The Guide to Moving In at DePaul
The Guide to Moving In at DePaul
The Guide to Moving In at DePaul Lincoln Park The Department of Housing Services, DePaul University 27LIJ½IPH%ZI7YMXILSYWMRK$HITEYPIHYSJ½GIWHITEYPIHYLSYWMRK 2014 WELCOME TO ON-CAMPUS HOUSING! We are thrilled that you will be joining us in DePaul University on-campus housing! The Department of Housing Services and the Department of Residential Education work very closely to ensure your experience as a resident is high-quality and allows you to grow within our residential community. We work together on many processes to provide the best service possible. Housing Services handles logistics with move-in, move-out, assignments, room changes, work orders, front desks, security and facilities. Residential Education handles relationships within housing, such as roommate relationships, learning opportunities, activities led by resident advisors, policy violations and emergency response. Learn more about what we do and our missions by visiting our websites. Read this guide carefully; it contains information about move-in day and how to prepare for your move to campus. Once you arrive, we will be providing more resources about living on campus. >LZ[YVUNS`LUJV\YHNL`V\[VJOLJRV\Y^LIZP[LH[VMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\OV\ZPUNMVY[OLTVZ[ \W[VKH[LJVTT\UPJH[PVUVYJHSSV\YVMÄJLZ^P[OHU`X\LZ[PVUZH[ VY 4211. Have a great summer, and we look forward to meeting you soon! Sincerely, The Department of Residential Education 5:OLMÄLSK(]LU\L *LU[LUUPHS/HSS:\P[L *OPJHNV0SSPUVPZ Z[\KLU[HMMHPYZKLWH\SLK\YLZLK MHJLIVVRJVTKLWH\SYLZLK The Department of Housing Services 5:OLMÄLSK(]LU\L *LU[LUUPHS/HSS:\P[L *OPJHNV0SSPUVPZ VMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\OV\ZPUN MHJLIVVRJVTKLWH\SOV\ZPUN INDEX Recommended Move-In Times................................. Page 1 Move-In Dates........................................................... Page 2 What to Know Before Move-In Day........................... 7HNL Health and Safety Information................................... 7HNLHUK Packing Information................................................... 7HNLHUK Laundry and Tech Help.............................................. Page 10 Meet Our Staff............................................................ Page 11 (YLH6MÄJLZ4HW Page 12 Dining and Mail Information........................................ 7HNL Move-In Day Map....................................................... Back Cover 1 Revi ew mov the map e-in an c on thhecklisd e ba t coveck r. YOUR MOVE-IN TIME +L7H\S<UP]LYZP[`»ZNLULYHSTV]LPUKH`PZ:LW[LTILY/V^L]LYPM`V\HYLHWHY[VMHWYVNYHT that requires an earlier move-in, an alternative move-in date has been communicated to you. You can learn more about move-in dates on the next page. DePaul University Recommended Move-In Times -VYYLZPKLU[ZTV]PUNPUVUV\YTHQVYTV]LPUKH`Z(\N\Z[HUK:LW[LTILYWSLHZLWSHU[V HYYP]LVUJHTW\ZK\YPUN[OL[PTLZZWLJPÄLKILSV^ (SS9LZPKLUJL/HSSZHUK(WHY[TLU[Z L_JLW[:OLMÄLSK:X\HYL(WHY[TLU[Z ,]LUU\TILYLK\UP[Z! HTUVVU 6KKU\TILYLK\UP[Z!WTWT :OLMÄLSK:X\HYL(WHY[TLU[Z (SS\UP[Z! HTWT University Center :LL<UP]LYZP[`*LU[LY»ZTV]LPU^LIWHNLMVYZWLJPÄJ[PTLZMVYLHJOYVVT Information about First-Year Residents Move-In 0M`V\HYLHÄYZ[`LHYVY[YHUZMLYZ[\KLU[`V\ZOV\SKILWHY[PJPWH[PUNPU7YLTPLYL+L7H\SVY;YHUZP[PVU +L7H\SVYPLU[H[PVU;OVZLZJOLK\SLKMVYZWLJPÄJLUKVMZ\TTLYVYPLU[H[PVUZOH]LYLJLP]LKHU alternative move-in date. Discover Chicago participants have also received an alternate move-in dates. Please use the chart on the next page to help identify your move-in date. 1 YOUR MOVE-IN DATE )LSV^PZHIHZPJÅV^JOHY[MVYZVTLVMV\YSHYNLYTV]LPUKH[LZIf you are unclear about your TV]LPUKH[LJHSSV\YVMÄJLH[ ZV^LJHUOLSW`V\Residents will not be HSSV^LK[VTV]LPUVUHU\UHZZPNULKTV]LPUKH[LV[OLY[OHU:LW[LTILY I am a... first-year student transfer student I am participating in... Unsure? Contact First-Year Programs (773) 325-7573. returning resident I am attending orientation... Unsure? Contact NSFE (773) 325-7360. Discover Chicago Explore Chicago Sept. 2 or 3 I am attending orientation... I am attending orientation... Unsure? Contact NSFE (773) 325-7360. June 26 Aug. 8 May 31 Aug. 28 or Sept. 8 - 9 Unsure? Contact NSFE (773) 325-7360. Aug. 28 - 29 June 26 Aug. 8 Sept. 3 - 4 You move in... Sun., Aug. 31 9 - 5 p.m. Bring your DePaul ID Card and go directly to your residence hall (see move-in day map). Wed., Aug. 27 12 - 5 p.m. Go to the Student Center to get your DePaul ID Card and check in at the housing table on the second floor (see move-in day map). Sat., Sept. 6 9 - 5 p.m. Bring your DePaul ID Card and go directly