Chromium System Brochure
Chromium System Brochure
Introducing the Chromium™ System One system, one workflow, powerful new sequencing applications 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ The Chromium™ System One system, one workflow, powerful new sequencing applications GemCode™ technology powers an innovative system that transforms the capability of existing short-read sequencers. With millions of uniquely addressable partitions, the Chromium System unlocks critical genomic information. Genome Sequencing Targeted Sequencing The Chromium Genome provides long range information on a genome-wide scale, including variant calling, phasing and extensive characterization of genomic structure. Unlock critical genetic information for variants in heritable disorders, and discover key alterations in cancer. The Chromium Exome provides long range information, enabling phasing, structural variant detection and copy number determination. Low complexity and repetitive regions previously missed with short-read sequencing are now accessible. Single Cell Sequencing De Novo Assembly With Chromium Single Cell 3’, perform deep profiling of complex cell populations with high-throughput digital gene expression on a cell-by-cell basis. Trace expression profiles to individual cells to ensure biologically relevant signals are not masked by bulk average measurements. Discover the true genome with the Supernova™ Assembler and open the door to low-cost, everyday diploid assemblies. Unlock samplespecific sequence, probe diploid genome structure, and remove the need for a reference sequence of any kind. The Chromium™ System Unlock critical long range genomic and cell-by-cell gene expression information. 1 2 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ Chromium™ Genome The most comprehensive genome Long range genomes at population scale. Call and phase the full spectrum of variants and unlock previously inaccessible regions from a single library. Resolve the genome into multi-megabase phase blocks While human genomes are diploid, analysis based on short reads collapses variants into a single haploid call set, masking critical genetic relationships. Chromium Genome phases the full spectrum of variants (SNVs, indels, and large-scale structural rearrangements) into ultra long multi-megabase phase blocks, enabling a full understanding of diploid genome sequence. 50 Mb Phase Block Chr 6 Massive partitioning and complete genomic information from a single library with 1ng input The Chromium Genome performs massive partitioning and barcoding of 1ng input DNA. The system produces uniform, high-complexity libraries, compatible with Illumina’s HiSeq X Ten systems, enabling high quality variant calling from minimal sequencing depth. Hap 1 STANDARD BARCODING Chromium Genome Partitions 384 >1,000,000 Barcode Pool 384 4,000,000 100ng+ 1ng Input DNA ™ Hap 2 70 kb Deletion Uncover previously inaccessible parts of the genome and hidden variants in critical genes Multi-megabase diploid assemblies eliminate the need for a reference Short reads cannot be mapped into repetitive regions, causing regions with no coverage (Child: BWA Aligner). The Lariat™ Aligner uses Linked-Read information to map reads that could not normally be mapped (Child Lariat Aligner), enabling variant calling and phasing in regions normally inaccessible to short reads. Father: NA12891 Child: NA12878 Mother: NA12892. The Supernova™ Assembler utilizes Linked-Reads to de novo construct multi-megabase diploid assemblies, preserving phasing information for small variants, structural rearrangements and novel sequence. Chr15 RPS17 Exon 3 Father Lariat Aligner Child Lariat Aligner Mother Lariat Aligner Child BWA Aligner G G G A G Child G A A G G C Mother A A G G C G Father 3 MAPQ>30 A Detection of a SNP in RPS17. The Lariat Aligner uses barcode information to correctly map reads and call variants in a highly repetitive region that standard aligners miss due to low mapping quality. A region in chromosome 3 is represented in the diploid assembly of NA12878 by two >10Mb phased scaffolds within a larger 17Mb overall scaffold segment. A zoom into the figure shows that variants between the haplotypes are conserved in the assembly such as the 8kb deletion indicated, where traditional assemblies compress the two haplotypes into a single path. 4 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ Chromium™ Exome In collaboration with Reach beyond the exome The Chromium Exome with optimized baits powered by Agilent’s marketleading SureSelect® technology enables access to low complexity and duplicated regions, megabase-scale phasing, structural and copy number variation while improving the quality of SNP calls. Resolve compound heterozygosity and copy number change Establish cis or trans relationships between variants without trio sequencing. TRPV1 SHPK CTNS P2RX5-TAX1BP3 Coverage G>A Hap1 57kb Deletion Enable phasing of thousands of genes and detection of structural and copy number variation The optimized SureSelect baits are designed specifically for the Chromium Exome to improve gene phasing by closing gaps, and recovering hard-to-map loci in the genome. Hap2 Exome Baits Linked-Reads from Exome Baits Identify structural variants Detect gene fusions, duplications, deletions