201407 - Maryland Yacht Club


201407 - Maryland Yacht Club
MYC Kedge Anchor
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July 2014
The Voice of the Maryland Yacht Club
MYC Office: Monday thru Friday
8am - 4pm
Fuel Dock Hours:
9am - 4pm
Bar & Lounge: Wed - 5pm10pm Friday - 5pm-12mn Saturday - 12-12mn Sunday - 129pm
Restaurant Hours: Wed 6pm-9pm Friday - 6pm-9pm
Saturday - 12–3pm
5:30pm-8:30pm Sunday - 12–
Lower Restroom Hours
7:00am to 5:00pm
Use your membership card
Outside of those hours
July 2014
Flag Officers
Emory Quaskey
Vice Commodore
Paul Dolan
Rear Commodore
David Perlman
P/C Arne Reistad
Barbara Franklin
Power Fleet Captain
Sail Fleet Captain
Larry Korpanty
See Page 2
Board Of Governors
Members at Large
David Derby
Winfried Wiegmann
Hal McClure
Sandy Pabst
Paul Mermelstein
Jim Ferrari
Immediate Past
Jim Gorman
Social Member Rep
Carl Treff
Membership Chair
Carl Treff
Dick Love
Maryland Yacht Club
“Best Kept Secret on the Bay”
Tony Russos
Matt Kristof
Volume CIII, Issue # 9
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July 2014
Affordable Rates!
Boat Slips, Pool, Bar and Restaurant!
Great friends and Social Events!
Easy Access to the Bay!
Phone: 410-255-4444
Or, Email Carl Treff, Membership Chair: MYCinfo@mdyc.org
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July 2014
Social Eyes
By: Carl Treff
Social Member Representative
Membership Chairman
Show me the money!
Do we have a deal for you!
if you are successful enticing your friends, neighbors, and family to join MYC, you
could qualify to receive a very hefty referral fee. The Board has decided to offer a
referral fee equal to the initiation fee of a Resident or Social member. That’s $1000
(Resident) and $150 (Social) for signing, sealing, and delivering to me a new member who’s application is approved by the Board.
How will we know you really are a master recruiter and truly are the sponsor of a
new member and deserving of the referral fee? You must participate in the application process in various ways such as giving a club tour, being listed as the sponsor,
helping with application, and most of all have the prospect let me know right up
front that he/she is working with you on membership. I will also routinely ask the
applicant if they are working with any current members.
So basically you need to prove to me, the Membership Chairman, that you participated in and were highly influential in bringing a new member to MYC. The referral fee will be paid after the new member pays their dues in full.
So far we have had 4 new Resident members join since we began this incentive
for new member recruitment. Keep up the good work
See you at the club,
Carl Treff
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July 2014
June is a very busy month at Maryland Yacht Club! Opening Weekend started the montha very big thank you to Vice Commodore Paul Dolan and Lady Mary. What a great weekend- the pier party, dances Friday and Saturday, lots of members and friends. Princess Dee
Dee, you looked lovely in the pageant and did a great job. The Commodore and First Lady
are so very proud of you (as we know that your parents are also). You will always be our
Honorary Queen. We love you. Thank you to our manager, Carole, Chef Colin and his staff
and all the rest of the MYC staff and members. If you missed opening weekend, you missed
a fun time.
Good times did not end. The next weekend fifteen boats cruised to St. Michaels for a gorgeous weekend. Some also cruised by car. Thank you Honorary Commodore Tony Roussos
and Lady Burnell for an enjoyable evening at the Crab Claw on Friday and a great pier
party on Saturday evening.
The Openings at the other clubs on the Bay are over, and now it is time to do more cruising
and sailing. My First Lady is ready to get Nautical Love out on the Bay and so is First Dog,
Mandy Girl.
The school year has ended and now the pool is open during the week and weekends. You
can get lunch on Saturdays and Sundays outside.
We have to say a special goodbye to Honorary Commodore Matt Kristof and Lady Jan.
They will be in their new home in Iowa City at the end of June. Good luck to them as they
start an exciting new adventure in their lives. We love them and will truly miss them.
To all the members of Maryland Yacht Club have a great July whether boating, sailing or
traveling by car or plane. Be safe.
