press kit rfi press kit - RFI - Radio France Internationale, actualité
press kit rfi press kit - RFI - Radio France Internationale, actualité
PRESS KIT RFI PRESS KIT Autumn - Winter 2006 - 2007 RFI: a world of diversity True to itself yet different. To better satisfy all its listeners, the new RFI programme schedule aims to provide even more relevant news, and reach ever closer to the everyday reality of its 44 million listeners around the world. EDITO Non-stop news is what RFI is all about. With a newscast every half hour, our primary focus on world events will not change. This is RFI’s signature, and its core strength: International news 24/7. But the mix will be even more varied, with news from all five continents on air throughout the day. News from Africa, with substantially enriched editorial content. Since Africa is a house of many mansions, RFI journalists will address everyone listening in West Africa and Central Africa simultaneously each morning. And since Africa is an integral part of the changing world, listeners will be able to hear every dimension of their own news. French news, with a new spectrum of programmes for election year. We’ll talk about politics, and the economy; and shed more light on a France that must choose a new leader. Richer content means new programmes, lighter in form, and more varied in substance. We will prioritize live shows and interactivity. Listeners will be able hear longer, more fluid broadcasts at various times during the day. And RFI will talk about everything to do with life as lived, from the role of women to questions of health, development and culture. Unpretentiously, but informed by our expertise. Sometimes we’ll take a more solemn stance, and at others we’ll raise a smile. But we will always be serious about our job. RFI will more than ever before reflect the world’s rich diversity. Geneviève GOETZINGER Vice-President News and Services THE WORLD SERVICE Microscopie with Edouard Zambeaux will offer a microphone to the people and situations we sometimes overlook in the buzz of city life. Start the day with RFI WORLD RFI’s World Service offers listeners a morning news roundup wherever they are located around the globe. From 5:00 to midnight, there are international and French news slots ranging from 30 minutes to two hours, updating the same basic format throughout the day. These broadcasts also feed a roundup of the day’s news for other geographies. • 15 minutes newscasts at key times (especially 7:00, 8:00, 13:00 and 19:00 Paris time), • special reports, guests, and worldwide correspondents to tell the world’s stories, • discussions, commentaries, special topics, and reports that contextualize the flow of facts, and explain events in a more unified world. Pierre Ganz Director of the World Service dedicated to social transformations around the world, and the discussions they give rise to. Benson Diakité’s Elan on Sundays will look at development, and the men and women who are inventing new ways of living or surviving in an increasingly globalized world. Grand reportage and Dimanche économie (Business on Sunday) rounds up news from RFI reporters on the ground for a close-up of world events. With Décryptage (Making Sense), Marie-France Chatain-Laroche provides the background and in-depth explanations needed for understating today’s news. With Géopolitique, le débat, Richard Labevière fields conflicting and sometimes irreconcilable views on these same geopolitical issues. Living with RFI In addition to the news, the World Service informs listeners via major RFI themes, including key international issues, changing societies around the world, and music and cultural explorations, providing broadcasts largely based on special reports, a cordial atmosphere, and an exchange of views. Hervé Guillemot welcomes his Les visiteurs du jour (Day visitors), Learning about France with RFI Three new weekend programmes: Sur un air de campagne (In tune with the country) with Sophie Backer and Isabelle Chenu, who analyse political debate in an election year, Planète entreprise by Jean-Marie Coat will dissect business leaders’ projects and motives. Let your feelings go with RFI Enjoy Musiques du monde (Music from around the world) where Laurence Aloir and friends talk about and play music from everywhere, or Culture vive (Living Culture) with Pascal Paradou’s eclectic look at culture in the making, or Signes particuliers – a collection of portraits by Pierre-Edouard Deldique, and on Saturdays Sortir dans le monde (Hit the town), a global audio listing of the world’s major cultural events The world in Paris with RFI RFI 89 FM gives listeners from the Greater Paris area a window onto the world’s diversity, including Africa of course, in news spots and during the evening, and a richer morning line-up, with programme scheduling more suited to busy lifestyles. AFRICA SERVICE A lively radio, dedicated yet highspirited, that resonates with its audience’s concerns, initiatives, and discussions. Indeed, a launch pad for such initiatives. RFI: an international radio for Africa AFRICA That’s how 24 millions Francophone listeners in Africa see this unrivalled communication media. It talks about them, while placing Africa in a global context, countering the negative caricatures that are so often trotted out about this continent. News and other programmes mix international content with an Africacentric approach. More than ever before, RFI Afrique intends to focus fully on its audience’s local needs and expectations, and their wonderful capacity to express themselves. RFI Afrique provides its constituencies with a media that can rally news about Africa’s choices, desires and accomplishments. Henri Perilhou Director of the Africa Service The new Africa Service schedule aims to bond more closely with this audience: INFO Matin Afrique RFI Afrique follows the rising sun to meet listeners at each prime time during the day. Five news casts during the morning, for East Africa and the Indian Ocean, followed by the Great Lakes region, then Central Africa and finally West Africa. All-Africa news is first prioritized for its listeners’ immediate environment, and then merged into the global news stream. Editorial content is added in two different studios, when Kinshasa and Dakar tune in to RFI. It is 7:30 Paris time. More guests in Christophe Boisbouvier’s morning slot; more business and finance with éco afrique with Dalila Berritane; and more press reviews; special reports; greater expertise and more call-ins from correspondents. AFRICA PROGRAMMES 9:10: Appel sur l'actualité (News Call). Juan Gomez fields listeners questions on the world’s major problems. 10:40: Les reines africaines (African Ladies), with Kidi Bebey, dialogues with the continent’s female movers and shakers. 13:30: Afrique midi (Africa Midday), news with Laurent Sadoux followed by Sadoux and Sophie Ekouè on living culture. Afternoons on RFI AFRIQUE 14:40: Alain Foka listens to African leader writers and talks to civil society in Médias d'Afrique. 15:40: Plein Sud (Facing South) with Amobé Mévégué is the most exciting showcase for humour and local initiatives. 16:40: Couleurs tropicales. Claudy Siar, with more music, and more guests. Other newcomers to the schedule: Voyages en ballon (On the Ball), (Every Monday Juan Gomez / Gérard Dreyfus watch how African players are doing in the European championships. On est où là? (You’re where?) The expression comes from mobile phone usage in Africa. A special roving report from the heart of Africa, with Vladimir Cagnolari. MULTIMEDIA T H E M U LT I M E D I A S E R V I C E The digital revolution and new information and communication technologies have been shaking up the media for the last ten years. As a result, the media have been forced to de-specialize as either print or radio or television, and merge into joint media mixes, and even multimedia. They have had to broaden their offerings, using new combinations of text, sound and image over fixed or mobile networks, and attract surfers in search of news and information wherever they are at any time of the day or night. website, RFI set up “a multimedia project group” to think through the future. It decided to end the separation between Internet and radio content and transform traditional production into multimedia. This means delivering the same content on the radio, of course, as well as on the web, or via mobile phones and podcasts. • Opening up mainstream jobs to new technologies. Radio journalists, producers, directors and technicians must upgrade to embrace the broader, more varied jobs in multimedia. Mainstream media are losing their purely local, regional or national dimension and going global, inevitably boosting competition in a sector where RFI has been operating for a long time. In this inevitable race towards multimedia, what makes the difference is content, not broadcasting method. And luckily RFI has a number of assets to leverage: • expertise in handling international news • insider knowledge of Africa and the Middle East • broad language base • radio reactivity (close to Internet reaction times) RFI has been on the web for a decade with its, and affiliate sites, which attract over 2 millions visitors a month. This capital must be consolidated and grown. Since the start of 2006, considerable efforts have been made in this direction. After revamping its • Creation of a fully-fledged Multimedia Service alongside the Worldwide, Africa and Languages Services, to publish productions