August 2012 - Balcones Heights
Published monthly by Neighborhood News Inc. August 2012 CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S UPDATE AMY BUCKERT CITY COUNCIL: JULY 9, 2012 • Former Planning & Zoning Commission Alternate Maria Hilda Herrera was appointed to Appointment #2 during the July 9, 2012 City Council meeting. Former Appointment #2 David Sellars is now an alternate. Other P&Z members include George Monsive, Chair; Jack Burton, Vice Chair, Gloria Cantu, Simon Gomez, and Bill Johnson. • City Council reluctantly accepted the resignation of Charles Matthies, long-time Councilmember Place 3 and former Mayor Pro Tem. Council also discussed the process by which to fill the vacancy created by Councilman Matthies’ resignation. It was agreed that former Councilman, and current Planning and Zoning Commission member William Johnson, who had agreed to serve, would be appointed at the next City Council meeting. Council agreed that Mr. Johnson’s previous experience on City Council, particularly with the budget process would provide the City the best option at this time. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: • The City received three (3) submissions for its Request For Qualifications for Development of an Economic Development Plan for the City. The RFQs will be reviewed by a committee including Council members Lamar Gillian and Madeline Slay. Recommendations will be brought forth to City Council. • The VIA BRT PRIMO (Bus Rapid Transit) line is still slated to begin service along the Fredericksburg Road corridor on December 17, 2012. The City continues to explore the best ways to leverage this new service into transit-oriented development (TOD) along Fredericksburg Road and throughout the City. FLOODING & DRAINAGE/SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY (SARA): Following up on discussion and a presentation at the June City Council meeting, representatives from SARA will make a presentation to City Council in August. SALES TAX ON THE RISE Sales tax is collected at a rate of 8.25% on taxable items purchased; of this a portion is received by the city. The state receives 6.25%, San Antonio Metropolitan Transit System (VIA) 0.50%, City Crime Control District 0.50% and the City’s general fund 1%. There is a two month lag on collections, so tax revenues received by the City in July were paid by consumers in May. (Continued on page 2) Page 2 (Continued from Front Page) Sales tax is 25% of the City of Balcones Heights’ total revenue collected, other sources being property tax, building permits, municipal court fines and other miscellaneous revenues. Sales tax for the last four months has been up an average of 6.72%. Revenues for May that were received in July were up by 25% from May 2011. Please see a related article by Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Gillian. FY 2012-2013 BUDGET: PROCESS UPDATE: As this newsletter went to press, the budget committee was slated to hold a workshop on July 26, 2012. This followed several sessions wherein members of the Budget Committee, the Mayor, City Administrator Amy Buckert, and City Finance Director Yvonne Griffin met with the City’s department heads to review and discuss preliminary budget proposals. The proposed FY 2012-2013 will be presented at a future City Council meeting. Check the City’s Web site,, for future meeting agendas listing the proposed budget as an agenda item. If you have questions about the City’s budget process and the proposed budget please contact members of the City’s Budget Committee: Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Gillian, Councilman Miguel Valverde. WASTE/BRUSH PICK-UP: SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 • No household hazardous waste • No appliances with freon All discarded items such as old furniture, appliances, brush, etc. must be placed at the curbside in front of the residence to be serviced. Items should NOT be put to the curb earlier than 10 (ten) days prior to the pick-up. You can place waste/brush out beginning Friday, September 14, 2012, but not later than 7:00 a.m. Monday, September 24, 2012. Collection vehicles will pass down each street one time only. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS WITH WASTE/BRUSH August 2012 19th ANNUAL BALCONES HEIGHTS JAZZ FESTIVAL The 19th Annual Balcones Heights Jazz Festival enjoyed a sparkling opening night Friday, July 6 at Wonderland of the Americas’ Amphitheater. This year, in addition to the cooling effects of the fountain in the middle of the reflecting pool, the side waterfalls along the staircase leading to the amphitheater were operational and added greatly to the event’s unique atmosphere. The evening began with a VIP reception attended by over 100 guests of the City of Balcones Heights, Wonderland of the Americas, and Q101.9. This year’s reception, for the first time in the event’s 19-year history, featured samples from local Balcones Heights’ restaurants, including Crossroads BBQ, Queen’s Cottage, Tona’s, Side Wok Café, and