, ", f F. A. 8......,. (JIiIWp;·lM 'lb. Ja K~ 8~)&; DtBr. J; D. 4. Jh B~, J~~ • .",~, ~ .!:"i'~; ,V.,.,... " ' ~8 SchocQen. I' .. ÏI "M.ry . r. ,r Ann," een . Ter- . .0 WtiK)Il~'fI SCIIOEN'BN, ia da.. kiel, ,oedklear, zwarte koop &ct No. 127 Lo9paratill, !i " D. P. MARAIS~1 "rJc4ureD4~ . Ga.t4 IpBOOf'B Bl.Sr_VALLBI. :, DiI~. m!,1ut .a.......... '" ,' I ID~i"enten ,om, bebooreade tot H. A. ALIIIIRTYl', te btokomen. -Adret by J. R. JOUBERT.} :V. G. VOS, Mei lN8. . . . ' . den Boedel 1'." it onder eer.te : .1'estamtntalr •. j E,ucu&euren. < " Boedel ,an: A~Da~.s J Acri~ua B~TBa I HIE qN DERD..;\G den 18-~RI, .elve, d~ Ondergeteekende, op de plaats fdoen Yerkoo~n, i b" AD ". z. .4. R. i •i GRQ~t~ V~RMINDERING. rl~EN ~eY91,«evan de groote aam'raag naar . a zylle ENTrE. Jl[ArA TSOBA--' AdminiJJttatie __ " !~1'I.Boedelbej.'eaj~ DJRECT.EURv,J· , ; .;; Da"u', \~roemde J/'*ll,~uif, ferblydt bet hem ' • ',. a:.o.!. van gem. A• eo 8uil.en~Klaoten te kunn"n beri~teft, dat by "oortati~ IR k'fahtelt a18~ ~xecuteuren Datief, inllJt~.t ui .yn tfj!zel.. te "erkooppn t,sen I •. 6d. per ponII, Boedel van .ylelf ~en fle .... GE.oILGEJ. AND. !utn,.yne drie E.bliuemeoteo in de KlIapI'.d, gtwalrb'orgti br ~elle elk en ~~ If'gelyk:tl~ die nrmeenen ~ petll'- te zyn dao~nlre in de kolonie gemaakt. .aeue of pretentl' ttBen Boedel te To~ ge~lden Boedel bebooteodt : I~ D., beeR pede te koop, bUle 8)adertabak • f1t1 ,.l'.n Scliu~brieven, ~.8oekscbuldf'n, BeU~dur~de Erlpaehtplaata, ieoaa~d . ".r JOO Ib. .• M.pillu KOl. 3, , eo 5. HAvana.. , Van Z.d. nistralIe ofaoder1ID', om ~ilDen de eerltkCJmel\tle iD b.e1.,;Kao: eh Dlttrikf, Circa. '2 uren te pbrd Yan djk~ Cubu, ed, elke aadere IOOrt na Cigareo faD de beit- den Da publicatJe dez;er,~ btt Kantoor groot:ln hal n grond 2,437 morgen en'600 kwadraat kiPl!liteia. ~ ;" ,MUbebappy, &OfItlallige~til!' of pretentie en "cjJ;zlcn aa t1fefl halbare Gebouwen door , " ~w.Jnktlif!rt eet,aneleren tIlDIJenberinden dat deze Etllblw.doen eeruficeereu, vermit":' El[IICU~Ureo, n. omtrj!tt~. e Jaren geleden sebo.wd en zoo , ~Ii,len de roed~ooplte zyo hl deltatl. , ~,tyd, tIluIlen over~an tot ~e, "erelfenl'n atad ~r ..Iet minder dan £, 760 zbudeo ; ;Nf,B. ti. 0 .• rborgt dat lira Mondlinui~.oed blyft. : atlmede worden 41egl'nen ~~.~,,~ denzeJven lynd~O "«fteD lo leng,ta en 30 dito III bre~dt~., , " ,-- - __ ____.; &yn. Yl'rz~~t. ,bor de t~plrAtle Yin g!'m• Oa•• r1, ~ Kamen; ,Kombtlit eo Diape08, eP, d".~lIulwc", •. 0' , ' : . II1JVB.~) Van hunne ie.peC&edebita qifguf le doen, een Sf'1 ,!)Ór 12 Paarden. ! J ,,' J. DI! :OW Vef4oll(eqs, een leparaat Bllitengeooo". van 83. ~;M dadelyk:te kuooen wordea aao'urd, kAn op uO.- Kupstad, Ker~plein, N~/5, Il Mei 1848. ' ling dito breed, bevatteode, .4 afzonderlyke soek by cl,a Ooelerpteekeode. II. door den Ueer.N. AD-V--1':oR~ T'-E-NT'I E.-----~ "oor ,eJkkoe!.len, waar1'an de&ebe Circe 60 iD ietal ...", •• ..,u D.OkER, 1'ek."ali6c:eerd, bonngemelde Huis en BIlkkerJ, .r:. kUI10'f" ; i. in de, 8$raDd- boek; 1'&0 de H_trut, II"aAr mlit ZUID-APá"ItAAlf~. ~BB MAAT cirCA 3 jaren lang il redre.éD , ~~.'_'''' De~ Vetkooping biedt eone leef ,onlUn gelE'Jfnbeld S~d:auccel de,~.kken-oeriog ~OttgUf', I~ huur word.., verkregen. " ' ; • ~ .,VAN ; .an ~gtertl. die een gedurige yoorrud Vee la de o._'ybeid bondfó moeten • ,~ ; A. P. J. VAN J)u. POEL, .' Adlnit~~atis ;~f' Boedelberl'd~illg. , , ',: . : LAngelQukt- Hoek vali de, D' lf, . :~ap8hd, 3 ""hi 1848, • ., • lrec~u~o ~h opgem. $RVOLGENS AL HEt LDSGOEJ;>, 1it .~;VASTGo,EJ;), 00" .' ,! 'PIDO r~.. IS BN, BAK~. BRY TE d 33: I M,; .. -- r~.ó • ~ Ya!} EENE OPGERIGT ~ DEN 31 MAART ~~ Speciale Byeenkomst nklbebb r9 in de WINKELIERS EN AM'HACIITSMANS DRUKKERY MAATSClJAPPY, uI leb~rlpo: .ortltl! op •• o.laande WOENSDAG AVOND. den lYde vr, lien 7 DIRECTEl:REN: ure, teo Huise den Hter PB(LL(P ... ~ Kerkplein, t~n De Heer AXTO~Y CHlAPPINI, Yoorzitter, einde te over .. t!Jen eli te bHJuiten •• t jl'edfan moet ",oTtl..n " " J. A. LE SUEUR, Vice YOj)n.itter, in opa.t toc de .. nlrele(eobedeo der Maa~b.ppy eo de beDe Hr. WM. S:lfITH, De Hr. J. T. Jl:nO£S5, I.orell der Oeelltebbert. ~' " P, VAN HBl'-DA, Az., "J. G. STEYTLER, Op I.. t ... n Dinoett'UJen, :' " JAldF,3 BANCF., "SAld. OUVER, JOHN "~DAVIS. Sec. '.. " J. A. M F.RRINGTOS, "H. LP. SUF.I:R, Kaapstad, ~n 13 Mei l84S. KAP " Hi F. Honxc, OP MORGEN;i " UITGESTELDE /!C.OO J ,ti AGEN1'EN V"'~RKO<)PING. VETTE SCHAPE~' en 100 OSSEN, geadveri,erd door de Ond.r8'eteeltellden, te worden .erkoc:ht a'D S(ikland, op VRYDAG den 5de deUT, is nilgesleid tert .,ev9'ge YUI de in de Rinntolaoden, tot MORGE~, den 16dr. d~ur, ter seUder plutH.-Het Vee il iD tIIne ailmllllleDd. conditie en &al leker ,prtleot .yn. VAN DE" BYL &: Co. rern. Op dm 16d., in plaat. ~ BY ,uITSTEK I'" ~ lade ::~~~: .~~,~~ .~~I '!In. . a. d. £ 8. 2s. o 4:0 o 6 1 £ o o 4,6 d. 6 6 8. BYEENKOMST VAN D~ TURF CLUB, 1 6 ZELFDE Lh 'ia",,,: Bt",.,.-Waarde, 10.-1 myl heatl • ;'i'IWEEDE 1 ! DAG. . £-, met DAG-DONDERDAG. i ,.. £- "AD de, Club 18 MEI. 6 :r Dt ï;m,oZ.tioli BlUr, 1'I\n £- "An de Club, gevo d by een Spepshkre un £a tik. Ge.igt vol~nl oude dom. Assurantien 1'olgena ,dcn aard dér Ri~ico. I' m1~be.,,,. De Winner te worden nrkocbt me ayne EXTRA veUe ltAMELS.engag~.• enten "oor £75, indien gnorderd op. de I!'~",one , ~ De Ondergeteek~de; zal op Er '/fJordtnieu gen011&8n voor Pti!iuen. wyze. ,';Jn.lien le "orden YerkOc:ht "oor £65, te wprden DONDERDAG dell 18d,."" by den Hn"D. J. D. VJL' lo~ilan 7 Ibs.; indien "oor £40, te .. orden CoeJ~.t.. n L1Ea., D'U,b.o, Illteo VerkooJM'n, bonnljtm • .1"'111 :&w.rl! Op de jaarlybche byeen1rollUltvan Eigenue~ gehouden op 14 Ibs.l' en i"dien le worden nrkocbt yoor £25, te ""rden fD groote Ha_I., zoo ala ill de laatate ayd..,,, 1I0,(nil'c 0are• Dingadag den 2de Mei dezer, werd besloten, .dIlt eene !lOm tot!ges.n 21Ib.. De Winner moet bet.len £1 10 t~t"het Villi 15 per cent. op de Brand Premieo betuld in .bet nfgeloopen R.ce ~ndl. bra~ 'yo. .I, ;/0.. J, ROOS. ~ PULl, I Mei 1848. ' jaar, worde terug betaald &aD de Veruaureerders by de volDe «Irtlllgrr', Handicap, "oor, Paarden die gedoren4é de gende 1'erilieuwing bu.nner Polissen op dit Kantqor. De lleer D. A. 1). VrLLn .. , Vell~-A4m. byeenIé~ms, ,geloopen bebben; Waarde, £-. ' Eotre~ D. myt;~eAts~ . : Eea'UtacM BtU,.,.- WaArde, £-. CatchWfictht.-+ POlt EXTRA VKTTE SCHAPKl': t 300 KAPAT~R BQKr<f4:N. 200 ~ret het doel om de bezigheden der MaatschaPpy tO oo1'en- Elltre.+De Winner te word!'n "erkocbt "oor .eIS, pdieo Uet lw.,redePaard zal de "oor keur bebf!eo. .!fotre, gemelde tak uittebreiden, en ,de lLISuran~e op ~ven by deze "t,reis~l. OOI BOKKE~, en 200 extra ntte SLAm en:TREKOSi SEN eo KOBlJEN.-Bo.eulemeld getal ril,. rtt Vee ItI l\Iaatllcbappy meer aanmoediJrend en WllIBtge1't!IId1'oor het £iJ 10.W myl hest.. Bet J3ftrd dat geblek eo is hl't he,te te zyn gewetlt «lP d. op MAANDAG, cUn ~ Mei aanltUllde. ~plaatle "Bn den Publiek te makenz zyn de 1'ofgende modi'catieil.:.o.gegrond op beer J.l-' WILLI!. WIi.SSBLS, uo JOOlteDbeIJ, worden een Rapport van bet Sub-Committee, d.d. Sste' Mei 11., door GroenfPunt Renb~an, op de jUOllste byee,nkoms,., zal l~lbs i . de Directie aangenomen, om nn l."1'tChtte syn van en na den extra, " het tweed!! beste 7 Jbl. exlra m,leten dragen. verkocht, oPSebraa' door dell beer D, C.I.•• 1l0lf; datum deses. ; , MORKEL &: Da·:VILLIERS. J;: De Ed. P. V. VAN DRa lJYL, .1. Op aUe premien, betaalbaar op levens PQlissen, (zich De \Vel-Ed. Hr. J. A, ){ADHR, Co~nlitsa. wt8u"kltende over den!geheelen leertyd) zulleÏl de "olgende maaMen credUt zal g~e~~~,.. ~, " " " J. \VEGF.:, ll"'n. tnpswyle ,erminderingen worden gemaakt :-N,. 1'erloop nn De Heer D. A. Da Vd.LIIlU, Vend~.AdiD. ti ot lt " J. BRINK I 5 jaren, 5 pCt. op het bedragen nn jaarlybc~ premie. Na ~;. J. G. MADER, Hon. Sj!c. 1'erloop van 10 jaren, 10 pCt. Na verloop vail15 jaren, 15 .1 pCt., en ~ voort op gelyke schaal ,--tot dat .de respective PU.n te worl1en Il('~nterd aan de Stellenbl)l~che ~8UITMUNTENDE e~ra NETTE lIOIDlQe>n YM'USUreerd Yen.llen en betaalbaar sullen zyn geka~me'" MAANDAG den IS Mej. tusscben 11 en 1 ure. SCHAPEN eD BOKKJN; 00 dito worQen door den dood der 1'erassureerde partye~ . D. ' .men der Paardeo die loopro zullen "oor' de StrunTREKOSSEN, eo een PAARDENWAGEN, ':suUeo op 2. De ~taatschappy sal Beleeningen geve1lt. of Wwela gw'~ 'nd~ap, moeten Ingezonden "orden aan de COnlmis&anstUDde DONDERDAG, den 18dé ter Plaatse 1'In Terd.i.tconteren,. tegen den ge....onen Koers YaO~Henten, voor Sbr •• die ncereo zullen aan de Leeekamer op WO~NSdpn Heer J AI< D' W.UI., Sueoburg, (inat.e«e yaf:l den t9de eeoen tyd ni~ ~ boyenscaande twaalf maandelt, (Yemienw17 Mtl, tUllchtD ij en 11 ure a. m. i dezeT, aan Ecrne Rivier, ala ~ be~,) ",orden ver- haa naar 1'er~g der llaa~ppy,) op de :priYate peno- DAG De . "ardell zullen eIken dag ~n 12 ure .f"et~. i . aeel., lIcliuJdhrieyen of acceptaUen der yeruaureerde partyen, kocht, voor reiellÏng' "UI den Heer J. P. V4~' Eu..itwE. hd nood!g magte ~,n de Races op" eenl~ der Het Vee ia reeda in de nabyheid, U'trCI UIt;C, en: .al &tellig o( "UI de wettige hnudera VUl soodanige LeYe. PDlisaeDder be.,..l dageQ.ulttetteJlen, ten g.e,olge 1'&nalec~t 'iV.. r, P'"eIlt &yll. ';;' . 1 M":tacbappy, collateraal 'l'eraekerd door .het: '~1'UI deo soodanitre 1'oormelde Le1'ent Poliuen, WIIIlOJI ae )airlykache eene: lé ,nl.gnlo(t de&ungaande teo 10 '.m" C. P. LINDENBEllO. Aflltger. by de Leeskamer ,angf'l'lak t worden. premie Ill' syn betaald yoor 5 ach~yo~ jaren eli da&' IDI"eetle Stel1eoboacb, 11 Mei 1848. l; ~ , . ;.;'; d.... bo1'en. Het bed~!l ~ beleeningen te, wonlen ... te zyn ti!r uitgeatrettJ'leid YUl ~5den. YaII de tegeowoorof weSenlylte waarde der Le"eu Potiuen Mpecbl'e1ylt, I AI VRTTR SCHAéEN.Op WOKNSDAG deó 24' dezer, .we e t'eI'DOJDeD bn worden op &aDflUC op bet KaDtOOr del' te hebben op WOENSDAG deh,17 : nl pnbllelr wordt'" nrtocbt. fer plutH ~D cl$ Beer B. l\lutIChapP1· op Jut nu Directeuren i cl btglnnen ten bal( 9 ure '1 A"oncU. Kajartjl!l DAli &RL, Lanlltbt'rg. bonopmeld ,et.1 SCbapca, ht Illt, C. W ATERIIBYER; (lee. ., 0 ~ ~ko"'tn by d+n Spcretarl, der RIlces. : i lIlunteoUe koodltie. ? ' KaDtoor nu de zuid .Aldban.cbe Bnutd. • D!e. ".,,;,lel.Ed. Heu M.I.",. N. ONKRUYDT.}~ ... W.7p. R,BTIEP. en u, A.unatie ....... PP,1. ., ~" ot C. S~UTS, M.D, l,; "'pstad, 13 Mei , .... "IWpetId, • Mei 18t8. 0 0 s~ 2 400 IC..OO I ,ti ~ Le"eu l' Departement. I 1.;~ za 800 ~1' : deset-, I~dl' ° er- I,":It 00 ! l,$t~llenbossche Raee nLJATS *rI, te I I " ~" "P. ti. FISCHER, BJlI, NlfD.' . TE KOOP. .;J "-AAP DE GOEDE be".- HOOP ;~Ddbotl1lVkun4lgGenootsoha.p. , .: " ~ VE , ; TOO N V AN VEE. li ' > . ~ ET de Goede Hoop Landbouwkundig ........... hap, met het doel om hel Jn kwaliteit degeh .."le Kolonie til verhereren, aal d('á.