Title Presentation - 32 pt
Title Presentation - 32 pt
Invitation Updated on July 23rd 2014 159 companies already confirmed Aalberts * Core Laboratories Ipsen * SCA ABC Arbitrage * Crédit Agricole SA Ipsos * SCOR Acciona CTT * JCDecaux SA Saft * Accor Danone Kering * Saint-Gobain Ackermans & van Haaren * Dassault Systèmes Klepierre SA Séché Environnement * Aegon * DIA * Korian * SES Aéroports de Paris DSM * Lagardère * Sligro * Air France KLM Ebro Foods * Legrand * Societe Generale SA Air Liquide Edenred L'Oréal Sodexo AkzoNobel * (ONLY ESG) EDF * Manitou * SoLocal Group * Alcatel-Lucent EDP * Mauna Kea Technologies * Solvay Almirall * Ellaktor * Mediaset Espana Comunicacion Sopra / Stéria * Alpha Bank * Ence * Mercialys * Suez Environnement Altran Technologies Eramet * Mersen * Svenka Handelsbanken * (ONLY ESG) Amadeus * Essilor * Metka / Mytilineos * Tarkett * Aperam * Euler Hermes * Michelin TDC * Arcadis * Eurazeo Motor Oil * Technicolor * ArcelorMittal Eutelsat Communications Naturex * Technip Areva EVS * NextradioTV * Teleperformance * Arkema * Faiveley * Novo Nordisk * Télévision Française 1 * Atlas Copco * Faurecia Novozymes * Terreis * Atresmedia * FCC * Nutreco * Thales BAM * Ferrovial * OHL * TKH Group * Bankia * FLSmidth * Orange TomTom * Barco NV * Fluidra * Orpea * Tubacex * BBVA Gameloft * Paris Orléans * Ubisoft * BE Semiconductor Industries * GBL Parrot SA * Unibail-Rodamco Bekaert SA * GDF Suez Plastic Omnium * Valeo * Bic * Genfit * Peugeot Vallourec BioMérieux * Grontmij * PostNL * Veolia Environnement BME * Groupe Eurotunnel Prisa * Vetoquinol * BNP Paribas Groupe SEB * Publicis Groupe Vicat * Bonduelle * Grupo Catalana Occidente * Rémy Cointreau * Vilmorin * Bouygues * Haulotte Group* Renault Vinci Bureau Veritas Havas * Rexel Virbac Group * Caixabank * Heijmans * Rovi * Vivendi Cap Gemini Iberdrola Royal Ten Cate N.V. * Vopak * Casino Imerys SAAB * Wendel * Chr. Hansen * Indra * Sacyr * Zodiac Aerospace Corbion * Ingenico Safran * Only One-on-one and/or small group meetings Also ESG One-on-one and/or small group meetings 2 Wednesday 17th September Breakout sessions Track 1 Track 2 08:30 Track 3 Registration 09:00 CREDIT AGRICOLE SA 09:00 IMERYS* Banks SA Jean-Paul CHIFFLET, CEO 09:45 BNP PARIBAS 09:45 AIR LIQUIDE Banks Philippe BORDENAVE, COO 10:30 THALES 09:00 DANONE Construction & Materials Michel DELVILLE, CFO Food Pierre-André TERISSE, CFO 09:45 COMPANY TBC Chem icals Pierre DUFOUR, Senior Executive VP 10:30 KLEPIERRE Aerospace & Defence Pascal BOUCHIAT, CFO Speaker TBC 10:30 COMPANY TBC Property Laurent MOREL, Chairm an of Executive Board and CEO 11:15 Speaker TBC Coffee Break 11:30 ALCATEL-LUCENT 11:30 RENAULT IT Hardw are & Telco Equipm ent Michel COMBES, CEO 11:30 COMPANY TBC Autos & Parts Dom inique THORMANN, CFO 12:15 12:15 ALTRAN TECHNOLOGIES IT Softw are & Services Speaker TBC Speaker TBC 12:15 Richard BARON, Advisor, OECD Lazlo VARRO, Head of Gas and power division, IAE ACCOR Transforming the global energy system : pathways to a sustainable future. Roundtable moderated by Mark LEWIS Travel & Leisure Sebastien BAZIN, Chairm an & CEO Networking Buffet Lunch 13:00 14:00 MICHELIN Autos & Parts Marc HENRY, CFO 14:45 ZODIAC AEROSPACE 14:00 EURAZEO 14:00 COMPANY TBC Holding Com panies Philippe AUDOUIN, CFO, Mem ber of the Executive Board 14:45 EXPERT TBC Speaker TBC 14:45 EXPERT TBC Aerospace & Defense Olivier ZARROUATI, CEO Coffee Break 15:30 15:45 COMPANY TBC Speaker TBC 16:30 COMPANY TBC Speaker TBC 15:45 AREVA 15:45 Biotech Roundtable : “Will a French biotech enter the Blockbuster Select Club?” ADOCIA: Gérard SOULA, Chairman and CEO CELLECTIS: André CHOULIKA, CEO NEOVACS: Miguel SIELER, CEO GENFIT: Jean-François MOUNEY, Chairman and CEO Capital Goods Luc OURSEL, CEO 16:30 COMPANY TBC 16:30 Medtech Round table : “Spine: the French Connection conquests the world” EOS Imaging: Marie MEYNADIER, CEO VEXIM: Vincent GARDES, CEO