Message from Allison -


Message from Allison -
February 2013
Interim Minister
Rev. Allison C. G. Smith
Jane King
Music Director
Warren King
Dan Stone
Cabinet Chair
Beverly Heald
Joanna Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Sharon Crippen
Volunteer needed!
Join us for
Sundays at
10:00 a.m.
All are welcome!
Message from Allison
Christ Church February 2013 Pastoral Letter
Greetings to each of you!
This Wednesday we will enter a new season, the season of
Lent. The word lent comes from the old English word lencten
which refers to spring and the lengthening of days. For us in
Maine, that is a welcome word and a sign that winter will not
always be with us!
For us in the church, it is a time to lengthen and deepen the breadth of our spiritual
lives. Often that shows itself in the ways we seek to practice our faith—in our
prayer lives, in our study of the scripture, in reflecting on where we need to repent
and change, and in our acts of compassion and generosity. Our Sunday school
program is going to be focusing on compassion and caring for our neighbors in need
in our community. I am quite sure our youth and children will help make us more
aware! Please spread the word to young families you know and share that we have
an engaging and meaningful program planned. And don’t forget that each
communion Sunday, we will be collecting canned goods as a tangible act of faith, as
we gather around the table and pray for the day “when sharing by all will mean
scarcity for none.”
We begin this new season on Ash Wednesday. Please mark your calendar for our
Community Ash Wednesday service to be held on Wednesday, February 13th at
First Congregational Church UCC at 141 North St., Kennebunkport, at 7 pm.
The service will follow First Congregational Church's Taize Worship style with
centering prayer, quiet reflection, meditation, and elements of ancient prayers and
songs. It will be a beautiful service by candlelight with open communion, ashes, and
anointing for those led by the Spirit to receive.
Look forward to seeing you there as we begin this holy season.
Blessings for the journey,
Please save Sunday, Feb. 24, 3 p.m. for the Commissioning Service
for Peter Stickney as Minister of Music at First Parish Church, UCC, in
(Peter was approved for Commissioning at the Ecclesiastical Council
January 6.) This will be a joyous and meaningful service, and our
congregation is invited to send up to five representatives, including one
youth representative. If you would like to witness this very meaningful
service, please speak to Allison or Beverly.
Cabinet News
Cabinet Chair,
Community Service & Visits
Beverly Heald
Acting Treasurer
Joanna Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Sharon Crippen
Building & Property
Gail Preble
Christian Education
Morgan Rivard
Volunteer needed!
Leslie Zanella
Judy Cadmus
Music & Choir
Warren King
Hospitality & Coffee Hour
Rhoda Frederick
Joan Cowgill (winter)
Jane King
Virginia Cole
Pastor/Parish Relations
Carol Holmberg
Kitchen Manager
Ron Breton
The first task at the January Cabinet meeting was to make a decision on which
process to select for searching for a new pastor. In the time since the December
Cabinet meeting, Susie Craig, Associate Pastor of the UCC, provided more
information to Rev. Allison, advising us on a simpler search process; a process
more manageable for Christ Church, with its limited finances and membership.
Susie has been invited to attend the February Cabinet meeting to share this
information. Cabinet meetings are open to all, so please attend if you are
interested. After the February Cabinet meeting, a congregational meeting will
be held to present the two processes under consideration, and take a vote.
Written information will be sent out prior to the meeting, and the members of
the Cabinet will be available to answer any questions you may have.
The By-Laws have been amended by the Membership Committee, so that they
more directly reflect the current beliefs and practices of Christ Church. Since
becoming an Open and Affirming church, the language needed to be expanded
and changed. We also have members who are away for part of the year, and
need to accommodate their participation in two churches. These By-Laws
changes will be presented at the next Congregational meeting. Copies will be
sent out by email, and hard copies will be available at the church prior to the
On the Financial front, I am happy to report that as of January 1, 2013, our
Assistant Treasurer, Sharon Crippen, has taken over the job of payroll. This is an
area that she has thorough knowledge of, and experience with, and benefits the
church by saving the cost of an outside payroll service. Joanna Brown asked the
Cabinet’s permission to discontinue the periodic financial audits that cost the
church $1800 per year. She said the church no longer needs to do these audits,
because of our non-profit status. Many churches have their finances reviewed
annually by a group of church members appointed to do so. The Cabinet voted
to adopt this new plan.