and orient them towards new media outlets. In addition to the Internet desk, which no longer writes articles but re-uses and publishes existing editorial copy online, the Multimedia department will maintain a technology watch and design relevant content for new media streams. Noëlle Velly Director of the Multimedia Service RFI is preparing for a major corporate transformation and widespread reorganisation: A new organisation to enrich content broadcast on the Internet and other new media. Four key directions for the future: • Restructuring the Services and News Division. News and magazine programme production have been grouped by geographical /thematic cluster into a large-scale French editorial desk. A new unit, RFIL, has been created to systematically index production so that text, sound and image files can easily be shared and sent to different publishing units. • More breaking news in French. The very latest news will be available 24/7 and aligned with geographies and themes. It will be either summarized or expanded depending on its importance. Some items will be sent out in subscription newsletters (via email). Blogs will enable our journalists and correspondents to add their special talent and country insight to our website, with information and personal impressions expressed in a style that is not suited to mainstream media. Video will also become more systematic on the RFI website. MULTIMEDIA • More news in foreign languages. Apart from Spanish, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese, the foreign language pages on the RFI website basically present the different desks and their broadcasts, either as streaming media or in downloadable sound files. By reforming our language mix, we should attain a better balance between radio and multimedia production on each desk. The website of our affiliate RMC-MO will integrate and harmonize with the new RFI site, offering content in Arabic and French while maintaining its own URL. Other affiliates will in due course benefit from the same process. • Theme-based pages to enrich the website. In addition to music or French language sections, which already offer RFI-specific content, web surfers will find pages on culture, science, France and sports as an aid to thought, learning, and entertainment. • More interactivity and services for the general public. RFI must make the most of emerging Web 2 functionality, where users not only have access to everything online but also participate actively in creating content. In this way, RFI’s website can become a forum for conversations, communication and personal expression. New media opportunities will be systematically explored: • Podcasts, of course, which allow listeners to automatically download their favourite programmes to their computer or walkman without having to go and search manually for them on various sites. RFI will very quickly step up the volume of podcasts already on offer and add value to its many magazines, modules or newscasts (press reviews, Middle and Near Eastern news, African debates, etc). • Newsletters and RSS will be increased and diversified. They make it possible to deliver specific content to subscribers as text or multimedia (e.g. breaking news, round-ups of African sport, commodities reports, and so on). • Mobile phones can now receive daily round-ups of news and urgent news flashes as SMS or multimedia. RFI must carve out its place in this niche. ON THE AIR a t R F I N E W S For 2006–2007, RFI will align its news slots with listeners’ ON THE AIR timetables on five continents. The new RFI winter schedule will Starting 29 October 2006, RFI is dividing into a Worldwide Service and an African Service with major news content on both of these media. still prioritize news, with a 10-minute newscast every 30 minutes plus 15 minutes flashes at key times throughout the day. 18:00 - 20:40: All French and international news 18:30 - 19:00: Near and Middle East news 20:15 - 20:30: Debate of the day 20:30 - 20:40: African news Middle East 19:30- 20:00: Africa evening part 1 20:30- 20:40: Africa evening part 2 23:30-00:00: Africa night African Service (Paris time, UT+1) 23:30 – 01:00: African and International News 23:30 - 00:00: African news 00:30 - 00:40: Mainly Asia 04:30 - 09:00: African and international news 04:30 - 03:00: African news (target: Indian Ocean, East Africa) 03:30- 06:00: African news (target: Great Lakes) 06:30 - 07:30: African news (target Central Africa) News News Commentaries Major news casts Worldwide Service: 00:00 - 00:30: 24 hours in France 00:30 - 01h00: Mainly Asian news 03:00 - 09:00: All French and international news 06:00 - 06:15: Mainly Europe 08:15 - 08:30: Guest 09:30 - 09:40: African news, 12:30 - 14:00: International news 18:00 - 20:40: All French and international news 18:30 -19:00: Near and Middle East news 20:15 - 20:30: Debate of the day 20:30 - 20:40: African news Paris 89FM: 00:00 - 00:30: 24 hours in France 00:30 - 01h00: Mainly Asian news 03:00 - 09:00: All French and international news 06:00 - 06:15: Mainly Europe 06:30 - 06:30: African news 08:15 - 08:30: Guest 08:30 - 09:00: African news, regular commentary, African guest 12:30 - 14:30: International news 13:30 - 14:30: African news, sports, culture and society Separated Service 07:30 - 08:00: African news (target Central Africa) 07:30 - 08:00: African news (target West Africa) 08:30 - 09:00: Special West Africa news 13:30 - 14:30: Africa Midday, part 1: news and guest Africa Midday part 2: sport, culture and society 19:30 - 20:30: African and international news 18:45 - 19:00: Mainly Near and New programmes: Chronique de la mer (Maritime), By Emmanuel d'Abzac Chronique des Français de l'étranger (French expatriates) (3'), By Héléne Da Costa Chronique des Droits de l'Homme (Human Rights) (4'), By Véronique Gaymard L'invité RFI matin (Morning Guest) (8') by Frédéric Rivière L'invité RFI midi (Midday Guest) (6') by Frédérique Genot and Philippe Lecaplain L'invité d'Afrique matin (African Morning Guest) (8') by Christophe Boisbouvier L'invité d'Afrique midi (African Midday Guest) by Laurent Sadoux L'invité d'Afrique soir (African Evening Guest) (3') by Muriel Pomponne and Bernard Nageotte 1 L'invité Europe (European Guest) (4') by the Europe desk L'invité décalé (Offbeat Guest) (5') ON THE AIR L'édito politique (Political Comment) (3') by Patrice Biancone L'édito d'Alain Genestar (Political and Social Comment) (3') Reportage Afrique (3'), by the Africa desk Reportage France (3'), by France desk Reportage International (3'), by the international desk Chronique États-Unis (the USA) (3'), by Anne Toulouse Chronique ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) (3'), by Anne-Marie Mouradian Chronique Asie (Asia) (3'), by Any Bourrier Dossier Amériques (Special Americas) (4'), by international desk Dossier Asie (Special Asia) (4'), by the international desk Dossier Europe (Special Europe) (3'), by the Europe desk Dossier Proche-Orient (Special Middle-East) (5'), by the international desk Ainsi va l'Afrique (Commentary on Africa) (6'), by Philippe Leymarie Les mots de l'actualité (3'), by Yvan Amar. A lively 2-minute look at a word or expression heard in the news. Livre France (Books) (5'), by France desk Livre international (Books) (5'), by the international desk Le journal en français facile (8'), News expressed in simple words, putting events in context. Near and Middle East News, by Kamel Djaïder Journal des Dom-Tom (French Overseas Departments) (5'), by RFO desk Le Journal de l'Union européenne (EU News) (10') Allô Bruxelles (European Commission) (5'), by Emmanuel d'Abzac and Albéric de Gouville L'Européen de la semaine (4'), portrait of Europe’s marquee personality of the week Bonjour l'Europe (3'), by RFI’s European correspondent network Le journal de l'économie africaine (African Business and Finance) (5'), by Dalila Berritane and Juliette Rengeval Le journal de l'éco (Business News) (6'), by the business/finance desk Investir (2'), by the business/finance desk Bourse à Wall Street (Stock Market) (2') Chronique des matières premières (Commodities) (2'), by Dominique Baillard Chronique aviation (4'), by Daniel Desesquelle and Philippe Lecaplain, Chronique défense (3'), by Philippe Leymarie (African Weeklies) (4'), by the Africa desk La revue de presse internationale (Press Roundup) (4'), by Frédéric Couteau La revue de presse des hebdos français (French Weeklies) (4'), by Alain Masson La revue de presse Asie (Asian Press Roundup), by the international desk La revue de presse africaine (3'), by Frédéric Couteau (weekdays) and Alain Masson (weekend) Sports commentary Journal des sports (4'), by the sport service Journal de l'actualité sportive africaine (African Sport) (4'), by the sport service L'invité sports (Guest) (5'), by the sport service Édito sports (Comment) (3'), by Gérard Dreyfus Cultural commentary Chronique culture (3'), by the culture desk L'invité culture (Guest) (5'), by the culture desk Chronique médias (Media News) (4'), by Amaury de Rochegonde, with Stratégies Headlined in the press À la Une de La Croix (5') À la Une du Figaro (5') À la Une de Libération (5') À la Une du Monde (5') La Une des hebdos (In the Weeklies) (4'), by Alain Masson La Une de Jeune Afrique (4'), by the Africa desk La Une des hebdos africains 2 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR In the news Elan, the magazine that makes you want to change the world (3x20') By Benson Diakité New programmes Sur un air de campagne, Living