Dispatch 072816 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
Dispatch 072816 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
Weekly contest ... AutoMatters & More ... Best bets this weekend ... Enter to win free admission to enjoy thorThis week get a glimpse of new releases, ‘Star Marionette Show, Cammies to College, Unoughbred racing at the world-famous Del Trek Beyond’ and ‘Jason Bourne.’ leashed Surf Dog Competition, Firefighter Mar Race Track. Chili Cook-Off. See page 17 See pages 21-22 See pages 12 Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • ARMED FORCES Navy FIFTY SIXTH YEAR NO. 8 THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees August observances Admit You’re Happy Month American Adventures Month American Artists Appreciation Month American Indian Heritage Month Black Business Month Boomers Making A Difference Month Bystander Awareness Month Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month Child Support Awareness Month Children’s Vision & Learning Month Get Ready for Kindergarten Month Family Fun Month Happiness Happens Month Motor Sports Awareness Month National Breastfeeding Month National Catfish Month National GoatCheese Month National Golf Month National Immunization Awareness Month National Panini Month National Picnic Month National Minority Donor Awareness Month National Read A Romance Month National Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month National Traffic Awareness Month National Truancy Prevention Month National Water Quality Month National Win With Civility Month Neurosurgery Outreach Month Peach Month Psoriasis Awareness Month Rye Month Shop Online For Groceries Month What Will Be Your Legacy Month World Mutt-i-grees Rescue Month XXXI Summer Olympics: 521 New commanding general at 3rd MAW VCNO ON TOUR Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Bill Moran answers questions from Naval officers training at the Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC) to become Warfare Tactics Instructors (WTI). Navy photo by MC1 Elliott Fabrizio VCNO visits West Coast Sailors MCAS MIRAMAR (July 22, 2016) - Maj. Gen. Mark Wise, left, incoming commanding general of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, receives the wing’s colors from Maj. Gen. Michael Rocco during a change of command ceremony here. Rocco relinquished command after serving as commanding general of 3rd MAW for approximately two years. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Kimberlyn Adams SAN DIEGO - Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Adm. Bill Moran conducted a series of Fleet engagement visits in San Diego and the Pacific Northwest this week to meet with Sailors, review various waterfront activities and tour Naval installations. “This is a great opportunity to see what’s going on in the Fleet and talk to Sailors,” said Moran. “I can take that feedback back to Washington to inform our decisions and ensure our Sailors get the tools needed to accomplish the mission.” During his discussions, Moran addressed the increasing rate of change within the Navy’s operating environment and how the Navy can keep pace with competitors and threats. “In ‘A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority,’ we stress the need to speed up learning and the acquisition cycle,” said Moran. “The focus is on getting capabilities out into the hands of Sailors faster, so they can quickly learn if and how it adds value to their war fighting effort.” In San Diego, VCNO conducted all hands calls and met with Sailors assigned to USS Lake Champlain (CG 57); USS Independence (LCS 2); the “Merlins” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 3; and the Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center. VCNO also reviewed information warfare initiatives being developed by SPAWAR, toured activities at Naval Special Warfare Command, and met with their leadership. The trip’s San Diego portion concluded with a visit to Northrop Grumman to receive an update on autonomous and unmanned systems including the MQ-4C Triton and a potential design for the X-47B Stingray. While in the Pacific Northwest, Moran conducted an all hands call and tour aboard USS Nimitz. Do the Math 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 www.sbmotor.com MASSIVE INVENTORY!! MASSIVE SAVINGS!! Navy conducts first LCS harpoon missile test at RIMPAC K AUAI, Hawaii - San Diego-based USS Coronado (LCS 4) successfully executed the first live-fire over-the-horizon missile test using a Harpoon Block IC missile July 19 during the Navy’s Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise. The test validated the operation of the Harpoon missile aboard a littoral combat ship and provided the necessary engineering data to support future ship upgrades. “This Harpoon [demonstration] on Coronado supports the Navy’s larger distributed lethality concept to strengthen naval power at and from the sea to ensure the Navy maintains its maritime superiority,” said Rear Adm. Jon Hill, program XO for Integrated Warfare Systems. The Harpoon installation aboard Coronado involved the collaboration of fleet and industry partners, such as ship designers, system design and sustainment experts, and installers to rapidly adapt and install the missile. “The incorporation of an ‘off-the-shelf’ Harpoon missile on USS Coronado in less than four months was no small feat and supports [the CNOs’] focus on accelerated learning to bring capabilities to the fleet faster,” said Capt. Joe Mauser, PEO IWS Harpoon lead. Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the- horizon weapon designed to execute anti-ship missions against a range of surface targets. It can be launched from surface ships, submarines and aircraft and is currently used on 50 Navy ships: 22 cruisers, 21 Flight I destroyers and seven Flight II destroyers. The test is part of a greater strategy by the Navy to increase the lethality and survivability of LCS, including demonstrating and deploying OTH capability on Coronado and USS Freedom (LCS 1) in the near term. “With every deployment, LCS is bringing increased capability to the fleet, and USS Coronado is no exception,” said Rear Adm. John Neagley, program executive officer for LCS. “The Harpoon demo is yet another example of the power and promise of these warships.” In September 2015, Director of Surface Warfare Rear Adm. Peter Fanta directed the installation of a technologically mature, overthe-horizon capability across in-service littoral combat ships to support the Navy’s distributed lethality concept. Priority was given to Coronado and Freedom as ships preparing to deploy in fiscal year 2016. In the case of Coronado, an in-service variant of the Harpoon Weapon System (HSLCLS 9/10 and Block 1C missile) was selected as a proven off-the-shelf combat capability. USS Coronado launches the first overthe-horizon missile engagement using a Harpoon Block 1C missile during RIMPAC. Navy photo by Lt. Bryce Hadley No decision has been made on which over-thehorizon missile will be integrated into the LCS platform. 36 L Frank Motors is now hiring part-time & full time employees. Apply on-line www.FrankToyota.com 2400 NatioNal city blvd. 3150 NatioNal city blvd. 2940 NatioNal city blvd. www.franktoyota.com www.frankhyundai.com www.franksubaru.com 2 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 888.217.1866 4-WHEEl aliGNMENt $ 95 X WaS $11995 89 WD[ 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH ,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 866.542.8238 Military Special only oil & FiltER cHaNGE 29 $ 95 WD[ X WaS 3495 3OXV $Q\UHFRPPHQGHG6HUYLFHVRU5HSDLUV 6\QWKHWLF99DGGLWLRQDO7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRI SXUFKDVH&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXV SXUFKDVHV3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRIZULWHXS2IIHUH[SLUHV 10% OFF 0D\QRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHUVSHFLDO /LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNWR\RWD IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNK\XQGDL IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNVXEDUX FRoNt bRaKE SPEcial ,QVSHFWDQG 5HVXUIDFH5RWRUV ,QVSHFW%UDNH +DUGZDUH 5HSODFH)URQW %UDNH3DGV $ ,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWD+\XQGDLRU6XEDUXRLOILOWHU 5HSODFHHQJLQHRLOXSWRTWVFRQYHQWLRQDORLO 7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV FREE&KHFNVHWWLUHSUHVVXUHWRYHKLFOHVSHFLILFDWLRQV FREE 0XOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQ FREE &DU:DVK FREE %DWWHU\7HVW 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV 888.207.1891 7R\RWD+\XQGDLRU6XEDUXRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ1RWYDOLGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQW 9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN$XWR0RWRUVORFDWLRQV&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHG WRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV WE HoNoR oUR MilitaRy!! )ROORZXVRQ7ZLWWHU WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNWR\RWDVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNK\XQGDLVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNVXEDUX National Military Coalition continues strikes to defeat ISIL, OIR spokesman says by Lisa Ferdinando WASHINGTON - Coalition forces continue strikes against ISIS and the Levant, to support local forces fighting to reclaim areas including Mosul in Iraq, and Manbij in Syria, the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve said July 22. Speaking via videoconference from Baghdad, Army Col. Christopher Garver told reporters the coalition has conducted 73 strikes inside Iraq over the last seven days in support of Iraqi security forces. “In the Tigris River Valley in northern Iraq, shaping operations in preparation for the eventual liberation of Mosul continue,” he said, adding that Iraqi forces continue clearing operations in the vicinity of Qayyarah. Iraqi forces are clearing Aswajah Gharbi on the east side of the Tigris River, he said, while remaining focused on reclaiming Qayyarah and Sharqat. “The ISF continues offensive operations in and around the area,” Garver said. The coalition has conducted more than 450 strikes to date in support of the operations along the Tigris, he said. daily life and how it facilitates the movement of foreign fighters in and out of Syria and Iraq, Garver said. In the Euphrates River Valley, the 7th Iraqi Army Division cleared the Dulab Peninsula, he said. ISIL controls an area north of the river, and the ISF is “consolidated and holding defensive positions in Dulab and the surrounding villages,” he said. In Syria, the Syrian Arab Coalition and other members of the Syrian Democratic Forces continue “to push the fight forward slowly and deliberately” in Manbij, he said. Those forces have seized just under half of the city.. ISIL continues to “fight hard within the center of Manbij with machine guns, well-placed snipers, and improvised explosive devices,” he said. “We have seen [ISIL] collapsing back into the center of the city.” The terrorists have used civilians as “human shields and as bait,” Garver said, “by sending them into range of SAC weapons, trying to draw the fire of the SDF towards the civilians.” Garver said the coalition is reviewing information about reports of civilian casualties in a recent coalition strike. “We also see indoctrination of the young by rewriting text books with the language of hate for those not following the prescribed [ISIL] way of life written into it,” he said. FILE PHOTO - An Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker refuels a Thunderbolt II over Turke Jan. 6. photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Hook “The strike was against both buildings and vehicles,” Garver said. “Afterwards, we received reports from several sources, both internal and external, that there may have been civilians in the area who are mixed in and among the [ISIL] fighters.” Garver said the coalition will determine if the information is credible enough to warrant a formal investigation. “As we have discussed many times, we apply an extraordinary amount of rigor into our strike clearance procedures to do everything possible to avoid civilian casualties or unnecessary collateral damage and to comply with the principles of the Law of Armed Conflict,” he explained. The Syrian Arab Coalition is maintaining momentum in the fight for Manbij with the support from coalition strikes, Garver said. Since the beginning of the offensive on May 21, the coalition has conducted more than 500 strikes in support of the operation, he pointed out. More than 10,000 items, including more than four terabytes of digital information, have been seized in the Manbij op, he said. The information is providing insight into how ISIL controls Temperatures in Iraq have soared to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, with the Iraqi government declaring the last two days as “heat days” and minimizing the number of officials at work, Garver noted. “But despite the brutal heat and the increased dust in the air, the Iraqi security forces have continued offensive operations in both the Euphrates and Tigris River valleys,” he said. In addition, Garver highlighted how the coalition has trained more than 23,770 Iraqi security forces. The inaugural class of border guard police training wrapped up July 20, he said, noting the approximately 300 graduates of the four-week course will be deployed to complement national and local police training efforts. Armed Forces Dispatch (619) 280-2985 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 E-mail: editor@navydispatch.com Publisher.............................Sarah Hagerty The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is in no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 3 Future USS Detroit (LCS 7) completes acceptance trial MARINETTE, Wis. - Future USS Detroit (LCS 7) successfully concluded its acceptance trial July 15 after completing a series of graded in-port and underway demonstrations for the Navy’s Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV). The acceptance trial is the last significant milestone before delivery of the ship to the Navy, which is planned for this fall. During the trial, the Navy conducted comprehensive tests of the littoral combat ship (LCS) intended to demonstrate the performance of the propulsion plant, shiphandling and auxiliary systems. While underway, the ship successfully performed launch and recovery operations of the 11-meter rigid hull inflatable boat, conducted surface and air self-defense detect-to-engage exercises, and demonstrated the ship’s maneuverability. “Another thorough trial by the Board of Inspection and Survey, and another ship with improved scores and at a lower cost than her predecessor,” said LCS Program Manager Capt. Tom Anderson. “Detroit’s perfor- mance during acceptance trial is a testament to the hard work of the Marinette workforce. I look forward to placing the ship in the capable hands of her crew later this summer.” Following delivery and commissioning in its namesake city of Detroit, LCS 7 will sail to California to be homeported in San Diego with sister ships USS Freedom (LCS 1), USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) and USS Milwaukee (LCS 5). the fall. Meanwhile future USS Billings (LCS 15) laid her keel in November 2015 and sister ship future USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) started fabrication in August 2015 and laid her keel in Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus speaks with media after the christening ceremony of future littoral combat ship USS Detroit (LCS 7). Navy photo by MCC Sam Shavers July. Additional ships in the preproduction phase include future USS St. Louis (LCS 19), future USS Minneapolis/St. Paul (LCS 21), future USS Cooperstown (LCS 23) and to-be-named future LCS 25. Designed and built by two industry teams, the LCS class consists of the Freedom variant led by Lockheed Martin, Business & Service Directory IN ACCOUNTING /HDUQKLJKGHPDQGMREVNLOOV LQRXUUHDOZRUOGKDQGVRQ YRFDWLRQDOWUDLQLQJSURJUDP THE ACCOUNTING ACADEMY $FW1RZ*HW6WDUWHG CALL 858-835-1420 RUXVHZZZWKHDFFRXQWLQJDFDGHP\FRP LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO USE YOUR VA BENEFITS TO PURCHASE A HOME OR GET CASH 619-635-0355 BRE #01172865 Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Call to schedule an appointment 619.795.0955 by Grady T. Fontana SATTAHIP, Thailand - Despite continued conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere, the U.S. remains committed to a refocus of strategic priorities to the Pacific region. While conflicts and territorial disputes constitute regional issues in the Pacific, each military service continues to hone their maritime tactics, techniques and procedures in support of the rebalance to the Pacific region. One of the biggest challenges when operating in the Pacific region is the vast area covered -- almost half of the earth’s surface. Post-9/11 and after more than a decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Marine Corps and Army are rediscovering, redefining and re-evolving their amphibious roots while working closely with the Navy - and in times of fiscal constraints, the services must find ingenious ways to operate at reduced costs. LCS is a modular, reconfigurable ship, with three types of mission packages including surface warfare, mine countermeasures, and anti-submarine warfare. The Program Executive Office for Littoral Combat Ships is responsible for delivering and sustaining littoral mission capabilities to the fleet. For more news from Naval Sea Systems Command, visit http:// www.navy.mil/local/navsea/. A UH-60 helicopter is lowered into general purpose, heavy lift ship MV OCEAN GLORY during a backload of equipment at Chuk Samet. Navy photo by Grady T. Fontana From June through August, U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM) is conducting a series of bilateral exercises designed to promote partnership and interoperability between the U.S. and three Southeast Asia countries’ militaries during exercises’ Hanuman Guardian in Thailand, Keris Strike in Malaysia, and Garuda Shield in Indonesia. Since personnel and equipment deployed from the U.S., the exercises presented a formidable logistical challenge that U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) mobilized, along with Military Sealift Command (MSC). Military Sealift Command’s contracted voyage-charter MV &+(&.285*5($77,&.(735,&(6 MANILA SPECIAL AS LOW AS MNLS #239787 10 Discount on any Massage 1 block West of I-15 4 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 BECAUSE YOU HAVE EARNED IT, Carvajal Law PC Family petitions, naturalization, Parole-in-Place & more. Free consult with the mention of this ad. 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D $ Consolidated Lenders Immigration Attorney New Energy Massage buy acquisition strategy. Military Sealift Command, USARPAC voyage through Pacific pathways Several more Freedom variants are under construction at Fincantieri Marinette Marine Corporation in Marinette, Wisconsin. Future USS Little Rock (LCS 9) is preparing for builder’s trials. Christened in January, future USS Sioux City (LCS 11) is currently conducting system testing in preparation for trials in 2017. Future USS Wichita (LCS 13) is preparing for launch in EARN A CERTIFICATE and the Independence variant led by Austal USA for LCS 6 and follow-on even-numbered hulls; General Dynamics Bath Iron Works led on LCS 2 and LCS 4. Thirteen ships are under construction, purchased as part of the Navy’s innovative block- $ 660 WITH TAX FROM SAN DIEGO ASK US ABOUT OTHER ASIA DESTINATIONS AIRFARE lAyAwAy PlAN AVAIlABlE SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLIES. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CST 2007746-10 Visit our facebook page Visit our website: www.travelnetworksan.com 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92111 7+(3/$&(72*2%()25(<28*2$1<:+(5( )D[ email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 619-696-0200 Ocean Glory recently conducted a backload of about 250 items in Sattahip, Thailand, as part of the mobility operation Pacific Pathways 16-2 (PP16-2). Ocean Glory is a general purpose, heavy lift, commercial ship from Intermarine under contract by MSC to support PP16-2, a USARPAC mobility operation that supports the three USARPAC exercises and links them into a single operation by using a MSC charter vessel to carry a designated task force and force package equipment for the entire duration. Pacific Pathways is an innovation that links the series of USPACOM-directed security cooperation exercises with allied and partner militaries, and reduces the tyranny of time, distance and cost impacts compared to a multi-vessel liner service. “The ‘pathway’ is the link between these previously-independent bilateral and multilateral exercises, and the unit is mission-tailored and task-organized for the entire series of exercises,” said U.S. Army Col. Bob Curran, mobility director, USARPAC. “The Pacific Pathways concept commits a designated task force and their force package equipment to the entire duration of a pathway.” !!Attention Military!! The Oceanside Swapmeet Open Saturdays & Sundays The Place To go before you go anywhere! Email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 Saturdays we have spaces for 1st time vendors for $5 Saturday FREE Admission for all Sunday Military Get in 2 for 1 3480 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Ca 92058 2I¿FH ND Call Gino 760-535-8880 Introduce your business to the military market by advertising in our Business & Service Directory Call 619.280.2985 FREE ESTIMATES - Serving Military for Over 23 years CLUTCH A/C Body BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL $ Service Work from $ Per Axle, Parts & Labor included. Most Cars Standard Brake Packages Don’t Wait Until You Have a Problem! and Repair TIMING BELT SPECIAL from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included and Paint CV JOINT AXLE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included Most Cars. Parts & Labor included. Includes: Pressure plate and disc. Adjustment, New throw out bearing. Pilot bearing. Inspect flywheel FUEL INJECTION SERVICE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR Veterans News It’s recess time: Visit your legislators Resource & Career Fair Vetready, a non-profit corporation based in San Diego, will be hosting a Support Our Troops Resource & Career Fair Aug. 10. This event is open to the public, so veterans, active duty and military spouses may attend. Vetready has hosted Veteran Career Fairs all over the country, servicing over 1,000 companies and thousands of job seekers since 2012. Next month’s fair will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Anchors Catering and Conference Center on board Naval Station San Diego. As an incentive, Vetready will offer a $200 cash prize for the 150th job seeker. All job seekers should register for this event by going to http://vetready.org/index.php/ employment-services/event-re gistration?view=foxcontact. Send a resume to recruiting@vetready.org. (FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION) - Between now and September 5, most U.S. senators and representatives will be on recess in their home states/districts to meet with constituents. All members of the House of Representatives and 34 Senate seats are up for re-election. This is a great opportunity for shipmates to visit their elected official. You can go as an indi- vidual constituent or perhaps a group visit could be arranged as a branch activity. When legislators return to Washington, they will be working on the final version of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, H.R. 4909/S. 2943). FRA suggests you ask your legislators to: New VA data on veteran’s suicide According to new statistics by the Department of Veterans Affairs, about 20 veterans commit suicide each day across the nation. That figure lowers the department’s previous estimate of 22 veteran suicides per day, a figure based on data from only 20 states, and did not contain full military records from the Pentagon. The new data shows that the risk of suicide for vets is 21 percent higher when compared to civilian adults. Vet suicides increased by more than 32 percent from 2001 to 2014, compared with 23 percent for civilians. In 2014, vets accounted for 18 percent of suicides nationwide despite making up less than 9 percent of the population. The risk was found to be more acute for female veterans, whose suicide rates rose 85 percent over that time, compared with 40 percent for civilian women. Among veteran suicides, 65 percent were committed by those 50 years or older, who spent little or no time fighting in the recent wars. “One veteran suicide is one too many, and this collaborative effort provides both updated and comprehensive data that allows us to make better-informed decisions on how to prevent this national tragedy,” said Dr. David Shulkin, the VA’s undersecretary for health. The Fleet Reserve Association believes that suicide prevention is a high priority. FRA supported the “Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act” that was signed into law last year. It requires the VA and DoD to allow for an independent third party evaluation of their mental health care and suicide prevention programs on an annual basis. • Oppose drastic TRICARE Prime and pharmacy co-pay increases for retirees under age 65; • Stop active duty TRICARE fees for those who join after Jan 1, 2018; • Oppose any TRICARE fee increases for retirees beyond annual COLA caps. (Currently TRICARE fee increases for military retirees are capped at the same rate as annual cost-ofliving adjustments); • Support an adequate active duty pay increase; • Oppose language that makes big cuts in Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for active duty personnel, particularly those who share quarters with spouses or roommates who are also service members; • Support the Agent Orange/ Blue Water Navy Bills for those who served on afloat units during Vietnam in the Tonkin Gulf; and • Support the Senate provision to make the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) for military widows/widowers permanent. It’s critical that your legislators know how you feel about these provisions in the FY 2017 Defense Authorization bills. If you can’t visit their offices, use the FRA Action Center (http://action.fra.org/actioncenter/) to weigh in on these and other issues listed on the site. VFW Post & Auxiliary BBQ rib dinner July 29 CORONADO - VFW Post and Auxiliary to General Henry D. Styer Post 2422 will host a BBQ baby back rib dinner this Friday from 5:30-7 p.m. at the VFW Hall at 557 Orange Ave., Coronado. The menu includes a half rack of slow-cooked baby back ribs, classic coleslaw, saucy BBQ baked beans, corn on the cob, and a soft dinner roll, for a donation of $15. A veggie plate will be served for a donation of $8. Take-out is available. Proceeds will benefit the VFW Post and Auxiliary programs. For more information call the post at (619) 435-6917. The VFW and Auxiliary is one of the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organizations and members are the relatives of those who have served in overseas combat. NAS NORTH ISLAND - FLIGHT INFO-LINE: (619) 545-8273 SPACE A DEPARTURE FLIGHTS FROM JULY 28-AUGUST 1, 2016 * TO REGISTER ONLINE, FORWARD YOUR FULL NAME, RANK, AND IF ACTIVE, RETIRED OR RESERVE TO NASNI_AIR_TERMINAL_MANAGER@NAVY.MIL. * SHOW TIME FOR ALL FLIGHTS IS 2 HOURS PRIOR TO THE TIME POSTED BELOW. * 2 CHECKED BAGS/1 CARRY-ON TOTALING 60 POUNDS MAX PER PERSON. * 20 POUNDS MAX PER PERSON ON A C20 AIRCRAFT. * NO OPEN TOE SHOES ALLOWED ON FLIGHTS. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Flt # A/C Type Time CNV 4146 C40 9 a.m. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 Flt # A/C Type CNV 3584 C130 CNV 4626 C40 Time Destinations (Seats Available) 11:35 a.m. PT MUGU (25) 12:30 p.m. FALLON (121) SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016 Flt # A/C Type Time CNV 4601 C40 9 a.m. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 Flt # A/C Type CNV 4541 C40 Destinations (Seats Available) KANEOHE (69) Time 9 a.m. Destinations (Seats Available) NELLIS (121), WHIDBEY (27) Destinations (Seats Available) ELMENDORF (69), BOEING FIELD, WA (24) MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2016 Flt # A/C Type Time Destinations (Seats Available) CNV 4684 C40 12:12 p.m. HICKAM (121) Conditions of Travel: There is no guaranteed space for any traveler. The Department of Defense is not obligated to continue an individual’s travel or return him or her to point of origin, or any other point. Travelers shall have sufficient personal funds to pay for commercial transportation to return to their residence or duty station if space-available transportation is not available. VA Disability Claim Denied? Know Your Rights and Due toDon’t security reasons, weekly Space ‘A’ flight schedule for MaTakethe“No” for an Answer! rine Corps Air Station Miramar isn’t posted for the public. You can call (858) 577-4283 to get an updated Space ‘A’ schedule. Why Risk a Permanent Denial and Lose Back Pay? Non-active duty personnel are invited to join the Navy League. No military service required, just a desire to serve those that serve. Call or Text the Professional Advocates Today! 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQWHH No Fees Unless You Win - Free Consultation 760-585-4665 Call Jay Lott at 619-230-0301 or email him at www.VetDisabilityAid.com jay@navyleague-sd.com for more information. 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 www.dentalartdesigns.com 619-749-0742 www.socaltruck.net • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • MILITARY DISCOUNT Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad General Dentistry, Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry We accept Metlife Tricare and Delta Dental Military Retiree 860 Kuhn Dr. Suite 203 Chula Vista, CA 91914 You name it, We’ve Got It Juan Andre Gomes, DDS Diana Vasquez, DDS 619.656.9393 THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 5 WE ACCEPT VA DENTAL INSURANCE About Your Health Face of Defense: Artillery Marine strives to push physical limits by Lance Cpl. Levi Schultz Heaving 590 pounds onto his shoulders, Marine Corps Sgt. Ryan King repeated a motion he had practiced thousands of times. Weighing in at 205 pounds, the section chief for Kilo Battery, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment here broke two California records during his first weightlifting competition in May. The 25-year-old native of Livermore, California, set the squat record by squatting 590 pounds before setting the record for the combined squat, bench and deadlift weight totaling 1,615 pounds at the Boss of Northern California United States of America Power Lifting competition in Mountain View, California. “It was my first competition, so I just wanted to get a feel for it,” King said. “At first, I didn’t really see a reason to compete. I really enjoyed it and will probably still go back, because everyone was so helpful and encouraging.” King first discovered weight- lifting while attending field artillery occupational specialty training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. “I didn’t really know anything about artillery; I just knew I had to be strong to carry the heavy rounds,” he said. “I fell in love with [weightlifting] there. I wanted to see how strong I could become by pushing my body.” maybe more. If you just clear you mind, you won’t think about what could go wrong.” He made great strides since graduation -- in lifting and as a field artillery Marine. He currently performs duties as a section chief and oversees other field artillery Marines as they operate an M77A2 Light-weight Towed Howitzer. Even after setting the state records, though, he still regards becoming a section chief as his greatest accomplishment. “As a section chief, I’m there to verify that everything is safe,” King said. “I check the round and fuse combination, powder charges and pretty much everything that goes on with the gun.” King said he believes that it’s important for all Marines to maintain a high standard of physical fitness; beyond that of just training for the physical Dentists Affordable General Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Art Palaganas, D.D.S. Aleli Amos Palaganas D.D.S. 7RRWKFRORUHGILOOLQJV7HHWKFOHDQLQJ &URZQVEULGJHV9HQHHUV 5RRWFDQDOWUHDWPHQW 'HQWXUHV)XOO3DUWLDOUHOLQHUHSDLU 7RRWKH[WUDFWLRQ&OHDUFRUUHFWDOLJQHU 2UWKRGRQWLFV%UDFHV,PSODQWV 2UDO5HKDELOLWDWLRQ Children of all ages welcome!! MILITARY INSURANCE ACCEPTED Dental Emergencies/Walk-Ins Welcome Please call for an appointment: (619) 474-8441 &BTUUI4U4VJUF%t/BUJPOBM$JUZ 6 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Marine Corps Sgt. Ryan King, section chief for Kilo Battery, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, conducts a deadlift at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif., July 14, 2016. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Levi Schultz Summer Camp Directory After setting these records, King said, he is even more motivated to continue lifting. His eyes are set on the national competition. “By the end of the year, I’m aiming to squat 635, bench 405 and deadlift 725 pounds,” he said. “My goal is to compete at nationals in 2019.” Fitness and combat fitness tests Marines conduct annually. “You’re not necessarily in shape if you can just run 3 miles in under 20 minutes or do 20 pullups,” he said. “Physical fitness is a complete aspect including running, jumping, swimming and lifting. The stronger you are and the more muscle mass you carry, the less likely you are to get hurt.” On weekdays, King conducts physical training with his gun section. Because of this, he spends many of his afternoons in the gym. “During [physical training], we usually run or do a [High Intensity Tactical Training workout], so I get my cardio in,” King said. “Mondays are bench and heavy deadlifts. Tuesdays, squats and overhead press. Wednesdays, I work accessories like lats, chest flys, incline press, triceps and biceps. On Thursdays, I do bench and deficit deadlifts.” Even though his unit is often training in the field, King said, he always manages to find time SELF STORAGE www.STORAGEWEST.com 877-917-7990 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT for his fitness routine. “If there’s something you want to do, you’ll figure it out,” he added. “If we’re in the field, we’ll do [artillery] round presses. Each round is about 95 to 105 pounds, so if you lift enough of them, you’re going to be strong.” In a typical training program of 12 to 16 weeks, King said, it is important to begin light and work on form and technique to prevent injury. As he approaches the final week, he said, he adjusts to higher weight with fewer repetitions to build strength. “Setting these records made me feel pretty good,” King said. “I worked really hard, so it shows that hard work does pay off. I believe you don’t have to compete to be proud of what you’ve done. It feels good when you reach a new max.” Deadlifting 660 pounds can be dangerous. In addition to properly warming up, King has developed his own way of dealing with stress before a big lift. “I get completely quiet and try to clear my mind,” he said. “I’ve done thousands of reps; If you’re looking for a summer program that will occupy, stimulate and entertain your children check out these great summer offerings! Family owned & operated since 1991 TRANSMISSION 3DOP$YH6DQ'LHJR&D 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGLIIHUHQWLDOUHSDLUV 0DQXDODQG$XWRPDWLF7UDQVPLVVLRQV 6DPH'D\6HUYLFH$YDLODEOH )5((7RZLQJZLWKLQDUHDIRUPDMRUMREV TRANSMISSION REBUILD Military Family Scholarships Available Now! (858) 550-1070 x101 www.LaJollaPlayhouse.org % OFF /DERU&RVWV 2IIHUH[SLUHV DIFFERENTIAL REPAIR SPECIALISTS CLUTCH REPLACEMENT /DERU $ 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV ([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG )5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ )5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV )5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLFZLWKRXUUHSDLU TRANSMISSION 781(83 $ /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD 2IIHUH[SLUHV 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO Tip Q: “I work out and track my food intake with an online tracker but haven’t lost weight, what do I need to change?” I am a 69 year-old woman, 5’6? and weigh about 160 pounds. I have been trying to lose 10 pounds for about three months with no noticeable change. I work out about 4 times a week and I eat about 1500 calories a day. What should I change? I keep track of my food intake with an online fitness tracker. Thanks for your help! – Helen A: If the “calories in versus calories out method” is not working for you, consider the content and timing of your meals. 1500 calories of processed starch and saturated fat may keep the weight on, compared with 1500 calories from whole grains, lean protein, plenty of produce and healthy fats. Not only do the latter foods satisfy better, they take longer to digest thus keeping blood sugar and insulin levels down. The net effect is more calories burned in order to process and metabolize the food and greater ability to release fat for burning. Supporting your workouts with meals and snacks at the right times can pay off two-fold. First, pre-loading with a small supply of carbohydrates, such as from a piece of fruit, a half hour before may give you more endurance for cardio and a stronger finish to weight training. Second, eating a main meal within an hour after exercise capitalizes on your increased metabolic rate to burn more fuel. – Debbie J., MS, RD SPOT A STROKE F ACE DROOPING A RM WEAKNESS SPEECH DIFFICULTY TIME TO CALL 911 On Base & On Board End of Summer Family Campout Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 6-7, 4 pm, $20 adult/$10 child (3-12 yrs.), Breakers Beach, NASNI Coronado Sleep out under the stars ON THE BEACH! Enjoy music, entertainment, games, crafts and our sundown cinema showing Secret Life of Pets (PG). Cost includes the fun, dinner, dessert and breakfast. Families supply their own camping gear. This is not a drop-off event. Advanced registration required. Register: NAB 619437-3190, NASNI 619-545-9576, NBPL 619-553-9138, NBSD 619-556-9597 Ruck My Run Wednesday, Aug. 10 • 11 am-Noon • NAB Turner Field • FREEParticipate in NAB’s 1st annual 2-mile ruck/run/walk event. Participants are encouraged to wear their own “ruck sack” filled with 15 lbs. (minimum) to 40 lbs. (maximum) of weight of your choice. Free T-shirt awaits the first 100 people to complete the event. For details call 619-437-2982 or register at www.navylifesw.com. Movie & Concert Under the Stars Series Friday, Aug. 12, 6:30 pm, FREE NBPL, Harbor Drive Annex, Picnic Area near the Marina Bring a blanket and enjoy games and a special surprise guest followed by The LEGO Movie (PG) under the stars. Info: 619-553-9138 La Jolla Cove Snorkeling Trip Sunday, Aug. 14, 10:45 am, $25, Meet at La Jolla Cove This 50-minute Leopard Shark Encounter includes a lesson and guided tour. Wetsuit, mask, snorkel and fins are provided. Participants may keep rental equipment for remainder of the day. MUST BE ABLE TO SWIM. Transportation not included. Register: NAB 619-437-3190, NASNI 619-545-9576, NBSD 619-556-9597 Family Beach Boot Camp Presented by MWR and USAA Wednesday, Aug. 17, 7:30 am, FREE, NASNI Breakers Beach You CAN have fun getting the boot kicked out of you! We’ll even have a Beach Mini-Boot Camp for kids! Event T-shirt for all those who survive! For more information call 619-545-0237 or register online at www.navylifesw.com. Event proudly sponsored by Armed Forces Dispatch. Paint ‘N Vineyard Thursday, Aug. 18, 6 pm, $25, 16+, Admiral Baker Clubhouse Learn to make an original piece of art with our fun, professional instructor. All supplies included and everyone goes home with their own masterpiece. Register: 619-556-9597 Inflatable Day Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 am-1 pm, FREE, 5+ yrs.*, NBSD Golf Performance Center Inflatable day is coming to NBSD! Enjoy huge inflatables such as the rugged warrior obstacle course, wipeout demolition ball, giant slides and more. Open to the first 600 guests. *Limited inflatables for kids 5+ yrs. Info: 619-556-9597 Temecula Winery Tour Saturday, Aug. 20, 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $30 (21 yrs.