Christ Church has a group of hard-working people on the Cabinet, and I hope
you will thank them for the time and work they generously volunteer to share
the love of Christ.
May God’s Peace be with all of you.
Faithfully yours,
Beverly Heald
Christ Church Cabinet Chair
Sunday School for All Ages
Calling all children, youth and families! We invite you to join us for multiage program to help you grow in your faith and make a difference in our
church and wider community.
The first Sunday of each month, families worship together. For the rest of
the month, multi-age Sunday School classes are held after the Children’s
Sermon, with a theme and interactive activities, as well as possibilities for
community service. Nursery care is also available.
This Spring, the theme is caring for our neighbors nearby. Come and take
part; learn and grow in your faith; have fun, and make a difference in our
Church Notes
Asset Mapping: What are our assets as a church? In November a
meeting was held to begin identifying the assets of Christ Church, both
physical and intangible. On January 6th another meeting continued the
process by combining identified assets into groups that could increase
revenue and also the visibility of our church as a place for fellowship,
fun, and food. Please consider which of the groups that have formed you
might be interested in helping. Please let Allison or Beverly know if you
would like to join one of these groups:
Community Lunches Beverly Heald Carol Holmberg, Betty Schofield,
Kristin Holmberg
Building Use Policy Joanna Brown, Chris & Linda Babbidge, Dick
Holding Forums of Social Interest Dick Thompson, John Cummings
Marketing the Sanctuary for Weddings Denise Butler, Allison Smith,
Expanding church use by community groups Joan & Bert Cowgill
Webpage News To save on a considerable monthly fee, the “Donations”
page has been removed from our website. You can still fulfill your pledge
electronically, as many people do, through your bank, or by contacting
Treasurer Joanna Brown,, 985-7224. Some
members donate through the United Way, which is also appreciated.
The Transition Team continues to meet to plan for the calling of a settled pastor.
A detailed report of their work can be found in the Annual Report.
Transition Team members are:
Rev. Jim Anderson 985-8823
Marcia Carter 985-7366
Carol Holmberg 467-3216
Kristen Holmberg 467-3216
Gordon Miller 985-8190
Gail Preble, 967-4095
If you feel that you have input for the transition team that you have not
had the opportunity to share, please contact Jim Anderson.
Bible Study is Back!
Tuesday morning Bible Study Group meets weekly from 10 AM to
11:30 AM at 70 Hampton Glen Drive in Kennebunk, now reading
1 Corinthians. Everyone is welcome, church members or not, any
version of the Bible, or even those unfamiliar with the Bible at all. To
learn more, call Rev. Jim Anderson, 985-8823
Sadly, we have lost our brother Ken Moody, who passed away February 5
in Camarillo, CA, his winter home, after having broken his hip in
December. Condolences can be sent to Sheila Moody at:
2269 Benito Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010
Local Outreach
Ministry is a satisfying way to
contribute to ministries in our
Projects large
and small are welcome, such
as small prayer squares,
seafarers’ caps, and lap
robes and prayer shawls.
Directions and yarn are
available in the knitting room,
and you can knit with us
Sunday morning, or work at
home, as suits you.
As well as hand-knit caps, the
Seafarers’ Friend Mission in
Portland also very much
donations of
books and magazines. These
can be dropped off in the
Bon Appetit is a free
community meals program in
Biddeford. On the fourth
Tuesday of the month, at
3:45 p.m., a team from Christ
Church carpools to Second
Congregational Church in
Biddeford to help prepare and
serve dinner for those in
need. Volunteers are always
welcome to join. See Judy or
Dick Cadmus for more
information, 985-6788.