Commodore Emory Quaskey
Maryland Yacht Club
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July 2014
Vice Commodore
From the Vice Commodore
I hope everyone is having a great summer at MYC! I want to thank everyone that helped
make Opening Weekend 2014 successful. All of the members benefit from our opening weekend and it is our time to shine in the sun and show everyone what Maryland Yacht Club is
made of. From the Staff to the Auxiliary, Managers to boat owners, Sea Scouts to social
members MYC turned out and made this a wonderful event this year so thank you all!
Now that opening weekend has passed its time for summer fun at MYC. Mary, the kids and I
had dinner and watched Frozen under the Pavilion last Saturday night. What a great time
to watch a movie and enjoy the company of friends. Coming up in July will be the annual
Mel’s Cruise. This is one of the highlights of our year and if any event can be said to be a not
miss event this is definitely one!
Also it is Sail Camp time. Our annual two week summer camp for kids. If you go out during
the weekdays when camp is in session please keep an eye out for the kids learning to sail and
being introduced to commanding a boat. Our Optimist Dinghies in the Junior Fleet are actually competitive racers and the kids learn valuable boating skills in camp. We have a great
team of volunteers that make the 2 weeks special to all of the participants. A big thanks goes
out to all of the folks that make sail camp successful.
I just wanted to add a note to Paul's column this month. We survived Opening Weekend! What an amazing weekend it was. We could not have done it without the help of all
the volunteers - I would list everyone by name, but you all know who are you are!! I do
want to give a special Thank You to the Sea Scouts for their help with the parking and the
honor guard for our ceremonies. It is a joy to have them a part of our club. We are across
the fairway from Pelikan and I really enjoy watching them do their drills and practices. What an amazing group of gals and guys. One last Thank You especially to Vicki and
her husband Jim for basically holding my hand and getting me through everything. You
were my lifesaver.
I look forward to seeing you all around MYC!
V/C Paul
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July 2014
A Look From the Rear
Message from the Rear
Dee Dee Dolan
Thanks to all for helping
with Opening Weekend and
to V/C Paul and Mary for
the spectacular job they did.
They set the bar high for
Donna and I in organizing
next years festivities. Dee
Dee you were amazing.
With Opening Weekend in our rearview mirror it is now time for the
boating season to go into full swing. We have already shared major
fun and food with the Power Fleet at St Michaels ( who made that
brittle and where is the recipe). We enjoyed being waked by all of
them on our sail home. Everyone was waving as they passed us, and
it made us realize how special being at MYC was with the great fun
we had the evening before. Thanks Tony for organizing the whole
weekend for everyone.
Next it was one of the “infamous” Sail Fleet Mini-Vous to an anchorage/ raft up beyond the pink glass house on Broad Creek on the
Magothy. 8 sailboats and the mother ship was the beautiful Kady
Krogen “Suzy Q” ( kind of a sailboat with a hybrid mast) Jim and
Sue graciously became the host vessel and were boarded by a
villainous group of sailors Great hors devours and camaraderie.
This past weekend we sailed to one of our favorites, Worton Creek on
the outside. It is nettle free and a great clean safe place to swim with
red hawks circling. Capped off with a sail home at over 6.5 knots.
I am pleased to report that the first two “porch” meals had 20-25
participants each showing that it was well received by the members
as an alternative place to eat when the Clubhouse is closed. All that
without the new tables and chairs and much publicity. Now we will
keep moving forward and improve it. Hopefully the tables will be
assembled by the next time it is used.
Basin Director
Greg Pabst
Fuel Dock
Dave Itzel
Buildings and Grounds
Greg Franklin
Clubhouse and Food
P/HC Ken Valentine
Marketing and
Public Relations
P/C Warren Robinson
Program Director
General Manager
Carole Suser
Office Manager
Nadine McEnaney
Executive Chef
Colin Suser
Ernie Jenkins
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July 2014
The new chairs will arrive in early August. This has been a promising initial start, will
be a work in progress, and will continue to improve until we get it where it is a good
viable alternative. Feel free to e mail your suggestions, comments and questions
about this area. The porch, however does need a name. A clever name. We decided
that a contest to name it is in order. Please look in this Kedge of further information
on how to forward your entry ( one per member).
