Carlisle U3A Matters


Carlisle U3A Matters
Carlisle U3A Matters
A Newsletter for Carlisle and
District U3A
Summer 2016 June, July, August
Oot­n­Aboot at an old stone clapper bridge on a walk around
Martindale, near Ullswater, in April. Leader Phil Little seems
to be spearing trout.
Photograph David Gibson
Carlisle and District U3A is a Registered Charity No. 1073444
A New Member's Pack may be obtained from the Membership
Printed by Opening Doors, Carlisle.
The Chairman writes
As I write, the preparations for the 21st Anniversary Celebration on
Thursday 21st July are in full swing. The deadline for booking a
table has past but don't worry you can still take part by offering
your help on the day.
Contact us either by email <>
or telephone
or via our Website
I can add to the excitement by telling you we have two V.I.Ps
visiting us; our National Chairman Pam Jones and our N.W.
Region Representative Jenny Carley. Plus we have sent an open
invitation to our U3A colleagues across Cumbria.
In the Crown & Mitre Hotel Ballroom – Set Up from 9.00am and
open to U3A and the Public from 10.30am, closing at 4pm.
Breakdown from closing time until 7.00pm.
There is another important date in the calendar, that of the A.G.M.
Thursday 15th September.
Your attendance is important to us on the Committee, not only for
having the required number of Members on the day, but also your
support. We have several Committee Members who have to
stand down this year having completed their 'term of office' so
there is an opportunity for you to step forward for nomination. If
you need more information contact myself or a Committee
David Stevens
Creative Gardening Visits
Monday 20 June
Coffee stop. On to Wallington for lunch. The estate is marking the
300th anniversary of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown with two new
Textile art by the North East Embroiders Guild, Landscapes of
Capability Brown, plus a display of Brown's original drawings
and the history of his connection to Wallington.
Depart Irvings, Jesmond Street, Carlisle at 9.00am. En route pick
up points as requested.
Booking by Monday 6 June, please.
Monday 18 July
Coffee stop before heading to Littlethorpe Manor Gardens, a
private garden near Ripon. The gardens surround the
18thC Manor House (not open) within the village of Littlethorpe, on
the banks of the Ripon canal. Set within four acres, with additional
parkland walks, this is truly a garden for all seasons with many
varying areas of interest to explore.
Depart Irvings, Jesmond Street, Carlisle at 9.00am. En route pick
up points as requested.
Booking by Monday 4 July, please.
For both the above contact
Rhona Marr
01768 891830
Another Creative Gardening Visit
Monday 15 August
Coffee stop. On to Traquair at Innerleithen. An enchanting house
steeped in Jacobite history. Opportunity to view The Queen's
Captain, a new exhibition exploring Traquair's association with
Mary Queen of Scots. The gardens have many tranquil areas
including a quiet place to picnic. There's also the 1745 cottage
tearoom and surrounding artists' workshops.
Depart Irvings, Desmond Street, Carlisle at 9.00am. En route pick
up points as requested.
Booking by Monday 1 August, please.
Contact Rhona on 01768 891830
Family History Group
The next meeting of the above group will take place on Tuesday
19th July at the Fire Station on Eastern Way starting at 1.30pm.
The subject for this meeting will be “Back to Basics”.
Maurice Dutton 01228 542338
Country Dance
The Country Dance group is holding a Day of Dance on Saturday
2nd July. The guest caller is Hilary Herbert. We would like to see
as many people as possible. More details from
Shirley Leighton 016973 44987
[note the v]
Interest Break St Andrews 5­11 August 2016
The University requires a list of any special dietary or access
needs ­ please advise.
Cheque to cover accommodation costs also required. Please
make payable to Carlisle U3A and send to Rhona Marr no later
than Friday 1 July.
Single £357.20
Double £511.20
Cost of coach and any extras will be invoiced on return.
01768 891830
Celebrating 21 years of Carlisle and District U3A
We need volunteers to Steward the City Bandstand and the
Ballroom of the Crown and Mitre. We see the Bandstand as an
attraction from where the public can be encouraged to enter the
hotel. We expect the exhibiting groups to have a presence for
most of the day and particularly at set­up and dismantling. But we
also need helpers for the odd hour during the day to encourage the
public, inside and out, to consider joining us or recommending us
to elderly friends and relatives. The bigger we become the more
options you will have available. We Need You. Please offer to
help via the contact points in The Chairman writes. Thank you.
The Editor
Diary Dates
Monthly Talk
Creative Gardening
Thursday 16th June
Tax Care & Toy Boys – Oliver
Hill from Collective Legal
Monday 20 June
Wallington Landscapes of
Capability Brown plus a display of
Brown's original drawings
Thursday 21st July
Carlisle & District U3A 21st
Anniversary Celebration
Thursday 18th August
Summer Recess – No
Thursday 15th September
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 20th October
Philip Caine – My Life Story
Thursday 17th November
Anthony Payne – Bhutan,
Land of the Thunder Dragon
Monthly Coffee Mornings
The Crown and Mitre,
Carlisle, at 10.30am. in the
bar on the right.
June 6th., July 4th.,
August 1st., September 5th.
Monday 18 July
Littlethorpe Manor Gardens,
Ripon ­ a garden for all seasons
on the banks of the Ripon canal.
Set within four acres, with
additional parkland walks.
Monday 15 August
Traquair at Innerleithen. The
gardens have many tranquil areas
including a quiet place to picnic.