politics (2x20') By Sophie Backer and Isabelle Chenu This programme will listen to the debate as France runs up to the presidential election in 2007. From major statements to killer comments, with specials on major campaign milestones, how French democracy works, and local and national issues. Sophie Backer and Isabelle Chenu will call on journalists, analysts, political actors and citizens to talk politics for RFI listeners. Paris: Friday 10:10 World: Friday 21:40 UT Africa: Saturday 1h10 UT Devoted to the men and women who invent new ways of living and surviving every day in an increasingly complex world. The programme focuses on their difficulties and solutions in terms of economic and farming development, the environment and urban growth, in Africa, Asia and South America. Testimonies, reports and analyses on how the world is experienced creatively by millions of earthlings With Arnaud Jouve, an environmental specialist. Paris: Sunday 9:10 World: Sunday 8:10 UT Africa: Sunday 10:40 UT Planète Entreprises (20') By Jean-Marie Coat Orient Presse, A weekly programme hosted alternately by Olivier Da Lage and Bruno Daroux. Each Saturday, three guests discuss the week’s news in North Africa and the Middle East – a Paris correspondent for this region, a specialist Francophone journalist and by telephone, a journalist on the spot in the Maghreb or the Middle East. Paris: Saturday 18:40 World: 11:40 and 17:40 UT Africa: 17:40 UT Afrique midi (20') By Laurent Sadoux and Sophie Ekoué Décryptage (20') By Marie-France Chatin-Laroche Provides the tools to understanding a major news story, filling in the background information and inviting specialists to make sense of developments. Paris: Monday to Thursday 14:40 World: Monday to Thursday 13:40 UT Africa: Monday to Thursday 19:40 UT their convictions, their doubts and their vision of a world in which enterprises are increasingly playing a leading role. Paris: Sunday 11:10 World: Sunday 18:40 UT Africa: Sunday 18:40 UT What makes top managers, decision makers and other captains of industry keep going? What are the world’s leading business people really like? What are their key challenges and the strategies they use to address them? How do they deal with global competition and adapt to geopolitical changes? Each week, a business leader or high official speaks about their job, A mix of news and entertainment. Studio 158 opens up to all types of art, culture, tastes and knowledge. For curious minds and passionate hearts. Paris: 14:30 Africa: 12:30 UT 3 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR Afrique Plus Alain Foka Testimony from and reports on active business leaders and decision makers; a remedy against the usual doom-mongering about Africa. Paris: Sunday 22:40 World: no broadcast Africa: Saturday 13:40 UT Appels sur l'actualité, the interactive programme for listeners (2x20') By Juan Gomez Putting RFI at the heart of listener concerns. RFI listeners have 40 minutes to phone in and react to international, African and French issues. The programme is in two parts: • RFI journalists react live to news queries from listeners. • listeners then join in a debate on a news issue. Francophone citizens all over the world react by phone to a news topic, and dialogue together about it. On Fridays, listeners choose their own events, which do not always hit the headlines. Paris: Monday to Friday 9:10 World: Monday to Friday 8:10 UT Africa: Monday to Friday 8:10 UT 4 Une semaine dans le monde (20') Une semaine en Afrique (20') By Pierre-Edouard Deldique What were the week’s key international stories? What information helped make sense of the world? Each Saturday, in two parts (The world, and Africa) Pierre-Edouard Deldique looks back on the big stories, selects sounds and reports from RFI desks, and tries to answer questions with the help of informed guests. Paris: Saturday 9:10 World: Saturday 8:10 UT Africa: Saturday 8:10 UT international stories of the day, with different approaches and analyses. It looks at both regional crises and multilateral issues, as well as global problems such the fight against terrorism or global warming. Actors and experts, known or new, share their knowledge and understanding with Richard Labévière or Matthieu Vendrely on an international question to provide a richer background for listeners. With two 20 minute programmes, Géopolitique, le débat is broadcast on Saturday or Sunday to all RFI targets. Paris: Saturday 12:10 World: Sunday 11:10 UT Africa: Saturday 11:10 UT L'invité de la semaine RFI-L'Express (20') Débat africain, dialogue and argument (2 x 20'). By Madeleine Mukamabano RFI’s big debate on Africa has been a forum for the free expression of ideas since 1990. Broadcast weekly, it has revealed most African, politicians and civil society actors to the world. Paris: Sunday 12:10 World: no broadcast Africa: Sunday 8:10 UT Géopolitique, le débat (2x20') By Richard Labévière and Matthieu Vendrely (alternately) A drill-down into the key RFI and L’Express magazine editorial desks talk to the news personality of the news. Led by Pierre Ganz (RFI) and Christian Makarian (L’Express), this 20 minute weekly programme is presented by different journalists from each media, depending on the guest in question. Paris: Saturday 19:10 World: Saturday 11:10 UT Africa: Saturday 18:10 UT Afrique Presse (20') By Henri Périlhou (RFI) and Denise Epoté Durand (TV5MONDE) Co-produced with Canal France International. Each week, Henri Perilhou receives specialist journalists who analyse, comment MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR and develop key points of African current affairs. An essential resource on Africa, repeated each week on TV5 Monde. Paris: Saturday 20:40 World: not broadcast Africa: Friday 17:10 UT Rivages, the Mediterranean magazine (20'), by Brice Barillon A space for dialogue between Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean, welcoming people striving to bring the area closer together. Supported by the European Union, the programme looks at “Euromed” partnerships in the light of hard facts and recent news. Ten years after Euromed started in Barcelona to bring countries closer at the institutional level, Rivages looks at such key social topics as border control, emigration, the place of women, the fight against terrorism, and globalization. Paris: Sunday 18:40 World: Sunday 17:40 UT Africa: Sunday 17:40 UT Grand reportage (20') Monday to Thursday, reports and investigation by special reporters throughout the world. Paris: Monday to Thursday 12:10 World: Monday to Thursday 11:10 UT Africa: Monday to Thursday 11:10 UT history. Paris: Saturday 1:10 Africa: Friday 13:40 UT Accents d'Europe (20') By Frédérique Lebel, Catherine Potet and Laurent Berthault, Polish doctors who work in Northern Ireland, a young German woman boxer born in Turkey, a comparison of going back to school for handicapped children in the United Kingdom and France. Everyday stories from all over Europe. Paris: Monday to Friday 21:10 World: Monday to Friday 7:40 UT Africa: Tuesday to Saturday 3:10 UT La marche du monde (20') By Valérie Nivelon Carrefour de l'Europe (20') Presented alternately by Daniel Desesquelle (RFI) and Eddy Caekelberghs (RTBF-La Première) Live from Brussels in partnership with RTBF-La Première (the leading Belgian Francophone network), Carrefour de l'Europe offers a weekly get-together for European journalists working in Brussels. Every Friday, journalists from 25 countries in the European Union give their contrasting views on a major issue. Paris: Friday 18:10 World: Friday 17:10 UT Africa: Saturday 16:40 UT Archives d'Afrique (2x20') By Alain Foka A unique collection of audio material from contemporary Africa, for understanding the continent’s Using history to clarify the news, this programme explores the 20th century through key events and movements, to better understand current issues. Using our sound archives and eye-witness accounts, historians’ opinions and special analyses bring the past back to life. Paris: Sunday 10:40 World: Saturday 23:40 UT Africa: Saturday 23:40 UT Mémoires d'un continent (20') By Elikia M'bokolo A weekly programme that looks at every aspect of African history from the distant past up to today. Also includes questions on the African diaspora in America, Europe and Asia. Africa: Saturday 13:40 UT Dimanche économie (20') By the RFI business and finance desk A 20-minute outside broadcast every Sunday on major business and economic issues. Dimanche économie brings to life the world of everyday business and economics, letting people and players speak directly about headline topics. Paris: Sunday 10:40 World: Saturday 23:40 UT Africa: Saturday 23:40 UT 5 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR Sports Society New programmes New programmes Voyages en ballon (20') By Juan Gomez and Gérard Dreyfus Les visiteurs du jour (3x20') By Hervé Guillemot African players feature in all championship teams in Europe and around the world. Meetings with remarkable players and their achievements. Africa: Monday 17:10 UT Afrique sports (2x20'), By Philippe Zickgraf African sports news Paris: Sunday 20:10 Africa: Sunday 19:10 UT Mondial sports (2x20') By the sports desk Part 1: the week’s complete sports news with portraits, interviews, and reports from around the world. Part 2: listeners worldwide call in live and react to sports news. Paris: Friday 19:10 World: Friday 18:10 UT Africa: Friday 18:10 UT Vladimir Calognari who sets off to meet Africans