~ toon~ bouden ge<lDr~nrl" de Race Week io (tll'n dag nader te b..palrn.) en ui prYlejj . volgende lIOortflO '"u \"'e in de Kolonit van kolonialen opbreogst, en Landbouw. af~, Executeuren; van, in den BoeJ:e1 t?'kn Mrjufnou,,' A"1'A DAILLY, roepPll'iby, dtZl!<,elk en een i~gelr~ "p, meeneo mogteIl ~enl~e Actl~ of I'r~t~nli~ t~geh Ce hebben, uetzy uilllOo(<!e '\'80 Schuldbrie,'eh den, Borgtogten;' Adrni,ds,":,áie of Alld,'rzints, orn eerstkomende drie mAan,le,. ~a pubflcar j,• .ln"si np toor Ylln meen,,: Mutsch!lI!PY, ltoOdunige Actie tie op te geven ,eo le d"o,n certficeeren , "erm teuren oa \,erlooPl"an dien i,ti}"!I sullen ol'erg,181l effenen van gelD, poedel j .hm~de \YorJl'n di derrzelYeIi lets ,~rschuld;~ z,.n v,rzocilt 1'00t ~:~o!:~· drie m~,n:len i vál! huone re~pectire :deb J, DI!: NO.!j, 11 Mei 1848. . f\lIl1pstlld, Krr~,llein LON vv VeeL , 8 ! D. :,St,l'mlJ()'8ch, BtUr., voor IIlIe onbeproefrle Paardeo. Wa.r.t £...... Gewigt "olgena ouderdom. li myl beall,Entr~t£1 JO. ' D, 'flurf CI.lJ Bdw.-StAkel, £5, met £- nn tie Clob. 16 mlf;be"t~ Gewi«t YOIKenaouderdom.-Eotre, £1., • Lh ~j,lo" Stdu, gevoelld byeen Sweepstakes ,,~n,£1 elk, aIiIt £- nil de Club, CAtchwf'ight, nieC minder du 10ItoJ,.-Post EMrl'. Beeren Ryden.-En(re, Oe Winn~ te wordeD Ye,kochc \,oor £40, indieo gevorderd op de re"jlne m.nier. I myl beata, . ~i • ' Ee~8le Dag, Dingsda!J, 16 .lJlei 1848. PER £. 100. 6 HAVE. VOOR 18~B. ,. V14;n'R" SCHA· 1. Gebouwen van Bak- £ I. en KOEIJEN.-De Heer L. P. C.t.VVllf, .il opjMOR~EN .teen of eteen met pl&t. ts. 6d. en (Dinr-d.,,) dea 16 Mei. (iD plaate tan ,"'den 'lSde. ' al., Gebouwen van Bak-i I'roeger leadnrteerd,) lier plaatte .... de. "fier 0 •. DI! f. .teen o( 8teen, ,,\,edeh, I.n D'Urun.,' publiek YlrkoopClI. tio1'enlta.tnd .,etal elEt.raveUe Sclupeo eo Beetlen, ~lIde, een 'P"n 0 f jonp roodbonte Osteo. oPrebr.,C door de!i ". U. A. C. :J. Gebouwen 1'an Bak· V Alf Nutlt.a". ' .', . 8teen of steen, met da- i ken · 017 N.B. Het Vee zallleUig pre4nt bet Itllard ... n 4en Heer P. J. HKD&LIIiGHUys.-Te ~ ~.1J. H. B~I1n:. ; U(lI!estrallt, Jio. 98. LEVENDIGE S#LL.ENB08SCHE Mei. PEN en 70 di~ SLÁOTOSSEN EI~VELYK,-DE IIEltFST I Bra.nd Departement. ., _ " .'EN ' extl1l'; Rypaard, hd' Reun, 15 hall en hoog, E : ,met P$kome Zadel eo Toom, (voorheen ',' " DE Be.tiUnde in Rui.n.d Ya" ondemheidene: lOOtte.., .11 Stoel.,~, Tlfels, Letl!'k_nt, K_tell, Matr'lsen, Zadel en ToonYI Ploeeen, een Vischschuit ',co..mpleet met 80 vadelpen Zeth~ Keokens'ereedat'happen, ala Potten, Pannen, eu.' :\' . VAN VEB "an i Ms, DE BUITEN-DISTRUTEII/: SCHAAL VAN PREMIEN OP MORGEN:. VERKOOPING G. YV ATI!RHEyElt. "F. ~ . Al~~ Melk;gevcllIle Kneijl'n. allen In r(!('r g~de kn~ditle, een ~paa.r~. een opregte E~el8che Bul. !('euaamd ~tn. ,ter4~ Clrtl 5 Jaren oud, die, volgen. Geslaebt·~'8t ..r no r¥;,leeten VI!NNIl-'G, BU9I: & Co, onhari;ren, "fn bet opn" ratlmoet zyn dat albier ooit inge,oetd la t den InS()lqnt HO() beeft gekMt. Van hier da~ asnbe eling no,>de!oo. i~. Het Geslacht-Register i8 intussQbeo te i zien, -en ve~er na/rigt te !x'komen by .! ~~: A.I'. J. VAN DU POEL, Cor.tor. Ka'flt~d~! 22 April 1848. De Heer Jacobus Wege, Stellenbosch, " P. F. R. de ViUien! Paarl, .. " H. H. Loednlff, Malmesbury, . " J. S. Nredham, Caledon, " Henry WhiU, Swellendam, " Ryk Meiri1.g, Worcester, . " Joachim Brthm.t Uiteohage, " H. N. Cha#, 1"0rt EIi7.abeth, E. L. Kijt, Grahamsstad. ' i': QOO IT A A L, £4lS,OOO. a.. "0 ..... "'" lftJ1. .q NSCII E La.a.rzen JtD SQboenen.DItL.Nr",.,.:, 'R IN H RT GR ;"OT E.v KL V J. JOS,SPH&,' Co., nemrn ~e • de ingeze~npn ,I~z!!t 8tdd po olUMrel..eo 10; ~nor den btstP.n oprl'jttgl'tl'eld..n daRken, dat bunnt \\'r~ rjj:f{ GOED~:RE~ a lar'l'tI''lI1I~''''blf't lIe.lachtregistl'r te worden b~wp.!eCl ter bez;igtiging, ,n w.llen'l' netb",id en du BfH!t, dat ti... terei,chL vllrtoólld mOC~ onrtrolfen k ~nn~n \\'orcl~rt; . : BE:3Ti'ANDE I:'\'; , pry.: tan· £ 5, voor ,le hPBle onregt g'f'teAldil Dames Lake9&ch,e Laatajea, duboclc zolen" 3 ja;ertoorf, het gt'8lftchtr~gister te worden b"",eaea to LederJtll !:lch'.eQeD, do, FoIlkr-t'St"d Roet, enl. . " VenetJa"·I.cbe $choenen, met flenn.l pry."',an .£ 5. 1'001' hl't b'ste Paar.d. Ruin, ~ " Side Sipring Go{l1ane-, niet bo~n de 4 jlnm ou,l. jt"~cllikt voor Z~dpl eQ'ruilt_ HeHcn Iterkt W~llin~lon Laar~ell, mtt 8tlfJf'tI, !prj.;'an £ 5, 'oor den beaten li engel, gl'8chikl " " 'Pri nee ileOfie " " Zadelt 3 jnr~o ood. . " " : Dlucber.~~arzp.n pryl ~ao £5 1'oor den rraaisten Bol. bgt,y ingnoerd ot JJ ,laken~~e LaarzPD, In di "olonie. : Tapyt Stboenen met flennel rP"''''''' prYI ian £ 5, .oor den Itroltsten eli vetst"n Os. H".rp'na ... "I',t Mei , 7.', pry. ,an £5. 900r de rraalste en beste M..lkkol'. , S.. n prys ~ao £5 900r de belte traell van 3 or meer ryb woUilCeRammll!t. van 2 !.ot 4 permanente tanden terloonsnde' · 9. 'Een, prJI~nn £3 900r beate troep van 3 or mlll'r 9yr:. wolli.~oijen, ~an'2 tot 4 p.rmanl'nte tanden "ertoonen..... ' , ~O,' Een. pry~ 'an £3 ~oor de beale troep vali 3 of meer M~r~ Hamel~ r;e.Dbikl tt'r II.glin,. , AN DEN, nu ex f ~Greenla\V," H./Een pry.: 1'8n .R 1 10. voor Kaaplche Ham ..l.. ' toC hunoen Voorraad,1 belltlllnde in ,, U.,:Een pry. o!t2, 1'oor hel bf'ale Varken ter .lagting. Kaapacbe Cb~ts. geblee'kl1! Z~il, ~3.~EeD p'ys £3 ;roor den beaten Uorr., ~ Plunje, in groole verae&~idenheid, ~.4.}Een pr,.~an r.r bet beste mud Koom, 1'eftooad HemdeII, RUllisch Do"rp, door 4eo L.and~uwe ' Gespleten Strpoboetljea; .1 {5.,Een pryljYI'D .. "Garst. DIlmea z;wart!j.en witte "tyoen Schof"'l'n, ~6.::F.en prYI1.. n'.£1 ,; "Ha ( Dito pAIent ltider!'n en ).~Ling Schuen ..", n.;Een prys;van £2 voor bet btste mooster 8ladertab.kj Mans \Vellin~ton, Clar;qce en Bluch r Lun.en. in 4e Kolonie .ingek.eekt. niet minder dan 251be. "ertoond JODieD. en kinder La.hén. eoz. ena. .;:;~ door 'en bebon"er. l'8.'-,Een pry,~ 'an £5 voor den beatea Ploeg 1'oor an. Zadels eo Tt1men, G~itren, 1~~Jtim VllOgro"d. I!.ondun,cbe lID lerscbe~ .¥et'fl, 'l'9;~:Een pryt "la £5 "oor deo besten Ploeg in de Kolonië Zoeternelk.:lee Kus, Kloot.uikPr, StyCsel, Dui~bl ... uw, ~n.t:. eoz, ,Pr1iell lIuJlea mede toelle"f'Zr'n worden voor!o ... ó hl~o",lt' 0ebretSlt, niet io hel d'rosp'~us b.kend gHleld, rflgemaakte V(I'ucb,ten., K~rr~n!, Olr,pn, eo ~';'lfe byeenl(omlt "t'rtoond. ~,.., , . Ancbol'i3 P~p! Vrucbte~ fo pOlteo, g..hAk'te " :I'ar;lreo yerbit!terde Lllodbouwger~dlchftppen te koop of 'J,""l'rilll~ en ~'est IDd~e'he Atj"", M<>lIlprt, iu ~e\H'uik"ebbende, ,worden verzocbt dezelve nlllr de Ver' Oeest \'an AnC:bovi., S(JUY.en,Pl'perlDentkoekj Looa~ te &en~lI!lI. Brie ..en, dez~lve be$ChryYende, woelel;' C~enne Peper, Pimenfoi 8ucbuit. . d... Secre~il ingezonden .oruen. Gezouten Z" H.~in,:, 0lJvenolie, Pe~s,. : }; ~ Slilt()n Kaas, ,Wtlt.blrD?Spell~ t:nlo, enz;. ,~PLOEG,'rYD ui plll.ts hebben op d~n dalf \,oor d. 21, St. George,ló,lrut. ,. Ver.\oonin~ YBor,Vee,•• Ill,eer de yolgeode pryloeo toege.uen zulle .... orden :..... >: ·I ~o pryl ... n £5 .. Il den be.ten PIOt,IDAO. ; · ~n pry. Y!io£3 .Ib den 2den breten tIltO. E KOOP' 'bv Ondergptee ~n pry' .t'3 den braten M•• ijer. plaatse nR~MW"EL,~ a$I PapenJorp, Gust, Hff, Commictee heeft ook btosloten de "olgende pr~'l"~ U-:I\'ergerven en tegeo ~~Irke l'ryz;eu. '. toe(ewyzen lanfde wellllljl,'ende Mededingers \'oor de WYN! , : • P. J. \\ BEKERS, wa~voor ge ....etly.erd 1111worueo op den dag va~ VAST~OE.·· (IN ~ 'Vertooning ¥an Vee, all:.' : 1$et*~'PrJ8 \'tr\' £S aln den "elilageoden Mededlnger "OOf UIZEN im de K,apstaJ en Buiten ~~ efI'Leo 8e~r. , "oor Aandtelm in di ~Zui~ Afrikaao~c1ie I neil prye 'tAa;'£3 dito dito 2de Beker. qea' pr,. .. ",,£2 dito dito 3de Beker. . Levens, Oasli~ht,l rrotecte~,..iI, Eqoltable of }(ari • l)eJ'remie .n .£20; door het Genoolaeb~p ._ngebodf'~ .. happyen; medelt'oor Wy'bl of Braqdewyn Wgeo Adret b)' ~~ . ~ deo grootJtf'O Danl, de grootste boe"erlheid w~tc>rbe. pfyZt!I1. , i p" W. N. F, ftttelMle, te wafden gem.akt iii de Kup.cbe Afdrehng, lo,i r Hut.t Plnale en 'blyfeo tot' Maart 1849. . ; nték Kantoor, , lil'" i. YOoni!emenl op den dar van de. Vee·Vertoonin~ er~. I~Voorkamer, .Kdlooiale ~h._ _ ~~ _ ___ . ·Sr4,cffript;. Di""" se doen pla.ta bellbell ooder de Ledeo uti ÊV ALLEN, op d~~ 12de dezer, Mej _IGtDOOlldli'. . J. BARKY h.fU!llHI:; flo eeDen ZOOD. i : ~, op lut "an ht't CommiltM, AUpitad, 13 AJ11~. '5 ; , ': ; '.' I', Uil BJ1~UA, AI, Hon, Sec.. " NIEUWE 'HENRY OEDEII ~UDD & CO. ran ,,".kfl. " ; _...._----...;..__ . VOEDEH . "'0 .";0 T H 0" B i ; .;.' aen Krf, ; '; z .... JIll' ~ 0..'" pili'; • H.It" ! ". THB _~h. ••• ,.. E.a, ,.18·..... ._ ... per bJlld prr~d perpOll4 lo . d Ap tain &re HAIlRY . eonfiden ~••• . imniedia . local jou at an J8 VoIl. U.eo. • ~ !1at we perce . u...,.... u placed Kalk per Wt.a K,....".. .ad •..•':,•••••• Io!a' pet' .. BeiJ- W • lor 1 "",*k. - R~ . lVitl tbe Kfttdu •••, eVl DO solid no(1,jthsl ZIT'D. , wert nee -nameI )at Bushr in the 1 Whf .. itself in affairs ;- r"·.n ... "l' hope. IJ; VERKLA.RING VAN " ForJh parlka. , Go.,rnmr noya.te an A third ~ carried 011 and 1a~1' I .. Tb" , prepnr~d I io ••• arlo prebeDIl' , 00 ......."',...... OOSTENRYK. Ee. ~ebruary, de Standard, dd, t"eede editie 'nD I) ure p, m., bevat 286ten bet vol~n4e :" Ezp,.e, .. "1111 Po,.t,,,,,,,,th.-B!4e te1erra@hl.tb. depeobe beden morgen .. n~ekolDeft dat Praukryk. lt.., 03rlo.( .er. beet\ tegeD Oos&eol')'k, eu SO,OOO aaltatell beeft .'Ie. w, lt ie i pears no rejected .toomboot I Stram bolle' ontyid: dddet,1t bnelen om gereed te J_DlkeD,teD eind .., ,ely" me. 'erooderatelt I KODing cler Pr.DtCben te gaau opweken, ille tUHCheu ,lhllnl,erl,e eo Dieppe rondll"ett't. ' Het yopd. komt yoor iD de Ezpreu, Ya,b 1 Maart:D. bandelln lakeD"" heden mDrgen aeet '*I't'rkt."da.r unkon4lgol{ nu eene OOriDi{''"rklaring !11':iCben Prank. IIQ Ootteoryk eten' leer oadeeUreo In,loW up d, mark ~ lu bet ali.m,eD uitQeuot. . to, hebben brieven uit dit oo"s deu 27 11., houd veel !(uultlger la. duo die hili Yruegere 4IlKtete~~~ Het Manlrelt tan Harer .M'J"'tt'i~ Hoogen beeft, 100 all men beWtt'rt, do .fM) .... HII~.te ull:we'rllil~ had~ .. r hl'tulve III weiegf'al~n b.·t doen opbouden, eo ~t'er gumllr~e gellincibeden uakt ID de Iloatmoedlg.te barte, 004er beD. De meu, hebben ~n ~..hf't"1 and ..r flllnzl~o "ekrtpo, eea maaad pWeo h.cldeo. hOt'wd e, 0lltl eeulp die oagergl!flOClllclblyvt'u Ull't hUl1ne~ toest.aml JfVt'OI bet BrhlCh (jouveruemenl. ~I de ka.nIChe Boereo blno, 0 de I\ol®ie 11711, meld met de lfl!.oel~o5 Uil Zyne Ex in bet Hani{~.. l en ry geveu l't'IIO •• opsebulidlng zal ephouden, en rlat d~ ,..a~n &el'r 104i!d~"ul glUla loodra de aUlborileiteo, oQJlln~. benoemd, hunner be.temming zulle" bereiuIl, en !le UerllamQle~J~aJlt reseien In werkil g .. orden gt'brll,t. :Mt'D yerwlcbtl0l, dat dit (telK-url'n tal, d"r Ollze eOlrrel~~denC er by Yoef' :-" De er- il" commitrie ... n bffr T. J. Bidchalpb. na !,,"ezwor te lyn te rll, door df. Hoofd·Jmticier, Sir John I yhle, aaar Bloemfontelo, alwaar hy, a1yo~e.... yne ot....r"~,"'lt'lIi bet diatrikt, wa.rtol' b, i. be..oemd, 'te .flllva.rdeo, rewl ui hebben, om in b~t br~ t~ ~aadplelfen met WardeD. (jen Bntachen COdlwilkm eu Cbef in dat G. T. hwnsl. 