M IC HIG AN 4 1st AN N UAL 2 0 1 5
M IC HIG AN 4 1st AN N UAL 2 0 1 5
M IC HIG AN 4 1stAN N UAL Celebrating 41 Years! BROWN B ROWN TROUT TROUT FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL 2 0 1 5 GGOOD OOD LUCK LUCK AANGLERS! NGLERS! from your Northern Michigan Area 2 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT Credit Unions “New Members Always Welcome” 989-354-2850 • Mortgages • Checking • Savings • Credit Cards • Auto Loans • Online Banking WHERE MEMBERS ARE LIKE FAMILY! 1234 W. Chisholm St. BRANCH OFFICE: 150 S. Ripley (989) 354-4698 www.hpccu.com New M em bers W elcom e! 800-4 4 3 -3 5 77 w w w.a a a cu .co m nching Shared Bra le to Availab embers All Our M Alp en a • 989-3 5 6 -3 5 77 Atla n ta • 989-785 -3 800 Lin co ln • 989-73 6 -8912 O sco d a • 989-73 9-9103 O ssin eke • 989-4 71-23 22 Ta w a sC ity • 989-3 6 2-7980 New Members Welcome! 989-356-1880 Toll Free 1-800-655-6508 Fax 989-354-7826 Web Site: www.bessercu.com 1381 N. Bagley St., Alpena • 7421 U.S. 23 North, Alpena Saluting and Honoring Saluting and honoring is what you will see at our 41st Michigan Brown Trout Festival this year. We will be honoring our Veterans as well as those currently serving in the armed forces. That will also be a night to show appreciation to the others in uniform, such as our firefighters, police officers, EMT, and all those that so proudly serve our community. Our salute will be held in the United Water Big Tent, Tuesday, July 21st . Come enjoy the Governor’s Own 126th Army Band from Grand Rapids, which will be providing us with a very special salute to those we so much appreciate. So, proudly wear your uniforms, bring your cameras, and join us. All are welcome, and admission is free. A drawing will be held for a $100 Meijer shopping spree for anyone attending in uniform. We have added some new family events in the United Water Big Tent and a Bass Fishing Tournament Then on Wednesday, July 22nd we are hosting “Alpena Night”. It will be another family evening of fun. Come view the documentary B i g B r o w n i e : T h e O ’ f i s h ’ a l S t o r y w h i c h f o l l o w s t h e f o r t y y e a r run of the Michigan Brown Trout Festival. Afterwards join us for a meet and greet the authors. We will have plenty of “Alpena Surprises”, and a $100 Meijer shopping spree will given to one lucky attendee. Admission is free, so come celebrate “Pure Alpena”. There is much more to see and participate in this year for all ages. Don’t forget the PNC Bank Family Day on Sunday and participate in the 2nd Annual Kiddie Classic Fishing tournament. From the fishing tournaments to activities and live music, we hope you and your families will enjoy. We have plenty of the old events you love, and new events to enjoy, so stay in touch with us on our website at www.alpenami-browntrout and facebook to stay updated on activities. A huge thanks goes out once again to our service clubs, sponsors, and volunteers to whom this festival would not be possible. P e g g y D o n a k ow s ki President, MBTF Years! Volunteer Organizations Alpena County Horseman’s Club Exchange Club Kiwanis Club of Alpena Moose Lodge Optimists Club Shriners Club Thunder Bay Walleye Club VFW Post #2496 Zonta Club of Alpena/Tri-County Brown Trout Members at Large 41 • • • • • • • • • • • g n i t Celebra 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 3 Big Brownie: The O'fish'al Story Big Brownie: The O'fish'al decided to find out why a fisherStory follows the forty year run of man would even try. The story the Michigan Brown Trout Festi- took a left turn as soon as they val, the country's longest running started interviewing people, and blue water festival. The docu- realized that there were major mentary explores the obstacles threats to the livelihood of the the festival, the fishermen, and festival. Yet despite the challenges, the filmmakthe community overers were reassured come to keep a festicontinually by val running, whose dozens of fishermen namesake is on the and women, commubrink of extinction in The O'fish'al nity members, the Thunder Bay. and reShot over the course Story follows the DNR, searchers, that they of six weeks during the Summer of 2014, forty year run of would pull through, and the festival Big Brownie is the the would go on. work of Elizabeth As they learned Kaiser, an Alpena na- Michigan Brown more, Elizabeth and tive, and her husband Trout Festival, Kyle realized that the Kyle MadduxMichigan Brown Lawrence, an adopted A-towner, collectively known as Trout Festival, in its fortieth year, was really a microcosm of what MADLAWMEDIA. Elizabeth and Kyle came up was happening in the city of with the idea for Big Brownie: Alpena, as well as the state of The O'fish'al Story in December Michigan. The perseverance and 2013. After an animated discus- die-hard spirit shined like nothing sion over whether or not an an- they had even seen. It inspired gler could realistically re-catch a them to make this story for the tagged fish in Lake Huron, they rest of the world to see as well. Big Brownie: M IC H IG A N B R O W N T R O Their goofy little idea of following Big Brownie, one fish in 23,000 square miles of water, became a story of so much more. A note from the filmmakers: The world premier of Big Brownie: The O'fish'al Story is U T happening on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 in the Big Tent and we really want you to be there to experience it with us! Please make your way to the harbor to see Alpena on the big screen. We'll see you there! F E S T IV A L PNC P NC & M Michigan i c h i g a n Brown B ro w n Trout Tro u t Committee Co m m i t te e FAMILY AMILY DAY AY /K /KIDDIE IDDIE CLASSIC LASSIC S u n d a y,Ju ly 19 •N o o n to 4 :00 p .m . PN C Ba n k p resen tstheir An n u a l PN C Ba n k K id d ie C la ssic d u rin g Fa m ily Da y. Free fishin g fo r kid sb etw een the a g eso f1 -14 . Reg istra tio n 7:00 a .m . Aw a rd spresen ted a t 4:00 p.m .in the Big Ten t.Pick u p ru lesa n d pre-registera t PNC Ba n k o rthe Big Ten t Sign Up a t the Big Ten t a t 7:00 a .m .Visit the BT w eb site fo rd eta ils a t w w w .a lpen a m i-bro w n tro u t.co m Tw o d ivisio n ssepa ra ted by a ge.No fishin g fro m bo a ts4pm o n lyNo a loon ngthe riverfro m 9th Street Da m to the m o u th o f the Thu n d erBa y Rivera n d the bo a t ha rbo r. Five Divisio n s: Tro u t/S a lm o n ,W a lleye,Ba ss,Pa n Fish,O ther Sunday, July 20 in the Big Tent Sto p by a n d pre-registera t PNC Ba n k a t 122 N.Seco n d Ave.in Alpen a o rca ll989-354-0200 w ith q u estio n s. Child m u st b a cco m pa n ied by a d u lt. Life Ja cketshighly reco m m en d ed . 