agreement. The Lebanese government tries to take out peaceful population of Palestine from camps. The peaceful population is involuntarily used by militants. Answering journalists’ questions, the Ambassador said that the Turkish contingent functioning in the staff of peacekeepers located in Lebanon, against penetrating which country’s Armenian community protested, functions exclusively within the limits of the UN peacekeeping mandate. On the whole, in Gabriel Geara’s words, the Armenian population of Lebanon, which did not suffer during the civil war, continues to be far from places of clashes today and no danger threatens to it. In response to the question about Lebanon’s position in connection with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Ambassador said that this issue is not primary for his country’s foreign policy. In Gabriel Geara’s words, Lebanon together with Azerbaijan is a member of Arab League. As regards votings on that issue in UN, in Ambassador’s words, Lebanon has always shown a neutral position in this issue. Vladimir Karapetian: until NKR status is clarified, we do not speak about secondary issues “Until Nagorno Karabakh status is clarified, and without ensuring NKR people’s right of selfdetermination, full integration and providing of constant geographical contact between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, the Armenian side is not going to speak about secondary issues,” Vladimir 4 June #677 2007 POLITICS The Noyan Tapan Highlights Karapetian, Acting Spokesperson of RA Foreign Ministry, stated. In response to the question of PanArmenian Net news agency that according to some media, OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair Matthew Bryza touched upon the issue of returning territories adjacent to Nagorno Karabakh, V. Karapetian stated: “Armenia’s position in the issue of Nagorno Karabakh is obvious and irrespective of the fact who makes such statements and how they comment upon the process of negotiations, we can only reiterate what we have repeatedly presented.” sion” to Azerbaijan by refusing to fulfil decisions of OSCE Budapest summit on the format of negotiations participants. The first “concession” gave birth to the second one, on the Agreement of February 6, 1995. It comes that it is not important that people die, but it is important that the Co-chairs demonstrate to the world some Process of settlement, but whether it will result in peace - personally we have very strong doubts in this connection. Taking into consideration the above mentioned we come to conclusion that not only Presidents I. Aliyev and R. Kocharian (this is already as if a usual thing), but also mediators - OSCE Minsk Group Cochairs (we will remind that they represent U.S., Russia and France) are engaged in imitation of process of peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Therefore, we can suppose that they will again say usual “no” to the document made by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs at the regular meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents. Delegation of Lori region visits Ajaria On May 25-29, the delegation of Lori region visited the Autonomous Republic of Ajaria of Georgia for the purpose of signing an agreement on announcing Alaverdi and Kobuleti as sister cities. As Noyan Tapan was informed from RA Foreign Ministry Press Service, among the delegation members were: Deputy Governor of Lori Arsen Darbinian, Vanadzor Mayor Samvel Darbinian, Spitak Mayor Vanik Asatrian, Alaverdi Mayor Artur Nalbandian, as well as region’s cultural figures and businessmen. Ambassador of Armenia to Georgia Hrach Silvanian and other employees of the Embassy had also joined the delegation. On May 26, the members of the delegation took part in festive events in Batumi dedicated to Independence Day of Georgia. An exhibition of Vanadzor painters opened on May 27 in Batumi. The same day Armenian businessmen met with their Georgian partners at Batumi Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Ambassador Hrach Silvanian and members of the delegation met with Chairman of Ajarian government L. Varshalomidze on May 28 in Batumi. Then, in Kobuleti, Alaverdi Mayor A. Nalbandian and Chairman of Gamgebeli of Kobuleti T. Dzoidze signed an agreement on announcing Alaverdi and Kobuleti sister cities. Spitak Mayor and Chairman of Khelvachauri Gamgebeli B. Shavlidze discussed the possibility to announce the two cities as sister cities. A festive event organized by Union of Armenians of Ajaria dedicated to the Day of First Republic of Armenia and Georgia’s Independence took place the same day in the evening. REAL ESTATE The Noyan Tapan Highlights RA Prime Minister receives Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland On May 30, RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsian received the delegation led by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland Janus Kaczmarek. Noyan Tapan was informed about it from RA government Information and Public Relations Department. The Prime Minister stated with satisfaction that Armenian-Polish relations develop successfully within the framework of both bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation. He emphasized that European direction is one of priorities of foreign policy for Armenia and cooperation with EU gives wide possibilities to deepen dialogue with EU member-countries, too, to practically use the possibilities given by the European Neighbourhood policy. Serge Sargsian emphasized that Armenia considers Poland as one of its main partners and will strive for using Poland’s possibilities for the purpose of more closely integrating to European structures also expecting Poland’s active participation in the process of implementation of the Actions Plan. The Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration attaching importance to the role of Armenia in the South Caucasus in his speech, said that Poland supports process of Armenia’s European integration and expresses readiness to present Polish experience in a number of spheres and also to assist in case of its introduction. The Minister in detail presented the limits and functions of activity of the structure headed by him. During the meeting they attached importance to the proposal to set up a working group, which is to professionally study structural, function and other issues and with proposals of practical assistance and cooperation to present all this to the sides. Serge Sargsian asked to inform the Polish Prime Minister about this approach and to put it into practice after receiving approval by his counterpart. The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration also congratulated the Prime Minister on the occasion of successful holding of parliamentary elections, the evidence of which, in his words, is also various international monitoring missions. Oskanian meets a group of Party of European Socialists The Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian on May 30 received representatives of the Party of European Socialists, headed by Peter Schieder, Former President of the PACE, leader of the Party of European Socialists. According to the RA MFA press service, during the meeting, representatives of the party spoke about the progress made (according to international statistical data) by Armenia in recent years, as compared with other countries of the region. It was underlined that the May 12 parliamentary elections were more democratic in comparison with the previous one, and the interlocutors dioscussed Armenia’s political prospects in this connection. The sides also addressed the problems of the Armenian foreign policy - the process of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict, ArmenianTurkish relations, Armenia’s integration into European structures, the situation in the Middle East and the involvement of Armenia in the establishment of peace in the region. Vahakni Community 3 Tel.: 519993 519994 48 Mashtots Str., Yeravan,, For Rent Note: The other photos of the given apartments and houses you can find at our website Apartments a1.3]0933 Vardanants str. panel building, 10/6, 2 rooms changed into 3, 67sq/m, euro repaired, furnished, cold & hot water, heating water tank-400litres, gas, TV set, refrigerator, laundry washer, DVD Price: 500$ a3.2]0104 H. Kochar str. 10/4, 2 rooms, 70sq/m, euro repaired, permanent cold & hot water, heating water tank, gas, gas heat, TV set, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, DVD, elevator Price: 600$ a1.3] 0917 Manukyan str. 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Has 15 years of professional experience in this field For more information please call: 093034481 Emma Price: 2500$ a1.3]0926 Zakyan str. stone building, 6/5th +6th floors, 3 and more rooms, 340sq/m, euro repaired, balcony, furnished, 4 WCs, permanent cold & hot water, heating water tank-1 ton, gas, gas heat, 2 TV sets, satellite antenna, refrigerator, laundry washer, 4 air-conditioners, 2 fireplaces, telephone Price: 2800$ 4 June #677 2007 4 The Noyan Tapan Highlights Politicians discuss the staff of the future from page 1 called the Nor Zhamanakner head “a secret agent with whom the center keeps contact with the help of door duster.” A. Karapetian stated that article author, respondent Gagik Mkrtchian mentioned in the explanation given to the police that in Aghayan’s dictionary the word “agent” means “a clergyman managing spiritual affairs of a territory,” and with the expression “contact with the center” he meant “the contact with the much-suffered Armenian people.” G. Mkrtchian also insisted in his explanation that “A. Karapetian is today the manager of the spiritual affairs of the whole opposition.” Ruben Torosian, Chairman of Supreme Council Deputy Club NGO, taking part in the conference said that the NGO had provided all materials on violations during the elections to NZP. 9 out of 12 points of the application made up on their basis, as R. Torosian said, regarded violations committed in the preelection period. Spending more money than it was envisaged by the law by some parties during the election campaign was one of those violations (it was mentioned that only one of the concerts organized by RPA in Republic Square cost 1 mln USD). R. Torosian stated that seven parties should have not permitted to take part in the elections only due to the money spent by them on TV broadcasts. Vazgen Manukian, former RA MP, Chairman of the National Democratic Union, said at the May 30 press conference that the readiness of the Republican Party of Armenia having received more than 50% in the parliament to create a coalition government was explained by the upcoming presidential elections. In his words, Chairman of RPA Board Serge Sargsian “today offers ministers’ portfolios to everybody,” as the government being formed will be temporary. It is to resign its commissions after the 2008 February presidential elections. At the same time, in V. Manukian’s words, RPA will do its best to win the presidential elections by one round, as the second round is always more dangerous. And as the sum total of votes received by RPA in the parliamentary elections with the votes of Bargavach Hayastan, ARFD and ULP makes neearly 60% votes of voters, then holding the presidential elections in the same way S. Sargsian can win the very first tour. In V. Manukian’s words, S. Sargsian’s slyness is understandable, while naivety of political forces who are ready to take part in that game is not understandable. As NDU Chairman affirmed, if S. Sargsian was elected as President in 2008, unprecedented power belonging to one person would be established in Armenia, corruption and falsehood would continue. Besides, in his words, 4 June #677 2007 Aliyev and Saakashvili having received education corresponding to international standards cannot cooperate as equals with Sargsian having “studied at evening courses of philological faculty” and “those who will vote for Serge Sargsian will also vote for war.” Under such conditions, in V. Manukian’s words, unless the opposition has a single candidate, it cannot win the presidential elections. At the same time, he said that in the parliamentary elections a united bloc should be formed at the very start, while in the presidential elections a united candidate can be nominated during the elections, as this was in 1996. “Let this not seem insolence, but in the current situation