6 Me;'. mations: kondigde Iwl er IPtt byt.oe. door bet gelChltl pracbllg oaUuaJ PlIge, KOlDllllndatl Sourbon eD .. ..a.. - het FraolCb frP!'1 by by den Kap".'G LYK.REDE TER GEDACYTBNIS VAN: O·CONNBLL. De Illog aanrkondigde lykrede ter pdaehtfOlJi...,.an O·Con. Dell, werd op Donderdag gebouden in de ,kerk .. n Notre Parr" dOllr den "rrrnaardeu Abt t..cordlare. Een beachryfl duel,. al. "eene .~er' roerende. eD 'erhe"eoe rederoerillj." D. prediker ..e"Deed 1I"'_·I'1!n' tinipellllg.o op dil lalld, eo lIam Kell'fenbeld ,,8ft den Hertor .. n Wellington: en Sir Robert tot de Katbolrke Emaooipatie Bill, hoOf le JrJbD O'CoDoell "a. "oord 19. eo diep setroff'en.-DUU .. Bwllilig Paclt,l, 16 Ftb ,te afgplf'gd•• erdby ..... rop de II tIW &n and.r .. lUl, , .erd,. Kolonel Bt.. Fran.cbtD I\oe. l'O .erJneidt nur ten praclftic weil ~,_'D.. jus draw not bet: I think m. subservi hape dee Jast of v Klip Ri nouneed Nothing preeauti, pear to ( our Opl apparent the wbe smoke. such 8 d the cont ments BELANGRYK UIT ITALIE. Een buitengewoon b:r.oegael 1'lIlnde Opinio.. fin TaringeD den 6 February meldt, det de MlInicipali~it "'n TuriDgeD ..ori,ea dag voor en adret ua d,n JKooiog ("'0 ) gestemd had, leu eff'ecte dat, zieDde Wal er iD yoorlfenlleD Wal. Diet. mindl'r dari een ferlegent'w·ót>rrli'''Plldbestuur de natie voldoeDing koMI! re~en. Te bel".,g4~deQeo rt!ne 1oorll't'lyke ten tooo Iprtld;!nll' plut.. Het M GUIWl werd le TuriDgeo ..crbr4Dd, i. de !.e,en~an 8,000 pPUonen. . ark lee Rldolfi. Mioiater Yla deo G~t Hertog YeD 1-' u.,.,.oen, beeft een yertegeD"oordlgend bplltaor ,"orderd, n, zoo di& aiet "erd Leereatuni 1l0D hy r"i,nereD. EeD brief Yenetie ... n den 2de dezer meldt, dat de oo\U})oot Yulka.n dIl!' huen had ..erl.ten. u, boord hebeen aanl.1 heden om de equip.gipD de OOIteo. .1<1.01 in de Adtiatische ZN ~oltallig le "aken. Het beweging wat nlet bekend. daar ,de kaplteiu du boot met geb ..lme ordert ~ertrokkeo w••• . Tu RINOIN. 8 Frh.-Ry pra,:lamatie "lIn b•den hteft de .Kooioll eene conatltutie aan zyn yolk beloof4, eD d.n «rond· 'lag d"""'lIn gelegd. Dezei ... i. O'Yereeakomlt'g de FranlC'be ~ntttltnLie. • Er heefl een oploop te Weeoen pluta gebad, in dl'D loop ~llarvlln de ven.lera "an het hili.... 0 een der Aula Hertogeo 'erbrYJ.eld werden.-Datbll" £",,,i1&fl Packet.)5 'H, "'n c I10LW SD_VERDEDIGINGS MIDnELE:\". De Ut~chtJ<C~ Arondpost deelde onlangs Mn berigt mede Igeris belwelk door den hoog edel gestr. heer Twent, ~epen. vICe-admiraal, aan Z. M. den Koning eene vmding zyn aangeboden, om met gennge scheepslIUlgt, doch met ~OOanige kracht, onze zeegaten enz. tegeD iJivaBen te bevelltgen, dat zulks ge~eDde, de Vi and zyne vprniehng lOU te gemoet zeilen. : 1 De DtIJt6ch~ Couranf deelt thans, naar aawelding daarva~ ~e, dat reeds den 5 January des vOrJgen jaart door den hten l!l'ltcnaDt J. H. &:lutjer, van bet batrullon mmelirs eu sappeurs, ~tacheerd te Delft, aan den heer l\hnlster van Oorl0ll' een is aangeboden, waarby hy Zyne Exc. niet eene nieuwe ep eenvoudige lDrlbrtmg van watermynen ter defenSIe bekend ~lcte! welke, met de bestaande verdedlgt~8-mlddelen in verband geb ragt, de vermehng van scflepen,' afslUiting van ~ten of nV1ennonden, ten gevolge toU behben, eD tevens hf onze maritime etabli8llementen, zee-, rJvler-ef\ IllI1dingsplaatl!i!n dllzel.fd,etoepassmg oplevert; een sy814UD~b~1I'elk, naar d~ overtulgmg de8 ontwerpers, aaneene verOIelende ultwerkmg ei;ne hoogst eeDvoudige en 8poedlg daarstell~ndê constructie p&art, waardoor de aanwending daarvan 100 eeilvoudlg als miD kbstbaar is. Wy kun neD teven8 hierby voegen, dat de l\ltrustlir van Oorlog eewgen tyd later, III het btzyn onderscbei. d,n boofd- en verdere offiCieren, dool' opzettelJ1:, echter 10 het k\emt genomen proeven, ?Oggetuige is geweest,en daad werkely:lr heert be'l'eHttgd geZien, dat de waterm1.nen VIlD den hijten:tnt-ingerueur &hiifer, met bnsJ,:ruld-ladlngen van meer dan ,Ij tot B ponden, zooWel III eenvoudi~ en spoedige Uimenstelbng als In oogenbltklrelyke en' hachnoolle ultwerkUlg niets te weDllChen overlaten.-&ttntiam~ <Aura"e. .res al resolutie eientlv k explaine, ~o()n IQ meI .arm.le beluig o"rreeDIlel1lQJing welke de DII'len elhilller wederkevi( betltilen siell lO, d.t in du.e ol.,eo. eed be ....,. g!'leiPD potteD. Alidére. minder dltp kl", 1l1e.'e. ataalkundlgen Fikryk ea. ~n,.land hpt p ~g te ~oe"e •• Qm _'UIl'IJU'''' ri t~t eo Bobfbon m'l M'.da,~.. ,t.. r M'jat on. wy t~:!~ Vfe,...~V~rtig bROn neD ~rkeerip begrotlÏngen zyd ze", Cl'n,,04dif en zeer natuu tr~~en de.eln le verklaren, u .telltn met<eenige mensehen. die l1r,rr oorl., ,kunnen ontdekken I nen~ op de ~8eboonate dagen: oor flit le oOlleD IS, f'fI onj •• uwen 'wal men d... r~&D fll.'U', to be I:In, the LRnl aequamt already adopted ZIM p:1 pt·r. J' comruur. whose ca observes g ptl"'f· altOI" rit daadu.k, welt_ .. Á~I. [j' ~ de 10ekolD.l, om I' moet,- Cemun. Il " 'r 1 CHINA. iJ')e .1t1ay[,1(U Circulator Tan 24 JanIIarl' br. treksel ttn YaJl; Uli het pr'hten yQolgt>nde bH!f van Penang, ~ Wy bebbeo eene OD..erWllehte Dat~ ontvnlen, alie Europeeacbe na,,!!'. Cbina' inleSebeJll'n; zy nle'il .toom~.artuilt> HOflghly eo t.Uit. Plluli nrtrekk eetJilll balve compagnie, bUDne ""rI;M"drll8, dur bon dienittyd S(hepen brbbel1 18H dadelyk nMr f{e.~,:eb boqt'd,-julticier in Cbi • ,..r.!itkt na.r Knlrpl.nd. Wy iJ of ['!rrle .. elteD Majoor GenerAlI lltlilitie v.n. "MAUrttlue hIer gehAd. dal\tl~n IJJ CbiDa ungl'Bteld, en is een _I gemwt eD "".,. ik iD alle opzlgteo H,.'~ee(t genomen 8 J anuan un Sir Job'. Pt •• ", per comp', 10 Co,,,e '1'1 '.n KipI'm bebotD Lier mill' ... chlen ~p tot .. l'l la. A Ill' oorlor· verlr!'!.ken D. sangfkolDtO'I de 1•• I~leI." (Sla. el.r) ,. tol (,WIDID t morgrn a"l df mAn, ,,"~I' ,roo~ trefel) k ILPO.n beer G"l'lio~ ."'ine. rll~aOdm.h'DI'~ellr~ldOl'ren~"~1 _ 21 R~~I, btth VIlO hrt rl'r,m.n: de Gonftrnl'Qr. d Ife.!'un, ek." le onlbloott. n China ht'wdl ~M DO~ ran I Áccor comp"j1nien nl o4I~b~De~.-MarviJIP, dustrv a be lt'~l~l. Chiname by tbe A Fuch an -anti \I Ihrn It illt n~T1 thus fal ('nt Irt> bo ha.B Iwell by tbt'lr quenct", in as far sigbt of me8SlIr! of (urcll thl'fll!'d \ whom ti heen Sir proe.ectll our,lmm their sal nctitit~ cumstan The HJ not alto) o'tJi()us n b abo\'e ql of Orig~ received terms :" SIO~e " I FRANKRYK. , D. vol!,!'ellde additioneele b)'lon ('igt t Il'te omwenteling in len d~!1 Ir::zer naet onwelkom • ~yn. ~rekktng op ,le vlugt yan Ll)ul, Ph lt Ornltl'ef'\:' 1 allr 'IDflml'1rJaca' nr 10lln fan Admirea' Seodid dat [,oól, P redllaD yan deo troon. Eenige ~n .Y"D bet Punt T~mant een troep. ~e Tul ~tlen kom.n, welke de bargprt jl"IlUn'lll(1! ten tl)(lll .pretdlnllf'n te oolbn bak hoorrl" men deD Qil~04·p.. men ,U Koniag Loul. Philippe, ~. t d ~ie ham .cheeo te onderatt'onen, .antll~ ruittrs, eo iUlhterrolid dont omt Yer.c:~meade udlJimD,n, uit de Mllrt d In K~IDghl "lUIdeId. met .... ten'~red. aetrlfh\roIlWCD"IIW\tel t11· e,,, .,m, ~rA U RIT {,om beil" A. Pretor, pêople, " len~tb RI, endtiroUT he haa bee There I U S. •. ~ Het Gouvernement betoont zich; door Hne d,oe,igc kantrekening welke niet genbelf betreurd klan worden, nooit ge5trengér jegens de kolonisten din op oogenblikken "anneer hun toeetabd 'bet meer: d_re toegeeflykbeid moest leeren. Onlang. beeft bet ~venu Bureau, vry' weten niet "elk Hqe "et ait de "rde opgedolyen, welke lang in vergetelheid was geraalu, om alle erfgrondbrieTeD van ~elken aard olik, te doen registreren, zelfs alvorens dezelve wor. d,n toe;,{ekend, antler verbeurte van •• ar.e boeten. ~nige dagen geleden is men weder besonnen eene p~rsoneele belasting te hefTen met bUitengevrone y,er en gettrengbeiJ. Heden wordt cle armeD , nn een ieder g,yorderd, ,.ncler te beerheden~ iil op- d,nken dat zy, die dus al moeten gevdn, hetzelfde Frankr~~ zul- r.' hebben, om dezelve te vorderen. als zyaan •Zy he.b~ep be~ ~.fe dezelve geguen worden. De. be1'ehoer. ltppe Illt r~r,s. dIll" \'aD schepen kunnen • t '.. kk men w, •• deD:r • • nie meer1 ve •• re en ilippe .fltln*, had I~nder dIe belastIng te betalen. De,e penoDen ll~keD I.t+r~",eol n~ zyn ontegensprekelyk dic;genenj die hc~ tloolle ,Itd.n .aa DQ!est lyden door de staking van onzen: bandel met \'enocbt I(leli no l\(adagascar, "ant zy Iyo meest I\llen boiten en. Op dit anpndi.· t I - - - .i - • d b L B ongdui,'1 ~ n, 'Fn~, en a Il zoou&nag,. zon er een .. ~men. '.D KOltintd"!alo dell ,drntett:egen!taande bad dit plaats met ,eepeD kapte midden! •• n eed 'te~n, die oulang nlar Bourbon en M~dagascar nt 30 ~1~(j\~D ia v.trok dal deze betutin!? .welke lang in vergeTQilerte~ I{OUlen. ~Ib id was "eraakt' .:J . d" II m~' bl~.,. ,aa ~ e ," weJU .ernaeuw • ; p het aeli.&! Da 2 De ferme dlDg alleen tan zulke misbruiken ell consider B0e4els vnn de and vol J.,. derl ~ekwt'lfra!ie gesteld, Fredrik .comelia Stonn y be~ Ee"tll' tn tweede b\',~enkoml 'I M:el!Rert B,ft'110 op.dt'n 31 Mei \Vltliam 80_"llie Mitcb,lI. VlO Crol' I $llit. Ot'érleden. El'rate eo op de.' Juny. fidenee. For tl 'little ne' had OVt damage. bo".4, t)!GEDWONGEN . bad Dt{aed!'I'.au laeqQea Kaa~he A.f4ftUag. , con,ie!(' ment ha .. ~... , '~ ~Met Byzonder. L Op ~nderdag 4 .Vei 1848, doof' J. M, KLOEIl VAN ST"'V K~t Ca ri, ~ enn.n Boeenpelt, mei.fOII'geJ ui HarJ!treta Borpttom. ~ , • GEDOOPI', .pt>ct r.. ~ LutJutelw En!. Kaapttad, doebttr. no 4en Hel'r J. O • Chr~.lDa lIaria. OVER LEDES. 2 M'tl.-Hejq!!r. Elizabeth fU ~eQ Wei-BiL Hen E. G . .A."", ..... d; •• Witl. .." In A. C. Raa depo.ll ..d InlMt.le I I 'f ':ot , , 1 T. 'i. Mei I~ lJIetoP ,_.u to Volksra: F~ ~ V~ arr lJïl"e$.~ 'II!II!!!!!!!!~~~4< I: tha HARRY amOOnl1l ~ NOIlQe II I Rutb. to J(CIPd, An, dualw up ,r tonIY"al .. J GOy"rowe, f ~ d , I ~ : f I " prophetlc t4u ot ith_~ of war are 01,ortWItIl to China. The l&te miad. anll •• lo Cbina PriY lwt ,rocnd • ......Ioc ~ Itr ~ We ba .. ~cll At. 'WO or tlarH n .. nlll .... 1 .tatlon.. More tb~ General Biaek an.d ~i1J (rom lU.uriti ... uttoudtd their p""aappolote!J dtr-liff;'lef ill Chlu and I ,,"II the aoelene .Iilla ID01TOtI''Irith e \ Art1llcti.J' He '- a 8.118oJd'lJllcnu,"",,,. the diA'a1tt4 ,. .. 1 •• cl I ~ .. a OIt u~~ '«rlaa lo IDIIIIIW"t!lI.r. ~ to preftllit '4", bMbeta .. kil. with tIi,~oJl(lfab)e Mr. t~~ ma,. be foreed. 011 the lO.",,! inl' Coo:~lor 1ft'N." .(\ Wllat 'W, IIIk I. t!utt the Coloo,. ~~ " Major Ca"~", tbe tiN way to tb .. '4 eirellJDSta1aee of ,1ortiMJ. 1>l"errd to eend ~be t.o SW ccmpaald tl!<e mlly be allowerl Co re 011 ~ .. eo _~ 0' ""lee In Chin •• bat llê (iJo....rn()f' (Colonel .-,mcrU''lCten.,March 31. ~ I dee,lilled n~.. 