4 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT VIS IT US DO W N AT THE BIG TEN T! • Free School Supplies for kids 3 - 12 • Story telling by Colleen Munroe • Games with AAA of MI • Crafts • Painting with Cobbygoose • View and Tour Emergency Services Vehicles • and Much More! S a t urda y , July 1 8t h MAGIC BUS 8-MIDNIGHT FEATURING ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC OF WOODSTOCK ERA $7 ADMISION PER PERSON MUST BE AT LEAST 21 F R IDA Y JULY 24T H 107.7 THE BAY BASH The Rock Show T R I B U T E WITH TOMMY K 8-MIDNIGHT A SALUTE TO 70’S AND 80’S ROCK $7 ADMISSION PER PERSON MUST BE AT LEAST 21 ON BOT H NIGH T S ... REGISTER TO WIN A SUP ATX PADDLE BOARD FROM THE BOATHOUSE MARINE AND STORAGE IN ALPENA W IN PR IZES F ROM H URON DIS T R IBUT OR S ! 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 5 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT SPONSORS ALPENA PLATINUM ANGLERS: BUICK - GMC Serving the Sunrise Side SILVER ANGLER: Plan Ahead For Next Year’s Pepsi Meijer BRONZE ANGLERS: Woods N’ Water Northern Michigan Steel Servicemaster COPPER ANGLERS: Griffen Beverage JJ’s Steakhouse and Pizza Family Enterprises FRIENDS OF FESTIVAL: Thunder Bay Arts Council 42nd Annual Brown Trout Festival July 15 - 24, 2016 Produced by: Michigan Brown Trout Festival Committee Festival Information: Tournament Director: 989-590-2479 Festival President: 989-590-2480 www.alpenami-browntrout.com Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce 235 W. Chisholm St. Alpena, MI 49707 www.alpenachamber.com In addition, too numerous to list are all the Friends of the festival that donate time, money, & talent. We would also like to thank all the businesses that advertised in our 41st Edition book this year. www.alpenami-browntrout.com 6 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT Win Win 2000 2 000 $ bbyy C Catching atching a Tagged Tagged Fish! Fish! Be one of the lucky anglers to catch one of our tagged fish. If more than one lucky fisherman catches a tagged fish, the prize money will be divided evenly. See our website: wwwbrowntrout.com 4 41st 1st A Annual nnual M Michigan ichigan B Brown rown T Trout rout F Festival estival R Raffle affle GRAND PRIZE 2 2015 015 H Honda onda P Pioneer ioneer 5 500 00 4x4 4x4 2 2nd nd P Place lace .... .. $ $1,000.00 1,000.00 3 3rd rd P Place lace .... .. $ $500.00 500.00 S Sunday, u n d ay, July Ju ly 26, 2 6 , 2015 2015 U United nited W Water ater B Big ig T Tent ent • 6 6:00 :00 p p.m. .m. Tickets $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 Available from any Brown Trout Volunteer Group or call (989) 590-2480. 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 7 Michigan Brown Trout Festival – 2015 Regular Tournament Rules 1. Fishing Tournament will start at 6:00a.m. Saturday, July 18, 2015 and ends at 2:00p.m. on Sunday, July 26, 2015. Weigh station and scales open at 9:00a.m., and close at 10:00p.m. each day. Persons with fish to weigh on any given day must be in line for the weigh station no later than 10:00p.m. each day. (Except Sunday, July 26th) Registration trailer will open on Friday, July 17th at noon. 2. Each person seventeen (17) years of age and older on board must be registered. (Those under 17 may register for “Kid’s Fishing Tournament” – see separate rules) To be eligible for any tournament prize, persons must be registered, no matter the age. All registrants shall carry their registration card at all times. Cards are non-transferable. All boats are subject to “card check”. Entry fee is $40.00 per person or $185.00 per boat. Each entrant will receive a hat. Each boat entrant will get 4 hats. EXCEPTION: one-day pass available, one time only $15.00 – no hat given. (Only issued at registration trailer.) If you want to fish additional days, you must pay a full registration fee. 3. Each entrant upon registering to compete in the Festival agrees to hold the sponsors; their agents; volunteers; or employees harmless from any liability of any nature and kind, for any injuries and/or damage suffered by the entrants during the period that the Festival is being held. 4. Regarding the fish and transportation of the fish: a. All Trout, Salmon, and Walleye must be caught in Lake Huron. Rivers or streams are NOT considered legal fishing waters, except the Thunder Bay River from 2nd Ave. Bridge to Lake Huron. Boundaries- All MBTF Tournaments (except Kiddie Classic) will have the same exact boundaries to fish within. No excepWeighmaster tions. North Boundary Roger Barc, left, ‘Adams Point’ N 45° and assistant 24.940 South BoundKyle Urban hold ary ‘Sturgeon Point’ N up two big lake 45°42.730 East B o u n d a r y trout brought in during 2014’s ‘USA/Canada InternaBrown Trout tional Boundary Line NOTE: NO FISHNG Festival. Cont. on Page 15 N E EIM IM A N ’S F FA AM I ILY LY M A R K E ET T S M AL LL L T TEN EN T F FR RI ID DA AYY , J JU UL LYY 1 17 7 •6 P P. .M . B BEACH EACH P PARTY! ARTY! Featuring Music by M 65 Express With the sounds of the Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, Jimmy Buffett, CCR, Beatles, Animals, Elvis, Kid Rock, Steppenwolf and More! Free Ad m issio n . S p o n so red b y N eim a n ’sFa m ily M a rket,Hu ro n Distrib u to rsa n d the Bro w n Tro u tC o m m ittee. 8 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT 41 Years! M g n i t a Celebr Name: Brown Trout Card: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Cell: Emergency: I C H I G A N BROWN B ROWN TROUT TROUT E N T R Y F O R M Early Bird Entries: Register pprr i o r t o F r i d a y , July 6th, 2015 to bbee c o m e e l i g i b l e for $100.00 in cash drawing to be held July 26, 66 p . m . i n t h e U n i t e d Wa t e r B i g Te n t . Regular Tournament Boat ($185) ..................... ________ Individual ($40) ............ ________ Pepsi/Lafarge Super Tournament $200 per boat.................................................... ________ Jack Daniels Ladies Classic $100 per boat.....................................................________ DPI Walleye Extravaganza $250 per boat.................................................... ________ Thunder Bay Bass Classic $100 per boat ................................................... ________ Social Security: (BT) Official’s Initials Boat Type: Cash - Charge - Check # __________ Boat Length: This form may be duplicated, found on website: www.alpenami-browntrout.com or e-mail: alpenabrowntrout@gmail.com for additional forms. Mail entry to: Michigan Brown Trout Festival P.O. Box 1007 Alpena, MI 49707-1007 Boat Registration: Capt/Boat Name: Sponsor: Signature: Valid Photo ID Required On Grounds. NO EXCEPTIONS. Total Paid .............. ________ See website for additional information: www.alpenami-browntrout.com email: alpenabrowntrout@gmail.com 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 9 N NEIMAN’S EIMAN’S S SMALL MALL T TENT ENT E EVENTS VENTS Valid photo ID required - NO EXCEPTIONS! FRIDAY July Neiman’s Family Market and Huron Distributor’s 17 Beach Night! 