and reports from the field, where events rarely reach the headlines. A programme about people who are neither politicians nor the chattering classes. Paris: Friday 12:10 World: Friday 11:10 UT Africa: Friday 11:10 UT Microscopie (2x20') By Edouard Zambeaux This magazine dedicates 90 minutes to news about the trends and challenges of the world’s societies. Changes in customs and mindsets, the impact of new techniques and technologies on everyday life, and everything else that is happening away from the national or world headlines will be covered in this programme. Every day, RFI journalists and other experts will analyse an issue, with shorter conversations with the world press, and “audio snapshots” of key players in the world’s social mix. Paris: Monday to Thursday 10:10 World: Monday to Thursday 9:10 UT Africa: Tuesday to Friday 1h10 UT (2x20min) A mix of reportage and insight, starting from small details and looking at the human effects of situations or discussions that are often seen top-down. Events on an individual scale, zooming in on what we often miss living in large cities. Reports and accounts of everyday minutiae will be put in perspective by guests, experts or people who were there, either in the studio or out in the world. Paris: Saturday 11:10 World: Saturday 10:10 UT Africa: Saturday 14:40 UT On est où là ? (20') By Vladimir Cagnolari Net plus ultra, The web surfers programme (20') By Dominique Desaunay ‘On est où là ?’ (you’re where?) is a trendy expression in Francophone Africa. It started with the mobile phone reply “hallo…where are you”. On RFI, it is a weekly broadcast by Designed to help listeners learn more about the Internet and multimedia. Shows how and why new information and knowledge 6 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR technologies are changing our lives. The focus is on local initiatives, and uses an email Q/A game to give listeners a better idea of how to use and understand IT, networks and information society as a digital whole. Paris: Saturday 14:10 World: Saturday 13:10 UT Africa: Saturday 2:10 UT Reines d'Afrique (20') By Kidi Bebey Kidi Bebey puts her fame and talent at the service of a daily programme on movers and shakers among African women. From Douala to Kinshasa and Dakar to Libreville, Kidi Bebey talks with women, learns about their daily lives, experiences, and dynamism throughout Africa and the world. Africa: Monday to Friday 9:40 UT Priorité santé (20') Good health is a universal necessity. By Claire Hédon Claire Hédon talks live with specialists on health news such as diseases, epidemics, new treatments and health policy. The aim is to inform the general public about prevention, their health rights, and access to treatments. Doctors from other countries explain how patients are treated. (Differences in care, resources, cultures, etc). It also includes reports from the field and accounts by patients. Every Friday, a specialist answers listeners’ questions. Paris: Monday to Friday 11:40 World: Monday to Friday 10:40 UT Africa: Monday to Friday 9:10 UT L'école des savoirs (2x20') By Emmanuelle Bastide La danse des mots version africaine, Pioneers of the French language (20') By Yvan Amar How do Africans speak French? Yvan Amar talks about the specific forms of the language as spoken in Africa. Africa: Friday 23:40 UT Reports from the richer and poorer world on citizens’ expectations about schools. How do they discuss schooling? How should school and university be organized globally? How to choose, and talk to each other around the world, using school projects? Cordiality, special reports and services are high on the agenda. Paris: Saturday 10:10 World: Friday 9:10 UT Africa: Saturday 10:10 UT La danse des mots (2x20') By Yvan Amar Yvan Amar shares his love for and knowledge about the French language in three interlocking broadcasts. News about the language and Francophony. The life of words and their changing meanings and uses. And innovative French created by African speakers. Words in ferment. Paris: Friday 16:40 and Saturday 16:40 World: Friday 13:40 and Saturday 13:40 UT Africa: Sunday 9:40 and 17:10 UT Si loin si proche (2x20') By Ludovic Dunod Two sessions of twenty minutes of encounters, glimpses of life and music to give listeners travel tips. Also looks at weekend activities and reports on the latest in hiking, golf, and diving, among many other activities. Part 2 explores every aspect of the globe from the curious traveller’s perspective. Testimonies from people who enjoy living in certain cities, special reports from all over the world, offering a sound box for inveterate travellers. Paris: Friday 17:10 World: Friday 16:10 UT Africa: Saturday 22:10 UT Si loin, si proche Afrique (20') By Ludovic Dunod News about tourism in Africa and the Indian Ocean. Looks at the economic and social issues, and 7 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR regularly discusses the equation between tourism and development. Also deals with new circuits and trips offered by travel agents and recently published guides. Critical commentary on tourist consumption (planes, hotels, travellers rights, etc). Paris: not broadcast World: Sunday 19:10 UT Africa: Friday 16:40 UT sportspeople to researchers, scientists, business leaders and dockers. They talk about the environment, business, achievements, adventures and passions. Paris: Saturday 17:10 World: Saturday 16:10 UT Africa: Saturday 16:10 UT Religions du monde (20') By Geneviève Delrue and in the skies, mysteries of life in the universe and the hopes and concerns about genetic engineering. Microméga is the planet’s oldest radio science magazine. Paris: Sunday 16:10 World: Sunday 13:10 UT Africa: Saturday 21:40 UT Plein sud (2x20') By Amobé Mévégué Sur la route (20') By Jean-François Loiseau Every week, Jean-François Loiseau goes on the road to discover more about cars and road transport. With a guest, he looks at topical issues (road safety in Europe, car development in China, biofuel in the U.S., etc.). RFI correspondents report on taxi strikes in Bamako, car pooling in Québec and cycle taxis in Madagascar. Plus trials of 2 and 4 wheelers, and books about life in the front seat. Paris: Friday 18:10 World: Friday 17:10 UT Africa: Saturday 17:10 UT 8 A look at religion in all its variety, with news on Catholicism in East Timor, liberation theology in Latin America, Islam in Albania, the hajj to Mecca, and social issues, as well as such social concerns as sects, and the search for spirituality and religion on the Web. It also offers portraits of people such as Sister Sarah, Father Emile Schoufani of Nazareth and Guy Gilbert, the street priest. Paris: Sunday 8:40 World: Sunday 7:40 UT Africa: Sunday 7:40 UT Espace océan (20') By Arielle Cassim Microméga, (2x20') Science and technology magazine By Christian Sotty and Jean-Yves Casgha. Covers everything to do with the sea, and those who live, work, sail, celebrate and protect our seas, from sailors, fishermen, explorers, and A weekly stroll through the latest science and technology news, from quarks to galaxies, the impact of high tech on everyday life on earth An informative and entertaining programme about culture and society, showcasing citizen’s initiatives and new development actions emerging in Africa. Paris: Monday to Friday 22:40 Africa: Monday to Friday 14:40 UT MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR Culture and musique New programmes Sortir dans le monde (20') By the culture desk Culture without borders, dealing with French and Francophone news from every continent. A radio guide to the major cultural events in art, music, cinema, theatre, photography and literature, celebrating the arts with passion, both critical and positive. Guests talk about what’s happening around the globe from Sydney to Bamako, Bangkok to London, New York to Mumbai, and Alexandria to St Petersburg. Paris: Saturday 8:40 World: Friday 23:40 UT Africa: Saturday 21:10 UT L'actualité du cinema (2x20') By Catherine Ruelle News from the world of film. Each week a favourite new film from the week’s releases in France is presented in sound pictures, taking listeners into the imaginative world of the director. This radio series is designed to invite the listener/cinema-goer into the atmosphere of the film’s first reel, through the dialogue, noise and actions. The director then talks about how he sees the characters and their feelings. In Part 1, information on other film makers, films, and formats (shorts, DVD, etc.) and genres, with a focus on major film festivals or retrospectives. Paris: Sunday 14:10 World: Sunday 13:10 UT Africa: Sunday 13:10 UT Culture vive (2x20') By Pascal Paradou Monday to Thursday, Pascal Paradou invites listeners to spend an hour hearing about news from French and Parisian cultural life, with a guest, special reports and round table discussions. A subjective, eclectic but never superficial look at culture, taking the time to look closely at the lives and achievements of writers, dancers, artists, actors, film directors or musicians. Whether established or new talents, they provide a showcase of the best of French culture – cosmopolitan, varied, both local and open to the world. Paris: Monday to Thursday 17:10 World: Monday to Thursday 16:10 UT Africa: Tuesday to Friday 2:10 UT Entre les lignes (2x20') By Catherine Fruchon Toussaint Books also help you travel around the world and get to know people. This programme asks writers about their lives between the lines, and how