Important dates


Important dates
On February 18, the Centre d’études supérieures
Lucien-Cliche welcomed Samian, an Algonquin
rapper from Pikogan. A very nice surprise awaited the audience:the rapper Anodajay, from
Rouyn-Noranda, was also part of the show! The
audience was captivated by the young rapper, and
he gave a talk immediately following his performance. After his show in Val-d’Or, Samian
flew to Vancouver, where he performed shows
on February 24 and 27 for the 2010 Winter
Academic Support service
VOL. 3, NO 6
March 10, 2010
Check your email in the coming weeks: you’ll be
invited to participate in two workshops about
your career as a student:
University-level reading
Surviving the end of the session
Dates to be announced! We hope to see you there!
Mélanie Roy and Nancy Crépeau
Academic Support Counsellors
Room 4127
Buying your texts
You have until March 31 to buy your texts for the Winter session. Texts that are not purchased will be returned to the publisher.
Dear Students,
The Procure étudiante team
Know about Student Recognition
Apply now! The
deadline is
March 19.
This year, as in previous years, the Corporation de développement de l’enseignement supérieur de la vallée-de-l’Or
would like to recognize the remarkable work of the students
who attend the Centre d’études supérieures Lucien-Cliche.
This year, 21 $500 scholarships, 28 $1000 scholarships, and
dictionaries will be awarded to students.
Scholarship applications will be accepted between March 1
and March 19, 2010.
Fill out an application form (found on the
website) and submit it to the UQAT Secretary’s Office.
For more information, please contact me at ext. 6329, or see me
in Room 4129.
Good luck everyone!
Christine Desrochers
Bring your snowshoes
Can you car-pool?
Let Louise Bryce know,
in Room 4103A
You are invited to participate in the activities which will take place during the Intercultural Week, organized in collaboration
with the Cégep de l’Abitibi-Témiscamigue (Val-d’Or campus) which will be holding its Week for World Change [unofficial
UQAT translation] at the same time. The Intercultural Week will bring together the CEGEP and university communities and is
intended to create a sense of belonging on campus, to encourage students to get to know each other, and to value all cultures.
Monday, March 15
Official Launch
Place: Agora
Time: 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Snow Sculpture
Bring your own materials (shovel,
tools, etc.)
Charity Challenge
For the entire week, donations will
be collected for the Haïti SED organization.
Tuesday, March 16
As part of Val-d’Or Franco Ville events,
UQAT welcomes the French performer Elsie Douce!
Stéphane Grenier
Maguerite Loiselle
Stéphane Gourde
Louise Bryce
Stéphane Guérin
Tracy Kelly
Sylvie Cardinal
Nathalie Fontaine
Lyne Legault
Marc Bertrand
Christine Frenette
France Prince
Marie-Hélène Poulin
Mario Gonthier
Abdelkabir Maqsoud
Bernard St-Pierre
Nathalie Michaud
Mireille Cyr
Christine Lessard
March 7 UQAT
March 9 UQAT
March 10 CÉGEP
March 10 UQAT
March 12 CÉGEP
March 14 CÉGEP
March 14 UQAT
March 16 CÉGEP
March 17 UQAT
March 19 CÉGEP
March 19 CÉGEP
March 19 CÉGEP
March 20 UQAT
March 21 CÉGEP
March 21 UQAT
March 22 CÉGEP
March 30 CÉGEP
March 30 CÉGEP
April 2
Next edition of the L’Express bulletin: April 6, 2010
When: Wednesday, March 24
Where: l’Agora
Time: 11:30 AM
“A cellist from a very early age, as well as a singer,
Elsie Douce reinterprets a repertoire engraved in
collective memory, but often forgotten by the general
public. Singing songs from before, during and after the
war, she will transport us into her universe, where the
sensuality of her surprisingly powerful voice mingles
intimately with the sound of her cello.” [unofficial UQAT
For more information: Lyne Legault
Pool and Foosball Tournament
Place: Cafeteria
Time:4:00 to 7:30 PM
To participate, form teams of 2 and
register at Louise Bryce’s office
(Room 4103A) before March 12
Thursday, March 18
Sugar Shack Lunch ($7.25)
Place: Cafeteria
Time: from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Comedy and Story Evening
($2 for students, $5 for non-students)
Place: Agora
Time: 7:30 to 10:00 PM
A bunch of storytellers from the region will tell the
audience original tall tales!
