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kain pareo
nk. BEDEN. I. "_-nce rehoJder. .. .,........ I ~~k PUnLIEKf4~ VKRKOOPING a.I1I•• •• 'roc"inD • ...-10 t. ZON»EB ten doe .. nrkoopea, ItII II a.... op IioeOI, Iaur ~&. le. Vfrdwpia,. '''''' )I". Iflli.1MeIt J•• Rui .... ,.Jo"'__ , ... N. ct Hu -ter ..a...... hl de L.a,r.atr .. l. Hd plat. !Ht een P.lIu" ........ rdl&. _ it J'lCiUt 'ON en. ~ WOnI& ...... , ............ It....... W.... WILLIAM UÁ¥EY. .. • . .Jf Jaty 1851. De ..... I. G. S... • .alf .. ~ lod Ki~ ~_l)lI; QJ4 olb~r dried !a~"eet eO'B_ W ...... ' nL." Á,.,.,_.. VE~KOOPING PUBLIEKE ,.... 11"""1 dett 14 ....., .. fOOJr ..... lieu..... tU_.".. ' be Gle•. Cbi" M..... aM liber .. 1 S&rJkt.ld ...., .ao..Mi I.,..... r. "'. 'ilitt &kPtO,eny, 'VAN Een verkieslyk II UIS en ERF, Ilóis.neubelen, uil. 2.\ .... P. 3 Pi«II. 5 .,200 ...... '.... TOftIt'*. ENZ. ENZ. ENZ. AST bekomen IAllrer ~ 'an po., den hebbende J. SaaaulUaa. koloaie le Y: (CUe op 0 ,~,..aaJ" J nl 'io booi"!rI Wel-Ed. • ..&.A.DAG .DElV J.6 ;nrl"lI'<~I,$I:L .; uie dr _. _4 '--Met ruim Stry"geld er Bal"" .... Ite., i. HIt)1!: OP MORGEN.,; Bomu, ,DNB D.t ~lletJoawd ea prachtig WOONHUIS. pJc.geD la d.. Wlldt,.&. n"" de publIet. K.ntormf_ elt byka .... lak on'r de Rota.lec:be n GOfHen.meata Tuioen. HetJel ... be ... t leder pm.k dat DOodlg II In eeoe i")fyke fitmille _IOtr, .,lIde ~oorsJen "aD 9 fraai). K...... prJya&e W.terleidlag. Hotpl.te. .. Dette AchterpLiali .... rby OOi komt dftulf'. DNb,.heltf .. 0 rle Epiaeopale en l:Iollaadaeb.Oerrfortneef'de Kerbo.-Alleeue JI"I .. ~ deo bandel, or bnJllJu.14 met d. publieke Kutorea, at h~tkhe IOnder weerp. Seed Gel CAUTIII•• p MORGEN ..... 'rom 1 to .. ~Ing pl'O~t((. the Co\oll, .. :reet. P. be own.r It D8R BYL. EN OP DENZELFDEN "fr. tilt .. orden ftpkocbt eeD IIlHr1emea& Bau. .. beIen mahon) hovlftl 8_leJl. TafeJa. 8opbu. ko,.,.., , .. ren ea a"der. lAckkaotu, ZiJ'er''' l'kUlft1'k, K~eed. tchap eos. poa. ' WIlLLUia. , oOIlle back. D" Uadar.iglled, II ló& G. ilTEYTL&a, Ga.. V~u-AfaIacer. Het lhIa it ct.pIJb "oor de Verkoop1ac te Uen Lobdoa 's. " .l~n'i. from .l1...na "i0 .nn"ri~.· • 11I,a.:. 1D4,I n. Ai/fOoL TI .. " ..di!(ol,l. il. lo.j uit ,I. Brill~S I " AgPlICI. , (ro,n Rnt· · Brio", a , AgeuU. ,\1 "', flOlD Jel. Brio". ., "iro". l·irO, :eueobe'1'l l1y. ...... Welke zy te Sudel R. Slafen, Uala,b.- I ,UII.OII. Put , ."'gtnll. ~~ .J a: CID I o 00 o 0 0 000 00 lO 7 0 ij 4') 0 0 Ii 2 o 0 I i1 4 I [) 0 0 Il 0 7 ~ U I • 0 o 0 (I 8 63 ) 4 [) 7 0 0 3 7 3 1 4 {I OI)O o 0 0 o II I) , .. 5 0 41 4 0 7 tij I) II 0 0 12 4 0 oo 0 0 000 o 0 000 o 0 00" o 0 " 0 0 0 0 l o, ~ 4 0 000 19 7 o 0 7 0 3 0 o 0 II 0 0 0 0 U 0 U 00 U o II 0 I 50" 0 041 t_ O 0 ot I 1'1 3 l 0 o 00 OU o 0 0 ti aTo.l. Bt', ....ao~' ( - ê I 1 a'TALAVER'4,': j; . koop ;AN Pau:nilie en ,Vrit!ndén woNu l,ekef1cl ~e- '.& , ;"" awl, ......... , • J.,y -- """ aanbieden tot; ~:~~~~~~~':'".lMm~::Lu, ZEER LACE PRYZEN. ·R, .... dJe., ....... I de met 3 M .. taebappy. & July 1851. LANDEN H~~o.':.i~_ weezenom W!d:e~~JOa':cËi..~~ Ri~ ier Zonder Eod. Binnen DU uit. het Hollandsch JlIUU, direkt ..an RutterdalD. S'ENOLERS JENEVER (,roo&e keltlert) DI&o dilO !l'e.ooe 1L.ld.,1 trBTER DORNYS KLEI PYPEN te Bet geÁeel J.01Ider Re1en,e. YU i.- GO~DERE.N, daer. :,~':e.'i:~:rz:k'doe='~~~=1 ~~':~ Ar&ik.eleo, y. ~~kl~~~~E~~ _t eelte «,ooee ",lCbeideobeid om te meldeo. 2 Ilre. DÏltrict( !aledoo. 14 )uly 't!".J:.; =:m. 1851. Barkschlp ::rf~';'.~!:,::~d:tt1"d:e!~O'or~~!ie~deo= b<'I1 "ll.t .oor de behulpzame band 'geboden gedlU'etld.. sJDe zi. ~I(I. MAR)A ROUX, (eb 1f1\ll8ell. _ . ECkt do. BBKBlVI)Df4KING. ~AARL OOR'r Do do. ir.labl..... utJ.. •• potten. Verkooping, O J :\ AN Na beat aan df'n. en Vrienden wordt' door .L_ d., ... kend.-pm ... kt, bft deo Almap'llr~. God ... :(j,·b".ld beefl m, .. Itelie(de ~ehtgeooot PUT.a Wouna Ter OrdonnlDbe YID der.el ..~o '~T~VN, iu deo ouderdom •• a 61 j "'., op dro 27 .Iany 1851. AL .,boa""n .. ordea op WOENSDAG leD 16 .1.'y d~ Kolonie le ... rl._. ''''lOo<kt d.t ane ynnl.rlnm &eien 1. A. TRUT Eh.' Fee. UIt u.,.ne liefde armen t. ootrukken, eD zoo .y hopen eo by den beer R. J . .1011 •• , fan ;_ heID ter d.del,ke "ere4'.. I., m.opa "ordeo lOlnoadll!l ua "e,t,ou.en tot zieb,-i. z,o. ee""ige .,I~kbeid o..erceb,eo0._ en kind.r "'_'daD,..'. K..... M•• Che 'yne "oDlnl No. 2, W.I, .. t,.. t. OOIT TE VOREN IN DE KQ_ lCen. De onrled..,. .... tot bfnlel 'y"er gelEol)dbeid .00 •• "'" R,helDdJea .B K,...Ja, Mllllia d. Lal... AlpoICCa, BET&R DAN EENIGE LONJJs: INGEVOERD, de MOIieIIlUi, Die bem gekend heflbe ... cu11eo _t ..y Z)O Orl...... D._I. H... cfeonlino.a, MUIlin, M.,..m .. AA.RDBEVING TE MACUI EN RHODES. 1000 Eetra Yeu« KtMlp«lul Haflteu, "f,ter"en belreureo. Ity w.... a O.beaprokllll Hui .... der ea Spreye•• 11..... PU_I .. III o.,,_ .. kte M.twn. Ala. ~E koop aan de Pakhuizen 'fan een ..oorbeeld Yl;or _yne kbid'rea. Ik !,Doel ook "yDeo d •• lt 200 do. do. M erino do. mede, ,.koo,de Rokken, .. eeN ,.,.........,..,_ KOIIMnPRJNCE, COLLISON & Co.' bet .. ilfen .an d..n Wel·Eerw. HrerVAN Dla KUT ..oorayoe .a'en •• 11" per I.. tal. "DkolDl&eD, ........ ,.,koelle E Ooderptrelrende uI op DINGSDAO deo 15 d..nr lIerderlyke sorlt eo tMlpr ... k •• b ook uo .11e de overige _tin RewJ'N. Bl'rigtea van Malt. ferDlelden eene opyolgin( no .. n Een ... mheid. tu pt.a&aI ..an den Heer .IACl. Vriendeo di. O.".tmool,J buaoe hulp eo byslaotl laebbea •• ,dbe.io,eo, _welko zoowol te Mao,l. eeae stad '1'.11 ~hnullQ per publieka Veodulie I.ten nrkoopen, bo"ea' fSr l) MQandn Cru/et. J.VS. DV PREEZ, per Chriltiana CarnalI, een 'be.ruo. gem. gel.I'ulr. nete I(.. ptebe ea Me, ino liamel., Iftl~. ( )ri'TVANGEN Natolla, iD A .. iali.ch TurkeJf", all te S.mlOoo, ('cno Wed. P. W. STe TIl. niet le "oreo ait de haDd 'l(erkocbt snllen .. orden ea atelI" rrOOl auorte_ot ..".. de be.... LoadoniCb geM... " .. Ri".nd.i., 2 July 1851. .('obuOft ia do Z.art., Zee. bl'ln!'n df"zdrJ" pro~inprplent aUlieD Irn. P. J. BLJONAUT. '~.' .Io_I;' .... ren ".n de I.. ta&e modiaehe p.'ron.n. in.I,". Paarl, den I July l8!,l. IC..de eenige prachtige !fouden Br~lelleD, H ..I, en A rq,' tie, eo op bet eil.nd lthodea, KeloK!lQ aao rlon in,an{ "eraieiMla, 8rillaDl. Di&llliot eo P.. rl h.lf hoepel RingeII, De Heem D. VILLI.as '" HÁun Veodu-Adm •• Onderstaande ProcIl1watie -van Generaal JA:o#8. 'l'&n den Golt van Macrl. ge'oold ayn «eworden, nre~ , H . 'foor zoo 'feel Vly weten, no~ "an gezuld, op eefltr.oméilde pla~ts on bare nabyhoid. D .... en Huren goudeo en zilveren orologie., . SBNS ill. 200 Ea:tra "ett, SLagtoUlm eli Koeijen. £tono .encbei:Jeobeid .rtikrlen ~hikt tol g-l'ICbenk:eD.· kracht, albae",.1 tlez(~Jye 8chynbaar in onbruik ia nn ,route .eloiolin( •• n mens:hOD en t'it(t'ndoru.PUBLIEKE VERKOOPINO Tat,l, 8neket eD Kalltoor Klokken,-eeolfe. Klukke'i gel'tlakt. Wanllf',.r derzclver' bepalingen kracht_ P WOENSDAG den 16 dezer. zal de Ontlcr~ De oersto acbolt werd Jnueld op don 28 FoblU.fJ, «,'schikl tot grbruik in Kerken. . ,Iadiglyk gdlaDdhaafJ waren, ~ouden de gnolg ..n I!.~kende Ur pl .. lae ... n d..n bter JAC. D. WAAL.... n I RoJgw. '-ren lull Tlilfel .JIUUJllHrl, eo eenige CGm' IUaacheD ó eD halC 6 .... oa p.m. wannoor to Rbod .... JOOIWnbetr, bo ....o, en,eld get. I ONen eo Koeljen, l'ubliek yan Zendeling. arbeid misschien YCI'8chHlend zyn bNJge Lecllo.1IIpet&. bot bo.en.'IJ ,odoelto Yan bet ltaato4t. aalt deD iD" daeo "r.oopen. ayll iD e.,o..n U'lauo&e"de •• ""l, e&l acdgewee'.lt dan zy nu zyn;_ FRED. WALDe •• .l.Q4eB~,_ In .~Itig op dco bepaalde a nrkoop dag penent _,.•• Ii·n, ...... de Slltd, met een Y(,rlchrillte!,1t ,~raak Jf o. fi Ut>eNnrracbt. C. F. ROOS. PUBLICATIE. instortte, • hntoren fan do Outmrrybctae LloJ'dai (;QI"berw. den 1 Joly 1851. . P :MOnG EN, dl'n 15 dt>zpr. ':lftl IteIJigo EQUITABLE Stoom Nu".tio MaatsohapPJ OYe1'dokJteDdo, Ler.,1 De beuee lJK VILLI.as .\ HAun, VeDd11' Adllli. aan den hOOjrltt!n Bieder ....ord. ....rkoeht, dst GEJAN WILLll:llf JANUBNB. Gou ..eroeur.eo Chef, der banD. ne..eos de Raaden van Politici over Generaal de Kaapeo de G~o be do TOffD y.n AraJ. Kale, aao deD in-a, _RYfLY1\ PAKHUIS. ~Pll de lSREF.gTRAAT. bo..k -------------------i ~an de, DORPSTRAAT. liet ~Jo:iB"odOID '&II het ~h groot E Tweede Jaarlyksche Algemeene Vergadering Hoop. en den Hes80rw vaD dieD•. in Zuid·Afrika enz, t'nz, en '!II'scheiden andore deelen der rortJfic.'ieo 70 .&tra vetu SlagtoSMlI eli Koeijen groot Zenddmg Gaoootach.p. . ena. unSALOT! elI.- endoen een tei~elJk, Jedeo, efC~ .Ia veJo woo;o,oo, eeDI«. , •• ....eeten:die dezeD culleD zien o£boqrllJl nadeel Yau Deelbe!.ber., zal.gr'bouden worden aan Kan .• lesen, Door dl'8... lfs liUing Dab, bet Boeren pI_ .n grootte, eQ No, 3 WaJfOllrn •• , op DINGSDAQ, en rmaar. daar de oode"te V..rJieping met planif'Q R".,loenl il. ia toor der Mutact.appy, .AlU1fMÏeo met bet AmerilraaruJCh acbip Capt. Kiog, .. elke tot op do Cl.lndaQJooloa ichuddedeo, en aaJc.o E Oade'1ett'ekPnde ui op WOENSD \ G den 16,le hetu·l"e Zt'tlr geschikt ..oor t!ftI KOOllNPAKBU18, WA. deo 15 J ui, .. o.t.end~, overeeakomltig de ter".Q ... Nederlaod alhier sfIl aangekomen eenige Zeo. '{'becl eo .1 dooracbeurcleo.. He aeboklten "arco un dnrr, terpl ... ' ...... ndrnbef'rJA!' DB WAAL.S.Ien· GE,NMAKERS WINKEL, en.. A,t. 25 der Acle ..an Overeeokomlt, .anoeer eea. Sw,,,;, oolug.ojt d.tinpn Wl!lIbo no .iCh h~ inRottel'datllllCb Zendeliags Genootachap, lIoft'llllJ. B. d. _ "urr, bogeOS...eJ,j ,ftal u...-n en KoeiJen dCIaD nrkoopen, \ oor nl"dttN bysonderhed.u adret _br deo Heer JUl. de 4IIIlI'IW pluta beriad de geordende hot W _te. Da.r bet ,. •• bolOS' ..an de nrzigbed~n de'r M.auchnppy, opgem ... kt to_ ooder d" fenekeni .-ont- iD aitlDunteade koodiu. te ay ... eo \~.nos, ot by J. C. 811.. .na.tO&a, Makelaar, No. 478t. cMO 30 Jlloy dner, ui "ordell "oorgelegrl; al.mede lot hel ~ d~r Her",~ G.,lruItlDt.e Kicherer, met YOOrDemea uo eoo MO .-cr .. ooit uUr pnwDl lIDIleo .euD. Georgntnat, ki..:zen hn drie Dtrec~u'en in plaats de,gefl.o die aflreden J OlDin de Binnealandllll "U de¥n Uilhoekt. Ood8dien.t eo acbri .... dat &1 met oea, c.i,elln, iD haro uit J. E. L. GERMISHUr5. lGt bel belloewen VIlO t .. ee A udileureu. eo lot al.e.eeo. BLOllE BARTMAN. Aftllpl'l. bUchuinlf ondn de H. id.nen te Jetln'll ot te beY'ordereo: h.re io.lorloDdo wooihl' liep, "D ill do soo aprinlcode Deo 'T Jol, 1851. eindea. De Directeuren die Aflredeu :lyn de beeren JOK.PIl ED angezUID d" Commilaaria Generaal. Mr. J. A. dit Mitt, zich naar be,cat~ 'tor"JI eeoe andue De ._ C. P. Lurn.BBaG, AC.I.,er. bl de, door Hoogstdenze'ven \'l8tKeste,de KerkenoNPl'. ge~, eell achuil I haUl, ALBX. CaOLL eo JAMQ MUIlI.ON, die echte, .eder "'rkit'&b~.r zyn. tlagtetlkend deo 'i5 Jlllyl30J.. io het véertieode Artikel, '-'ft doobter. cue do moeder ." YOgco, ondor dit pu'nPUBI.1EKE VERKtOPING gelievpn "o'll'te8c:bryven: hoopeon br,r •• eo werd, IDAar, .... ruit &y duor do Do Swel ".1 ten 12 ore a.lnn.rd .. orden. DERDE TROEP, "AU. dil! Eicb als tot dat einde op wettig geaacb uit Ne· meD.chlieyonde pGilnren Uil o!'Dige DAburen, geluk(.'p 1u4".n Oil't'Ctearen, derland na herwaarts gezonden. hetsJ directel}k van ilier, kig x..b"ald werd, en. lIIoodt'''lk om ttl ycrmoldeo. 80 Eztra f)cfte Stagt enjonge Ouen, H. GOIWON. See. ' aang8l'IlQ all genegen, om londer den DaalU vao Zeride- sonIIer ~niJC ander .Ié&d dan oenil(o kneWlilll:fln.«J Gedresseerde Trekouen E heer CHItISTIAÁN LUDOLPH NBBTIlLING, Kllpltad. 24 Juny ]851. .. liogeD Oodsdi~ostl'oheschavlng te ~n teeTen ofoo ..ord~eo Lil{lero 5chol..ken YI).Igd.o bpla degel,ks op elhobJ d~ lJeidensche natien, buit··n d"l:'le:,zeo dez!!r Vollcplalltin" rlit I>nrp '''"ode te "l'rl.leO, z..1 dlaateogno'ga op 20 Extra fJetteSJogt Koeijen. ... ertl'ieQf>n tot zulle ooue loflyke ondt!rn8ming alle mage. der, zelt. lot den 7.1"... Murt. 'Tc Macri. (lP ht't • ••• taa"de MAANDAG tien 21 deur, (instede " •• den 16 ----------------------E Ondertnkende ui op MAANDAG den tlate ",,_, dr:zer •• 1. "'o.-ger tt..pa.ld.) -u a,n Wooobnit, pabl.k. lyke hulp. aanmoediginJ en oncl~r8teul.iog \'IIa het Oou. y"s:dl\nd :en de.Zt·ICs ,oDwiddelylo n.b,held, Z,II •• n Dridontrin. Ier pl".tlle I'In den bHr AB. PI. ZB.' doea n,koopen, Sof••• n 80f"a(rl., 2 doayMn punle. ",eroement." de Jt"yo11t"n rAflipapoedi, en hartyerscht!oren,1 g&oe llAlI (GrtOCI bf"jl,) Jl!" publi .. 1te Vead.Ue laten ""rkoopen. baa, Sloe~o. Ir•• lje A.DlIe'lafl'llI, Lampen. "'OOU Sp, ZOO II 't. dat Gou"l'l"neur en fiaaden. aan dit "oorseh'if't weeat. AI dil huJzen, .ooiftKon "D p.Aui.en. OO•• n«.m. getal nl,a veUe SI8ftt. Trek- eo jon,e Ouen ~II, J nt,.. ItMd. Holludacb. Eln tot 'Op d"n (rond Klokken; \'OOtli T.(. I., r n de .. gcasalgn<'erdt'o l30edel "lIn TnoIII AS & JODIe SnWLAfa I'In den Verlt!l(enwooNiger VIII het StUc.S·l3c....ln,1 alle mo- on'an!l:' iD de ,lad ~"Jari". tn Koe?..... -elke op dea d., der ....rk.opin' pn. SIOI'len. Ledek ... ten, eos. gelylc gew.cht hpchtend~ en pli~tm.liK ooJ'(le,,'en~e,. 0ll_l Ran ge.lechl, achf'oJ'en hcbben cich in do Sltat.'n Yer"III zulleo .y.. 'ENDEns zullen worden aangenomen, gc- dil Va'.e,k. IJ. Le,g~r •• H.lfl..,... .... H.lt ......... xtn PeDel zydp, SO~ veel In _DIlO I., HOO::r8'dessel('lOn~tlDgen loond, .!lRloit gedU;fig .wa,e' dampf"o zich ontluten, goede K~pk.,. e'lz. rinz.. .bJaode, a,I'aslK'erd lIGil deu !leer noss. Koopmans B, urs. t"l J. 1. HAUPT. lell oUlte dezer \ ol~plantlDg .te bevOrdereD, en lIan.de!l ,,:n· .. e ke de in eteteneo b'h. doon .'ikken: fonteiPurl. dea 10 July t851. I., Prot~tftll' Aa"tkek", Z-\'1URIIAGde026dezer, teo J~ ure. "oor de olldenol- d~ren bot ,m te .. akea dat UIt hardn &l\f'd g{)8(fe Inrigtin· I LJ • _.a d 'I d I ~ende AlJncJtdcD, te weten:lie breleD n. VILLI •• ' tt: HAt'PT, Veodo Adllli. gen niet ,loor mi... atting en milibruiJr, eeDe ",oor dit Maat. DCD Ir~D ecns .. aps,op:; ... ,oo, ,lor" 1 0., rOOIt" ~ aat. 1 0 lj Ba"" do. 4 Aandeelcn Kaap de Uot'de Hoop Bank sclaappJ scll81Jel,"e strekking verkrjgeo; nod.g geool"I~ld seu hlt:uwe (}Ii""ro.,,," Ir)' n. do Kobtoele OJlJH'f'Y Iokto 2 Aa"dffl.,. iJl tU Stellnabo.clu o".,.ibUl M.dIeMpP'!!. aan de'f'n Uithoelr, der aa,de YCUlIId"fênde. ]~ r..e"lu" .... Ilu, 10 dit" Kaap de OOI:de Hoop M.. rine Át8uraotic M.. t- bebb.lD aan het werk der Zend.,lingdn. Cirka 1000 lUOI> AAN ZILVERWl:RK. en ...... Goe. I()X) Extra Vette KaaplChI Hameu. eehll(lpy. deren. te yeel OlD le lD.ldeo. eene met ht" ....elzyn dt'r Kolooie o..ereenatemtnende lel~ing omtrent l~uO huisen 'beut, hef'tt ",ton _ullie st."n<fo 500 M. d(). M cri_o do. 16 dito Eqoltable Brand eo Trlllt Áuuranlie M.. t. le ,Ireven : F..a hebll&n Gou,erneur en Ruden ten dlf'n elllde "ebouden ... n nil't minder dan 611() Illoa.elten rekent J. WEGF., V.nd.·AdlD. IOt'h."py. . lE Ondergeu-ekende zal op DINGSDA.G dtn bc410teD. te .r~teere~, rlyk. dl·kl ..e arr~~o ~ d~: mono d.t aich onder do PUillhoopen bniDdt'o. welk Vendu, K.otoor, SleIJellb"leh. 14 Jul, 1851. 60 dito Uoion Book. .I H dezer 180 Jooetea~. ter plutle YaIl den Heer Art. 1.--:Alle Zl.'ud"lmgen. Elch, opbpboon, wetIJg omezach ID ~elal nrschrikkelyk . grooter t.ad .de,. Kolonie bev.ocen, zullt!odie yr.rhpld IAod· Id' .!Judo zJn ,ewee.t d DI Wo.n, per publieke ....odutie mten nrkoopeo, bo~engpm. TH OS. HALL. ') w~ in onder de hulpt'looae Hpldt'ueu Godadieu.t en be- de .cbok Da doo nODd p aat. ,ovon co ... anDeer 0 retal f:llnl .etle K"I_he en M..rino Hamels, wdlle uker JAMES SRA RfOHT, ~fle ... lgoeerdeo. tclla ..ing' te If'8:t'n en te bevor,lercn. t . io~elonen, na deo aOoOp hOnD.,r ~esi&heden. naRr op d.u dA« d.r ..erkoopinfC pl?leot aul"'n lIyn, WILLIAM JJOBIE, ~ .. Art. r.-Dit zal egter moet.on geschiPdI'll op !Jood.oigan af- bUla {e,.an. Het dorp Cb.orlO beeft byoa Ka.pa~ad. 11 July 1851. STEPS. J' MINNAAI\, JUD. Purl, deo tO JolJ 1851, Jlh~d, buiten cle ,Ioor Illlt Oouv"rnement gedciapicieeJ'de ,",0- hetzulfdo lot oodol,.an. daar het boyen.(o !Codedto &eni der Kolonie, dl1t de Schooien gceDe dagelybcbe .gemeen. ..a een hoogeD bor, in~ct"allen b. eo do kl.iDe buen D. He..rllo D. VILLI •• I a: HA,UPT, Veodu . .ldm. IIch~p met de grensbeIVooners, ..eel UIlO met de {nnfteo _dit "AD Bkoogik beeft , lt.lot, n. eli al dt' 90oio(en too E galachtige, f'n die .Iecbte ppylVert~nn~ Jn den iH .. lgncertleu Boedel "an T. & J. SnCLAtR. 'pehzeo 3.-ln woon"Dde loltezetenen of Scholeo NRtur~lIenJ kunoen hl'~bén. aa 0 deo Yoet daarY.1l • h .••('ft YCfójelJ. Eon .o"er de zoogenuna.de ot· Venameliagen d 100 EXiT" Vette Z",are 8lagtouen, lIebben, aullcn de rroot.te baat "inden by de OPerUrUU EN 'feno.ekt Ilat alle Vorderingen tegen boUJJ Naturellen door de Zentleliogen te formeereD zal crie. dorp. moer '.and".art. lilA la be~r.,e? «owor.1oo, oor en g.l«f.rtlL'fUle n Dr Lococlt. 20 do. • do. do. K ocijen. ,'tngemelclr &edel dadtdlllr te .erelfenill' worden ~ mogen ;onlen toegel"ten, die, onder ....elk .. ~iDg tit·, uilen. &e,enoYeqeaw'du rlgunj(elt, Y"D IWGa Z, verh.lpeo dad ..lyk .11. ong"UldbNen cler maar en in,...onden lUID de Geasligneenleo; en d.1 .Ue IOmmeo .. '1>o1G, binoeD de Kolollie ,.ei blyC boudt, eo tot d•.