Sunday, January 10, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
©2012 Bon Venture Services, LLC Sacred Heart Church Italian National Parish 37 Schuyler Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut REV. ALFONSO PICONE PASTOR REV. MARTIN deMAYO PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. CARLOS R. RODRIGUES IN RESIDENCE HOLY MASS Saturday: January 9, 2016 4:00PM Anthony “Tony” Vitti by M/M J. Ienner Sunday January 10,, 2016 8:30AM Tommaso Marena by Wife & Children 10:00AM Elio, Giuseppe & Generoso D’Elia by Gerarda D’Elia 11:30AM Frances Pellicci by Family 1:30 PM Manuel Eulogio Plasencia Yumble by Family The Lamp, the Hosts and the Wine for the week of January 9 through January 16 is in memory of Frances Pellicci by Her Family Monday January 11, 2016 7:00AM Rachelle Sorbara by The Pelli Family Tuesday January 12, 2016 7:00 AM Tommaso Marena by Wife & Children Wednesday, January 13, 2016 7:00AM Sergio Ramos, Sr. by Pat Pelli Thursday January 14, 2016 7:00AM In Honor of San Miguel Friday January 15, 2016 7:00AM John Marena by Clementina Boccuzzi & Family Saturday January 16, 2016 8:00AM Helga Licursi by M/M E. Napoli 4:00PM Mary A. Terico by Terico & Biggica Families Sunday January 17, 2016 8:30AM Joseph V. Pace by Family 10:00AM Luigi Alati by Concetta Piolimieni 11:30AM Antonia & Celestino DiPreta by Maria Zezima 1:30PM In honor of La Divino Nino by The Sanchez Family SUNDAY COLLECTION The collection for Christmas totaled $10,428.00, for the weekend of January 2 and 3 the Sunday collection totaled $6023.00 The Monthly collection totaled $1558.00 and for The Feast of the Solemnity of Mary totaled $2261.16. Thank you for your generosity. If you are away from Church, please try to make up your envelopes. PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASS will be held in English on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00PM in the Church. The next class is to be held January 16, 2015. Please call the Rectory at 203-324-9544 to register for the class. Baptisms in English are held on the second Saturday of each month. The next Baptism class in Spanish will be held the January 23, 2016 and thereafter on the third Saturday of each month at 1:00PM. Baptisms in Spanish are held on the fourth Saturday of each month at 1:00PM. FOR THE DECEASED: We ask the Lord to grant Eternal Rest to: Peter O’Rourke, Elena Lupinacci, Patricia Gerardi, Alberico Faugno, Margaret Grecco, John Golino, Sheila Vesciglio, Mildred Mundaray and for the deceased of the Parish .THE ILL OF THE PARISH- Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners who are ill:.Andrew J. Minishi, Carl Galasso Jr.,Fran Morrell, Grace Loglisci, Lucia Frattaroli, Michael Engenito, Sister Clara. The thoughtfulness of cards or a phone call would be welcome. Please keep the parish office (203-324-9544) informed of anyone who needs a priestly visit and the Sacrament of the Sick. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY will meet on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7:30PM in the Lower Church. All women of the parish are invited. GENEROSITA` Cortesemente cercate di aumentare sia la vostra offerta settimanale sia quella mensile. Un aumento di $5, $10, $15 o piu` sara` molto apprezzato. Se andrete via per la vacanze o se vi e` impossibile partecipare alla messa nella Chiesa del Sacro Cuore, vi chiediamo di fare il meglio possibile per recuperare le settimane in cui siete mancati. Inziate a utilizzare le buste settimanali della canonica. Grazie per il vostro supporto. MESSA IN MEMORIA SETTIMANALI Se qualcuno vuole donare l’ostia, il vino per la messa o la lampada del santuario in memoria di una persona cara o come una donazione si prega di contattare l’ufficio 203-324-9544. L’offerta e`di $25.00 per ciascuna. INFERMI DELLA NOSTRA PARROCCHIA- Per favore ricordate nelle vostre preghiere i seguenti parrochiani che sono ammalati.. Andrew J. Minishi, Lucia Frattaroli, Fran Morrell, Grace Loglisci, Carl Galasso, Jr., Michael Engenito, Sister Clara,. Se avete in mente di mandare una cartolina o di telefonare ai familiari o direttamente a loro sarebbe un pensiero veramente apprezzato. Per favore informate l”ufficio parocchiale, se qualcuno ha bisogno della visita di un sacerdote e del sacramento degli infermi. Telefonate ufficio 203-324-9544. POR LOS ENFERMOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Por favor incluya en sus oraciones a los siguientes feligreses que están enfermos de nuestra parroquia Andrew J. Minishi, Fran Morrell, Grace Loglisci, Carl Galasso, Jr., Michael Engenito, Sister Clara.. PRE-BAUTISMALES CLASES: en Español se ofrecen el tercer sabado de cada mes, a la 1:00PM en la Iglesia. Por favor llamar a la oficina para registrarse (203) 324- 9544. Los Bautizos en Español se celebran el cuarto sabado del mes a la 1:00PM. OFRENDAS POR LA SEMANA: Dedique la vela del Santisimo, el Vino y el Pan a un ser guerido por una semana. Cada ofrenda es $25.00. GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD por favor trate de incrementar su ofreda seminal o mensual, un aumento de $5.00, $10.00 $15.00 o más es apreciado. Gracias por su apoyo y participación en nuestra parroquia del Sagrado Corazón. Si se va de vacaciones o está enfermo no se olvide de enviar sus sobres. Nuevamente gracias por su genorosidad. SACRAMENTOS: Estaremos ofreciendo clases de RCIA, para adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos; bautizo, comunión y confirmacion, si esta interesado por favor comunicarse con la oficina para