A Time for Deepening Our Relationship with God Through
A Time for Deepening Our Relationship with God Through
Newsletter of the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church LOUMC: A Place to Connect—to God, to each other, and to the World February 16, 2016 Worship with Us February 21 Youth Sunday 8:45 Sunday Morning Alive! Music: Youth and William Barnett 10:00 Worship in Sanctuary Music: Youth and William Barnett February 28 Ryan Ury: Guest Speaker 8:45 Sunday Morning Alive Music: Flipside 10:00 Worship in Sanctuary Music: Lake Carillon and Chancel Choir Lent March 6 Communion Sunday One Great Hour of Sharing 8:45 Sunday Morning Alive Music: Flipside 10:00 Worship in Sanctuary Music: Chancel Choir March 13 8:45 Sunday Morning Alive Music: Flipside 10:00 Worship in Sanctuary Music: Junior Choir and Chancel Choir Nursery care at all services In This Issue Words from Pastor Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Prayers & Celebrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Upcoming Events & Classes . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Church Council & Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Artist of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Around the Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A Time for Deepening Our Relationship with God Through Reflection, Fasting, Service & Prayer For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matthew 25:35-36 A Spotlight on Hunger Ministries at LOUMC We may not have our own food bank or soup kitchen here at Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, but that doesn’t mean we are not actively working to feed and clothe the homeless and the hungry in our area! There are many people working behind the scenes at LOUMC who are passionate about feeding, clothing and taking care of those in need. When you step inside the main doors by the office at church, you may notice the large plastic bins to your left. Food and clothing is collected in these bins and taken to Mainspring Portland (formerly FISH), Operation Nightwatch and the West Linn Food Pantry. Janice & Cecil Denney, continued on page 8 Speaking Personally Words from Pastor Dan I am always amazed at how it catches me off guard, the feelings I have when I begin to place ashes on peoples’ foreheads on Ash Wednesday. A person steps forward who has battled and beat cancer, and I say to them: “Remember that your are dust, and to dust you shall return.” There is the child, all smiling and innocent, to whom I say the same. The struggling parent, the person about to have surgery, the person making their way back into a church community, all of them I remind that they will one day die. It is such a powerful and deeply holy time. When all is done, I turn to the person who is assisting me in placing the ashes, Stacey Bernal, who marks the sign of the cross on my forehead and says to me: “Dan, remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” It was not until I got home, getting ready for bed, that I looked in the mirror to see just how large a smudge she had put on my forehead. I was surprised that I’d walked around looking like that, and that the sign of my death would loom so large. What the awareness of my someday death does for me is not make me try to cram more and more life into the days which Willie Nelson says in September Song, “dwindle down to a precious few.” Rather, the ashes and the awareness of my death, whenever it may come, make me more and more grateful for each moment of this precious life, especially the moments when God is so clearly present. I felt God’s presence the last time I served communion, and Gail Garcelon came forward with hands outstretched and open. Knowing she is about to move to Texas, that moment was ever so poignant; God was there. I’ve felt God’s presence in the anthems the Chancel Choir has sung recently, and in our new organist William’s stunning music. A visit to the Craft Group, listening to the bell choirs offer their best to God, sitting with the children during worship, praying with someone at the hospital before surgery, seeing the beautiful artistry of those who decorate our worship spaces and Karen Locke’s prayer wall…these all, and so many other moments, inspire deep, deep gratitude in my soul. The ashes deepen these experiences, reminding me that we’re all dust, we’re all limited, we’re all blessed, and we’re all loved. Lent is a time given to you to deepen your awareness of God’s presence and love in your life, just as Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness did that for him. As you