to your residence hall (see move-in day map). Sun., Aug. 31 9 - 5 p.m. Go to the Student Center to get your DePaul ID Card and then go to your residence hall (see move-in day map). Questions about First-Year Program or Premiere and Transition DePaul orientation? Contact: DISCOVER (5+,?7369,*/0*(.6 6MÄJLVM[OL-PYZ[@LHY7YVNYHT ÄYZ[`Y'KLWH\SLK\ 2 PREMIERE (5+;9(5:0;065+,7(<3 6MÄJLVM5L^:[\KLU[HUK -HTPS`,UNHNLTLU[5:-, WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE MOVE-IN DAY >L ^PSS UV^ VMMLY PUMVYTH[PVU [OH[ `V\ HUK `V\Y WHYLU[ZN\HYKPHUZ ZOV\SK IL H^HYL VM ILMVYL move-in day occurs, such as your DePaul ID Card, student email, health and safety information. DePaul ID Card and Student Email @V\Y+L7H\S0+*HYKZLY]LZHZ`V\YVMÄJPHSPKLU[PÄJH[PVUH[+L7H\S<UP]LYZP[` HUK`V\HYLYLX\PYLK[VOH]LH[HSS[PTLZ^OPSLVUJHTW\ZHUKZWLJPÄJHSS` to enter your residence hall. To obtain a DePaul ID Card, please visit the ID *HYK:LY]PJLZVMÄJLHUKWYLZLU[H]HSPKWOV[V0+KYP]LY»ZSPJLUZLZ[H[L0+ WHZZWVY[VY]PZH@V\^PSSULLK`V\Y+L7H\S0+*HYK[VHJJLZZ`V\YYLZPKLUJL OHSS [OL \UP]LYZP[`»Z WYPU[PUN 07905; Z`Z[LT TLHS WSHUZ JVTW\[LY SHIZ and more. ID CARD SERVICES OFFICE LOCATIONS 3VVW*HTW\Z¶+L7H\S*LU[LY9VVT 4VUKH`[OYV\NO;O\YZKH`! HT!WT -YPKH`! HTWT Mo studst new rece ents wi DeP ive the ll Cardaul ID ir orien during tatio n. 3PUJVSU7HYR*HTW\Z¶:[\KLU[*LU[LY9VVT 4VUKH`[OYV\NO;O\YZKH`! HT!WT -YPKH`! HTWT STUDENT EMAIL ACCOUNTS DePaul University provides all students with a free student email address. Simply log into using your Campus Connect user ID and password. The system will walk you through setting up your account. You should set up your email address before to coming to campus. Keep your email updated in Campus Connect, we often email important reminders to the email HKKYLZZVUÄSLWYPVY[VTV]LPUKH` Campus Move FPO 3 Health and Safety OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY ;OL +L7H\S <UP]LYZP[` 6MÄJL VM 7\ISPJ :HML[` guided by ethical, legal and professional standards, strives to maintain a peaceful and safe environment for the students, faculty, visitors and neighbors, and to protect university property. DePaul Public Safety provides the following services: emergency response, escort service, hospital transportation, crime prevention and security awareness, crime victim assistance, safety tips, and lost and found. To contact Public Safety at the Lincoln Park *HTW\ZJHSSVY3VVW*HTW\ZJHSS CAMPUS ESCORT SERVICE ;OL 6MÄJL VM 7\ISPJ :HML[` WYV]PKLZ HU LZJVY[ ZLY]PJL MVY Z[\KLU[Z MHJ\S[` HUK Z[HMM ^OVZL circumstances require them to travel alone on Lincoln Park’s campus. Evening escorts are available IL[^LLU [OL OV\YZ VM WT HUK HT L]LY` KH` ;OL LZJVY[ ZLY]PJL PZ VUS` MVY W\YWVZLZ VM traveling to and from on-campus Lincoln Park locations. To contact the campus escort service, JHSS:(-, Questions about safety on campus? Contact: Public Safety, Lincoln Park *LU[LUUPHS/HSS:\P[L Public Safety, Loop Campus 3L^PZ/HSS33 Safety Escort FPO 4 Health and Safety /,(3;/:,9=0*,:(5+:;<+,5;/,(3;/05:<9(5*, :WLJPÄJKL[HPSZYLNHYKPUNOLHS[OZLY]PJLZ and student health insurance can be MV\UK VU [OL 6MÄJL VM /LHS[O 7YVTV[PVU and Wellness website at Z[\KLU[HMMHPYZKLWH\SLK\OW^ IMMUNIZATION INFORMATION It is important that residents living oncampus have complete immunization YLJVYKZ VU ÄSL ^P[O +L7H\S *LU[YHS (U incomplete or missing immunization record will not only block your registration, it will prevent you from living in a residence hall. For more information about required immunizations or to submit your documents, visit the Express Lane on the DePaul Central website. Illinois state law requires all students to have the following inoculations: ;L[HU\ZKPWO[OLYPH^P[OPU[OLWHZ[[LU`LHYZ (international students are required by law to have three inoculations) ;^VTLHZSLZY\ILVSH 4\TWZ 9\ILSSHNLYTHUTLHZSLZ MENINGITIS VACCINE ;OL6MÄJLVM/LHS[O7YVTV[PVUHUK>LSSULZZLUJV\YHNLZHSSPUJVTPUNÄYZ[`LHYZ[\KLU[Z particularly those who will live in the residence halls, to consider a vaccination against meningitis. ;VWYV]PKL[OLNYLH[LZ[ILULÄ[Z\JO]HJJPUH[PVUZZOV\SKILYLJLP]LKH[SLHZ[VULTVU[OILMVYL moving on campus. Questions about health services? Contact: +LHUVM:[\KLU[Z6MÄJL 3PUJVSU7HYR:[\KLU[*LU[LY:\P[L DePaul Center, Suite 11001 Z[\KLU[HMMHPYZKLWH\SLK\KVZ DePaul Central :JOTP[[(JHKTPJ*LU[LY:\P[L +L7H\S*LU[LY:\P[L 6MÄJLVM/LHS[O7YVTV[PVUHUK>LSSULZZ 3PUJVSU7HYR:[\KLU[*LU[LY:\P[L DePaul Center, Suite 11001 Z[\KLU[HMMHPYZKLWH\SLK\OW^ 5 Preparing and Packing for Your Move We have included a packing list for you on the back JV]LYMVYLHZ`[LHYV\[(Z`V\WHJRMVYTV]LPUKH` please note that the following items are WYVOPIP[LK in all Lincoln