December 2014 kedge - Maryland Yacht Club


December 2014 kedge - Maryland Yacht Club
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
The Voice of the Maryland Yacht Club
December 2014
Flag Officers
Paul Dolan
Vice Commodore
Dave Perlman
Rear Commodore
Barbara Franklin
P/C Arne Reistad
Power Fleet Captain
Gary Bullis
MYC Office: Monday thru Friday 8am - 4pm
Restaurant Hours: Wed - 6pm-9pm Friday
- 6pm-9pm Saturday - 12–3pm 5:30pm8:30pm Sunday - 12–7:30pm
Fuel Dock Hours: 9am - 4pm Sun—Sat
Sail Fleet Captain
Larry Korpanty
Board Of Governors
The Clubhouse will be closed after the
Bar & Lounge: Wed - 5pm-10pm Friday - 5pm-12pm
Holiday Party which starts at 2 pm on
Saturday - 12-12pm Sunday - 12-9pm
December 14.
Members at Large
David Derby
Winfried Wiegmann
Hal McClure
Sandy Pabst
Paul Mermelstein
Jim Ferrari
Immediate Past
Emory Quaskey
Social Member Rep
Barbara Corkhill
Membership Chair
Carl Treff
Dick Love
Chris Wallis
Volume CIV, Issue # 2
Chris Wallis, Larry Korpanty, Barbara Franklin, Dave Perlman & Paul Dolan
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
From the Archives – MYC History
By Carl Treff
Over the last few years I have collected quite a bit of archived MYC publications
from years gone by. I rescued one particular crate of old Kedge newsletters from the
carousel – the imminent flood or fire would have wiped out a century of documents.
I’ve also been the recipient of outsiders sending in old MYC memorabilia and yearbooks. So it is with tongue in cheek that I crown myself the semi-unofficial historian
du-jour, and keeper of the flame.
This is a perfect fit for me, as I have done quite a bit of family history research. The
thrill of finding old documents, and cherishing their value to a family or organization,
is quite fun. And since I have routinely written Kedge articles over the past few
years, I thought I’d pull out a nugget of history from the archives each month and
write about it for your pleasure.
This month I will start with a personal story – one that is intertwined with both my
family’s and MYC’s history. The Treff name arguably goes back the furthest in MYC
history of any current members. My Grandfather Carlton G. Treff was a MYC member as far back as 1929, and into the 1930’s.
1929 MYC Yearbook
Granddad had the “America” (shown above), then the
“Moby Dick”, and then in the mid-1930’s his third boat the
“Bay Scout.” My dad ran the MYC docks at Broening Park
while visiting the Bay Scout. It was quite the feat to stay in
boating during the great depression, and eventually Granddad’s MYC membership lapsed in the late 1930’s.
C. John Treff, Dad, 1935
at MYC
“Bay Scout”, 1935 at MYC
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December 2014
However, in 1943 Granddad purchased a 50’ Johnson Brothers Bridge Deck Cruiser,
the “Jay Dee”. The boat had been used by the Coast Guard during the war and had
been painted totally gray. All
paint had to be stripped, woodwork varnished, and the frozen
engines resurrected. Granddad
kept the boat on Nabbs Creek,
and he was a very active participant in the Patapsco River
Power Squadron. Both he and
Dad were in the power squadron’s glee club, which participated in many MYC Opening
Weekends during the 1940’s
The “Jay Dee”
and 1950’s.
One thing led to another, and Dad
decided he liked sailing more than
the power scene, so he owned a
trifecta of sailboats over the years
that took us on jaunts all around the
bay. Sailing is in my blood, but if you
know me well, I go both ways…
Carlton G. Treff, Granddad, front and center in the
Patapsco River Power Squadron Glee Club, 1949
Stink potter
See you at the club,
Blow boater
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
Paul and Mary Dolan
Emory and Pam Quaskey
Paul & Mary Dolan and Dick Lowery & Linda
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
Right to Left Back Row: Eastern Yacht Club Princess Savannah Hemling, Baltimore Yacht Club Princess Madeleine Becker, Marley Boat Club Princess Summer Tysor, Red Eye Yacht Club Princess Kayla Beveridge, Kent Island Junior Princess Kylee Mills,
Cindy Korpanty and the Mystery Woman
Barbara and Pete Corkhill
Linda and Joe Grunder
Donna and Arnold Hammann
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
From the Commodore
First and foremost I want to thank everyone for celebrating with Mary and I at the Commodore’s Ball. The food was wonderful, the band fantastic and the night was one to remember!