• Igemeene heu"ols. ·tullObeD _Ike .. "!-ZeI .. ,, ge~Ken ..... inll"'w.ndeo; ... reieeben IftN oothoudins YID 'pr', co !l'ecaelden Boedrl ..eraehuldig-d OIImid1klr E Ond('rgt'~ekenden zullen op DI NGSDAG reo ""~kiag derzel ..e beboord ;-teo wart! daartoe UItdrukkelyk 00 ontkom'lfto te M aen, Y~rontrus' doo, do her. i laD deo bebbea eea &eer AI.med., ,dPD !! dezer aan JOCl8teoberg, tl'r plaatae nn den Heer Oodergl&hkeade worden b"'.~ld. ~a ~oa_aioatilD verioC "In. bet Go,:,..errl!'ment wae ..orar~~; baaldo .chok kon, .. etke Dog d.,.ea daarna 'l'oortOl \\ Ht, per pub!i"ke veodalie "erkoopeD, bo"ngemeld THOMAS HALL, } li~aOl.g ,.erloC ech~r nltlf, dan In CAI "'&Dooodaakelykh",id, dourden. hoewe' na ce., IiI416r .ald, syn lot yoilij(rttal H'n Jelte Slagtoea.-n el KOl'ijen te ....ordeu opgebragt , JAI\fES SEARIGHT, Oeaui,o_rden. aal ....~Ir(len. toegl'ltaao.. beid lt f'fl •UXt .an bOor4 nn dkloiDO ,aartui,e~ cl eli door den Ilet'T C"UL ~. HAUPT. Pa. ea "eDteleker preA..,bnftel,k rt t. Ooit zal l"lier z"ndehng, al"ortlll .Icb Land W'a&I'ta. .-!. I \\ II.LIAM DOIJlE, Ifn! tull ..n 'po. ba te begeveo, aan den Gouverneur en Generaal en Cba( moeten YlachacbQHf'D, 1D0t "'Ier. neml'n 0!"JO ycel KOO a. K"p'ttld. 8 Jul, 1!!51. g..... n cladel,tce halp in .. thm., leerinr, boat, en'.11 V<adu Kanloor Paarl; 10 Jol, 1851. liiekend makeo de plaats, 10 wl!lker omtrek hr ..ooroemP.a' 'l.J .nn I,d tol tyd yan,onder do pulnboopca dor p~lL~C.ldbedeD vali ede .. eli !ongeII. Dl! VILLlBas a: HAun, Vendu-A~~: it ~ leND en altOOII voorzien moet.'n ayo vaD een certifikaat bUIzen koo.len rodlteD, de In('ulo yan welke ZIC" PUBLIEKE VERKOOPING. Voor Z • ...,. rn o,.nba,. RN.n .. ,. z,n II' oatraard .... ,an d~l ..eB, "'aarby aoodlnige PIIa .. of Diatruc .• tAaC uit· bol(eWt:o hebbea Dlar 8i .• i, Rbode •• eo aDdolo c:ih,obelderea ea _&elkea d., ....ID. pdlouk&. opdat let Gou vernemeot ton all~ tJde. gel.nf.)rm~rd den. (ó}) UitgezoclLte ZlfJare Rameu, gemaar- bur tot het In d.n BOed.1 "'"II w,l.n ALIDA AOATB4 V A. BaaO.H, y. ~aar omtrel;'t yder, Zlli I·AfrilrMnscbe Z..odebng zioh beYlod Te Sam. ".a "ord op d.n ~ FobtuarJ eeoo .terke Wedn .... an rSAAC PBTRUI SCRABoaD. YOu de PaarL Ar ... ,'jo De uodehogf'D .lIllen gehouJeo .JO, om 1:.1allo hd' Id did d b d lx>rgd te %y", ën uitmuntende K cmditie, 0 d k d h bbc" ; hik-· le!!'enhaJen aan het Gou .. ~roemeot een tchrif el ..k ac U din, l'e'" ,IDa., ~ YO ce gecoo.c a e. zrLLE~ op DINGSDAO d~ 15 dezer. ter plaatte "Fox n ergetee eo en e n IDstructien ODt~ ~I ;~ ':nden van deo ''',:lt hllnner Schooien; dat i., O".e leaers zollea sich ben?oeron, d.t de beruchte Hebhee eeD .. npn.lII' ••-: & Hounds JOIl", Eu.te Ri,ier ... orden yerkocht ea De b..u medieyn 'oor "roerwen. "... ,en den EXllCDleureo de Executriee Teallmen· .... ~:r"tucbtgevolgen de bescbaving der. N&lun!llen o~der hun kolossu. "all Rhodes. we"e ID s,oelt "d Yoor .. 0 yaO __tr Jl~ot !lyu. .muk. Volledip "ooraeh,iftelt ayn '''''~ b, elk doo-J •. talr 'a ~el<1en Boed~lt leom op MAANDAG ti •• 2~ ~. debt heeftrnha,J ?-",aario.d~"I"e beataan "Jodeo de ."yon db woodoren der ",erelTJ .. erd , 234 .. houdeo, door d•• r. ,., poblieke Vendltlie verkoopeo, a.ker Erf ... Dlel h' ? bun I d h t I ?_ d i tcl . VerkOt"bl in doo.j •• "D II. OeI., .a Sa. Cid. elk., by W. H. SMITH. de d.. roPl,-rtde Gebou.en, (zYllde eto' \Voonlauia ~II een ... elk, ea oe veel Vef! 1E1 ,·zlltcn.e ~'" YID I! an eeno aar eY nl{ .. e om.!'r ,."orpoa ~.,eQ Yoor 10 Jill,. 1851. J. T. POCOCK &; Co., eeni~e Astent.n aan d. IIv.rbuia) gel.. en iD dit Dorp, -iD d. nabyh~i'" ,YIO d. ,,;;elk occur- ....ode?-Jt! lucbtl<gPlJtI!!.l~eid Chri.lu. 66 Juen "Da bet D. Heer C. P. 1.II<I>I"S"O. Alllager. Art. ., G.-Bepaalt Kre~Ztln d.., ~olbnH'. elU. . yerbazeodo loboor"', lo .. ic eohébI»Qnde .. ."'0.'«110(. '113,000 lb. Aaa Kaap de Goede Hoop. K., k ;-~el&el"e ia groot 2&6 k.adr .. t roeden eli ·Art 7 -Zendelingen die na de 18&lI bunoet' bestpm11llng Ik. bourt' l is ;""ot., IcJ tooteala ". d k.adr~.1 '~t.n. hnft een kleioe Wyn, ... d. ro it bepl~ot MMn' ~f ...n daar ';rugkomeo. t ~y der.eI ..e ~rde~" z,:, eOllo gc OD.'I 0:IJ 0 .• 11 c _l di".," IOOfteo ".0 VraebtboolDf'D j-al.mNa _o.,el Lie. ~o 11)'0 of niet, mogen bioneo de Kolonie «eefte UIl,~ll,ekto prac~lt,e_ ra1 •.oll yao "elo Ja BUUR. G~r:en Ian °Pite~. DocHI behoor.nde. Godltlil!D8toefeoingen boliden, d"D alieeD met ..olkom ..n toe- L,c.o ~D de .. liet yaD X.O~IJUI, .... rna Ahort d. E Ondergeteekende ~et ft aan het Publiek ken- loeae Huis in Houtstraat, voorzien van 6 Ka. De KolI'dltiell V!rkóo, nn bet V,:lljfoe<i, en de K.. rt! .tflDminC ..an dt-o Uou"e~neur e~ Gt!lU'raal en ~bef, oC den ItU.D ti. en YaD waar bot Jh.~" "~tua de bel.",Ilia., dat by yt'rhuiad I. naar rle Roaestrau No. 63, m.n, hf'hal •• Kombui. 'e .. .lcb"'"utrek. tha .. !ko. .. Traal~n. syn Ier IOzage ... bet ~.Iltoor "0 de UD' i K,r\ennad van bet ~iftnkt .....aann EJ'SlCh _,inden. . r,kn kuutro .. rooIILeD. heelt .,., .. owd ••• Ito d..O<lll<l d • neut de BrouwerI Villi Mr. STaM.WI .. ~I D OOr Mr. ti. IJIX -Te by J. O. BA_, clerJeteekeodeo. Art. 8.-De Zendehog Klobehr, aan. deae s,.do a d. zelr. zll~a "e,akrOD. Odtd~t, or IteYer "ode, belLe ... ' 1\ dtt,..I, lIotk der Brrnlrut. P. A URET. Notaris Publiek, OF. VilLIERS ct HAUPT. Veadu.t..dm, 7.. ~.riyjer. eeD a.:bool ..an NaturelIn gl!"tu:bt bebbende 1. door doD Iteer e.. oiatre.ot 10 jareD lel~dCl ... .::-:Paarl. den 10 Joly 1851. ~ ••og beataat ... 1 beta.!l ..e aldaar mogen 1I&Ilho1ldea, ooder Sedort ba.eD .... od. Cer pe,.. ..... a.C!bbe. .., drie nitdrukke!yke Toor.aaMI'O: • i T·b' d d d \7}RIOREN op Woensdag avond d~n 2 J~11, Landdrost omtrek un oue"en 00 nn (bet ,. IIIOD ".0 an lftot •• dcn ta Y my Ond('r~ett!t'kl'nrlPt i. op de plaat. a8De oomng. . D:!o debinneD ....elkeu van dit Tulb:lgb II:houl 4"0 lbepaald 11.1uimoet.m Aui.u.cll ~ETUfte,. oudo• Tf.pe.u) lf, lY dlg't aan de IP"'Hftle pl.. t ... a dt'o Heer N. YÁlI l.kom~D 3 rl.,den. te .,.ce.: I •• eet '1'01 JI.rrie. VERDWAALD of gestolen, te Breederivier, :~; ~ , . . M•• rt. Je •• ( ... koad; .. o ''''00 z• .,o ICltok.k"D Uil , rrt,I.J(JH, 8~ht~r tie PII,I, 1'e0 rond. "itru, Ot, _I ~r OOI( alt du knp. I"fgter ,ex,rpnot borrel. cJr'" 8 Jaren 'DilIriIrt Worcrucr, in de m.uod Fl!b.uary 1l.4 B.: Dat bioof'D dezen omtrek dezelfJ. ..erphf:0(eo zul, aarJb"yinl.ldau ,.yooI4. lia",cbel pypen raakte,. "S1'Pl'<'lde 1,1. ~ ken,_ Die .. n dt'D Ollderit'te.:kuJ. Jr.ftlUlf jhft .... dl. nud j .'.med4l. I a•• rte H.nll'& "eawn, 2 jam oud; 1 !lito Ouen, I!t'D.rOOtle, el'n dordtprrootl", e~n ,.artech,ldt'r. .n "'0 plSá. t. ~ebben, omtrent dit daarom leg~ ogez:~n..,n uo do muren ,loa. deureD ,,1<teOD OP"D, 1:0 Yele ou le PS r ..~, ·f i. aal Iwlonnd "ordea. bI" 2 U~ ._,.. .". de, by d, '. 3 ~, A d.,,~ ••• p , Il. Ol had l'en ,il'm aao deo kop. .kk .. a d..o ba!.. De. Ijren,aol ku duel .. telui bekomen keilde bezorgt f oarigt ge ..tn kan "'"Ar dé&el"e aich beVladt!D, d.. "! bUiten de Grenzen ZyD. wo IWh.1:leO der KolollWlet yao .... bolaor b.d pi.... A.rd 'in~o. h.. bbon io "rl dto i Jul)' 18:)1. b)' bt-tallogdezer .dwe,tentl... zal bo"enal.au,(.., hdooniu*, out"aDgeD. Gren.bewoor;d ..nr !lyn "LOr I;"3Clor,.<t'n. . dB' .J,-:k zoela,,"oa zelden pIUu.-Mqrnilln C4r__ 2 CII R'ISTOFFEL LOIIBARD~ F.. J. P. THERON. !-rl. 9·-II ..t H...rnhuL'r~ E Uhh''''',oent 10 e aVIUM , ." IJ. 0 P. ENSLIN. Achter flic:lkektt.uled, dtO 8 July. 18.)1. Kleio Drakenalen 10 July 185t. klooC, welk tvt blt:rtotl op &Ilabaode "'Y"e ,etragt b....,ft, A/,ri.l. 8&RRVBlBR, op bet pont staand. Z lw 1851 I • D eest Ioop G eweren; . :"." tO.... D dena • =----------------- -N ieuwe Juwelierswarsn, enz. MORGEN. 0- VAN EElY Z, PAKHUIS, O , D ,V. Pearlt>n _ :P,. d ... : ~ AN C Y··Ëni,t"S·T~PEt l nlll - .II....iD KIoe4ee. EI' I , _ P~~ ' ~t,~a~i:;:~;:';~1:~~R~~:'~!~ Pri nce, CoIllso n 4' Cq. .<\ ~!!~~::~n. f..':,~r:= ...::'.t.~!;'! j. De Heer J. :&. , , " tbe- 2nd' ENSLIN. DAG TEN 10URE' In pdrakte " ~"""- J OJl'l"VANG£JI IfIfARY AN." -....... ae.r..... :' ;' 1lBlJlt8l't Assortement Fyne Goederen, ~hikt voor het tegenwoordig SáJzoen, ' rraaij. r moderatQ (N"""_J . Prince, COllis.t»n ~.,.~ l UITGEBRElbE Binnen Verkooping, IJeer L ZA L gehouden worden by' den -,U DEN21 JULY 1851, TEN 11 URE PRECIES, if~B, q.q. 1· J.I r- i OP M£.A.ND£.G, Cllurel\ it1 foa: Buai.. .lbe • ot Htt op H" -ï.r el nU :?If: thereto, «>pen, BE8ERYE. zll, get'o)ge "Jl Jl E~ ODdelJUf .. _d..................... ..., 0 It "'0 Uk , &4d I. P, lOl Marine Assurantie Maatschappy, I) I b., S~"'. o..a. bei.............. ac TE .foe.co...... ... ana,.. STELLRNBOSCH. I) A A N D E E L E;,N • D .,ke, Y. l • "w,. II .ta,' I LOCOCK'S -_ PULMONISCHE. ".,en Vroxrcen Otnoeb. -------------------- D :. 4rt. M o-eu ... Il DEBIGT_ 'D ....,..._....u. Dr. Lococks .Pulmonische ",f .0 Ouwels, c c 'e. V,u, Dr. Locoeks vrouwen Ouw~ls. DE ".0 113 EE~ TIJ be,,.,.. O ".0 r. .t.odoa. I .reDo.. I 2£ D 1 B 'U' ' •• "';m_'. Je~.... m., - .... m."", I ......... ".",. . '.11 lA' I 'm: O"~J""'" ! ""',00••• , .., "".Iea ... 1.... d........ '''''''''''.. .... ..,d.' ........ - -', -." , !:,_' .. ~{ 'r"'~""•• ' • .. I .1. """;tj ,. ." r., wral", y..n:y.nnlsrhl1l t.ell,h."t: _II mmb,i .w,~d genomen werden om een Gou ..et,u·ur'n~ar de kolo•• de " ..n.t.. klnn.n, ~ b..,:"m zoo mov..ly" lJtt tente nie ~ zeilden daar er thdDt! aldaar '.eeD andere uit d.... .ea te ", me« rn tie ."cf .... ·te ~I!'ft;. flwt nm ! .. d "I' . d; tft d? . 3u 5t.n .' Na.idcla,t •. m.' Dllu."ezoetl ...l" te lI'It..n : of t. ofld.raoek.or _Ik',' III ,an een mllwre .~nge ...n . .~, " 10('I'8One1l,,." h·d.·re bJSH",Iere ramp .t ,oor .. l••• ~-, Dé heer B. Ha .. zetde .dat hy "e!DOlDM bad If~nde n"Ulk,a ..... n, e hlerd .. r in ,,~.I" kOmfoa, 'dat .~_ eenitte resignatten hadtl~, plaats ge_ om t. mOt'le" .h.fr.·", • tlt. &to 'ya Alle bra,. I' YOnd"D, dal. de Gollyetiltur 'far' 'twoordelyk V.,I.,lII ..d ..rll .~Ie""elyke V..I pl.nt e] ln d.. ,oert •• " . , ~....... ~~_ d ' _~ het 00" md .ftf1lllln~ ,.. ,ool'<l()rdefoko, m.t b. was "oor .. ......,........ von ,f'1l : iIf'. I g erte tot ,,·nohth .. , b<'hulpuam w.ll"" n: de her- Yerne!ment oog jl. , kracht ",.us. I . KAA.P.T.D, J.I.JVLY 1851. •• ·mllJr 1'( bl-wlI'ln:! "an' nede. met. de oorwprOllkel,II., . •'i' , • j. .' i..b<,orli"j(en Z(lO Kit"", al ",oltrntoUeol dl.. mede CIVU,B' v. MILITA:IRE GOUV'£R,NEURS. DE Grenspost op Il. Donderdag verwacht, is eerst .1II..n " ..rkrn tolt b· t cfl",.t wan h"lI'f'fIn n()(ldftr II· I ~ ! "urdea be"ond ..n lot .flIYIIllft~ rUit en orde lu de Volle; , III den nacht van IJ. Vrydag aangekomen. DI' k,,;ttolht.ldialJ dl)()r deo Commi~rU OeD~ I (M~d¥l"ld.): Het nieuwslbr die ~elegenbeid outvangen is, wat p.ntlnll. . het-ft h. t ,,"oorl!'ffeD41 ultll"wlleht. D.l «,OObt •• e,bele,I.,. welke le G-~to.. en Maa('" j<Jllgste bewegingen der troepen betreft, van rlalar..t'''ondill'' Het ""ettuur z~1 VO,'rtall", zOOik hopt'.n bt-,rou •• ~ aaeht. rhic .. ~beeft pia ... "nondeD; tOODt doidebk de ,oor,. Tl~n eenigzins bemoedizenden aard, nietteaenbIlIyk. ma.r kl'1lrhtiJ{ 'yn, ,eeaie fI~ertr ..di~:cen dei .~u.o delletjl a"n "0 een ei,iten Gou, ..rlte~r ~,en .ea <.' .iande de Uevestigin~ der gerapporteerde ongesul'ee ODIletllr8't blY"f'n; ZOnde, otwf'''''f'rp'n. c .. , fin eer· , •• die Militaire Gouwen.fOuf., welke fD •• la,.d .... , bied ,oor dil wl'tI"D t'n re r"ICrrlqll. II e, tr,~n nl.. tseh.ppe· al tei ""el de nlode 'f'h.d heefl om te' heloObtnlt' .' .. vollen zeleden in de onderscheidene ontmoetingen lyk geluk. Z,'uder r~tnar"lghel/lllllllt h,·t (feen .olk "el. be.""n diensten te in.t .. U,.ren. Nad", i~OIaltd sy,ne LA,MI'STB '8EllJGftN VI.lf HKT HOOFDIW.\R1'I-R, met d~l~ vyand in de Amatola, d. Holl.n.i~b e A~ri"'nftl ,.10<1'~!I1. d.t hila bel.o, be.te d. en iD de arm" h<leU ,raJeteD ••• naloer !hJ II~ cr.. militair. f'tfP,............. "apkO'll.n, heb"'" Binnen de grenzen echter wordt het werk van .eo Zoo w.loMrt my d,.rbaar I•• dMn av regt-mur ~r cyn . ~. d I h '" "'~ ... Kla( Wdllam.To.lI, to& deo 2de d_. nog .ndere men.cben, rli..... nap, ... k· oJlllt'lebermin, !arbtiell, ,oor. ~Clrd......, d.ens' le ou eo w .. n~et me? el moord en verwoestiog wakker voortgezet, terwyl pubI .. ". deetllDetltea _t de .. ",1C!lr!'ftheld o""',.(..zt)rttt... verwarring en wanboop overal zigtbaar 'VJ~. Op en wel, nl de koloni., ..n. ID de et"... pl.all ~ Hot. moe,j~lyt .Indt. OIO hem. nultl~ te hol, '. K.·brIIlUD, S,D sier _111'11, ,ertr81rW .. wy, tot Prtkti\. I.n&o&teo, die "y '''borrn K,.n,." op d.a rrond,-. • IIl1n "0'111, bl tot eeno kolo.ne bellOf' .. d, .Iaj or, het .. n verscheidene plaatsen trekken de boeren, Uitgeput ge,~ea .. nleldiar .... en. l'e OOUYlroeur rorpt 1114'1 oorapronkelyk by Uililuilin, be"oo,d., .I,,",id, .ei Ithe~ ,rteh.lLt Ilolt .pcelgo,'1I ia .00r den ou,deldOfli. ea oad"", ..,.".,.,.,..., mali "P.lleh te •• peoea M .I~ "11 niet langer in staat om. wegens den vermagerden en ",i.ldelen ".n bnl".n mUt'ten kunnen "I"den. '. bebben bew".cn w""I·DI,k kOItb,,,. '• ."elJ(oed.re. ~. ZfN BxéelIettUe pelt syn ,m.nllft ko ba. <;' nt hunner paarden, hunne positien te houden, De erostig.le ,",J(<<"tI! nn .Iea eo.miu.ri. Gentr .. 1 en ,oor'ThCl@..tmoeder Enlt.land te s1n : ..... t' dit I. afk' rtft OlD -.lift ,la IJ. ,et'~eD t. cIoeo, t.ea " .. tie bet ''It anne,"f .Y .olko 'PleelltoedereD binnen de kolouie ; terwyl op andere punten, zy de myne i•• dae dne menlelaeo ... n lleene miaband.lin« ..a b.ar .,ilCe.~ld te ~ ........ r Iwt tOIL ap Ikta le •• 4ft. bloo'«rt&eJd wo,d ..n, dat !teeo., hfSOodere. ~,~nen zicb ia "~"'e .. na ·h.~r Jtdillfkooa~ë kind"rer atell. .!ln die nw0 in staat zyn uittetrekken, weder byeen .tefItN!tI Ijl "~"" .. de ~DtIf •• tle <te ere.... ~"matillfro .~et-d•• tr.If',·n oper de 10 ),~nneb Cl Diu "od",. ,efluch'rn al. d.t '1 dr.-lIl,e "dien ~tIt "'racbtUdll te ,ergnat ... ea .... te d ..... 1.:001('11 om den ah.emeeneo vyand terug t&dryven. dl 'Dlt .ynde ,ullecwf.nen; d.al de o"ereenkom.ten, .tae md .. en .at ftullie .' ,o",,1 al. .io,IJk iUOIct"Itr.• D.· ~ ""_iJde bew_iIttr la de Amatela il "" Maar, hoe veel de darperc kJ~ine beftden ged~an ben "'r diening by de ingf'ulen.n Jie... '" "orden. bIlIyk, lObou.d .,D .orden in het ,,,,t,"'t: ,aD Oude ,C)ldo_tttde ; eie ..ortJd~II. ,..._ went. Iaraondubbel&ionil{ en beKb.efea ,zyn; eo d.t desei ••• et G,ooti.o .• ordt" Jl: b' Ik." .tuk ,eblok"n door die hebben en nog mogen doen, kunnen bunne pogmd",.... de yyod .,..,., ,.... II.. da. goeJe troa. .ord.n n~ ..kOtneo ;-jI;r.n p"rtlcull.r mod "... I f,!t'1l met geen wezenlyk goeden uitslar' worden be- tla' ... o onderne'U«'n die ~chep.. len ill kelfnen le Iluiuto of I. kh,df'reD ,'an ,rrooter ood ..rdolD. wellte .., ~e bowari.., _kt, I'd•• tJeiatd'e'"", ....................... .,.... le F...., k roond, tenzy gebolpen door aanzienJyke versterkut)'deo: m .dO#. sy I(rt".I)"I. moeteo .y .. n"ekl .. p dall".D heef'll~f'rt,C)Uwd. ' "orde. Ity d, o"e,b~t'O, die ... d.... n. btthoorlyk, ondttW~~k It.... n kan OftCr.l'cbikter da" ,de .nuee, op "" ~INO 1&rIIc:o, uit .. kingen. Hoe deze eehter verzameld kUDnen wortIen .. ld ·_ . wek "er de .... lIt aaJ~n _rtl .. lea. nf beo a. o...... dijr. OlD e.·!" .taatStll.O en diplOma.top le l.i,lJu •• ipmand is inderdaad moeijelyk te zeggen., daar een ge~p op v", dell ti, -_ .., 1600 ... \1 50 ...... Itf'dflft .an dro ...,ler onr,eYd. GefOhe du", .oor de dio ~n ,ehe.llewlIII lewooa i. aall tu4ibl eoaehoo,. om hulp aangeheven w.>rut, werwaarts het oog z~h den. W, Da'" " ill INt ~I'kci te 'II Volkplaolill' zoo ollonlM,lyke met.aeb;en, .allen· morn hoorl""mheid. di • bloo'e wiel i., w'a,door bel wendt. Albanie, Somerset, Cradock, Albert, VIC- briel .ordea. '. "ud ....... , ...n lm...,. te",", ptlloal'" mede ... It .... o,",rhrd ...., le k~.n •• 1. zy .erkl";g wo,ltl en wallr de GaroilO('lI prdo" .JO , ..... "" .W, ,erttakha te - ...... ebt t )ria, Richmond-inderdaad !.lOgS de gebeele grensLullen ".. I1H'eft .. n milbandelifllld ol onl'efl& ,.n,edl' \0 le lel,""e wellen 'do, "'lode,. en PerM •• s~lk. eelt lo'" be<n rdet laft .. aft,. .. ,.. den.... 1I.·t 731.. werd tIOOr z,n. na IU ... zull~" Iten boo,en en rt!Mldoeo .ede.".r,. . i. birt n,eer J{.'sc',il. t, om h .• loo.erne.ol .an eeD lilli... ,an het Oosten naar het Noorden, heerscht elflD loIoaeI Craal ........ ,..,.1. De id"" werda! po De COmUIII~llfi' G..ner .. 