IMPLANET: Ludovic LASTENET, CEO SPINEGUARD: Pierre JEROME, CEO Speaker TBC EXPERT TBC 17:15 18:00 Wine Tasting at Le Collectionneur Arc-de-Triomphe *CFO & CEO will do meetings on the 19th 3 Wednesday 17th September One-on-one or small group meetings only (1/2) ABC Arbitrage FRANCE BANKS Dominique CEOLIN CEO Amadeus SPAIN IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Si l vi a GRANDA IR Arkema FRANCE CHEMICALS Thierry LEMONIER CFO Atresmedia SPAIN MEDIA Da vi d GOMEZ BAQUERO HEAD OF IR Bankia SPAIN BANKS Cristina DAZA HEAD OF IR Bekaert SA BENELUX CAPITAL GOODS Spea ker TBC BE Semiconductor Industries BENELUX SEMIS Richard BLICKMAN CEO Bic FRANCE H & PC Sophi e PALLIEZ-CAPIAN HEAD OF IR BioMérieux FRANCE MEDTECH & SERVICES Isabelle TONGIO HEAD OF IR Bonduelle FRANCE FOOD Grégory SANSON CFO Bouygues FRANCE CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Philippe MARIEN CFO CTT PORTUGAL PHARMA & BIOTECH Andre GORJAO COSTA CFO Ebro Foods SPAIN FOOD Manuel GONZALEZ DE LUNA HEAD OF IR Ence SPAIN INDUSTRIALS Di ego MAUS CFO Eramet FRANCE METALS & MINING Jean-Didier DUJARDIN CEO Essilor FRANCE MEDTECH & SERVICES Véroni que GILLET HEAD OF IR Euler Hermes France INSURANCE Frédéric BIZIERE CFO Faiveley FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Stépha ne RAMBAUD-MEASON CEO Fluidra SPAIN INDUSTRIALS Cristina DEL CASTILLO IR Gameloft FRANCE IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Al exa ndre DE ROCHEFORT CFO Genfit FRANCE PHARMA & BIOTECH Jean-François MOUNEY CEO Groupe SEB FRANCE H & PC Is a bel l e POSTH-GAILLARD HEAD OF IR Grupo Catalana Occidente SPAIN INSURANCE Carlos GONZALEZ CFO Havas FRANCE MEDIA Fra nçoi s LAROZE CFO Indra SPAIN IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Javier MARIN HEAD OF IR Ipsen FRANCE PHARMA & BIOTECH Ma rc DE GARIDEL CEO Ipsos FRANCE MEDIA Didier TRUCHOT CEO 4 Wednesday 17th September One-on-one or small group meetings only (2/2) Kering FRANCE LUXURY GOODS Spea ker TBC Korian FRANCE MEDTECH & SERVICES Yann COLEOU CEO Manitou FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Hervé ROCHET CFO Mauna Kea Technologies FRANCE PHARMA & BIOTECH Sascha LOISEAU CEO Mercialys FRANCE PROPERTY Ma ri e-Fl ore BACHELIER CFO Mersen FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Thomas BAUMGARTNER CFO Motor Oil GREECE OIL & GAS Petros TZANETAKIS CFO Metka/Mytilineos GREECE HOLDING COMPANIES Dimitris KATRALIS IR Naturex FRANCE FOOD Spea ker TBC NextradioTV FRANCE MEDIA Damien BERNET CFO Paris Orléans FRANCE BANKS Ma ri e-La ure BECQUART IR Parrot SA FRANCE IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Gilles LABOSSIERE CFO Plastic Omnium FRANCE AUTOS & PARTS Adel i ne MICKELER CFO Rovi SPAIN PHARMA & BIOTECH Javier LÓPEZ-BELMONTE CFO Saft FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Spea ker TBC Séché Environnement FRANCE UTILITIES Jean GEISSLER CFO Sligro BENELUX FOOD RETAIL H.L. Va n ROOZENDAAL CFO SoLocal Group FRANCE MEDIA Martine GEROW CFO Tarkett FRANCE CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Fa bri ce BARTHELEMY CFO Technicolor FRANCE IT HARDWARE & TELCO EQPMT Emilie MEGEL IR MANAGER Teleperformance FRANCE IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Quy N’GUYEN HEAD OF IR Terreis FRANCE PROPERTY Fabrice PAGET-DOMET CEO Tubacex SPAIN INDUSTRIALS Spea ker TBC Ubisoft FRANCE IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Alain MARTINEZ CFO Vetoquinol FRANCE Hea l th Technol ogy Régi s VIMAL DU MONTEIL CFO Vilmorin FRANCE CHEMICALS Daniel JACQUEMOND CFO 5 Thursday 18th September Breakout sessions Track 1 Track 2 08:30 Track 3 Registration 09:00 SAFRAN Aerospace & Defense Ross McINNES, Deputy CEO, Finance 09:45 TECHNIP Oil Services Speaker TBC 10:30 VALLOUREC Oil Services Philippe CROUZET, Chairm an of the Managem ent Board 11:15 11:30 L'OREAL Luxury Goods Christian MULLIEZ, Executive VP Adm inistration and Finance 09:00 CORE LABORATORIES 09:00 VIVENDI Media Arnaud de PUYFONTAINE, Senior Executive VP, Media and Content activities 09:45 SES 09:45 EDENRED Support Services Loïc JENOUVRIER , CFO 10:30 GDF SUEZ * Paper Magnus GROTH, President Consum er Goods Europe 13:00 14:00 ORANGE Telecom Services Gervais PELISSIER, Deputy CEO 14:45 CASINO Food Retail Antoine GISCARD D'ESTAING, CFO Media Karim Michel SABBAGH , CEO 10:30 FAURECIA Utilities Gérard MESTRALLET, CEO Coffee Break 11:30 ARCELORMITTAL Metals & Mining Michel WURTH, CEO Autos & Parts Michel FAVRE, CFO 11:30 UNIBAIL-RODAMCO Property Jaap TONCKENS, CFO 12:15 SOLVAY 12:15 VINCI 12:15 SCA Oil & Gas Richard Bergm ark, Executive Vice President & CFO Construction & Materials Speaker TBC Networking Buffet Lunch 14:00 IBERDROLA Utilities José SAINZ, CFO Chem icals Karim HAJJAR, CFO 14:00 BBVA Banks Jaim e SAENZ DE TEJEDA, CFO 14:45 EXPERT TBC 14:45 SCOR Insurance François DE VARENNE, CEO of Scor Global Investm ent 15:30 Coffee Break 15:45 SOCIETE GENERALE Banks Philippe HEIM, Group CFO 16:30 15:45 ACCIONA 15:45 EXPERT TBC Construction & Materials Raim undo FERNANDEZ, Head of M&A End of the day Wine Tasting * The company will do NO meetings 6 Thursday 18th September One-on-one or small group meetings only Aalberts BENELUX CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Wi m PELSMA Aegon BENELUX INSURANCE Spe a ke r TBC AkzoNobel (only ESG) BENELUX CHEMICALS Li nds e y SANDERS IR Almirall SPAIN PHARMA & BIOTHEC Jordi Al mi ra l l HEAD OF IR Alpha Bank GREECE BANKS Di mi tri s MAROULIS HEAD OF IR Arcadis BENELUX CAPITAL GOODS Ne i l McARTHUR CEO Ackermans & van Haaren BENELUX HOLDING COMPANIES Tom BAMELIS CFO Atresmedia SPAIN MEDIA Spe a ke r TBC BAM BENELUX CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS The s s a MENSSEN CFO Barco NV BENELUX IT HARDWARE & TELCO EQPMT Ca rl VANDEN BUSSCHE IR Di re ctor Caixabank SPAIN BANKS Lore nzo ISLA HEAD OF IR Chr. Hansen NORDICS PHARMA & BIOTECH Ande rs MOHR CHRISTENSEN IR DIA SPAIN FOOD RETAIL Ama ndo SANCHEZ COO DSM BENELUX CHEMICALS Ma rc SILVERTAND IR EDP SPAIN UTILITIES Mi gue l VIANA HEAD OF IR EVS BENELUX PRODUCER MANAFUCTARING Ma gda l e na BARON CFO FCC SPAIN CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Mi gue l CORONEL IR Ferrovial SPAIN CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Pe dro LOSADA CFO Heijmans BENELUX CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Ma rk VAN DEN BIGGELAAR CFO Legrand FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Fra nçoi s POISSON HEAD OF IR Mediaset Espana SPAIN MEDIA Ja vi e r URIA CFO Novozymes NORDICS PHARMA & BIOTECH Thoma s BOMHOFF Nutreco BENELUX FOOD Spe a ke r TBC OHL SPAIN CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Ma ri uca JUNQUERA LARA HEAD OF IR PostNL BENELUX SUPPORT SERVICES Ja n BOS CFO Rémy Cointreau FRANCE BEVERAGES La e ti ti a DELAYE HEAD OF IR SAAB NORDICS AUTOS & PARTS Ma gnus ÖRNBERG CFO TDC NORDICS TELECOM SERVICES Joha n BRAMMER CEO TKH Group BENELUX CAPITAL GOODS El l i ng De LANGE CFO TomTom BENELUX IT HARDWARE & TELCO EQPMT Ha rol d GODDIJN CEO Tubacex SPAIN INDUSTRIALS Spe a ke r TBC CEO HEAD OF IR 7 Friday 19th September Breakout sessions Track 1 Track 2 08:30 09:00 SODEXO 09:00 CAP GEMINI Support Services Michel LANDEL, CEO 09:45 DASSAULT SYSTEMES IT Softw are & Services Thibault DE TERSANT, CEO Utilities Jean-Louis CHAUSSADE, CEO 10:30 SAINT GOBAIN 10:30 AEROPORTS DE PARIS Construction & Materials Laurent GUILLOT, CFO Airlines & Airports Edw ard ARKWRIGHT, CFO Capital Goods Rudy PROVOOST, CEO 09:45 MEDIASET ESPANA Media Javier URIA, CFO 10:30 INGENICO IT Hardw are & Telco Equipm ent Philippe LAZARE, CEO Coffee Break 11:15 11:30 PUBLICIS GROUPE 11:30 VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT Media Jean-Michel ETIENNE, CFO Utilities Antoine FREROT, Chairm an & CEO 12:15 EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS 12:15 PSA Peugeot Citroën