begin the journey, ponder and pray about this: You are dust. To dust you shall return. On the Lenten journey with you, Pastor Dan The following have been in our thoughts and prayers this month: Olivia R broke her foot. Joe S continues to heal from injuries due to a fall from a laddar. It was good to see him back in church. William B fell and fractured his tailbone. Sue J’s mom passed away after an 8-year battle with cancer. Julie G had eye surgery and is thankful for God’s presence and the help of her LOUMC family. Cassie P had shoulder surgery on February 12. John H is in Hospice care at Willamette View. Congratulations! Vicki Boyle welcomed a new granddaughter, Rory Victoria Cochran, into the world on January 26. Jeff Mattern retired on January 14! Thank you so much for the cards, prayers, and well wishes following the death of my father. I always told him that when the time came I would be sad for me but happy for him. And that is true. All is well with him now. Joyce Sluss 2 The Spotlight - February 2016 February & March at LOUMC February 16, 6:15pm—Soup Supper and My Best Thought—Barbara Buckley February 21—Youth Sunday—Youth will lead both services February 21, 8:45am—Great Decisions: Climate Change in the Library (coffee at 8:30) February 21—Blood Pressure Screening—Between Services Only February 21, 11:15am—Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes: Being White: Developing Empathy and Self Awareness Around Race featuring Dr. Jeanne Enders February 21, 11:15—Sager Brown Mission Team Meeting in the Lounge February 23, 6:15pm—Soup Supper and My Best Thought—Mike Pearson February 23, 7:30pm—Pastor’s Lenten Study—Music Room (This is the first meeting of this 9-week class) February 28—Ryan Ury Guest Preacher—Both Services February 28, 8:45am—Great Decisions: The Future of Kurdistan in the library (coffee at 8:30) February 28, 11:15am—Health Care Ministries and Mary’s Woods Present “Hospice and Palliative Care” Program by Serenity Hospice in the Music Room March 1, 6:15pm—Soup Supper and My Best Thought—Max Wilson-Fey March1, 7:30pm—Pastor’s Lenten Study in the Music Room March 6—One Great Hour of Sharing Offering to support UMCOR March 6, 8:45am—Great Decisions: The United Nations in the library (coffee at 8:30) March 6, 4–7:00pm—Youth Spaghetti Dinner and Auction March 7, 12:00pm—Spotlight Deadline Begins—Spring Back! March 13, 8:45am—Great Decisions: The Rise of ISIS in the library (coffee at 8:30) March 13, 9:00am—Dedication of the Lenten Food Boxes March 13, 11:30am—Coffee with the Pastor (Newcomer Inquiry) March 15, 12:00pm—Lunch Bunch March 15, 6:15pm—Soup Supper and My Best Thought—Judy Cushing March 17, 6:30-8:30pm—Holy Week in Word and Art March 20—Palm Sunday March 20, 11:15am—3Fs Group Easter Gathering March 20, 11:15am—Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes March 8, 6:15pm—Soup Supper and My Best Thought—Iluska Ikeda March 20, 6:00-8:00pm— Progressive Dinner—Watch for details March 8, 7:30pm— Pastor’s Lenten Study in the Music Room March 23, 7:00pm—Maundy Thursday Service Marach 13—Daylight Savings Time March 24—Good Friday Service Souper Bowl Sunday Raised $1011.55 for Outside In Cooking Thank you for your support! The contributions collected on February 17 will go a long way toward the cost of the monthly meals prepared by our youth. The actual cost for a year of cooking is $2400. More assistance is needed! You can still donate to the help offset the cost of these meals by dropping your check, marked “Souper Bowl” in the memo line, into the collection plate any time! UMC Scholarships Available The United Methodist Church has scholarship money available for local church members who are attending college or graduate school. The information and links to the application materials are on the Conference website at www.umoi.org/scholarships. The application deadline for Conference-sponsored scholarships is April 4, 2016 for the 2016-2017 academic year. Many wonderful resources are available for Lent and throughout the year on the UMC website! To learn more and find devotionals, inspiration and even a Lenten quiz, go to http://www.umc.org/topics/topic-lent-and-easter. The Spotlight - February 2016 3 Upcoming Events and Classes Great Decisions Discussion Series Continues Into March The Prober’s class is continuing the popular Great Decision Series, which discusses the most critical global issues facing America today. This DVD/book discussion meets Sunday mornings in the Library from 8:45-10:00. (Coffee and fellowship begins at 8:30). The books are $25 and can be ordered from Oregon World Affairs Council