1 .. I jf~de _tlen en b,,"eebr~. -, nl .' . clnzeifde toestand van zaken. Somerset "ooral leo "oor de oonpronkelyke A(rik"nen d•• "t.llen; IIlUr .,y ,olk tf! aa~.aa en, daa bJ bt rekende II om na.r beel ~eraJaCU. &Jode. de DJUiehappt"n 100 I\'pI.. tat, dat s"hvnt in den uitersten nood te verkeeren. gelyk Ondl'rtulsebl'1I lal men zieb bet bo"nraesde moeten de mllan le ,he_on, hel .al a't,d Lel.el~de s1D, lEGO d •• al.1e .,clea ... _ knUt ' •• r wu bloqt getUI4. boud en ; .erruita dit alleen 1..1 de He~(erinr k.n "OII:.I,k lang ~n,eland het .le I... I b1 der ".nd Deeml. o,m MeD l dae Ml Vilehrider bOaC:Ia Da dJeirk rt. b!yk..n zal uit het dringeod beroep .om. hulp d?or mlk ..n zood.nige ,clllkkinp.en te beram-a, ,I. zullen ku.nen na do Guneraal. mE't Ikt Guu'eroemeD& vaa oe80 .ai"" IJ'II de HOUUloltee • dell Civilen Commissaris van het dlstnkt officlcd lt.. e(I., der Stock die locatie • trekken. om d. "ouellt~tlea .et."lyk 'oor de .otkpl.nkolooie to !M·I"onen. , f ..daan. Een correspondent van die plaats schryM&e,.......... GelyklydW ... dit, lII',t _a cla& GetJentII linlf nuttig le doen bly .. n, en &elfa ot .. r Ib"o. doen \\ elligl s ... e..oe oit-owe orde jan s.ktn i.plaa •• ' ,ioWilde onder dagteekening 3 July, deelt den vol- "orden; zon ,Ier dat z, Ii"dt'n ,oor de ru~l eo '"Ui<t'id den ea de oude mo(h·s .all hill Koloai ...al Uureau .01_ 80.."., Ma be".-Iaoapc- op tUk... .... &88 tiatle '" ~:enoen, wanhopigen toestand van zaken mede:I.. d ~ulot& Daal' de Wiu.t.erpn eo wa • ...., IIIr kunne~ Ifl!Pluirlyk zyn .of bl)' ... n,-m.ur tel(en.over"flteld, 'en pl.a's moelen o•• ken .oor ie'. meer h~end •• gsoh So."", I,k te aai ......... -ia "elk ,"",te ~ .. Wv lenn bier lh.a. in een z... r onger"At~n It ... t, en zoo door IIefJe ..n If .. b~eblbe,d uo bet land eli de 10K~~~"nen, en nuH'". W 1 zullea Gllu'c'neurl bekóm". bele. WHITTLESEA. poe&ell 'oor Itet .... nwoord.. ..IIe. worden daarrate14 la. I Gou\'f'rnement OM oiel le I.oulpko.nt d.n i~ het den A I· ,Il'l Dood. lIullell ~unnen med ..... !keo ter .• fk""rlnl!' nn op.e'o~l. ia do .taatkuadi.!e ICbool, en ",et minder of bID,... .. ~, et. .. ....achappect 4u Seplatb( yun SC"~J'f'r bf'keod .at nn on. worde.. z.I. De. K.f ..reemde mlllften. die. de Volkpl ..nt'fJr byeen. ontboopte pJpklel ""set ' mannen • die erD 'rOl;, .Otk kUDaen V RI'DA.G.- Met d. inlandlfCb. maal III itlero .. lI!l inllaa' sullen pdarig pa&.rouiU.. ua den Kaar lt f>." lo"p"n nu de kolooie by boopeo in en dl! troept'n h"Il"'" r'r.dehreok JlJOlflenWIlier. .. n,.nd ..n. liet il mj nu" .. YourlCekomell. Landdrost.. a dit te leldc:a. en die wE'lt,;a "onn~n maten .0Qd~r bombario. a.ond .... gekomfIJ, bebbea "'1 bet yolgende ont- ........ llDOdIIC de ltrOOPera die la... la,", II in ""tT ·r1.. ncl zonder cI.1 men laoort welk nUl r.r d.ar .errill Koolnl:ln zulleo ,erte,en"oor. vangen:v_alNlte. acltterbMla •• .....ieId lrunBeIl WOfdett'er. IInM h",11'''1'5 .Ibi",. lIun "lien op de wacht. ....• -chry.eo ; gy kUilt er by ICdel(elibeiti p;..hru'k 'lUI 'lI.keD; ('~ dlo onze Oen.dIJt. K_ at H.nm.. &idt het d.lrikt U~ en ,ek,heden. ~. 22 Ju.y.-Wy b..tJbea twee ga!'.,. ~,.ngrn, .1. K"lf'e". len lI'etale nO 600. zyn omtrent 5 IIren ."0 h.u •llIllr ik zu..r «urlte aien wil, dat myn. in,i"lI'n en bedo ..liu, ,hjleo .ollder kluch~pol rn ,e.telenwOordlgenden Wanneerfde kolonae oen de ~kl .. lelden, cI.. t de Zoolah. dlgl beg eo met '"" ,.a d•• Ouc.. erDetlr 0fD "tIaar Illll Il"zien .n hebb.o een patrouille •• n 13 mAn ."ngernml "" I;en. die dell..lfle uls tlje nu litu ComluÏUllrJI Gener.al ala, b~n met!r dAn HO uor .er Icbl.r1'oll(d. De Boeren zy" IJckellil word ..o. vora, '.a Gouv.·rnemeat b"ko"t, ..... n~r de Keis- by lyD. EeD .... dat .J aaa d" BulNe t.IIC !ph." bt- .. mao te'_rd te """.'., te "ordea .. aetaoetreerd op pabl~" Keu kder ft' Alet by,uud"re conlider.tle heb ik de eer my te ooder- karun". eo Or.nj ri,ier De represeat,ant.n aaar bee m..' .. Ttuabootlel. _ .... lf.-.I,: ... wie ., ,_ wl koatt'a, e" lt,· de.U ti .ul .... tJa,cea. jlt'b.rl .fgemat ell bll'lDe paotrd.n kUllllen I)' ni"l me~r lie roepeo- te doen "'t by k.a eo allen m..t .. kkent.4 bruiken ; wy bopen 0V •• sill" tie van het Gou"ern""ll'nl sch,y,.u, het Parlement kunnen den •• aDneer cle bel.ncen oDdrrllota4-....-ordetd .00r" •• rtI &ned, -ne. de gelakk"" .. ,olsn 'fIOIdi& f" ten Wllf'k zyo er pipr m.nsebAppen un onze zyde flood De Gou"~rtlE~n, eo Generaal. der gren&en .00.ellH-keod &ln al. dh Yan !!IweUeadam GlICloreade 11ft .... 1'0 tr1'1 .... lItI'ooperyftl Il' Ichot ..n "oor Hott""tHt ... O en K.tr"r~. eli tie bOl'ren lyn (Gl·t.) JAN, WILLEM JANSSENS. en de Kaap. d.n &t.llI"D .Y niet veel le 'fi.ef'senb.bppl. op de bet AIber&cli8trikl. lo•., .eet,," oa""'a, Het -Wyl t., dat er door d. Ootteatotlehe rebellea 111ft tit ....rp';gt hllone wo ,".Ietl~n met.1 hel!(een zy "eziU .. " V,oor COP""eonCurm, hen v~or tOt,kom.tilCe Katr",-oo"o~en. I)e,grea. mo,e oolaDJl' bebbn de 11........ UOOpbeMeo o.&m9« 'eroJeL.lIde, ... IC""'rll'll'eO en n~or d.. binnenl'hd .." te vlogt ..". De Oe Kapitein Aide·d.·C,.mp. nu en dan' door dieven .e,ontru.t worden!, m.ar dese. e• ..., _I • ., .. ' ,. ~ DI' doOr Kafte,. I. eie Amatoladtea .. de .. de,,"uo heWnnf',1 ".n d.. F,,, .. ,i~rl' zyn toplui g.. ruiu ....rd. f)~ W. B. Ko PARAVICINI DB CAPELU. h 1-1.-_ I. b . Oeaenial Bo...,. ukere &1U 1f*Iaaa. Dit lJt. zullen \olgE'ns de wetten Itc·.trllft worden:; w1 zulleo ... __ ---... _ •• _ a ~•• hoort lDeC «fooie 0-. jfrbe~le Fronli~r lijfl or"n .n de K .lfen lo<p 'n w~ar II' ","l1ilCl niet weder zulk een ioul bele.eD~ al, t.... e'Ilcbter ,. Woolptlelcl h•••• aatpt,alligheld OlD "e,.,e, .." .. n ,Ioen w I 7.V W il"'n. zond ..r d"t 7.1 U".! in kUD Someréet .... hoort le 4a' ..... ".. eOrdeeI il dal bJ DE KttYGS WET. ",oo,diir bC.laa.. ban de beeehe,..... U. koerclt_ nt'o .orden lI'ehir,d.,oI.":'Oe droogte eooLi..uet!rt uog'-' ook .. n aadeN om..... ipaeid wordea aoegeeeb,...eo. dru """ .. maa, " •• tw:pfp .ladadlprt aJ te _bl WilD<> 'brftaat, dat NIl grootea rraa4 In het HO'I!!I·rhuis. or' den l,de April. tOPI! Ueoorapronjf .. ndontelCla .. oordi~ooorlo~i.mel ...... I,kd.pdaehteJeecloorbee ' ... d.8 .... _t ..... eo. delti beeft. tt..,. for .... Van Jezen ellencJigen toestand van zaken schynt "ao r'4&Nttcboeid.Jete.... lItttt ..,. ...... ce:treetlt _ .,. Inrol 'rllrriilgt')/I zyl!e mlil\I N!!!f'Jen als t!cweu.'f1 ,"ene groolere dui'lerheid OCnK"'elt. d .. o .. ni,e \'foeI(Nr d.o 100 Ka!' ..,. sya op deu Stortabef'l If8ChirtBde_ Sir iI .-\lUI.Y SMITH volkomen overtuigu. Hy schryft , ..re. en dil loont all"en aao. dal bet oude Kaa".. OlDtreo&de lDaand I(ai door de Boetea " •• 1...." gedlXMl ..n ea ,eel k.tbaar leYea I0Il _bebbea ,. .. paard.' V~ van Ceylon v.'rJl.'cli~.le, ontviel ua( IIladsche Gouvernement onlellÓhittcor i. voor de ea nl8I ... ea pa.rd b~1'IIOID4tO tOO mali syo \oteollteD .Y. door bee vt'raldd, "Ier ,erIiet, satiooul Jeo tlezclve indeluaad toe aan de nederlaag dovr UC'I GOllverllcur kololllo. daD op eeniK nOfO,o, tJdaUI'; d,t er toerooIe by de~lebt-icL'aeiw.cb , enatDeld, .,Iw!»- .praten, •• n ... 1 IDel!rbelan, ja d.. de , ..rd,Jging '" tt v_ya.nd inlKafferlanJ geleden, aan eenesoorl van weer Gre,v (le vohren•1e :lullmcrkill!!en:-. ,. Wy "eten d:tt io l.v·It!1IU" ;.o(h~ en orstall,l. ""nneer onkundE' be.tond omtrellt den waren st •• l .an het land _ ..... cUea.tea be"eNn. aebtele lC.tri.1er Volkpl.nU.... De Itolna!tteo 111 Ilrt wraak aan zynen kant. Ma;;,.r Ja:.!r geen gt'deeltegHumél .. bewillig.. la eeolge COIIIprotIIeeIe ID de Ad.he, gc ....oon bestuu, gewOI>nlyk :.:,'.tn·ffi,1 \\Illrul, eli de b ...per- t •.t Op het ... rkriJit uitbr ..lteo "n .,."d~lyltbeden; ~ Jer duizendcn in 's vyands grtludgclJicu-tot hierHe& ja.,_, ..,..k • .,...I,.. __ rum "'1 ~er-"", _ kin?eu, "'el"I"1I m"ltaellt!fl k-wtl.le nei!;in,rell het, u.:eI"o, ill een wJd ,erspreldeopsland wermeerdert opa moeijc~ GRAAFF-REINET. toe, met !-!erinji!c uitLundering, gelJc:t.igJ om te too- cel;.ere Illat. 1J(l'.lehe.en ..:yn, hd onm'''lplyk I. te "t'I'9Dfi~r. I kh d Ik kit rd I 'd • ... 1&. ng""rdigbdd, ~erukt'rd. cia, I~a, die •• rkrer;ea Y ti r "aa n"e.a e en lot 'lP Uil ,e"orde eie lIolouie owt ,." .......ltt kan W'Orctenberryd lf nen Jat III.:t IJeklimmen van bergen en hoogten eene ,teIlelI lid I!lil:.trniktm IIIt!t IOII1\Yyl.-lI 1D'»elen..lllllta Ittbbt'n. Een ColTMpondent van GraafF·Reinet AChlJ rt:fl" .!d"l" IlerlolC "eel ,jat. (fJ'Hlr, h.",,) O.n 211lkeru I braltl .Jn ~eword"n, coader da' bet Go,.ernemenl .Ofdt'O 'a. de groote rampeD .aardoor dezefve tllllIIl bezaal.: is welke niet boven de menschelyke natuur • JU.T.-& lt eea rapport .. 0 RleItIDOft<t.meldt!ttcfr, !!Oebl.o ..... urulken 11l:~11 te Ita:!n, was dt! edde rr.mo~ ... rpli.ct ID tal, er iets ,aa ... t. . , d.l de p,.·n.,.,. K • .,. ker lutlg wordeo. .. .... Z"l(&.d.t ,jPf troepen en ligt:ngen verheven is-tot bescberrl'l.!'elen le II(,Il,eO'Iln I!rootft llt'8lrf!nlth"itl en hellzome krach . I Ue «:ren.llOt'r &ondu ..en .le", In het: Ooo.e.oe. er d""y" Commando ~ beD ,",",den ~oet "urdt D. 0" ueulft.lo .yle, tlle'- •• ie edele L,,,t.I .!tuaukelvk ,1~1 ""'-' ment wo,dt ;n cle Ka:'p2Itltd ultgelal(ellcn • .e,eu .,ne minl! van Harer Majesteits ongelukkige, uit~epuLte, Laat •• Ïft&Jr' Mn INt K,.",p tJan G~,.. gcruineerde onderdanen l>innen de grenzen kUllllen inikttó uoor heID te Ceyloo '!ellllll1!ft, W... bee 1D00"lylc .lllt ...... n ,rees. en hot ... lIeen wa.·oe ..r 8,ltscbe trMmhbruikell pl ..ats h'l.I !en; m Ul' het i. e"t!n duidei,,,. ,I;at pea .yn 'e"la"en Kcworden. dd de oode Milit.ko SOMERSET. worJen gf'mi:>t-worJen deze zeer koeltjes bcrigt. Z4Toa04G - BeD mWtal,. ex"_' la ",elke lIIis'>rnikeu o,k pla.t •• ""den, hl!t .....-en zy ..... er,~:' {1oU'''ID''U:. hunne OOlten ovenf'n en b~iftnell te Ben brief .... die plaats be ..at het yolgenJe :- " •• bet,. ICamp de eIi,I.1e O....,raaJ Somen'l .. ~ dat ue sterke stroopende part yen, zeer gepast eli Ï,)cv~et rte .M, en ,lat nit't. nll'trl'alrll Wdrd .lllt Iq lyn .1.. nkeD; dat het DO !feeoe «E'kbeid Ibee, i., ea dan II« "oIjrend • .,.rt.t brettgeade. 1 JULr.-Eeoe lap ...... Ii aupkoawa tan de R1..tri.1er •. \Volven" genoemd, gevoegd by de misnoegdheid ."""'I):.!en ... nm zulke wi.bruiken te boteu;.;elen en 'oor vol,en 1I',If•• et. proclamatien. en de ~e .. one eye, • .t~ K-.p. Dt/ta __ 'ertrokbn met litt bnl (Z 0.) 'e. et'eett, dal een eommando K•• ·,. der gekleurde Hlssen binnen de Kolonie, bet tekoll!eu (hoo'. h~"r.H) ,ua.t .... GUDeraio Oulo .. lll-&". Prv.ó.N.,. aaabrekeo .. 0 dea da« 0fII de HoUfIlHotUn In de klont .... la .. l lo .... dlttrikl hebben gedaa". Beu l!gehaam , .. :.,rafRaIlI::I.IIIJ!! tot het voJgr.nde antwoord:not)ozakelyk maken Jat ieder weerbaar man zich lI .. r 11 aa,..,.. de pl.rt, "ertea mlDite 81110il door oe. pah·oWn. cai,a eo "1 'er· •• 0 CIe Am.w.la .. n'"".... Oe Hert,,!! WBO Wellingtoo.-lf)lul'rll, aa'lml'rkllll! .lt.t teebtea. Ita,t. Hobbe, k..,.. la PUOt ... aar.. ,..oot .lIIrm bef'neb& ID bet dorp. eebolen slell ol wl'" behoort te wapenen ter verdediging van zyn gezill m('( 1H'I"ekking tilt myn ~e<lrll!Cl:,elhaakL syulle do", ..ten GRENS-AANGELEGENHEDBN. Er I. .1eU da& de KaiF",. beletteD ku; .. n .rond bier te ""a., IVUIil. .... I. d. ftIlel. •• Il.... op een let!plrk en ziduelven. Met Je minzame herinnering tevens edeleu Graaf, 01'('1D i.. rle ~rvlt ...", le ZI'l!ltell dat ik n,y,1t III JoI.t ,eria&PD ~ waanaJt da "af'ó!f'S _ i. d,., haut moeIea lyD. be Cl ril. COmm........ heett eeue mededHIJIIII"&OGin GeIlerale Order No. J24.dat de voorzegl!ing vali III JI,e oms' JOtll~Ill'.I.n jl' ...wik·kt!I,' .at al. tie .. IrJe Lt,,,,1 ,lie GENERAAL SO.\fERSETS PATROUILLE. If"lngt 'JG, daar ..... ".nDel' oor&o,zs, __ r""" d.. a.. r Gr·b.mM&ad, alamede naa, G.... ruI Somerse' , I . zyne Proclamatie van 3 Feb. verwezenlykt is, en u het'ft tot.·;!'('tlpr,,!, en. (lf'l()r.) rk wil :teene aadtoerkln· DINdSDAG.-Het volgende berïgt van ..de verriO''-t..u, eea mantrl met k,..... _.. pet RMl lOl" !!('II mllken Oil ~e,trru.: nw .lell CtI"I,," wrrl; lIlaer ik " den tree. bt'booreade aa. H,-. d... _ taa T,an. dat zy weder opgeroepen worden zich te wapenen. Ch.Je Comm'..n. Kantoor. '!lod 1'1('.,.'enliat hel ,,,Islr,,kl "ulDl}.!elyk I. "o"r dit •.'hili. tingen der afdeeling onder Generaal Somerset it V81'J)4G.-"'rnl.-ldea eeaJ)CI kraJea ID de Cb.1II11 80ft 4ee 1 Jul, 1851Waarlyk, indit-n cr in de gansche schepping I Ioon. f't'n :.:noelell te uiten oper 'Ie .:tak. ",.Jke lloor "eu heden ontvangen :_ oader de M'I0beer !-h ~b de eer J,ierin te"~ eopT 1I'&0.. n en .erplutltell het K.mp DUr de OeeIboatrivler, iemand zy die minder reden heeft om zich op zyne etl,'leu LIl,,1 Ier uwer keIIu;. i. 1(.(,1'81:1 ("oor, ho..r. bill",) AIOatol. VI"kll'. ~ Juo,..-VertrokiteorbteTetl .. n Fort brie IlOO .. ea oo,,,.~ ~ na dea Heer Triegaald UIl de kMDtI Amatole. profetif'n te beroepen, dan is het \ oorzeker onze 1n lie rt>I"Ite "la818, l.eLtKn wy !let·u ellkrl d"eume'lL' ,".Jr Hare. en k".men bier te 4 ur.o a"" ..... r "y ona I.gerd.a. Kap woooaobtig.-l!:D ui& andere bevearipnde bengteo berN., K,.".p •• J~.-W,! hebbea HIt aader u'oC.'h h('LVcIl wy "o.. r ons .le hrief\1'i:aselill~ .aarOI/!lrtllll Oe K.lFm"aren ai.lh .. r op d. KI,ine Am'lol. Hoogte, io lItaat er gee" t",tel ongeluH i~e Go II\'l'rneu r. Geen een derzclve is ""', of de .yand il ia Iter!.. mag' ia de op d. ADtlcola .. bad-dea ,y.od. Jr.'beeJ ,ertI.gn, de ,Ic edcle LorJ III h~':w,,"crh~dell Ilrtrede" il (Iloor. boor.) p"rtyen ,.n 10 of 12. ooze "errilftinlfen ,..de .I .. ode nabyheid 'an dese .Iad; eD dat by tTdl bolp kOID6 ,rou ......... ,.,.II,!'ft de ,rouw". lI:vn .. tOn ge.. apr verwezcnlykt. Zy zyn alle als rookdamp verdreven, V,lor .1nl zy ~errg ·Id ",'or Uwe I'JI".c'oap~ .• ko'nt. k '1:11 ~y F,,"11(8 K ••IF ·rI. zich Yllrllfusendl!, "noefdea il)(l Ilolf by bet geheel dÏltrict door den " ....d aal wórd"ll o'erllroomd. AMM1Id.. De konl.lrl, .. fM'd.,. ,an T).1i met potteD, puen het is eene droevi:;e daaduak dat veel van de "iet wet,'n wallrnp dC'l.eI.." .Iudl, ('Il .1""roIO II ht'l Vl)ot[l'trb eene kleiDe ri,ier. tot d"t een hanoer _rd doodgelCltoten. eo So.... ntet _I moeten wordeo ,erlaten, hetgeeo dell ,,'_od neo. en •• oD .. beGden lI"al~ •. Iluk, 'ee en eene noa" "erdeo glnom.D ('!lende thans op !lt! grenzen geleden. het on ver- .... ·1· die hrj,·fwill!tdillJCt'eni:te aallrnerki"~ell tt! ",~k"n ''Vnvr enomtrent46 moer ciaO) i(!(8 andt'l'll d~ tot oog toe op de grea .... ~beurd 81t'Clhta"I., Hotteototteo eo HO d_,k-lir nu de Kaaplie .1"('UlIll·IIlclI ill zyu he:l:lt h",'ft (h·ltor, I.... lr.) NUJ( '"ee K..trt!fI werden I.!{t'r .f dood,ncbolen. De i. zou moed ge,.eo_·i..n ~ "l'lj, .. ,an Inea zal 'er8Ch"kkellk mydelyk gevolg is van ee!l blind vertrouwen op :1'. hel 111118 lebe Jagen bebbea sieb "'~eD. Wnllmm ill ltoof.lz"k,.Jyk 01"'011.1 Is III myne ei"elle au"k ., '011' il &eer gp<l.ee •• n ....Ipt k. ken. an2;.• m • .., .il oieu II'fO. lit: ,enOek U &1. lie liJrtillK ".n dea Heer Pecbe cladezelve. ~ , d,lylt: 'e senden, eo .Ile balp io uw "'fIDOgeD te 1I'erleneo ; ,k Ueoveer flat lie Kry:!l!Wl'l niet met'r n'lC'h 1Il1",ler la .1" •• If' meerzpgi'1m d"n d.ol zy tot de Ch","ie .cltool belt®rt. Wat h.,t ernslig beroep ter .. a~ning hf'leekenc, mart al "' .. bet maar yoor eea weelt: sal deo wil yan den n.nNdal. "evel "oel'f'n.le O\ .. r h.·t lIe::fl'viere'HI IlOM O •• DAG. 26sTK. - Verlle«en hel Kamp ~ede. IDO' _e I .. Z4TU.. D.la. I Ua.,-l'farltJt lt Jaltt oat .. nlfOlJ d.t .. om U.oeral 'c-,f'r-zy ill hnegel.aa" .. 1 :':ff'n w..t (!toor, bour.) 0,. Ol'ne- gen m,·t het gr ..ot..t .. ItP.leelt.e der mad. 'n b.·klommeo deo ~yaod kanDIn terug boudea, eD tyd P". kunnen wy niet ht'vroeden. De grensbewoners of .. p... ¥-_ renom•o hrbbea .il de rn,,1 di" Ut.!wet I.. \.,..r~iu~ bren.!t, I. "erpli&tt ....I~lr•.kt t .. nek tustthen d, Ho,c·. Kng ea dil kl ..loe,Amltol.. Wy SoIDt'JWt wao d.n .... t "ao aken lIenoii te P'''D opdat "I.kte le Or .... m .. ta41. Bea party ruite,. .taat pret'CI" zyn sedert de laaL~te zes maanden onafl-{ebrllke" &e adalerYOlpo. 'jf'P' "'11 .le v"or!k·hrir'@II, r"~el"1) t'n I,,'rken orn r)eaelYt' 'Of'gdco (jns by den Oenemal op een p~nt d~t lieb in ,de by our die di.trikt komeo kan. Dralt:, et. bet Il belieft. op onder de wapenf'n geweest, inderdaad honne uiUevllerell (11001'. floor) Alylor<l., ik lid, In Ot'n """"mtl "allei ul:.trekt. Eenige K,df'l!" "erclen Iti"r gezien. eo het gesoOl<d Yan Mr. Pecbe ~ driogend de OIIl·t&ndigbedotu t'igt'lIe, hllnne eClli::rste OOscbermers. Sir BARRY lall·1 .11' Kry;; .... ~ll:ehall.Jhaartl; ,lilt i. te zeg;l't'n, ik h"h ... " eenige leboten .erwiaat"'. Zood".. hd Kaaptebe Corpt ala f'0 "II!,-Ir dat getoo .eJ'&a'm mogo puta bebbeo. Eo De Hétlqr 'ao W..llIntrtoll, beeft d ...mng na l,L wel't ,lil iu lyne ",tille afzondering even goed als ~root ~.t.leclle ,,"n h t Illn,1 door '"yo "he"n "il Ifl'n>goer.J. ophitlld lo hel bIlIeh te lehielefl, "uu ...Je ern d"ppere k.rel alt i1 eemge Bcarr-a o{...wroa hnt aeodau, cloe salb Somer.. ,·,~ .lu'-··' L II ,\ 0 I --'wd d.a dad«lI,k. . - P ucoy. aJoor ene,.. _, ....... Wal bc,IlIi'" .IlIt? \v "I. het btlduit1l "al h,·t land belutOr,It- .Ue zich "..-cholen h.d onder Gnu n.ulea ~ «'Q'"II." werd wy en Je gch~le K olonie dit weten. Het ,erleeIk heb eie .... te 110. H... , l(eregeer.1 te "'''rtlI''' lloor lIa.i'maie wetten (Hoor, I&"or.) t1a.lel.vk op dl! rota ".