balcones - Neighborhood News
balcones - Neighborhood News
1949 - 2013 BALCONES HEIGHTS SEPTEMBER 2013 Published by Neighborhood News Inc. CITY ADMINISTRATOR AMY BUCKERT'S MONTHLY BRIEF: CITY COUNCIL – August 12, 2013: - C o u n c i l unanimously approved the Local Task Force A g r e e m e n t between the San Antonio District Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the City for the next year. The agreement allows Officer Joey Sepulveda to continue to work with the DEA on joint cases. - Council unanimously approved the holiday schedule for FY 2013/2014. The holiday schedule will remain the same as it was last year, and will be posted on the City website as well as in the City newsletter. - Barbara Patterson from Crandall and Associates gave an presentation over their assessment of different healthcare providers and the varying plans they offer for City employees. City Council voted to move forward with Blue Cross Blue Shield as our healthcare provider. - Council voted 4 to 1 (Councilwoman Slay dissented) to have a discussion on whether or not to raise ad valorem taxes above the lower of the calculated effective tax rate or roll-back rate. Two public hearings will be held. - Resident Otto Moellering led a discussion regarding the Great Northwest Recycling program as a possible option for the City to recycle its aluminum cans. The topic will be discussed further at the September 9 meeting. - Council met in Executive Session to discuss property on Gentleman and Hillcrest. Council reconvened in open session and no action was taken. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: - On July 8th demolition began on the Lack’s building, and was completed August 1st. The sign is supposed to be down by mid-September as well. At this point in time, the City is not aware of any plans for the site. More photos are on the City’s Facebook page: balconesheights - The City’s Economic Development consultant TIP Strategies submitted their final report and proposal. - Tax credits were granted by the state for the proposed development at Gentleman and Hillcrest. Discussions with HUD are ongoing. More information will be provided as it becomes available. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - August 6, 2013 - City Administrator Buckert gave a presentation on impervious cover and proposed limitations. She recommended limiting impervious cover to 50% of the setback area in residential front yards. P&Z directed staff to look into some additional options, and the item will be brought back at the next Planning and Zoning meeting. DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS (July 2013): • COMMUNITY INITIATIVES: - 121% increase in newsletter word count July 2012 to July 2013 - 234 new ‘likes’ to the Jazz Facebook page 16 new ‘likes’ to the City Facebook page - 1,441 visits to CVB Home page - 9,427 visits to Jazz Festival page - 316 total leads from paid advertising in SA CVB Travel & Leisure Guide, the Texas State Travel Guide, and • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: - 10 Permits Issued - 10 Code Compliance Complaints • FIRE DEPARTMENT: - 90 Responses 6 Business Inspections 5 Plan Reviews 4 Public Education Activities - 72 Calls, Acadian Ambulance - 7:36 Average Response Time • POLICE DEPARTMENT: - 566 Dispatched Calls for Service (Continued on Page 2) BALCONESHEIGHTS.ORG - SANANTONIOCENTRAL.ORG - FACEBOOK.COM/BALCONESHEIGHTS Page 2 City of Balcones Heights - September 2013 The Council reviewed the City’s unfunded requirements as requested by staff in the initial council workshop held on July 18, 2013. The list consists of input from the City Administrator and her department heads with one insert by the budget committee. The top three unfunded requirements were reviewed and the Council adjusted funding to cover them. The following three requirements received funding: (Continued from Front Page) - 101 Vehicles Towed - 91 Vehicles Released - 64 Total Arrests - 873 Traffic Citations • MUNICIPAL COURT: -541 Defendants on Docket -289 Defendants in Court -525 Court No Shows -438 Warrants Issued Priority Requirement CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP REVIEWS FY 2013/2014 In a specially called City Council budget workshop meeting held on August 15, 2013, City Council reviewed the upcoming fiscal year budgets for all funds except for the Crime Control and Prevention District. That fund’s budget had been approved previously in the regularly scheduled City Council meeting held on July 8, 2013. Council reviewed