For a Full Arm Exercise, Tricep, Bicep and
For a Full Arm Exercise, Tricep, Bicep and
I SOLATORFI TNESSI NC. 335SOUTH BAUMSTOW N RD Bi r dsbor o,PA 1 9508 TEL 61 0. 575. 0325 FAX 61 0. 575. 0335 EML i nf o@i sol at or fit ness. com For a Full Arm Exercise, Tricep, Bicep and Forearms Must Be Hit It is easy to work out your arms and neglect something. If your goal is to hit all muscles with some exercise, tricep, bicep and the forearms should be worked independently. It can be challenging to truly isolate each muscle group, but for your upper body, I have just the tool for you. Isolation During an Arm Workout Perhaps the best way to isolate muscles when working your arms is to eliminate your grip while working the upper arm. You can try to do this with hooks, but they aren’t nearly as effective as The Cuff Edition™, which is your other alternative. The Cuff Edition™ was designed to make upper arm workouts more effective and comfortable as well. To use The Cuff Edition™, you order the size which is recommended based upon measurements. Place the cuff upon your forearm and secure using the military spec nylon straps. Attached to the cuff you will find a carabineer which can face in a number of directions, allowing you to work your triceps or biceps. This carabineer gets clipped to the cables of a lifting machine or to an accessory strap if you choose to use free weights. What about the Rest? The rest of your upper body can get the same treatment when you purchase the Isolator™. This tool is placed upon both your forearm and upper arm. This allows you to train your chest, shoulders and back without using your arms. The advantage is that you lift more with your back if your arms aren’t involved, and the specificity ensures that your chest and shoulders develop more quickly with less effort. Create a Personal Exercise Plan If your goal for the day is to work your triceps, then take a few minutes to plan a routine which targets them. For example, combine kickbacks, a couple of types of extensions, and the skull-crusher exercise. Tricep muscles are actually larger than biceps and given the right stimulus, they will develop rapidly. Add a few bicep exercises such as curls, cable crossover curls, and concentration curls. Finish off with some wrist curls and a forearm wrist roller and you have your “killer” arm workout. www. i s ol at or fit nes s . com Make sure you give your arms at least a couple days off to recover from such an effort. Muscles grow during recovery and without rest, you are much more likely to suffer an injury. Another important aspect of building muscles is good nutrition. When starting a new lifting routine, take some time to evaluate what you eat; especially if you are eating enough protein and healthy carbohydrates. With a good diet and the right exercise, tricep development, in fact whole arm development, will be easy to achieve.