Park campus housing. If any of these items HYLMV\UKPUJHTW\ZOV\ZPUN[OL`^PSSILJVUÄZJH[LK by staff throughout the year. 796/0)0;,+0;,4:! *HUKSLZSHU[LYUZHUKVPSSHTWZ 0UJLUZL /HSVNLUSHTWZHUKSH]HSHTWZMVYÅVVYHUKVYKLZR -SHTTHISLSPX\PKZPUJS\KPUNNHZVSPULWYVWHULVYTV[VYVPSHZ^LSSHZJOHYJVHSHUKNYPSSZ :WHJLOLH[LYZWVY[HISLHPYJVUKP[PVULYZHUKLSLJ[YPJISHURL[Z 5VU\UP]LYZP[`TH[[YLZZLZHUKSVM[Z 7L[ZL_JLW[MVYUVUJHYUP]VYV\ZÄZOPUH[HURUVSHYNLY[OHUNHSSVUZSPTP[VULWLYYVVT 6\[SL[WS\NPUHPYMYLZOLULYZ ,_[LUZPVUJVYKZUVUZ\YNLWYV[LJ[LKHKHW[LYZHUKV\[SL[ZWSP[[LYZ >LHWVUZPUJS\KPUNKLJVYH[P]LZ\JOHZWVJRL[RUP]LZZWLHYZZ^VYKZZV\]LUPY^LHWVUZVY[HZLYZ 7HYHWOLYUHSPHHZZVJPH[LK^P[OHU`[`WLVMPSSLNHSZ\IZ[HUJL (U`[OPUNVI[HPULKVYWLYJLP]LK[VILVI[HPULKPSSLNHSS`LNZ[YLL[ZPNUZ*;(VYV[OLYJP[`WYVWLY[` (WHY[TLU[Z[`SL\UP[ZHYLUV[HSSV^LK[VOH]LSVM[ZVYTPJYVMYPKNLZ ;VHZ[LYZWVWJVYUWVWWLYZOV[WSH[LZYPJLJVVRLYZZSV^JVVRLYZHUK^HMÅLPYVUZJHUVUS`IL used in community kitchens *VMMLLTHRLYZ^P[OHUL_[LYUHSOLH[PUNLSLTLU[HYLUV[HSSV^LKPUUVURP[JOLUHYLHZ2L\YPNZ[`SL TVKLSZHYLVRH` 0YVUZJHUIL\ZLKVUS`PUJVTT\UP[`RP[JOLUZHUKSH\UKY`YVVTZ (3:62,,705405+;/(;! @V\HYLUV[HSSV^LK[VIYPUN`V\YV^UWLYZVUHSTH[[YLZZVYILK(SSYLZPKLU[ZHYLYLX\PYLK[V\ZL [OL\UP]LYZP[`WYV]PKLKILKMYHTLHUKTH[[YLZZHZ[OL`TLL[\UP]LYZP[`ÄYLZHML[`Z[HUKHYKZ@V\ TH`I\`HUK\ZLHTH[[YLZZJV]LYHUKVYLUJHZLTLU[ @V\TH`IYPUN`V\YV^UZOV^LYJ\Y[HPUI\[T\Z[OHUNP[PUJVUQ\UJ[PVU^P[O[OL\UP]LYZP[` WYV]PKLKJ\Y[HPUZHZ[OVZLHYLJ\Z[VTÄ[HUKWYL]LU[^H[LYSLHRZ 8 Campus Move FPO 6 10 Residential Rentals and Residence Hall Council 5V^PZ[OL[PTL[V[OPURHIV\[[HRPUNHK]HU[HNLVMYLU[HSZ"`V\^PSSULLK[VKLJPKLPM`V\^PSSIL renting a loft or micro-fridge prior to moving on campus. 9LZPKLUJL /HSS *V\UJPS 9/* PZ H Z[\KLU[ VYNHUPaH[PVU with representatives from each hall on campus. You will learn more about RHC when you move to campus. Rentals SVM[Z HUK TPJYVMYPKNLZ HYL MHJPSP[H[LK I` 9/* (SS M\UKZ are used for improvements in the residence halls. For more PUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[[OL9/*VMÄJLI`]PZP[PUN[OLPY^LIZP[L at ()6<;9,5;05.36-;:(5+40*96-90+.,:! RHC works exclusively with Bedloft, an approved DePaul ]LUKVYMVY[OLYLU[HSVMSVM[ZHUKTPJYVMYPKNLZ(SSSVM[HUK VYTPJYVMYPKNLVYKLYZT\Z[ILJVTWSL[LKI`(\N\Z[PU order to be placed in your unit prior to move-in day. )LMVYL WSHJPUN H YLU[HS VYKLY WSLHZL JVUÄYT ^P[O HSS VM`V\YYVVTTH[LZÄYZ["LHJO\UP[PZVUS`HSSV^LKVUL Above: Loft and micro-fridge products by Bedloft micro-fridge. Residents are UV[WLYTP[[LK to bring their own lofts to campus. 9LU[HSP[LTZ^PSSILKLSP]LYLK[V`V\YYVVTWYPVY[VTV]LPUKH`PMVYKLYLKI`[OLKLHKSPUL If you order a loft, you will be responsible for the assembly of your loft. If you need help HZZLTISPUNHSVM[H^VYRVYKLYJHUILWSHJLKHUK^PSSILM\SÄSSLKVUHÄYZ[JVTLÄYZ[ZLY]LK IHZPZ"WSLHZLUV[L[OLYLTH`ILHKLSH`K\L[VHUPUÅ\_VM^VYRVYKLYZK\YPUNTV]LPU^LLR 3H[LVYKLYZ^PSSILKLSP]LYLKHM[LYTV]LPUKH`KLZPNUH[LKKH[L^PSSILJVTT\UPJH[LKSH[LY Purchasing futons is also an option, and the futon is yours to keep. (WHY[TLU[Z[`SLYLZPKLU[ZHYLUV[HSSV^LK[VVYKLYHSVM[VYTPJYVMYPKNL Corcoran Hall residents are not allowed to order a loft, as the beds provided have lofting JHWHIPSP[PLZ\W[V” Residents will receive a mailing with rental and pricing information from Bedloft later this summer. 9 For questions about RHC or Bedloft, contact: Residence Hall Council Bedloft 36-; Tip: resid only e n t tradi s in tio rent halls* canal micr lofts a n o-fri nd dges . *Cor c /HSS oran YL are n ZPKLU[Z to re ot able ZLL nt lofts HIV ]L 7 WHAT TO EXPECT DURING MOVE-IN DAY Below we have outlined steps regarding move-in day. This is only applicable to August 31 and September 6 move-in days. If you are part of a program that requires a different move-in date, check with [OH[WYVNYHTMVYZWLJPÄJPUZ[Y\J[PVUZ (990=,(;@6<99,:0+,5*,/(33*/,*20536*(;065 Pull your vehicle into a designated unloading zone for your I\PSKPUNZLLJHTW\ZTHWVUIHJRWHNL >OPSL `V\ [OL YLZPKLU[ HYL JOLJRPUN PU `V\ ^PSS IL HISL [V park temporarily in the designated unloading zones for your building. 5V[L!PM`V\KVUV[OH]L`V\Y+L7H\S0+*HYK`V\^PSSULLK[V NV[V0+:LY]PJLZÄYZ[ZLLWHNL */,*205;69,*,0=,@6<92,@:(5+04769;(5; INFORMATION Bring your DePaul ID Card to check in with staff inside the building. @V\ [OL YLZPKLU[ ^PSS WPJR \W `V\Y RL`Z PUZ[Y\J[PVUZ MVY `V\Y /V\ZPUN *VUKP[PVU 9LWVY[ H YLWVY[ [OH[ NP]LZ `V\ [OL VWWVY[\UP[`[VHZZLZZ[OLJVUKP[PVUVM[OLP[LTZPU`V\YYVVT .