and translocations from a single exome run. Optimized SureSelect Baits 13 Mb EML4 Linked-Reads from Chromium Exome ALK Coverage BC Overlap Map previously inaccessible regions and improve variant calling performance The barcode-aware Lariat™ Aligner maps reads in previously inaccessible regions, identifies new variants and eliminates false positives due to incorrect mapping. Linked Reads 7,693 bp RPS17 Optimized SureSelect Baits NA12878 Lariat Aligner NA12878 BWA Aligner 1 MAPQ>30 5 6 20 29 EML4-ALK 6 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ Chromium™ Single Cell 3’ High-throughput single cell RNA sequencing Profiling 1,000s to 10,000s of cells per experiment increases sensitivity and accuracy for the detection of rare cell types. Single cell resolution is the key to uncovering the true complexity of heterogeneous populations. Chromium Single Cell 3’ provides scalable transcriptional profiling of 1,000s to 10,000s of individual cells. Efficient biochemistry captures thousands of genes per cell Differential expression identifies cell cycle phase Number of distinct genes detected per cell as a function of sequencing coverage for HEK293T cells. Graph shows mean (black line) and range (dark gray) over 16 independent experiments. Proliferating HEK293T cells were profiled and scored for expression of markers associated with each major cell cycle phase. Cells from all phases were identified at expected proportions. Single cell partitioning with low multiplet rates Mouse transcript counts 60,000 Human:Mouse Human only Mouse only 0 Human transcript counts 60,000 Approximately 1,400 human (HEK293T) and mouse (NIH3T3) cells were mixed at a 1:1 ratio prior to profiling. 99.4% of the resulting cell-containing GEMs gave rise to sequencing reads mapping to only one species. This implies a total doublet rate of 1.0%. 7 High-throughput Up to 8 channels processed in parallel 1,000 to 6,000+ cells per channel 10 minute run time per chip No cell size restrictions ~50% cell processing efficiency t-SNE projection of gene expression profiles from 68,000 unsorted human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Colors indicate the closest match in a reference panel of sorted cell types. Multiple key applications Immunology Neurobiology Cancer Biology Stem Cell Research Embryology 8 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ Make the Discovery with GemCode™ Technology GemCode Technology with millions of uniquely addressable partitions enables single molecule resolution and single cell sequencing GemCode™ Technology Process ™ 1 2 3 Gel bead Disposable microfluidics Definitive results Mega diversity reagent libraries. Highly automated reaction assembly. Single cell analysis on a massive scale. Up to 100 million barcoded oligos per bead. Millions of “effective” pipette steps per minute. Creating the GEMs Functionalized with defined DNA barcodes. Deformable polymeric beads dissolve on demand. Droplet Monodisperse water-in-oil droplets. Implementing the GEMs Discovering with GEMs Single molecule resolution. On a single instrument Touch screen operation. ~10 minute run time. Massively scalable to millions of partitions. Together make a GEM Gelbead in Emulsion. Uniquely addressable reactions for molecular barcoding on a massive scale. >90% of all droplet reactions receive a single barcoded gel bead. Gel bead in emulsion (GEM) Barcode and reagent delivery with sample partitioning on a massive scale. 9 10 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ Partitioning & Molecular Barcoding at Scale Partition sample across 100,000s to 1,000,000s of partitions, each containing a unique barcode DNA Linked-Reads Barcoded Fragment Embedded Barcode Genome is replicated and barcoded via a low-level enzymatic replication. Enzyme GEMs Collect Pool Lines represent Linked-Reads. Dots represent reads. Color indicates barcode. Reads with same barcode originated from molecules encapsulated in the same partition. Barcoded Primer Library DNA or Cells Gel beads loaded with barcoded oligonucleotides are first mixed with sample and enzyme mixture, then combined with an oilsurfactant solution at a microfluidic ‘double-cross’ junction. Oil Gel bead-containing droplets (GEMs) flow to a reservoir and are harvested. Gel beads are dissolved and molecular barcoding of the sample is initiated. The barcoded products are pooled from each droplet. Standard library construction adds the remaining sequencing adapters and sample indices. Single Cell Digital Gene Expression Barcoded cDNA Cell Cell Embedded Barcode Cell Cell mRNA is transcribed by a reverse transcriptase that creates barcoded cDNA. Cell 1... Cell 5,000 Gene 1 Gene 2... Gene 2,000 Gene 1 Gene 2... Gene 2,000 A barcode identifies transcripts originating from a single cell, which are then counted. 