'te ... .trii~ to strip SIllI(~j>Or. uf ba~ID, only ,~,' eompjl.iet. altOjl;etber thtTe. MMONlcAtroN-A.USTR~. Cbjoa oo1y H. 95tb jttlmeot aotl.!x c LIAN COLOliIES. $ Ceyloa Ril..., ~id .. t,~lIip' 0"«.".nd tertGf t~" com co_"dJn. ~ years we ha .. ftom ti.. to UDM .ultjeet ali.~ I01DedID .. ~, th~ j • .... ,UV .. ." ~r to the Ceyl n ; .or from tbe Cape to ,pi,!! Ce,lon. Thll m"lIt4Ifec~ aod ex" A.lell, .lbe gtatelt tRme will be po< j_ Or~d. Ri".r n! lIIeetS _ "1 e4pnt to induce tbJa w,h~. ' " Foribel' nporU ltate tbat tbe Roe ... partln. 0IIe.1II aot_r lt aU of IUlmfllitlod Go-emmen'. A. aeeood wffi DO.. te aod puril, tIN ..,.,.. of £ltll!JCUlli ••• clllDlzda1ra&101l ! tbird wUI wall aDd IN ., the carried oat; aad a oomprilla; 60 and take their ebaoen. • .. Tbl. la IU tmly ,ery lIDui ... ..,hbft ......... M4call. prep ,rfd to look lor, but u wa ill'elld le ftSUIDe tb. IUbjeci ie aD .arl,. iaoe. ft aball prio, iD a COlD' pn:beneite lorm." rir.a ......... 'out", 1"" t 5ó9ó .1U1I". pre_ oar ..... .t, a: ..... ....,dae, '- l\if o• oa~ I........ leDIU,. Jd. ... ftf41rp " eie"., .Her ..... "erd .... lo... BIu- 1e1ml1C .. • ~ ,raC:aJC teD 0Dt1D .... ' i"P'" ... t. ItOIl~ reat ...,.", D, ""'It" ~Q bar"!yb c.. ~n .. • _et\Idn t... beteod dn,r,.,. .w, ml. ·...,..... '''rf''', ut Nne laIIII t'OIIC"" t •• (gnebo"n; I •• ry _ 11"',.It, ,•• , on. ,.Iylr , opttaod t. I_le P'PO' I, daaduak, 0"'1,0111'8 ~_, Jl nua,y br· t uh ftn Jan nar,. ~ Srr JoliJt In Pt,,111 CHI,.,· KlpltCIII er ID .1., bie, op ben'" lil. oorlo«' ekken. De J.kolDu e. r. "._. I.. "" ."tl.,-) t_ r..... · seer JfOOt, y.... -. :er GarB', legt., betA .1 reriae.' men,8flIr, .,1 ...,..., raa •• 0. 0 b, luch' ..... ootbtOOlu, be ..iod' ,...niea , .. ' volgende w... 1tád. • ta ~"T' 1 11JJ 00' •• n W,-- tJfCIltfIl op .. WIllia. Dko'" als t'IE. , Il Pfk,ttbeIJ "'h .II! a' 'II ~r"'f"I'" ~f I -:;. I ._...".., r r.., ; ~ ~-,.;o-..,.-- HOUSE ,OF LÓRDS, FEBRUA Hr. Card" ~' , ~. fot mo"ed~ some eODJQW aeeted "lib Cb la, o<ltl4 mueh with a .lew &0 doo .. tor dJe lll'p<lSe brin;chg uotler the boa .. the ropoJlt ~ dJe ~Ie.-t comwltt~ arp ,ear 1847 to talC. into cojjii4~lall<)" tbe pretfQt comrnereiel relafi~~ "id) that c(Ju'ltry.' what extranga~t I!spect4tlpns Wl re <""[l'r"",,f'O tbe klogdlMD atrtb~ flrat'<lpemn-: of uur COll)l'I~~ course witAl Chill.. Pro •• ~be b¥iihUl~y ot tb.t time 11wlli ,xpectc! q.llt b~ (IuS that eOllOt.., w~iftl b~Ye !ye I e r.cee II'd ~,4 "e bad 1I0t ~ ~'~~l" rea,"'ct, it .ae t.". to t;dlee'~ID t~We by far Ch.grea 1 "*0~1f' It ba3 talleu td ... thuefor. 0 to do ~out best t, l'0l'()U1'IIQ!'f It, It bad not~ \ powe\ ,~. been carrie I Olj F.ogtaooJ; on t~oc eentr. rl. It had been ('8 of 30 or 40 per cl""t. 1'6u, ha I KOlle 00 fuur years, but ~~~l'Jold !fOt '0 on mueh wOllld recede t~~ a~a!ll' rose up t ... a WhT bad we b.1 ~&o (oUll4 the tra,te &0 ChIna Let"l ~ what t~e relllr,,;{ wcre frolO China. wort 0(, three kInd., 2,000,OOOl. be ~n dtatned Iro n China for palt; .Uk-of Ich thf ~ltport ""li! grlld,,~lIy IIIII"Litnllr and tea. Now, Wat ftl'lpon'hl,' to cOlli"l~to'r, Chine could .u~ tbe dtaln of u.e precious theuport"'te.~uld nlJt,beincrea8eli IIutb .. of the ua duti", ". constaht r" IlIctlOU of oor inevitably take p~e. It wal. how 11'1', bl'jonll bo" fllr tbey ,,~lil anrl cO~ld blly O'lr cotlOll. If lo"cr lhe tel! d~tlJS. TIle.,bouse ",a. not Uti,"erll ol tb, oommittte, th"l the rllte of had beell end "" the ca~\I of th .. rctar lat Ion (lf t~,,~po ll~o of tea to G"'tt "rltU'I, lt wal Iii all c ,se~ 2 nn the price of1t4e arttc!lé; Ind In '''111'' C\W'I 1,000 per ceo'.' So'" tbe·Amedclln. \y re our III tbe Chiot" Pl.rketl,.iahd h.l I no tlutv "PO'I theo, could we rootinoe ro"ellmil tP. wltb Ih ..111III market ia that b"'neh of manufacture. in wh uur rl~al. t 0$«"0"ou8.ob6tJcl,, lo the rellue ItnUIi 00 lea w.I'$bd a ,-rein,," of 5,100,000/. from tbern. Y~t.i.,houl!'lw lt'IIS "lIIount of be relied 00 WIl#!!b~ el:It\'ll;J .tt 1I,-s, it was!, clement io the ~~me cff. the c<luntrv, tbat In clrcunutances, lt eolild nllt'be 1'll'lrl!ly Iboli.h.l1 illto ","era! Itaftdkal rtetftll. lo ~h lW. that If reduced frllm 2,.34' to ~~ tb~ probability _a8, COlii'll! nf the oex~ year t611 rpVel1u<" f oln lhe Ill" tumption of te~~ woul<l' am\,u It t,) 3.50n,ilIlOI 3,960,0001. The". wa. b'lt'.one II nit lo Ollr tradt' and tbat was t~ ~.moun' t" whloh Wé took. the China; and the limit tCl. -lItIIt IInO:!lIt depl.'nr1ctJ dutiel. It "" qOt (or htlJl lo 11,\ ne whlt \'I'lI! III of the Goyerorne,tH as to the Il I I let, but h been wantlog h( lil. dut,.. II tbe Cl) 1l1l1,tlec uf been a member lf pe ha l 'lllolYG I Il' 11 Il e rep on the tabi., aoi1~d lef( lhe h III 'Ic t.o appwlIl:b .talement of the "ear wlfh~ a II"cu~~jOIl U:)fHl The Cbaneell,r; of the. £;Xcllc1tl~r observed. opening of the. .trad, l¥t\ll ClII!I;! the m ralu tbelr nport. tn't'at couillrf t" a", enor.00U8 fuund It io cOI)~wenctl _lp.~'I1.( clJ .. ceru. T.nt!> tite market. ofl bloa btó.lh)' ~\ut"'''1 w,th ,norIa imported, om Rpl'a, I, all,l that cl rlllced a d~pre.;lém aC trlt1ir wh"'lJ t" eo Ir. cure luelf. H,I"biUl na'~"lfltr l'l It If we reduce the duty: ill teae tb~ re'CU"'(j f,.(11 would be nlalle'lIii' a)lllln iil th' r, .r3c of a fe'" llild Iikt'wi.e OOI ~oubt t~~t llie (!u~ it tJ or go·~ .. ~cn lint to China mitlst!Qtd 0, til J l Xport!! ChmR; thut an ilcreue tiC th ~. ~xp Irt. bc'!Idlt to the Efnsibah pr6duce, , dl) ! IhllllU the revenue would ~é ben~fired bv th~ arl' thus created. Jklt he cÓ'~t1 n ,t (') lecal fr 1111 the hnllst', thllt if ga.,e njJ I IL li Il \ 011 t" ... mu,t look for additiolllil t")l:at", I III wme other commIttee had TIg;htly .~Id til I l I> wa. a m .... ,•.,.... lightly rlealt wltll il for tiie. re' 'Il' '~rI\e! (ro 5,000,000/, N'rf~rlllf'It!'!f~ ,ilt \ r c "nlllend",1 li the dllty to 111, whlclt. """,.11 ("IU'e • d 2.000,0001. ill the revenu .... Mr • Kr Iwell bar! S,lI former occ3SlO1I! t~IC d <tres .. ' I CII. lIt,nn of' t .. e been Imetlo~ta'd I)y t lkh: (lT '1" hurd,'n! UpOI\>tbe sp-III~S bl III I Il1(l.I'. ".,., Ir he were present eltber tbe,~611 I.til ..., 0', ~, '" IH j!cIIII e,"euiog lug~e8f4!(11 Ihe ",1<11,I' I ". I I~ cnuutr\ to In additIOnal! Inc) n I or ",lI'f) lllX, alld kno .... h lW far ~ál ml;ht b r ,Il I, Lnrd'G. BeFttm'k lW,,"1 11)', \\h~n we 4,OOO,0()OI. a ,,,ar un" r rhe I" t a'!e .y.l.m, take oft' l,i'JO ~OOI of tell cI'lt " 11 c luld he:rl lint to tbe cloet ri 'I f', tlll\' Ihr Ir • In "le of ril deficleocy W.8 '0 ak oil ~h~ I,. , L ,. which p Iprlngt of iutltbtn. • :( A ,"ery desul~l)r) d"~lrh'inn II) 'n !,,'.k rlae!!, In Voft'!tt. Mr. nl'. Mf '1 '" Il In, Dr B \1r Wilsoo. IUI'porte,l, Jnd 'f Il II hertoll, ~f Sitlof'Y, elld Mr. H'I Is 11l~ ,.'IJ'·I I I, the r,.,\ te. tI.. tlC8 OON rropl}~ ·,1 '), fl~' ol <,,,,·t rf'ply fru n well Ib- motIon wa_ l{r.,tt;'-I Tile House tijtIl IlJJout~. - TI/I ,. or ~""t~Il~, lt HY "e or I. w.... t~rms ,,",anten . It i. indeed very ilifticult, at IU~ di8tanc~1 to draw just conclusions from sucb a1;coUn&.. It apm. pears now bere, tbat tbe Farmer.; bare formally of tit.. COte the lIome Ooyernm,ot I. rather I't'jeeted the advantages held out 1.11 ibe Procla· deeide, end it 'l'p'llr. fr,,'o II ddf\litch or matione; and tbough we are ,bat they have Oo,('roor of Vali I),ernoo thllt nO d~leloQ lhu experiment h.I~ bC1"1I (.&Iirlytrlel(by not been more lpeedily or readitl accepted, we the new N".th 011·18 '11th Tr"nt~l.titJt' think mOit of tbem make their reajlurion to relurn "e_1 we bell~ve Will make th~ loyage 81lbsertient to tbe arrangement. ';'hiqh tht'y per"nc:unl~·II' M-'totltill.. ' hap. deem innitable for their re~..ptij)Q-8nd the IlItel) lub nitt,," tn nur COIIOl!II by'bf P. alld 0,::1 :'i Cu npahy III Calcult. td hst of wbich-the remonl of lbe K86rs (rom tbe ve".elll between thl' 'Hili Ceylon W,' h~al' Il Klip River Division-was onl, ciDnditionaUy an· by lbe Comm Itl'e 'PI' .llIt..d t., nam nl! lt. I am. nounced the Govemment on tfie of April. the day it W48 Jl,~a."lc I to the Counell. Nothing sbould occuion leu sQfpriJe tban the experlmeot. are b~If'1( mllflf! to the Ca.pll'. U1PORTANT FROM ITALY. South W Jle. aod Bourboo, Il II tn be re~ret1cd precaution whicb these often deeelYe4 people ap' K.AFFR.\RIA. Councli ha. pt'Opol~ to !lite for a .t.eJatQ A~ extraórdlnary IllpplelJleftt of the Opilt~" of pear to ob""e in thia instance; 'Dd' tb ere is, 10 A hoWl! enrrrtpondent w,itinl UI froln Brltl.b KIWI .. rle "OIit!IfIUfJllraIUn,ji witb Ceylon ba, Dot beeo alrl!ady &ecepted:by o~r opinion, hnt little ground fQr ~ak in~ tbi. Irattt. tb.110 (Kr ftom 'be Cbie' U Ilthala belnlf .ngaged In theAth 0" F'eb,uary anoltunctlS lhat the mUoJeJpaUt'ffTotin S. N. Compao,. with the _i,tanee of tbe a .,lIemn .. uln~ o( the day beflira, "oted ao o.tldrrs. apparent fa.ilure the loaodalion for .. lI~flpicion that pl".,AiAf bil land, tbd lbe plouqb Int.ndt'd for bhn .1 Ile~er he&frln iOyern>lTl.. "t. &0 K to tbe .WIIClI &bet, .eeloa "hat had p ISrd In Id 'It t . II . h' J'i't broke ,rnued, bul lt 1'111 Iyinllf uI'le .. at Ibe eod tbe woe b lire the resolutioo. agreet! to by the '.egI.I... le.. tban a repreHolaUn !tQyernme 1 .,ltilll en (>.&four Wl even lIa 1; ,ani' In of tbe Commil .. ri,,' 'tftrd. 'fbe Cbief liimllif il Aid &0 NI~, "olltb AU8tf'l&llIIl'I!IIpl!Cltllltc tbe propoeed lteaJQ At Geooa Ulere "" a .lmlla, m f111dta· .moke. . We ca~lIot. force ounf'lrea, to f!ntt'rtain be 11I1I.rln" idi,. about lbe "el,bbonrhood CJI the TylUlie and aatiifT bel",ell tho~e C.,IO<lI~ "RIl England. portrait Wil bor.' Turin, Infbe pre'Ilcb a dUlooaraglD1{ Idea even (c)r. moment. On 8uro'I HIli q'l"ll of ooe of h .. "iYeI, wbo bu, il ,ppeara, t.lo~ an deeply le"lllIle or Lb. lmportéce . the contrary, we bolieve that "hin the IIrran~e. I d ... e",d bi"" OOt' corretlpOndenl expre .. e'.n opinion thll Ien" of ablililiolt 8team eommoolcation between Great Bri~1l , minliter t)f,'the <lrand uke of Olentl alrea~ m~t;{e b the Oov"nQ)ent and the lh".Ch~f •. "'I! ",nt' ".e plOIl(bl whIle lla.,. da lil Idle and Colonies, as calculated ou, merely to protnDte delnal~de'd erepreterItaU .. gOl'eromeD , whleb • iL B rd h H L_ ~ (Ibis,. lhelr .'''' ... her ..tllfore, to do aU,Lhe 1.bJur of 'be aod future prosperity of these Pol'>aetiotl1erl he "Ill resign. "I r!,o IQ t Ion. JH oa a. ur:.CQme lUw· aeld.-G. 7'. Jo",.,../, May 6, of the lllh Empire. but to .trengthen the boodt ol Veolee of the 2d IMant, eta te. that thp clently known .moDg ,hn Enrigran&4jand be properly I betw~q the.n and the Parent State. bad left tbat port. baYing nn board. nulO· uplained to tb~. tbeir return niay be espect~ , Thllt th I. Cotlocll deern iL UOl)ee~... ry to ellter Ihto complete tbc crew. fill tbe '\1JIlrlan Beet ill IQnn to tllke plae.. , TULBAGH.-PUBLIC MEETING. In\'tlltl"atllln of tbe iletatl5 nf the proj~t!ld hoe: 0' Tbe Qbject or thl. moyelMot had UI~t tra1l8 cOlllmunlcation bv 1'orrt'~ 8tr'\18 alld 8yd.y. or tbe .