Annual Newsletter 2014 - Domestic Violence Services of
Annual Newsletter 2014 - Domestic Violence Services of
Annual Newsletter 2014 Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties Board of Directors A Note From The Executive Director… Harry Blose Intimate partner violence affects anyone, Diane Collier independent of race, gender, age, socio-economic status or religious Sonja Cornfield background. As a community we must speak up if we feel something Rep. Sheryl Delozier is wrong or inappropriate and educate one another about healthy Pastor T.J. George, VP relationships and where to go for help. Lt. Mark Green, Pres. We recently held our “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” event. During this event, men take a stand against violence in our community by walking in support of our agency and the elimination of intimate Lance E. Kessler Kristin Mertz Christina Persson partner violence. Thank you to those who sponsored or participated in Dr. Arlene Seid the event. Diane Sherwood Karen Shirey I am very proud of what the staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers Margaret Simok have accomplished this year. We reached many people through our Jan Matthew Tamanini prevention and education programs within the schools, hospitals, and Pastor Gwenn Trout, Sec. the community. Despite fundraising challenges, we have been able to maintain the services needed for victims of intimate partner violence Gayle Wark, Treas. and their families. Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to end intimate partner violence and being engaged and caring community members. Ann Shields DVSCP Provides… 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-852-2102 Medical Advocacy Accompaniment to medical and court 24 Hour Emergency Shelter Individual and Group Counseling related appointments Legal Advocacy Community education/prevention programs Information and Referrals All services are free and confidential ` Welcome New DVSCP Board Members Christina Persson joined the Board in May of 2013. Christina currently serves as Director of Marketing for the not-for-profit PinnacleHealth System in Harrisburg, where she is responsible for media relations, community and corporate wellness, advertising and marketing. Prior to joining PinnacleHealth, Christina served in management with Commerce Bank, and was responsible for public relations for HealthAmerica. Her background also includes non-profit development and military service. In addition to supporting DVSCP, Christina volunteers for Vicki’s Angel Walk and various PinnacleHealth supported events. Christina lives in Camp Hill. Gayle Wark joined the Board in May 2013 as Treasurer for DVSCP. Gayle has served the Carlisle Community on various boards and committees. Most recently she is the Past-President of the Carlisle Rotary Club and past board member of Leadership Cumberland. She is a member of the United Way’s Women Leadership Council and currently sits on the campaign committee and is past committee chair of the Evening for the Children Gala, as well as serving on various Community Reinvestment Panels. Gayle works as a Mortgage Banker for Integrity Bank in Camp Hill and currently resides in Carlisle with her husband Lane, two daughters, Madison and Emma, and three stepchildren, Cole, Madison and Adison. Harry Blose joined the Board in February 2014. He is a life long resident of Perry County and resides in Marysville, with his two sons, Kyle and Brandon. He works in Information Systems and currently serves as the Manager of Technical Services with Foot Locker. He also runs his own part-time snow plowing business. He has served as a coach for various sports and enjoys working with kids. His interests include outdoor activities such as hunting and traveling to beach and mountain areas. Welcome DVSCP Board Intern Gabriella Grosso, is a third-year law student at Penn State Dickinson School of Law. She serves as the President of the Women’s Law Caucus. In addition, Gabriella is currently completing an internship with the YWCA Legal Center in Harrisburg. She is committed to serving victims of domestic violence and fighting for a better world for all women. In her spare time Gabriella, enjoys traveling, reading, and cooking. She is a bartender at a local restaurant. Thank You To… Pastor Gwenn Trout and Jan Matthew Tamanini who will be leaving the DVSCP Board of Directors in August. We appreciate their many years of support, dedication and service on the DVSCP Board. You both will truly be missed! Welcome New DVSCP Staff Irene Diep joined the DVSCP staff on February 3, 2014 as a Counselor/Advocate specializing in providing services to children of domestic violence. Irene graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. In 2011, Irene completed an internship with the Victim Services Division of the Cumberland County District Attorney’s office. Suzanne