Spring 2013 Newsletter - Domestic Violence Services of
Spring 2013 Newsletter - Domestic Violence Services of
Domestic Violence Services Of Cumberland & Perry Counties Spring 2013 Admiration For A Community Who Cares... As the new Shelter Manager of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties, and new to the Carlisle area, I have been amazed at how much the community has done for our emergency shelter program. I have continued the Adopt-A-Room program and have repeatedly been left speechless with the number of people who so willingly donate their time and effort. I recently reached out to some of our contacts to see if anyone would be interested in “adopting” our common areas which are much bigger than the bedrooms. Within a few hours, I received several responses wanting to help and every common area was “adopted” within that day. With the outpouring of support the Adopt-A-Room program has received, we have been able to provide a home-like environment for victims of domestic violence and their children. When making the decision to leave and the fear of going to a shelter, it’s been a blessing to be able to provide the warmth and comfort of “home” to the women and children in need. Mindy Ariyo Shelter Manager Special “Thank You” to all listed below who have “adopted” a room since January 2012: Maureen Henne, Janet Kacsur & Maggie Landis Patty Stivitz & Cindy Sutton Jessica Valek & Family Carlisle First Church of God Women’s Ministry Beth Dum and Mt. Zion Lutheran Church/Fellowship Circle Molly McCurdy with Mt. Calvary Church TJ George with Capital Area Christian Church Chiquita Morrison on behalf of VFW Cynthia Heiney Sally Brooks Girl Scout Gold Award Project Jess Valek, a sophomore at Cumberland Valley High School “Adopted a Room” as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She also developed 5 exceptional You Tube videos about teen dating violence. Please view these at http:// www.youtube.com/user/gstroop588. Thank you Jess for offering your time and talents to us! Page 2 Thank you Flagship Cinemas for allowing us to sell candy bars at the theater to educate teens about healthy relationships during February Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties New to the Board... Diane Collier became a member of the Board in October, 2012. A long time advocate for victims of domestic violence, Diane has a background in the medical field and is currently self-employed as a realtor with Century 21 Realty Services, formerly Piscioneri Realty. Her compassion and concern for others is evidenced by many years of volunteer work with her church, Breast Cancer Awareness activities and American Cancer Society programs. We are happy that Diane’s life of caring for her family and others will now include service on the DVSCP Board. One in three adolescents in the U.S. are victims of teen dating violence. DVSCP Board of Directors Karen Shirey, President Dennis McMaster, Vice President Michael Varano, Treasurer Pastor Gwenn Trout, Secretary Diane Collier Sonja Cornfield Representative Sheryl Delozier Pastor T.J. George Lieutenant Mark Green Lance Kessler Tiffany Look Diane Markley Kraig Nace Arlene Seid Diane Sherwood Margaret (Peg) Simok Jan Matthew Tamanini Sonja Cornfield joined the Board in October, 2012. Sonja’s background is in clinical research, primarily in early phase oncology projects. Currently employed by ICON Clinical Research in North Wales, PA, she also worked at Sloan-Kettering (New York, NY) and Bristol Myers Squibb (Princeton, NJ). A “Work-at-Home Mom,” Sonja lives in Enola with her husband, Mike, and two daughters (5 and 3). Sonja brings fundraising experience to the Board and a desire to be more involved in our community. She is serving on the Fundraising and Personnel Committees and welcomes the opportunity to raise awareness of domestic violence issues in our community. The Board welcomes Sonja’s enthusiastic support and is enjoying working with her. Lance Kessler, CFMP, became a member of the DVSCP Board in July, 2012. Prior to owning his own consulting business, Lance Kessler and Associates, Lance was the Senior Vice President/Director of Marketing with several local financial institutions/banks: Keystone Financial, Fulton Bank, Hamilton Bank, and Dauphin Deposit Bank. He brings marketing, planning, and management skills to DVSCP and has developed a model for the staff to use for an updated database. Lance has agreed to serve on the Marketing, Personnel, and Board Development Committees. We appreciate Lance’s willingness to share his time and talents with DVSCP and welcome him to the Board. Page 3 Spring 2013 Margaret “Peg” Simok joined the Board in February, 2013. Peg has been an advocate for victims of domestic violence throughout her legal career thus she understands and appreciates the services DVSCP provides. A graduate of Penn State and Weidner University School of Law, Peg worked at Mid Penn Legal Services assisting clients with PFAs for five years in