·Ioet ... Ilte bl'lD •• rtebool, maar Ik nen van l'en gecleehe zyDer magt tot beS<'herming Ik Iteb het 1811r1 jCerc.!ecr.1 dttOr ti. W.tlt'1I li.. IIlII,lt, en 'lCeloof sondrr !C",ol,. lJe ligt,ngen k•• mea ou .In.cormeo. UE D •• Dieaaar. Het ... 1. de' A... tot. lil ia _ elleo"iren 1tatJI, Jer grenzen, of het slaken van ,yandelykbeden r8:fecrt1e het, dit moet ilt z:('~t!en, 1T!"t de dien8ren Ylln hf't .eltf'f'fltl.eode ••j;&1l( hem," eOI • eo. dl roU beklImmende, H. HUDSON, Jao. een.-rool a-cheJte k .... op ... CHII, door .fr-,Itrid. tot d"l die on,ermydeJyke voonorg genomen is, laod eo fall het !C(I".", "elnl' ..t •• "Ik. kry~alDa:.:teli uit;tedre IehoLE-o." ell wlerpeo alch lo het IJOleh, trel,k bood..n lo V,f hon4.nI .&ab .,a a•• du SI_bie eo..m~ ...Ci ..ne "Il Somer.t. IIrt Ilete:hreeu. der ,roo"eo ·.a. IlU ,erm..," 7."U dl·rll8l.e veel beter gestaan hebben, dali een pen .Iren; .y 1'8,"I.·I"...n o"",·r "'~" last, ell fie I't'<,ztera "'Lrn het .ater. d.n, om onaer eie 'rleaclaehappelyka Opperltoofdctt .Ia "1)1' ill de gt'l'eglsboren 1''' bl'8Lier Irn hd rt!j(t ,IetI Iltu,18 oll,ler met der .tryde'" eo het oDophouJeI,,,, gekoal der ,_eAu dftl Ci,lel8o Coaa-m-i. no GraaII'·Reioet. l,eroep hel w,~lk vatbaar is voor de uitlegging nf deo nrdealcl •• It .... Wootlie, voc.r b.an. ''(GIde d~· myll lasl (Iloor, noor) IL: WilS n""it in zulk een loe.taOfI . ~evolglr(·kkin~, dat .. de koppige werlieloo:Jlteid," Hla lie .,.Iele InrJ riie Il IH'efL 1000jl 8prokell jltewec8t la, ell [)e ligtinl(eo zwenkten daarn" om oaaf de kidla. Amatola, OIi,e-boIeb, t Jul, 1851. Wdnrover z_vn waaJ'di~e Secretaris zich beklaagJ (v..rvul:..oJe cle e,lele H"rtu1l', ZY"" slell1 leo iwol!slen tOJl 1'erbncndden III .Ie krIlen, ,.amen eeoi!(e bnkkeD.' eo doocfperllcil'eode eo hepÏ;.t IILJ de t"rel al:u" ..1.·,) ik I"olc"~r cr My.heer !-lIedeD dOlt ik UEd ....... n dat ik met 13 he. ft, geen Lloot vt'rlillllCl is,-iets dat door den be.Ien twaalf Kail'"rs, Deze .erdell p;eteM, maar ellr moeten d.t men nly op ee"l~erlei wyze hoe-",euaam,1 '" bem miualenl 20 ~e lood zyn. IntIlucheo bet 7.s~ ter ltalEe, mao op patJ'Ouille geweNt beo.o de KalF., k03lJJWldo aanslaanden toestand van zaken, ,aD den eersten aan- lellen "i!~elyke (h, or. honr). "Iagte.,. Daar ona Ier"', sy-ie Ift:e<1l1llt.l,en uekl"m •• noig d. groot. A.m.collI, getast heb. W, Iwbbea ~ vang is, en nu nog volkomen wordt .. cderlegd. G..... f Grey.-II;. geloof, dat de ed..le Hert(\g d. r;fe,te lerwyl ~oeobeYI:; .pur Vin de boogte op betsel .. Werd 'WOI"Ilen _ker nd. omtrent. eeD aar tt- paat4 , .. OOI n.l _hl aanlC"alien-", __ ell ea bi Ideo a geef 001 "elL.e ik tul he... JCt'm1lllkt heb, niel wel .. "tnan be_Jt.gebouden. . W.t iL: meen le Z"~I(P.II i~; ,lAl in Iyd..n nn ()I.rlol!'eli ,er He. reJ(iment scbatrele r.iell in liail op'eeoe ,I.like belU.." balp tinen aaOIK et. wl aoc " •• a dat "'1. oit kullOell kom... De Crimineeie Zitting 7,,1 morgen een aanvang Vriea·.!eo. cleakt ca ou, &00 treIena .. .,. rillit' dirtcen ..n die 0l' 1('7..8' p.1I ..e"en Gener"",i uf Goo· en wierp lUI( na lug op da rolleo acbter _Ik, de rebellea naar ouse Jandgeaooteo. npnwn. De zaken zyn woi.:-g in getal, vier voor verneur handelen nil't "Ilous hel ..l k'lIwen "o! den nlÏ4hrni. "ieb f't!rscbol," h...lden. Na elk. 1."Ir 'proo .. a cbllebur .... n die onder &00 eea natie ftrmQonl moeten "ordc>o.-M:1olÏéer djef."t~1 en een voor het tegenwerken van een der keu le hl'itItAn (1000'. boor.) ik l1<'1j ni..l jfe...",nJ lf,ll"lf" le ,ootlcbyn,.n beantwoordden _t k...... tl! maar wel HutUoo eo eie I,-rea Hart en Bowlu!r komt 0Q8 tot bulp,beo hulp Artikels van het Traktaat ter onderdrukking vali I(l'n. d"t lie e,lele H,..tllll de ma!!"len ti.... krYlCI'wetzoodItniIC ge~' ,uur, een mali np de plaau doodende, '0 andere. "'1 worden ,erIDoOrd all "'1 geeo hul~geo,-4k t. wacb ... a na u sllen, ea bea~ in .onrachtiog. Ein.lelyk "ed de .-yllnd met 'eru..,"rclre .... , den ~lavellilandel. De beruchte W. SM1TU, be- h.. fl b..stjf'rd. nl!lAf tI..« lllen de eJele lJertuJi .iie .. roelD....k•• "ood.ndr_ UE. Dieuaar ..n ~e<I .. nkll'.~,dllCeo .tryd "oorde WaArdoor zY. ".~m ..itoos ..n in bet botch n'rut. Een hnnner liep io ... ' but, en vindt zich onder de beschuldigden. L, J.~TRIEGAARD • Pl'rrua.rd zyn ... 1, er g".lIl1eo ".rp" "lO 1,,11'1#11 ea ol1ici.. _rd d_ cl. dei ... kuit ,elebo&en, op eeD, oo",ridurbar. ren, onder b.lll h.n<l..lende, die Ir.holtlig ".ren ."n,mÏl. wy&e. b.oik.n 8trydi,:: met zyee -en8t:'hen, en ... Ike lie ed.~ Jler . ., Dc Petitie van de ingezctueeo van het distrikt V.. rD!G. 27.te.~Ne •• I,ebIÏfr. a1nd. ·d. IJroo~.pita ftIl EXPRESSE VAN SOM~RSET • lIe AmltoC. ,oor OD' oog "rborgen. Oe Ka'e,. riPpeo Tulbn:.!;h tegen de verplaatsing van den Zetel des Lng noodi\(' oordeelde te mlleten bdel,len (b')I'r. boot.)Zoo, 7.eide ik, lOIlJen er ook mi8brulke I, te C~yloa" syn .,.n bo'eo ._om De •• keo worden ,t.d",-;, clriDllf8....... wy...-..ell ..... zy in d, koude op d~a jlt'boudell GouV\.:ru{ ments, ill ons aanstaande. ".",.nn royn eJele nie ..d de GooVl'rnellr van t;.,.lon nIetIl ....rdeo. ... ,.1. 0," Hemelt wil" •• r on. Peelt,'. Lirtinlr, •• al. zy Ik ~"ood. Iiedea ".rden o,.r b.t paoll ..,.... .r-saa, &oe dal . "ist, eo lUyn ed .. le "ri .....d "lUI , ..reder d.n iemllnd deo. 'l'er",1 b~t leaer opbrak k" .... eone K.ft'.r"roulf' na.r nOl( niet preetl .,., I.~ s, ~_.. t1 buaoe p .. rdea te k~... Htt aien •• i. errer eo om die misb ....iuo te .tra.ren "lInneer ry JlI"4t. blldden de pluu, en brJ(o.. aeb,"b."r Mynheer !-Als een bewys,-boe hpt Hollandseh zonder ".... ~lIlaro•."e(hoor, bo~r.) Ujl ia al \Fat ik llf'ide in opzijct COtJeo edCllcn ~teo lt eea reqlllit brokken ti aoekeo. Z1tn"akte bu, kilt' "an bil"•• erger nn laellrlult 1'110clill.... &rik&. I~ Gou vernement, lilt welk do.r fortllin7.oekers (,Il 'oor luuitl, ._ zon roelf.n I.. t de li,UDtf bd lIl4Ide bren flerr"!l' eo iL zal er .I..dllll bv"orgeft. dat Ik "er['lyd t. nar loa•• 11liel b.t rondkroipen. N. OOM pa.,dell de moei anderen zoo grovelyk, uit onkllnde ofvooroor~eel. hnort!n ."t lie' .. If'Ie Berlog lf"I"l\d, be.ft iD oplIi!fl tol ".n ot .y ala hier b~al &ODdu. bOOjft. oppleid le hehbe", _II lien troep K"p.ebe i~ belasterd geworden, omtrent de H 01lellt01len wurell olml der kryg8wel. Het i. juiet o.ereellkom.Ug lOet JaIf8" af~lOfIdea om d. KalFe" ait bet baech ." Ik btu, ..... bezit,IJ is g(óWl'cst. verzoek ik u den yolgenden brief 11"1:;: ... ". ik loelr aall m v n r.t1el..n vri 'n,J lCeaebre,,,n beb Zy loeten op .eD "lop tot •• a den nnd ·.,n bflt !to,cb. "aar H. HVOSO~. le willen pulJlicert.n; door den Gouverneur en t~,leD' dl'ze p('rri~tin\( ..u.· Ik 1It'0 \'Il'rukerd dal het in tt'jC. loydoor Itet ruur .... den .-r.od ont".n~en .erd.ljI, bet .. lk len Diet ycrk",·,..t w..a, w."t Ik h.d hd a.lvies ,.n He' Gen.'raal JAN Wlf.LEM JANFSENS, op zyne reizt! Lor,j Cotteuhant en L'ml ('ampb"'l •• Il ti. Prfleurt'ar Gene ay eeo~e minuten I.n« m.t "., .. 1, be.nt"oordklen. D~ KAGA "uor •• n deo "Yllnd •• rd ,rlluln, eo d, tro ..p re~fterdr. op !lan den Landdrost FA URE te Swellendam gescllre1 •• 1, ett ik !.lItC "'Y" ed"ó,-o .,.ietao.l le "'''han, dat bdJlllIi ,I. elk pont loabrandend ... ur IDeo m.... de clat K.lte •• .-erac:boDe K.tr ..." _m.len ",jes., in de Kap eo WIt ta. 0•• procl.mllie _.n de k, y~.el ~enllltm·1 werd, IiNn ",et boe len ".reD 'en. De Uwe K. 8i.ou"kkc*deo del nac"" ill eeolt 1Cb00n. _dm Sd indie" wy cladelrke bulp :bekO"D, weec ik lIff1umd " .... mur I'lIk..l. ORI d, 0 .il vao publieke ,.IIiIl' nllei nab, deo cop ,..0 cle Wollriner. De Ka'e" ri.poeo aiel- Cbrlatiaa Wwa.ad '(&ooll nIldeo •. E. D. Weiaud) IJ"'"I in um'tln,li.: h,,". 0 "an Ilrooler nood, all., rrgl ter 11"0 001 &oe, cUt WY niet in YTe4. !Ulo.len "apen, • ..., eeD d.p' _ .,n broeder *'rederick l!tadde. 4apn pled ...... Swellendam den 10 April 1803. .leUend .., ..0 1"."<l,,I('n.le o,,,I,,r 'nilil.ir I);"za;,r; eeR' hlWd•. pere ha .. ., ofBeier eeoir K.lf'en ,ui.n b~bbeod. t _by .,0 ...... oalko..... 0. K.If.,. baddea I"ealp H.o, JAS WIlLRM J 4NSSRNS, GOU"~Tnetir fin Gene- ling "elke 1'rrrist'hte Icht.·rvollC,t te w" ...len door HnC!.e~ boaeh. verlOeltt en k""lf ,enof Mil uit heUelve te dr, .. n, ...... '1paa1'dea ........ dia oopl.kIIlr clieo UCIt& aid (hoIIr.) '1J1t I•• 1 bO'lfeea Ik ... '... en dia.. m.C eie oordeelkandip verdeeliq der Jlll4e&&e.,__ ..aIp.Iie. a."... Igde .... t... "nal I.'an de Kaap de Goede Hoop aan den La-ruJ- van Ieh.del_telIIng geo b"b lelte beo .... ODt_rp gjttevoeren. ' ........ 1IneJ". _ .. ~ .. K aaby de CMa!Ie drost l'an SmellnuJam, F..\URB. II pod ...... a&al ,..,_ bJ IÏCII ltebbnde. Dur ZATt1IlDÁG. te balt 9 L.ndtlroet! - De rampen, die lIedert eenir J.ren de Baltt'ft' op .De ~ to& d.'.1 de Fiopae """_rd ,_,..., ea eie It ,.. ,"I~.SJ ..... tleidlte wi •• ,la p&aI .. D.llrikl~n, fin "el ID h, t by:zooder (lra8jf·Reinet drukkeo, .... n dat de PIaata .,Ike "y ",late. a..d4ea .... olIIItNtIt ... ay adt beo i. bet boecb. 'INi II de lyn Il len 1'ollen behou. 31 NAART. 100 1C,«en balt ... raa. zoekende Daar lOOdu.... Itroklteo I.... ..,.. atnk ,. A',,-rpa .,..., Myne hoop is, dNlr deo Illn,lrrize, die Ik nil IIt'n d_de. DE KAFFElt-OORLOG. • 1... qetaae. mOft,n syo. .De liJlinreo .n FiD~ ~_ lie&n SJ r4e. 'Y de bid riepa ..... m~de PHn oaby mpl de OOfll.8lreo "n g(!.oltr ..n, en zoo ik ... rta, lI'f lelsitl,ll ... I_Ji •• _. ~,., ...... en "rbraaddeo ~d.ne Lord John RU!lfleli gaf kenni. van lyn .ocr- ;')'I;"n. 400. Itoks (rui harll!rllnllii' " ..nsche, met de nittoerlyke hulpml,ldell!o bek....l.n. HOige "10 den ,,.,,nd dondend., ·lIlur •• der ",pee _rcleD, die _de. cI.t'eea .roo' Ii«~ K........ ., nemctI om zyne moLie op die kwestie oitt~tell€n k ..nd le wortIen. lies ... n OllleO kant. beb ..lre lrg.n den a ..ood t~o K.pt -~en in"'l.ite.. Z, 'proapn dade.,.k te paarcl, .. tot den 10 April. lo tif''' j;!("" '1111 hel r;"uvern.me, t der Republ,ek, dl. i\J .. h-iIIe in deo arm ~"oo. lwerd. Eelt op HO .o.cle .. bel ... ., al le .... r dat o.trea' 200 K,,,,,, beD bad no deu Commit.al il GeoeT1>8I,fO de myue, is u(keer vaD De heer Hume vroeg of er eeOL"'e m'iatregelen boom ~eflcb"leD, leboo' eea ... n bet 7bte do.r ~~t boofd deo olDclDleld. Mel ,roo ... "'loekl1lOeClitlldf jaardiG I, o , rt LUCIte K_rt_ !8 N ••••••••• • •••••• I In. 53m •• ' '10'1"' ..1. b., r •• ·Jr. maar .e glD':.... 0&- ',D .. ,II. uta m,. 't ........,Ir. - 'I. ,Ht.... IC '0' • .-om- - .,Il, Dot oat .. it , der "bi fJlUI and stee the in : am. i. -.,....... lD&aC dM!! cro' elln1 tt, jj COfTr..,.,." .s" 0. 0_ II'" J~.". v.. .Ie .. .1. Bom daDji Diall aDelE deep pd....... ..._ '" """"lede ~ 11 &hf , • k_ *" Ii" ate'' '..eont...... .Ier 0""". t'" "·'l .....ft 1Ied_. W' 10"_ ".&e., .It.,. .. t.,,,. lO ,root .. a .. '0 e".• "0 .~tI 'a.. ..... a. ,.n So"';;:;;' ""'ern .,* ,.-W, eeu. J.,- -_......_ "1'\ fl'OJ"'. ac-,. IU"" tItO.,.,. li,... "k. Ka""" .... .trOD.,.,.. lUCI. 0., br 0(800, at\act, II.,.r.1 a,for Jil I,... M,. 0IIII tOU IJl th ..lr" Ia terte whole ",""t JO,. __ '0fII"IIa.r_ .. ..,._,........ ~ &lleco .aar . .ord' n,t far cer oe b, ...... ,,,.,JI'I' II< TI! abi c:booH droacJt OC 8)(1T: ascrilJ enemJ part. eneD1J emp'o and b~ oapaci for ,b~ ahaal are ,e partH't addf'd ",ithin eble-bt fence ( mf'mb. No. Hl or 3rd art! ags Ver.i to Loaa our uaj been J 81Iloke, mile"'" re A'le taLle eannot (rontier .rmlH.l1lR! 88 we tacbing or tion until -oold Ih t tban a rollcillii hit .01 in'eDtio out8et, I tbings. reao- ~. Commu.n. ,t., terer.-y s.. _0 be,.. ka"" .0-1." ""I _ko pta_ '..,..0. ..n... 1Ifft'" eeuw. .u,. brr 8t.""tt. ~--IIrtt"'" 0' .... ............ u.. u,...-..,toefde. "H. K.:".,,_ "0 Tbe ( -The ( thefte u oJX'ratio BUpp .... The 1 against I cume to flnt.-A "Ibet tfDlli lId'entarer 1 req4Ifat t ., the 0., 8 -el&eada.t Jlll WRier oood -Uutddn opprflled : .,. "eli kil lf, bop fIlakJDJ, te ....... aod t~.b1e ,... lo thp .J tb. COtnm r"rna., JIl rabt. to ka. lo rt'!Do,. Icrapllloll. e.ule o( e" be eolilpellt br. ". pttric lor "ide.1 ra "'abliebl ..tites, I. ·perate le e ..... lIdo bJ tJae Com BIaeeI ... , lair, I tllel ...... .., Widtowt t: "r ".n .tao 11 t ... fare.,.. "h tbe eolooilll r"~.1e"", 'd .It'- bora, AIld -ho .... t he to "'Jo, 11herty ... rtty .ad tbt! wr.ed aalfl'(JIfr"ry 110.... 6,~d at al; a 'm<z,. ..... of oMilt'a« Oil lite aOiJ .Lidl ••dual"" ~ \0 llae... The (onowing appeal ad~ tOI tBe bead of ,.Uml, poured upon tb~ roeit .lli~b .helterl'd Id... ti~1II rf •••• Piot" LATEsr IN'lBtLIGENCE FROM MAIOR beu,. ... bout ~W.CI. 'r!J~ I.., L. now C1m, rU5ui,ig ~llJd the di.trict. shows mO$t painfully the conditioa of Ta.. b•• rtfelt claire ot lit. Co .... ~ G~,. ~rd•••• .., ea GENERAL SOMERSET'S CA~IP. .houlir·1II .. j 'Kt !lilO." .le [eb:ue bjm], Ilod m~oll hl,i~h .. th~ people of SOmeráet:on II, lla.1 tlaeM... be aOl to .. ,. hic,......... lende •• iell hd ~ S~TJ1RDoH'._.~ military express ca'll~ in last rock half. dened " • tilDe, fi,.d .• lId plolilfed into t .. tbac eo partlelllU iDiirichalfa rat• ..,. ....... to bteic: Sb te oDtaD.""a. OAP8 TO._, lULT lt, 1811. 00 .... BOl, It« July, 18&1. Illto tbe '•• ttr. The .hri..loifl~ fI(; be £Ollll~. is, "-i e,,~nlDg from Ge:ne'i1 Soruer.tet·1l Divi:,ion, &lul mael pD.leh.tlDt OD , .n II'Oh•• ha t....r i.llieNe"'oa.dlan~en 00. _iocled wilh lhe)flODtiOtr of t"r CIIlmh4••• t. Sir,-I hu. to '.rt 'hat J ba ..e bee., 00 pa'Iol ",ith 13 bnup os tbe foUu.. i~g iuformation :_ "nice; tlaat 'b " wi 10 ..,_, , ... !""De ..... Gp een .t.t.acI m"ndo a~ut ... Il001'. 11,,a~ 'helllee. .. nllcJiIe"arae o( ~reo.arDl" • • • • 'the • ea. and ,ullckf'd II ICaJr labaWtan'., be fal,. a""_.n.oeaJ aM la "" I,"'ac • op tw-. lee. THB frontier post dne on Thuraday, only reached Y II Am.tota Ca .. p . tao .. e from our la.."etl'. W. _re o""pollrered aot! obtj,rd riKbl upon tlte Lit, •• A'"lll,illil. b_tldea ... lh.,. be lailhfun, perfOl'1Mcl ;rate It ft,ot•• DOW .... '" ~oull4 lO II THuil.o,y:~St,rted ·.t d ..,Ii('ltt wilh on •. (ltD to ILls city in the COQrse of Friday nigbL ~Dr.!Ir«an lbe kr...b,' CIIpturlo, a few g~ts, anti kilJlo. Cf.'" &0 8y aod rel,,'n to lit. -eamp, 1I'I.te... .... _Ill ettrtainl, fM. allaot dare to .eowre .. pat &bo. I. t!baioa ... CO hee. aGeateQ tbe R ..b ... H'dl.ntOl. if) tha kloor. ortfle AnnyOIl to aelld UI belp ""'''T ean be '!etuil~lv .lblcb" to nÏ«bt. We ~b The intelligence brooght otl this occasion, in u lh •• I-if dead " ... 1" .011 .. Ioqwd ~rtca,o) twelve KlItir. ; bul wheD tol .. ; kept .10", l,he rid.tt. and IIent fOfW...,d the t()~"'g1atil .e contIna. kt be .li.. bf tblll 'ijlDe. 10 •• til en" it la certe,n Ihl .. ore ola.' be blt. lt il '''~I with lbe autbotl' ......... a.ftar .111 J..... ol far as the lata moyemenfl of the tr60ps are con~e ltoUento'-. .. h.• hu,nod tbe eoemy m." "a ..e 10" 20 DIen bere. lo tbie ~h bl. u. lo racape lo our co"n~'yme .. aod (riet!d.. 'fnit.k. Si,. Europe"" Ir., th. eo .. plaio" or ba .. dIea ..-W 1 rell ulle lJm. IIII~ 741b H",~I.n.l4IfI bAd dC!!lCend.. 1 to lhe I. fl I.Ir S E. ol Ollr infante, .ho.iII eerned, i. of • tomewhat ebeering character, eertaial, ,k mllr4ered cl ~y .UC:U II some kraa" uIIder the lW"rHack. and bad oolD. lo llae Jlldp. No ... of I the notwi,h~nding lbe coafirma,ion of the reported uIIUno." 1\1....... Hudson. Herl ~'1cl ker, eo .. e lo DUI .barp tiri..... Hut lt.e Hot&erttolJ .hber t1.u1 or 00011be "... tro.lik __ ~ .. CO ,114 etouinlf Ih•• alley were ~o oaeeodintr thl' Gte,,~ """"' .... iB'''nC'-. We will.U be lItur,le(ed. We e.pcCI bd, (lUIlI oealed them_I" bellllf pllOreJ UIIII,* t~Ql •• ad would oot ~M. C'".t ea.uahies suslained in tbe Ie"eral engagementIJ tb •• utbnrili,... if 'bef bet CO ha ........ ill' or lC)1a ID rood orde~, • " ..Iling rtliaDce a~o yoa Iluorl'. The ff'lrimelll fl)flbN 11 11.. to•• 11. I plaee o( the Ka&. HI~"r. "nt iolo Uae '011_,. aad Inju.lic:e, &od lhne.iII ..., ead cu .. Jaatice lo be CO lro,. the p,ed"i_ wIth the enemy in tbe Am.tola. dpctft' • leteJ a04 wllb .. mucb eooJhea ••• 1 p~il1l'"1 th" .. I ree.ill • .lc. eft".. opon a la Il' JUIt deserted •• ad (tulD "bieb the W Ithio tbe border, howeYer, tbe work of marL. J. TH.IKG!ARD. Tlae Com mi... " 0....., ~Illld la", 1IIc1CmI"" at if 'het bad been on para.I. fir ... 1 11' .. 11., "'ter .olr.,. a'hBtI*,1 Kaftra .. uat line o.ct '.tJ ha.tfl, ... m.n, of tbelr der and dt'8truction is being ,igoroully protecuted, f. 'lae or;.!DaI Afl'icu.; •"W.~ RTl tire .... II.. ..... .bo .. tbe roekl bell' ..d .bieb llie rebel. b.d .hellflre.1 .lte .... el"f •• .... r plo", ... the lod, cr.oe feath.f "ead dle!t1 wer~ wbil.t confu.ion and di.may are yi.ible in nery .hall be obaernd ... th I,. elft __ bl. I. JO,e,olDOut lo M'.r each .011.,. lb ... agabonds .terted from tt.,it e~~I. tO"'''n. h~bbtotf ("und .,inl( a boot, toreth., .i<. • .orn."