\PKL[V:[\KLU[/V\ZPUNWHYRPUNHUKN\LZ[^YPZ[IHUKZMVY the day, as well as other materials. <536(+@6<9=,/0*3,8<0*23@ (M[LYJOLJRPUNPUHUKYLJLP]PUN`V\YRL`ZPTTLKPH[LS`Z[HY[ \USVHKPUN `V\Y ]LOPJSL ;OLYL PZ H TPU\[L [PTL SPTP[ MVY unloading your vehicle in the temporary unloading zone. Quickly unload your belongings at the curb. Student housing staff, university volunteers and a welcome team will be available to offer light assistance to residents VUTHQVYTV]LPUKH`Z(\N\Z[HUK:LW[LTILY0M`V\ would like to take advantage of this moving assistance, see the moving assistance station near the curb. If possible, we recommend that you bring your own dolly to make the actual move easier. 7(9205+,:0.5(;,+7(9205.36;69.(9(., Once your vehicle is unloaded, follow the directions provided by university staff. Please move your vehicle to a designated WHYRPUNSV[NHYHNL You will receive a parking wristband during checkPU[OH[^PSSHSSV^`V\[VWHYRPUKLZPNUH[LKWHYRPUNSV[ no e is Ther TW\Z garages free of charge during operating hours on H VUJ HYRPUN major move-in days. W for lable avai [YHPSLYZ 8 Plea se re m n hand ot to pember ark i ÄY icap area LSHULZ spacesn , s or ot, drivingZLY]PJL her a lane desi reas n s gnat e ot parkd for ing. If you can, recomwe bring mend own ing your hand dolly or cart. Getting Settled on Move-In Day: Decorating Hopefully by this stage of move-in day, you have unpacked your car and made it to your room. Below is information about decorating and other things to keep in mind while setting up your room. GUIDELINES FOR DECORATING YOUR ROOM You are encouraged to personalize your living areas. However, there are guidelines that must be followed, so keep the following in mind when planning the decor for your new home: @V\TH`WVZ[[OPUNZVU[OLKVVYQHTIVY^HSSI`\ZPUNTHZRPUN[HWLWHPU[LY»Z[HWLVYWVZ[LY W\[[`+VUV[WHPU[VYTHRLHS[LYH[PVUZ[OH[^PSSWLYTHULU[S`HMMLJ[[OL^HSSZJLPSPUNVYÅVVY Flat-screen televisions cannot be wall-mounted; they must have a stand. @V\JHUIYPUNWLYZVUHSM\YUP[\YLHUKHJJLZZVYPLZ[V`V\YYVVTHUKTV]LVYZL[\W\UP]LYZP[` provided or personal furniture within your unit. The furniture arrangement must be aligned with campus housing policies and all roommates must be in agreement. If you are bringing additional furniture, particularly used or upholstered furniture, please clean the surfaces thoroughly to avoid bringing pests into the building. +VUV[TV]LJVTT\UP[`M\YUP[\YLLNSV\UNLM\YUP[\YLPU[V`V\YYVVTVYYLTV]L\UP]LYZP[` WYV]PKLKM\YUP[\YLMYVT`V\YYVVTVYHWHY[TLU[(SSPZZ\LKM\YUP[\YLT\Z[Z[H`PU[OL\UP[VY damage fees will be assessed. (SS^PUKV^[YLH[TLU[ZT\Z[YLTHPUM\UJ[PVUHSPU\UP[Z-VYZHML[`YLHZVUZKVUV[PUZ[HSSVY hang other window treatments; it is prohibited to display or hang items in windows. 6US`\UP]LYZP[`ZHUJ[PVULKSVM[ZMYVT)LKSVM[TH`IL\ZLK PUÄYZ[`LHYOHSSZ:LLWHNLMVYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUVUSVM[ rentals. -VYÄYLZHML[`YLHZVUZL_[LUZPVUJVYKZHUKV\[SL[ZWSP[[LYZ are not allowed. Decorative lighting is allowed, but only VULZ[YHUKT\S[PWSLZ[YHUKZJVUULJ[LKHYLUV[HSSV^LK" <3HWWYV]LKZ\YNLWYV[LJ[VYZZX\PKZHYLHJJLW[HISL You wil Guide l receive a Housinto Student day. Th g on move-in plenty is will have To see of resources. guide, last year’s websit visit our e. 9 Getting Settled on Move-In Day: Laundry Information and Tech Help y undrsh a l f do wa A loats $1 to to dry. cos and $1 3(<5+9@05-694(;065 Every residence hall has laundry facilities in the building that accept quarters. Most residence halls also offer a Demon Express swipe card option. Demon Express is a prepaid debit account that is offered to students. The account is linked to your DePaul ID Card. You can learn more about Demon Express I` ]PZP[PUN [OLPY >LI WHNL! NVKLWH\SLK\ demonexpress. For more information on how to use the laundry machines, visit our website or check the instructional signage in each laundry facility. We LUJV\YHNLYLZPKLU[Z[V\ZLOPNOLMÄJPLUJ`KL[LYNLU[Z"TVZ[JHTW\Z SH\UKY`YVVTZMLH[\YLOPNOLMÄJPLUJ`^HZOPUNTHJOPULZ ;,*/5636.@(::0:;(5*,(5+65:0;,:<7769; ;OL;LJOUVSVN`:\WWVY[*LU[LY;:*WYV]PKLZ[LJOUPJHSHZZPZ[HUJL for DePaul-supported software, systems, networking and services. The TSC provides technical support via telephone, email and selfservice through Campus Connection. TSC will be VUZP[L PU L]LY` OHSS(\N\Z[HUK:LW[LTILYMYVTHT[VWT The tech help table is composed of student and professional staff members who are available to answer questions and offer services such as providing patch cords and coax cables, helping with wireless, ethernet, telephone and answering general questions. Look for the tech help table and representatives in blue polos. Technology Support Center 9LWYLZLU[H[P]LZ^PSSILVUZP[LPUL]LY`OHSSVU(\N\Z[HUK:LW[LTILY 12 10 Getting Settled on Move-In Day: Meet Our Staff +\YPUN`V\YTV]LPUL_WLYPLUJLHUKVMJV\YZLHM[LY^HYKZ feel free to reach out to the following staff members, who are resources to you! -(*030;0,: (9,( *669+05(;69: @V\Y MHJPSP[PLZ HYLH JVVYKPUH[VY-(*PZHWYVMLZZPVUHSZ[HMMTLTILYYLZWVUZPISL