Untitled - Teaching Tools Guatemala
Untitled - Teaching Tools Guatemala
# \- TANGOESJR TANGOESJR PUZZLEPACKS CIASSICTANGOES @ Designedspecificallyfor preschoolers, TangoesJr. includes sevenlargemagneticpuzzlepieces,12 double-sidedpuzzle cardsofferingtwo levelsof playand a largeplayingsurface. All piecesand puzzlesstore in a uniqueplasticcanyingcase. AdditionalPuzzlePacksfor TangoesJr.are availablein three fun themes;Animals,Objects,and People. Now your preschoolchild can haveevenmorefun with TangoesJr.with threeadditionalPuzzlePacks:Animals, Peopleand Objects.EachPuzzlePackcontains10 doublesided puzzlecards,and each PuzzlePackcontains recognizableimagesthat ofier hoursof tangramchallenges! For use with TangoesJr. AGE 4+ Packedin our signature,slim plasticcase,this challenginggame includestwo sets of seven playingpiecesin blue and red alongwith Card Set 1 containing27 cardswith 54 puzzlesand playfor one solutions.Hoursof mind-challenging or two people. AGE 5+ AGE 4+ 7-15234-OOO11-4 7-15234-OOO12-1 JRTOOl o REXGAMES o 7-15234-00001 -5 T100 12 96 7-15234-001 00-5 ULTRATANGOES MINI TANGOES GREEN,BLACK,WHITT $ ol m r E lú¡r -] liair-z.ig @ r ¡t¡fitranlft E n -lg - I- rr, { t t * r\ vi* 'z \t7 Z .ñ. Seasonalpackag¡ngfor Mini Tangoesis available. Minimumorder:5,000 un¡ts.Pleaseinquirefor more details. :-"' A contemporaryversionof ClassicTangoesavailablein three differentcolors;green/black,black/burgundy, whiter/gray. Ultra Tangoesincludetwo setsof puzzlepiecesand 27 cardswith 54 puzzlesand solutions.All storein a slim plasticcase. AGE 5+ E'-t A greatpartyfavoror impulsepurchase.Includesone set of sevenpuzzlepiecesand sevenpuzzlecardswith solutionson the back. Puzzlesare differentin blue and red sets. AGE 5+ 7-15234-00101-2 MiniTanooes Assortmént (Blue/Red) MTO2MT18 36 (18Blue/ 18 Red) 288 (144Blue/ 144Red) 7-15234-05018-8 (36-PGAssort.) REXGAMES TANGOESCARDSETS DOUBTE TANGOES T ANGOES 3 TA NGOES' \ r e u eo e s \9P \e T ANGOES, .*2, ., F,'J:.i::l i :::j:t:: :.. CARD lñ,,.',ts rAN GO ES' @ *fr' #f CARD (5) T sET I ¡,*@ hhtsftdbM wohd bl).¡Ñ|t@ stuFb I tl t TangoesCardSetsare greatfor extendingplaywith Tangoes. Fouradditionalcard sets are availablefor evenmore hoursof puzzles Tangoeschallenges. Eachpackincludes54 challenging plastic and solutionson 27 cards,packedin a slim,resealable container.Eachdeck fits pedectlyinto the caseof Classicand UltraTangoes. Forusewith Classic,Ultra,and MiniTangoes. AGE 7+ 7-15234-00200-2 Twiceas muchfun withtwiceas manychallenges as the originall UseALLfourteenpuzzlepiecesto create108uniquedesigns. The sturdygame box includestwo sets of fourteenpuzzlepieces in raspberry and teal,108puzzleand solutioncards,and a drawstringbagfor takingallthe fun withyou! AGE 7+ 7-15234-00400-6 DT2OO RFXGAMES o 24 7-15234-20000-2 DAYAND NIGHT AGE CHALLENGES GAME SELLING POINTS SGOl3US6/12 SMARTCAR 3+ 2x 24 Slidethe blocks to the right place. Easy "days" and difficult "night" missions. . open box, two games in one o trcm 2 years, uniquein this age group o encouragethe child's imagination . grows with your child'sskills 84756300265 SMARTGAMES AGE 3+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME SELLINGPOINTS SGOl4US6/12 Multifunctional.Solvethe SmartCarand dr¡ve away with your car! . developsspatialthinking . suitablefor young age, made in wood . grows with your child'sskills 84756300272 TRUCKY3 ¡ AGE LOGIX CASTLE a CAMELOTJR ¡ t 3+ CHALLENGES 48 AGE 3+ CHALLENGES 48 AGE Place the puzzle pieces inside the truck(s) so that they don't stick out. There is only one solution. GAME Build the finest castles with 7 wooden blocks, but watch out that one tower doesn't block another! GAME SELLINGPOINTS . combininga