Hoedemaker joined the DVSCP staff on February 10, 2014 as a Counselor/Advocate. She will be overseeing DVSCP’s internship and volunteer programs. Suzanne earned her Master’s of Social Work degree from Shippensburg University in 2010 and is a licensed Social Worker in the state of Pennsylvania. She has interned and worked for the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and authored publications for the anti-sexual violence field. Suzanne has also volunteered as a Rape Crisis Advocate for the YWCA of Carlisle. She lives in Carlisle with her two Chihuahuas and likes to read and thrift shop in her free time. DVSCP Spring Intern 2014 Paige Fickes completed an internship with DVSCP from February to May 2014. She is a Criminal Justice major from York Technical Institute and recently graduated with her Associate’s Degree. Paige worked directly with our advocates to assist clients in obtaining Protection From Abuse orders. She regularly accompanied clients to Ex Parte and final PFA hearings. Paige says she enjoyed learning about the Criminal Justice System and liked working directly with clients by listening to their individual accounts of abuse and assisting them in creating positive lasting changes in their lives. We wish Paige luck in all her future endeavors and appreciate all of her hard work with survivors of domestic violence. News From The Perry County Office... As the Perry County Legal Coordinator and Advocate for Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties, I assist domestic violence victims in obtaining Protection From Abuse Orders; accompany victims to court proceedings; offer counseling to victims of domestic violence; and advocate for Perry County victims of domestic violence. I am a resident of Perry County and was thrilled to accept this position with DVSCP at the Perry County Office. I came to the Perry County Office from DVSCP’s Cumberland County location, where I worked for many months in the emergency shelter. At the shelter, I assisted domestic violence victims of both Cumberland and Perry County in obtaining permanent housing; accompanied victims to medical appointments and/or court proceedings if needed; and always listened whenever someone wanted to talk. My office in Perry County is open to all of Perry County residents who need DVSCP’s services or who simply need a listening ear. I am an active member in the Perry County Partnership and Perry County Crimestoppers. When I am not in my office on the New Bloomfield square, I can be found out and about in the community. Some of the Perry County events that I attend are the SuBeLex Festival in June, Newport Halloween Parade, Perry County Fair, Newport Canal Days, and Family Fun Fest. Christina Bohon-Prosser, Legal Advocate DVSCP will be welcoming two new interns in the fall of 2014. DVSCP has established a working relationship with Shippensburg University’s Social Work Department. Both interns are graduate students from their Master of Social Work program. DVSCP is excited about this new opportunity for learning and collaboration. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Registration for the 2014 Fall Volunteer Training Program are now being accepted! September 09, 2014 through October 02, 2014 Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6:30—9:00 p.m. at the YWCA Carlisle, 301 G Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 * Additional requirement of approximately 20 hours online training. For more information or to register, please call DVSCP at 717-258-4806 or 1-800-852-2102 *Opportunity to be dually trained in domestic violence and sexual assault. 2013-2014 proved to be an extremely busy and successful year for the Public Education Department! During the 2013-2014 school year, our agency was able to speak with over 2,000 students in Cumberland and Perry counties. The presentations were held at our local high schools and middle schools, juvenile delinquent facilities, Shippensburg University, and Dickinson College. We were also able to speak with younger students about healthy relationships and anti-bullying. Partnering with Dickinson College , we met with their peer educators weekly to encourage and support their work toward a violence free campus. Throughout February, in order to bring more awareness to the schools during National Teen Dating Violence Month, we sold candy bars and asked the schools to read public service announcements. We thank Digiplex Theaters for allowing us to bring awareness to the public at their theater during Valentine’s Day weekend. Our agency also created an essay contest for high school students in our area. This contest not only allowed the students to learn more about teen dating violence or share their experiences, but it also let the students express creativity and work on their writing skills! We are hoping to continue this contest for years to come! We expanded