budgets for sixteen separate funds in the budget workshop. The process of budgeting began in early April with input from all department heads. The Budget Committee was presented the draft budgets in its first meeting on June 26, 2013. The initial budget came in almost $ 375,000 in the red. Working with staff, the committee, in subsequent meetings held on July 11 and August 9, 2013, was able to present suggested changes that brought the budget into balance and proposed a 2.2% Cost of Living Adjustment for all employees. These changes included the following personnel actions: - Offer no new positions - Continue frozen but authorized positions from last fiscal year: - Assistant Police Chief - Police Patrol Sergeant - Municipal Court Administrator Commercial Residential Licensed Insured 24/7 cy gen Emer ter Wa on cti tr Ex a Good Day Enterprises “Repairing San Antonio One Project At A Time” Roofing • Restoration • Remodeling • Repair Stay in love with your home! We Welcome Insurance Claims Pascual Segovia Richard Reyna 210.632.8560 210.779.9185 Sales Manager Sales Manager Amount 1 Salary Survey Adjustments – Police Department. Salary surveys are conducted every three years in unison with Police Union contract negotiation contract negotiations. $35,000 Salary Survey Adjustments – All Other Departments $25,000 2 Breathing Apparatus-Fire Department $18,000 (This is the first installment of a $96,000 total requirement.) 3 Texas Municipal Retirement System Supplemental Payment $50,000 -Budget Committee insert. (This is the first installment of a $200,000 requirement.) One more budget workshop (unscheduled at this time) will be held to make to hear a proposal from Councilman White and to make final changes before submitting the budget in the regularly scheduled council meeting in September. The current proposed General Fund budget provides the same level of emergency services (fire and police), public works, municipal court, administration, dispatch, traffic safety, developmental services (permits and code enforcement), community center, and community initiatives. If you have any questions you may contact me by phone or email. Lamar Gillian Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Place 4 Email: Cell: (210) 875-1281 Published and distributed by: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to Articles that appear in the Balcones Heights newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Balcones Heights newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. Page 3 City of Balcones Heights REPORTING PROBLEMS, PERMITTING, AND COMMUNICATING WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS AND CITY STAFF IN A NEW WAY iWORQ ONLINE AT BALCONESHEIGHTS.ORG On February 11, 2013 City Council approved the new iWorQ program, creating a new and more efficient vehicle allowing the public to communicate with the City. The program is up and running. To help familiarize residents with the new and convenient service, City staff has conducted several iWorQ orientation sessions following City Council meetings. Residents, contractors, business operators, and others may obtain and pay for permits online, via iWorQ on the home-page of the City’s Web site, www.balconesheights. org. This will eliminate the necessity of making a special trip to the Justice Center, and can be done any time, day or night, 24/7. iWorQ also will include a 311 system – Talk to Your City – that will provide residents and business operators a forum to let the City know about pot holes, graffiti, street light outages or other problems they notice or encounter. Talk to Your City will also provide users with basic information about City services and other information. iWorQ also includes a mobile phone app for iPhones and Androids. Users can download the app and connect directly to the 311 system using their phone. The new service is now live on the City’s website. It includes a survey regarding the schedule of City Council meetings. You can read a related article about this in this newsletter. PRWEB, a recognized source on new Web technology reported on iWorQ in January 2013. “This app works in two different ways to help local governments with their service requests. The first is that citizens can use this to inform their local government of any concerns that they have pertaining to the city. This is where the ability to attach a picture and description comes in handy for the app user. They can inform the local government of the exact place and specify what needs attention. The second