Cumberland, Perry, and Dauphin Counties before moving to private practice with Cognetti & Associates to practice family law throughout PA. Peg is also a founding member of the Dauphin County Self-Help Center, and she worked with the statewide committee that produced the DVD on supervised visitations. A single Mom, her daughter, Katie, is a biomedical engineer. Peg’s hobbies include gardening and cooking, as well as, watching football and baseball. Peg has agreed to serve on the Fundraising and Board Development Committees. We appreciate her willingness to share her expertise with DVSCP along with her commitment to helping domestic violence victims. Kraig L. Nace became a member of the Board in February, 2013. He brings a strong background in community service as a result of his experience as the Mayor of Duncannon since 2004 and as Company Chief/EMS Coordinator/ Trustee for Duncannon Emergency Medical Services since 1994. Born and raised in Perry County, Kraig is a graduate of Susquenita High School and has received certifications from EMS/EMA/Leadership/Government courses at Harrisburg Area Community College. From 1998-2005, Kraig worked as the Promotions and Marketing Director for Dame Media/Clear Channel Broadcasting. Presently, he is the Owner and President of Juke Box Hits, an entertainment services company. Kraig and his fiance, Tonya Fenton, a RN in the NICU at Harrisburg Hospital, are planning an October wedding. Kraig will be serving on the DVSCP Marketing and Board Personnel Committees. We appreciate Kraig’s willingness to assist DVSCP with our public relations/marketing efforts and are looking forward to working with him. Tiffany Look joined the Board as a Leadership Cumberland Intern in September, 2012. A graduate of Penn State, Tiffany is the Camp Hill Branch Member for Members 1st Federal Credit Union. Similar positions with Mid Penn Bank, Belco Community Credit Union and PA Central Federal Credit Union have resulted in her bringing excellent managerial and human resource skills to the Board. Tiffany has shared her expertise at many Board Committee meetings, most recently as a fundraiser for the 2013 Gala. Tiffany lives in Hummelstown where she enjoys family life with her husband, two children, and her granddaughter, Layla Skye. The Board is looking forward to her becoming a DVSCP Board Member upon completion of her internship in May of 2013. We appreciate her being part of our DVSCP Team. The smile on a child’s face when he sees the bike Santa left in the shelter playroom for him… the joy in a survivor’s eyes when she hears she got the job she interviewed for… the relief a Mom feels when she tucks her children in at night knowing they are safe: these are just a few of the thousand acts of kindness you and our community partners have made possible at DVSCP for more than 22 years. As we begin the agency’s 23rd year, the Board decided to focus on two goals in our Strategic Plan, (1) to increase fundraising efforts because of decreases in several revenue sources, and (2) to increase public awareness of our services/ programs. I am happy to report that we are succeeding in both these goals. Our fundraising efforts have been increased by adding or expanding several fundraisers: “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” “Mother’s Day Flower Sale,” “Holiday Happenings,” shopping/auction event, and our Annual Gala. New community outreach efforts were initiated during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month when we placed 60 purple wreaths on the doors of businesses throughout Cumberland and Perry Counties as well as 10 “Red Lady Silent Witness” Figures in prominent places throughout our service area. We also participated in the Mechanicsburg and Newport community parades where we were well received, focusing on our mantra, “There is No Face to Domestic Violence.” As we look forward to our next fiscal year, the Board is beginning to expand to include the 21 members permitted in our Bylaws and is working on developing a new Strategic Plan for 2013-2015. On a personal note, I would like to thank each of you for supporting the agency during my term as Board President. You continue to reinforce my faith in people as you prove that Margaret Mead’s view of society rings true today. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Karen Shirey, Board President Page 4 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Please welcome our new Shelter Manager, Mindy Ariyo. She and her husband, Babbajide, live in New Cumberland with their 3 dogs, a cat, and a frog. She has worked in Juvenile Services for the past 15 years. Her previous job was with Abraxas Treatment Services. Mindy loves the beach and likes to read when she is not at work. Mindy adapted easily to her new position, works well with staff and clients, and is always positive. We are fortunate to have her as part of our team! We are happy to introduce Christina Bohon-Prosser, our new Shelter Assistant. When not working, she keeps busy with her two children; Megan, who is 19, and Jacob, who is 13. She also has 2 cats and a bird. Christina comes to us from Texas where she worked at the Health and Human Services Commission as a Food Stamp, Medicaid, and TANF worker. Christina fit right in, and the fact that she is very handy is a great help to the shelter. Christina says she loves her job here and enjoys doing what she can for the clients. Welcome Christina! Spring Interns Carlotta Lam pkin Mitchell comes to us from Harrisburg Area Community College where she is working towards her Associates degree in Human Services. Carlotta lives in Carlisle with her four year old son and plans to further her education. Carlotta enjoys helping people in the community. Brooke Deschenes is studying Psychology at Shippensburg University. After graduating in May, 2013, Brooke plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Counseling. Brooke is from New Jersey where she lives with her family. Outside of school and work, Brooke enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. You will hear the phrases “There is No Face to Domestic Violence” and “No more, Together We Can End Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,” as we promote our public awareness campaigns throughout the year. They speak to the reality that domestic violence affects anyone, independent of race, gender, age, socio-economic status or religious background. AND that it is time for us as a community to say “No More to Domestic Violence.” It is important to speak up if we feel something is wrong or inappropriate and to educate one another about healthy relationships and where to go for help. I am very proud of what the staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers have accomplished this year. We have reached so many people through our prevention and education programs and have been able to maintain the services needed for victims of domestic violence and their families despite federal funding cuts and the economic challenges. Thank you to those of you in the community who continue to support us in our efforts to end domestic violence. Together, we can make a difference! Ann Shields, Executive Director Spring 2013 Page 5 NEWS FROM PERRY COUNTY SERVING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS IN PERRY COUNTY As the Perry County Legal Advocate/ Counselor, I am responsible for providing individual counseling, information on legal options and procedures, accompanying individuals suffering physical and/or mental abuse to court hearings, and assisting with filing Protection from Abuse Orders. I also regularly attend the Perry County Partnership Board, Perry County Crimestoppers, Perry Housing Partnership meetings, and I am a member of the Perry County Chamber of Commerce. DVSCP takes part in many community events throughout the year to provide education to the community about domestic violence and healthy relationships. Look for us at: DVSCP Candlelight Vigil, Family Fun Fest, National Night Out, Newport Canal Days, Newport Halloween Parade, and the SuBeLex Festival. Jamie Shaffer, Legal Advocate What’s Happening in the Public Education Department? It has been another busy year in the Public Education Department! Since March of 2012, we spoke to 5,000 students in Cumberland and Perry Counties! This includes presentations in high schools, juvenile delinquent facilities, Universities such as Shippensburg University and Dickinson College, as well as trade schools like YTI in Mechanicsburg. We also developed a Bullying Program, which we use at the elementary and middle school levels. the need for continued education, and our growing success. We have begun to do more speaking at workplaces, as more and more companies are collaborating with us to educate on this very important topic. As always, we continue to participate in Wellness programs/fairs across the region, typically held at Universities, Carlisle Barracks, and large companies. We are thrilled to be recognized as a leader in domestic violence awareness! We continue to include Medical Advocacy in our education program, which is part of the new employee orientations What a great year 2012/2013 was, and we look forfor nurses and office staff at Holy Spirit Hospital and Car- ward to raising more awareness, and ultimately ENDING lisle Regional Medical Center. This has been a widely suc- domestic violence through education! cessful portion of our outreach, that is highly respected and Megan Pearson greatly appreciated. Public Education Coordinator Kiwanis Clubs, numerous churches in both counties, and the Salvation Army, have also invited us as a guest speaker. This continues to prove the impact we have on the area, New Children's Support Group In February, we started the first “Children’s Support Group” for children and teens who have experienced domestic violence in their household. The group is comprised of five members that range in age from 7-13 years. We discussed what domestic