at http://worldoregon.org. The schedule is as follows: Feb 21: Climate Change (Kip Ault, leader) Feb 28: The Future of Kurdistan March 6: The United Nations March 13: The Rise of ISIS Questions? Email Carolyn Knudson at knutsoncr@msn.com. We love to get your photos for the newsletter, website and Facebook! Email to pam@lakeoswegoumc.org early to have them included! Providing Radical Hospitality to Each Other: with Health Care Ministries Health Care Ministries is excited that Mary’s Woods is collaborating with our congregation to help us create a stronger community. Mary’s Woods provided one program on Sunday, January 24 and is providing another program on Sunday, February 28, plus five separate workshops, to help us develop skills to reach out to each other, to folks too frail to attend church, and to support one another during trying times. Everyone who is interested is welcome. We encourage all those who are curious, who are caregivers, or who want to be better prepared to be caregivers, to attend. Care Team members are strongly urged to attend. Please join us on Sunday, February 28, from 11:15-12:45 in the Music Room for “Hospice and Palliative Care.” This presentation will be offered by Serenity Hospice and will inform attendees what hospice is and the core aspects of hospice; patient/ family focus, interdisciplinary team approach, and services provided. Join us also on Tuesday evening, March 22, from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Conference Room for “Visiting with all your senses,” the second of five workshops by Mary’s Woods. These programs are designed to help us be better friends to each other in a variety of ways: when we are visiting or phoning those who are homebound, visiting those in the hospital, delivering prayer shawls, sending notes, or providing transportation. Child care will be provided. Additional programs will include: April 26 – “Caring and Listening” May 24 – “How to Transport Seniors” June TBA Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes: Justice, Not Just Us Being White: Developing Empathy and Self Awareness around Race featuring Dr. Jeanne Enders Sunday, February 21, 11:15am in the Music Room Jeanne Enders is a white person who grew up in Oregon in the 1960s-1970s. She’s lived in Germany and Austria for about three years during her adult life and in Chicago for 12. Jeanne has a Ph.D. in Social and Organizational Psychology and teaches at Portland State University in the School of Business. She and her husband Albrecht have two grown daughters. Jeanne is delighted to facilitate this conversation at her own church about what it means to be white in America today. 4 From Will Green, UM pastor in Massachusetts: “Next time a well meaning person says that they have found a Bible passage that relates to people of color, you may want to point out that there are no white people in the Bible. People with North Atlantic heritage such as myself should spend lots of time getting really comfortable with this fact - there are no white people in the Bible.” Sponsored by the LOUMC Inclusiveness Committee ~ All are welcome ~ (suitable for adults and older youth) The Spotlight - February 2016 Upcoming Events and Classes 3Fs (Family, Fun & Fellowship) Planning Fun Events for Spring! 3Fs is the group at LOUMC for families with school-aged children. They are planning several events in the upcoming months, some including entire families, and some for just the adults! This is a great chance to get to know some of your church family better!! Sunday, March 20–Easter Gathering Immediately following the 10:00 service. Saturday, April 23–Progressive Dinner in West Linn. Friday, May 13–Host David Golden Jazz Concert at LOUMC. Sunday, June 5–BBQ Following 10:00 worship (location TBA). July 15-17–Camping (location TBA, but within 1-1.5 hours of Portland area) If you are interested in more information, would like to be added to the email group for 3Fs, or would like to help with planning, contact Gail Anderson at gail@artman.biz or call her at 503-705-5420. Soup Suppers and My Best Thought Beginning February 16 On Tuesday evenings during Lent, gather in the Fellowship Hall at 6:15 for a delicious Soup Supper with your church family, then move to the Sanctuary at 7:00pm when, each week, someone will share his or her faith journey. The schedule of speakers is: Feb. 16 Barbara Buckley Feb. 23 Mike Pearson March 1 Max Wilson-Fey March 8 Iluska Ikeda March 15 Judy Cushing Join Pastor Dan’s Lenten Study on Gifts of the Dark Wood Tuesday Nights After My Best Thought Starting February 23 If you or someone you love