Christ Church volunteers also
bring nutritious, inexpensive
home-prepared food to the
students at Biddeford Adult
School. These are adults of
every age studying to gain
workplace skills so they can
better their lives. Many come
to school hungry, and they
need our support to be able to
learn effectively.
leave Christ Church every
Tuesday and Wednesday at
9:00 am.
Outreach Near and Far
A big Thank you to ALL who helped with our successful chowdah & hot dog
luncheon! We had a great time, plenty of fun and fellowship, while raising
$363 net for Christ Church operation and missions.
It took a good-sized crew to put on the luncheon, and we appreciate every one who helped!
Jim Anderson – Card Table Loan
Todd Nutting -- Clean-up
Connie Belyea – Serving
Betty Schofield – Food prep & Cooking
Liz & Chet Blackman – Decorators, Serving & Clean-up
Larry Strickland – Greeter, Funds Donor & Clean-up
Ron Breton -- CHEF
Dick Thompson – Clean-up
Judy Cadmus – food prep, Brownie Mix Donation
Sally Valdatta – Decorating, Cooking & Serving
& short-order Hot Dog Griller
Elijah Cambrola – Ticket Assistant
Business Donors:
Marcia Carter – Serving
Wells Hannaford
Donna Chick – Greeter
Shields Meats, Kennebunk
Bert Cowgill – Ticket management & Eggs Donation
Joan Cowgill – Decorating & Card Table Loan
Shirley Ferris – tireless food prep, Card Table Loan& shorter-order Hot Dog Griller
Tracy French – Serving & Donation of Funds
Beverly Heald – Beverage prep, Advertising
Carol Holmberg – Decorating, Card Table Loan, Sandwich Board, Beverage prep, Serving & Brownie Mix Donation
Kristen Holmberg – Sandwich Board, Facebook Correspondent, Photographer
Help for Hurricane Sandy Victims in New Jersey
Asbury Park is a primarily residential community in New Jersey on the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Sandy caused
major damage there. Contact was made with the Asbury Park Community Church UCC, and a volunteer from First
Parish Saco rented a truck and drove there to take relief items to be stored and distributed by the Church.
Christ Church contributed many buckets of cleaning supplies, boxes of clothes, shoes, bedding, and towels, and
substantial monetary contributions.
The truck full of cleaning & household supplies.
Recipients in Asbury Park holding a banner and a “Thank you”
UCC Scarf Project against Violence
There are so many creative knitters, crocheters, and fiber craftspeople in Maine. To show the UCC
General Synod our creativity, can we send 175 rainbow colored scarves to the UCC Scarf Project?
That is just one scarf per church in the Conference. In an effort to stem the tide of violence – most
notably the recent wave of bullying – the UCC Scarf Project has a goal of crafting 3,000 scarves in
time for the UCC General Synod next July in Long Beach, CA. Everyone is invited to make scarves
of varying patterns – each sporting rainbow colors – to be given to Synod attendees who pledge to act
against violence. Scarves will be collected at the Conference Office, and sent to General Synod as
one contribution from Maine. Questions? Contact Sue in the conference office: (207) 846-5118.
End 68 Hours of Hunger is a 100% volunteer effort to combat the 68 hours of hunger experienced by local
children between the time they receive their free lunch in school on Friday and the time they get their free
breakfast in school on Monday. This is done by putting bags of non-perishable food in the child's hands on
Friday afternoon with enough food for three dinners, two breakfasts and two lunches that the child can share at
home, or eat on their own with little to no support. The project began in Dover NH in October 2011, sending out
19 bags of food to 19 local elementary children. 450 students a week in 8 New Hampshire and Maine
communities are now being fed. End 68 Hours of Hunger was recently approved as a New England Conference,
UCC, Second Mile Giving Program, and Second Mile Giving donations would allow us to start even more
programs in other towns in New England! Speakers are available to talk with your congregation, and the website
tells how you can start a program in your own community! Please call Executive
Director Claire Bloom with any questions (954) 304-1321 – or help out by participating in their fundraiser listed
below in “Coming Events.”