is that employees can use it in order to track and manage the requests they receive or things that they see that need attention, they can directly put them into their service request. The location feature becomes very useful in both cases allowing the local government to know the exact location where the attention is needed. IWorQ says that “Local Governments can even reduce their liability by providing these types of tools for services request to be submitted and managed.” One of the iWorQ Request app users commented that it is an "Awesome app for communicating directly with your city." For more information about iWorQ or assistance in using this new service, please contact Development Services Coordinator Mark Boyd, WEIGH IN ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME USING IWORQ City Council is considering the prospect of changing the date and time of regular City Council meetings in order to provide more information in advance of the meetings. Presently, regular City Council meetings convene on the second Monday of each month, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Balcones Heights Justice Center. City staff created a survey listing the options discussed for consideration. The survey is posted on iWorQ and is self-explanatory. The survey will remain up through September. Results will be tabulated and presented at the October City Council meeting. LEGAL SERVICES 210-535-5606 Eileen O’Rourke ATTORNEY AT LAW 8000 IH-10 West, Ste. 1500 • San Antonio, TX 78230 • 210-524-7775 Priced by the job, not by the hour Having legal problems? Need a Will? Give us your home repair “To-Do List”: • Appliances • Fencing • Drywall • Carpentry • Powerwash • Patio Covers • Paint • Decks • Carports Bonded and Insured • We warranty our work • Free estimates Mention this ad for a 10% discount over $250 Call! 210-524-7775 FREE 30 minute consultation Call for details! Mention this ad and get 25% Off a Last Will & Testament! (Exp. 9/30/13) Page 4 City of Balcones Heights - September 2013 BALCONES HEIGHTS CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 2013 • Labor Day - September 2, 2013 - City offices will be closed • Planning and Zoning - September 3, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. • City Council Meeting – September 9, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. • Brush Pick Up– September 23, 2013 • National Night Out– October 1, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. CITY OF BALCONES HEIGHTS 3300 Hillcrest Balcones Heights, Texas 78201 210-735-9148 Emergency: 911 WASTE/BRUSH PICK-UP: SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 Municipal Court: every Wednesday at 1:00 PM Dispatch: 735-9212 Visitor Center: 732-0055 Fire Department: 735-9206 Justice Center: 735-9148 ● ● No household hazardous waste No appliances with freon All discarded items such as old furniture, appliances, brush, etc. must be placed at the curbside in front of the residence to be serviced. CITY COUNCIL: Suzanne de Leon, Mayor 735-9148, Ext. 235 Lamar Gillian, Mayor Pro Tem Items should NOT be put to the curb earlier than ten (10) days prior to the pick-up. Miguel C. Valverde Madeline Slay You can place waste/brush out beginning Friday, September 13, 2013, but not later than 7:00 a.m. Monday, September 23, 2013. Jack Burton Charles White 210-324-2797 Collection vehicles will pass down each street one time only. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS WITH WASTE/BRUSH CONTACT DIRECTORY: 210-735-9148 City Administrator: City Secretary: Community Initiatives Assistant: Community Initiatives Director: Deputy Court Clerk: Deputy Court Clerk: Development Services: Finance Clerk: Finance Director: Fire Chief: Investigator/Lieutenant: Maintenance Worker Police Chief: Public Works Maintenance Supervisor Red Light Camera Clerk: Red Light Camera Review Officer: EXT Amy Buckert 227 Delia Flores 236 Sarah Gregg Lorenzo Nastasi 732-0055 732-0055 Lisa Merlo Yvonne Baez Mark Boyd 224 223 246 Floyd Messick Yvonne Griffin 243 244 Philip C. Prince 735-9206 Joyce Pena Henry Aguilar Henry Dominguez 239 527-7617 242 Ray Mackey Gloria Puente Reine Scheer Close to Everything. Far From Expensive. 