Summer ex 2
Summer ex 2
Grammar,functionsand vocabulary Furniture I Completa il cruciverba. Down 6"",=Al Rooms havegot. l, you Guarda le figure. Scrivi il nome di ogni parte della casa nello soazio. Emily sta lacendo un'indagine sulle cose che possiedonoi úeenagereuropei. Osserva i disegnisul suo taccuinoe scrivi und domanda e la tua dsposta sul quaderno per ogni disegno. ffiÉ ;*! 1 Hareyou aot a blke? Yes,/ hare. (or) No, / haren't. (D r-- O * \,_, ,t ,, @ry^H Btr_E'E be I Are Georgeand MargaretScottish? Stai facendo un colloquio per un lavoro parttime al supermercato.Riscrivi le parole del mantger nell'otdine cofretto e poi rispondi. 2 Is Hanna's surnameSchmidt? Manager morning good I He's from Spain. You Manager your what's name ? 2 She'sin the bedroom. Where are Livia and Samuelefrom? You Manager surnamewhat'syour ? 3 He's 26. You Are Livia and SamueleSpanish? Manager are you old how ? You She's40. Manager are from where you ? 5 The date You Scrivi le date in parole. Manager youl addresswhat's ? 1 Il's ChristmasEve. /t's lhe Íwcntv-fourlh ofDecember You 2 It's your birthday. Osservale figure e le inforrnazioni. Completa le domande e le risposte. 3 It's Valentine'sDay. 4 It's Halloween. 5 It's May Day. 6 Il's New Year'sDay. GeorgeThomas (43) MargaretThomas (40) - Scottish Enrique Gonzalez(20) - Spanish Translation Tladuci il testo in italiano. Scrivilo sul quaderno. SteveChangis a Bdtish teenagerHe's yearsoìd and his birthday'son seventeen the twelfth of April. He's a student and he's very interestedin the cinema.Steve'sfrom Manchesterbut at the moment he's at Emily Watson'shouse.She'salso a student and she's sixteenyearsold. Emily and Steveare contestantsin a young journalist competition. ll Livia Franza (22) SamueleFranza (26) - Italian Grammar,functionsand vocabulary The family Leggi le frasi e descrivi il legame di Darentela. 6 My father's sisteris my 7 My mother's husbandis rny 1 My mother's brother is my 8 My mother'ssecondhusband'sson is my 2 My father'smother is my 3 My aunt's daughterÌs my 9 My father'sparentsate my 4 My brother'sson is my 10 My brother'sdaughteris my 5 My mother's daughteris my Physicaldescription 2 Completa la tabella con gli aggettivi corretti. m*l build % l%ei V,*4 s - -d' r k - -- as n ]n_._ ii',, l; ", t I | length texture ti sl l_n_ b_ow S_O I_ _lac_ st c v sh- - Id-r bl nd_ f_t c_r y _ed bd I ;;;; I l"t- - - l havegot. he,she,we,they 3 Completa il dialogo con Ie domande corrette. Jane Tell me about your lriend Martin. 1 Phil Yes,he has. He's got a really big farnily. Jane And a Phil Yes,they have.They've got four children, all boys. Jane And s Phil Jane 22 Jane Yes,he has.He s Botfour brothersand three sisters. Jane Wow! And 3 Phil Phil Phil Yes,he's got two grandfathersand one grandmother Jane Are any of his brothersand sisters married? Phil Yes,his brother,ceoff, is marded. His wife's nameis Silvia. Yes,he has.He'sgot eightcousins. No, he hasn't. He hasn't got time for a girlfriend at the moment. But he's got lots of friends. Jane And he's gor a hugefamily. Phil Yes,and they all live in the samestreet! cnrtureiDl All'incirca il25o/o deiraÉazzi britannici vivein unafamiglra conun sologenitore. Describingpeople Apostrophe+ s 4 t eggi il testo su Rob e la sua famiglia. Ha dimenticato di inserire gli apostrofi! Inserisci gli apostrofi e scdvi accanto (G) se si tratta del genitivo sassone,(is) se si tratta della forma contratta di is, oppure (ftds) se si tratta della forma contratta di ftrs. Leggi la descrizione e abbinala ad una delle figure. Scrivi il numero corretto nello spazio. - Shes quitetall and slim.Shes got shorr, blonde, straighthair She'sbeautifull Robi got quite a small family, just him, his mum \ Rob's(has) and dad and his sister.His sistersnamesSandy. sisteìt(6) na^e's'(;s) Shesfourteenand her hobbiesare swimming, going to the cinema and listening to music. Hls dads40 yearsold and his mums 38. His dads namesJim and his mums namesKay.Robsgot a girlfriend. Her namesEmily Watson.Hes got three cousins.His dads got a sisterand shesmarried with two children, Rebeccaand Mark. His mums got a brother and hes got one son, Richard. Adessoscrivi le descrizioni degli altd personaggisul quaderno. Oualifiers Sottolinea l'alternativa corretta. 1 Mark's really/not very IalL In fact he's only 1.5m. 2 Anna's realLy/obit bea,rlifull AII the boys in her classare in love with her 3 Saîa'sùery/a bit intelligent. She'stop of her class. 4 Alan thinks he's o bit/not very fat, but he's only a few kilos overweight. 5 My brother'sqaite/not 1)erythin. He only weighs 50 kg. 6 My grandma'sa bit/quite old. She's65. 7 Tony's dad's BoIqaite/reaLLy short hair. He's almost bald! Marie is quite pretty but her sister's reolty/ not uery goîgeons. Translation Ttaduci il testo in italiano. Scrivilo sul quaderno. Rita Davis and her husbandBill live in Swansea in Wales.Rita is a nurse and Bill is a postman. They've got three children, Nathan, Brian and Stacy.Nathan is fifteen yearsold, Brian is ten yearsold and Stacyis six. Nathan, Brian and Stacyhave got two cousins. Translationl@ Ininglese si usaI'articolo d o andavanti alle professioni mentre in italiano nonsi usa. Ritaè infermiera.Eitais a nurce. Skills . Reading Hisnameis Daniel JacobRadcliffe. Hisdateof birth is 23'dJuly1989andhe'sfromFulham, in south-west London. Hisfather's nameis AlanRadcliffe andhis mother's nameis lVlarcia Gresham. Hisfatheris a literaryagentandhismotheris a castingagent. Thefamilyhasgottwodogs.TheirnamesareBinka andNugget. Daniel is famous for hispartas Harry Potterin thefilmsof the books,includingHarryPotter andthe Philosopher's StoneandHarryPotterand the HalfBlood Prince. Daniel, or Danto hisfriends, is now veryrich. He'sgot aboutS23million andnowhegets aboutf8 million for everynewfilm.Dangivesa lotof moneyto charities.InhisfreetimeDanlikesplaying thebassguitar- hisguitarteacher is Garyoldman, another famousactor.He'sa rockmusicenthusiast andhìsfavourite bandsareTheBeatles andArctic Monkeys. Hishobbies arewatching Formula I racing andplaying tabletennisandvideogamesandhe'sa fanof Fulham Football Club. KieraKnightley is herrealnameandherdateof birthis 22rdof lVlarch. 