our church presentations to include more religious institutions in our community. Because of our awareness efforts, multiple churches remembered our agency during Lent and other times of giving, collecting donations, gift cards, and money each Sunday. We also were able to speak to youth groups at our local churches to talk about teen dating violence and healthy relationships. We continue to include Medical Advocacy in our outreach programs. Every month, presentations are given at Carlisle Hospital and Holy Spirit Hospital to new nurses during orientation in order to provide awareness and help them to understand how to screen for domestic violence. We also attended many events and fairs in both counties to educate the community about our agency and the issue of intimate partner violence. Presentations were made to businesses and community agencies/partners in an effort to engage others and promote awareness. During October which is Domestic Violence Awareness month, we held our annual Candlelight Vigil in honor of victims and their families, promoted “An Empty Place at the Table” presentations, participated in local Halloween parades, supplied local restaurants with educational place mats to use on their tables, and displayed purple lighting off the Lieutenant Governor’s mansion and purple water at the Courthouse fountain in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month. During April, we participated in the local and state Victims’ Rights rallies and Take Back the Night at Dickinson College and Shippensburg University. Through our outreach efforts, we hope to not only make everyone in the community more conscious of our agency and this issue, but also to bring awareness to our younger population by promoting healthy relationships in Cumberland and Perry Counties! Melissa Davis Public Education Coordinator Gretchen Barrick, West Perry Teacher Rebecca Rohrer, West Perry Student Melissa Davis, DVSCP Public Education Coordinator If your organization, school or church would be interested in DVSCP speaking to a group to help educate and raise awareness of domestic violence, please contact Melissa Davis at 717-761-5599 or The 5th Annual Toni Clouse Myers Sunflower Ball, in memory of Toni, was held at Saint Patrick’s Parrish Activity Center, on Saturday, October 26, 2013. Toni was a devoted mother of 3, dedicated friend and family member, free spirit, and beautiful person inside and out, who enjoyed making others smile. The evening included hors d’ oeuvres, a Silent and Tombola Auction, door prizes and a cash bar, all to celebrate Toni, raise awareness about domestic violence and raise funds to support victims of Cumberland and Perry Counties. The event raised close to $24,000 to benefit Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties, P.O. Box 1039, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013. Over the past 5 years the Sunflower Ball raised over $135,000 for DVSCP. We thank the Clouse family, the committee, all those who attended, the sponsors, donors, and those who prepared and donated the many Tombola, Silent auction and Door Prize items. Their many contributions made this year’s event a tremendous success! This year’s event will be held: Holiday Happenings 2013 Our 2nd Annual “Holiday Happenings” Fundraiser was held on November 15th at The Carlisle Country Club. The evening was filled with music from Jukebox Hits, delicious food, door prizes, both live and silent auctions, and holiday shopping from local vendors. Over $10,000.00 was raised for DVSCP. We sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed to making it a memorable, successful night! Running With A Mission Running With A Mission, a 5K fundraiser, was held at South Middleton Township Park on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Despite harsh winds and cold temperatures, Safe Harbour, The Salvation Army, Carlisle CARES, and members of the community joined DVSCP in order to spread awareness, raise money, and participate in the 5K race. The collaboration of all four agencies and the support of members of the community helped make this event a success! Thank you to all who planned, came to, and contributed to Running with a Mission. Please join us next year on April 18th for the 3rd Annual Running With A Mission! Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® is an International Men’s March. This event is an excellent way for men to take a stand against domestic violence. DVSCP would like to thank each of the participants, their families, and sponsors for coming together to make this a successful event during the Camp Hill Memorial Day Parade held on May 26, 2014. We look forward to your ongoing support to make this a yearly event to raise awareness in our communities. 