the newly opened Naked Banana Company. Many thanks to Tea Santos, Helen Nicholson, Connie Martinez, Martin Paloma, and Gordon Hass for their contributions to helping make this year’s event to a new level. Also, many thanks to long-time Jazz Festival caterer La Fonda-Oak Hills, for again providing a memorable menu. At 7:00 p.m. the incomparable David Munoz, Q101.9 and San Antonio’s inimitable “JazzMan” took the stage to welcome the capacity crowd. After acknowledging Wonderland of the (Continued on page 3) go green LET’S DO OUR PART IN HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT! We are proud to announce we are now offering YOU to “opt-in” to having your Neighborhood Newsletter delivered electronically! How? 1 Visit 2 Click on: “Let’s do our part” and follow the instructions. What wil l change? Well... nothing! You will begin receiving your neighborhood newsletter by email on the very next publication! We’ll be sure to remove your address from the mailing list, while you enjoy your digital copy. We are so pleased to be offering this new service! Questions? Feel free to contact Albert Prieto at (210) 558-3160 with any website related questions. City of Balcones Heights (Continued from page 2) Americas and the City of Balcones Heights, and presenting sponsor Ruud – Mitsubishi Electric, Munoz introduced Mayor Suzanne de Leon. Mayor De Leon introduced, and was joined on stage by Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Gillian, Councilman Charles White, City Administrator Amy Buckert, Fire Chief Philip Prince, Police Chief Henry Dominguez, and Jazz Festival producer Lorenzo Nastasi, the City’s Director of Community Initiatives. Following these introductions, Munoz introduced the evening’s opening act, Groove Therapy, the U.S. Army Jazz Ensemble based at Fort Sam Houston. Groove Therapy, returning for their third appearance at this event, was greeted with the tumultuous applause reserved for a true crowd pleaser. Headliner Steve Cole took the stage as the sun was setting and performed his magic for more than an hour much to the crowd’s enjoyment. Media coverage of this year’s event included some new and different stories. Munoz and Nastasi were featured on KABB Fox 29’s Focus on South Texas June 30. The morning of July 6 Munoz and Steve Cole appeared live on KABB Fox 29’s Daytime at Nine. That evening J.T. Street’s popular “Street Corner” segment on KABB’s News at Nine, featured several jazz fans who had set up their chairs days before the event. Street had spent the afternoon filming on site and reduced it to a great piece. These segments are available online at http://www. The Mayor also appeared live on KENS TV’s Great Day SA, July 13, and WOAI News 4’s San Antonio Living August 3. Other media coverage included various calendar listings across the state, including Festivals of Texas, Texas Highways, and AAA’s Texas Journey magazine. The Balcones Heights Jazz Festival is also featured prominently each year on Clear Channel Communications’ MyTexasVacation web site. On Facebook, the Balcones Heights Jazz Festival has 268 “Likes” and the number is growing daily. To see photos of this year’s event, visit www.reachfortheheights. org. Page 3 CITY SALES TAX – WHAT DOES IT FINANCE? Lamar Gillian, Mayor Pro Tem, Council Member Place 4 In the last City Council meeting on July 9, 2012, Council approved the Crime Control Budget for the upcoming fiscal year beginning October 1, 2012. Currently the Council is working on the other budgets, like the General Fund, that will be approved before the beginning of the next fiscal year. Our City’s portion of the sales tax revenue is a major source of income for the funding of the operations of both budgets. The sales tax that is paid by shoppers in our City is comprised of the following: Recipient Percentage State City Crime Control VIA Total 6.250 1.000 0.500 0.500 8.250 The General Fund managed by the City Council receives as a major source of funds our City’s sales tax to pay for salaries and related costs, such as medical insurance and workmen’s compensation, repairs and maintenance, supplies, information technology, oil and fuel, etc. for all departments. The Crime Control Fund, on the other hand, is a dedicated fund managed by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. It is used only to fund activities related to the control of crime in our neighborhood. Presently, that fund pays for the mortgage, administrative expenses, and upkeep of the Justice Center and for the salaries and related costs of our Criminal Investigation Division. Last year’s sales tax revenues were $1,005,149 for the General Fund and $630,150 for the Crime Control Fund. Similar amounts are expected for the upcoming fiscal year. If you have any questions about our City’s sales tax revenue, please contact me: e-mail:; cell: 210-875-1281. 1 SHIRT SPECIAL $ .69 Men’s plain laundered shirts on hangers with dry cleaning. Must present coupon with incoming order. Must be machine pressable. One coupon per day. Not valid with any other offers or specials. Expires Sept. 12, 2012. 