the cabarrus animal rescue newsletter meet miss scooter
July 2 0 1 5 HS C A B A R R U S A N I M A L RESCUE Issue 4 7 T H E CABARRUS ANIMAL R E S C U E NEWSLETTER Inside this issue: Meet our canines 2 Meet our Felines 3 Adoption Updates 4 Events 5 Thankjou 6 Silent Paws 7 Tip of the Month 8 Stories 9 Volunteers are always needed for the kennels HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue Concord, NC MEET MISS SCOOTER 10 week old puppy whose back legs are paralyzed. Page 2 I s s u e 47 Meet our canines CHIARO - Chihuahua / Pom mix Male, born around the end of March 2015. r Friendly JUNIE BUG - Hound / Pointer mix Male, born around 03/21/15. Friendly and full of energy. ^ BONO - Chihuahua / Pom mix Male, born around the end of March 2015. Friendly MAGGIE - Did you recently adopt a dog ? Petco offers group classes and private lessons. Talk to a store partner or dog trainer to see what class is the right fit for you. Scotty / Cairn Terrier mix . Female, 2 - 3 yrs old. Spayed. May need to be only dog in household. No smaU children. FAWN - Chi-Weenie Female, born 02/14/15 1 Very friendly and playful. CHASE - Chihuahua Male, about 4 - 5 /JRmix months old. Friendly, very playful House-trained. Check our web-site for more animals I s s u e 47 Page 3 Meet our felines We are in need foster homes for cats and kittens. I f interested, please e-mail us at Check web-site for more kittens. CATS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR A D O P T I O N A T PETCO O N BRUTON S M I T H BLVD I N CONCORD. APPLICATION FORMS ARE O N TABLE N E X T TO CAT CONDO A N D PETCO W I L L FAX YOUR APPLICATION TO US. £ Male, Orange and white j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ I PIEWACKET ^ ^ H | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • • Female, spayed Born about first of April ^ A ^ CHA-CHA o o ^ k ^ ^ t e - DSH Loves people. 2015 1 TANGO - DSH 0- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Male, Orange and white ^^9%.'^ ^^^^^^^^^^ • ^ F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Born about first of April H ^ ^ ^ ^ | g 2 0 1 5 J PANDY BEAR - D L H ^^^H W ^ •i^H ^ About 2 years old j f l Female, about 6 months old. Friendly and sweet. g^lBp ^ ^ ^ 1 Gorgeous little girl. "^HP^aBj DIXIE - DSH Female, about 1 year old. i Friendly. ' ^ J A C K S O N - DSH buff tabby ii^^^i^^^lH Male, about 2 years K i ^ ^ l ^ ^ P old. Loves people. CINDER - DSH Light Weight Cat Litter |||HHMfll / « A i ^^^f^^^^ Male, about 1 yearand old.canned cat food are always needed. Donations V ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ K Friendly. can be brought to our X^X^/^ facility at 590 Crestmont / , )V Drive, Concord, N C . CO<_J^^—^ CHECK OUR WEB-SITE FOR MORE CATS T H A T MAY BE AVAILABLE A T OUR CAGE FREE CAT FACILITY Page 4 I s s u e 47 A D O P T I O N UPDATES Silvy now Daisy came to visit us at Petco. She was just a pup when adopted in 2013, here she is today, just a ball of energy and doing great. Silvy in 2013 when she came to us Thank you to everyone who has adopted an animals and given them a new and better Ufe. When you adopt you actually save 2 Hves, the life of the animal you adopt which then opens up a space for another animal to be brought in for adoption. I f you have adopted an animal from HS CAR we would love an update with a picture on how they are doing in their new home. AXEL We love those Axel is a baby-doU. Thank you, Kelly Page 5 I s s u e 47 EVENTS Come join us. Saturdays look for us at Petco , adoptions will be held at Petco in Concord (Bruton Smith Blvd) from 10:00am to 4:00pm. To visit our animal at our kennels, please call 704-701-5441 to make an appointment. I f you LOVE animals and would like to be involved in helping to save lives. Join our Youth Group - Kids ages 8-17 Activities and Events Fund Raisers Adoption Saturdays at Petco Meet once a month Looking for an adult to manage the kids club, i f interested contact us at VOLUNTEERS N E E D E D As the HS CAR grows the opportunities for more events also grows. We are in need of more volunteers to help with events, help at the kennels, teaching dogs to walk on a leash or just playing and cuddling with the animals. I f you have a passion for animals please consider volunteering, just think how a few hours a week of your time can change an animals life forever. I f you would like to volunteer, call Karin at 704-701-5441 Help at Fundraisers Help at Petco on Saturdays Clean Kennels Clean cat condo at Petco Walk dogs Socialize dogs & cats Also we are in need of a parent who would Hke to be the Youth Group Play & Cuddle with animals