I think I am the most suitable single candidate,” Vazgen Manukian stated. Armen Ashotian, member of RPA Board affirmed that special power shift would be possible in the country only in case of “solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem not favorable for Armenia.” As the latter said at the May 31 dispute with representative of Zharangutiun Party, Director of Center for National and International Studies Stepan Safarian, no other circumstance can result in removal of power at present. And in general, in A. Ashotian’s words, power is not an end in itself for RPA, establishment and development of publicpolitical consensus in the country is important for RPA. Speaking about possible political coalition, A. Ashotian said that for this purpose they should first of all find out whether the parliament has forces wishing to share responsibility of government with RPA. As he affirmed, currently neither Zharangutiun nor Orinats Yerkir opposition parties represented in the parliament were ready to share that responsibility. In response to the question, in what issues RPAZharangutiun cooperation would be possible, A. Ashotian added that if, for instance, Zharangutiun offered pro-state bills, RPA would vote for them without fail. “I hope Zharangutiun will become a constructive opposition,” A. Ashotian concluded. He said that the opposition did not offer any alternative except criticizing the activity of the authorities. Stepan Safarian, in his turn, said that the two parties entered the parliament with different programs and had essential contradictions. One of them, for instance, was that Zharangutiun considered the arrest of former RA Foreign Minister Alexander Arzumanian and others as political, it considered the latters as political prisoners, while RPA explained the fact of their arrest in a different way. And nevertheless, in S. Safarian’s words, the two political forces have some common principles and it will be wrong if, for instance, only for opposing Zharangutiun votes against raising salaries. POLITICS IFES and Transparency International present preliminary data on parliamentary elections By Kristine Vardanian and Susanna Petrosian Last week the International Foundation for Election Systems and the Transparency International-Armenia Center for Regional Development, which carried out monitoring missions at the May 12 parliamentary elections, presented their preliminary data of the observation. On May 30 a discussion was organized where the preliminary data of the observation of the parliamentary elections process in Armenia by the International Foundation for Election Systems were presented. As Kenesh Sainazarov, the Elections Coordinator of the IFES Armenian branch mentioned, 6 working groups were set up to study the process of the elections. They visited 62 polling stations of Yerevan and 5 marzes. Among the positive results fixed in those polling stations, he separated correct organization of the administration (70%), active participation of observers and proxies (78%), absence of the necessity of presence of the police (90%) as well as the low index of incorrectnesses of ballot-papers. As a negative phenomenon, K. Sainazarov mentioned existence of posters and other materials of the pre-electoral campaign fastened at 5 of the 62 polling stations, absence of possibility of secret vote (20%), vote of at the same time two voters at the vote cell (18%), fixing of abuses of the post by members of the territorial electoral commissions (22%) as well too small or too big territory given for the electoral process (20%). The goal of the program implemented by the IFES was also to estimate works of the district electoral commissions, correspondence of procedures with the RA Electoral Code as well as to present proposals for the next stage of trainings. In the preliminary report of monitoring of Transparency International-Armenia Center for Regional Development it was mentioned that “60 mln drams (nearly 171 thousand dollars) permitted for preelection agitation was surpassed by RPA and Bargavach Hayastan parties, so, respectively, these parties spent 79.1 mln and 129.6 mln drams.” At the May 31 press conference dedicated to presentation of monitoring results Center Head Amalia Kostanian said that another parties entering National Assembly spent: ARFD 50.7 mln drams, OYP 33.1 mln drams and Zharangutiun 24.0 mln drams, much less money was spent by another parties not having entered the National Assembly. In A. Kostanian’s words, the organization registered many violations not only on the day of elections, but also at the preelection stage. Abuse of administrative, transport resource, campaign violations, etc. took place in the pre- Amalia Kostanian election period. She attached a special importance to the circumstance that an atmosphere of fear was formed on the day of elections. In particular, the organization received signals that many people had been instructed for whom to vote. Many signals were received during the monitoring about bribes given to voters. However, in Kostanian’s words, as the eye-witnesses were afraid to give evidence, it was impossible to officially register and calculate such “expenditures” of parties. To recap, Transparency International-Armenia Center for Regional Development has been implementing monitoring of financing parties’ pre-election campaign and abuse of administrative resource at parliamentary elections since 2006 November in cities of Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor. The program is financed by Soros Institute of Open Society. CC Chairman calls demanding side present evidence warranting recalculation By Sona Mashurian On June 1, representative of Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law) Party Hovhannes Margarian at the Constitutional Court demanded invalidating RA CEC’s May 19 decision On Electing RA NA Deputies by Proportional System and carrying out recalculation of voting at polling stations of a number of electoral districts. The party representative is convinced that the party could have more representatives in the parliament than it was recognized by CEC’s decision. In OYP representative’s words, many violations were committed when filling in registers. In his words, the initial data of voting results were not registered, protocols lack notes about actions carried out during the sitting on summing up the results of voting, when giving in documents of a number of polling stations to CEC sacks for one-time use were opened, electoral rolls were not in those sacks in the established order, in many cases calculation of inaccuracies was done wrongly or was not done at all. H. Margarian referring to the report of Choice is Yours organization, mentioned, in particular, the facts of stuffing ballot-boxes at polling stations of electoral district N 11. RA CC Chairman Gagik Haroutiunian explained to the claimant representative that the latter should introduce facts to motivate the necessity of making recalculation. In response to CEC Chairman Garegin Azarian’s question, if so many violations were committed, why party representatives who were commission members did not attach special opinions to protocols of voting results, H. Margarian said that such opinions were presented, but the data were changed. But the representative of the claimant party did not respond to G. Haroutiunian’s proposal to introduce the initial variants of changed protocols to the court, if they have been kept. Arzumanian’s defender to apply to European court of human rights By Sona Mashurian Making of application on the fact of violation of fundamental freedoms and rights of former RA Foreign Minister Alexander Arzumanian is underway at present. A. Arzumanian’s defender, lawyer Hovik Arsenian said this in his May 31 interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent. In his words, the application was based on the fact that they arrested A. Arzumanian and only after it they try to motivate the accusation brought to him. H. Arsenian expressed bewilderment that “we try to prove our innocence without giving testimony.” For that purpose the defence party presented petitions to National Security Service carrying out preliminary investigation of the case instituted with accusation of money laundering. The petitions relate to conducting separate investigation actions, which in case of being sustained, as the defender affirmed, will reveal the objective truth. SENSUAL MASSAGE YOU ARE NOT IMMORTAL CALL TODAY MOB. PHONE (091) 46 43 20 REAL ESTATE The Noyan Tapan Highlights 564631 YOUR DEAL IS OUR DEAL FOR SALE 1 room MR E A L T Y 202. Kievian str, 5/2, stone building, 37 sq.m, new capital Eurostandard repair, Spanish tile, running hot/cold water, natural gas, 18.5 million drams 465. Pushkin str, 5/2, 41 sq.m, 1 room built into 2, Eurostandard repair, natural gas, running water, 31.5 million drams 430. Tumanian str, 3/3, 44 sq.m, capital Eurostandard repair, balcony, natural gas, running water, price negotiable 473. Sarian str, 5/1, needs repair, Czech tile, running water, 26 million drams 460. Heratsi str, 6/3, 50 sq.m, stone building, elevator, needs cosmetic repair, BAXI system, tiled, running water, 22 million drams . 2-rooms 1094. Terian str, 5/1, 80 sq.m, repaired, tiled, concrete cover, 80 million drams 1129. Cascade, Tamanian str, 4/3, 70 sq.m, capital repair, open balcony, sight of Tamanian monument, price negotiable 1108. Sayat Nova str, 9/3, elevator, 68 sq.m, 2 rooms built into 3, repaired, Spanish tile, 3 water tanks, built-in closets, 30 sq.m. living room, 50 million drams 1093. Tumanian str, 4/2, stone building, 78 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, running water, air conditioner, natural gas, 55 million drams 3 rooms 1955. Baghramian Ave., 6/2, individual project, 90 sq.m, stone building, elevator, old capital repair, clean, 2 open balconies, Czech tile, gas, 60 million drams 1953. Tumanian str, 7/7, 105 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, stone building, elevator, 3 air conditioners, gas, BAXI system, 78 million drams 1902. Mashtots Ave., 5/5, 92 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, not settled, Stalin era building, h-3.20, running hot/cold water, gas possibility, open balcony, kitchen furniture, 42 million drams 1679. Sayat Nova Ave., 5/5, 2 rooms built into 3 rooms, 71 sq.m, h-2.80, old repair, metal garage, privatized, basement 6 sq.m, 52 million drams 1892. Demirchian str, 9/9, 90 sq.m, old capital repair, new parquetry, 2 lavatories, air conditioner, Spanish tile, water tank, household balcony, running hot/cold water, 42 million drams 4 rooms 1915. Tumanian str, 4/4+5, 200 sq.m, new repair, 3 lavatories, 4 bedrooms, 2 halls, 1 dining room, the 5th floor is privatized, the floors are joined with plane-wood stairs, price negotiable 362. Sayat Nova str, 7/2, 196 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, h-3, 2 lavatories, 3 bedrooms, Spanish tile, gas, $270.000 1670. Khanjian str, 3/3, 4, 5, 330 sq.m, 3 bedrooms, 4 lavatories, excellent repair, Spanish tile, air conditioner, furnished, household units, running hot/cold water, heated floors, open balcony, price negotiable 1906. Charents str, newly built building, 7/6,7, 242.5 sq.m, capital Eurostandard repair, Spanish tile, oak parquetry, built-in closets, price negotiable 1774. Cascade, 5/5+6, stone building, 205 sq.m, old repair, 1 entrance, 2 household balconies, sight of the cat's sculpture, household balcony, 1sq.m.- 800 thousand drams PREMISES 1191. Abovian Tumanian crossroad, 2 storeyed, needs repair, basement - 97 sq.m, 1st floor- 100 sq.m, partial sale is possible, 1 sq.m- negotiable 1212. Khorenatsi str, 240 sq.m, 5/1, stained-glass window- 17m, is suitable for a shop, restaurant, price negotiable 1214. Kievian str, 150 sq.m, working hairdressing saloon, entrance from the street, capital repair, 2 storeyed, basement+1 floor, 1st floor-110 sq.m, 2nd floor - 40 sq.m, price negotiable 896. 