violence is, the effects of domestic violence, coping methods, safety planning, and much more. Activi- ties are planned to encourage discussion, insight, and awareness. One such activity was to create a mask to identify feelings that children hide internally and feelings that they allow the world to see. Since the group has enjoyed their time together and requested more meetings, we extended the sessions to twelve weeks and added some summer activity nights to include a pizza party and an ice cream social. We are so pleased that the Children’s Support Group has been a huge success! I am looking forward to expanding our group and starting another one soon in hopes of helping more children. Jessalynn Welsh, Children and Youth Advocate Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Page 6 Volunteer News Our 2012 Fall Volunteer Training Class was a success! We gained new volunteers who will help staff our 24 hour hotline and provide assistance with our emergency shelter and various fundraising events. Amy Lane, Shana Muttersbaugh, Beth Thumma, Marilyn Mills, and Amanda Kinzey graciously gave up their time to attend and complete the training program. We continue to admire and appreciate all of the volunteers that so willingly provide their time to victims of domestic violence. Either explaining our services or lending a kind ear, these volunteers help victims reach out to safety. We are blessed to have such an amazing group of dedicated volunteers. Mary Cook Counselor/Advocate Jill Smeigh Executive Assistant/Volunteer Trainer Our Annual Fall Volunteer Training Program for 2013 will begin on September 10, 2013. If you are interested, or have questions, please contact Jill at admin13@pa.net or 258-4806. DVSCP would like to express a “Special Thank You” to the following for their generous and ongoing support of the agency and the victim’s we serve: Applebee’s Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office Ashley Stevens Salon Carlisle Country Living Agway Cedar Cliff Subway/Kathy George Dan & Elizabeth Checchia Danatech Security Systems, Inc. Exodus Youth Ministry Momentum, Inc. Rose Metal Systems & Rob Policastro Universal Media, Inc. Neala Eyler Dvscp Provides… All services are free and confidential 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-852-2102 Medical Advocacy 24 Hour Emergency Shelter Individual and Group Counseling Legal Advocacy Information and Referrals Accompaniment to medical and court related appointments Community education/prevention programs Spring 2013 Page 7 Donations of $500 or more March, 2012 through February, 2013 2nd Presbyterian Church, Carlisle Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Mechanicsburg American Legion #101, Carlisle American Legion, Mt. Holly Springs Ames True Temper, Camp Hill Big Spring Presbyterian Church, Newville Camp Hill Lions Club, Camp Hill Camp Hill Woman’s Club, Camp Hill Carlisle Rotary Club, Carlisle Christian Life Assembly, Camp Hill Dickinson Presbyterian Church, Carlisle Donald and Dorothy Stabler Foundation, Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren, Carlisle First United Church of Christ, Carlisle Ge-Na Properties, Mechanicsburg Highmark, Camp Hill Land O’Lakes, Mt. Holly Springs Mechanicsburg Club, Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsburg Momentum, Camp Hill Otterbein United Methodist Church, Newville Red Land High School, Lewisberry Silver Spring Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsburg Soroptomist International West Shore St. John’s Episcopal Church, Carlisle St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Carlisle St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Newville Tammy Yan, Harrisburg The Foundation for Enhancing Communities Anonymous Donor Veterans of Foreign Wars, Carlisle VFW Post 7343, Mt. Holly Springs VFW Post 7463, New Bloomfield Volvo Road Machinery, Shippenburg Annual Fund Donors American Legion Post 101– Carlisle Jean Coates Frank D. Moore, Jr. United Way Carlisle Mary Warrell Captain Richard L. Recordan Hope United Methodist Mechanicsburg Lyn & Gerry Hempt Lawrence A. Rosenberg Marygrace Seltzer Wanda Galbraith Dorothy W. Culp Barbara C. Oyler Frank T. Orlevitch Richard S. Kocher Marjorie A. Kennedy Allen E. Hench Patricia Ennis Leggett Nancy L. Delisanti Sandra S. Smith Dawn L. Flower Rosalie B. George Gordon Bergsten Harvey A. Feldman Claire M. Hoffman Kristin Senecal Joan M. Clifton Sally R. Maurer Kathryn G. Boyle William R. McNaughton Dieter J. Rollfinke Donna M. Vandemortel Rhonda Staver Joseph F. Noll Anna Petrocchi Kathryn S. Conrad James A. Boytim Barbara M. Hoelscher Julia B. Britton Dennis E. Minnich Virginia D. Goodyear James Stuart Dickson American Legion Aux. Post #984 – West Fairview Wanda V. Metzger Rocco V. Pugliese Robert D. Ness, Jr. Eleanor H. Green Mary Ann M. Leidigh Kathleen Tieman Lucille M. Hillman Joanne Rice Plastic Surgery Center, LTD Robert W. Wolfe Andrew C. Houston Debora A. Rowe William M. Roman