más información. HOLY YEAR OF MERCY declared by Pope Francis DECEMBER 8, 2015-NOVEMBER 20, 2016 It is a favorable time to heal wounds, a time to offer everyone the way of Forgiveness and ReconcilIation CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY To Feed the Hungry, To Give Drink to the Thirsty, To Clothe the Naked, To Shelter the Homeless, To Care for the Sick, To Visit the Imprisoned, To Bury the Dead. THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY To Convert Sinners, To Instruct the Ignorant, To Advise the Doubtful, To Comfort the Sorrowful, To Bear Wrongs Patiently, To Forgive Injuries, To Pray for the Living and the Dead. “A TIME TO HEAL, TO HELP, TO FORGIVE” SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS BY SALVATORE BUTTACI TRUST GOD TO BE THERE Our humanity limits us in all things. We are born into a physical world as defenseless babies and from that moment on we do our best to find ourselves a comfortable place within the world. Often we reach out a hand, hoping someone we trust will take hold of it and lift us from the low valleys of our lives onto the path leading to the heights of happiness. Depending on another who is of course sharing our human condition can prove less than successful. We let one another down. We don’t mean to, but so many distractions come into play and we are so easily led astray. Rely on God! He alone will always be there to shower us with hope, strength, and faith—all the graces of the Holy Spirit. Depend on the only love that cannot be stolen away by the wiles and temptations of the world. Turn to God and He will be there for us, just as Jesus was there in the flesh, scourged, thorn-crowned, and crucified so that our sins could be expiated and we could begin our walk within the Kingdom of God. Rely on Him and trust His Will. No one else can save us, least of all ourselves. We are sinners and we are blind. Only God can restore our spiritual vision, but we must first knock so that He can open the door that leads to our salvation. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, The Baptism of the Lord is the great event celebrated by the Eastern Churches on the feast of Epiphany because it is the occasion of the first public revelation of all the Three Persons in the Holy Trinity, and the official revelation of Jesus as the Son of God to the world by God the Father. It is described by all four Gospels. It marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. His Baptism by John was a very important event in the life of Jesus. First it was a moment of identification with us sinners. Sinless, Jesus received the Baptism of repentance to identify Himself with His people who realized for the first time that they were sinners. (As given to the ancedotes, St. Damien, Blessed Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Mandela identified with the people whom they served). Second, it was a moment of conviction about His identity and mission: that He is the Son of God and His mission was to preach the Good News of God’s love and salvation and to atone for our sins by becoming the “suffering servant.” God the Father’s words, “This is my beloved Son,” taken from Psalm 2:17, gave Jesus the identity of God’s Son, and the words “with whom I am well pleased,” from Isaiah 42:1 (referring to the “suffering servant”), pointed to Jesus’ mission of atoning for sins of the world by His suffering and death on the cross. Third, it was a moment of equipment. The Holy Spirit equipped Jesus by descending on Him in the form of a dove, giving Him the power of preaching and healing. Fourth, it was a moment of decision to begin public ministry at the most opportune time after receiving the approval of His Heavenly Father as His beloved Son. The Baptism of Jesus reminds us of our identity. It reminds us of who we are and whose we are. By Baptism we become sons and daughters of God, brother and sisters of Jesus, members of His Church, heirs of Heaven and temples of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ Baptism reminds us also of our mission: to experience the presence of God within us, to acknowledge our own dignity as God’s children, and to appreciate the Divine Presence in others by honoring them, loving them and serving them in all humility to live as the children of God in thought, word and action; to lead holy and transparent Christian lives and not to desecrate our bodies (the temples of the Holy Spirit and members of Jesus’ Body), by impurity, injustice, intolerance, jealousy or hatred; to accept both the good and the bad experiences of life as the gifts of a loving Heavenly Father for our growth in holiness and to grow daily in intimacy with God by personal and family prayers, by meditative reading of the Word of God, by participating in the Holy Mass, and by frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is a day to thank God for the graces we have received in Baptism, to renew our Baptismal promises and to preach Christ’s “Good News” by our transparent Christian lives of love, mercy, service and forgiveness. Yours in Christ, Father Alfonso Picone PRE-NEED PLANNING ~ TRADITIONAL SERVICES ~ CREMATION SERVICES Family Owned & Operated Since 1926 Richard D. Lacerenza, President (1949-2015) 8 SCHUYLER AVENUE • LACERENZAFUNERALHOME.COM • 203-324-0158 Est. 1947 Catering for all Social Functions 203.323.2542 96 Stillwater Ave., Stamford Fanny’s Beauty Salon Unisex 203-353-0458 76 Stillwater Avenue • Stamford Giulio 3ft. to 6ft. 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