Catholic High School Directory 2016-2017


Catholic High School Directory 2016-2017
Archdiocese of Washington
High Schools
2016-2017 Directory
Choosing a Catholic high school is
one of the most important decisions
in a young person’s life.
The Archdiocese of Washington
is home to 20 academically
rigorous Catholic high schools that
emphasize strong academics, faith,
values and service while enriching
students through athletics, art, music
and cultural activities.
Please e-mail questions to
Our Lady of
Good Counsel
Holy Child
The Heights
St. Vincent
Holy Cross
Don Bosco Cristo Rey
Stone Ridge
St. Ann’s
St. John’s St. Anselm’s
Elizabeth Seton
Whether in the heart of DC, or
suburban Maryland, each of the
Catholic high schools offers:
• Direct connection to our Catholic identity • An academically excellent education • A track record of sending graduates on
to successful higher education
experiences with millions of dollars
in scholarship awards
• High graduation rates
• Highly respected and varied
extracurricular and
sports programs St. Mary’s Ryken
Table of Contents
Young Men
n Our
Young Women
Lady of Good Counsel High School..........24
n St. Ann’s High School...................................30
Applying to a Catholic High School .......4
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships ......8
High School Fair .....................................9
Open Houses ......................................... 10
High School Listings ............................. 11
Application Checklist ............................ 31
n The
Academy of the Holy Cross..................... 11
n Archbishop
n The
Carroll High School....................12
Avalon School.......................................13
n Bishop
McNamara High School ...................14
n Brookewood
n Connelly
School of the Holy Child.................16
n DeMatha
Catholic High School.....................17
n Don
Anselm’s Abbey School...........................25
n St.
John’s College High School.....................26
n St.
Mary’s Ryken High School.......................27
n St.
Vincent Pallotti High School....................28
n Stone
Ridge School of the Sacred Heart........29
Catholic Schools Office
Archdiocese of Washington
Bill Ryan
Superintendent for Catholic Schools
The Catholic schools in the Archdiocese
of Washington, rooted in Gospel values
and the teaching mission of the Catholic
Church, are learning communities of
faith and service dedicated to educational
equity and excellence for all students.
Bosco Cristo Rey High School................18
n Elizabeth
Seton High School.........................19
n Georgetown
Visitation Preparatory School....20
n Georgetown
Preparatory School...................21
n Gonzaga
n The
n St.
College High School.......................22
Heights School.....................................23
Applying to a Catholic High School
Criteria for Admissions
Students apply to a Catholic high school by completing the high
school’s application form. Grades, test scores, and in some cases,
an interview is considered by Catholic high schools in determining
admission for each student. Each Catholic high school is unique and
so is their admission process. Learn more about each Catholic high
school by reviewing the enclosed description and visiting their web site.
Notice of
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Catholic schools admit students
of any race, color, national
and ethnic origin to all the
rights, privileges, programs and
activities generally accorded
or made available to students
at the school. They do not
discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national and
ethnic origin in administration
of their educational policies,
admissions policies, scholarship
and loan programs and athletic
and other school-administered
programs. To the extent
required by Title IX, they do
not discriminate against any
applicant, employee or student
because of sex.
A placement test is required by all Catholic high schools unless
otherwise indicated by the high school. This section pertains to
the process for registering for and taking the HSPT. For testing
instructions for those Catholic high schools that do not require the
HSPT, please refer to the school’s enclosed description.
High School Placement Test
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a five-part multiple choice
test of verbal, quantitative, reading, mathematics, and language arts
skills. The exam takes 3 hours to administer. This includes two short
breaks and 30 minutes for distributing and collecting the answer
sheets and test booklets.
Eleven Catholic high schools require the High School Placement Test
as part of their application process.
Process for Students Attending a Catholic Elementary School
Catholic school students in the Archdiocese of Washington take
the HSPT, the official entrance test published by Scholastic Testing
Service, Inc., at their schools on Wednesday, November 30, 2016.
Principals in Archdiocese of Washington schools provide 8th grade
students and their parents/guardians with the web link to the HSPT
online registration form. Parents/guardians complete the registration
and payment for the test online. Students and their parents/guardians
return to the registration page to select the high schools to receive the
Eleven Catholic high schools
require the High School Placement
Test as part of their application
• The Academy of the Holy Cross
• Archbishop Carroll
• Bishop McNamara
• DeMatha Catholic
• Elizabeth Seton
• Georgetown Visitation
results of the HPST (Please see Selecting Schools to Receive HSPT
Results). Online test registration opens on Tuesday, September 6,
2016. Test registration and payment must be submitted by Friday,
October 28, 2016. A confirmation letter is sent via email to the
Process for Students Not Enrolled in an Archdiocese of
Washington Catholic Elementary School
Students not enrolled in an Archdiocese of Washington Catholic
school may register online at or
complete an HSPT Registration Form obtained from any Catholic
high school listed in this guide.
Deadlines for online and mail-in registrations are as follows:
Mail-in registration: Registration and payment for the December
3, 2016 testing date must be received by Friday, November 18,
2016. Registration and payment for the December 10, 2016
testing date must be received by Friday, November 25, 2016. The
completed form and payment must be sent to the Catholic Schools
Office-HSPT, Archdiocese of Washington, P.O. Box 29260,
Washington, DC 20017-0260. The Catholic Schools Office will
send confirmation that admits the student to the testing site.
• Gonzaga College
• Our Lady of Good Counsel
• St. John’s College
• St. Mary’s Ryken
• St. Vincent Pallotti
Ten Catholic high schools have
separate admissions procedures
and testing and should be contacted
• The Avalon School
• Brookewood School
• Connelly School of the Holy Child
• Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
• Georgetown Preparatory School
• The Heights School
• St. Ann’s High School
• St. Anselm’s Abbey School
• Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
Online registration: Registration and payment for the Saturday,
December 3, 2016 testing date must be submitted online
by Sunday, November 27, 2016. Registration and payment
for the Saturday, December 10, 2016 testing date must be
submitted online by Sunday, December 4, 2016. Please print the
confirmation page that admits the student to the testing site.
To reschedule a missed HSPT date due to illness, the parent/
guardian must call 301-853-5387 or send a message to, no later than the Monday following the missed
test date.
Deadlines for online and mail-in
registrations, including payment:
Students attending a Catholic
school must register by Friday,
October 28, 2016.
Students not enrolled at a Catholic
school must register by the
following dates:
Friday, November 18, 2016, for the
December 3, 2016 testing date, and Friday, November 25, 2016, for the
December 10, 2016 testing date.
Sunday, November 27, 2016, for the
December 3, 2016 testing date, and Sunday, December 4, 2016, for the
December 10, 2016 testing date.