1985.She'sfromTeddington in south-west London. Nowshe'sa (the Hollywood actress andhernameis Keira spellingis different!). Herfather's nameis WillKnightley. He'sanactorinthetheatreand hermotheris Sharman MacDonald. She's alsoanactressandan author.Keirahas got onebrother. Hisname's Caleband he'sfiveyearsolderthanKeira.Snes famous for herrolesin thefilmsBendit likeBeckham andthethreePiratesof the Caribbean films:TheCurseof the Black Pearl,DeadMan'sChesfandAt World's End.InherfreetimeKeirais a fanof West HamUnited Football Club.She'salsoa parnter andherhousein Richmond is full of herpaintings.Herfriendsaretheltalian actorAndrea Logiudice andtheAmerican actress Sienna lViller. Comprehension* Comprehension** Thtti e due sono giovani, famosi e inglesi ma hanno anche altre due cose in comune. Leggi i testi e scdvi le due cose negli spazi. 1 Leggi di nuovo i testi e cerchia la risposta corretta: a, b o c. @ Comprehension* Rileggi i testi e sqivi Daniel o Redrdnegli spazi. 's motheris an actress. t 2 _ is very, very rich. J has got two dogs. - has got an Italian friend. 5 o rrd J óuL d 5ur L.[. is an afiist. _ Vocabulary Abbina le parole dal testo alle loro traduzioni in italiano. 1 2 - literary agent a teauo castingagent b ricco I inelrrrlino c pienadi 4 5 - rich d agentelettera o gets e autnce 6 7 - charities f compresi spelling g dipinti 8 9 - theatre h agentedel casting author i guadagna 10 - older j enti di beneficenza 11 - luìl of k ortografia r- _ Pdr, '!I165 I più vecchio culture@) J.K.Rowling, I'autricedeilibri HarryPotter, è terzanellalistadelled0nnepiù ricchedel mondo.Ladonnapiùrriccaè ZhangYin, un'imprenditrice cinesee la seconda è Oprah Wjnfrey, la presentatrice americana. I Daniel Radcliffeis from a EaslLondonb Fulham. c SouthLondon. Daniel's mother is a an actless. b a singer c a casnngagent. Daniel is famous for his role as a Darth Vader. b Bilbo Baggins. c Harry Potter. Keira Knightley'sreal name is a Keira. b Kiera. c Kiara. Keira'sfavoudte football club is a Liverpool. b Fulham. c WestHam. 6 Keirahas got a housein a Richmond. b Fuìham. c Teddington. Comprehension *** Rispondi alle domande. I Who are Binka and Nugget? 2 What are Daniel Radcliffe'shobbies? 3 What are the namesof two of Daniel's films? 4 What are Keira Knightley'shobbies? 5 Has Keira got any brothersor sisters? 6 What are the namesof two of Keira'sfilms? Skills . Writing l0 Marcia Morgan è una giovane attrice inglese. Completa le domande dell'intervista. You Marcia My name'sMarcia, Marcia Morgan. You 2 Marcia I'm eighteenyearsold. You l Marcia I'm from York, in the north of England. You 42 Marcia I'm an actress. You 5 Marcia Yes,I have. I've got one sister. You Marcia Her name's Daisy. You 7 Marcia She'sthirteen. You 8 Marcia My hobbiesare cycling and swimming. ll Immagina di essereuna star del cinema. Qualcuno ti intervista usando le domande dell'esercizio9. Scrivi il dialogc. Mv naneL... 12 Scrivi un breve testo (75-100 parole) sul tuo attorei/cantante/personaggiosportivo preferito. Usa i testi su Daniel Radcliffe e Keira Knightley (pag. 8) come modello. lncludi le seguentiinformazioni: @o nome cognome età datadi nascita da dove viene nome, età e professionedi sua madre nome età e professionedi suo padre hobby titoli dei suoi film, dischi ecc. informazioni sui suoi amici, il slio ragazzo/ la sua tagazzaecc. Inizia così: 3_? 5_? 6_? 8_ ? r\ favouriteactor is... Grammar,functions and vocabulary Sports and free-time actlvltles I Osserva le figure e completa il cruciverba. --\'(9 1N 10 watch (8,5) 2 play - 12 go- 13 go to the 14 do6 pÌay 88 Music Tiova i nomi di otto gened musicali usando le lettere con lo stesso aspetto. rotk t 5- 2_ 6_ 3_ 7 _ 4_ 8_ àr- s-Z d RA jn play - aizi Jc y &rI 11 go out with B H H an S c TJ h*r' I s r^a I G F a It l Presentsimple Adessocompleta la colonna YOU con i sirnboli e scrivi cinque domande e risposte sul quaderno. Correggi le frasi ove necessario. 1 They doesn-t lik e rock music. 4on7 1 Doyou ltlkerap? 2 Justin Timberlake?I can't stand her. No, / don!. I hate lt 3 Do you ììke rap?Yes,I do. - (or) Yes,I do./ realf tl<ett. 4 SherealÌydon t like jazz. 5 Doesshelikesclassicalmusicl Iike + .ing 6 What music doeshe like? Zoe, una giornalista della rivista TeenAge,ti intervista. Completa il dialogo. 7 We doesnLlike heavymetal.I DoesJake and Janelike reggae?Osservala tabella e scrivi le domande e le dsposte. I Mark/rap? DoesMartr t/<e raoT Yes.he /oes. He /ores il. 2 Jessica/Madonna? Zoe Hi. I m Zoe from TeenAgeMagazine. What's your name? You I Zoe I'm doing a survey about Italian families and their free time. What do you like doing in your free time? You 2 Zoe Great!What elsedo you like doing? 