6:00 to 10:00 pm WINE at th OR y HARB an’s Famil e In the Neim Tent Area all Market Sm 18 | Noon to ly Ju Saturday, 7 p.m. na d by Alpe Sponsore rown B , Michigan Beverage , e mitte Trout Com Family ’s n Neima Market SUNDAY MONDAY Route Norm July July 19 20 Siess 66 6:00 to 10:00 pm 6:00 to 10:00 pm TUESDAY WEDNESDAY July July 21 22 Crowd Zer0 3’z A Sub 6:00 to 10:00 pm THURSDAY Phoenix July 23 6:00 to 10:00 pm FRIDAY 6:00 to 10:00 pm SATURDAY SUNDAY Down 26 Over the BirchRoad Home Hill Band Band Band 10 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT July 24 5:00 to 9:00 pm July July 25 6:00 to 10:00 pm 6:00 to 10:00 pm Valid photo ID required - NO EXCEPTIONS! U UNITED NITED W WATER ATER B BIG IG T TENT ENT E EVENTS VENTS FRIDAY SATURDAY July MONDAY July 17 Good Morning Alpena Breakfast 7 to 9 a.m $9.00 per person • Texas Hold ‘Em and Mini Tournaments Registration 2 to 4 p.m. Tournament starts at 5 p.m. $50.00 Buy-In. • VFW Post #2496 Fish Fry 4 to 7 p.m. $10.00 at the door • Alpena Senior Center Euchre Tournament Registration 5 to 6 p.m. Play begins 6 p.m. Sharp! $20 Admission SUNDAY 18 Magic Bus Band with 99 the Wave 7p.m. to 12:00 Midnight • Wine at the Harbor 12:00 Noon to 7 p.m. Sponsored by Alpena Beverage, Michigan Brown Trout Committee, and Neiman’s Family Market July 19 PNC Bank Family Fun Day Noon to 4 p.m. • PNC Bank Kiddie Classic Fishing Tournament Registration 7:00 a.m. Weigh-In 12 noon to 2 p.m. TUESDAY July 23 Teen Night with Darrel Kelly 8 to 11 p.m. $5.00 per person No backpacks allowed Sponsored by Pepsi & The Michigan Brown Trout Committee Our salute to our veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces. Come and enjoy the Governor’s Own 126th Army Band. All are welcome and admission is free. A drawing will be held for a $100 Meijer shopping spree for anyone attending in uniform. SATURDAY July 22 Honor Alpena Night Big Brownie Documentary 7 p.m. to 12 Midnight All are welcome and admission is free. A drawing will be held for a $100 Meijer shopping spree. Sponsored by The Michigan Brown Trout Committee SUNDAY July July 24 Annual 108 Bay Bash with Tommy K 7 p.m. to 12 Midnight Teen Night with Darrel Kelly 8 to 11 p.m. $5.00 per person No backpacks allowed Sponsored by Pepsi & The Michigan Brown Trout Committee July 21 Salute to Armed Forces 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY 20 WEDNESDAY Sponsored by The Michigan Brown Trout Committee THURSDAY July 25 TBD July 26 Tony Burgers Noon • Judy & Her Suchey Brothers 1:30 p.m. • Fishing Awards & Raffle 6 to 8 p.m. 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 11 E I G H T H A N N U A L ! a z n a g a rOaUvR N A M E N T ExtTTOURNAMENT D DPI PI W WALLEYE ALLEYE S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y Ju ly 18 -19,2015 G u a ra n teed $8,000 FirstPla ce En tr y Fee:$25 0 p er b o a t,reg istered p rio r to Ju ly 6 ,2015 . An a d d itio n a l la te fee o f$5 0 a fter Ju ly 6 ,2015 w ill b e cha rg ed . 95 % p a yo u to fto ta l reg istra tio n fees. 12 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT ! a z n a g a vO U R N A M E N T ExtraTTOURNAMENT 8 8TH TH A ANNUAL NNUAL D DPI PI W WALLEYE ALLEYE STATE ST. LUBE 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE 105 Mason St. Alpena (989) 356-2722 The Fisherman’s Boat www.warriorboatsinc.com H HIGHLAND IGHLAND L LUMBER UMBER 693 E. KITTLE ROAD • MIO • 989-848-8000 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 13 O E SHOR F F TACKLE www.offshoretackle.com P.O. Box 88 • Port Austin, MI • (989) 738-5600 R&S CHARTERS 4498 N US Highway 23 Oscoda, Michigan (734) 365-3424 http://rscharters.com D RUM M O N D M ARIN E H o lla n d ,M ich iga n w w w.Dru m m o n d M a rin e.co m LOUNGE 823 W. Chisholm St. • Alpena 989-356-4374 Hunan H unan JJimmy i m m y Chen Ch en’s M & P Sporting Products L.L.C. Traverse City, MI | 231.421.3372 CHINESE RESTAURANT 1283 M -3 2 W est•Acrossfrom W a lm a rt• (989) 3 5 6 -6 4 6 1 •w w w.a lp en a hu n a n .co m S u n d a y -Thu rsd a y 11 a m -9:3 0 p m •Frid a y & S a tu rd a y 11 a m -10:3 0 p m CHRYSLER CHRYSLER • JEEP JEEP • DODGE DODGE • RAM RAM 14077 Beckett Rd Johannesburg (734) 365-3424 14 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT C a p ta in Rick K o n ecke 989-356-3220 •Cell989-255-4524 916 Fo rd Ave.•Alpen a Rick@ w ipeo u tcha rters.co m 832 W .Chisho lm •Alpen a 989-354-4154 •1-800-489-2550 SERVICE AND PARTS HOURS: Mon. - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.• Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 2015 Regular Tournament Rules continued 5. Each contestant is entitled to Continued from Page 8 IS ALLOWED IN THE LAKE only one final prize in each diviTROUT REFUGE – MAPS AVAIL- sion. 6. Winners will be determined ABLE AT THE REGISTRATION by the weight of the fish. All fish TRAILER. b. All fish must be transported entered must be whole, and conto the official weigh-in station at tain no foreign matter; no gaffed the Alpena City Boat Harbor. or snagged fish will be eligible for Fishermen will have the option of any prizes. Fish must be opened for inspection checking fish at after weighing if the Rockport it qualifies for a Harbor. There Largest of the: Tournament: prize. First place will be an offiLake Trout-sponsored by fish in each divicial Brown Alpena Electric Motor sion must be left Trout represenon display until tative at Rock- 5 Place - Rick Koneke 9:00pm on day port Harbor 4 Place - Larry Hasse of catch to qualfrom 11am-1pm 3 Place - Linda Soltysiak ify for prize. daily from Sat- 2 Place - Ken Dragiewicz Failure to have urday through 1st Place - Kris Werda fish inspected or the second SunSteelhead - sponsored by displayed may day and 79:00pm from Michigan Brown Trout Festival cause disqualifiCommittee cation. Any talS a t u r d a y 5th PlaceBobby Kowalski lied displayed through Saturfish remaining day. Cooler 4th Place - David Rensberry after 10:00pm must be pre- 3th Place Bob Kowalski will be disposed sented at Offi- 2th Place-Ben Straley of by Brown cial Weigh 1th Place - Art Lewandowski Trout Officials. Station within Salmon - sponsored by 7. Guaranteed one hour of time listed on Michigan Brown Trout Festival prizes awarded Committee for Brown Trout, check in slip Salmon, Lake given at Rock- 5th Place-Vince Fusina 4th Place - Bill Kowalski Trout, Steelhead port. & Walleye Divic. At Rock- 3th Place - Luke Sitton sions for each port Harbor, 2th Place - Wayne Suszek species: each angler pre- 1th Place-Tim Wioczerkowski i. 1st Prize senting fish to Walleye - sponsored by $1,200.00/Troweigh will have their registration Michigan Brown Trout Festival phy Committee. ii. 2nd Prize card available $800.00 for proof of par- 5th Place - Ben Martlock iii. 3rd Prize ticipation in 4th Place - Shawn Szatkowski $500.00 t o u r n a m e n t . 