Online registration is preferred;
however, registration forms are
available at high schools that
accept the HSPT. The completed
form and payment must be
received by the aforementioned
dates at:
Archdiocese of Washington
Catholic Schools Office – HSPT
PO Box 29260
Washington, DC 20017-0260
Students will receive a
confirmation for admission into
the testing site. No walk-in
registrations are allowed.
Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
All testing sites will offer both regular and accommodated
testing conditions. Parents/guardians must submit appropriate
documentation of requested accommodations to the HSPT Office
at least two weeks prior to the testing date – documentation must
be received by November 18, 2016 for the December 3, 2016
testing date, and by November 25, 2016 for the December 10,
2016 testing date. Appropriate documentation may be uploaded
online and attached to the online registration form. Those
who do not submit the appropriate documentation may not be
provided testing accommodations. Parent/guardians will receive
confirmation of the approved accommodations via email, from the
director for special education. During the admissions/enrollment
process, parents/guardians should provide the high school(s) with
similar information regarding their child’s educational needs to
ensure accurate placement.
For further information about testing accommodations, please
contact the Director for Special Education, at 301-853-4569,
Items Test Takers Must Bring on the Day of the Test
Students who are registered to take the HSPT on a Saturday
must bring the following items to the testing site:
• Two No. 2 pencils;
• Valid picture ID (if possible) or other appropriate
personal identification documentation;
• Light snack (recommended); and
• Confirmation of registration.
Selecting Schools to Receive HSPT Results
High School Choice(s) Window:
Opens – Monday, November 21, 2016
Closes – Sunday, December 11, 2016
Students select which school(s) will receive their HSPT scores
during the High School Choice Window. The High School
Choice(s) window opens on Monday, November 21, 2016
and closes on Sunday, December 11, 2016. The selections are
made on the HSPT registration form. Students can choose up
to three Catholic high schools that are located in the Archdiocese
of Washington to receive their HSPT scores. Additionally,
students may request that a score report be sent to one additional
school in either the Archdiocese of Baltimore or the Diocese of
Arlington. Please note that there is an additional processing fee to
have the HSPT scores sent to a third choice school located in the
Archdiocese of Baltimore or Diocese of Arlington as indicated on
the HSPT Registration Form.
Notification of Test Results
Test results are sent only to the school(s) provided on the student’s
HSPT Registration Form and will be mailed to parents/guardians
in January 2017.
Application Decision Notification
Notices of acceptance or non-acceptance will be mailed via U.S.
Mail to students by Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of
Washington no earlier than Thursday, February 16, 2017 and no
later than Thursday, February 23, 2017. The specific decision
notification date for a particular Catholic high school can be
obtained by contacting the Catholic high school directly, or visiting
the Catholic high school section at
HSPT Dates and Locations
The HSPT is offered on two dates
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the
following sites:
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Academy of the Holy Cross
4920 Strathmore Avenue
Kensington, MD
DeMatha Catholic High School
4313 Madison Street
Hyattsville, MD
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory
1524 - 35th Street NW
Washington, DC
Gonzaga College High School
19 I (Eye) Street NW
Washington, DC
Our Lady of Good Counsel High School
17301 Old Vic Boulevard
Olney, MD
St. Mary’s Ryken High School
22600 Camp Calvert Road
Leonardtown, MD
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Archbishop Carroll High School
4300 Harewood Road NE Washington, DC
Bishop McNamara High School
6800 Marlboro Pike
Forestville, MD
Elizabeth Seton High School
5715 Emerson Street
Bladensburg, MD
St. John’s College High School
2607 Military Road NW
Washington, DC
St. Vincent Pallotti High School
113 St. Mary’s Place
Laurel, MD
All students must be
registered to take the HSPT.
No walk-ins are permitted.
Tuition Assistance
Each high school and the Archdiocese of Washington offers a
variety of tuition assistance and scholarship programs to help
make a Catholic education more affordable. Applying for tuition
assistance has no bearing on whether a student is admitted to a
school. Tuition assistance application deadlines are as early as
December so families will know their tuition aid grants when they
receive their notification letters from high schools.
Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance
The TADS Application Form for the 2017-2018 school year must
be completed and submitted to TADS by December 2, 2016 for
families applying for tuition assistance from the archdiocese for a
high school student. The form may be obtained in October, 2016,
or from any Catholic elementary or high school in the archdiocese.
Please note that online applications for tuition assistance are
preferred. All tuition assistance obtained through the archdiocese
is based on financial need. Archdiocesan tuition assistance is open
only to students currently enrolled in or applying to Catholic schools
located in the archdiocese, which includes Washington, DC and the
five Maryland counties of Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince
George’s, and St. Mary’s.
Information and applications for tuition assistance from the
archdiocese may be obtained at
Additionally, instructions may be obtained from any Catholic
elementary or high school in the archdiocese. Tuition assistance
applications are to be submitted online.
Please contact the Manager for Funding and Enrollment at (301)
853-5356 or visit
Individual High Schools
For more information about tuition assistance and scholarship
programs available at each Catholic high school, please see the
individual high school listing in this directory and then contact the
school’s financial aid office for more information.
Especially designed for rising 7th and 8th
graders, each spring, the Archdiocese of
Washington hosts a High School Fair
which features exhibits by all Catholic
high schools in the archdiocese. In addition
to learning more about each Catholic high school in the
archdiocese, the High School Fair features informational sessions
about testing and financial aid. This informative event will help
future high school students learn more about high school options
and the application process.
Location: Bethesda Marriott
5151 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Saturday, April 8, 2017
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Registration is free
To register, please go to
the 2017 Catholic High
School Fair section
AFTER March 1, 2017
to complete the online
registration form.
Featuring a Learning Center Fair which is intended for families
of students with learning differences. Catholic high schools
that offer programs for students with learning differences will be
featured in the Learning Center Fair section of the High School
Fair. Admissions officers and learning specialists will be available
to discuss the program offerings to support students with
learning differences.
Learn more about the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance
program and Catholic high school scholarship and need-based
financial aid. A special session will be offered to assist applicants
with understanding the process, when to apply, and the
notification timeline?
Young Men
Young Women
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016
n Georgetown
n The
Preparatory School
1 - 4 pm
Sunday, October 16, 2016
n Georgetown
Preparatory School
1 - 4 pm
n Our Lady of Good Counsel High School
10 am - 1 pm
n Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
12 - 2:30 pm
Sunday, October 23, 2016
n St.