Marjorie Jane Akin Mark L. Dolheimer Garvin B. Rumberger Richard M. Rodney Alana G. Moriarty Robert Belyea Ethel B. Carryer Jane Harker Patricia A. Killian Barbara Breen Jim R. Zeigler Franklin A. Oiler June B. Trinnaman Gayle Gutshall Failor-Wagner Post 421 Home Assn - Newville Cantor & Team Orthodontics Hearing Instruments, Inc. Lynn G. Everhart Birthe C. Miller The First United Methodist Church - Mechanicsburg Carlisle Moose Lodge 7 T.A. Goldstein Sharon W. Walton Jean D. Rankin Diane K. Collier Teresa F. Kline Virginia Lee Oldham Pamela T. Lord Charles R. Nebel, Jr. Alice Kirchner Mary Jane Phelps J. Mark Ruhl Paula A. Bussard Janet L. Wotring David A. Dell Todd Milano Lance E. Kessler Shirley F. Chamberlain Allen E. Hench Ceceile M. W. Strand Jeffrey H. Benjamin Janet M. Spahr Harold G. Kretzing Rose Anderson Hazel J. Brown, Ed.D. Rita M. Cawley Timothy J. Murphy Kathleen A. Marcello Elizabeth L. Rushlong Ruth Kovacs Truman Bullard Susan H. Fulginiti Kenneth Millage Patricia K. Teitrick Marie S. Pinto Phyllis H. Myers Kim Banister Thomas A. Wilkins Marion Fennell Alberto D. Rizzotti C. Ann Sheehan Karen Shirey Collier H. Cline Wesleyan Church of the Cross Carlisle Kevin M. Stoner William K. August Presbyterian Women Kathleen P. Ryan Page 8 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Victim Rights Rally Holiday Happenings Newport Halloween Parade Randi’s Race Reindeer Food “Walk-A-Mile” in her Shoes Children’s Christmas Party Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade Pumpkin Fest Annual Gala Candlelight Vigils Lace Up For Lisa Sunflower Ball Jubilee Day 9th Annual Randi’s Race May 11, 2013 A 5K Run and Walk for Hope and Courage (Rain or Shine) Adams Ricci Community Park, Margaro Rd., Enola, PA 8:00 a.m. Registration - 9:00 a.m. 5K Walk/Run Starts Proceeds Benefit: Randi’s House of Angels, YWCA of Greater Harrisburg, ACCESS York & Victim Assistance Center, Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County, and Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties. Spring 2013 Page 9 In 2012, DVSCP participated in “Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes” as part of the Camp Hill Memorial Day Parade. History of Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Frank Baird created Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® in 2001. What started out as a small group of men daring to totter around a park has grown to become a world-wide movement with tens of thousands of men raising millions of dollars for local rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters and other sexualized violence education, prevention and remediation programs. Please visit our website, www.dvscp.org for information on participating in this year’s event on May 27, 2013. Page 10 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Thank you to the Toni Clouse Myers family for netting over $28,000 for DVSCP at the Fourth Annual Sunflower Ball held in honor of Toni Clouse Myers, on Saturday, October 27, 2012. As always, it was a festive evening that paid tribute to and remembrance of a beautiful lady who left us too early. The Sunflower Ball has netted over $109,000 during the past four years to support the ongoing efforts of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties, both in providing the necessary services and in spreading awareness and education about domestic violence in our community. We sincerely thank them for their years of support. Spring 2013 Page 11 Our 1st Annual “Holiday Happenings” fundraiser was held on November 16, 2012, at Visaggio’s. It was an evening filled with good food, music, silent and live auctions, and holiday shopping from local vendors. Thank you to all who helped make this event a huge success! Watch for information in upcoming newsletters and on our website for our 2nd Annual Holiday Happenings! Page 12 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties 2013 Annual Gala We changed things up this year and what a success it proved to be… DVSCP’s 2013 Annual Gala was held Saturday, March 9th at The Susquehanna Club. It was a night of Chance and Silent Auctions, a 50/50 raffle and dancing to music by the band Fun was had by all! We truly appreciate and thank all who supported this event. In doing so, you helped us raise over $20,000 to continue to provide services to victims in need. http://www.theslickband.com http://www.facebook.com/ theslickband Spring 2013 Page 13 2013 Gala Sponsors Platinum Century 21 Services Gold Carlisle Small Animal Veterinary Clinic M&T Bank Momentum, Inc. Pinnacle Health System Universal Media, Inc. Silver Aardvark Computers, Inc. Applebee’s Carlisle Regional Medical Center Member’s First Federal Credit Union Bronze Capitol Computer Systems Diane Collier Michael Cornfield Financial Advisor Cumberland Design & Building Co. Representative Sheryl Delozier Diamond Automatic Sprinklers, Inc. Enola First Church of God Representative Glenn Grell JMT Law Representative Mark Keller Kiwanis Club of