+) includes education tour, transportation, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages on bus BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Enjoy breathtaking scenery, good eats and great wines from four award-winning wineries: Wilson Creek Winery, Wiens Family Cellars, South Coast Winery and Callaway Vineyard & Winery. Lunch and extra tastings not included. Pick up locations: 9:30 am Silver Strand Child, Youth & Teen Center/10 am Admiral Baker Picnic Area. Register: NAB 619-437-3190, NASNI 619-545-9576, NBSD 619-556-9597 Half Day Sportfishing Trip Sunday, Aug. 21, 12:30-6:30 pm, $30, Point Loma Sportfishing, 1403 Scott Street Spend the afternoon with Captain Fred aboard his boat, The Daily Double, as he tracks down rockfish, bass, halibut and other bottom species. Bring extra sunscreen and spend your Sunday on the water in the sunshine! Includes equipment and license. Register: NAB 619-437-3190, NASNI 619545-9576, NBPL 619-553-9138, NBSD 619-556-9597 Dream Dinners Wednesday, Aug. 24, 6 & 7:30 pm, $24.99, 10715 Tierrasanta Blvd. Enjoy a night out with friends free of cooking and cleaning. The best part? You’ll leave with three, 3-serving, ready-to-cook meals! Open to first-time Dream Dinners customers only. Register: NAB 619-437-3190, NASNI 619-545-9576, NBSD 619-556-6482 NBSD Duathlon ~ Run, Bike, Run Thursday, Aug. 25, 8 am, FREE Push yourself to reach new heights with a 2-mile run, 8-mile spin, then a second 2-mile run. Run portions will take place on the Admiral Prout Field House track and road with spin portion at the Fitness Station. Register online at www.navylifesw.com or call 619556-7444 for more details. LIBERTY Red Deck Concert Series Concerts open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, Harbor Drive Annex: 619524-6587 Saturday, July 30 and Aug. 27 • 5 pm • FREE LIVE music and free food! All you need to do is sign up. LIVE Summer Concerts! Trips open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. VADM Martin Liberty Center, NASNI: 619-545-3331 Jason Aldean, Saturday, Aug. 13 • 5:30 pm $40Sign up and pay by 8/1Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa, Saturday, Aug. 27 • 5 pm $40Sign up and pay by 8/15All shows at Sleep Train Amphitheater. Cost includes lawn ticket and transportation. Zipli Sund ne A ay, A Feel the rush of a 2-hour tour on California’s longest zipline! ugust dven 28 • 1 1 am ture • $89 Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. NBPL Liberty: 619-524-6587 or 619-553-9138 Universal Studios Trip Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. The RECYARD, NBSD: 619-556-5078 Saturday, Aug. 13 • 8 am • $80 active/$97 guest Take a trip and visit the NEW Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter plus all your original favorites! Cost includes admission and transportation! Huntington Beach Trip Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. NBPL Liberty: 619-524-6587 or 619-553-9138 Saturday, Aug. 13 • 8:30 am • $15 It’s going to be a day of fun in Surf City USA. Cost includes transportation. Races at Del Mar & Concert Trip Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. VADM Martin Liberty Center, NASNI: 619-545-3331. Friday, Aug. 19 4 pm $20 active/$25 guest Cost includes transportation and admission. Sign up and pay by 8/15. Fishing Trip Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Center, NMCSD: 619-532-8909 Saturday, Aug. 20 • $152 active/$167 guest Back by popular demand! Hook the big one with Liberty! Cost includes transportation, boat charter, permit and visa. Rod and reel may be rented on site or bring your own. Passport required. Sign up by 8/15. K1 Speed Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. The RECYARD, NBSD: 619-556-5078 Saturday, Aug. 20 • Noon • $25 active/$35 guest Quench your need for speed! Cost includes race, transportation and snacks. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 7 6/25 7/2 7/9 swap New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you in the Dispatch Church Directory. (619)280-2985 Family From son to shipmate a place where shipmates serve as family while out to sea. “Having my son here actually brings back a piece of home,” said Sosa. “It’s hard to explain, but it’s a good feeling to be able to get away from work and sit down and say ‘Hey son, how are you doing?’” New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you in the Dispatch Church Directory. (619)280-2985 Same as it ever was town. Anna is stylish, and my favorite outfit in high school was an orange wool sweater with matching knee socks. She is long and lean, and I was short and chunky. It is true that Anna is smarter, more popular, more artistic, more beautiful, and vastly more fashionable than I ever was at her age, but we still share certain universal adolescent experiences. Places of Worship While Sosa and Carter are enjoying their time serving together, Sosa said it might not be long before another member of the family puts on the uniform for the first time. “I have another son who is 18 and just graduated high school telling me he is headed over to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and plans on joining up as well,” by MC3 Zackary A. Landers For some, a family legacy of military service is a historical connection, with today’s service members carrying on the tradition from a relative who may have served during World War II or before. Others serve proudly having grown up in a military family, experiencing firsthand the rewards and trials of service with honor. Very few have the opportunity to stand alongside those whose tradition they further. As Carl Vinson conducts operations with Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 122 Flying Eagles, Aviation Structural Mechanic (Safety Equipment) Airman Jaylen Carter has the chance to do just that. Carter is the son of Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Alfonso D. Sosa, Carl Vinson’s night aircraft handling officer. h Both Sailors are Brooklyn, New York natives. “Seeing my dad on that first day up in the tower was definitely crazy,” said Carter. “I never imagined we would be on the same ship.” Carter said he decided to join the military in his junior year of high school. While his father always told him the military was an option, Carter said he never forced the issue. “The military was always there for me, and I’ve seen my dad and I know what to expect,” said Carter. “It’s been a part of my life for so long and it just seemed like the right route to go.” Carter added that serving alongside Sosa allowed him to see the “senior chief petty officer” side of the man he’s always known as “dad.” 8 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Places of Worship B C ayview Baptist Church 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:00 am, 9:00am and 11:00 am Worship Service 2nd Wednesday's 6pm YLoV and YMoV Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" www.bayviewbc.org hrist Community Church Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 8:45 am & 10:45 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Small Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 @gotochrist or facebook.com/cccsd C ity of Praise D el Cerro Baptist Church The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at www.thecityofpraise.org & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired 5512 Pennsylvania Lane, La Mesa, CA. 91942 (619) 460-2210 Pastor, Dr, Mark S. Milwee Sunday Services and Bible Classes: 9am an 10:30am, Wed. Dinner and Bible Study 5:15-7:30pm Cost: For Active Duty Families:$4 per person, children under 5 free, for more information: www.dcbc.org e-mail: julia@dcbc.org Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Alfonso D. Sosa, USS Carl Vinson’s night aircraft handling officer, left, and his son Aviation Structural Mechanic (Safety Equipment) Airman Jaylen Carter, both from Brooklyn New York, pose for a photo on the flight deck. The ship is underway conducting command assessment of readiness and training (CART) II off the coast of South California. U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Sean Castellano “I get to see him in action, he gets to see me in action. For both of our jobs to come together like that is really cool.” said Sosa. “He tells me he definitely wants to be on the aviation side. It makes me feel proud.” For Sosa, service with his son has allowed him to see the boy he raised as a grown man. Sosa credits his sons’ interest in the Navy with his positivity and true love of his job. He said that by seeing him happy and enjoying his work, he gave them a positive image of the Navy throughout their childhood. “It tells me that they see what I’ve done and take pride in it also,” said Sosa. “They are choosing to follow in my footsteps, but I want them to make their own footsteps and walk their own path. In the end, I want them to be the men they want to be, and above all, I want them to be honorable. “Carl Vinson is currently underway conducting command assessment of readiness and training (CART) II off the coast of Southern California. “It makes me proud,” said Sosa. “Now, I see him working and conducting himself in a professional environment and I don’t see a child anymore. I see a grown man doing his job and defending his country.” Sosa said that just as he takes pride in the success of the Sailors he mentors, he is filled with pride as he sees his son leading others and living the values by which he was raised. Sosa went on to say that seeing Carter around the ship brings a feeling of home to F aith Bible Fellowship F irst Baptist Church F 9971 Mission Gorge Rd. Santee, CA (Behind Pacific Western Bank) Sunday School Classes 9am Sunday Services 10am and 6pm Awana Wednesdays 6:30 pm fbfsc.org "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Interim Pastor Jim Baize www.fbcoronado.com Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am Friday's Women's Bible Study 9:30-11:30 am 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 ariel@fbcoronado.com FB: First Baptist Church of Coronado irst Church of Christ, Scientist, Chula Vista A healing church to bless the community-all are warmly welcomed! Sunday: Worship Service and Sunday School 10 am 1st Sunday of every month:Worship Service in Spanish 2 pm Wednesday:Testimony Meeting 7pm Reading Room: 300 Third Avenue, Chula Vista Tu-Sat 10am-2pm Church:41 "I" Street, Chula Vista, Ca 91910 (619) 422-6400 www.prayerthatheals.org F riends Christian Church L ighthouse Baptist Church 10925 Hartley Rd, Ste K Santee, CA 92071 (619) 448-5950 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am "Where the Shout has not Died Out" 1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes: 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 11am,Sunday Evening at 5:30pm Midweek Service and Teen Church, Thursdays at 7pm www.lighthousebaptist.com (619) 461-5561 ayview Baptist Church by Lisa Smith Molinari “You just don’t understand, Mom!” Anna bawled before slamming her bedroom door. The theatrics would make one think that the galaxy was collapsing, but I had merely refused to allow Anna to sleep over at a girlfriend’s house because Anna’s boyfriend was staying there too. I sighed heavily, slurped my now tepid coffee, and wondered if my 18-year-old remembered that science has actually proven that the Earth spins on an axis, and does NOT, in fact, revolve around her. But I knew better than to expect a teenager to imagine that she is anything less than the center of the known Universe. Back in the early 80s, I was a self-absorbed teen too, but countless mother-daughter talks have not convinced Anna that I had ever walked in her shoes. To start, she is a world-traveling Navy BRAT, and I grew up in one small Western Pennsylvania the meat & potatoes of life I’ll admit that Anna’s generation is different than mine. Today’s kids spend a significant portion of their day staring into electronic devices, communicating wirelessly with their thumbs, taking digital photos of themselves, and guzzling the enormous deluge of 24/7 images and information on the Web. By contrast, I grew up without instant information about my friends, because I only communicated with them in person or during calls from the rotary telephone in my bedroom. And, the only electronic screen I looked into with any regularity was our family’s console television, which was usually broadcasting the six-o-clock news, “Magnum P.I.,” “Three’s Company,” or “Hill Street Blues.” Regardless, when I was Anna’s age, I was also plagued by the injustices and insecurities of youth. SEE Same, page 9 M esa View Baptist Church M ilitary Outreach Ministries COGIC M Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday Church School at 8:45 am Morning Worship at 10 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 www.mesaview.org (858) 485-6110 "Supporting all families, all people, at all times" Pastor Dennis Eley, Jr, MBA Sunday: Worship Service 11:30am to 1:30pm Wednesday: Bible Study 6pm to 7:30pm 5120 Robinwood Rd, Bonita, CA 91902 Toll free 855-209-3879 www.militaryoutreachministries.org GET THE APP "MoMinistries" t. Moriah Christian Church "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 www.mtmoriahcc.org N ew Directions Church R eformation Lutheran Church & School A Church where a change of heart take place Sunday Worship 10:30 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 pm Rev. Phillip L. Brown, Sr.; Pastor 4855 Seminol Dr., San Diego, Ca 92115 PO Box 740443 San Diego, Ca 92174 Mailling address www.ndcsd.org (619) 822-4961 Where the warmth of God's love comforts families 4670 Mt. Abernathy Ave, SD 92117 (858) 279-3311 Sunday 8 am and 10:30 am Worship Services Enrolling now in our Preschool and grades K-8 Reformation@RefSD.org Career & Education Hundreds of DoD personnel, dependents visit annual education fair in San Diego by MC2 Christopher Carson Hundreds of Sailors and other Department of Defense members attended the annual San Diego education fair in search of information about higher education opportunities from 80 different vendors July 19. More than 500 Sailors, DoD personnel, and family members showed up to the education fair for information and guidance on higher education opportunities Same continued from page 8 I’d lay on my mock-brass twin bed, ensconced in my Kliban Cat comforter, staring at the yellow walls. None of the billions of teenage girls who had lived before me had ever been through what I had been through. No one understood me. The ordeal of puberty, the anxiety of social acceptance, the surge of hormone-fueled emotions, the awkwardness of adolescence — it was all so overwhelming. Surely, no one since the dawn of time had ever felt the same. In my underdeveloped frontal lobe, I thought the only way to solve all my problems was to somehow get a boyfriend. Or, lose ten pounds. And there was no one, except maybe my best friend Patti Frankovich and sometimes our golden retriever, Cinnamon, who could begin to understand my plight. Especially NOT my parents. I pressed play on my Walkman, and as Culture Club, Duran Duran, Men at Work and Stray Cats washed over my teal-andfuchsia-enamel-earrings and into my longing ears, I never felt so alone. According to Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Giza Carchano the fair was a great place to go for getting answers to her questions. “I learned about how some credits transfer and how some do not,” said Carchano. “It helps you to be more informed before making an actual decision on choosing a college.” Allowing such a congregation not only benefited the attendees, but also helped colleges and universities reach out to a select audience which might otherwise be looked over. Natalie Austin, a representative from Excelsior College in New York, said the event was a great place to meet new students. “These types of events are beneficial to active-duty and dependents because the schools that show up at these larger events are schools that come from all over the country; they don’t normally advertise on a weekly basis at the bases here in San Diego,” said Austin. “You’ll have schools that are both technical and vocational, community colleges and universities, etc.” Navy College San Diego ensures DoD personnel and dependents have access to educators through events such as the education fair. Raymond Sayre, director of education, Naval Base San Diego, said there are benefits to such events. “It’s the only event where we can bring academic institutions throughout the continental United States that can display what they offer to students,” said Sayre. “We do one major fair a year and multiple small fairs as well.” The Navy College provides Sailors with opportunities to earn college degrees through a variety of options. The program’s mission is to provide continual academic support to Sailors while they pursue a technical or college degree, regardless of their location or duty station. by Ed Barker Service members planning to start their college education have a new option for taking admissions tests, including the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT) Assessment Program. New to the testing programs is a reimbursement option for members taking the ACT/SAT at off-base locations, including local high schools or colleges. Service members will pay for the off-base tests upfront when they register, and will be reimbursed by the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) after the fact. “The reimbursement option gives our Sailors the ability to arrange SAT and ACT testing at off-base locations that fit their personal and professional schedules,” said Ernest D’Antonio, Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center’s Voluntary Education program director. ACT and SAT testing through the new DANTES reimbursement program is now the Navy’s primary means for Sailors stationed in CONUS to take these exams. On-base testing at DANTESauthorized testing sites, such as Navy College Offices outside the continental United States, is funded by directly by the Department of Defense and does not require student payment. Other tests eligible for reimbursement through DANTES include a single GED, GMAT, GRE General, GRE Subject, Praxis Core (formerly Praxis I) and Praxis Subject Assessment (including the Principles of Learning and Teaching), and two ACTs and two SATs during a service member’s career. For reimbursement of testing fees, the “Electronic Reimbursement Form” is located on the DANTES website http:// www.dantes.doded.mil/. Service members should select Examinations, Reimbursement Eligibility, then read the instructions and click on the “Electronic Reimbursement Form.” A valid Uniformed Services Common Access Card (CAC) is required to access the Online Reimbursement Center. Service members are required to upload both their official score report and payment receipt with all reimbursement requests in order to receive approval. For additional information on college admissions and academic testing programs, including the new reimbursement policy, visit the DANTES website http:// www.dantes.doded.mil/examinations/index.html#sthash. Bdv8pdQ0.9F8zl8iX.dpbs. Questions related to DANTES testing may also be directed to DANTES Exams at exams@ navy.mil. Sailors may also talk to an education counselor at the Navy’s Virtual Education Center. Call center hours are from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST Monday-Friday and may be reached by calling (877) 838-1659 or DSN 492-4684, or by email at VEC@navy.mil. +p +p 3, TO WORK IN OUR RELAXED OFFICE We will train you if you have the following qualifications: Ő#HTKGPFN[ENGCTXQKEGŐ'PVJWUKCUO Ő%CPYQTM/(HTQO (619) 280-2985 School Directory Enrolling Now7.WK/DSWRSIRUHDFKVWXGHQW 619-677-6347 FREE%UHDNIDVW/XQFKFREE - Before/After School FREE - Music-Dance-Theater-Visual Arts Classes A little school with a big heart! Preschool Free for Families that Qualify Quality Teachers, Preschool Curriculum & Facilities Full-Day, Year Round Child Care But for some reason, this only makes things worse. 