John’s College High School
11 am - 2 pm
Saturday, October 29, 2016
n Connelly
School of the Holy Child
11 am - 1 pm
Sunday, October 30, 2016
n Archbishop
Carroll High School
1 - 3 pm
n The Heights School
2 - 5:30 pm
Saturday, November 5, 2016
n The
Avalon School
1 - 3 pm
Academy of the Holy Cross
10 am - 1 pm
n DeMatha Catholic High School
11 am - 2 pm
n Elizabeth Seton High School
11 am - 2 pm
n St. Anselm’s Abbey School
11 am - 3 pm
n St. Vincent Pallotti High School
2 - 5 pm
Saturday, November 12, 2016
n Brookewood
1 - 3 pm
Sunday, November 13, 2016
n Bishop
McNamara High School
12:30 - 4 pm
Saturday, November 19, 2016
n Don
Bosco Cristo Rey High School
12 - 2 pm
Sunday, November 20, 2016
n Gonzaga
College High School
10 am - 2 pm
n St. Mary’s Ryken High School
12 - 3 pm
Profile Founded in 1868, Holy
Cross is fast approaching 150
years of educating “women
of courage, compassion and
scholarship.” The Academy
is part of the worldwide
Holy Cross family of sisters
brothers and priests, who
established University of
Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s
College and St. Edward’s University.
Through global partnerships, the Academy includes a growing
international population.
Every component of our 28-acre campus is centered on enhancing
our students’ experience. The Academy features three outdoor
courtyards, a state-of-the-theatre, dance studio, classrooms designed
for active learning, and a multi-sport synthetic turf field.
Holy Cross graduates are exceptionally prepared for college and
beyond. As education today is globally focused, we offer the IB
Programme in addition to a rigorous curriculum including Honors
and AP. Students utilize the latest technology including a 1:1 iPad
program and our Technology and Creativity Center, which houses
a 3-D printer for our IB Design Technology course. All seniors
participate in a three-week internship program working in a career
setting that interests them. The Class of 2016 received over
$10 million in college scholarships.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships The Academy of the Holy Cross
offers both need-based tuition assistance and merit-based scholarships.
To apply for tuition assistance, families must complete a Parents’
Financial Statement through School & Student Services (SSS). Please
see our website for more information.
Service to Students with Learning Differences Holy Cross offers the
Saint Mary’s Resource Center for students with diagnosed learning
differences and current psycho-educational assessments that have
demonstrated the ability to succeed in a rigorous, college preparatory
environment. Please contact Admissions for more information.
Transportation Most students carpool or take Metro. Holy Cross is
a short walk from the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro (Red Line). A
Montgomery County Ride-On bus stop is at the school’s front entrance.
Summer Programs Summer at the Academy is filled with possibilities
(grades 1-12). Enrichment courses (including co-ed options) are
offered for grades 7-12, while sports camps are offered to girls of all
abilities (grades 1-10).
Catholic High School
for Young Women
The Academy
of the Holy Cross
4920 Strathmore Avenue
Kensington, MD 20895
November 6, 2016 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-942-2100 / 301-929-6440
Kathleen Ryan Prebble
Melissa Huey-Burns
Director of Admissions
Louise Hendon
Director of Moreau Options
Emily Montgomery
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
Monday, December 12, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious
Congregation of the Sisters of the
Holy Cross
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015 -16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
High School
4300 Harewood Road, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Sunday, October 30, 2016 Spring
Thursday, April 27, 2017 Website
Telephone / Fax
202-529-0900 / 202-526-8879
Head of School
Ms. Beth Blaufuss
Ms. Katy Dunn
Director of Admissions
Ms. Tiffani Scurlock
202-529-0900 ext. 135
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 15, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Archdiocese of Washington
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Carroll High School
is a co-educational,
Baccalaureate school
under the direction
of the Archdiocese
of Washington. We
welcome a diverse
student body from
over forty nationalities, thirty-five
zip codes and sixty-eight feeder schools. We empower a wide
array of students to think critically, creatively and morally. 99% of the
Class of 2016 was accepted to college; 25% were admitted to top 50
selective colleges (US News). In the last three years graduates received
$116,000 average in college scholarships. Students are formed in faith
and social skills through a robust, small faith community program and
community-wide, student-led virtue cultivation efforts. We embrace
Catholic social teaching; students complete both service and justice
efforts. WCAC and exploratory sports along with band, theater,
debate and robotics, provide students opportunities for growth and
fellowship. Carroll continues a proud 65 year history of educating and
forming young people in our Archdiocese. An 11:1 student- teacher
ratio and committed, professional faculty nurture and support the
efforts of diverse learners.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Students with exceptional
academic potential are named Augustinian Scholars. Students may
receive academic aid of $1,500 to $4,000 per year. Archdiocesan
employees- including those at schools, parishes and Catholic charities
receive a 50% tuition rate. Music and robotics scholarships are
available. Tuition assistance must be done through TADS.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Carroll welcomes students with
diverse learning differences. We provide resources and services to
enable our students to meet with academic success. - Extended time on tests
- Organizational support
- Assistance with self-advocacy
Archbishop Carroll High School is conveniently
located on the Red Line near the Brookland/CUA Metro. A shuttle is
available to the school along with ample student parking. Private bus
service is available for an additional fee.
Summer Programs
High School students can take IB Prep and semester
courses for original credit in the summer.
Catholic High School
for Young Men
The Avalon School helps form boys into men of faith and
purpose through a traditional, liberal-arts curriculum with the aim of
fostering true intellectual freedom, personal responsibility and a spirit
of adventure. The distinctive learning characteristics of young men are
addressed both in and out of the classroom through academic rigor,
the arts and athletics.
The Avalon
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Need-based ffinancial aid is
provided by the school; families may also apply for need-based
assistance through the Archdiocese of Washington. Several full and
partial “Headmaster Scholarships” are available for academics, the arts,
and athletics.
200 West Diamond Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
November 5, 2016 Service to Students with Special Needs
Learning differences are handled
on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the parents and any
educational consultants with whom they are working.
A courtesy van is available daily to and from the Shady
Grove Metro. Vans to and from Kensington, and the Glenmont Metro
station, are available for an annual fee.
Summer Programs
Summer opportunities include a summer math
program, natural history camp, science camp, strategy game camp, and
various sports camps.
1:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-963-8022 / 301-963-8027
Richard B. McPherson
Kevin J. Davern
Director of Admissions
Caleb M. Glaser
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
Rolling Admissions
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Old Line Athletic Conference
(baseball), Capital Area Football
Conference (football), Independent
(basketball, soccer)
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
High School
6800 Marlboro Pike
Forestville, MD 20747
November 13, 2016 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-735-8401 / 301-735-0934
Head of School
Dr. Marco Clark
Dr. Robert Van Der Waag
Director of Admissions
Mrs. Abigail Greer
301-735-8401 x113
Associate Director
Mr. Jeffrey Southworth
Director of Financial Aid
Mrs. Patricia Garber
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 15, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Congregation of Holy Cross
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Profile We are are Bishop
McNamara: Family, Faith,
Future. An academically
rigorous college preparatory
school grounded in our Holy
Cross tradition of faith,
to develop global citizens
through a coeducational
experience offering students
a 21st century renaissance education.