SmartGamewith a fun toy e from 3 years r unique combination of wood and plastic o builds on the posit¡veexperiencewith SmaftCar SELLINGPOINTS . many ¡nternationalawards o inspiring for the imagination o good for fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination . a toy and apuzzle SELLING POINTS GAME sG015US 6/12 84756300289 sG01ous 6/12 84756300241 4+ CHALLENGES 48 SG111US6/12 Build a road with blocks so the knight and the princesscan be joined together. . appeal¡ngto girls . many internationalawards . answers demand for SmartGamesfor a younger age group 84756300258 SMARTGAMES PENGUINS ON ICE GOGETTER Cat& Mouse. Prince& Dragon ,ff AGE 6+ CHALLENGES 60 GAME Can you pack the ice so that every puzzle can fit on the game board AND make sure that all the penguinsare in the right spot? SELLINGPOINTS e the first puzzlewherethe piecesbecomethe puzzle . 5 penton¡mopuzzlepiecesthat can be shape-shifted . TV spot ava¡lable . for boys AND g¡rls,young and old - everybodyloves penguins! SG155US6/12 84756300074 SMARTGAMES AGE c+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME Pfacethe I puzzle pieces on the board and connect the correct pathways, without making blind alleys. SELLINGPOINTS . 2 different versions / themes . all game pieceseasilystored in the game . multiplesolutionsfor each challenge PIRATES HIDE& SEEK coroRcoDE -+ AGE c+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME SELLING POINTS SGl02US 6/12 Place the 4 puzzle pieces on the board so all figures are hidden, except those in the challenge. o all pieceseasilystored in the game o aimed at boys r developslogicalthinking . simple rules 84756300067 AGE CHALLENGES GAME SELLINGPOINTS 5+ 100 Stack 5 transparent plates of 18 on top of each other to copy the design in the challenge. . 100 challenges . develops spatial perception o winnerof multipleinternational awards 6/12 SGO9OUS 84756300036 SMARTGAMES SMARTPHONE a-. ANACONDA CHICKENSHUFFTE 1 e ¿ AGE AGE 7+ CHALLENGES 32 GAME Slide pieces into the correct number to get connected with this smartphone-game! SELLINGPOINTS . easy to take along . children can imitate adults o low pr¡cepoint SG4lOUS12/24 847563001 73 SMARTGAMES 7+ CHALLENGES 1 0 0 GAME Place all the puzzle pieces on the board and create one snake from head to tail. SELLINGPOINTS . much morethan a jigsawpuzzle, 100challenges in 5 levels! . compactgame,easyto take along . strongprice point . the puzzlepiecesare double-sided SG420US | -/12 | 8¿ZS03OOTAO AGE 6+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME Shufflethe chickensuntil there is no egg uncovered. SELLINGPOINTS . attract¡veprice point . no loosegame pads, can be playedevenin a hospitalbed . ongoingchallenge SG43OUS- / 12 84756300197 CAMOUFLAGE NORTHPOIE ROADBTOCK + BOOSTERPACK HIDE& SEEKSAFARI + BOOSTERPACK + BOOSTERPACK 6+ AGE 7+ CHALLENGES 48 AGE CHALLENGES 60 GAME Placethe 6 transparentpuzzlepieceson the gameboardso the polarbearsend up on the ice and the fish end up in the water. SELLINGPOINTS . easy storageof all pieces in the game o boosterpack available . or¡ginalconcept with transparent pieces o multioleaward w¡nner AGE GAME Placeall the policecars on the board and Dreventthe criminal in the red car from escaping! SELLINGPOINTS . exciting and recognizable theme r Boosterpack available o award winner . TV spot available 7+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME Place the 4 puzzle pieces on the board in such a way that all the animalsare hidden,except the ones in the challenge. SELLINGPOINTS . easy bu¡lt-in storage . Boosterpack available . stimulateslogicalthinking camouflage SG2O1 US 6t12 84756300081 roadblock SG2SOUS6/12 847563001 11 h&ssafari