2014 Annual Gala DVSCP’s 2014 Annual Gala was held on Saturday, March 1st, at the Susquehanna Club. The evening began with the soothing sounds of the Cumberland Valley High School String Quartet, as everyone mingled, placed their Silent Auction bids, and purchased tickets for the Chance Auction and 50/50 Raffle. After a wonderful dinner followed by a dessert table, the band SLICK, who graciously donated their time and talents, took to the floor and the dancing began. A fun time was had by all. We truly appreciate and thank all who supported this event. In doing so, you helped us raise almost $15,000 to continue to provide services to victims in need. Platinum $1500 Carlisle Small Animal Veterinary Clinic Century 21 Realty Services PinnacleHealth Gold $1000 Momentum, Inc. Silver $500 Recognition of 2014 Gala Sponsors Aardvark Computers, Inc. Capital Blue Cross Member’s 1st Federal Credit Union Bronze $250 Ashley Steven’s Salon Capitol Computer Systems Diane Collier/Century 21 Realty Services Michael Cornfield, Financial Advisor Cumberland Design & Building Company Diamond Automatic Sprinklers, Inc. Representative Sheryl Delozier Enola First Church of God Representative Glenn Grell JMT Law Representative Mark Keller Kiwanis Club of Upper Allen Cumberland Valley Plastic Surgery Center, Ltd. Property Management, Inc. (PMI) Shirey Sunshine Honey Senator Pat Vance Copper $100 “Thank You” to the band SLICK and the Cumberland Valley High School String Quartet for donating their time and talents to support this event! Kreider’s Mill, Inc. Zonta Club of Harrisburg/Hershey SUPPORT GROUP DVSCP will be offering a women’s support group in the fall of 2014. If interested, please contact Liana at 1-800-852-2102. We continue to admire and appreciate all of the volunteers that so willingly provide their time to victims of domestic violence. Either explaining our services, lending a kind ear or helping with our events, these volunteers help victims reach out to safety. We are blessed to have such an amazing group of dedicated volunteers. One of our shelter residents organized and planned a Paper Lantern Release fundraiser and raised $967 to help with the remodeling of our shelter bathrooms. It was held on May 3, 2014 and, although the weather was a bit chilly and rainy, everyone had a great time and won some amazing prizes. The weather cleared just in time for everyone to release the paper lanterns, and it was a beautiful site! ***Mark your calendar for June 20, 2015 for next year’s event. Victims Rights Rallies Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Candlelight Vigil Toni Clouse Myers Sunflower Ball Jubilee Day Canal Day Empty Place at the Table Reindeer Food Holiday Happenings Lace Up 4 Lisa Newport Halloween Parade Duncannon Winterfest Annual Gala Children’s Christmas Party Running With A Mission The Adopt-a-Room program has been a huge success for our shelter. We have been very fortunate to have almost every room in our shelter updated. The community support that we have received is amazing, and we are so grateful to have such wonderful support from the residents of Cumberland and Perry Counties. We have also been blessed to have members of our community who donate such valuable items to the shelter and the residents starting over. Participants of the Adopt-A-Room Program: Sally Brooks & Barb Breen TJ George & Capital Area Christian Church Chiquita Morrison & Carlisle VFW Post #477 Denise Ackroyd & her family Keith Sheriff Donors: Tom Peterson & Amazon Ashley Home Furnishings Darlene Meier & the Carlisle Barracks Many of our Giving Community Members We Need Your Help! We are blessed to be part of a community who has over the past few years helped to remodel/repair most of our Emergency Shelter. Our kitchen ceiling is in great need of repair. The tiles are pulling loose and cracking along the seams. If anyone has the skill to repair this for us or would wish to donate toward the repair, please contact our Shelter Manager at 258-4806. Your help to provide the victims of domestic violence in our communities a safe and comfortable place to come for help is truly appreciated! Donations of $500.00 and more 07/01/2013—06/30/2014 Aldersgate United Methodist Church Donald & Dorothy Stabler Foundation Otterbein United Methodist Church American Legion Post 101 First United Church of Christ Carlisle 2nd Presbyterian Church Carlisle Amvets Auxiliary Post 274 Beverly U. Fowler Connor St. John’s Episcopal Church Carlisle Mitchell Berman Fraternal Order of Eagles Carlisle St. Peters Lutheran Church Newville Big Spring Presbyterian Church GFWC Camp Hill Junior Civic Club Silver Spring Presbyterian Camp Hill Woman’s Club GFWC Mechanicsburg The Mechanicsburg Club Carlisle Moose Lodge 761 Lyn & Gerry Hempt Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church— Carlisle Rotary Club Highmark Camp Hill Dan & Elizabeth Checchia John Milgrew Trust Trinity Evangelical Lutheran (Lemoyne) Christian Life Assembly Kiwanis Club of Upper Allen Trindle Spring Lutheran Church