This time of year, particularly this year, is always bittersweet to me. With the colder weather
comes the end of the boating season. I have to say there just isn’t as much I like to do outside anymore in the cold weather. This year the weather has gotten colder earlier and our
boat is on the hard at Oak Harbor. Most years we keep her in and at least I can spend
some time on the water if only in the slip. It just isn’t the same when she’s up on jacks.
We had a very productive board meeting in November and there are some things to look
forward to in the coming months. One is the General Membership Meeting in January to
approve the budget for 2015. The second is that the club is expanding to a summer long sail
camp and developing a competitive youth sailing team. The camp and the team is open to
members of the club. Camp is open to prospective members as well. Maryland Yacht Club
has a lot to look forward to in the next year so please look to where you can participate in
club activities!
And speaking of activities MYC hasn’t hung up the towel on events for the year. We have
the Holiday Brunch and Children’s party on December 14 that traditionally finishes our calendar year activities. Come out and learn the story of Hanukah and start the Christmas
and Hanukah seasons off with a wonderful event. Mary and I look forward to this event
every year and hope you do also.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing you around
the club!
Commodore Paul
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December 2014
Vice Commodore
From the Vice Commodore
Here it is December already. Hoping you all had a great Thanksgiving. We spent ours with a fellow MYC couple and combined our families with other friends to have and extraordinary feast
and friendship. The time to winterize for even us is coming soon ( no we haven't given in yet) as it
appears our last day out may have been last weekend. As we backed out of the slip to the accompaniment of cracking surface ice in 45 degree temperatures, Donna asked “ are we the only
crazies doing this”. Once out we saw other sailors in their Donegal sweaters, UGS and gloves
braving the cold but beautiful mid Autumn day. The air was crisp, but in the sun it was warm.
We will miss Haleakula for the next few months while she goes into forced hibernation.
Lots of great discussions and projects to be accomplished this winter. Commodore Paul is working
hard on the exciting new summer sailing program and racing programs. It is important that we all
back this as it really does bring us back to MYC’s early traditions of racing and as THE premier
place on the Bay. It will serve to focus new sailors as well as the families and parents on boating
and the increase exposure and foot traffic will hopefully bring us a new generation of members.
We are as a group also working on a plan to redo the bathrooms this winter. Although we have
said in past years this will get done...this year IT WILL GET DONE. Our bathrooms have long
needed improvement for our members as well as to encourage new members to join.
We as a group have also decided to divide the responsibilities of the professional managers we
employ into three categories. A General Manager, who will be in charge of the clubhouse, restaurant, bar and basin areas and will concentrate on member events and interests. They are tasked
with improving our total physical appearance and maintenance, customer service standards, participation in the restaurant, developing the Afterdeck as a viable alternative dining venue, and
working with the Program Director on member events. An Event Planning Manager who will be
responsible for advertising, selling and executing outside events including weddings, corporate
events and parties. This is an important area of our club to maintain our financial viability. A
Chef who is responsible for excellent quality of food and continuous new options in our restaurant/
Afterdeck for members while maintaining our excellent catering reputation.
Lastly we need to fill out our Board of Governors with a Secretary. This important position has
voting responsibilities on the BOG as well as help shape and carry out MYC Policies and Programs.
Have you gotten your New Years Eve reservation in yet. It will be a fabulous time. The menu
looks great. Word has it a group of us will be helping out on December 30 with the Chef in making the many individual handmade hors devours. The last time we did this as a group
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was 7 Opening Weekends ago when a group of 20 “culinary” volunteers made up of members wives mostly made all the food for Opening Weekend. This predated our Chef and actually initiated our catering program. These “volunteers” had a great time, made spectacular food, and developed comradery and relations which have carried through the years by
working together. Re instituting this will hopefully have similar results.
Opening Weekend….Have you heard what the theme is? Donna and I thought long and
hard about this and debated and discussed it all the way up and down the Jersey Coast
while we were on vacation last summer. We came up with
Peace and Love on Rock Creek
The theme is a late 60’s early 70’s one related to many of us “coming of age”
Vice Commodore Dave
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December 2014
A Look To the Rear
Basin Director
Greg Pabst
Fuel Dock
Dave Itzel
Buildings and Grounds
Greg Franklin
Clubhouse and Food
P/HC Ken Valentine
Hi MYC Members,
I had an absolute ball at the Ball! What a wonderful evening for everyone. Every aspect of the evening was in true
tradition of the Maryland Yacht Club. I could feel the
strong sense of family that came through loud and clear
from Commodore Paul and First Lady Mary. Congratulations and warm wishes to you both for a wonderful year.