for the facility management of your housing area. He or she SP]LZVUJHTW\ZHUKTHUHNLZHZWLJPÄJHYLHVMJHTW\Z ;OL-(*JVVYKPUH[LZHSSOV\ZPUNPUZWLJ[PVUZJSHYPÄLZZ[HUKHYKZVMOLHS[OHUKZHML[`MVYYLZPKLU[Z Z\WLY]PZLZMYVU[KLZRZVMOHSSZHUKTHUHNLZTVZ[I\PSKPUNHJJLZZYLSH[LKPZZ\LZ;OL-(*HSZV responds to major facility-related emergencies outside of normal business hours. -(*030;0,:(::0:;(5;:(MHJPSP[PLZHZZPZ[HU[-(PZHZ[\KLU[LTWSV`LL^OV^VYRZHUKSP]LZ in your housing area. He or she has day-to-day responsibility for identifying and responding to MHJPSP[`YLSH[LKYLWHPYHUKTHPU[LUHUJLPZZ\LZ-(ZHSZVJVUK\J[HSSMHJPSP[`PUZWLJ[PVUZSVJRV\[Z and manage move-in and move-out procedures. +,:29,*,7;0650:;:+LZRYLJLW[PVUPZ[ZHYLYLZWVUZPISLMVYHJJLZZJVU[YVSH[YLZPKLUJLOHSS front desks and maintaining the visitation log during their shifts, IL[^LLU [OL OV\YZ VM ! HT HUK TPKUPNO[ ( WYVMLZZPVUHS security attendant monitors the desk and visitation log during the t mee o s l a V]LYUPNO[WLYPVK(SSMYVU[KLZRLTWSV`LLZZLY]LHZYLZV\YJLZMVY will team You elcome or move residents and their guests. a w the maj ey are on ays. Th lp you, to 9,:0+,5*, +09,*;69: @V\Y YLZPKLUJL KPYLJ[VY 9+ PZ H M\SS in dre to he afraid or the on’t beor help time professional staff member who is responsible for supervising so d them f ! the resident advisor staff and providing overall community-building ask stions que and educational opportunities in the residence hall or apartment communities. These professionals live on campus and are responsible for responding to and adjudicating policy violations and for providing emergency response to student incidents outside of normal business hours. RD VMÄJLZHYLSVJH[LKPU[OLYLZWLJ[P]LYLZPKLUJLOHSSZHUKHWHY[TLU[JVTT\UP[PLZ (::0:;(5;9,:0+,5*,+09,*;69;OLHZZPZ[HU[YLZPKLUJLKPYLJ[VY(9+PZHNYHK\H[LZ[\KLU[ staff member who is responsible for assisting the residence director in supervision of the resident HK]PZVY 9( Z[HMM HUK WYV]PKPUN JVTT\UP[`I\PSKPUN HUK WYVNYHTTPUN VWWVY[\UP[PLZ ;OL (9+ lives on campus and can provide emergency response to student incidents outside of normal I\ZPULZZOV\YZ;OL(9+VMÄJLPZSVJH[LKPU4\UYVL/HSS 9,:0+,5; (+=0:69: @V\Y YLZPKLU[ HK]PZVY 9( PZ H Z[\KLU[ SLHKLY SP]PUN PU `V\Y I\PSKPUN charged with creating community by providing educational opportunities and campus resources to students living in the residence hall or apartment communities. These paraprofessionals remain VUK\[`HM[LYOV\YZHUKZLY]LHZÄYZ[YLZWVUKLYZ[VLTLYNLUJ`ZP[\H[PVUZPU[OLYLZPKLUJLOHSSZ HUKVYHWHY[TLU[JVTT\UP[PLZ 11 13 $UHD2IÀFH/RFDWLRQV 2IÀFH/RFDWLRQVIRU5HVLGHQW'LUHFWRUV5' >LZ[(YLH6MÄJLMVY Belden-Racine, CliftonFullerton, Munroe and <UP]LYZP[`/HSSZ 4\UYVL/HSS Corcoran and McCabe Halls 9+6MÄJL Corcoran Hall 100 *LU[YHS(YLH6MÄJLMVY Centennial Hall, Sanctuary Hall and Townhomes, :OLMÄLSK:X\HYL (WHY[TLU[ZHUK=PUJLU[ HUK3V\PZL/V\ZL Sanctuary Hall 211 ,HZ[(YLH6MÄJL-VY Corcoran, McCabe and :L[VU/HSSZ *VYJVYHU/HSS( 0DSRI$UHD2IÀFHV 12 Belden-Racine and Munroe Halls 9+6MÄJL 4\UYVL/HSS University Hall 9+6MÄJL <UP]LYZP[`/HSS Centennial Hall, Sanctuary Hall, Sanctuary Townhomes and :OLMÄLSK:X\HYL(WHY[TLU[Z 9+6MÄJL :HUJ[\HY`/HSS( Clifton-Fullerton Hall (9+6MÄJL 9+6MÄJL Munroe Hall Clifton-Fullerton Hall 101 Seton Hall 9+6MÄJL Seton Hall Lobby RESOURCES FOR ONCE YOU ARE HERE Once you get settled into our campus community, we want to make sure you know about the following resources: Dining Services (SSÄYZ[`LHYYLZPKLU[ZHUKTVZ[HWHY[TLU[Z[`SLYLZPKLU[ZHYL required to have a meal plan. DePaul University Dining Services offers a dining program that provides a variety of alternatives designed for you. Your dining plan allows you to dine at many locations around campus. If you have any dietary restrictions VY HSSLYNPLZ WSLHZL JVU[HJ[ +L7H\S +PUPUN :LY]PJLZ H[ ;OL`^PSSILOHWW`[VKL]LSVWHKPUPUNWSHU[OH[PZ ILULÄJPHSHUKHWWYVWYPH[LMVY`V\ ()6<;;/,73(5: Students can change to a higher plan or add money at any time, but may only change to a lower plan before the end of [OL ZLJVUK ^LLR VM LHJO X\HY[LY (SS TVUL` YLTHPUPUN VU H Z[\KLU[»Z JHYK ^PSS YVSS V]LY [V [OL MVSSV^PUN X\HY[LY (U` TVUL` YLTHPUPUN VU H KPUPUN WSHU H[ [OL LUK VM [OL ZWYPUN X\HY[LY ^PSS IL forfeited. You can add money to dining plans by logging in to Campus Connect and clicking on “Meal Plan Online”. 0M`V\OH]LX\LZ[PVUZHIV\[KPUPUNWSHUZJVU[HJ[[OL:[\KLU[*LU[LYVMÄJL! 