37 Mashtots Ave., near Opera house, 81 sq.m, 2 halls for 38 persons, stainedglass window-1.40m, kitchen - 15 sq.m, furnished, 4 upward steps, has open stained-glass windows for a shop, price negotiable 1168. Vardanants str, 125 sq.m, good condition, stained-glass window- 6m, entrance zero, 2 halls, cabinet, lavatory, price negotiable 1129. Khanjian str, 5/1, 90 sq.m, 2 halls, 2 cabinets, lavatory, good repair, entrance from the street, suitable for hairdressing saloon, shop, office, price negotiable LANDS 1039. On the lakeside of Sevan, Shorzha, 10 thousand sq.m, privatized, 50m far from the lakeside, 1 sq.m-7 thousand drams 635. Cascade, 2 plots of land, 1100+911 sq.m, 1 sq.m-150 thousand drams 518. Balahovit, near Abovian highway, land - 1.62 hectares, building - 565 sq.m, privatized, enclosed, the building has 2 entrances, 1 sq.m-4.500 drams 446. Canadian district, private area adjacent to Monument, empty, 2000 sq.m, 1 sq.m-$160 (1sq.m -73.600 drams) 571. Blur, on the side-walk, 1st land plot30m, 3500sq.m, (1 sq.m-$100), 2nd land plot-18m, 1200 sq.m, (1sq.m-$250) 824. Tsarav Aghbyur 1500 sq.m, privatized, empty, enclosed, 1 sq.m-50.000 drams PRIVATE HOUSES 1334. Cascade, land plot 3000 sq.m, building 1350 sq.m, Ani tuffa, new major repair, plastered, Eurowindows, swimming pool, price negotiable 1561. Monument, land plot 800 sq.m, building15*16 sq.m, garage for 4 cars, cellar, 5 bedrooms, 3 lavatories, swimming pool, sauna, price negotiable 1333. Blur, land plot 800 sq.m, 2 storeyed building 650 sq.m, basement 320 sq.m, faced with white felsite, fenced, swimming pool, facing gorge, 3 bedrooms, 4 lavatories, Spanish tile, garage for 2 cars, price negotiable 1888. Monument, land 500 sq.m, 2 newly built and repaired building, privatized, greenery garden, swimming pool, price negotiable 1534. Sundukian str, land - 450 sq.m, fenced, 1st floor - dining room, kitchen, lavatory, 2nd floor - 4 bedrooms, 3 lavatories, 3rd floor-1 room, 1 lavatory, 220 million drams FOR RENT 1 room 651. Sayat Nova str, 12/8, 50 sq.m, 1 room built into 2 rooms, Eurostandard repair, built-in closets, air conditioner, furniture, household items, automatic washing machine, 200 thousand drams per month 647. Cascade, Tamanian str, 5/2, Eurostandard repair, new furniture, household items, only long term, 230 thousand drams per month 522. Mashtots Ave., near Opera, 5/2, 34 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, running hot/cold water, gas, air conditioner, telephone, fridge, automatic washing machine, 180 thousand drams per month, 20 thousand drams per day 62. Tumanian str, normal condition, tiled, furnished, new household items, 220 thousand drams per month, 18 thousand drams per day 598. Kentron, Khorenatsi str, 4/4, stone building, 1 room built into 2 rooms, Eurostandard repair, Spanish tile, running hot/cold water, furniture, household items, 150 thousand drams per month, 18.000 drams per day 602. Abovian str, 1 room built into 2 rooms, 5/4, Eurostandard repair, furniture, air conditioner, automatic washing machine, BAXI, running hot/cold water, 160 thousand drams 2 rooms 1073. Sayat Nova Ave., 12/6, Eurostandard repair, air conditioner, running hot/cold water, heated floor, 17 thou- 5 562181 12 G. Lusavorich str,, www.mrealty. sand drams per day 1056. Mashtots Ave., near "SAS" supermarket, 4/4, 70 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, running hot/cold water, furniture, household items, 330 thousand drams per month, 25 thousand drams per day 1054. Tumanian str, 5/4, 83 sq.m, elite apartment in a newly built building, Eurostandard repair, kitchen and bedroom furniture, 400 thousand drams 1049. Pushkin str, 8/8, elevator, 77 sq.m, capital repair, new furniture, household items, individual heating, 480 thousand drams per month 994. Amirian str, 4/3, 66 sq.m, new repair, Spanish tile, jacuzzi, shower cabin, running hot/cold water, furniture, household items, 550 thousand drams 3 rooms 1334. Parpetsi str, near Opera, 4/2, 170 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, bar, 2 bedrooms, 700 thousand drams per month 1323. Tumanian str, 7/7, elevator, 105 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, stone building, 3 air conditioners, gas, BAXI, 600 thousand drams per month 919. Bayron str, an elite apartment in a newly built building, 9/4, 160 sq.m, 3 bedrooms, 2 lavatories, living room, jacuzzi, running hot/cold water, garage for 2 cars, gymnasium, not settled, 3000 Euros per month 1314. Parpetsi str, 3/2+3, 220 sq.m, 6 rooms, Eurostandard repair, 4 bedrooms, each room has its lavatory, running water, 1.2 million drams per month, 60 thousand drams per day 1134. Pushkin Terian crossroad, 6/4, elevator, newly built, new capital repair, entrance by code, air conditioner, excellent furnished, 675 thousand drams 1237. Tumanian str, 5/4, 101 sq.m, capital repair, furnished, household items, running hot/cold water, 600 thousand drams PRIVATE HOUSES 852. Aygedzor str, 2 storeyed building, 2 bedrooms, tiled lavatory, furniture, household items, $2500 778. Vahagni community, 2 storeyed stone building 144m, newly repaired, nonsettled, kitchen, furniture, tiled, 3 bedrooms, 3 lavatories, central heating, 700 thousand drams 815. Yerznkian str, Komitas, land plot 800, 3 storeyed, excellent repair, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms, 3 lavatories, running hot/cold water, BAXI, furniture, household items, 3.7 million drams 787. Blur, 1 storeyed, 2 entrances, 2 bedrooms, private heating, non-settled, Eurostandard repair, 1 million drams 719. Nork Marash, land plot - 300 sq.m, 4-storeyed, newly built stone building, 1st floor - garage, basement, 2nd floor - 140 sq.m, 3rd floor - 160 sq.m, 4th floor - laundry. It has also swimming pool, fire place, 2 air conditioners, running hot/cold water, Italian tile and is furnished, 800 thousand drams 674. Antarayin, newly built, 4-storeyed, 320 sq.m. living area, Eurostandard repair, 4 bedrooms, 6 lavatories, shower cabin, Spanish tile, heating system, furnished, 1.8 million drams 800. Antarayin str, Eurostandard repair, 2-storeyed building, has cellar, 1st house 2 bedrooms, 1 lavatory, cellar, garden, 2nd house - 3 bedrooms, 2 lavatories, Eurostandard repair, beautiful view, 700 thousand drams PRIVATE HOUSE FOR RENT 815. Komitas avenue, Yerznkian street, land 800 sq.m., 3 storied stone building, excellent repair, pool, 4 bedrooms, 3lavatories, permanent hot and cold water, Baxi, furniture, technical equipment. Monthly payment negotiable 855. Newly built private house for rent in G1 district. Price: 1million drams. 3 storied building, euro repair, 2 bedrooms, 2 lavatories, air conditioner, new furniture, technical equipments. 856. Private house for rent near Vahagny district. Price 1.2 million drams. 2 storied building, 4 bedrooms, 3 lavatories, euor repair, furniture, technical equipments, garden of 500 sq.m. OFFICE TERRITORY 948. Amirian str, 2storeyed - 210 sq.m, newly built, 1st floor -58 sq.m, 2nd floor 151 sq.m, 2 lavatories, 1 sq.m-$15 1127. Vardanants str, 1 storeyed, 3 steps downward, suitable for office, 220 sq.m, 1.2 million drams 1255. Moskovian str, 6/2, office territory, 5 rooms, director's office, telephone, Internet, 107 sq.m, Eurostandard repair, code, running hot/cold water, sight of the monument of Sarian, garage for 1 car, 500 thousand drams 1141. Mashtots Ave., near "SAS" supermarket, semi-basement 5-6 downward steps, restaurant, 200 sq.m, price per month is negotiable 8 storied newly build building in the avenue Hyusisayin Started from 92 sq.m., will be put in operation at the end of 2008, the price for 1sq.m. is started from 520 000 AMD. 4 June #677 2007 6 The Noyan Tapan Highlights “ARME’NIE MON AMIE” The year of Armenia having intimate symbol The Year of Armenia in France has a sonorous and multi-coloured palette. The impulses of the events dedicated to the Armenian art, history, cinema are seen from the shop windows, cafe doors, walls of buildings and from the symbol “Armenia, my friend” depicted on the buses of Paris. The issues of identity and memory are very important for the Armenians living in more than 70 countries of the world. It is by right to say that wherever the Armenians are they try to build a small Armenia around them and to infect their neighbors with the desire to be proud of Armenia. The Armenians with the same sincerity wish to share the tragedy and happiness with the world. In France, where there is a large Armenian diaspora which is well integrated with the French life, you will hardly find a Frenchman who has heard, seen or read nothing about the Armenians. In France the number of squares and streets which are named after the famous Armenians and remind of Armenia is more than a hundred. This year 8 new squares and monuments proving the presence of Armenians were opened. A monument of the victims of the Genocide, which was depicting the mountain Ararat, was opened in one of the suburbs of Paris, in the city of Meudon-LaForet. It had a very symbolic writing: “In the memory of all the Armenians who perished in the years of the Genocide and of the Armenian heroes who lied down their lives for the liberation of France”. Here the important is that the Armenians and the Frenchmen together also experienced the same historical events. The author of the monument is a young Armenian Izabel Dziamdzian, who has never been in Armenia and does not speak Armenian, but tries to use the symbol of friendship of the Yerevan Arabkir community in her mosaic works. On April 28, prior to the opening of the square, Philippe Pemezec, the mayor of the Plessis Robinson and Hovhannes Shahinian, the Head of the Arabkir community laid wreaths near the statue of Zoravar Andranik which is placed in the city. On that day, when the campaign of the second stage of the presidential elections was proceeding in France, a wreath was also laid near the Armenian Zoravar on behalf of Nicolas Sarkozy. The opening ceremony of the square ended with a big concert of the Armenian singers, in which Armenians and Frenchmen not only of Plesi Robinson but also of other cities of France participated. RA Ambassador to France E. Nalbandian mentioned that more events dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Genocide were held in France than in Armenia. By organizing the Year of Armenia in France in 2007, Armenia created a new context and established new relations between Armenia and the world. Different legends, materials, things and images began to speak with each other anew. And the theme and the designing models of that conversation are inexhaustible. The main thing is the initial idea which was very expensive and impressive and which established new ways for presenting the country. This material was provided by the Arabkir community of Yerevan DIASPORA Final Push to Get Congress to Adopt Armenian Genocide Resolutions By Harut Sassounian Publisher, The California Courier The two Armenian Genocide resolutions currently pending in the House and Senate should have been adopted without much controversy. Such commemorative congressional resolutions, which do not have the force of law, are routinely approved without any debate or even discussion. Armenians can thank the Turkish government for turning these legally inconsequential resolutions into international headlines. It is ironic that Ankara has unintentionally succeeded in according these bills such notoriety. Even those in the farthest corners of the earth, who may have been unaware that genocide had been committed against Armenians by Ottoman Turks, are now well-informed of these mass killings due to Turkey’s hysterical denialist efforts. Here is a list of some of Turkey’s unwitting efforts to publicize globally the Armenian Genocide and undermine Turkish interests: - Paying millions of dollars to powerful American lobbying firms to block these Armenian Genocide resolutions. Result: All members of Congress, the Bush administration, the media and the public at large are well-informed about the Armenian Genocide; - Dispatching waves of highranking Turkish officials and parliamentarians to Washington to lobby the Congress, the State Department, Jewish American organizations and the media. Result: These entities now realize how desperate Turkey is to cover up the Armenian Genocide; - Issuing ultimatums and threats to the Bush administration and leaders of countries who have recognized the Armenian Genocide. Result: Rapidly diminishing number of people in the world is favorably inclined toward Turkey. Despite Turkish threats to disrupt economic relations, U.S-Turkish trade has increased by a whopping 957%, since Pres. Reagan signed a Proclamation in 1981 mentioning the Armenian Genocide. Turkey’s trade also increased dramatically with a dozen other countries despite their recognition of the Armenian Genocide; - Making desperate pleas seeking to defeat these