&tamer bulng .alllll und.,- .e41erl .AocordinJ to lbe aecoltOU theN_em., b~wc,er, At a puhlia Meetltl!l held in Ihe aMident MagiI I I the iSl'ficultiea enrl tlan![er .. of Ihe nt'\getloQ!: of to be another g.p. Neflber the (Jovtmment 'nor strule'. OfHcG at 'J.'ulbaf,th, with t{,e sanction of StrHltS'~re ulrl'al1y &lIfllc[I'Olly aet fortb In the !ley.ra.l Plln,;", 1>1 "idlf IlJgflt p"b!i,lllr lt.e fol· tl)e ~nd Board a~pear to m~ke 89Y end~nour 10 Hi, Excellency tbe ArlmiDiSItatOl' Óf tbe GOVefQ. Ished sailll111lhrections (or tbo.e le88, and tiley do bol de.potcb: ' .. 'furin, eb. 8• men li 119t bne for IlllolltlOll beeallsll' il aftllFds Uttle' aequllin' tbe Eml,' With tl~ ~rrangemt nl. mpnt, on the 6th or May 1848,' pr,OCJlllllll\,IOQd.led tbrl daY. 'Jhe 'Kt~lt b.t. rorniatd prospE!J:1 of practIcal all,antage 10 tbe c"lonl.ta of to h" people, And hu laid dp ...n the b.. i~o( already made by the 6nl, .n4 ub~ re.olutiun. One of the oldest and most rellpectable InhabiA'i8tr{lia, anti b 'C~1l8e those al1vllIlU~PI in tbe allaloKOu. lO tbe f'reoc!h ennltIcQtioil." adoptt!~ by Ibe latter. ,:'There. it".' la!, one tho' tl\ntll, D. J. dl' V nal, Esq.; was cho'cn to till the of tile population and cap,tal of Ncw South W"'r.) "' bren a terlOul ... 111. et VleoDa, in th eourle pil pers Jt!" ~lludcd to, 'Il J!t,t,re.ih~ce ot JIller· Qhair, and Mr. P. J. Winterbach, U SecreLary. c lIy~rObrllhper of Ihe Admiralty anticipates,,are ,.~e "Indow. of tbe ho ... ol ooe of tbe cbduket to ~ reall!etl, ma.mueb aa the pr"jectorl du ~01 commUnIcaliOn betwem, • th. Leg'i},\t9ra ao.d ~hose I Sec mded by Doctor Prench and unanitnously brokell.-El'milllg Pae/ut. H'I Iln~lcipate ca-rrylng passenitrt alld goodJ to any wbo.e ca.~.the, are a_ppolotecl to _!,'~ and l~Ju,.tly ca,ri~d. on actount or th" n'!ce88ary high raIlS o( ',elkhl obt~rv(,l, that the Land BMrd, ,nth all 1t8 III' . Ff1"NER~L ORATION IN MEMORY OF pU!I&ge, !,hprefore this Council canllot h ,III out tolbe . b 11' II 'CIte Cb' IIlrmlin npenp db""te,. Ht I Of "u. h a yery appropna" dustry. all d. If'S,I mig t, (0 a apgeartl-nc(', 88 we Alldre ... llIch w ••• a fullo".:I. O'CONNELL. . ian anrl A'4fItrallsn Royal Mail "iteam I'a~ket CompJn)' be legllllatlOg tbe occupation iii the C(,lollY hy Cl' proml'lll ~C pecunIary aa~I:lt4l)Ce tow"tIs tlut under. 1!Be lonlt. aOllollnced funeral oratIon In l1lJ!l't1ory of the lat~ Chinamen from :Canton, a. (or i$'8 ~.oêeupution Mt tmen and fellow CololUlt,J inlf. ,_ lI~fO'Con.,ell wa5 on ThuradaT pronounced itl the etQreh 0 Tnat this 'COIIIICi! ~Ie\n m~st folVourably the propl)fed br tbo Achterberg Farmers," If' th~re be rf'Rlly Tbl. mPeII..c il prnpnlrd witb preYlol1~notiee tI) our !'PS' Nolt" ()al"e, Paril, b, tbe eelebrat<l(l Abbé La ordlare of Al1 C 0 Hays, (Ilr esl!bllshlu:l a COlllmulliea(~oll ncb an important link wanting irr the grent cb,tin p~eI~d Rp.uiellt Mlfgi8lhte. and wilb fall .ftnction ol Hil On. of oul h'Uers delcrlbrl It IS" a m"lt 8!F~ti If, aod, , Elc·IIMey tbe Ad,UI"I.trftlo' of tlae Oo~erDm~ot. Ausuallan coloUiei VIIi the Ca le of (,ood Hop,. bf Inrf~rl, IIllllime dl.oOllrae." The preacher .. "il1~ all in· -and we lee no rfason to 'UppOll~ thd oHlllrar)' ,'rhe ohj et ther~nf I., to promille lhf! !rUer,.t And welf. re JUrJiOI ref.-tenultn of pow~rful salhn~ VI'SS~!S, f,ulIlslwl with auxUfllry tbia country. aod tOllk olll!8sioo I waring propellfrl, as prllm'sllll!' !!CruI! II ha It.lge. to Soktb thpn it does not snrpriM us ';that the nohi" of Ibe 'J'ull'tltll'h Dhlr'(l In lf..ntr"l; bul tbll Cl\nnot take to .. luglSll the conduct of tbn Duke of Wellin;.rton land str ruha in ~ cOlllmercial 118 ",dl ~. }lil-tal pUlDt of Y~ .. , B,ll. int nl ion. of H. H. Higb bave bf'en- pl"er, wIlhout el)n"IJerlng. whllt Tulblgh wu, aod. wbat lt lRo&i'rt I'pp.lln rl spect or the C~thollc Emancipation that th .. ~()un 'lUI glv~, I'r~r~rollct! lo lh~ route oC lh~ Mr.1Iohn O'Connell "U preIHInl, and leemed mucb rft't'Cted. thus fnr barren of rc.ults. Tbe condition o{ the II "t tbe prese"t lime. At tbe then ea'!t·d .. R"odl Uil I," or .. Ll\bd Yl" W ..... ren ... -""eniljg Paclwt. CiIJ>', (or the t"lIowlllg reallOn8: rnlire body o{tbe Emigrantfl,8incet~eirespalriati"n, of (ormer Te.ra, gener.lly ~"o"'o, not 0111)1a. a beallb, and ~ I , llt.-AI opt"lIIg up a new IlIIe of .tea,Jl cnmmunicatlo~ it? hns been of a very lingular Dature~ This ill proveIl fertile p"rt of the Col .. nv, bnillilo for It. adYaIl\aceou. Iita' Uiê whole e()'J~8eo( lIs route frOIll r:lllllanli ....llrd •• wHich it Clluc'vell other clillms on LhQ bt!llefi 3 of sLcam COlD by tbeir history; and notbing,. as it natural couse- "lion. And reoownl"d fo; III rellednl and )('T81 Subjects. I mlln,catlon Jll;I,Iy be md, aud mau)' collater.!l aJ"'u~ea W"I ,""hli.bed hv tht OO'4'rnm,o& In tbe ,.1I.r 180", quenee, is more calculated In Ille~' - wilh a {Ililure., uUrOltrlT Id,r the denoillloallon 0("," fur tbe parpose o( '_rf,telothew,y. • ,. in u far a8 thpy are concerned, thbn .rlen, 101ing promntirg f.clltt,.. e .... alld IIlIfllllagf! lO tlte lohabitant. and 2tI'-liecau~e th'~ route 111'8 more io connt'ehon 'rl tb sight t.bat condition, it i. u~ected lhat the tbe lIel!hbourln!t Dllt,ieta, forwerly uIIder t.he ~uriJd CUOD ot .ma'rkt h. wluih, a8 Ihe CII~j-the puiN" all,1 western sborell DC-South AfriQa-th.e Mauritius, &c , Rre IJtllbltnall,. e0't'u· measure, adopted Ihall bave tbe sQpernatural power SII!II~nbo.e~ "nd S", ..ilendalo. L' • b . b d d . TI". ohJf'C:l w'. (ully ..tlllin.II, Por "be Drostdy" .. ,ners o( th" p~ducis uf Ihl! Au~trultan Co!ollles, and "hence o f IOrcJng t elr way to t eetert lUl Communicate 'cMe-ly eat~b'18bp<l, "brn .nrylbi", put on a new'face,th,!\se cololllell~lnpo twine autl frnil~, ani! suot..r. ID reLuTlI. them!lelveeo,hy the same powe,. te; those {or e,"elYlbinJ Bourt.bed. The pll_ and ertelI throllgbout the 6<1.-BCt'8ute It Cl)',c~ue' the .. "hnary Ilclfla"ds fur t~a., ....hom they are iotended. 1'his can never have DISIrtCl, bul more ""pffiall, In the DISIrict ol Tutb,,«b, rose cdft""e, rice anil otl er pro,luc~ of Ih" trol'ié', S8ufficiell~ to 'r,,,.. InalntalD thé lIoullUII.UlC~ of thll.e hll'lIt,d exp,.ru w:uch Lhe been Sir HARRY" meaning-biB (iwn conduct and In price to aD .ma&lrll' d'lfl'H; arid rnany inhab'lanta of th. l~rkets of lridla anJ ChIna uppear t() Ilem~nd I&llrcneFII beyond .. me .ho "e" iD ,,,enoi...,. qïrealDa'a,cea, wer. Ibo"l,. Proceeding. with rcspecl ro tbe I; .dnneed lo .moenc" through <ra.le an4. Olher edranlllgu ," .tll.Becf.ttue In the event of war. Hl unpr'oYed mllaos our immedilate {ron tier, pro,e tbi ~ntrary, and OCC'Slnoed by tbe ~hrr..'tion of tbt! DroaW1,of Tulbagb, .ome IOD "nit tlae lIo",e 'GQyerlllflenl, "ould hf' their salutary re.olta already bt-giip lO sbow what oC .. hom I,"en made (ortunea. BhldM tltlt. not 001,. aece•• Interrnpllon. la 110& ...... i"g tbroollb tbe !.éf,foreigll nl\tlon8; an I 11'1tb,. helld tbe Couned nctivity and tbe con.ideratioo of their neeuliar cir. to ~he Courl 0( Jus.llce "'1 ma~ eonnnltot aod .. 4'~, T (or en" one, but lite i"h*b<,anu bad allO lbe prlYlt"ge o( frOlll oOllng it. be I11,1IU .the inc.lfiJllable Jm I I d ,< cllmataocea are ca cu ate to euecilo\ peylng tbeir qlllirent. a"d lraolfer! dUf. aC lbl. place, .. bieb lbe e81lbh.hmern of lhis '.ddili<in.1 .ttalll The accounts, with reaprtt to P~t1s, tbollgh could not o~t'a" otb..rwiaa lblG &0 II~' peace lUId I"0eral wltb lbe ~1I81d"ptndenclea of the Brijlah A letter (pm Rome of th., l!3th, not altogether fnorable-, are h01te-ver of' a los8 .allstaction to the iob.bitllo'a. I , tbia;-bftnl"phere "Uit ISIllIlDe 10 the 119.ol of bO'lile the Preue, !.lays::tntlerl'unllool. overilind rouJ.e-especl.lly al mao, of cftlious nature tbao tboae wbich h~vc!!bj,flë~t~ apThb ood .. tllrbed 'lIloyment a" tltHf! pri,U~, "e "en del), no loc..l weans of defence, .nd eared before the public. Accordi-a'o .L~ A".ract bin""" wJlb unlil the ytu 1822. i Wben_Bul Ih.tli pro"The SoyerfiilCn P''"tj'ff~I~S th,. d,I,V rec"~ved P li"'" ~....... eeed ?-Sb,,11 I nol drop ,be ~rlllin t-.No.-I Ihould be Ott luccour by SI'''. ~ Parker and th~ En~1i8h G~IIt·.al Allillll at a pri above quoted be was on a journey? inSt'" direction uo"ortb,. of the bonor .he"o to lbil d.,., and tbe eo06. -':>~II'U"" it Conc ..l"e,. tbat with 'he auailltael.J of Th~, ere to retpro 10 rm'r"'w 10 Ih~ BuLL dog, o{ Origsta.d, .bilst the latest number -oflt!e ~dperr. dellee placed iJl me •• Presi4eot il I to p .... o,"er In Il.elf .. ouid ,IPCQ~. more a.,tedy present lIt1tion,d In the t'f"t ol (".IBa Vl'cchla ftCeived by os, aUudes to bim • ~iog .11.flee a e:iUlIl1IeUllee .bit;J,j" 1101 oaly 'Alnful bnl allO wltb Orea' Br'"ln tiaan lbe orcelSllnly llJ'41 &he ~l[pr".jon nf sehtHlltlllS .....f admlral ... and < tall ..... leu .".... • qE C$I,NÁ 'TRAD& T,r ~I. fd I ,eylon especiallv if ImllllgnmtulT. from 1~"la, ,aod fllll~lIy the tblrd om!rt many 8.tyllltllge,jÏll c"nn~tln, ~ wltq y~n ëatablishill;{ e meJn- of ttanipor' to RIlt'tlpe 1lwilhto thl! mean. u( 'all cla'eet, Illld .oabl It cemm .,til All.trillia. Il I. war tbe .. a ~ trom t lOll C,eytlJn would be tile but lot I>lItif tb .. line L<I Sotlrbon aboul tO "S:li!ttl~blisbl!d~by Lbi! French 1,l0'l"I'nmcllt Ibriu!l' BoUr1}ol' a' 8 near4!r than we ean p')lll~ilJl,. upéot tG bl' bron;hl , ,1;111 'he Home (}overnmAlll ~ .atl.Scd totll' under tl\1a dl"dvanta:,tc 1 Wel ~o hot t~IDk to. > are ~1l1 ëolonies lo (uyor' of tb. Clip' llae. ~H-H~'I!ha, !huritiu" tbe r"pitlly rilllog colllllY .. Au.tral~, V'~al) Diemens 811" Swan ~lver all slJ_p~r( line. Till, Cape h... proposed to <,oIHribote1: e'lllum, 'auritiui (ilot e~pceially (or ti... line) J. 6o{v.) annum, e/id we hawe just s'en by th~ A'lstrall.o pawra Sttulh A~trulle proposee to glrc.£ 2.>:) fOf eacb ,etael arril''' 11i(i65day.. , lIeyor New Snulh Wal .... Is, o( eoul"M! tta. of a dil SInIrapore and 'rorrt!s Strait., tb", abl! of tbe All.tntHan colo"i"" 00 the lIat. T.bit Dr<tnn,£iI!ato gi,e fur the communiciltloo by thd Un. , ,. !I~IJ1 la l w!ll btlleftt by .ny line ot ber, "bt-ther it be, trom Ad" Ibe :,_ ~be r com"8' tlA. tla"!"' ~.III4t '1l~",r.\ U., tt; tt~ of &beqaetttiollurreprd.ourie!n ..... d.' ....... ""'"U.~',..U»e. ad vaut4l(1I ~t' .elghboa,. wiD ~, . Colonl<'1 ill \llrS part of u,. world ... e otlieLdl, lah. b.,f'on Jh$Q, wean~· talle 11~ene ... l "leW of lhe opialOJll lo ta,ot lioel and 'caleulate ",hue Lb. prepooderaJce 0' :_ i4- na oo .... q.nen. I lulle &0 lbe reJJlOIel of lhe Dl'OIldy and Snl (Jl Mlalfia'raryliO Wou:~".,. AI luddeo lod unlooiecJ tor a. _bil remo".l took plaee. es o"deo we ... lAIeonft-iltJllr.llql·ulo.,li "Itb.,. 