Bishop McNamara launches construction of a new student center/
cafeteria in 2016-17. Currently exploring the adoption of the IB Program,
Bishop McNamara offers extensive classes at the honors and AP level.
Average class size is 21 and the student to faculty ration is 10:1. The Fine
Arts Diploma Endorsement Program recognizes students’ devotion to
the fine arts: award winning band, choir, dance, theater, and visual arts
programs. 54 clubs and foreign exchange programs enrich student life.
20 varsity sports grounded in our Holy Cross mission provide student
athletes opportunities to develop athletically, grow spiritually, and cooperate
positively. The Class of 2016 earned over $23 million in scholarships.
Bishop McNamara students and faculty utilize the 1:1 iPad program
to collaborate effectively. Maccess permits parents to check academic
progress online.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships BMHS strives to keep Catholic
Education affordable by offering financial aid and awarding scholarships
based on academic achievement and accomplishment in the Fine Arts.
Families should apply using FACTS Financial Aid Application by
December 15th and should apply to the Archdiocese of Washington for aid.
Service to Students with Special Needs The St. Joseph’s Learning
Center provides academic and skills support to all students at
Bishop McNamara. The St. Joseph Program offers a student specific
accommodation plan to students with documented learning differences.
Application for the St. Joseph Program must be submitted with
application for admission. Admitted 9th graders selected for the Project
PRIDE Program are offered intervention, mentoring, and remediation.
Private bus transportation have routes through Bowie,
Charles County, and Ft. Washington. BMHS assists families in
forming carpools. BMHS is located on a Metrobus line connecting
Suitland and Addison Rd. stations.
Summer Programs BMHS aims to help students get involved over
the summer and engage in intellectual, artistic, and athletic activities.
BMHS offers opportunities in the areas of Fine Arts, Enrichment/
Educational, and Athletics. Check the website for updated offerings.
Catholic High School
for Young Women
Brookewood, a 1-12 independent school, seeks to help parents
form their daughters into educated, cultured, pious, cheerful, and
adventurous young women in a program oriented around the learning
styles of girls. The curriculum is rooted in the Western tradition where
girls read the classics, recite poetry, explore the world and graduate as
confident young women. Brookewood prides itself on small classes
where girls receive more one-on-one attention.
Brookewood’s extra-curricular activities include competitive sports
and the Actor’s Guild which provides the opportunity for girls to
express themselves in drama.
Unique to Brookewood is a system of four houses in which
students are placed at the beginning of the year. On festival days the
girls compete in their respective houses in athletic events and recite
poetry they have learned in class for competition.
Outside the classroom, Brookewood School takes advantage of the
wide range of educational, cultural, and natural opportunities in the
greater Washington, DC area.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Need-based financial aid provided
by school; families may also apply for need-based assistance through
the Archdiocese of Washington.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Students at Brookewood thrive
in small classes where teachers have the time and energy to meet the
needs of individual girls. Small class sizes help many young women
succeed at Brookewood.
Shuttle service provided from The Avalon School in
Gaithersburg. Brookewood is located between Grosvenor, White
Flint, and Forest Glen metro with a short 10 minute bus ride to the
10401 Armory Avenue
Kensington, MD 20895
November 12, 2016 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Executive Director
R.J. Hawley
Richard B. McPherson
Dean of Academic Life
Clair Finnegan
Director of Admission and
Helen Williams
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
Rolling admissions
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Independent for basketball, field
hockey, lacrosse, soccer and volleyball
Catholic High School
for Young Women
Connelly School
of the
Holy Child
9029 Bradley Boulevard
Potomac, MD 20854
October 29, 2016 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-365-0955 / 301-365-0981
Head of School
Dr. Shannon Gomez
Mary Hopkins
Director of Admissions and
Financial Aid
Meghan Burke Cross
301-365-0955 x2103
Admissions Associates
Paulina Hill
Lindsay Gilbride Greene
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 5, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Independent School League (ISL)
Connelly School of the Holy Child is a Catholic, independent,
college preparatory middle and upper school for young women, grades
6 through 12, in Potomac, Maryland. Founded on the educational
philosophy of Cornelia Connelly (1809-1879), the Holy Child
curriculum is individualized, rigorous, and experiential. It includes
Advanced Placement and Honors classes, as well as college-level
options offered through a five-school consortium. Campus ministry,
community service, athletics, visual and performing arts, leadership
skills, technology enrichment help to round out the Holy Child
experience every year. Holy Child students are compassionate women
of actions not words. When they graduate, they possess the skills,
character, and faith to lead fulfilling lives of intellectual, spiritual,
and social purpose. And, colleges continue to notice. The Class of
2015, for example, saw more than 50 percent of the students receiving
merit-based aid. The Class of 2016 increased that number, with
over 60 percent merit-based scholarships. As one graduate put it, “If
you’re looking for supportive teachers, countless academic and social
endeavors, and an incredibly close-knit community, then Holy Child is
the place for you.”
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Holy Child offers need based
financial assistance and merit based awards. Merit based awards
recognize outstanding achievement in service, visual and performing
arts and academics. For more detail visit the website.
Holy Child bus routes, Metro Bus, Carpool.
Catholic High
School is a college
institution dedicated
to educating
young men in
the Trinitarian
Established by the
Order of the Most Holy Trinity and
of the Captives in 1946, DeMatha has twice been recognized as
an Exemplary Private School by the U.S. Department of Education.
It offers a challenging curriculum to serve the talents and interests
of approximately 800 students from diverse economic, cultural and
religious backgrounds who strive to become Gentlemen and Scholars.
DeMatha offers an outstanding academic program, including
extensive Advanced Placement and Honors courses, opportunities
for Christian service, a wide variety of co-curricular activities and
a nationally recognized athletic program. The acclaimed music
program features curricular offerings with five bands, four string and
percussion ensembles, three choral groups and several co-curricular
music ensembles. The teaching faculty, often cited as the strength of
the school, includes six Washington Post educational award winners.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
DeMatha tuition assistance
is offered as work study grants based on financial need. Families
should apply using the FACTS Grant and Aid Application by the
December deadline and are also required to apply to the Archdiocese
of Washington for aid. DeMatha awards a number of scholarships for
academics, art and music.
Service to Students with Special Needs
The Academic Support Center
teaches study skills strategies and techniques that will allow the student
to overcome problems in learning subjects that are not fully accessible
to him at first.
Bus transportation is available from Prince George’s,
Anne Arundel, Montgomery and Howard counties, as well as Southern
Maryland and Washington, DC. Free shuttle service is provided to and
from the College Park- University of Maryland Metro station.
Catholic High School
for Young Men
DeMatha Catholic
High School
4313 Madison Street
Hyattsville, MD 20781
November 6, 2016 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
240-764-2200 / 240-764-2277
Fr. James R. Day, O.SS.T.