resolutions. Result: American and Israeli officials see a golden opportunity to blackmail Turkey and demand major concessions in return. Notably, Pres. Turgut Ozal back in 1991 wisely considered recognizing the Armenian Genocide in order to eliminate the genocide card from being used against Turkey. To be sure, the ArmenianAmerican community does not need to press for the passage of Armenian Genocide resolutions year after year. Such resolutions have already been adopted twice by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1975 and 1984. Similarly, Armenian-Americans do not need another U.S. President to say what was proclaimed by Pres. Reagan over 25 years ago. However, it may be worthwhile to hold these resolutions as a Democlean sword over the heads of paranoid Turkish officials. Threatening to bring these resolutions to a vote forces the Turkish government: - To waste its limited resources on lobbying against these commemorative bills; - To place itself in the awkward and embarrassing position of constantly proclaiming that the Ottoman Turks did not commit genocide; - To have a on-going contentious relationship with successive U.S. administrations; - To beg for help in blocking these resolutions thus subjecting itself to indignity and all sorts of reciprocal demands and blackmail. The current resolution in the House has 196 cosponsors. Another 22 cosponsors are needed to reach the magic number of 218 – one more than the necessary 50% of the votes in the House to guarantee passage. A major push should be made by Armenian Americans with Republican connections. Even though the genocide resolution enjoys bipartisan support, there are more than twice as many Democrats as Republican House members who have cosponsored it. Getting 218 cosponsors also strengthens the hand of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is under tremendous pressure from the Bush administration not to schedule the resolution for a vote under the false pretext that it would damage U.S. relations with Turkey. Once Pelosi sees that there are 218 cosponsors from both parties, she can easily maintain that the majority of the House is demanding action on this bill and she has no right to block it. The same is true in the Senate. Currently 31 Senators have cosponsored the Armenian Genocide resolution. Twenty more Senators are needed to reach the majority of 51 Senators. Once again, Armenian Americans with Republican connections should contact Republican Senators to make sure that the bill has bipartisan support. This would also make it easier for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), a cosponsor of the bill, to push the resolution for consideration in the Senate. Last week, the Congressional Hellenic Caucus, consisting of 127 House members of both parties, circulated a letter urging all members of Congress to support the Armenian Genocide resolution. While many in the Hellenic Caucus are also members of the Caucus on Armenian Issues, this letter would certainly boost the number of cosponsors of the resolution in the House. Once 218 House members cosponsor this bill, the Armenian American community can then shift its focus to the Senate, where a much harder push is needed to secure the required 20 additional votes. Patriarch Mutafian: 1.5 mln Armenians died in deserts Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, Archbishop Mesrop Mutafian met with members of delegation of U.S. Congress working group for affairs of Turkey. According to Milliyet, the participants of the meeting spoke about the draft resolution on Armenian Genocide in Congress, murders of editor-in-cheif of Agos newspaper Hrant Dink, Catholic clergyman Santoro in Trapison, as well as cruel murders committed lately in Malatia. Speaking about the draft resolu- tion N 106 on Armenian Genocide in Congress and the events that happened in 1915, Mesrop Mutafian stated: “From point of view of Turkey-Armenia bilateral relations, as well as current relations between Armenians of Turkey and Turkish people we do not treat positively the resolution on Armenian Genocide submitted to U.S. Congress. We cannot exclude the painful events, which happened during the history. The history will never forgive the policy of Unity and Progress (Ittihat ve Terrakki) Party, which was shown not only to Armenian groups making armed attacks on the state, but also to all citizens of Armenia.” The Patriarch also said that 1.5 million Armenians died in the deserts of Syria. While, only 70 thousand Armenians have remained in Turkey at present. “We should not also forget our Armenian citizens who became Muslims for avoiding deportation,” the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople stated. Results of competition on History of Armenia summed up in Akhalkalak Summing up of the results of the 2007 awarding on History of Armenia subject organized by the Armenian Relief Union and Akunk newspaper took place on May 28 in the conference hall of the Akhalkalak Mayor’s Office. Chairman of the Akhalkalak Regional Sakrebulo Khachik Ayvazian, manager Artur Yeremian, Resources Center Director Nartsis Karapetian participated in summing up of the results. The latter stated in 4 June #677 2007 her speech that the Georgian law on education envisages teaching of any sibject at secondary schools (including the History of Armenia as well), if a decision is made on it by the Board of Trustees or pedagogical staff. As A-Info states, the organization committee of the awarding defined monetary prizes for the first, second and third places for 10-11grade pupils. Four pupils got the first prize, 5 ones got the second prize and seven pupils got the third prize. 6 from 7-9-grade students got the second prize, seven ones got the third prize and other seven were given encouriging prizes. Teachers of the Poka, Kartikam and Azavret schools, teaching the History of Armenian subject also got monetary prizes. 34 pupils participating at the final stage were given diplomas. CMYK The Noyan Tapan Highlights 7 Attention New edition of the Atlas: Armenia and adjacent countries FIND YOUR ROAD IN ARMENIA AND ADJUCENT COUNTRIES! You can acquire the Atlas from the bookstores of Yerevan or from the Noyan Tapan printing house Address: Yerevan, 28 Isahakian street, Tel.: +37410 56-59-65, E-mail: NO FRENCH IS ALONE ABROAD Become members of the Union of French OF ARMENIA! Numerous benefits - advice, health insurance - discount air tickets - hotels $40 annual membership fee in 2007 BP 7 YEREVAN 0010 Email: Phone: 091 512606 - 093 630621 OF FRANCE ARMENIANS! FRIENDS JOIN THE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS of the Union of French Abroad Membership fee is $40 a year BP 7 YEREVAN 0010 Email: Phone: 091 512606 - 093 630621 Office Space (208 sqm) is available for rent in Nord Business Center on Hyusisayin (Northern) Avenue & Tumanyan street. Prime location, centralized heating and air-conditioning. Direct rent by the owner. Long and short term rent. No agent fees. For more information please call (091) 420286 "Ani-Tour" Travel Agency organizes 7-10-day tours to Historical Armenia For more information you may call 52-78-37 or (091) 203-206, write us by or visit us in Yerevan, 5 Nalbandian street, 2nd floor Don't miss this exclusive opportunity and realize your years dream. "Siranuysh Yeghiazaryan" Diplomatic School An exclusive school in the region Siranuysh Yeghiazaryan diplomatic school is officially registered and licensed secondary school in Armenia with all subjects of comprehensive schools and additional subjects and services, which makes this school unique and exclusive in whole South Caucasian region. The school consists of presecondary and secondary schools. Besides, the school has opened its own kindergarden with all neccesary facilities. The additional subjects taught at the school are the following: " International law " Economics " Diplomacy " Political science " Computer skills " Chess, Logics " Rhetorical art " Sexual education " Oriental martial arts " Dance, Music " Art and painting " Ethics " Origami The school has a psychological service aims to raize the efficiency of the whole educational process in the school. The pupil in the school is considered as a unique individuality. The school provides its pupils with the high-quality food and transport. Completeness of classes is up to 7 pupils. Pupils attend the school 5 times per. Each lesson lasts for 35 minutes at the secondary school. Pupils wear uniforms offered by the School. At present, the School cooperate with "Hovnanyan International" Ltd, "Noyan Tapan" Information-Analytical Center, representatives of diplomatic corps, Russian Embassy to Armenia, as well as the chair "International Economics" of Yerevan State University, famous culture representatives. Children arriving from foreign countries with parents on temporary business or mission in Armenia are welcomed. The educational program will be adjusted to their home country requirements and relevant certificates will be provided after the completion of each program. Hence even temporary attendance will be vacant and appropriate documents provided to children in order to continue education in their home countries after repatriation. The Language Centre functioning in the same school offers also the following language courses: - English and French (for Armenians) - Armenian and Russian for foreigners (no age limitation) Vahakni Community, 50 G.Chaush Str., house# 3/1, Tel: 398104 4 June #677 2007 8 CMYK The Noyan Tapan Highlights ARCS opens exhibition Together for Humanism Marriott International celebrates its 80th anniversary With a Root beer stand in Washington Marriott started in the hospitality business in 1927. The first Marriott Hotel, the Twin Bridges Marriott opened 1957 in Washington. Today Marriott has more than 2800 hotels offering a wide selection of brands. The anniversary will be celebrated with special offers and shall thank the guests and recognizes the associate for the support and success demonstrated over the last 80 years. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. (NYSE:MAR) is a leading worldwide hospitality company with nearly 2,800 operating units in the United States and 68 other countries and territories. Marriott International operates and franchises hotels under the Marriott, JW Marriott, The RitzCarlton, Renaissance, Residence Inn, Courtyard, TownePlace Suites. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL-Á ïáÝáõÙ ¿ Çñ 80-ñ¹ ï³ñ»¹³ñÓÁ àõݻݳÉáí Áݹ³Ù»ÝÁ ÇÝÁ ï»Õ³Ýáó ·³ñ»çñ³ïáõÝ Ø³ñÇáÃÁ 1927Ã-Çó ëÏë»ó Çñ ÑÛáõñ³Ýáó³ÛÇÝ µÇ½Ý»ëÁ: ²é³çÇÝ Ø³ñÇáà ÑÛáõñ³ÝáóÁ` Twin Bridges سñÇáÃÁ, µ³óí»É ¿ 1957Ã-ÇÝ ì³ßÇÝ·ïáÝáõÙ: ²Ûëûñ سñÇáÃÁ áõÝÇ ³í»ÉÇ ù³Ý 2800 ÑÛáõñ³ÝáóÝ»ñÇ ó³Ýó` µñ»Ý¹»ñÇ É³ÛÝ ÁÝïñáõÃÛ³Ý ³é³ç³ñÏáí: î³ñ»¹³ñÓÇ Ï³å³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ سñÇáÃÁ ÏÏÇñ³éÇ Ñ³ïáõÏ ³é³ç³ñÏÝ»ñ` ßÝáñѳϳÉáõÃÛáõÝ Ñ³ÛïÝ»Éáí ÑÛáõñ»ñÇÝ ¨ ³ß˳ïáÕÝ»ñÇÝ 80 ï³ñÇÝ»ñÇ ÁÝóóùáõÙ óáõó³µ»ñ³Í ûųݹ³ÏáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ѳçáÕáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ: MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. (NYSE:MAR) ³é³ç³ï³ñ ѳٳß˳ñѳÛÇÝ ÑÛáõñ³Ýáó³ÛÇÝ Ï³½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÛáõÝ ¿ 2,800 ·áñÍáÕ ÙdzíáñÝ»ñáí ²ØÜ -áõÙ »õ 68 ³ÛÉ »ñÏñÝ»ñáõÙ ¨ ï³ñ³ÍùÝ»ñáõÙ: Marriott International-Á ջϳí³ñáõÙ ¿ ¨ ýñ»Ýã³Û½ÇÝ·áí ³ß˳ï³óÝáõÙ ¿ Marriott, JW Marriott, The Ritz-Carlton, Renaissance, Residence Inn, Courtyard, TownePlace Suites, Fairfield Inn, SpringHill Suites. The Place to be in Yerevan An art exhibition titled Together for Humanism opened on May 28 at the Yerevan Hovhannes Tumanian Puppet Theater on the initiative of the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS). More than a dozen works of the alumni of the Hovhannes Igitian aesthetic center were presented at the exhibition. As Luiza Abrahamian, the coverag coordinator of the ARCS Yerevan regional branch informed the Noyan Tapan correspondent, the children were informed beforehand about the history of the Red Cross’s activity and dedicated their works to the humane ideas of the society. L. Abrahamian also said that on the occasion of the World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent on May 8, the ARCS organized meetings with partner organizations in all of the regional branches. The goal of the ARCS, which was founded in 1920 and which is a full member of the International Red Cross since 1995, is to respond to population’s