Coordinator. Page 6 I s s u e 47 Thank vou for vour support: Wally Wimmer Donations for Miss Scooter: Patti Goodman Alice Lew Paul & Diane Whiting Amber Branton Sue Rice Michele Lasaro David Lewis Kimberly Deason Jennifer Rees Jerrilyn Ash Michele Falconer Laura Baker Sherri Hartsell Pam Burleyson Christine Pado Monica Bew Joyce Foster Stacy Falconer Mark O'Dell Mike Geary Lewis Parker Tammy Fritz Tamara Elrod Judy Ballinger Rosemary Machen Pam Dennis Melissa Ramirez Sonya Eury Teresa Contreras Jan Maynard Christine Geise Ann Cannon Karen Harmon Cheryl Hartman Beth Hinnant Stacey Shreder Bill Lowrance Walmart I s s u e 47 Silent Paws Page 7 I N L O V I N G MEMORY of Buddy Beloved Golden Retriever of Sandra Carter-Szumikowsky Donations in their memory can be made to HS CAR, R O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 P E T F O O D BANK HS CAR wiU be collecting unopened and unexpired pet food for our shelter animals and pet food bank. We wiU also be supplying the Cabarrus Meals on Wheels program with pet food for their clients. Pet food donations can be dropped off at the following locations as well as our kennels at 590 Crestmont Drive in Concord, N C . Permanent locations for pet food drop off: (1) Camp Happy Hound 995 Warren C. Coleman Blvd, (Hwy 601), Concord, N C . 28025 (2) Foster Animal Clinic, 3805 Concord Parkway N , Concord, N C . 28027 (3) Trinity United Church of Christ, 38 Church St. Concord, N C . 28025 (4) McDonald General Store, 4575 Hwy 49, Concord, N C 28025 (5) Mt. Pleasant Animal Hospital, 8315 W. Franklin St ( Hwy 73) , Mt. Pleasant, N C . 28124. (6) Whiskers and Paws Vet Wellness Clinic 859 Bradley Street N E , Concord, N C 28025 OR contact Tanya Barbee at Page 8 I s s u e 47 Tip of the Month Petco Positive Dog Training - Bruton Smith Blvd, Concord, NC 28027 Trainers - Wally Wimmer and Jeremiah Pilchman 704-979-1952 Sundays - Puppy trainer on duty 1pm - 6pm Mondays & Fridays - puppy play time Small breeds - 6pm - 6:30pm Large breeds - 6:30pm - 7pm New class - 5pm Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Thursdays Customer adviser on duty 12pm - 8pm Fridays - Dog trainer on duty 5pm - 8pm Saturdays - Customer adviser on duty 12pm - 8pm Allergies to dogs. What is an allergy to dogs? It is when somebody's immune system overreacts to proteins or enzymes found in the dander, saliva or urine of a dog. Symptoms can range from itchy eyes and a watery nose to severe hives and life-threatening asthma attacks. A person's immune system determines how allergic they are and severity of their symptoms. These proteins and enzymes are not found any actual hair or fur of the dog. Therefore there is no such thing as a hypoaUergenic dog. There are breeds that are easier for people with allergies to be around. Being at all dogs have saliva and urine the only factor we need to look at is the hair or fur . Basically all dogs fall into one of three categories when it comes to fur. The first is the hairless dog. These breeds have less than 20% of their body covered with hair. Hair is different from fur in that it doesn't shed very often. It does shed but no more than our own hair. But even a hairless dog with dry skin can cause allergic reactions. The second are the hair dogs. Hair dogs don't shed any more than we do. And generally need to have their hair cut and brushed on a regular basis for good health. As with the hairless if they have dry skin they can still cause allergic reactions. Then we have the fur dogs these dogs have one to three layers of fur and are constantly shedding it. Because of the shedding they produce more dander and cause most of the allergic reactions. As with the first two types dry skin amplifies this. Regular brushing can remove fur that is ready to shed and can reduce the amount of dander that causes allergic reactions. So as you see is not the amount of hair or fur but also the condition of the skin that determines the amount of dander available to cause reactions. So if you want a dog in your home but you have had allergic reactions in the past look for breeds that have no hair or are not fur breeds. The easiest way to figure this out is when you research breeds and they recommend regular trips to the groomers. That's a key indicator that they have hair not fur. Because the enzymes and proteins are also found in saliva and urine simply avoid the front and back of the dog this will greatly reduce your reactions. There are medical treatments that can help reduce your reactions see you can consult your doctor to inquire about these. If you love dogs but you have severe reactions