As I mentioned before it is now time to commence with major boating. Join in with
the Power Boat trips or Sailboat Mini– Vous. Make friends with your dock mates
and others from other docks. Sunbathe and swim at the pool and meet others. This
is what joining a club is all about and why many of us Joined MYC. I hear it time
and time again. To enjoy this camaraderie you have to take the initiative too and
insert yourself in many of our fun happenings. A Club is different from a marina, and
we are a club.
Lastly and certainly not least Donna and I are taking the lead with others and are
reviving our traditional MYC New Years Eve Party, which has been discontinued for
a few years now. We and others who were here when it happened remember it to
be a great, fun and safe time with friends in OUR own club. We will need a commitment from at least 50 couples to make it worthwhile and reserve a band. It will be a
semi-formal event, replete with many different types of food stations set up
throughout the room, as well as a memorable dessert area. More info to come just
let us know you will support it by reserving your New Years Eve here at MYC .
P.S Matt and Janice you will always have a special place in our hearts.
Aloha and Mahalo,
R/C Dave Perlman
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July 2014
Barbara Corkhill
Vice President
Barbara Franklin
Opening weekend was fantastic, “Thanks to all of Our Club
Members who donated baked goods” With your help we were
able to raise over $200.00! It was your donations that made this
event a success for us! Everyone loved the variety of goodies and
we sold them all. A great job was done by Linda Grunder who
chaired this event for the auxiliary.
We are working on the final plans for the DJ Friday nights, more
information will be coming your way. We also are putting together a “Beach Blanket Bingo” on August 3rd. We will be posting the
events on the board in the lobby so don’t forget to check out upcoming events. Peg has been so gracious keeping it looking so
nice for us, Thank you Peg!
The Auxiliary is always looking for fund raising ideas and we think
we came up with a good one; we would like to ask the members
to submit your favorite recipes for everyday meals or special
boating recipes. We are working on an MYC Cookbook. Please
send your recipes to me at paramour825@hotmail.com, It will be
fun to see how many recipes we can collect.
Our big news is the Crab Feast, the feast will be in September this
year. Stay tuned for more information on that coming your way,
we want to make it bigger and better this year.
The NEW “SHIP’S STORE” is up and running. I
have seen a lot of new shirts and jackets
around the club. Stop by the lobby and
check out the order book or talk to an
Auxiliary Member for more details and
don’t forget to look in the showcases for
clothing and jewelry available for sale. We
ask that payment be made to the auxiliary
by check when your order is placed.
Cheryl Hook
Terri Shaffer
Pam Schuller
Members at Large
Mary Dolan
Nancy Gorman
Vicki Ferrari
Donna Perlman
Linda Grunder
————————————-Web Master
Web Site Chairman
R/C David Perlman
By Laws Chairman
P/C Dick Love
Junior Sail Fleet
Carl Treff
Dave Marcia
Fleet Chaplain
Sue Love
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July 2014
Social Eyes
By: Carl Treff
Social Member Representative
What it’s all about…
This week is the annual MYC Sail Camp – and the weather has been perfect. It is such a
joy to see 14 kids gaining skills and confidence in handling a small boat. The big challenge
is when they go solo and realize they need to both steer and trim the sail. Our on-water
coaches have been hard at work encouraging and teaching the campers to sail. The popularity of our program is on the upswing, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to say we could fill
up next year’s program now. So if you really want to be in on next year, drop me a line
and I’ll pencil in a roster spot. We can always use good teachers, so if you would like to
help please let me know. Our second week of camp this year runs July 14-18.
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July 2014
And for the big guys…
For the second year in a row, MYC is sponsoring the MYC Challenge Race as part of
the Rock Creek Racing Association’s summer schedule. On August 27th, any MYC sailboat is invited to participate in a pursuit-style race. Starting out in the river, but finishing right off our beach, the race is easily viewed from our hill, especially the exciting
finish. We encourage MYC sailors to participate, and all members to spectate. We can
help you get a PHRF rating for your boat. A trophy will be awarded for the winner of
the spinnaker fleet and the non-spinnaker fleet. There will even be a new award
called the “Blue Ribbon Award.” Memorializing last year’s last place finisher, the
award will recognize the perseverance and determination it sometimes takes to complete the journey. Keep smiling GP.