needs, to assist the programs in the humane sphere implemented by the government, to decrease population’s vulnerability by consolidation of humanist power, to prevent and alleviate human sufferings. The ARCS is also engaged in search of people missing as a result of wars and calamities, it implements socialhealth service programs, works of search of missing people and provides assistance to migrants. As usual, children paint on the Liberty Square asphalt on June 1st 4 June #677 2007 The Noyan Tapan Highlights 9 Armenia confirms its ambitions to preserve... Chinese business leaders are world's most stressed reveals Grant Thornton International Business Report from page 1 eight (84%) out of ten Chinese business leaders more stressed than a year ago Armenian business owners are amongst the longest hours working in the world. um resources there. “We will not enrich uranium in Armenia, we prefer to join IAEA-controlled programs of international centers on nuclear fuel enrichment, and the respective agreement has already been reached with Russia,” R. Kocharian added. Adolf Birkhofer congratulated Armenia for the efficient work done for the development of the country’s energy system. The Director General of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant and Head of the Stateatomcontrol also gave speeches. On the same day during the meeting with reporters Head of the RA Stateatomcontrol Ashot Martirosian said that “the safety system of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant meets international standards, the work done at the plant is checked and assessed by international experts who have not made any serious critical comments so far.” In his words, the plant can operate and has the required resources for operation until 2016. They can speak about its further operation only after the checks to be carried out in 20152016. A. Martirosian said that all emissions and outflows from the nuclear power plant were several times lower than the permissible norms. Mainland Chinese business leaders are the most stressed in the world, with 84% reporting an increase in stress levels compared to last year, according to the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR). Mainland China is Siiting of CIS Electricity and Energy Council held in Yerevan followed by Taiwan (82%), and the developing economies of India (79%) and Russia (76%) in the stress league table. The report which covers the opinions of 7,200 privately owned businesses in 32 countries, found that 56% of business leaders worldwide feel their stress levels have increased in the last year. In the first year of participation in the International Business Report, 57% of the Armenian business owners record a stress level, comparable to a global percentage. In comparison, business leaders in Europe are the least stressed with just 27% of Swedish business owners reporting an increase in stress levels, followed by Ireland (35%) and the UK, the Netherlands and France (all 37%). European Union (EU) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) regions show an average of 43% claiming increases in stress, compared to 73% of respondents in East Asia. Last year all countries reported a rise in stress but this year two thirds of respondents reported a lower increase in stress than the previous year. The greatest reduction in stress level increases came in the Philippines with 12% fewer respondents reporting a rise in stress levels followed by Ireland (11%) and Japan and Mexico (both 10%). By Susanna Tonoyan During the 31st sitting of the CIS Electricity and Energy Council held on May 29 in Yerevan, more than ten decisions related to the sector were discussed and adopted. The council chairman, representative of RAO UES Anatoly Chubais said at the press conference on the same day that these decisions will help put into practice the agreement on formation of a common electricity and energy market of CIS counteries, which was signed in Yalta on May 25. According to him, within a year the CIS countries have to submit their programs on formation of this market. Ukraine’s representatives, however, noted that equal conditions should be used with respect to all countries, which is not so in case of Ukraine. A. Chubais in his turn said that no changes are expected to occur at once in the sector. In the words of A. Chubais, Inter RAO UES continues to own assets of some Armenian companies, and the Russian government will keep this process under control. He noted that the Armenian government has not expressed its discontent with the operation of the distribution networks, even though “many, including Western partners, were not satisfied that RAO UES will enter Armenia.” The RA Deputy Minister of Energy Areg Galstian said that the formation of a common energy market will promote rather then hinder the development of the energy cooperation between Iran and Armenia. According to him, it is envisaged to build a high-voltage substation with a capacity of 400 megawatts to Georgia which will allow to export energy. As regards construction of a new nuclear power plant in Armenia, the technical task will soon be completed, which will specify the issues to be discussed for a feasibility study. In A. Galstian’s words, it is clear to Armenia that a new nuclear power plant must be constructed, and there is no alternative to it. Working hours The IBR research shows that business leaders around the world work on average 53 hours a week with Europeans working the fewest (50) hours, followed by respondents in East Asia (53 hours) and NAFTA (54 hours). Business leaders in emerging economies tend to work the longest hours with India and Argentina at the top of the league table, both at 57 hours a week, followed by Armenia, Australia and Botswana (all 56 hours a week). Italian business leaders work the least number of hours (47) a week in the world, followed predominately by European countries with Sweden, the Netherlands, Ireland and Spain all on 48 hour average working weeks. Commenting on the findings, Alex MacBeath, global leader of privately held business services for Grant Thornton International, said: "Stress levels are continuing to rise around the world, with particular concern for business leaders in the emerging economies of mainland China, India and Russia. "The stress levels appear to be a reflection of the pace of growth in these economies and of the longer hours worked by business leaders in these countries as they strive to take advantage of domestic and global economic expansion. However the Philippines seem to be setting the example by recording the greatest reduction in stress increases yet still outperforming most countries in recent IBR topics such as business optimism, women in senior management and the management of energy and environmental issues. "The shorter working week in Europe is reflected in the lowest rise in stress levels worldwide suggesting that European businesses are perhaps leading the world in managing work life balance and quality of life. "Globalisation and increasing technological advances have increased the pressure on business leaders to 'always be contactable' and this appears to be having an increasing strain on their lives. The challenge for business leaders is how they can improve modern working practices to allow time to 'switch off' from the strains of increasingly demanding business lives - while remaining competi- Finca UCO plans to expand its activities By Samvel Sargsian FINCA Universal Credit Organization (UCO) plans to increase the number of its customers from the current 11 thousand to 50 thousand in 2011. The general executive director of FINCA International Inc. Rupert Scofield stated this at the June 1 event dedicated to the first anniversary of FINCA UCO’s activities. In his words, the favorable conditions for development of the microfinancing sector in Armenia may be conducive to the accomplishment of this goal. Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) Tigran Sargsian attached importance to the role of FINCA and other UCOs in poverty reduction and improvement of the socioeconomic situation in Armenia as microcrediting programs provide funds for involvement of those with low incomes in business. According to him, work is continuing on improvement of the legislative field of Armenia’s microfinancing sector. Director for Eurasian region of FINCA International Inc, Chairman of FINCA UCO’s board of directors Volker Renner noted that in order to achieve its goals, the UCO will expand the network of its subsidiaries and increase the amount of funds attracted by local investors. In his words, FINCA International Inc. is discussing the issue of opening a microfinancing bank in Armenia. Presenting FINCA UCO’s strategic program until 2011, Director General of the organization Yervand Barseghian noted that it functioned as a foundation until May 2006. Over the past year the number of its customers has increased to 5 thousand. Now the UCO’s credit portfolio makes a sum in drams equivalent to 8.5 mln. According to Y. Barseghian, in April of this year 7 “points of sale” have been added to 4 subsidiaries opened in 2006. By late 2007, the number of subsidiaries and “sale points” will reach 17, by late 2008 25. They will mostly open in Armenian regions with a high level of poverty. It is envisaged that in 2011, the total amount of credits provided by FINCA will make an amount in drams equivalent to 250 mln dollars, while the credit portfolio will amount to 18 bln drams (over 51.4 mln USD). FINCA International Inc. was founded in Washington in 1984 and so far has delivered financial services of 1 billion dollars in 21 countries. The company intends to increase the number of its customers from current 550 thousand to a million. tive." To find out more about IBR and to obtain details of IBR reports and results please visit or www.internationalbusinessreport.c om. Internet service market to be liberalized by late 2007 By Rita Karapetian ArmenTel company intends to renounce its exclusive rights to provide Internet services, including IP service, by late 2007, as a result of which other companies will emerge in this market next year. Member of the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission Samvel Arabajian stated this at the May 24 press conference. According to him, now the commission is carrying out work aimed at solution of problems related to market organization and licensing. The commission is discussing with ArmenTel company the opportunity of using a post-payment system for some phone services. To recap, unlike ArmenTel, the IP service providing companies, whose operation was suspended in early 2007 by the commission’s decision, use the post-payment system (when the subscriber pays after being provided services). General executive director of ArmenTel Oleg Bliznyuk said that the new companies to emerge in the market after liberalization of this sector have to provide high-quality services, give the necessary financial guarantees and have a transparent behavior in the tax field. In the words of Samvel Arabajian, ArmenTel has not yet submitted to the commission a bid on new tariffs for fixed-line phone communication, although discussions on this issue are being held. In his opinion, the sides should first of all reach an agreement on methods to be used in connection with a transfer to rebalanced tariffs. The commission representative stated that the public will be informed about the economic substantiation of new tariffs’ formation. 