Upper Allen Property Management, Inc. Shirey Sunshine Honey Copper AmeriChoice Federal Credit Union Bobby Rahal Automotive Group Boiling Springs Tavern Boyer & Ritter, CPA Café Magnolia Cedar Cliff Subway Cornerstone Coffeehouse Drayer Physical Therapy Institute Launching Lives, LLC Muffin Enterprises, Inc. Strock Insurance Agency The Virtus Group YRC Freight Employee Sponsored Charity F und Zonta Club of Harrisburg - Hershey Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Page 14 Annual Report Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Funding Sources Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Deliquency Foundations and Other Grants 2% 14% 31% 14% United Way (Carlisle, Shippensburg, Capital Region) 25% 14% Donations Miscellaneous Fundraising Hotline Calls Answered ............................................... ............................................ 854 Clients Served ............................................................... ............................................ 1246 Clients Sheltered........................................................... ............................................ 187 Legal Advocacy - PFAs ............................................... ............................................ 308 Individual, Group & Child Counseling Hours .......... ............................................ 2525 Referrals provided for medical, housing, and employment ............................. 494 Prevention Education Programs Schools ............................................................................ 50 Community ..................................................................... 11 Other Events .................................................................. 38 Volunteer Hours On Call .......................................................................... 6716 Public Education ........................................................... 30 Direct Services .............................................................. 491 DVSCP engaged Boyer & Ritter to perform an audit of the financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2012. As a result of their audit, Boyer & Ritter issued an unqualified opinion on the financial statements which presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of DVSCP. Domestic Violence Service of Cumberland & Perry Counties Page 15 DVSCP Needs List New Women’s Socks and Underwear New Women’s Bras New Children’s Socks and Underwear Children’s clothing size 18 month to 2T Cleaning Supplies (mops, brooms, buckets, scouring pads, etc.) Cleaners (kitchen, bathroom, floor, etc.) i.e. Mr. Clean Trash Bags Ziploc Bags (gallon and sandwich size) Paper Supplies (toilet paper, paper towels) Disposable Gloves (not latex) Powered Laundry Detergent, Bleach, Dryer Sheets Storage containers (any size) Sharpie Markers (black or color) Umbrellas Gift Cards: Grocery, Discount, Gas, Home Depot, Lowes Twin and full fitted sheets Bath towels, washcloths, dishcloths Copy Paper/Office Supplies Children’s Potty Training Seats Feminine Hygiene Products Clorox/Lysol Wipes Hand Soap Two - All-in-one car seats (harness to booster) Magic Erasers Toilet Bowl Cleaner Clothes Hangers Clothing Racks 60 Watt Light Bulbs Garden Hose Holder Patio Table Items we cannot accept ... Stuffed animals, used children’s toys, games, or puzzles Leftover items from garage, yard or rummage sales Used suitcases Large appliances Sofa beds or furniture Used baby bottles, car seats, cribs Exercise equipment VHS tapes and cassettes Damaged books Used/stained Tupperware Decorating items Open or used toiletries Expired or close to expiring food items DVSCP is only able to accept donated items during business hours and are unable to pick up donations. Mission DVSCP seeks to provide services and support to those who are experiencing domestic violence and to foster, as resources allow, social and systems change through education and advocacy . April 22, 2013 - State Victims’ Rights Rally September 28, 2013 5K Run/Walk April 25, 2013 - Local Victims’ Rights Rally September 2013 - Perry County Family Fun Fest May 10, 2013 - Mother’s Day Flower Sale October 2013 - Candlelight Vigils May 11, 2013 - Randi’s Race October 2013 - Pumpkin Fest May 27, 2013 - Walk-A-Mile in Her Shoes November 2013 - Holiday Happenings June 20, 2013 - Jubilee Day December 2013 - Reindeer Food Please continue to check our website, www.dvscp.org, for more information about upcoming events. Disclaimer: The official registration and financial information of DVSCP may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free, within PA 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Phone: 717-258-4806 Hotline: 1-800-852-2102 Fax: 717-258-1677 Website: www.dvscp.org Post Office Box 1039 Carlisle, PA 17013 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Permit No. 485 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Carlisle, PA
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