See you at the club,
Carl Treff
Trivial Pursuit
One of our good programs dreamed up by Sandy Pabst saw about 50 participants
after dinner play the MYC version of Trivial Pursuit where a “special “ trophy hat was
won by the winning team. This evening it was won by the Carlisle Pursuers Bob &
Kathy Hall, Hal & Cindy McClure and one token Marylander, R/C Dave Perlman in
their group. The hat went missing for 14 days but has reappeared and is back in the
Clubhouse. Word has it Hal wore the hat the whole time on vacation visiting the
Southern Bay and Williamsburg but we have no pictures to confirm.
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Opening Weekend Costumes
July 2014
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From the Desk
of the Secretary
Barbara Franklin
Just a very short note to let all our members know that a copy of the General Membership Meeting minutes is available in a blue binder located in the Clubhouse Boardroom.
The binder is located next to the copier machine.
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July 2014
Proposed By-Law Change
To be voted on at the General
Membership Meeting July 18
SECTION 15. Fees, Dues and other Membership Charges --- The membership year
for all classes of membership is April 1st to
March 31st. Entrance fees, dues and other
membership charges for the forthcoming
year shall be set for all classes of membership in January of each year. Prior to the
January membership meeting, the Board of
Governors shall review the budget and
shall make recommendations to the membership at the January meeting. In the
event that the January meeting is not held
due to a lack of quorum, or for any other
reason, a special meeting will be held prior
to March 1st to determine these matters.
Dues are an annual obligation covering
each membership year. The payment
schedule for dues will be set at the January
membership meeting.
For new members joining after September
1st there will be a 50% reduction of dues.
After November 1st a new member may
join, pay the entrance fee and 50% of the
next year’s dues. The period between November and the following April will be free.
His/her next obligation will be the July installment. The entrance fee for all classes
of membership, except Junior and Legacy,
shall be set annually by the Board of Governors and approved by the general membership at the scheduled January (or alternate special) meeting.
SECTION 15. Fees, Dues and other Membership Charges --- The membership year
for all classes of membership is April 1st to
March 31st. Entrance fees, dues and other
membership charges for the forthcoming
year shall be set for all classes of membership in January of each year. Prior to the
January membership meeting, the Board of
Governors shall review the budget and
shall make recommendations to the membership at the January meeting. In the
event that the January meeting is not held
due to a lack of quorum, or for any other
reason, a special meeting will be held prior
to March 1st to determine these matters.
Dues are an annual obligation covering
each membership year. The payment
schedule for dues will be set at the January
membership meeting.
For new members joining after September
1st there will be a 50% reduction of dues.
After November 1st a new member may
join, pay the entrance fee and 50% of the
next year’s dues. The period between November and the following April will be free.
His/her next obligation will be the July installment. The entrance fee for all classes
of membership, except Junior and Legacy,
shall be set annually by the Board of Governors and approved by the general membership at the scheduled January (or alternate special) meeting.
The Board of Governors may reduce
or waive the entrance fee for one period of not more than sixty (60) consecutive days during any one membership year.
The Board of Governors may reduce
or waive the entrance fee for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days
during any one membership year
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July 2014
From the Basin and Beyond– Greg Pabst—Basin Director
First of all, a big thanks to everyone that pitched in for docking duties for Opening
Weekend. I really appreciated your patience with me and my worksheets, as well
as the field decisions you made under fire. And thanks to members notifying me
of their weekend plans that made their slips available for our visitors.
The club also can be proud of the vessel safety checks performed by Paul
Mermelstein. Our clubs commitment to everyone’s safety should not be overlooked.
And on a lighter side, how about a one more thanks form the docking crew goes
out you MYC members that helped with replenishing snacks and beverages at
the Tiki Lounge that served as Basin Central during Opening Weekend, you know
who you are.
Dinghy Rack Second and Final Notice
Any dinghy on any of the dingy racks without a current contract with the
club office will be removed and stored by the club and disposed of in a way
that benefits the club the most. We may make them available for purchase
to the highest bidder by a MYC member at an auction to be held at a time
to be announced after the second notice. , or donated to Living Classrooms
or the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels for a charity auction, maybe even handed to the US Navy for target practice, or simply
chucked in the dumpster. This is the second and final notice.
