July 201 - Tahoe Art League


July 201 - Tahoe Art League
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In This Issue:
1) General Meeting, July 8, 2015, 6:00 pm
2) President's Message
3) June Art Contest Report
4) New TAL 2015 Pocket Brochure is Ready for Distribution
5) Studio Tour Update
6) Showing TAL Art Center Gallery
7) Snowflake Gallery
8) Art in the Libraries
9) Art Around Town
10) Plein Air
11) Showcase Gallery
12) Call for Artists, San Rafael Plein Air Event
13) New Security System
14) Bona Fide Books
General Meeting, Wed. July 8, 2015, 6:00 pm
The TAL General Meeting, Wednesday, July
8, 6:00 pm, will be presenting prominent local
plein air painter
Jean Legassick .
Jean LeGassick was born in California
in 1950 and lived there for her first 47 years.
She graduated from Art Center College of
Design, Pasadena, in 1979 with a Bachelor of
Fine Arts Degree. She is a Signature Member
of both the Plein-Air Painters of America and
the California Art Club.
Jean was featured as one of six artists filmed for the PBS series, "Plein-Air:
Painting the American Landscape" which was shown on public television stations
across the nation. This beautiful series is also available for sale. For more information
visit: www.canvaspanels.com/OC-VIDEO,001.html
Jean has a major article as a featured artist in PleinAir Magazine (May 2012), as well
as having her work published in many other national magazines in the past decade.
An art instructor at Cerro Coso Community College in Bishop, California for
many years, she continues to teach an occasional oil painting workshop (see
Workshops page on this web site). Jean now lives in Silver City, a small, historic
mining town in northern Nevada. Visit: www.jeanlegassick.com
The Tahoe Art League General Meeting is held on the second Wednesday
of every month, at the
So. Lake Tahoe Senior Center, 3050 Lake Tahoe Blvd, So. Lake Tahoe,
CA 6:00pm.
Please bring a snack to share and be there at 6pm.
2) Presidents Message
It is with great sadness that I announce our greatly loved
member, friend, teacher, mentor, inspiration, motivator, coach and phenomenal artist
David Russo has passed away. He will be enormously missed by all the people who's
lives he touched with his kindness,
humor and Love for Life! He has been an amazing inspiration for many of us.
We thank you Dave for your humbleness and greatness!
If you have any pictures you would like to share of Dave please bring them to this
months meeting on July 8th.
We will post any information we have about services for David on our TAL website as
they become available.
Some of the news of this last months board and committee members are that
Cheryl Lawson has stepped up to be the Showcase Gallery Manager. We are very
excited to see her staging and business skills expressed in the art gallery. With
Dorthy Davis and Shelby continuing as Co-Chairs of the gallery. Thank You Cheryl
we look forward to this successful collaboration of leaders to coordinate the fabulous
growth of the Showcase Gallery!!! Kelly Cassidy-Smith stepped up to the Vice
President position on the Tahoe Art League board of directors. Thank You Kelly we
appreciate your constant hard work, sacrifices and dedication with the Tahoe Art
We have 1 board position still open; * Secretary.
Let the board know if you have time, or know a person you think that would be a
leader in this position.
Our next meeting and artist demonstration evening will be Wednesday, July 8 th at
6pm. This months artist is the gifted oil painter Jean LeGassick. She also has a
workshop coming up on August 7th - 9th. This demo would be the
perfect introduction to her work if you are interest in joining her for her class in
August. There are flyers for some of the upcoming workshops in the Art Center
Gallery and also on our website.
Our famous Studio Tour is this month! Make sure to put it on your calendars! It will be
the last two weekends in July!!!
To get all the details for this fun event the link is on the website.
Come visit your local artist at their homes and studios and see them in action!
I wish to Thank all the members and supporters of the Tahoe Art League!!!
You are an important part of making Tahoe Art League the amazing and
vibrant art center for our South Lake Tahoe area.
Thanks Again for all your support!