4 June #677 2007 10 The Noyan Tapan Highlights Australian company to build gold processing plant in Armenia By Susanna Tonoyan Iberian Resources company (Australia) has already made its first production - 12 kg of gold, which was mined in Terterasar mine in Syunik marz. Manvel Bagratian, director of the company’s Armenian subsidiary, told reporters on May 25 that the confirmed gold resources at Terterasar and Lichvaz-Tey mines make 3 and 17 tons respectively. The company has made investments of 15 million dollars so far. M. Bagratian said that Iberian Resources intends to build a gold processing plant in Meghri. About 50 million dollars will be spent on construction work. It is envisaged to put the plant into operation in 2009. The daily production of the plant will amount to 10 kg of gold. According to M. Bagratian, demand for gold is great in the Armenian market but under the current tax legislation it is not profitable to sell gold on the local market as in this case the company has to pay 20% VAT. In 2005, Iberian Resources and Global Gold Mining company (US) acquired shares of the Armenian company Sipan 1 that had a licence for exploring the above mentioned mines. Last year Iberian Resources became the 100% shareholder of Sipan 1. HOME Sun Microsystems to manage server-related risks in Armenia By Samvel Sargsian Sun Microsystems company (US) intends to become the leader of the Armenian market of serverrelated risk management. Pavel Ani, Sun Microsystems’ manager for Eastern Europe, CIS, Middle East and African countries, stated this at the May 31 presentation of cooperation between Sun Microsystems and Armenian-Greek joint company Innova Solutions. In his words, demand for Sun’s telecommunication, especially billing, services and equipment is great in regions near Armenia. P. Ani explained that in the such a proportion will form in the Armenian market as well. In his opinion, the above mentioned segments of information technologies are at the stage of development. Deputy chairman of Innova Solutions Armen Khudinian noted that the company is an authorized partner of Sun Microsystems and will provide guarantee and afterPavel Ani guarantee services for Sun’s equipment-based systems. international server-related risk Innova Solutions was set up in management market Sun October 2006 and is a member of Microsystems occupies a position Innova group (Greece), whose equal to those of IBM and Hewlett- members operate in Romania. Packard (HP), and Sun’s part in Bularia, Cyprus, Luxemburg and this market of CIS countries is con- Albania. siderable. He expressed a hope that Consumer prices grow by 4.2% in Dec-May The index of consumer prices made 104.2% in Armenia in May 2007 on December 2006, including the index of prices of food commodities (including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes) - 106.9%, of non-food commodities - 100.6%, of service tariffs - 101.3%. According to the RA National Statistical Service, a 2.1% inflation was registered in the Armenian consumer market in May on April 2007: prices of food commodities (including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes) increased by 3.6%, a 0.8% inflation was registered in the non-food commodity market. Tariffs of services remained unchanged in the indicated period. The average monthly increase of consumer prices in January-May 2007 made 0.8%, which is lower by 0.3 percentage points than the respective index of the same period of last year (1.1%). The index of consumer prices made 103.8% in May 2007 on May 2006, including that of food commodities (including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes) - 104.5%, of non-food commodities - 99.2%, of service tariffs - 105.1%, while the indices of January-May 2007 on January-May 2006 made 104.5%, 105.5%, 99.5% and 105.3% respectively. The Future of the World Rests with the Child Save the Children Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary of Creating Lasting Change in the Lives of Children in Need AUDIT TAX ADVISORY 4 June #677 2007 June 1 is the International Children's Day. Save the Children Armenia Country Office congratulates all children on this occasion and wishes them to grow up in a world full of love and care towards them! It has been much spoken and written about children as our future. Reiterating this fact, we also state that they are the flowers of today. To ensure bright future for them, we need to give the best of our love and care to them today. We need to work hard to see them educated, healthy and protective. Save the Children works to create lasting positive change for children in need. The establishment of the organi-zation dates back to 1932, when a group of compassionate US citizens founded Save the Children USA to help fami-lies survive the Great Depression. Today, as Save the Children celebrates its 75th anniversary, in more than 50 coun-tries it empowers millions of children and adults to improve their well-being, now and in the future. Save the Children Armenia Country Office was established in 1993 to respond to the social and economic failure of the country caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union, disastrous earthquake, and the war with neighboring Azerbaijan. Since that time the Armenia country office has managed over $45 million in relief and development programs in aid to the most vulnerable children and their families in Armenia. With 14 years of experience on the ground, Save the Children Armenia Country Office has evolved from umbrella grants manager into an implementing and enabling agency supporting local governments, NGOs and communities to design, implement and monitor de-velopment programs. The organization's projects combine its expertise in health, Children of kindergarten #276 in Yerevan which has benefited from a program of Save the Children education, community develop- Armenia's neediest populations. ment, and economic opportunities Celebrating its 75th anniverwith extensive experience in build- sary, Save the Children thanks all ing local capacity through partner- the donor agencies - US Embassy, ships and in-stitutional develop- USAID, US Department of State, ment. Save the Children has DFID, OSI, GTZ and SDC, and worked in all provinces of the individuals who provided contincountry as well as Nagorno ued support to the organiza-tion in Karabakh to design and implement aid to the children in Armenia and around 700 projects in support to look for even greater partnership about 3,860,000 people. Around and collaboration. 600 urban and rural communities Celebrating the International out of 926 in Armenia have bene- Children's Day, the organization fited from the organization's work appeals to adults reminding that in the areas of health, education, each of us can and should coneconomic opportunities, social tribute to the bright and peaceful development etc. Save the Children childhood. Save the Children calls is widely recognized as an expert in everyone to join efforts to make community development and poverty history, reduce child mormobilization programming through tality, make quality health and eduits participatory models to respond cation services accessible, and creto the basic needs of the most vul- ate a protec-tive environment for nerable children and families. With the children. a track record of leadership and …Children are our future. Let innovative solutions nationwide, us take care of the future today. the organization has earned the Every day! respect and trust of donors, local communities, partners and governSee: ment structures that collaborate and with the organization to support HOME The Noyan Tapan Highlights 11 ISTC finances 113 Armenian projects worth 29 mln dollars By Samvel Sargsian More than 360 projects for implementing scientific elaborations in the spheres of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, ecology, information and communication systems, materiology, non-nuclear energy were presented to the International Scientific-Technical Center by Armenian scientists. 113 projecrts received financing in the amount of 28.67 mln USD, 12 of them are partner projects. One joint project presented by scientists of Armenia, Georgia, Kyrghyzstan and Tajikistan was also financed, another three projects were financed by Armenian and Georgian scientists and another seven projects by Armenian and Russian scientists. As Noyan Tapan was informed from Press Service of RA National Academy of Sciences, in total, 1150 Armenian scientists and specialists are included in the projects of International ScientificTechnical Center. And materials and equipment amounting to more than 1.9 mln USD were purchased for implementation of projects. Armenia joined the Founding Agreement of International Scientific-Technical Center in 1994. The International ScientificTechnical Center is an intergovernmental organization, which was founded in 1992 on the basis of mutual consent among Council of Europe, Russian Federation, United States and Japan. The Republic of Korea, Canada, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have also joined the Founding Agreement of International Scientific-Technical Center. Center’s activity and programs will be aimed at assisting non-proliferation of arms of mass annihilation. At the last, 42th session of Board of Managers of Center (March 30, 2007), 22 new programs with financing of more than 1.3 mln USD were approved, as well as 4.6 mln euros was allocated for extending activity in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Services rendered to families and children to be systematized By Hasmik Hakobian The children’s protection network, which was founded by more than 10 NGOs, is occupied with the implementation of projects, directed to the rights protection of children, who are in bad state for this or that reason, and their families. As during the May 31 press conference reported Mira Antonian, Chairwoman of Children Acceptance and Orientation Center of Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), the main goal of the network organization is to concentrate the organization resources through working cooperation. In M. Antonian’s words, though the legislative field of the sphere in Armenia is regulated, ser- vices rendered to families and children are not systematized. M. Antonian noted that they offer the country to develop new mechanisms for child’s protection field regulation, contribute to the quality improvement of the services rendered to children and families. In her words, the Children Protection network envisages to form regional networks, develop such projects, which will make the society take part in the regulation of children’s protection issues. It was also noted that a hotline with 24-15-80 telephone number has been created with the aim of protecting homeless children, as well as children, who are deprived of care and have undergone violence. New zone system for excess baggage provides greater transparency New regulations on scheduled flights for excess baggage and sports equipment as of 1 June 2007 Excess baggage Austrian Airlines is simplifying its excess baggage regulations and introducing a new 'five-zone' system for scheduled flights from 1 June 2007 onwards. The price for one kilogram of excess baggage will no longer be calculated according to the ticket price as before, but dependent upon the respective destination. The new regulations will ensure greater transparency, as passengers will be able to calculate their excess baggage charges before beginning their journey and incorporate these into their fare. Handling processes at the airport itself will be simplified and accelerated. ZONES Zone 1: within Austria Zone 2: within Europe, excl. CIS states Zone 3: between Zones 1 or 2 and CIS states and the Middle East, excl. the Gulf region (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman) Zone 4: between Zones 1 or 2 and Africa, the Gulf region, parts of South America and South Asia (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) Zone 5: between Zones 1/2/3/4 and the rest of Asia (excl. South Asia), between Zones 3 and 4, between the Middle East excl. the Gulf region and CIS states Sports baggage Additional charges will apply for sports baggage. From 1 June 2007, these will no longer be calculated according to the type of sports equipment as before, but will depend upon the size and weight of the respective sports item and route. Scheduled passengers of the Austrian Airlines Group will be able to take one pair of skis or one snowboard with them at no extra charge. Price per kg EUR 5 EUR 10 EUR 20 EUR 30 EUR 40 Other regulations or charges may apply for excess baggage or sports equipment on cooperation flights operated by partner airlines. Special charges also apply on charter flights. Category Continental route Flat rate per one way Intercontinental Flat rate per one way Small: up to 15 kg and/or up to 1.40 m EUR 20/item EUR 40/item Medium: 15-30 kg and/or 1.41m up to 2m Large: over 30kg and/or over 2 m EUR 40/item EUR 80/item EUR 80/item EUR 160/item Piece concept The 'piece concept', which is unaffected by the new regulations, applies to flights to or from the USA, U.S. Territories, Canada and Mexico. In principle, two pieces of baggage (Economy Class: 23 kg each) may be taken on board free of charge. If