3 Mark and Jessica/rockmusic? You 3 Zoe What sportsdon't you like playing? You 4 Sam/RedHot Chili Peppers? Zoe What about your mother and father? What doesyour father like doing in his ftee time? 5 Chloe and Sam/RobbieWilliams? You 5 Zoe I see.And your mother? You 6 Mark/RobbieWilliams? Zoe That's interesting!Well thanks for talking IO me. You 6ì: d i ró liluó fì= Zoe Bye! lil,ó OO: really like OOO: love @@: not like @6@: hate/can't stand Jessica Sam Madonna cr','3 RedHot chiti Peppers rock music Robbie Williams Chloe Mark 66 rap ooo 7 Translation YOU lladuci il testo in inglese. Scrivilo sul quaderno. Il mio amico si chiama Sam.E di Liverpool. Ha due fratelli, John e Liam. Gli piace andare al cinemail fine settimanae gli piaceuscire con i suoi amici. Gli piace fare spoft. Ama giocarea calcio e gli piaceabbastanzaandare in bici. Odia nuotaree non sopportagiocare a pallavolo.A casagli piaceguardarela TV e giocarecon videogiochi.Non gli piace fare i compiti! Grammar,functions and The time vocabulary Correggi l'ora negli orologi ove necessario. Daily activities ffit , Ir'seipHo'crock. - selet1 m 2 lt's twenty-five past one. Abbina un elemento della colonna a sinistra a uno della colonna a destra. 1 -go 2 - do your 3 4 - a homework b dressed brush c lunch have d school 5 6 _ get e home get f breakfast 7 _ have 8 - leavethe 9 -go 10 - hup i your teeth Vr/ \lzl A 3 lt's twenty to four (f - 'll \r2l n Ev A 4 lt's qua er to six. 5 lt's ten to eight. \r2l start Abbina i disegni alle azioni elencare nell'esercizio l. Scrivi le frasi corrette sotto le figure. ír'\--lì6 It's ten to eleven. \J/ n tt'* V/ A V/ '1,7 It's half past four. 8 It's five to seven. Present simple Scrivi sul quaderno una domanda e una risposta per ogni azione che Amy fa durante la giornata. '[/ 8.30 start school 2.15 have dinner 4.00 finish school 8.00 watch TV 4.45 do her homework 10.30go to bed 1 What time doesAny start schoo/? Shestartsschool at halfpastetlht Steve Chang ti intervista per un articolo sulla giornata tipica dei ragazzi italiani. Rispondi alle sue domande. Steve Hil What's your name,please? You I Steve Thanks.No\r/.What time do you get up in the morning? You 2 Steve Wow! That's very early.And what time do you have breakfast? You 3 lobs in the house Completa i dieci lavori di casausando le parole nel crucipuzzle. Steve What time doesschoolstafi? A You c T N D C M P B L E B N T U K N X S S F D V o c o P Steve Do you go to schoolin the afternoon? a E \B s T R K You D Steve I see.That's different from the UK. So what time do you finish school? D T Steve Do you have lunch at school? You You 5 7 Steve When do you do your homeworkz F E o w L G H R U You Steve Right! And what do you do in the evenings? You 9 Steve OK. And whaÌ time do you go lo bed? You 10 A\ B .\ o \D T Y N N I C c c L E B s H B o F R E P I make your 2 _-_ J your room do the 4 take out the Steve Creatl Thanks for talking to me! 5 -6 do the- Adverbsof frequency 7 lay the Riscrivi le frasi inserendo un awerbio di frequenza a secondadelle tue abitudini. 8 __ never----+ hardly ever ---+ sometimes----> often ----> usually ----->always \l L the ironing the pets 9 walk the 10 _ rhe table 1 I get up early on Sundays. Translation 2 I go to the cinemawith my friends. Traduci le frasi in inglese. Scrivile sul quaderno. 3 I'm late for school. 4 I play computergames. 5 I havea showerin rhe morning. 6 I'm at homein the evening. 7 I do the shoppingfor my mum. I l Bo to bed late. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mi alzo alle otto meno un quarto. Escocon i miei amici molto spesso. Non ardvo mai in tardo a scuola. Non vdnnoal cinemaquasimai. Di solito guardiamola televisionela sera. Lavi i piatti spesso? Lei gioca a calcio una volta alla settimana. Rob fa i compiti alle settedi sera. Translatlon@ Ininglese bisogna sempre usareunpronome pensonale sogÉetto davanti a unverbomentre in italiano nonè necessario. Escispesso la sera? Doyou oftengo out in the evening? Skills . Reading @o WANTED! tn S,rperwqsh Finsbury's Supermarket requrres needs assistantsfor our busy Friday evenings and Saturdays. o port-time Cor Wosh Assistont Suitable for teenagersfrom 15-18 years of age. for Fridoyeveningsond oll doy Soturdoy. 1.5.50per hour Hourlyrote:!5.50 Call: Mr Milburn (ManagerJ oge ì7) {Minìmum Ring 0224 87 4 653 orr 0347 39982 oo @O Screand Sound Do you like HORSES? If you do, comeand work for us on Saturdaysand Sundaysas a STABLEASSISTANT at Halloran'sRiding Centre Hard but satisfyingwork in exchangefor riding lessons. Tel: Mrs J Hallolan 8827777 A doy i n the li f e , , , requlres Babvsítters We are looking lor mature and lively teenagers(boys or girls). Experiencewith babies/small children necessary. Minimum age 17. 56.50an hour. Phone:0209765432 'lreoJiylikeworkingihere.Thework'squite hord ond j,m verv lired when I go horneol lhe end of lhe doy. bul it keeos me fit. I get fruir ond vegetoblesfrom Ihe storeroomond bringthem up ond pui ihem on the shelves,I workthere on Fridoyeveningsond oll doy Soturdoys,I start work on Fridoyeveningsof five o'clock ond finishol seven o'clock ond on Saturdoys lstortwork ot seveno,cJock. on hourbeforeit opens,ond finishot four o'clock, I hove o coffee breok ot holf posi len ond lunch from twelve o'clock to one o'clock.I usuollyhove lunchin lhe stoff conteen but sometimes Jomesond l go ou1ond we hove lunch al o fosl-food reslourontin the shopping cenire or ot o cofé. Jomesisone of my friends.He goeslo ihe some schoolcs me. We hqve o good fime ond il,so good woy to get some exfro money. I gel g5,SOon hour so thol mokes 955o week.ldon'l likegetfingup eorlyon Soturdoys, but on SundoysI sloy in bed lole ond gel up ol obout ien o,clockl, Nathon WolkeL1ó, Comprehension* Leggi la descrizione che ha scritto Nathan del suo lavoro part-time. Abbinala ad uno degli annunci sul giornale. Metti un segno di spunta (rz) nello spazio. (@ Vocabulary 2 Tlova le parole nel testo e negli annunci e cerchia la traduzione corretta. 