On more of a business note, our November Board meeting
produced real progress concerning the renovation of our
bathhouse and updating our computer system. We will be
working hard on our 2015 budget in early December.
As we gather with our family and friends for the coming
Holidays, may we all be thankful for the many blessings we
all have in our lives.
Barbara Franklin
Vice Commodore
Marketing and
Public Relations
P/C Warren Robinson
Program Director
Vickie Dulko
General Manager
Carole Suser
Office Manager
Nadine McEnaney
Executive Chef
Colin Suser
Ernie Jenkins
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Gary W. Bullis, Power Fleet Captain Article
December 2014
December 2014 Kedge
As of this writing, Thanksgiving is two days away and boats are quickly being winterized and
hauled if not already. Or they are being snugged for winter while still in their slip. May they all
rest gently and be eager for the 2015 boating season. This past weekend I awoke in the slip to
see the B-C ally way frozen over. Yup! It’s time to haul-out! At least for me. Others swear that
she’ll be fine in the water. “It’s a boat for Pete’s sake.” But I like sleeping well, boats can sink,
and being more than within eyesight of my nautical lady, I simply prefer to haul-out. So until
next year, I will keep this picture in mind …
Winter brings on my second busy season as I am a high school wrestling referee. A couple days
a week and every weekend until the second weekend in March will find me blowing my whistle
on the wrestling mats in some high school gym across Maryland. But it keeps me in shape and
the few pennies I make always go toward Spring boat prep. Every bit helps toward that end, eh?
And I hope and trust others stay busy over the winter months doing what they will to pass the
time until we are all on the docks again. 2015 promises to be an exciting year for MYC. The upgrades, improvements, and programs being discussed for 2015 are very exciting. And that is not
merely words. You’ll see.
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
Social Media
Happy Holidays to all!
I don’t have any updated news to share at this time, as I am still gaining momentum with
my new position. I attended my first BOG’s meeting and I am learning the ways of the land.
As the New Year begins if there is anything you want to discuss or have any issues please
feel free to contact me at or stop by and see me at the club.
There will be a DJ dance on Friday December 12th and this would be a great time to see the
members get together. Come Celebrate the Holiday season and get to know everyone! So
please try and join us if you can.
Please remember the club is always looking for new members, so if you have family, friends
or neighbors that would like to have fun tell them about us. Maybe have them come as
your guest to see what we are about. MYC is always looking to have new members and it’s
all of us who get the word out to make that happen.
Looking forward to the New Year!
Barb Corkhill, Social Member Representative
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December 2014
Happy Holidays M Y C !
Annual Holiday Brunch
December 14, 2014
Wonderful Brunch
Children’s Party
11:00am – 2:00pm
Redskins and Ravens both play at 1:00pm!
This years Holiday Brunch will feature:
Delicious Traditional Breakfast items such as our Chef Omelets Station,
An Assortment of Pastries & Breakfast Breads, Bacon, Sausage and more…
Add to that Incredible Dinner items such as
Roast Holiday Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy, Carved Ham,
Crab Quiche, Fried Chicken, Sweet Potato Casserole, Greens,
Rosemary Potato’s, Accompaniments and dessert.
Adults $19.95 Children 10 and under $7.95
Make Your Reservations Today:
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December 2014
Recipe of the Month
From the 1996 MYC Auxiliary Cookbook “Treasured Secrets”
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December 2014
2015 Sail Camp News
Big news is brewing for MYC Sail Camp. We are expanding the camp offering to an eight
week program. The premise is that weeks 1, 3, and 5 will be a beginner program similar to
previous years. Weeks 2, 4, and 6 will be an intermediate program similar to previous years.
Weeks 7 and 8 will be advanced training building on all that is taught during beginner and
intermediate. Complete with two hired sailing instructors, the camp will offer flexibility for
junior sailors.
The tentative start of the summer
series is June 22nd. Volunteers are still
needed to support the paid staff
throughout the summer. This includes the oversight committee, extra chase boats, on-land support
with rigging and cleaning, pool supervision, and refreshments.
In addition to an expanded Sail
Camp, we will be launching a Junior
Sail Team for racing at local regattas. Once a junior sailor shows their
proficiency for racing,
they are more than welcome to participate in the regatta racing program. Practices will be
separate from Sail Camp, and parents will transport the racers to regattas.