the baggage exceeds the number of items permitted, maximum weight or maximum size, the following charges will apply: Excess baggage piece concept Price Every piece of baggage in Economy Class from 23 kg to 32 kg EUR 40 One additional piece of baggage (within maximum weight and size of respective booking 1 package price* class) Every piece of baggage between 158 cm and 203 cm in total size 1 package price* Every piece of baggage of more than 203 cm in total size 3 package price* * The package price depends upon the route and varies from USD 105/EUR 90 to USD 200/EUR 150. First disc of Anush Aleksanian’s songs released By Hasmik Hakobian First disc of composer Anush Aleksanian’s author songs titled Thoughts of my Soul, with 15 songs performed by Nune Yesayan, Aida Sargsian, Liana, Andre and other well-known singers, was released in Yerevan. A number of well-known songs, as for example, “Thousand Times”, “Yerevan”, “Without You”, “Four Letters”, “Cranes”, are for the first time included in one disc. Soon more than thirty songs of Anush Aleksanian will be recorded by different singers. They will be included in her second disc. Anush is the author of more than sixty songs. Her fame grew gradually: formerly her songs were performed by not so much wellknown singers, but today many famous singers seek to have her works in their repertoire. “I try to write such songs which in the future will be listened also by my grandchildren,” said Anush. She is also the author of words of Anush Aleksanian all her songs. A. Aleksanian estimated unsatisfactory the condition of the Armenian show business saying that today many singers who “sing some unintelligible songs on incomprehensible subjects” go on stage. Meanwhile, it is important to have an environment of good songs, because children aged 12-14 are brought up also by that art. However A. Aleksanian is convinced that things will change with time and “those people who have nothing to do with the singing art will get out from that sphere”. Anush Aleksanian was born in 1966. She graduated from the fac- ulty of Art of the Abovian Armenian Pedagogical Institute getting the speciality of a pianist and conductor. Anush began her first attempts of composing songs at the high school age, but her serious work started when she was 28. Anush confesses that from her earliest years she dreamed of becoming a singer, of performing her own songs. But because of some reasons her dream did not come true. In her words when she gave up the idea of becoming a singer,she began to compose more songs instead: “let others sing my songs.” 4 June #677 2007 12 Ivan Aivazovsky - "Born a mortal, he left immortal memories" Aivazovsky's Art is the art of Man and Humanity; it is the denunciation of oppression and despotism. He is the artist of the first for freedom, and the true advocate of Mother Nature. Martiros Saran Hovhannes (Ivan) Aivazovsky is the most interesting phenomenon of 19th century art. He gained international fame at the age of 25, was elected a member to five European Academies and was awarded the medal of the French Legion of Honor. Delacroix referred to him in reverence and Turner called him a genius. Aivazovsky's name is intricately bound with the sea. "Perhaps no one in Europe has painted the extraordinary beauty of the sea with so much feeling and expressiveness as Aivazovsky has", writes V. Adasov. In his best seascapes (and in a legacy of about 6000, there are some works which condescend to his artistic ability and others which merit singular artistic attention) he has revealed his inner self through the spirit of the times, his ideals of humanism, and the love of freedom. The Artist lived by those ideals; the love that he had towards the oppressed, the help he offered and the work that he did for the public good make him an exceptional individual and a true son of his times. Aivazovsky was born to an Armenian family in the city of Theodosia in the Crimea {The Artist's ancestors were called Aivazian. His father called himself Haivazosky. The Artist and his brother decided to call themselves Aivazian or Aivazovsky. Some of the Artist's work bears the signature Hovhannes Aivazian, in Armenian}. At the age of twenty he graduates from the Art Academy of St. Petersburg with a gold medal. He goes to Italy to continue his studies and returns as an internationally acclaimed seascape painter. Neither financial security nor life in Palace interests him. He returns to his native land, builds a workplace/home on the seashore and, until the last days of his life, dedicates himself to the work that he loves. He participates in exhibitions all over the world. He gets recognition and glory as a representative of Russian art greatly helps in familiarizing it. In Aivazovsky's creative work one finds such aspects of Armenian culture and national temperament that it becomes impossible to separate his art from his native people. It is this characteristic that gives Aivazovsky's creativity its unique quality 4 June #677 2007 TIME-OUT The Noyan Tapan Highlights introduce new concepts into our national art. This process would later on culminate in the clarification and purification of our national artistic language. Even in the early years, Aivazovsky had a vivid and emotional understanding of reality. He always remained a romantic at heart even through his art could never separate itself from his academic background. The Artist's expressive language was in complete harmony with the techniques that he used. As a young boy After the Russo-Persian war, in the beginning of he second quarter of the century, Eastern Armenia came under Russian rule. Western Armenia was still under Turkish rule. The Liberation movement in Greece and the Balkans became an incentive for the Armenia people. The surge of spiritual life found its reflection in art and literature. Armenian artists received their education in European and Russian schools (Aivazovsky was one of the firsts) and thus were able to ceptive viewer will observe that while painting the waves, clouds or sky space, the Artist's emphasis is on the light. In Aivazovsky's art light is the eternal symbol for life, hope and faith. This is light the Creator, the concept of which has its roots deep down in Armenian culture and its continuity in the next generation of Armenian artists. The Artist had heard the songs of the medieval poets glorifying light in the Armenian churches. In his last works ("Amidst the Waves") the light descends from an become. The victory of the Russian fleet over Turks gave him hope that such a salvation was possible. To eliminate "The Armenian Question", Sultan Abdul Hamid, in 1895, ordered a series of massacres which claimed the life of hundreds of thousands of Armenians. Numerous Armenian cultural monuments ware burned or destroyed. This tragic reality shocked the Artist: "My heart is full of grief for our ill-fated people; for this tragic and unprecedented massacre", he wrote to the Armenian Catholicos Khrimian. He threw into the sea the medal that the Sultan had given him years before. He painted and exhibited canvases depicting the massacre. It was with pain and grief that he painted his last canvas "The Explosion of the Turkish Ship", which he could not finish. The date was May 2nd, 1900. Aivazovsky's house in Theodosia became a place for artistic pilgrimage. Armenian artists were invited there and actors and musicians performed there. It was there that artists like Bashinjagyan, Sureniants, Makhokhian and Shabanian started their creative life. Aivazovsky's dream was to create a union of Armenian artists from all over the world. During his long period of creative life, and especially after 1868, Aivazovsky executed tens of canvases with Armenian themes. His landscapes depicting life in Tbilisi, Lake Sevan and Mount Ararat popularized the genre in Armenian art. He also had a series of works with unseen source as mighty ray that pierces the darkness and establishes hope. In the canvases depicting storms (which constitute more that half of Aivazovsky's legacy) man's solidarity to man is apparent in the struggle against the elements. Man does not give up; he triumphs. This is the expression of the popular trait of extreme optimism and resistance. The irony in Aivazovsky's romanticism is the faith that man (this tiny creature of the Universe) has in life and Nature. In the politically turbulent 19th century, it is this same unshakable faith that the Armenian people had in their struggle for self-determination. The freedom loving spirit of the Artist was as much as expression of the times as it was a reflection of the destiny of his people. Inspired by Greek movement of liberation, he produced paintings depicting that struggle and wishes for a similar fate for the Armenians. He saw the salvation of his people in the nation whose adopted son he had themes from he bible and from ancient Armenian history. Two of his works, which were exhibited in the Church in Theodosia and have inspired patriotism ever since, are reproduced here for the first time. It is impossible to appreciate 19th century Armenian art without Aivazovsky. It is equally impossible to ignore his Armenian roots and consider him a Russian artist. Today, the art of the great artist of the sea is seen as the most beautiful example of the close link between the Russian and Armenian cultures. According to his wishes, Aivazovsky was buried in the Armenian Church of St. Sarkis in Theodosia. His tombstone has a quotation from historian Khorenatsi's "History of Armenians" - "Born a mortal, he left immortal memories". The "memories" condense in them the spirit of the times and the most precious spirit of all time - that of Humanism. Aivazovsky had known the sea, had loved it passionately and had known the secrets of its movements. It was this memory, together with his imagination, that was responsible for his best works. Rather than merely "reproduce" the sea, Aivazovsky tells us its fables and thus makes a symbolic statement. Aivazovsky made his mark in contemporary art through his own rules and his own world view; he was true both to his academic background and his romantic inclinations. The magical aspect of light helps make the contact with the dreamlike quality of the Master's art. In the calm seascapes, man is either seen walking alone or sitting down with a thoughtful expression on his face, looking at the distance - towards the light. In the canvas entitled "The Mkhitarist Brothers on the Island of St. Lazare", for example, the island gives the impression of a ship in the sunset and the people seem to be travelers of hope and dreams. The concept of light is all important to Aivazovsky. The per- TIME-OUT DID YOU KNOW? Heading by Marina Harutiunyan Comments are welcomed! Nose prints are used to identify dogs, much like humans use fingerprints. No, of course your dog has no fingers. Nor would his paw prints be of much use, since one set of muddy prints on a floor, look much like another. But did you know that those slobbery nose prints they leave on your house and car windows, are as individual as the human fingerprint? More than 60 years ago, the Canadian Kennel Club began accepting nose prints of dogs for identification purposes, it having been proven that the surface of the dog's nose presented features as individual as the whorls on our own fingers. The nose print as an identification system was partially replaced by the invention of the tattoo, in which a breeder was given a series of letters that was theirs alone, by a registering body, such as the AKC or CKC. They then added numbers and letters according to the year, number of puppies, etc. For many years, this was the system of ARMENIAN POETRY Fido's Fingerprint Sipan Shiraz TO ARMENIA, THE MOTHERLAND Countless ships in life you possess And also boats you own. Sleepless and countless letters you posses And also children you own. Never heard songs you possess And also infinite melodies you own. Immense wounds you posses And also a small home you own. However, I am a firm believer Of your name's YAN* affix And I am never to exchange Your one drop of blood indeed. During countless peddler Your only one caravan has become a father today, Yet, there are many centuries Awaiting you and that are full of rocks and grief. Sons of your own you possess And also boats you own But alas you still posses Alphabets no longer written nor also read at all. * YAN