3PUJVSU7HYR:[\KLU[*LU[LY9VVT VMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\Z[\KLU[JLU[LYZ Mail Center (SS YLZPKLU[Z HYL HZZPNULK H THPSIV_ I` /V\ZPUN :LY]PJLZ ;OL :[\KLU[ 4HPS *LU[LY PZ SVJH[LK PU :[\KLU[*LU[LY:\P[L2L`ZHYLPZZ\LK[OYV\NO[OL:[\KLU[4HPS*LU[LY;OL:[\KLU[4HPS*LU[LY provides you with a centralized and convenient on-campus location to receive all of your mail and packages. We ask you to check your mailbox at least once a week, as you will be held accountable for any university information sent to your residential mailbox. Below is how to address your mail: :[\KLU[»Z-\SS5HTL5V5PJRUHTLZ DePaul University 5:OLMÄLSK:\P[L 4HPSIV_ FFFFFFFFFFFF *OPJHNV03 Mailbox numbers and associated room numbers can be found in your assignment letter, as well as on the Housing Services website. Mail notices are placed in mailboxes to notify you of packages and V[OLYTHPS[OH[JHUUV[Ä[PU[V[OLTHPSIV_@V\T\Z[WYLZLU[[OLUV[PJLHUK`V\Y+L7H\S0+*HYK[V [OL:[\KLU[4HPS*LU[LY»ZZLY]PJLKLZR[VYLJLP]L[OLP[LTZ@V\HYLYLZWVUZPISLMVYWPJRPUN\W`V\Y packages in the Student Mail Center and getting packages to your residence OHSS 5V[L! [OL :[\KLU[ 4HPS *LU[LY KVLZ UV[ Z\WWS` HU` LX\PWTLU[ [V HPK PU r u o y WHJRHNLKLSP]LY`Z\JOHZKVSSPLZJHY[ZVYÅH[ILKZ Shareess with r d ad ds and Deliveries will not be accepted at the hall front desks. If sending something of frien y! famil extreme importance, the Mail Center strongly encourages the use of UPS or -LK,_\[PSPaPUN[YHJRPUNHUKVYZPNUH[\YLZ 13 Technology Resources (S[OV\NO^LHSYLHK`PU[YVK\JLK[OL;LJOUVSVN`:\WWVY[*LU[LY;:*MVYTV]LPUKH`^L^HU[[V provide further detail as you may encounter a technical problem at some point during the academic year. TSC provides technical assistance for DePaul-supported software, systems, networking and ZLY]PJLZ*VUZPKLY[OL;:*`V\YÄYZ[WVPU[VMJVU[HJ[^OLU`V\OH]LH[LJOUPJHSWYVISLT;OL;:* provides technical support via telephone, email, as well as self-service through Campus Connect. ;OL.LUP\Z:X\HKWYV]PKLZMYLLVUZP[LHZZPZ[HUJL^P[OJVTW\[LYOHYK^HYLHUKZVM[^HYLYLSH[LK issues. If you need assistance replacing a hard drive or you discover that your computer is infected ^P[OH]PY\ZZPTWS`IYPUNP[[V[OL3PUJVSU7HYRVY3VVW*HTW\Z.LUP\Z:X\HK3LHYUTVYLHIV\[ .LUP\Z:X\HKHUK[OLPYOV\YZI`]PZP[PUNVMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\PZZ\WWVY[7HNLZSVJH[PVUOV\YZHZW_ TSC Support Hours: 4VUKH`[OYV\NO;O\YZKH`HT¶WT -YPKH`HT¶WT :H[\YKH`HT¶WT Sunday, noon – 4 p.m. 7OVUL! Email: Web: Log in to Campus Connect and select the “Technology Support Center” link to create a selfservice ticket. Welcome Week Welcome Week is a series of free events taking place K\YPUN [OL ÄYZ[ KH`Z VM MHSS X\HY[LY ;OLZL L]LU[Z are designed to introduce students who are new to campus and celebrate returning students coming back to campus. Events are open to all new, returning and transfer students and are a great opportunity to make new friends and reconnect with the old! Welcome >LLR Y\UZ MYVT (\N\Z[ [OYV\NO [OL ÄYZ[ ^LLR VM JSHZZLZ:LW[LTILY :*/663:<773@+90=, Each year, the Department of Residential Education RPJRZVMM[OL`LHY^P[OHZJOVVSZ\WWS`KYP]L[VILULÄ[ Chicago-area schools. Donation bins will be located PU[OLSVII`VMLHJOYLZPKLUJLOHSS(SSZJOVVSZ\WWSPLZ are welcome. For more information, reach out to Residential Education at Welcome Week Information: Twitter: @DPUwelcomeweek 14 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS >/(;0:;/,.<,:;7630*@-6946=,05+(@& 6\YN\LZ[WVSPJ`^PSSILHKHW[LKVUTHQVYTV]LPUKH`Z(\N\Z[HUK:LW[LTILY\U[PS WT(SSN\LZ[Z ^PSSILPZZ\LKH^YPZ[IHUKMVYPKLU[PÄJH[PVUW\YWVZLZK\YPUNTV]LPU(M[LY WTHSSN\LZ[ZT\Z[ZOV^ PKLU[PÄJH[PVUHUKILYLNPZ[LYLKH[[OLMYVU[KLZR Besides the major move-in days listed above, our normal guest policy is always in effect, no exceptions. Our guest policy allows a maximum of two guests at any given time, unless prior approval is granted by 9LZPKLU[PHS ,K\JH[PVU WYVMLZZPVUHS Z[HMM .\LZ[Z T\Z[ WYLZLU[ H Z[H[L NV]LYUTLU[ VY +L7H\S <UP]LYZP[` photo ID at the front desk and be signed in by a resident host. If there is no valid ID available, there is no entrance. You are allowed to host overnight guests ^P[O[OLWYPVYWLYTPZZPVUVM`V\YYVVTTH[LZ. However, the length of stay may not exceed two consecutive overnights. Overnight guests will be required to wait a minimum of fourteen days before being allowed another overnight stay when visiting the same YVVTVYHWHY[TLU[@V\HYLYLZWVUZPISLMVYHSSHJ[PVUZHUKILOH]PVYZVM`V\YN\LZ[Z)LZ\YL[VYLHK[OL Guide to Student Housing, which will be handed out on move-in day, for additional information about the guest policy. >/(;0-05,,+;6*(5*,34@/6<:05.