Coming Events
Community Ash Wednesday Worship, Feb. 13, 7:00 pm at First Congregational Church 141 North St in
Kennebunkport. It will be a Taize style service, very musical and very meditative, and Rev Allison will take part
in conducting the service.
One Dock Restaurant at the Kennebunkport Inn is offering “Worthy Wednesdays,” a great opportunity to support
Habitat for Humanity York County and enjoy a delicious dinner. On February 27, One Dock will donate 15%
of the evening’s revenues to HfHYC. Make your reservations today!
Dancing to End 68 Hours of Hunger
March 2nd at Noble High School in Berwick, Maine at 7:00 pm.
A showcase of area dancers sharing their passion to raise funds to ease childhood hunger.
Hosted by BrixhamDanceworks with additional performances from:
Berwick Academy, Corinne’s School of Dance, Fusion Dance Academy, Northern Explosion,
Sole City Dance, Studio 109, Studio for the Living Arts
All tickets $10, general admission, available at participating studios or at the door.
End 68 Hours of Hunger is a private, not-for-profit, effort to confront the approximately 68 hours of hunger that
some school children experience between the free lunch they receive in school on Friday afternoon and the free
breakfast they receive in school on Monday morning. All proceeds from this event will be donated to End 68
Hours of Hunger to benefit children and families in our local communities. Food donations will also be
collected: 14 oz. peanut butter, plastic jars of jelly, crackers, boxed macaroni and cheese, fruit cups and
non-sugary cereal would be appreciated.
Lector Training
For all those who have experience reading scripture in worship services, and for all those who think they might
like to try it but don’t know how to get started or what to do. Sunday, March 3, 11:15 am, right after Morning
Worship, there will be a workshop led by Jane King, an experienced lector with substantial training in the field.
This will be a great chance for experienced readers/lectors to brush up and to help with training those new to this
mission. The workshop will be at most one hour long. It would be helpful to RSVP to the office so handout
numbers can be estimated. Experienced readers, and new readers or those considering it, are all encouraged to be
there. The hour will be both fun and informative for all.
St. Patrick’s Day Concert & Corned Beef Sandwich Supper
Saturday, March 16, Concert at 4:00 pm., Supper at 5:15 pm.
This event was a big success last year, so be sure to mark your calendar – you don’t want to take a chance on
missing it! Our Music Director, “Maestro” Warren King has gathered half a dozen of the finest musicians and
singers in the area to perform a varied program of nostalgic Irish music for your entertainment. There will be
heartbreakingly sweet-singing tenors, and beautifully sentimental violin and flute players, as well as opportunities
for singing along, all accompanied by the Maestro. Our Master Chef Ron Breton will be preparing a delicious
meal of make-your-own corned beef sandwiches, with freshly cooked and hand- sliced corned beef, a selection of
condiments, sauerkraut, coleslaw, and homemade potato salad, as well as beverages and themed dessert.
Suggested donation for the concert only is $10, or $7 for senior and children. For the supper alone, suggested
donation is $7 or $5 for children and seniors. For both events together, the suggested donation is $15, or $10 for
children & seniors.
The Holy Land trip. Rev. Carolyn Lambert and Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland are sponsoring
an eleven-day contemporary studies pilgrimage to Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank April 3-13, 2013. This
pilgrimage will acquaint participants with the geographical and cultural settings of the New Testament and relate
historical studies to contemporary dynamics in Israel, Palestine and Jordan. This trip is designed to introduce
participants to the state of the art of biblical studies in the Holy Land. Walk where Jesus walked, and return
walking as Jesus walked. FMI:
Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Ctr.