or IAN is an affix found at the end of most Armenian last names. P choice, the tattoo being applied with a stapler-like device of tiny needles forming the shapes of the numbers and letters. Ink was smeared on the dog's ear or inner thigh, and the tattoo device clamped repeatedly, to drive the ink into the tissues. While this was definitely an easier method of I.D. to interpret, unless the tattoo was applied properly, they often faded, or lost portions of the numbers and letters. Today, there has been a mass move to use microchipping as identification. A tiny capsule the size of a grain of rice, is inserted in the fat pad between the shoulders of a dog, with a special, disposable hypodermic needle. The capsule having "clawed feet", anchors itself in the fat, where a scanner passed over the dog's shoulders, can then pick up the number, which is registered with the kennel club and/or manufacturer. Nose prints are still accepted by many registries, but finding someone who can interpret nose prints is increasingly difficult. Technology Moo-ves Forward John Van Wormer invented paper milk cartons after dropping a bottle of milk one morning. The bottle broke spilling the milk everywhere. That annoyance was enough for Van Wormer to come up with the idea. No doubt your grandparents, or even old black and white movies introduced you to the novel idea of milk that came in bottles. But from the very first day that milk was sold in stores or by delivery, that's how it was packaged. Because, well, that's all there was to put it in. The containers had to be of a convenient size for consumers, for example pints and quarts, and of course, they could always be sterilized and used over. Sounds pretty good, eh? Well, it was. Unless you dropped one. That's what happened 13 The Noyan Tapan Highlights to John Van Wormer, who with wet shoes, feet, and a mess of glass on the ground, decided there had to be a better way. In 1915, he was granted a patent on a paper carton, which he called "pure pak, because it could be thrown away after a single use. But it was an invention with glitches, since paper wasn't going to hold liquid very long. Then there was the matter of building a machine capable of manufacturing them in quantity. Not until 1937, did the milk carton get off the ground, and onto grocery shelves. But even then, old habits died hard, and the bottle remained the most popular container well into the 1950s, when production of Van Wormer's cartons soared to 20 million a day. Finally, with the cost of glass rising, and the obvious advantages of lighter containers being valued by supermarkets, the carton replaced bottles for good. CROSSWORD Across 1. The ___ are turned (6) 4. The ___ of two evils (6) 8. ___ of interest (5) 9. Building ___ in the sky (7) 11. Song and ___ man (5) 12. ___ and uncles (5) 13. Return to ___ (6) 15. ___ without leave (6) 19. An old ___ (5) 21. A ___ date (5) 23. Aided and ___ (7) 24. ___ and flowed (5) 25. The Mad ___ (6) 26. The world is your___ (6) Answer of previous crossword Down 1. As thick as ___ (7) 2. ___ and butter (5) 3. Time is of the ___ (7) 5. ___ is golden (7) 6. Everything's coming up ___ (5) 7. ___ and pains (5) 10. All at ___ (3) 14. ___ and dearest (7) 16. ___ and corruption (7) 17. ___ and lightning (7) 18. Of no fixed ___ (5) 19. A ___ in the pan (5) 20. ___, drink and be merry (3) 22. ___ and credit (5) 4 June #677 2007 14 Zodiac Weekly Forecast Aries (Mar. 20 - Apr. 19): Leo (July 21 - Aug 22): Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 20): If you are into physical competition, then this is the week for you. Your muscles are in fine condition and do not tire easily. You may be drawn to take on a project involving heavy work and the accomplishment will feel good. Activities involving mental jousting, publishing, education, and travel are also favored. This is a wonderful time for you to enjoy friends and loved ones. Those with children will have reason to smile. Romance and social life are on a high. You may be drawn to enjoy art, jewelry, and other things of beauty during this period. Caution: Tell no secrets, whether they are yours or another's. Romance is on an upper. Now is the time to ask for a date or to pop the question. You and a lover or your children may be off for a weekend of fun and frolic. It is a fine time to enjoy activities that require the use of the large muscles in the body. You are generally on top of most things now. Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 19): Virgo (Aug. 22 - Sep. 22): Capricorn (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19): Your planetary ruler is Mercury, which will be slowing down for the next two months. It would be fully appropriate for you to slow down, kick back, rest, and prepare yourself for big changes that will begin in the fall. Give yourself a genuine break so you will be rested for the fall initiatives. You and partner or someone significant may have one or two minor glitches in communication. Don't allow your critical attitude to take over and everything will be fine. You have some variations in your taste and choice of expenditures. This is not important in the scheme of things. Relax. Venus, your guiding planet, is happy this week. Therefore you are happy, too. The first weekend in June is a divine time to do something special with a lover or others in your life that you enjoy. A word to the wise: if money is an issue, leave credit cards at home. It will be easier than usual to spend way more than you plan. Gemini (May 20 - June 20) Libra (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22): Love and social life are prominent this week. You will have a generally optimistic, happy attitude and people will be attracted to you. Some of the Twins will have favorable financial events toward the end of the week. Hold your money and don't spend the stash until August. Early in the week you may experience a few events that give minor frustration. Meanwhile make plans for a fine weekend with a lover or with other special people in your life. Activities involving education, the law, and travel are all favored. Look for a fortunate turn of events in these areas. Cancer (June 21 - July 21): Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Mercury has entered your sign and will be with you through the month of July. This is an unusualy long time. Many things you begin will require longer than you ever thought to finish. So prepare to have patience with yourself through the summer. There will be temporary detours and roadblocks. Your work life takes on an air of cooperation with others, which really brightens your spirits. The financial picture is improving, especially for those with a changeable income. Activities and communications involving family members prove to be healing for everyone. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 17): Friends and associates rally around and/or give you a vote of approval and encouragement now. You may be doing the same for them. Whatever has ailed you is definitely on the mend and you feel better overall. People may be coming to you for advice at this time and it is a pleasure for you to share your wisdom. Pisces (Feb. 18 - Mar. 19): Hold your head up high and reach toward whatever you consider spiritual. You may be on the receiving end of intuitive messages or syncronistic experiences at this time. You have been struggling with harsh realities in recent months, but if you look you will "see" a universal purpose at work through you. HUMOR Adam was walking around the garden of Eden, moping. God asked him, "What is wrong with you?" Adam replied that he was lonely and didn''''t have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you''''ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it. Adam asked God, "What will this ''''woman'''' cost?" God replied, "An arm and a leg." Adam thought a moment and asked, "What can I get for a rib?" Three sons Joke There were three sons who wanted to get their mom a present for her birthday. One son decided that she wanted a bigger house and bought her a mansion. The second son decided that she didn't want to drive by herself so he got her a limo. The third son thought that she was lonely and got her a parrot. The mom gave the first son a thank you saying that she didn't want the house. She gave the second son a letter that said she didn't want the limo. She gave the third son a thank you saying the chicken was good. APPARTEMENTS - RESIDENCES - Ouverts toute l’annee YEZEGUELIAN EREVAN - CENTRE RESIDENCE RENCO II dans PARK HOTEL CONGRESS Location meublee avec cuisine tel. TV climatisation-Location Minimum 2 semaines $ 550 The Noah’s Ark HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Newspaper Since May 4, 1993, Yerevan, Armenia 4 June #677 2007 TIME-OUT The Noyan Tapan Highlights 8 M.KHORENATSI - YEREVAN 375010 Tel. (093) 672452, (091) 739191, (091) 570170. Bureau - 34 av.Champs-Elysees 75008 PARIS Tel.33/01 43596581,mob.0663542230 E-mail: General Director of the Noyan Tapan: Tigran Haroutiunian Director of the Weekly: Marina Harutiunyan Editor-in-Chief of the Noyan Tapan: Gayaneh Arakelian Proof-Reader: Susanna Mkrtchian Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly: Haroutiun Khachatrian Lay-out: Victor Dishchegenian c WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? Enjoy your leisure ALEXANDER SPENDIARIAN STATE ACADEMIC OPERA AND BALLET THEATRE June 6, at 7 pm T. Chukhajyan Opera "Arshak II" Artistic Director: Gegham Grigorian June 8, at 8 pm Barekamutyun Dance Troupe Artistic Director: Norayr Mehrabian Concert is Dedicated to Vanoush Khanamirian's 80th Anniversary ARAM KHACHATRIAN CONCERT HALL June 6, at 7 pm Aram Khachaturian International Competition /piano/ Award Ceremony and Gala Concert June 8, at 7 pm Young Performers' Concert with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Ruben Asatrian G.SUNDUKIAN NATIONAL ACADEMIC THEATRE June 7, at 7 pm "Eghegnuhi" by R. Maroukhyan H.PARONYAN STATE THEATRE OF MUSICAL COMEDY June 5, at 7 pm "A Liar is Needed" by D. Psafas June 6, at 7 pm "The Oriental Dentist" by H. Paronian June 8, at 7 pm "God, Don't Leave Us..." by J. Ananian KOMITAS CHAMBER MUSIC HALL June 5, at 7 pm "Hover" Chamber Choir June 8, at 7 pm "Shell" Trio Soloists: Shoushan Hakobian /piano/ Lilit Zakarian /violin/ Levon Arakelian /cello/ Featuring Irina Zakian /soprano/ H.GHAPLANiAN DRAMA THEATRE June 8, at 7 pm "Macbeth" by W. Shakespeare June 9, at 7 pm "Don Juan" by Figereido K.STANISLAVSKI STATE RUSSIAN DRAMA THEATRE June 7, at 7 pm "The Morals of Pani Dulskaya" by G. Zapolskaya June 8, at 7 pm "The Broken Chain" by A. Grigorian, M. Marinosian "Parchment" State Pantomime Theatre VAZGEN SARGSIAN STADIUM June 6, at 8.30 European Championship Qualifying Match Armenia - Poland ASTRAL CLUB June 6, at 9pm "32 Atam" Club June 7, at 9 pm Radio party June 8, at 9 pm Haymix party June 10, at 9 pm DJ Tournament, AVANTGARDE FOLK MUSIC CLUB June 8, at 8.30 "Los Locos" Flamenco Evening STOP MUSIC CLUB June 7, at 9 pm Army of God /rock/ June 8, at 9 pm Bambir /rock/ June 9, at 9pm Crossroads /blues/ June 10, at 9 pm Vahagn Hayrapetian Trio /jazz/ COLISEUM CLUB (SAYAT-NOVA COMPLEX) June 4, at 8.30 pm Rouben Hakhverdian - recital THE CLUB June 6, at 8 pm Wine evening MOVIE SERIES AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 1p.m. The Dutch Masters: Vermeer at 2p.m. Modern Masters - The Picasso I Knew Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 11a.m. The Dutch Masters: at 12:00 PARLONS CINEMA (An interview with E. Rohmer ) at 1p.m. La Collectionneuse at 2:30 Ma Nuit Chez Maud Sunday, June 10, 2007 at 11a.m. Jean Prouvé's House Baldessari, Becher, Boltanski at 12:00 Le Genou de Claire at 2::30 L'Amour l'apres-midi YEREVAN CHAMBER THEATRE June 7, at 7 pm For ticket reservation you may call: 52-64-77, 27-03-97, or (091) 50-16-63 Ticket reservation and delivery is FREE. Quote of the day ! It's better to have a horrible ending than to have horrors without end. INFORMATION AND ARTICLES by Noyan Tapan News Agency PHOTOGRAPHS by Noyan Tapan TV Studio ADS & NEWSPAPER DESIGN by Noyan Tapan Advertising Agency PRINTING by Noyan Tapan Publishing House The publisher: Noyan Tapan LTD, 28 Isahakian Str., Yerevan, 0009 Republic of Armenia Registration certificate and the date: 273.110.00512, 15.12.1995 Circulation: 1000 copies Tel.: (37410) 56-59-65, Fax:(37410) 52-43-18 E-mail: URL: ISSN 1829-0604