is dealing with a failure, or a loss, lack of clarity, temptation or exhaustion, Pastor Dan’s class may be of help to you. In this series, Rev. Eric Elnes, PhD, the author of Gifts of the Dark Wood, acts as a guide as the class explores such “gifts” as Uncertainty, Emptiness, Lostness and Failure. This series is for anyone who feels awkward in their search for God; who seeks to find holiness amid their holy mess. The class will extend beyond the end of Lent, but the discussions will be very meaningful. Please note, the study will begin on February 23, the second Tuesday in Lent. There will be nine evening meetings, but the class will not meet during Holy Week. Holy Week in Word and Art A 2 Session Presentation/Discussion Led by Pastor Dan March 17 & 26 Pastor Dan will be offering a two-session presentation on the Lenten and Holy Week art of John August Swanson. A 41-minute DVD includes discussion of six pieces of Swanson’s work and interviews with the artist. Theological commentary and questions from faculty members at the United Methodist Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia are also included. The presentation is called “What Wondrous Love: Holy Week in Word and Art.” The class will be offered on Thursday, March 17, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, and continue on the Saturday of Holy Week, March 26, from 10:00am to 12pm. The Spotlight - February 2016 5 Around the Church Church Council Changes With heavy hearts we say farewell to Gail Garcelon, our Church Council chair for the past year, as she moves to Texas to be closer to her youngest grandchildren and her Foundation. Gail has been a very active member at LOUMC over the years as Care Team coordinator, office volunteer, Membership Connection member, part of the Church Leadership Development group, Gifts of Hope coordinator and chair of past Pastor’s Advisory Teams. She will be greatly missed at LOUMC. In their last meeting, the Church Council elected Dennis Sizemore as the new Church Council chair. Congratulations to Dennis. We look forward to his leadership as we go forward in 2016. The Church Council also voted to approve the budget for 2016. They are pleased to begin the year with a surplus in the budget due to your very generous giving in December. However, a large mortgage is still outstanding for the Christian Activities Center and there are some large maintenance items in need of being addressed going forward. They hope to address both of these items in the year ahead. The Youth Spaghetti Dinner and Auction Needs Your Donations! Contact Stacey Bernal at stacey@lakeoswegoumc.org or click this link to download and print a donation form! Trustees Update The following items have been addressed by the Trustees in the past month: · Sanctuary Ramp project has been funded and work will start very soon. · Roof leaks are still being monitored with repairs anticipated when the weather permits. · The cost for thermal window replacements is being investigated as a Memorial project. · The gutters over the North entrance (by elevator) were cleared to eliminate the flooding that was occurring in a heavy downpour. 6 Artist of the Month February February’s Artist of the Month is Loren Olsen. His artwork is a collection of 3 turned wood pieces entitled “Maple Burl.” Loren was the youngest of 11 children but grew up as an only child because his parents died when he was very young and he was adopted by his aunt and uncle. He grew up on a farm inWisconsin. Loren was a member of the church where Nan’s father was the pastor. They were married by Nan’s dad in 1964 and moved to Oregon in 1968 with a toddler and a UHaul trailer. Loren learned how to turn wood 19 years ago from his long time friend Jim Hall, who also attends LOUMC. Loren has been in the choir since 1998; you have probably heard at least one of his beautiful solos! He has taken care of the landscaping at the church since 1999 and began caring for the building in 2014. Loren has been a part of the South Shore Artists (now Peg Tree) art shows since they began in 2005 and has donated numerous items to the youth auction over the years. Stop by and take a look at Loren’s work on the wall by the office! The Spotlight - February 2016 Around the Church Leave Your Prayers in the Prayer Wall During Lent In Jerusalem, people from around the world come to pray at the Western Wall, which was part of a retaining wall of the Temple Mount in Jesus’ day, built by Herod the Great. It is a place where people leave written prayers to God (more than a million prayer notes each year) tucked into the cracks between the