For the latest news on Sailabration and other events in the bay check Sail Baltimore’s
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July 2014
Building and Grounds
Greg Franklin– Director
Well summer is here and the House and Grounds staff and volunteers are as
busy as ever. Tom and Kathy Davis have finished painting the pool fence and it
looks great. The enclosure for the refrigerator has been completed and we have
a new billboard on the back of the clubhouse. You should be able to see it from
Opening day went off well and I hope everyone had a great time. Now that we
are settling into our summer boating season don’t forget to fill out a work request if you see a problem or if you have a project you would like to see done
around the club. A little help goes a long way! I do have severa more ongoing
projects, like clearing out the brush in the dog walk area and moving the firewood to a less conspicuous area. It may be hot now but the pool will be open to
cool off in. I will be out of the area (vacation) for the next 2 weeks so please
contact Carole or Ernie for any problems. Come on down and enjoy your club.
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July 2014
We received notice of a wonderful opportunity to Go Boating.
Attached, please find the boating schedule that our group has put together for the summer. We try to do two trips a month and each trip has a host. The host boat only coordinates
calling the marina, making sure there are slips available. Each captain is responsible to call
and make their own reservations if they are interested in the trip. The host boat will usually
plan some activities or coordinate dinner reservations etc. If any MYC members decide they
want to go, we will need to know to keep them on the email list for the selected trip. Please
have the MYC members email Kimberly at boatnut2345@aol.com and she can make sure
they are kept in the loop for their trip. If anyone is interested in joining us for the week long
trip or part of that trip they will need to contact Kimberly ASAP.
Bruce and Kimberly Cohn
Rock n Roll
Bay Bandits
Boat Schedule
July 3-5
July 18-27
August 15-17
Aug 29-Sept 1
September 11-14
September 19-21
October 3-5
4th of July Baltimore Inner Harbor East
Chesapeake Southern Bay
Herrington South
Labor Day Weekend (Cambridge, Oxord)
1812 Celebration–Baltimore Marine Center
Chesapeake City, MD
Fells Point Festival
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July 2014
W e l c o m e t o M a r y l a n d Ya c h t C l u b
Newest Dining on the Porch
Outdoor Dining Menu
A la Cart Selections:
The Captains Angus beef Burger- 4oz fresh Angus sirloin, Kaiser roll ,choice of American,
Swiss, provolone, and cheddar cheeses…………………………..…………….…..…$5
The Double—add a second Angus patty to your burger for only ………...…………..$7
Pulled Pork Barbecue- house smoked, sweet and tangy sauce, Kaiser roll..…….$6
Da Jerk Chicken Mon!— Just like da islands! Authentic spices, Kaiser roll...…$6
Twin all beef Nathan’s Hotdogs- Coney Island style!— Two grilled all beef Nathans
hotdogs! Served with zesty all meat chili sauce.....................................................$6
Dinner Salads:
Large Garden Salad—crisp greens, garden vegetables, with choice of dressing…………………………………………..$6
The Caesar Salad—Crisp romaine, croutons, Reggiano cheese, Caesar dressing on the
Add Jerk chicken to salad for only ….$5
\Entrée Selections:
Sirloin Steak—9oz USDA choice grilled to your specifications….……………….$20
Grilled Bourbon Salmon-- Atlantic salmon, grilled and basted with our authentic sweet
bourbon glaze…………………………………………………………………………….$20
Da Jerk Chicken Dinner Mon!—Authentic spices, grilled peppers and onions, pineapple
The Crab Cake—Our all lump crab cake..............................................................$20
(All entrées include: choice of two sides)
Baked potato $3, garden salad $3, baked beans $2, coleslaw $2, and chips $2,
Apple pie, homemade brownies
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July 2014
and not just a Chicken Dinner
A contest to name the “new porch” dining area is being held. If you have a
clever or catchy phrase or name which you think will best capture this area’s
ambiance. Winner receives $50 toward one time towards food and beverage in the restaurant or porch. Only one entry permitted per member. Submit entry names to R/C Commodore Dave Perlman at chef2sail@aol.com.