There's also the 1745 cottage
tearoom and surrounding artists
Sunday Lunches
5th June
Craggs Cafe,
Bothel, Wigton. CA7 2JN
3rd July
Hayton Farm
Shop, Brampton, CA8 9JD
7th August Mae's Tea
Room/Restaurant, Uldale,
Executive Committee 2015 – 2016
Dave Stevens
Hilary Farrer
Janet Dutton
Beth Banks
Vice Chairman
01228 515865
01228 599742
01228 542338
01228 561189
Committee Members
Elspeth Cooke
Ena Hutchinson
Hilary Farrer
Bob Reed
Gillian Bamford
Irene Roberts­Green
Ken Parkes
Janet & Maurice
Community Champion
Coffee Mornings
I.T. Co­ordinator
I.T. Co­ordinator
Groups Co­ordinator
Marketing & Publicity
Editor Newsletter
Membership &
Gift Aid Secretaries
01228 319152
07732 970009
01228 599742
01228 561681
016977 41803
01228 541635
016973 42335
01228 542338
Items for Next Newsletter
The closing date will be Monday August 8th. Please forward any
items you would like to have included to Ken Parkes at,
or 016973 42335,
or Rose Cottage, Gamelsby, WIGTON, CA7 0NX
New Member Enquiries
Anyone requiring information about joining please contact the
Membership Secretaries, Janet or Maurice,
01228 542338,
to request a New Member's Pack delivered by post or email.
Memory Course
When the memory Course groups have had a get­together
afterwards several people have said they would like to have
another meeting. To make it worthwhile we are thinking about a
gathering for everyone who has done the course in the past.
Those interested please get in touch and I will arrange something.
Shirley Leighton 016973 44987
[note the v]
New Leader Required for Friday Computer Group
Hilary Farrer has decided to stand down from leading the Friday
Computer Group at Opening Doors. A new leader will be required
from September. If you are interested in taking on this role please
contact her:
Hilary Farrer01228 599742
Prospective New Walking Group
Robert Bell, the retired leader of On the Up writes:
“A friend of mine who is an experienced Walks Leader would like to
start a new group, meeting on Thursdays twice a month for easy to
moderate walks and would like to hear from anyone who is
“Please contact him, he will be able to answer any questions you
may have. Enjoy!”
Michael Randall
01228 540444
German ­ a new group
New member Heather Bartlett is both willing and excited by the
prospect of starting a group for those who wish to learn the
language. The group will start in September; in the meanwhile she
would like to hear from those interested, particularly details of their
experience and abilities and aspirations. She is temporarily without
a functioning land­line so please contact her at
Heather Bartlett 0751 4475 635
Sunday Lunches
All are welcome. Usually a two course meal is pre­ordered and we
meet at 12 noon for 12.30.
5th June
Craggs Cafe, Bothel, Wigton. CA7 2JN
3rd July
Hayton Farm Shop, Brampton, CA8 9JD
7th August Mae's Tea Room/Restaurant, Uldale, CA7 1HA
Please book by the preceding Wednesday by calling
Doreen Colley 01228 710912
New Memory Course
There will be another Memory Course in the Autumn if there is
enough interest. Please contact me
Shirley Leighton 016973 44987
[note the v]
Website change
Our webmaster ( or should that be webms? ) has made a slight
change to the site address. It is simpler to remember and input to
the address bar. Please change your browser, diary, contact­list,
memorycells, appropriately.
A group of ladies, about 30 in number, meet every week to enjoy
singing a wide selection of songs, some old, some new(ish), some
quiet, and some upbeat! They put a lot of hard work into practising
and perfecting these songs and regularly share their efforts in and
around Carlisle. Jean Postlethwaite who leads this group is often
asked to bring her ‘choir’ to entertain members at WI meetings,
Brampton Evergreens Club and local residential homes. They
have even sung in Sainsbury’s at Christmas, helping to raise funds
for Hospice at Home. Jean and the singers are certainly doing
their bit for the local community.
However, the group are interested in doing more, so if you belong
to a group or organisation which likes a bit of ‘amateur’
entertainment then let Jean know on 01228 560728; you can get
a taste of what they sound like at the Celebration Day on 21 July
at the Crown and Mitre.
Janet Dutton
Monthly Talk
As we complete our Programme of Monthly Talks for the Summer
now is the time to announce that having fulfilled bookings for 2016
I am retiring from the position of Monthly Talks Organiser. I have
been in the position for over 5 years and whilst it has been
enjoyable and educational (U3A fundamental) I believe someone
with a fresh mind and approach should take over the reins.
With pleasure I ask you to welcome Judy Cherrie to the position. I
introduced Judy to the assembled audience at the April Talk. So
for all future bookings in 2017 you should contact Judy. Her
details are on the Website 'Meetings & Social Activities'.
Finally I wish to say a very big thank you to all of you for
supporting the Talks over the past years and an even bigger thank
you to my colleagues on the P.A., Tea & Coffee, Registration Desk.
Plus that little band of 'Groupies', you know who you are, who
continually fed me with tit bits and information about possible
The final Talks for the Winter will be:
Thursday 20th October
Philip Caine – My Life Story. Philip is an independent author from
Barrow and has been presenting in libraries in Cumbria &
Lancashire and on BBC Radio Cumbria about his career and new
Thursday 17th November
Anthony Payne – Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon – Anthony,
who presented to us last year in November on 'A Day in the
Month', was well received and Members requested his early
David Stevens
It looks like a lunch break, but
Andrew Ralley's photograph
shews Mostly on the Level Too
POW committee planning an
escape from Featherstone
Singing for Pleasure Group ­ hear them in the
Crown and Mitre Hotel on our Celebration Day