stone blocks that make up the wall. On one of the pillars in our Fellowship Hall, Karen Locke has created a simulation “Western Wall.” She and Ann Hageman, Cathy Vause, and Haley Vause put the “Wall” in place for our use during Lent. You are invited during the season of Lent to come to the “Wall” any time, write down a prayer to God on one of the cards in a basket near the wall, and tuck your prayer in between the “stones” of the wall. May Lent be a season of prayer for you, and may our prayers be joined together at the Prayer Wall, as we walk the journey with Christ toward Jersulalem, the Cross, and the Resurrection Forum on Poverty and Homelessness Provided a Wealth of Information On January 31, the Inclusiveness committee sponsored a “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes” forum called “Experiencing Poverty & Homelessness.” The participants learned about factors contributing to and perpetuating homelessness. Mary Lee King, who works with the homeless, and Mary Alice Hunter, who has been homeless herself, described some experiences of one in this position. There are usually multiple factors causing one to become homeless. It becomes a cycle which becomes more and more difficult to escape. Housing and employment assistance are frequently targeted for addicts and alcoholics. A very high percentage of the poor & The Spotlight - February 2016 homeless are dealing with a mental illness. The homeless are16 times more likely to be shot by the police. A criminal record, especially a felony, disqualifies you for virtually all housing and employment. Once an individual or family becomes homeless, it is extremely difficult to break the cycle. Being homeless becomes a full time effort. You stand in line for food, for a shower, and for a night of shelter. Without a home, individuals have no phone number and address to apply for employment or to receive assistance checks, continuing the cycle. If an affordable apartment can be found, the start up costs are prohibitive to someone who is unemployed or under employed. Deposits and first month’s rent can add up to $1,700+ to move in. The rental application itself costs $40 just to get you on the waiting list. And most subsidized housing lists are closed . There are temporary shelters, but even the shelters have waiting lists, especially for women. Being on the streets, even staying in night shelters, is dangerous; one feels insecure. King and Hunter say that our society criminalizes poverty. Our judgements and assumptions keep people down. This moving presentation gave participants an opportunity to discuss homelessness and walk in the shoes of someone who has experienced it. This is one step towards the understanding it will take to address the problem. 7 Outreach One Great Hour of Sharing March 6 Annual Lenten Food Box Distribution Begins February 14 Tornadoes in Mississippi, Syrian refugees, a typhoon in the Philippines, thousands of people displaced, an earthquake and a tsunami in Japan, villages decimated: UMCOR was there. For more than 75 years the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has provided disaster relief in our country and abroad. UMCOR does not receive any funding from the UMC budget. Our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing help to cover the agency’s administrative costs so that UMCOR can continue to guarantee that 100% of other donations go toward specific projects. One Great Hour of Sharing allows UMCOR to respond immediately when disaster strikes. Our support is critical. Let’s be there for those in need. The Outreach committee is sponsoring the annual Lenten Food box collection beginning this Sunday, February 14. Food boxes - with shopping lists attached - can be signed out after both services on that day and will be available for pick up in the church entrances. Food for a box can be purchased by writing a check for $45; donations are also gratefully accepted to cover the purchase of cheese for each box. Checks should be made out to LOUMC with ‘Food Box’ in the memo line. All food boxes and cash donations should be returned to the church by Sunday, March 13, and boxes will be delivered on Monday, March 14. LOUMC has been very generous with food box donations to the West Linn Food Pantry and to Mainspring in Portland for the past nine years, and we hope to continue and extend our generosity during this Lenten season with everyone’s support. Spotlight on Hunger continued from page 1 David & Ginny Gaines, and Carolyn Tamblyn pick these items up each week and deliver them to organizations who will distribute them as needed. There are