Everyday Miracles


Everyday Miracles
Everyday Miracles
UCV Lay Chaplains
October 14, 2012
11:00 am
image credit: Clockwise, starting upper left: Wayne Ulian, Sherry King, Nan Gregory,
and Phyllis Bassett
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
We are a community of diverse beliefs and shared values.
In fellowship with one another, we seek spiritual growth, social justice,
and environmental sustainability through worship, ethical action,
education, and artistic expression.
We welcome all who would join this compassionate and visionary community.
Celebration of Worship
October 14, 2012
At the front of the church you will find unlit candles. You are welcome to light a candle in
remembrance, in gratitude, in prayer, in celebration.
The prelude music beginning at 10:45 helps to
create a mood for shared celebration and worship.
Please converse quietly and please
turn off your cell phones.
Prelude in C
E. Dainow, piano
Invocation Prayer
Wayne Ulian
Opening Words/Greeting Our Neighbours
Wayne Ulian
Kindling the Chalice Flame
Phyllis Bassett
Opening Hymn #346
Come Sing a Song
Story for all Ages
Nan Gregory
Welcome and Announcements
Bennett Mitten
Reading from the Book of Celebrations
and Concerns
Bennett Mitten
Offering: We deeply appreciate
your presence here, your offering
and the gifts you share.
Meditation, spoken then silent
Musical Response
Surround Me With Love
Hollyfield and Wilson
Nicola Hamilton, vocals
E. Dainow, piano and voice
Sherry King
Lucky Life
Wendy Luella Perkins / arr. E. Dainow
Nicole Hamilton, vocals
E. Dainow, piano and voice
Wayne Ulian, Phyllis Bassett
Sherry King, Nan Gregory
Closing Hymn #118
This Little Light
Closing Words/Extinguishing the Chalice Flame
Carry the flame of peace and love, until we meet again.
Carry the flame of peace and love, until we meet again.
Arabesque C. Debussy
E. Dainow, piano
* The Pachelbel Canon is one of the most popular choices for wedding music and I have played it
often. But so far, no one has ever requested this jazz version! So I am pleased to get a chance to
play it today. And the Grieg pieces were often played at weddings by Harold. Elliott
Making Global Congregational Connections
An ICUU Community Appeal
A Retiring Collection, October 21st
In Kenya, Burundi, Indonesia, Mexico, Bolivia and other nations around the world
people are discovering Unitarian Universalism. In these emerging communities our faith is
spreading aided by the work of the International Council of Unitarian Universalists. The
ICUU mission is to help UU’s around the globe find each other, learn from each other, and
to assist them in building their capacity to serve our faith. To do that, the ICUU needs to
build its own capacity and we need your help.
A second, retiring collection will take place on October 21st. You can donate cash or
cheques. Cheques can be made to ICUU.
I urge you to donate generously. Rev. Steven Epperson
Sunday, October 21, 2012
11:00 am Worship Service
UN Sunday and the Gibbard Award
Rev. Steven Epperson
Hymn Sing, 10:30-11am
lunch: Environment Ctte
Please remember that the seats in the fourth row on the left side of the church are reserved for
people with hearing loss. People using hearing aids may obtain further amplification by
activating the T-switch. The seats in the rear of the church are reserved (when facing the front):
left side for parents with babies or small children in child care, and right side for persons in
A Warm Welcome!
If you are a new family visiting with children or babies, we look forward to welcoming you
in person. Free childcare is available for children 3 and under, and children 4 and over are
invited to join in this week’s program activities. Children are also welcome to stay for the
church service if they prefer. If you feel that you need to slip out of the service with a
crying baby, please feel free to rejoin the service at any time. The service can also be heard
in the foyer and in Hewett Centre.
Please visit our Visitors’ Table, sign in, and get a nametag in the Sanctuary foyer. Drop by
the Welcome Table in Hewett Centre after the service, and stay for coffee, tea, or juice, and
friendly conversation. Learn about our church and our community. Look for people wearing
yellow name tags, who are welcoming you today.