4:1 Student Teacher Ratio (18 mos. - 2 yrs.) I hope that Anna’s frustratingly existential mindset will compel her to ignore the bounds of previous experience and blaze her own trail, succeed in college, and do extraordinary things with her life that I could have never imagined. Healthy Meals & Snacks Included And in the meantime, I’ll sit back, slurp my coffee, and watch the world spin slowly around her. 8:1 Student Teacher Ratio (3 yrs. - 5 yrs.) Tuition Assistance Available Call today for a tour at one of our 22 locations! NORTH COUNTY SAN DIEGO )XOO'D\3DUW'D\$JHV )XOO'D\$JHV0RV<UV (760) 639-4175 (858) 278-2571 SOUTHBAY )XOO'D\$JHV (619) 422-4642 www.educ-enrichment.org /LFHQVH((6LVDQHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 9 Although Anna already has a boyfriend and doesn’t need to lose ten pounds, she still feels that same teenage angst that I felt over three decades ago. I tell her about my own adolescent feelings, and the experiences of generations of teenage girls, so she will see that she is not, by any means, alone. that can be afforded to them. Vendors from around the country came together under one roof to ensure attendees had a chance to speak with education professionals and get any information they may need for current and future educational decisions. College in your future? Options expanded for SAT, ACT Local Military Fly-away logistics team shows ability to surge, support during crisis by Candice Villarreal, EL CENTRO, Calif. - Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center (NAVSUP FLC) San Diego put its innovative new Enterprise Logistics Response Team (ELRT) to the test during an offsite field training exercise in El Centro July 21. The ELRT is a 15-person team comprised of supply rating Sailors in pay grades ranging from E-4 to E-6, formed to surge and augment other FLCs in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility in times of crisis or emergency. Known locally as the command’s elite logistics “fly-away team,” they are hand-picked, “trainedto-the-teeth” top performers who are qualified and willing to hit the tarmac at a moment’s notice to provide the kind of logistics support our Navy needs, when it needs it. 10 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 “When a disaster or other emergency situation occurs, the team knows they must be ready to deploy within 48 hours,” said Chief Logistics Specialist Blanca Sanchez. “Once on station -- like we simulated at El Centro -- they will be able to take over for the FLC they’re supporting to allow them to move into the field and operate. It’s all about continuity of operations and making sure our logistics capabilities are on point, no matter what the situation at hand happens to be.” The training exercise, labeled “Go-Crawl” by command leadership, deployed the ELRT to Naval Air Facility El Centro to demonstrate its surge capability in the field. The team opened the exercise with an on-location muster and a gear check before flexing the full array of logistics functions and utilizing information technology systems and communications links to demonstrate full functionality and connectivity. “Go-Crawl was a drill to showcase all the skills this team has compiled in the last few months,” said Lt. Shawn Grogan, distance support division officer. “They set up their workstations, logged into their websites and databases, established connectivity, simulated drills, and got to work performing the functions that will be required of them. The goal was to get them deployable at any given moment to support anything from humanitarian assistance and disaster response to other types of contingencies, and they performed as we’d hoped they would.” The ELRT’s arrival during a real-life scenario will ensure The ELRT Sailors are required to complete dozens of training and qualification requirements including Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training, general purchase card training, material handling equipment qualifications and international driver’s licenses. Additionally, the Sailors are required to main- tain up-to-date pre-deployment medical, dental, and family care plans, passports, and train and qualify on various logistics and transportation systems, in addition to other training requirements. “Now trained and qualified, see ELRT, page 11 Boxer ARG Enters US 7th Fleet Naval Air Facility El Centro is a training installation dedicated to providing premier facilities to enable the warfighter to hone their skills. NAF El Centro is also the winter home of the Blue Angels. Navy photo by Kristopher Haugh warehousing, hazardous materials, port visit service support, aviation supply, postal, and other lifeblood logistics operations continue as necessary when it matters most. level of training and skillsets obtained by ELRT members mirrors much of what would be expected by a chief or senior chief petty officer elsewhere in the fleet. “Personally, I’m proud of what this team has accomplished,” said Sanchez. “This isn’t their typical day-to-day job; it’s something they do on top of that. It takes a lot of effort to be a part of this team, and I believe this training and experience will put them on the fast-track to propel their careers.” “We are taking a group of carefully chosen top performers and equipping them with some advanced training that takes them above and beyond their normal logistics specialist competencies,” said Grogan. “They’re developing skillsets that other seasoned Sailors may collect throughout an entire career, and they’re getting it all at once and being tested on their execution.” Grogan agreed, adding the INDIAN OCEAN - The Boxer Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) entered the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations (AOO), July 23 after nearly four months supporting Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet AOO. While in 7th Fleet, the nearly 4,500 Sailors and Marines of Boxer ARG and 13th MEU will conduct exercises and port visits to enhance maritime partnerships and promote peace and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. “The Sailors and Marines of the ARG, MEU performed tremendously when we were here a few months ago conducting bilateral engagements and promoting regional stability,” said Capt. Patrick Foege, commodore for Amphibious Squadron One. “Their performance during Exercise Ssang Young was superb and the crews truly enjoyed the port visits in Hong Kong and Thailand. We are looking forward to once again working with our allies and partners in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.” The amphibious force contains an extensive set of ship-to-shore connectors, by air or by sea, which allow the Boxer ARG and 13th MEU to move people or equipment to any corner of the world needed. Those forces make up the formidable Blue-Green team, which provides a robust set of sea-based capability and in turn can launch Marines ashore. Military Discount 15% Off Deja Vu Love Boutique With this coupon. Some restrictions may apply. Not valid on any sale items. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 7/31/16 Momsen, Spruance conclude visit to Darwin by MC1 Jay C. Pugh DARWIN, Australia - Two of the three participating units of the 3rd Fleet Pacific Surface Action Group (PAC SAG) departed Darwin, Australia, July 20 after a routine port visit. Prior to pulling into port, USS Spruance (DDG 111) and USS Momsen (DDG 92), along with several Australian military assets recently conducted a bilateral training exercise consisting of communication and navigation drills throughout the Timor Sea. The intent of the exercise was to enhance military-to-military interoperability for future joint operations. “Working with the Navy’s Destroyer Squadron 31 has been a great experience - especially the opportunity to work with three Arleigh Burke-class Aegis destroyers before the Royal Australian Navy’s Hobart-class Aegis destroyers are commissioned,” said RAN Lt. Cmdr. Aaron Scott. “As the RAN focuses more on task group training and operations, any time we get to work with the U.S. Navy helps build experience and increase interoperability for the future.” ELRT continued from page 10 we wanted to begin exercises to ‘operationalize’ the team and force the Sailors to gearup and travel over-the-horizon,” said NAVSUP FLC San Diego Commanding Officer Capt. John Palmer. “We put them on location and asked them to demonstrate their skills and abilities in responding the way they were trained. It was a valuable exercise, and we drew some key lessons from this first execution.” Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper According to Palmer, the training will continue far beyond the initial Go-Crawl exercise. “We intend to follow-up the Go-Crawl experience with other offsite exercises that will be progressively more difficult as the team continues to hone their skills,” said Palmer. “Our end state -- a trained, qualified, and experienced LRT prepared to deploy and deliver combat logistics anytime, anywhere.” ARMED FORCES DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper HLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. While in port, the crews of Momsen and Spruance continued preparations for their ongoing operations to promote stability and maritime support in the region. The PAC SAG also consists of USS Decatur (DDG 73) and embarked “Devil Fish” and “Warbirds” detachments from the “Scorpions” of Helicopter Strike Squadron (HSM) 49, operating under CDS-31. The Navy maintains a presence in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region to help preserve peace and security and to further partnerships with friends and allies. The presence of the PAC SAG on this deployment contributes to freedom of navigation and lawful use of the sea, as well as furthers operational training and enables an exchange of culture, skills and tactical knowledge. “Our visit to Darwin has a unique meaning to our SAG as one of our leaders is from the Royal Australian Navy on an exchange tour with us,” said Capt. Charles Johnson, commander, CDS-31. “It is another example of us working closely with the Australian military in increasing our operational capability of securing the peace and prosperity here in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.” Under the operational control of 3rd Fleet, the PAC SAG is conducting routine patrols, maritime security operations and theater cooperation activities to enhance regional security and stability. Decatur and Momsen have conducted multilateral exercises with the Japanese Maritime SelfDefense Force, Republic of Korea Navy, as well as U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps assets. The crews experienced the offerings of “the land down under” through trips offered by Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) and a beautification project at a local wildlife park. Spruance also began their portion of the deployment participating in the Oceania Maritime Security Initiative (OMSI). OMSI is a Secretary of Defense program leveraging Department of Defense assets transiting the region to increase the Coast Guard’s maritime domain awareness, ultimately supporting its maritime law enforcement operations in Oceania. “The community service event at the Territory Wildlife Park in Darwin was a fantastic opportunity,” said FC1Justin Proffitt. “It’s always a rewarding feeling to give back by volunteering for these events, and being around the animals made it an experience that won’t be forgotten.” USS Makin Island hosts summer cruise midshipmen SAN DIEGO (July 22, 2016) - USS Makin Island (LHD 8) hosted 30 midshipmen from the Naval Academy (shown, above) and Naval ROTC units as part of the Midshipman Summer Cruise program. The midshipmen joined Makin Island for two weeks in port and two weeks underway to learn about Navy and Marine Corps operations at sea, experience shipboard life, and gain a more thorough understanding of the responsibilities of junior officers afloat.“The midshipmen experienced life as a junior enlisted [Sailor] and junior officer on board surface ships in the Navy,” said Assistant Training Officer Lt. j.g. Christopher Yee. “This experience gives the midshipmen a better understanding and foresight of how to best serve the enlisted men and women they will lead upon joining the fleet as division officers.” The midshipmen joined Makin Island underway during the ship’s first phase of integrated training with Amphibious Squadron 5 and the 11th MEU. - by MCSN Devin M. Langer A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. ARMED FORCES DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. ARMED FORCES DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 11 HLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY HROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Sailors provide medical aid for tourist by Petty Officer 3rd Class Christopher Veloicaza HONOLULU - Two Sailors with Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 15 provided emergency care to a Japanese tourist in medical distress on the Diamond Head Trail here recently. Several members of the HSC15 aircrew division were hiking Diamond Head early in the morning and were beginning their descent down the trail when they came across a 52-year-old female tourist who required assistance. Chief Petty Officer Jason Lessley and Petty Officer 2nd Class Hunter Price treated the woman for heat exhaustion and attempted to escort her down the trail. However, the tourist became weak and disoriented, so the Sailors contacted local authorities. Both Sailors are experienced Navy rescue swimmers with extensive backgrounds in emergency response training. Lessley is a former emergency medical technician. The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a NAB Pool, Bldg. 508 • Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 am-12 pm. VADM Martin Pool, NASNI, Bldg. 1507 • Wednesdays 11 am-12 pm. Are you looking for serious workout? We have the answer, come join us! Call 619-437-5012 (NAB) or 619-545-2877 (NASNI) for Saturday, August 13 VIP: 1-2p.m. • General session: 2-5 p.m. Over 30 breweries featuring over beers with unlimited 2 ounce samples...plus food vendors, live music, plus multiple vendor booths and more. All in a beautiful outdoor park in Mira Mesa. ........................................................ 12 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Mira Mesa Community Park, 8575 New Salem St. (Right next to Mira Mesa Recreation Center ballfields) Navy Chief Petty Officer Jason Lessley, left, and Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Hunter Price, both with Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 15, provided emergency care to a tourist in medical distress on the Diamond Head Trail in Honolulu, July 12, 2016. Navy photo downloaded a language translator application on a smartphone to establish basic communication with the tourist. members of his search-and-rescue team ended with a real-life practical application of their emergency medical training. “I’m glad to know we can make a difference, not only to the people we serve next to, but also to someone we have never met”, Price said. “When we are required to perform our job, it’s usually because something bad has happened. It’s in that moment that the training you think you’ll never use comes into action like it is second nature.” “My Sailors train hard every day, and today that training paid off. Price performed flawlessly,” Lessley said. Civilian firefighters hiked up the trail to assist, and after assessing the woman’s condition they called for an emergency medical evacuation helicopter. Win 2 tickets to Lessley said what started as a While the Sailors were waiting for the helicopter to arrive, they day off physical training for 15 The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a WINNER! Win 4 tickets to the DEL MAR THOROUGHBRED CLUB 2016 RACING SEASON Now15-Sept. thru Sept. 55 t Del Mar Race Track July 2016 Season Dates Summer Meet: Fri, Jul. 15 - Mon, Sept. 5 Bing Crosby Meet: Fri, Nov. 11 - Sun, Dec. 4 ............................................................... Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Del Mar Thoroughbred Racing, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, August 3, 2016. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to contest@navydispatch. com Subj: Del Mar Thoroughbred Racing. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Del Mar Racing Deadline is Wednesday, August 3, 2016, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name ___________________________________ address _________________________________ city, state, zip _____________________________ phone __________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military HSC-15, homeported at Naval Air Station North Island, is an active augmented squadron participating in the Rim of the Pacific 2016 exercise. Vinson kicks off TSTA/FEP PACIFIC OCEAN - USS Carl Vinson recently departed iSan Diego to begin the Tailored Ship’s Training Availability/Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/ FEP) certification period. TSTA/FEP, which is evaluated by Afloat Training Group, prepares the ship and crew for full integration into a carrier strike group through a wide range of mission-critical operations. TSTA is a multi-phase event meant to give the crew a solid foundation of unit-level operating proficiency and develop the crew’s ability to self-train following completion of TSTA in-port. FEP is a nominal, twoday graded event that takes place at the conclusion of TSTA. Win 2 tick DEL MAR THORO The final evaluation problem evaluates a ship’s “within the lifelines” ability to conduct combat missions, to support operations, and to survive complex casualty control situations. 2016 RACIN “During this underway we’re bringing the CSG-1 flagship team together for the first time,” said Capt. Doug Verissimo, Carl Vinson’s commanding officer. “Vinson will continue to be the support ship for all evolutions to include the launching and recovering of airplanes that provide so much of our warfighting capability.” - by MCSN Nicholas J. Foley AT SEA (July 14, 2016) - Naval Air Crewman (Helicopter) 3rd Class Sean Magee, assigned to the Blackjacks of Helicopter Sea Combat (HSC) Squadron 21, is responsible for maintaining the aircraft during flight operation. Magee is deployed aboard hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) in support of Pacific Partnership 2016. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Brittney Vella CAMP PENDLETON (July 20, 2016) - A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) vehicle prepares to enter the well deck of USS Somerset during a well deck onload operation as part of PHIBRON-MEU Integrated Training, a scenario-based amphib integration exercise with Amphibious Squadron Five and the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit as part of the Makin Island ARG. Navy photo by MC1 Vladimir Ramos PACIFIC OCEAN (July 15, 2016) - CNO Adm. John Richardson visits USS America (LHA 6), currently operating in the waters near the Hawaiian Islands as part of Rim of the Navy photo by MC1 Nathan Laird CORONADO (July 22, 2016) - Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Bill Moran speaks to the Merlins of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3 during an all-hands call in the squadron’s hangar at NAS North Island. Moran is in San Diego to tour various waterfront activities and meet with Sailors and Navy leadership. Navy photo by MCSN Danny Kelley THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 13 DA NANG, Vietnam (July 21, 2016) - Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic 2nd Class Micah Rupp, center, guides Vietnamese lifeguards in the correct procedures for moving a patient during a lifeguard community relations event as part of Pacific Partnership 2016. photo by Cpl. David Cotton Entertainment ‘The Last Ship’ producer tours the Pentagon SeaWorld honors U.S. Military veterans Military veterans and up to three guests invited to enjoy complimentary admission during tribute program by MC2 Heath Zeigler Steve Kane, executive producer and writer of “The Last Ship,” visited the Pentagon to meet with senior leadership, June 7. SeaWorld® San Diego is honoring the men and women who have previously served as members of the U.S. armed services with a special admissions program. Starting July 5, the park is offering complimentary admission to military veterans and up to three additional guests. During his visit, he toured various naval spaces and met with junior personnel to discuss what he has learned about the Navy and how it has affected his perspective on the military. “We greatly appreciate the service and sacrifice of our military veterans and retirees, and have recognized them, along with our active duty military members, prior to the start of our killer whale show every day for the past several years,” said Marilyn Hannes, SeaWorld’s park president. “This year we’d are again extending our appreciation further by offering veterans free admission. Our hope is they will share an enjoyable visit to the park with families and friends.” “When the show first started I didn’t know the first thing about Navy, and I just got dropped in head first and had to learn what it means to me a [surface warfare officer],” said Kane. “Since that point I have been very involved in every step. We have a close relationship with the Navy; they help us learn Navy culture to tactics, to life on a ship and how it works. For us, getting it right was not only important for the show but also because we are Americans and we want to show the American audience what our Navy is like, and we wanted to get it right for that reason as well.” Veterans must register online at www.WavesofHonor.com in advance, and verify their proof of service through the ID.me qualification process. SeaWorld works with ID.me to provide an online verification of former military personnel in a secure and privacyenhancing manner. Once veterans and their guests have registered online, they can bring their e-tickets directly to the park’s entrance turnstiles. Through his experience with the show and interactions with other Sailors, Kane said he has come to hold a new respect for those in uniform. “Every time I visit the ship I learn something [personally] and also for the show,” said Kane. “We were on the mess decks of the ship with our covers on and one of the Sailors came up to me and asked me to remove our covers. And they explained to us that the mess decks was once used as triage and still can be, so as a sign of respect covers are not worn on the mess decks and we carried that out even on our set.” “I really enjoy when we are filming down in San Diego; I get to walk around the ship and talk with Sailors and hear their stories and learn about what their lives are like, and I get a sense of what they are like so when I’m writing characters I can make them feel like the real Sailors I have met,” added Kane. “The Last Ship” is a post-apocalyptic television series based off the 1988 book of the same name by William Brinkley, and has been modernized for today’s audience. The show has brought new light to America’s Navy and what it has to offer. Season three premieres June 12 on TNT. For more information, visit http://www.navy.mil/, http:// www.facebook.com/usnavy/, or http://www.twitter.com/usnavy/. Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus delivers remarks before a private screening of the season three premiere of TNT’s television series The Last Ship. TNT hosted a reception and premiere screening at the Newseum for VIPs and Sailors to meet with series creator/producer Steven Kane, center left, and stars Jocko Sims, left, playing Lt. Carlton Burk, and Travis Van Winkle, right, playing Lt. Danny Green. U.S. Navy photo by MC2Armando Gonzales “Waves of Honor I think is a great idea,” said retired Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Jay Lott. “I went on line to prove that I was a veteran and got my tickets. It was real easy.” Tickets must be obtained by Sept. 5, 2016 and can be redeemed for park admission by Dec. 25, 2016. This offer is available online only. SeaWorld has paid tribute to active duty service members through a complimentary ticket programs for the military since 2003 with more than two million members of the U.S. and allied armed forces and their families having visited the park for free. SeaWorld has also offered a number of complimentary and discounted admission programs to veterans in the last 12 years, as well as complimentary offers to teachers and emergency first responders. These admission offers have been very well received. Discount Coupon VA Financing for those who Purchase or refinance. Take advantage of your benefits today. P. Michael Seltzer Home Mortgage Consultant 949-282-4036 14 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Breast pump and supplies. We are Tricare Authorized and We handle All your paperwork! Free Shipping. Visit us at: www.breastpumpbaby.com or 908-277-MOMS (6667) michael.seltzer@wellsfargo.com NMLSR ID 212636 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ©2016 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801 AS1844879 Expires 3/2017 NO COST BREAST PUMPS! 2 EASY KAZ SMOGZ 2 Tricare covers your EQUAL HOUSING LENDER $ 10 OFF REGULAR SMOG CHECK (Regular $41.75) Most Cars. 2000 Vehicles and Newer Vehicles 4NPH$IFDL Test Only "SKPOT%S4VJUF2t4BO%JFHP 2 858-564-8351 2 4th Annual Young Anglers Tournament coming soon to Shelter Island pier Young anglers ages six through 15 are invited to compete in the free 14th Annual Young Angler Tournament this summer at the Shelter Island Pier, located at 1776 Shelter Island Drive on Saturday August 8th. This saltwater event is sponsored by the San Diego Sportfishing Council, the International Game Fish Association and the Port of San Diego. Sponsors include OKUMA Fishing Tackle, Turner’s, Anglers Distributing, Big Hammer Lures, Friends of Rollo, Costa Sunglasses, Uni Goop, Tiburon Engineering, Point Loma and H&M Sportfishing Landings. Prizes and raffle drawing items for the tournament include rods and reels, hats, T-shirts, fishing gear and deep sea fishing trips. Loaner Gear, Bait, and tackle are provided respectively by Okuma Fishing Tackle, Anglers Distributing, and Friends of Rollo. The tournament will feature a points system to allow for catch and release. Winners-one in each age category between six and 15 — will be determined by adding up points for various fish caught. The angler with the most points overall will be recognized on the tournaments’ perpetual trophy. The San Diego Sportfishing Council is California non-profit corporation established in 1979 to promote San Diego saltwater fishing as an attractive marine recreational activity, to increase awareness and availability of “how, when and where” information on sportfishing opportunities. IGFA representatives and volunteers from the United Pier and Shore Anglers Club, San Diego Rod & Reel, San Diego Anglers and the San Diego Fly Fishers will be on hand to assist young anglers and to tally points. Young anglers in the competition are encouraged to bring their own gear, although a limited number of loaner rods will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Bait will be provided by Anglers Supply, Registration for the Shelter Island Pier Tournament slated for Saturday, Aug. 13th begins at 7:30 AM at the pier. Fishing begins at 8:30 AM and ends promptly at 12 noon. Prizes are awarded by 1 PM. Hot dogs, chips, and sodas will be served to all registered anglers. Lunch is provided, courtesy of Stump’s Village Market of Rancho Santa Fe and Tommy Gomes from Catalina Offshore Products and Specialty Produce. Magic Lube & Auto Repair ALL CERTIFIED MECHANICS - THAT DO AUTO REPAIRS RIGHT! 75$160,66,215(3$,5COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR 67$5&(57,),('602*&+(&.2,/&+$1*( Military Special 10% OFF Labor FINANCING AVAILABLE (XFOLG$YH6DQ'LHJR ZZZFKHDSWUDQVPLVVLRQUHSDLUVDQGLHJRFRP Wylde Sydes Tattoo & Piercing 10% OFF TATTOOS and/or $ 5 OFF PIERCING 1515 Palm Ave. #K1 San Diego, CA 92154 619.575.6792 www.wyldesydestattoo.com For more information, please call the San Diego Sportfishing Council at (619) 234-8793 or log onto the website at: www.sportfishing.org Free activities for military family Looking for free summer activities for your military family? Our friends at The New Children’s Museum shared a great opportunity with Blue Star Museums! Military families can gain free access to the following San Diego Museums from Memorial Day to Labor Day: The New Children’s Museum, Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum, Gaslamp Museum at the Davis-Horton House, MCRD San Diego Museum, Mingei International Museum, Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego Chinese Historical Museum, San Diego Hall of Champions, San Diego History Center and Visions Art Museum. For more information visit: https://www.arts.gov/…/bluestar…/frequently-asked-questions Cash for Cars We Buy Cars & Trucks WE PAY CASH & UP TO $20,000 For a car that is worth it YOU CAN COME TO US or WE CAN COME TO YOU! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WE TAKE CARE OF DMV PAPERWORK Best Price for your vehicle (running or not) & within the hour Call SAN DIEGO CASH FOR CARS 619-384-5985 Visit our website: www.sandiegocashforcars.net THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 15 Second annual GI Film Festival San Diego announces event schedule Festival organizers are thrilled to announce the preliminary event schedule for the GI Film Festival San Diego to be held Wednesday, Sept. 14, through Sunday, Sept. 18. The festival features a variety of films for, about, and by service men and women, bringing the stories of America’s military to life through film. Many of the events will be open to the public with special discounted opportunities for active duty military personnel and veterans. General admission tickets will be available online on Monday, Aug. 8. All access passes for entry into festival events and screenings are available now for $85 each on the GI Film Festival San Diego website at www.GIFilmFestivalSD.org. Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. – Opening Night Screening and Reception at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park featuring the 2016 documentary, “USS Indianapolis: The Legacy.” Filmmaker Q&A and a reception will follow the film screening. This thrilling retelling of the fate of the World War II heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis exclusively uses first-person accounts from 107 survivors of the devastating torpedo attack. The film took 10 years to produce. Local filmmakers, Sara Vladic and Melanie Capacia Johnson, will attend the kick-off event. The film made its debut at the GI Film Festival in DC earlier this year. Thursday, Sept. 15, beginning at 6 p.m. – Screenings at The Village Theatres in Coronado. Filmmaker Q&A and panel discussions will follow select screenings. Films to be determined. Friday, Sept. 16, at 7 p.m. – Family Movie Night – Venue and film to be determined. Saturday, Sept. 17, beginning at 12 noon – All film screenings will take place at UltraStar Cinemas Mission Valley at Hazard Center. Filmmaker Q&A and panel discussions will follow select screenings. Films to be determined. Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016 from 12 noon to 5 p.m. – Local Film Showcase screenings at UltraStar Cinemas Mission Valley at Hazard Center. Filmmaker Q&A will follow select screenings. Films to be determined. Sunday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m. – Closing Celebration and Awards Ceremony at the DoubleTree by Hilton San Diego Mission Valley at Hazard Center. Join us for the exciting culmination of the festival! Filmmakers featured in the Local Film Showcase will receive awards in multiple categories. An Audience Choice Award will also be announced, giving audiences an opportunity to vote throughout the festival for their favorite film. In addition to the “USS Indianapolis: The Legacy,” the following films are confirmed to be screened at the GI Film Festival San Diego this year: “Adventurmentalism” – Directed by an independent documentary filmmaker and former member of the U.S. Army, “Adventurmentalism,” is an interpersonal depiction of nature’s positive influence on mental health in combat veterans and suicide survivors struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). “Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War” – In this film by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky, III, Church minister Waitstill Sharp and his wife Martha left their children behind in Wellesley, Massachusetts, to join a life-threatening mission in Europe and help save Jews and other refugees fleeing the Nazis during World War II. Their selfless endeavor spanning over the course of two years is told through their journal writings in the film “Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War.” “Escape from Firebase Kate” – During the implementation of Nixon’s plan to end the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, 26 U.S. troops are caught in the transition. Unsupported by the South Vietnamese, the men are abandoned on a tiny outpost where they are surrounded by thousands of North Vietnamese troops. After surviving a brutal three-day siege, they lead a daring middle-of-the-night escape through the jungle and evade enemy troops. “Escape from Firebase Kate” is their story, told by the men who survived in their own words. “Forced Landing” – During the Second World War, more than 100,000 foreign soldiers were interned in Switzerland. French, Polish, English, Russian, Italian, and German soldiers who fled combat found a safe haven in neutral Switzerland. Those who escaped were sent to a detention camp in Wauwilermoos near Lucerne where they would undergo harsh conditions and treatment. In April 2014, eight survivors of this camp received the Prisoner of War Medal, marking the first time this medal has been granted to soldiers that were held prisoners in a friendly country. “Frogman” – Patrick only knew his father through the life stories 3&1"*34 3&/5"-4 463'#0"3%#-"/,4 463'#0"3%4 8&546*54 ,QGLD6WUHHWZZZHOLQGLRVDQGLHJRFRP 6XPPHUKRXUVRQ)UL6DWXQWLOSP '6--8&546*54 $ 99 95 15% .*-*5"3:%*4$06/5 0ODMPUIJOHBDDFTTPSJFT .JTTJPO#MWE .JTTJPO#FBDI 16 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 (858) 488-9374 he would tell – stories of covert operations as a frogman and Navy SEAL in Vietnam. With each story told, Patrick felt he gained not only a piece of his father but a piece of history. Frogman delves into the sacrifices and burdens of a family where keeping secrets became part of the job, and explores just how much we can know someone through the stories we inherit. “Heroes on Deck: World War II on Lake Michigan” – During World War II, just off Chicago’s shoreline, the U.S. Navy trained over 15,000 carrier pilots on two makeshift “flattops,” both former, coal-fired, side wheel passenger steamers. Not every pilot landed successfully on the pitching decks of the USS Wolverine and USS Sable; many aircraft went to the lake bottom. This is the story of the recovery of those rare warbirds and the ingenious training program that changed the course of the war in the Pacific. “Operation Allie” – Anthony Marquez, a former Marine and military dog handler, has returned from Afghanistan. He lost 17 friends in the war and has been suffering from the effects of PTSD. When he finds out that the dog that he went through the war with is being retired from the Marine Corps, he sets out to adopt her. This is the story of his journey to be reunited with his best friend and the comfort they can provide for each other. “Paper Lanterns” – In the summer of 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. On the morning of the bombing a young Japanese boy, Shigeaki Mori, would witness the explosion. He would survive that day and go on to document the bombing and honor the thousands that were lost, including the 12 American POWs. Mori’s efforts provided closure and solace for the families of those fallen soldiers. “StoryCorps: Tom’s War” –Tom Geerdes served as an Army medic in the 11th Armored Calvary in Vietnam and Cambodia. Like many veterans, he returned home a changed man. At StoryCorps, Tom shared his long journey toward healing with his daughter, Hannah Campbell. This animated short features the audio from their recording. “Thank You For Your Service” – This film takes a hard look at our understanding of war trauma and the policies that result. The film’s director, Tom Donahue, interweaves the stories of four struggling Iraq War veterans through candid interviews with top military and civilian leaders. The film argues for significant change and offers a roadmap of hope. “The Last Time I Heard True Silence” – Upon returning from Iraq, Noah struggles to transition back into civilian life. His attempts to reintegrate are repeatedly thwarted by problems he never faced before. After losing more friends to suicide than war, he finds himself hitting rock bottom so he starts running and he never stops. Now a father and husband, Noah enters a 50-mile wilderness race, pushing his mind and his body to their limits. “The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel” – Peter Ertel was considered “like family” by his Jewish employers by the end of World War II, but he had a remarkable past as a German soldier for five years at the beginning of the war. In the first-person narrative documentary “The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel,” the man speaks of his experience in a hatred, destruction-driven time. The film features rare archival footage – previously unreleased– as the audience learns from this former agent for the U.S. State Department. “The Year of the Tiger” – During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President John F. Kennedy has to decide whether to put millions of Americans at risk and assist millions of people trapped 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain. Dining Directory THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY! Take Advantage of these great specials these restaurants are offering you! W,/>>W,/^Et/,KDWEz NEW LOCATION Est. 1979 ϲϵϬϰDŝƌĂŵĂƌZĚ͘ͻ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ ϴϱϴͲϲϵϯͲϬϬϰϳͻΈĞŚŝŶĚĞŶŶLJ͛ƐͿ 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT with this ad ŐƵƐͻƚĂͻƚŽͻƌLJ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚͲ>ƵŶĐŚͲŽĨĨĞĞ 15% MILITARY DISCOUNT ϭϮϬKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞ͘ͻŽƌŽŶĂĚŽ Daily 10% On Tuesdays 619-319=5696 MILITARY DISCOUNT Little Club Expires 8/31/16 WE DO CATERING COCKTAILS 132 Orange Ave. Karaoke - Mon 9-12pm 3RRO7DEOHV,QWHUQHW-XNHER[ )ODWVFUHHQ79V XS2SHQ'DLO\ 619-435-5885 2UDQJH$YH&RURQDGR AutoMatters & More: ‘Star Trek Beyond’ World Premiere & ‘Jason Bourne’ We took them to our seats – hundreds of white, wooden folding chairs that were neatly arranged, theater style, on the grass facing a huge screen, like what you would find in a drivein movie theater. “STAR TREK Beyond” San Diego Comic-Con keeps getting better and better. This year it started off with an event that was way over the top: the World Premiere of “Star Trek Beyond,” the latest film in the Star Trek universe. The premiere was held on Wednesday evening at the same time as Comic-Con’s preview night was kicking off. As always, there are multiple events happening simultaneously during Comic-Con, so you have to choose between them. You cannot do everything. The venue was behind the San Diego Convention Center in Embarcadero Marina Park South, right next to San Diego Bay, expensive yachts in the marina and in full view of the beautiful nighttime San Diego skyline. Thousands of diehard Star Trek fans streamed in to the park. Inside, we were presented with the first of what would be many commemorative mementos that evening. The first was a bracelet containing colored lights that change with broadcast cues – like the electronic ears at Disneyland. Since it was dinnertime, we were each given a Subway boxed dinner and beverages, followed by premium ice cream treats for dessert. Between the screen and us were a stage and the San Diego symphony orchestra. On the stage, the Master of Ceremonies was Conan O’Brien, who was also in San Diego to record his T.V. show during ComicCon in front of live audiences (the public at large could enter to win tickets for those, too). On hand to speak to us were J.J. Abrams and several of the stars of the new Star Trek movie. A moment of silence was held to honor the recent and unexpected passing of Anton Yelchin, who portrayed Pavel Chekov. Shortly before the movie began, commemorative souvenir seat cushions were handed out to everyone, to make sure that we were all comfortable. The next surprise – still before the movie began – was what may well have been the largest, best laser light and fireworks show that I have ever had the pleasure of attending. It went on for over ten minutes and was truly a jaw-dropping experience. J.J. kidded that this fireworks show used up the promotional budget for the movie – it was that magnificent. Then, throughout the film, the San Diego Symphony performed. This is Star Trek’s 50th anniversary. Throughout those 50 years I have seen every Star Trek T.V. episode and every film when they first were first shown. This film is among the best. Directed by Justin Lin, in “Star Trek Beyond” the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a new, especially formidable, high tech enemy. The film brings back main characters from the 1960s T.V. series, but they are portrayed by new cast members. Thankfully it avoids the recent dark, brooding trend in some science fiction films, instead entertaining us with an action packed, well acted, special effects spectacular. hardly take a break in the entire two hours, ending with a spectacular vehicle chase scene that sets a new standard for what can be achieved by what looks like actual physical effects. In this awesome scene an armored SWAT truck plows through a bunch of cars on the Las Vegas Strip and keeps on going. Join in the conversation. Send your comments and suggestions to AutoMatters@ gmail.com. Copyright © 2016 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters & More #447 After the film, as we were leaving, fans in Star Trek uniforms posed for photos. Tables were set up to distribute one last set of mementos: a gift bag containing four STAR TREK Blu-ray DVDs, a commemorative T-shirt and a commemorative hat with the name of the movie on the rear and the Vulcan salute on the front. I don’t know how ComicCon can possibly top this, but that is what I said at last year’s J.J. Abrams event for the upcoming “STAR WARS” movie. I’ll tell you one thing. If you hear anything next year about a J.J. Abrams event at San Diego Comic-Comic, do you best to score yourself a ticket. “Jason Bourne” Matt Damon reprises the familiar Jason Bourne character created by Robert Ludlum in a complex, tense international thriller about CIA operatives. Can the CIA Director, portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones, be trusted? Can anyone be trusted? There are so many delicious twists and turns that you really need to be paying close attention. The brutal, lethal fighting scenes and general mayhem LOCAL ATTRACTIONS The Veterans Museum at Balboa Park Honoring the memories & contributions of the men & women who gallantly served their country. Events Venue: Exhibits, Artifacts, memorabilia, telling personal VWRULHVRIZDU%DQTXHW0HHWLQJ5RRPV 3DUN%OYG%DOERD3DUNZZZYHWHUDQPXVHXPRUJ THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 17 Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-4pm TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 CW6 News in the AM ESPN2 TLC USA am m9:30 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 pm m12:30 pm m1:30 m2 The Price Is Right CBS News 8 at 11AM Judge Judy Good Morning America LIVE with Kelly The View 10News Midday The Chew General Hospital FABLife Daniel Tiger Sesame Street Today Super Why! Curious Curious George George The Meredith Vieira Show Arthur Curious George Daniel Tiger Today’s Take The Lion Varied K.C. UnderPrograms cover SportsCenter SportsCenter Good Luck Liv and Charlie Maddie SportsCenter First Take His & Hers Little People, Four Weddings World Varied Programs Varied Programs Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Dinosaur Train Train NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Jessie m2:30 The Bill Cunningham Show Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk Thomas & Friends Days of our Lives Nature Cat Steve Harvey m3 pm Paternity Court Dr. Phil m3:30 Paternity Court RightThisRightThisMinute Minute Ready Jet Odd Squad Go! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Phineas and Phineas and Jessie K.C. Under- Stuck in the Ferb Ferb cover Middle NFL Live SportsNation Questionable Around the Horn SportsNation Coll. Football NFL Insiders Live THURSDAY EVENING 8/5 8/5 TVData© m5 SUICIDE SQUAD NINE LIVES XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Suicide Squad pm m5:30 m6 pm m7 pm m7:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) Mike & Mike & 2 Broke 2 Broke Molly ’ Molly ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ Evening News Democratic National News Convention (N) (CC) 10News at World News Democratic National 6pm (N) Convention (N) (CC) Democratic National Convention The 2016 Democratic National Convention. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) NBC 7 Nightly NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Democratic National News at 5 News Convention (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow “Progeny” ’ Big Bang Life in Theory Pieces ’ 10 News Election Coverage Historic Savor San Places Diego Running Wild With Bear Grylls ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 Liv and Liv and K.C. Under- Bunk’d ’ BizaardBest HowtoBuildaBetterBoy (2014, Maddie Maddie cover (CC) vark ’ Friends Comedy) China Anne McClain. ’ MLS Soccer All-Star Game: MLS All-Stars vs. SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Arsenal. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) ATP Tennis Outside the CFL Football Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Edmonton Eskimos. (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN2 Lines (Live) (CC) Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yes, My 600-Lb. Life “ChrisMy 600-Lb. Life “Penny’s My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s TLC Dress Dress Dress Dress tina’s Story” ’ Story” ’ (CC) Story” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ m10 pm Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Nine Lives Tom Brand is a billionaire whose workaholic lifestyle takes him away from his loving wife Lara and adorable daughter Rebecca. Needing a present for Rebecca’s 11th birthday, Brand buys a seemingly harmless cat from a mysterious pet store. Suddenly, a bizarre turn of events traps poor Tom inside the animal’s body. The owner of the business tells him that he has one week to reconnect with his family, or live out the rest of his days as a cute and furry feline named Mr. Fuzzypants. m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News Austin & Liv and Maddie SportsNation Presents: ESPN Hot Take Time ATP Tennis SC FeaESPN2 tured (N) Web of Lies “The Candy TLC man” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ DISN Ally (CC) Genre: Comedy, Fantasy Cast: Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Robbie Amell m6 m7:30 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Dog Whisperer Dr. Chris: Pet Vet Good Morning Daniel Tiger m8 am m8:30 m9 am CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) m9:30 m10 Varied Programs m10:30 m11 pm Seinfeld (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Late-Colbert 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Nazi Mega Weapons “Blitzkrieg” ’ (CC) NBC 7 Tonight News Show Best Backstage ’ Friends SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & 30 for 30 Jacoby My Big Fat Fabulous Life ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ JULY 29, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Mike & Molly ’ News m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Masters of Masters of MADtv Will Sasso and Illusion Illusion Nicole Sullivan. (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 “Kanaka “Seoul Man” ’ Hahai” ’ (CC) Shark Tank ’ (CC) What Would You Do? (N) (DVS) ’ (CC) Washington Roundtable Death in Paradise (N) Week ’ (CC) America’s Got Talent “Auditions” Hopefuls audition for the judges. ’ (CC) Elena of K.C. Under- Stuck/ Elena of Best Girl Meets BizaardK.C. UnderAvalor cover Middle Avalor (N) Friends World (N) vark ’ cover Outside the Track and Field Tracktown Summer Series Championship. From SportsCenter (N) (Live) Lines Eugene, Ore. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Arm Wrestling From Las CFL Football BC Lions at Calgary Stampeders. From McMahon Stadium in Vegas. Calgary. (N) (Live) Web of Lies “Fatal Web of Lies “Bittersweet Killer Women “Hitman 4 Hire” A family gets mysteriFriendship” ’ (CC) Sixteen” (CC) ous threats. (N) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Victims Unit ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm Blue Bloods A police officer disappears. ’ 20/20 (N) ’ (CC) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Live at the Belly Up The Crimson Field ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) NBC 7 News Walk the Walk the Prank ’ Prank ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Women in Prison ’ (CC) Modern Family ’ m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert CW6 News at 10pm (N) Modern Family ’ Tonight Show Lego Star Best Wars Friends SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & NFL Live Jacoby (N) (CC) Killer Women “Hitman 4 Hire” ’ (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ JULY 30, 2016 am Dog Whisperer To Be Announced Sea Rescue ’ (EI) Favorites m10:30 Save Our Shelter The Faldo Series (N) The Wildlife Docs Innovation The Inspec- Hidden Game Nation tors Heroes Changers 10News This Morning at Jack Hanna Ocean 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Mysteries Curious Nature Cat Ready Jet Wild Kratts George (CC) Go! ’ (EI) (CC) NBC 7 News 2016 Ricoh Women’s British Open Championship Third Round. From Woburn Golf Club in Buckinghamshire, England. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 Dream Quest Hatched ’ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bye Bye (EI) (CC) Foundation 2016 PGA Championship Third Round. From Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield, N.J. (N) (Live) (CC) Rock the Park ’ (EI) Born to Explore Best Pan Ever! Paid Program World of X Games (N) Comic Con 2016 Coverage of the 2016 Comic-Con held at the Convention Center in San Diego. Auto Racing Global RallyCross Series. Red Bull Signature Series From Eisenerz, From Washington, D.C. (N) Austria. (N) ’ (CC) Tomorrow- 18 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Walk the Austin & Ally Prank Varied Programs Skin Tight: Transformed (N) ’ (CC) Queen of the South (N) (CC) SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© Judge Judy NBC 7 News at 4 Girl Meets Liv and World ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (CC) FRIDAY EVENING pm m4:30 10News: The Now San Diego Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Beauty and the Beast CW6 News at 10pm (N) “The Getaway” (N) Big Brother (N Same-day Ent. Tonight Inside EdiTape) ’ (CC) tion (N) BattleBots (N) ’ (CC) Greatest Hits “20002005” (N) ’ Midsomer Murders “The Shetland “Red Bones Green Man” (N) -- Part 1” (CC) Hollywood Game Night Wheel of Jeopardy! (N) ’ (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) Austin & TVData© m5 pm JULY 28, 2016 m6:30 DISN Ally (CC) Intelligence officer Amanda Waller assembles a team of dangerous, incarcerated supervillains for a covert mission. m4 CW6 News at 4pm Judge Judy Liv and Best Friends Girl Meets Maddie World Pardon the SportsCenter Interruption Questionable Around the Pardon the Horn Interruption Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Varied Programs Outside the Lines Varied Programs Bunk’d The Doctors pm CBS This Morning Nature Cat Judge Mathis m1 Judge Faith Ready Jet Go! Today Judge Faith m12 The 700 Club DISN Guard ESPN m9 San Diego Varied Living Programs Let’s Make a Deal Mickey The Lion Lego Star Bunk’d (CC) Elena of Stuck in the Best Friends Girl Meets Mouse Guard ’ Wars: Free. Avalor ’ Middle World SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) International Champions Cup Soccer Celtic FC vs FC ESPN (N) Barcelona. From Aviva Stadium in Dublin. (N) 30 for 30 30 for 30 A look at the Chicago Bears on the 30th anniver- WTA Tennis Rogers Cup, First Semifinal. From Montreal. ESPN2 sary of their Super Bowl XX win. (N) (Live) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Chrisley Suits Mike tries to stay safe. Mr. Robot “eps2.2init1.asec” Elliot befriends USA Knows (CC) (DVS) Ray. (CC) DISN land E:60 (N) 30 for 30 (N) Comic Con 2016 Coverage of the 2016 Comic-Con held at the Convention Center in San Diego. Action Sports From Long Paid Program On the Beach, Calif. (N) Money (N) XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 m6 NCIS “Twilight” Gibbs is targeted by terrorists. ’ NCIS Gibbs exploits Ziva’s connection to Ari. NCIS “Kill Ari” Gibbs is determined to stop Ari. NCIS A serial killer withholds NCIS “Silver War” A missing information. ’ staff sergeant. pm m6:30 pm m7:30 NCIS A petty officer is gunned down. ’ Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) Rookie Blue “For Better, For Worse” (CC) Vicious Special ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 AdventuresinBabysitting (2016, Lab Rats: Kirby Best Comedy) Sabrina Carpenter. ’ Elite Buckets Friends SportsCenter (N) (Live) International Champions Cup Soccer Paris Saint(CC) Germain FC vs Leicester City FC. (N) International Champions Cup Soccer Liverpool FC SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) vs AC Milan. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) ›››TheBourneIdentity (2002) Matt Damon. An amnesiac ›››TheBourneSupremacy (2004) Matt Damon. Jason agent is marked for death after a botched hit. Bourne fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. TLC USA JULY 30, 2016 m7 Bunk’d ’ Walk the Prank ’ Crossing South The Floogals ’ (EI) Walk the Liv and Mad- Elena of Girl Meets Jessie ’ Stuck in the Prank ’ die ’ Avalor World ’ (CC) Middle Basketball The Basketball Tournament: Always a Brave Basketball vs. Team Colorado. First semifinal. (N) (Live) E:60 WTA Tennis Rogers Cup, Second Semifinal. From Montreal. (N) (Live) Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Women in Prison ’ (CC) Women in Prison ’ (CC) BizaardLiv and vark ’ Maddie SportsNation Presents: ESPN Hot Take Time ATP Tennis Rogers Cup, Second Semifinal. From ESPN2 Toronto. (N) (Live) Women in Prison ’ (CC) Women in Prison ’ (CC) 2X3”ad R. Steves’ Europe Terrific Trucks Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ Weekend News News 10News at The List (N) 6pm (CC) The Lawrence Welk Show (N) (CC) NBC 7 Paid ProNews at 6 gram Basketball m4:30 Community ’ (CC) Judge Judy ’ (CC) Castle “Kill Switch” ’ (CC) Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum Nina’s Nightly World (EI) News DISN (CC) pm Girl Meets Austin & Ally Jessie “Bad- Bunk’d (CC) World (CC) fellas” International Champions Cup Soccer Real Madrid CF vs Chelsea FC. (N) (Live) ATP Tennis Rogers Cup, First Semifinal. From Toronto. (N) (Live) Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m4 Community (CC) Health Care Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! ’ (CC) Elena of Avalor Elena rescues her sister. ’ E:60 Mike & Mike & Molly ’ Molly ’ Rush Hour (N) ’ (CC) 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) CW6 News at 10pm (N) Last Man Dr. Ken ’ Standing (CC) Father Brown “The Pride of the Prydes” America’s Got Talent “Live Results 1” ’ 20/20: In an Instant ’ (CC) Favorites Boston EMS (Season Premiere) (N) (CC) 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Tosh.0 ’ (CC) (CC) News Blue ’ Bloods 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Globe Trekker (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) NBC 7 Saturday News Night Live K.C. Under- Stuck/ cover Middle SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) E:60 48 Hours: Hard Evidence ’ (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 am m10:30 Fast Joint CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) Paid Program Paid Program Relief CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) ’ (CC) Balance, Paid Program Jane Sey(N) ’ (CC) Comfort mour Good Morn- 10News This Morning at This Week With George Joel Osteen Paid Program ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (N) (CC) Daniel Tiger Curious Nature Cat Ready Jet Wild Kratts Washington KPBS RoundGeorge (CC) Go! ’ (EI) (CC) Week table NBC 7 News 2016 Ricoh Women’s British Open Championship Final Round. From Woburn Golf Club To in Buckinghamshire, England. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Elena of Avalor Elena rescues her sister. (CC) Hopefuls: Welcome/ ESPN Gold Within NFL Sports 30 for 30 (CC) City Slam From Orlando, ESPN2 Reporters Fla. (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes to Say Yes to TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) the Dress the Dress David JerIn Touch Joel Osteen Motive Vega faces his USA emiah ’ (CC) boundary issues. ’ DISN JULY 31, 2016 m10 Sofia the First Mickey The Lion (CC) Mouse Guard ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 Paid Program Paid Program Win This Jane SeyLifestyles San Bye Bye America’s Biggest Birthday Listing mour Diego Foundation Parade 2016 PGA Championship Final Round. From Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield, N.J. (N) (Live) (CC) m3 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour SciTech Wk Now (N) Noodle/ Nightly Doodle News Elena of Walk the Liv and Mad- Babysitting Avalor ’ Prank ’ die ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown E:60 SportsCenter CFL Football (N) My Big Fat American Gypsy My Big Fat American Gypsy My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life Wedding (CC) Wedding (CC) “Speechless” (CC) “Losing at Love” ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Raw” ’ Victims Unit “Snatched” Victims Unit “Anchor” Victims Unit “Conned” m6 JULY 31, 2016 pm m6:30 EngageEngagement ment Weekend News News 10News at RightThis6pm Minute (N) The Great British Baking Show (N) ’ NBC 7 Balance, News at 6 Comfort m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) Austin & Liv and Liv and BizaardK.C. Undercover ’ (Part Ally (CC) Maddie Maddie vark ’ 1 of 3) (CC) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at New York Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN Mets. From Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y. (Live) (CC) SportsCen- Soccer International Friendly -- Liverpool FC vs. AS SportsCenESPN2 ter (N) Roma. (N) (Live) ter (N) Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. The Women With the TLC “Shredded!” ’ ’ (CC) World’s Biggest Hips NCIS A man in a diner NCIS “Secrets” ’ (CC) Modern Modern USA pulls a gun on Gibbs. (DVS) Family ’ Family ’ DISN BizaardBizaardvark Backstage vark ’ (N) (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Arm Wrestling From Las Vegas. My Big Fat Fabulous Life ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Stuck/ Girl Meets Middle World SportsCenter (CC) ESPN FC (N) Return to Amish “You Lie!” (N) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) Nightly Business Nightly News Austin & Ally (CC) Basketball Liv and Maddie m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) Liv and BizaardK.C. Under- K.C. UnderMaddie vark ’ cover cover 2016 BattleFrog League 2016 BattleFrog League ESPN Champion. Champion. Baseball Big League World Series, Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 30 for 30 DISN ESPN2 TLC USA Little People, Big World ’ (CC) NCIS A terrorist targeting the Navy. Little People, Big World ’ (CC) NCIS The NCIS faces devastating surprises. WEDNESDAY EVENING XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 Mike & Molly ’ News BizaardBackstage ’ vark ’ SportsCenter (CC) Arm Wrestling From Las Vegas. Return to Amish “You Lie!” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ m8 pm m8:30 Supergirl “Pilot” ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 Supergirl “Stronger Together” ’ (CC) Mom ’ 2 Broke Mom ’ The Odd (CC) Girls ’ (CC) Couple ’ The Bachelorette (Season Finale) (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow ’ (CC) “Vintage Atlanta” ’ American Ninja Warrior “Oklahoma City Finals” The top 30 contestants compete. (N) ’ m10 pm m10:30 m11 CW6 News at 10pm (N) Scorpion “Charades” ’ (CC) The Bachelorette “After the Final Rose” Kevin Kling: Lost & Found (N) ’ (CC) Running Wild With Bear Grylls ’ (CC) pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel POV Iris Apfel’s enthusiasm for fashion. NBC 7 Tonight News Show ››BeverlyHillsChihuahua (2008, Liv and BizaardK.C. Under- Stuck/ Liv and Comedy) Piper Perabo. ’ Maddie vark ’ cover Middle Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) EnterHopefuls: Baseball Tonight (N) Jalen & NFL Live (CC) Jalen & tainer’s Gold (Live) (CC) Jacoby Jacoby Tallest Teens ’ (CC) Baby Bodybuilders (N) Real Life Hulks (N) ’ Baby Bodybuilders ’ ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Queen of the South (CC) Little People, Big World ’ (CC) NCIS “Extreme Prejudice” (CC) (DVS) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Whose Line Whose Line MADtv “Episode Two” Is It? Is It? (N) ’ (CC) NCIS Dr. Cyril Taft finds Zoo Mitch searches key evidence. ’ Jackson’s past. (N) Bachelor in Paradise (Season Premiere) The hopefuls gather at a cocktail party. (N) (CC) The Nazi Games -- Berlin American Experience 1936 (N) (CC) “The Boys of ’36” (N) America’s Got Talent “Live Show 2” Twelve acts compete. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Elena of Avalor Elena rescues her sister. ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) DescenDescendants dants SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) m10 pm m10:30 m11 CW6 News at 10pm (N) pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert NCIS: New Orleans “Radio Silence” ’ Mistresses “Survival of 10News at Jimmy the Fittest” (N) ’ 11pm Kimmel Arnold Independent Lens Claressa “T-Rex” Knows Me Shields. (N) (CC) (DVS) Running Wild With Bear NBC 7 Tonight Grylls (N) (CC) News Show BizaardK.C. Undervark ’ cover SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & Jacoby Little People, Big World: Little People, Big World “10 Big Years” The 10th Back to the anniversary celebration. ’ (CC) WWE SmackDown! (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Chrisley Chrisley Knows Knows Stuck/ Liv and Middle Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (CC) Little People, Big World “10 Big Years” Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ AUGUST 3, 2016 m7 pm m7:30 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Penn & Teller: Fool Us (N) ’ Big Brother (N) ’ (CC) Whose Line Whose Line CW6 News at 10pm (N) Is It? Is It? Criminal Minds “The American Gothic “The Bond” (CC) (DVS) Gross Clinic” ’ CMA Music Festival: Country’s Night to Rock Highlights of the four-day event. (N) ’ (CC) Koko -- The Gorilla Who NOVA “Roman CataSpillover -- Zika, Ebola & Talks (N) (CC) comb Mystery” ’ Beyond (N) America’s Got Talent The Night Shift A crane falls at a construction site. “Live Results 2” ’ (N) ’ (CC) Austin & Liv and Liv and BizaardK.C. Under- K.C. Under- ››‡SpyKids3:GameOver (2003) Bunk’d (CC) Ally (CC) Maddie Maddie vark ’ cover cover Antonio Banderas. ’ MLB Baseball New York Mets at New York YanBaseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN kees. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) International Champions Cup Soccer International Champions Cup Soccer AC Milan vs 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN2 Chelsea FC. (N) (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) My Big Fat American My Big Fat American My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life: My Big Fat Fabulous Life TLC Gypsy Wedding ’ Gypsy Wedding ’ “Fat Jokes” ’ Extra Fabulous “Episode 9” (N) To Be Announced Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Suits “Turn” Mike consid USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ ers a deal. (N) DISN Sports XTRA On Story (N) (CC) Jerome’s Furniture AUGUST 2, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m11:30 Community (CC) Blue Bloods ’ BizaardK.C. Undervark ’ cover SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & 30 for 30 Jacoby Love at First Kiss (Series Premiere) (N) Mr. Robot Elliot is unable to quit the game. pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel The Forgotten Plague: American NBC 7 Tonight News Show Stuck/ Liv and Middle Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) My Big Fat Fabulous Life “Episode 9” ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ 2X3”ad THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 19 KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 m6 Girl Meets World Arm Wrestling From Las Vegas. My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding (N) Motive A murder with a familiar signature. TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 pm AUGUST 1, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m10:30 m11 2 Broke 2 Broke CW6 News at 10pm (N) Seinfeld ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ (CC) Madam Secretary BrainDead (N) ’ (CC) News “Higher Learning” ’ America’s Funniest Celebrity Family Feud The $100,000 Pyramid Match Game (N) ’ (CC) 10News at Home Videos (CC) (N) ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) 11pm The Great British Baking Dancing on the Edge (N) Masterpiece Mystery! New murders The Tunnel (N) ’ (PA) Show (N) ’ ’ (CC) resemble an old case. (CC) (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) Hollywood Game Night American Ninja Warrior “Indianapolis Finals” The NBC 7 ’ (CC) top 30 contestants compete. ’ News MONDAY EVENING pm pm The Middle The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Big Brother (N) ’ (CC) AdventuresinBabysitting (2016, BizaardBizaardBizaardComedy) Sabrina Carpenter. ’ vark ’ vark ’ vark ’ MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field in ESPN Chicago. (N) (Live) CFL Football Toronto Argonauts at Ottawa Redblacks. From TD SportsCenESPN2 Place Stadium in Ottawa. (N) (Live) ter (N) My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life TLC ’ (CC) “Cereal Stalker” “Fat Jokes” ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m4:30 K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Jessie ’ Best Friends cover ’ cover ’ (CC) MLS Soccer Los Angeles Galaxy at Seattle Sounders FC. From CenturyLink Field in Seattle. (N) ATP Tennis Rogers Cup, Final. From Toronto. (N) (Live) DISN TVData© m5 pm NBA 2K16 Road to the Finals ’ SUNDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m4 Everybody Everybody Raymond Raymond Inside Edition Judge Judy ’ (CC) Jane SeyPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tai Chi Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Paid Program Castle An actor is murdered. mour Master! ’ (CC) Charlie Rose POTUS 2016 Comic Con 2016 Coverage of the 2016 Comic-Con held at Comic Con 2016 Coverage of the 2016 Comic-Con held at Ken Kramer’s Historic (N) ’ the Convention Center in San Diego. the Convention Center in San Diego. S.D. Places Action Sports From Long Beach, Calif. (N) ’ (CC) Kerri Walsh Jennings: Gold Horse Racing Paid Program Politically Ruff-Ruff, The Chica Within (N) (CC) Speaking Tweet and Show (EI) Jessie ’ Bunk’d “No K.C. Under- Bizaardvark Stuck in the Girl Meets (CC) Escape” ’ cover ’ “Superfan” Middle World ’ Welcome/ Welcome/ 30 for 30 A look at the Chicago Bears on the 30th anniverNFL NFL sary of their Super Bowl XX win. WTA Tennis Rogers Cup, Final. From Montreal. (N) (Live) Karate U.S. Open: ISKA World Championships. Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress Queen of the South Camila Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special grows desperate. Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Victims” CROSSWORDPUZZLE TVData© m5 m3:30 CLASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS MOTORCYCLES ________________________ WE BUY BIKES NO COST BREAST PUMPS! To place your ad, please call the Classified Advertising Department (619) 280-2985. Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, and on the web, on Thursday! Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS Tricare covers your Breast pump and supplies. We are Tricare Authorized, and We handle All your paperwork! Free Shipping. Visit us at: www.breastpumpbaby.com or 908-277-MOMS (6667) 619-224-2300 SMILING FACES WANTED TO WORK IN OUR RELAXED OFFICE CAREER/EDUCATION WE WILL TRAIN YOU • Must have a friendly clear voice • Must have enthusiasm • Self motivated • Can work Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm Your life in the military, your thoughts on wars & your judgements as a soldier is a story! We live our life but we don’t realize that we are a story and our life can be made into a book, mentor others, make us successful, make us big bucks and could be the right job and career we are looking for! Do Book Signings with Barnes & Noble! Have your book on Amazon! SPILL THE BEANS ON YOUR LIFE...THE WORLD IS WAITING! www.yourhollywoodbiographer.com 310-686-9097 ATTORNEYS ________________________ LOW COST BANKRUPTCY Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys STOP Creditor Calls Home Foreclosure Repossessions PAYMENT PLANS Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 _______________________ LOW COST DIVORCE Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys • SUPPORT • • CUSTODY • • VISITATION • • MEDIATION • • ADOPTION • Can train for a new career for FREE with MyCAA Funding. Train online in healthcare, technology, or administration and prepare to earn $30,000-$50,000/year. Visit CareerStep.com/spouse today! 619.280.2985 HORSE BOARDING GARAGE SALES HUGE GARAGE SALE! From 6:30-12pm, Saturday, July 30th. Clothing, furniture, odds and ends, home furnishings, plants, etc. 5227 Topside Lane 7/28 HEALTH & BEAUTY Do you suffer from: stress, tension, anxiety, panic, mood disorders, fatigue, sleeplessness, worry, anger, fears, helplessness, hopelessness?Let Recovery International help you. We do not take the place of the professional, we work in conjunction with. ($1-$5 donation) with daily meetings through out San Diego County. (619) 275-0364. www.recoveryinternational.org Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 HELP WANTED Mossy Nissan CHULA VISTA Looking to hire full time sales consultant. Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! Mornings with McDonald’s Afternoons/Evenings with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS Miramar. TFN ______________________________________ Looking for happy, enthusiastic person, to occasionally work promotional events, representing this newspaper to our nation’s military & families. This is on an as needed basis. Must have base access and your own vehicle. If interested please call 619-280-2985 and ask for Brenda. ONE OF A KIND OPPORTUNITY! Looking for a motivated individual to get SDG&E commercial customers to receive a FREE energy efficiency HVAC tune up. Salary + commission, leads, training, flexible schedule. mark@ hvactuneup.com; 619-248-4157 LOW AUTO MECHANIC “LEX-TEK” 27-yrs, specializing in quality Lexus Service, save 25% & more, than any dealership cost. Factory recommended service complete. Free Coronado pick-up & delivery! 2704 Transportation Ave, Suite G, National City. Lexteksandiego.com. Monty 619-708-7700 8/4/17 The developer of the #1 selling Army and Air Force promotion study guide apps is looking for one or more independent study guide writers for its new Navy promotion study guide app. Qualifications: E6 or above, a good test taker, and can demonstrate achievement outside of normal duty hours (e.g college, volunteering). Contact navy@forcereadiness.com or more info. 2007 YAMAHA V STAR 1300. Less than 23k miles, $5200, includes cover, gloves, pants & helmet. 858-248-6632 8/11 VA LOAN EXPERTS cabrillo Mortgage/NMLS 1073022 Thank you for serving our country! SPARKLING CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning & Repair/Grout Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning/Stain & Odor Removal Water Removal/24 Hr Emergency Service Call Andy 619-669-8882 7/28 BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board the last operational World War II Vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102. 10/13/16 STUDIO’S (2) one available 8/8, one available 8/15, $1475/mo, small pets considered. Please contact Carin at hakesinvestments@ gmail.com 858-531-0682 8/18 www.SimplySellingSDHomes.com HomeSmart Realty West CalBRE Lic #01424298 CORONADO – Furnished 1BR, 2 blks from the beach, $2700/mo + $2700dep. Small pet considered. Month to month. hakesinvestments@gmail.com 8/18 ____________________________________ CORONADO – 3BR/1BA, end unit w/den that can be used as 3rd BR, newly renovated, hdwd flrs & crpt in BR’s, 820sf, $2800/mo, 734 D Ave. Crestmont Properties 619-5220377 7/28 __________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – Upstairs 2BR/2BA, newly renovated, off-st prkg, 1000sf, 10 blks from the beach, near gym, utils incld. $1600/ mo + $1600dep. Rooms also avail in the front house $750/mo. 760-450-7658 7/28 __________________________________________________ 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, LEADINGHAM REALTY 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach Londa “Yvette” Blackwell 619-424-8600 RealtoR® & Mortgage loanofficer ____________________ californiaprimeproperties.com CalBre #01981310 NMLS #1370316 Real Estate & Mortgage expertise to save you time and $$. Let me help you sell or find a new home. First time buyers, Military, Veterans, Retired. Mortgage services for VA, FHA, CONVENTIONAL REFI CASH OUT & EQUITY LINES. Network of over 60 lenders California Online Properties Real Estate & Mortgage Corporation “Military Friendly” PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet www.pacleg.com 619-423-7500 PR'LVFRXQW RENTALS STUDIOS 1,500 CASH BACK at Closing MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! 858-432-3038 Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. for active military $ Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! I SPECIALIZE IN HAPPY CLIENTS LD3DFLÀFD593DUN $ Military Reclocation Specialist Townhouse & Houses MORTGAGE BROKER 8/18 _________________________________________________ 619.428.4411 Cristina Harvey REALTOR® MODELING Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: www.sierrablue.cc CORONADO CAYS – 3BR/3BA, 2250sf, newly decorated, 2 car gar + storage, fncd yrd, dogs welcome w/dep, comm pool/tennis/clubhouse, $4200/mo, Avail 9/1. 619540-0808; 619-992-8347 REALTOR AVAILABLE NOW MEMORIAL SERVICES CORONADO – 4BR/2.5BA, newly renovated, 1 year lease, $5500/mo, 248 A Ave. Crestmont Properties 619-522-0377 RIIHUVORQJWHUPVWD\V PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS APARTMENTS LOANS - VA LOANS 619-929-9916 CALL 619-397-6578 and ask for sales managers *USN Promotion Study Guide Writer Wanted!* 760.840.0187 historically Low Interest Rates! Free consultation Janice McMurray 8/4 Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 ________________________ Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. VETERANS PuRchASE w/ZERO DOwN REFINANcE uP TO 100% LTV TFN ___________________________________________________ PAYMENT PLANS HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD $350/month $400 RENTALS HOUSES 7/28 _________________________________________________ TFN _____________________________________ MILITARY SPOUSES ANNOUNCEMENTS 20 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 HELP WANTED BABY NEEDS RENTALS TOWNHOUSES IMPERIAL BEACH – 2BR/2.5BA, 2 car gar, W/D hk-ups, lrg balcony, 800sf, $1700/mo, 1351 Grove Ave. Crestmont Properties 619522-0377 7/28 ROOM FOR RENT BONITA – 3 rooms available in a family house, nice sized rooms (1 lrg, 1 small, 1 reg), looking for responsible person, no smkg/drugs/alcohol. 619-434-2505 8/18 _________________________________________________ OTAY MESA - $675/mo + $150dep, 1BR, shared BA, kit, pool, livrm, W/D, utils, cbl TV, HBO, high speed WiFi, fridge, many amens, near all, no smkg/drugs/pets. Employed. Avail NOW. 619-381-9322 7/28 ___________________________________ ROOMMATE WANTED – San Diego, close to Paradise Valley & National City, includes electric & gas, $500/mo. 619-709-7389. Month to month 7/28 ___________________________________ SAN DIEGO – Lrg room, prvt BA, kit priv, $625/mo, utils incld, cbl, internet, lndry, quiet great loc near everything. F pref or married couple. 858-278-1077 8/4 ATTENTION READER Investigate before you invest! Make an informed decision before you invest money in any business. Call the California Attorney General (800) 952-5225 or the Federal Trade Commission (877) FTC-HELP or visit www.ftc.gov/bizop VIDEOVIEW by Jay Bobbin STARTING THIS WEEK: “THE BOSS”: Again giving herself a movie role, in tandem with her director and co-writer husband Ben Falcone, Melissa McCarthy expands on work she did with the Groundlings comedy troupe as Michelle Darnell ... a ruthless businesswoman who has a major fall from grace when she’s convicted of inside trading. Hoping to reclaim her former stature when her prison term ends, it doesn’t exactly work that way, forcing her to seek shelter with her former assistant (Kristen Bell) and determine a way to reinvent herself. Particularly enjoyable are McCarthy’s scenes with Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”), as a rival with whom she shares a past. Kathy Bates and “Saturday Night Live’s” Cecily Strong also appear. DVD extras: deleted scenes; extended and alternate scenes; outtakes. *** (R: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) “BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT”: Though it comes more than a decade after the previous movie in the franchise, this latest chapter retains many of the original cast members. The title establishment goes co-ed, generating a battle of the sexes and the shears - and despite the good, highly spirited times within those walls, turns for the worse in the neighborhood overall demand unity to improve conditions. Returning stars include Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer, Anthony Anderson and Eve; Regina Hall, Common, J.B. Smoove and Nicki Minaj also appear. The script was co-written by “black-ish” creator Kenya Barris. DVD extras: “making-of” documentary; deleted scenes; outtakes. *** (PG-13: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) COMING SOON: “THE BLACKLIST: THE COMPLETE THIRD SEASON” (Aug. 2): Now that she’s a fugitive from justice, Red (James Spader) does what he can to protect Liz (Megan Boone), even from her former comrades. (Not rated: AS, P, V) “KEANU” (Aug. 2): Cousins (Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele) try to retrieve an abducted cat that’s at the crux of a gang war. (R: AS, N, P, V) “HALT AND CATCH FIRE: THE COMPLETE SECOND SEASON” (Aug. 9): The personal-computer revolution continues to advance in the AMC series; Lee Pace stars. (Not rated: AS, P) “A HOLOGRAM FOR THE KING” (Aug. 9): Tom Hanks plays a businessman struggling to adjust to overseas customs while trying to close a deal. (R: AS, N, P) “THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER’S WAR” (Aug. 23): Battling sisters (Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt) pose big challenges for the Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) and his true love (Jessica Chastain). (PG-13: AS, V) Around Town Events subject to change. Please confirm details before attending! Marionette Show. Fri, July 29, 10-11am. Free. Scott Land brings marionettes to life for a show that will entertain the whole family. La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper Ave, San Diego Padres vs. Reds. Fri-Sun, July 29-31 (Fri 7:40pm; Sat 3:40pm; Sun 1:40pm). $10-$60. San Diego Padres host the Cincinnati Reds. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego Live Well San Diego 5K. Sat, July 30, 7:30-11am. $20$30. A fun, family and pet-friendly event. Visit post-event expo with fun and informative zones for all ages. Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego Paws in the Park. Sat, July 30, 8am-12pm. Free. Low cost spay/neuter, vaccinations, pet photography, adoptions, family activities, giveaways, food trucks. Civic Center Park, 3200 Main St, Lemon Grove Taylor Trot 5k. Sat, July 30, 9-11am. $25. Funds raised will help pay for Madi’s Taylor’s medical and therapy costs. Road Runner Sports, 5553 Copley Dr, San Diego Beach Boot Camp and Yoga. Sat, July 30, 9am. Free. Ocean Beach Lifeguard Tower 4, 2100 Spray St, Ocean Beach Boots Off - Military Appreciation Day. Sat, July 30, 12-4pm. Free. Come out for a day of fun for the whole family! Active duty, retired, or veteran, all are welcome. Please bring your Military ID. Rock Church, 2277 Rosecrans St, San Diego Miles for Smiles 5K Run/Walk. Sat, July 30, 7-11:30am. Free-$30. Helps underprivileged families with special needs children by providing vital support and services. Rohr Park, 4548 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita Dachshund Club Summer Picnic. Sat, July 30, 12-3pm. Free. Meet and greet other dachshunds and their families. Join us for BBQ hot dogs. Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Ave, San Diego Tailgate Party And Firefighter Chili Cook-Off. Sat, July 30, 12-4:30pm. $40-$55. 21+. All you can eat burgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, snacks, and chili plus microbrew tastings. Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd, San Diego Hessfest. Sat, July 30, 12:30-5pm. $35-$65. General ses- sion tickets include unlimited samples from breweries and free food tasters. Mike Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Ave, San Diego Beer & Music Festival. Sat, July 30, 6-8pm. $35-$60. Event celebrating craft beer and live music. Enjoy unlimited samples of over 100 craft beers from local and regional breweries. Ingram Plaza at Liberty Station, 2640 Cushing Rd, San Diego Super Awesome Showdown. Sat, July 30, 7:30-10pm. $5-$20. Galacticadia is the ultimate in Video-Space Super Combat spectacles. San Diego Natural History Museum, 1788 El Prado, San Diego Cammies to College. Sat, July 30, 11am-3pm. Free. Designed to introduce the military to all of the options available in using their educational benefits. Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Rd, Liberty Station Sip of Julian. Sat, July 30, 11am-5pm. $25-$28. 21+. Enjoy samples paired with small bites at each venue, take in the scenery, and spend a relaxing day enjoying the sights and sounds of Julian. Julian Town Hall, 2129 Main Street, Julian Tricked-Out Rides, Xzibit, Bikini Contest. Sat, July 30, 3pm. $20. Feast your eyes on hundreds of tricked-out rides, a performance from Xzibit, Bikini Contest, and live concerts. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd, San Diego Unleashed Surf Dog Competition. Sat, July 30, 9am3pm. Free. The most fearless dogs will jump on their boards and hang 20! This event must be seen to be believed. 