·,· oloak .ell' ud "Dlwe"" .ith a ~att.rih, btlt Imll"dil'l'Crt tif" rran d !de deur. lo malee lb. HotteD0. rfeeipc of the abov •• it ••• f""".rdl'd h. th. Ci ..n .il" ~Ullrter. In several places tbe farmen, elhausted deyiM .ucb • rm'"te .. beach. .nlf ~ jacltet. aad ,U1'or.laood C lp "fh .. OY .. r"(e-zo,,d ... Iota conllnu. reetly uullll lo dre -t"lnenl aftd ..... ore IUlholf on. man on tbe 811,,1hnd ."Illldial!' ..lh.... Co........... 14 a'...... ·• ·ro •• , u~lIll, hfog~in, lbal Ibe belonlCin( lo Oóoa, the ... JoI "all 011.1 no longer enabled by the po..-e"y ol tbeir 10 tb •• at pr"'nl, _ilhoat Ih ir betn, nr ".~ni." eflemy aere a~ IePlflb drIven bliek wil" lOIIte lo.. AIId danrero •• tol pnkti'\a~ c.._""nt .Oltlel .''''.t'O.r to lIflI t a foree to lit. reacue, tt Frirl.l9.-Dcstroyed lOlDe k";"}s in tbc Cbu. steeJIi to hold their poIition. are retiring ioto CO h. ,._ .od HCtiril)' ,-but o. tbe C b, Joy. and iDIOlhe foreal IIhoilrt!. o,,~ of thrm rall h,lo • hut .old ~u 'N .1lIlU« IQnher lb.u 00 atrack upon lb •• illafe ... af" ur rot'pt m"t if ,~ol tbl'ougla il I.rou;(b tile tb",,, au" Clclt ol lbe II" i~ • ,.,. ... ttekd •• ad rb., lb. eon.te ..... tio. .nd a)"111 .,,, 1Q6,~ mie Hoek, an.:! moved tbe camp to lbe YuUow~ tut .ll{euw.a the colony, whilst in other loealitiet those yet .tlac:bm"Da to lbe eoontry .nd lb. inbahicao,., CO IDllnaer tbHl nil o~ ..-ema ahlfl lo aceo.,.,t for. , 4*""';"1(. 'fbil •• , ...... by lU~e .... D. ... delaJ'&oI on .000 lli,,!!r, un.ler the Little Amatola." bo ' a&&leklb. la"lf" k Ir.ft. in a position to turn oat, are reusemblinp: to need ba. in "pelh", 'aloA Y. ,21Ih.-CI0J1"Y. li", If'.... ' pc!llll 0' .lte Am.fOla ... rDlld. an" .lthOUlJb cI~ecJ aeld.lD.ntlo tbe .... t of •• , anflJl'ft8f!n ruptu , tfltie hei I.... o. tlte 11& .In',.. o"'y L.,i"t in repelling the common f~. But, From aoolltQl' W'e have tbe foll".ing :_ bieideD Irom our VltW. Tile Kltfira enlli"lf ('om 1lbj)lI'tI teaebed thll pl_. tOIl.,b., willl tb. poet. OR 'tbur~'I", J b.... it ....,....,,.. L.ndclnat, to .l'Ite tit. lo .... m le 0 .4e, .. mudJ u theM .bra,. linIe bands hay. been ,Da.; }'Ou .ay ara ,I 'ou .... lf thereof .. ~ioft .!tnin.. Tbf! Co __ nd.nt. flDI'Htunate'y, ,"ould 8"1 .Iord .ball rrqai ... t4 kno., .I,y •• kl'pt tb.ru io lhe cold _puD lbe .~unt.i'tl .,. oie .ree .. lt (·Nei,. C•• p., 41h Jill.,. 1851. Wh,le' e • ny .. i".lIce. bul ÏlI(''' • ....._ •• u aeo' 011' tlte follo,vi", .ery .... ..,. drot of,Jocll, _bieb ar~ l'be .oul\thod Rlen .e,e .eul hMCIr lo e.trup. Id ..... dlli~, and may .tiJI do, their exertions cannot be If 'Ve bare mAde aaoth.r ,uaek OD Ih. A'nlt'ol,,-com • hre.kin« up Il K"ftr .om"" ra'n. uI'''o t e lF • .,Jay) mGrain., lo M.jot.G~80_raet. i" bo,... lfhl ht' plecel, rouled tbll!tlleCf\". r..ptorinl T1Illr' •• Iyet atu' '00" tb...... .. tJtOet ol &aMI Co_aiIury G....,.I •• bo,dd be ,".ouuk Il.tola le ~ CI'Q.ned .. ith aD, practical retult, anlen aided by 11.84.0. kro'IIM, .bd et"ul1f.oCf!d '<!"telllnlf, Apparently .. itboqt tt...., "IHII .. di.,,"tcb a pdrol .. tlte l.teIIl"y IMI al"f'llrin,ty "'n .c ...~ "Ife. 'flte fIly,,1 t" ...lbl'ra of tl,e hooi ol T'AII tbe ,Irea .and -r4M I..... e'lO~irferable reioforeemeoll. HoW' thete can be ~ .... , aere", mijfb&be Il'ft b, tbe 81"'. Sh. u".lui'lf Further '"f"r."'luo fro.D lhl. diBtrlc' ia .o,i"u~, cap Ifi"ell hUll by $,r U. Smit'" wllb. pote. p,,~s, .nata. enrn, ., dail 2.1ICJO The Oo..,."r and,O ••• ral. "jU 'ro.. h..r bllClk lIod let it cra.1 cd libU_. A PI" looked Wr. gOlI, hoW'et'er, IeérDs lo be a panle, .in~ a cry for m.ize. ctc .• b.ve ' ..liep lllto ow' handa. Killl'd tb,.. I\alir. I. betaab. "" (8'11'01'11) "AN WILLEM "ANSSB~S. "'_r <ia CO lhe libel •• to the .Iau«bter of tbe ..., ... atlll We bear aiao from J),.kw.na. thal VanqOlJ·. 10". Pltqi and help is rail4'd wbeJ'eYertheeyeiadirected. Albany, A tro. Cllpy. lPoodeft. FAIt eblldreo. Ahrr dNllflfillll' our lanr.. up lha loll.mae IIjll !kIta. h.adlllt'1I ot 'b. ,,,be ... re killed OD the Bra& d.r". 1,0'" ait .. W. It. E PAaA "ICllfl DI CAP&LLI. J3.omerset, Cradoek, Albert, Victoria, RichmondCj"1 COtn.. iaaion.re Olliee, before ... ntio" ..d. • 'roop 0( Ca". Cor". .. re Rol IQ J4!f' attock. TIU! en••• , U ""1.h,. Galy loa!' Hot&eulOU.!Id c.p&aio, Aid de.C.mp. .8ooaene& Julyl, 18$1. (ch .....) 'he K.fira iout ol Ih. bUlb. 'fhe .. en rud .. f~.tcl I, , (act, aloog the .bote line of frontier. from oue C. M. R. ~~r "ut aurra.derad •• ... _50 ..... ~ aC full Ifallop, '0,1 moun'ed wilt. • bear', ~bt!e, to t!dge: of Sir.-lla" .. tb~ bnn", to e"clo ... a eopy ol. Idter jll~' '~M to N ortb, tbe same atate of tbinjrl prenil •• t .-..ate ".. Ill. rtuh. where lbe, !l'ere mr.t by. a (_ fr .... the e"ID,.. recel .."d (rOfli Mr. Trietrurd rep.Ji", on tb. k~, .nd (rO'D Somerset, io particular, leema to be iD imminent MARTIAl, LAW. SATURl>AY. 1 o·Clock.-lruormation ha. come .bieb Cbey relurued prehy .bar,ly 'or lolDe nlinut.... 'lb. lIIor eorro'"!rnlinlf iel"'lII4hoa. tbere la btcle 4o"ht tb.t !tile danger, .. -ill appear from the urgent appeal in that the Kafirs have just ta\en lOme aix or seven fire tbell e....... anti the tmop retired, firioK .t e'l',r1y the ene.ny .re lO Jrreat fore.! ID front of lb. lown •• njI nniI''' • """o!ldet In .be House of Lord., OD the bt of April, wbeo poj .. t .here it .'" prob ..hle an eoe,oy migbl be con~likJ. u,n ..lyald .rriy. b....... dl oyerruo tbe dialflel.-S"rOp.rlel spans of OXtm Crom ~he Graham', Town flat. A .te werd officiaU, made by tb. Ciril CommiHioner of tbe Lord Torrin~ton derended bi. meantea .. PS Go- Itivou.elra'd -t ni"bt In. '''''ely ya"81, nQr 1110b~d qf re werdea lf" .111 h" ..e lO ,be aba"doD~. ao l.eB' Ibat ...onld .ftI!oorqe party of mount(!(! men are abollt to start in quest District.-A Co)rrespoodeot wriung (rom that pl.ce I(t'plaatet. dat WoII Rlr"r. b".iall' a IIJ'e""id .,apOubutre or foreu clot"~ Ibe .nemy ",ore 'ha .. I\ny ,,"It, lh.t h...... ttI'ltD.pirrd ilO 'b .. of the marauders, yemor o( Ceylon, tbe following obsenationa "" UDder date 3ni July, commooicatea foUuwiag from Barl Grey:I bloot g.. t.cld. bill •• 'Dd .leep prl'qt,iq. nea,l,. eocirclln« UI -lbe (jtb"r lid .. I1ronlil"r. and th. 1_ ..I ".. ""hie hl•• IJI be trem-odou.. I uetlperate atate of a.flairs!~ d..delfk reIm'.A!"Ïltll'ty OD Mr. J'eebe'. W.ho_tllallO time of •• r .... ~ 0' .. mOD, h..ln« .tHp, .mootb •• ra.. ,. ridlfft wilb p"tchH of lnee .,u) hn. In rrqu_I yoa.i11 ~otottao III jullllie. 'fb, K~fi •• booted lo nl tb., .e .houM 00& .Ieep iD LtI"1 .od render ... "r, p" .. lble "", .itlauul del a,. A (uree fo, (, We Ii,e bere at ptelt'at I. a .e,., In. eare .tata, and lf .hen the ordlDar, adIDlollt ... tlo. II ~l, a".,ed. We arc harpy tn say, tbat the Duke of W t'lJin~I .... tyd 111(1!(o.erome.t duea DoteolDO &0 oar _I.taoc:e. Ood Oftl, 'Dd the ,..tralDta lbat .. Pb rhe IYII peMIon. ol IDanklod pe.ee • bal. ,.IIant Hurlfh~r officer b.ring _0 I fil'" of lbe "'eft a .e.'k .111 cm.clt the eo... , ead adDlit of G.oeral tbc appoiatment of Colunel dal Geeet", enelllly Dear. bu.b .. ked IInd obcMlned 'ure lO dn.,. t:'eul Somerwl reeeiriDIf .... i...,,'-I.BU IInd CIIO"in! io&o ,bl, dia- ton hu confirmed koo_ .bal .111 become o( u.. The Kift,. aOW' floek IDto are lo 10 uteut .Ithd .... a. It ta Impoealb" to lapP«*' oot DI it •• nd lbi &eo eiede ~ SomeNet to lbe local rank of Major G~neral. "b lbe jtldiciou. di.tribllrioo ol Ih .. lrN:t, U'Ko .1,0M ,I __ opo. Mr P"cbe tba. pr_u,"" ol tb .. tbe colooylo bodi .. , .nd lite IrGOpe .re eeeamped lo IC.tir. that ab mutlt not lOm. "me take ptac., 1'be JIItb1e dab rao dau our picbC. ple~ente,1 C DI rrom carryilIg DUt thei .. tbr ... t 'fb. _ .• nd r, q'I.' lh ..t no ekla, • 'y .. !te p1oee.-aDd .1 you laad. .llhD., beer that IU, .... doflIC aDytblng UI.ful kOOWl tha' [bear h... ] To ebeek .ueb ..,.... lbe r'le lIOOdaoitc. Dl"bt bu.".,er wao bitterly eoltf,'aod a bea"y d•• mad. e... r,- ClIO lelld '"'I Jlur,Ia." nr oe..,. do 10 11D&D"di.",I,. Our bargbe,. lie,. are all on dal,. Tbe Kaft .. fo lbe ourllbrr oobl.dalle ... obliged to adopt IDeUU.... 01 ...... & ....... The catlle takC'n iD the Amatol. art' in a wretchlbil'1l d.lDp 'Dd u"comfflnabl~. n tlur~eld. I baY. abe !tooor to be. Sir. of ltoo, hft.,e beeD _D abacat ft .. boarl -(rom thl., aad ba"e aDd of .bOlftGme rlgOllr. I. lbe .. m •• -Ilea th, DObl. f'd condilil,". M any died OD the roae from el. d.a S.pI .. t.t SATO&DA1', 281b. -Ma •• d .r b ,Il-p •• t 8 -'hy ..d ijll II bl!! aI\aeked. patrol 0' 13. and e"IIMd them f••r m..re lhan aO lonl Brat adopted tbecoo ... be did lo ClllIoo, 1& ... H. tlunsos. paetible bau.tiuD. fj()() llt'ad bave been lent to tbe ~Jambie den A'ulf te 1111tbe 1.. 1 ui t.be Fm«oe. pa.lt!II, .nd ... 'hilI I be groqQJ Ci.,11 C"mDli .. ioDer Df S"W4IraeL b .ur Tbe (arm"re ."1' "uile "haaIled • and tb"', bo,.... are UO. abulel did tak. plaa; bul it g tq ..ally el.. r thl .balner Itoo IaDd la Reioet. CommissÏtmt'r, to diride amo~ tbe friendly chicf. fiLror (urtlaer Uil! W• ..-1, on ."I&tanee from ,he ltoferomeDt. abulel did takë plaee. It ... _"al t hll deeire aod .jab. aud befo ••• bieb •• h.d jUlt Idt, .... ocellpl~d b, ab"Ul • Tbe Ciril Co_miuJooer of G.... en .ordenbuodrect Kafirs 'l'8kin. (ur .. b ,'eYer .cr.,.. ..,i~bl h ,re blOelI al a reward fot tbeir good ""lceL In OOI! .. ee" fUQr DIeD Oil our were Ibot dead by Hotlo'n lh.t nothiog .. u le't undone lh.t lu hg po.er &0 ebtock I.trilrt U, •• tbro.n a.Il'. The I.."iet! and ',ngM' took ne"rly 400 bea' tou .Dd KaBn. Ind lb .. farmera are com~lIed to abandon .od preYeot .uclt ab._ [h ..ar. h ,]. uUtr from the ChI! Cnrnml .. lóner or Somlrlft to the _.J • )f1J a..... r MO of beaulllul e.We .nd burn.d aerer..1 hIlII., kllli"lf' 'me of th-Ir bom.. "ilb er ..r,thlllc tb..-y 1"........ nd to ft, to tb" CIVil ('ornmlsalon'''''( O '·"oIu ..t. n our ast ""m ler we QlI".rted to thl'! rUIRflllS Tt,ja ga.e rise to tbe following reply :_ ,d op pobli. kt Ibe eoemy. bul .. "hunt I.~I or e•• laity .1 fllr ... ( bl'ard. IOI"nor. Tbe fro.tier lob.oll.ote are lotally ruiDed. The Mali.,. arelf"Ulnl( .0 be!'>!. We.re ID eltpt"etation of elft.'Ct. whh:h hltJ Eicelleooy'. order that aU caule Ier ... relt , •• II bol. (ronller I. o(ll'o •• nd the K.JJr. go .bere yer Ibey The (luke ol Wellinrtoa: My lord., aft obee,..tiou "",iol( sa". to •• rd. erenio •• bllD ClIp"'lo M~Irl"e Wil. ".oIlD",'d In of Ih., -t .. 1r.k~.4 A K.O, percb ..d In a IrH a .. aUllCk. Fur H"ueu·. lake wnd Pech ..'. v'y ou, anll If' laken from the enemy beaam. tbe prul.erty choose aDellIó .bat lbey likl, wlthuut let or blDdreace. The beeD made hylbe noble .arl .ith ~.'peet.lo .y eoadu~I, I lb .. arm bdr ling do.o the eallle. o~t'ar, I~l tbem earry tht'lr .al"'lea IIIJ th,', .rue' C3(ltors,-'IRve hall :lIllOn Ollr nali"e a,li(."'I ,n lhe o~en 'poedic drought .ull prnaiu .. beg to .ay tbat I ... nerer in.ol.,ed io .aeb. eitCU nee. a. Ibot • 74tb rula lbrou~h tbt head. bUl he ••• Inltinrly u.lt .Ith the H.. rI,... Tbe Intelligence g .ur .. IWd WOrlil frow W· I. W h b' k th. oohl. lord _lt~ b" addreued ,Dar lo..... bip' [ r J. I brougbt down .Ilh botb .. rm. bloken aDd biB he.d ~bat""r ti the fru ..t .,f tb" dl",ict. IUeu' ,,-{«,n. e ave l I. wee lo rpcord ano. Of this wretched stafe of things Sir HARRY don'l lIl..an to make ao, ohwrfttion beDen met d. to pi cu. 'flae hUll .ere burl ed, and .ben Ibry we e co ,_ opoa lhe condoct of tbe EuclO'JetlI. a letter on tbe labjl'Ctl or gOllpn .... ler. Pleaae ther e1f. et, equally ruinou. to oar suff~ring far. nlleJ..nde. Uil ~om.d ,t ... found tit at ft.e of tbe rebel. hlld pe.....Io.. d ID uite SMITH, it wouM apJH>ar, is quite seosible. He nohle 'Ofd; bat I muit .. , th.& it g abtolutt!tyl.~i"le for of them. .ee tbl&l il eumca .. th tbe Le",. ... u are uearly out. mer', rt sultÏlI:£ {rum t.be aame order. lt ill the !aa. Dil bt. &Serio. I it indeed to tbe defeat .ustained by the lb,. b01l1e .t p'eten& to prltlJOUttee afl1 opioiott UpoD tb .. e.ae We hlllle.t on a ridjCeIlpptllite Ibe f.,r,..t, after lt'adiFlI{ our en. O.DeI'llAl H. &tU1>::t0~ • case uf a poor but in"ua"'oua maD •• b~t' 1I,)le mllinIJroujfbt ... der yoor eo .. ider.táoo br UIe .obl. lord [lte .. , enemy in ~afit:land,_a kind of retaliatio" on his eel is dat by bear. bear). I .. lh" 6rel pl.ce, .. Ja.•• lIot a aiDgl. pa~r horen up " Inu., IpilauDI. ulCt'ot. On allaiui,,~ the IU'OIllII t nRnl:e (ur bis fa II lp d 'pended upon • (w calfle part. But M no portion of the tbousands in tbe before Ol. oor ha.... ! ucht beba.,. ",'e •• a number lOf Ihe enemy in lighl colorffi clothi Ir, Ill. Tbt Kaftre are 'glin '.armiog In the Kaga, anrl "hat .. JIl wh eb be kt'l·t fOl .thf.1 P upo.e of lr.nap ".. brfore II' tb. eorrnpoodaDee .biéb Thea" I{rooteo gra4 enemy's territory-hitlierto, witb slight eXCf'ption tbe noble lord .lIaclf'd to hl' lOlDe detail, [laear, beer]. UOlll liog at Ibe t'd;fe ..f a bu~h rl'ad, to di"e Ïllto It on 'tbe Br.t brw" .. o( a. If.e reeclr. 1114 hJllDtodiate .id, I knOW'not. b, ealDe &til! pr. 1 of lhe pred "tory K fir bul wer e '_t _ I). al.rm; the, .. ere tar out of ranie of our bt~t "fte.. Maj(,r Cbri.llIlR Wlenaad (_ of Jlr. B, 1>. Wleo.ud l.P.) lad employed to sbe. that the aacendil~ of mountain~ il comet! reaDI.rly bffore ynur lord.bip. ,.0 eaaoot hllre a rec,*vtured hy U .., M 4Jt-.tJ I bOOI' a "' L,nt· Ilri(l. V..nebeldl'l • Someraet h,lI! " sharp a1f"ir "Ith lOme KaBr. alld HoltelltuCI bl. brolh ..r Fn:d ..nclt had a 'e'1 Dorrow nc"'1I! • tew áay. and heighta il a matler hot beyond tl~ human nolioo lo ."at lt Ielf'n, lIftd lh..refole lt ia Ipre_tore lo on and fUlllovetl lo Kill" W iIJi.m·. To .. n. ancJ Lb " lIa tJOaaaJ ilO> a hill t3 tlae lOuth' .Dd Infticted lOme 1(15' upou the'll I ago. rhe Kill,. had .tol 'n a few or their bc8t ridiDlf hor_. mIk. a'IJ obwr"aliGn upoe lblll wr,...",n.tence uOIi! tbe OI.UlII.", lOll capacity of tbe fronpt' and le,iea--can be spared hOUII! b ... Ihe paper. 'n illl h.ad:llo [Itear, hear]. Wb"l I ro.. Fm! m~n WlI'" klllt'd jo OD' but. aDd how Inauy III the bo"; .. hlch had DUt, uo(ortuoa&t>I,. '-D P<'nned that nlICht. 'rh" IOld by the go~ernme.gt olliocr. altbuullh lelging •• a I'. Iten I,a aloot it DOt 1i0l'''''. In thl! o(ternoon we returned anol olro'Iackrll 10llGwlolt d.y. thd. tw. brothers (uUowt'd th.m aod came Ihe rropert} ui ~r ... tbë •• , by a friend 00 lhe IIp'.t. for the protection of Her MaJesty'. unfurtunatta. for p.rtlelll.,ly... 'n t.b. nie of DI"'''; 'eotItend tb.t to a de ... 1.exhausted, ruined lubj,'Cta ",itl"n the border. These .nilltllry law II n.uber Illore Hr I.... Ihao Ibe wiJl or lbe 00 tht' A mlllo"t Ri, .. ;. thll 1.lb gGIDg ,ouDd by the.c. lie of upou tbe Kuftre Dear old H.d"oD P~t hulnl( iu their "., ....... UDder lbese ci'OuotAtar&Cu Mr. Matbe •• aplI'.'" IO<'II..n. _r fór Iuoh redrell •• IIh~11 "n .."", lUll! ftria". "100 a number of bol'kl. A. Ibe K<lft,a they .aw oDly Hil F.xcelleoc, fl,"f'lIer.1 COli' UIa" hnflt the .ietorioa •• rm,,-il 1& eo I•• III .I! tbeir aclloo to bring In U~ dead lhree ID number are very coolly iuformt-d lhat the strong maraudin~ .tie 'erkr~e. grl''''. few 1.0 nUlUber, the, eott-red lbc hueh 110ftr lhem, !rdlc to obtain lb., "'0"n5 uf ko"ping bi. ramlly from ~LoH". [hear he..,]. Tbe Kene,.I.ho pUll Ibe·la. It,tu aeeution is voll.y o,er each lIJ lh"y were eu;"l{ued Lu a I ."i.e/'d partil'8. "ery approprialely termed .. wol'eil .. bound lo I.. y do .. a ablOlutely lbe rIlIra, ,0,1 r~latlOn., en ~ryd le Th. IloJiea of th.lwklUg ,,( lhe .nare the lubtI •. enomy ha,1 lalol rur them. .nd The 00.11.. b ..., beeD It"I'P,'d by tile enem,. tiOD. To lhi. H'NIOoolblco appe.1 Hi. E.ctI,lell , .hdthaq beaJd,.d to the Jisllff.'<:tion uf the colored class: s "mn •• to carry it into esecution Ha" ..tc UllmouD&ed tbe, lelt lherr boo,.... ID cbarge ol th ..ir tc,in" 11I10'oU ""II,o,J hil pJuololmalil)ft. r"JJlle. t""l It [bI'll b .. rJ. M,lords. I 11.,1'Hotte"t"fI were (,und llear the .pot.lai'l OUl IlI'pareo,') AIiOLb, r 01.0 wa. bere wou',de't. A lJulr~bl!r een.llla lIu,1 .ellt flH"ud .hell preacot'y tltey wert! rt'Collt!<l is impouible bne ronoigo «:oaot", e .,rie<l DO martial fa.; thaz is t.o Iiso ,"" bunal. "ltilln Ihe colollY, rt'llllpr il imr)(!rativtl that every \u "unl hi. reque.t. O"r (."n. rI ar" I gorerned a lar,. proportion IJl the e"uolry by ",y G"n u( Kulir WOIlopn came out aod made a ft'e Oil th,s shle Of tbll b, tllIl, ~~o... Itb tb. IntImation lb.t a lal'l{. body of Kali ~ tbul dep';red of theil 1'00<1 •• not only tlte m'l' aud. nl.le·IJ()(liecl 111"" "lauulJ IlIkp Dp arms for lhe ~. III II, If Il.e, Illid Il.. olher sheller. but their .lrct"';~UI ",e~e cl os lOllIII UP'III tho m. Tb ..y ImmedlOtely ."nallg towl."l~ "I I, "hal doet! LJ.. , lIII.aD 1 Wb" il m..an. lb"l tba '"un fence of hilll8t.'lt allJ famlly.-wil'~lhe kind re. try .blluld be 1II0.. rned hy nalional I.... (I, ... r. bra J. I avllil,>d lilti'll "olhln~. 1II1ba Fwgoc. IIOIOHt'a",', ellt"l't'd Ibl: their hor.,.' •• nd lound loo.trul, tb.t Ihe KuBre lo th,' u~,ul~, I io, K~lfr, but .1 .. , b, Ib" yer, partico!l .bu ar.' paid I. SomerlCf. H .. (o:.