Ann Foster, Judy Villett, John Smith
Lorraine Calame
Elizabeth Murdoch, Lindsay Undem
Refugee Ctte
Tara-Lee MacNiven
Galen Elfert
Margo Elfert, Denise Nereida, Deb Henry, Paul Prescod
Shirley Brunke, Mark Brunke, Karen Bartlett
Peggy Friedman
Rev. Steven Epperson
Rev. Laura Imayoshi
Donna Brown
Elliott Dainow
Morgan Reid
Stan Clarke
Gerald Hernesmaa, Bruce Murray
Ravina Sangara
Tara-Lee MacNiven
Virginia Crabill, John Omielan
Anthony Roper, Robert Schultz
Phyllis Bassett, Nan Gregory
Sherry King, Wayne Ulian
The red pulpit hanging is a gift from our partner church in Brassó, Romania,
to celebrate our continuing relationship.
Unitarian Church of Vancouver
949 West 49th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 2T1
Tel: 604.261.7204
Fax: 604.261.7205
email: info@vancouverunitarians.ca
website: www.vancouverunitarians.ca
OCTOBER 14, 2012
IN HEWETT CENTRE: Ages 4 - 6 will meet in Parker room, Ages 7 - 8 in north side
room, Ages 9 - 12 in Jefferson room. Childcare is available during the service
downstairs in the Hewett Centre in Channing room. Parents and/or guardians who
wish to access this service please take your children downstairs after the story for all
ages and sign them in with our childcare workers. The children will then need to be
picked up by the person who signed them in directly after the church service.
ART SHOW FOR OCTOBER in the Sanctuary and Fireside Room, Aug 26 – Oct 28: art
from UCV members and adherents at very reasonable prices; 20% of sales goes to the
church. Please contact the owners before the end of the month(see list in the
Sanctuary) if you wish to purchase. UPCOMING: Art show for November –
Unitarian artists, please bring in 2-3 paintings by Oct 28. Those who participated in
the present show, please collect the recycled art by that date. With thanks, Chris
Pearce and Caede Pungente, co-chairs, Arts Committee.
BOARD FORUM TODAY: UCV's Staff Salary Structure: Rationale, Development and
Review Processes - An opportunity for congregant questions, answers and
discussion. Kathryn Aberle, (Chair, UCV Human Resources Committee), Keith
Wilkinson (UCV President) & Rev. Steven Epperson (UCV Parish Minister).
UCV LIBRARY BOOKS RELATED TO SERMON: This is the first in a series of notices
about books related to the sermon of the week. Today, it is a fictional book, The
Miracle at Speedy Motors by Alexander McCall Smith, 2009.
NEW U IN A DAY: Interested in learning more about Unitarianism and the Unitarian
Church of Vancouver? Come to NEW U in a DAY, Saturday Oct 20, 9:15 am –
2:30 pm, Fireside Room (coffee and muffins, 9:00 am; light lunch provided).
Attendance is encouraged prior to UCV membership. Interested current members are
also invited. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Table. Please request
childcare two weeks in advance. For additional information, contact Dianne Crosbie
at dcrosbie@uniserve.com or contact the church office at 604-261-7204.
OUR NEXT UCV BOOK BASH will be held on Sunday, Nov 18 from 9 am to 1 pm.
Come and start your Christmas shopping here! We have a wonderful selection of
books on a wide range of subjects, and of course, an abundance of fiction, all at low,
low prices. Thanks to all who donated books! Please hold any further contributions
until after November 18 as our storage space is full. We welcome volunteers to help
with the Book Bash on Friday, Nov 16, 1 – 4 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm (lunch
included) and Sunday 9 am - 3 pm. Contact Hilda Wiebe at 604-222-9245.
WANTED: CONGREGATION PARTICIPATION! Bright glass beads, all shapes and
sizes in strong, pure rainbow hues to adorn the new Welcome Banner for the Sunday
Foyer Greeting Table. Drop your donation off at the Foyer Welcome Table in the
sanctuary until the end of October.