527-7617 222 245 NorthEnd Dental Ernesto P. Miller Jr. DDS Accepting NEW Patients 210-699-9761 4963 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 -Laredo Native - B.S. Biology 2004, UTSA - DDS 2007, UTHSC-SA - ADA and HDA Member - Hablamos Espanol We are an in-network provider for most insurances. Schedule your own appointment 24/7 at Dr. Miller and staff care about your dental health and provide the professional, quality treatment you deserve. We listen to your needs and use state-of-the-art technology to help you get the fantastic, healthy smile you deserve. One visit Page 5 City of Balcones Heights MARK YOUR CALENDAR: OCTOBER 1 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT FESTIVITIES FLASH FLOODS SAFETY FIRE CHIEF PHILIP PRINCE Balcones Heights will commemorate National Night Out with local activities beginning at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at Rogiers Park. The evening’s activities, which will continue until dark, will include demonstrations, food, vendors and activities for all ages. The event is free and open to all residents and business operators in Balcones Heights. People living in south Texas are definitely familiar with the possibility of flash flooding, in fact just recently on Memorial Day, this area experienced flash flooding. Each and every time that the skies darken, we hear thunder or see lightning and rain begins to fall, there is a risk of flashfloods. These floods can develop within minutes or hours depending on the intensity and duration of the rain, the topography, soil conditions and ground cover. Most flash floods are caused by slow moving thunderstorms, thunderstorms that move repeatedly over the same area or heavy rains from tropical storms and hurricanes. While the number of fatalities can vary dramatically with weather conditions from year to year, the national average for flood deaths is 99. That compares with a 30-year average of 61 deaths for lightning, 54 for tornadoes and 49 for hurricanes. Except for heat related fatalities, more deaths occur from flooding than any other hazard. Why? Most people fail to realize the power of floodwater. For example: •Six inches of running water can knock you off your feet and also cause tires to lose traction and begin to slide. •Twelve inches of water can float many types of vehicles. •Two feet of rushing water will carry off pick-up trucks and SUVs and most other vehicles. •Water across a road can hide missing segments of roadbed or a missing bridge. •Flash floods are especially treacherous at night when it is difficult to see how deep waters may be or how fast the flood waters are rising. National Weather Service data also shows: •Nearly half of all flash flood fatalities are vehicle-related •The majority of victims are males •Flood deaths affect all age groups The introduction of National Night Out, “America’s Night Out Against Crime”, in 1984 began an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. NATW’s National Night Out program culminates annually, on the first Tuesday of August (In Texas, the first Tuesday of October). CITY RECEIVES GRANT FOR STREET REPAIR The City was recently awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from Bexar County. The grant is for a total of $335,000 from the County with the City contributing $85,000 towards street repairs on Hannasch Drive. Construction will begin in November 2014 and will be completed in October 2015. The repairs will include street repairs as well as sewer and drainage repairs. Updates on the project as well as pictures will be posted in the City’s newsletter and Facebook page: BalconesHeights. The Department of Community Initiative’s Sarah Gregg was instrumental in helping the City secure this grant. (See related article on Ms. Gregg) TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN: A statement that we can all truly live by. As always, please don’t hesitate to call for assistance or help. In the case of emergencies dial 911 or for information or nonemergency assistance dial 735-9206 or 735-9207. Personalized Service for All of Your Plumbing Needs Residential and Commercial Gallos Plumbing Service Co. Call 210 679-0000 or 210 669-4645 M-36478 Licensed and Insured • Electronic Line Locating • Sewer Camera Inspections • Foundation Leak Repair • Yard Leaks • Additions and Remodeling to Kitchen and Bath • Service and Repair • Sewer Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters • Gas Tests • 24/7 Emergency Response All Major Credit Cards Accepted Your newest place to get band and orchestra supplies as well as music lessons! We offer lessons in: • Piano • Violin • Voice • Guitar • Bass and Drums “If you’ve been dreaming about playing an instrument or becoming a singer, this is your place!” In the Design Center at 1604 and Tradesman 5139 North Loop 1604 W, Suite 101 210-362-1058 Page 6 City of