'i'be .. as curulled. Plaeel a.d .,,,eD leU rrmad,,. lo pnqe, and mlny i"hebitant. beca,.e anlor~ul)ate. &0 :"bleb il added lbe pa'"faJ HftIIity aDder wbich the ~ob_bitaQt. were ,1"" &0 promole "larir interftf, In eaaN wft'e lbrir .tlend.nee .al re. quilfd in the pllee of Ibe Cnil Ccupmi.sioner of Worceatet' and tb!!) Circ:att Coort, ill ptoeeedin« 'hrllngh "eltctlituoUl road, aad .wollWo 'rinl'l ftry dtmproul In lbf w~"r lea\OD. Wilb "bidt h.rdlm.,. we haore .&rallled lhese llild '"eDtTlls yllrl. After ba.llI« 'aken tbe forPfOi~r inlO boalidtr.tioa, Il il laperftQou, '0 "Y. wbit feelt",. of Joy and g,,&lUlde "r.. iled alDo_,.t 0•• wbn it ple" .. ct hia £sOelleaey tbe AdminÏlln&ot ef lhe Gonr"men' to ló,ply tbe Poor aad abaDduned Tulbarh with a Mligiacr.ale. espeel.Uy "itb ,acb a pnd.lllao, "ho, dDring the .bod period of Iu. ap"iOlmllll be,.. be. .ll'ftIfy Ibe .. " Ih.l be ebdu.oara to promÓte tbe iDI."" IGd Str"iu e.n "hIlIl 0(, "nd that tbere! Ilnmerous Ild"antlljl;U lO Vao DltlD,o·. Pbllllp .... slng out CICtbe .tellill eoqa .. atti· along 80 central a hoe iu the Auatral .... n Bu!'s Straits. Iteam hy lO rlirl'ct a sr" route ean tbfll for tbe purpo~e of more ra." introduellOD coloniC'. 00 wlllcb depMdl tbear ItW! al for tbe purpose of ,r""fl~ra, lo. de· probIbned by tbe nee..... ry;ea nd cOlDmnnlcalJOll; .and a4<l,uon tq lhe propnsed communiCatiOn "OU Id b' unb_ppy .. Since our lut lane no deBnlte lidia,. b .. e ~ rte"I.1d 1JOID behInd tbe MountaIn. It hu bHIt,ft ... red tbat Mr •• A. Pretoria .. il proelalmed pnerall_m,l or the Aeburbe,., ~ple. wbile lt I. allO ltated 'bat be bWbeln lraYenJ~ tbe Ienatb and breadth of tUl IIJritory. lor tbe purpolt ol ,ndeafounlll to e&"1 out RI. EneUe.,,·. plau, and &bat he hu bHa 1'1rJ' luceeaafoL tt Tbere il no Deed, we imagine, ·.to add tbat we c con.ider tbe latter .tatement tbe .. ore likelyone, und that tbe result "iJt eYentDal~ ,how tbat Sir jHAllRY bu hot taÏnly bonored h witb bi. eon· ideAU. II, ~. , we han alreadt ..tated, tbere i. For tbe res~ at little De1n of imoortánce. Ri nr had Oferftowed ban\l and ~oned some damage. .A large number of Gertn. Emigrants had alTi,ed io the ColoDY. Tbe Editor of tbe r. lts Tbe Dm-nie e- ol ,\ "atle. 0', be requeste.1 tn sugg"!lt to tbe ~ethe npelhl'ncy of dir·CIJI'g tbe Coleni"j li",••m'~~lIlners lo makd IIr".olf"fD~ntl. In tlte pla'I IJ-Ing IIrloptP, seclIre lo lhe 1""0 1I'.:'If,,,,,III""I"" scheme proposeJ by blW, tbe P'.'''II'. o( prO"tnee for t"'ree y~"r .. &0 the e1tc~' of III of £ 25Q bere "itlJlo ."d .hould be !flyen 65 day. from ~ "-Jlaur,t.all, an ..1,,.,, 12. tNTESr~Tg the Nu' of Kin and CrCMIlDl1'lJ Eiltate8:- Rllruartl DI)rkio ana ChRr'l'1I Town -M{'ellill at tbe Mta(18Lrde's Wt:tlne.d"1, i8&b JIloe., . Mounct'y, Office, 0 • INSOLV-ENT The Eiltatds of the fc,lIvwing par{ie~ placed onder tequestration :- J.o Fredrik Cor,.lta Stqrlll fan '1 GruIIIIrdl'. _ Flrat and ~ond t.ffttinlJ; nC Crrditora lit OIbCt', \Vedoe~y, 3ht ~b~ ""'! 7tb Juoe . Wtlt.1D Son.;r,"llie Mllchdl, IoC RondelJoeeh, Crol! Ellie, dtc ..ued.-tPirlt artd Gyal tQC'llUua Wedlludai, ,i.".,. pf Mef'tings êe hel,J in tHe followipg to laeb ~~,It IC.riD' the ;Jut he r~llPlled to (orwud lbe r,.o ".111 b.s Excf'Ueney'. e.le'lladoDl. &0, lbe f;xcelleney' 'pee' Jl. thcr,fore .uccJd'. " ."y .(are of th~ illbab,tJlata of tbi. ,dia'dc& '. " WelJ eben, rendemen IInd fello. eolohlata! Let a, rorset Wit,.., and Mr. J,UI SI BOWB.Lti hád both been tIM plllt, aod "itb .0 eye lo Pro~r4eoce OOllmday, Jole baod i ill bllod, propose luels mPa"U·. AIld objeeta .. ..err con,icted of contempt of Coort; tbe Govena· one m.,. think proptr for 'be n(.. re il olft' di.ltr1C' .od ment had pl1blilhed tbe followinli notice with re- illhhit.nta, for promoting rehr~ aod t..htcatioo. {tbe "tter to certain monies reoc)ferJd by tbe late ol "liieh ) a .. lOrry to .. , h.. bi, boeD • .,Irdtd~ .Dd Volksraad :_ } for obtaini~ tbOlt! rightl and priY.iJers .laicb '" ba" beeD , ulllorto.oatelylO lou dépyÏftd ol, and I caa a.ure Toa that .. Witlt referuee to RYUaI;JonI. ~.eD' Nolica, lf an allil be brfole bil EterlJeDcy ,tae Adlltiaialra&or of nlati~e to tbe dÏlpoeaJ of eer..,. moBiea ~ hom P. tbe G"l'erll'lDent •• b., labl ill~r"t lbe welfare ol all A. C. RUlb., hy Ihe lata ~tlry of ,be VoJuraad. aDd bef Majllt"1 pr~ful.ubjeeu, o't' elld,I\'oora W11llurel,. !Mt depo.ited lo tbe Public Cheat lO for t~ bfadl' ol luadry cro .. ned Wilb tbe hea' C01lIf'qIll"CiflL • Inl ....t.le £ala,"or la f."or of tbe hbut CIat," aDd tbea Al the close oC wbicb tb. foUowing Reaolulions IIl11Oonlill, to L61 17 ~ in cub •• ncl ~566 ID 0 la bon:da.~OlJce i. bertb,. that lhe claim ed .... aeed by tbe aaid "fre adopted :, R .. tb. to tlte "bole of tbe .aid .. oula ~ J>een finalI,. re1. P.1'Oposed by tbe Chairman and unanimously JfCled. a"d lhat none of tb. otber cialw. pr.f"red b)' indi.lcarriëd,, lIull. upoo Ibe dimlo. of Ihr .. id (aod brIG .. 'itfactonly ealablllbed j bi. ~xcelleDey tbe Állmiolatrator of lbe Tblt •• retam OUl' bambl. thlnkt to Uia EueU •• C1, for GO'ftr.*ot "" pleated, "bell at thia ~ to dirtet tbaC lala SaDclioD '0 &II. ~li ... beiDa:~elci. ~na II. tV to"ardl blm thele f:ende n('", PlUS J X oa"t prond of the stfPpathll.'81 ~hi"n Ir'· ':OHIII nIM_IeL in Grut Urltaih Thl'lHt ;)"LOjHtltll'll. jo",el1 bil poople. a"rt lo tbe I~,..I Il',.t lO"t~r" ("().0I1I#n_.n good citizen_, .Jul<I. bilr'tull'l1, glfe IIlm .<rPno'_ come 1111ohst.lldl~ and t:4 ~Q .... ,,~ll Ibe tuk <,ommpncel\, ; I WIlIII. iilh G .d,' h~ 6,!,led, ' 7,~. IUlle. , : ~~ COMPU!r.SOrn- ....------SEQUEST Tbe .... te has been (ti Compulsory: fteqQeslt=alioo:- .\"'Ia, Jl£quea Gi~ TredoOs, , II ; < .. of Piketberg., ill the .. ... 1.< ,. t~ . , i ,I n ~.. - '.1 .. .~ "j i ' ;. " j ,WI"téJ!l' hawls. MOrlfI~)J(.ONDAY.) tbell6ah THIS '---t .~ftl.9 ifá "* T~~. ••. ot.J.M"""""J_ J ot M ~ •• i'1 ..... ~ t. .. I_ .:~.. A.IIo.'""'fIl~"~· n. ,t.~~. : I .~ foMI, 15. 'NL A ~L,ti~BLEFAR ~L landed uet .. Á . THIS I., .0 ticbe IN"O~ 8A1.8 tIM. .. BIoOa., )fa, i'~lrictof : . ~ ~ ~ ot~ .. T the JDlid~ Sale .,... !.: P""'P' ...... I... 1 t, BA(l~ • Co. . . !1l(ONDA Y,) -ft AY,' .ar' ~ ,+.. of . .aU ~"~lIIItIn ~ln.I,.I Hair PrIDPa..,1 Ptati· ao. .. ~ '. ~ ToiboftWllOft ;; ~ " ". !' , Á.II.4 Otb.I'1I. . -...,-..--"r. O-MORROW MO 'NING, ~U~D4Y,) T the t1arfl'rtil{1lfd will boiJ a ftabJIe hie ol r.n.&_t ot Ir01lIQOIIIW1, ~tI~, b. BORRADAlLRS THOMJ»sQN, PIu.."NS, , '. \ ' aD ~,.. • eo.. NEW qQODS.; Henry Rqdd & A RE DOW ,0..,.. eoaaieti.,.ot ' luding a Stl>elr, from all Ja.. ," Mdiuopt ~t,.. .::. sa'i. black allCl_lUte Do. Paleel t.e.tber r __i<l... Sboee, Sboe., --.. dIL Men'. WeUÏD«t01l, ClaSc! an. B~cber 8001.1, Yoalll .. aDd Cb~a'. Oft.. e. e, ~ : Saddlea allClBridles, Muktl.l, , Lon. and 'rilb SOIlp, :,; " . SweetmOk clMeie, Cr ...... Snp', Starell, Thumb BI oe, &:c,.c. ; --fO PreSerftCI Praite. J~mll. Ancbon P!tIte, POlled M~lI, Minee Meats, rmperiai and Wnt Incli. Pitkl~ MIlIlUd, F"!fOnee of AneboYift, 8 .•jeoo., Pippermint LozeD~, C.... ·Dne P"pper, Pimroto,Vtil4!oits, . Pickled S..llUoo, Herriogs, 'pU" Oil, Tripe,' StHtoo Ch_, Wilhbire Ikcoli, &:c. Ac . c4 ni.oli.... "~N tak ... ; Onrc... , . L Pappe, M.D. F. H; -Xunliardt J. M. Nealda 5' 0 0 10 0 0 tOO .' .' '1'. .: HB 0 0 A. Rapnond 4 ,0 0 (t HeIM: R Sale . Fitzpatrick Venn J~bn' Stein ' R. Eaton S. H. Scheuble Le Wright Beek. & White Ab. de Smidt F. J. Scheuble D. G. de Jongh W. H. W.. then J. H. Vos, Ma. P. G. van der Byl R. P. Dobie Wm. Carruthera l\lunicipality of the T. Ii ~!~~:aTV:nn 0 0 lU Thalwitzer 0 0 1. ·R. TnomaoD 0 0 Robert Izat OOM. C. Vo~, Jubr. 0 0 O. W. Prince ooit. C. Jama 0 0 O. J. Truter OOP. J. Allport 0 0 .M. J. Vereueil 0 0 B. Laod8berg 0 0 F. S. Berning OoTboa. Huc!son 0 1. Rudd . 0 0 J; H • .Moller 0 0 J. G. Hof(lleyr " J. G. Bam ... t. 1 ' 1 . 5. I , 1 1 1 1 1 !! 1 1 ~.1:t 0 00 ~ ~ .t. 0 1 . 0, t . 1· 1 .1 1 ~ demand (or H. he il happy lo in. in (utu~ he .ill three E!tah!j.':r., uat.q<etYft -h"ll. 0 , f/ ;J . Pw", .fr S/HiealJf1IC" tor all unt¥ed 1J0nei.H Value Wei~bt for.,.. Bea .. 11Ibile.. jBntraDce lO. TM 7'tDf Cid Cf,p. Sc.~ft, £5. wltb'£ trom f~ Clab. Xl miJe Hntl. WeighHor "le. 'nlraoee, .el~ ; .: . TAl! BfJCAtlor', 8/du, a"dlld to. SW'erp.tak .. cif.W:., eac:1I. 'fitb L frPm tbe Clu,b. Catch wti,bt. pot INtI ~!I JO IC. (fOlt Botrance. G~tlemea Ridfr'. En_raaCf £.......... Winoer to be 1014 for £40. ,if cla(med i..tb. t .': 0 'Sa1M Disy. 0 TM Ldi," Pwn. Valae ~ ; W'ilh~ Enuaoce,,tl 10. ODe mile Hea~. g 0 .' "}, • EFO n, C'OIIIololio1l i R~ the Master of ReI~r! cl. Supreme .al7 ~ . 150 0 0 A.", A :::aill 10:' P.. J. Truter, Jun. D. Williams 0 ]; C. Silberbauer 0 W. Russel ! 1 P· J H • • :lUpt . W. J, Smith 1 li. H. Twentyman 'l J.i F• LoDg 0 H. & E. nn der Horst lt '~ M. l'skeles 1 CJ J~S, Leibbrandt 1 ~ .1\. Hofmeyr 0 lf A: McDonald, Jun. 1 ~ H. Walke!' 1 j J~ H. Beyers 1 , C; Marai. 1 ~ F~G. Watermeyer 1 t 000. Dacre 1 v J; C. RoS8 Berrange John 10f Ir J~hn Barry 5 ~ ,.••• ' • • • • • ••• .. ..• .• , .. '. • .. • • .. 3d ·do. ...•. 3d do. • •• Special do: goodsi' f g BYL,} ; , ~ 4 I R ~ LIte Department. II, , N a. i.,.· from '1 I, ll\f. 1+, Stellenbosch t Race Dall.; l teen, M.,.., ..un, DUTCH BILLS. I ;~ ~1 T PUBLIC 'lAN SAL~ .. • AGRICULTUHAL SOCIE't_y. SIIOW OF CAT"'L~~ T .) eD " •• "NOORDO·OEK." y • Sale of Cattle. el., ° rt." _l)lB& lf r D~ In tlir, JD de: DAI1.LY, I reeenen Dl' te hebben. den, Borg: eerstkome, toor yao tie op te leuren DA , effenen val denztl ..en vaD gem. te doeo. z Admi Dt Dir teUrt .ANolaéo!', ( W'ODIe'Com tel2uren goudeo 1\, atukkeo, he .erk~D val Schierei, 1 KaApstad pr; l\fE f ~ViEN- T .A i m4~. Botanic Garden. ~ Ya. Court, ngs, Cape Town, IO o'clock, ..i,.:_ .. .. 2d M~tinr. • •. 2d da. 3d do. In which no Containjn~ In which fe!o~~!itb ~:iegllll!btr.,.!me,o~ haza.rdoua hallll'dáu4; huardous Ludwig tO 0 0 0 i"theulfll",manoer,&:c. lf to '.old gobde are con~es are ,t tained. .. ,parried OD. Baron W. von LudIloWM 'lIb •• ; if (or £40, to ba IIlIowed 5 0 0 wif 0 ,£2á, to be alloW'ed 211bs. The Wi.DDer ~. ~:." H. S ennan 5 0 0 HAS JUST JJ,ECEIVED 1st. Buildiofrl of Bricksl £, 8. cl. £ s, ei. £ s. d. 0 .~Ice Fund. .i; Dr. Fraser 1 0 0 br Stone With flat roo~ 0' 1'/ttt St"",.gl!1'·' Htmdicttp, lor Hónee J. H. Redelinghuys i ' 1 1 0 Per AnD';'aa4 811ooe88. L Val .D E _ 'ld; Buildings ol Briek li. 6d. &Dd 'li O.j, 0; 066 G. Rawstome ! 0 0 0 t"e Meetins. ue JC.. ntraDce, . ~"y 1 O. ~. Ibip. 997 ór Stone covered withj , li 0 0 VARIETy.oF. GQOPS, cODsisting of- 1'ho8. Christian 6·,.t lJ"" P.,.ru. Value. ~ . Calch ~.~b 17, to~l,iondoo. Cugo .s.> 'lates;Tilesor l\Ietal. 0 t ti 0 4 6, 07 6 Dr. Fleclc ! 0 0 0 'trance. 'fbe Winner lo be .. Id for JC.18 Suony FI.nnel, 6-4, 7~. and 8-4, H.rti!too, Li_deU, au.d .\hin 3dt Buildingt o( Brick , T. P. Barrow 1 1 0 .() ;aecood Horse to har. tbe prefereace. Woollen and Cotton DulDe Jllékels and Tro.Ie"', . Ó. and1!fbortlu..; ~.pLi. H"miltoG, !!Stooe covered with ; R. W. Eat3D 2 ! 