Dr. Daniel J. McMahon
Director of Admissions
Mr. Tommy Paolucci
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 15, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Order of the Most Holy Trinity and
of the Captives
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic
Athletic Conference (WCAC)
Summer Programs
Summer sessions include high school level courses
for grade improvement and high school prep Math, English, and
Reading. The school also sponsors summer camps in science, music
and sports.
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
Don Bosco
Cristo Rey
High School
1010 Larch Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912
November 19, 2016 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-891-4750 / 301-270-1459
Rev. Michael Conway, S.D.B.
Mr. Larry Savoy
Director of Student Recruitment
and Admissions
Mrs. Madelin Fernandez Fox
301-891-4750 x114
Admissions Recruitment
Ms. Pamela Cabrera
301-891-4750 x148
Tuition for 2016-17
Participation in the CSWP students
earn $6,800 towards their tuition.
Family Contribution: $2,500
Application Deadline
Wednesday, January 13, 2017
Application fee: $20
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Salesians of Don Bosco, Eastern Province
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School, DBCR, is co-sponsored
by the Archdiocese of Washington and the Salesians of Don Bosco.
The school provides a rigorous college-preparatory Catholic education
with a Salesian approach of “faith, family, future, fun” to hardworking
students with limited economic resources. DBCR is a member of
the Cristo Rey Network™, a national association of 28 Catholic high
schools that feature a college preparatory curriculum and a unique
Corporate Work Study Program through which each student gains
professional experience while financing the majority of the cost of his
or her education. Students must be highly motivated and mature,
open to Catholic religious values, employable, willing to work very
hard and be academically competent. Families also are expected to
take an active part in the education of their child and in the life of
the school. To apply, families must meet financial need requirements.
Students must be 14 years old at the start of the school year and be
eligible to work in the United States.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
The actual tuition and cost to
educate a student at Don Bosco Cristo Rey High school is $13,000.
By participating in the Corporate Work Study Program, students earn
$6,800 of their tuition and the Family Contribution of the tuition
is $2,500. Nearly 90% of our students receive additional financial
assistance in order to reduce the family contribution payments through
Financial Aid from the Archdiocese of Washington, Scholarships
programs, and Grants. To qualify, families must complete the Tuition
Aid Data Services (TADS) application annually and assist the school
in completing additional scholarship procedures as part of their
commitment. These additional scholarships and grants ordinarily do
not change the predetermined family contribution.
Transportation We are located in Takoma Park, MD just off New
Hampshire Avenue one mile north of the District line. We are
accessible by public transportation from the Prince George’s Plaza, Fort
Totten and Takoma Metro Stations.
Catholic High School
for Young Women
Elizabeth Seton
offers a challenging,
academic program. Our
rigorous curriculum is
designed specifically
for the college-bound
student serious about
her academic future.
Average class sizes of
16 allow our qualified,
caring teachers to
provide each student with
the skills necessary for her continued education and
personal development. We offer over thirty Advanced Placement
and honors courses across the curriculum. Education at Seton is an
investment that reaps benefits: we boast SAT scores above the national
average and a 100% college acceptance rate. In addition, over 30
clubs and social organizations, 23 athletic teams, 7 award-winning
vocal and instrumental music groups, and comprehensive community
service and retreat experiences enrich our curriculum. Elizabeth Seton
provides a nurturing community for young women. Respect and
diversity are two of our school’s core values, and both are evidenced in
our classrooms, hallways and playing fields.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Families seeking need-based
financial aid must first complete the Archdiocese of Washington’s
application for tuition assistance. They may also complete a copy of
the Seton Aid application. Seton recognizes outstanding academic
achievement through renewable academic scholarships that are awarded
based on middle school performance and Seton’s scholarship testing.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Ninth grade applicants can
apply for placement into Seton’s Bayley Program. Students in this
program receive enhanced academic support to help compensate for
organizational or minor learning differences.
Seton organizes a list each summer for families who
wish to arrange a carpool. Students are also able to participate in
DeMatha’s bus routes or public transportation.
Summer Programs
All sports camps including volleyball and lacrosse,
STEM camps, and coding camps are available during select weeks
during the summer. Visit to register.
Elizabeth Seton
High School
5715 Emerson Street
Bladensburg, MD 20710
November 6, 2016 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-864-4532 / 301-864-8946
Sister Ellen Marie Hagar, D.C.
Dean of Admissions
Melissa Davey Landini ’99
301-864-4532 ext. 7015
Director of Recruitment
Diane Zellers Billingsley ’04
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 8, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious
Daughters of Charity
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015 -16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Catholic High School
for Young Men
10900 Rockville Pike
North Bethesda MD 20852
October 16, 2016 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.
Head Master
Mr. John Glennon, Jr.
Director of Admissions
Mr. Brett Graham ’92
Director of Financial Aid and
Assistant Director of Admissions
Mr. Rob Begin
Tuition for 2016-17
$34,245 (Day Tuition)
$58,445 (Boarding Tuition)
Application Deadline
January 6, 2017
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
382 (Day), 113 (Residents)
Athletic Conference
Interstate Athletic Conference (I.A.C.)
Georgetown Prep is the oldest Catholic School for young men
in the nation. We just celebrated our 227th year of educating men
of competence, conscience, commitment and compassion; men of
faith, men for others. Georgetown Prep offers a rigorous, liberal arts
education that encourages growth in mind, body, and spirit.
As a boarding and day school, we foster a close-knit, global learning
environment that challenges each student to achieve their utmost
potential within small class sizes. Georgetown Prep students excel
in academics, the arts, and athletics. However, at the heart of our
education is a call to be men in service to others who will as St.
Ignatius exhorted, “ite inflammate onmia”, go forth and set the world
on fire. By setting the bar high for our young men, we push them to
be their very best. As a result, each year our graduates matriculate to
some of the best colleges and universities in the world.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
We provide $2.5 million in
financial aid with an average grant of $19,000. We do not provide any
merit scholarships as, due to our admission criteria, nearly all of our
accepted pool could qualify for merit recognition. We save all our aid
for those who could not otherwise afford a Prep education.
Service to Students with Special Needs We offer time and a half on tests
for students with documented needs. We also have a learning specialist
on campus to help students who might need organizational support.
Transportation Located directly across the street from the Grosvenor
Metro Station on the Red Line. Shuttle pick up is available. Busing from
Virginia in partnership with Stone Ridge School of the Scared Heart.
Summer Programs
Please visit for more information.
Profile Georgetown
Visitation is a Catholic
college preparatory
school for girls in
grades 9-12.
Providing a
powerful education
for joyful minds,
Visitation prepares motivated young
women for successful futures by nourishing their enthusiasm
for learning and challenging them to “be who you are and be that well.”