1 needs 2 suitable 3 call 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 hourly rate ring stable satisfying keepsme fit storeroom shelves staff canteen a a a a a a a a a a a a ha bisognodi dive ente telelonare richiede a paga oraria suona stabile soddisfacente mi stanca magazzino scatole mensaper i dipendenti b b b b b b b b b b b b assume adatto urlare impiega plogramma orano chiama scuderia interessante mi mantienein forma neSozro scaffali club per i dipendenti Comprehension** Vero o falso?Scrivi V o F negli spazi. Correggi le frasi false. l@ 1 2 - The car wash wants an assistantfor Saturdaysand Sundays. 3 4 - The minimum ageto tvork at the supermarketis 14. 5 6 - The stableswant an assistantonly at weekends. The minimum ageto work at the car wash is 17. The name of the managerof the supermarketis Mr Milburn. The stablespay f5.50 an hour. Comprehension** Rispondi alle domande. I What doesNathando at the sunermarket? 2 What time doesthe superrnarketopen on Saturdays? How many hours doesNathan work on Saturdays excludinshis lunch break? 4 Where do Nathan and Jamessometimeshave lunch? 5 How much money doesNathan earn every week? 6 What time doesNathan get up on Sundays? cultwe@.ì Secondo piùdel40%deiragazi unsondagÉio compresi tra i 16e i 18annichevanno a scuola nelRegno part-time. Unito, fa unlavoro Skills . Writing Completa l'articolo della rivista TèenAge. Usa le parole nel riquadro. $-ì.$ brother van soutlì member hour go going agency expensive enjoyable ilat babysitter Sailing's expensive! My name,sLucyCIarkand I live rn Brighton in the r.,.- _. . of England. I go to KemptownComprehensrve School ano Im in year î2. l,vegot a brother and a sister.My , _., . .-, Frank,is -. nrne and my sister,Ellie,is eleven.My mumt a shop assistantand my dad,sa orrver.We live in a 4 . near the,sbeautiful! In my free-timet like s sailing and t'm a 6._. .._.- . of a sailingclub.lhe problem is that sailingis very - : ., .... So in the eveningsand at weekendslwork asa 8 . twork ror an , calledSafeand Sound. Tte money,svery good. I get f6.50 an - - .lusuallv 11 r"tirv'ri,o"r"r,"";:'J'.r"""" o,.r..k J;d'î" rnrsh work at eleveno,clock. I like children very much so the work,svery r2 t0 Scegli uno dei lavori a pagina 16 o inventa un lavoro. Scrivi un breve testo (75-100 parole) simile a quello di Lucy.Includi le seguenti informazioni: . o o o c . o . informazioni personaÌi ìnforìnazioni s[lla tua famiglia informazioni su dove abiti quelÌo che fai rel tuo tempo libelo il lavoro part-time che fai quanto guadagni quello che fai esatîamente se il lavoro tì piace o rìo Grammar,functionsand vocabulary I Activities Presentcontinuous Completa il cruciverba. Osservale figure. Scrivi delle frasi per descrivere quello che ciascuna persona sta facendo. Across I Eric Claptonand BruceSp ngsteencan do this. (4.3,6) 3 Totti and Buffon do this as a job. [4,8) 9 Youdo this in the morning, beforeyou 80 to school.(4,9) Down 4 5 7 8 You do this when you want to contactyour friends.(4,2,3,5) Youuse an MP3 playerto do this. (6,2,5) You usually do this sport outsideand you use a racket.i4,6) You do this with a camera.(4,6) Youcan do this at home or the cinema.(5,1,4) You do this to Bet clean. It's relaxing,too. (4,1,4) 3 Mrs Davies- 4 Mr Smith 5 Nancyand Josh 6 Annie Scrivi dornandee risposte brevi utilizzando le parole date. I Jake,/Green Dav?,x 5 Lorenzo scrive al suo amico Marco. Completa I'e-mail con la forma corretta dei verbi fra parentesi, utilizzando il Present simple o il Present continuous. 2 Mary/the newspaper?/ Dear Marco, (spend)a monthin England | 1(write) at the momènt.In fact | 2to you in Englishbecausemy English 3(be)fantasticnow! I hope that you can understandme. I a(stay) with an Englishfamily.They?ereallynice! Mr (havegot) a and Mrs White dogs'homeand theirson Rob6(work)there on Saturdays.Rob'sgot a girlfriend.Her name'sEmily.She'svery nice. Actually,she's gorgeous... | 7(phone)Claudiaat six o'clock everyday.I really8(love)her and miss her very muchs(you/have)a good summer? 3 Mark/crossword?À 4 Anna/a shower?/ 5 Samanthaand Dave/lunch?,{ 6 Jamesand Jill/tennis?/ Presentsimple or Present continuous? Teresachiama Kate. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. Usa il Present simple o il Present continuous. be listen do fx3 have The weatherin Englandis avúful.In fact it 10(rain)at the momenr. Wrile to me when you havetime, Best wishes Lorenzo Kate Hi. It's Kate.Is Teresathere,please? Tefesa Hi, Kate. It's me. How I Translatlon things -? Kate Well, I 2my Maths homework but it's very difficult. what Teresa |4 Kate got a test next week. your brother What s- CPnor,rnhv hec,rrrse I ve -? Teresa He 0to his stereo.He'sgot a bdlliant new CD. Kate Tèresa,are you free this evening? Tbresa Yes, I 7 Kate whv? I've got sometickets for the Revoxgig. Teresa Wow! I love Revox. Let's meet at my houseat eight. Teresa Oh, I usually 8dinner at eight. 