&oell.... oJ h ••. tile po.er Co m,,",I"'ancr, al the t;ame Illue. in General Urder 1t"·.,,>4'd the cour.try by tbe law. of the COlintry. ond flto.erned bUlh alii' d,·.troyed Cblllr huttl, th. pr_'uee 0' .. hleb th " ,,(~, hO'1 .ur~Dd ..ocI lht'm. Wltb greal dM&erminaUGIl Lh.., to derend theol. Ia'~ aronti iUD" Procl •• oa.lonl. but .e qacatioa !cr, much th., We ohouaekecl fur lb. J,llrn(,odlatel, made a .... b ar lhe pol.. t wh,'re Ihe e""11 .... it. I mu.t "', "lib Ute aerYallte of tbe enanlry IInd of the rnl"bt 1101olhe'.IH Irare SUdpl'clcd. Nil. )24. thttl rlae pnot.llclion I.f his Proclamation 41Dl:r. l Olltperao'l to I•• rlere .iU. tbo jual 01."11& III;.ehlon the Amulola mver. a,'d on 8uudll1 (2!Hb) J'dur ..ed weakest .04 r....le througb &h..l, fuea, alln~t lramphng Ih"m ri,ht ol.oJ of anI PeLroaly has Ik en "t'riBed, aDd tbllt tbey Gu'e. Dwenl, .. bo.. (oreet! .era d"".a oat; Ib.., IIC~ on ,Irt' to Tbe C.Ulp Uil tlJa Am.wlll I'lat. un,ler ,..Ilt. Th. KlIBra kelK .p a .h~rp ftr". aod harled _It;oh eYe" Krllo" hold. oyer bls oen prope,ty. '0' direction, .ad ..... jeds- .... i. ... eee,la. ol ..... d ktn met brt nrI' alratn called upun to arm. I... i•• JI.ueb " ..... , ,.. far a. we Crtn a.cortaln, II, condacled tbA!abe bUNa... oil •• counl'1 aDd..r _, direction bundredl o( ~.1 tJW htoad. ol Ihe lIull' band ol be, In d. kll"eD Verily. if lbere be any man having )('8S reaIon [bear. bear.] I ne"" In .oeh 0 poailioo .. lbe nftWe .lord kming ou. FI..... , .bom &b. reaa .ere obl,ged &0 le...... that no pmperly btllooging neD to a (riondl, po.ur. A corresponden~ lupplies tbe follo"in~:_ I~ ,lalt. "rr. fecIIpturetf from the ene.. y•• ". bo d'urtod horae. I(UO, aDof and .OUD"'Dg )lDo,br'r a HOIteotot, 'n .hell to l.f'''t of flis predictlonl, Ihat man certainlv iii .bo iliade lb ddr .... to you b•• beeo •• nd (NnfjQutd !hl' HoblH. IlltKwezanlla Camp, Chumi6110ok, June 29. but that Dpoa tbe payment or the .houlder .bo. bo.".r, m.nca:ced to keep hg aeat a'lft (lom the properr o.ner. our uQfortunale Go" ..rllor. Not une of them' ha. Doblll!duke, roi.ill« bi. "'"ee to lbe bl,bea& pilCb, .IId ....be. een lecpl,,1r. _ntly .trULiolllbe tobi.) I prol a., •• III.l fM.lalf elIIJ'" iolo it II qlli'" mlreeulou. b". o ..e eacaperl. Ibey IHttll~ ""ago .uoh proptt,tJ ~"'II be r •• tored lo him. Now We hne jUlt r, turned (rom a patrolla the Amatola eseapéd. D... t rnootletl been realiWtI. They have all .ani.&ed like eomparllon ID .ny •• , .,haCey., .ilb him [brar ...... rJ. e .m1'I,,"'ly .urrDulJdlld. lUId the Kallra tiring "D lnem at (rom iD lhi. oalC the poor lUaD A. •• uhject ol tb. '(tiJ po ... , Ilnd W ulfo 1(lve ••. This bti", lbe fil.t "trllir in .. hielt 'eD Yfratruoid !!moke, and it ill Il mouNlful fact tI,at much of the Earl Grey: I tblnt tb. noula dak. did nol perleclly h.er at lbl'm IlrlnnlllJf u ",ho .oba bim. Wo •• e Dothi ..... u..ro(oJre. but the th", lIaO.t!d them. five to lem ,.anl. dlecaoer. &II" runnl"" pet IIMt the refe"_ .&de lo 1.110. Wltal I __ n lo .. , i., lb.l In the 141h ne..t. 'la!! been engaged. though .are o( the" pr,'y. Th. KIiO... ft wa. (ouIId hall oltpunoo to pre"ent Irtr Matbe •• rrom reo..'&:'tn( mitery DOWC'ndured on tire Fronlic'r, is tbe inni. by ry.1I .1'1.0. a bray" 111'1 of follows, iD dislodging the enemy tim .. DI .ar Ilid eo. luaion llauae .!to ac, aDder lbe .utborlt, (..rIO d II double rlDg thr"lIlfh .hlcb the! bad Lu break. &lid ~ble reeuIt of a blilJd rdianCC1 thereon. la. an ..qui,.lant •• Iae rol' the oaUie bOl b ... W., Chamle HMIr. (.0111. ruglCId .teop mountain. They woniDI' ill' it .. aa (lod alou. that .uanl.u<t theln tQ etlCaj)f'. of a If"M.al or a PftI'1tOI' CU80e ... aI"ay. Iro. Ier. ODd., de lIuat HII Kxo"lIelley _Ill seo tb. propriet, o( 1.. .,ln( A. to tile meaninsr of the ar1(ent call to armll we bel'"gUilty of abo.u [b ... , It-J. akirJl)i.llluJ order. undora 1."a'ylJ,o (IOID the Kallr. not _Il lo u, LarICe bod,ee of Kailre are uuw arpu"d u' •• nd ac" .... ro.tb a"other 1'1001.1".'10" to oouaterac:llbe mite"i!!f eannot divine it. Since the laat .ix mouths' tbe a. 00 parade. having to mali do trom hne aod S.lljler. tb.t tb. noh I. duke 10 e.neiaed ,lae po...... rdal la", .nd HollentaII, as .toadily Hoek bl' be..o .ummol' .... "" t ander .. o,r 0110 ba. dODe. ADd ntureo" .. ''''1 hut lblt .IteD the noble duk •• earrylq.. 'hM ......,.. alop ""'y tow y.rd. to breathe. and drhinK' the enc. mert al ....... Fonte". oeat "uoda14 IInltl" tbe old Yf'ttna e"ieh bl.. form", frontier inllahitanls bave been inces.antly ander 'erel.,.o. de to deny 'bo r.P. Br.. IDu.. Tbg wmm Ind II lo &COur a'thouKh H,. F.so·.Uopoyla .. lOeD arm.-ind~ their own IOle protf·cto.... Sir bie and fltlorlolll COol.. a by .hleb bit oa.e .ill be e,w dia. my before them lo line .tylo. Sonr.1 oltbe Kat RIYo, Command.nt oa ge,anltetl o( Mr M.lb." .. be.r Ua.1 he h•• lrioaa, tbere ..... c_a of .oldie,. .nd ollee,. ACtin, eo le, le"-'. Ill"''' 'tllll in willbiu" t" hrre"der. the Jli.b 11I't'r ..,.b ... cl ..... t Ollt tbe thierel from lbo Ka,. Ineludin~ Jl A RRY knowl tbis as well in hi. qaiec trclu.ion, poU"D. p'D' bial beit .. ,uIlty of abu ... Notrary to t"e ooble du .. •• _gh,'. p.o.ed a.. Jood :lalQ.rll." aoel ,ruW W'" the "'eli n. ""trIet. J 1 ODe fil the "",ty. Ti!e larme ...... óf lhelr Comdlll.-Jan Uarni.; al.o. F. HendriC'K. as "'e Iflff the .. holc Colony know it. Tbe de- .nd "bieb tbe Doble duka (uund II o.e ..... ry to prerent Piet !!lIJ III I Slln. R. Jaeobs. nert Uulda. Hgalo all r"lIl _k. to koep bi. la'DilJ rrolD .&anadoL-P • .& M~f'CUrl Rnd 1I1',,'ral IU da KaapSO I .ai'-'. tbl're I mlKbt allO be abulf'J in df!~urt. rs fw III til" C.M.It. taclting of any portion of J,iJf (orCH (or the p.'OtPC. [brar, hnr] They wial.,.d (Ilr a ce~u. 110f) of the frontier. or the cessation o( ho.tilitit'8 C. yluo o( .bicb rlJY nohl. rri"Dd lbe Oo"eNlor of Ceylon lion o( "u~tjlilit'a lor 'ltr~e day. lo Ila.t'",hlo their pt'O' ( F,om IJU SJMctator, .April 26.) kne. nOlbiu,. a.,d my oobl" (rgnd more read, lhan any LATEST INTELLIGENCE FROM HEAD. until that nect'flsury precuution haa been adopled, otber .,.raon to ponl.b Ihu... ho... wheo lhey took pl. ce pIll. Tbe (Jen. inrorroud tbem tlu,llae wuuld Oot 1re"t P.xtract fro.n an article OD the March of Co'oni ..l n«tll d.t da QUARTERS. ...ould the~fore have fM'en more lO the purpoae [brar. h .. t.] 'fb .. t I•• 11 i. "Id in reler.n.", Rcform:to lbe DOble wilh t h"m .llIle In Ihe bO!fh. OI><'D g.t d. W'DNIUDAy.-lnlormation hu come in tb.t I.. t nlltht a Ry tbt! millt.ry ".pr ..... wbi('ft "'lfte in yetltHd.y •• ~ ha".. 1'11"..eU cflDC/..ai"fI, probably,.nu ba tbat of eoDUoI orer tlwn a call wLich allo_. of the intêrpretatioD or duke, ADd 1 aball merel,. add da.c I ... !flad lo b.., .aa.t lOt ,eret-d dl .tronl bo,I)' of K.fira lUISde tbeir "ppe.IP.nee 00 lt.e f.rla frGIIt KI,.. Willlllm·. 'ruwll to tb. 2nd ioaan, t"*lr owo Clfil LI.l lo u.. Allatrallaa CoJoal... Wh .. t lhe cOllclus,on, that lhe •• d~ed inacti,ity" of wbich tlte aoble cI.k ... id wi'h rtofereuce to .aaat la tb. ,'u. aatare Ror"l "r.lIl, .OOUI Ij,e .nil ... lIorth of G'ah.ID·' 'fO"'B. and Inl.lli~l,ee ol martial I... lt i... aelly In _rd.llee "ttb .bat I m,'f"* "nhhc ducl",,,nl. lr.,"nIIUtld by llJi. op" ..rtuolly are Ch II L.1t m•• II' lu a coloD,., ia bal D&&Ie eOlte....".,,' io t'." 11111 "orthy Sf-cretar" ba. complained, i. no mere ...If .roc. lo mJ oonle frleud.l lbe period of tw.. &ranJl4Oo .uccto..... d II. letting oir wllh IIholit 1200 1\It', 1110 S"""II, the II'er, ImportlInt •• "d "illlead ..... to IMIme deoi"rd COcIlltf1. 'I u.... "'" lUeaa, .. to lJaII eoaal..,.,. 11x"" Itf!\fr. Wellkley On. of lhe hl'rd,."eB WIth ti., le practie .1 .... n't invcntlOn,--a tbing altogetber diJpro,ed from the tion.. I a..... th ..... nOl .ron, ia law. r(lr I laad ,.... property,,1 'fhe GUllernor eall. emph.tlcally Upoll ... ery am.uily for tb·· IJ, a<1ui t"* Oorero.ea&, _bleh uie Le.c .. I,.ru"e .h ... , .11•• hGt drad b7 Ihe marllo,le,.. Sl'nrnl hOI,.,.. w .. e ab'A!·b",liflI ... n to arm bll ..... lf in tbe e"llImo'j deleore. Ao o( tbls enu ..L.yl .... "!':UI'ed, but IlIDftlll a large porti", •.. r outSf'I, and e't'n no .. , by tbe exi.hog atate of .d.,iea o( lA'" Cottenha.. .od Lord CampbrIl, ood lit. Attora..,. O... r..l•• od I •splained to ., Dobl. IrieDd Ih", .110 "'ken (rom tbe .lljoioig f~rm. the rrnl""rl, of I>r. a ,sinul d ... he II .. ",rf'tlaed by Ih. F.scellrncy lo CIa all In b. tit" rpv"uye ot Ihr c•.Jon,. whlcb a dJatiUIl l..r,(''''.tu,e, 1ta<:lf tlllngs. ft trlln or :iU wAga'" !r'''''ed power LIl prolA!et lh. eoQo'r1. bot he clill. 1Ip'''' lhp peor'e "hr.II,. il(IIoralit of lilf .oi,t.'t:t an" 1J0t lal j ••,II" 'ent I" lt. wh.t la ealled JWoclal.iolf ".rtLaI la.i. 00 I.w al all. bilt Alber'ton ...... Tbia e~fnt"lf 'fh. Y then ••e'., .. to lecfllld hg ..Ir .. t. in ocel"r elTt"Clnal'y to Cl'u.b but, 011 lhe m"r .. ft'kinl{ ..( tb. CoIOAIaJ011100. laken 001 .. ( JDereI" for tlte .. ko of public •.tllt, lo clrcum.l."cet! af ,reIIl .. ub ulelc!laIH.hze. luPVlu'" &e. sta.t.'d for CrNI .. ck ''''''If ..." •flf. matheid, lire I'lICorltd by. party or 25 mouoted mell from Graham'. aorl •• ,.top •• tbe miler .. 'n's who art! no. r""&jC'"I Ib,· &I.e cootrol of th. eolonlJte ••• d apportlOn.d am"UIl Ilie The Crimina] St'Uion. will be opened to-morro •. "-seile', ""i .... ida .111•• , .nd aetiDf under tb. mlli. 'ruwo • _'g p£o.. tary po- ; a proc~t1lo, "bieh "'4Inired to be follo.ed by bo"l ..r. Tb. reeenc ~comhin~d mo'elol'ola in lbe :\.n ..tol. "me"," fnr ",pr. ace .. rdlng to. aoale of ~Jladrl "rawu up -Tbc Colt'ndar contain. bot a few cuea,-{our Jeo te ."'. .n act ol lodemnlt, [hrar ] Thaa II all 1 h.... lo espreu. bare beea , • ..,. ",tllflleto,y; tbl! 0'0.1 I"lrlcate .od dlflicuh bv the C.louial 4,ltirt .Ithout the eonscmt Ol ere" k.,owlpoj 'e thefts and Onf for ('ounleracting and prnenting the ide d .. WHIITLESEA. Tb.lr Lordablpl lt... adJoeraed.-.vM"llátg Clarortick, p.rl. of lh lit rOlrlfid mount",,, eh.u •• er~ puuetr.led aDd tb. 0; Che IIeOltI.· .h .... ta li..lion PI'O,w. dae "On"y. W. IUllke .April 2. oP/ ralion of one of tbe Articlet {,( a Treaty for the FalDA Y.-From the inland mail. which came in enellll, b.lI~d and d..le.ted at e"err pol"t. A'togetber ap· • p,.. .. t of th.. de6BJ i'HI (0 Lord lobe Jluucll for hit out •• r"a of lt,008 he ..d of cattle wer" e.ptu.ed, 'Dd a lood ,reat ,,~h In r",or .. ( "Iumdlog the. Britu COD.tlt".'Gn 10 suppression of lb .. Traffic in Slues. Jast evenIng, we have the following:m .oy ho,..... b.. lde•• leriou. lo .. on the p ,rt of lhe eneDly Au.tral .. la. Ol coor... the colongtl of Uilt P"l of the HOUSE OFCOMMONS, 31 MARCH. 28 Juny.) During 'he lut .h: week_. nlllbtrnu. rt~p,..datlool hn. lo kill"d .nd .0'1odeJ. "eor'"POndeni. on wbom .e placc w ..rl.I-T .. maoi Ilia. South AuatraJlalll, Vjclorlaoa. and I'oi ... THE KAFIR WAR. heeo commlt"'d Upoll lhe (.rRleN of th. AIb rt 'Jlatriet; but esplkh d.peDder.ce •• rili"g to 0. frolu lbe field, The Petition of the inhabitants of Tulba~b, 8eath We1.b-.IIl.ublDI& to 'beir Du.,.laf Strert CI,,1t LI t! LordJOHN RUSSBLL noUe. hl. Intentloo to laUerft • the palrol. I&ave ODI met .ilh a'ly myr.ueliol[ rartl, .... agatnst lire rl'm',val of the teat ofGo.emment hu 00 Flid., (28'b) .e CIIptured 1501 bui of caule and 110 1"D~er tbllu tbe, mlll& ITIIe ....... 9' e&DDO& I.. t 10"1(; d. piuoh! by poetJlOUa bg IDOtlOn upou thgqu_tluD to Thurad_,.. Cbe lOtb .ad fer;t r~.. cas .. ba,e heeD reported. Till. ia uenbed SO bor.... We took lbelD iD lbe mo-t dillieull ,..rt ol tbe lor their Dr. e..... UtaUone bar. ai Jeut tW ID..", of ..1Ileif'fIC'1 t .1 bet ,ee cume lo hand and will appear in our oext. April. Ihem '0 lbc danlf"r which the KIIBre are. DO", espoee;J lo in in de rero~eeO"IIY'· eount'J'.-.b.r. ao palrol had enr belore hlen. ... meana of 10rmf'lltlDtr the Hom. 001'8fODlml; au, •• b ,t Mr. HUME .... ed .belbe, aDy lIIf'Uar... "... belnl( t. lh('1r rtar .. nd tbelr anlliet, to protect tbeir plu ..der from the Wlu.,berge" We .tartr.' at midoiA'hl ond were amoopt cb•• at day-break. th. Canadlana hare obtal.ed b, opportilliitl wiil oot "Zoolcrh.. Jl may l:Ie o"iolf. buw."er. to an ,ther etreulll. SIR,-A •• proof bo. the Duteh Oo"emmf!nt •• hlch b.. , keil to Ior.atd • !fMeroor lo tbat coIoDl, .. lber. w.. aune ge.,olg "er' .,ery admirably mao~U"t'" br tb. d.,DIed lo the ot"'" lf tIWY Ippl,. lor lt ID the 'o£,De .ay. .taBC", • h.. tbe eef('re h.ndllDIJ "bich lhNe alinlt p.rli~8 TbI' 7Jrd RIICi.ent ... t Iher from IKnorane-oor preJodlee"""o .., 1l!"ON1, tratllf'eed b, the ... __ INti • milIta..,. dtotp .. , f boeren, UIt Ih. "en 8u& t.bere le yet ~ ... ~ ud Il more lmportaot GoDOeUIO. l. Up.arol. uf '00 Kafire hau Colonel. The K.fire .ere compltltely noup'u'_, Mr. 8. HA W ES aa.ld that h. uDderatOOtl the,. bad b ... o have rllCP!>t'd (rOID the Boe,.. IIhenlllren .nd olb ..". •••• dl.poaed to.arcJa the lIot .... tOI" .,al ~an ~D "". dp led thd lb. in •• y "' .. expoNd to a erou 6.re ". mU. ~ ou, co,oo~ both J. Autralla aad .\merie .., bo elJ kIll. d OrI Ihe StBrmbe'll dUliug aud about lhe mODtb 0' there, but the ,o,.ruor trU .... pofl.lble 1 'l'<jUf'St tba' you .I!I publlalt the Iollotrlnlf ....Ite'. 1Iffdr-.ed lOme ,..IttIUlLluu. cierboud nil f 1O~ 10 .!tOM JJrltUir. .... li~'lon •• bj.cte all tbeJr jeglllolt,,,n lo tlae aDd a gre .. l man,. ~ID ."')' P n occ;urred, ud lb. ,0reroUleD' ... .Wl 10 fD I M.y by Iho Hue.. of tbe AlberL dlllrlel; tt, li,., OOyerDor, OeouaJ l_" tu Landd ..... Pure OJ Cor all ~ hy toCtnlnIwet.. of a dlalaut 'Dd IITIIpcIflIlbla aathoritl. On thiO/lpol.,t rorce. caltl~ and hul'Sf. recaptured. 200 mu are _mbl. dat tbl' S-ellf1l<.lam. Youl'., K. It I. DO. undt'retnod tbllt the PlSb RI"er BUlb _III be Do• .,I g Strret pro ........ · lo be 11D.0 ... ble. W',.Il".,,,r o Kaffer ~D t11tJ'erent., .. acbte" ; and .. 10U .ilI lee ru",. doue • ." nl nft bernaImmediately oJear.-dor .the ('()Inbine" HpUeDlote aDti KaIn, .lae Lor,1 Ore, m., "lIlloaa4011." be "OWl that h•• iII retaul ,·II.:lellt Iflty iee. aldaar door Jh Wlllf'mJ.n_lIl. Oo • .,nor UNI GeDf'1SJ fff the Cape O( .ho Ilftdtr ~ har. 'tir IOm~ tl~e ..... t 1?'IJl&ed. 111at JUCll· lhe "e10. W b_ t Th. ex.r.mu of Il bere. ai bome, h, our paONTIER AP' A.IRS. I opget:llCht 81mllltaneno_l, with thl', .1 i. "ld. )ll&Jor-Gelleral! own Suverri!ClI. for .iIOae "cry IIC& ft ea_ IDttk. the l,uI Good Hope, 10 the lA.ddroet FoIaN'. o(81reIJrod.m. , ... T•• ' ") eeD ,"end Soweraet Will mo·e blgb", up 10 a. t'fI'ectuall, to lCOur the .utbor. n-sponlJlbJe, hu ralln luw aod would ltot La1lfU{r~I.-The cal.rn1tiee .bleb bare. for lOme y ... ", ( Fr-om tA. Gr4Áa"" • 0,.,. Jo"rnal, ti. GRAAFF-REINET. .ept aich de CoJlUlt" (,om Fon 8ea1l(uTt to tbc Wmterbt>rg_.d thence tu I bi: t.ol, ral.t,'II. oul 'WOUld be ,.Dlsbed eltbrr b, aa Impt'llchopr'~ tbe enonlry dl.trk .. , and -I"'claHI 01'11&6 RelJJet, TUBlDAY.-The ,.. to .. ing aceouft& of proceed • A correspondent at G raatf· Reinet writes!In 19 hftn18l, &10 ·... t,-In .bleh parll .ueb polla will (ot tbe preaellt be ment ui )J uu.tera or a reyolutJoo. 8aeh • p .wer o"er o. l'f kDOWO to yoo. • bib AI' G , Q__ • tI! bt>kom~D •• WIll «tDable the meo tIllI. e:a:erci&edb, an Ag.trallea be .... o woa.Id be cJe..'med m"ol' June iS -n,ere i. a '''port fIom ILchmond th.t tbe P.... m. .. '-I,habed. or campa formerl, My hope I., b, lbe o ... rlaod Joe...,., trItid r am no.. inga e Amalo a 1 -Jo.... tlUWtU ~el'leC II p dit billyk lrou. '1beo b,.1a it \booabt rlJlatb,. Engll.ltmell DOl d. "'·rg Kltftll. of W ... t U•• ulor' •• re bt-commg trouble.ome di.poae<l to keep ap a eontl, ana. chain of pJttr ..11-10 th.t lll.a~IUIl,to maki m,eell !DON IDtJJultl'lJ with di"i.ion, Clime to baud to day :_ , :IIoyu. pro'hr mardrrou Pao,dltU .hich DOW ,n.(.... tb. (olooJ ma, be ftelellt In Id ol eonatltatlooal libert.J, like Lord John nu .. tlg'"IDd .. r.et., aDd. I coDI_Ll1 eItb .. prae. AIUTOLA ·Fu1'. June 26.-8&arlod ,eatorday f,om lt II .ald thaI Il COUllll'udu must be tellt agaloat lbem imme. .JUloted y~1t ID dO.D anri d.. t!'OyHt, CommandliDt Hart.nu bu .. II arld Lord UI'I'" TbeJ do .0& thlolt lt ritrJlt, but 0_ diut~ly; f can har,jJy Irlfe ao ul'inion ID tbl. matter. Mf'IIIac( .. 1 Y.D h"nOB I c;bl~ rrm<:dtea. Port U••.,. pi... _h.re _e elto.lmp.... ID" the U.teoh..., di.trJct •• tb ,ulhollt, fro. tbe .. ry ",uether rtab' fil' ~ dIIrera",ed oy Utem. be. f 1>I:11<::"e.• ..re II<'nt from K.BriaDd tu tbNe Pra.lObe,. aar ook door I~ 0 thp "'!rit o( tb .. OoYrrnmf!ftt ol the tIatI ol ed aoo.tof p... _, .. 