Media Michel DE ROSEN, CEO Autos Jean-Baptiste CHATILLON, CFO 11:30 GROUPE EUROTUNNEL Transport Jacques GOUNON, CEO 12:15 GBL Holding Com panies Gérard LAMARCHE, Managing Director Lunch Presentation : Christopher POTTS, Head of Economics & Strategy 14:00 Clare FLYNN LEVY, Founder & CEO Topic : Behavioural Finance 14:45 JCDECAUX Media Laurence DEBROUX, Executive Vice President Finance and Adm inistration 15:30 09:00 REXEL IT Softw are & Services Aim ant EZZAT, Group CFO, IT & Procurem ent 09:45 SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT 13:00 Track 3 Registration 14:00 AIR FRANCE KLM Airlines & Airports Speaker TBC 14:45 COMPANY TBC Speaker TBC 14:00 BUREAU VERITAS Support Services Didier MICAHUD-DANIEL, CEO 14:45 COMPANY TBC Speaker TBC End of the conference 8 Friday 19th September One-on-one or small group meetings only Aperam BENELUX METALS & MINING Sa ndeep JALAN CFO Atlas Copco NORDICS CAPITAL GOODS Ma tti a s OLSSON Hea d of IR BME SPAIN BANKS Ja vi er HERNANI CFO Corbion BENELUX Cons umer Non-Dura bl es Eddy VAN RHEDE VAN DER KLOOT CFO FLSmidth NORDICS CAPITAL GOODS Perni l l e FRIIS ANDERSEN HEAD OF IR Haulotte Group FRANCE CAPITAL GOODS Al exa ndre SAUBOT CEO Lagardère FRANCE MEDIA Anthony MELLOR HEAD OF IR Novo Nordisk NORDICS PHARMA & BIOTECH Da ni el BOHSEN IR Orpea FRANCE MEDTECH & SERVICES Steve GROBET HEAD OF IR Télévision Française 1 Fra nce MEDIA Phi l i ppe DENERY CFO Virbac Group FRANCE PHARMA & BIOTECH Spea ker TBC Sopra / Stéria FRANCE IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES Spea ker TBC / Fra nçoi s ENAUD CEO Svenska Handelsbanken NORDICS BANKS La rs Kenneth DAHLQVIST IR Date TBC Chr. Hansen NORDICS PHARMA & BIOTECH Anders MOHR CHRISTENSEN EDF FRANCE UTILITIES Spea ker TBC Ellaktor GREECE CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Stergi os PITOSKAS Grontmij BENELUX SUPPORT SERVICES Spea ker TBC Novo Nordisk NORDICS PHARMA & BIOTECH Spea ker TBC Prisa SPAIN MEDIA Ja vi er LÁZARO Royal Ten Cate N.V. BENELUX DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIES Spea ker TBC IR IR CFO 9 Wednesday 17 September 12:15 : Roundtable : “Transforming the Global Energy System: Pathways to a Sustainable Future” moderated by Mark Lewis from Kepler Cheuvreux, Senior Analyst Sustainability Research Coordinator Energy Transition & Climate Change Laszlo Varro is the Head of Gas Coal and Power Division, IEA. The division undertakes the analysis of gas, coal and electricity markets and policy developments with a special focus on supply-demand balance, capacity investments, supply security issues as well as the implications of climate policy for the gas and electricity systems. Before joining the IEA in 2011, Laszlo worked in the private sector as the Director for Strategy Development at MOL Group, a publicly quoted integrated energy company. There he was responsible for demand and price forecasting, investment capital allocation and the incorporation of energy policy developments into corporate strategy. Before MOL Group, he was the Head of Economics and Price Regulation at the Hungarian Energy Office, the national gas and electricity regulator in Hungary. His main projects at the regulator included unbundling and establishment of network tariffs, renegotiation of pre-market opening power purchase agreements as well as the introduction of feed-in tariffs for renewable energy. Laszlo is an economist by training with graduate degrees from the Corvinus University in Budapest and the University of Cambridge. Richard Baron is the principal advisor of the OECD Round Table on Sustainable Development, a series of high-level meetings to advance discussions on pressing environmental questions. Until 2013, he was the Head of the Climate Change Unit at the International Energy Agency (IEA). Mr. Baron has been working on the linkages between climate change and energy policy since 1989. He authored a number of papers