6 ftaduci il pamgrafo in inglese. Scrivilo sul quaderno. Rob è uno studenteinglese.Abita a Richmond con i suoi genitori e sua sorellaSandy.Rob è il ragazzodi Emily ma le cosenon stanno andandomolto bene tra di loro. Rob e Emily sono molto diversi. A loro piace ascoltare musica diversae hanno degli hobby diversi. LorenzoConti è ospite di Rob e della sua famiglia. Rob è un po' gelosonei confronti di Lorenzoperchéa Lorenzopiace molto Emily e lui piace a lei. SteveChangè ospite di Emily perchéEmily e Stevestannopartecipandoal concorsoIYJC.Steveè un ragazzosimpaticoe va d'accordocon Emilv. Rob e Lorenzo. Kate Kate OK. Let's meet at nine o'clock, then. Teresa OK. Seeyou later Translation@ gliaggettivl A differenza dell'italiano in inglese precedono il sostantivo e nonlo seguono. Joeè un rallazosimpatico.Joeis a níceboy. Grammar,functions and vocabulary Food and drink Completa il cruciverba. J I '.9 @ &"4 (1 1 ) @ rl (16) '* Down l' q & @GJ e -r*, ffi Countable,uncountableor both? Completa la tabella con i nomi dei cibi nel riquadro. peÈtoes yoghurt salad fruit oil flour butter salt ffi rice milk sausdSes pasÌa vegetables eggs vinegar Cardinal numbers Scrivi i numeri in parole. | 152 2 1.6 3 6,376 4 75 5 39.8 6 12,199 countable uncountable both 7 677 potatoes oil chicken 8 19 9 49,000 10 15.3 4 7- Howmuch?,HowmanyT Mum Rebeccasta facendo un sondaggiosulla dieta di una ragazza italiana. Completa il dialogo. Scrivi delfe domande con hou much o how mony. R ebecca N o,8 Mum small loaf. 10- Mum Anna Rebecca No, la :n 9- big bottle. 13- one any oil? Rebecca Yes, 11 Rebecca Hello. I'm RebeccaRussell.Can I ask you some questionsabout your diet? Yes,of course. rhow nat(h Rebecca first s1 111, ftuil do,vouealI Anna Quite a lot. I usually eat a bananaor much bread? r2--- a many apples? l5 only one apple. Mum OK. Now I can do the shopping!Bye! : n n lp p wp r w r l:r , Rebecca 2 Expressionsof quantity Anna None! I really don't like chocolate. Completa il testo con too much, too many, enough,olittleoafeu. 1Bdtish children are overweight Rebeccawow! That'sunusual.' Anna I eat a lot of pasta.I eat it nearly every day. Rebecca I can understandthat - pasta's fantastic.a Anna I don't eat anv meat. I'm a vegetarian.B ut I eat eggsand cheese. 2 Rebecca OK. s Anna I eat two eggsa week. Rebecca 6 Anna I never drink coffee.I drink tea. thesedays,accordingto a report in the Daily TÌmes newspapertoday.They eaI2-_-.-.. sweetsand 3chocolateand they only eal aftuÌt. They spendtoo ìong in front of the TV and they only do 5 soortor exercise Butit s not their fault - the problem lies with their parents. When both the father and mother are working they don't haveotime to cook and they buy 'convenience'foods, so their children eaIT--.-...-.-*---- pizzas,sausagesand chips and lheyonlv eat8vegetables. Rebecca Great!That's all for now and thanks! Translation thereis. thereare La mamma di Rebeccaè al supermercatoe si è dimenticata la lista della spesa.Completa la conversazionetelefonica tra Rebeccae sua mamma. Mum r ls there Rebecca Yes,2 one packet . aMum aîy ispT any bananas? Rebecca Yes, s lot of bananas. 6a Ttaduci il testo in inglese. Scrivilo sul quaderno. II mio stile di vita è abbastanzasano, ma i miei genitori non sono d'accordo.Mangio molta frutta, ma mia mamma dice che non mangioabbaslanza verdurafresca.Mangio molta pastae mangiopocacarne.Non bevo mai bibite îrizzanli, ma qualchevolta mangio caramellee cioccolato.N4iopapapensache guardolroppo la televisione,ma secondome va bene così perchéfaccio anchetanta attività fisica- vadod nuotdreo8ni settimanae Bioco a pallacanestroe pallavolo a scuola. TranslationiEì Attenzione: fuso dell'articolo a conlittlee few cambiail significato delsostantivo chelo segue. =pocolpoca =un po' Iittle a liftle di few= pochi/poche d few= alcuni/alcune (piccola quantità) Skills . Reading eno MadameTlrssauds I a revtewDv lom Lroucner l'm writing this review after a trip to Madame Tussaudsin London. This is one offive Tussaudswax museumsacrossthe world. It is right next to Baker Streetundergroundstation. Entranceis f,25.00 for adults, and f,21.00 for children. I think it's quite expensive.You go in and take an elevatorup into 'Blush', a celebrityfilled zone.You step into flashing cameras- this is to makeyaa a celebrity! Kylie Minogue, GeorgeClooney,Robbie Williams, Jennifer Lopez and many other famous celebritiesare in this room. You then move on to the 'Piratesofthe Caribbean'exhibit. You meet the actorsfrom the film, including Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp and you can go on Jack Sparrow'sship, the Black Pearl,and try to find the 'Dead Man's Chest'. Then you enterthe 'PremiereNight' zone my favourite zone,becauseI liked posing with PierceBrosnanand Roger Moore and pretendingto be JamesBond! The starsin this zone include StevenSpielberg,Marilyn Monroe and 'The Terminator'! The zone is full of movie starsDastand Dresent. Next is the'WorldStage'zone. Everyone here is famous! Current and former world leadersand sports starsfill the room. Also, the Royal Family standtogetheron a stage. Now go downstairsto 'ChamberLive'. Do nor go in hereif you don'tlike thingsjumping out in the dark! This was very scary for me, and my ten-year-oldson was very scaredtoo! Thenyou seethe 'Spirit ofLondon'ride. This is not scary and it's a delightful ride through London's history.You ride in London taxi cabs, and it is a completehistory oflondon from the Elizabethantimes to today. Next you go past a JoséMourinho 'football game'. But you haven't finished yet! A lot ofpeople don't realisethat a visit to the 'Auditorium' of the Planetariumcomeswith your ticket. It's a spectacular trip into spaceand beyond.Don't miss it! And that'stheendof yourvisit andyou come out ontothefamousLondonBakerStreet. MadameTussauds is very enjoyable,but take pÌentyof drinksbecause it getshot andstuffy inside.Someadultsmaygetbored aftera while but kidsreallyloveMadameTussauds. Ifyou arevisitingLondon,it's a greatdayout. Comprehension** calture@.l Letre attrazioni turistjchepiirpopolarinel RegnoUnitosono: 'l TheBlackpoolPleasure Beach* un fantastico lunapark(6 millionidi visitatori). 