74t d pla,in, menU, near~b8rmeD. KaOrs, abont or be(o.e the Ihne the .ar comm"uced on our OO"emor lo raIOa there ISO moe .. tt'fl mm. &0 bo ratlnoed lit eauu it 0111.,eoneer.a4Iat.aitJ eommGDltlu .lth .I)lcb th.,. • (ornml8sary Graeral and o.n I•• er ".. ty tlte _ & eere •• "10 OD tb" Llnltl E,e', man b .... not, .ad euD8l ..... , &Dy real ,,";pafhy. But wt., .tleo UIt Id 'root er. ODe Katlr iu partlcul.r .... trno~'y ,u"prcterl &0 lIM publh:eItJll"0Ill', Bnrl he la .... "uIIle uf. 8ue_ ;t"O;lt, ~rlfcutlOD Ind (.ctlool eoOtf!ntiOD. I( It be .... Á ... toIa _L le U t.odiea ot tea or • do.oo 1 III order .. fJ8&rd I~l IIl1e"'.la IB order _I. elo kuo. the nll.nd tbe wouDd.; 1/ lt be. If poeaIbI.. • CI__ I L I. II K ) han c.rrled inwIIJICem... kC 'I'b" roote (lf tbil reb,.Jlion la c.lllrd epoo lo do wb.t h, c.n. o"ti rf all come for...... u~ry IDla perSOOll "Itb aeal we b.... .... .'flobt but the bal'pleat I't'Iolttl.1II til prn" ..t the eolool (rara Ieg~... hUH(ully t.. tit. I, "Ino'e lbe !lrd aod heel thf' oth.ra. the. be oot ower .,~tcbl,,'" P'OIreu. DUale uo ac .. ~ le o~. ( IIfir•• ."Ike f'lke an.' ext ..ud fllr .lId "Id.-lh. pI.o bei". lite .. m... laln folio... 'MlO r IIDoI ptlI,tIYP duty Ilf nery 1•.)'a1 ('mplre. TIIU ColoDla) Ubel'11 ... erll_ Lo the Iwpcn.1 'ulke genl' e,:'up·llou•lo notice or to Inquire .hat perIOD' a,. lbo moti". m"' ... .1.. , OD' COa'IIe, Ifn,ered OD a "ttle IInr t,lI ooe t~.l mOlt QI#Qli.,. BD'I m... murt1emul plol I.id by tht' .~II, eon"iatla to raJl, ro',od tb.' 1I0v,,'fIInen!j.-; lo pat do.n e".ry ... aGuina. B.t acaJa. wb,. ~ Beea ..... hl f.malng C4Jloul.1 lat geeD ~l' Ca '>e 'Ir rHry parlIcolar calamity or oeearrr_ aDd lbvi of lhe .. _ .. got aDd .boul46 bead o .. ltle and a KaOre .ad 1I0U~"I .. lI io 183~, durln~ the Lleut a""t'rftllr .. ' Itlou. crGakluj( .. h 'peler, aDI! lo tr" .. t ot'Dtnllltylit .neb eouatltutioo. our ..... roee will DOt tak. the lroobloa to bebooreDJe, be eOlllpelJtd lo IDIIICI pUld.bmeDt or to All ar. _olftan .é.. tJ."e.. I ,..'nraed lO thtt .pot and (ouod .111" .. I Sit Aodre... Stock .... lrolD. _nd .h!:D I!:D.igo CrOWl' • t meol publie danger al trea'OIl to lhe .tate. aeparate Co~I.kl fro. lmptrial jarlad6ctIuD. A "dO D• ., ",... boL -en el:(eDa&r b,.. , P.lr!uu, df'lt.'nlng Hetl"n who.JII belleef~b-Ia,.. ..... .&.Ir J,... oe bi. b." eitll the hiDd part ot jil. Snme orer:uN buo It .ppe ... , I_a mad. to Gf'a. Som.r· IfJiala I... ~.,.., "'lle~ ta lIDI aeoeonpry. oat .. 1& U nn reddiDg In~ "Id. ,II prl'jodll:" .11 d.. l"; to j)f"leCutloo-aid le ta.. !lead .... 'lerrd. He had beeD .tripPfId of 'da o.oa. eetlby the HOUpntot R,bela .. hD Ife. or ha~. been, lICning ~_ "'h to l~parial 1IIaL&er •• 00" .. 10-': gUett 18"" gt'P" r. '''ablllblIl"nt or prt'Hn.,loD of Pftcr, "'Itb lhe origlhal ..,.nll aDd .rm., a.d w.a ... rrooodt!d b, aD ea"er SOMeRSET. "j.h tbe K.B ... IU lbe A.lUiltola a"d tle'lIItallDg tbe ProBtl,r. ~udiOlf dM twal. &bt couatltotior:alla. (If Co.IOt,ILI. t1 lerd ... no • K.Bra II w~1I •• 1I0neDlol.,-an .bo will eo· oro.d of abe 7"tb mell. T-o oaher .KaOr. _ .. re ."ot A letter from this place contains the (ollo .. ing! Tbi,lmu'l be •• khcd w,tb jeal ..uI care. Oeoer.u s..1D·rau "'abtelte rueea &and...... bold oe &lillatp allied, Local Il~r prrlenee ol ~te Lo td'ecl .bl~Y ..r ma,.. be for lbe .elf., •• lo_ar do_. the little .lInm, Tlae woma. i••erJ qaiet etteD 0lIl 1. July I.-An ellpr .... h"(lome ill (lom Ihe Reut Ri. abould koo. tb.l be II belcl to ,..ard theae wretched f n ear .Dr tur lhio". 1mperial. ti l.pertaJ &hIOl' "ere deflued bJ tbe"Dd order of the kUJ"mIOa. The a ..... ty &DDOUoc:.d iD "er CAptivity and ... 1... iD cookio, "c., bot w,lI rele "an~' ........ reae cn .. inal •• Itb fa' too Inlont .. qe, lrure britl(r a.d uda.led rrolD Coloalal lhJialuloG, &!lt'nai, otbe, tblo.ft nr .ido (S. E.) of Ihe dj,jajOD, lo tbe eK'ct th;aloUr lI" •. s~ H C~lIIlDlIIDr)' O'Denl. hU fZU.,aJebed tbe pua i toll DOtbin, u~t tbe imp.ob.blo ta'; tba' .be be. clidriet lO1ght be mOll properl,.ltlt" cbe CololliaJ ju, ... lietioo .. ,th. is inVAded b,. lar~e OOIOII,,,n.'o KlOftj,.. A dO <,oabt .bate"er lbd a much Jrra'er CJerrre8 fluid~ r.ard Ihe ,O""o.eDt, I bope aDd trua, • II ~ loo •• lo &J.e Cbp'Qio School. Prool ..... t... a"i. tba .. thu .. flat h•• b.tberlo lkeiD DowO would ba'if' out aa Impt'ri.1 re&o. 8, .,.,.&Jag mod", .e .hoalJ • ... r. buc ,.rec'aaJ : oe tr...,reOIJCNI ol the la.... JJ .. h' , body of.t J?.. t800,.·ere ....eo hy one o( ou. pillrol •• bo eu \I.o. mercy .nd bne .ued ma .." ... IUlble Ih el. Sc.,eral ....tu(ylh. ColOlliea aacl rftal. tbw OODteltted .1IegittBCt'; b1 ""&10 DDPUoiabed; without nbjtcUo. 1e.04 reaped'" T.UUD£Y, Jil •• "-Left tJa. ca .. p t ... orll 0, and we are In Il .,,,te o( I!rtla' jOGI"HIJy-and i"len'tI coloul.ta bar. beeD -.truck d" •• b, Ibem.boIe I~ lt alhoe" 1lóI~1) lbe eoufou,.dmg mode, •• p11 them Inte dl ... 8'fOC:lJ<m.H, ~ Mt .,er· :; I• ., 'Dllthe lO"el'1l1.. Ihere je DO eocial ltappioea. whit a•• "o.te.t part the lotoe aDd. aaoeoded lhe alarm in lhe ",illa"e. Thero il hotllln;c to pre.ent tltC'jl~ 01111" I. of rar 'Pore 'm.portaooe til... wou'" be U~ blo'lJ~ .{I,lnl( ap tN "e&O .. tetpeete lD&hera o( u>c,1 Lqrlsl.uon. ~bODtJlllllee DO people cu proaprr. Deck betweee tlte HOI • Back aDd tbc hlUe Amato.la. ..,-a. "1 KaIirIl beltlti here to.nit.thl. The C,v,l Commil8iooer n.t of 'be .h"l. Kd RI.. r Set.tlemeat. Tb. ~OIUIta .re i, ...e .bould preaerft 1& .. ,.~" Imp. rial matwre; b, pr,,_ I heelt deo r tbe D.'Cb AlncID' hellt',e Ihat lbelr illc.,..t .nd nlW. joioed the Gettenl OD • hule proaooLu,., 'Creteb'DjI h.sllent a c',mrtlutJieati'~n to (;Ialllll"'. Town and at..> ne 1I0mour to coueat I.. an,. eompmmlae lo. thll ca... lt I· .. "Ing it .. bt!n! lt 0UlM ....., lo hue ealAted. ". aball 1111>8 li beeft ulD 'rt I". d~., to lite tbf'y do IDI'ju.tlet! ·-bal lb.re .re olber into the .. Iley_ So.,. KaSre wer. he,e _0 aod a ~ .hou .1 wht're it ooght te be ai... ,. preae,.tc1. 10 G .. neral Soml 'SL·t W" bo.,., a foreo will be spnt oot lI'~ugeaDea lbey call (or; but Iter .. o,.elocbID, jD'lIe" ~.n li", -ho Irt .~,tillrd to prOIf'CIIOO ' aud thue are neltl lo PJ:cha"ged. A. IOOn .. tbe C.pe Corp' bad ~ .... d lira"K fQrwa.d (rom Ullib .. DI·S TO"D, al we aro lG I "cr, ".. ured lhat oDI~SI thl. be alt"lnPd Ibl' Colnny ca0"lt "IJM'CI 'J he fore UlO di,tiDcUoo N of radical mOIDf'Bt JINlo". ' CJODI!l', Ic ILe ti,S! I'I.e" tue lI~lteotol'l .bu arll! (ree ,'OiO lbe bUlh •• ,lllaDl 1.:110., wbo ha..! re1ll811.ed uflob deft:Dcel('!ls .llltc. lo !tihllfed (roLIl Lbe enormou, c"rl. b, ...blcb Il I. 00"" '.caVIe L!rd Zre,. bal prOPOHÓp.o illflovaLiODIII ('.oio. II .. ,t'appende "ierpeo _ TBIJ ~. ZUID- i\FRIK l.\ N. I .ocl., '.POOrCI "'It r. ._la~ i" é'l\. Iit tariI, iadifW -."""t ta..,. "on.)'.~ t"~ ea...u.. ""ead. dl., eo.. .0 ."ti pta, .01 ""'e_" .... nr. --a. oe '-"'11 .... d_". f...... ,.,..... "'&ra", IH eb.,.. ,.,.if!S. rba." _.c, bei", m'·....... _.d .. r.1D ,r...' ,In ,)1'"" lt"'" a... "'".d .H' la., .oa' ,b. "'''001'" .uel·Y·· "oot .t.. cb. tIlU"" w. a,. t, .Jd" rI, I .eP. ,I,. ·I' '0 • - 1J, a. .11. '1Ml- a. I" ,.".&eIl 'CJ". a. 0,.. qD"" aaau w. e ID., ,-,at .u' tru.,. "r D.''''' ,,"'k ',.~ IJ." "Y' :- 0' .1. ":ï" II". .,,"!! -.11 "'oa&Gde In, ol' .'1 .od ,..w ..wa be"" 'p,..d or he.eat ,,.,.rd :'tl1 need,,, 0' ""eril, a'. t" ~r bl ,tlILCU • .t i • enntm,nt, .hlek la .,il1ter ' •• Iollable .. II politJc or the .ufFoeatln, tu hlhabitant.; .. nJ ,pdn,. b,Ye ,uidenl, "r le" 'r~""'~ of both •• ee Idille '0 .hether lil. Local a.d 1111.... up, .hil., in .rld 10c.liti"l Dew on.,. ha"" gu!d,.,' out. et!an r. ' '"lIetiJ,n. n( IfMernlD"D' III • colooy,haU be aep.~,,,d in. rbe whole f... tu,et of the ehlrb· •• "rf"ee. Tlae lO." ot ", efll f,'ulI""d. He p",~ Ci" lbe dnpa.c1t belore quoted,) lm ... y, .bieb enlllain"d 1,5001 boa .... ; b•• not O"ft Jéft ••• ,"'PH CflII.eqU• ..ce ol flYinll' ap tb.Jr Ciril Lisl to ,h. ,'alld;n" .od na le.. ,b.o 600 '.um.n hei",. are: rtekon ed C.nadisoa, lhat IJa• ....". ol the Goftmor ol C.o.d.III.1J to be unMr llae roin ... bieh oo.m~ .".101 "!l'e beell •• ful I, .". paid hf ti.. 1I0Ibel'-COUatfJ'. Good, ia 10 far .. be ia.n .uam,."led b.d Ibe .hoek b...a .fWr oi.lltl.lI. wil.. dae hl 1:.1 1...".riaJ oftiePr ezerc:iaiD. Imperial fllnctlon. i. tJa. colony; !litaot. r'llr. '0 tbeir bomu af" tb. l.bQa,.. of .Ib. d ay. lb.t is, a., ofIien of the Crowa takt., care of 1_.,.';"1 luur· Tbe yill... of Cbio ..... b.a 1I •• rl, met tritIt ,~ ... t.•••lbe " nr.. Put be II alto lb. laad of lbl Local £Steud'e, and. .pper part of • bu,e lIIoa.taill barill' f.llell i.to. all1l bl~' n ecwqo ..' tbird p.rt of tile Local IArlalel.re. In bu leU~r liP, UI. amall port of Ek~n"ik, o.,ttwb~l_inl dM d.eUi cb.rae.n. Ibe IDd ,.,.Iation of hit .... uy by the roood lboat it. beu. ~uolb.r rill .. _, tnOre illl,lI4. It.. IIII~iaJ GOftl'Olllellt .. aki re.d~r him Incl.pelldent (If lh~ been buried from tb. Mt; in oPP'*&I dilecLioni, ol , •• laUla, eolonista-we.ld b.n dl. _ •• reet Da aHU Bril"" eon· between .bicb it " .. lituated. Itj'D~ .. the .,..,...t ID..... a .. 'ion ol oa, Tb, l&1",iyore aL Maerl, ,al.rmed b, repelted thoe ka ineo_ by. dmt.nl power ..,.ld haft .pon the eoaadtaUo" wbleh were .tllI oecurin, lor l'e dl,l afler, thoulfh 0I. .t bome. TbI,"tet woakl be dea&racd ... ; tJa. eooatitulioa I much 111gbter n.ture, bilt! e... for Imfel, on board .mall era IL wo.ld be 10 lII.hn.d .. &0 be UII6\ for,.won. 10 cllrdlwllred.. .lId ft.blnl( boata, carr,IIIIl with tb.m wbal propert, tb lo lOll! ile id.nti'y. Lord Gril" '~JI rO'eA'ee&&0 lhe coIoui.t.' could 'rom Ume to tlme dill out from beuel th Ib" rulu. or tbe _ By ""iIIr you miD." .. you p lboat dae aaI.,in of '.torebou_, mOlt of wbich hul beeo remu,eeI to 8iID1, kh 0, 1nor CI.n ('l!iei.la, _ m&end to ke tlaoee otllclall .... pou- d .. , .nd otber 111.orll. ' .ible to you: tbe object la to .,.rt.et ypar of ,.Ipo.lAt S.mI8llD • Imart .hoek wu f.lt nn !beUth Plbl'lll ,." !ribIe "oytrnmen«. bat .. tb. UtIlI li.. we .... t nruler but lt etlllt!d no dam.lle. O...r "",_41'1'1 will remember ah 110& your prilleip.1 ollieer, .bo it allO •• ftIIDliai br.neb lite famou. CoIOlla.of Rho<lH, ""leh 4. dly ... M'e kof ,our l... islatare. witoIly iadepelldenl of JOU, .nd de- ooed one or tbe N.en wonden of tbe world, w.. tbro wn pend .bolly on DI io Do .... iog Street; by tllaklD, blm dowo b, .11 eartbqu.ke j34 b.,'ore CbrlaC, .nd 68 10011 to a. alone for .H tb.t reletee to bil aalary. Colo- .~, Ita enetJon, belralf of the ellormnUi w,lllbt ol '113.000 IIf.ta are 10 b.bilua)'y df'!{radM by loo, IUlljaetion to IIM. To .ome .oeb eYfD! I. I.e dOllbt .Ieo .ttrlbatabl" tbe b.reaaeratfe 1I!0",.rnn,ent, tb.' Ihll1l1U1 aecep& Lord Grey'. esleDsly. -c.llceat rutn. of ~.ny chlet ·wbl..b IXI" Jn ofIer for Ibe a.ke of lO mucb I .. perial 1IIOtae)'; b.t if tJaey Lycia .nd IM nllll1 of the Xyolh."., of .blcb Maen I. th. M, wo betide the P"lICtI ol the coloar! ADd Hei,,", lbe port, .od frolll whene. the Krlti.h MnNum hDllOrtf'd t h. u.reatOo of tbe tbin. b ... to force illl .. y our HoUlle iDUreiliDl worb of Irt which ,"Ol. Ita aloo .... d!aeon red of Clmllllon. ; .bicb _IDI bardly pcIIIible, DO& to 1Dntion .r, more droperly .pe.kIOJ. reeoYered, b, Mr. 'eOow.. dM objtcriCla to ollr mllkio« tbe colooy • pre...,t dl lO mucb lOlDe teD JNn IlO. . 1D01IIf. Tb,. prClllli.uy objection woald fail If tbe SIDce lhe lurqoing Will In type ."I! bUI eeen l,t",. fro m .. re f"od. It would be ...... e Jood byl eeparatloa of Local "rebhl')Qd •• nolter clt, of A.latlc'Turke, (tbe .... nt T ra· 1l'0III Imperill fIJl.etio"l of porernllllat. nla il .b.l tile peeaa,) dowra to tbe ~lb ..r M.reh. wbleb maki m.ntion of CoIoaial 'Rrfonll.,. pmpoae: • Go"r_, paid br tIM colo~, t.wo ItIW't Ihocke of .. rtbq_kt h.,ln~ b!IeU ellJWJleaoed • bead ol the Local EucalÏYI and part of the Loc:al there.t, Slun pipet '0& det.aea.-d from tbe w.1I1 0( t be " )ali .... but not cbarrd willl any J.o,periaI daty; and .n b_ .. doo ... ft"w OpeII. aud many uld ..... mtDta tb"'~D ~ laperlal oflicer, by .baunr D•• ' caned, rep,..lItlJ1I1! tbe 10 fan .bout lb. eara o( tb. ".malet, but no .coldeD.t of co 1_,.n.1 po ...er, ch.fI'd ncfatiftly whh IlIIperIaJ .I'dr., lC'qunCl ,"ulIed. Baartbquak,' ... re ol rare oee.r.-.oee aad paid by tbe Jm""riaJ Ooftrll_L And lo tlliI - IWI III tbll .. po1t.-J(o~ CArollk'-. . pI'Ohebly co .. " .1 ... t,-n ...... iodeH, OOI' ~C Nlf-cootradlctory lOodt!of d"liClI .ilb quntioa. of CoJc.olal poremA STRANGE STORY • • "Dt abonld be lonr eooqb pariaed &0 leader tile ColnlH lInmana«f'IIhle hf .n, I8ftn.. The following very stnmge story appean in t he ; Tb. Colonl.1 O8lc:e, n.lur.lly dJlt ........ br Lord Grey'. journals :-A. M. Maoqnart. contractor for slaug heoDCftlionl, boweftr "Iuctaat tu, may baYl beeu. defendl tering horscs at Montfaucon, purch~d fout da ys b.,..acrny in ,be EdinbtIr,l RIf1Vw. Tbe form of defente I f 33 ' 1d tb m il re.. arkably Jl __ .. like; .Dd • di.-crioa ot. tbe Rerie_r'l ago a ot 0 ~orn cut animata .. an among e ltaliariu by tbe Ti""" .hen compared .ith Mr. H.... '. were several whIch bad formerly belonged to tb e lJ*Cb in .na.er to Sir ~iII~.~Mol!.wo;tb. ItrUlBeJl' army. The 33 were IOOn killed, and the men pr 0WiicA offer for &Jil &be lal.rf'f'ct' tbat tb. arucle ID qu .. tlOn 111"1 b."...._~ ~ed lo cut them up. Judge of the stu2:factio n _ill,." or di4:t.red by tbe Me.ber for Kln .. Ie, At .. , rat.;, f f th ed M tel t d' tla, oficial CUI' tll~e. lbe ab.pe of .blt I•• 'yere elln .. I 0 one 0 e men, nim. a 0, on n mg lO felt ... " Tb. R.. i~wer "'lIm"l Ibal tbe Colonial Retor .... one of them a small box in .ilver, containing a cro 88 Hamdel MaatachapPI, 8th Jul" 1851. ' .t bome willh and propote Ibe .b .. dou~enl o~ lb. Coloni .. ; of the Legion of Hoóor, and a paper to a perfec t not ",.",1, tlo',t I""Y r~.Qlend • P_Obey .bleb "ould.ba,y~ state of preservation, cwntaining the following line s: lbe rif':.' of dl~n_benn~ ,be empire, but tblt tbel/".".r .. AI I caooot lanlYt! th" ~fea', ol my Bmperor, .Dd .. I ft,: c •• lI p; off rb. Colon_ f~: lbe bendt o,f Ihe nl~d bne u'ltber wife. nor ebild, Dor CUU"DI, •• m lbo.t to ge t RE now landing {rom the DQtch Barque K.1,,~~~m; "ntl then. he .. II~, Sb.l! w. te!.ln our (',010 mylell killed In • I.. t cblf'l[e aCllnll th_ .coandrel., t he .. JltllU," ctJreel' trara Rot&lrdam. ' DI~. -IIlilt 'nr lb. qnnuon lb. ll~l. of hll paper, Sap EOlllllb, .od II I will Dol I..t thelQ baf. mJ ern •• , I ma lie SPgNGLER~orl'f, (I.rre c ) ,.. ... , l>OS'n,1f !b.. ,fick to ,pua, tb. pia,~r of Il .1111 of courN: for myJfallhful horse Cbateau Marsoe:. I.allo. U. BI.iJJ gt ye 'Do. do, ordloary·e do" notblll« ('an bl' ealler lbiD lo .Inng "'Ietber r""OD. wby Lbe it up .hlPD be ea~ I'IE'I'I~R DORNV'S CLAY PJP8S, Briti.b empire .hould Dot be dllllioisbe,1 to tbe aiae of Iht-M • • PIBRRE DARDENNB.' PEARL BARLEY, Ira bp, , lal.nd.. Rut Ibe triek caonot pau for. moment. Th. • Do. do. ID blue J..... Colonial R. 'orme" do oot propol8 &0 .b.adoo &he COIOfliu, • Serjnat la the 2nd Squldron ~f Red Lance,..:' 9tb Jaly, IMI., , On tbe eOQ~.ry. tJae .bole ai_, IC~, .nd &eoour ol lb~ir ~atelot the t.hings to tbe Commissary of prnpoul., ... ucb .• refor!D of Colon .. 1 GOffrnment. a•• 111 Polrce- of-tile, <hstrict, and that functionary a1lowe d pilt .a .lId 10 tbe dl.. ffpcllon Ind prne,...e tbe Impenal alle· hi t k th 'I bo ...- r th "i.nee of Ih~ lolonin. And fortber Ibe, .ceuae tbe Co10m 0 eep e SI ver J:. 411 lor e cr08l it ni.1 Oftie'! o( • eourte of proceeding!l' .bieh reod. to mak~ was sent to the Grand Cbancellerie of the Legion of Superior to an!l eoer be/or, imporUd into t1U tb~ Colo,,",. rebfollioua al bnrt .od prone ro .... rt ,0Yereiln Honour. From docoments ,Publisbed by tbe profes CoiQng, " iDdrprndence. .So, lf tbe Reyie.er·. trick cool~ pUI! bl' son of the Ecole d' Alfort lt appears that certai n OR SALE at the STOR ES of' ' woold lull two b"de wI&hone .tonp, by firaC CUtlng odIum h h I' ed th' f 43 h h· , PRINCE, COLI.:I~N I: co. on tbe Reforn.f'ra, .Dd &hen diyutlDg .tl.CllUon lram tbe orses ave IV to e age 0 ; t at W IC b refonul .bicb tb.y delDIDd, Charles the XII. rode at the battle of Putowa a ttained that age. The while charger of Napoleo n e.w lived 29 years. Chateau Margot i. suppoSed to ECEIVED per Chrinia"a Cá~, a IaJ'ltl! THE GREAT EXHIDITION. have been 40."-Galignani. UIOrtmeot ol lh. bnt Loadno mlde :,Je~ll.l'J, of tbe Yetterday tbe receipts at the Crystal P,.lace IalHt f... bloD.ble pa'~'DI, hlcludln« a I.w -...... ' G~d Braeeleta, Neck ... d W I bt 01'11&I11III&1, Brim.lI&, DIaaaoud amounted to a higher sum thnn bas yet been receiy· nd Pt.'811 B.Jr Hoop Rlnp. b. ed. So streat was the iullux ol visitors that 2,200L • Ladil'" .od Oentlomen'l Gold .nd Silt:er W.tcbea, • WY takl'n in money at the doors, and tbe 6ale of WITHOUT BBSERVS. yarlel, l~ic1HlQlt.bJe lor pretentl, T.bl" Brae~t and .eallon !ic.kets allG 10. higb that ,ba fund~ of the E Unde,.ig~f'd, in conaequMlCO her fil .ta te Oftlee Cloclll, • tew Clncb ad.plrfl for Inal4tl DCCbllrehet. Rodgw, IfKIf? B_tIle 2tJH. Cvt,-,.., '.d' CG",. to CommtUIon bad dnnng tbe day~ an accetll'lOn altoof hoalth. wtll eaulo to bo •• ,Id peremptorily gf'ther of at least 8,OOOl_ The French exhibitors the higbeet Biddrr THIS DA j', (Mond.,,) th.Htbol JUL V lnidge Reat.U.g lAmp'. ' PllEDJt. WALDEK. still continue their preparations and tbe ~oods l8.5l,.t Blenn o'Cluck, on the spot, with Libr ... 