0 0 mile Hnu. ': , Su~rlor Wallteoal Vehet, JI'laid Silb, Min,., McAq'dfew. Roberu. Darell, Thatch;i roofs.... .. 0 17 6 1 0 0: 1 2 6 Ju. Camt>rOn 1 0 0 0 ' 'fbe Hor.e .be.u to h.,.. beeo lb, best tbe Black Silk Capt, Slik Pnnes,: Lelth!'r P~krt &okt, 10 cW!dreo, "".ill\'lIlids, 13.omen. A. H. Hofmeyr 2 0 0 ~ial Ill.Ioraucea a.cconling to the oaturé',¥ ~ Risks. 0 COllrs•• t tbe laat M.eetinK, to carry 14lb •• ~&r .. &Dd .• B0tTall.ilea, Thompson. Black aDd white Shoe R1bbo'!i_TaJlor's Sills Trimmiog., L. Berrange 1 0 0 0 b," 7 lb•. ttxtr.. ' i Fancy Ol... Bt,lUoDs, roood ~n tooldug Ula .. e., I .;EliztJbi,t~ Ir Ht"Itry •. bark, Edward Eagar 5 0 0 0 . HOn. P. V. VAN DRa I :. ,; ero ~ the Do~ F~b. l6, to ¥too UIl!: ••• a Honting Boltlft, Ladiel' Pat~t Leather Shoea. '. No charg' for th~ Policy , P. Roux 1 0 0 0 J. <\. M<\DER, E.q, . Stew.reII: ~ {elll~e coo,i&:" and 13 childreD. t'.!~HIII",·a, f . , 4L8~ G. Kilian 1 0 0 0 J. \VEGE, E1Iq. . • ,,; t tbe Annual.Meeting: of the Proprie~s, h,lden ou _Tue8~ and lo! cbildrell, ,Dr. Smith, R.N. iD ! 2 0 Sngar Candy, 'Weltpballa Ha~., Ind GfOnen, Ice.lce. Itc. Tbol. AIII!deIl 0 J. BRINK, Esq. " i!; . RdaYl the 'ld May Instant, lt was Resolved tOOt a IUUl of 1:> pCt. Pot IQ (or watiti.' Frank Porter 'l 'l 0 W ilh other art.icln too aome""ut to particularise. UI. Wat.,. Wid, .cbl)()ne., 9a 00 J. O. MADER, Bo., :.:",;See. uPQ'Dthe Fire Premiuma paid in the last year, pe returned to W. Gadney :1 :1 0 . the Dext reJ18W'alo( their PoJj~ ~ iQ tbis ottice. 8'rl.lA, 7, t.ó '.tbil por,. Cugo P. M. Brink 5 0 0 ~, 0 Honet to be entered at the ,Rudin; :lloom tliea\8sQ1edupon , . CaD.tadt. ' . J. ~el." ADVERTI$MENT. ----.-----:--------"!';"""OD MODday, lbe 15th lUay, betweeó the hOllr' ol n~aod 1 Blisablt4, schooner, 60 to' o'Clock. . f ~" Bouth AfriC4n Auociati0"V0;o th~ Adminutration por~:M8rcb 7 i to tbi, port. Cargo Tbe Namtl of ,the !fom. to run lor the.Stran,er" 'aodi. ~ïth. neW' ol extendiug the Company's b.i1sinE!Min the O.lItjiq. Britfa't a mIliI. H. and Settlement~of E,tate$. <i: hp, are to be .ent iD to the ~te\Y1U4s, W'bo will lIue~d\át tbe abote Brancb, and of rendering the insurance on Lives with 12)· Ro.uJUl, ICboooer, 83 l(,)n., R.aJing Room. OD WednHday, tb, 17tu May, bet .... o tbe thia1Company more eneou~g CAPE TOWN. OTICE is hereby gijelli to the Public, that ~ and profitable it<> tbc Public, Nata~APril 24,,)0. d Algoa Ba,. M hou ... or II lod li o'CJock, A. W. ': j _ti the ifollowinj ~odi&ca,tion •• '-ed 00 a Re~. pf a Sub- aund the Board or Directon "Ir tbe aboye Á_citltioll, (or rrHE P"'ngera, M~dm .. Muris.,..llId Commissioners (o":forming and Sap~n~ Co~ttee, ,bea.Iing date the 8th o( May .la$t;, ;haore been and qlleo aa'd.mU)', tlw Cllrrent year, ending 30th ~ApriI, 1849, I. coo.tltated LIeut. Horlel io ,tart McA Dag at 12 0' O~~ •. leoding a Botanie Garden;. on tbat portion ol ~,he follow.;-l" . ado@ted by the Court of Directors, to take eft"eet and after Ro" •• ud Drjef. H. Go.-ernment Garden., Cape ToW'P. wbicb extend. ftoll(!St. th~ \hte of theM presents. . ) Sbould tbere IIppear any necelsitf 'lor po.~pooiulJ t!i.'lhces D. DE:VYSSEN, Esq. f.;LD, President, George'l) Cbilreh to tbe S. A•., ColI"ge. oa tbe rillht~ o( On any ol the daY' adnrtised, in co';seque!!ice of bad "'.tber, ,On all PrëmiUIDI payable on Lile Polici4s (extending &'~\ILED OUT OP TA tbe Ceotral 00 eoterio~(r~m lieerengraebt, will' 'fttel .' Qotice to tbat effect will be pOlted ~l tbe n.cadio, R,oJb, by OY~. ~e w~le period of Life;) the following progressive J. T. 1URGENS, Beq.,~' M~r 10. In!-u. brir, J. Morton, to J. A. BAM, FAq., . H be obliged for any pl~na, or ,ugjft.lciOo in .. riliog, with ~t ded'etioDl will be allowed :..,...After~e lapse of~ y~ar8, 5 per ~(If o'Clock A.W., o( the da)' io quftlion. ' ~ :: u. b~rk, W. D C. L HERMAN, Beq~.. em n lO the laying out or distribulion ol Ibe GroQDd. .~ cen~ on the amount of Annual PremIum. Af tet t~e lapse of J. A. SMUTS, Baq.; • Tbe Commis.iont'r. olfen II douceur or TEN GUINIC~S 10 10 per ceDt. After the lllplle of 15 :tea.r':s, 15 per to tbe autbor of lhe plan W'hicb lhey may jud,e lo be 'lbe een,!, and eo on in t.hesame rabo,-until the resP+:ti.t:e amounll I . J.D. WET, Secretary. Cape ToW'n, Church aquare, ~. b, bett; but tbey reserve to tbemsel"\f'ltlte pri'ilege of ... insUJed, .• ~Il have become due and payable b.,Y the death of M~ U ••H.~. FrigRte PO$, 42 gu O take place ~n WEDNESDAY the {lamel assured. ; .' May 6,1848. " part. or bioll (rom any o( tbe plab. wbicb JUl" be .ubmt~ ING, the 17lh Mlly, to COmmtDce IIt:.-,..t 8 o'Clock, to tbem. . • y U. The Company will advance 1...oaDJ, or discPt1n.t Bills, at ~ood~ Pt" frGl1)Triocolnalee' M.rch ol TlVpeddal.., ".W. 'fickell to be bad al .lbe Secretary of· tbe Ilac~. !:; the ilsnal rate of interest, for a period not exc~illg twelve trer.,'i M•• chirin'u Tbe plan lor which tbe douceur Js offered mIlIIt include)be ~obiii the M.rqui. oC T",eedd.le, months, (renewable at the option of the Company );on the private wbole of tbe Ground, and to be ieDt ia ón:or belore tbe '~tb M. J. v.AH N. ON~RUYDT, E•.q.}· , ~ per.,nal bonds or acceptances of the partiel assut,ea. or of the;j Slule, {;wut. Sj kes, .nd 2 iD.taOt. ' '~ C. SMUrS, Esq., M.D. c , Ste.,.,d •• lawAlI holders of iilcb life policies of tbe Compal11. dollaterally ligen~e oC tbe 'd,~lh of Rear· AdmirMI N.B. The Commissioners tbiok'lt adviuble tbllt the ~sis P. U. FISCHER, E'q. " ot .tbe EI.t India seeut'ed by the p~edge of such aforesai~ life _po~cie. ,on which man4rr.ill,C~!e( &ulh African Associatiiil' Jor the AdmilUs- of the pl"n ,!tRIJ be a brold A"eouc or Wallt, :.'ix. the innual premium sMll have been p&ld for;) 8U~8~lve yean, tending tbe .. h')le leDglh o( the G.rouud. .~ tr.llion and SelIIenf.enl of Estates. and ppwards. The amount of Loans to be grantillt tp ~ to th.e CAPE OF GOon HqPE '; May 10, 1848. ex~t of 4-5ths of the present or actual value of ~,Llfe Poh. H E Directors of tbe a1tove Association duly MARKT cies; respectively, which ~ be IISCeruiaed on "pplication to ,ál qualified hy Mr. D. BROEKROVBN, offer for the (iompany'. Olfiee. '. ~: ,', S..le Bills drawn 00 Me ...... HECJ[ERIK &: Co., ol .' By Omer Ot the Court of Directori, ~Tol den 15 Mei ol' THb, , :: 1,. Amsterdam, at 30 eU)'I 'labt, to 1be amouol of 1600 GUIL,. 'C. WATERM&YER, Sec. D~RL , , VALUABLE PERPETUAL· QUrTREMT FARM< . Olice of the Soutb African Fire and Life Assuijauóe .; ~.: Tbe .boye Bills will be 'allolted<DOtbe lat June nnt, to the . Company~ Cspe TowD, May", 1848. CALLED ;,., a: ct: III HE Cape of Good Hope Agricultural S,4Ciety hiKbeal BHder, and lo be paid (o~io cub on deli,eIY, 00 the d.y following. ( 000 Aloe (per Ib Aloe. per lb .. ..GROOTE RIETV ALL BY,." .~ . witb • rie. to encoul'1lge the Ïlilpro,emeat of l~,breed Ama~Uelen, për lb .• Almond. per Ib.. oI2 Particulan about the .. id Bill. inay be koown OD applicaof Lln Stock tbrougb tbe wbole \ Colony, will hq14, tbeir IN TH E CAPE OJSTRIC lt, .'. Apel~, per Ib.,..... Applu' per Jb.• oI5 tion at tbe Oftice ol tbe Auociatipn. HCOad SboW'during tbe Race Week Ju September lIe~t: (tbe A1mlli< .. ljll. per !hno Apricota dino • lo b. fixed berea!ter ,) IInd will aWllrd Prizee- ror ;t~e (01ID tbe InlOJ'I'I!nt Estate of ANÓalBs JACOIIUI BElTlai J. P. WET, Sec. , 1500 Fat SHEEP, . Aardtllp8len. PeT mud Potal~. p muid 00nozo lowing de~e",plion of Live Stock bred in lb, Coloor, ~a!'icle. Cape TOWD,No • .5, May il, 1848. } 100 "OXEN. o 0 - 7200 Aa)'o! per leg8'e;:.. •• Vioegar pPr lug. 0(. COIODi.1Produce, aDd Fumiog Implement., ria. :H':' Boon,n' per m'OCl..... Be.o. per muid. 00 - 2800 1. A prire of £10 (or the best tboróugllbred Colt 3 y~ old, .& ':DVERTISED hy tbe UDdersign~ to be sold 9) SALE OF THiE FARM 52070 Bote~ per pond .:.•..• Bulter per Ib .• th~ pedi~<:to ~ pro--:ed hy the b~ers stud hook jv~h is at Stlkland ODFRIDAY, the 6th In.tant,;I. J>o.tponed BrandewyD pet legger Braady per leag. 00-26600 THE 18TH l\1~ Y 1848, ,;: to be exhibited If requrred. . ,l. " In eqDNqUence of tbe hnyy ralnl lo tbe Intert,r nu til TO- Bokk',elleo pér' .luk Buck Skin. neh 20130 t. A, do. of £5 for ~he best thoroughbred }1are, 3 y~ aid, MO,ROW, (TUESDAY,) the 16th IDltanl, ,At the .amt: HE UDderailfoed will eau le io be lold oa the Srt, 00600 Dr~te Oaaea'hideo. Dry Ox Hide. do the pedigree to be proved by the breeders Itud. boc:iJo, ~e{: peremptorily to the bigbest Bidder, tbe Plae). The CatU. are ID ftDe CODdition and"'" potitlyely Soulh African Associati(tn for the Admin;s 20132 Eeodto eu Makou_eo Dud .• &: Musc, $. A do. of £5 for the best HOrllll, either Gelding ,r<Colt, be ~t. VAN DER 8Y~ /( Co. Il\IMOVEABLE PROPERTY, '\ o 0 - 1600 not exceeding 4 years oM, fit for saddle and carriage. Erwt411 pe" mll4- .... Peu per muid tralion and &ttlemftnl of Es/a tes. belonging to ,.Id Ellalr, conaisting, o( tbe Perpetual 4. A do. of £5 (Or the best Colt: fit (or tbe ~dUI, ,~hree 50600 Gar~tl"ito •••• '~:. •• •• Barley per muie: ' ! rl'HE Sale of the FarQl ~"Noordboek," the Quitrenl Farm called Groot, Ri,t~aJki, iD tbe Di.trlct. Jean old. 00240 SALE OP OATTLIl,: : Gao~1I per .t~1l ... Geetle each .•• p.rticul.rt o( .. hlcb W'ere."Dollnced Jp former papera, about 2 bou... riding from Clllpe ToW'n, mnluring 5. A do. of £5 for the finest Bull, 'lVhetbe~imported.ot bred 2il37 505~O Haye,lprr m'¥l ..• , . Oatll per muid .. THB 16TH, INSTEAD OP THB 18ru MAY. ", W'iIIpGlilh'ely t.te place 011 T~E$DAY tb. 30tb ~hr oext, morgeo aDd 600 sqlJare roods, and pro ..ided W'hh two Yalu~1jle in the Colony. 20420 ~ i HOOi~" r IOJ 1'4ndeo HAy per 100Ib .• ) t$. A do. of £.5 (or the largest and (ottest Ox. ~ at II et·Clock. :; J. DS WET, Sec. 8uildioSI, r.ised (,y the Insolvent .bout toro yea ... a~o, (Dd 60J03 Hoen ert per ··.. uk . Hen.e"cb. •• ' Town. No. 5, Cbun:h ••~~ ;' 800 fat Shtep an.d 40052 whlcb cOllld not be erected in town for lea. than £150, b.,o!l' . 'lo A do. O( £'j (or the finest and ~t Milqh Cow. Hou~ oll'n pe; ~,ak •• Cbareoal p lac!. thy II, 1848. ( \ 400:'2 70 IHt by 30. and cootllining P.aaage, lj Rooms, KitcheD I B. A do. of £5 for the best pen of "or m~re ltine W~lled 'fooi per poha .••• Honey per ib, . . 70 do. Slaugl&t".Dun and C~7V.i. Rams, 8howiDg from S to 4 permanent teeth.j . r. 00ono aocl Pantry, aDd SlIIbJinll' (or 12 Horte. alljoiDing. :;: Kaze~1 Kaapsc~ pr lb. Cbeese, Cllpe lb. 'R. L P. CAUVIN wOl by Public AucUon TO. ,~. A do. or.l3 for the best pen of 3 or m~re fine W~lled '0 0 3 4 0 Also, e eeparatc BulhJlog. 83 (t'tt by S3, eomprblng ~Ilr K.lkQeoen peri*~lIk,. Turkey. each •. ADVERTIStM E",es, showing 2 to 4 pe1"lllallentteeth. MORROW, (TURSDAY,)'tbe I6tb ~n't~nt; (inltead '006000 separate Cow Houses, capable to cóutain about 60 MUch C""s. Kaf "r 16 zakken .. Chllff 16 ncks.