and books on international emissions trading and sectoral approaches in heavy industry and electricity, for IEA and for the OECD/IEA Climate Change Expert Group on the UNFCCC, which supports international climate negotiations. His recent work focused on: competitiveness and climate policy, renewable energy and electricity market organisation; the implementation emissions trading in China; and combinations of policy instruments for effective CO2 reductions in the energy sector. Prior to his positions at IEA and OECD, he worked in France at CIRED and at IDDRI, in the US at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest Laboratory. He is member of the Economic Council for Sustainable Development, an advisory group to the French minister for ecology. He holds a degree from Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, and an advanced degree in theoretical and applied economics from DELTA, Paris School of Economics. 10 Wednesday 17 September 15:45 : Roundtable Biotech : ““Will a French biotech enter the Blockbuster Select Club?” Pricing of innovation: how payers can respond to Pharma/Biotech industry expectations? Short presentations of future leaders. moderated by Lionel LABOURDETTE, PhD, Kepler Cheuvreux, Analyst Biotech ADOCIA: Gérard SOULA, Chairman and CEO ADOCIA is a biotech dedicated to the formulation and the delivery of therapeutic proteins. The Biochaperone technology offers the opportunity to prepare highly concentrated solution of proteins. In addition Biochaperone based formulae show a modified pharmacokinetic profile (faster or longer release). ADOCIA’s approach offers therefore a great opportunity to optimise the life cycle management of existing blockbusters. The pipeline contains two high potential candidates: an ultrafast acting insulin formulation and a soluble combo of fast and long acting insulin addressing the fast growing market of insulin based diabetes management. CELLECTIS: André CHOULIKA, CEO CELLECTIS is a biotech company having developed a unique expertise in DNA recombination and genome engineering. Recent developments have made possible to create modified T lymphocytes with Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) capable of specific interaction with tumour cells. This new approach is in the hot field of immune system based cancer therapies. A recent deal with Pfizer demonstrate the interest from big pharmas in this new therapeutic strategy. NEOVACS: Miguel SIELER, CEO NEOVACS is a biotech focused on vaccination against chronic pathologies, especially auto-immune diseases. Its technology is based on the stimulation of the immune system and the synthesis by the patient of polyclonal antibodies against cytokines known to play a central role in the disease progression (such as TNFa or INFa). NEOVACS brings a tangible response to a growing population of patients that no more respond to anti-TNF mAbs. Marketed by a big pharma, such vaccines could catch a significant share of the growing anti-TNF antibodies market ($30bn in 2013, +12%). GENFIT: Jean-François MOUNEY, Chairman and CEO GENFIT is a biopharmaceutical company with a lead compound (GFT 505 which ongoing phase II results should be released early 2015) targeting the metabolism disorders. GFT 505 shows a benefits in a liver disease (NASH) which prevalence is rapidly growing in the western countries. The large market (fat liver is a common symptom in obese population) and the unmet medical needs open a real business opportunity for a good drug candidate. A strategic partnership could rocket GFT 505 to summits. 