SGlOlUS 6/12 84756300043 booster pack sG201 1US 1U48 847s6300098 booster oack sG2501US 8/32 847563001 28 booster pack sG1011US 1z48 84756300050 SMARTGAMES d CANNIBAT MONSTERS ANTI.VIRUS TROY o oo AGE l+ A G E t+ AGE 7+ CHALLENGES 4A CHALLENGES 60 CHALLENGES 60 GAME Stack the monsterson each other untilonly one remains. SELLINGPOINTS . all game p¡eces can be stored insidethe game e attractive,excitingtheme for children- eat or get eaten! o plays fast, starts easy but becomesvery difficult SG330US I 6/'12 | 84756300166 SMARTGAMES GAME Try to removethe red virus from the board.Super-funslidingpuzzle - piecescan be moveddiagonally and in groups. SELLINGPOINTS . exceptionallyattractivepackag¡ng . add¡ct¡vegame concept . uniqueslidingsensation . TV soot available SG520US | 6/12 84756300227 GAME Placethe walls on the game board so that all the enemy'sknightsare shut out while your own knights are safe insidethe city. SEL L IN GPOIN TS . 3D gamewith attractivetheme . Easyto learn,hardto master . doesn'tlookchildish- appealing for children,teenagersand adults SG2SOUS6/12 84756300135 TITANIC RIOMINO METROVITTE AGE 8+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME Move your boats and save everyone in the water, but avoid usingthe wrong boat at the wrong time! SELLINGPOINTS ¡ innovativedesign . seemseasierthan it is . theme that appealsto both childrenand adults SGslOUS 6 /12 8475630021 0 AGE 8+ GAME Combinationof a dice-gameano dominoeson a 5x5 grid. Who can Put away their last domino? SELLINGPOINTS . for 2 players! . tacticalgame . attractive pr¡ce point . 4 challenginggameboardsincrease difficultyfrom junior to master US 6/12 SGgO1 84756300234 AGE 8+ CHALLENGES 64 GAME Rotatethe tracks in the correctpositionso subway stationsget connected. SELLINGPOINTS . one setup plays I times . no loose game parts . easy to take along SG32OUS6/12 84756300159 SMARTGAMES AIRPORT ALCATRAZ IGTTWIST qEs AGE AGE 8+ CHALLENGES 48 GAME Placethe 6 transparentpuzzle pieces in such a way that the planesfly to the right place, withoutcolliding. SELLINGPOINTS . 4 levelsto play,each totally different . easy built-in storage o cool theme sG202US6/12 847563001 04 SMARTGAMES AGE 1 0 + CHALLENGES48 GAME Help the prisonerescape from this max¡mum security prison without being caught by the surveillancecameras! SELLING POINTS . 4 dimensionalgame . easy built-in storage o excitingtheme sG31oUS 6/12 847563001 43 6+ CHALLENGES 1 0 0 GAME Tryto fit all the twisted playing pieceson the game board.Pay attention- you can only put a playingpieceovera peg if both arethe samecolor. SELLINGPOINTS r great travel game . very compact,so it's an ideal brainsnackwhileon the go . counterdisplay SG48OUS24/96 84756300203 BASICSETS SMX3OIUS o 847563009060 SmartMaxBASIC36 SMX4OIUS o 847563009077 SmartMax BASIC 25 SmartMaxBASIC42 SMXSOIUSo 847563009084 SMARTMAX@ EXTENSION SETS XT SET BARS ó CIRCTE SMX1OlUS 84756300901 5 XT SET XT SET ó IONG + ó SHORTBARS ó BArrs 847563009039 SMXIO3USt 847563009053 SMXIO5US6 INNERPACKS OUTERPACKS sMX301usSmortMoxset- BASIC- 25 8475ó30090ó0 17. 24 15. 00 14.76 2.21 20 6 SMX4OIUS SmortMoxset- BASIC- 3ó 847563009077 17. 24 r5.00 t 4. 76 2. 21 2l 6 SMX50I US SmortMox set- BASIC - 42 847563009084 22.72 r3.11 14.76 sMXl0lus 847563009015 SmortMoxexlensionset- ó curvedbors sMX103USSmortMoxextensionset- ó metolbolls sMXl05us SmorlMoxexiensionset- ó extro long + ó shortbors 12.76 8.43 5.98 o.37 2.0 3 8425ó3009039 12.76 8.43 5.98 2.23 8475ó3009053 12.76 8.43 5.98 o.37 o.37 3.2 8 2. 54 23.83 6 21. 10 l3. l I 8. 98 1. 44 12.24 24 ó 21. 10 8. 98 1. 44 t 3. 38 24 6 21. 10 13. 1I 8. 98 1. 44 19.73 24 l3. l I
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