they build a rapport with readers. On Fridays, the guest is a major publisher, translator, bookseller, festival goer or nonfiction writer who looks at new books, trends, events great and small, and the form and content of less familiar books. On Saturday, a French or Francophone writer opens their new novel and shares the pleasures of their words. Paris: Friday and Saturday 16:10 World: Friday and Saturday 13:10 UT Africa: Sunday 13:10 and 13:40 UT Extérieur jour (20') By Yasmine Chouaki Each week, a unique encounter rather than a prepared interview, allowing real feelings, unexpected slips, or intimate secrets to emerge. Guests may be actors, scientists, choreographers, lawyers, politicians, philosophers, singers, or writers. They may be shy people, professional communicators, emotional types, seducers, or ‘good customers’. And the encounter can take place in a public garden, a car, a cemetery, a rehearsal room, or an airport. The right exterior can reveal true inner feelings and create sincerity, redefining the shape of the conversation, and going beyond the platitudes of standard interviews. The guests can forget themselves, and find a true audience Paris: Saturday 17:40 World: Saturday 16:40 UT Africa: Saturday 2:40 UT 9 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR Idées (2x20') By Benoît Ruelle A look at the world through its media, from the first television in Bhutan, via community radio in a Quebec Indian reservation, to the latest trash programme in Holland. Paris: Sunday 13:40 World: Sunday 14:40 UT Africa: Sunday 20:40 UT Living in real time means getting a hold on ideas old and new. This programme focuses on the intellectual and cultural ideas driving public debate in France, Europe, the U.S, Africa, Latin America and Asia. Intellectuals, researchers, polemicists, artists, reviews, think tanks, and foundations, all come and talk about their activities). As well as academics from the social sciences, politics, international relations, history and art among other disciplines. Paris: Sunday 17:10 World: Sunday 16:10 UT Africa: Sunday 16:10 UT Signes particuliers (20') By Pierre-Edouard Deldique Personality: “whatever constitutes a person’s individuality” or “the essence of an individual that distinguishes him or her from all others” say the dictionaries. PierreEdouard Deldique takes time out every day to talk in-depth with a guest personality, famous or unknown, from France and elsewhere. They speak about their unique lives, but often share a concern for the planet’s peoples, cultures, and future. Paris: Monday to Thursday 16:10 World: Monday to Thursday 13:10 UT Africa: Monday to Thursday 16:40 UT Médias d'Afrique (2x20') By Alain Foka Greater presence of the developing world on RFI media, reversing the old priorities and showing how African leader writers view international news. This programme is doubling its air time this year, offering guest writers, political activitists and civil society interacting with listeners. Paris: Tuesday to Friday 1h10 Africa: Monday to Thursday 13:40 UT La Bande passante (3x20') By Alain Pilot Médias du monde (20') By Laurence Aloir From now on this programme is mainly dedicated to live shows. Three times a week, Alain Pilot reveals emerging artistes or returns to old favourites who fuel the music news in France. From rock, chansons, and electronic, to hiphop and reggae, la Bande passante offers a complete musical panorama, with shows recorded in Paris concert venues such as the Triptyque or the Flèche d’Or in a warm, fun atmosphere. This enables listeners to enjoy the spontaneity and interactivity of a live concert, with the audience asking the guest questions. Paris: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 13:10 World: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 14:10 UT Africa: Sunday 00:40 UT Couleurs Tropicales (2x20') By Claudy Siar Now the benchmark listen-in for African, Afro-Caribbean, AfroAmerican and Afro-European music, this programme support all trends, often leaping ahead to avant-garde sounds and featuring groups and artistes such as Magic System and Tiken Jah Fakoly for the very first time. For its 12th year, Couleurs Tropicales is showcasing African, Caribbean and Afro-European comedians from the Francophone world in its mix of coupe-décalé, mbalax, rap, zouk, reggae and ndombolo. Listen to this space! Paris: Monday to Friday 21:40 Africa: Monday to Friday 13:40 UT L'épopée des musiques noires (20') By Joe Farmer Each week, this epic story of Black music dusts off a forgotten hero from a tradition that has grown into one of the more vibrant and genuine 10 MAGAZINE PROGRAMMES ON THE AIR forms of musical expression in the 20th century. Using sound archives, interviews with musicians, producers and musicologists, the programme injects colour into the music from past and present. Paris: Friday 11:10 World: Friday 10:10 UT Africa: Friday 10:40 UT Musiques du monde (2x20') By Laurence Aloir Successfully exploring popular music since 1993, this show features 40 minutes of journalists and musicians playing and talking live, covering all types of music, from world, jazz, pop, rock, French, and classic – or Mozart to Marilyn Manson. Paris: Monday to Thursday 13:10 World: Monday to Thursday 14:10 UT Africa: Monday to Thursday 10:40 UT And also Club RFI (2x20') By Jean Legrand Each week, a local RFI club is the special guest (e.g. Dakar, Brazzaville, Kinshasa Douala, Cotonou, Ouagadougou, Lomé or Bamako). The programme includes a ‘audio postcard’ and news from RFI clubs, as well as answers to listeners’ letters, emails, and soon SMS messages; ‘RFI voices’ (a presenter or journalist answers questions from listeners and from local club members); and announcements of other club meetings. Africa: Sunday 14:10 UT 11 WORLD SERVICE SCHEDULE W i n t e r 2 0 0 6 Où on est là ? 0:30 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:00 9:30 9:00 8:30 International News Grand reportage Priorité santé Les visiteurs du jour Appels sur l’actualité Où on est là ? Epopee des musiques noires Orient presse L’ invité de la semaine Microscopie Sur un air de campagne Semaine en afrique Semaine dans le monde Géopolitique, le débat Exterieur jour Planète entreprise Dimanche économie Elan 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:00 9:30 9:00 8:30 8:00 7:30 7:30 8:00 7:00 7:00 Religions du monde 6:30 6:30 6:00 4:30 4:00 3:30 6:00 Net plus ultra Exterieur jour 5:30 Sortir dans le monde Sur la route 3:00 2:30 2:00 1:30 1:00 0:30 0:00 U.T. 5:30 L’école des savoirs Microscopie La bande passante Planète entreprise Sunday Sur un air de campagne L’ Actualité du cinéma Où on est là ? La bande passante Mondial sports Saturday 5:00 International News Friday 5:00 Accents d’Europe Accents d’Europe Les visiteurs du jour Signes particuliers Musiques du monde 4:30 Rivages Décryptage Thursday Grand reportage Wednesday International News Entre les lignes 3:30 Tuesday 4:00 La danse des mots Idées 3:00 2:30 2:00 1:30 Géopolitique, le débat La marche du monde 0:00 1:00 Monday U.T. 00h00 12h00 Décryptage Accents d’Europe Wednesday International News Décryptage Accents d’Europe Signes particuliers 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 23:30 23:00 22:30 22:00 21:30 Asian News Culture vive Musiques du monde Grand reportage 18:30 21:00 International News International News Thursday Friday Sortir dans le monde Net plus ultra Saturday Idées La danse des mots Net plus ultra Médias du monde Si loin, si proche Planète entreprise Dimanche économie Sortir dans le monde Rivages Orient presse L’invité de la semaine RFI/L’Express International News Exterieur jour Espace océan Microméga Médias du monde La bande passante L’ Actualité du cinéma Sunday Terres d’outre-mer Microscopie Semaine en Afrique Sortir dans le monde Dimanche économie Entre les lignes Sur un air de campagne Priorité santé La danse des mots Asian News Idées Elan Carrefour de l’Europe Semaine dans le monde Religions du monde La marche du monde Sur la route Mondial sports Carrefour de l’Europe Si loin, si proche La danse des mots Entre les lignes La bande passante La marche du monde French News + Libération front page Near and Middle East News International News Culture vive 18:00 17:30 17:00 16:30 16:00 Grand reportage 15:30 Musiques du monde Tuesday Signes particuliers Monday 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00 U.T. 23:30 23:00 22:30 22:00 21:30 21:00 20:30 20:00 19:30 19:00 18:30 18:00 17:30 17:00 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00 U.T. 12h00 24h00 WORLD SERVICE SCHEDULE WORLD NEWS COMMENTARIES Timetable for news commentaries (Worldwide Service, in UT) L'invité RFI matin (8'), Monday to Friday 07:19 L'invité RFI midi (6'), Monday to Sunday 12:16 L'invité Europe (4'), Monday to Thursday 17:18 L'invité décalé (5'), Monday to Sunday 19:22 Les mots de l'actualité (3'), Sunday to Thursday 23:57, Monday to Friday 03:57 L'édito politique (3'), Monday to Friday 07:16, 12:25 L'édito d'Alain Genestar (3'), Saturday 23:22, Sunday 03:15, 07:21, 12:41 Le journal en français facile (8'), Monday to Sunday 9:30, 21:30 Le journal des Dom-Tom (5'), Monday to Friday 03:19, Tuesday to Saturday 23:23 Le Journal de l'Union Européenne (10'), World: Monday to Sunday 20:30 Allô Bruxelles (5'), Monday to Friday 06:53 L'Européen de la semaine (4'), Saturday 06:53, 17:18 Bonjour l'Europe (3'), Monday to Saturday 06:50 Reportage Afrique (3'), Monday to Friday 04:19 Reportage France (3'), Sunday to Thursday 23:20, Monday to Friday 06:46, 11:46, Saturday 03:20, 06:45 Reportage International (3'), Monday to Friday 06:16, 12:22, 17:15, Saturday 04:20, 06:20, 12:20, Sunday 4:20, 6:16, 12:20 Chronique États-Unis (3'), Monday to Thursday 19:18, Saturday 06:16, 12:48, 17:15 Chronique Asie (3'), Sunday to Thursday 23:50, Monday to Friday 03:53, 12:54 Dossier Amériques (4'), Monday to Sunday 3:23, 12:41, 19:18 Dossier Asie (4'), Sunday to Thursday 23:45, Monday to Friday 04:23, 03:41 Dossier Europe (3'), Monday to Friday 03:15, Monday to Thursday 17:23 Dossier Proche-Orient (5'), Monday to Friday 04:15, 17:41, Saturday 04:15, 03:41 Livre France (5'), Saturday 23:25, Sunday 03:23, 07:24, 12:25 Livre international (5'), Saturday 03:23, 07:24, 14:25 Le journal de l'économie africaine (5'), Monday to Friday 11:49 Le journal de l'éco (6'), Monday to Friday 06:21 Investir (2'), Monday to Friday 08:09, 12:28, 17:00 Bourse à Wall Street (2'), Monday to Friday 06:28 Chronique des matières premières (2'), Monday to Friday 06:25, 11:54 Chronique aviation (4'), Monday to Friday 06:25, Saturday 12:52 Chronique défense (3'), Sunday 06:49, 12:57, 17:15 Chronique des Droits de l'Homme (4'), Sunday 23:23, Monday 06:26, Sunday 12:53, 17:18 Chronique des Français de l'étranger (3'), Sunday to Thursday 23:27, Monday to Friday 11:57, Monday to Thursday 19:27 Chronique de la mer, Sunday 04:15, 12:47, 17:22 À la Une de La Croix (5'), Monday to Thursday 17:11 À la Une du Figaro (5'), Monday to Thursday 19:11 À la Une de Libération (5'), Sunday to Thursday 23:16 À la Une du Monde (5'), Monday to Friday 11:41 La presse française (4'), Monday to Sunday 06:41 La presse économique (2'), Monday to Friday 08:07 La Une des hebdos (4'), Saturday 23:16, Sunday 06:21 La presse Asie (6'), Sunday to Thursday 23:41, Monday to Friday 04:23, 12:43 Journal des sports (4'), Monday to Sunday 04:11, 03:11, Saturday and Sunday 07:16, 17:11 L'invité sports (5'), Sunday 06:53, 12:44 Édito sports (3'), Saturday 03:15, 12:41 Chronique culture (3'), Sunday to Thursday 23:53, Monday to Friday 04:27, 06:57, 12:57 L'invité culture (5'), Saturday 12:44, 17:22 Chronique médias (4'), Saturday 07:21, 17:27 FOREIGN LANGUAGES O n R F I FOREIGN LANGUAGES RFI is reinventing the way it continues to speak in 19 foreign languages. There will be FOREIGN LANGUAGES modifications to most of the scheduling for desks working in Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Creole, English, German, Laotian, Chinese (Mandarin), Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Southern Slavic Languages (Serbian and Croatian), Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. Some languages will switch to the website. With ten new countries in the European Union, and Romania and Bulgaria soon to join, RFI will kickstart new local partnerships and build its news schedules on the basis of affiliates and Paris-based desks. In the Balkans, RFI will open a new FM radio in Belgrade called Beta–RFI. Starting in November, this will be the city’s first international radio. By creating a large Portuguesespeaking desk, RFI will be able to target Africa, Brazil and Portugal with a renewed presence in these regions. Special attention is being paid to a programme in Mandarin Chinese, doubling the volume of morning programmes After localizing its website to Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese (Brazil), RFI will also create new localized websites. week over the entire Albania and Kosovo footprint. Arabic RMC Middle East, RFI’s Arabic language affiliate based in Paris, broadcasts 17 hours to the Near and Middle East. Bulgarian RFI broadcasts in Bulgarian through its RFI Bulgaria affiliate located in Sofia. Cambodian RFI is the only international radio in Cambodia that has been broadcasting a programme in Khmer on FM over the last year. The desk offers a mix of regional and international programmes and also speaks to the diaspora via the web. Creole Albanian From 2007, this programme will operate between Tirana and Paris. In partnership with Radio Tirana, Albania’s national radio, RFI will broadcast 2 hours a day during the A Creole website will be created, featuring audio content. It is mainly intended for listeners in Haiti. Chinese There will be more programmes in Chinese with a 2 hour continuous morning broadcast. Drawing on a broader network of correspondents, RFI can blend closeness to listeners with international coverage. The Mandarin language website launched in May 2006 is a growing success. English The key target is Africa through a network of 19 FM stations. In the summer of 2007, RFI is planning to double its current volume of English language services. German The Paris-Berlin link forms the heart of the German service. International news gives Paris’s angle, with a special look at Europe via a network of European radios. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Laotian Spanish RFI will liven up its programme and offer a website for Laotians around the world. 30 journalists in constant touch with their correspondents will create broadcasts relayed by a network of partner radios in Latin America, focused on international information and relations between Europe and South America. Persian The programmes target the three Persian-speaking countries of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Turkish Polish The Polish service combines the website and radio broadcasts for partner radios in Poland. A Franco-Turkish site will be developed, with content focused on news related to Turkey joining the European Union. Portuguese Vietnamese The Portuguese desk will work jointly for radios in Africa, South America and Portugal while respecting each country’s special locale. In Africa, RFI will provide a morning programme of one hour in Portuguese for the first time. These broadcasts increasingly attract listeners outside of Vietnam, especially in the U.S.-The future website will strengthen ties between different Vietnamese communities around the world. Romanian RFI Romania – with desks in Paris and Bucharest – will boost international coverage in its new schedule. Extra two-way slots will be introduced around midday. Russian The Russian desk highlights news about ex-Soviet countries and its significance for Western Europe. Southern Slav Languages The Paris desk will continue to contribute to Beta- RFI, the Group’s new radio in Belgrade. The main goal is to link Bulgaria in with Europe. RMC - MO RADIO MONTE CARLO MOYEN ORIENT An Arabic-speaking international French radio station, RMC Moyen-Orient is a benchmark media for the Gulf, the Near and Middle East and throughout the Maghreb. Due to its independent news and high quality networks of correspondents, it is a confirmed leader among international RMC - MO pan-Arab radios. RMC-MO now operates in a highly competitive environment, and must be ready to leverage its assets (credibility, professionalism, focus on analysis) to compete with the many private satellite television and radio networks now broadcasting in the Near and Middle East. The Service Both international and pan-Arab, RMC Moyen-Orient’s ambition is to be a local radio for its listeners, yet with its hand on the pulse of the entire region’s social, cultural, political and economic changes. Its key asset is a competent and highly professional staff. A network of some 50 correspondents ensures a pluralistic approach to news, with varied programmes and a broad musical agenda covering the Arab, French and international repertoire. The programming schedule was substantially changed in 2005, with editorial priority focusing on deeper analysis, and more air time for the region’s political, economic and social actors. News Within RMC-MO’s three streams of newscasts and bulletins, the emphasis is on international and regional news and coverage of major political, economic, sports and cultural events worldwide. 8 magazine programmes a week, and a daily cultural news slot address RMC-MO listeners’ needs for sports, business and finance, politics, the environment, EuroMediterranean news, new technologies, human rights, initiatives and reforms. support cultural dialogue and participate closely in the cultural and social life of its footprint countries. Programmes Throughout the day, special programmes target listener constituencies such as young people, and deal with a broad range of social topics, built around intensive listener contributions. Audience The RMC-MO Musique Prize, created in 2006 in a partnership with the European Commission, is open to young musicians from countries to the south of the Mediterranean. It gives air time and support towards an artistic career for the winner at international level. During the concert bringing together the three finalists in Amman (Jordan) on 16 September 2006, the jury chose as winner the Syrian singer Lena Chamamyan, who then performed on 17 October 2006 at the Arab World Institute in Paris. Building on its success, this prize will be awarded again in 2007, demonstrating RMC-MO’s resolve to RMC-MO’s global audience is currently estimated to be 10.5 million listeners (a week). The demographics of this mainly male community tend to profile listeners with secondary and higher education (3/4 of the audience), a job (2/3) and often in management positions (1/4). Broadcasting footprint RMC - MO RMC-MO broadcasts on MW at 1233 AM. It uses 11 FM relays: • Amman 97.4 FM and Ajlun 106.2 FM in Jordan; • Djibouti 97.2 FM; • Baghdad 88 FM, Basra 88.8 FM and Mosul 88 FM en