6387 Babcock • 691.1718 ww w .m y r o s e c le a n e r s .c o m Page 4 August 2012 BALCONES HEIGHTS CITY DIRECTORY 3300 Hillcrest, Balcones Heights, Texas 78201 CITY COUNCIL: Suzanne de Leon, Mayor Miguel C. Valverde, Councilman, Place 1 Madeline Slay, Councilwoman, Place 2 VACANT, Place 3 Lamar Gillian, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 4 Charles White, Councilman, Place 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT: MICHAEL BROWN PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN Lieutenant Michael Brown was promoted to Captain effective July 1, 2012. A firefighter for 34 years, retired as an Engineer/Driver after 25 years of service with the Leon Valley Fire Department. Captain Brown joined the Balcones Heights Fired Department in 2003, and was promoted to Lieutenant in February 2008. Captain Brown was officially recognized at the July 9, 2012 Balcones Heights City Council meeting. His son, Justin Brown, a firefighter with San Antonio Fire Department, did the honors of pinning Captain Brown with his new badge. Congratulations Captain Brown! CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Amy Buckert PHONE NUMBERS: EMERGENCY: 911 Balcones Heights Police Department Dispatch: 210-735-9212 Balcones Heights Fire Department: 210-735-9206 Balcones Heights Visitor Center: 210-732-0055 Captain Michael Brown is “pinned” by his son Justin Brown, as Fire Chief Philip Prince looks on during the July 9, 2012 Balcones Heights City Council Meeting. Balcones Heights Justice Center: 210-735-9148 Mayor City Admin. City Secretary Finance Director Deputy Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk Suzanne de Leon Amy Buckert Delia Flores Yvonne Smith-Griffin Yvonne Baez Maria Hernandez Lisa Merlo 235 227 236 244 223 221 224 Development Svcs. Mark Boyd 246 Fire Chief Philip C. Prince 210-735-9206 Police Chief Henry Dominguez 242 ATS Clerk Gloria Puente 222 Dispatcher (Non-Emergency) 210-735-9212 Investigator/Lieutenant Joyce Pena 239 Photo Enforcement Hearing & Review Officer Reine Scheer 245 Visitor Initiatives (Visitor Center, CVB) Director Lorenzo Nastasi 210-732-0055 Assistant to Director Jennifer Porter 210-732-0055 TRASH CONTAINERS The curb appeal of the community is very important. No one wants to come home to a street littered with trash containers and debris scattered around. One way to keep the community looking beautiful is to put away your trash and recycle containers promptly after pick up and store out of view from the front of your home. Be a Good Neighbor! Jason Speights ■ Laura Speights ■ Joan Marron ■ Shelly Enyart ■ Todd Worrich ■ Nicole Littles ■ Brennan Kucera ■ Clare Pace A severe HAIL STORM hit this area February 3, 2012. Your home probably has serious HAIL DAMAGE . Have you made an INSURANCE CLAIM? We are SPECIALIZED ATTORNEYS who represent property owners and get you PAID when your claim is denied or underpaid. Call today for FREE CONSULTATION. NO FEES UNLESS WE GET YOU MORE MONEY! Central Texas Office 14235 Blanco Road San Antonio, Texas 78216 (210) 495-6789 | (210) 495-6790 (fax) 1-888-SW-LAW-TX | Page 6 CITY CODE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT Miguel C. Valverde, City Councilman, Place 1 In the early 70’s the City of Balcones Heights seemed to have everything in order and had a beautiful, clean, safe, and friendly appearance. I remember seeing our police officers frequently patrolling our residential streets and stopping for a quick chat with the residents to see what was going on. For some reason the cohesion of city leadership, staff, and residents weakened. In my opinion, that lack of cohesion has created a weak link in our community. That weak link apparently has led some residents to think that there are no restrictions and no need to comply with City ordinances. Those residents have become entirely too complacent, comfortable, and confident that the City is no longer enforcing code ordinances and that residential police patrols are lacking. Why do I say this? For several reasons: I see vehicles speeding on our residential streets, recurring vandalism in the parks, unauthorized solicitations, shopping carts on our streets, properties deteriorating, and many other examples of code violations. It is imperative that Balcones Heights’ property owners and residents cooperate with our City staff and take code compliance violations seriously. This is absolutely necessary if we are going to have a strong and safe City. In my opinion we can return Balcones Heights to the way it was in years past, with a strong and positive reputation. We can only do that if everyone understands City code of ordinances, and understands the consequences of non-compliance. I understand that part of the challenge these past months was the absence of a full-time Development Services Coordinator. (Note: Among other responsibilities, the Development Services Department is responsible for permitting and following up on non-compliance