Civic Club of Carlisle Chris & Diane Markley Kenneth Tuckey Cornerstone Coffeehouse Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Patricia Vance Delta Dental of Pennsylvania Momentum VFW Post 7463 Dickinson College Newport Post American Legion Volvo Road Machinery Annual Fund Donors (New Bloomfield) 07/01/2013—06/30/2014 Wanda Galbraith Kay M. Rovegno Kathleen Tieman Karl W. Robinson Beverly J. Russell Marsha Murray Stephen D. Tompkins Beverly U. Fowler-Conner Robert P. Winston Frank T. Orlevitch Mark L. Dolheimer Lynn G. Everhart Dorothy W. Culp Carlisle Small Animal Veterinary Clinic Garvin B. Rumberger, Jr. Barbara C. Oyler Jane Harker Karen Shirey James A. Boytim Kristin Senecal Alberto D. Rizzotti Dieter J. Rollfinke Epis Outreach St. Luke's Lauren L. Shutt Sharon B. Miller Capt. Richard L. Recordon J. Mark Ruhl Julia B. Britton Jane Rigler & John Tighe Susan H. Fulginiti Marjorie A. Kennedy Richard S. Kocher Elizabeth L. Rushlong Pamela T. Lord Robert W. Wolfe Sally J. Tice Phil Thompson Barbara T. Kohutiak Marion Fennell Johanna G. Reeder Sally R. Maurer Janet M. Spahr Wanda V. Metzger Robert P. Myers Cynthia Razga Provion Rita C. Schlansky Amy Nagy-Powless Plastic Surgery Center Ltd. Veterans of Foreign Wars Carlisle Norina Blynn Robert D. Ness, Jr. Robert Belyea Marjorie Lowe Blaze Timothy J. Murphy Richard M. Rodney Karen Diener Best Dawn L. Flower Mary Jo Mullen Americhoice Federal Credit Union Patrice D. Tritt Joann E. Jones Wendy G. Tibbetts Anna K. Cirillo R. Franklin Campbell Phyllis H. Myers Ethel B. Carryer James Stuart Dickson Kathleen P. Ryan Sharon W. Walton Lucille M. Hillman M Three Properties Claire M. Hoffman Ruth Kovacs James. S. McCallum Dale J. Beaston Paula A. Bussard Kevin M. Stoner Christy A. Hoover Alice Kirchner Marinell E. Handshaw Donna S. Damgaard M. Charles Seller The Warrell Foundation Ella Jean Nichols Paula P. Correal Kurt Suter American Legion Aux. Post #984 David A. Dell Sally R. Maurer Karin M. Guerrini Ray & Dorothy Wolfe Diana J. Kerr James J. Barefoot Kenneth E. Ross Gail S. Kreitzer Teresa F. Kline Thank you all for your generosity! Your giving will help to better the lives of the victims of domestic violence in our communities! DVSCP would like to Thank... DVSCP would like to recognize and thank the American Legion Post #101 of Carlisle for their outstanding, ongoing support of the agency. During 2013, they provided a $750 sponsorship for our Annual Holiday Happenings Fundraiser. Carla Markle, Office Manager, also crafted a beautiful holiday door decoration, which she donated for the live auction held at this event. Paul Graham, Post Commander Ann Shields, DVSCP Executive Director December brought more good tidings to DVSCP from the American Legion Post #101. On December 11th,they hosted a luncheon and presented many of the community agencies with a Holiday Season Donation. DVSCP was the fortunate recipient of a check for $7,500. Their “good will” did not stop with the surprise of this generous donation. Following the luncheon, George Vanasdalan contacted DVSCP to see what assistance the American Legion Post #101 could give to help with our Children’s Christmas Party. George worked to coordinate Santa’s arrival to the shelter. Other members of the Legion came along to help with the party. The Ladies Auxiliary and the Son’s of the American Legion provided cookies, presents for the children, and Christmas stockings filled with goodies. In February of 2014, DVSCP received another donation of $1700. We are so appreciative of this generous giving to help better the lives of victims of domestic violence in our communities. Thank you to Amazon who generously donated $5000 for use in shelter bathroom renovation and reconstruction of our emergency shelter front porch. Melissa Davis, DVSCP Public Education Coordinator Thomas Pedersen, Coordinator for Donations @ PHL6 Norman Dunkinson, General Manager Paul Graham, Post Commander Carla Markle, Office Manager Thank You to... Fraternal Order of Eagles #1299 Auxiliary Officer Sylvia Clepper and those who helped and supported her fundraising efforts. Holiday Cutouts were sold for $1.00 each and decorated the Carlisle Aerie during those holidays. Your generous donation of $600 and support of the agency and the services we provide is truly appreciated! Amazon supports us throughout the year with quarterly donations of goods to use in the shelter. “Yoga at Simply Well” Jennifer Musial Held a special, heart-themed Mother’s Day yoga class with all proceeds benefiting DVSCP. The class was centered around love, strength and friendship. DVSCP thanks you for your generous donation!!! Ann Shields, DVSCP Executive Director Bev Fraker, FOE #1299 Auxiliary Officer Jill Smeigh, DVSCP Executive Assistant, FOE #1299 Auxiliary Officer Sylvia Clepper, FOE #1299 Auxiliary Officer DVSCP would like to Thank... DVSCP appreciates the ongoing support of