Winter and Spring “Day Apart” Retreats at Rolling Ridge, North Andover, MA
Quiet Day” with Larry Peacock on Tuesday, February 26, 9:30-2pm
• Respite for Family Care-Givers , with Mary MacDonald on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:30am-1:30pm
• “Claiming your Belovedness” Day Apart with Mary Jane O’Connor Ropp, Thursday, February 28, 9:30-3:30
• “Haiku” Day Apart with Jeannie Martin, on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 from 9:30-3:30
• “Cards of Caring: inspiration and blessings” with Nola Burkhard Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:30-3:30pm
• “A Taste of Celtic Spirituality” with retreat leader Shirley Oskamp Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:30-3:30pm
• “A Call to Healing Ministry” with retreat leader, Jana Marie Whitten on April 13, 2012
• “Aging with Spirit in our Early Years” Day Apart with Karen Lewis Foley on Monday, April 15, 9:30-3:30
• “Aging with Spirit in our Later Years” with Karen Lewis Foley on Tuesday, April 16, 9:30-3:30
• “Love, Time, and Money” Day apart with retreat leader Bonnie Marden Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 9:30-3:30pm
• “Rooted Intentions” with Nisha Purushotham and Mimi Budnick Monday, May 13, 2013 from 9:30am-3:30pm
• “Patience” with retreat leaders Jesse Fallon and Anne Deneen on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 from 9:30-3:30pm
• “Summer Quiet Day”, with Larry Peacock on Thursday, June 6, 2013 from 9:30am-2pm
• Drumming for Joy! on 2/27, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15 and 6/19 with Jane Gossard from 7-8:30pm
Visit www.rollingridge,org for a complete description of the programs and registration. Click on “Programs” and
“Day Apart Retreats” or “special events”.
Summer’s just around the corner!
Online registration for Pilgrim Lodge
2013 has begun. Campers from the
previous three years will receive a
camp brochure. To be get on the
mailing list, or to receive information
on registering using paper forms,
Wanakee UMC Summer 2013 camp
schedule is posted in the Fellowship
Hall or go to
Registration can be made online, or
printed forms are available on the
website. Registrations received by
March 15th qualify for a discounted
Check the Calendar!
A lot goes on here at Christ Church, and to keep track, we have
an online calendar on our website Please let the Secretary
know if you have events to add, or notice any errors.
Thanks, Jane King 985 -4494
from the Maine Conference, UCC
December 14, 2012
Dear Friends across this Maine Conference,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you, as the impossible and the unimaginable set in as tragic reality. The
never-expected news that accosted us across this day is taking its toll, not only in Connecticut, but here in Maine,
across our country and around the world. The news of the day has broken our hearts as we pray for the families,
the teachers, and the emergency workers of Newtown, Connecticut whose lives will never be the same. Nor will
our lives be the same.
It is to prayer we now can turn, seeking our God, with sighs too deep for words, with tears and beyond tears. The
precious fragile gift of life has been cut down, children coming face to face with violence – or was it mental
illness? We do not understand, it is beyond understanding, but not beyond our turning to God who seeks and
calls, and yes, even runs to us with open arms.
So, it is now, in the unlikeliness of Advent that we seek our God knowing in yet one more way, the darkness of
this season and praying…
O come , O come Emmanuel, come now into this dark place in our lives that wounds our hearts and takes captive
our souls. God, how we need you more than ever to be our God-with-us. Light our way as we stumble forth, help
us to reach out our hands to support one another, to hold our children in our arms, and to pray for those for whom
that is no longer possible.
God, you give us the gift of life, and call us to love. Help us especially now to continue to dare to do just that.
When we hesitate or draw back, remind us of the message of your Advent season, the words you sent through the
angel who came to Mary, “The Lord is with you…do not be afraid.” Those words helped Mary, in her time, to
face a dangerous reality beyond her imagining. Those words are offered to us now in this time.
“O come, O come Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear.” Amen.
Continuing in prayer,
Susie Craig, Associate Conference Minister
Maine Conference United Church of Christ
28 Yarmouth Crossing Dr.
Yarmouth, ME 04096
(207) 846-5118 (800) 244-0937 (in state)
Christ Church
United Methodist Church – United Church of Christ
6 Dane Street
P.O. Box 87
Kennebunk, Maine 04043
Rev. Allison C. G. Smith, Interim Pastor: 841-0691,