2 fhe TateModern* unagalleriad'arte modernasullamigia Londra 3 TheRritish Museun- il museopiii importante del RegnoUnito. Comprehension* Madame Tirssaudsè un famoso museo delle cere a Londra dove puoi vedere dei modelli perfetti di personefamose.Quali persone ti aspetterestidi vedere lì? Scrivi quattro nomi. Leggi il testo per vedere se trovi i nomi che hai scritto. Comprehension* Rileggi il testo. Quali di queste persone vengono nominate? Metti un segno di spunta (/) nella casella. I rylie vlnogue /- f st",,"n Spielberg - ! Mudonn, ! NelsonMandela- TheTerminator. I f;ennifer Lopez! Robbie williamsRogerMoore- ! MarilynMonro"- ! K"iruKnightley- ! c"o.g" clooney- !;ohnny Depp- ! PierceBrosnanL__.1 l l JoseMourinho- Adessoleggi il testo ancora una volta e metti le persone nell'ordine in cui sono nominate. Scrivi il numero correttonello sDazio. Vocabulary Osservagli aggettivi evidenziati nel testo. Completa la tabella scrivendo quelli positivi e quelli negativi. positive negative Vero o falso?Scrivi V o F negli spazi. Correggi le frasi îalse. (p 1 - MadameTirssaudsis the onlv waxworks museum in the world. 2 - Il's easyto get to MadameTussauds. 5 - It's not cheapto get into Madame Tussauds. - You can't get very near to the modelsof the celebdties. - You can seeQueenElizabethII in the museum. - You can leam about the history of Londonin the museum. - Your MadameTussaudsticket is also valid for the Planetadum. - The writer saysthe museumis better for adults than children. *** Comprehension Rispondi alle domande. I How much would two adults and two children pay to get Ìnto the museum? Which part of the nuseum did the author like best and why? Which part of the museum do you think the wdter didn't like very much and why? Why don't somepeoplevisit the Planetarium? Find two negativepoints the writer makes about the museum. What doesthe wdter tell you to take with you for your visit? Skills . Writing || r,eggi la lettera di Mike alla sua amica Sally negli Stati Uniti e cerchia l'alternativa corretta:aob.(f -llAeCrov|wawctrMLtre + ewgLLshst, CA3 efiZ, CarLislz at.h-)k \,e2OA7 rlear saLL'+, I aw-+ewdL^,qt"ra \ireebsLvuCarLisLe Lwe^.gLawd,. I a- a re^LLAg\od,tLtue.Aw"azLwgLA, the weatherLs f7,^ta,stLcat the wrovwwt.rt'sstrww4 awd venJwarN. I'n/"sLaULl,î)Lwa realLu2- hoteL- the raD&sare \^)Ltha 1'v awd,a bLgbathyoawr. venJ cavr'"foftabLe | Àave hreaàfastLwthe hoteLbrlt | 3- haveLvtah or dLwwer rhetea. .1ao {oDa,s 400d,o^r q,u ' ()per'..t\e the peolLeheyeare ver4 a- awd,aweof the rec(ptiDwLsts at the hoteLq:rvesw"eLÒts0l goodadví,ceabaatwhereta to eat. l+ert/"at\Le's Lara avd she'svenl Ao awd v,/here 5wLce.she LÒ.^gbLac.,haLy she'staLLawd sLLw-. ^vd ,she'sLavet/t.theye6- lols af reaLL,4 goodrestau,:rawts Lwthe tÒ\.\/w the tv^"d.Law - EpecLaLLU reslakral,ts. twd,Law I reaLLU LLkeLt.A&d, Lt's food Lshot awd sTLcU ^wd otkLteoheap,tao. M1JdLetLsvenò7heyeLwthe qK. t'r\,',eatLwalats of fresh fy Ll a'/"dveqetabLes |M wate- cola oy ^wd eati,^lJfast foc'd,LLèeI d,DLwthe fact, fvtLasLt ,g sDMevteLght| I'M writi^2 thLsLetler wextta Lal2,eV'/twdervlCre. tt's \Nealher's verg bea*tLfuL . '11\e great awd it9 rarw^^el AwAwo,t4,that's aLLfor "Ò-. L)ve, MLrae a 'm having b have a awful b beautiful a don't b not a friendly b sympathelic a-s b 's got ats b are a healthy bfir a drinking b drink a don't b isn't 10 a now b present cattareif.l NelRegnoUnito,oltreil 40%dellapopolazione mangiaciboindianoda duea quattrovoltealla settimana. l2 Scrivi una lettera a un tuo amico (100,f50 parole). Immagina di essereanche tu in vacanza in Inghilterra. Includi le seguenti informazioni: . dettagli dell'albergo o una descrizionedel tempo o una descrizionedelle personecon cui sei in vacal]za . il tuo cibo preferito . quello che stai mangiando r quello che stai facendooggi oo Non dimenticare di includere: . il nome e I'indirizzo del tuo albergo . la data Inizia e termina la lettera come ha fatto Mike. What doyou want to do on can Osservai simboli che rappresentanole attività. Scrivi una frase che descriva la tua capacità di svolgere ogni attività, scegliendo uno degli awerbi nel riquadro. quite well not at aÌl not very well very well really well | / canpky bastretball yíte we//. Translation Traduci il testo in inglese. Scrivilo sul quaderno. Vivo con i miei genitori in una grandecasaa Brighton. Ho due fuatellie due sorelle.Abbiamo tutti tanti hobby.Mia mamma e mia sorella suonanoil pianoforle molto bene.Anche io so suonareil pianoforte,ma non molto bene.A mio papàe a mio fratelloJohn piacegiocdre a tennis. Sannogiocarea tennis molto bene. Mia sorellaJosiesa nuotaremoìto bene e va a nuotaretulti i giorni. Il mio fratello minore, Mark, ha tre anni e non ha hobby ma gli piace guardarela TV! ftanslation@) perindicare Inìtaliano si usail verbo'sapefe' chesi è capaci di farequalcosa mentfein jnglese si usail verbocan. Sosuonane il Dianoforte. I canplay the pidno. Grammar,functionsand vocabulary Past