flood in g - Home Page
flood in g - Home Page
Mobile phone and charger List of useful phone numbers including your insurance company, emergency services, Fife Council and the SEPA Floodline number (0845 988 1188) Personal documents (passports, driving licences, credit cards, insurance policies, mortgage deeds, rent missives, birth JLY[PÄJH[LZL[J -PYZ[(PKRP[HUKLZZLU[PHSTLKPJH[PVU PUJS\KPUNIHI`P[LTZPMYLX\PYLK Wellington boots, waterproof clothing, spare dry clothing and footwear )SHURL[ZWPSSV^Z Portable radio and spare batteries ;PUVWLULY\[LUZPSZHUKJ\[SLY` ;PUULKSVUNSPMLMVVKZ[\MMZJOLJR\ZL I`KH[LZYLN\SHYS`HUKYLWSHJLZ[VJRZPM necessary) >H[LYIV[[SLK^H[LYMVYKYPURPUNHUK washing) *VVRPUNLX\PWTLU[HNHZJHTWPUNZ[V]L VYWVY[HISLIHYILX\LHUKTH[JOLZ Lighting (a torch including spare batteries and candles) One of the most important things you should KVPM`V\SP]LPUHÅVVKYPZRHYLHPZ[VWYLWHYL HÅVVKLTLYNLUJ`WHJR;OLWHJRZOV\SK contain enough of the following items to meet your needs for at least two days: PREPARING A FLOOD EMERGENCY PACK -SVVKPUNJHUHSZVIYPUNOLHS[OYPZRZ-VY information on how to protect yourself go to ^^^KPYLJ[NV]\R or ^^^OWHVYN\R PROTECTING YOUR HEALTH DURING AND AFTER A FLOOD Up-to-the-minute information is also available from SEPA at ^^^ZLWHVYN\RÅVVKPUN or via their Floodline . ;LSLWOVULSPULZ[V[OLLTLYNLUJ`ZLY]PJLZ and Fife Council will be extremely busy K\YPUNHÅVVKPUNLTLYNLUJ`6US`WOVUL them if you need to. HOW TO PROTECT YOUR HOME AND GET HELP IN AN EMERGENCY automated update faults & repairs out of hours REMEMBER FLOODING :R`- channel 539, press red =PYNPU- press home, select interactive 2PUNKVT-4- 95.2 & 96.1 -VY[O6UL- 97.3 ;H`-4- 96.4 & 102.8 MHJLIVVRJVTÄMLJV\UJPS [^P[[LYJVTÄMLJV\UJPS TÄMLKPYLJ[VYN\R - from your mobile phone browser ^^^ÄMLKPYLJ[VYN\RÅVVKPUN INFORMATION DURING A FLOOD IN AN EMERGENCY CALL -VYPUMVYTH[PVUVUÅVVKWYV[LJ[PVU WYVK\J[ZZ\JOHZÅVVKIHYYPLYZHUK HPYIYPJRJV]LYZZLL[OL:JV[[PZO Environmental Protection Agency’s (SEPA) website: ^^^ZLWHVYN\R 0M`V\SP]LPUHUHYLHWYVUL[VÅVVKPUNZVTL preventative actions will help protect your property, belongings and your family. -SVVKPUNJHUOHWWLUZ\KKLUS`HUK^P[O SP[[SL^HYUPUNSLH]PUN`V\^P[OV\[SPNO[PUN OLH[PUNVYHWOVULSPUL Several agencies in Fife can provide assistance in the event of ÅVVKPUN-PML-PYL9LZJ\LJHUKP]LY[ÅVVK ^H[LYH^H`MYVTH[YPZRI\PSKPUNZVYW\TW V\[HU`[OH[HYLHSYLHK`ÅVVKLK ,]HJ\H[PVUPM`V\ÄUK`V\YZLSMPU KPMÄJ\S[`HSLY[[OLLTLYNLUJ`ZLY]PJLZZV you can be evacuated. If opting to stay with family or friends, inform the police of your location. +HTHNLSPTP[H[PVU - move furnishings, household items, foodstuffs and personal possessions upstairs if possible. =LOPJSLZ - identify a safe place on higher ground where you can move any vehicles. ,ZZLU[PHSP[LTZ - identify what you would ULLK[V[HRL^P[O`V\HUK^OLYL`V\ ^V\SKNVHUKTHRLHYYHUNLTLU[ZMVY family pets. If you decide to stay in the house but move upstairs, list all the things you will need. :HUKIHNZI\`ZHUKIHNZVYV[OLYÅVVK WYV[LJ[PVUKL]PJLZ[VISVJRKVVY^H`ZHUK HPYIYPJRZ9LTLTILY[V\UISVJR]LU[Z ILMVYLZ^P[JOPUNL]LY`[OPUNIHJRVU <[PSP[PLZ - learn where to turn off your water, electricity and gas supplies. If you’re not sure where they are, contact your supplier. Council depots are located at Cupar ;YHKPUN,Z[H[L:[YH[OVYL9VHKPU;OVYU[VU HUK*HYUVJR9VHKPU+\UMLYTSPUL 0M`V\ULLKZHUKIHNZ¯ you can collect them from council depots or, if you’re at PTTLKPH[LYPZRVMÅVVKPUNJVU[HJ[\Z on 08451 550099 and we’ll deliver them to you. Limited supplies mean we can’t N\HYHU[LL[VYLZWVUK[VHSSYLX\LZ[Z 9LZPKLU[ZHYLL_WLJ[LK[V\UKLY[HRL reasonable measures to protect their properties. You can buy (empty) sandbags at most DIY stores. 0M`V\Y^OVSLZ[YLL[PZ\UKLY^H[LYHUK L]LY`WYVWLY[`PZHMMLJ[LK¯ contact the -PML-PYL9LZJ\L:LY]PJL 0MKYHPUZHYLV]LYÅV^PUNPU`V\YZ[YLL[¯ call Fife Council on 08451 550099 to report it. 0M^H[LYPZJVTPUN[OYV\NOHSPNO[Ä[[PUN¯ leave it alone, and call an electrician to isolate the electricity to the light. 0M`V\YJLPSPUNPZI\SNPUN^P[O^H[LY¯ try piercing a small hole in the bubble to release the water until a more permanent YLWHPYJHUILJHYYPLKV\[9LTLTILY[V WSHJLHI\JRL[VYIHZPU\UKLYULH[O[OL hole to collect the water. 0M^H[LYPZJVTPUNPU[V`V\YWYVWLY[`¯ \ZLHI\JRL[[VJVSSLJ[[OL^H[LYHUK contain it as much as possible with towels. 0UZ\YHUJLJOLJR`V\YWVSPJ`WYV]PKLZ HKLX\H[LJV]LYPUJS\KPUNI\PSKPUN replacement, structural repairs and full contents including personal valuables. 4HPU[LUHUJL - maintain your property in NVVKVYKLY^P[OIYPJRZ[VUL^VYRWYVWLYS` sealed. PRACTICAL ADVICE BEFORE AN EMERGENCY OCCURS:
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