Tahoe Mahalo,
Christie Marie Elder
TAL President / Artist
3) June Art Contest Report
Congratulations to the three winners of the TAL Art Contest at the meeting on June
10. I have attached the pictures I took of the winners with their winning works of art.
Addie Chernus with her painted silk scarf, "Red Rose", and Pres. Christie Elde
Ken McNutt, oil on canvas, "Girl on Rock" Egon Klementi, digital photo, "Butterfly"
We invite all our members to enter one piece of their art in the art contest at
the monthly meeting. We have three categories; Painting, Photography, and 3-D.
Painting also includes printmaking; Photography also includes digital art; and 3-D
includes stained glass, woodwork, metal work, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, or fiber
Please bring your art before 6 pm (the start of the meeting.) The winners will
be announced at the end of each meeting and their picture featured in the next ENews.
New 2015 Pocket Brochure Ready for Distribution
Let's all help publicize the TAL activities and our big summer event, the
Artist Studio Tour, by helping distribute the 2015 Pocket Brochures and the Artists
Registries. Janette has prepared stickers to attach to the Artist Registries, promoting
the upcoming 2015 Studio Tour.
Please sign up to help with distribution. Both publications are stored at
the Art Center (Wed-Sunday 10am-5pm) and the Showcase Gallery. Wed-Mon.
11am-5pm.) You can also pick them up when attending the monthly meeting. Plastic
brochures racks are available to use where needed. We especially need someone to
deliver to the casinos, to the concierges. Thanks to all the members who have already
agreed to help!
Studio Tour Update
The 2015 Studio Tour is approaching!
Week 1 - July 24, 25, 26 .......... Week 2 - July 31, Aug. 1 & 2
The map/brochure can be picked up Wed.- Sun. 10 am to 5 pm,
at the TAL Art Center during the first week of July.
Help is needed to distribute.
Everyone is needed to get the word out.
We appreciate all your help. Hope to see you all there.
Thank you.
Barbara Gustafson - Chair and Walt Stevenson - Co. Chair
Now Showing TAL Art Center Gallery
Lonalee Virgo, plein air painting with oil.
Wyoming Tractor
Bear Attitude
Bear Cub
Old Bear
" Plein Air is the most difficult and yet rewarding thing I ever
attempted." As a member of the Tahoe Art League she joins everyone on the Sunday
summer paint outs for some landscape painting and some time painting flowers at the
Iris Gardens, painting from life as often a possible. Bears are a favorite
subject. Living in the Tahoe area for years has given her knowledge of their anatomy
and character. Lona continues her art education with workshops every chance she
If you are interested in showing at the Gallery please contact the
Gallery Director by calling or e-mailing.
Janette Reed-Lawson, 775 588-5501, jjlawson@charter.net.
7) Snowflake Gallery Summer / Fall Exhibit
Twenty-two artists are hanging their works at the Snowflake Gallery, including
ten new participants: Becky Andrus, Charlotte Bauer, Mike and Pam Black, Barbie Crawford,
Claudia Garza, Ginny Schankerman, Sheila Walker, Marilyn Weiher, and Devron West!
Thanks to the Snowflake Gallery Team who did a great job receiving
and hanging the paintings in a professional manner. Special thanks to Stephanie
Chin who masterfully arranged the show so each work of art looks appealing.
8) A rt in the Libraries;
Lake Tahoe Community College
The Lake Tahoe Community College Library is hosting a one-man exhibit of paintings,
photographs and sculptures by Egon Klementi until the end of July. In August and
September, the library will feature photographs by Laurie Ault.
Charlotte Sylvest Bauer
A collection of fine art in various media by
Charlotte Sylvest Bauer is on display at the El
Dorado County Library at Rufus Allen Boulevard.
Charlotte has continued to develop her skills in
oil painting, watercolor, drawing and pen and ink,
while studying art at the Lake Tahoe Community
College. Her self portrait was awarded a top
prize at the spring college student show.