Indeed Visi girls discover their best selves by engaging in our varied
opportunities—enriched by our prime Georgetown location—and by
exploring their faith. Our Salesian Spirituality, and the values known
as the Little Virtues, have an immense impact. Students become not
only well-rounded, but well-balanced—proud and humble, strong and
gentle, passionate and compassionate, and spirited and deeply spiritual.
They support one another, because they know that every girl can lead,
shine, and achieve her potential when boosted by friends who will last a
lifetime. In joining our long tradition, students delight in sharing it with
their Visi sisters and in making it their own.
Our electives range from neuroscience to creative writing. There
are many opportunities to join one of our Lewis Cup-champion sports
teams, sing with one of our award-winning performing arts groups,
head a new school club, attend retreats, and participate in domestic and
international service trips.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Each year, we award over $2 million
in financial aid, based primarily on need, but includes several merit
scholarships. To process aid applications, we use NAIS’s School and
Student Services (SSS), which applies a consistent, objective formula to
calculate the amount of money a family has available to contribute to
education costs.
Service to Students with Special Needs
The Learning Support
Department works with students who may need additional academic
support and offers freshman- and sophomore-level courses that help
build tools necessary for student success.
Catholic High School
for Young Women
1524 Thirty-fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
October 15, 2016 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
202-337-3350 / 202-342-5733
Head of School
Mr. Daniel M. Kerns, Jr.
Ms. Mary Kate Blaine
Director of Admissions
Mrs. Janet Keller
202-337-3350 ext. 2241
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 2, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Sisters of the Visitation
Grade 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Transportation Most students carpool; the school directory allows parents to
search by zip code. Others choose to take public transportation.
Independent School League (ISL)
Athletic Conference
Summer Programs Visitation offers a Summer Enrichment Program
for incoming freshmen, which includes English and math courses and
exciting electives such as forensics, psychology, coding, and multimedia
Catholic High School
for Young Men
Gonzaga College
High School
19 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
November 20, 2016 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Head of School
Rev. Stephen W. Planning, S.J.
Mr. Thomas K. Every, II
Dean of Admissions and
Financial Aid
Mr. Andrew C. Battaile
Assistant Dean
Mr. Michael Hanagan
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 9, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Profile A Catholic,
Jesuit college
preparatory school,
Gonzaga offers
academics and
a wide variety
of co-curricular
activities. Located
six blocks from
our nation’s
Capitol, its inner city
location underscores the school’s commitment to the
challenge of Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., for our students to become “Men for
Others.” Performing community service and helping those in need is
encouraged throughout a student’s four years on Eye Street. “Men for
Others” is not an empty phrase during a young man’s tenure at Gonzaga
or in the years that follow in the wider world. Admission is based on
school performance, current teacher recommendations, test scores, and
a personal essay, as well as extracurricular activities. Gonzaga seeks wellrounded young men with a strong desire to succeed and to be part of
Washington’s oldest all-boys school. The student body is diverse and is
drawn from the entire metropolitan area and beyond.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Need-based assistance is available
in the form of grants based upon the School and Student Service’s
(SSS) Parents Financial Statement (PFS). Applications are available
online at Gonzaga awards over $2.9
million in financial aid to over one-third of the student body. Merit
based grants (Presidential and Sousa Scholarships) are also awarded to
incoming freshmen.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Students with documented
learning differences are provided time-and-a-half on classroom tests,
mid-terms, and finals. Preferential seating and assistive portable
technology for specified purposes is also allowed. One-on-one
assistance provided by the Center for Academic Excellence and/or
Gonzaga’s Writing Center.
Most students carpool or take public transportation.
Union Station (Red Line) is three blocks away. Gonzaga is accessible
by Metrobus (80, 96, D3, D4, D8, X1-X3, X8, X9) or Circulator.
Summer Programs
Gonzaga’s Freshman Transition Program assists
incoming ninth-grade students with courses in English, reading, math
and study skills. There is also summer school with remediation and
enrichment courses. The school hosts numerous summer athletic camps.
The Heights School assists parents, in their role as primary
educators, with the intellectual, moral, physical, and spiritual
education of their sons. The School’s curriculum provides the breadth
of mind that marks an educated man, and the intellectual tools
required for higher education and professional life. An average class
size of 16 students, a student-to-faculty ratio of 7:1, and a challenging
curriculum that includes over 20 college level courses help account for
our stellar college placement record. Most important at The Heights,
however, is the personal mentoring that each student receives not only
from classroom teachers and coaches, but also from personal advisors
who work with parents to carefully foster their sons’ growth. Heights
students have access to a rich sacramental life; they compete on 13
athletic teams; they participate in 30 extracurricular clubs; and they
take advantage of travel and adventure opportunities that develop a
spirit of adventure, camaraderie, and readiness for life’s challenges.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
It is mission-essential for The
Heights to support families in their efforts to educate their sons.
Consequently, over 40% of our students receive financial aid with
the average grant-per-student totaling over $10,000. Tuition
assistance is granted on the basis of financial need and full scholarships
are available.
Reasonably priced bus service is available from
Northern Virginia and Washington, DC, and a courtesy shuttle runs
to and from the Grosvenor Metro station (Red Line).
Catholic High School
for Young Men
The Heights
10400 Seven Locks Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854
October 30, 2016 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Head of School
Mr. Alvaro de Vicente
Director of Admissions
Mr. Richard S. Moss
Admissions Assistant
George Martin
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
January 6, 2017
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious
Opus Dei
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015 -16)
Athletic Conference
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
Our Lady of
Good Counsel
High School
17301 Old Vic Boulevard
Olney, MD 20832
October 16, 2016 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
240-283-3200 / 240-283-3250
Head of School
Dr. Paul G. Barker, Ed.D.
Mr. Thomas Campbell
Director of Admissions
Mr. Kevin F. Collins
Assistant Director of Admissions
Mrs. Emmy McNamara
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 9, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Xaverian Brothers
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Profile Twice recognized as a School of Excellence by the U.S.
Department of Education, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School
challenges its young men and women in the Xaverian tradition to
Excel, Love and Serve. An International Baccalaureate school since
1995, Good Counsel was the first Catholic school in the region
to offer the prestigious IB program. Good Counsel students are
compelled to attain the highest standard of academic excellence
through a global curriculum. In addition to the core college
preparatory program, Good Counsel delivers a wide range of rigorous
Honors and Advanced Placement courses. Our STEM Program
introduces students to the field of engineering through a hands-on
project based curriculum. Over 70 percent of Good Counsel’s faculty
holds advanced degrees; Maryland State Certification is mandatory for
all teachers. In addition to our nationally recognized athletic program,
Good Counsel delivers a progressive, fully-integrated visual arts,
theatre and music program.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Our Lady of Good Counsel High
School awards more than $2.5 million dollars in financial assistance
and scholarships annually. Online applications for financial assistance
for the 2017-2018 school year can be found on our website www. in mid-October. Good Counsel awards a variety of
scholarships for academic merit, music, art, drama and speech delivery.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Good Counsel provides
assistance to students with mild learning disabilities through its Ryken
Program. Families that wish to take advantage of this program must
indicate so on the school application form and complete additional
requirements as outlined in the Ryken Studies Information Sheet.
Applicants are admitted only as freshmen.
Bus service is available for a fee from parts of
Montgomery, Howard, Frederick and Prince George’s Counties.
Summer Programs
Multiple credited classes are offered during the
summer. Good Counsel also offers many sports
camps and enrichment
Please check our
website www. for
A-VI (Grades
6-12). The Abbey
offers a rigorous
classical liberal
arts education
informed by the
practice, in
which the
goal is Pax in Sapientia…Peace in
Wisdom. Students at the Abbey enjoy studying a wide variety
of subjects with engaging teachers and classmates, as well as a full
complement of extracurricular and athletic options, as they grow in the
understanding of how to live life well and in accordance with
the Gospels.
The tranquil environment found on the St. Anselm’s campus,
located on the northern edge of the Brookland neighborhood in
Northeast DC, quickly becomes a home away from home for students.
In keeping with Benedictine hospitality, all are welcome to visit and
experience the community and mission at St. Anselm’s Abbey School.
Catholic High School
for Young Men
St. Anselm’s
Abbey School
4501 South Dakota Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20017
November 6, 2016 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
January 8, 2017 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
202-269-2350 / 202-269-2373
Rev. Peter Weigand, O.S.B.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships St. Anselm’s Abbey School offers
significant need-based Financial Aid, and participates in the DC
Opportunity Scholarship Program.
Director of Admissions
Service to Students with Special Needs
Please contact the Admissions
Office to discuss specific accommodations.
Shuttles pick up and drop off at Fort Totten (Red
& Green) each morning and afternoon. There are three crosstown
morning shuttles, one from Bethesda, which stops at Friendship
Heights and Military Road in Chevy Chase, and two from Northern
Virginia, picking up in McLean, Arlington, and Alexandria.
Summer Programs Every summer, St. Anselm’s Abbey School hosts
a wide variety of day programs for our students and the larger
Washington community. These camps range from the academic to
the athletic.
Mr. Bill Crittenberger
Mr. Peter Young ’01
Director of Financial Aid
Mrs. Ieva Young
Admissions Assistant
Mr. Blake Hollinger
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
January 2, 2017
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Order of Saint Benedict
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Potomac Valley Athletic Conference
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
St. John’s College
High School
2607 Military Road, NW
Chevy Chase, DC 20015
October 23, 2016 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
202-363-2316 / 202-363-2916
Head of School
Mr. Jeffrey W. Mancabelli
Mr. Christopher J. Themistos
Admissions Director
Mrs. Susan Hinton
202-363-2316 x1070
Assistant Directors of
Ms. Kat Kyne
Mrs. Barbara Murray
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 9, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
De La Salle Christian Brothers
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic
Athletic Conference (WCAC)
St. John’s is
committed to academic
excellence, as an
independent, Catholic,
coeducational, college
preparatory school in
the Lasallian tradition.
The 30-acre campus
is located adjacent to
Rock Creek Park.
We offer 22 AP and
16 honors courses, a Scholars Program for gifted
and talented students and a cross-curricular Entrepreneurial Program.
Our dynamic 1:1 Educational Technology Program, featuring
iPads provided by the school, allows students to learn, produce and
collaborate. The Class of 2016 earned $30.5 million in academic,
athletic, leadership and ROTC scholarships.
Students participate in 26 varsity sports and more than 45
extracurricular activities. Two full-time performance coaches provide
professional-level training to all student-athletes. Unique to St. John’s is
an elective Cadet Corps program promoting leadership and teamwork.
St. John’s has invested more than $30 million in campus
improvements, including the Kimsey Science and Technology Center,
Fitzpatrick Library, Cassidy Commons Dining Hall and the Donatelli
Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. In spring 2017, the Cap
Mona Student Center opens with a blackbox theater complex and a
Lasallian Center for Mission and Ministry.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
St. John’s strives to keep quality
education affordable. More than $3.3 million in aid is awarded
annually. Need-based tuition assistance is available to all students.
Service to Students with Special Needs
A resource program for students
with mild learning differences, the Benilde Program, admits freshmen
only. Applicants must submit a psycho-educational evaluation
completed within the last three years.
Round-trip transportation is offered at an additional
fee from Montgomery County, Prince George’s County and Northern
Virginia, as well as a morning line from Capitol Hill. Free shuttle
service from Friendship Heights and Silver Spring Metro stations
is available.
Summer Programs
Summer classes for enrichment and advanced credit,
as well as a variety of sports camps.
St. Mary’s Ryken is a Catholic, coeducational, college
preparatory school community operated under the Xaverian Brothers’
sponsorship dedicated to academic excellence and individualized
student growth. SMR is committed to providing a highly competitive,
yet affordable college preparatory education to students in southern
Maryland. Over their four years at SMR, students grow within a
mentoring and caring environment that fosters opportunities for each
student to develop individual gifts and talents, and prepares them to
become role models and leaders in their communities. Discover the
difference at St. Mary’s Ryken!
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
St. Mary’s Ryken
22600 Camp Calvert Road
Leonardtown, MD 20650
October 10, 2016 Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
SMR awards merit scholarships to
incoming freshmen in the areas of academics, leadership, service, fine
arts and more. The SMR scholarship application deadline is January
15, 2017. In the 2016-17 freshman class, 42 students
received scholarships.
Financial aid is available for qualifying families from both the
Archdiocese of Washington (ADW) and SMR. Applications for
tuition assistance must be completed by using the ADW tuition
assistance program (TADS).
Service to Students with Learning Differences
As part of our mission,
SMR offers support services to students with learning differences.
We are equipped with fully qualified staff, and students are admitted
into the program through the regular admissions process.
The St. Mary’s County Government Non-Public School
Transportation Division provides bus transportation for St. Mary’s
County students. For students from Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s
and other counties, bus transportation is available for an additional fee.
Summer Programs
The Summer Knights camp program is designed
to enrich, educate and activate your student! Camps are offered for
grades 5-12 in athletics, enrichment and academics.