Followed by a performance from the comedian Derrick Frenette
Friday, March 19
Sample Wild Game and Bannock
Time: Agora
Place: 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Gabriel-Commanda Walk
Place: Native Friendship Centre
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Japanese Dinner ($30.00)
Place: Cafeteria
Time: 5:30 PM
In aid of participants in the 2009-2011 Stage de
coopération internationale
Important dates
March 8
As part of the video competition held via the Des études
universitaires au Québec website, students in Creation
and New Media submitted a video about UQAT. Let’s be
supportive and proud of our university, let’s vote for
them! Their video is the first one on the list!
Deadline: March 25, 2010
The L’Express news bulletin is published by Student Life services to serve the university community at the Val-d’Or campus. The bulletin not only provides readers with information
from various UQAT services, but with information from professors and students as well. The L’Express news bulletin is also available via Symbiose.
Translation: Mark Lindenberg
Place: Agora
Time:11:30 AM
Speaker form the Haïti SED organization
Wednesday, March 17
Spaghetti Lunch ($7.25)
Place: Cafeteria
Time: 12:00PM
Sex on the Brain (Quiz Game - in French only)
Place: Agora
Time: 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Place : leaving from Room #1219 (technique en
soins-pré-hospitaliers d’urgence)
Time: 1:30 to 5:00 PM
Street Hockey
Place: Rear parking lot
Time: 1:45 to 4:45 PM
5 on 5 (including goalie) between 15 and 30 minutes per game.
Team registration: Louise Bryce’s office (Room
#4103A) before March 16.
Snow Taffy ($1.00/stick)
Place: Rear parking lot
Time: 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Intercultural Cocktail
Place: Agora
Time: from 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Music, dancing, singing, costumes, snacks, etc.
Bring Objects From Your Culture To Share
Congratulations to our students!
Deadline for withdrawal without mention of failure
April 2
Holiday: Good Friday
April 5
Holiday: Easter Monday
April 6 to 9
Registration Week for the Summer 2010 Session
Mr. Yvan Bélisle
The post-secondary education
community in Val-d’Or
is mourning the loss
of one of its founders,
Mr. Yvan Bélisle
A recipient of the Ordre de l’enseignement supérieur de la
Vallée-de-l’Or in 2006, Mr. Bélisle was a highly-committed
volunteer at, and had been Treasurer for, the Corporation de
développement de l’enseignement supérieur de la Vallée-del’Or since 1986. He was an active member of the organizing committee for the Salon des vins, bières et spiritueux
de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
It is in large part thanks to his efforts that the Centre d’études supérieures Lucien-Cliche has been able to grow so
much, so quickly. His contribution was exceptional.
On behalf of the UQAT university community, we offer our
most sincere condolences to his wife, his children, and his
Mars / March
Niki kisis
(pré-printemps en algonquin /
pre-spring in Algonquin)
Début de la fonte des neiges, il a croûte sur la
neige le matin.
Start of the thaw, there is a crust on
the snow in the morning.
(Source :2010 Native Friendship Centre agenda)
Next Green Committee meeting
Thursday, March 11, 2010
in Room 4227
at 4:00 PM.
Everyone Welcome 
Health Notes
Dear students,
The association étudiante de l’Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue – Campus Val-d’Or, would like to
thank all the students who attended the Special General
Meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 2010, at UQAT’s
Students at the meeting voted unanimously for Orientation
# 3, described in the explanation of the agreement posted on
noticeboards and available in advance. Students were provided the explanation (containing all the necessary information) so they could make an informed vote.