time expressions Completa la linea del tempo con le espressionidi tempo passatonel riquadro. last month at 9.30this morning yesterdayevening tn 1974 yesterdaymornin8 last yesterdayafternoon last week last Saturday afr+otiFago lasî nighl io ft Now (Todayis Monday) Î- l-t_ an hour aqo tI - I Memory Test! Adesso osserva i luoghi per due minuti. Chiudi il libro e cerca di scrivere il maggior nurnero possibile di nomi fra quelli raffigurati. [- be o Past simple Places Dov'erano queste persone ieri? Scrivi una frase per ogni persona. [- tI - Abbina i norni alle figure. Scrivi la parola nello spazio corretto. Poi aggiungi dú o ,n e l'articolo ove necessario, hone school cinema airport car bed church beach I Jack/not/swimm ing pool/lastnight swimming pool living room Amy/Hannah/not/cinema/yesterday aftetnoon 4 Tim/not/disco/last night 5 Jessica/beach/yesterday 7 at hone Sam/James/football match/yesterday aftetnoon 7 Ellie/not/New York/last week 8 Jack/cinema/yesterdayevening 4 Prova questo test sulla tua conoscenzadella storia della musica! Rispondi alle domande. (Un punto per ogni risposta giusta, un punto extra se sai dare la risposta giusta quando la risposta è No). Where were the Beatlesfrom? London or Liverpool? 2 Was Bob Marley fiom |amaica? 3 Was Mick lagger born in 1973? 4 WasJohnLennona guitaristin LeclZeppelin? Who was the leacl singer of Genesis? Peter Gabriel or Frecldie Mercury? 6 Was limi Hendrix a drummer? Who was the lea€isingerof the Doors?lim Morrison or EricClapton? Where was BruceSpringsteenborn? In the USA or in England? Permissionand requests Riordina le frasi per fare un dialogo. Scrivi il numero corretto nello spazio. A -,. Chris It's on Saturdaynight. But, there's one problem. B Dad Yes,OK. When is it? C --. Chris I havenl gol any moneylor a present.Canyou lend me f10, Dad? D Dad No, I cdnt. I'm sorry,but l m busyon Saturdayevening. E -.. Chris Yes,he is. CanI go to his pafty, Dad? F Dad What aboutyour bike? G ...-. Chris Thanks,Dad. Oh... and there's one bike. H ,..-. Dad What'sthat? I -, J .- Dad That'scool.Is he havinga party? K Dad f 10!That'squitea lot! Well,OK, you can borrow it. Chris lt's broken. Can you give me a lift to his house? L ....-1, Chris Dad! It's my friendNathan's birrhdayrhisweekend... Translation 6 Ttaduci i minidialoghi in inglese. Scrivili sul quaderno. I A Johne BobbyKennedynacquero in Irlanda? B No. NacqueronegliStatiUniti. 2 A Dovesei nato? B Sononato a CapeTown. 3 A Mi puoi prestarela macchinapiù tardi? B No, mi dispiace,non posso. 4 A Possoprenderein prestitof50? B Certoche puoi. 5 A Puoi aprire la finestraper favore? B No, mi dispiace,ho freddo. Translation @ In italiano si dicecheunapersona'è nata' (passato prossimo) mentreIn inglese si usa wdsborn (passato remoto,f0rmapassiva). Sononato a Londra. I wasborn in London. Vedi le risposte a pagina 33. Skills . Reading Seeyou of the MusicCofé! Would you like a night out in London with good food and great music? Our reviewer Jeremy Clark was in London last week to check out the hot spots of the big city, Read his reviews of his three favourite venues, RockRendezvous 16, Covent Garden Lane,London wI. is a smallcafé n the centreof London. RockRendezvous ten minutes'walk from CoventGarden.The In fact its lust musicis greatand veryloud - so it'sdrfficultto havea whileyou eat dinner.Thefood is surprisingly conversation good I recommend the traditionalEnglishsausages potatoes and gravy.And the puddingsare with mashed - Ùy the stickytoffeepuddingor the applepìe. delicious It'sa good ideato book beforeyou go therebecause thereare only aboutfifteentablesl Hammersmith Reggae Yard 12, Kings Street, Hammersmith, W6. Reggae Spenda relaxing eveningat the Hamrnersmith No Yard- chill out to the latestsoundsfrom Jamalca. livemuslchere,but an excellentselectionof recordings from the mostexcitingnew reggaebandson an excelient sound system.Youcan come herewith your friendstoo, thereare morethan fifty tables.(TheYardwas because the old postoffice- its huge!) Youcan drinktradtional ginger beeLcarrotjuiceor fruit punchand you Jamaican disheslikeCuny can try a BeefPattyor otherJamaican Butget thereearlylWhen lwas Chicken or Riceand Peas. therelastnioht it was full at eiqhto'clockl All That lazz 332, LancasterSquare, Putney, SW14 Wouldyou liketo hearsomereallycool lazz live? Well,All ThatJazzis the placefor youI You can hearand see livemusicians everyeveningfrom 9.00 p.m.andthe musìcf inishes at 12.00 p.m.And thats not alll Youcantry sone specralities cookedby ll'e ca'es AmerÌcanchef,LouisGrey.He comes from New Orleans- he can cook really well,but he canalsoplaythe saxlTryhis Gumbo(a thick,spicy,seafood soup), hisCalunSpicedChickenand especially hisBreadPuddinglThebest!And the either.Youcan food isn'tveryexpensive, expectto spendabout f20 per person. Comprehension* ** Comprehension Leggi le recensioni dei tre ccfé e scrivi il nome negli spazi. Vero o falso?Scrivi V o F negli spazi. Correggi le frasi false. l@ 1 1 2 - is in the centreof London. was once a post office. 2 has good inexpensive a - food. is a goodplaceto go with a big group of friends. is a good place to listen ic : wor w cm :ll JeremyClark likes the food at Rock Rendezvous. You can only hear live music at All That Jazz at lunchtime. ....._The chef at All That Jazz is from the USA. - The quality of the music at the HammersmithReggaeYardis very good. - The HammersmithReggaeYardis very lo lazz, reslauranr. Rock Rendezvousis in CoventGarden. hr r c r r i n Vocabulary tha pr r ani noc Comprehension *** 2 ebbina le parole dal testo alle loro traduzioni in italiano. 