Balcones Heights - September 2013 20TH ANNUAL 20TH ANNUAL BALCONES HEIGHTS BALCONES HEIGHTS TH TH 20 ANNUAL 20 JAZZ FESTIVAL HILIGHTS ANNUAL JAZZ FESTIVAL HILIGHTS BALCONES HEIGHTS BALCONES HEIGHTS JAZZ FESTIVAL HILIGHTS JAZZ FESTIVAL HILIGHTS 2013 marked the 20th Annual Balcones Heights Jazz Festival. From crowd favorites the 20th Annual Balcones Heights 2013 marked Joseph Vincelli and Slim Man, to Jazz Festival. From crowd favorites Joseph Vincelli th 2013 marked the 20th Annual Balcones newcomers Everette Harp and Craig 2013 marked the 20 Annual Balcones and Slim Man, to newcomers Everette Harp and Heights Jazz Festival. From crowd favorites Chaquico, the Festival was not short on Heights Jazz Festival. From crowd favorites Joseph Vincelli and Slim Man, to talent. Precinct Two County Commissioner Joseph Vincelli and Slim Man, to Craig Chaquico, the Festival was not short on newcomers Everette Harp and Craig Paul Elizondo even came out of retirement newcomers Everette Harp and Craig talent. Precinct Two County Commissioner Paul Chaquico, the Festival was not short on with his renowned orchestra to kick off the Chaquico, the Festival was not short on Elizondo even came out of retirement with his talent. Precinct Two County Commissioner party. To help celebrate the event, our talent. Precinct Two County Commissioner Paul Elizondo even came out of retirement very own Crossroads BBQ, La Fonda Oak Paul Elizondo even came out of retirement renowned orchestra to kick off the party. To help Hills and Catering by Celebrations catered with his renowned orchestra to kick off the celebrate the event,with his renowned orchestra to kick off the our very own Crossroads BBQ, party. To help celebrate the event, our the VIP reception on opening night. As party. To help celebrate the event, our Lavery own Crossroads BBQ, La Fonda Oak Fonda Oak Hills and Catering by Celebrations very own Crossroads BBQ, La Fonda Oak always, the Festival drew crowds of Hills and Catering by Celebrations catered smooth jazz fans from all across Texas and Hills and Catering by Celebrations catered catered the VIP reception on opening night. the VIP reception on opening night. As Asthe VIP reception on opening night. As always,even as far as Louisiana and the Festival drew crowds of smooth always, the Festival drew crowds of Massachusetts. 2013 proved to be the always, the Festival drew crowds of jazz fans from all across Texas and even as far as smooth jazz fans from all across Texas and most successful year yet! smooth jazz fans from all across Texas and even as far as Louisiana and For more picutres: even as far as Louisiana and Louisiana and Massachusetts. 2013 proved to be Massachusetts. 2013 proved to be the balconesheightsjazzfestival Massachusetts. 2013 proved to be the the most successful year yet! most successful year yet! most successful year yet! ForTop Row, L to R: Everette Harp signs posters for fans, DCI more picutres: For more picutres: For more picutres: Director Lorenzo Nastasi presents a plaque to balconesheightsjazzfestival balconesheightsjazzfestival balconesheightsjazzfestival Commissioner Elizondo during Commissioner’s Court Top Row, L to R: Everette Harp signs posters for fans, DCI Second Row, L to R: County Commissioner Paul Elizondo Top Row, L to R: Everette Harp signs posters for fans, DCI Top Row, Land the hosts of Great Day SA, Catering by Celebrations at to R: Everette Harp signs posters for fans, DCI Director Lorenzo Director Lorenzo Nastasi presents a plaque to Director Lorenzo Nastasi presents a plaque to Nastasi presents a plaque to Commissioner Elizondo during Commissioner’s Commissioner Elizondo during Commissioner’s Court the VIP reception, and Eric Darius Commissioner Elizondo during Commissioner’s Court Court Second Row, L to R: County Commissioner Paul Elizondo Third Row, L to R: Craig Chaquico, Everette Harp and David Second Row, L to R: County Commissioner Paul Elizondo Second Row, L to R: County Commissioner Paul Elizondo and the hosts of Great and the hosts of Great Day SA, Catering by Celebrations at Munoz with the hosts of Daytime at 9 and the hosts of Great Day SA, Catering by Celebrations at Day SA, the VIP reception, and Eric Darius Catering by Celebrations at the VIP reception, and Eric Darius the VIP reception, and Eric Darius Fourth Row, L to R: Peter White, Slim Man Third Row, LFifth Row, L to R: Mayor de Leon presents Commissioner to R: Craig Chaquico, Everette Harp and David Munoz with the Third Row, L to R: Craig Chaquico, Everette Harp and