Sail Fleet Mini-Vous– Broad Creek, Magothy
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Power Fleet Rendezvous– St. Michaels
To Make New Friends Come to the Next Get Together
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July 2014
Manager’s Report
Happy July MYC!
Saturday Evening Dining Schedule
July 5 – Clubhouse Open for Dinner
July 12 – Dinner & a Movie – Pavilion 6:00pm
July 19 – Limited Patio Dining 6:00pm – 8:00pm
June 26 – Patio Dining 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Special Thank You – A big thank you to Ken Valentine who among many things he does
for the club, provides the great sound for the Dinner and Movie nights. June’s Movie
Night was a lot of fun featuring the Oscar winning film Frozen. We are looking forward
to the next.
News - Have you seen the new menu items? Some fun summer items have been added.
Looking for Donations – The Kid’s fishing Derby is coming up August 2nd. We are
looking for donations for prizes, bait and to borrow fishing gear. If you would like to assist or donate, see Ernie around the club.
Club Events In July –
Mark your Calendars NOW!
Mark Your Calendars
July 4 – Ther e will be gr illing 12:00 – 2:00pm at the pool.
The bar will be open 12:00pm – 5:00pm
4:30pm - The Annual 4th of July Potluck in our pavilion & a great view of Fireworks.
This year the event is being organized by Vickie Dulko. Her contact information is 410212-9180 or pasavickie@aol.com. Please see the attached flyer and join in the celebration.
Please Note: As r equested by the boar d, the gate will be closed on the 4th of July. As
always, you must be present with your guests and are responsible for them.
Sunday July 6 – 13th – Sail Fleet Cruise – Please contact F/C Larry Korpanty for details
Friday July 11 - 5:30 – 6:30 – Happy Hour and New Member Meet and Greet
7:00pm – Auxiliary Meeting
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Sunday June 22 – Minivous - For more details contact Fleet Captain Larry Korpanty 717-309-1500
Monday July 14 – Junior Sail Camp – Week 2 (advanced) begins
Wednesday July 16 – Executive Meeting
Friday July 18,
5:30pm – 8:00pm – Dinner Buffet
7:00pm – Board Meeting
8:30 General Membership Meeting
July 25 - 26 – Mel Kushner’s Annual Gourmet Cruise to Rock Hall – Everyone welcome.
Please see attached flyer
Other Special Events to Plan for Now
Friday, August 1 - 5:30 – 6:30 – Happy Hour and New Member Meet and Greet
Saturday, August 2 – Kids Fishing Derby!!! So much fun! 10:00am – 2:00pm
We are asking for donations for gifts/prizes as well as bait and to borrow
Sunday, August 17 – Awesome Luau! Show off your Polynesian style and come
for an evening of Hula, Fire Dancer, Festive Drinks and the Luau Dinner. Perfect for
all ages.
Sunday September 21 – Annual Auxiliary Crab Feast – More details to follow
New Members
Everyone, please join me in Welcoming the following new members.
New Members May 2014
James and Sarah Pope – Resident Member
Jeremy and Katerine Lahey – Resident Member
Gene and Jennifer Charlton – Resident Member
Jack Hergenroeder and Angela Taylor - Social Member
New Members June 2014
Larry and Diana Duncan – Resident Member
Daniel and Susan Walmsley – Resident Member
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MYC Family Life
Happy Anniversary – Please congratulate
July 3 – P/C Alan and Barbara Doetlaff 48 years of Marriage
July 16 – V/C Paul and Mary Dolan
July 29 – Commodore Emory and Pam Quaskey
Happy Belated Birthday – Wiley Harrell June 11 celebrated
his 80th!! Congratulations.
Happy Birthday – Please send your birthday wishes
4 425—
27 27 –
Nancy Gorman
Peter Corkhill
R/CDave Perlman
P/C Arne Riestad Jr.
P/C Alan Doetlaff
Please, send birthdays, anniversaries, births awards, retirements and special events, now,
while you are thinking of it, or anytime of the year. (You may also send in for someone
else, they will be happy you did.) To: Manager@mdyc.org
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Mel Kushner’s Annual Gourmet Cruise
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Haven Harbor Marina
Rock Hall, Maryland
Gourmet Dinner and Drinks $25 per Adult
$7 Per Child 12 and under ( Children’s Menu)
Will be billed to your Club account
Guests Welcome
Each boat will be contacted to bring an appetizer
Make your slip reservations with Haven Harbor (410 -778-6697)
Only 25 slips available
Ron Weitzman – Playcraft@comcast.net
No reservations after July 21, 2014 No cancellations after July 21, 2014
Please contact Ron Weitzman for more info!