11 12 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ The Chromium™ Software Suite Linking data, developers and discovery Long Range Genomes and Exomes Single Cell Transcriptomics Long Ranger Analysis Pipelines Cell Ranger™ Analysis Pipelines Leverage molecular barcoding to generate a powerful data type called Linked-Reads. Novel algorithms in the Long Ranger pipelines yield several classes of biological insights from Linked-Reads: Turn-key analysis for single cell gene expression sequencing data. Combining robust transcriptome alignment with large scale cellular barcoding, the Cell Ranger pipelines rapidly generate expression profiles to shed light on: ™ •Barcode-aware alignment •Megabase-scale haplotype phasing •Structural variant detection and phasing •Greater accuracy in SNP and indel calling •Complex primary cell populations •Cellular heterogeneity in cancer tumors •Cell cycle behavior Building upon widely accepted aligners and variant callers such as BWA, GATK, and Freebayes, the Long Ranger pipelines leverage the Chromium System’s molecular barcoding to enable phasing and structural variant calling. De Novo Assembly Open Source Informatics Supernova Assembler Martian™ Technology The Chromium System opens the door to low-cost, everyday diploid genome assemblies. The Supernova Assembler leverages the unique properties of Linked-Read data to reconstruct the genome under study, without the need for a reference genome. Chromium Software is built using a powerful, open source informatics platform called Martian. The Martian language features an elegant syntax for defining complex pipelines. A lightweight runtime featuring a micro-container design is performanceoptimized for high-throughput NGS analysis, and includes powerful data management features. ™ The Supernova Assembler exploits Linked-Read data to reconstruct a diploid genome, unlocking sample-specific sequence and removing the need for a reference sequence of any kind. 13 Starting with pre-built or user-supplied transcriptomes, the Cell Ranger pipelines can process cellular barcodes to produce gene expression profiles across tens of thousands of cells at once. The Martian language is complemented by a type-checking compiler, visual IDE, and debugging and profiling tools. The Martian runtime provides built-in support for pipeline composability, parallelization, and parameter sweeping. 14 10x Genomics Changing the Definition of Sequencing™ The Loupe haplotype view displays multi-megabase phase blocks and structural variant calls. Above, an example of compound heterozygosity is shown where the variants involved are fully contained within large, contiguous phase blocks. The Loupe™ family of visualization applications brings clarity to the novel biological insights made possible by the Chromium System. The Loupe structural variant view lists the calls and candidates produced by the Long Ranger pipelines, and uses changes and gaps in color intensity to represent barcode-based evidence of structural rearrangements. For genomes and exomes: fully haplotype-enabled genome browsing and structural variant visualization. For single cell transcriptomics: dimensionality reduction, clustering, and isolation of cell types and phases. Loupe applications feature fluid, modern user interfaces, run on Windows and Mac, and work with files produced by the Long Ranger and Cell Ranger pipelines. The Loupe single cell analysis view features an array of techniques for dimensionality reduction and clustering which can be applied to gain insight into a variety of single cell experiment types. 15 16 10x Genomics 10x Genomics, Inc. About us 10x Genomics meets the critical need for long range, structural and cellular information, with an innovative system that transforms the capability of existing short-read sequencers. Our Chromium™ System supports comprehensive genomics and high-throughput single cell transcriptomics. It enables researchers to discover previously inaccessible genomic information at unprecedented scale, including phased structural variants, phased single nucleotide variants, and dynamic gene expression of individual cells—while leveraging their existing sequencing systems and workflows. Contact Us Pleasanton, CA 10x Genomics, Inc. 7068 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 401 Pleasanton, CA 94566 17 +1 925 401 7300 +1 800 709 1208 San Francisco, CA 10x Genomics, Inc. 160 Spear Street, Suite 1130 San Francisco, CA 94105 +1 925 401 7300 +1 800 709 1208 © 2016 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication and/or reproduction of all or any portion of this document without the express written consent of 10x Genomics, Inc., is strictly forbidden. Nothing contained herein shall constitute any warranty, express or implied, as to the performance of any products described herein. Any and all warranties applicable to any products are set forth in the applicable terms and conditions of sale accompanying the purchase of such product. 10x Genomics provides no warranty and hereby disclaims any and all warranties as to the use of any third party products or protocols described herein. The use of products described herein is subject to certain restrictions as set forth in the applicable terms and conditions of sale accompanying the purchase of such product. “10x”, “10x Genomics”, “Changing the Definition of Sequencing”, “Chromium”, “GemCode”, “Loupe”, “Long Ranger”, “Cell Ranger”, “Lariat” and “Supernova” are trademarks of 10x Genomics, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All products and services described herein are intended FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY and NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES. Changing the Definition of Sequencing™