živa zgodovina - Zavod Celeia Celje
živa zgodovina - Zavod Celeia Celje
ŽIVA ZGODOVINA na Starem gradu Celje Naj vas grajski duh ponese stoletja nazaj, ko se je na konici meča prepletala ljubezen, pomešana s smehom in solzami dvornih dam ter njihovih vitezov. vsako soboto in nedeljo do konca oktobra 2016 med 11.00 in 19.00 Z grajskega hriba se v daljave vidi sij treh zvezd, ki sijejo prav tako močno kot v času mogočne rodbine Celjskih. Prepletanje mnogih zgodb in mitov o življenju ene najpomembnejših srednjeveških rodbin v Evropi vabi obiskovalce k odkrivanju Starega gradu Celje. Ljubezen, spletke, tragedije, ljubosumje, poroke in vojne so le nekateri od motivov, ki burijo človeško domišljijo še danes. Postanite del Žive zgodovine! Program Žive zgodovine se bo izvajal le ob ugodnih vremenskih razmerah, v primeru dežja animacije odpadejo. Animacije so vključene v redno ceno vstopnine: otroci do 6. leta brezplačno, 1 EUR za otroke od 7. do 15. leta, 4 EUR za odrasle. Organizator si pridržuje pravico do spremembe programa. Več: +386 3 544 36 90, tic@celje.si, tic.grad@celje.si, FB Stari grad Celje, www.celje.si, www.grad-celje.com LIVING HISTORY at the Old castle Celje Let the castle spirit take you back centuries ago when, at the tip of the sword, love was intertwined with laughter and tears of the court ladies and their knights. every Saturday and Sunday until the end of October 2016 between 11.00 and 19.00 From the castle hill you can see the glow of the three stars in the distance, which still shine just as much as they did in the time of the mighty family of the Counts of Celje. The mixture of several stories and myths about the life of one of the most important medieval families in Europe invites the visitors to explore Old Castle Celje. Love, intrigues, tragedies, jealousy, weddings and wars are merely some of the topics which still excite the human imagination. Become a part of the Living history! The Living history program will only be carried out in favourable weather conditions. In case of rain the animations will be cancelled. Animations are included in regular entrance fee prices: children until the age of 6 free entry, 1 EUR for children aged 7-15, 4 EUR for adults. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event program. More info: +386 3 544 36 90, tic@celje.si, tic.grad@celje.si, FB Stari grad Celje, www.celje.si, www.grad-celje.com