3th Place-Brent Holcomb iv. 4th Prize The Brown 2th Place - Kyle Everitt $400.00 Trout represen- 1st Place - Adam Birk 8. The decision tative will verify Brown Trout - sponsored by of the Tournathe number of fish to be Michigan Brown Trout Festival ment Officials Committee will be final in weighed, will the event of a seal each cooler 5th Place - None dispute or unand give fisher- 4th Place - Don Harrison sportsman-like men a tag for 3rd Place - Kyle Wirgau conduct. In case transport to 2nd Place - Victor Ross of ties, the first Alpena City 1st Place - Marty Atkinson fish weighed-in Boat Harbor. The cooler MUST be sealed when will be declared the winner. 9. Each contestant agrees to presented at the Weigh Station in abide by the official rules and Alpena. d. Transfer of any items from State fishing regulations upon boat to boat or physical contact signing entry form; officials may with another boat will disqualify request entrants to show proof of both boats for that day. In case of valid Michigan fishing license; an extreme emergency situation, any failure to observe any rule Tournament Control must be no- will result in disqualification. tified as to determine if disqualifi- (Any and all disqualification decisions will be made on a case-bycation is required. 2014 WINNERS case basis by Tournament Officials.) 10. All fish must be weighed-in and entered in the contest at the official weigh-in station at the Alpena Boat Harbor. All qualifying fish will be fin clipped. NO EXCEPTIONS! Each fish weighed will be assigned on registration number. 11. All protests must be submitted on an Official Protest Form. Forms are available at the Weigh-in Station/Tournament Trailer. A cash deposit of $50.00 must accompany each protest. Protests will be accepted no later than noon the following day of each tournament day. If the protest is upheld, the deposit will be refunded. If not upheld, the deposit will become property of the Michigan Brown Trout Festival. All protests will be handled by a “protest committee” of at least three officials. 12. At the discretion of the tournament director, observers maybe placed on board any boat at any time during the 9 days of fishing. Tournament control monitors Channel 68. 13. Additional prize opportunities: The Largest Daily regulation fish weighed in each of the five specified divisions will receive $50 cash. Mystery Fish – cash prize per day will be awarded to the angler who weighs in the correct species, closest to the pre-determined weight, without going ver. In case of ties, earliest fish weighed in will be the winner. No rollovers – species and weight for each day pre-determined by Tournament Director. Merchandise Prize – each Trout, Salmon, or Walleye weighed in daily will be eligible for a prize. Drawing will be held after scales close each day. 2015 Rules Changes New this year will be the 1stAnnual Thunder Bay Classic Bass Tournament. A one day Bass Tournament for 2 man teams to fish Lake Huron. Guaranteed first place $2,500.00. Walleye Tournament Rule Changes: Boats will fish from 5:30am2:30pm both days. Boundaries do apply for this tournament. Guaranteed first place $8,000.00 Super Tournament Rule Changes: Tournament is now called the Lafarge Super Tournament. Walleye are now allowed in the Super Tournament catch. Payout is: 1st - $4,000.00 2nd - $2,000.00 3rd – $1,000.00 Boundaries do apply for this tournament. Entry fee is now $200.00 Ladies Classic Tournament Rule Changes: Ladies Tournament boats will be from 6:00am – 4:00pm Walleye are now allowed in catch. 2 person limit per boat will be allowed at weigh-in. Boundaries do apply for this tournament. The Ladies Classic Tournament participants will now have the option to register separately in the Regular Tournament to be eligible for Regular Tournament prizes. (By registering just in the Ladies Classic does not make the ladies eligible for Regular Tournament prizes anymore) 5% of registrations will go towards Big Fish Pot. The start and finish line for all tournaments will now be a line extended from the first red channel buoy (out of river mouth) across the river channel to the south as needed. All boats must be off plane after crossing the finish line to avoid no-wake violations. BOUNDARIES – All Michigan Brown Trout Festival Tournaments will be governed by the same exact boundaries. No fishing in the Six Fathom Bank Lake Trout Refuge or any Canadian waters will be allowed. MAPS AVAILABLE AT THE REGISTRATION TRAILER. Coordinates being: North Boundary ‘Adams Point’ – 45.25.940N South Boundary ‘Sturgeon Point’ – 44.42.730N East Boundary – USA/Canada Border Line Up Thunder Bay River to 2nd Ave. Bridge 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 15 Team Captain Jamie Smigelski, left, and teammates Sarah Dupuis, center, and Kate Dupuis, right, pose in victory. 24th Annual Jack Daniels Ladies Classic Prizes are awarded for the total weighed and will allow 10 total in weight of the 10 heaviest fish (a 2 any combination; no more than 6 person m-DNR limit) No more of any one species of Lake Trout, than ten fish will be allowed in Brown Trout, Steelhead or Atcooler at the time of cooler being lantic Salmon except up to 10 sealed and placed in line for Coho, Chinook, Pink Salmon or weigh in. More than ten fish in Walleye will be allowed for a “2 person limit”. cooler will disTime: Shotgun qualify team. start at 6:00am – Three addi23 Annual Herb Lange/Jack Must be over fintional people Daniels Ladies Classic: ish line by are allowed on Trophies apunsored by 4:00pm – Weigh board only to DTE Gas & Display Case in to follow. set lines and 5 Place-Jane Aubrey Captain’s Meetnavigate, and ing: Wednesday, assist in clear- 4 Place - Julie Hasse July 22, 2015 – ing lines. These 3 Place-AshleyWerda 5:30pm meeting people do not 2 Place - Misty Dragiewicz to be held on need to be reg- 1 Place - Jamie Smigelski MBTF grounds istered in the (See registration regular tournament to participate in this one-day trailer for details – location to be tournament. No more than three determined) Registration: $100.00 per boat lines per woman (9 rod maximum per boat) designated women must for Ladies tournament prizes only. (This registers all three women) catch and net all fish. All women on board must have All boats must be registered by a valid Michigan fishing license 4:30pm – July 22, 2015 – NO EXand must be registered on entry CEPTIONS! form. *In order for any fish to *Ladies Tournament entrants qualify for regular brown trout have the option of registering in tournament prizes, all three fish- the regular tournament and payerwomen on a team must be reg- ing an additional fee to be eligible istered in the Regular Brown for regular tournament prizes. PRIZES FOR LADIES TOURTrout Tournament. In case of bad weather, including small craft NAMENT: warning issued by the US Coast 1st - $1,200.00 Guard, Officials will call off or 2nd - $600.00 postpone event. (Decisions will 3rd - $450.00 be made with the safety of boaters 4th - $400.00 taking precedence) If cancelled, 5th - $300.00 (5% of registrations will be used entry fees will be refunded. 