Sail Camp will continue to cater to kids between the ages of 8-12. The Junior Sail Team can
take proficient racers to regattas up to age 16.
Sail Camp is now taking names for the master 2015 Sail Camp list. Please notify to add a name or get more information.
Also, there are a few needs/wants to get this program launched. We are looking for a donated boat trailer to construct a dinghy transport. We are also looking for a donated skiff
and outboard in the 14’ – 18’ range to have as our chase boat fleet. Boston Whaler or Carolina Skiff designs are ideal. Contact Commodore Paul Dolan,, with
any questions or offers about a donation. We are a 501C3.
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December 2014
Building and Grounds
Greg Franklin– Director
November 2014
As our boating season comes to a close we will not stop improving our club. There are big
plans for some more projects this fall and winter. One project is to identify all the dock boxes on
F pier. If you have a dock box along the wall by F pier please place your name on the box and
email me at, I have attached a picture of a box that we can’t identify
as belonging to a current member. We will open any boxes not identified as current resident
members and try to clean up this area. Also on November 1st I will be hosting a fall cleanup
day and another day to split some firewood for the club.
I would also like to know if there is any interest in water dingy dockage. As of this time, there
is no regulation on a dingy stored on a float in the basin but I plan to address this at the next
board meeting. Our staff has mounted a TV in the board room and is now hooked up to the
DVD player for members use. Please use this TV properly and keep all remotes with the units.
Greg Franklin
Building and Grounds
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December 2014
The club is in need of a Princess to foster goodwill and camaraderie among the yacht
clubs of the Chesapeake Bay with the opportunity to compete in the Queen of
the Chesapeake Pageant and a Scholarship to further their education.
The qualifications are very basic:
-Be a single, never married, young lady between the age of 15 and 21 years old as of the day
of the Queen of the Chesapeake Pageant, June 7, 2015
-Be related to a member (resident or social) of the club (child, grandchild, niece, cousin, or
-Be willing to attend events throughout the yacht club community from the time of coronation through the final opening and possibly longer promoting Maryland Yacht Club, the conservation of the Chesapeake Bay and the boating lifestyle.
If you know of any young ladies who love boating and would like to represent Maryland Yacht Club in the coming year submit a letter of intent to Commodore Paul Dolan at
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Auxiliary News
The auxiliary hopes everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their
family and friends. As Thanksgiving has come and gone the next Holiday is approaching fast. That’s right before you know it “Christmas” is
here. We have the Annual Children’s party preparations happening as
I write this. The Auxiliary is excited this year, we will have a special
Santa Store for the children to purchase a gift(s) for their parents.
Each child will receive play money and be able to shop and have the
gift they picked out wrapped. There will be a craft for them to do, the
story of Hanukkah and a souvenir picture with the man himself
“Santa”. Please be sure to RSVP and bring a wrapped gift labeled
with their name for Santa to hand out. This has in the past been a
very successful day and we hope to have a lot of smiling faces join us.
The party is December 14th from 1-3. Please RSVP to or call Carole at the club.
The Auxiliary raises funds each year to help support the club. At the
Commodore’s Ball we announced that this year we will be working on
redoing and sprucing up the sign at the entrance. We will be presenting plans to the board, we hope to have the new sign in place in the
We would like to wish everyone a “Happy and Joyous Holiday Season”
and we look forward to a new year.
December 2014
Barbara Corkhill
Vice President
Pam Schuller
Cheryl Hook
Terri Shaffer
Members at Large
Nancy Gorman
Vicki Ferrari
Donna Perlman
Linda Grunder
Vickie Dulko
Sue Zelenakas
Barbara Franklin
Mary Dolan
————————————-Web Master
Happy Holidays!
Web Site Chairman
Barbara Franklin
By Laws Chairman
Junior Sail Fleet
Carl Treff
Dave Marcic
Fleet Chaplain
Sue Love
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December 2014
Vickie Dulko
Program Director
Hello Everyone,
It has been a busy month for the club. We are still doing Raven's Football watch parties at the MYC Club House. Come to the club house and enjoy lunch, snacks, drinks
and fun with your friends. The games are more entertaining to watch with friends.
There are so many events coming up at the club that you need to read the Blasts
that come out every week to keep current with events. The Auxiliary will be holding
a Holiday DJ Dance on Friday December 12 from 7 PM – 11PM. The same night we
will be holding our first Cookie Exchange on December 12th at 8 PM. PLEASE email
me at to let me know if you are coming so that we have an idea
of how many cookies that each person must need to exchange with each other. The
MYC Holiday Brunch is on December 14th at 11:30 AM. That same day, the Children's
Holiday Party will be held at 1:00 PM. After a short hiatus the New Year's Eve Party
is back. The cost of the event will be $70.00 per person and the party will start at
8:00 PM. Please let Dave Perlman or Vickie Dulko know if you will be attending.