11 Wednesday 17 September 16:30 : Roundtable Medtech : “Spine: the French Connection conquests the world” What can explain the excellence of the French Spine School? Will Spine industry post a solid growth in the next decade? Short presentations of future leaders. moderated by Lionel LABOURDETTE, PhD, Kepler Cheuvreux, Analyst Biotech EOS Imaging: Marie MEYNADIER, CEO EOS Imaging has developed an innovative low dose 3D scanner that allows a full body picture in a very short period of time (a body scan lasts 20 seconds). Orthopaedic surgeons have from now access to a global vision of their patients in a standing position. They can see the impact of the weight and of the posture on spine and on the articulations of the lower limbs. This new imaging technology brings a real added value and allows an optimised correction of spine angles/twists. VEXIM: Vincent GARDES, CEO With SPINEJACK, VEXIM offers a very simple and very efficient way to repair vertebrae fractures. The implant allows an ideal repositioning of compressed vertebrae. Fully compatible with Minimal Invasive Surgery techniques, SPINEJACK enters the market so far dominated by balloon based devices and should become a gold standard. IMPLANET: Ludovic LASTENET, CEO JAZZ belongs to a new generation of implants that helps in a better management of large deformations (severe scoliosis) with an improved correction in the sagittal plan and can secure the fixation of pedicle screws in an altered bone matrix (patients suffering from osteoporosis). IMPLANET should therefore capable of taking a strong position on the growing market of the degenerative spine. SPINEGUARD: Pierre JEROME, CEO Making spine surgery safer is a real challenge and preventing the misplacement of pedicle screws remains a kind of Holy Grail. SPINEGUARD has developed an innovative concept, the dynamic surgical guidance. The technology brings to the surgeon a real time information on the positioning of its drilling device. Pediguard is the first device based on this new concept and prevents sensible tissues damage. By decreasing the rate of misplacement causing spine cord injuries or blood vessels perforation, Pediguard limits therefore the risk of revision surgeries. New devices are currently in development (smart screw) and should push SPINEGUARD in the front of the scene in the coming years. 12 Friday 19 September 12:15 : Behavioural Finance Clare Flynn Levy is Founder & CEO of Essentia Analytics, a cloud-based software solution that uses behavioural data analytics to help professional investors to make more skilled investment decisions. Prior to founding Essentia, Clare spent 10 years as a fund manager, both active equity (running over $1bn of pension funds for Deutsche Asset Management) and hedge (as CIO of Avocet Capital Management, a specialist tech fund manager). She ultimately “went native” into the software space as the President of Beauchamp Financial Technology, a market-leading provider of portfolio management systems to hedge funds that was acquired by Linedata Services S.A. Clare also serves as a Non-Executive Director of Team Grasshopper Ltd. (a purveyor of allnatural convenience foods), acts as an Advisor to the Board of City Lounge Ventures Ltd. (operators of Central flexible workhubs), and sits on the European Regional Board of YPO-WPO (the world's most influential network of young CEOs). 13 Research Corner (1/2) In addition to your meetings with corporate companies, you will have the opportunity to talk to our analysts. If you would like us to set up a meeting for you, please visit our Conference Team at the One-On-One Desk. Hjalmar AHLBERG Nabil AHMED Alfredo ALONSO Thomas ALZUYETA Mats ANDERSON Sébastien BARTHELEMI Boliden, LundinMining, SSAB/Rautaruukki, Hydro, Outokumpu Groupe Eurotunnel, Tarkett, Korian Medica, Orpea Rochus BRAUNEISER Banco Popular, Banco sabadell, Bankia, Bankinter, BBVA, CaixaBank, Santander Bic, Seb, Gameloft, Ubisoft, Beneteau, Club Mediterrannee, Merlin Entertainment, Pierre & Vacances, Fnac Fabienne CARON Danske Bank, DnB Nor, Nordea, Sampo, Seb Banken, Svenska Handelsbanken, Swedbank, TopDanmark, Tryg Head of Credit Research : Utilities, Telecom, Construction & Materials, Food, Retail, Beverages, Metal & Mining, Electronics