• W. A do. of £3 for ~ beat peri of 3 'or "'more Merino of t~ 18th, as a~herti~,) at tbe "lIlIle nf Mr "0 0 - 182 4 0 &uth African Associatid,. for AdminisKoorq pedO Jqud ... Whe.t pr. JO ID. Tbis S.le ofFers a IDO.t ucellen't, opportunity to Biltchir •• WIlther. fit (Or .Iaughter., iJ D, D'l! VrLLuRs, D·Urban.:tbe aboye ollm~r:of (at Sh(!l'p Linejl per maid'. . •. LeQlil per muid " U16 0 0 wholle business r.quirel tbem to ~e~p a coo.taol .uppJto( tration and Setllem,nt oJ stale •• , :1;1. A do. of £1 10 (or Cape Wethers. ,~ Ian·. CaUle, amoo(. whlcb a team nr yoonsr:rt1!.and."hite, '0 0 8 4 9 Meli" dito .• '.' .••. M.i"c do .• Cattle in the neiJbbourbood. ;. 12. A do. o( £2 for the best Pig for slaughter. bron,bt ap bJ Mr; H. A. C. V.t.M NUIUIRc:. ~ 00000 IRECTORS of tbe iihove Association, in Meel, pr.JOo lb. Flour, fine 100 1(, 13. A do. of £3 do. Boar, . , LII\:EWISE, ALL TH.E MOVEABLE PROPEhTV;, Cape ToW'n, May 15, 1848. ' 200H ca peel ty &I Teatamentary Jxeilutors or the gatate of Oltke'1looteo pr, lb., W.lnuu per lb.. 1.4. A do. of £'l for t.he belt mUld of Wbeat exhibi~ by Consisting o( Houeehold Furniture o( dh'en lOrt., 1t1Cb: al 0000(1 tbe laIc Mrs. AKlIA JUiTJHA. D·.4.ILf.T, hereby eall u'pon all the Grower. . ~, Olipbt!nLltaodéo Elepbs.'Teetb Ib {V.B. Tk~ Cattu ",ill be p08itivel!l p"e8ent. 14020 tbOie bavlng aoy Claim, or Deniioda a!Cainst said &at.~, Tables, Chairs, Bed8tead. Stretchers, Mattta •• es, Sad~le ,;1,.'). A do. o( £1 for do. do. of Barley. Pereo per pond'.-: ..•• Pears per pound '() á 0 I • whetber from Boud., ~'k Debts, Surety~hip, Ad. and Bridle. Ploul(h!l, a Fishing Roat complete with 80 fathom. 16. A do. of £1 for do. (to. of Oats. _ _ Persikéo dito;.. " Peacbes do .••• ~800' Excellent Fat Sheep and Goaf;,. 00740 mlolstratlon or otherwise, to flle .~d certify .ueh Claim. or o( Seine, Kltcbea Utensils, Poll. Palll, .te., aDd lastly, ;' 17. A do, of £2 (or tbe best sample of Leaf Tob3CCD~wn Rog ,ler mu(.' ... Rye per muid .• 04OIO Dem.ntll at tb. OfBce Qr .. Jd ASliDc1a&ion.within tbe Ip.ce THE LIVE STOCK, , in the Colony, not less thl&ll~Ibs. in 1Veight, exhibited bl the i: 30 do. Draught Dun, and ltctJyo~a. per po~d .: Rai.i ns per lb .. Grower. r 30040 o( tbrt'e Month. (rom tbe publij',ali411 or these preleot j 'u T.bak: dito ....... • Tobacco do .... ~A Horu Wagon, . Conlisting of Milch COW'I, all :In ea:c~lIeDt cODditlo~ a ~8. A do. of £5 for the best Plough', for all descriptidn of 240 n Bnellt",. W'iII, a(~r tht expi ... tfoJi ot .. Id term, proceed to tboroughbred Enlfllsb Bull, named Á"IItttrdam, Scba"Dfellenpr:ll~k Sbeep Skins ea. 8bou&;.5 1O~1. '. i . ILL be .old on THURSDAY,~ the 18th Stroo Der 16 zaklten •. Straw p. 16 sackt 003000 the Llquirlation or nid &atate. ThOft Indebted to slid Et- yl'an, whicb, according to pedigree received' (rom Mest". W. A do. of £5 for the best Plough made in the Colon,. .' inltant. at theo Place of Mr. JAK DE W~AL, Sixen. Tyg~r;!Leeuw &$truia Lioo, Tiger&Os· ta~, are Iike .. III ealled upoo, lo .lIlt their debll befo,. the ~'II"NI"G, 8ulII:: &I Cu., il of thl' beat breed every Impor"d, IIlmes will also be awarded for Artimes of ColQnial Pr«tuce upi ... t1oo of laid thrco moutb •. ,hurs fin.tead o( lbe 19tb iD.lant, at Eu.te a. pre40640 .",Il~n per .tqlt. • .• t~icb SkiD, ra. and has enet the InsolveDt 1400 Rdll. Hence recommeod •• D!>t.specifiedin the Prospectus and ex4ibited'"at the Meeting. 'iou'(1adnrtiled,) (or .~couDt o~ Mr. J. P. vA~,ELLlWU. 40520 UljeD per mud ,~u... ODI01.. per mUld :J. Jl. WET, Secretary. tlon W'ould be .uperBllou,. Tbc pedigrE'e may ID the moan ~,artie8 hllving improved Agric!ll~u"l Implemeufa f(>tó8ale Tb! Cllule .re already In tbe nelgbbourhood, ¥e tZnjt fal, Varke.~ geme~lé. •. PiJs, falleoed ea. o 0 - 36 40 Cape Town, Cbdrcb.IqDare, NOr 5 .. May Il, 1848. time be Inspected ou .pplicalloll lo, aud further In(orma~n o~ ljl use are also requetrtcd to edllblt e ~ at. tbe. S}.Jw. aDd ",Il be po.ili.-ely preunt. ; 00yOO -_ ····ooge~te .• -uof.~leDed. had from . Lfltters describing them are to be sent to tbe Secre&ry. ? c. P • .LINDEN BERG, .!\u.ct,ioneet. -'l0370 peeD~...... -aoeklDg ..• A. P. J. VA. DBR POEL, Tru.t";,' ADVERTJS&)1ENT, 60100 S~lenboeeh, M.y 11, 1848. ; Vede~, Stroii, j,. st. Featber., Ost. et Cape Town, April 22, 1848. ~ ;~, Ploughing Match will talce place Ón the dar. preYiou, to 24140 South African Áqoc;aliri jor tht Admtslra-..'_ bedd, It lb. Bed per lb. Cattlewhl'n the following.pri:c8 "'ill be gi~:~ ~O021 Vet of ~Ik per,pOod. Suet orTlIliow Ib _. Special Meeting of Shareholders in tbe Sh,o.~- ~Showof ,A; price of £5 for tt~ best Plough~, .:~; ~ ,., lion and Settll!mt,(J Eslale,. VygeD ,ditO .• ;,•.... Pig. per lb .... 4 0 H .'" kpeper' •• nd Tratil'sman', JiJln& Stock .Prlutin, 00 ... 2d best do. " . UndersÏ!rned will cause tbe abo'e' Wyn, ",-dioaire leg. \v iou, ordinar~ IRECTORS of tbe Association, in pany. wiJl be helt} on WEDNESOAY EVENING Nul, \tie ,Ai. .1\ do. do. £j £3 for thedo. Mou ver. ,:. '. nom ber . 50 0 0 eapaclty U EIf'Cllto... DaU'" ot the Rtt.t, 0( lb. I.te 17th inslant, ot 7 o'Clock in tb., E,eniug, al Mr. PUILLI'., The Committee have also resolved t(I a~ the follo!ring"" ?p, r.t lal'(le Wc·tbe... to be IIOldat the Plade of Mr. D. o 2 0 Mr. aaORGB J. Al'iD".ON, he"'y eallllpoD an those hlY- Cbureh-tqllarp,lo conlider &lid det4irmlnl' upon: "hat I. pri~ell to the lIuccessfl,lle~mpetiton o( ~e WIDe ~upa, tO be n. V~I.LU", D'Urhao, on THORSJ.>A Y, the 18tb In.taat. o52 Wol, fyne, dito. , .•• Wool, fiDe, do .• ID, any CIalIDI or [}fomaDeUalf&jpl&'•• Jd Rat.c., wbetl!er eary to "" done I.. regard to tbe Company'. .0\8'...... aDd cQ~~ for on the day of the Show Qf ,Cattlel VlS.:- '" May 1, 18~~ J. A; iloos. I 4 0 zoetelitOenen f.;1 0 Orangel, per.IOO arl!llng from Bond., Rook Dt'b~ S.ureCVlhlp Admiol.t .. - lutereal.l of tbe Sharebold~A.: A: Imle of £5 to the successful compelJtor ~t the ht 011.,. l Mr. D. A. DI VrLLlllIS, Vrndue Adri., ' . ':: 4 2 il Zout p r mud ;. ~, •• Salt per mllid tioa, or otb_ile. to ale and certl'r 'lirh ClllhD: or [}fomand. ,AI do. of.£3 do. do. : !d -~ir-:--=-:---------7_ By Order of the DlreetoPl, .' Zuurle "oeoup;",r •• LemoD Joiee per at lbe Olice id ""'>el.ll1on ... ilhin the 'pRee nf thl"t'f' AI do. of £i do. dp. i sci cuPi 15bo fat Sheep, ~ Ooats, and JOHN H. DAVIS, i·aa'"" ~~... l-aum ••.• m.lnth. (rom the pllblle.rion o~ thfte Pl't!Wntl j II' EJ[l'("utor. , Cape Town, )hy 13, J8J8. 'lPe of ~ offered b,. tbe S~ietyl for the ~ftt do. SlaUghter' O:un .Jo Oom6. , Zoolle(!,'r per A ba id•. Sole Leather I h. WIll, after Ihl' explratlon nf .alll '"",m, proe ..ed lo lile Liqui. , f pana,~ntamlng.~egrea~tqua~btyfo(Wat~r'l.~tobeeoDlltnlfted IIhove num"er fal Cattle ",iH b, sold Zeep pond i'~"" SOIP per Ib•..• ' • dation or .. Id Hatate Tb'1N indi!Jbtl!t1 to .. id E~tat.. arl' W'IIIremain opell untd ~arcb 1849•., 1O.nM(JN 0 Y tI e 22d M I h< ":1 f M 1400 FAT SHEEP.. 'l:' iD the Cape DI,won, likf"jse called upon, Cf)~tate tbeir~ debta before the expira'. "" ;' ," I .Y nl'x , at 1 " P.',ce r UlIn 0( eai4 tIlree MUil tb.. .' N WEDNESDAY, the;24th in!'tnnt, will ~ [ • • l... • . n.:,;. 1h1,}tsk ~ JAN \fILUM \\'UilEL.. They hue bun hroUllltt: III' b)' Mr. 111 mte'llded tbat a Su ....CTlpnon u~ner~. e p. f" on. U. CA)lnoN. MOkKEL A Da VI ijliERS. publici., sold at tbe Pillce orAfr. n. J)A.NBEL, Laon,' thr tday of the ShoW' of Cattle, .mo~t the "'~t!mbeJ'l 0 • the " " " • J. ~. II. Editor, No. J2, ~. DB WET, S«ht&ry. I .. , the *OO\'e Hllmber or Sheep lIi .upcrior cOlJditiun. 'j ; r W.lti;.ur.eet, ~. By Order of t~ Co_nee .: Mr. D. A. VI Lt.naa. \endue Ad~ •. aCapeTon, !fo. 6, CIuarcJa-eq~, JI.yIJ, 1848. Ca}' Towu, May 13, 1848. W. P. RE'flEP.( 1. W. LoTi,' Prillter and Publilber, .. P. VAlI BREDA, AI., HOD. 6 Jfolltltl Credit. .' ~l. Wál_lreet, 21, Sf. George'Ntreet. In Boedal nr br d~ .. 11 aclie' of p j Pord\, '~ y.o Kup, ••••••. /'vr, •• of £ ~::rv~~:~:: 1 - :in th!lMa,ter" Office, EDNr,;:IDAY, the 17tb lu., C. A. P.;ilell,. f'. Kira_~, ,..... 6n _:IJor~o;...... 1 Second Day, 0 I.Rl ZVID- n. aauaJ ",.. 0 dail, Bnt.. D nistratie ol den ,n. P 'M.l.fsch", doeo 'eerut tyd, .ull!,1 al.mede ", "ya, nrz( yao huane ;:TURF Fir" DaflJ , Tw,dauJ, 1.6tA ¥a t 7'1.. .Admz boofde . FOR 1848. g ,. 1 1 ab. . OP THB STELLEN'BOSCH 0 0 0 ,. Life A.,.,urance UDderaU!'Decll" ,i 0 5 t.ea II .re Al1Tl11tfN ,HEBT. h t t t s: 1 5 1 1 1 tbe .0Deeerd. DaR AFRICAN' , SOUTH J. R . N. O. 1848. BrtnI1OIl, ~pendofP~ on lDOCIera&l te ..... 0 :' 0: ~'. C. l\Iuriao:a! l\-lcKeuie J, 0 a' at Ve, 'lieb: To,.n.: M., S, I-'S' 1I1'I'A8L1.1DlJ) 19 &; ~. Ma,.., St.UeDboIcb, T4. Df: '" LonlfRlai!kP& .treet~ coroer b~III)Dir'iDrP lhe l.te Widow H. A. AL.IJJIU"''', Ar. Mor ...... ~Appl' to 10 Ii. w. A. P. J. Som, aboY8 \V. ac: T. CaiI'llGl'Oll \V.. Groom 1.. M. Rive 1 oot. KaD"...,eyer 1 0 0 J. C. ROOJne B.I. JODetJ 5- 0 0 W. L. Sainmou E. Cbia~pini , t tow. L. BlÓ,. BCmOada'iJee &: Co. 10 0 0 B. Wollatton Saul SolO~D ac: Co, toO toseph :&lotentba1 Joseph DUie' 1 0 0 J. Barker' Unna, ti"" e , ''''IIa~elt Blei ; F W.wek &0 &eve. Op~w, ITH _ImmMláa. ~toa, on linde igned, .. qaaliftod tMreto ; ita.te ia .s"'lld atteet, Baku'a 8UIIIDeN..... beta carried with tbe' bHt eueeqi" ay, , ~rt,doo. wlH ~ ncelYed';bJ II, Cotamt .. lolt, .lid TRo,~ CaRI'Tu.., . ~th Cape ot Good Hope 8aD~. ... ,1848. . Hie~8ir' J. c. de Wet H. 811ili1l~Sart, £10 0 0 1 ..A.:Ram . Hon. J . .Montagu 5- ooR. H.elfyn .BeT. Dr. Adauilon 5 0 0 J. A. Wic;lit H. E. Rutherlootd 5- 0 0 J. A. M~ngtoD John Fair'baim R. H. Arderne ZUID- 1I01l88"u4 Bakerv "0., 'S:~~::r~ it.1.~~·,~ C·ve C.hinta, BJeaCIIed Caf~ Slo". iD ,reat C.lico Sbirts, ft.. DowlJu, ; SpUl Straw Bonete, ;, Wd.' , VE -;&;UrhrON8 to.the aUhe ...... A PUBLIC zo; A. I bY'.lIll.blllll8 .aCJ .. DOt fOe &anltfle Chat 8lablctlpdo. U. CO .... CUL . . ... M , "', B.AlIT.u •• 111be i41~ ~f Sltlt alMl .CoUoaj PsfuolI, Ofmp., na, Sha"'., ;Ro11ed J~ ShJrUD" Boekraaa Poe D Hooltf~ • .&,et, PM ~-.uou, other PlI8,.,o. I~ !• . ::, 1'I. BLOBB ~!'. ,I eardiltll. n;. T "VOE: DEme~ Tf'rtrekken, plaat .... op E~N \" " Merel. K gelegen GO iu bet Veld Woouhuire 'zoodal het ~I"ter, ml EEN A( Erfpacht P "&II Pot teL 40 Pure Sprlnj.!."heo troep hn d OoijeD, dit Merioo~'HII gnede' Md Vadl'flandl' Koora, Eeu groo nmmerholl Tlrder op ti r~ om i . rcry een M ryo. D W' ~Ye" D E yolg ltLO... plaDt .. izo. J Germyu, Winter Saf, 8afNaJl, KAlb.i, Late Suiktor -V,~dIlO, Kaneel, Berll;.mot, 8olb(lhden. Ber,aiDot ( p Kleio. RooI D... ut, Kleine hIaat Wiuedito, Spek dito. AI dtze bo TAW BLOMI per SOom, ( (:h. I • ., ,Ai .~,e nee",u.e ti' •• Sec.~; . 2400. FAT THE pI O t cup_: 2fO 'I'QE s.. r wY,r;",~~~:;,~~d CJ:: ~-::,e~ïb 4.' or ° O .- h Put', A . W'ETH E~R'S." n. per S.trTa, HET, Voor .talleu yan I NB. £eni renomen. -..-- "- Opro~ ID dea ab i, Nu: iu&I. ALLEr und~' bo.." nl bin" VILLlRIlS 6: kf'n~t\ : Pn scholdeo bio it