view our bulletin - New Hope Assembly
view our bulletin - New Hope Assembly
Regular Schedule of Services Nursery available during all scheduled services unless otherwise noted inside the bulletin. Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastors Worship & Graded Children’s Churches Sunday School Evening Worship Service College-Age Ministry (SC Chapel) Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Adult Bible Classes NH Youth (Middle School) SC Chapel NH Youth (High School) Auditorium Foundations & Transition (5th grade) Student Campus NH Kids (Kindergarten - 4th grades) NH Tots (Preschool program) James L. Weaver Jeff Hill Brett Hendrickson Brian Smith Austin Weaver Luke Spangrud Zach Hill Cortney Ostrander Mandee Hamann Donald Hawkins Gary Walter Online Giving Friends & Family Sundays Invite your family & friends to hear the greatest story ever told September 18 & 25. Visitors on those two Sundays will be entered into a drawing to win a 1 week resort stay at Westgate Vacation Villas Resort and Spa in Orlando, 5 minutes from Walt Disney World plus four 4-day passes to Walt Disney World. Certain restrictions apply and travel dates are limited. Winner is responsible for transportation and food costs. The resort and tickets have been provided by two generous donors. MAIN BUILDING: 4425 70TH STREET, URBANDALE OFFICES & STUDENT CAMPUS: 6800 TOWNSEND AVENUE, URBANDALE, IA 50322 515-254-9094 “Give Me This Mountain” Pastor Donald Hawkins Sunday, September 11, 2016 TODAY NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES (continued) THIS WEEK (continued) To Our Visitors - WELCOME! We are very happy you have come to worship with us today. We invite you to stop by the Welcome Center in the foyer to pick up a Visitor Brochure that will help acquaint you with New Hope or pick up a Bible to use during the service. Visitor cards are available in the pew rack if you would like to leave a record of your visit. If ever we can serve you, please let us know. Thank you and may God bless you! We will receive our Annual Building Fund Offering on Sunday, October 2. Please be in prayer about what God would have you give. Men’s Bible Discussion Group - Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in New Hope Java. Ready to Wed - A 5-week class for all engaged couples getting married at New Hope in the next 6 months - one year. Classes will meet each Sunday night in October at 6:00. Sign up with Pastor Brian by next Sunday, September 18. Women’s Ministry September Event - Arrive at the Student Campus at 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, September 15. We will go to West End Architectural Salvage and have lunch at Bubba. Cost is $5 plus your lunch. TODAY is the deadline to sign up online or at the Events Center. Pay the day of the event. There is a Nursing Mothers Room available in Room 140 next to the first floor women’s restroom. Celebrate Recovery has recently added a Men’s Small Group for Addictions (drugs and alcohol). Come see how God changes lives! Women’s Friday Morning Discipleship Class meets at 9:45 in Room 212. Today is Grandparents Day! We will be honoring all grandparents in our services. Breaking the Bonds of Pornography and Sexual Addiction Training Conference - Tuesday, October 25, Student Campus Auditorium, 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Our guest clinician is Marnie Ferree, Director of Bethesda Workshops in Nashville, TN. $25 includes lunch and class materials. This is a leadership seminar for pastors, counselors, teachers, and parents or grandparents who want to understand sexual addiction. This seminar will arm you with information that you can teach your children and grandchildren to protect them from getting involved in pornography or sinful sexual behavior. If you are new to the church and haven’t had an opportunity to get acquainted with Pastor Weaver, you are invited to join him on the west end of the foyer during Sunday School for an informal time of refreshments and sharing. NH Small Groups facilitators’ meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in New Hope Java. Questions? Contact Dan & Sue Thompson. Burchfield Brothers in Concert - Tonight at 6:00. Join us for an evening of inspirational music. Opportunity to Serve the Lord: We have an opening in the cleaning ministry that needs to be filled. Contact Julie Spencer or the church office if you’d be willing to serve the Lord in this ministry. ALL kids wanting to participate in Junior Bible Quiz this year, please meet for our first practice tonight at 6:00 in the large children’s chapel. Lost & Found items are on display in the foyer. Please check there for anything you may have misplaced over the summer. NH Preschoolers will meet tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Early