ccc-columbus information - Central Community College
ccc-columbus information - Central Community College
CCC-COLUMBUS INFORMATION General information: (402) 564-7132 1 (877) 222-0780 For Housing, Career Services, TRIO, or Counseling Services information, please call Student Services at (402) 562-1244. Student Services Hours: Monday-Thursday: Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Administration Center is staffed with a student services representative until 7 p.m. (Monday evenings) when fall semester classes are in session. (Student Accounts and Registration Offices are open until 6:30 p.m., August 17-20.) *The college is closed on Friday during the summer: May 18th – August 7th ADMISSIONS INFORMATION If you have not attended the Columbus Campus before, please complete the procedures listed below. 1. Submit an Application for Admission online at > Get Started. 2. Submit an official high school transcript, GED certificate, or other records of formal education. 3. Submit official previous college transcripts to a CCC Registration Office. 4. Complete the pre-enrollment assessment exam (ASSET/COMPASS or ACT.) Call the Testing Center for appointment-- (402) 562-1206. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Bookstore: Registration begins April 10th! Located in the Student Center, the bookstore is normally open 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday and 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Friday. During the summer, and at the start of each new semester, there are special hours: 1. Search for available classes at Select Search for Classes from the links at the bottom of the page or in WebCentral. 2. Meet with your advisor and confirm course selections. 3. Register using one of the following options: Web Registration Current students should log in to WebCentral. Paper Registration Submit your paper registration at the Registration Office during regular office hours. Phone Registration Call Phone Central toll-free at 1-877-222-0780 (press 9, then 2). Students should have course and section numbers when calling. Other restrictions may apply. General Registration: For students not registered in advance, advising and registration will be held on Friday, August 14. May 18 - August 6 August 10 – 13 August 14 August 17-20 August 21 August 24-27 August 28 August 31 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friday Regular hours begin (see above) Contact Follett Bookstore at 402-562-1251 or 1-877-222-0780, ext. 1251 or online at FALL 2015 CALENDAR Apr. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 28* Sept. 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 16-20 Oct. 30 Registration for Fall 2015 Semester Begins General Registration (for those not yet registered) Fall Session begins Last Day of Free Drop/Exchange of Credits of Equal Value Labor Day Break Last Day to Add Classes Student Fall Break Last Day to Apply for Degree/Diploma/Certificate in December Nov. 10* Last Day to Withdraw from a Class Nov. 11 Registration for Spring 2016 Semester Begins Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Break Dec. 11 Classes End *Less than full-term courses will have different “Last Day to Withdraw” dates and “Last Day of Free Drop” dates. Contact the Registration and Records Office for assistance. Registration begins April 10th FINANCIAL INFORMATION Tuition and Fees Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Governors of the College and are subject to change by its action. For 2015-2016, tuition for Nebraska residents is $82 per credit hour. Non-resident students pay $123 per credit hour. All students also pay $12 per credit hour in fees. Tuition & Fees per credit hour Tuition Nebraska Residents $82 Non-residents $123 Fees $12 $12 Total $94 $135 Payment of tuition and fees is due at the beginning of classes. A $40 late charge will be charged to all unpaid accounts after 30 days. Payment plans may be available. Refunds Registered students are responsible for all charges unless you complete the official drop process within the free drop period for your courses. Please refer to the following chart to determine the Last Day of Free Drop for a particular class. College Instructional Days Scheduled Session Student may drop credits for full Length refund within the first… 16 - 13 weeks 10 days* 12 - 9 weeks 7 days* 8 – 5 weeks 5 days* 4 - 1 weeks 2 days* Less than 1 week prior to first class *College instructional days are defined as every weekday (Monday-Friday) while the College is open. Contact the Student Accounts Office or Registration and Records Office for more information. Financial Aid Financial aid programs available to CCC students include various grants, loans, work study, and scholarship programs. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information. Location The 1st digit of the course section number identifies if the student must come to campus or if the course is completed off-campus. Ex. CC100 or DCWD1 C (campus/center) … D (distance) …………… COURSE SECTION DETAILS Each course section is identified by a course section number (SUB, NUM, & SECT) and a synonym number. One of these must be used to designate a specific section when registering. Each section number also gives important information regarding the section’s location, delivery mode, and instructional method. See the descriptions to the right for details. SYN 0210339 SYN SUB NUM SECT TITLE CR MTH SUB NUM SECT ENGL 1010 CC100 TITLE CR MTH English 3 Lec Composition ………..…..……………..….Synonym number ……..……………………………………….Program ….…..…………………………..Course number …….…..……………………….Section number ….…..…..………………........Name of course ………………………...Semester credit hours ……....…………………Instructional Method Student must be physically on campus to complete course. Student completes the course off campus. (Blended web courses are an exception.) Instructor Location/Origination Site The 2nd digit of the course section number identifies the instructor’s location. Ex. CGWD1 C ..……. G ……… H ……… K ……… Columbus Campus Grand Island Campus Hastings Campus Kearney Center Delivery Modes The 3rd digit of the course section number (and 4th digit for web) identifies the section’s delivery mode. Ex. CC100 or DCWD1 1 ……..….. 0 …………. V …………. W D ....…. Lecture courses. Individualized. Televised, interactive classroom instruction broadcast to various sites from instructor’s location. Web courses (instructor paced with deadlines) -- These sections have due dates set by the instructor. Students must register prior to the section beginning or within the first week. W S ……... Web courses (self-paced) -- These sections have no due dates within the term but do have a firm completion date. Students may register prior to the last day to add for the semester. W B …….. Web courses (blended) -- These sections have the majority of the work done on the web, but the student is also required to come to a campus or center at times or arrange for proctored tests. If the 5th digit of the section number for a blended section is 1-6, the section is instructor paced. If it is 7-9, the section is self-paced. (Ex. CCWB1 or CCWB7) 5 …………. Individualized packet sections completed at community learning centers via paper correspondence. Instructional Methods Each course section has a particular instructional method. CLI ……… Clinical rotation in health programs. IND …….. Students work individually with instructor support on campus. Students must also register for a correlated LAB section which meets on campus. INS ……… Special topics course, or students work individually with instructor support during an arranged time. LAB …….. Scheduled labs in which students receive instructor support on an individual basis for a correlated individualized (IND) course. LCE ……… Individualized packet courses completed via paper correspondence and at a learning center. LEC ……… Lecture classes which meet in a group. L/L …...... Lecture classes and structured labs which meet in a group. PRA .…… Practicum. SEM ……. Workshop or seminar. WWW…… Courses available via the web. See Delivery Mode description above for more information. This class schedule is subject to change. View the most current schedule at by using the Search for Classes link at the bottom of the page or in WebCentral. Central Community College (CCC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or other factors prohibited by law, in matters of employment, admissions, financial aid, or other activities and opportunities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations. Any person having inquiries concerning Central Community College compliance with Title II, Title IV, Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act, and/or Section 504 should contact: Human Resources Executive Director, 3134 W Highway 34, PO Box 4903, Grand Island NE 68802-4903, 308-398-4222, Persons seeking further information concerning career and technical education offerings at Central Community College and any specific pre-requisite criteria for the various programs of study should contact: Public Relations Officer, 3134 W Highway 34, PO Box 4903, Grand Island NE 68802-4903, 308-398-4222, . To obtain this information in a language other than English or in an alternative format email or call 308-398-7355.