8:30 am
November 20, 2016 12:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-373-4183 / 301-373-4186
Head of School
Mary Joy Hurlburt
Rick Wood
Director of Admissions
Amy Cricchi
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 15, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Xaverian Brothers
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference (WCAC)
Catholic High School
for Young Men & Women
St. Vincent
High School
113 St. Mary’s Place
Laurel, MD 20707
November 6, 2016 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
April 12, 2017 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-725-3228 / 301-725-5381
Head of School / Principal
St. Vincent Pallotti High School is the oldest coeducational,
Catholic, secondary, college preparatory school in the Archdiocese of
Washington. Founded in 1921 by the Pallottine Sisters, the school
is located in historic Laurel, Maryland near the intersection of four
Maryland counties: Anne Arundel, Howard, Montgomery, and
Prince George’s. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence by
maintaining high standards for learning and behavior. Pallotti pursues
its mission of promoting academic excellence and building Christian
character in a small community atmosphere. The school offers a
challenging curriculum including a four-year honors program, a wide
range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Pallotti Transitions course
for incoming Freshmen, pre-professional Arts Academy and a learning
center for college bound students who need individual support. St.
Vincent Pallotti High School has been commended by the Maryland
State Department of Education for offering “an unusually rigorous
curriculum in preparation for college.” We offer spiritually enriching
retreats and service opportunities, and over 15 interscholastic sports
teams. Pallotti is a place where young people can receive the nurturing
they need and the freedom to spread their wings.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Pallotti awards more than
$500,000 in aid annually. Need-based tuition assistance is available to
all students. Academic merit, choral, band, and visual arts scholarships
are available to all incoming Freshmen.
Jeff Palumbo
Service to Students with Special Needs We strive to accommodate the
Lindsay J. Dively ’02
301-725-3228 Ext. 2202
needs of students who have been diagnosed with a mild to moderate
learning difference. Families interested in the Stephen J. Edmonds
Learning Center must submit an additional application concurrently
with the application for admission.
Admissions Director
Tuition for 2016-17
Application Deadline
December 16, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Pallottine Sisters
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Maryland Interscholastic Athletic
Association (MIAA) – Men;
Interscholastic Athletic Association of
Maryland (IAAM) – Women
Transportation We offer offer school-based transportation with routes
throughout Prince George’s, Montgomery, and Howard counties.
Pallotti offers enrolled parents contact information for parents living in
your area in order to develop carpooling relationships.
Summer Programs
Summer Enrichment program
assists incoming ninth-grade
students with a three week
English and Math curriculum.
There is also a variety of
educational, athletic, and
artistic camps for girls and
boys (First Grade through
Eighth Grade).
Located on 35 acres
in Bethesda, Stone Ridge
School of the Sacred Heart
is a Catholic, independent,
college preparatory school
for girls, serving students
from Preschool through
Grade 12. As members
of an international family
(24 schools in the United States and 147
schools worldwide), students benefit from a strong affiliation with the
School’s international community which spans 41 countries around the
globe, including an active domestic and international exchange program.
Using innovative technology and practices aimed at how girls learn
best, the faculty inspires young women to problem-solve and excel in
STEAM subjects as well as the humanities. Students lead, serve, and
engage in meaningful service-learning projects in the DC area through
the School’s unique Social Action Program.
Stone Ridge is a vibrant community, offering a distinctive leadership
program as well as 50 co-curricular clubs/activities and 16 competitive
athletic teams (including golf, squash, ice hockey, and equestrian
programs). As global leaders of intellect, courage and faith, graduates find
successful placement at leading universities and colleges, including Boston
College, Georgetown, Notre Dame, University of Michigan, and Yale.
Tuition Assistance Stone Ridge is committed to working with families to
provide an unparalleled Catholic education. Families seeking financial
assistance are required to submit an application via the FACTS Grant
and Aid Assessment no later than January 15. Stone Ridge granted over
$2.5 million in need-based financial assistance for the 2016-17 school
year. Additional information can be found under the Admissions link of
the School’s website.
Service to Students with Special Needs
Catholic High School
for Young Women
Stone Ridge
School of the
Sacred Heart*
9101 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
October 16, 2016 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Telephone / Fax
301-657-4322 / 301-263-7996
Head of School
Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86
Head of Upper School
Margaret Frazier
Director of Admissions
Mary Burke Tobias
301-657-4322 ext. 321
Assistant Director of Admissions,
for Upper School
Lisa Zingone
Tuition for 2016-17
Upper School Learning Strategists
support students in developing strategies for academic success. All
Grade 9 students participate in a weekly Study Skills seminar.
Detailed information regarding round-trip bus routes,
carpooling, and metro accessibility is available on the transportation
section of the School’s website. The campus is a ten-minute walk from
the NIH Medical Center Metro Station (Red Line); a Stone Ridge
shuttle bus transports students each morning to campus.
Summer Programs Summer CampUS offers a variety of athletic, artistic, and
educational programs for girls and boys (Pre-Kindergarten through Grade
12). Upper School academic and summer enrichment courses are also
available. Programs are not limited to students enrolled at Stone Ridge.
*Contact school for admissions procedures
Application Deadline
December 2, 2016
Year of Founding
Sponsoring Religious Community
Society of the Sacred Heart
Grades 9-12 Enrollment (2015-16)
Athletic Conference
Independent School League (ISL)
Catholic High School
for Young Women
St. Ann’s
High School
4901 Eastern Avenue
Hyattsville, MD 20782
St. Ann’s High School at St. Ann’s
Center for Children, Youth and
Families offers an academic program
for pregnant and parenting young
women approved by the Maryland
State Department of Education.
Ms. Valerie Swain
Telephone / Fax
301-559-5500 / 301-853-6985
Assistant Director of Admissions
Ms. Meredith Gobbi
Tuition for 2016-17
By arrangement
Grades 8-12
Application checklist
www. c at h o l i c s c h o o l sw o r k.o r g
Fall / Winter (8th grade)
q Early September
Request applications from high schools.
Inquire about financial aid options.
Schedule up to three shadow visits
(to follow a high school student) with
the schools.
q Mid September – Early October
•Catholic school students attend
Catholic high school presentations at
elementary schools.
•Catholic school students participate in
Catholic high school shadow days.
q October – November
Attend high school open houses. q Early – Mid December
•Students attending Catholic schools
take HSPT at school on Wednesday,
November 30, 2016.
•Deadline to apply for Archdiocese of
Washington tuition assistance for 20172018 is December 2, 2016.
•Students not attending Catholic
schools take HSPT on Saturday
(December 3 or 10); they must
q Mid December
Catholic schools send transcripts to
students’ high school choices.
q December – January
High school applications due (contact
each school for deadline dates).
q February 16-23, 2017 High school acceptance notification
letters mailed within this window of dates.
Spring (7th grade)
q Mid April – Early May
Attend archdiocesan-wide high
school fairs April 8, 2017.
q May
Discuss high school options with parents
(e.g., size, gender, academic and
co-curricular offerings, siblings’ schools).
q June – August
•Talk with family, friends and neighbors
about schools they attend(ed).
•Visit high schools’ websites.
Archdiocese of Washington
P.O. BOX 29260
Washington, DC 20017
www. catho l i cschoolswor k . or g