the GFWC of Mechanicsburg and want to thank them for their recent generous donation of $1000. Thank you to the Shippensburg University students who held a car wash with all the proceeds to benefit DVSCP. During the event the students handed out brochures and pamphlets to educate and raise awareness about domestic violence. Ann Shields, DVSCP Executive Director Shirley Barnes, President GFWC Mechanicsburg Irene Diep, Children Advocate, spends time in our emergency shelter with the children doing crafts and fun filled projects. A special thank you to Janice Myers for her years of support of the agency. She attends our events, helps with our fundraisers and donates items to our event auctions. We are truly fortunate to have such a kind, giving person helping us to raise awareness and better the lives of victims of domestic violence. Thank You Valek Family As a sophomore at Cumberland Valley High School, Jess Valek, “Adopted a Room” at our emergency shelter as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She also developed 5 exceptional You Tube videos about teen dating violence. Please view these at Since that time the Valek family has volunteered to help with our fundraising and awareness events. Annual Fiscal Report JULY 1, 2013 through JUNE 30, 2014 Hotline Calls Answered ………………………….1371 Funding Sources Clients Served ……………………………………….1013 Clients Sheltered …………………………………..218 Legal Advocacy—PFA’s ………………………….303 Individual, Group & Child Counseling hours ….…..……...5177 8% 8% Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence 7% 33% Prevention/Education Programs Schools ...……………………………….55 Community. …………………………..67 Other Events ………………………….45 Referrals provided for medical, housing, and employment ………………541 10% 16% 18% United Way (Carlisle, Shippensburg, Capital Region) Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Deliquency Volunteer Hours On Call ……….....……………………...6312 Public Education …………………….4 Direct Services ….…….………………78 DVSCP engages Boyer & Ritter LLC, Certified Public Accountants, to perform an audit of the financial statements at the end of each fiscal year. Shelter Needs List If you would like to make a donation to the shelter, please call (717) 258-4806 to arrange your donation drop-off. Most Immediate Needs All-In-One Car Seat (harness-to-booster) -2 Lysol Disinfectant Spray Umbrellas Spray Air Fresheners Feminine Hygiene Products Hair Products Pots and Pans New Women’s Underwear sizes 5, 6, 7, 8 Tupperware New Women’s & Children’s Socks Plastic Pitchers Mops Shelf Milk Brooms Baby Formula Buckets Baby Monitors Floor Cleaner ***NO clothing or trial size toiletries Storage Containers - The following size ONLY please (approx. 1 1/2'W x 1 1/2'D x 2'L) Gift Cards: Grocery, Discount, Gas, Home Depot, Lowes Copy Paper/Office Supplies needed at this time*** Your donations and support of the agency are truly appreciated!!! Contact Us: History 24 Hour Hotline: 1-800-852-2102 24 Hour Local Hotline: 717-258-4249 Main Office: 717-258-4806 Camp Hill Office: 717-761-5599 Perry County Office: 717-582-8900 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 1039 Carlisle, PA 17013 Outside of Cumberland & Perry Counties National Domestic Violence Hotline : 1-800-799-7233 Mission DVSCP provides quality services and support to those who are experiencing domestic violence and fosters positive social systems change through education and advocacy. DVSCP is a private, non-profit organization incorporated in May of 1990 and has provided 24 hour a day unduplicated services to the communities of Cumberland and Perry Counties since July 1990. DVSCP offers emergency shelter, 24 hour hotline, legal and systems advocacy, children’s counseling, adult group and individual counseling, public education and prevention training, medical advocacy and a program for batterers. Domestic Violence Services Of Cumberland & Perry Counties Post Office Box 1039 Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: 717-258-4806 Hotline: 1-800-852-2102 Fax: 717-258-1677 Website: DVSCP Now Has A Community Aid Bin! Ride For Rock Angel September 20, 2014 Located at 2120 Market Street Camp Hill Canal Day and Little Buffalo Arts Festival October 4, 2014 (rear of parking lot) Candlelight Vigil Help us out… October 16, 2014 Toni Clouse Myers Sunflower Ball October 18, 2014 CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSETS And fill our bin! Holiday Happenings November 14, 2014 Annual Gala Community Aid will pick up weekly, calculate our donation amount and issue DVSCP a check quarterly. March 21, 2015 Please continue to check our website,, for more information about upcoming events. Disclaimer: The official registration and financial information of DVSCP may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free, within PA 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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