Charlotte is a loyal ember of TAL's Plein Air
9) Art Around Town
Art Around Town at the Cup of Cherries Coffee Cafe
Ernie Claudio has been working very successfully as site manager at
the Cup of Cherries Coffee Cafe on Lake Tahoe Boulevard, near Teps
Restaurant. This little cafe is very busy with tourists enjoying delicious breakfast and
lunch items while taking in the TAL art. Steve Williams and Devron West are the
newest members showing at this cafe. If you'd like to show your art at an Art Around
Town venue, please contact Lois Loveless at loloveart@sbcglobal.net.
Artist, Devron West.
Artis, Steve Williams
Cup of Cherries Cafe
Plein Air
We are all shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Dave Russo's passing at
home. Dave last painted with us on Sunday June 21st at Cathedral Meadow.
Although it was windy, he was very eager to finish his beautiful
watercolor of Mt.
Tallac. We huddled together for the critique at noon
and enjoyed his encouraging words and usual jokes and stories.
Dave hosted the Sunday Plein Air painting for 13 years. How fortunate we were to
have such a special mentor, teacher, and friend. He enriched our lives with his
generous spirit and inspired us all by
his example of diligence, discipline, and creativity.
We will continue to come together and paint together, as he would want us to do. We
go to Christmas Valley on June 28th, and then head up to higher lands, visiting Hope
Valley on July 12th, and Blue Lakes Rd. On the 19th. Then we take the next two
weeks off so members can visit or participate in the Studio Tour.
Sue Stevenson
11) Showcase Gallery
Showcase Gallery has a new look and lots of improvements over
the past few months. We have a display case with jewelry and pottery. We now have
eight new artists in our in our gallery. Four new painters - Craig Newman, Devron
West, Noelle Perry, and Mark Kyle. Two jewelers - Walt Stevenson and Rande
Szromba. Photographer - John Gaffney, and Potter Larry Dee Goodman. And, we
have for two full spaces available. Contact our new Directors Cheryl Lawson or
Shelby Kolstad.
Cheryl Lawson
12) Call for Artists, San Rafael Downtown Plein Air
My name is Amanda Tryon, and I'm the communications
coordinator for the Downtown San Rafael Business Improvement District.
In coordination with Marin Open Studios, we're putting on a Plein Air Paint
Out event in downtown San Rafael on Saturday, August 29, and we
would love your help in reaching potential artists to participate!
Contact; Carol Thompson, 415 720-5591, carol@srbid.org
Registration form: www.downtownsanrafael.org
13) New Security System
Please be advised:
The security system at the Art Center is in operation.
14) Bona Fide Books
Tahoe Art League Studio Tour
At Bona Fide HQ Two Weekends!
July 24, 25, 26 & July 31, August 1, 2
10:00AM - 5:00PM
Artists Ken McNutt and Karen Cutter will return for one
of the summer's signature art events with prints,
paintings, and handmade fabric books. Plein air
painter Claudia Garza will join the fabulous lineup.
Come out for local art and make your own print in
our print shop!
The Academy of Hay
by Julia Shipley
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming
release of The Academy of Hay by Julia Shipley,
winner of the 2014 Melissa Lanitis Poetry Prize. "If
Thoreau's currently reincarnated, odds are he's
Shipley," says poet April Ossmann. Shipley's
luminous debut collection delivers a feminist
response to our world straight from the earth.
Preorder your copy now.
The Tall Timber Ball
Steampunk in the
October 9, 6-10 pm
Tickets are now
available for the event
of the year! Pull out
Tahoe History Comix
your steampunk finery
and join us at Valhalla
The Lake Tahoe
Society for Storytelling &
Enlightenment: STATE ROUTE 28. Join
Check out the latest from
cyclist Marcus from the Netherlands on a journey
from Tahoe City to Spooner Summit, and learn
about the history of Tahoe timber and
transportation along the way! Available at Bona
Fide Books in Meyers or online.