Jon COX Andrea BENEVENTI Javier CAMPOS CLAVERO David CERDAN Thomas BESSON Natalia BOBO BJORK Quantitative Research : Execution, Market impact, Flow analysis, Risk management, Hedging, Asset allocation, Micro-structure Montupet, Autoliv, Continental, Faurecia, Fiat, Michelin, Nokian Renkaat, Peugeot, Pirelli & C., Plastic Omnium, Renault,Valeo, Volvo Grifols, Almirall, Espirito Santo Saude, Rovi, Técnicas Reunidas, Amadeus, Indra, Inditex Javier BORRACHERO, CFA Iliad, Jazztel, KPN, Numericable, Orange, Portugal Telecom, Telefonica, Telekom Austria, Telefonica Deutschland Pierre BOUCHENY Alstom, Areva, Legrand, Nexans, Rexel, Schneider Electric, Air France KLM Ackermans & van Haaren, Bolloré, Eurazeo, GBL, Wendel, Neopost, Technicolor, Interparfums, Essilor, Eutelsat, SES, Eurofins Scientific, Teleperformance Barry Callebaut, Danone, Lindt & Spruengli, Nestle, Dufry, Richemont, Swatch Group Laurent DAURE Alten, Altran Technologies, Atos, Cap Gemini, Dassault Systemes, GFI Informatique, Rentabiliweb, SAP, Sopra, Streria, Tietoenator Iñigo EGUSQUIZA Acerinox, Astresmedia, CF Alba, CAF, DIA, Ebro Foods, Jeronimo Martins, Melia Hotels International, NH Hoteles, Prisa, Prosegur, Mediaset España, Tubacex, Vidrala, Viscofan, Vocento Cargotec, Electrolux, FLSmidth, Husqvarna, Konecranes, Maersk, Metso, Outotec, Valmet, Wärtsilä Abertis, ACS, FCC, Ferrovial, OHL, Sacyr, Zardoya Axel Srpinger, Informa, Lagardère, NextRadio TV, Pearson, Reed Elsevier, SoLocal Group, UBM, Wolters Kluwer Paul BESSON ArcelorMittal, Aperam, Aurubis, Kloeckner & CO, Salzgitter, Schmolz Bickenbach, ThyssenKrupp, Baron de Ley, Campofrio, Codere, Ence, Evolva, Fluidra, S Immo Ahold, Carrefour, Casino, Delhaize, Metro, Tesco Johan ELIASON Joaquin FERRER, CFA Bjorn GUSTAFSSON Ruxandra HARADAU- DÖSER Samuel HENRY-DIESBACH Investor, Kinnevik, Industrivarden, Ratos, Axfood, Skanska, NCC Aéroport de Paris, Deutsche Lufthansa, Easyjet, Flughafen Wien, Flughafen Zürich, Fraport, HHLA, Intl Airlines Group, Ryanair Affine, Altarea-Cogedim, ANF, Beni Stabili, CeGeREAL, Foncière des régions, Gecina, Icade, 14 Research Corner (2/2) In addition to your meetings with corporate companies, you will have the opportunity to talk to our analysts. If you would like us to set up a meeting for you, please visit our Conference Team at the One-On-One Desk. Joakim HÖGLUND Alfa Laval, Assa Abloy, Atlas Copco, Sandvik, SKF Mikael JAFS Ahlstrom, Billerud, Holmen, Mayr - Meinhof Christopher POTTS Karton AG, Metsa Board, Norske Skog, SCA, Smurfitkappa, Stora Enso, UPM Aarhuskarlshamm, Chr. Hansen, Coloplast, Elekta, Josep PUJAL Getinge, Novo Nordisk, Novozymes Richard KOCH José PORTA Cyril MEILLAND, CFA BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Natixis, Société Générale, Alpha Bank Christophe MENARD Airbus Group, BAE Systems, Cobham plc, Dassault Martin RÖDIGER Aviation, Finmeccanica, Lisi, MTU Aero Engines, Rolls Royce Holdings Plc, Safran, Thales, Ultra Electronics, Zodiac Aerospace Austrian Post, Bpost, Deutsche Post, TNT Express, Nathalie RODES PostNL, Vopak, Arcadis, Grontmijj, Imtech, Fugro, SBM Offshore, Ballast-Nedam, BAM, Boskalis, Heijmans ASM International, TomTom, BESI, Exact Holding, Catherine ROLLAND Philips, TKH Group, Osram, Aalberts, Umicore Andre MULDER Peter OLOFSEN Peter OPPITZHAUSER Conor O’SHEA, CFA Benoit PETRARQUE Hans PLUIJGERS BG Group, BP, ENI, OMV, Repsol, Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil, Total Havas, Publicis Group, WPP, BskyB, M6, ProsiebenSat 1 , Sky Deutschland, TF1, ITV, RTL Group, JCDecaux, Ipsos, Vivendi Binckbank, KBC, Boursorama, Aegon, Ageas, CNP Assurances, Delta Lloyd, ING Group, Euler Hermes Adecco, Brunel International, Hays, Michael Page, Randstad, USG People Kevin ROGER Sebastien SZTABOWICZ Matthijs VAN LEIJENHORST Stéphane VOISIN Richard WITHAGEN Iberdrola, Gas Natural, Endesa, EDP, REE, Enagas, Acciona, ADPR, Gamesa Head of