(.9,,4,5;& 0M`V\YWSHUZJOHUNLHUK`V\^PSSUV[ILLUYVSSPUNMVYMHSSX\HY[LY`V\T\Z[UV[PM`[OL6MÄJLVM(KTPZZPVUZ HUK[OL+LWHY[TLU[VM/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZPU^YP[PUNLTHPSMH_VYSL[[LY0M`V\WSHU[VH[[LUK+L7H\SI\[UV SVUNLY^HU[[VSP]LVUJHTW\Z`V\T\Z[JHUJLS^P[O[OL+LWHY[TLU[VM/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZH[NVKLWH\SLK\ OV\ZPUNJHUJLSSH[PVU0UTVZ[ZP[\H[PVUZJHUJLSPUN`V\YHNYLLTLU[^PSSYLZ\S[PUÄUHUJPHSJOHYNLZ:LL[OL OV\ZPUNHNYLLTLU[[LYTZHUKJVUKP[PVUZZLJ[PVUMVYJHUJLSSH[PVUWVSPJPLZHUKKLHKSPULZ +6,:+,7(<3/(=,(79,-,99,+)(5205.7(9;5,9& +VU»[ ^VYY` HIV\[ IHURPUN ^OPSL H[ +L7H\S 75* HUK +L7H\S ^VYR [VNL[OLY [V IYPUN MYPLUKS` IHURPUN ZLY]PJLZPUJS\KPUNJVU]LUPLU[VMÄJLZHUK(;4ZVUIV[O[OL3PUJVSU7HYRHUK3VVWJHTW\ZLZ@V\JHU L]LUSPUR`V\Y+L7H\S0+*HYK[V`V\Y75*HJJV\U[ZV[OH[`V\JHU\ZL`V\Y0+HZHU(;4JHYK[VV-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[V\YZ[\KLU[MYPLUKS`HUKWHYLU[MYPLUKS`ZLY]PJLZVY[VÄUKHIYHUJOVY(;4ULHY `V\]PZP[WUJJVTKLWH\S >/(;0-0*(556;(990=,654@:*/,+<3,+46=,05+(@& Due to the maintenance and cleaning of our rooms and apartments, we cannot allow any residents to move in prior to their scheduled move-in date. You should plan to move in on your scheduled day. If you HYLZJOLK\SLK[VTV]LPUVU:LW[LTILYIL[^LLU[OLOV\YZVM HTHUKWTHUKJHUUV[HYYP]LVU that date, you may move in on a later date. However, you should expect to encounter pronounced delays HUK[OLYLTH`ILKPMÄJ\S[PLZHZZVJPH[LK^P[O`V\YVMMKH`VYVMMOV\YZTV]LPU-VYL_HTWSL[OLYL^PSSUV[ be staff available to assist you with carrying items into the building, freight elevators will not be available, parking will not be provided and you may need to wait until an on-call staff member is available to check `V\PU0M`V\HYLHYYP]PUNVUVYHM[LY[OLÄYZ[KH`VMJSHZZLZ`V\ZOV\SKJVU[HJ[/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZHUKSL[ \ZRUV^`V\YWSHUZOV\ZPUN'KLWH\SLK\[VLUZ\YL`V\YZWHJLPUOV\ZPUNPZOLSK0M`V\^LYLHZZPNULK an alternative move-in date because of a program that requires early move-in, and you are unable to come [OH[KH``V\T\Z[TV]LPUVU:LW[LTILY-VYHSSTV]LZ[VJHTW\ZWSLHZLHYYP]LIL[^LLU[OLOV\YZVM HT WT >/(;0-0»49<5505.3(;,&*(50(990=,(-;,974& @LZ/V^L]LY+L7H\SJHUUV[VMMLYHKKP[PVUHSHZZPZ[HUJLHM[LYWT9LZPKLU[Z^PSSUV[ILHSSV^LK[VTV]L PU[V[OLPY\UP[VUHU`KH`ILMVYL HTVYHM[LY WT7SLHZLRLLW[OPZYLZ[YPJ[PVUPUTPUK^OLUTHRPUN travel arrangements. *(50:/07)6?,:;6*(47<:79069;646=,05+(@& Due to limited space and resources, if you are shipping boxes or trunks, you should arrange for your packages to be delivered after your arrival. It is possible that you will not have immediate access to your WHJRHNLZ^OLU[OL`HYYP]LH[[OL:[\KLU[4HPS*LU[LY0M[OLYLHYLZWLJPÄJP[LTZ[OH[`V\YLX\PYLPTTLKPH[LS` \WVUHYYP]HSLNTLKPJH[PVUZVYWLYPZOHISLZ`V\ZOV\SKIYPUN[OLT^P[O`V\ 15 GLOSSARY OF COMMON TERMS AREA OFFICES ¶ (YLH VMÄJLZ HYL SVJH[LK PU [OL ,HZ[ >LZ[ HUK *LU[YHS HYLHZ VM JHTW\Z ZLL WHNLMVYKL[HPSZ/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZZ[HMM^VYRPU[OLHYLHVMÄJLZMYVT HT[VWT4VUKH` [OYV\NO-YPKH`;OLYLHYLHSZVTHPU/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZHUK9LZPKLU[PHS,K\JH[PVUVMÄJLZSVJH[LKPU *LU[LUUPHS/HSS[OPYKÅVVY BEDLOFT FRAMES – Lofts are metal frames that elevate a bed to create more space. Lofts may only be leased [OYV\NO +L7H\S <UP]LYZP[`»Z HWWYV]LK ]LUKVY (SS V[OLY loft systems, whether purchased or homemade, are WYVOPIP[LK :LL WHNL MVY HKKP[PVUHS KL[HPSZ VU YLU[PUN lofts. */0*(.6 ;9(5:0; (<;/690;@ *;( ¶ ;OL *;( PZ the nation’s second-largest public transportation system. ;OL*;(VWLYH[LZI\ZHUKYHPSYV\[LZ[OYV\NOV\[*OPJHNV HUK[OLZ\YYV\UKPUNZ\I\YIZ;OL*;(YLKHUKIYV^USPUL trains connect DePaul’s Lincoln Park and Loop campus. Full-time undergraduate DePaul students YLJLP]LHU\USPTP[LKYPKL*;(WHZZJHSSLK[OL<7HZZK\YPUNHJHKLTPJX\HY[LYZ *65=,9;,+/6<:05.¶(JVU]LY[LKOV\ZPUNYVVTOHZILLUJVU]LY[LKMYVTHSHYNLKV\ISL[VH [YPWSL0M`V\HYLHZZPNULK[VHJVU]LY[LKZWHJL`V\^LYLUV[PÄLKHUKZLU[HKKP[PVUHSPUMVYTH[PVU0M you have more questions regarding converted housing, call Housing Services and ask to speak to a housing assignments coordinator. .<0+, ;6 :;<+,5; /6<:05. ¶ ( YLZV\YJLM\S N\PKL [OH[ JVU[HPUZ PUMVYTH[PVU Y\SLZ HUK N\PKLSPULZ[OH[PZ\ZLM\SMVY`V\[OLYLZPKLU[@V\^PSSYLJLP]L[OPZVUTV]LPUKH`^OLU`V\JOLJR PU@V\JHU]PL^[OLWYL]PV\Z`LHY»ZN\PKLVUV\Y^LIZP[LH[VMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\OV\ZPUN /6<:05. *65+0;065 9,769; – During check-in, you will receive instructions to complete a housing condition report. It is your responsibility to carefully examine your unit and its contents when completing the report. This will include reviewing preexisting issues already noted by staff and PUKPJH[PUN[OL\UP[»ZJVUKP[PVUPUJS\KPUNUV[PUN[OLHIZLUJLWYLZLUJLVMM\YUPZOPUNZ:\ITP[[OL YLWVY[HZPUZ[Y\J[LK^P[OPUOV\YZVMJOLJRPU ;,4769(9@/6<:05. – Temporary housing is when residents have been assigned to a residence OHSSZ[\K`SV\UNL[OH[OHZILLUHKHW[LKPU[VHWYP]H[LYLZPKLU[PHSZWHJL(SSULJLZZHY`M\YUP[\YLMVY each resident is provided. The residential space is temporary and as soon as a permanent space becomes