issues). The former coordinator resigned at the end of the year, and a permanent replacement was not in place until the end of the May. While City intern Nii-Amma, who was primarily assigned to Development Services, participated in compliance reviews with City Administrator Amy Buckert and Fire Chief Philip Prince, the lack of a full-time coordinator certainly had an impact. Now we have a fulltime Development Services Coordinator, Mr. Mark Boyd, who began as a member of the Balcones Heights’ team May 29, 2012. Mr. Boyd will undoubtedly face many challenges in the months ahead, as he works to become more familiar with our City, our business community, residents and property owners. In my August 2012 opinion, the most common challenges will be violations of the basic ordinances such as high grass, junked vehicles, brush/ debris visible from public right-of-way. Code compliance is very important to the City. This is why City Council has directed staff to comprehensively and consistently enforce the City’s present code of ordinances. Effective code enforcement is critical to maintaining property values, keeping our City clean and safe, and protecting you and your property. You might ask, “how does code enforcement protect my property?” Well, let us say you maintain your property in compliance with the City’s Code of Ordinances. Your lawn is clear of debris and is well-manicured. The property next door to yours is sold and/or rented. The new owners or renters do not apply the same diligence you do in maintaining the property. The lawn is not mowed. Junked cars are parked in the yard. Trash, brush and other debris accumulate in the yard. Before long that property poses a risk to the entire neighborhood. Junk cars, brush and other debris become a serious fire hazard. This is particularly true during very dry periods when fires can start in an instant. High grass and weeds harbor vermin, including rats and snakes. The Code of Ordinances were created to keep these risks to a minimum, and protect everyone. If non-compliance continues unabated, if codes are not uniformly enforced, not only will our properties lose value, our risks for fire and other public safety danger rises. I am asking every property owner to please cooperate with the City’s Development Services Department, and to comply with the established the City Code of Ordinances. Below is a list of options once a code violation occurs: • First Option: take the necessary steps to bring the violation into compliance with the code. • Second Option: contact Development Services and get guidance on time limits and how to avoid a citation and court date. • Third Option: show up at your scheduled court date and explain to the judge why you think your actions or inaction is not a violation of City ordinance. It will take all of us to regain the cohesion I mentioned at the beginning of this article. All of us working together, complying with code requirements, and basically being good neighbors if Balcones Heights is going to be a place people want to live in and raise their families as so many of us have done over the years. Mr. Boyd will be happy to answer any questions and provide clarification regarding any ordinance. You may contact him at 735-9148, ext. 246. Additionally, if you have any questions about my position on this topic, please feel free to contact me by e-mail: MOUSE RUNS HOUSE. Money-saving energy rebates and financing Made siMple. It’s easy to save energy and money. Just go to for energy rebates, incentives, and low interest financing. Make your move and be an energy saver. Relax, it’s easy. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOERNE, TX PERMIT NO. 204 City of Balcones Heights 3300 Hillcrest Drive Balcones Heights, TX 78201 Time Dated August 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friendly Doggie Reminder • Be careful not to let your dog run loose through the neighborhood. It may be dangerous for the dog as well as for people in the neighborhood. • Remember to always clean up after your dog on your walks. • If your dog goes outside during the night, please be considerate of your neighbors who may be sleeping, and get the dog back in the house promptly if it starts to bark. Thank you for making our neighborhood dog-friendly and people-friendly! 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 4 Jazz Fest 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Wonderland of the Americas 5 6 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 25 7 Planning and Zoning 6:00 p.m. Justice Center 12 13 Board of Adjustments Meeting, 5:00 p.m. City Council Meeting 6:00 p.m. Justice Center 3300 Hillcrest Drive 2nd Floor 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Articles that appear in the Balcones Heights newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in the Balcones Heights newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final, is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc.
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