You can find fresh, local delicious food at YOUR Farmers'
Market every Wednesday, 3 - 7 pm in the UCV parking
lot. You will be able to purchase fresh local organic
produce, meat and eggs, local wild-caught fish, and other
delicious treats and handy products. We have a play area
for kids so it’s fun for the whole family. For vendors
coming each week, visit our website:
www.oakstreetmarket.ca. Support our farmers, sustainable
food and UCV. Spread the word to help the market survive
and thrive!
FORUM REMINDER: Sunday, Oct 21. Cole Harris, a UCV member and member of the
Social Justice Committee, will speak on The Background of Aboriginal Protesting in
B.C. He is a distinguished Canadian geographer, recipient of the Order of Canada and
a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is also the author of several books
including Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance and Reserves in Canada.
THE UCV THIRD SUNDAY BOOK CLUB will take place on the third Sunday, October
21, at 12:30 pm. Breaking the Sound Barrier by Amy Goodman (Rob Dainow,
November 4, December 2, 23, and 30. To schedule a date for your group to serve a
lunch, please email dorislowe222@gmail.com.
WHERE TO POST YOUR NEWS AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS: 18 new custommade bulletin boards have been mounted in Hewett Centre. They have been placed
between rooms, in the foyers, and on some doors. You can post your meeting notices
on bulletin boards outside meeting rooms in addition to the Day’s Events sheets (book
your space through Tara-Lee MacNiven), which are posted on bulletin boards in 3
places: outside the north entrance on a notice board and inside both foyers to Hewett
Centre. Please do not use tape; it is damaging to the wood and leaves residue on the
glass. It’s always a challenge to make adjustments, but we hope this adjustment will
in time work well for us all. Connie Wigmore, Communications Chair, is in process
of organizing the bulletin boards in the alcove. There will be spaces for committees as
well as personal messages. Please see Elaine Spilos (Buildings and Grounds) and/or
Connie Wigmore (Communications Committee) with any queries.
Special weekend event at UCV with
Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed Promoting racial and cultural diversity in our congregations Friday to Sunday, October 26 -­‐ 28, 2012 There are more visible minority Unitarians than you know about. Find out who they were and are. Explore the questions: why does UUism find becoming more diverse such a struggle and why does it matter for our religious communities and our future? • Friday, October 26, 7pm, UCV Sanctuary Hear Mark Morrison-­‐Reed introduce the new meditation manual, Voices from the Margins, explore the history book, Darkening the Doorways: Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in Unitarian Universalism ,and read excerpts from his book, In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby. • Saturday, October 27, 10-­‐4pm, Hewett Hall A Saturday day-­‐long series of diversity workshops will explore issues of privilege, marginalization and pluralism through focus group discussions, films and presentations. Planned workshop outcomes: transformative discussion of diversity in our congregations, and learning about the history of race and ethnicity in the Canadian Unitarian Council and Unitarian Universalist Association. • Sunday, October 28th, 11am, Worship Service, UCV Sanctuary Rev. Morrison-­‐Reed is our featured speaker. Rev. Steven Epperson says: “I have often heard congregants ask, ‘Why aren’t there more visible minorities here? Why isn’t there more diversity in our church membership?’ Rev. Morrison-­‐Reed’s weekend program will go a long way in helping us answer those questions, and promote outlooks and commitments to do something about them.” Rev. Morrison-­‐Reed is a prominent African-­‐American scholar, Unitarian Universalist Minister and author of Black Pioneers in a White Denomination and In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby.
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Meet, Eat and Write
UCV’s 2011-12 National Affordable
Housing/Congregation Building
THIS THURSDAY Oct 18 th !!
Join us for dinner and letter writing on October 18th. Enjoy
fellowship, excellent food, and effective social justice activism.
Your first time? Come and join us!
On October 18th we launch Year III of Meet, Eat, and Write. We’ll be
writing letters to our Federal MPs to encourage them to support efforts
to pass National Affordable Housing legislation. We need to keep the
pressure on and not give up in order to realize this goal.
Join Rev. Steven Epperson and UCV members and friends as we
continue feasting and writing letters together.
Doors at Hewett Centre open at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6 pm. Bring a
potluck dish. After dinner, we’ll write to our letters, and wrap up
writing and cleanup by 7:15 pm. All are invited.
Meet, Eat and Write’s next meeting, November 15