10 heaviest fish will be for Big Fish Pot) 2014 WINNERS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY DEDICATION GROWTH EDUCATION FAMILIES VISION BUILDING NEIGHBORS 16 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT 38th Annual Lafarge Super Tournament Rules 1. $200.00 per boat entry fee. All boats must be registered by 4:30pm, Friday, July 24th. Registrations will not be accepted at rules meeting. All general rules of the festival will apply. 2. The number of persons on board will be a maximum of four with no more than three lines per person. The catch will be the state legal limit each day. All fish will qualify for the regular tournament. All members of the crew must be registered in the regular tournament. 3. All boats must be at city boat harbor no later than 5:45 am for inspection. Any refunds must be authorized by tournament director. 4. All boats not starting must notify the tournament director by 5:45am for a ruling or automatically be disqualified. 5. Shotgun start. All boats will leave in front of the harbor at 6:00am each day. All boats must be inside a line determined by the tournament officials. (First red channel buoy out of the mouth of river) Before 2:00pm each day to qualify for scoring. 6. Each boat must display the official super tournament flag from the highest possible point during the tournament. 7. Transfer of any items from boat to boat or any physical contact with another boat will disqualify both boats for entire tournament. In case of an extreme emergency situation, tournament 2014 Super Tournament Winners are: Eric Kruczynski, Ben Skiba and control must be notified to deterKris Werda. mine if disqualification is reweigh station at the harbor. No combination; no more than 6 of quired. 8. All salmon, Trout, and Wall- fish transported by vehicle will be any one species of Lake Trout, eye must be caught in Lake accepted. Weigh-in is after Brown Trout, Steelhead, or AtHuron within tournament bound- 2:00pm both days. A crew mem- lantic Salmon. Except up to 10 aries. No rivers or streams are ber must be present to sign the Coho, Chinook, Pink Salmon or considered legal fishing waters validation sheet and present the Walleye will be allowed for a “2 except in the Thunder Bay River Lafarge Super Tournament Regis- person limit.” 10. No more than ten fish will from 2nd Avenue Bridge to the tration Card. 9. Ten heaviest fish will be be allowed in cooler at the time lake. All fish must be transported by waterborne boat to official weighed each day. 10 total in any Continued on Page 21 T hhuu n d eerr B ay ay E llectric ectric IInn cc.. C o m m eercial rcia l •• R RR eesid sid eenn ttial ia l •• In IIn d u strial stria l B o n d ed ed & In In su su red red 1693 1 6 9 3 M-32 M - 3 2 West W e s t • Alpena Alpena 989-354-2840 989-354-2840 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 17 THUNDER BAY BASS CLASSIC TOURNAMENT RULES RULES: Interpretation of these rules shall be left exclusively to the tournament rules committee. All decisions of the tournament committee shall be final. LEGAL FISH: Largemouth and Smallmouth, minimum length 14 inches or more on the longest straight line with mouth closed. NOTICE: Fish deemed to be short will be grounds for disqualification under state game law rule. SCORING: Tournament standings, auxiliary awards and final winners shall be determined by the pound and ounce weight of each team’s catch during the tournament. The limit shall be 5 (five) of the above species per team. Tournament committee will conduct checks for violation, and in the event of a competitor has more than the decided limits in possession, the competitors will be disqualified. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT Artificial lures will only be used; no trolling will be allowed, however, you may use an electric trolling motor to control the boat. Only one casting, spin-casting or spinning rod and reel may be used at any one time. The definition of a casting, spin-casting or spinning rod shall be made by the tournament committee. No rods over 8’ (eight feet) will be allowed. All other types are prohibited. OFFICIAL CHECK-IN: Official check-in will start 1 1/2 hours before tournament starts and will end 1/2 hour before tournament. Contestants must leave and return to official check point by boat. Both competitors must remain in the boat at all times, in sight of each other and each others catch, in order for their catch of the day to be scored in the tournament. Fishing on tournament waters is permitted anywhere except; within 50 (fifty) yards of another competitor’s boat which was first anchored and has trolling motor out of water (boat cannot block passageways). SAFETY: Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times by all tournament competitors. Each competitor is required to wear a Coast Guard approved chest type life preserver. This preserver must be worn anytime the combustion engine is operating. The preserver must be strapped, snapped or zippered securely and maintained in this condition until the competitor reaches his fishing location and the combustion engine is shut off. Violation will result in disqualification. Fishing boats may be used that are 12 (twelve) feet or more in length. A motor, gas or electric, may be used for slow maneuvering. No pontoons or similar cumbersome craft will be permitted. Every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment and must have a live-well space to adequately maintain a live limit catch of bass by both contestants using the boat. No canoes will be allowed. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: Maximum horsepower for all outboard motorboats used in the tournament not to exceed the horsepower limitations set by the Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. The horse- power of the outboard engine may not exceed the rating specified on this rating plate. Any boat manufactured prior to November 1, 1972 must adhere to the ratings set by the U.S. Coast Guard for similar boats. Each competitor agrees to submit, by his signature on this document, the boat and outboard motor used in the tournament to an inspection by the tournament committee personnel, if there is any reason to suspect the horsepower is in excess of the rating. Normal maintenance to increase the performance of your motor to increase horsepower over the factory horsepower rating is forbidden and will result in disqualification. Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower rating numbers on the motor, also, will be cause for immediate disqualification. BOAT IDENTIFICATION: Each boat must be given prior to start, an inspection check by a tournament committee official, also an identification number must Continued on Page 19 401 N. Ninth Avenue Alpena, MI 49707 (989) 358-4900 • (866)358-4900 Fax (989) 358-4990 www.alpenapower.com 2015 Ha m ilto n Ro a d ,Alpen a ,M ichiga n 49707 (989) 3 4 0-1120 Low rates and exceptional reliability for northeast michigan! #1 # 1 POOL P O O L & SPA S PA DEALER! DEALER! Check Out The Rest! Buy from the BEST! “Y o u r Fu ll S ervice M a rin e Dea ler” 18 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT P o o l s & SSpas pa s AAL’ L ’ S Pools 2 220 20 S Sable able S St. t. • D Downtown owntown A Alpena lpena 9 989-356-2642 89-356-2642 • w www.alspools.com ww.alspools.com NEW MODEL 2015 Thunder Bay Bass Classic Rules Continued from Page 18 remain with your boat until turned in at weigh-in. This ID number must be displayed upon the request of a tournament committee official. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the boats or weigh-in area. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification. OFFICIAL CHECK POINT: There will be only one official point for check-out in the morning and check-in in the afternoon. PAIRING OF CONTESTANTS: Two contestants per team. Must be 16 years of age. It shall be the responsibility of each partner to appear at a mutually agreed location. DON’T KILL YOUR CATCH: Each competitor is expected to keep his bass alive by use of a proper live-well which will be inspected before the tournament begins. NO STRINGERS ALLOWED. LANDING FISH: Fish may be landed by the following methods: NET, YOUR HAND or FLIPPING. All other methods are prohibited. Commercial & Residential 24/7 Emergency Services • Demolition • Driveways • Gravel • Land Development • Ponds • Road Building • Sand • Septic Fields • Sidewalks • Tree Removal • Top Soil • Underground Utilities DEAD FISH PENALTY: 8 ounces per fish. TIES. Any ties will be broken by weight of largest fish. If a tie still exists, tournament committee and the two competitors will decide by mutual agreement i.e. Fish off, coin toss, etc.) TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: Tournament committee official may approach or board any competitor’s boat at any time during the tournament. STARTING TIME: Will be determined by the tournament committee. CHECK-IN: You and your partner must check-in and sign-in, even if you have caught no fish. Check-in time shall be determined by the tournament committee. Violation will result in disqualification. FISHING LICENSE: Each competitor is required to possess a valid fishing license. VIOLATIONS: Any violation of State Game laws during the tournament which do not have predetermined penalties will result in disqualification. Disqualification for any reason will result in the forfeiture of that team’s entry fee. Voted Best Overall Restaurant in Alpena C ourt Y ard ristorante & olde roost lounge Tim Wioczerkowski 2014’s Largest Salmon Summer Swim Lessons Starting June 29th nCleave b Va Bo Owner/Operator Custom Alternator, Starter & Generator Rebuilding • Water Sculpt • Water Aerobics • Swim Lessons • Aquatic Boot Camp • Senior Water Fitness • Water Volleyball Industrial • Commercial Automotive • Farm • Marine A ALPENA LPENA A AUTO UTO E ELECTRIC LECTRIC Sunday Dollar Daze 2 to 4 p.m. $ 1.00 per patron 1643 M-32 West • Alpena 989-356-4334 & w w w .a lpen a pla za po o l.co m 3303 S. Third Ave. Alpena 989-354-8287 KANE , FUNK, POCH VANMASSENHOVE PC Attorneys At Law A FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM 989-356-9511 www.courtyardristorante.com 2024 US-23 S. Alpena, MI Chris & Lora Bauer -Carlson Owners Happy Fishing & Best of Luck to All the Teams! Voted #1 Real Estate Office 2014 & 2015! Real Estate One ™ Like us on facebook Real Estate One of Alpena 989-354-7653 • 215 W. Chisholm St. • www.REOMich.com/Alpena ROBERT B. KANE DAVID M. FUNK, JR. Former Assistant Attorney General Over 35 Years Experience Former prosecutor with Alpena County Over 32 Years Experience R. JOHN POCH CRISTIE A.VanMASSENHOVE Holder of Certificate of Completion ICLE Probate and Estate Planning Program Over 40 Years Experience Corporate Law, Finance, Bankruptcy Estate Planning & Family Law 989-356-2128 kfplawyers.com • Email: admin@kfplawyers.com 421 S. Ripley Boulevard Alpena, Michigan 49707 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 19 8th Annual Two Day Walleye Tournament 1. Entry fee into the Walleye Extravaganza will be $250.00 prior to July 6, 2015. Any registration received after July 6, 2015 will be subject to a $50 late fee. Any and all late fees that are received will be divided equally and applied directly to the Big Fish Pot each day. (If fishermen want fish to be considered for the regular tournament, then a regular registration must be purchased in addition to the Walleye Tournament registration.) Registration trailer will be open on Friday, July 17, 2015 at noon. Deadline to register is 4:30 pm, Friday, July 17, 2015. Tournament hours will be 5:30 am to 2:30 pm each day. 2. Prize payouts: Total weight for both days will determine winners. 95% payout of total registration fees to 20% of teams registered. First place is guaranteed $8,000.00. 