1 Cempt.' No. 6, Heerengncbt. r rded f T k ' CJ P IItloo Moo('Y ao.t tJonus. b~r I.rge. 'P'trl"UII, .ell bo ilt IOrwa rom ur ey are not yllt arrange. ro- double lltory House ,ilaaled In tbi. CIt, In Lonlt .UH l. feRsora Royle and Soley are busily.enJ,taged in tbe The Hoou hilI lO e~eell"ol roof, with a 8t~reaud otberOa distribution of the large and valuable additional buildings attached to Il, .ad I•• ul.. ble elthet for a !>rln te ...... e Assuranoe OaIDpaDV. conlignmf'Dt within the lUl few days received from Meslt!et,ee or lor T~lIrl..., ... d I. ncommeDlbd U • pod • S __ I (tb I bl . I h Inn.tment for Cap:taI. HK Second General Annual Mee.a.ing o{ ShareI n CJ I&. evn:- 0 e most !a oa e artIC et ave Widow WILLIAM BARVEY. bol", .... 1II be hd,' at tbe Compaa, 4 0111., No.8, been plaeed JD the 8talls f.clOg tbe nave, and so Cape T09o, Jol, 14, 18lH. Wale-.t,.,.t, coa TU.RSDAY, the 16tb JULY ,.ellt, 'naecordttrt'8t it! their valae esteemed, tbat they have bec>n Mr. J. G. STBTTL!.~, Auctloneer a I,etwltb tbe terms'of tbe ~th St'crloo or tb~ Dtit'd ol Ar .... meut. whf'" .n AceoauC and Stat.mrnt of tbe d"l" .nd ba.i. surrounded with a railin~, 8S if .they were Slate puïfiIC-SALE'---~-ollh.! Compltny will be lubmltted, up to the b u.l_ prisonf'J'I.. We hardly tbiuk that this preeaation 31)th JUNK lnet., and for eleetlog tbree ,Direeto ... In the w88neceeu.ry, an4itprtatnlyianot ornamental. room or t.b0lle wbo rvdre, .1110 fur tha IppolnflDeot of t.o Our own jewellers ban not considered it requisite ~~. • The DIrecto,.. A u<llto,., .nd for other general purpOlfto ." to adopt any S1lcb mea8ares of safety, "ant.! thcy CHRISTIAAN LUDOLPH NEETH wbo rellre b, Lol, .re 'JO.KPB PTBU'. &q. ALBX.l.O •• ought to know something of tbe risks incurred. LISG bt'ill!r .bout to le,,"e' tbil VilI~ge, .ill conae C ROLL, Eaq, ... d JAMBS Mua •• Olf, £Iq., are, bow. d qurntly CIIu.e lo hf' sold 00 MO'llOAY tbe iht 1"llAot. in ... r, ,.1I!fible fnr re·.leetioa. . H owever, we d 0 not cay, ·1 at t hEI east n ia ComlIe"d of MOS UA Y tha 161b In.tant, as formerly .d"e r· e Tbe Cb.lr to be talLeD.t lj o'ct ... k. pany for wbat thf'y bave done, the more especially riled, at bie Dwelli II' Hoa~, Sor... nd Sofa T.blet, 2 By order lIIo DI~tol'l. 88 their colleotion promises, w hen completed, to dozen HOI.e·bair Cb.ir ••• pleodid Dining 'r"ble .. Lamp a, H. GORDON, see. be one of eXlraordinory inleretlt, splendour, and larie Mirrore, 2 .uperior Datcb Clockt;. furlber, TabI", C.pe Towa, 24 lune, 1851. , I d Ch.i .... Red.tead., &e. attraCUYt'neas. n 8 dition to the Lahore jewels, FUSTAGF., "i,.: vagII"", bMlf LeAgueri, bal( Aam I, tlary have now, in .talls facin6t tbc nave, the ese.llent Conr~d Cort, &c. Like.iac, " Durria-i-Noo_," or "Sea of Ligbt"-an immense 10 Profeclcur SItare., diamond, set as an armlet, with ten smaller stones 10 Union Ban" do., HE Bilious Rnd Dyspf'plic will :6hd the lDotit around it ; a necklace of 224 large pearls, and a 2 SteUI!'nbo8chOmnibus do. ..Weetu.1 bl'nefl' (rom Dr, LOCOCK'S A PB III E.tn' .... Ihorter one of 104 SMaller pearls; Il necklace of About 600 OUNCES OF PLATE, lod ,.rloW! olbe r . A NTIBIJ,.IOUS WAFERS. four large rubies, a pair of emeralJ or mleti, a GQo., 100 ollmerou. to pa"ieulariae. The, Immedl.t.>ly ,dien .11 disorde" ot tblt .tnmac:Ja lUId J. WEG!, Adlll. caned em~r81d and diamond turban ornament, an bowel., dl) oot require uy rnlrlliol in dlet, .011 bat •• _, .mrrald and diamond bridle and martingale, a Veoda. OfIice• .Iul,14, lSS1. greeabll tute. Allo gold-monnted saddle, liet wilh diamonds, emeralds, Dr. Loc()(!k', Pulmonic TRAYED on Wedne8.!ay Evening, thG 2n d .. cl .11 and rIlhiel ; a magnificent broeaded robe, ricbly Jul,. near rb" l.te P.rm o( Mr. N, VAM WULLIGII , (lIye Inltalft relief in ."bma, coa.umpUon, ~lll, '. decorated witb pearl.; and an emeralJ j.{irtll~, the bebind Ih. Pearl, a rN 0:1, wilb "bite "reak on the blCk , dl lOrde ... of tbe breltb aDd laogl.. To SlnlJere Iud Public Speakera they are blYaluabie. for Auy one git'inl( inform.tion to lb. Unde"'Ïfned Itonc8 in which are of immense size, anu most of .nd IlH'cb. e leariD, ... d .treD31benlD( tbe .,olee, .brre be i. to be fouod, will be rew.rded. them of very fine quality" This list of jewe!l 'ry DB. LOCOCK·S PEMALE WAP~~; P.S. Tb. Ol b.d. riem to bia bad. will !live the public some idea of the manner in H. G. F, ENSLIN. Hne I pleu.~t tule. Pal th e beet IlIefHelne fBr FemalN. which our Eastern emFire is represented, ancJ will Paarl, Joly 9, 1851. , ' dl reellonl.re glYen with e"er, Mx. reCAll !tome at least 0 those yision. of fabulolU! Sold lu bolll'l, at I., 6i1. Ind a.. 611. eacb; ti, "','allJ. and splendour with wbich the name of J. T. POCOCK & Co., SOLE .AaSTl .. India used in former times to be connected. Until AT THE CAPE OF GOOD 1I00P.l$. tb. eoll.ction i. completelyarranged it would be AT premalure to notio.a further the more prominent T. MUNNIK and P. RICHTER, relAtar!!! of lbe fresb arriyal •• -Timu, JJa!l14. TO.MORROW •. ..- II,. .n .,.,...,0& 1 t_ SoY.......... ft, "1"" 'lil .... "(1 , IjJICI ,ca ... ,ea,.. \luo. dflI "All ".<1 , ,..pote t..,. -.. .- '''''I DE w.u DI ..... d. MANUFACTU.RES, tie Deen tMY fa"" AT YE RY LOW PRINCE, ..... 2 ... rt de ~ COLLISON". ,,& Co. MEETINGS 8FORB oe " ...... N TR SAL 1~, • or to... - ,. , EQUITABLE ,. AT MR. I' 'Pl.. STF:LLENBOSCH "bo v' N WaDNE$DAY, O u.~.J~'-'.lbe .0 LOCOCK'8 PULMOMIC. Aperient, alld Female Wafers. T • S - Salt Fish for Sale, SH&RES •. , No. 26, Hottenlot-square, EARTHQUAKE AT MAORI RHODES. AND W<ifer. ~"y be bad 'Yery dete:ription of SALTED moderate &rtlll'- FIS'H, 0 .' . • 1Irned Eelate o( TO()MU aad JOn" SIWCLU •• , 'ENDERS will be received, .dd·rei~ CO Mr. • Rou, Commercial BIebaDge. ualll SATURDA Y &be la tbe A.. , ~ ·8t1p1'em. IC. 8. s.... . 1). £ 100,000. Da VILLI.~a * RAurr, T_ ,,, •., 11. Third Troop. prlg Ozett, aM Cfat ....... een. tCia an nr, &0 .. elo. lit elo" elo. 111 .ao. toa.. britr, ft6 C. Da1 Jal, JO, to H. I: .E. OUT OF TABLE di_I·' SAILED co.. ,,_' ~ Eaerotb, lrom cal,!til port. Ca~o Satl'er1a, UAY. Aa-"" Jl, ON 1'.... l'~II. VéM'tft VAARl! i(_'HH YARI do. TU,E8DAY, tbe Under.• iped .i11 ca .... 10 be Id at JOOItImber" at &lie PIaOe of Mr. D. WAAL, ..... &boft DRlllber of .oel Men.. W.&bert, which an lAltI &0 be dM ol ,.WIe" .. sale. """"011 c.,..ta, . 8. J. MINNAAR, Da VILLIR •• .t HAun, .. Tol AdlDlo tU" NB. , .. t dooI 12 Jvly, I~l, YU!efDd ~i,; ~i~ • .laug4tttr OICIL 100 etJfX»lJe1tlfat ~"Y XUPl • .a.aST pavz.a ~r. PUrl, .Iuly I', 1851. JlciarI. Aloea per Ib... cl ij cl ••• AI.oDda per lb. 0 1 0 • 1. Appiea per lb.. 0 0 0 0 0• ApricoU ditto. 0 3 1 0 3I PDta.... p mDid 3. 0 11 0 t Villtprper.... 32 0 0 - ..,. t 11 7 0 - 14" Boter Batter ,..Ib... 1 I $ I 35 Brancléwya per leder Btoaad,. .... 1.. 169 4 ., - 180 •• Boklteyel .... per IlDk Back Skial eaO 1. I I' ~ o.e.lauiclea. Drr Oz H..... do 3 0 0 - 1 3 0 600ulecudJat /ua"!1 WetA.n. EeodeIlea "&bunn Dackl & MIlK I 02I' 0 Brwtea ,.... ....... • ••• PiIU per maiel. • J 4 0 0 - 17 7 t UARA;NTEED to be in soperior condition. wiU Oant diio.. •• •• •• •• Barley per .aiel 8 3 0 8 10 be ... ld on TU HS DAY. the 16t.b I.. tan't, .t the place G.... per: .. 1r. ••• 0.. ..CIa •••• 152l' 5 "POll .Dd H.IIDdl laD," Han&l W,er, aDel an 101'8 &0 be Hanqlet .. ad •••. _ 0a&I per 6 I 3 l' • " '" n COIDI. 'I'HE Undenigned .. ill caDIe to be pabliclysold •t llae place of Mr. D. W ...A'" J_tenlaer!f, 011 TUKSUA Y. tbe a.d i.ltaot, tile abon n•• bH of fat ...... hler Oz, ... " Co_, to be --,.., ap hy Mr. CARIfL A. H .. vn, .DeI whicb .re .. r.,to be prneat. DE ?VILLlEllS A, HAUyr. AclaaI. PaMi. JaJ1 10, l~l. 2() r. w.., Aloe '" lb. ó •••••• AIDDIIdeIe. per lb •• Ap~, per lb..... Abrik_. per ditto A.rdat .... pil' _ad A.,D. per leger •••• BoMa: per, mad per.wa. rnoc.s- G pteteDt. . W. H. SMITH. e, Aaetioaeer. B.Yet'~" _aicl.. 100 Oltlheaftl per 00 S 3 0034 _ 1 03 00' 000CIWeOal p.ack 00' 000Haa.,. ,.. Ib•.• o •• Cbeáe, cape lb. 0004U 150 Tllrk.,. ..... 36 0 IJ- ~ eh.,. Ih.b.. W .... , pr. 1 IL 1440 - J7 I • 22 tt Leatil per .aieI lf 0 O12H Mabe eIo.. . . Il lO00' FJoar, he lCM)!" 000,lO 000 WaIa." per o•0 JDepa...·T..cJa Ib 000 • 0 f .04 p..,. per ,.... o 13 • 11P.aCIMI do•••• 973 .aid •• 973II 11 . . ,.. ~ JIt... _.. • per lb •• • II • 000OTICi~-To ReIati.es Dd Friends nolke is TabU ~1.01. TObMeO 40.••• 070 032 bertbJ ...... lt p..... AI.. "htJ a.d to tab 8claapejlnI'_ pr•• '" ..., Sld.e .. s$ , 0 s6 40onto Hl .. 0.. tbe f7th la .. 1861, mi beJoyed h.. bucI Str'OO per 16 .. k!wa.. Sara. p.1811Ck1 P.ST" WOUTB. !TUK •• t tIM of 81,..... ...... ~"",wA,S&rait .... "..,&0100. deOIUtd bad ..... ti IIGIIPI Bay fer ef bla .,... ~ pw ltak. -.. Ski ..... 1620beallb. TbON wbo " ••• k,""", lal.. wlD feel &he J ..... Ooloat per _Did 1200...... Ded. H.... ian Irreproachable Dd.. ,..,_, peat ..... PIp,fa&teoed ... 000&0 Ia~ alao o&!r _, lhaa .... eo 0•• I '1".. .Dtauaed. 213Iir. VA•• a.1 afJIT !lnd.1I , ..... IrtaadI' wbo .t.&eDdtd Md ~~ ..... 000IlHlIOIed him ~ariDl ~hlt !krete p. at. OOI J.8. Dir!>llÉEZ. widow P. 8'1'".. v_ oIT~ 'po tb. -W-rJ: lb. 000 Rt,..rtdalto, Ja112; 1861. • ,... poa4. S.ar _Ib '_iiII.' V~ .dito per . 000 •_--~----Wya, oidiaálre p. kl. .onIÏDarJ "'lOTICS i. hereby te. ReIati ... ad per ...,.., •.• 4200L~' o. tile Sl" Iif. _ WoI,oI. ~,.p. poad W", eo-. p.lb. 0 Z I ada H ad" .. at -" Wol. c&o... 000• t 11.1. o.En, H'- _ -"1 f.OeteI '1_ ........ P. 1(10 ~_ 100 060at &he.,. ot II 4 anatltl 1~.,.. ..,.., Zoa. .I ..,. __ r0 0 0 poaclea • • • • _.. • Boeodert per atak • J.lylO, Hoa~"'per salt •• Hoe. per poacl. ••• 70 Fa.t 8laught,,. 03Jeft 'cuttl COlD" lll~ and KoetI.KaIif*1lpr Ib. 1..lk .... ,., atak •• , laea"1l. lCaf paf 16 llakba •• '" HE Undersired will cause' to be told OD 1.00nt per 1 WI!:D~E8DA ,lhe 16tll iD.taat,: .. lh. PI_ of Mr Lie ... ,per _.. •••• JA ••• WAAL, s.Doburr, &h •• ~ ~ber nl Oz Dd Meliea dUO •••••••• Co~ .bidl il,. .. a. to be' la poel coDelid01l will ipa, pr. 100 lb. potiunl, be preecat.' , 0" pr. lit•• J. Eo L. GERMISHUYS. ,~ p.lb. luly 1, lG.. :-,-,,; r'---' r- pNd ••• ; •• Perai1Iea .tito."... Mt. C. P. Lum.n ... , A~Deer, :: per ....... _... Afr, C. P. lUl. LIl'DIfMa •• 100Ib B ...... la,., . •• " .ad... :v I CIa.' .,eI" ." _.fa &lw.... na.. :!:I!' .1' - i,..... ".Iy ..,.,... , a... .aIeL.. ter "ye. "'i.,_... ,.....,011& .... ttiIó..... :zon.. ,I ,: G·ó...~........ .w. ye.,..,.,..,.1dJ din... N ..la ~..!!' *acI...... v.... , w. rim ,rind.. beIO... c PUI W.,MrI, do. ~trifto tbe22ad iM~t, IJe Vlacb, JIU"(I. HAVE Da! VU.I ••• U A B .. ,," • .Ad... . do. ~r" n.... ------------~-------" ---------------IJOO De 1 tO.Mn , tllNCh. totlM lIJ. IOn pdft'llA .da, 1000 Bru:ellMt Fat ':~ a.1iIftI Op ill, .... ~., II. 1851. ......... I .Boem, .. htl Op, and JOOn., ona ...... of Sale. ~. J. HAUPT. llna;bt &er. ...,. K. .... I: ApDtI. fro. 8iIllQll'. r, Bo Burl ...... II. 1>-. Sw.lIb aatta lIarch 30. .. adri.. ' do. lNT&LLlGENC.B. &0 rbll port. 'rHB 1IItr ol 0 do 111 AIIRMO IN TABLE BAT. booDer, 76 tolle, T. Herbert, frell ,.1, te tIaIt port. c;up _._ II. Plttitfrizf .... fO ~ tlrafI!Jlat Ó.,., . _ to -Bii;t:.lldl fill llauglaUr COfIIII., , U..denignedwill cauet~ be pab1iely.ald _ MONDAY.' tlae ,._ I....... \al Dritl""tet., uae P~ fil Mr. A. P. Zini.... (O,..hetr), tb•• bo". ... •••• • • • • •• • •• • "tl¥lwr.,•.. .. .... " Ba, ...., ...... 80 &twllat fat_ ,1tnIg1aUr - , I! I l' ~ . .... '••••••••••• 1pIeIId Me .. al,.. .......•. ,-81111'PINO 0. P. ROO8. ....pIe "'Od.,.. 1 m..... NOTICE. c J J 0.000 .0..,............ . ".., .,.1. COIeIbett. Jel, 1.lM1. 0 •• 'EaJIOr' • •• ••••••. TboiIaeI' D. ~. of II,. JAo. W.u .... l aIIo,e ••• bet ol Oan •• d C_ ¥*'Jea''-4ldoD ucl wU1~, ba praeat 00 dae ClaJ of sale. : N J J J 0 ••••• .~PITALSums of £ 100, 150 or 200 POl1nd s tfJt" Inltaat, at 11 ,,'cloek 8000, for the. aDcler_tIroGacl Acc:oantl frOIII M.lta .n.oaDc:e I IlleCf'lIioll ol earth· S&erliDIt, may be b.d It Inu .... t .bout tb.6tb &Ppte1n 8ba..,..., bt'lontPllg to tba .bo •• Eetate, .,i:l.: _; ."akn .bieb ben beeo f.'t, II .111 at Meeri •• lo •• of " Sharel'" Cape or Good Hope Baall." Applic:<lLloD lo he _dl, lIutU that d.te, a t N.toli t, ill A~i.~ic 'rarke, •••• t S.m.oon, • _porI in tb .. ber nut. 10 do. .. CaP' of Ooocl Hope l(ari.Ga .t.1U'DIICI Blaek S'4. ,,"bl. Lb... lIIe ,ro"inee, .od al Ibf! i.lucl of KoebeT" to Co.. p.ny." S. J. TA. DB. SPUY. Melt IOn, q q. ftbocl•• , IItU.led .t tb. enlrlll" of lbe Gulf of M.rci, al_ 16 de. If Equltabl. Pire .od TraIt ......... Com· &rnd.d ., tJa. fir.t •• olioaed pla.. and illl Immediale yipaoy," , einity .itb ,re.1 dealruc:tioD of bUIII.o life .nd property. 00 do. If Uoioa RenII." SOUTH APRIOA.N BA.NK. Tbe Sr.t aboell ... telt OD &h. 2Ilb of FebruI'" bel"etO 000THOIUS HALL, ti.... nd hJ(·".I' tI..e pA., .beD.t Rbodea, Ibe upp'r p.rl JAMBS tlEARIGHT,' ~ CA.PITAL, O( tbe e.. tle, .bieb is.t lbe .olr.aee of tbe lO'n, lell witb WILLIAM DOBI8, " la ."(ul er .. b, o"er.bel.iar tbe oftien of tbe Au.triao C.pe ToW1l. July 11, 1861. Lloy,I·. Sceem NlYic.lion ('ompAny, .bil.t tbe To.er at DIRECTORS 1Ar"T.-Kul~ •• bicb commaod. Iheenlranee of rhe h.rbour, P M. 8RINI:, Esq" Cbairman, Inri ae"'ral other partl of tb. fcrtifietUoDI, .utteined .r •• t WII. SMITII, Esq., inju" ••• did likewi .. lII.n, d.ellin, bou_, lOm. of .bieb J. A, BAM, Eaq., i "Ut .b.hn to tb.ir yery fOlled.tiool OD tbe roek. otb..... P. "AN 8REDA. Arend'l Son, £Iq. I. tb. AIligDed Eet.&I ol T. A J. S•• ~...... cracked tbroo,boat TH oecillauon ••• ,. fralD 1 to ... 1. J. A. u SUEUR, £Iq , Mrt B., Ibe lady of a foreiJD "jee co •• ul, 10 .Ialmed. J G. STE1"fLER, Ga., Esq. T is reqlleated tbat .11 CLAIMS I.-inat tIM th.t Ibe rUlblPd .itb •• lofant i. ber .rllll fro. ber f.lIio, P. J. ROU X. P. Son, Eaq., lbo ... Katate ". _rrtMIialel, .. ot io to tJa. " .. for d,...lIio., 104 JIIlDPinr into tb. sea. iliad. ber •• , 10 I boat; P. A, BRAND, Esq., In 9_ ~r- --...... Sel' per adj ullmea'; and tbat III SUWS dae to ,be 'Mld Bata" H .... ,laree whillt .notlNr daacb&er, wbo attempted lo '0110. Ibe motb.r. JOHS, TROMP. Eeq., . Widow \V. MORItEL. -. OR.T". --.,....., per •• w-Jaice pet paid /O,.,_U1&, lo lb. lUl U Dd.... i"Ded. , : .. t buried I. til. ruinl, bnl from .bicb, throulCb tb. bum.ne Tbe Dank allow. Intereet on Ixed Deposita,.t lbe rolow &iYet' Eed. Diatric& C...... , . • ...... ····.·' ...a·IcI.·· "':~:':':'l":' 0 0 0 THOMAS HALL, }" nertio •• of lOm. neiKbbouri .he ... b.ppil, "lurie.ted, .ad, log ratet:JaI, 14, 1861. ZOOlJeder per sole ~_ • 000JAMES SEARJGHT,. • A........ .... ,...el1oDl to relate •• ilb DO other io)ary lb.o bruise •• , Par lj month., 4 per Cent. per lonam. Zeep,., ,......... s., pet lb.... • 0 0 WILLIAM 008IE, • SlltChler ,boekt lu_ded alllOtt d"il" tnn I1p to tbe 7lb of' Por 6 fDoutia. below l:l montb. 3l prr Cent. per .0111110 Clpe To.n, July 8, 1851. M.~h. At M.rci, on tbe maia Uad. Ind i. illl i.mediat.1 For 3 mouths below 6 montb. :) per Ccut per anDU". OTIC. i. b~reby giyen Relatiyes aDd Mill!bbonrhood, &M coaaeqUlDeet ban been mOll di"'l",W!1 Tb. Director. Ittend dail, for Lb. DllCOo.C of BiU. 'HE Undenigned informs tbe Pub tc that be P...... ,I tIa.t .y )eiGeel H d.l .. e •• Ron. pt, and b.. rtrndiag. lb •• bole of tbe bo_. dwellioJI, aDd I APPLICATIONS ti D· >s t be t Ito,,", I.r.ly erected i., &hetown, ba,e been lenll"d to lb., or 18coun.... 0 NO on h... relllo_ to 63, RGIt-ttreet" Dell' lO Mr. Sn .. • deperted chili'" aD tbl 7t1a.Ial,,- at ap ot 68 yea", t .ood .... d 1~ '~ull,l, 6.~.r .. blYe bHn formed io tbe "ery .tl'ffll, fro. he preYl0l1S day, BOU.8·. Brcwery, ' G RAWSTORNE, C.... ier. .laicb bltumlnou. npuul'I uude CODliDUIUy, al mOlt P. AURET, No"" Publie, .. ARIA:ROUX,lborD.H ....... C c...rt PDblic Baildiap. c.,. Towa 1861. Yia.: 6rtt .. AMI .. ...,. do • de. ... 16tb ~ .. ~COI,J.a ;-: 'tIlt tb. 16&h iaF.aol, u ........... wnl .. 0' , I.~ 200 superior slaUghter Oxen & Cows. Jewellery. &c.. or wordt -:r:-p:- MartIM8i., ••••••••• R..icJaari. c. J. a.k.er •••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• R pun LIe the tl.J: 0.1 or the Master 8 lo &4ae Muler'1 oa., Jal, Itoo~ F UNDER JNSOLVK-"T ESTATES A - ........ P R'ICE8. ,J3iesloop Guns, ' (j ".= - VAN O~I Admiaw blrd~~ .AIf Rif {iaoB08 ilfttlPlltl., zl,..e Ta .t,....• I~ Jn dell Hall, .w. _,k ~D to..." ..". Voerole -Irl.t Nfl IT.PO.U .... D'. VA N det I 1t1 doe auo_tie oeckor drie M.... r ..... ltAlii., li f'D-r.oewf'l """'1ICIe 14 -_ tot ... 1~1 """'rcL ~ ZUID_~
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