Please look out for Blasts, fliers at the club house, basin restroom, pavilion and the 2
signs at the pier for all upcoming events. Often, I need people to help me with the
Club's Programs. If you are interested in helping with a particular event, please email
me at I will be grateful for any assistance.
MYC Kedge Anchor
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December 2014
Mark your Calendars NOW!
December 5 - 5:30pm – 6:30pm – Happy Hour & New Member Meet & Greet at the Club
Featuring Free hors d’oeuvres from the kitchen
7:30pm – Auxiliary Meeting
December 7 – 1:00pm Sunday Football with Friends –
Both home teams Redskins and Ravens play today at 1:00pm
The team with the most fans here gets the Big Screen!!!
December 12 – Holiday DJ Dance & Cookie Exchange – Great Night at MYC!!
See the flyer in the kedge
December 14 – Annual Holiday Celebration Brunch and Party
The Wonderful Holiday Brunch and Party!
The Brunch will be held 11:00am- 2:00pm
2:00pm Children’s Party put on by our own MYC Auxiliary
See the flyers for more details.
Please RSVP of 410-255-4444
Clubhouse closes for the season following the party.
December 17 - Wednesday – Executive Meeting
December 19- Friday –Board Meeting
December 31 – NYE Party – See the flyer in the Kedge
February 1 - The Annual Auxiliary Super Bowl Potluck
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December 2014
It’s hard to believe but ½ of our year is over so please review your Chit statement. You have until March 31st to use your chits but please don’t wait that long
– come and enjoy the lounge & dining room now.
MYC Family Life
Annual Food Drive is back at MYC – Please bring your non-perishable food
items Today! The food bank will surely need it this year.
Happy Birthday – Please send your birthday wishes
December 2 – Happy Birthday Commodore Paul Dolan
December 26 – Happy Birthday David Itzel
Please, send birthdays, anniversaries, births, awards, retirements and special events,
now, while you are thinking of it, or anytime of the year. (You may also send in for
someone else, they will be happy you did.) To:
Work Order Requests
In order to stream line your requests and ensure communication with all appropriate
parties, we have reinstated our Work Order Request Form. This form, complete with
easy instructions, will be found in the Kedge, on the Website, available in hard copy on
the Fuel Dock and in the Clubhouse.
Fuel Update
Fuel Dock hours are 9:00 am – 4:00pm.
Winter Slips
IF you plan to take a different slip for the winter it is your responsibility to:
Submit in writing to Greg Pabst the Basin Director, and the office your request for
your first choice of slip, Greg will then let you know if that slip is available or
spoken for already. Winter slips are approved on a first written notice basis.
Once you have received approval you must notify the office of the date of intended move. Please remember we will be reading both electric meters.
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You must vacate the “winter” slip no later than March 31, 2015.
You must notify the office when you vacate the winter slip for your contracted slip.
To notify the office you may email:, and/or
To notify the Basin Director you may email:
MYC Snow Policy
Just like any other community, reasonable snow removal policies are in place at MYC. The
following are some of the procedures to be aware of when the forecast calls for snow.
The News page of the website will be updated with any closings and will typically follow
Anne Arundel County.
As with all bad weather, team up with another MYC member to check on boats and
lines. MYC staff does not do this.
We will salt the main walkways including the steps, bathhouse and the hill. We do not
salt the piers. If you would like salt anywhere else, you may do so with your own salt.
At 1inch of snow with continuing snow fall we shovel the walkways.
Keep all ropes and cords off the walk way of the pier, if they become damaged it is not
MYC’s responsibility.
Remember to put a shovel in your car and on your boat as we do not shovel out cars or
finger piers or clean snow off boats.
The plow company is called with minimum of 3-4 inches with continuing snow expected.
The plow route has been established and will continue to be the same as previous
years. Due to the cost, the plow does not do the center of the basin parking lot.
Parking in the upper lot of D pier, please make every effort to have cars parked on just
one side of the lot. This will allow the plow better access to that lot.
Clubhouse Closings
The clubhouse closes for the season after the fabulous holiday party Sunday December 14,
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Be part of an old MYC tradition by
celebrating and dancing the year away to
“Whiskey Reign” on New Years Eve with
some of your closest friends.