3. There will be an optional Big Fish Walleye Pot available for $20 per day per boat. Big Fish Pot will pay two places per day. 4. Tournament boats may fish no more than 6 lines, and follow all MDNR rules. All 7th Annual Walleye Tournament Walleye MUST be Paid 5 places based on 95% of caught in Lake Registration fees. Prizes were Huron within tour- paid at the end of the Walleye nament bound- Tournament. (NO TROPHIES) aries. No rivers or 5th place - Wayne Van Dyke streams are con4th place - Brett Gilbertson sidered legal fishing waters except 3rd place - Rob DeMatio for the Thunder 2nd place - Andrei Sawruk Bay River from 1st place - Kyle Everitt 2nd Avenue Bridge to the lake. Participants should See General Rules for boundaries stay off tournament description. waters before and 5. Captain's meeting will be after tournament held, Friday, July 17, 2015 at hours, except to 5:30 pm on festival grounds (to navigate to and be determined). At least one from inspection First place winner in the member of each team must at- site and launch facil- Two Day Walleye Tournament Kyle Everitt tend. Boat numbers and starting ities. sequence will be determined by 7. No pre-fishing after 3 pm, the total weight of each teams catch during the tournament. draw at the captain's meeting. Friday, July 17, 2015. The order will be reversed on day 8. Boat inspections will begin at Each team's total weight will detwo of the tournament. 4:15 am and continue till 5:15 am termine the tournament’s final 6. On Walleye Extravaganza at the boat ramps and courtesy standings. In the event of a tie, Tournament Days, participants docks. Number boards and flags any cash awards of the two or are prohibited from fishing ex- will be distributed after comple- more finishers will be added together and divided equally becept during tournament hours. tion of inspection. 9. There will be a check boat at tween the teams. 12. All regular Michigan the first channel marker outside the harbor prior to the start and Brown Trout Festival Rules will end of the tournament to ensure also govern this Walleye Tournaboats are not early or late. The ment, with the exception of team must show number board to launching and returning from the check boat when leaving and Rockport. Tournament Control will be monitoring Channel 68. returning. 13. In order for any fish to qual10. All fish must be transported by waterborne boat to the O-fish- ify for the regular Brown Trout al Weigh Station at the Boat Har- tournament prizes, all crewmembor. No fish transported by bers must be registered in the general Brown Trout tournament. vehicle will be accepted. 14. In case of bad weather, of11. Weigh in will take place on a first come-first serve basis. A team ficials may postpone or call off the member will present up to five of tournament each day. If both days their teams heaviest Walleye. are cancelled, all entry fees Scoring shall be determined by will be refunded. 2014 WINNERS Good Luck Fishermen & Fisherwomen! Catch the Big One! L&S TTRANSIT RANSIT M MIX IX C CONCRETE ONCRETE C CO. O. Alpena’s Oldest Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Concrete Pumping • State Approved Materials Call 354-3810 If No Answer, call 354-4432 Bookkeeping Office 354-5563 520 Fair Avenue • Alpena, MI 49707 Fax (989) 356-3320 20 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT Crow Realty Prell’s Towing 605 S. Ripley Blvd. Alpena (989) 356-2181 www.c21crowrealty.com Se err v vi in g O u r C o m m u n it ty y2 255 h hoo u r s a d a y Servicin g No rthea st M ichiga n Co m m u n ities fo rO ver30 Y ea rs. AAA Local Contractor Prell’sTo w in g •3 020 U.S .23 S o u th Alp en a •3 5 4 -3 214 37th Annual Super Tournament Continued from page 17 1st place - $4,000.00 and a trophy of cooler being sealed and placed 2nd place - $2,000.00 in line for weigh-in. More than ten 3rd place - $1,000.00 fish in cooler will disqualify team. In the event of a money placing 11. All fish weighed will be fin tie postings will be combined and clipped. prize money split equally be12. One representative of each tween the tied participants. All boat will be present prizes are at the rules meeting checks. to be held at 15. Bonus: 5:30pm, Friday, July t h e 37 Annual Todd Horn/ 24th on MBTF L A R G E S T Pepsi Cola Bottling Group Grounds. To be deBrown Trout Super Tournament termined. scoring 13. In case of bad Trophies donated by Pepsi Cola points in the weather, including 5 Place - Phillip Paquette Lafarge Toursmall craft warnings 4 Place - Ken Dragiewicz nament on issued by the US 3 Place-Ray Klein Saturday will Coast Guard, Offi- 2 Place- Rick Koneke receive cials will call off or 1st Place -Kris Werda $500.00. postpone either day. The same (Decisions will be Largest total weight for day 2 of applies to made with the the Super Tournament - Kris Sunday for safety of the boaters Werda = 82.10 pounds the largest taking proceedings) Brown scorI n case both days ing points are cancelled, all entry fees will will receive $500.00. In addition, be refunded. the heaviest catch on Sunday will 14. Prize money will be awarded receive $500.00. on the basis of total points (1 16. Patrol boats will be present point for each pound of fish throughout the competition. weighed) as follows: Super Tournament is made possia. 1st-3rd place (all prizes guaran- ble with the help of Lafarge Corteed): poration. Aubrey Chapman, right, unhooks a small brown trout that was caught in the fountain at Culligan Plaza by Andrew Glomski. 2014 WINNERS For All Your Motor Rewinding Needs... DEALER! DEALER! S u n ris e S id e’s B es t 13 Y ea rs R u n n in g Floor Covering and Furniture Hours: 9-6 Mon.-Fri., Sat. 9-3 1275 Hwy. M-32 • Alpena (Next to Meijer) Onaway, MI • 989-733-8515 www.pieg.com 1-800-999-4487 • 989-356-2807 On the web...www.StansonLLC.com N Northeast o r t h ea st M Michigan’s ichigan’s 1 Spa Sp a Dealer D ea l e r # and a nd L Largest a r g est SShowroom howroom ALPENA ALPENA 3137 US-23 S. • Alpena (989) 356-4141 ELECTRIC MOTOR M-32 West • Alpena Phone: 354-8780 Proud P r o u d ttoo be be your y o u r hometown hometown as Pooools & S(onp the corner of M-32 and Water Located in the Fast Cash Plaza 1015 Walter Street Street, 1/2 mile west of Walmart) 989-354-3632 Good G o o d Luck L u c k Anglers! Anglers! 1554 US-23 • East Tawas (989) 362-2910 Your trusted Jayco Dealers with two locations to serve you! M-32 W. Alpena www.walmart.com AMERICA’S MOST LIVEABLE RVS. 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 21 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT KIDDIE CLASSIC The PNC Bank Kiddie Fishing Classic is part of Family Day, Sunday, July 19. Children 14 and under can pre-register for this brand-new fishing event at PNC Bank located at 122 N. Second, Alpena, or in the BIG TENT on all fish are weighed. Children with fish to be weighed for the PNC Bank Kiddie Classic must be in line no later than 1:30p.m. on Sunday, July 20. In addition, PNC is collecting donated fishing poles, hooks, lures and life jackets etc., to be given to children who need equipment. Parents are strongly encouraged to have their children wear life jackets during the contest and must supervise their children during the event. Donations can be First place winner in the dropped off Stan Konecke Memorial at PNC Bank Kid’s Tournament: Gage in Alpena. A l l Kruczynski PNC Bank Sunday, July 20, beginning at 7a.m. The fishing event will conclude at 1:00p.m. on Sunday, July 20, followed by the awards at 4:00p.m. The Weigh Station will open at noon and close at 2p.m. or until Stan Konecke Memorial “Kids” Tournament Rules: Free to all kids from 6-17 years of age. Stan Konecke Memorial “Kids” Each participant tournament MUST complete “Kids’ 2 Place - Jacob Robbins Tournament” portion of 1 Place - Gage Kruczynski registration form and receive special registraAll prizes will be awarded tion card with registration during Awards Ceremony. number. Continuing sponsorship All regular tournament provided by the families of: rules apply. Stan Konecke It will be the responsibil- Dennis Koopika ity of the “kid” and/or parent STAN KONECKE MEto advise weigh station MORIAL YOUTH AWARD when fish is to be consid- - 9th ANNUAL ered for “Kid’s Tournament” 27 Kids Entered - Made prizes. possible through the continTournament runs all nine ued support of the families days – ending at 2:00pm on of Stan Konecke and Dennis Sunday, July 26. Koopikka 2014 WINNERS Kiddie Fishing Classic fish must be caught from the Banks of the Thunder Bay River beginning at the mouth of the river, including the boat harbor rocks, both interior and exterior, up to the Lake Huron side of the 9th Street dam. No fishing from boats or any other watercraft or flotation device is allowed and will result in disqualification from the PNC Bank Kiddie Classic. See rules for fishing boundaries for the festival, as they differ from the Kiddie Classic. Winners will be determined by the weight of the fish. In case of ties, the fish that is weighed first will be declared the winner. Each contestant agrees to abide by the official rules and state fishing regulations upon signing the entry form. Failure to observe any state of Michigan rule or regulation will result in disqualification. All registrants are invited to meet at the weigh in for a complimentary picture, whether they catch fish or not. Pictures can be picked up at PNC Bank Alpena after July 27. DODGE DODGE O On n S Scenic cenic E East a s t LLong o n g LLake ake You’ll find it with us. www.airgas.com More than just welding supplies. • Hand and Face Protection • Hearing Protection • Respiratory Protection • Instrumentation m marine arine & sstorage torage • Confined Space • Fall Protection • Protective Workwear • First Aid Products • Spill Control & Containment • Facility Supplies • Flammable Storage • Boating Boating Supplies Supplies & Accessories Accessories • Bait Bait & Tackle Tackle •P Pontoon ontoon & Wave Wave Runner Runner Rentals Rentals • Sales Sales & Service Service •Y Yamaha amaha O Outboard utboard Parts Parts & Service Service • Storage Storage & Winterization Winterization • Boat Boat Transport Transport Trailer Trailer • Bennington Bennington Pontoons Pontoons NUCRAFT N U C R A F T HOIST H O I S T & DOCKS DOCKS L O C A L LY OWNED LOCALLY O W N E D & OPERATED O P E R AT E D 595-5040 595-5040 510 S. Eleventh Avenue • Alpena 989-354-2183 or Fax 989-356-1156 YA M A H A YAMAHA 2 2111 111 L Long ong L Lake ake P Park ark R Rd. d. • A Alpena lpena Northeast Michigan’s Premier Jeweler Greenway/L&N Disposal RESIDENTAL • COMMERICAL Offering Roll Off Service or Drop Off Waste by Truck, Trailer or Bag at Transfer Site Robert & Kelli Spragg 1-989-GO-GREEN 989.354.4860 131 W Chisholm | Downtown Alpena | www.bolenzjewelrycom 22 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT (464-7336) 1298 U.S. 23 North • Alpena www.989gogreen.com The Talk of Alpena! Jim Bohannon • Rush Limbaugh • Sean Hannity Jonathon Brandmeier • George Noory • Kim Komando Dave Ramsey • Bob Brinker • Mike Avery and more! www.watz.com • 989-354-8400 W WZTK ZTK P PROGRAM ROGRAM S SCHEDULE CHEDULE MONDAY – FRIDAY: 12 a.m. 1 a.m. 5 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 10 p.m. SATURDAY: 1 a.m. 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 10 p.m. (Monday) Gun Talk - www.guntalk.com (Tuesday – Saturday) The Jim Bohannon Show - www.jimbotalk.net Coast to Coast with George Noory - www.coasttocoastam.com America in the Morning with Jim Bohannon - www.jimbotalk.net This Morning - With Gordon Deal - www.compassmedianetworks.com Dr. Joy Browne - www.drjoy.com The Dave Ramsey Show (hours 1 & 2) - www.daveramsey.com/show/home (Wednesday) - Midweek Meditation - www.immanuelalpena.org Rush Limbaugh - www.rushlimbaugh.com Sean Hannity - www.hannity.com The Dave Ramsey Show (hour 3) - www.daveramsey.com/show/home The Jonathon Brandmeier Show - www.brandmeiershow.com The Jim Bohannon Show - www.jimbotalk.net Coast to Coast Weekend - www.coasttocoastam.com Dr. Joy Browne - www.drjoy.com This Weekend With Gordon Deal - www.compassmedianetworks.com Capital Pressroom - www.michiganradionetwork.com/Staff.htm Coach’s Corner & Sports Spotlight - Gary Mischley At Home with Gary Sullivan - www.garysullivanonline.com The Kim Komando Show - www.komando.com Rush Limbaugh Week in Review - www.rushlimbaugh.com Sean Hannity Week in Review - www.hannity.com Free Talk Live - www.freetalklive.com Hollywood 360 - www.hollywood360radio.com SUNDAY: 1 a.m. Coast to Coast Weekend - www.coasttocoastam.com 6 a.m. The Handyman Show with Glenn Haege - www.glennhaege.com 7 a.m. Mike Avery’s Outdoor Magazine - mikeaveryoutdoors.com 10 a.m. Remarkable Woman - askflorine.com/rws 10:30 a.m. Gospel Music Time 11 a.m. The Lutheran Hour - www.lutheranhour.org 11:30 a.m. Alpena First United Methodist Church - www.alpenafumc.org 12 p.m. The Handyman Show with Glenn Haege - www.glennhaege.com 1 p.m. Handel on the Law - www.handelonthelaw.com 4 p.m. Moneytalk with Bob Brinker - www.bobbrinker.com 7 p.m. Free Talk Live - www.freetalklive.com 10 p.m. Gun Talk - www.guntalk.com =========== ABC News hourly abcnews.go.com Local News - M – F 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m. =========== University of Michigan football (full season), basketball (select games), hockey (select games) Alpena High School basketball (select boys and girls games) Alpena Community College basketball (select men’s and women’s games) 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT - 23 Taylor Grigg Jack McCoy Good Luck Anglers! EXPERIENCE A EXPERIENCE GMC TRUCK GMC TRUCK US-23 NORTH (133 JOHNSON ST.) ALPENA • 989.356.9011 www.alpenabuick.com WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE® Jimmy Skiba Gene Skiba Bob Centala Cory Davis Shaun Losinski Adam Hainstock 24 - 2015 MICHIGAN BROWN TROUT