Please note that a legal document is presently being prepared and that it will be submitted to all students during a Special General Meeting called for this purpose, or during the
Annual General Meeting in April 2010.
Note that if you have any questions about the steps being
taken currently, you can meet with members of the student
association at any time in Room 4104, or contact us by
email at
« Chlamydia au menu »
The Agence de la santé et
des services sociaux de l’AbitibiTémiscamingue predicts that, in 2010, approximately 50,000 people in Quebec will learn that
they have a Sexually Transmitted and BloodBorne Infection. An alarming fact, this number
only tells part of the story, because most infected people do not know they are carrying an infection! In the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region 267
cases of chlamydia were diagnosed in 2009. In
66% of these cases, those diagnosed were between the ages of 15 and 24 years old.
Watch « Chlamydia au menu » on Youtube:
Algo go to and
Your participation is appreciated!
Good luck at the end of the session, everyone
Dominic Filteau,
Three professors from the Laboratoire de recherche Télébec en communications souterraines de de l’UQAT
(LRTCS-UQAT) recently received excellent news regarding their requests for project funding. This is a short summary of their projects and the funding received:
Professor Nahi Kandil’s WLAN/WPAN Project
This three-year project aims to design wireless WLAN/WPAN systems for underground and confined areas. The total
amount of funding provided is $577,200. Partners in this project are: Télébec Ltée, a subsidiary of Bell Aliant, with a
grant of $172,500, ISR Technologies with a grant of $116,100 and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and industrial partners, with a grant of $288,600.
Professor Mourad Nedil’s Project MIMO
The objectives of this three-year project are the design and implementation of a network of compact, efficient and lowcost antennas, and the implementation of an experimental MIMO system for commercial wireless microwave-based applications. The total amount of funding provided is $347,100. Partners in this project are the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and industrial partners, with a grant of $197,100, and Télébec Ltée, a subsidiary of Bell Aliant, with a grant of $170,000.
Professor Nadir Hakem’s 60 GHz Project
The objective of this project is to study the possibility of accessing next-generation networks operating in the 60 GHz wavelength in confined areas, which will enable the provision of bandwidths on the order of several gigabits per second. The
total amount of funding provided is $491,550. Supported mainly by Télébec Ltée, a subsidiary of Bell Aliant ($170,000),
the Xstrata mine at Matagami ($40,000) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada – NSERC
Do you procrastinate?
- A tendency to put off difficult or less-pleasant tasks;
- Starting assignments, or starting to study, at the last
- Difficulty starting your work;
- Making excuses for not starting a task
(e.g.: “I’m too tired today… “ or “
I have plenty of time to finish the assignment… “).
- Plan your work;
- Identify your priorities;
- When do you study best? If possible, plan your school
work or study periods for the same time(s) every day;
- Work in an environment that helps you concentrate;
- Break your work down into smaller tasks;
- Reward yourself for the work you finish!
This program enables students to
buy $10.00 tickets
to selected theatrical plays, comedy
or dance shows
or singing recitals. You can reserve
these $10.00 tickets
by seeing the Student Life Counsellor, Louise Bryce, in Room 4103A.
If Louise Bryce is absent,
see Patricia Martin at the Secretary’s Office.
Chantal Fleury
April 1 (reserve tickets by 4:30 PM
Tuesday, March 30 at the latest)
Faits pour s’aimer
April 6 (reserve tickets by 4:30 PM
Thursday, April 1 at the latest)
Suzie Arioli
April 10 (reserve tickets by 4:30 PM,
Thursday, April 8 at the latest
with Patricia Martin at the Secretary’s Office)
Next show : Chantal Fleury
Next show: Chantal Fleury
« 1-2 Go! « »A new show from Ms. Fleury, known for her
marathons of laughter and comedy. Chantal has already thrilled you with her fantastic adventures, using comedy that is
nether mean, nor vulgar, but bursting with energy. After her
first show, « Si ça se vit, ça se rit! » here’s « 1-2 Go! » The
fun continues!
Visit »
[unofficial UQAT translation]