David Third Row, L to R: Craig Chaquico, Everette Harp and David hosts of Daytime at 9 Munoz with the hosts of Daytime at 9 Elizondo a plaque, Elizondo playing his sax Munoz with the hosts of Daytime at 9 Fourth Row, L to R: Peter White, Slim Man Fourth Row, L to R: Peter White, Slim Man Photo credit: Bob Merrill Fourth Row, L to R: Peter White, Slim Man Fifth Row, L to R: MayorFifth Row, L to R: Mayor de Leon presents Commissioner de Leon presents Commissioner Elizondo a plaque, Fifth Row, L to R: Mayor de Leon presents Commissioner Elizondo playing his sax Elizondo a plaque, Elizondo playing his sax Elizondo a plaque, Elizondo playing his sax Photo credit: Bob Merrill Photo credit: Bob Merrill Photo credit: Bob Merrill The Encino Park Women’s Club proudly presents 34th Annual Fall Craft Fair 12002 Bandera Road Suite 111 Helotes, Texas 78023 (210) 695-9002 Free n Admissio g & Parkin Alejandro Arizmendi, M.D. Internal Medicine Now Open!! Call to Schedule an Appointment Today Se Habla Español Sunday, Saturday, th October 5 & October 6th 9am-3pm 9am-5pm 60+ Vendo Conces rs & sions The Encino Park Community Center and Park 1923 Encino Rio Booths available, contact: Gail at or Arlene at ClEAN UP FIX YOUR DUCTS, SAVE BUCKS AT CPSENERGYSAVERS.COM CPS Energy has rebates that will help you reduce home energy use and save money. VISIT CPSENERGYSAVERS.COM 13-CPS-0437 Print Ad_Neigborhood News_BW.indd 1 8/9/13 11:44 AM City of Balcones Heights 3300 Hillcrest Drive Balcones Heights, TX 78201 Time Dated PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOERNE, TX PERMIT NO. 204 INTERNS: WIN-WIN FOR CITY Every semester City Administrator Amy Buckert welcomes a student intern into the City of Balcones Heights. The majority of the interns are full-time students pursuing their Master’s degrees in Public Administration (MPA) at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The unpaid internship opportunity offers the student up-close insight into the real world of public administration, something they can’t learn from a textbook alone. City Administrator Buckert explains, “The internship program is invaluable – both to the interns and to the City. The interns are allowed to attend meetings with me or the department heads and are sometimes given special projects, research assignments, etc. They are exposed to a wide variety of services and management styles, and really get to “taste” what it’s like to be in local government. In my experience, the department heads grow as managers, the interns learn as students and the residents typically love the program – they are getting fresh, new ideas with a smiling face and a servant’s soul!” UTSA graduate student Lucy Barbosa began her Balcones Heights internship in May 2013. Barbosa interned with the City until July 19, 2013. Originally from Queretaro, Mexico, she has spent two and a half years in the United States and will graduate from UTSA in December 2013. She is no stranger to public administration. Both of her parents work in the public sector in Mexico. “Public Administration is interesting because it allows us to directly contribute and have a positive effect in the development of communities,” she explains. Prior to Barbosa, UTSA graduate Zach Meadows interned with Balcones Heights. Meadows graduated in May of 2013 with his Master’s degree in Public Administration. Ultimately, he aspires to become a City Manager, “I would love to become a City Manager using my experiences and knowledge to help communities realize their potential and capture their opportunities every chance they get.” While still on the job hunt, he continues to give his time and energy to the City of Balcones Heights without any monetary compensation. Such internships prepare MPA students for the reality of their future careers. Barbosa ultimately wants to apply her knowledge and experience to serve and have a positive effect in the development of communities in Mexico and abroad. “It is necessary to “think globally” to be able to “act locally,” she explains. Upon completion of her Master’s degree she plans to continue studying and working in the field of public administration. She believes in order to be successful she must constantly use her experiences to gain more knowledge. Being a full-time student and having an active internship can sometimes be a little overwhelming, but the pay-off is well worth it. City Administrator Buckert hopes to welcome a new MPA student intern in the fall of 2013.
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