2 Elder Ave., Imperial Beach Joggin’ for Frogmen. Sat, July 30, 8-11am. 5K run benefitting Navy Seal foundation. NTC Park at Liberty Station,2455 Cushing Rd., San Diego Knowledge of the Kumeyaay. Sat-Sun, July 30-31, 9:3011am. Free. Gain insights into how man survived in nature. Meet inside Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos Love American Style Wedding Party Expo. Sun, July 31, 11am-3pm. $20. Two couture bridal fashion shows on the catwalk. McMillin Companies Event Center, 2875 Dewey Rd, San Diego Art Auction & BBQ for Pit bulls. Sun, July 31, 12-3pm. Bob Hope Theatre 858-577-4143 *Indicates last showing 28-Jul Thur 29-Jul Fri 30-Jul Sat 31-Jul- Sun 3-Aug Wed 4-Aug- Thur The Legend of Tarzan PG-13 | 1h 50min | 1 July 2016 Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment. | Action, Adventure, Drama | Lowry Theater – NASNI, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 MOVIES 6:30 PM 8:20 PM *Me Before You-PG-13 6:30 PM 8:15 PM The Purge: Election Year-R 9:00 PM 10:47 PMCentral Intelligence-PG-13 3:00 PM 5:00 PM The BFG (3D)-PG 6:30 PM 8:20 PM The Legend of Tarzan (3D)-PG-13 9:00 PM 11:30 PMIndependance Day: Resurgence (3D)-PG-13 1:00 PM 2:37 PM Finding Dory (2D) -PG 6:30 PM 8:40 PM Suicide Squad (Advance Screening-Confirmed)-PG-13 6:30 PM 8:33 PM *Now You See Me 2-PG-13 6:30 PM 8:33 PM *Warcraft (2D)-PG-13 Q-Zone Theater- NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 at the Bases Naval Base Theater - NBSD, 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 Thursday, July 28 5:50 PM Central Intelligence (PG-13) 8:00 PM Free State of Jones (R) Friday, July 29 5:50 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) 8:10 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) Saturday, July 30 1:00 PM The BFG (PG) 6:00 PM SNEAK PREVIEW - Suicide Squad (PG-13) 8:40 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) Sunday, July 31 12:50 PM Finding Dory (PG) 2:50 PM The BFG (PG) 5:50 PM The Legend of Tarzan - 3D (PG-13) 8:00 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) Monday, August 1 5:50 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) 8:00 PM Independence Day: Resurgence (PG-13) Tuesday, August 2 5:50 PM The BFG - 3D (PG) 8:10 PM Central Intelligence (PG-13) Wednesday, August 3 5:50 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) 8:00 PM The Shallows (PG-13) Thursday, August 4 5:50 PM Free State of Jones (R) 8:30 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) Thursday, July 28 11:00 AM Lilo & Stitch (PG) 6:00 PM The Devil Wears Prada (PG-13) Friday, July 29 6:00 PM 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Saturday, July 30 2:00 PM Captive (PG-13) 5:00 PM Deadpool (R) Tuesday, August 2 11:00 AM The Croods (PG) 6:00 PM Men of Honor (R) Wednesday, August 3 6:00 PM The Other Side of The Door (R) Thursday, August 4 11:00 AM Epic (PG) 6:00 PM Race (PG-13) The Clubhouse – NBPL, Main Base, 619-53-9138, Bldg. 546 Thursday, July 28 6:00 PM Kung Fu Panda (PG) Friday, July 29 6:00 PM Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PG-13) Saturday, July 30 6:00 PM Spectre (PG-13) Sunday, July 31 6:00 PM Creed (PG-13) Monday, August 1 6:00 PM Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (PG-13) Tuesday, August 2 6:00 PM Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13) Wednesday, August 3 6:00 PM Jurassic World (PG-13) Thursday, August 4 6:00 PM Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (PG) THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 21 Thursday, July 28 6:00 PM Central Intelligence (PG-13) 8:10 PM The Conjuring 2 (R) Friday, July 29 6:00 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) 8:20 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) Saturday, July 30 1:00 PM The BFG (PG) Finding Dory ( 2 D / 3 D ) 3:30 PM Finding Dory (PG) Genre: Animation Adventure 6:00 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) Comedy Cast: Voices of Ellen 8:20 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) Degeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed Sunday, July 31 O’Neil, Ty Burrell, Diane Ke1:00 PM Finding Dory (PG) aton, Eugene Levy, Idris Elba 3:10 PM The BFG (PG) Synopsis: The friendly-but6:00 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) forgetful blue tang fish begins a 8:20 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) search for her long-lost parents, Monday, August 1 and everyone learns a few things 6:00 PM The Legend of Tarzan (PG-13) about the real meaning of family 8:20 PM The Purge: Election Year (R) along the way. Rating: “PG” for Tuesday, August 2 mild thematic elements Length: 6:00 PM Finding Dory (PG) 97 minutes 8:10 PM Warcraft (PG-13) Wednesday, August 3 6:00 PM Central Intelligence (PG-13) 8:10 PM Independence Day: Resurgence (PG-13) Thursday, August 4 6:00 PM Now You See Me 2 (PG-13) 8:30 PM The Shallows (PG-13) $10. Tacos, beer, and refreshments. Tattoo artists available until 6pm. True Fit Tattoo, 6561 El Cajon Blvd, College Area Padres Vs Brewers. Mon-Wed, Aug 1-3 (Mon-Tues 7:10pm; Wed 12:40pm). $10-$60. San Diego Padres host the Milwaukee Brewers. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. Tues-Sun, Aug 2-7 (times vary), $32-$82. Musical based on the songs of Gerry Goffin/Carole King and Barry Mann/Cynthia Weil. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave, San Diego Fashion Of Food And Spirits. Thurs-Fri, Aug 4-5, 6-10pm. $20. Culinary tastings, craft beer, wine education, designer fashion, and more. The Headquarters, 789 W. Harbor Dr, San Diego Julian Starfest. Thurs-Sat, Aug 4-6, 9am-10:30pm. Free$5. Enjoy the largest free public star party in Southern California. With guest speakers, exhibits, swap meet and more. Menghini Winery, 1150 Julian Orchards Dr, Julian Flicks At The Fountain. Thurs, Aug 4, 8pm. Free. Free, family-friendly movies under the stars. Movies start at dusk. Carlsbad Village, 2930 Roosevelt St, San Diego Padres Vs Phillies. Fri-Sun, Aug 5-7 (Fri 7:40pm; Sat 5:40pm; Sun 1:40pm). $10-$60. San Diego Padres host the Philadelphia Phillies. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego Latin American Festival. Fri-Sun, Aug 5-7, 10am-8pm. Free. Folk art, food, and entertainment. Bazaar del Mundo, 4133 Taylor St, San Diego Electronic Dump Day. Sat, Aug 6, 9am-2pm. Free. Bring your old TVs, computers, and phones in for free. Urban Corps of San Diego, 3127 Jefferson St, San Diego San Diego Gypsy Festival. Sat, Aug 6, 12pm. $25. 21+. Intimate, music showcase with foods and crafts. DeAnza Springs Resort, 1951 Carrizo Gorge Rd, Jacumba Semper Tri & Devil Dog Duathlon. Sat, Aug 6. $10-$90. Help us support quality of life programs for our Marines, Sailors & their Families by taking part in the Duathlon. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Oceanside Del Mar Western Regional Chili Cookoff. Sat, Aug 6, 1-6pm. Receive free chili samples from the cooks throughout the day in the concert area west of the grandstand. Del Mar SEE Around Town, page 22 Around Town continued from page 21 22 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 Thoroughbred Club, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar South Bayfront PowWow. Sat-Sun, Aug 6-7 (Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 10am-6pm). Free. Weekend of traditional Music, Dance, Arts and Crafts and Food. Marine View Park, 900 Marina Pkwy, Chula Vista Parish Fiesta. Sat-Sun, Aug 6-7, 9am. With a raffle, booths, beer garden. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 1001 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas Secret Life Of A Pack Rat. Sat-Sun, Aug 6-7, 9:30-11am. Free. Inside Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos Free To Breathe 5k. Sun, Aug 7, 7:4510:30am. $15-$35. Event will feature a 5K Run/Walk, Mile Walk, and Kids’ Dash, face painting and kids’ craft. Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd, San Diego Vista Rod Run. Sun, Aug 7, 9am-3pm. Free. Classic cars, specialty vendors, awards. Mother Earth Tap House, 206 Main St, Vista Kids’ Rhythm Club. Ongoing until Mon, Aug 1, 1-1:50pm. $10. Drum and sing along. Designed for ages 2-10. Resounding Joy, Inc., 11300 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 106, San Diego Thursday Family Fun Night. Ongoing until Thurs, Aug 25, 4:30-8pm. $14. Each Thursday the Hamilton Children’s Garden comes alive with family-friendly entertainment designed to amuse both adults and children. San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Dr, Encinitas Stagecoach Days. Ongoing every Saturday until Aug 27. 12-4pm. Free. Enjoy afternoons in Old Town filled with activities that reflect life in early San Diego and celebrate the West on the move. Old Town State Historic Park, 4002 Wallace St, San Diego El Cajon Dinner and a Concert. Ongo- ing Fridays through Oct 7, 6-8pm. Free. El Cajon’s Dinner & a Concert offer music from every genre so that there is something for everyone each concert season. East Main St., El Cajon Waterski And Wakeboard. Ongoing until Sun, Oct 23 (Sun 8-11am; Thurs 58pm). Free. The club provides two ski boats for waterskiing and wakeboarding, with free instruction and equipment available. Meet at the south end of Crown Point Beach. Crown Point, 3700 Crown Point Dr, San Diego Cajon Classic Cruise Car Shows. Ongoing Wednesdays through Oct 28, 5-8pm. Free. All the festivities are on East Main St between Magnolia & Claydelle Ave at the Prescott Promenade in El Cajon. Softball. Ongoing until Mon, Oct 31 (Mon 5:30-8pm; Wed 5:30-8pm; Sat 12:303:30pm). Free. Co-ed, so both males and females are encouraged to play. We stop when it gets dark. Robb Field, 2525 Bacon St, San Diego Trek With The Trackers. Ongoing first Saturday of the month until Dec 3, 8:3010:30am. Free. For two hours of dirt-time fun, wear long pants for close-up observation. Meet in front of the Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trl, San Carlos Kayaking. Ongoing Wednesdays until Dec 7, 8:30am. Free. Come alone or bring a friend; anyone is welcome. Lower Otay Reservoir, Wueste Rd, San Diego Live Prize Trivia. Ongoing until Wed, Dec 28, 7-9pm. Free. Teams of all sizes compete in a weekly pub quiz for bar cash. Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery, 319 Tenth Avenue, San Diego Babies, Blooms & Bugs’ Family Fun Days. Sundays, 11:30-1:30pm. San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center. Cardiff-by-the-Sea. 1935 Exposition Walking Tour. Every Wednesday, 11am-12pm. $10-$12. This hour-long, easy-paced walking tour, on the of the week Glenda is a one year old spayed Pit Bull who weighs 63lbs. A bit on the chubby side, she would benefit from a new family who can share their active lifestyle her, including plenty of walks and ball fetching. Glenda loves to have her tummy rubbed and is an affectionate sweetheart. Meet this charming girl by asking for ID#A1719633 Tag#C432. can be adopted for $69. Tartalene is a six year old female Torbie who weighs 11.7lbs. She arrived at the shelter as a stray and is patiently waiting for her new family to find her & take her home. Past the destructive kitten phase, Tartalene is content with a few toys, a warm bed, and a lap to snuggle with. Meet this beautiful gal by asking We have many wonderful animals waitfor ID#A1721199 Tag#C200. She ing to find new homes as the shelter. Dogs can be adopted for $35. and puppies can be adopted for just $69. Adult dogs and cat over 5 years old can beA pet is a forever friend, so bring come a member of your family for just $35. If you’re a senior yourself, or disabled, you some love into your life by adoptcan make any pet your forever companion ing today! You can visit these two for just $35. Rabbits can be adopted for and their many other friends at just $25, so be sure to visit our bunny room our Central County Shelter, 5480 too! All adoption fees should be confirmed Gaines Street, San Diego between once you get to the shelter, and include the hours of 9:30AM to 5:30PM, spaying or neutering, basic vaccinations, Tuesday through Saturday. Visit http://www.sddac.com for info. and a 1 year license for dogs. Progress of Man. Tour begins promptly at Alcazar Gardens at 1pm. San Diego History Center, 1649 El Prado, SD Garden Tours. Ongoing Saturdays 10:30-11:30am. Free. Tour the lush, charming, and water-wise garden with a knowledgeable docent to hear what makes our garden special. Water Conservation Garden, 12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West, Rancho San Diego Adopt-A-Plot. Ongoing Saturdays, 9-10am. Free. We are tending the flower garden in front of the Lily Pond. Meet at the flower garden in front of the Lily Pond. Balboa Park Visitors’ Center, 1549 El Prado, SD 619-223-5229 botanyforkids. com Game Time. Ongoing Fridays, 3:30-5pm. Free. Young adults invited to enjoy video games, board games, Yu-GiOh! duels, more. Malcolm X Library, 5148 Market Street, San Diego. 619-527-3405. Concerts Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. July The Wailers. Fri, July 29, 8:30pm. Reggae/Ska. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. Trace Adkins. Fri, July 29, 6pm. Country. Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, San Diego. (619) 686-6200. Sublime with Rome. Sat, July 30, 6:35pm. Ska/Rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Ziggy Marley. Sat, July 30. Reggae. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Nicky Jam, Zion. Sun, July 31, 7pm. Latin/Hip-Hop. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Dr, San Diego Duran Duran. Sun, July 31, 7:30pm. $36-$142. Pop/Rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. UB40. Sun, July 31, 6pm. Ska/ Reggae. The Pacific Amphitheatre, 100 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa (714) 708-1870 August Weekly Inspiration From Colette If others hurt you let the injury go this is your test If you let it go you’ll find serenity -Wayne Dwyer richs, Tribal Theory. Sun, Aug 21, 3pm. Reggae /Pop/Rock. Pala Casino, 35008 Pala Temecula Rd., Pala. (877) 946-7252. Guns N’ Roses. Mon, Aug 22, 7pm. Rock. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd., San Diego. (619) 283-0460. Ben Harper. Tues, Aug 23, 6:30pm. $68. Alternative/Folk. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Heart, Joan Jett, Cheap Trick. Tues, Aug 23, 6:30pm. Rock. The Forum, 3900 W. Manchester Blvd, Inglewood. (310) 330-7300 Pat Benatar, Melissa Ether- idge. Tues, Aug 23, 7:30pm. Rock/Country. SDSU Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Culture Club and Boy George. Wed, Aug 24, 7:30pm. Pop/Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 2243577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220TIXS.humphreysbythebay.com Outcry Tour. Thurs, Aug 25, 6:30pm. Christian. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 6713600. Dave Matthews Band. Fri, Aug 26, 8pm. Rock/Alternative. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Josh Groban, Sarah McLach- lan. Fri, Aug 26, 7pm. Pop/Rock/ Contemporary. Greek Theatre, 2700 North Vermont Ave, Los Angeles (323) 665-5857 Gov’t Mule w/ guest Blackberry Smoke. Sat, Aug 27, 6:30pm. Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa. Sat, Aug 27, 7pm. Rap/Hip-Hop. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Deftones. Mon, Aug 29, 6:30pm. Alternative/Rock. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Journey & The Doobie Broth- ers. Tues, Aug 30, 7pm. $30$145. Rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Santana. Wed, Aug 31, 7:30pm. Latin. SDSU Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. September Huey Lewis and the News. Thurs, Sept 1, 7:30pm. Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay. com The Wailers. Fri, Sept 2. Reggae. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 7551161. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 23 CHIC And Tokimonsta. Tues, Aug 2, 7pm. Disco. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Weezer and Panic! At The Disco. Wed, Aug 3, 7pm. Rock/Alternative. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Cassadee Pope. Thurs, Aug 4, 8pm. 21+. Country. Moonshine Beach, 1165 Garnet Ave, San Diego. Kc & The Sunshine Band. Thurs, Aug 4, 8pm. Disco/Funk. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Kenny Chesney. Thurs, Aug 4, 7:30pm. Country. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Kansas. Thurs, Aug 4, 7:30pm. Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Adele. Fri-Sat, Aug 5-13, 7:30pm. Pop/R&B. STAPLES Center, 1111 S. Figueroa St, Los Angeles. www. staplescenter.com Vans Warped Tour. Fri, Aug 5, 11am. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd., San Diego. (619) 2830460. Hunter Hayes. Fri, Aug 5, 7:30pm. Country/Pop. The Pacific Amphitheatre, 100 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa (714) 708-1870 Island Vibe Festival. Sat, Aug 6, 12pm. Reggae. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd., San Diego. (619) 283-0460. Flogging Molly. Sat, Aug 6, 7:30pm. Funk/Punk. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. 10,000 Maniacs. Tues, Aug 9, 7pm. Atlernative Rock. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. Chris Young. Fri, Aug 12. Country. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Indigo Girls. Fri, Aug 12, 7:30pm. Folk/Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Jeremih. Fri, Aug 12, 7pm. R&B/ Hip-Hop. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Jason Aldean. Sat, Aug 13, 7:30pm. Country. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Demi Lovato/Nick Jonas. Sun, Aug 14, 7pm. Pop/R&B. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. The B-52’s, The Fixx, and The English Beat. Sun, Aug 14, 6pm. Pop/Rock. Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, San Diego. (619) 686-6200. Flume. Sun, Aug 14, 8pm. Electronica/Trip hop. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Demi Lovato/Nick Jonas. Wed, Aug 17, 7pm. Pop/R&B. Honda Center, 2695 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. www. hondacenter.com Slipknot, Marilyn Manson. Wed, Aug 17, 6:30pm. Metal/ Rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Freddie Jackson. Fri, Aug 19, 8pm. $39-$49. Blues/Funk. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Melissa Etheridge and Pat Benatar. Fri, Aug 19. Rock/ Country. Pechanga Resort and Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula, CA 92592. (951) 6931819 Brandi Carlile. Fri, Aug 19, 7pm. Pop/Rock. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Coldplay. Sat, Aug 20, 7:30pm. Pop/Rock. Rose Bowl, 1001 Rose Bowl Dr, Pasadena Thievery Corporation. Fri, Aug 19. Dub/Electronica/Trip hop. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Juan Gabriel. Fri, Aug 19, 7pm. Latin/Pop. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Amy Grant. Sat, Aug 20, 7:30pm. Pop/Rock. Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, San Diego. (619) 6866200. Karla Bonoff. Sat, Aug 20, 7:30pm. Pop/Country. AMSDconcerts (Sweetwater High School), 1900 Highland Ave, National City (619) 303-8176. Common Kings, Josh Hein- Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda Family owned & operated since 1947! 3p*p2,*+ 2016 Ford Fiesta 4 Dr. Sedan S GREAT LEASE PAYMENT 69 $ LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH $3999 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $69. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $7,447. 10,500 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 1 at this price #GM1850 2017 Ford Fusion SE FWD GREAT LEASE PAYMENT 149 LEASE FOR $ Fuller Kia at Fuller Kia 1.99% For 2016 Civic, CR-Z, Fit, HR-V and Pilots. 2015 Accord, CR-V, CR-Z, Crosstour, Fit, Odyssey &710+ Pilots for 24-60 Months credit score. See dealer for details. 2016 KIA FORTE LX AUTOMATIC 2016 Accords - 0.9% for 36 Months, 1.9% for up to 60 Months 2015 Civics - 0.9% for up to 60 Months, 1.9% for up to 72 Months 2016 Odyssey - 0.9% or up to 60 Months 2016 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX $ 159 LEASE FOR AUTOMATIC 99 LEASE FOR $ MONTH PLUS TAX $99 per month, plus tax, 36 month lease. Residual $10,241. 10,000 miles per year. Only $1995 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 10,000 miles per year and 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. 5 to choose from. 2016 KIA SOUL BASE 118 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH $ PLUS TAX PER MONTH MONTH PLUS TAX $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $159. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $12,773.25. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NEW 2016 Honda ACCORD LX 4 Dr. $3999 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $149. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $13,557. 10,500 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 1 at this price #163642 2016 Ford Focus 5 Dr Hatchback ST 24 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 GREAT LEASE PAYMENT 239 $ 179 $ AUTOMATIC LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH $118 per month, plus tax, 36 month lease. Residual $10,103.56. 10,000 miles per year. Only $1995 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 10,000 miles per year and 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. 5 to choose from. The Kia Soul received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact MPVs in the J.D. Power 2015-2016 U.S. Initial Quality Study. 2016 study based on 80,157 total responses, evaluating 245 models, and measures the opinions of new 2016 vehicle owners after 90 days of ownership, surveyed in February-May 2016. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com 2016 KIA OPTIMA LX 125 LEASE FOR $ LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $179. $0 security deposit. Residual $13,588.80. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NEW 2016 Honda CR-V SE 2 WD AUTOMATIC 199 $ LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH $3999 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $239. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $10,606. 10,500 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 1 at this price #262952 MONTH PLUS TAX $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $199. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $16,345. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. $125 per month, plus tax, 36 month lease. Residual $13,552.30. 12,000 miles per year. Only $1995 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 12,000 miles per year and 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. 5 to choose from. *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to kia.com 619-656-2600 800-507-1644 800-507-1644 580 AUTO PARK DR. 540 AUTO PARK DR. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 8/1/16. 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerford.com SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE CHULA VISTA BUYING SERVICE www.fullerhonda.com *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 8/1/16. CHULA VISTA www.fullerkia.com *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 8/1/16