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Pharmaceutical Companies and Social Media: Developing New Strategies Jena Cutie Karthika Karindalam 1 2 Executive Summary Best Practices and Strategies Pharma Industry Trends 3 2 Executive Summary Best Practices and Strategies How do we benchmark social achievements? Where are pharma‘s social media success stories? Benchmarking social media ROI shows achievement builds up in phases Sanofi, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Roche, and J&J dominate pharma‘s social media landscape Pharmaceutical Industry Trends Where on social media should pharma engage? What drives consumers to be social about health? Pharma‘s audience is larger on Facebook but Twitter yields higher ROI Consumers are drawn to official healthcare providers on social media because they crave more care 3 Marketing is turning social—even in the pharma industry Pharma online marketing reached $1 Billion in 2010 4 Part I — What is social ROI? Best Practices and Strategies How do we benchmark social achievements? Definitions: • Social feedback Benchmarking social media ROI shows achievement builds up in phases • Engagement and trust • Proxy ROI model for Twitter Conclusion: Sanofi and AstraZeneca attain highest levels of engagement and trust 5 Social investment generates its own feedback Consumers engage content consumer comments pharma content pharma more content Pharma can review comments, fine tune messages, and release more content 6 ―Engagement‖ and ―trust‖ are proxies for return on investment Likes on Facebook pages Retweets on Twitter Following on Twitter Engagement activity User vs. User vs. company company messages tweets Likes on messages on Facebook Followers on Twitter Trust sentiment Retweeted on Twitter Positive vs. negative posts 7 Pharma engagement levels develop in phases very high 90percentile (retweets/tweets) Peak Engagement ROI Score Pharma Benchmarks Q20 AstraZeneca high 9 Sanofi 4.8 Glaxo-Smith Kline 2 Merck 1.8 Roche 1 Pfizer 1 Novo Nordisk 1 Johnson & Johnson 1 Boehringer-Ingelheim 1 Bayer 1 Eli Lilly 0.8 Astellas 0.8 low very low All Twitter pages over 24 months(Jan 2011- Dec 2012) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T8 10 Sanofi & AstraZeneca‘s trust level is superior 90percentile (retweeted/tweets) Peak Trust ROI Score Pharma Benchmarks very high Q20 Sanofi 65.6 AstraZeneca 64.6 Novartis high 48.8 Glaxo-Smith Kline 45.8 Merck 37.6 Pfizer 34 Johnson & Johnson medium 30.6 Roche 25.8 Novo Nordisk 25.4 Boehringer-Ingelheim 24.2 Takeda low 22.4 Bayer 11.6 Astellas 11.6 Eli Lilly 9 Bausch + Lomb very low 6.8 Amgen 6 Abbott 5.8 Hospira 2 Gilead 2 Baxter 2 Merck KGAA All Twitter pages over 24 months(Jan 2011- Dec 2012) 1.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 T9 Engagement & trust depend on content over volume High Engagement High Engagement Low Trust High Trust Astrazeneca Sanofi Roche Boehringer J&J Pfizer Merck GSK Low Engagement Merck KgAA Low Trust Low Engagement Novartis High Trust Size by Average Activity over 24 months 10 All Twitter pages over 24 months(Jan 2011- Dec 2012) T10 Part II —Where does pharma have social success? Best Practices and Strategies Definitions: •social feedback loop • engagement and trust • proxy ROI model for Twitter Twitter findings: Sanofi and Roche attain high levels of engagement, highest level of trust Where are pharma‘s social media success stories? Early adoption is key strategy to attain high fidelity presence Sanofi, AstraZeneca Pfizer, Roche, and J&J dominate pharma‘s social media landscape 11 Early adoption is a key indicator of dominance on social media First pharmaceutical corporate and product blog Pharmaceuticalas start blogging Johnson & Johnson‘s JNJBTW Pfizer‘s THINK SCIENCE NOW Glaxo‘s QUESTION EVERYTHING First pharma youtube channel & facebook page First pharma-sponsored Youtube video 2006 6 5 2008 2007 Roche and Pfizer are first to launch Google+ pages 2009 Pharma‘s first social game Boehringer‘s SYRUM GAME 2011 2012 Supporters of Pharma on Social Media 5.94 Calculated monthly using ―Likes this page‖ on Facebook and ―Followers‖ on Twitter 4 3 3.99 Millions 2005 Novo Nordisk and Bayer first to join Pinterest First pharma Rx branded Youtube channel Early adopters rewarded with high fidelity presence 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.01 0 0.94 1 0.51 0.62 2 TF12 Success is influenced by early social media initiation 25,000 Audience Growth on Facebook 20,000 Boehringer 15,000 Likes this page 10,000 5,000 Roche Sanofi 0 Roche Boehringer Boehringer‘s social presence drives more fans to Facebook over Sanofi, a competitor and a relatively late social media entrant Sanofi Boehringer enjoys benefits of early social media initiation on its main corporate page Data from main corporate Facebook page for three companies F13 Part III — Where and how can pharma engage? Best Practices and Strategies Definitions: •social feedback loop • engagement and trust • proxy ROI model for Twitter Twitter findings: Sanofi and AstraZeneca attain high levels of engagement, highest level of trust How to win: Early adoption is key strategy to attain high fidelity presence Pharmaceutical Industry Trends Where on social media should pharma engage? Influence is better than audience: • Facebook has biggest audience • Twitter has biggest influence Pharma‘s audience is larger on Facebook but Twitter yields higher ROI Smart behavior: • Ask questions • Be personal •Calls to action 14 Pharma‘s popularity is larger on Facebook ―Audience‖ on Facebook and Twitter Facebook audience ≈ ‗Likes this page‘ Twitter audience ≈ ‗Followers‘ Audience (Thousands) Twitter Facebook 80 60 40 20 57.5 62.0 64.0 J&J (38%) Pfizer (33%) J&J (34%) Pfizer (28%) GSK (14%) J&J (33%) Pfizer (28%) GSK (14%) J&J (27%) GSK (14%) Pfizer (9%) J&J (27%) GSK (14%) Pfizer (8%) J&J (27%) GSK (13%) Roche (10%) 3.0 3.1 3.1 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 0 Average audience per page over all pages from Nov 2012 – Jan 2013 TF15 Pharma‘s influence is superior on Twitter Twitter influence ≈ Retweeted per 1K audience members Facebook influence ≈ ‗Talking about this‘ per 1K audience Influence (per Thousand) Twitter has power to influence its audience beyond Facebook ―Influence‖ on Twitter and Facebook Twitter 80 Facebook 76.0 70 60 47.1 50 40 34.9 30 34.7 34.2 Nov-12 Dec-12 32.3 20 10 0 Average influence per page over all pages from Nov 2012 – Jan 2013 Jan-13 TF16 On Twitter, asking questions generates more feedback Impact of Interactivity on Volume of Feedback Interactivity encourages feedback Good news: responses are not typically inquiries requiring company action 60 Interactivity calculated from tweets with questions 50 User Tweets 40 Responses 10% 90% Questions NonQuestions For example @Diabetes_Sanofi asks questions in 22% of tweets but questions are less than 1% of user tweets 30 Boiling down industry data yields positive correlation between interactivity and user engagement 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Company Tweets with Questions Only about 13% of pharma tweets only contain questions Data trend from all pages Nov 2012 – Jan 2013 T17 On Twitter, personalization and calls to action have an impact Pharma can improve user engagement on Twitter with interpersonal content and calls to action Personal content includes words like ‗you‘ Calls to action include words like ‗do‘ or ‗go‘ or ‗watch‘ or ‗see‘ or ‗visit‘ 7% User Engagement as Percent of Total Tweets 6% 5% 4% 3% 6.42% 5.63% 2% 1.90% 1.98% with personal words without personal words with call to action without call to action 1% 0% @MyAlli weight loss has higher number personal words @Excedrin has more calls to action than other feeds T18 Part IV — What drives consumers to pharma? Best Practices and Strategies Pharmaceutical Industry Trends Definitions: •social feedback loop • engagement and trust • proxy ROI model for Twitter Influence is better than audience: • Facebook has biggest audience • Twitter has biggest influence Twitter findings: Sanofi and AstraZeneca attain high levels of engagement, highest level of trust How to win smart : • Be personal • Ask questions •Use calls to action How to win: Early adoption is key strategy to attain high fidelity presence What drives consumers to be social about health? • Therapies triumph over brands Consumers are drawn to official healthcare providers on social media because they crave more care • Diabetes and cardiovascular lead the pack • Targeting geosegments pays off • Customeroriented activities create interest 19 ROI for therapy pages 10 times more than corporate pages Consumer engagement peaks at higher level when content addresses specific therapy focus Roche has no general pages so all pages reflect elevated consumer interest General pages = Corporate Brand Pages Therapies = Campaign, Biotech, Therapy, Prescription, Diagnostics, Devices, etc. Facebook data 2010-Jan 2013 F20 Diabetes and cardiovascular are top therapies on social media In addition to official corporate pages, many companies maintain dedicated pages promoting certain therapies Social Media data from Oct 2011- Jan 2013 F21 Roche‘s diabetes content is very geo-specific Roche target audience across different geographies through dedicated pages to promote awareness, diagnosis and Accu-Check management 22 Sanofi‘s Power2EndStroke cardiovascular page attracts consumers from many countries globally @Power2EndStroke on Twitter is intended for US fans to share info Sanofi maintains content for stroke and Atrial Fibrillation awareness and education on @Power2EndStroke T23 AstraZeneca engage audience with customer oriented activities like Live Twitter chats AstraZeneca hosts 1-hour live Twitter chat promoting prescription savings program ‗AZ& me‘ Live interaction with the company generated a positive feel and potential opportunity to expand customer base AstraZeneca wins Healthcare Engagement Strategy 2012‘s Open Dialogue Award for its experiment in Live Twitter chats T24 Pharma Benefits from Social Media Best Practices and Strategies Definitions: •social feedback loop • engagement + trust • proxy ROI model for Twitter Twitter findings: Sanofi and AstraZeneca attain high levels of engagement, highest level of trust How to win first: Early adoption is key strategy to attain high fidelity presence Pharmaceutical Industry Trends Influence is better than audience: • Facebook has biggest audience • Twitter has biggest influence How to win smart : • Be personal • Ask questions •Use calls to action Consumers prefer: • Therapies over brands • Diabetes and cardiovascular • Geo-specificity • Consumer focus Step 1: Start Early Being first in market gives pharma companies an advantage Step 2: Start Smart Even a company not starting early can join the race and win by being smarter Step 3: Don‘t Stop ROI advances as consumers become more and more keen to connect with the source of their healthcare via social media 25 Our social media data, analytics, and trends for all major pharmaceutical companies is comprehensive 26