When : December 31– 8:00 PM till 12:45 AM
Where: MYC Clubhouse
Attire: Men -Suit or Tuxedo required
Women- Formal or Semiformal
Invitation Only: Open to all MYC members and their guests
Cost: $70 per person
RSVP :David Perlman– or
Vickie Dulko–
Reservations will close on December 15 or upon reaching 120 people. Sign up early to
insure a seat. Payment by Member # or Credit Card. No refunds after December 7
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December 2014
New Years Eve Menu
Hors Devours
Chilled Shrimp
lemon pepper and cocktail sauce
International Cheese Board with smoked Guoda, aged Vermont cheddar, Havarti
With Dill/ Caraway, Alpine lace Swiss
Baked Brie en Cruite with raspberry coulis
Assorted Canapes including:
Smoked salmon mousse on English cucumbers with caviar
Bruschetta Duet with green olive tapenade and traditions
roasted tomato
Tuna sashimi and avocado on Belgian endive
Cherry tomatoes infused with Bleu cheese
Chilled Greek Satay with apple, feta cheese, wine cured
olives , roasted peppers
Pancetta wrapped melon with Balsamic drizzle
Smoked turkey, spinach and horseradish cheese pinwheel
Carving Station
Pepper crusted Tenderloin of Beef with horseradish sour
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New Years Menu continued
Dessert Station
NY York Cheesecake with Strawberry topping
7 Layer Bar
Carmel Granny Smith Apple Bar
Key West Bar
Chocolate Fountain
Coffee Station
Unlimited Tap Beer
( Kilian's and Coors Light) and Wine ( Red and
Champagne Toast
Bottle Beer and Mixed Drinks upon request –
Members # or credit
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Other Notes of Interest
Reciprocity with Yacht Clubs – As a member of the Maryland Yacht Club, you have
reciprocity with other yacht clubs. There are 2 types of reciprocity. The first is simply
if a Yacht Club offers reciprocity it typically means, as a fellow Yacht Club member,
you will be allowed into their club, at a reduced rate or special arrangement for a limited period of time. Boaters who are not Yacht Club members are generally not allowed. To locate these clubs, in our boardroom, the Yacht Clubs of America book lists
Yacht Clubs by state and the CBYCA book is a roster of local clubs. When you find
the club you would like to visit, call them and see what their arrangement is, every
clubs policy is different.
The second type of reciprocity is among the “Big 6” Yacht Clubs General Managers.
These clubs include; Baltimore, Chesapeake, Kent Island, North East, Miles River and
MYC. The special rate available is $25.00 per night plus electric. The agreement is
that this rate will not apply to a cruise. Cruises are very welcome, but come at the standard reciprocity rate. So, go out exploring, have fun and return to your home port with
wonderful tales from the sea!
Pump-outs - You may have us put you on a weekly pump-out schedule or you may
request a portable pump-out 48 hours in advance by emailing
or notifying the office 410-255-4444 or
Old Ropes – If you have old Ropes or lines you no longer need, let Ernie know, he has
several projects where he can make use of them. So far we have received one donation, Thank You.
Dockage Assistance – Any members needing dockage assistance please feel free to
hail channel 9 and our dock staff will be happy to help. We monitor channel 9, 9:00am
– 4:00pm
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Work Order Request Instructions
Requestor Instructions for completing Work Request Form:
Applicant Information: Give as much information so we may contact you.
Work Description:
Request Type: Select at least one check box indicating the type of work performed
Work Request Description: Provide as much detail about where and what work
you would like to be completed. Be as clear as possible and attach additional
paper if necessary.
Signature: Requestor must sign and date. Electronic Signature is acceptable if you
are emailing document.
Deliver or send request to the Office for review and approval by Director and General
Manager. You may send by email to Work will not begin until approval
is granted.
Director and General Manager Instructions:
Director and General Manger review work request together, verify details are clear and that
the requestor has signed and dated form.
Director will contact requestor if clarification is needed.
Verify request does not violate or circumvent By-Laws. If it’s not clear then work must be
approved by Board of Governors.
Complete Approval Section.
Accept or Decline the request
Provide comments
Sign and Date
Forward to appropriate party for completing work if so approved
After work is completed, have the Maintenance Manager inspect the work, sign and date
the inspection section and provide final cost if applicable.
Director completes final inspection then signs and dates inspection section.
Update the General Manager and forward request to Office Manager for member billing if
necessary, and internal processing.
Office Manager Instructions:
Bill requestor or club as noted for final cost in the inspection section
File work request
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