there are a lot of ways you can make them part of your life without actually getting near them. Contact your local rescues and shelters and volunteer in positions that are not involved with the physical contact of the dogs Uke helping in advertising, social media or organizational posts. You can always donate money or items that they need. Just remember that controlling reactions starts with skincare. The better condition the skin is in the less dander the dog will produce. I s s u e 47 M E E T MISS S C O O T E R Page 9 continued from page 1 Miss Scooter was found around 2:00 the afternoon of 06/03/15, on Brumley Ave NE in the Masonic Lodge yard in Concord, NC. She seemed and loolted perfectly healthy except her back legs didn't work. That day HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue took on a V E R Y special responsibility. To save, love and protect. To walk beside Miss Scooter on the long path ahead of her. She has given us lots of kisses and immediately found comfort with us. We need your help to help Miss Scooter. It appears that her rear legs are mangled. It hurts our hearts to even think about what she went through to be in this condition. She doesn't seem to be in pain. We promise to help her find more comfort, from pain and abandonment. To show her love and see her through what is lies ahead. Miss Scooter was taken for x-rays and a F U L L exam to determine the extent of her injuries. She absolutely cannot move her legs on her own, her bowel and urinary functions are working and that is a good thing. It appears that she was not born like this. X rays reveal that her pelvis was crushed at an earlier time and has healed this way. it has also caused paralysis in the rear legs (from the tail back). There are no internal injuries but there is some nerve damage with her bowls and urinary tract. The vet said that our goal is now to decide whether or not to amputate the legs at some point, keeping in mind that we need to accommodate a wheel chair set up s o she can enjoy better mobility and can live a full happy life!!!! We are learning more about this little miracle pup every day. She is s o very loving and well behaved - and she is only 10 weeks old! Tanya believes she sees some unique qualities in Miss Scooter but time will tell. One thing for sure - she was meant to be rescued! Tanya has started massaging Miss Scooters rear feet and legs. Everyone knows how beneficial massage can be to circulation and tissue. We hope it will ultimately make the next phase 'better'. We are s o lucky to have Tanya taking care of Miss Scooter at this time. ^ 1 Miss Scooter now has wheels donated by Sparky and a life jacket for water therapy donated by Wally Wimmer. Check out her facebook page: Please stay tuned and in touch and SHARE S H A R E SHARE! Mission Statement HS C A B A R R U S A N I M A L RESCUE The mission of HS CAR is to rescue homeless and surrendered pets and find Mailing Address: P. O. Box 6076 Concord, NC. 28027 new homes for them. Promote spaying/neutering of all pets. Location: 590 Crestmont Drive Concord, NC. 28025 Educate the public and promote good pet ownership. Monthlv Meetings: Email: Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at the Senior Citizens Center, 331 Corban Ave, Concord, N C starting at 6:30pm. Phone # - 704-701-5441 Fax# - 704-436-2015 This meeting is open to the public, please join us. We're on the Web: Don't forget to " L I K E " us on facebook Cabarrus Spay/Neuter CUnic 413 Church Street The HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue relies solely on memberships, contributions and adoption fees to care for our animals. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. Please select appropriate Membership category: • Single-$20 • Couples-$30 Concord, N C . 28025 704-784-6304 www. c ab ar r us sp ay neuter, org I f you have any stories or pictures you would Uke to share mail to Carol MiUer HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue P.O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 or email it to: • Household ~ $30 (12 years of age and up: (voting privilege begins at age 18) • Corporate - $50 Please consider a donation above your membership amount. Thank you! Amount $ • In honor of • In memory of Include yovu: e-mail address if you would like to be on our e-mail list. Donation can be mailed to: HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue, P. O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 Or made with PAY PAL on our Web-site, go to Donations & cUck on the Donate button
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