other ministries to the hungry that you may never notice at the church. We have an active group who “glean” the bread (including sandwiches and desserts) from local stores like Lamb’s Market, Einstein Bagels, Flying Elephant Deli, Safeway and Starbuck’s and then deliver them to other groups who will feed them to the hungry. Some of these items are even stored in our freezers here at church until they can be delivered. Stan & Jackie Aschenbrenner, Shel & Marilyn Clem, Mark Davis, David & Ginny Gaines, Denny Hageman, Carol Higgins, Norm King, Deborah Maria, Jeanne Mattern, Dave & Wanda Miller, Wade Mosby, John Oleyar, Bob & Mary Pearson, Jim Wilson and Pete Stiven 8 all help out in making deliveries. They fill up their trunks and cars and deliver foods that are used by organizations like Multnomah Neighborhood House, Operation Nightwatch, Project Hope OC, Sunnyside Hardtimes Supper, Tualatin Schoolhouse Pantry and West Linn Food Pantry. The foods are not wasted and the hungry are fed! But that is not all! The High School Youth at LOUMC prepare a dinner once a month for 80 youth at Outside In in downtown Portland. You may remember donating during Souper Bowl Sunday! These meals are prepared here in the church kitchen, during the Sunday School hour, by the youth and their teachers, then delivered by the parents of our youth each month. There is also a group from the church who serve lunch at the Lake Oswego Community Adult Center on the 3rd Wednesday of each month! Led by Pat Lockard, a group including Joan Bollman, Mark & Linda Davis, Patsy Herder, Pam Martin and Marilyn Poole has been serving lunch and cleaning up for over 30 years! (And they can use more help, if you are interested!!) Feeding the hungry and clothing the poor are not taken lightly at LOUMC. If you would like to be involved in any of these ministries, contact Janice Denney, our Outreach chair. Or, during Lent, you can donate to the Lenten Food Box program. You can still donate to cooking for Outside In and you can sign up to help at the Adult Community Center. There is always a way you can give. Remember: “…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. Matthew 25:40 The Spotlight - February 2016 Youth Group Scoop There is a lot going on in junior high during this time of year! Have you marked your calendars for the Confirmation Lock-In the weekend of April 9 and 10? Don’t forget to return your permission slips for the Oregon Food Bank. Wednesday, February 17: Youth Sunday Rehearsal Sunday, February 21: Youth Sunday 8:00am-11:30am Sunday, February 28: Meeting from 11:15-1:00 TBD Wednesday, March 2: No YG for 6th/7th Graders—8th GRADERS ONLY Sunday, March 6: Spaghetti Dinner and Auction Has your family bought tickets to the upcoming Spaghetti Dinner and Auction! Tickets are now on sale for this March 6, event of the year! February 28, 11:151:00: The RAD youth program is open to all children grades 3-5. This program is designed to be an introduction to youth group. They meet on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. March 6: Spaghetti Dinner and Auction March 13: 11:15-1:00 3/27: Easter Watch your email boxes for details about the upcoming events! The Spotlight - February 2016 The Senior High Group has been busy planning for Youth Sunday, Spagehtti Dinner and Auction and Mission trip. We have some important dates that you can’t miss! Grab your calendars and pencil them in! Wednesday, February 17: Youth Sunday Rehearsal Sunday, February 21: Youth Sunday Sunday, February 28: Snowball Fight! Wednesday, March 2: REQUIRED FOR ALL MISSION TRIP ATTENDEES. Spaghetti Dinner and Auction prep. Sunday, March 6: Spaghetti Dinner and Auction 9 Non-profit U.S. Postage Paid at Lake Oswego, OR Permit # 39 The Spotlight is published monthly by the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church 1855 South Shore Blvd. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED LOUMC Staff Pastor: Rev. Dan Wilson-Fey Administrative Assistant: Florence Seward Christian Education & Youth Director: Stacey Bernal Communications Manager: Pam Pearson Finance Manager: Becky Luther Choir Director: Chris Rust Bell Choir Director: Linda Woods Organist: William Barnett Phone: 503-636-8423 Fax: 503-636-4682 email: loumc@lakeoswegoumc.org www.lakeoswegoumc.org Pancake Supper Fun! Spotlight Deadlines: Please email submissions for the Spotlight to pam@lakeoswegoumc.org by noon of the deadline date. Articles received after the deadline may not be printed. Articles may be edited for length. March Deadline: Monday, March 7 April Deadline: Monday, April 11 May Deadline: Monday, May 9