available, the temporary resident will be required to move to a new space. ;9(+0;065(3/(33:¶;YHKP[PVUHSOHSSZYLMLYZ[VV\YÄYZ[`LHYOHSSZZ\P[LZ[`SLHUKJVTT\UP[` Z[`SL HZ JVTWHYLK [V HWHY[TLU[Z[`SL OHSSZ (WHY[TLU[Z[`SL OHSSZ HYL [`WPJHSS` MVY YL[\YUPUN residents. Learn more on Housing Services’ website. UNIVERSITY CENTER¶(S[OV\NO[OPZN\PKLPZKLKPJH[LK[V3PUJVSU7HYROV\ZPUNV\YZLJVUK largest student population housed in the Loop at University Center. Learn more about University *LU[LYH[[PU`\YSJVTHIV\[\J 16 WHAT TO BRING (A SUGGESTED LIST) ALL HALLS: • • • • • • • Trash can liners OLQHUVVKRXOGÀWJDOORQWUDVK FDQV &OHDQLQJsupplies* Paper WRZHOV Dishes DQGFXWOHU\ 'LVKWRZHOV Plastic kitchen containers ZLWKOLGV 0LFURZDYHDQGPLQLIULGJHWKDWGRHVQRW H[FHHG8FXELFIHHW VHHUHQWDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQ SDJHIRUPRUHGHWDLOV • • • • • • • • • 3LOORZ Blankets %HGOLQHQV 0DWWUHVVHQFDVHPHQWIRUXQLYHUVLW\SURYLGHG PDWWUHVV Earplugs/eye mask 7RZHOVZDVKFORWKVWRLOHWULHVVKDPSRRVRDS Nonelectric air freshener %R[IDQ Small vacuum cleaner or GustEuster TRADITIONAL-STYLE HALL ONLY: • • /RIWIUDPHRUPLFURIULGJHVHHSDJHfor RUGHULQJGHWDLOV 6KRZHUFDGG\LIOLYLQJLQ&RUFRUDQ+DOORU Seton Hall S TIP *SUITE-STYLE AND APARTMENT STYLE HALLS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING THEIR OWN BATHROOMS. **LIMIT ONE MICROWAVE, FRIDGE AND TV PER ROOM. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Desk ODPSSUHIHUDEO\ZLWK&)/EXOE Alarm clock 5-HWKHUQHWFRUG25ZLUHOHVVFDUGWKDW VXSSRUWVERUJVWDQGDUG )ODVKOLJKW 8/DSSURYHGSRZHUVWULSRUVXUJHSURWHFWRU QRH[WHQVLRQFRUGV +HDGSKRQHV Telephone LIQHHGHG Television VKRXOGEHKLJKGHÀnition DQG have D4$0WXQHU Poster putty 8QGHUEHGVWRUDJHPD[KHLJKWRIµH[FHSW LQ0F&DEHDQG&HQWHQQLDOZKHUHLWLVµ &ORWKHVhangers Small VDIHRUORFNER[IRUSHUVRQDOLWHPV /DXQGU\GHWHUJHQW Optional: VXSSOLHVIRU´JLYHEDFNµGRQDWLRQ SURJUDPVHHSDJH14 APARTMENT-STYLE ONLY: • • • Toilet paper ([WUDJDUEDJHELQ Pans ***EXTRA-LONG TWIN BEDS ARE THE STANDARD (EXCEPT FOR CENTENNIAL AND MCCABE HALL). REMEMBER: PACK LIGHT. TO RECEIVE CHANNELS, TV SHOULD BE HIGH-DEF. 19 17 MOVE-IN DAY MAP N ONE WAY STREET HOUSING AREA OFFICE TO LAKE SHORE DRIVE NO PARKING FREMONT STREET – 900 WEST CORTELYOU COMMONS CORCORAN HALL MCCABE HALL WISH FIELD EAST AREA OFFICE CHECK-IN LOCATIONS (SS OHSSZ HUK HWHY[TLU[Z! WSLHZL pull vehicle up directly in front; see map for indicator. BISSELL STREET – 924 WEST CENTENNIAL HALL ART MUSEUM SETON HALL 990 WEST FULLERTON BUILDING 46=,05+(@4(7 Check-in locations are open VUS`IL[^LLU[OLOV\YZVM HT HUK WT VU (\N\Z[ HUK :LW[LTILY RAY MEYER FITNESS AND RECREATION CENTER ATHLETIC TRAINING CENTER SHEFFIELD PARKING GARAGE SPECIAL NOTES SANCTUARY HALL VINCENT AND LOUISE HOUSE SHEFFIELD AVENUE – 1000 WEST SHEFFIELD SQUARE APARTMENTS Corcoran Hall:)ROORZGLUHFWLRQDOVLJQDJH SRVWHGGXULQJPRYHLQGD\ SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH Centennial Hall: *RWRWKLUGÁRRURI &HQWHQQLDO+DOOZKLFKLVRIIRIWKHIRXUWK OHYHORIWKH6KHIÀHOGSDUNLQJJDUDJH STUDENT CENTER CENTRAL AREA OFFICE VINCENTIAN RESIDENCE ARTS AND LETTERS HALL SANCTUARY TOWNHOMES STEANS CENTER BYRNE HALL KENMORE AVENUE – 1040 WEST LEVAN CENTER Sanctuary Hall and Townhomes: <RXKDYHWZRFKHFNLQORFDWLRQVEDVHGRQ XQLWQXPEHU O’CONNELL HALL SCHMITT ACADEMIC CENTER MCGOWAN NORTH SCIENCES CENTER MONSIGNOR ANDREW J. MCGOWAN SOUTH SCIENCES CENTER SEMINARY AVENUE – 1100 WEST WEBSTER AVENUE – 2200 NORTH MONTANA STREET - 2434 NORTH FULLERTON AVENUE – 2400 NORTH RICHARDSON LIBRARY BELDEN AVENUE – 2300 NORTH WELCOME CENTER 3OHDVHSURFHHGWR6KHIÀHOG$YHXQORDGLQJ area if you are checking into one of the IROORZLQJXQLWV Sanctuary Hall 101 – 114, 201 – 502 3URFHHGWR.HQPRUH$YHXQORDGLQJDUHDLI \RXDUHFKHFNLQJLQWRRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJ units: UNIVERSITY HALL Sanctuary Hall 115 – 120, Sanctuary WEST AREA OFFICE 7RZQKRPHV² BELDEN-RACINE HALL RACINE AVENUE – 1200 WEST THEATRE SCHOOL TO KENNEDY EXPRESSWAY SAGE MEDICAL CLIFTON PARKING GARAGE FACULTY OFFICES 1150 WEST FULLERTON BUILDING CLIFTON-FULLERTON HALL CLIFTON AVENUE – 1136 WEST MUNROE HALL 5HPHPEHULI\RXGRQRWKDYH\RXU6WXGHQW ,'&DUGJRWRURRPLQWKH6WXGHQW &HQWHUWRREWDLQLWEHIRUHFKHFNLQJLQDW\RXU UHVLGHQFHKDOO 7KHDERYHPRYHLQGD\PDSLVIRURXUPDMRUPRYHLQGD\VRQO\$XJXVWDQG6HSWHPEHU5HVLGHQWVZKRPRYHLQDIWHU WKHVFKHGXOHGGDWHVDQGWLPHVVKRXOGFKHFNLQDWWKHLUDVVLJQHGEXLOGLQJ·VDUHDRIÀFHVHHSDJHIRUDUHDRIÀFHPDS,I\RXDUH SDUWRIDSURJUDPWKDWUHTXLUHVDQDOWHUQDWLYHPRYHLQGDWHSOHDVHVHHSDJH +LWHY[TLU[VM/V\ZPUN:LY]PJLZ +LWHY[TLU[VM9LZPKLU[PHS,K\JH[PVU 5:OLMÄLSK(]L *LU[LUUPHS/HSS:\P[L Chicago, IL VMÄJLZKLWH\SLK\OV\ZPUN 5:OLMÄLSK(]L *LU[LUUPHS/HSS:\P[L Chicago, IL Z[\KLU[HMMHPYZKLWH\SLK\YLZLK