Lively Victuals &
Costume Contest
All Manner of Curious
Things Auction
Reception with Garth
Only 100 tickets
Having trouble keeping track of all the great literary
events in our patch of the woods? Bookmark this
Get yours now.
page: The Sierra Literary Alliance. This online
See Tahoe WordWave
calendar features literary events in the Sierra
lineup and schedule
Nevada and Lake Tahoe Basin. Over time,
SierraLit.org will feature regional writers and
resources. The group's vision is to build a
collaborative network of artists and organizations to
grow and further establish the region's literary
identity. You can also find the Sierra Literary Alliance
The Community of
Writers at Squaw
on Facebook and Twitter.
JULY 7-13
The public events are
posted! Writers, head
to Squaw Valley for
Lit Events & News
free craft talks, panels,
and readings.
For a complete listing, go to our calendar.
Makers Monday, Print Club, and Book Arts Club will
Tahoe Writers Works
return in the fall.
Tahoe Writers Works,
Sierra Valley Farms is up and running! Gary
an open workshop for
writers of any genre,
meets every other
Romano (WHY I FARM) is at six farmers' markets
Tuesday, 6:30 pm, at
this year, including his own Friday market on the
Bona Fide HQ. Next
farm. For more about Gary's market schedule, guest
chefs, concerts, and barn dinners, go to Sierra
Valley Farms. If you've got a free Friday, get thee to
Beckwourth! The market is from 10-2 with a guest
chef demo around lunchtime.
one of 16 Modern Poets You Need to Know About.
meetings: July 7 &
21; August 4 & 18.
Friends of the Library
For a complete listing of Friends of the Library (FOL)
events, go to the South Lake Tahoe Library page.
Tuesday, June 30, 6 pm:Author Cindy Sample will
discuss her award-winning Laurel McKay mystery
series, set in El Dorado County. Sample's series has
been described as the perfect blend of intrigue,
humor, and romance. She will discuss her potholefilled path to publication and also focus on her latest
release, Dying for a Dude, a 2015 LEFTY Award
Finalist for Best Humorous Mystery. Q & A and book
sale to follow.
Saturday, July 25, 10 am:FOL Book Sale
Hundreds of books will be available--pick up your
summer reading here! Friends of the Library get in at
9 am. What better time to become a member?
Wednesday, July 29, 6:30 pm:Author Todd Borg
returns with Tahoe Blue Fire, the 13th in his Owen
McKenna mystery thriller series. In Tahoe Blue Fire,
a former pro football player is the prime suspect in
Tahoe murders, but traumatic brain injury from this
days on the gridiron complicates the case. The
author will hold a discussion, followed by a book sale
and signing.
Mark Your Calendars! Sunday, August 23, 4-7 pm,
the South Lake Tahoe Friends of the Library will host
A Toast to Die For: An Evening of Mystery at the
Library. Featuring hearty appetizers, beverages,
music, and a silent auction, an aura of mystery will
pervade the scene, both inside and out. Enjoy
readings by local mystery writers and special
library mysteries to solve. Tickets to this library
fundraiser are $45 and available at the South Lake
Tahoe Library, 1000 Rufus Allen Boulevard. For
more information call (530) 573-3185.
SLT Friends of the Library events are held at 1000
Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe. If you'd like to
become a member of the Friends of the Library,
please click here. The FOL provides important
services, and Bona Fide is proud to be a supporter.
LITERARY ARTS & WINE is a monthly reading
series held the third Sunday of every month at 6:30
pm at COFFEEBAR in Truckee, CA. On Friday, July
17, Karen Terrey, Marianne Porter, and Nicole
Dreon will read.
Sundance Books, Reno
Links to Sundance's excellent literary events can be found
things we like
Ladies. Letterpress. Removable posters.
What's not to like?
Thanks for reading!
This Newsletter is designed and produced by Janette Reed-Lawson, for the Tahoe Art League, using the Constant
Contact E-mail Server. If you have any comments or interesting news you would like to share with the members
of the Tahoe Art League regarding your activities in art, such as showings, awards, or workshops, please send
to my e-mail address provided below. Thank you.
Artfully, your E-News Editor
Janette Reed-Lawson
PO Box 1755, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448
775 558-5501 jjlawson@charter.net