Iraq; • Doha 93.4 FM in Qatar; • Khartoum 93 FM in Sudan; • Manama 90.9 FM in Bahrain; • Kuwait City 107.3 FM in Kuwait. • Nouakchott 90.2 FM in Mauritania. RMC-MO is also broadcast from the following satellites: Arabsat 3A/Orbit, Arabsat 2D, Afristar WorldSpace, Afristar East Beam, Atlantic Bird 3, Nilesat 101, and WorldSpace. RMC-MO is committed to obtaining new FM relays and building partnerships with local radios to broadcast news and other programmes. On the Net: An extension of the airwaves, the RMC-MO website publishes in Arabic, French and English. Visitors can listen to news bulletins and flashes, special topics and interviews, editorial magazine and dis- cussion programmes. The site also features a real-time news service, and specially-designed theme pages on international news, especially in the Arab world. Management Chairman: Antoine Schwarz Managing Director: Philippe Beauvillard Secretary General: Catherine Calvet Chief Editor: Georges Naufal Deputy Editor: Abdellatif Chérif, Sellami Hosni, Mustapha Tossa Programme Manager: Alia Kdeih FROM PRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING AUDIENCES & BROADCASTING R F I AUDIENCES & BROADCASTING BROADCASTING FOOTPRINT End 2006: 150 relays RFI now covers all major Francophone cities in Africa on FM. After Mauritania joined up, Guinea’s decision to open up to international media is highly promising. Benin, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo have also agreed to install additional relays. Mauritius has agreed to four FM relays on its territory. RFI will also back the creation of a radio targeting the Francophone community in South Africa. In Portuguese-speaking Africa, the focus will be on seeking local partners. RMC-MO will develop in Lebanon and Sudan. RFI intends to improve broadcasting to its listeners in the French West Indies, and is pursuing an active policy of take-ups in Latin America on existing radios. After Osorno in Chile, a new relay is due to open in Asunción in Paraguay. In Europe, RFI is concentrating on its Belgrade affiliate: in partnership with the BETA press agency now that a frequency has been granted. In Asia, expansion will leverage satellite broadcasting, as well as the web and DAB. RFI will end the year 2006 with a total of 150 FM relays worldwide. RFI Group worldwide Africa and Indian Ocean Comoros Moroni Benin Cotonou Parakou Congo Brazzaville Pointe-Noire Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Banfora Bobo-Dioulasso Koudougou Ouahigouya Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Bouaké Korogho Burundi Bujumbura Cameroon Bafoussam Douala Yaoundé Cap Verde Mindelo Praïa Fogo Sal Santa Antao Democratic Republic of Congo Bunia Kinshasa Lubumbashi Matadi Bukavu Kisangani Djibouti Djibouti Arta Djibouti Arta (RMC-MO) Djibouti ville Central African Republic Bangui Equatorial Guinea Malabo (volcano) Malabo (city) Gabon Libreville Port-Gentil Franceville Chad N’Djamena Gambia Banjul Ghana Accra Kumasi Guinea Bissau Bissau Gabu Kenya Mombasa Nairobi Lesotho Maseru Liberia Monrovia Madagascar Antananarivo Antsirabé Antsiranana Fianarantsoa Fort Dauphin Majunga Tamatave Nosy Bé Tulear Sambava Mali Bamako Mauritania Nouakchott (RFI) Nouakchott (RMC-MO) Nouadhibou Germany Berlin Chemnitz Dresden Leipzig Pirna r e• R l a FI i s an RdF R IM e Ct RMMO Hungary Budapest AUDIENCES & BROADCASTING • Kosovo Pristina Macedonia Skopje Cre-la Mys O Moldavia Chisinau Norway Oslo Stavanger Tromsø Portugal Lisbon Romania Bucharest Iasi Craiova Cluj Serbia Belgrade Spain Barcelona Russia Moscow St Petersburg Near and Middle East / RMC-MO Jordan Ajlun (RMC-MO) Amman (RMC-MO) Qatar Doha (RMC-MO) Bahrain Manama (RMC-MO) Iraq Baghdad (RMC-MO) Baghdad (RFI) Basra, Mosul Kuwait Kuwait City Afghanistan Kabul Asia and Pacific Seychelles Victoria Seychelles-Anse Poite-au-sel Sierra Leone Freetown Mauritius Port-Louis Mahebourg Grand Baie Rodrigue Sudan Khartoum (RMC-MO) Cambodia Phnom Penh Siem Reap Battambang Kompong Cham Sihanoukville Fiji Suva Togo Kara, Lomé Laos Ventiane Mozambique Maputo Uganda Kampala Namibia Windhoek Zambia Kitwe Lusaka Vanuatu Port-Vila Niger Niamey Maradi Zinder, Europe Republic of Guine Conakry Labe Kankan Nzerekore Albania Korsa Tirana Rwanda Kigali Azerbaijan Baku Sao Tomé Sao Tomé Bulgaria Sofia Senegal Dakar Kaolack Saint-Louis Tambacounda Thiès Ziguinchor Czech Republic Prague Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Buenos Aires Bolivia La Paz Chile Osorno Armenia Yerevan Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Ecuador Cuenca France Paris FM Paris SW Georgia Tbilisi Haiti Cap-Haïtien Port-au-Prince Jamaica Kingston French Guyana Cayenne Saint-Laurent AUDIENCES AUDIENCES & BROADCASTING To keep track of its expanding audience, RFI has set up a number of annual indicators in 14 capitals and regions. Each year, these measure Radio France Internationale’s audience in the following cities in Africa, Europe, the Near and Middle East, Asia and Latin America: Dakar, Yaoundé, Bamako, Paris region, Lisbon, Moscow, Bucharest, Beijing, Phnom Penh, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Beirut, Amman and Bahrain. An estimate of RFI’s global audience was carried out in 2005 by the Groupe d'Etudes Démographiques Appliquées (GEDA): 44 million listeners worldwide who break down as follows • Africa: 25. million. • Near and Middle East: 10.5 million. • Europe: 2 million. (1.5 million in Western Europe and 550,000 in Eastern Europe). • Asia and Pacific Ocean: in 1.5 million. (23.3 million of them Francophone black Africa, 1.3 million in non-Francophone black Africa and 1.2 million in the Maghreb). RFI is a leading radio in many Francophone African capitals: Dakar (14%), Kinshasa (24%), Yaoundé (25%), Bamako (23%), Parakou (27%) • North America and Latin America: 4 million (350,000 in North America and 3.7 million in Latin America). THE GROUP R F I THE RFI GROUP Key figures Anne Coutard Mabousso Thiam THE GROUP 44 million listeners worldwide listen to RFI on short and medium wave, by cable and satellite, and on 150 FM relays. Employee representatives Daniel Desesquelle Elisa Drago 2006 budget: 130.21 million Composed of: • Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsidy: 69.54 million • TV license: 55.86 million • own resources: 4,81 million A workforce of 1,000 • including 400 journalists, • a network of 300 correspondents worldwide. More than 400 hours of programmes broadcast per week (excl. affiliates). Secretary of the Works Council Nathalie Picco Board of Directors President: Antoine Schwarz Government Representatives: Richard Boidin Emmanuelle Bensimon Laurent Garnier Parliamentarians: Louis Duvernois (Senate) Jean-Marc Roubaud (French Parliament) Qualified personalities appointed by the Higher Broadcasting Council Francis Balle Pascal Chaigneau General comptroller Renaud Gace Affiliates RFI Romania RFI Romania broadcasts 24/on 93.5 FM in Bucharest, 97.9 FM in Iasi, 94 FM in Craiova and 91.7 FM in Cluj. Some programmes are also taken up in Chisinau (Moldavia) on 107.3 FM. RFI Romania produces eleven and a half hours of programmes in Romanian and rebroadcasts RFI’s French language programmes. Interactivity between the Romanian desks in Paris and Bucharest gives listeners an international and local view of the news. RMC Moyen-Orient France’s International Arabic Language Radio. RMC Moyen-Orient broadcasts news and features 24/7 to over 10 million listeners from 11 relay stations (Ajlun, Amman, Baghdad, Basra, Djibouti, Doha, Khartoum, Kuwait City, Manama, Mosul and Nouakchott) and on short-wave and by satellite to North Africa and Europe. RMC Moyen-Orient covers international, regional and national news. Europa Lisboa Europa Lisboa broadcasts 14 hours of international, European and local news and commentary in Portuguese and 10 hours of RFI’s French language broadcasts. Lisbon 90.4 FM. RFI Bulgaria RFI Bulgaria broadcasts 24/7, with 12 hours of daily programmes in Bulgarian as well as RFI’s French language programmes. It devotes much of its news coverage to European and international events. Sofia 103.6 FM RFI Deutschland RFI Deutschland partners the BBC on FM in four cities (Leipzig 98.2 FM, Dresden 91.1 FM, Chemnitz 88.9 FM and Pirna 96.4 FM) providing 2 hours RFI programmes in German, 5.5 hours in French, 16.5 hours of BBC programmes in English, and a weekly half hour of local programmes. RFI marine Developed by RFI and WorldSpace in partnership with Météo France, RFI marine broadcasts original programmes, news, music and above all the shipping news! Launched on June 1, 2005, RFI marine’s programmes go out on WorldSpace’s AfriStar satellite to merchant marine and leisure sailors. Weather bulletins for the eastern Mediterranean and West Africa, and weather charts are also available as downloadable text files. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION THE GROUP RFI partners 450 radios in 125 countries, offering them MFI, the RFI press agency, provides editorial resources to 300 media around the world. The international training department In 2004, the international training department was rebadged as rfi talent + and provided with a newsletter and website. The team has since taken on Stephen Garnier, an expert in new information and communication technologies, and Fady Matar, an Arab world specialist. Through rfi talent +, the experience and know-how of RFI professionals is transmitted in the 20 languages of the RFI airwaves, most frequently in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Persian and Arabic. This skills base is available for any organisation seeking balanced, well-structured and practical training courses tailored to their needs. localized programmes, French courses, and the entire repertoire of new Francophone music. The rfi talent + approach to training is based on the practical mastery of radio techniques in the participants’ professional context. To achieve this, groups are restricted in size, and new courses are introduced each year to meet the special needs of a changing world, such as “preparing to cover elections”, “advanced, balanced coverage of news in crisis zones”, and a “going on the air module”. These complement such mainstream courses as “handling round tables and debates on the radio”, “health or sports journalism” or “anchoring techniques.” Today, requests come from every geography, and there is increasing collaboration with major media and development aid organizations such as Al Jazeera in Qatar, Ecomédia in Morocco, the Développement and Paix NGO and Search for Common Ground. rfi talent + has trained over 3,000 people in radio skills. THE GROUP MANAGEMENT CHART Secretary General President and Managing Director Antoine Schwarz Vice-President News and Services. Vice-President Development Vice-President Technology and Information Systems Geneviève Gœtzinger Jean-Claude Kuentz Pierre-André Teiller Director of Communication Administrative and Financial Director Director of Human Resources Director of the World Service Director of the African Service André Sarfati Philippe Beauvillard Martine Paris Pierre Ganz Henri Perilhou Director of the Multimedia Service Director of French Desk Director of Foreign Language Desks Director of International Affairs Director of Listener Research Bärbel Moser Georges Lory Daniel Nobi Jean-Claude Benoist Dominique Burg Noëlle Velly Deputy Director Ombudsman Erlends Calabuig Loïc Hervouet Advisor to the President Michel Guérin PARTNERSHIPS PUBLISHING PARTNERSHIPS PUBLISHING PUBLISHING PARTNERSHIPS RFI broadcasts programmes in nineteen languages on every continent. Joint RFI publishing initiatives add value to the world radio’s outstanding audio heritage in the shape of books, CDs, and soon DVDs. CDs Africa, an audio history (1960-2000), by Elikia Mbokolo, historian, and Philippe Sainteny, RFI journalist. An outstanding political history of Africa. Boxed set of 7 CDs. Published jointly by Frémeaux & Associés and RFI. Abdou Diouf, Interviews with Philippe Sainteny. Boxed set of 3 CD. Published jointly by Frémeaux & Associés and RFI. Léopold Sédar Senghor, Historic recordings, by Philippe Sainteny, RFI journalist. Published jointly by Frémeaux & Associés and RFI. BOOKS, RECORDS, MULTIMEDIA: RFI PUBLISHING PARTNERSHIPS FOR “UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD” AfricaVision, The best soundtracks of African cinema, vol 1 and vol 2. Published jointly by Buda / Universal and RFI. L'Africaine blanche, une éducatrice en Afrique (The White African Lady, a teacher’s experiences in Africa). An Autrement book published jointly with RFI. Books Les 100 clés de l'Afrique / A hundred keys to Africa, L'Atlas mondial de la francophonie, (Global Atlas of Francophony), For the Year of Francophone Cultures in France, a complete panorama of Francophony today. By RFI journalist Ariane Poissonnier and geographer Gérard Sournia. Published jointly by Autrement and RFI. coordinated and written by Philippe Leymarie and Thierry Perret, in collaboration with MFI, the RFI press agency. A tool and guide for both general readers and specialists. Published jointly by Hachette Littératures and Radio France Internationale (RFI). Commerce inéquitable, le roman noir des matières premières (Unfair Trade: the commodities black book). A saga mixing international business with extreme poverty, written by RFI journalist Jean-Pierre Boris. (Already translated into Italian, Japanese and German). Published jointly by Hachette Littératures and RFI. Sony Labou Tansi, Paroles inédites. A homage to the late Congolese writer, first discovered by RFI. Unpublished texts and an audio interview from 1993. Published jointly by Editions théâtrales and RFI. CONTACTS R F I RFI CONTACTS Radio France Internationale, CONTACTS 116, avenue du Président-Kennedy 75762 Paris Cedex 16 Tel: +33 (0)1 56 40 12 12 Fax: +33 (0)1 56 40 44 71 To email, use: COMMUNICATION DIVISION André Sarfati 01 56 40 10 86/29 51 Director Françoise Lauriau 01 56 40 47 19/48 53 Advertising and Publications Manager Sébastien Bonijol 01 56 40 19 38 Internal Communication Anthony Ravera 01 56 40 29 85 Press Officer Annick Beaumesnil 01 44 30 89 51 Trade Shows and Live Performances Béla Bowé 01 44 30 89 50 Music Pauline Driard 01 56 40 49 02 Project Leader Pauline Brayda 01 44 30 87 66 Partnerships Andrée Navarro 01 44 30 89 69 Listener Relations SERVICES & NEWS DIVISION Geneviève Goetzinger 01 56 40 26 61 VP News and Broadcasting Services Pierre Ganz 01 56 40 16 33 Director of World Service Henri Perilhou 01 56 40 47 77 Director of Africa Service Noëlle Velly 01 56 40 16 35 Direct of the Multimedia Service French Desk Dominique Burg 01 56 40 40 62 Director of French Desk Patrice Perrin 01 56 40 26 31 Culture Desk Cécile Mégie 01 56 40 52 37 Business and Finance Desk Christian Sotty 01 56 40 49 93 Science Desk Vincent Roux 01 56 40 43 10 Director of Internet department Véronique Moreau 01 44 30 83 04 Recorded Magazines Lidwien Van Dixhoorn 01 44 30 87 43 French Language Isabelle Poiraudeau 01 56 40 24 81 Chief editor of French Desk Gilles Seydoux 01 44 30 83 68 Assistant Director for Diane Galliot 01 56 40 46 97 Chief Editor at Weekends News Commentaries Jean-Pascal Guiot 01 56 40 34 41 General Secretary for Services Anne-Marie Capomaccio 01 56 40 30 80 Africa Desk Olivier Da Lage 01 56 40 19 09 International Desk Valérie Lainé Dominique de Courcelles 01 56 40 12 86 Europe Desk Sophie Backer 01 56 40 36 79 France Desk Frédéric Gassmann 01 56 40 47 82 Sports Desk Emmanuel d'Abzac 01 56 40 30 31 Dominique Baillard 01 56 40 27 25 Dalila Berritane 01 56 40 52 35 Patrice Biancone 01 56 40 10 73 Christophe Boisbouvier 01 56 40 42 39 Any Bourrier 01 56 40 46 96 Frédéric Couteau 01 56 40 47 49 Kamel Djaïder 01 56 40 15 36 Véronique Gaymard 01 56 40 35 49 Frédérique Genot 01 56 40 52 39 Albéric de Gouville 01 56 40 52 39 Philippe Lecaplain 01 56 40 30 15 CONTACTS Philippe Leymarie 01 56 40 35 11 Alain Masson 01 56 40 52 39 Bernard Nageotte 01 56 40 30 80 Norbert Navarro 01 56 40 30 46 Muriel Pomponne 01 56 40 27 70 Juliette Rengeval 01 56 40 47 49 Frédéric Rivière 01 56 40 16 37 News Magazine Programmes Laurence Aloir 01 56 40 13 31 Yvan Amar 01 56 40 52 22 Brice Barillon 01 56 40 13 94 Kidi Bebey 01 56 40 55 39 Emmanuelle Bastide 01 56 40 47 60 Laurent Berthault 01 56 40 18 99 Vladimir Cagnolari 01 56 40 15 58 Jean-Yves Casgha 01 56 40 60 11 Arielle Cassim 01 56 40 45 74 Marie-France Chatin-Laroche 01 56 40 40 19 Isabelle Chenu 01 56 40 10 36 Yasmine Chouaki 01 56 40 44 68 Jean-Marie Coat 01 56 40 46 11 Pierre-Édouard Deldique 01 56 40 40 17 Geneviève Delrue 01 56 40 40 14 Dominique Desaunay 01 44 30 83 11 Daniel Desesquelle 01 56 40 30 76 Gérard Dreyfus 01 56 40 25 56 Benson Diakité 01 56 40 40 59 Ludovic Dunod 01 56 40 43 61 Sophie Ékoué 01 56 40 13 21 Joe Farmer 01 56 40 41 95 Alain Foka 01 56 40 26 24 Catherine Fruchon-Toussaint 01 56 40 13 27 Juan Gomez 01 56 40 15 46 Hervé Guillemot 01 56 40 27 34 Claire Hédon 01 56 40 43 60 Richard Labévière 01 56 40 30 74 Frédérique Lebel 01 56 40 40 16 Jean Legrand 01 44 30 87 94 Jean-François Loiseau 01 56 40 46 01 Elikia M'bokolo 01 44 30 87 75 Amobé Mévégué 01 56 40 24 53/52 79 Madeleine Mukamabano 01 56 40 14 24 Valérie Nivelon 01 44 30 87 81 Pascal Paradou 01 56 40 27 95 Alain Pilot 01 44 30 83 32 Catherine Potet 01 56 40 18 99 Benoit Ruelle 01 56 40 43 66 Catherine Ruelle 01 44 30 83 13 Laurent Sadoux 01 56 40 47 49 Claudy Siar 01 56 40 47 94 Christian Sotty 01 56 40 49 93 Matthieu Vendrely 01 56 40 40 89 Edouard Zambeaux 01 44 30 83 56 Philippe Zickgraf 01 56 40 47 87 Foreign Language Division Barbel Moser 01 56 40 29 27 Director Albanian desk 01 56 40 15 98 Klara Buda Cambodian desk 01 56 40 49 78 Jean-François Tain Chinese Desk 01 56 40 27 29 François Chen / Yan Chen Creole Desk 01 56 40 33 54 Eric Amiens English desk 01 56 40 30 62 Barbara Giudice German desk 01 56 40 58 39 Ulrike Sachweh Laotian Desk 01 56 40 52 63 Thongsy Sonerajvong Persian desk 01 56 40 30 95 Faranguis Razavi Nazer Polish Desk 01 56 40 30 64 Jerzy Sowinski Anna Rzeczycka-Piekarek Portuguese for Africa Desk 01 56 40 25 57 Vasco Valente Portuguese for Brazil Desk 01 56 40 49 05 Eugénia Fernandes Spanish Desk 01 56 40 37 89 Alejandro Valente Romanian Desk 01 56 40 52 48 Sorin Pamfil/Mircea Iorgulescu Russian Desk 01 56 40 36 70/30 98 Dominique Duteil CONTACTS Southern Slavic Languages Desk 01 56 40 21 70 Stanko Cerovic Turkish Desk 01 56 40 52 55/46 86 Ugur Hukum Vietnamese Desk 01 56 40 14 19 Thai Quoc Bach PUBLISHING PARTNERSHIPS Jean-Jacques Dufayet 01 44 30 87 04 Thierry Perret 01 44 30 89 83 International Affairs Division Georges Lory 01 44 30 89 31 Director of International Affairs Jean-Marc Belchi 01 44 30 89 49 Assistant Director Talent+ John Maguire 01 44 30 89 95 Head of rfi talent+ CONTACTS RMC Moyen Orient To email, use: Philippe Beauvillard 01 56 40 17 01 Managing Director Catherine Calvet 01 56 40 17 09 General Secretary Georges Naufal 01 56 40 17 21 Chief Editor Alia Kdeih 01 56 40 17 18 Programme Manager