No Boat? No Problem!
Check out Haven Harbor High Tide Inn
Dress your table as we celebrate
the 200 th anniversary of
The Star Spangled Banner
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It’s Summer and time to
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Cocktails 5:00pm
Dinner 6:00pm
Show 7:00pm
Featuring Polynesian Dancers, Costume Changes, and
Hula Lessons!
Our Bar will feature Polynesian favorites, Mai Tai’s and Guava Daiquiris
Dinner Buffet to feature a traditional Polynesian dinner such as:
Kalua Roast Pork, Shoyu Chicken, Teriyaki Kebob’s, Coconut Sweet Rice
and more, dessert included
Dinner Buffet $25.00 adults $10.00 children 9 and under
Please RSVP by August 11 manager@mdyc.org or 410-255-4444
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Other Notes of Interest
Reciprocity with Yacht Clubs – As a member of the Maryland Yacht Club, you have
reciprocity with other yacht clubs. There are 2 types of reciprocity. The first is simply
if a Yacht Club offers reciprocity it typically means, as a fellow Yacht Club member,
you will be allowed into their club, at a reduced rate or special arrangement for a limited period of time. Boaters who are not Yacht Club members are generally not allowed. To locate these clubs, in our boardroom, the Yacht Clubs of America book lists
Yacht Clubs by state and the CBYCA book is a roster of local clubs. When you find
the club you would like to visit, call them and see what their arrangement is, every
clubs policy is different.
The second type of reciprocity is among the “Big 6” Yacht Clubs General Managers.
These clubs include; Baltimore, Chesapeake, Kent Island, North East, Miles River and
MYC. The special rate available is $25.00 per night plus electric. The agreement is
that this rate will not apply to a cruise. Cruises are very welcome, but come at the
standard reciprocity rate. So, go out exploring, have fun and return to your home port
with wonderful tales from the sea!
Pump-outs - You may have us put you on a weekly pump-out schedule or you may
request a portable pump-out 48 hours in advance by emailing maintenance@mdyc.org
or notifying the office 410-255-4444 manager@mdyc.org or office@mdyc.org
Old Ropes – If you have old Ropes or lines you no longer need, let Ernie know, he has
several projects where he can make use of them. So far we have received one donation, Thank You. maintenance@mdyc.org
Dockage Assistance – Any members needing dockage assistance please feel free to
hail channel 9 and our dock staff will be happy to help. We monitor channel 9, 9:00am
– 4:00pm
MYC Kedge Anchor
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July 2014
Work Order Request Instructions
Requestor Instructions for completing Work Request Form:
Applicant Information: Give as much information so we may contact you.
Work Description:
Request Type: Select at least one check box indicating the type of wor k per formed
Work Request Description: Pr ovide as much detail about wher e and what
work you would like to be completed. Be as clear as possible and attach additional paper if necessary.
Signature: Requestor must sign and date. Electr onic Signatur e is acceptable if
you are emailing document.
Deliver or send request to the Office for review and approval by Director and General
Manager. You may send by email to office@mdyc.org. Work will not begin until approval
is granted.
Director and General Manager Instructions:
Director and General Manger review work request together, verify details are clear and that
the requestor has signed and dated form.
Director will contact requestor if clarification is needed.
Verify request does not violate or circumvent By-Laws. If it’s not clear then work must be
approved by Board of Governors.
Complete Approval Section.
Accept or Decline the request
Provide comments
Sign and Date
Forward to appropriate party for completing work if so approved
After work is completed, have the Maintenance Manager inspect the work, sign and date
the inspection section and provide final cost if applicable.
Director completes final inspection then signs and dates inspection section.
Update the General Manager and forward request to Office Manager for member billing if
necessary, and internal processing.
Office Manager Instructions:
Bill requestor or club as noted for final cost in the inspection section
MYC Kedge Anchor
Page 29
July 2014

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