Economics and Strategy Bouygues, CRH, Eiffage, HeidelbergCement, Holcim, Imerys, Lafarge, Saint-Gobain, Vicat, Vinci Debt & Credit Analyst: Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical & Biotech, Services, Medias, Luxury & Sportswear, Transport Arkema, DSM, Evonik, Fuchs Petrolub, H&R, K+ S, Lanxess, Syngenta ESG Debt & Credit Analyst: ESG integration, Sustainable bonds Beiersdorf, L'Oréal, Christain Dior, Hermès, Kering, LVMH, Prada, Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Rémy Cointreau Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson, Gemalto, Ingenico, Nokia, Soitec, Axway Software, Software AG Mobistar, Telenet, Ziggo, Belgacom, D'ieteren, Bekaert, EVS, Nyrstar, Arseus, Elia Head of Sustainability Research & Responsible Investment Unilever, Suedzucker 15 Registration Rules 2nd Leading European broker Registration for all meetings is available online ONLY. Conferences Registration deadline: 25 August 2014. (Thomson Reuters Extel 2014) Your preliminary schedule will be e-mailed to you one week prior to the conference. Please note that a number of scheduling changes may occur in the days leading up to the conference. You will be duly notified. Please check with the one-on-one meetings desk upon arrival at the conference to obtain the final schedule of your meetings. If you have any questions, please contact: The Autumn Conference Team Tel: (+33) 1 70 81 57 45 E-mail: autumn@keplercheuvreux.com How to access your online registration page? Go to: http://www.keplercheuvreux.com Or scan the QR code with your smartphone: 16 Hotel Accommodation Please note that a limited number of rooms have been blocked at the listed hotels. Reservations are subject to availability. If you wish to book accommodation and benefit from the negotiated rate, please call the respective hotel directly and mention the reservation code: Kepler Cheuvreux Autumn 2014 Due to many events taking place in Paris in September, we advise you to make reservations as early as possible to avoid rising room rates. Le Collectionneur Arc de Triomphe Hotel Hyatt Paris Madeleine Hotel 51 – 57, rue de Courcelles - 75008 Paris - Tel.: + 33 1 58 36 67 00 24 boulevard Malesherbes - 75008 Paris - Tel.: +33 1 55 27 12 34 Email: contact@thegatecollection.com Website to book a room: click here Room rate: 450 € Email: alix.mabille@hyatt.com Room rate: 400 € - Ref : KC09 Radisson Blu Le Dokhan’s Radisson Blu Le Metropolitan 117 rue de Lauriston – 75116 – Paris - Tel.: +33 53 65 66 99 10 Place de Mexico - 75116 Paris - Tel.: +33 53 65 66 99 Email: geraldine.rouard@radissonblu.com Room rate: €330 Email: geraldine.rouard@radissonblu.com Room rate: €330 17 Hotel Accommodation / Access Map W Paris – Opéra Hotel Hotel Bel Ami 4 rue Meyerbeer, 75009 Paris Tel.: + 33 1 77 48 94 94 7/11 rue St-Benoît - 75006 Paris - Tel.: +33 1 42 61 53 53 Email: reservation.03487@whotels.com Room rate: 480 € Email: resa@hotel-bel-ami.com Room rate: 400 € Charles de Av Gaulle-Etoile enue des Ch am Rue Murillo e och eH nu Ave Ru e Parking Etoile - Hoche dland de Frie Avenue Rue de Lisbonne Mo nc ea u Ru ed uF au bo urg Sai ntHo no ré oct uD ed u R d e Ru eB alz ac Rue Beau jon Rue Bal zac e och eH nu e v A Monceau e Ru ann Boulevard Haussm P Parking Haussmann - Berri e Ru W Ru e e rc ou eC ed Ru tt ilsi eT ed Ru Ave nue de Wa gra m Rue Bea ujon P Velib t ura is M ou eL Ru ile to y l'E re eB Ru Velib ur co au Be as hi ng to n Rue de la Néva ue en Av dland de Frie Avenue Updated on July 22nd 2014 u ar eD Ru Ru e Courcelles de Co urc ell es s lle ce ur Co de Rue de Mo nte not te A ot Ternes de Arc-de-Triomphe hotel n yo ro eT Ru ahon Avenue Mac-M Le Collectionneur Aven ue d es T erne s e Ru Access: Metro line 2: Ternes, Courcelles, Monceau RER line A: Charles de GaulleEtoile Parking: Haussmann-Berri or Etoile-Hoche lles urce e Co Bd d Velib Ru ed uF au bo urg rri Sa Be in de t-H e on Ru or é d'A rt oi s 18