1 2 - loud a impianto stereo lîy b prenotare 3 4 - book c dlassati live d forte 5 6 - seafood e ze\zeto spiced f enorme 7 8 - relaxing g daì vivo chill out h frutti di mare q rpnnrrlinos i registrazioni 10 11 - sound system j rilassante huge k prova 12 - ginger Rispondi alle domande. I What's the music like at the Rock Rendezvous? What doesJeremysuggestyou eat at the Rock Rendezvous? What time do the musiciansstart playing at the All That Jazz café? What's specialabout the chef at the All That Jazz café? ctttture(Fl All'incirca tre miliardi di persone hanno guardato idieciconcerti di LiveI il 2 luglio 2005. Why is the HammersmithReggaeYardvery big? Key(Legends of [,lusic Quiz) 1 TheywerefromLiverpool.2 Yes,hewas. (MickJagger 5 No,hewasn't. wasbornin 1943.) 4 N0,hewasn't. JohnLennon wasa guitarist in theBeatles.5 PeterGabriel wastheleadsinÉer 0f Genesis.6 No,hewasnt. (JimiHendrix wasa wasthe eadsinger0fthe Éuitarist.)7 Jiml\.4orrison Doors. I BruceSpringsteen wasbornintheUSA. What are the namesof three typical Ja,,,drLdI rsrrPcJ: Skills . Writing t0 Leggi l'e-mail che Steveha scritto al suo penfrienil Ed, prirna di andare a trovarlo a Londra, Sottolinea le alternative corrette nel messaggio. Hi Ed, Thanksfor your email last week. lt was reallyinteresting! lYougot/You've gof lots of hobbies. You play basketballand footballand you go swimmingeveryweek and you can2play/playingthe guitar,too. Wow! I don't know how you find the time! I usualtyhavelots of homeworkevery day. | 39osometímes/sometÌmes go swimmingbut lcan't swimverywelt. ln the eveningsI like qsurfing/suf the Internet.And I can cook quite well too. I can cook Chinese,Frenchand ltalian food.lsometimescookfor my famity at weekends. | swritufm writing îhis email because 6l likefi'dlike to acceptyour invitation to comeand see you next weekend. I'm stayingin Londonwith friendsat the moment,so l'm not far from you. Can you ttell/to fell me the name of the stationnearyour house?Let's smeet/tomeet al ihe stationat about twelveo'clock.Thenwe can go for a meaItogether. Seeyou soon, Steve || Scrivi un'e-mail a Steve (100-150 parole). Includi Ie seguentiinformazioni: o descrivi i tuoi hobby parla delle coseche sai e non sai fare invita Stevea una festasabatosera proponi di incontrarui alla stazione alle sei di sabatosera proponi di andarea mangiareuna przza prima della festa o enfì Grammar,functions and vocabulary Holidays Completa il cruciverba. Across in the mountains. 5 We like to go 6 You can travel from London to Edinburghby car,plane, train or ---. I An underwateractivity. 10 The Ritz and The Dorchester in London. are expensive-t7 An inexpensiveplaceto stay on holidayin England.(3,3,9) 18 The oppositeof rlnns. 19 Lying on the beachin the sun. 20 You can go ---stables.(5,6) at the I Placeswhere you can seeafi. 2 A periodof sevendays. 3 A placelo put your tent. 4 An inexpensiveplacewhere young people can stay.[5,6) We went to Majorca on holiday and we went every day. to the 9 The tour guide was very helpful and --. 11 When we went -To\irerof London. in London we saw the 13 A period of fourteen days. 14 Therewasn't a bus or a train to the villageso we went thereby 15 We madethe shorttrip to the lsÌand by ---. 16 The oppositeof eat at home.(3,3) 72 You need a boat to go -. Past simple . irregular verbs Ci sono abbastanzalettefe in questa fila per formare il passatodi soltanto dieci degli undici seguenti verbi. Si pilo usare ogni lettera una sola volta! Scrivi il passatodel verbo accanto alla forma base. qrrr.} .^ b ? -^rbl&&ò,(eeeîI come C/ltue ' 9 g4:rll 7 make vtm#o .oooossttt{f 2 see 8 say Per quale verbo al passato mancano le lettere? 3 win 9 meet Scrivilo qui: - 4 leave 10 buy 5go 11 tell 6 get Past simple A,èUgÎ Scrivi sul quaderno quattro frasi affermative (r/) e quattro negative (f) su quello che hai fatto,/non hai fatto la settimana scofsa. y' / lwentswlm%ins. é1 3 49 61 70 LILZ t3 14 r 2 ldiiln'tyshopptkl. Scrivi le domande per queste risposte. I I went to Chicago. I lelt home at seveno'clock this mornins. By bus?No, we didn't. We travelledby train. They stayedon a campsite. Shespent two weeksthere. Yes,I did. I went to Venicefor a day. I stayedfor a week. Translation Traduci il testo in inglese. Scrivilo sul quaderno. He ate an omeletteand chips. Osservale figure. Scrivi un dialogo fra te e Joe. You Tell me about your holiday, Joe. When I Joe You How long 2 Joe You HOW " Joe You wnere- Joe You wno - Ho fatto una vacanzafantasticaI'estatescorsa. Sonoandato a Paxoscon il mio amico Tim. Sonoandato in agostoper due settimane. Sonoandato in aereoe ho incontrato Tim poi siamoandatiin albergo. aÌl aeroporto, Lalbergo era economicoma buono. Il pdmo giorno ci siamo alzati tardi, siamo andati in spiaggiae abbiamonuotato. Quella sera abbiamomangiatoin un piccolo islorante vicino all'albergo.Un altro giorno siamo andati a fare un giro in bicicletta nella campagna vicino a Paxos.Durante la secondasettimana abbiamovisitato dei monumenti. Una sera abbiamoincontrdto delleragazze e siamo andatia ballarecon loro. È stataulra vacalza bellissimae molto rilassante! Joe You Where 6 Joe You What z there? Joe You What else8 Joe Translation l@ Ininglese si usaorrqnon4 quando ci si riferisce allapartedelgìorno in cuisi è svolta un'azione nelpassato. Unamattinasiamousciti. Wewentout onemorning.non{lb-wetffi a rllorning.