Childhood area. All children ages 3-5 are invited. The Wall That Heals, a traveling, half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D. C., is coming to Urbandale, September 29 October 2. It will be displayed on the front lawn of Living History Farms. Open 24 hours; free admission. College-Age Ministry - Tonight at 6:00 in the SC Chapel. NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES Say Yes! NH Youth, NH Kids, and NH Tots are looking to grow their teams of volunteers who serve on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please stop by the Say Yes table today or next Sunday and prayerfully consider where you can serve. See the youth or children’s pastors with questions. Orchestra rehearsal will resume next Sunday, September 18 at 4:30 p.m. Contact Pastor Brett if you’re interested in joining the orchestra. NH Tots Volunteers & Subs Meeting - Saturday, September 24 from 9:00 11:00 a.m. in the Early Childhood area for all adults who serve during Sunday services. Please plan to be there. (Youth volunteer training coming soon.) Questions? See Pastor Mandee. Financial Peace University - September 25 - November 20 on Sunday nights, 6:00-7:00 p.m. in Room 161. Cost is $100. Deadline to sign up online or at the Events Center is next Sunday, September 18. Questions? Contact Jared Acheson at or call the church office. Celebrate Recovery needs help in the nursery on Tuesday night and would love to have four teams of 2 sign up for once a month with our tots. One of the team members needs to be an adult. Please sign up online. THIS WEEK Ladies’ Bible Study - Monday at 1:00 p.m. in New Hope Java. Book Buddies are reading Emma’s Gift by Leisha Kelly, Book 2 in the series. We will meet on Monday, September 12 in New Hope Java, 6:30-7:30 p.m. for our discussion. Please join us. Questions? Contact LindaLee Lovelace. Retired Men - Meet for breakfast with Pastor Weaver this Tuesday, September 13 at 8:00 a.m. at Cozy Café, 5405 Douglas Avenue. Ladies’ Prayer & Share - Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in New Hope Java. Beth Moore Simulcast - This Saturday, September 17 in the Student Campus Auditorium. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. for a light breakfast. The Simulcast starts at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are available in the foyer this morning before and after services. COMING SOON Prayer & Praise - Next Sunday evening, September 18 at 6:00. NH Small Groups are starting soon. Sign up online or at the Events Center to be involved. Questions? Contact Dan & Sue Thompson. Wednesday Night Women’s Discipleship - Priscilla Shirer’s DVD Series on Gideon beginning Sept. 21. Sign up online or at Events Center. Book is $13. The Women’s Friday Morning Discipleship Class will begin a new study on September 23 - David: Seeking a Heart Like His, an 11-week video series from Beth Moore. Book is $16. Sign up online or at the Events Center. Questions? Contact Jo Northway. Men’s Breakfast - Saturday, September 24, 8:00 - 9:15 a.m. in the Student Campus Chapel. Jeff Witzke will be giving his testimony. Sign up at the Events Center. Unplugged - Women’s camping trip at Saylorville, October 14 & 15, for females college-age and older. Sign up at the Events Center by Saturday, October 8. Contact Meryn Hill for more information. Man Camp - Don’t miss an amazing weekend designed just for guys 16 and older on Friday night, October 21 and Saturday, October 22 at Sunstream Retreat Center in Ogden. Guest speaker: Randy McPherson. The weekend will include many activities, prizes, powerful services, and more! Cost is $50. Unchurched guests are $25. Zip lines are an additional $10. Sign up and pay at the Events Center by Sunday, October 9. NH Tots Playtime for parents and little ones Tuesday, September 13, 10:00 11:30 a.m. at Lions Park in Urbandale. There will be a snack and park toys provided. Questions? See Pastor Mandee or Becky Acheson. Celebrate Recovery - Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Campus. Nursery available for babies - age 4. Questions? Contact Di Jaehnel or Daniel Murtha. All K-5th graders are invited to our Back to School party this Wednesday, September 14, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. There will be giveaways, inflatables, snow cones, & more! Meet upstairs at 6:30. Don’t be late! YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS One Night - For all students in grades 6-12, next Sunday night, September 18, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Student Campus Chapel.
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October 7, 2012
Many hands are needed to sort shoeboxes and load trucks during collection week. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. New hours this year: